-. X- C 'aa-fes'' "H"H cHT X4 ,?.v-t f , -p -?$'!:"rv . w . - ' M. " .l.!" 1 -WA Vrir.'N "-ii?& -.t'i" V S?1 .a 2- V-A "i ' ". I0-,JIN. " ,. r .i t ..' i C I r'-i Ml "ETERNAL VIGiLANCE ISTHE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. ' l- RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, MARCH 2-1, 1884. NO. 33 VOL. XL - . - --i .. ulMV1tVr- V -T . - " i ii iJ ' " ' ' " ta. ... b . -. - - "-- -- -- - j ,. . .i,.i - i TrLtii r- nnnamii rmu nMrfflriniiN r lamuni ,i,hi-bt w. - - . , r -,x -?&& " V- f "f W 75V ' ?-Vj; S-s ' .iVfc .v-w I w jwPhrV V li V t 4. The Red Cloud Chief $ i i 1 r.l r L If K RED CLOUD CHIEF EVERY FRIDAY BY A. C. HOSMER. BATH OF BUBSCRlFTldN: teer,Be7Mr. QA toy. six moauu. 1150 75. tTraa epy. four Moatht . - SO. Entered at the PottoBee is Red Cloud as mt trf the Neond class . .-. 2 COUNTY QFFICFKS. John P. Bayha, County Clerk. Chas. Busehow, County Treasurer. Gob. O. Yeiser, County. Judge. J. XV. Warren. Sheriff. Chas. W. Springer, Superintendent of Public Instruction. . C. P. Rinker. Cofanty Survejtor- i J.M. Moeena, County Coroner: -Jfc . J. E. Smith, ) ' -H- Jacob L. Miller, V County Com.' Jno.McCallum. ) -- - ' Business Directory. THE Leading Millinery Stort ! J. A. FOWLER, Fropre!tor.u f-gr First do6r north of the National Bank, lied Cloud. t D. DENNEY M. D., t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offick and sleeping room over Cook's drojjetore. rr DAMERELL, M..J)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, REd Cloud, Nereaska. OrricBi Orer the new pono flee. R. C SCHENCK, PHYSCIAN and surgeon, COWLES, NEBRASKA. " yrofessional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Cowlea. 8-51 T. S. EMIGH, -, DENTIST. : riiieranently located in Red Cloud, ' NpIi.. overStateHauk 17-3m fjjsjfr Dr. H. A. Baird, RKIDEKT'DEHTIST. iJ &D CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Frank R. Gump, a ATTORNEY AT XAW. A - RET CLOUD. 3T E. . ( CellecUent rceeive Prompt attention. QrT1CK-.Qvfr th new portofleo bnildicf. Jf R. CHANEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 5Ute Bank block. Red Cloud, Neb C. W. KAI.KY. h J- L. Kaley. Kaley Bros. i nORNEYSAT LAW. RED CLOUD. NEB. 'Acents for the B. & W. R. R: Lands edwin c. hawley, Attorney At' Law, red cloud. - " 3eb V J. S. GILHAM, rfrrOBTEY AS1 COCSSELOR XT LAW. Office oppotUt CUy Drug Store. BED CLOUD.. - NEBRASKA O.C.C4... Jsi-MeNeny i Case & McNeny, ' A TT'BNKYS COUNSELORS AT 1,4 W. A Will Pretlceinall the Comrta ofthwSbite Bduorthern Kawat. Collectioows welluln. it4 buiMM W.W1T n CeieBtlr end 3Ttwf OrrtC?:- Fir 4ejr ju.nth of N.t.onal Mask. p tfir. RP CLOuD. MiH. Lwrt Moork. 'Kbb.V. Biutwr Cahf State Back of Sei M RED CLOUD, NEB. SpelMl Attention Clven to Collec tion. ' WBEpIORS: . RMGber. " Mr K. I. Joae. F. lboblc Kibt. Y. 81XT. Buy mid sell Exchange. Make col lection. Discount Notes and do 4 fr.1!- General Banking BuMinsw. Istkrest Allowed on- !all Time DEposrre. KKAli fiTA.TJE LOANS!UH, On Farm Property ! thern Nebraska and Jforthern is. at 8k and 9 per cent, interest Without Commission ! APELJ TO BD CLOUD, NEB. 117 pBflV Furniture Joo Of R. L. Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to .the the Republican Vallev and my prices can not fail to please. R.-L-TIHKER. fine carriages and - Of Every Description Manufactured by g The Red Cloud Carriage Works, Ira Sleeper, Manager, We use oulv the lest material the market affords in the niannfacture of our vehicles, and and thereby lave coined a widespresid reputation for gom! work. Having orked a life-time at the Imsiuw". we feerJaarninti?d in piaranteeing entire satis factiuiu "We are also prewired to do all kinds of Job Work and Repairing ! H6rse-shoeing,Plow Work-! &c., at the most reasonable priors. All work warranted. None hut the best feprkmnh . r employed. Your orders are respectfully solicited. - EP We arc now located in OUR NEW B11ICK RCILDING, where we will'be glad to see all our friend? and patrons. Nebraska Lumber Co., DEALERS IjY LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLFS, RED CLOUD, -)o(- DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, BOlift AT THE LOWEST - ItfEW Furniture S t ore Four Doors North State Bank, RED CLOUD, NEBEASEA. Furdtnre, Picture Frames, UNDERTAKERS' GOODS R. E. HARESNAPE Dealer la Fresh Meats, Lard FOTOLTMY, Jjxb Cloud, Neb. Qt pai3 for hiJw pelts. New Codds! Hew Prices! A.T THE OLD EELIABLE and Undertaking House ! Tinker, Red Cloud', road wagons RED SASH, DOORS, BLINDS &C. NEBRASKA THE BEST IX THE MARKET AND Brackets , k, h, 4 is Patronize Home. By Patronizing Home you can always get Better Buggies! At Same Prices ! That you will have to pay for an inferior article shipped in from the east. All of our Buggies are Warranted. CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS R.A.SIMPSON. Notary Public, F. A. SWEEZY. attorney at Law Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSOF LiSWEEZY, BLUE HILL. WEBSTER CO., NEB. A General Banking Bninrss Transacted. Special Cure given to Collections. Farm Loans at Low Kates. -School Bonds . Bought and Sold COltRESPOSDEKTS: Kountio Brothers Rankers. New York City Bank. Omaha Nebraska. If R. E. Jfoore. Pres't John Moore V. Pres't . II. Ambler. Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD. NEB. Capitol, 50,000. Transact a generallbanking business, bay and sell County wrrant. AIo County. Pre einct and School District bonds. Bay and sell Foreign Exchange. DIRECTOR: R. . Moore. . la Johit Jlfoore. CW.Mosher. . , R.C.Ontcalt W. N Richardson. DRStiCS ilLa&UjimA. HENRY COOK, . 3Dxr iaa. Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions, Wall Paper, c. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. F. M. HAMAKER, Stock Auctioneer, Now Located at Red Cloud, Is now prepared to do a general auc tioneering business, and will attend and take charge of all kinds of Public Sales in Webster rind adjoining coun ties at. the most Rewonatle Compensation I Having had fifteen years experience in this line of business, he feels-warranted in guarateeing entire Hit&jfkction. For terms apply to hin at Miner's Store, before you engage your man. Telegraph and mail order will re ceive prompt attention.' Your orders respectfully solictcdi- 39-3ui- 4E3u, (Qmtimtedfrom latt werk.) How Watch Cases are Made. In 1S75, thirteen men comprised the entire working force used in the manu facture of the Jama Boa' GoldWatek Case. Now over five hundred are employed, and the number is constantly increasing. The rea son of tlris increase is this: In the Jamet Bosf Gold Watch Que all the metal in sight and subject to wear is solid goldjfihUe tho re mainder, which only lends strength to the case, is; of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strongt elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case better than solid gold and at one-haw the cost. -ju3ijig. Over 200,000 of these cases gfc have been sold, and every jeweler in tho country can testify to their quality and merit. Ltowgtoic, Mich-Deo. 5, isa E. W. Marsh, of the Dtmotrai. bought a Jas. Boa Gold Watch cue 18 years am. and carried it until a ahort time ago, whea 1 rurchiaed it, and sold it to a customer. TbecaBeaboiretlnoeiKusof wear.except that natural to any case, and I am satisfied can be safelyRU&ranteodfnratlcMttenreaniiiioze. I have sold the James Bows' GoldWatch Case for many years, and the parties who bouifbt the first ones are carry, tag them to4ay, as well satisfied as thouph they had bought a solid gold case costimrrtficethemoney. I regard them aa (he only cases of this kind a jeweler should sell who desires to give his customers the worth of their money or values his reputation. Wv J. Ccbhwat, JmUr. Barf iMtSM, to BstHsm Wat Caw factorta, MUs. aWsala, ralMrataii niartnte FaataUrtikawlBghaw ' aaa aiynii Watfk bw an (TboeCbntHMicd) ft When you come to think of it, it la not odd that literary people prefer a pipe to a cigar. It is handier to smoke when they are writing, and cer so much cleaner. And then it gives them tho true essence and flavor of the tobacco. The most fastidious smokers among all nations and all classes of men agree that the tobacco grown on the Oolden Tobacco Belt of North Carolina ia the most delic ious and refined in the world. lighter than Turkish, more fragrant than Havana. freer from nitrates and nicotine than any other, it is Jnt what the connoisseur praises sad the habitual smoker demands. The very choicest tobacco grown oa this Belt is bought by Black, well's Durham Tobacco Co.. and appears in their celebrated Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. It is known the world over. Get the genuine,withBull trade-mark, then you will be sure of bavin abso lutely pure tobsooo. SELLING OUT AT COST! On and after this date, L. BAU Will offer his Stock of entire General Mercliiflii:c, i:. EMBRACING Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, sDolmans, Cloaks, &c, &c Don't forget that they going to be sold at COST. L. BAUM. Harness Shop, J. t. MILLER, DEALER IK HARNESS' COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS. WHIPS. COMBS, BRUSHES.! HARNESS OIL And everything usnally kept in a first class shop. Two doore north of 1st Nat. Bank- RED CLOUD, NEB; i HW OsSim 1 lFl S M The Red Cloud Chief. A. C. HOSMER, Proprietor. FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1884. Gowas for Jadge.' David Dudley Field, a fa'm'ous New" York lawyer, in behalf of the New York Bar Association, has asked the judge of the Court of Appeals of that State to wear gowns' hereafter, similar to' those' in use among Episcopal clergyman, and which" indeed ia the uniform of all En-, glish judges ns well as the justices of the Supreme Court ofihe United States. It has also' been propose'efihat when' judges enter a court rob mr the lawyers" and all others within its.waltfwhall rise' and stknd uncovereountil lixey are' seated. It is thought that thB greater" respect thus shown to judges, and the" sense of sacredness wjich will thus at tach to the office, woulrf raise the tone of ourjudiciary and improve the morale' of the bench. iT Solid Facta aid Logic. The Bessemer steel rail manufactur-' ers of the United States have already closed contracts for from five to six hun dred thousand tons of rails to be deliv ered within six months at an average price of thirty-five dollars per ton. While in 1870 and prior to that time railroad builders were compelled to pay" English manufacturers from$110to$116' pcrton for thesamekindofrails. Thus, has the high protective tariff on steel saved this country millions of dollars besides fostering and building up an industry in which millions of money is invested and employment furnished to' thousands of laborers whose daily' bread must come from the fertile farms of the west. Will Dr. Miller or the Free Trader please demonstrate where in this has been a robbery upon the American people and draw free trade logic therefrom? Wahoo Tribune. Glax Hooae. It is now said that the house of tho future will be of glas. The manufac ture of that transparent material h'as' reached such perfection, thalfc it is claimed a glass house would be super ior in every respect to one of wood, brick, or stone. Glass can be cast in any shape and in blocks of any size It is quite as hard and durable and would not be more costly than granite.' It will take any color and be made to' imitate very perfectly any knowa preV cious stone. The proverb about the the danger of throwing precious stone.' The proverb about the danger of throw ing stones in glass houses is a mistaken one, for huge cobble stones would not hurt the material under consideration. What a splendid sight would be a city of glass ! How it would sparkle in the" sunlight and reflect all the colors of the rainbow ! Some of our young readers may live to see not one but many cities of which the houses will be' rriainly of glass. A World Wants Proof. "The proof of the pudding is the eat- ing thereof," aud not in chewing the: string that tied the bag. Therefore, take Dr. Jones's Red Clover Tonie. It' cures all blood disorders, torpid liver, sick headache, costiveness, and all dis- eaees ot the urinary organs. The best' appetizer and tonic known. Sold by A. Lindley, 50 cents a bottle Griggs' Glycerine Salve The best on earth can truly be' said" of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts.' bruises, scalds, bums, wounds; and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Only 25' cents. For sale by A. Lindley. Notwithstanding- Mother ShiptonV dire prediction, the world still exists. The people will live longer if they use Dr. Bigelow's Positve f ure, which sub-" dues and conquers cdng hs, colds, con- sumption-, whoopfnfc cough, and all diseases of the loltes. For Droof call- at A. Lindley's drug store and eet a bottle free I These are Solid' Facta. The best blood- purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the liver; bill iousness, jaundice, constipation, weAk: kidneys, or any disease' of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tome or mild. stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely andqtiickly, every bottle jruaranteed to give entire satis faction1 or money re-' ndSd--S?,d atrfifti' centea bottl. by KenfyCook 4 " Backtabs Araica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the" world. Warranted to speedily cure" Burns,Bruises, Cuts, Ulc'ert, Skltrheum Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles; Chilblains.: Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in1 every instance or money refuutled: 25 cents per box. For Bale bv l-2QyI. HetirvCdek-.- 4 i :'. i j ':i i - ;1 J i' ,-aV 2feai -- .-. l' " r ? X iWl -Ms-MMMHIvr.: