&$&? ?$s a ;m -uX r ' -- ? ' ,.. i."1 Vs ' r -r-T t 31 ivl f ' If t u- 1 -. L" '!&&" , WXHE, F1MI1HD GARDE. " .Hay that fa aot effectually cured when yu, in barn should have salt scattered over it as it is put away. It -helps to preserve it and the cattle like ItTroy Times. An Ohio farmer says he cared his horses of coughing by using oil of tar and camphor gum. He pat in all the camphor cam the tar would cut and gave a teaspoonful on the tongue three times a da' after feeding. An Indianapolis (Ind.) fruit grow er gays: "Last year 1 put twelve moles jn my strawberry patch of five acres, to tatcn ino grubs, ana tney aia tne wore. I never had. a dozen plants injured dur ing the summer, either by the grubs or moles. I know some people do not care for moles on their farm, bat I want them in my strawberry patch." Peas are of two classes, the round and the wrinkled. The latter kind, if sown in coid, wet soil, will rot; the round peas are hardy, and may be sown as soon as the ground thaws. Make a drill three or four inches wide, with the hoe, and scatter the seed peas in it, so that they will be about half an inch apart, and cover with two inches of soil. Cleveland Leader. Although every well regulated farm can boast a garden where delicacies are raised for the home table, there are still many new farms on which this im- Eortant spot has not yet been set aside. !ven half an acre may be made to pro duce enough fruits and small vegetables for a family whose table without those luxuries would bo bare indeed. Start the garden early. Do not allow it to take the last chance. A". T. Herald. If you wish to improve upon the usual method of smothering beef-steak with onions, try this: Cnt one quart of onions in very small bits, not over an inch long, and as thin as a sharp kniV will cut them. Let them be in cola water with a good sprinkling of .alt in it for half an hour. Drain them well, and fry them in a deep frying pau, with a good deal of very hot lard in it. They will cook immediately and be crisp and most excellent. Exclmnge. Hominy fritters help make variety for the breakfast table. Boil the hom iny the day before, then take two tea cups of it, and stir a small cup of sweet milk and a little salt with it, and one egg, four teaspoonfuls of flour, with half a teaspoonful of baking powder. Have your frying-pan hot with the fat in it: drop this batter in by spoonfuls, and fry a delicate brown. "The flavor is better if half butter and half lard is used, rather than all lard. Cincinnati Times. If you want to grow huckleberries, says W. J. Scott in the HusbaMman, set out j'oung plants, about a foot high in the spring. Mulch them for a year or two, and plow in some coarse horse manure occasionally. Thoy ara slow to start, but after they are started they grow rapidly both in bush and berry. The bushes maybe cultivated with'a horse. They should be set at least seven feet apart each way, as they spread considerably when full grown. It is well to set three or four small bushes in each hill. A witness was objected to in the trial of a suit about a party wall in Baltimore, Md., on account of his re ligious belief. The presiding Justice said that the Constitution of the State provides that a witness shall believe in God, but does not undertake to define what is meant by that word. If a man Ijelieves in moral responsibility and a system of rewards and punishments in this world or one to come, he is a com petent witness. The witness said that Jie did so believe, and tl e Judge said: "Anon you are as competent a witness as any man in Maryland." Garniture. Velvet and embroidered fabrics wiE foe most used for bonnet trimmings, with also repped ottoman silks and .satins for pipings and as the reverse side of velvet ribbons. JV. great deal ol very narrow velvet ribbon is now being used by Paris milliners for rosettes that form pompon clusters on top of bon nets, and there are little princesse bon nets made entirely of small loops of narrow velvet ribbons. A sort of Alsa ctan effect will be given to spring bon nets by a bow of velvet ribbon in the widths known to dealers as Nos. 9 and 12, and there are other arrangements ol these ribbons in a high cockade bow that sometimes has an aigrette or else spears of wheat upright amid its stand ing loop?. Jets will be used again, but there are few colored beads among new goods. Small blossoms arranged in wreaths and half-wreaths will trim sum mer bonnets. For the spring there are large feather panaches made up of sev eral kinds of feathers, partly of downy marabout, with small ostrich tips, some high heron feathers as an aigrette, and there may be small humming-birds or merely a bird's head resting upon these. One cluster resembling the Prince ol Wales's three feathers is made of six small ostrich tips arranged in three drooping or nodding plumed, a tip of a very light shade of one color being mounted together with another of the darkest shade, as pale mushroom with dark brown. A great deal of gilt will be used for garniture, in laces, in wide braids, in wheat clusters, and in orna mental pins and clasps. There are alsc many silver pins, long and slender, with the head of a fish, dog, or bird, and there are larger silver brooches repre senting the head of a Skye terrier, 01 the face of a pug, or hunting dogs in the chase. A new and very effective 'lace called guipure de Genes looks like thick, heavy embroidery, and may bf had in white, ecru, and other colors. It is put on the brim in fluted rows, ot forms an erect fan in front of the hat. The Irish point embroidery of last yeax is used for children's pokes, with qusibfc ly shaped crown and box-plaited front laid over pink or blue silk. There are also close cottage caps of pink or bide null, shirred on cords and tucked like the white muslin Irench caps. Em broidered piques and muslin arc also made up .into, children's caps with a largo soft crown, and a full frill of em broidery on the edge. Fewer roses will be used than formerly, as small blos soms will be in favor, yet there are rose bonnets with the pinkish-yellow Safrano roses forming part of the brim and all the crown, while small unblown buaa or leaves edge the velvefbraa. Emr-p--r's Bazar. Feiltry Famtag. The consumption of eggs and poultry increases with civilization. As cities multiply and become populous the de mand for these articles of food becomes very great Almost every country in Europe contributes to the supply of London and Paris. During the past few years millions of eggs have been imported into New York and other Eastern cities. A large proportion of them have come from Canada, but the importation of eggs from the countries of Northern Europe is steadily increas ing. The price of poultry and eggs in creases much faster than that of al most any article produced on farms. Thero is no better country in the world for producing poultry and eggs than the United States. The climate is very favorable. The water is generally ex cellent. Materials for shelters are cheap. The facilities for transporta tion aximost as good as could be de sired. He natural vegetable produc tions required for food are abundant. They include grass, clover, wild fruits, the seeds ol numerous plants, and some small nuts. As a grain-producing country it has no superior. It is oomewhat strange, under these circum stances, that we should import eggs or that they should be at a high price. Still, during t-.e present winter, large quantities of foreign eggs have been consumed in Eastern cities, while in Western towns a dozen of eggs has brought more money than a bushel of potatoes or oats. Many farmers, who keep few or no hens, have spent con siderable time in denouncing foreign governments for excluding onr pork products. They could have employed their leisure to better advantage in con structing poultry-houses and in getting ready to help supply the home market with" eggs. There is apparently no danger of overstocking the market with eggs. Many failures have been reported of the attempts to raise poultry on n largo scale in this country and in England. As a rule the experiments hare been very badly conducted. Attempts havo been made to keep several hundred fowls in one building, and to .supply them with food bought in the market During the past few years reports of the success of several poultry farms have been published Persons have suc ceeded in keeping a thousand hens, and in keeping them healthy. Their suc cess has been mainly due to keeping but a small number of hens in one build ing and allowing them a wide range. One farmer in England tried th experi ment of keeping ten hens on each acre of land he occupied, and which was chielly devoted to grazing purposes. He found that by enriching the ground with the droppings, of the fowls it would carry more stock than before, and he was able to derive two incomes from (t he same land. The fowls were sheltered at night and during storms ;n small houses that where supplied with, wheels so that they could be easily moved. His practice was to move each hoaso the distance of a rod each day. By that means he brought them to "fresh grass and prevented the accumulation of droppings. By moving the chicken houses but a short distance the fowls returned to them as readily as if they had remained continuously in tne same place. Ample provision was made for supplying water as well as for ventila tion. The food, aside from the fresh vegetables, was mostly obtained in the market, and was largely produced in this country. In add tion to gtain and vegetables the hens were supplied with 6craps of meat and cheap lis-i. The eggs were sent to market every day, and as thev could be warranted as "strictly frrjli. ' thpv pnmTTi.iTiHnrl i I110I1 rriii The male chickens were sold as broilers as soon as they were of a size for the gridiron. There are now some very successful poultry-farms in New York and several of the New England States. The own ers have an advantage in being near city markets, but they labor under the disadvantage of dearer lood and more costly land. The West is evidently the best location for poultry-farming, as it is for grain and meat production. The production of poultry and eggs can be combined with stock-raising and grain growing. The fowls can be kept in small houses in pastures while the grain is growing, and after it is cut they may be removed to the grain-fields, where they will pick up what is scattered on the ground. Many kinds of food that are very valuable to fowls are easily raised. Among them are sunflower seed, buckwheat, and sorghum seed. A liberal amount of vegetables should al so be provided. Cabbages, onions,' cress and roots, should be raised fox feeding during the winter. There is no occasion for ornamental or expensive buildings for fowls. They should have a tight roof and be well lighted and ventilated. The floor may be of clay 01 common earth. It should be higher than the surrounding ground so that dryness may be insured. If kept cov ered with dry sand it will te clean and the droppings can be readily removed. They are as valuable for fertilizing as guano. Fowls kept in the manner sug gested will require close attention, but this is called for in any department ol husbandry. The care of poultry may be intrusted to persons who can not do hard work in the lield. There is very little hard labor connected with feed ing fowls, raising chickens, or collect ing eggs. Chicago Times. A Narrow Escape. A thrilling story is told of the nar row escape of Peter Scnnlon and Tim Horn from being swept over the Amer ican Falls at Niagara. They were at work on a mill-race trying to raise an ice blockade, when they were thrown by the springing of some planks into the water, in a moment they were car ried in the swift current above the Goat Island Bridge toward the falls. Near where the men were working and below the bridge was a large cake of ice, toward which they were carried. In their desperation they attempted to catch hold of the ice cake, and "when found half an hour later they were hanging on to it for dear life. Bones were procured and they "were hauled ashore. Buffalo Express The greatest oleomargarine fraud yet perpetrated is" the labeling the bock ets with a ferocious-looking billy-goat to indicate genuine butter. Atlanta ConstitulioiUi PERSONAL AHD LITERARY. A novel is being written in England by nine different persons, the object being to give individuality to each char acter. Mrs. Susan Fenimore Cooper, a daughter of tho novelist is educating one nundred orphans at her home, in Cooperstown, N. Y. Mrs. Joseph Cook, of Boston wife of the reverend Joseph has entered the lecture lield, taking for her theme, "The Temples and Tombs of Hin dostan," and illustrating her remarks with stcreopticon views. Boston Post. Henry Ward Beecher in his new lecture, " The Circuit of the Continent" boasts a little. It is descriptive of his trip last summer across the Northern boundary, down the Pacific coast, and back by the Gulf and Southern Atlantic States. He traveled 18,600 miles, re turned upon the very day set had seventy-rive appointments, and filled every one oi them. Brooklyn Eagle. " Extra Billy" Smith, the veteran ex-Governor of Virginia, has written to a relative in Troy, N. Y , giving a synopsis of the events of his life. In the letter he finds occasion to say: Although I shave with my right and write with my left hand, 1 yet am so nervous in both that I write with great labor and difficulty." He was born two vears before the death of General Washington. Troy Times. Miss Marion Langdon is now known as tho most beautiful girl in New York. She is tall, her figure is exquisitely molded, and her eyes are superb. She is quite dark and extreme ly graceful. Whenever Miss Langdon consents to dance with the leader ol tho german the struggle for invitations is breathless and prolonged. Mis Langdon has been engaged several times, but in every instance tho en stancc the engagement has been broken off quietly and nothing more heard oJ it N. Y. Graphic. Bishop Gcorgo F. Pierce, of the Methodist Church South, celebrated his golden wedding recently at Atlanta, Ga. He was one of the first members of the Georgia Conference, which was organized in 1831. In speaking of his early labors, he said: "My home seemed to bo constantly in the saddle. 1 preached twenty-four sermons every twenty-eight days, besides sermons on extra occasions, such as weddings, funerals and household services." In 7839 Bishop Pierce was appointed President of the first female college in the world, situated at Macon. HUMOROUS. A smooth sidewalk is a thing to be desired and is generally approved, but people are apt to get down on a slippery pavement. Paradoxical as it may appear, the law prohibits keeping men in lunatic asylums wlien it is admitted that they are insane. togg complains that he got noth ing by complaining to his landlord. It was like putting anew piece of cloth in to an old garment The rent was made worse. Boston Transcript. :A freshman wrote home to his fath er: "Dear papa: I want a 'little change." The paternal parent replied: Dear Charlie: Just wait for it. Time brings change to everybody. College Journal. "Let us play we are married," said uttle kAixth, "and I will bring my dolly and say: 'See baby, papa?'" "Yes," replied Johnny, "and I will say: 'Don't bother me now; I wan't to look through the paper.' " Punch. "I say, Jenkins, can vou tell a young, tender chicken from an old, tough one?" "Of course I can." "Well, how?" By the teeth." "Chick ens don't have teeth." "No, but I have." Hartford Times. A writer on electricity lucidly ob serves that "a current of one ampere results when one volt passes through a conductor offering a resistance of one ohm." Wedon'tseo how it could do otherwise. Norris'.own Eerald. A young man who had been going with a Vermont girl for some time, and had made her several presents, asked her one day if she would accept a puppy. He was awful mad when she replied that her mother had told hsr, if he proposed to her, to say no. Burlina ton Free Press. A Cool Conundrum. " Canst thou not toll the differenc" Said east tho othor night Twixt clear and running water And when its frozen tight?" I can," his wire nvado answer, " I'll tell you in a trice The one's a liow of water. The other a lloe of ice." Yoitken Statesman. "Did you hear the news about Blimroer?" inquired De Smythe of O'Jenks this morning. "No. What's happened to him, old boy?" "Commit ted involuntary suicide before break fast." "You dotft tell me! How?" "He swallowed four gallons and a half of fog, and died in the blessed hope of sunshine beyond." "Good morning.' ' Hartford Post. A Good, Healthy Snake Story. In North Carolina there is a reptile known as the joint snake. When at tacked it flics in pieces, each piece tak ing care of itself. A darky attacked one of them the other day, and to his utter amazement it broke all up, each section jumping off in a different di rection. In the course of an hour he returned that way and was- utterly amazed again to see it all together ex cept the tail piece. After waiting a few minutes he saw the tail coming up to join the body, taking sharp, quick little jetks. It came nearer and nearer until within a few inches of the three-quarter snake, when it gave a sudden jump and hitched on in its proper place with a fuss resembling the popping ot a cap. The darkey knocked it to pieces several times, and each time it came together again. He carried his amusemeut too far, however, in throwing the tail part of the snake across the creek, just to see, he said, "how long it would take it to catch up," but it neyer causrht up. The snake, with its three joints, was carried to the house, where a new tail is "beginning to grow to replace the lost one. A gentleman who Knows mucn about this singular species says a bead will grow on the detached trunk, and there will be two snakes instead of one. Charleston (8. C.) News and Courier, THE DAISY. A Canadian dairyman suggests that oheese boxes should be made of pulp, the same as paper pails, barrels, etc., as they would stand more hard usage and be practically air tight, and so less shrinkage and damage to cheese than in elm boxes. The authorities of the Iowa Agri cultural College make the following classification ot the relative values of various ioods as mils producers, ac cording to tho National Stockman: Corn per one hundred pounds, fifty cents; oats, sixty cents; barley, fifty Gve cents; wheat, sixty-five cents; wheat bran, seventy cents; oil-meal, 81.45; clover hay, eighty cents;timothy, fifty cents; potatoes ten cents. The estimated value of Canada's exports of butter and cheese during the vearof 1883 is $7,500,000, being the largest amounts of dairy products ever exported in a single year. The exports" of cheese in the past year amounted to 888,131 boxes, an increase of 173,646 over the previous year. The exports of butter amounted to 100,171) packages, an increase of 3,179 over 1883. This showing indicates a healthy growth in the agricultural interests of the Do minion. The Dairy says, or said, that sul phurious acid is a most effective anti septic and auti-ferment and may be produced by burning sulphur upon live coals upon a shovel or a bed of coals carried into a stable with perfect safety. It will also be found an excellent method for freeing dairy rooms and cel lars from the spores of mildew, which have a very injurious effect upon the milk and upon butter or cheese made from milk that has been exposed to them. In fact, from constant preva lence of these spores it might be useful to make a practice of fumigating dairies occasionally, especially after a bad damp spell of" weather during the summer season. The dairy owes very little to science but very much to practice, says an ex change Science seems to have bungled very much in regard to the many ques tions in dairying upon which light is desirable, anil the present rapid advance in the dairy industry seems to be wholly due to the shrewd and sensible practi cal men who make use of their com mon sense and experience to improve their methods. Indeed, so far, in re rard to some questions in the dairy, practice is wholly opposed to the opin ions of scientilic men; that is to say, men who do their dairy work in a libra ry and laboratory, perhaps, but mostly in the former. Professor Sheldon, the English authoritv on dairv matters, says "As usual, we follow the lead of our Ameri can rivals in these things. Cheese factories and creameries we have copied from you, but we have not run them on anything approaching the thoroughness of America. In the art of breeding cattle for beef we may regard ourselves as quite ahead of you, but you are equally in advance of us in breeding for milk. You come to us for cattle, and then you define and develop their milk ing properties to a degree which bewil ders us not a little, iew men in these islands have taken notice of the milk yielding capacities of their cows." Whatever tends ta promote the comfort of the cow tends to increase her yield of milk and to improve its qual ity. The lirst consideration, saj's Henry Stewart, for the farmer should be to make his animals comfortable. As be knows how grateful on a cold morning a cup 01 not cottee is to him let turn provide a warm bran slop for his cows, and follow it up with a generous feed of cut hay and meal. The result will be seen in the full milk pail and thr thick cream from the cows and the con tinuous and healthy growth of the calves. This comfortable lodgings and generous feeding is the key to success ful winter dairying, and when butter is 35 or 40 cents a pound it will pay to give the cows the best of care. m m . The Extent of Our Dairy Interests. There are ftr.v who realize what an immense industry the dairy in this country is. Prom statistics which have been compiled and which we have reason to believe are correct we find that tt-ere are in the United States thirteen million cows that are used for dairy purposes. It is pretty difficult to say what the average price of those cows would be, for some of item are very valuable, while some are pretty nearly valueless. Col. McGJincy, the Secretary of the Illinois Dairymen's Association, estimates thirty-live dol lars to be an average price, and, per hups, that would be a fair average. That would make the cows of the country worth an immense sum of money 455,000,000. In addition to the value of the cows, there are the other necessary investments in the busi ness, and it is estimated that the money thus invested will aggregate 2,000,250, 000; and when we pause to consider that the dairy has become prominent only in the last few years, the importance of and the energy displayed in the busi ness can be the better appreciated. The East has given attention to the dairy for many years some portions of it but it has grown up in the West and what a magnificent growth it has been in a little more than twenty-five years, and the progress which is" now being made in the West is greater than ever, lo-day Minnesota is a dairv State. Pour years ago she was not. Missouri has wheeled into line and is displaying great vigor in dairy matters. Dakota and Nebraska and Kansas and Montana will take high rank among dairy sections, and the three former are slrcady taking steps in that direction. Even now there is almost fifty per cent, more money invested in the dairy than there is in banking. It is estimated tjjat sixty million acres of land are de voted to the dairy; that there are 'seven hundred thousand men employed in the busine.s; that there is paid to the la borers in the business a hundred and sixty-eight million dollars annually; that there are 6,750,000,GCO gallons of milk annually produced. These figures can be carried further; and the yiSd of butter and cheese estimated, but they will be sufficient to give an idea of the proportions of the dairy, which has been our purpose thus fur. Three whole counties in Nebraska are occupied by,Mennonites. Temperance Beading. MABCE OF TEE SIXTT SANE. TEO U- Not with a Ann and measured step Moves on the mighty host, No well-trained soldiers in the ranks Does their mm leader boast: Oh. no; they've drained the poison cop. And in its depths bare fouad The adder's bite, the serpent's sting. That (rave tho deadly wound. Lured by the tempting cup, thoy drank; To "seek it yet again;" Quick to its work the poison sped. And ran through every voin. It quenched affection's tender tlamo For those once loved 60 well. And kindled in the heart instead The very fires of hell; Hurled reason from her royal throne, God's glorious imago marred: Behold the wreck, no more a man, Bleeding and torn and scarred. Behold the soul! Oh! dteadfulfate, - Well may the angels stand Weeping at such a sight as this In our beloved land. A vanquished army, ou they move. With reeling steps and slow; Stumbling into their yawning graves Thoy fall, to rot be'ow. O God! that such a thing should be. And Jo our doors be brought. And we look calmly on, and see The work the flend has wrought. And we look calmly on. and hear. Throughout our stricken land, Tho wail of Kachels comfortless, A sad. heart-broken band. Why stand ye idle all tho day?" The call rings loud and clear; "Thy brother's blood cries front ground," Thou soon, alas! shalt hear. the Rouse, brother, sister, to tho work! Spring quickly to your post! And hand to hand the conflict wage Against the fiendish host; Grim alcohol bus long arrayed Against the souls of men. And in the strength of God, our trust, We shall not fight in vain. lizabclh T. LarHiu, in Union Signal. WARNING TO MODERATE DRINK EKS. The man who never was drunk in hi3 life, who is a respectable member of so ciety, aud yet is a moderate user of al cohol, is nevertheless laying up for himself a quantity of material which ought not to remain in his system, and which is interfering with the healthy performance of some one or more func tions. It is sufficient to deprive him of his right to the retention ol his facul ties in his old age, as well as leading to blocks in the circulation through the affected organs, which bring on disease at disagreeable and inconvenient times. Healthy physiological change is inter fered with, and pathological change is established, for I hold that every cell which does not freely interchange the debris which is the result of its ordinary action, and which keeps that debris back, or sends it out only half altered, is commencing a pathological state which is disease. The line between the two conditions is somewhere. I con tend that it commences as soon as the interference with cell action i3 greater than the power of repair, and a very moderale dose of alcohol daily will not be long in most instances before it com mences a pathological change some where. But it is not only with cell action, as evidenced by altered endos mose, that alcohol interferes with nu trition. Its action is shown in its in fluence upon the gastric juice; it pre cipitates the peptones which are neces sary for digestion, renders them in active, and deprives the stomach of a portion of its digestive power. It is true that its paralyzing influence on the blood vessels gorges the mucous mem brane with more blood, and leads to a fresh secretion of eastric juice, and with it more of the peptones, but surely it can not be the right course to dam age an organ for the purpose of in creasing its action. To congest its vessels must be a damage which if persevered in will certainly lead to dyspepsia, and all its concomitants, instead of helping the digestive power. It may be right for a special purpose to do this, but to continue to do it is to whip the tired horse too long. But it not only precipitates the peptones -ot the stomach, but it coagulates the al bumen of the food, rendering it less di gestible; it alters the fibrinc so that the most important ingredients for the pro duction of force arc made less capable of assimilation; and yet, in spite of these manifest disadvantages, alcoholic liquors continue to be used by sensible men, and even by men highly" educated in physiological knowledge, but who decline io carry out physiological and pathological facts to their legitimate conclusion. They are only in the same category as a large mass of so-called Christians, they forget the precepts of our faith when they see that those pre cepts are antagonistic to their worldly interest; or else they have never thought seriously upon the teachings of pbysiologv in connection with the daily use of alcoholic liquors. Just as so-called Christians have never recog nized the antagonism of a faith in the Gospel with their daily habits of life. The- either do not know or they do not recognize the fact that they are level ing downward their powers of life, that they are reducing them to a lower capacity for purification, or to a dimin ished ability to resist evil influences. They say that liquor does them good, and that they feci the better for its use. The very confession that they feel all the better for it shows that there is a fault in their system which is already bearing fruit- To those 1 would say most earnestly: Face the mischief. The natural tendency which is inherent in the human economy to revert to health should be allowed full sway. Let the defective organ get up to the level 01 tne rest ot tne nouy. ana ao not bring all down to the level of the weak one. When men or women aver that alco hol is a necessity to them, and that they gut on ueuer wuu it iuaa wuuuub it, they are using it for the purpose of ex tinguishing the danger signal which Nature is exhibiting. This is revealed to them by the feeling which arises when they do not take it. This is a warning that they are damaged already, and that "it is high time for them to make an effort to recover themselves. I am satisfied by an experience which has neither been too limited, either by time or numbers, that no possible evil to their boliIy health will ever arise from the action, if it be guided by common sense and good judgment. The human body is not unlike to a great city. There are sewers, furnaces, firs and water supply; chimneys, roads And deposits of fuel and food. If the Bsvfirs are allowed to choke up, it tne ashpits arc not cleansed, if the chim- j ne are not swept, if the water supply is fouled, if the depots are not replen ished, there is discontent and suffering, want, disorder and disease. The teem ing population of a great city requires that the sanitarv arrangements shall be kept in order, tne roads open, and the food supply satisfactory, if business is to prosper, and sickness be kept at a low point. It is precisely the same in a single individual. No man can live for a single minute without producing ex creta, which, if it be not removed, will choke up his natural sewers, fold his blood-stream, diminish the draught in his furnace of life, and interfere more or less with the activity of every func tion and every faculty which he pos sesses. It is possible that the minute particles which make up the sum of ex cretory product may be some times dried up, so to speak, and form very microscopical points lying dormant for years: out when some change takes places, some micro-, cosm is introduced which lives upon these dormant particles, they spring into activity, and it is discovered but too late that the whole structure is per meated with a condition like to that which sometimes we see in an apparent ly noble forest tree which is suddenly prostrated in a moderate gale of wind, but which reveals to us the fact that its trunk is rotten to the core. The way in which alcohol shows its influence is by diminishing some of the actions which arc necessaryjfor the perfection of health. It tends to keep excreta within the precincts of the body, in stead of washing them away, just as our forefathers kept them in cesspools close to their dwelling houses. There is not a point in its daily use which can in any single way obviato the mischief which it produces by its pathological action, unless it be to counteract some diseased state, when its services may be legitimately employed. Just as a dose of castor oil may be beneficial when administered at the proper time, but if one persists in taking castor oil every day for the rest of one's life, it stands to reason that Nature will resent the action, and some day refuse to ac cept the dose. Thero will be a natural dbgust for the remedy, or some action will be set up which will bring about a change of custom. JNot so, unfort unately, with alcohol; it seldom excites a disgust for its renewal, but on the contrary produces a want for more, which can only end in" decay and ulti mate dissolution. To those who think they feel the better for its use, I say earnestly: Be warned in time, for it will shorten your days on earth'nnd diminish your capacity to enjoy the world, rA' benefit your fellow-creatures. Dr. Al fred Carpenter. m . A Family's Misery and Wreck. A pitiable case of nrglect and conse quent destitution came to the notice of Officer Dudley, of the Humane Society. James Hyland is a shoemaker living at No. 359 South Jefferson street, who of late has thrown away his last and con fined his attention to the bottle. Mrs. Hyland was sent to the County Hospital several days ago, seriously ill from neg lect and half starved besides. Hyland has been drunk ever since that time, and has left his threo children, the eld est eleven and the youngest five years of age, to amuse themselves as beat they might, but there was nothing in the house to eat. Saturday the chili ren were driven by hunger to seek a crust of bread at a neighbor's, where a few questions drew out the story of the family's misery. Mrs. Hyland's brother, Philip Waters, who h3s for some time cared for another of his sister's child ren, a boy, was informed of the state of affairs. He communicated with Officer Dudley, and by his advice procured the warrant for Hyland's arrest. On visit ing No. 359 with the writ Constable illiams found the three children oc cupying the basement, a miserable place, damp and unwholesome. There was some fire, but the ceiling was only a little over four feet high, and the con stable was compelled to enter the place almost bent double. Hyland, a shat tered wreck of manhood, was found lying in acorner stupefied with the liq uor he had been drinking. The place was wretchedly furnished and there was not a particle of food or provisions to be found there. The slave of drink and the children were taken before Justice Russell, who, after listening to the sad storv, sent the besotted parent to tho Bridewell on a fine of $:J0, and the children to the Home for the Friendless. Hyland himself admitted the justice oc the sentence, and said that it would either make a man of him or drive him the sooner to destruction. Mr3. Hyland is still very ill in the County Hospital. Chicago Inter Ocean. Temperance Items. CrxcixxATi has six miles of rum holes. New York has seventeen and London seventy-three almost a hun dred miles in but three cities. And what a road to travel! Flooded by scalding tears, lined with broken hearts! Exchange. Saint Augustine called wine drink ing "the whirlwind of the brain, the overthrow of tho sense, the tempest of the tongue," and Seneca declared that to imagine that a man can "take much wine and retain a right frame of mind is as bad as to argue that he may take poison and not die." If you should catch your wife loaf ing around a saloon, you would apply for a divorce inside of twenty-four hours; you would think, if she were guilty of such an infamous thing, she would be unworthy such a specimen of manhood as yourself; and yet for all this, you can linger about these places week after week. San Francisco Bes- cue. Senator William P. Frve, in a let ter to the Maine Temperance Alliance, written a few weeks ago. says: " In this matter of Temperance, the Washington of to-day hardly resembles that of twen ty yeara ago. Then on New Year's Day the open house without the hos pitalities of the side-board was almost unknown. Now it3 tempting display of wine that mocks is almost forgotten. Then the Government official who was not lavish in his offer of liquor to every caller was looked upon as a fanatic uncorthy of his high nosition. Now nothing would be morri discreditable. Then the public man who refused was regarded as eccentric-'-impolKe- lv odd. Now the maiorftv decline, fn this reform Maine took the ?ead" i V v , 4 ' t- i 5Si -.tZ tt- r -n r; jr: ,'. '.- lt-,! -. .' "i ' ' BWHIfl "' Hi1' A. S&JsAfiJl v! rz3 W'.jfeg F'BfcB" sJdm v '