BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBa'BBVPiWH! m I . .. ..J , ;' LIJM ..... .... ;I-- Jf -3 - r s. ..y -z&t w& . " 1 c;i sT - - 2.A .v 4 OUD & t "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $10 A YEAR IS.THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, MARCH U, 1884. NO. 32 VOL. XI. PR iU ,-.,r, -w-wfc-'iasSKfK rC-T-if ? W " -? J ' - , ... ' ' aw -" , y4 Chief. TTE KED UL v. . r? RED CLOUD CHIEF EVERY FRIDAY BY A. C. HOSMER. RATES OF SUBSCRUTIOK: Oat copy, one year. -One npy, fix months. TtJne eopy. four mnnthi. Entered at the IVtofHee in Red Cloud as mat ter of the fpcnnd cla?s. COUNT Y OFFICFRS. John P. Bavhn, County Clerk. Chas. Buschow, County Treiurcr. Geo. 0. Yeiser, County Judge. J VV. Warren, Sheriff. (pins. W. Springer. Superintendent of Public Instruction. C. P. Rinker, County Surveyor. J.M. Mosena, County Coroner. J. E. Smith. i i Jacob L. Miller, County Com. Jno. McCalluin. ) Business Directory. THE Leaag Millinery itoro T J. A. FOWLER, Propreitor. (T Firct door north of the National Bank. Ped Cloud. r D. DENNEY M. D., PHYSICIAN AND .SURGEON. Office and sleeping room over Cook's drug store. -p DAMEUELL. M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, REd Cloud. Nebraska. Ofticr: Ovir the eiw iosio:Jicc. TK. C.SOKENCK, PHYSCIAN AND SURGEON, f Cowles. Nebraska. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Cowles. S-51 -?S. EMIGH, DSNT33T. permanently located in Red Clond. "!.. over State Bank. -JI:3!!L tK T'J W A ITD"T r JMRESIDEETDEITTIST. UED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Frank R. Gump, A-TTOItSEY AT LAW. BED CLOUD. NE7:. Collections receive Prompt attention. Ornc Over the ncx pogtnfiicw building. ,G. R. CIIANEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Btntc Bnk Mock. Ee! Cloud. 'eh C. V. Kalky. J- L. KAI.EY. Kaley Bros. 4 ITORKEYS AT LAW. IIED CLOliJ, Mli. Appnts for the B& 3L R. K. Land? edwin c. hawley, Attorney At Law, red cloud; - neb J. S. GILHAM, 1 A TTOUKEY ASD COUNSELOR AT LAW. K Office opposite City Drug Store. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA XC.Cae. . Jas. McXcny Case & McNeny, " 1 TTORNEYS & OOD"E1.0RS AT LAW. Af Will rracttc in all the tVinrte of tbis Stitc ind northern Kansas. ColIocrionjuF well as lit lrated bn!ine6 corcfu'lr nn eE;ienily attend dtn. OrriCK.- First. door w.uth of National Bjiiik. nv stair. RED CLOOpSEB. Lsti Moork. Rob. Y. SnlBKT , Prc'dent- Cashjer M Bank i U U, RED CLOUD, NEB. Special Attention Given to Collec- tibn. DIRECIORS: flas Garber. Levi Moore, K. D. Jone. F. - Goble. A Kobt V-Shirt. Ruv and sell Exchange. Make col lections. Discount Notes and. do a General Banking Business. "Interest Allowed oxgall Tuie DtPQglTg. : HEAL 2SSTATJS r a a ha i LOANS On Farm Pronertv ! r n Southern Nchraska and Northern IKansas. at Sj and 9 per cent, interest JpMthout Commission 1 -ill 1.1 iu n ran m, " "s CLOUD, KEB- luKaW a&- AVMMalSr 'Inn B .Hfv mr 1 t II aRtiaBBHacdaV s' f JT THE OLD 50. urnifure 0S-&-s-;cO: Of R. L. Tinker, Red Cloud, Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Republican Vallev and my prices can not fail to please. R. L- TINKER. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS Of Every Dcseription Manufactured by The Red Gloud Carriage Works, Irs Sleeper, Manager, "We st only the lest material the market affords in the uiaimfactnre of our vehicles, aud ami thsrreliy luive CThieil a '.vltlesiirejid rcjiiiUitioti for sooi worn. Ifariiisr worked a lire-time at tl.e we feel warnttiteil in ciiarantceiug entire kitis faetion. "We are also preictred to Io all kinds of Job Work and Repairing I Horse-slioeing, Plow Work ! c, at the most rcasonalile iirieeA All work warranted. None litit the best workman employed. Your orders are i-es;ectfully .solicited. SS-AVe are now IiK-sitwl In OUK NEW JJKICKKUIL1)IXG, where itc wUl lc glad to ste :il! onr friends and patron. Nebraska Lumber Co., DEALERS IJr LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLFS, RED CLOUD, -)o(- DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, THE BEST IN THE MARKET AND OX. AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. NEW Furniture Store Four Doors North State Bank, RED CLOTJD, TSIEBEASKA. Famitiire, Fichf e Frames. Brackets 9 h, h, UNDERTAKERS' GOODS R. E. HARESNAPE Dealer In Fr&li Meats, Lard, Red. Ci.orn, Nicn. Cash paid Sot hides Jc pelts. New Goods! 9 and Undertaking House ! iThat an in i 'RED SASH, DOORS, BLINDS tC. NEBRASKA t&felrlifll THE BEST 0F B w wiB I OK iT JH ALWAYS m HAND.Hl 1. JkyWkmZ'r-S3ymami amwZ'zj3aZ-rmLKzWK. New Prices! EELIABLE r&&&&) is Patronize Home. By Patronizing Home you can always get Better Buggies! At Same Prices ! you will have to pay for inferior article shipped from the east. All of our uuggies are Warranted. CLOUD CARRIAGE WORKS R.A.SIMPSON. Notary Pablie, F. A. SWEEZY. Attorney at Law Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSON&iSWEEZY, BLUE HILL. WEBSTER CO., NEB. A Ooneral Banking Business Transacted. Special Care siren to Collections, Farm Loans at Low Rates. -School Bonds Bought and Sold CORRESPONDENTS: Kountzc Brothers Bankers. New York City Bank. Omaha Nebraska. R. E. Ifowre, Pres't John Moore V. Prea't E. H. Ambler. Cashier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, - 50,000. 'T'ranFact a general banking business, bay and sell County warrants. Alo County. Pre cinct and School District bonds. Buy and sell foreign Exchange. DIRECTOR?: R- U. Moore, John Ifoore. C. W. Mosher, K. C. Outcalt ". N Richardson. Acme FtUverizing Earrow9 i3iTi.- . r . CLOD CSVSHSS A1TD LEV2LEI. Weighs much lees than other pul verizing harrows, sells about one third less, and withal does the most thor ough work of any. The Best Thing Out. For Sale By JOHN BOESCH, 33tr Ambov Keb. ROAD NOTICE. QTATE OF NEBRASKA, WEBSTER COUNTY. v Toairtcwhora It may concern r The com missioner appointed to view and report uion cerUiin lines of roads to he vacated aud relocat ed as nra?ed for in a certain netitiaa dulv stm. edpresented and filed wiUi the count clerk of iaiu. ixjuuty , siuuu: -toHuuencing sue sec tion comer of sections 27, 28. 33, ana 34. tewn shinvliane 11 in Webster coimty, Nebraska, and vacate the road known as the Ked Clond aad. Kearney road, running uorth from said corner through sections 28.1, 1G, and 9. in said town 3, Range II, and relocate and establish said toad ou the section lines between said sections 2g, 21. 16, and 0, and on toe west of said proposed road "and sections 27, 22, 15, and 10 in said town and Bange on the east of said proposed road, running thence west along the north line of sectim aforesaid, to intersect the road as formerly plat ted, in Webster county, Nebraska," has reported favorable, and recommends the vacatlmiand es tablishment of said Hues of roads as prayed fur In .aid petition. And all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in .the countv .clerk's oOk-e. on or before nnon of. the 22nd day of Miirch. A.D.1P81, or such roads will le va cated and established without reference thereto. lld Cload; Neb., February 22. 16M. 'ftC2MTv .1. r. IfAvnA. Contv Clerk;. How Watch Cases are Made. It is a fact not generally known that the Jama Bos? Gold Waich Qua really con tain more pure gold than many "solid" gold ca&es The demand for these watch eaM3 has led to the manufacture of a very poor grade of solid gold watch cases low in quality, and deficient in quantity These cases are made from 4 J to 10 karats, and a 5 or 6 karat case kronen sold for 12 or 14 karats. It is kot economy to buy a watch case so poor in quality that it will soon lose its color, or one so soft that it will lose its shape and fail to shut tight, thus letting in dust and damaging the works, or one so thin that a slight blow will break the crystal, aud perhaps the movement. It IS economy to buy a Jama Bosf Gold Watch Case, in which none of these things ever occur. This watch case is not an apart' meat it has been made nearly Viirly yean. Hazueton. Pa-. Oct 34, 1892. I sold two James Bom' Gold Watch Cases thirty yean ago. trhen they first came out, aud they are in good condition yet One of them is carried by a carpenter. Mr. L. W. Drake, of Hazleton, and only EhoVsthe wearin one or two rlsces; the other by Mr. Bowman, of Cunningham. Fa.; and I can pro duce one or both of these cases st any time. 8H.TKSTXB EKOIX, JttrtUr. Stud S ml itaap to KrjiUa. IT.Uk tu. Tartaric, nil. SrlskU. I'-, far kuibMB lUwtratNl ruapfcUt Onlifkiv iumm Umtf ami UjUma TUk lu an . (Jo be Coniinxud.) 4 F. M. HAMAKER, Stock Auctioneer, Now Located at Rod Cloud. Is now prepared to do a general auc tioneering business, and will attend and take charge of all kinds of Public Sales in Weteter and adjoining coud ties at the most Compensation ! Having had fifteen years experience in this line of business, he feels warranted in guarateeing entire satisfaction. For terms apply to him at Miner's Store, before you engage your man. Telegraph and mail orders will re ceive prompt attention. Your orders respectfully solicted. 29-3m SELLING OUT AT COST! On and after this date, L. 3AU Will offer his entire Stock of Bend Merchuiise, h EMBRACING Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Dolmans, Cloaks, &c, &c Don't forget that they going to be sold at COST. L. BAUM. DRruCS HENRY COOK. M j qHI Brinka 3 Drugs, Paints, Oils INtions, Wall Papr, Jtc. Red. Cloud,. - Nebraska. Tae Tariff. It is now generally known that re duction of the national debt for Feb ruary was much smaller than usual, amounting as it cn'd to not more than' $2,582,587. There is an explanation of fered for this and it is that an unusual-" ly large amount was required from the treasury for pensions. But as the av erage reduction of the precedmgmonths of the fiscal year would make the an nual extinguishment for 1883 over $100,000,000. there is no reason for" complaint of the February statement. The free-trade journals complain that it shows no. reduction whatever, the' Herald, which has become the princi-' pal organ of European manufacturers7 and New York importers, assuming that the sooner "the rapid extinguish ment of the debt is stopped the better." The government, it says,, has establish ed its ability to manage an enormous' debt, and, having done that, congress should provide for leaving the debt alone, which is to say, to let it hang" like a great weight upon the country, and only in order that "commerce with foreign nations shall be restricted as little as possible by protective du ties." Our esteemed contemporary should have learned by this time that protective duties are levied not only' for revenue, but for protecting itself, and that they are now serving the double duty of extinguishing the debt, without the people being directly taxed for reduction, and of protecting our manufacturers and workingmen the former in their profits, the latter in1 their wages. Because duties on for- eign goods are doing this admirable' double service, the country has at the' present time no intention whatever to remove or even to reduce them. It is quite satisfied that they shall be util ized for a while longer (1) to protect our native industries, (2) to extinguish the debt, and (3) to pay the pensions of the brave men who fought to per-, pctuate the union. IVhen protection shall no longer be necessary, when the debt shall be paid, and when the pen sion list shall be reduced, the country will probably consider the the ques tion of tariff reduction. At present it will not. Omaha Republican. For The Ladies. Tuffed draperies arc on the horizon".- The new sateens are prettier than" ever. No jewelry should be worn on the streets. Medicls collars are the fashion on evening dresses. The Lnngtry knot is still the fashon able coiffure for street wear. Girls now wear bunches of ribbon on their corsages when they canuot get flowers. Susie Rites, of Clinton, Me., twelve years old, weigh3 187 pounds. . She de tests the sight of slims. The newest handkerchiefe have just the faintest suggestion of a hem, and are made of plain white linen. Color blindness is almost unknown among women. No wonder the fair sex is successful at matching goods. Panels of rich black lace, embroider ed with jet, are used as a trimming on many black satin reception dresses. Artemus Ward once said that ladies is the "soothinest" of life's blessings. That is what makes thein such good nurses. The new mutton leg sleeves are full at the top and very close below the el bow ; their beauty is increased by mak ing them long and pushing the upper part far above the arm-holes of the dress. It is easier for a caramel to go .into the mouth of an idol than for a wo man to avoid-looking behind her "to notice the "horrid set" of the dress of the womanhe has just passed. . The old fashioned paste buttons, con verted into brooches, fasten bonnet strings under one ear; diamond ar rows are placed lower down, and larger and handsomer ornaments quite under the chin. A new invention has been discovered' by the ladies to ltill off the surplus from their ranks. They chew cotton rags to improve their complexions, and as ithe cotton is bleached with arsenic' they have what is known as the "dead drop" on the druggists. TheVgirls can now get their complexions bv the yard Two Hockland young women indulj;--ed in a glove contest the other day. The gloves were a pair of kids, and the contest arose because one of the girls, who owned the gloves, objected to her sister wearing them to a, dance. In. the encounter, which lasted only two, brief rounds, something like" two pounds ofbrtck hair waj torn off 1 J: 3 ." ? a V '-y w.r. it? A . , ,' -V '-? tSV,?feV:' j .-' . . -. -"- ',. - x r-i -. - . fj S2 tt -. jd8gg&3t, ;. ijstU.fg. jc: S' K-rM ;t& ?fc, Ausgr.-sm