The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1884, Image 7

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-3Ai.i 1. ".
- ..-
"Mr. mgrara, the founder and pro
prietor of the Illustrated London .Years
made his first fortune by selling pills. '
General . Jackson vas the first
President to inaugurate the custom of
shaking the hands of all who came to
his public levees.
Rev. Dr. John Hall, of Xcw York,
lias only missed preaching because ol
sickness on two Sabbath days durin
his sixteen years1 pastorate. M f.
"7:,!:ir Andersn says she has faith
fully fodowed Longfellow's advice
given her at the threshold of her
career, that she should see a beautiful
picture, read a beautiful poem and
hear some beautiful music every day.
Miss Alice Freeman, Ph. D., the
President of Wclleslev College, is a
slight, girlish, young-faced woman, ol
great force of character and brilliant
mental endowments. She is very
popular with the young lady students.
Prof. Wo'.cott Gibbs, of Harvard
College, has been elected an honorary
member of the German Chemical So
ciety, of Merlin by a unanimous vote.
He is the first Amt-rican who lias been
made a member of this distinguished
society. Hartford Post.
Mrs. 15etsey Moody, of Cape Eliza
beth, Me., who is one hundred and two
years of age. .-aid to a friend who called:
I told rav husband when ho. cHpiI I
would never marry again if I lived to
be. one hundred years old." She has
kept her promise. Uo.-lon Herald.
Mrs. Ratlibone. the victim of the
recent tragedy in Hanover, supported
President Lincoln when he fell wounded
by the as:isiii, and the dress she then
wore, staiucd by the President's blood,
is preserved as a relic at the family
homestead in Albany. Albany X. Y.")
James Gordon Uennett lat"ly pur
chased the house in Twenty-first "street
formerly owned bv the Oelriehs family
for $45,0 i(. Mr.'Howland, of the Her
ald, was given carte blanche to remodel
and furnish. He has completed his
commission, and the bills amount to
20.0Oi . making a total cost to Mr.
15en:iett for his bachelor quarters ol
$70,0.;0. X Y. San.
Colonel Macomb Maon, whom
Haker Pasha has appointed Governor
of Massowah, i; a native of Virginia,
and a graduate of the I'nited States
Naval Academy. He went with his State
into the war. and since then has been in
the Egyptian service. He is an oiiiccr
of ability and resolution, with a long
tniiningin African warfare and entire
familiarity vitli the native tribes of the
Soudan. Chicr;o J tiler (Jeian.
President Salomon, of the Republic
of Hayti, is described by one who saw
him recently to be "a liias-ivc, broad
Miouldercd " giant, at lea-t six feet six
inches high, with the physical propor
tions of a gladiator, a protiie dark as
the 'Night's Plutonian shore.' with
snow-white Iocks, keen, restless eyes,
glittering like diamonds in a setting ol
jet, high forehead, and a form, desp.te
his advanced age, erect as a pillar ol
" A train behind time." remarked
Fo"-" peeing an elderly maiden tricked
outTn full-tlowing robes. Boston J'ost.
Irate parent in the door to his
clerk, who is caressing hi- daughter:
"Youii"- man, vou are not hired here
for that kind of work." "That's so;
I'm doing it for nothing."
"backward, turn backward, 0
Timel" Papa "According to this
new standard. Minnie, we mu-t set the
clock back about four minutes, eh?"
Minnie (.-till' in the market) "Four
minutes! Put it back lot.-, nana. Noth
ing les than ten years will do me any
good! " Li'c.
Do vou know why I am like the
now bridge at Niagara?" a-ked youns
BHffkhi? of pretty Miss Smithers. He
ep'ctcrt her to give it up. and then he
would have rung in a pun on cant-i-le-er,
but she reolied: "It must be be-
eaii-e vou are without vi-iule means ol
support.'" DnjJ'ulo Express.
.Johnny came home from school the
other dav verv much excited. -What
do von think, pa? Joe Stewart, one ol
!hebig boys, had an argument with the
teacher abrvt a nue.-tion in grammar."1
"What position did Joe take?" "In?
lat posit'on was eio-s a chair, face" Dttro'M'osh
Young Alphon-o Mercy, child,
sou must not wa-h vour new wax doll,
it, will ruin it." Jnfaut Terrible "Rum
it, how?" Young Alphonso " by,
one drop of water would spoil its com
plexion." Infant. Terrible Isn't ilia!
lunnv? Mv doll and my big sisters
both'havc the same kind of 'plexious.
Philadelphia Call.
Brown "What! smoking? I thought
you swore oil.' Fogg "So 1 did, and
I got along bravely until it came to me
that this was leap-year. I hadn t
thou-ht of that extra .'.ay. A fel.ow
mb'ht be able to keep from .smoking
three hundred and sixty-live days, but
a man's got to draw ihe line some
where. You can't expect impossibili
ties from a fellow.' 'Boston Transcript.
-What shall we name baby, sister?"
asked a mother of her little four-year-aid
daughter. "Call her Marly, mam
ma; that's a pretty name." SW
That's not a little girl's name. Oh,
vea it is. Don't vou remember reacl
hi'V to me about the little girl who, was
tole the Mav Queen, and who wanted
tier mother "to call her Early? Ex--Jtanqc.
The Donkev's Dream:
A donkey lay tiiiu dew" to,';lcf,,:
And it In- !it nI snored lull deep.
He tas ob-crved istnintii: -ilitj to ecp,
A it" in nnsrui?licd mooJ.
A pcnt!e mule that .ay near .y
Tiiediin'iey niu-ct. asi'1 wi.h a flsra
And Lin.ilv voice, in ti:rcd why
'J'hos-c tears he did exude.
The donkev. whit" he treinldert o'er
Ami drviled cold sweat from every pore.
talc answer in it fwrful rear:
1 dreamed 1 was a dude
"Ah," said the nice young man
.vith bangs as the little, boy let him in
the othexVeninsr, "Ah. my little man,
is vour sister at home?" " Yes, she's at
home, but she ain't expectiug you.'
And how do you know she in t ex
petting me?" " Cause I heard her tell
ma that v.m'rc too mean to hire a horse
untl sleigh, and she didn't expect to sea
a sj.rht of you while the snow lasted."
I'hertfle boy is now saddest when lit
u ls. Middlelo an 'Transcript.
riie Ohio Hirer and Its Tributaries Over
How TIiit It ink', tunndaUiiff lho Ad
jacent Country Great Devastation at
Wheeling Cincinnati, rittsburch and
Other Cities iu a Bad Flight.
Wiiekuxg, Y. Va., Feb. 7. To alteuipl
to adequately portray the ccntlition of at
fairs hi this city is beyond the ability of the
jnos-t gifted of Its citizens. One-half of the
city is submerged, from five to seven thou
sand jieojile are rendered homeless, and the
ln-s hi money will reach from S7.10.000 to
51,000,000. At nine o'clock last night
the river had risen to forty-six feet
tbove low-water mark. From five to seven
feet more water is looked for. This will
raise the stage to fifty-two feet, and will
(hive additional thousands from their homes
nntl cause a further loss of millions. Seve'ra",
lives have already lieen lost here and at sur
rounding towns.
Wheeling Island, comprising about eight
hundred acres, and containing a population
of 4.500, is entirely under water, and the
loss there alone is 400,000. Hundreds of
warehouses in the uuincss part of the town
are partially under water, and streets in the
higher inirtion are piled hij:h with barrels
of sugar, salt, oil and nails, bales of prints
and dry goods, and oilier merchandise.
Prom IJellaire, Bridgeport, West Wheel
ing and .Martin's Ferry, O., and Fulton,
AVellsbur, Bendvrooil and Moundsville, Va.,
heartrending accounts of suffering come,
Some of these towns are entirely submerged,
Wast Wheeling, for example, not having ?
solitary house out of water. Within a
radius of fit teen miles 20,000 people are
homeless, and a loss of 5,000,000 has
been sustained. Deaths by drowning are
reported from several points.
ouio cmi:s cxin:i: wateu.
Cincinnati, Feb. 7. The Ohio River
continues to rise, and there is grave nujire-
hension that the flood of one year ago is to
he repeateiL At midnight the water cov
ered the sixty-one foot mark, and was ris
ing at the rate of two inches an hour. Dur
ing the greater part of the day it roe at the
rate of four inches an hour. It is raining
above here, and the Ohio and all its tributa
ries between here and Pittsburgh are rtshij
rapidly. Here it rained the greater part ol
Monday, all of Tuesday and Tuesday nfaht,
ami all day Wednesday. The is begin
ning to fail, and by to-night it will be en
tirely eat off. The pumps at the water
works will probably be stopped within
twenty-four hours. The Hoard of Public
Works warn the people to use as little
water as possible, and the l tinning of ele
vators by water Ls forbidden. Only two oi
thiee railroad companies are able to receive
freight. Navigation on the river has been
entirely suspended and street-car travel ha
been -topied.
Ci.i:vki.ani, Feb., ".Thus far the
Hoods in Cleveland have occasioned but
little damage. The river has fallen some
what. A large portion of the Hats are in
undated, and factories and mills are par
tially under water. Along Merwm stn-e:
the water has entered the cellars, and is
doing some damage The Conuottoi
Valley and the Valley railway
are still cut off from comniunictiun
with southern point, and art
partly covered with water for fifteen miles.
It is claimed that '0.000 feetot timber wen
swept out into the lake. It is not expectec
that more damage will be occasioned here.
At Youngstown the river is within a few
inches of Irish-water mark and steadih
rising. About thirty families have beet
taken out of their dwellings in boats
and wagons. Bottom lands are flood
ed and great damage must ensue if tin
weather continues warm in Northwester!
Ohio. Arlington is under water, and thou
stands of feet of lumber have been lost. Re
ports lrom Warren and other ixrfnts it
Trtitubidl County say the flood there is tin
highest ever known.
Cincinnati. Feb. 7. A Acics-Journa
special from Aurora, Ind., says: Intcnsi
excitement was caused iiere at ten o'clocl
last nigltf, when the alarm-bells in Law
renceburg, two miles sway, were distinctly
beard. The levee above that town hai
given way, and no doubt the place is beiui
biibjected to a rushing flood. There is m
means of obtaining particulars.
FLOODS IN I'KNNSYI.VANIA., Feb. 7. The river is be
lieved to have i cached its highest jwint al
ten o'clock lat night and is now stationary,
with the ilonongahela thirty-three feet three
inches, and the Allegheny thirty-four feel
six inches. The latest news from the head
waters reisort the waters receding. Thomas
Kelley. a grocer iff the south side, was
tryiug to secure driftwood and fell intc
the 3Ionongahela r.nd was drowned.
Another man, name unknown, went
down the river on a barge and
is believed to have been lost. Hundreds ol
women aud children are quartered in the
City Hall. Many were half-starved, not
having eaten anything all day. A substan
tial supper was served them, aud every
thing possible done to relieve their suffer
ings. The north pier of Union bridge
has jut been washed away. Travel
was suspended on every rail
road except the Pennsylvania Central.
Ci.t:ai:fiki.i, Pa., Feb. 7. At this point
the Susquehanna has reached the highest
point j-.ince 1SG5. The rise is accompanied
by a destructive ice-flood, ltiver btidges
have been earrted away and a large amount
of lumber and loss set adrift.
Lonsvn.i.E, Ky., Feb. 7. It is still
raining, and the river creeps steadily ur.
four inches per hour. At 10:"0 o'clock last
night the canal gauge registered thirty-six
and one-half feet of water, which (Is within
eight feet of the highest mark of last year.
A number ot distilleries, foundries, etc,
near the river shut down last night, and
three hundred and fifty families were driv
en from the point to no one knows
where. Trains on all the roads are delayed
by washouts.
Buried in the Rnius.
Allentown, Pa., Feb. 7. The exten
sive furniture factory of Crossm in Ac Kluea
ter was destroyed by fire last night, and five
eo)Ie were killed and seven injured. It
was probably ten minutes after the
alarm before the firemen mounted
the building. The structure bad been
erected as fire-proof, hence there was
uo hesitation in going iu. The roof was
of brick, and arched with iron girders, bul
baldly had the firemen put their ladders up
when the lower of the steam inside burst
the building with a loud explosion, and a
sheet of flame some fifty or sixty feet in
width swept out with a horrible hiss. Lad
ders aud men went down beneath tho falling
walls, and the men were buried in the
The flames that illuminated the scene
died away almost as quick as they had ap
peared to those who were watching the
progress of the lire, leaving all iu darkness,
with the wounded lying almost within reach
of their friends. One of the first taken out
was Harry K. Kurtz, Superintendent of the
cas-works, and son ot W. W. Kurtz, a
broker of Philadelphia. His leg wa;
bioken below the knee and his face
badly burned. When he was taken
out there was almost a panic,
for every ono at first supposed him dtMl.
The rumor spread that other prominent
citizens were In the burning Luildins.
iVhen to Bet on Your Watch.
Jones (pulling out a one hundred-dollar
gold watch) "My gracious, it is al
ready twelve o'clock."
"Smith (pulling out a four-dollar
nickel watch) "Yon are wrong. It
lacks half a minute of twelve."
Jones (sneeringly) "You don't pre
tend that thing is right, do you?"
"Smith "1 will bet yon five dollars
it is right to a second."
Jones "Done. Where shall we go?"
Smith "There is the standard time
in that big clock in the window just be
hind you."
"Jones "You have won. Who vronld
have thought that such a miserable lit
tle watch could be right? By the way,
wlien did you set it?"
"Smith "A moment ago. I had
just finished when you came up."
Philadelphia Call.
No Marks.
Mr. T. M. Casad, editor of the Corydon
(la.) Times, writes that his little girl
Lurnod her foot severely on a stove. One
application of St. Jacobs Oil, tho great
pain-reliover, cured it completely, leaviug
no marks. By two applications of St.
Jacobs Oil he cured himself of a torturing
pain in tho side.
A BcnUNOTOX mother has miraculously
cured her youngest hopeful of smoking by
tho laying on of bauds. Burlington
I cheerfully add my testimony to tho
value of Ely's Cream Balm as a specific in
the case of tine in our family, who has been
seriously debilitated with Catarrh for tho
past eiht years, having tried ineffectually
other medicines and several specialty doc
tors in Boston. She improved at once under
this discovery, and has gained her health
and heating," which had been considered
incurable. Robeut W. Mekuill, Secre
tary of the Phoenix Manufacturing Co.t
(jrranii iiavcn, .Mien.
Because church hulls sometimes have
wedding rings, it does not follow that they
nre married.
Mn. Isaac C. Chapman, Druggist, New
burg, Iv. V., writes us: "I have sold sov
ernl gross of Dn. William Hall's Balsam
for the Lungs. I can say of it what I can
not say of any other medicine. I lmvo
never heard a customer speak of it but to
praise it. I hare recommended it in a great
many cases of Whooping Cough, with the
happiest effects. I always have a bottle in
the medicina closet rwlj for use."
A man may Le a smoker, and yet his clear
little wife may not abow him to smoke her.
Boston Pvit-
1 have seen remarkable results from use
of Swift's Specific on a cancer. A young
man near here has been afllictid Uv years
with the most angry looking eatii g cancer
I ever saw, and was nearly dead. The first
bottle made a wonderful change, and after
five bottles were taken, he is nearly or
quite well. It is trulv wonderful.
31. F. Crumley, 31." D., Oglethorpe, Go.
Why arc very young dudes like very
now wheat? Both are too green to thrash.
Chicago Times.
Ithcnmatlxm Ouickly Cured.
Thero has never been a medicine for
jheinnatism introduced in the United States
thnt has given such universal satisfaction
as Duraiig's Rheumatic Remedy. It stands
out alone as the one great remedy that act
ually cures this dread disease. It is taken
internally, and never hai and never can
fail to cure the worst case in tho shortest
time. It is sold by erery druggist at SI.
Write for free forty-png pamphlet to R. K.
IlELrnKXSiTiXE, Drug! ist, Va.-hington,D.C.
Cattle are dumb beasts, but by getting
together in large numbers they mako
themselves herd. .V. Y. Graphic.
Farmers Folly.
Some farmers adhere, even against tho
full light of fact and discovery, to the old
fashioned folly of coloring butter with car
rots, anuatto, and inferior substances, not
withstanding tho splendid record made by
the Improved Butter Color, prepared by
Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.
At scores of tho lest agricultural Fairs it
has received tho highest award over all
" Thk bark went down," said the ague
patient after h' had swallowed a big dosa
of quinine. Chicago Tribune
Itite' Honey of TTirehniinil and Tar
Cures coughs aud colds. Pike's toothacho
drops euro in ono minnte.
Light is gradually breaking me," rc
inat ke 1 the man ivhcn ho paid a gas-bill
twice as large as usual. Detroit Post.
Dn. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment.
Warranted to cure any case of blind, bleed
ing or itching piles. At druggists.
"Failure in the yarn trale" Writing
some unsuccessful novels. Punch-
" Rough on Corns." 15c Ask for it. Com
plete cure,hard or softcorns,warts,bunions.
Would not bo without Bedding's Russia
n"Itough on Coughs." l"ic.. at Dniffjfists. Com
plete cure CouRhs, Hoarseness, Sore Throat.
Piso's Cure lor Consumption does not
dry up a cough; it removes tho cause.
KANSAS CITY", Feb. 12,
5 SO
4 0(1
4 2T.
i; or,
CATTLE Shipping Steers.....! 00 (fit
Native Heifers 3W (Tp
Native Cows :t (XI
Butchers' Steers., -t 1J &
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J I X 4 "
FLOCK Fancy, per s.tck
HAY Car lot., bright
IJCTTElt Choice dairy
CHEESE Kansas, new
EGGS Choice
WOOL Missouri, unwashed..
POTATOES Per bushel
CATTLE Shlppimr Steers
llutcncrs' Steers...
HOGS Good to choice
SHEEP Fair to choice
FJ-OUK XXX to choice
WH EAT No. 2 Winter
COTtN No. 2 mixed
"hj x. o 0
li. 1 J!0
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COTTON Middlimr
TOBACCO New Liters
Medium new leaf
CATTLE Good shipping
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FLOCK Common to choice..
WHEAT No. 2 red
No. 2 Spring
OATS No. 2 .'
FORK New Mess
CATTLE Exports
HOGS Good to choice
COTTON Middling
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WHEAT No. 2 red
OATS Western mixed
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A Miracle tliat Took Plc In Onr 3Ildt
Unknown to the Public The
Details Ui Full.
Detroit Free Press.)
One of the most remarkable occurrences
ever given to the public, which took place
here in our midst, has just come to our
knowledge and will undoubtedly awaken
as much surprise and attract as great at
tention as it has already in newspaper
circles. The facts are, briefly, as follows:
Mr. William A. Crombie, a young man
formerly residing at Birmingham, a suburb
of Detroit, and now living at 267 Michigan
Avenue in this city, can truthfully say that
he ha3 looked into the future world and yet
returned to this. A representative of this
paper Las interviewed. hint upon this im
portant subject and his experiences are
given to the public for the first time. He
"I had been having most peculiar sensa
tions for a long while. My head felt dull
and heavy; my eyesight did not seem so
clear as formerly; my appetite was uncer
ta.n and I was unaccountably tird. It
was an effort to arise in the morning ami
yet 1 could not sleep at night. My mouth
tasted badiy, I had a faint all-gona sensa
tion in the pit of my stomach that food did
not satisty, while my hands anil feet felt
cold and clammy. 1'was nervous aud irri
table, and lost all enthusiasm. At times
my head would stem to whirl and my heart
palpitated terribly. I had no energy, no
ambition, and I seemed indifferent of the
present and thoughtless for tho future. I
tried to shake tho feeling off and pursuade
myself it was simply a cold or a little ma
laria. But it would not go. I was deter
mined not to give up, and so time passed
along and all the while I was getting worse.
It was about this timo that 1 noticed I had
begun to bloat fearlully. My limbs were
swollen so that by pressing my lingers
upon thesu deep depressions would lw
made. Mv face also Legau to enlarge, and
continued'to until I could seaicely see out
of my eyes. One of my friends, describ
ing my appearance at that time, said: 'It
is an animated something, but I should liko
to know what.' In this condition 1 passed
several weeks of Um greatest agony.
" Finnlly, one Saturday night, the misery
culminated. Nature could endure no more.
I became irrational and apparently insensi
ble. Cold sweat gathered on my lorehead;
my e3-es became glazed and my throat
tattled. I seemed to be in another sphere
aud with other surroundings. I knew
nothing or what occurred around mc, al
though I havo since learned it was con
sidered as death by those who stood by.
It was to me a cmiet state, and yet one of
irreat azonv. 1 was helpless, hopeless, and
pain was my only companion. I remem
ber trving to see what Avas beyond me, but
the mist lief ore my eyes was too great. 1
tried to reason, but I had lost all power. 1
felt that it was death, and realized how
terrible it was. At last tho stiiwn upon
mv mind gave way and all was a blank.
How long this continued I do not know,
but at last Irealizodthe presence of friends
and recognized my mother. I then thought
it was earth, but was not certain. 1 grad
ually regained consciousness, however, and
the pain lessened. I found that my friends
had, during my unconsciousness, been giv
ing mo a preparation I had never tak-.-n be
fore, and tho next day, under the intluence
of this treatment, the bloating began to
disappear and from that time on 1 steadily
improved, until to-day I am as woll as ever
bcloro in mv life, have no traces of tho
terrible acute Bright's disease, which so
nearly killed me, and all through tho won
derful instrumentality of Warner's Hnto
Cure, the remedv that brought mo to life
after 1 was virtually in another world."
" You have had an unusunl experience,
Mr. Crombie," said the writer who had
been breathlessly listening to the recital.
"Yes. I think I have," was tho reply,
"and it has been a valuable lesson tome.
I am certain, though, thero are thousands
of men and women at this very moment
who have the samo ailment which c:muj so
near killing me, aud thoy do not know it.
I believe kidney disease is the niD-it decep
tive troublo in tho world. It corner like a
thief in the night. It has no certain symp
toms, but fcems to attack each ono differ
ently. It is epiiet, treacherous, and all tho
more dangerous. It is killing more people,
to-day, than any other ono complaint. If
I had the power I would warn the entire
world against it and urge them to remove
it from the system before it is too late."
One of the members ot the tirm of White
head & Mitchell, proprietors of tho Bir
mingham Eccentric, paid a fraternal visit
to this otlice yesterday, and in tho course
of conversation, Mr. "Crombie's name waa
" I knew about his sickness," said tho
editor, " and his remarkable recovery. I
had his obituary a'.l in typa and announced
in the Eccentric that he could not live until
its next issue. It was certainly a most
wonderful case."
Rev. A. R. Bartlctr, formerly pastor of
the M. E. Church, at Birmingham, and now
of Schoolcraft, Mich., in response to a tele
gram, replied:
"Mr. W. A. Cromblo was a tuomberof
mv congregation at the time of his sick
ness. Tue prayers of the church wens re
quested for him on two diffei cat occasions.
I was with him the day he was reported by
his physicians as dying, and consider his
recovery almost a miracle."
Not one person in a million erer comes
so neardeath as did Mr. Crombie and then
recover, but the men and women who aro
drifting toward the sains end are legion.
To note the slightest symptoms, to realizo
their significance and to meet them in time
by the remedy which has been shown to be
most eflicient, is a duty from which thero
can be no escape. They aro fortunate who
do this; they are on the sure road to death
who negloct it.
Mr. Onion has just failed out in No
biaska; but it can not be said that ho hs
not a scent to his name. Chicago Herald.
"Bnowx's BuoxciiiAi. Tkociies" era
widely known as an admirable remedy for
Bronchitis, TTnnrsenesi, Coughs and Throat
troubles. Sold only in boxes. 'Jo ets.
When a man declares his loro in deeply
drawn brcathlnsr, young lady, put it down
as only a sightd snow. Philadelphia ress.
Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Rcnewer" re
stores health and vigor, euros Dyspepsia, 51.
Evert cloud has a silver lining; but it
is not so with solid silver water pitchers.
They aro nickel plated. Ar. O. Picayune.
" Mother Swan's Worm Syrup," for fer
erishneas,worms,constipatlLin, tasteless. 25c
Fhoji Boulder, Col-.MIss N.E.Wilder. writes:
Samaritan A'errhie cured me of epilepsy."
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica
l.umbaco, Bsrkachr, Hendarhr, Toothache,
Sere Thronr, Swclltne. Sprntns, Braltci,
Bnrn, NcslUfc. Front II lies.
And AU Other BODtL."? PAINS and ACHES.
ScUl by UrusrsfU n,l llers tre rrwhere. Fifty Cent;
a bottle. IHrtvtlonsin llLunCTJAcr--.
(gBcceors to a. i.SLin a co.) BtUimorc.HM., U.S.A.
:po:r, PAiitr
." ...Je..J sjgegaMsssij!g"grgiaias .'' ssljv.iss : v ;; a
A nesieHser of Health
Sent free to sufferers from nerrous,
chronic and blood diseases, brain and heart
affections, nerrous debility, etc. It tells of
wonderful cures effected by Dr. Scott's Coca,
Beef and Iron, with Phosphorus. Sold by
druggists; $1. Dr. Scott, Kansas City, Mo.
TnET say dogs can't reason, but no ono
will doubt that a dog tries to reach a con
clusion when he chases his tail.
" Buchu-paiba." Quick, complete cure,all
annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases, $1.
No opiates or drastic cathartics aro found
in that peerless remedy, Sanmritan Xercme.
Jast the Skate for Itiuk Puryoit.
"2 23 K
The Chtmrlsn Ste will lut five time i tone ai
ny other bkute. fivrrjr ralr Wari-antrd.
Bp-elil prlcr to Clubs ana Rink U&n&prrs furaiihed
a tppliuaioo.
Direct Importers ol Glt.s and Gon Goods,
121-123 Wast riftla Street,
JCaitntal Catalogue free. J4anai City, Mo.
Tliey irho work
early aud late the
year round need, oc
casionally, the health
ful stimulus Impart d
by a wholesome tonte
like Ilostetter'a
&tuuuu.-u Bitters. To
all. It I'ttrUr and
Milrlcncy as a tvnutly
anil pre vcntl vc of dl
case -iuimi-:id It. It
checks lnclnlent
' rheumatism utul ma-.-
nintd -jnii:om. re-
iicri'X ioi!Mi;nuua,
c!jrjepa aatlti.llous-nc.v-i.
crm: prema
tura decay of the pliy
flcal enerples, uilii
catcd iLic intlrmlties
of ap- and hi"-t;ns
coiiTHletcfnee. For
6ale hv all DniFKl"t
and Dealers gunirally.
Fmm Xrrronii. Chronic rn'l Blood dleaa-f,
Ilralu ami Il-art arort.nui', IVnk l.uns:.
riona Ufliilttv, l!riU-ii Uonii Coiiml
tutloiix, nnUnralcii'Ks o. the liitlnrji. lllaldr
nn Urinary Orsnnn. ASSt your ilrup;lt for
1K. CIIAO. V. MltJTT'S World-Itc-nt
nril Nperiflr So. 13.
Coca, Beef anil Iron
l"With Phosphorns.)
A Ulood, Ilrain and Nerve Tonic.
If Tour ilmcel't doesni.t keep It. sS Iilm to nrelT
llfTtiiti. 1.X ikt luitlr. Coch, llitf and Iron
Ic-hf'Cr atrn Mc.tMl I)!-vrrv of inniU-rn nm s.
IV r atlipli t a Uie CHAM. W. UCOTT, 31. 1..
KanfaH 4ity. 3Io.
Cata rrH :s cream balm
wnen appnrti oy
tho flnper Into tho
nostrils, will bo ab
sorbed, effectually
cleansinp tho head
of eatarrhni virus,
causing' healthy se
cret lous. It. allays
intlammatinn. pro
tects the tnembrano
of the uasal puss
apesf rom addition
al colds.comolctely
heals the sores and
restores taste and
smell. A few appli
cations relieve. A
Vwruuyh treatment
vill positively cure.
Airrrcabio to use.
Send for circular. Trice 50 cents by mail or at
druBfe'iste. Ely Brotacrs,lrugists,uwcgo,r.i. .
iy ccmso j
Epileptic ttisj
Spasms, Falling
Sickness, Convul-
Eions, at. Vitus Jjance, Aicouousm,
Opium Eating, Scrofula, and all
Nervous and Blood Diseases
tTo Clergyracn,XawTers, Literary "ifen,
Merchants, Bankers, Lad"ies and all whose
6cdcntary employment causes Kcrvous Pros
tration, Irregularities of the blood, stomach,
bowels or Kidnevs. or who require a nerve
rt . v. . ...,.i
tonic, appctizerofstimulant, Samaritan Ncrv-
txe is lnvaiuaDic Ju-
C-Thon sands FTitE
proclaim ic xnc raosi
wonderful Invlgor
ant that cversustain
cd a sinking svstcm.
$1.50 per bottle.
SoldbrallDraCTfsts. (tS)
j 103D, ST0UTEH3!1R3 & CO, Iggb, Chbp, 111
The experience In the treatment of Cancrr with
PwlflSpc-ciflc (S.S.S) would Bcein to warrant us la
iyinz th It will cure thU much dn.-aavd !'rolrs--.
I'crsous so afflicted ro Invla-d to cora'spond with us.
I believe Swiff Sjwlnc has sawd mr life 1 had
vlrtu.illy lost csj- o f the up:T pt of my bod v and my
anusfromihi-polfonumcrfoct of a larjrecauctTou
mr m ck. f rum hWi I had suffered for twenty years.
S.S. S. hr.?r'lIecdinofansoren-t. mid tin poitca
U being forced out of nv ay stem. 1 ill soon lw well.
W. K. Kouibos. Davlsboro, Ga.
Two monthi ago my attention was caUed to the case
of n woman afaU-W with a Cancer Oil her shoulder nt
lettSTt: Inches In circumference, angry. pnlnfuL and
r'.rir. tnf lailent no rc day ornlght forsU. months
1 obtained a supply of Sutfl'a SpeUnc for her. Slw
ha tH'ienfUr hollies, a-ul the ulcer 1 entirely healed
up. onlynverysmalUcnbrunalnlnir. and her health I
btirr than for neovearsiiiut: seems to be perfectly
enn-d. Rev. Jesse II. Campbell, Colambtu, ua.
Treatise on Blood and Skin DUfasea mailed free.
THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga.
Xcw Voric Ofilcc 153 'West ZM St.. !:t.6th and ;th Ava. ILoUll O
Two Ihotiaand stitches a minnte. The only
absolutely Ont-elasa Dtwlir Machine In the
world. Nen ton trial. Warranted S Tears.
8end far Illnatrated Ctaloe ndCIrijlr
. Att.Wntori. THEWtLMOSKW.
IXO MACH1.NK CO., Chicago or XewTTorau
aniB prarw
Has a Pail ditrercct from all oth
r. ixcuu ilisoe. with Self-Ad-
Justing Ball in center, adantt it
iwirtonll positions of live body,
while the ball '" P
pren bacK "e intes-
1 Ilia llwllV lirjuu !- ..... f '.
night, and a radical cur- orruin. 1 1 Is Is3rA?uiiVr'An
ehTap. Mtt by mail. Circular fro-- ECOLCSTON
TRUSS CO.. 69 Dearborn St., Chicago, IU.
an Infalliblf cure for riles.
Price SI, from drugidsta. or
sent prepaid by mail . himplea
frte. Ail. ATC.IKE8I8."
Makers. Box 2116. NewTorlc.
In. krnilil iiii, ml
n ir. wwt. sr "1- i
Cm. th. w. Xwl hh mm I
iMmb. VG1f-.Ii wftMaaj
... j'.m. kk !!., i. k4 ,mi 3A i i.i i. A m1
It. a. l- &J.H u a iu., acrau, rsmiaa, Ua
WAKTED-Mea and TVooaen to start a new
business at their homes, easily learned in an hour.
No peddling: '0c to 50c an hoar made daytime orevca
inK. Send lc for sso istnplt's to commence work
on. Address H. O. FAX, Katland, Termoat.
A. SUSSMANN. No. a bliTH Atkxlt. n. v.
t3"Scnd -C-nt bump for a Sixtr-nlnu I'zs: Catalosuc
i mrimmar "fvtn
" Q -4Tmt !&-. m "V
iffgSfNO uVA.1
aSrcriKiair TO
..-'- ' ' "' ,
Xndalcence and Excesses
"Whether over-eating or drinking are made
harmless by using Hop Bitters freely, giving
elegant appetite and enjoyment by using
them before and removing all dullness,
pain3 and distress afterwards, leaving tho
head clear, nerves steady, and all the feel
ings buoyant, elastic and more happy than
before. The pleasing effects of a Christian
or sumptuous dinner continuing days after
wards. Eminent Testimony.
IN. Y. "Witness, Au. 15, 1SS0.1
" I find that in addition to thepure spirits
contained in their composition, they contain
the extracts of hops and. other well-known
and highly approved medicinal roots, leaves
and tinctures in quantities sufficient to ren
der the article what the makers claim it to
be, to wit, a medicinal preparation and not
a beverage unfit and unsafe to be used ex
cept as a medicine.
'From a careful analysis of their formula
which was attested under oath I find
that in every wine-glassful of Hop Bitters,
the active medicinal properties aside from
the distilled spirits are equal to a full dose
for an adult, which fact, in my opinion,
subjects it to an internal revenue tax as a
medicinal bitter."
Giiekx B. Baum, TJ. S. Com. In. Rev.
Hardened Liver.
Five years ago I broke down with kidney
and liver complaint and rheumatism. Since
then I have been unable to be about at all.
My liver became hard like wood; my limbs
were puffed up and-filled with water. AH
the best physicians agreed that nothing
could cure me, 1 resolved to try Hop Bit
ters; I havo used seven bottles; the hard
ness has all gone from my liver, the swelling
from my limbs, and it has worked a miracle
in niy cae; otherwise X would have been
now in mv grave.
J. W. AIoiiEY, Buffalo. Oct. 1, '61.
Tovcrty and Sufferiiijr;.
" 1 was drapped down withdeht.povcrtyand
sufforhur foryeai s. caused by a sick family anil
hure Id Is lor doctorinv. I was completely
discouraged, until one year upo, bv the advice
of my pastor, I commenced tiftliufllop Bitters,
and in ono month wo were all well, and none
of us have eccn a sick day since, and I wnnttu
say to all poor men. you can keep your faint
lies well a year with Hop Bitters for less that:
one doctor's visit will cost; I know it."
'A Wciiikivmx.
"c" FOR
'Kidney-'Wort la the meet eueccssftsl remedy
I ever used." Dr. r. C. rallou, Konttcn, u
"Kidney-Wort ls always reliable."
Er. B. IT. Clark, So. Hero, Vt.
"Kidney-Wort has cured iy w ifo nltsr two years
suffering." "Or. C. K. Suiamcrlln, 6un HiU, Ga.
it has cured where all eleliad failed. Itisrnild,
bat efficient, CERTAIN IN ITS ACTION, tut
harmless in all cases.
tylt cleanses) the Blood and Slrtactliens ard
rlres New tiro to all tho important orgaca of
tio body. Tho natural action of tho KMncya is
restored. The Liver ls cleansed of all disease,
ad tho Eowebj move freely and healthfully,
la i1 way tho worct dissaaca 8X3 eradicated
from tho syitem. c
nurx, $1.00 uquid ax ukv, bcld ax BEroasw.
Dry caa bJ scat cy mail.
?, KICIIAUDSON JtCO.Eurllneton Vt.
kt r ii ny tt a? 3B-
KKtlillshed. tt?ii Incorsorsed.
IctO. For Mn Cure of Cnneera,
Turaoro. Clcr, Ncraruln
mil Skin DlSEAhKif. without the
nscof knife or Loss ok Dlooo, and little rain. For
BK. JT. JL. POND, Aurora, Saae Co., IU.
nen I hat care i uo not zaean mcivi wawij tiiem .ur
at:m and then hare them rt-tuni x-Azn. I mmui a lut
eal cure. Inavt.nia.lo Uio du-a;e of KITS. LlMLKlriY
or FALLINK SICKNESS a Ilfe-hnig study. 1 warrant my
remedy to euro the vrorit eases. Because others havo
failelu no reason for not now receiving; a euro.
onee for a trreitiie anil u h"rrc lioltle of my infaltiblo
remedy. 01e Kxpress and rot-Olflcc. It costs you
nothing for a trLif. ami I will cwr you
Address Bit. IL G. UOOT. UO Pirl SL. New York.
Lady AgGntsSS'tSpTo'S
and kooi sailiT selling Ctitvn City
Skirt and toeklas Supporter. cte
bxplj outfit Fret:. Address Queva
sue. AadrsbU.MN
S'nd 10 renf for sample copy ol
Economical Merita nf S.3.
Munlc Dooks 150.000 fa u.
Mmunilt of !oDr. newboolr.
AUdrla bUMMERS CO.,17-1 Race St-.Cla'lUO.
lh ivnu w.dlniri. ilv fiT ttl &ItfiVt llttaSl?: tiV IIS
c thon-undrf of c-es of the wona k nd and of lona
f lliUAlli.14 ur,.lltu.s .' iiilT vu.vh...
' f f IkXrs a
DR. T. A. SLOCUM. 1S1 Pearl Kt.. Kew York.
Easy to use. A certain cnrt. Not expensive. Three
months treutnient in one paclcace. Good for C61d
lu the Head. IIalaelic. Dizziness. Hay Fever, tc
Firty cents. Jlv nil rnccs. or by mail. - .
. T. UAZKL.TINK, Warren, l"x
AGEHTS WANTED the ben Family Knlt
tlnr Slachtne ever Invented. Will knit a pair ol
stocklnes with II EEL. and TOE complete In twen
ty niluutes. It will al3o knit a creat variety of 1 ancy
woric for hleh there Is always a ready market. Send
for circular and terms to the Twosably Jaalttlmi
Ua chine Co.. 163 Trcmont fitn-cf, liogton, MaM.
saw CiiniMCC THFiSHB3
mills, cntalliCopoti
fTorallsectlonsand porposes.) WritefoFrIaniphlet
and riieea to Th Aultman ATajlor Co. , alansOeld, Ohio.
Wholeaale and retail. Send for price-list.
Goods rent C. O. I). Wigs made to order.
K. BUKXHAM. 71 State. Street. Cbtcago.
Good Pay for Afeato. 91oetoSSeO per
mo. made aeltlnir onr flne Booba te BlMra,
Write to J. C McCurdy As Co., St. loals. Ms.
A MONTH and BOAKII for th'ee live
VoumrMenorl.atlies. Ineachconnty. Ad
drcaar. W. ZIEUlB&CO., Chicago. 111.
c Dill Rat and"WniKT HABITS cured
UriWIfl at home without pain, ilotof psr
ticulara sent free. IS. M. Woollkv. M.O., Atlanta. Ga.
nnn Rl rfum mtU. lull PMrrltlm
la K l "psSIeody'e New TallorKyateaa or
jJUJfjI)ress Cutting,c;.a..ti,o.
Cilb I miCC IICC -The Krandest article. Send
rUri LAUICO UOCt stamp for frustrated circular.
Br. H. O.PA1IK, 75 Essex Blreet. Iloiton. Mass.
A- MONTH. ARtn Wanted. bfjj
aellingartlclcainth-;worId. 1 sample FUEb.
Address JAY Bl'.ONSON. Dxtkoit. Micii.
VitllHC UCH Lean Telesraphy and earn big
lUUIIIl fBCH wacjes. Sltnafonsf umUhd. Ad
dra with stamn Vale!CTPjk Hkos.. Janesvllle. Wis.
C U R E for Epilepsy, FKsor Spasms. FkeitoPooe.
OS. KsuBkMed. CO., 2S Hickory it., SJXouI.,Mo.
WAXTEIs Lady Aircnta evcrywhen! for Corjet
Specialty. W.McCabe,1813LucasAv.St.LonlsMo.
Jn Pm. !)-i. anr.mrm aaa'tcd Celars. SQ
cti. SIIaXTQ CO., Cflicopte, Kazs.
A.N.K. 1.
No. 9G5
plteue may you case the Aotrerfiaeaieii
in tMm paper.
IjSSBI If '1 K B OT np mt
bV'bK&SD T-
BXX f"jjC5
flamlhiir have been cured, lmlrl. fo tron;r is mv f alui
In its etUciry.tliat I vrill oeml TWO BOTTLES FUEE, to
Dvthrrtrilha, V'lI.UAIILKTKK.VriSK on thUdlxeane. to