The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1884, Image 7

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Tfce tere. AlwctkeXower aUsrissippL
Arkansas, inate ud otlsex KteersGrrlnc
Way u the CoBsesraent YIockU llcmlt
la Grout Damaee-GoTerameBt Aid
Beiac Provided For
News from the Sunflower lEIver is to
the effect that a general overflow of the
section is almost certain. The water
which comes through the break in the
Hughes levee atBeulehXake in Bolivar
County has not yet reached the Sunflower
Eivcr through the Bogaephalia, in addi
tion to the water coning through the
Lewis swamps already in the river, will
cause a general overflow. Telegrams
were sent from here yesterday notifying
Governor Lowry of the impending dan
ger up the Sunflower liiver.
A telegram was received by Captain
.Marshall, United Stated engineer in
charge of this district, from the Chief of
Engineers at Washington, asking what
steamers and barges belonging to the
Government were in his charge that could
render assistance to the citizens of this
district, which extends from the mouth
of White liiver to Warrenton, twelve
miles below this citv. The steamers
Vidalia and Jno. G. Fisher and some
thirty barges are at Wilson's Point and
in readiness if it becomes necessary to
use them for that purpose. Mr. Copple,
United States Assistant Engineer, goes
up by the Anchor line steamer in the
morning to inspect and direct the neces
sary repairs to levees in the vicinity of
Omega, Madison Parish, La.
The State lerce at Lonwood, La., six
miles above Lake Providence, is caving
fast and washing badly. The caving has
reached the crown of the levee. This
will be revetted with plank; also the new
levee at Omega, which is wave-washed
for three hundred feet, will be protected.
The State levee, between the Government
levee in the same vicinity, is too low, and
will be raited immediately. These levees
are now safe, but will be made secure
against an anticipated rise of eighteen
inches, which is expected from the Yazoo
basin in the next three weeks.
Information yesterday from the Gener
al Manager's office, in this citv, of the
Louisville, New Orleans Texas Kailwav,
is to the effect that all work on the line
of the road from ilemphls south is sus
pended and some eleven miles of track is
overflowed. Work is also suspended from
the Yazoo liiver north. No track has
been laid since the twenty-third of last
Little Kock, Ark., March C Reports
received from Southeast Arkansas repre
sent a sad condition of affairs in the
counties bordcrimr along the Arkansas
and Mississippi liivers. "The water lias
broken the levees and a large tract of
country is inundated. In Lincoln and
Arkansas Counties the loss is very great.
The Arkansas in Arkansas County was
four inches aboe the marks of 1S77, the
highest within eighteen years. It is
r-lotvly falling. The lo from crops still
in the field is small, but the loss in hozs,
cattle and mules will be considerable.
There is an average of one break in the
levee to even- live miies on the north side
from San Lake to the mouth of the Big
Bayou Meto.
Helena, Ark., March fi. The rainfall
here in the past thirty-sixhours amounted
to nearly two inches which has assisted
materially the one-inch rise in the river.
Beports from Madison yesterday in
dicate a continuation of the rise
in St. Francis Bottoms which leaves
no hope of a decline here for some days
to come. This prolonged rise in the St.
Francis basin after nearly five feet fall at
Cairo is unaccountable, unless it be at
tributed to rain, and is another evidence
of the mysterious workings of this great
river at flood tide. The levees are hold
ing still by virtue of unremitting labor on
the part of the people. A heavy storm
prevailed Tuesday night which created
fromethimr of a panic, but the night
passed without disaster. The feeling is
generally better now, though much
anxiety is still manifested as to the re
sult of the present high water.
Corning:, O., All Torn Up Over The Recent
Kxpulin cr Andy 3IcJevitt from the
Town- A VTaroI Factions Likely to KesulU
CoLUiinus. O.. March 6.
The trouble over the McDevitt abduc
tion at Corning is getting worse. Every
turn of affairs seems to irritate it, till there
is danger of violence. Andy McDevitt,
who promised the mob last Sunday night
that he would never set foot in the town
asain, returned yesterday accompanied by
his friends carrying rifles. McDevittwas
given a royal reception. Pully 2,000
people met -him at the depot and
escorted him to his store, where
he held an ovation during the
day, but did not remain in the town over
nicht. He and Father B. M. O'Boylan
have, however, not as yet been in the
town at the same time since last
Sundav. The reverend father left for
Kew Lcxinztou on the train previous
to McDevitt's arrival, expecting to re
turn on the next train, but when he
saw the McDevitt party on the cars br
did not board it, and remained at the
Countv Jail with the members of his
congregation, who are under arrest. The
case of Father O'Boylan was postponed
till Friday. The" others will have
no hearing till the Grand Jury
meets next Monday, as they waived a
preliminary examination. Andy McDev
itt came up to New Lexiustos in the af
ternoon, and Father O'Boylan returned
to Corning. McDevitt swore out twelve
more warrants, making twenty-six in all,
with more to follow. To complicate the
present desperate social condition of this
mining region, four arrests were made
for the lvnching of Richard Hickey, two
weeks ago, and efforts are being made to
have Andy McDevitt indicted for killing
Ira Qnickbaum in self-defense a
year ago. There is a desperate state
of affairs at Corning and Rendville.
m s
"Warned to Sear.
Somerset. Kr., March 6.
A regularly organized body of men
In Harrison Dfstric hold meetings
in a church for consummating plans
to drive George and William Carter
and William Troxtill from the State.
They were tried in court for the mur
der of Harvey Russell and acquit
ted. The general belief is that they
were guilty. They have been notified to
leave, and'Troxtill has disappeared. The
Carter brothers received notice, but re
fused to leave, and say they will shoot
ever- man whose name is attached who
approaches them in the least suspicious
manner. A tragedy will probably cod
the matter.
Hew tie Ckimese Settle Tkeir AocMBts.
The week which ushers out the chief
one of the twelve months from a finan
cial standpoint, for within, these seven
days the books are closed; every ac
count is collected and indebtedness dis
charged and the new year comes in with,
no balances to be brought forward
save in the cash and one or two
stock accounts. So rigid is the rule
that each one shall pay every one of his
debts on the last week of the fifty-two
that the luckless one who fails in the
smallest account is posted at the ex
change, and he must furnish a reason
for non-payment which shall be entirely
acceptable and satisfactory to the body
of the exchange or he might as well put
up his shutters, for his business da's
will have come to an end, the effect of
non-payment being that his brother mer
chants will combine and force him to go
out of the business, and he will not be
permitted to go into trade again until the
claim is settled in full. With the close
of the year and the settlemennt of all
accounts it is the common custom to
destroy all papers and books, for ali the
accounts being closed and transactions
finished, they are of no value to the
Chinaman, who cares nothing for the
past. One other custom of the Chinese
merchants may properly be considered
in this article, and it can best b,e ex
plained in the words of a prominent
merchant of the quarter, who speaks
remarkably pure English. Said he in
the courseof conversation:
"Take my own store here for in
stance I have two in San Francisco I
have here a partner and a bookkeeper,
both of whom sell goods in the store.
Then we have a clerk who is known to
every one of our merchants as being
authorized to buy for the firm, and his
orders are always filled. But supposing
he leaves or is discharged in either
case we act differently from your mer
chants. We notify every member of
the exchange that he is no longer in our
employ, ami we send around to every
prominent merchant in our part of the
city and notify them, and don't you see
we are thus not cheated. San Francisco
An Equine Commander.
The leadeship of a drove of mustangs
is determined by the superior powers
and endurance of the candidate. So far
as we can judge, the herd selects its
leader, and he is implicitly obeyed as
long as he lives. How he issues his or
ders, and how he takes counsel from
others of his company, no man can tell.
But the captain of the band is a very
distinctly marked character. He is
every inch a leader, and he is always at
the head of the column. He is on guard,
too, when the young wild colts are be
ing reared. It is he that gives warning
on the approach of a foe, and he has
to firfht tor his own supremacy, some
times, when turbulent spirits appear
among the herd.
A duel between rival mustangs is a
fascinating, but not a pleasant sight
They bite, kick and rush at each other
like mad horses. One could hardly
imagine that horses could be so like
lions and tigers as are these mustangs
when enraged. The sound of their cries
and shrieks may be heard far across the
prairie, and the combatants will often
be scarred and lame for days from
wounds received in these fights.
Trotting Time.
The horse Frank has achieved the
great feat of making a mile in two min
utes and eight ana one-half seconds,
thus beating the famous record of Maud
S. and Jay-Eye-See of 2:10. It seems
but yesterday when 2:40 was regarded
as the highest speed of the American
trotter. To-day there are probably over
a thousand horses in the United States
which can make a mile in 2:30, and
some hundreds that can make it in 2:20.
The coming year will probably see the
record reduced to two minutes and
horse-breeders say the time may come
when a carefully-bred animal may
make a mile in 1:50. This is almost as
fast as the running horse of the very
swiftest strains of blood. Trotting, it
will be recalled, is not the natural gait
of a horse. Left to himself and un
trained, a horse will walk or run, but
never trot Dcnorcst's Monthly.
A Great Horseman.
Mr. J. H. Goldsmith, owner of the Wal
cnt Grove stock farm, 2f. Y., says of the
wonderful curative qualities of St. Jacobs
Oil, that having Ion? used it for rheuma
tism and on his breeding farm for ailments
W horses and cattle, ho cheerfully accords
this great pain-cura his preference, as tho
best he ever usad, in &n experiance of
twenty years.
KANSAS CITY, March It 1.
CATTLE Shipping Steers.... 15 6 20
Native Heifers 3 00 & 4 00
Native Cows 3 S) & 4 ZA
Butchers Steers.. 4 .V) C; 5 'M
HOGS Good to choice heavy C 'Si & C 90
Lifrbt 4 (X) tft .13)
WHEAT No. 1 SO 1014
No.2 t:Hfe Sii
No. J. ....... ........ 76 (jjj 76
COItN No. 2 40i& 41
OATS No. 2 29J, 30
RYE No. 2 4S & 49
FLOUK Fancy, per sack ,2 25 & 2 30
HAY Car lots, bright '7 00 fe 7 50
BUTTER Choice dairy , 18 20
CHEESE Kansas, new OS Q; 11
EGGS Choice 16 & 17
PORK Hams ll!i3 1254
Shoulders 8' fe ioi
Sides 9 02i
LARD.... ........ .............. 9 Cs JHj
WOOL Missouri, unwashed.. 17 & 16
POTATOES-Per bushel 45 O 50
CATTLE Shippinp-Steers.... 6 50 7 00
Butchers' Steers... 4 ft) & 5 20
HOGS Good to choice 6 20 & 6 65
SHEEP Fair to choice 5 80 & 8 40
FLOUR XXX to choice 3 40 Q. 4 25
WHEAT No. SWintcr. 1 lOUfffc 1 10
No.3 1 00 & 1 Ol"
CORN No. 2 mixed 48& 49
OATS No. 2 34S 3554
RYE No. 2 56 & 594
PORK 17 50 &17 73'
COTTON Middling yijfia 101
TOBACCO New Lugs 4 40 4 75'
Medium new leaf 6 25 G 5 75
CATTLE Good Bhippinjr 5 SO i 6 30
HOGS Good to choice 6 90 & 7 40
SHEEP Fair to choice 3 75 4 50
FLOUR Common to choice.. 5 00 6 00
WHEAT No. 2 red 90Ji& Sltf
No. 3 79 & 81
No.2Sprimj Ul? fi2ij
CORN No. 2 534 53S
OATS-No. 2 36?ft 36i
Ki x. .... 5 Qt 08
PORK New Mess. 17 12JJ 17 tf7Ji
CATTLE Exports 6 50 C SO
HOGS Good to choice 6 50 & 7 00
COTTON Middling lOfe 10JJ
FLOUR Good to choice 4 50 6.75
WHEAT No. 2 red 1 13 114
No.2Spring-. 1 05 & 1 66
CORN No.2 624A S3
OATS Western mixed 40 j 42
PORK Standard Mees 17 50 17 75
note r the Gcmn aa
PsteVa Fatal Leap Oa off It
BaalacM Xoim aa4 Its
Great Kacaltaee.
The present floods, which are either dor
astatine or threatening the county in ev
ery direction, are justly caste for appre
hension. No matter whether they coaae
saddenly or by alow degrees, they are, in
either case, a great evil and much to be
dreaded, and yet America will always be
troubled by these spring overflows. Prob
ably one of the most disastrous that was
ever known, occurred in Rochester, K. Y.,
about twenty years ago. The Genesee
River, just above the tails, where Sam
Patch made his final and fatal leap, be
came completely blockaded by ice, lorm
ing an impassable dam, and the water com
ing down the Genesee River overflowed the
principal portion of the city of Rochester.
This catastrophe wonld hare been repeated
the present year had not the energy and
foresight of the city authorities prevented
it. The writer happened to be in Rochester
at that time and was greatly interested in
the manner in which this great catastrophe
was averted. Every few moments, a roar
like the peals of thunder or the booming of
cannon would be heard, and in order to see
this ice blasting process, the writer went
to the top of the new Warner building,
which overlooks the Genesee River. From
here he was not only enabled to see the
process uninterruptedly, but also the mag
nificent building which has justeen com
Eleted. This is unquestionably the finest
uiluing devoted to business and manu
facturing purposes in America, being en
tirely fireproof, eight stories high, and con
taining over four and a quarter acres of
flooring. Mr. Warner treated your corre
spondent very courteously, and in the
course of the conversation said:
"We are doing a tremendous business
and are far behind in our orders. This is
the season of the year when people, no
matter how strong their constitution may
be, feel, more or less, the pain and indis
position, the headaches, colds, neuralgia,
rheumatism, dull pains, sore throats,
coughs all the 1,001 ills that flesh is heir
to come this time of the year, if at all. It
is natural, therefore, that we should be very
busy. This is specially true of our Sate
Rheumatic Cure, and it is crowding us very
Bharply for a new remedy."
" Singular, bat I had forgotten that you
do not advertise to cure all diseases from
one bottle, as is done generally by many
other medicine men, bat I supposed Warn
er's Safe Cure was for the cure of rheuma
tism." "And so it has been until our remedy
which was especially for rheumatism and
neuralgia, was introduced. We have been
three years perfecting this new remedy.
Study first taught us there were certain
Eowe'rful elements in Warner's Safe Cure,
titter known as Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure, that made wonderful cures in
chronic and acute rheumatism, but during
our investigation, we learned of a remark
able cure at a celebrated springs, and put
expeits to investigate and found that the
springs did not contain any valuable prop
erties, but the course of treatment that was
being given there was performing all the
benefit. By carefully combining the active
principles "of this remedy with our Safe
Cire, we have produced our Safe Rheumatic
Cure, and the cures it is effecting are sim
ply wonderful, and I do not doubt it will
become as popular as our Safe Cure."
'You seem to talk freely in regard to
your remedies and appear to have no se
crets, Mr. Warner."
"2one whatever. The physician with
his hundred calls and one hundred diseases,
is necessarily compelled to guess at a great
deal. We are enabled to follow up and
perfect, while physicians can only experi
ment with their hundred patients and hun
dred diseas-es. ith the ordinary physi
cian, the code binds dim down, so that if
he makes a discovery, he is bound to give
it to the other physicians, which, of course,
discourages investigation, to a great ex
tent. This is why the great discoveries in
medical science of late years have been
made by chemists and scientists and not
by physicians, and it in a measure accounts
for the great value of our remedies, also
for the reiaaikable success of all those doc
tors who make a specialty of one or two
And you find that you are curinr a
great a number of people as ever before?"
Yes, a far greater number. We never
sold so much of our medicine as now and
never knew of so many remarkable cures."
The writer departea after the above in
terview, but was greatly impressed, not
only b- the sincerity of Mr. Warner, but
by the vastness of all he saw. Mr. Warn
er's medicines are ued throughout the en
tire length and breadth of the land, and we
doubt not the result they are effecting are
really as wonderful as they are related to be.
As exchange says mush has become a
popular dish in society. Nothing seems
to tnke in society like" something soft.
Chicago Herald. '
A. RXeacBger of Health.
Sent free to sufferers from nervous,
chronic and blood diseases, brain and heart
affections, nervous debility, etc It tells of
wonderful cure3 effected by Dr. Scott's Coca,
Beef and Iron, with Phosphorus. Sold by
druggists; $L Dr. Scott. Kansas City, Mo.
A Cleopatra's needle should be set up
to mark the floods. It would soon ba full
of Ouioroglyphics. Courier Journal.
It gives us great pleasure to state that the
merchant who was reported to be at the
Eoint of death from an attack of Pneumonia
as entirely recovered by the use of Dr.
Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, and
in giving publicity to this statement we are
actuated by motives of public benefaction,
trusting that others may be benefited.
Enqciher: When is the best time to
travel? When she asks you if you are go
ing to stay to breakfast.
I nAVE seen remarkable results from use
of Swift's Specific on a cancer. A young
man near here has been afflicted five years
with the most angry looking eating cancer
I ever saw, and was nearljr dead. Ibe first
bottle made a wonderful change, and after
five bottles were taken, he -is nearly or
quite well. It is truly wonderful.
M. F. Crumley, M. D., Oglethorpe, Ga.
Powder is like money. It's awful hard
to hold alter it begins to go. Burlington
Thousands of ladies cherish grateful re
membrances of tho help derived from the
use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora
pound. m
Tax pink of politeness the blush that
follows a kind act. AT. 1'. Commercial Ad
vertiser. D"BougnonCoughV'15c at Druggists. Com
plete cure Coughs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat.
Wet weather will Influenza man when
nothing else wilL Texas Sitings.
" Buchm-paiba." Qsick, complete core, all
annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases, $L
"Lovx is an infernal transport," says
writer. Ah, yes; so is a dsmb-waiter.
AT. r; Journal.
Da. Williams Indian Pile Ointment.
Warranted to core any case of bliad, bleed
ing or itching piles. At druggist
Thx thief's favorite metals eteal sad
"Rough-on Cotbs." 16c Ask for it. Com
plete careard or soft corns,warts,bmnions.
What boats do lovers like best? Why,
marks, of coarse.
BtDMso'i Rnesia Bahre Is aa tarsluable
wlwgf or twlswri aa4 sere joists PrJeeXe.
Celer Year Batten
Farmers that try to sell white batter are
all of the opinion that dairying does not
pay. If they woald use Wells, Kichardsoa
Jfc Co.'s Improved Butter Color, and mar
ket their batter in perfect condition, they
wonld still get good prices, but it will sot
pay to make any but the best in color and
quality. This color is used by all the lead
ing creameries and dairymen, and is sold
by druggists and merchants.
The didnt-know-it-was-loaded man will
always lire, and frequently die. Chicago
Fob 23 years I hare been afflicted with
Catarrh so that I have been confined to my
room for two months at a time. I hare
tried all the humbugs in hopes of relief, but
to no success until 1 met with an old friend
who had used Ely's Cream Balm and ad
vised me to try it. I procured a bottle to
f lease him, and from the first application
found relief. It is the lest remedy I have
ever tried. W. C. Mathews, Justice of
the Peace, Shenandoah, Iowa.
Xothtxq is gained by finding a man out.
That is if you want to collect a bilL
Hale's Honey ef Horriioaad aad Tar
Cures throat and lung affections. Don't
trifle. Pike's toothache drops cure in 1 min.
Always behind time the back of the
dock. N. r. -Vai'L
Brown's Bronchial Troches will re
lieve Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Con
sumptive and Throat Diseases. Tliey are
used alicaus rcith good success.
"You claim too much for Samaritan Xerv
inc.," says a skeptic Its patrons say just
the epposite-
Shinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" re
stores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia,$l.
Rolling stock Cattle trains pitched
down an embankment.
" Mother Swan's Worm Syrup," for fev
erishness,worms,constipation,tasteless. 20c
Public speakers and singers use Piso's
Cure for hoarseness and weak lungs.
. -
"Dr.Richmond's Saramitcn Xervine cured
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica
LuiaJjo, Ririiadif. Headache, Toothtrhe.
Bore Throat. Swellkne. Sprains. BmlKcx,
Horns, Scaidm. Frost Bites.
And All Other BOEE? BATN3 aad ACHES.
ScM by Uruzpiit anil Dealer everywhere. Filly Cint-
a bottle- Direction in 1 1 Lajisnar-s.
(Successor to juycx,elzii x co.) Baltsore.Kd..'n'.S..
asd infallible
I Epileptic Fits;
I Spoons, Felling
Sickness, Convul-
tions, St. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism.
Opium Eating, Scrofula, and all
Nervous and Blood Diseases.
2?"To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary ifen,
Merchants, Bankers, Ladies and all 'whose
Ecdentarv employment causes Nervous Pros
tration, Irrecalaritics of the blood, stomach,
bowels or Kidneys, cr who require a nerve
tonic, appetizerof sthnnlant, SamarilanXeny
ine islnvaluablc (BgiaVaaPiJt
thousands TBEIGBHTj
proclaim it the most C
wonderful Inrtgor
Ent that eversustain
ed a sinking system.
5L5U per oottie.
sristors, St Joseph, Mo.
Scld by all Prccslsts.
L CO, Jipafa, Cheap, I1L
The wact of a re
liable diuretic which,
while acting as a
stimulant of the kid
nrya, kd.hcr excites
nor Irritates theai.
was long since snn
pHed by Hottettrr
Stomach Bitters. This
line medicine exerts
the requisite decree
of ttluiDlation upon
the organs, 'without
proiuclns Irritation,
and ts. therefore. fr
better adapted for the
purpose than tm
medicated eicitan's
often resorted to.
Dyspepsia. feTer nd
ague, and kindred
disease, are all cured
by It. For sale by all
DruczUts aad Dealer
ALTS TBsanfaertrred br nt srsjranted' of best twme
asd materia!. TiYritc to o for prices before purchasing.
Direct laporters of Gobs tri 6n 6oois,
131-133 Wast Tittb. Btraat,
IThMtratrd Catalocn- Free. Euui City. Mm.
Catarrh c-
TLySSw Breai. Gires
friii dim!
r&frcurcCQtil Belief at taee.
Kst aliqmM t
sasJL Applied
witk th ftaswr.
Bo- uM.
-FEVER ,K,tii
rrice; SOeenta. by wall o
mall or at dmvtata.
ussin, uwaga. a. x.
lassBBl aalnra list for aceau. which assures
these of Baadaame pay. for work don-, besides
firing item lUf mikiTPIehaacc to secure
srre cash wwSifJ B BssSsV awards, we are
aaxtov to bear from any en:, rasis orfesaste. oat of
essploynest. Fall particulars by man. Arrcxonttt
to sxy address Do aot delay, bet sead at aVlOlssf
once to THE TIMES. Kansas City, Mo. 11" W
ft w nSSA-aHPfe.
f aVM
Tits ! si stiff acs laitr The!?
salwUly sbrat-elm Sewta Maw-trm la the
wsrM. Sea sm trial. Warramtea s yessra.
ess ir IBasstjatea Osflraic aa Ctresdsur
& jEa.CSs'lXE CO.. CUeax Saw York.
Has a Pad diSerent from all oth
ers. Is era ahaoe. with Self. Ad.
J'-iitiar Ball in eeatsr. adapts IV-
wsi ecu iunu DW1UUIX3 oi uie OOOT.
fjfA V TRUSS jm whilethebaninthecuppreaaea
fJV & hack: the intestine just as a
7 . . . rerson does -with tlio finser.
With licht pressure tbe Hernia Is held securejy day sod
night, and a radical cure certain. Itiseasy. durablaand
cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free. ECOLESTON
TRUSS CO., 69 Dearborn St., Chicago, lil.
Health andjtappiness.
Aro Twni TirlTtoTTa Horrr1firrl9
"Kidney Wort brought me from my crave, as it
were, after X bad been circa up by 13 best doctors in
Detroit." M. W. Dereraux, Mechasi?; Ionia, Mich.
Are your nerves "weak?
"Kidney Wort cured mo from nerrous weakness
&o.after I was not expected to liTe." Mrs. U. 1L B.
Goodwin, Ed. CUnttuia. Xonitor Oerelaad, O.
Have you Blight's Disease?
Kidney Wort cured me when toy water was just
like chalfc asd then lire blood."
frank Wilson, Feabody.Uass.
Suffering from Diabetes?
"Kldny-Wort Is tho most successful remedy I hare
erer used. OItc almont immediate relief."
Dr. Phillip C. Bauou, Xonktus, Vt.
Have you Liver Complaint?
"Kidney-Wort cured me of chronic Lirer Diseases
after I prayed to die." . .
Henry Ward, late Col. 69th Sat Guard, S.T.
Is your Back lame snd aching?
Kidney .Wort, a bottle) cured me when 1 was so
lame 1 had to roll out of bed."
C M. TaThnago, Milwaukee, Wis.
Have you Kidney Disease?
"Kidney-Wort made me sound in lirer and kidneys
after years of unsuccessful dnctorinc. Its worth
$10 a Lux." Saa'l Hodges, WUliamstown, West Va.
Are you Constipated?
"KWney-Wort causes easy evacuations and cored
me after IS years ue of other medicines."
Kelson FairchUJ, SC APatu, Vt.
Have you Malaria?
"Kidney-Wort has done better than any other
remedy I have erer used in my practice."
Dr. U.K. dark. South Hero. VL
Are you Bilious?
"TDdrey-Wcrt has done me more good then asy
other remedy I hare erer taken."
ilia. J. T. Galloway, Ek Flat, Oregon.
Are you tormented "with Piles?
"Kidney-Wort permatnllg cured me cf tWthnc
piles. Dr.w. C recommended it to me."
Geo. H-Uorst, Cashier M. Bank, Myerstown, Pa.
Are you Eheumatism racked?
"Jiianey-ors curea me, aiier was sitcu up "
die by physicians and I had suffered thirty years."
KUindse Ualcolm, West Sath, Halnr,
Ladies, are you suffering?
Xljw,wr-WTt jitrH win nf nrsiHnr trondM nf
sereral years standing- Vany friends use and prabe
it." airs. H. T.imoreaax, Wo La, llotte, Vt.
If you would Banish Disease
i and gain Health, Take
The Blood Cleanser.
PISOS rErlEDr FOfl CTArftH .
Kasytonse. a certain cure. Xot expensive. Three
monihH treatment in one nackace. Good for Cold
In the Head. Headache. Doziness. Hay Fever, tc.
Fifty cents, lir all Druginsts. or bv mall.
E. T. KAZELTDCE, Warren. Fa.
JtGCH I d I! Mrs I Ml the best Family Knit
tins; Bsochlne ever invented. Will knit a pair of
stocklus with 1IEL and TOE complete In twen
t minutes. It will cl3o knit a prrat variety of fancy- ;
work for which there I alrays a ready market. S-ud
for circular and terms to the Twombly Knlttlns
Machine Co., 1C3 Tremont Street. Boston. Mass.
mills. EialfcOHFcw
iror all nectIc-9 and parpo-ie?. ) Writs for fb PacplJet
mdrnces toTheAtUtnua&TajlorCo.. Mansfield, Ohio.
Lady AgentSneafeSgSS
and root saury seiita; Qseca City
Skirt and Staeklns; Supporters. ete
SaapleootatFree. Address Osccsi
CHySimitUllU Csw,rmo:;nri.O
P'l rrfurn maH. FII PfwHsUv
ootlr'a Aew Tailor System Of
Dress CatUu; aooiIco,Uaiutl,o.
J&astctnj subscribers to ' OUR SUNNY SOUTH" wiU Ukc place JL
" MAY SOth. I881. i.Tcrv person who subscribes lor the caper
Jbefcrro that dats. will recciTc a
StOOO cashS500 cash S250cash
ten ihdcq nc nun
I tverything gnaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. We desire to introduce
Jour paper into 100,000 new homes this year. Our Company is chartered by the
state or lexas, with a Capital of Our ITinting stablishtnent is the lar
icst in the South. Our Company is endorsed br the entire Press and Peonle cf
lof the South, as strictly reliable.
uuunon pian, ana nave many imitators, wnose fiirjunymT ouexs are decema?
tpeople. Oar offers are LIBERAL YET REASONABLE.
Out SraorrSoXTH is published seni-BKmthry, drroted to tbs liitsrali of the farra acd-fircjids.
adosedolIar,atocce,furaycarsiubicrip3anaadaotrc3eatsintheJlay distribution.
Send for
Fursduboftwosubsciilieis sndtl.wwinssBdftTsMwfril-jrf . w i n ..
wswm,seadsnextracoftbepsoforcMyear,sndcerUaote.fre.uriil. ta omnlsVfcSHVlStK
iaeooata.aDanMaauyoTtr4WWsuhscnhers. It is
assLhy fair dcaliac and honest trasnent.has wan the eonfideacs oftts nsojlss.
TteFostniaster at Brownwood, Texas, ssys: ThagC3XT80CTH),"oftti
wmj,i wit aim rrsiis nwsBia ura money,
ire Antsy Sum aM EaM i Half a ILta-GtriB!
asTThla Year's Catalogue fimm on Applleation.
Ihl kll llbllUlsillWfJIl m
The etBerteacs ta the troatares of Cisbsi wlta
Swift's aoedlc (S.8.8) would seem to varraatssla
asTiaa tost tt will care tats bbcb dreaded scoarge.
PersoDJ so afflicted are lnriwd to correspond with as.
I beUere Swift's Bsectle ass Bared hit life. I had
Tt rosily lost use of tie upper part of my body aad my
arras from the poisonous effect a of a large cancer on
Bjynecfcfrom whlchlhadiasTtnifor twenty years.
S. S. S. torraeTedmeofaasoreaess. and toe poison
Ubolsafercedost of kt system. I wm soon be welL
W. K. Sosisos. Dsnstere, Ga.
Twomeat&sscoay sttearioii was called to tbe case
of awomaaaflicted wMhacaBcereu bershoulderat
last ar laches in drcumfereBce. angry, painful, aad
girtac the patient aorestdsyeralciitforatxmoatha.
I obtained a supply of BwlfVs Speclic for her. She
ha taken are bottles, aad the aleer Is eattrely healed
br, oalTayerysaBaascsbri iosIhIih, sad her health Is
better (Mn for 8tc years past: seems to be perfectly
spfd. Ka.JsssxH.Caxnxix,Cotaiaba. Os.
trsstlse ea Kood aad Bala Dlsesaes ssQed free.
TUBlTIREraCVIC CO.. Drawers. AusBta, Ga.
3rTorkOes.aWew:aE46t.BStJisodTtIiAra. 1
Answer This.
Is there a person living who ever saw w
case of ague, biliousness, nervousness or
neuralgia, or any- disease of tbe stomach,,
liver or kidneys that Hop Bitters will net
My mother says Hop Bitters is the ealyi
thing that will keep her from severe sttarrn
of paralysis and headache. Ed. Omcwgo'
My little sickly, puny baby, was changed!
into a great bouncing boy and I was raised
from a sick bed by using Hop Bitters a
short time. A Youxo Mother.
Kb use to worry about any Liver, Kidney
or Urinary Trouble, especially Bright's Dis
ease or Diabetes, as Hop Bitters never fails
of a cure where a cure is possible.
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; was unable to get any medicine or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters.
They cured me in a short time.
T.R. Attt.
Unhealthy or inactive kidneys cause
gravel, Bright's disease, rheumatism, and a
horde of other serious and fatal diseases, i
which can be prevented with Hop Bitters if I
taken in time.
Ludington, Mich., Feb. 2, 1S7D. 1 have,
sold Hop Bitters for four years, and there;
is no medicine that surpasses them for bil-t
ious attacks, kidney complaints and all dis-J
eases incident to this malarial climate.
H. T. At.kyandeb.
Monroe, Mich., Sept 23, 1S75. Sirs: l
have been taking Hop Bitters for inflamma
tion of kidneys and bladder, it has done for!
me what four doctors -failed to do cured',
me. The effect of the Bitters seemed like'
magic to me. W. L. Carter.
Getts Tout Hop Bitters have been of i
great value to me. 1 was laid up with ty-J
plioid for over two months, and could get!
no relief until I tried your Hop Bitters. Toi
those suffering from debility or any one in
feeble health, I cordially recommend them.t
J. C. Stoetzel, 63S Fulton si, Chicago, HlJ
Established. 1SZJ; Incorporued.
IeH)L For the Care of Cancers,
Tuanors. Ulcers, Scrofula
and Skik Dtszascs. -without the'
use of knife or Loss of Blood, and little rain. Fori
LsroEHATtos. axd Ermocxs, address.
BK. F. I POXO, Aurora, Ease Co., 111.
L nave a posture remctij lur me uuo turcw; oji
s thousands of cases of tne worst k nd and of lomr!
uiduur hate been cured. Indeed, ro stron is mr faith.
In its efficncy;ttiat I will sena T wu uuiit.t.5 liic. to-
jretherwithaVALUABLETi:E.VTt5E on this disease, to.
any sufferer. Oire Express an I P. O. address.
DR. T. A. SLOCCTI. 181 rearl St. . New York.
when 1 ay care 1 C not mean merely to stop them fur
atime and then hare tnem return a?aut. I mean a radi
cal cue. I have made the "JUeaio of FITS. Ei'ILEI-oY
or FALLING SICKXESSalife-Iongstudy. Iwarrantmy
remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others hare
failcdlsnoreasonfornotnowreceiYicsaciire. SendaD
once for a treatise and a Frre Bo:tle of my infaltl&k
remedy, uire tipress ana i-oss-uroce. is costs you
itnnut ior a tria. ana i wiu care tou.
Address DR. H. G. ROOT. 143 Pearl St Xew York.
Just issued. Sent tree
to all Interested In Im
proTeU Thresh I no?
Machines, IXorse
Powers, featw
MI1U and Ealne
for Farm and Plantation nie. Address
.t.Ip.t. RUSSELL 6t CO., Masslllon.O.
an infallible cure for Piles.
Price SI, from druggist, or
sent prepaid by mall .Samples
free. AiL"AfAJa;ESI.
Makers. BoxSUS. XewXorlC.
n-mrs beird nxxnt.
mrtwa.hm4 hi fc t.1
blUM Si., Wfe I
m. OTk. WU ftmm S w ScSM J
L. A. L. SSITU a to., larsls, raiatia, HI.
J lUm at home without pa! n- 15 okof par
Ucu.ars sent free. U-M.WooLLXl.M.D..AtlanU.Ga.
ICorthern Ornirn, all tested: reli
able, fresh, cheap. Xewwhcatfor Illi
nois Iowa aiirt t he West. CatsX Free.
J. Sxlzek. Box 3, LaCrosse, Wis.
Wholf sale and retail. Send f jr price-list.
Goods sent C. O. D Wigs made to order.
BCUMIAM. 71 State Street. Chicago.'
A. MOXTH mad BOASO for Cr ce lire
YoungMrnor Ladles. In each county. Ad
dressT. W. Z1EULEE&CO-. Chicago, 11L
certificate in the distribution free, and everv rah.
Among the many prcmitras to be distribntcd are
cic&iut cnn Dinun nsfrkue
Te are the ofipnators of the " NO BLANK "
full particulars. Ths first ssbsoistion rectired from each)
SBsPka. V
I ftMlaslk-.
sUbBWabV FTwWsj1
k itmmimMmmmm. k.
IL-lgBIBiyiL'gasflBiegasF?jeiwgmw m
nehburii3d will entias t
Bs sender to rail tpsti ouat tite-
no new nVrrr'if hnr fsis hssn M.h'li-i.ii r,n t i , r
,M stdaQjr aOaalsaadtro-1
orsou isuag
UUl (
Peach Fits, Black Walnuts, Ferest-Tres Seedlmffs.
Narsery-grown Bed Cedars. Apple and Peach Tree
asd tbe famous "Old Iron-ClatT Strawberrr.tae mosf
THcorous sod most hardy
Ir slant ret t
t prods
ytelder. Write forprtcr-uils sad descriptions. Addrerj
kaii v tUkHFUlUJ. Hiniwi. jscicsoB to., jii-
anaocoBse a
assvaasale soRli
r ae BooKa .C: JUkVs.
Write to J. C
FM UDIES BSL SS forSrcircaSe
Mr. M. ftJFJLMM. ?s Essex Street. Boston, Mass.
$250 sss
A arPSTM. astbis nssneo. s nesn
BeIllBsrtlCIsrainewona. sBBjaaM.
Address JAY B BOS SOS. Hxraorr. Micm.
Da. Kaeas Mae. CoSM Hickory stStXosusJfo-
m JsmrmmrisK,
ass e AMrtUemcnS