The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1884, Image 6

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J, 7 T h-
Ashes and common salt, wet and"
mixed, will stop the cracks in a stove
and prevent smoke escaping. Detroit
.Lace curtains nns not fashionable
except for bedrooms. They then have
a lambrequin of dark green or dark red,
which colors harmonize on almost every
thing. Chicaqo Herald.
It is said that a few drops of car
bolic acid that is. ten drops in ono pint
of water will, if poured over the earth
in flower-pots, kill all living things ex
cept the plants. Troy Times.
If compelled to use canned fruit
that is not put up at home, seek to ren
der it palatable thus: Open the can and
drain oft' the liquor. Put the fruit in a
prcper dish. To the liquor add sufli
. cieut sugar to make it like sirup; let it
"come to a boil," but do not let it boil:
then pour it over the fruit. N. . Post.
Spring Roll: Four c ggs.onc cup ol
sugar, one cup of flour, lialf teaspoon
of soda, one teaspoon of cream of tar
tar, add any flavor to suit the taste
Stir well and spread thin on bread
pans: bake quickly, and when thor
oughly baked turn it out on a cloth and
spread with jelly and roll it up. Tin
' Breakfast Dish For a family ol
six persons, take three cups of mashed
potatoes, one-half cup of flour, and
half a teacup of sweet milk, two well
beaten eggs, a little salt; mix well to
gether, shape them small, and drop into
not lard, or roll them into little balls,
mid fry them in a w'ro basket in boiling
lard. Western Plowman.
Cane chairs arc more used than
ever. They are paiuted in colors tc
harmonize with the remainder of the
furniture in the room. The cane arm
chairs have the backs and seats cush
ioned with plush or velvet, while the
rockers are generally ornamented with
bows and ends of some bright-colored
satin ribbon. The shapes in odd chairs
grow more ancient every day. Ex
change. The secret in mixing pastry is, first,
to have both the flour and mixing fluid
as cold as possible; second, to put it to
gether as lightly as may be; third, tc
do no kneading only enough gentle
pressure to hold the mixture tozclher.
When made, it should' be rolled out and
baked immediately; or, if it has tc
frtand, put it in the ice-chest, or some
other cold place, until wanted. Albany
Twenty-four years ago, says Join.
J. Thomas, we had three or four inchu;
of sand carted on part of a garden, the
soil of which was to. clayey for the suc
cessful or convenient raiding ofgarder
vegetables. When this sand was well
worked in the whole became an excel
lent sandy loam, just the soil for agree
able working. The labor of drawing ot
t he sand was considerable, but it was
done in winter when there was little
else for the man and team to do, anc
the fine condition of the soil remains :i
good as at first, and probably will for
century to com?, as the sand does no
evaporate, wash away, or become con
sumed in the growth of plants, ai
with manure. Chicago Times.
Table-Linen, Towels, Etc
For handsome tablo-linen. the prefer
cnee is for French damask of the tines
linish, as it is not so heavy as the Iris!
cloths. The most expensive cloths an
so finely twilled all over that they an
as lustrous as satin, and 'the dainasl
Sgures f o m a des"gn in the centei
which is repeated in the ltrger sizes m
a bonier: thus there is a small vim
around the center, with cordons or rib
bon? woven into the damask, and this is
enlarged near the edge: small dots are
woven in the spaces near the middle
and these increase- in size until, iieai
the edge, they are three inches in diam
etcr. Kern-leave, shamrocks, sprigs
shaded inooiia, blocks, rings interlinked,
daisies, and other detached flowers ait
strewn about on the cloths, with tin
center pattern and border of some de
sign to correspond. Snowy-white dam
ask without colored borders is now
used in these line cloths, which come k
gets of square cloths of different size.
lor br, luncheon, and dinnei
tables, and are ::ccompanicdbydoyleys.
fringed tra' cloths, and napkinsit
which the center design of the cloth is
woven. Square cloths are most pop
ular; those measuring ten quarters eacfc
way are most used, but for large dimfci
tables they are live yards square. There
are long slender strips of colored dam
ask sold separate lrom cloths with t
anvas border on each edge that maj
be embroidered in colors, and the side.
finished with drawn-work and fringe
Ches-e are placed down the middle of the
table when color is desired, and there
ar' also oatmeal cloth .-trips of this
kind that ladies embroider at thcit
leisure, and use either as buffet covers
or as table strips. The cloths with em
broidered colored borders are- nio.M
liked when their work is done by hand,
hence those with machine embroiderv
nre not largely imported. The colored
luncheon cloths and those used fot
breakfast tables may be of pink, buff,
pale blue, or cardinal damask, or else
l hey are white damask cloths with a
border of blue or red damask.
The small tables used at afternoon
teas and at elaborate luncheons usually
have needle-work upon them, done in
outline designs in colors. Heavy Irish
damasks, with shamrocks, ferns and
Greek designs, are liked forgeneral use
because of their durability; and the
German damasks, with clear blue ami
clear scarlet borders, are chosen for the
same reason; the latter have both doy
leys and napkins to jnatch. Damasks
sold by the yard for table-cloths are in
pure white with sprig patterns, or else
in the cream-white tints, just .as the
cloth comes out of the looms, without
being bleached. Gray linen damasks
are not used now, as the unbleached
damasks are quite as inexpensive, and
wear better, and if well laundried they
gradually become white. Turkey red
cloths come in block patterns that have
a dgniask figure alternating with plain
blocks, and are then bordered and
fringed; these arc liked for plaiu break
fasttables, as are also the solid-colored
red cloths that have red doleys to
serve as fruit napkins. The large nap.
kins, three-fourths or seven-eighths of a
yard in size, are most largely imported,
and the onlv smaller ones shown at
many stores" are the half-yard square
fringed doylcys that are also made use
of as napkins. Harper's JJazar
Canada Linen.
It sometimes lakes a good joke a long
fime to leak out, but it is almost sure to
find daylight sometime. There is a
Gentleman living in Des Moines whose
homo at one time was in New York. He
used to go over to Canada once in
awhile to sec the country, visit friends
and probably cat peaches. On one of
his trips he saw some very fine shirts
tho prico of which tempted him great
ly to invest. He thought over his ward
robe at home very carefully, and as
nearly as he could figure it concluded
he needed half a dozen shirts. These
were the ones to buy he thought, be
cause they were of the best quality and
make and the price extremely low. He
purchased, and after getting the arti
cles on his hand, began to wonder how
he would get them home and not have
tae sharp eye of the officers sec them.
A happy thought struck him. He went
to a hotel and" began to put the articles
on. Of course he had one on to coni
menoe with. He measured the new
ones, but found they ditl not go in sizes,
so that one fit into the other, but were
about equal in the amount.of cloth used
in tho make-up. He began like a man
getting ready for lightning chants.
Number one went on very easily. Tho
next was a little closer fit. The third
was a closer call. The fourth tried the
strength of the cloth and thread, as
well as the temper of the fellow getting
inside of so much linen. Getting the
fifth one on, he tugged, the perspira
tion rolled oft" his face, and ran down
his back, and he kicked and scrambled
and pawed the air like a drowning man
catching at straws. When he got in
side he looked like the last rose ot sim
mer, of the red variety, in full bloom.
Five shirts were disposed of. but the
sixth lay on the back of the chair, wait
ing to b"e claimed.
Our friend wished some one would
come and claim it. He did not know
what to do until a thought struck him
again. He concluded to pass mmsell
on for an Alderman, and knowing that
a well filled vest was necessary he took
the sixth shirt, folded it up carefully
and laid it away inside of his vest and
the upper part of his pantaloons. Fixed
up in true Aldermanic style, he started
for the United States. "The custom
house oflicer eyed him closely on the
Canada side, but he got through on his
dignified appearance. When he struck
the custom house on this side he knew
the officer, and was not finite so careful.
He walked up and down the office, and
begun to think he might be a
New York Alderman. The
officer finally sided uoto him and said:
"You had better iro and sit down."
"Why." he asked, with some dignity,
thinking he knew when to sit down.
"Look at the bottom of your pants."'
?aid the officer. He looked, and there
dragging on the floor was about hall
the sleeve of the sixth shirt hunting
daylight. He sat down without wait
ing for a reserved seat, and tucked the
sleeve inside his boot top. The cigars
cost more than twice what the duty
would have been. Iowa Stale Ilegisler.
Cremation Progress in Germany.
...I, i .
The practice of cremation appears to
be gradually gaining ground in Ger
many, there b"jing a steady increase in
the number of bodies brought for this
purpose to Gotha. which contains the
sole establishment in the empire. It is
under the control of the city authorities,
and the cremations up to the end ol
1882 were eighty-four viz.: seventeen
in 1S7D, sixteen "in 18-30, thirty-three in
1881, and eighteen up to September,
18S2. All parts of Europe contribute
to the business of the institution, while
several bodies have been brought
thither from America, in which countn
the cost of a fashionable interment is s"i
great that it is but a slightly increased
expense to have the remains cremated
at Gotha. The principal items of this
expense are: the removal of tho corpse
from the railway station to the crema
tory, "JO shillings, and the cremation it'
self. 7 10 shillings. There are several
formalities to be observed before per
mission is given by the otlicials. A per
mit has to bo obtained from the munic
ipal authorities where the death tool
place, anil also from Gotha, that thJ
body may be removed from one place
to another, for without this latter the
railway company would refuse to find
conveyance. A corpse is not allowed tc
be moved unless incased in metal, and
zinc is, therefore, prescribed as readily
mcltinr under the action of the heat.
This must be inclosed in a wooden cof
tin of certain dimensions, so that it may
(it the receptacle in the chamber. In
case a funeral service should be re
quested, a further charge of 1 1C
shillings is made. The Gotha estab
lishment, which was erected in 1878, is
very complete, aud cost for the ma
chinery and buildings nearly 0.000.
The apparatus is made after the Italian
model, ami consists of a largo coal fur
nace for the production of the gas,
which is conducted by a pipe to the
heating chamber in which tho bod' is
placed, this chamber being about
twenty-one feet in length by thirteen
feet in height, and divided into two
parts. The gas is first of all let into the
nearest section, where it burns until
a white heat is produced. At the time
of the operation the body is lowered
into the second compartment, and the
gas admitted from the other one, when
the zinc case rapidly melts, the gar
ments being then consumed, and the
whole process occupying about two
hours. As it takes a day and night to
properly heat the furnace, sufficient no
tice has to be sent to the authorities.
London Times.
Particular as to Shade.
A consumptive man, knowing that
his life was rapidly drawing to a close,
called his wife to h m and said:
"Madeline, you know that I am about
to die; shall you ever think of me when
I am gone?'
"Oh, yes, darling," sobbed his wife.
"I never can fo get you.'and I will ever
see that your grave is ker t green."
"Yes, my dear, 1 know you will; but
E have one last request."
"What is it, darling?"
'Do not keep it that vulgar, low
down common green, like Simpson's
grave, which is so distasteful to the eye.
Keep it a rich, delicate olive green."
Boston Globe-
Mark Twain's forthcoming book is
announced in England as 'The Ad
ventures of HucklebcrrJ-lng,"
Colonel Bachtell, one of tho owners
of the three Warrior Mines near Sco
field, Gunnison 'County, Col., who has
just returned from the mine, gave a
graphic account of winter above "timber-line."
Avery careful record has
been kept by Judge Bridges, of Scofield,
concerning the snow-fall there during
the past three years. During the win
ter of 1881-82 there were thirty-one
storms, and an aggregate snow-fall of
twenty-five feet lour inches. The
greatest average elepth of snow at any
one time was seven feet. During the
winter of 18S2-83 there were forty
storms, with a total snow-fall of twenty-eight
feet three inches. On April
10 the snow was seven feet deep. Dur
ing the present winter there have been
eighteen storms up to January 8, with
a total snow-fall of seventeen feet two
The snow is deeper now than at this
time in any former year within the
knowledge of Judge Bridges. Persons
living in lower latitudes may wonder
why with such great snow-falls the
snow is never greater than seven or
eight feet This is due to the lightness of
the snow when it first falls. A foot of
snow in the mountains will settle to
throe or four inches within a few days.
The people in- the mining camps man
age to enjoy themselves these days in a
"very pleasant way snow-shoeing, a
sport which is said to be better than
either coasting or skating. The snow
shoes used are not the Indian or Cana
dian snow-shoes, but the Norwegian
shoes or "skees." The skee is a long
piece of strong, tough wood about four
inches wide, smoothly polished on the
under side and rubbed with beeswax,
furnished with a band for the foot in
the middle, pointed at the front end aud
bent upward. A long statt" is used to
regulate the speed in going down hill.
Colonel Bachtell's description of the
late snow-slide at the Sylvanite Mine:
The buildings consist of "the boarding
house, 16x24 feet, and the blacksmith
shop and ore-house of the same size;.
Tho houses are divided by the track
that runs from the tunnel. " Their first
intimation of danger was on Friday
evening, during the heavy storm. Tho
men iiTthe cabin heard a" terrible roar
ing coming, anil, knowing it to be a
slide, most of them ran into the covered
way that separates the buildings and
then into the tunnel. The slide rushed
upon the strong log buildings shaking
them terribly, audit seemed as if they
must bo ground from their strong foun
dations by the tremendous weight of
snow and ice that was grinding aud
crunching its way across the log roof.
The sides were moved and the roof was
sprung down several inches. Then all
was dark and still. The gas and smoke
from the stove was fast filling the room.
aud all attempts to let in fresh air were
blocked by the snow.
With snow-shoe poles the men began
to punch up through the stove-pipe liblo
for air. By driving one pole after an
other a hole was finally made through
the snow, which they found to he about
fifteen feet deep and packed nearly as
hard as ice. As the storm still raged,
every little while the roar of other
slide' could be heard, mam of them
pa-sing over-head, closing lip the air
lules. Whenever a slide ran over them,
there was great danger of the great mass
of snow on the roof moving. If it did
the chances were that it "would either
crush or grind the building to pieces.
Realizing this, and not being able to re
main long in the tunnel on account of
lack of air. when they heard an ap
proaching slide, like prairie dogs, the
whole eleven would rush i:to the tun
nel, where they were safe. This was
kept up for forty-eight hours, when
finally silence told th'.-m the storm was
over. Digging out was the next thing.
By following their track to the dump
and running tiie snow back into the
tunnel a drift of thirty feet was run and
daylight, the first for two days, was
seen. The reason the buildings were
not swept away was an excavation was
made in the side of the mountain so as
to bring the roofs below the level of the
mountain-side. Cincinnati Commcr-zial-Gazclte.
"Old Jim."
One day lately I was sitting in the ho
tel at Spokane Falls, idly watching the
group of talkers as they grew earnest'
aver the gold of Coeur d'Alenu or the
lands of the Big Bend country. Sudden
ly I became aware of a disagreeable
presence, and, turning my eyes as much
as I could without seeming "to look up,
E saw a very dirty man, with a rank
growth of reddish beard, battered hat
and heelless boots. He was half dazed
by the bright light- of the room, coming
in from the darkness outside, and was
moving back and forth in his endeavor
to focus his 03-03 upon some one. Xo
one seemed to noto him as a specially
uncommon sight, but there was an ap
parent unspoken resolve to "givo him
the shake." He felt the combination
against himself, but was too drunk to
back out, and presently fixed his stare
apon two well-dressed men, shook his
dirty finger at them, and said: "There's
lots of it there! Brains! brains! but
no education nor money to back them
up nothing to back them up!" and he
slapped his own empty pocket to em
phasize his estimate "of the men he
pointed at This would haYc been em
barrassing anvwhere but in a Western
town. Nobody paid the slightest atten
tion to him, and he gradually worked
up within himself something like cha
grin. "All right! all right!" said he, in
an injured tone, "I was once 'the asso
siate of gentlemen. I'm a member of
the Idaho Legislature, and you needn't
be afraid of mo. I'm well "educated
graduated at the Detroit High School.
Now I'm only -Old Jim' no account
down drunk gentlemen won't talk
with me." The proprietor of the hotel
2anie up and asked him to be quiet.
"So," said he, "vou can't keep a mem
ber of the Idaho Legislature quiet; but.
good-bye, good-bye. Gentlemen wont
dave anything to "do with me any more."
And with this half sad, half drunken
adieu he went out into the night.
Of course it was his own fault. It was
no wonder no one would be bored by
talking with him. I try to be kind
hearted in such matters, and I wouldn't
be bored by him; but somehow it struck
mo that such treatment is what helps to
make robbers and mtfians. It is easy
to understand that such a fellow would
grind his teeth and resolve himself into
in avenging minority. He could not
very "well love his fellow-man. Thero is
no reason why he should hate him, ex
cept that his whole downward courso
would turn all his nature into gall.
Ono man in the room remarked:
tDid you notice that no one in the room
laughed at his wit?'' (meaning his al
lusion to the difficulty in keeping a
member of the Idaho Legislature quiet.)
"I didn't laugh," the stranger contin
ued, 4 For the reason that once I had
an uncle who got drunk and acted just
in that way, to the mortification of the
whole faniil-, and 1 guess pretty much
every one of us has some drunken kin
back in the States somewhere." The
remark struck me as a curious one not
a bad generalization. Every man has
enough to think of that is unpleasant, ii
he stops to think it all over: and, as was
said, most of them had drunken kin
enough to knock the fun out of such a
scene as this. Cor. Chicago Ttmcs.
Bringing in a Verdict.
At a little back-woods settlement in
Vancouver's Island, an Indian had been
stealing potatoes from a farm belong
ing to Mr. Sproat, the local justice.
One day, in order to frighte.i this In
dian, the man in charge, who was a
Western back-woodsman, fired his gun
vaguely in the direction of the potato
field. To his astonishment he found
that he had shot the native dead. An
inquest had of course to be held. The
woodsman did not look upon a slain
Indian as a very great afi'air, and sev
eral came to Mr. Sproat and said: "You
are not going to trouble Henry about
this, are you, sir?" Mr. Sproat beiug
not only the man's master, but also a
magistrate, had to reply that however
much he felt for the man's misfortune,
he must let the law take its cwirse.
But where was a surgeon to be found
to make the post-mortem examination?
A care-worn looking man stepped oft' a
pile of lumber, where he was working,
and said he was a surgeon. This state
ment being naturally received with some
hesitation, he produced from an old
army chest his commission, his degree,
and ample proof of not only having
been a staft'-surgeon. He performed the
post-morteni, and soon produced a shot
from the lung aud proved that the In
dian had died from gunshot wounds
in the chest. Other evidence was
forthcoming; one of the witnesses testi
fying that the prisoner had said "Jack.
I've shot an Indian." The "Judge" laid
down the law to the jury, which were
composed of twelve of the most intelli
gent of the men, and they were sent in
to another room to consider their ver
dict. It was nearly half an hour be'ore
they lvturncd. Tlie foreman then said:
"We find that the Indian was worried
bvadog!" "A what?" the Judge ex
claimed. "Worried by a dog. sir,"
said another juryman, thinking that th2
foreman had not spoken plainly. As
suming a proper expression of magis
terial gravity, his worship pointed out
to the jurv the incompatibility of their
verdict with the evidence, and again
went over the ease, and calling their
particular attention to the medical evi
dence, and to the production by the doc
tor of the shot found in the body of the
Indian, he again dismissed them to
their room, begging them to come back
with a verdict reasonably connected
with the facts. TLey remained away
longer than before. "When they at last
returned, the Judge drew a paper to
ward him to record their finding.
"Now. men, what do you siy?" Their
decisive answer was: "We say that he
was killed by falling owra cliff." The
Judge snu filed his papers together, and
told the jury they might go to their
work, and he would return a verdict
for them himself. For a full niile in
ever' direction from when th d-ad
body was found the country w:s :is
levt 1 as a table. The jury was not so
conscientious as nnoth r in the same
part of the world, compos d of tli
Iriends of f-om people accused of steal
ing pork: "We find the defendants not
guilty: but believe thej hooked the
pork." Portland Orcqonian.
Machine Guns In War.
The announcement that an American
olliecr has received permission to in
spect the British machine guns at
Woolwich has called attention to their
advantages and disadvantages in war.
A writer to the Pall-Mall Uazcttc thus
criticises the employment of machine
guns on the field of battle: "If the
range is correct and the mark remains
sternly great execution will be done,
but the slightest error will throw every
bullet out,"cxccpt at short range. Thus
the Frencli foun I that their attempts
with the mitrailleuse, even at such
short distance as twelve
yards, were perfectly futile,
"their new weapon had
and that
not the
slightest chance against the
field ar
tillery of that time. Since then the
(Jerman field artillery has more than
doubled its efficiency. Against their
shrapnel thrown with the present high
velocities the mitrailleuse would have
less chance than ever. The reply
of the German army to the question:
What is the place of" the machine gun
in the field of battle?' has been, 'It has
no place, and whatever additional men
and horses can be given should be de
voted to increasing the field artil
lery.' Accordingly machine guns have
not been introduced for the field, but
the field artillery litis been largely in
creased in proportion to the other
arms. Exactly the same course has
been pursued by the French and by
every other great continental power.
None have adopted machine guns for
the field; all have increased and devel
oped their field artillery. When we
remember that France, Germany, Aus
tria, Turkey, Russia, have all lately
passed through the furnace of war, anil
had most of their crotchety dross
burned out of them, their unanimous
opinion ought surely to outweigh the
theoretical ideas of a few partisans
who still cling to the notion of finding
in the machine gun a weapon worth
the. cost of the men and horses required
for its use. They admit that it can not
face field artillery at artillery ranges:
that its projectiles have no power
whatever against the walls of lmildings
or earthworks, but they believe that,
when two hostile bodies of infantry are
closing, the machine guns can be
brought from cover, where they havo
remained till then, and will exercise a
great influence over the result of tho
combat. No doubt they would in such
a case, provided the infantry, fight hap
pened to be where they could go.'
Temperance Heading.
Oli. offer not the cup to mc.
TJiouph s-parkl'ijff in Its ruby l&ht:
No beauty m its face I seo.
Thou-rti. like the sunlij-'iit. glad andbrisht.
I see within its limpid depths
Hut sorrow, sore and shame
The deuth of all my fondest hopes,
A blot upon an honored uuino.
That cup to m doth madness brinjr:
'Tis tilled with sorrow and despair.
Though lovers or its charms can sinir
Its pleaures bousht with deepest care,
I t-e", within, a. drunkard's ivifv.
His children wan from want of bread.
Shut out from every joy of life.
A n-teiioi lather, worse than dead.
IIow many proud and noble souls.
That oueo did lio;it an honored name,
Ha e never lived to reach the ronl
They soujrht upon the tower of fame!
Th:it cup, with nit its maddoninjr power.
They bought until it proved too late;
And, darkly, ruin brooded o'er
Until they met a drunkard's fate.
Myra Dowfass, m BMuu's Monthly.
Address of the Prcddent nf tho Nationnl
League, Giving a Sketch if the Move
ment, and the Plan for ltd Kxieuslop in
To tho Friends of Law and Order:
In response to numerous inquiries the fol
lowing information i given:
Tiie Ciii.ens" Law and Order of thn
United States was organized in Tremont
Temple, Boston. Mass., February . 18W. by
dclejra'cs representing twenty-live Law and
Order Laicues. located in c'Kht of the United
States. The attendance wjis large, the inter
est deep, and the meeting in all tespectsa
The origin of the law and order movement
was an eilort on the part of a few citizens or
Chicago, in the fall of 1S7T. to enforco the
laws tortiidding the bide of liquors tt minors.
Tne cause of tho movement was the discov
ery of the appalling fact that, in of
those laws, the saloon keepers of Chicago
were eellin; intoxicating Hi mors to many
thousands o! Chicago bays.
The process of the movement was extreme
ly simple. One or two witnesses made
notes of persons and places violating the law,
and then commenced proMjcutions agunst
the offenders lor such violations, before po
lice in-igi-tratc or justic(H of the peace, and
upon the trial of the complaints proved the
facts, nnd demanded judgments intlicting the
penalties of Uue and impr.someut prescribed
by the law.
The practical succes." of a persistent de
mand that the laws be entoreHl and obeyed
was smply wonderful. Tiie working force of
the Chicago Iawrue did not exceed a half
dozen men, with i.'ie encouragement and sui-
port of not more than a htm Ired citizen-:.
creating the movement at tlrst with derision.
the saloon-keepers so'n found it too serious
and potent to resist, and yielded, with more or
less of protest and opposition, an o..dic:2e
which they round themselves unatue to with
hold. It is estimated that live-sixt'isof the
evils of selling liquor to minors have been per
manently suppressed in the city of Chicago
through the efforts of the titiens" League,
with corresponding benefit, to families, tax
payers and the community generally. Tlies?
statements are made on the basis ot the
official re or:s of the Chicago League. Those
reports have been freely published in the
newspapers of the city, and have been tho
subject of frequent comment- in the public
press nnd in pub'it- addresses, nnd their cor
rectness has never been seriously questioae.1,
so iar us I am informed.
Actual exp'Tiiurnt proved that equally great
anil decisive results weieobiuine-I by a similar
course in smaller cities, and iiicouiirry towns.
In some cases the results were even more
complete an 1 satisfactory. j
Theaec-itints published in the newspapers1
stimulated sim.iar organizations in other
States. Like results followed wherever the
effort was tuitliliihy made, and the movement
advanced from city to city, and trom State to
State, until it finally ett'mlnated in the or.ran
i.ation ol"a .Vatio-ial Law and Order League,
us above stufd.
talis for information and personal assist
ance have been received from many parts of
the Union, and inquiries for documents and
directions have also ccincj to hand from for
eign countries.
The inherent merit of tho movement atone
has spread its influence and multiplied its
organizations. It has no propagandist m the
Meld. The officers and ad vi cates of the exist
ing Law and Ordor societies have only gone
wucro tln-y have 1-een called, and in ino-t
cases only where the calls have been ur-'eat
und repeated. This has not been lrom any
Unwillingness to do the noble work of the
movement, but becau-e they are all bu-y men
with many responsibilities und cures, who tind
it difficult to spare the time to make journeys
aud assist in organizing Citizens Leaguis m
other localities.
To promote the organization of Law "and
Ortler Leagues in places where they do not
now exist, and to point out the easy way in
which Mich organizations may bo effected, is
the specific object of this address. The con
stitutions and bv-Iuwsof the Citiz. nV Leazues
of tlie cif v or (. liicago, the Statvs of Illinois
and M ssachiieits and the United
States are appended to tho prinp-d
proceedings ot the convention by
which the latter was organized, and
may "be obtained bv wr.tin r to tiie Secretary,
Mr. J. C. Shaffer. " Washington street. Chi
cago. Illinois. Those pioceediugs and the ap
pendix thereto contain ad necessary informa
tion for the organization ot" law and onler
societies, with ther interesting matter, in
cluding hnet rcp-irts of the speeches of
Bishop IJ. H. Paduocl:. Iter. Jamos Freeman
Clarke, ex-Governor Thomas Tallvott, Hon.
KufusS. Fiost.Dr. Daniel borehester.Andrew
Puxton, Pte-ide-it F. F. Flinendorf. and
others, at the Na'ional (. onvention. The en
tire proceedings show that the National
League was the result of a spontaneous move
ment in favor of a better enfotcciiieatof the
laws, and that the oryuniza'Ion entered upon
its v.orlc witii aa earnestness prophetic ot
Mr. Ulmendorf departed thi- life October 11,
1SS3, and at a meeting cf the Cmc :t ve Com
mittee, held In i:o:un December 5, the under
signed was elected tj succeed h.m as Presi
dent of tLc Leairtie. I have on another occa
sion pa'd my tribute of es.eem lor his char
acter and set v.c.-s. and sorrow lor tie loss
sustained i It s neieas. and therefore for
Dcar to dwell ui on them here. I hoied and
expected that hi-. sucee-sfr would be an emi
nent citizen of Huston, but I have not felt at
liberty to decline tlie respons.bilities imposed
by tlie choice of my associate-. In the impor
tant work of lawentorcement.
The proceeding to organize a Law and Or
der League is nut diiliciilt. Any good citizen
can effect such an organization in his locality.
He need at liist only obtain forms or organi
zation lrom the Secretary, and invite a few of
his tellow citizens to meet him and consider
the matter. If they agree, the can at once
select oaicers ana rorm a league. The work
ing force required is a Prosecuting Agent.
The money needed is the amount required to
pay the ugcnx and defray the incidental ex
penses. Public meetings o "itieas" Leagues
are generally held in churches, and on Sun
day evening, the enforcement of the laws be
ing recognized as prouiotii e of all tho best In
terests of society,
it is particularly requested that a full nnd
Erompt icport ot all organizations that have
eretofore been, or shall hereafter be, organ
ized be transmitted to the Secretary or tho
United States League. It is important that
this be done, that the central othec mnv have
the ncce-sary information of the extent and
success of theraotcment, and that documents
may be sent to tho proper officers of tho dif
ferent State and lecal organizations.
The annual meeting of the United States
League for 1SS will probably bo hold in
August. Uue notice will be given or the time
nnd place of tho meeting, that the State
Leagues may send delegates. The member
ship of the National Convention will consistof
delegates chosen by State Associutitns that
agree with the object of the United States
League, which is to secure by all proper means
the enforcement of such laws and ordinances
is may from time to time exist in the United
States, and the several States of the Union,
relating to the liquor traffic. It is therefore
important that all local Leagues shall become
members of a State organization, in onler that
the delegates to be appointed may proDerly
represent the different Leagues within tho
ievcrul States.
While the present work of the luwand order
movement is concentrated on the single point
af enforcing tho laws lor the regulation and
restraint of tho liquor traffic, and especially
the preservation of the youth of the country
from the evils it engenders, tho vital principle
of the movement is as brojd as the domain of
zovernment, and is essential to the endurance
of constitutional liberty. Tho vital principle
is the supremacy of the laws. Liberty must
be obedient to tne laws that self-government
enacts, or liberty Itself will degenerate into
anarchy and perish. It is generally admitted
that the laws lor the restriction of the liquor
traffic are the most difficult of enforcement.
If they can be enforced, any others which
public opinion approves can be carried into
effect. The law and order movement 13 man
ifestly entitled to the support of all good clt-
Izens. unless it can be shown that thoe en
gaged in the liquor traflic are entitled to a spe
cial indulgence to disobey the laws. All other
classes are required to yield obedience to
the requirements of the law-making power.
and tho last persons who should ask to be
kMic an exception to that rule are the saloon
keepers and liquor dealers.
The Law and Order Leagues deal with the
laws us thoy are. ami seek their enforcement
whether they provide for license, local option
or prohibition. If any there be who regard
the laws us too severe, or as not strenuous
enou-'h. they may apply to the law-making
power for any change they may de-Jm. It is
not tho province of the 1jw and Ordex
Leagues to discu-s tjie propriety or impro
priety of the laws, except s fur as such dis
cussion may bear on the question of their en
forcement. For further information in regard to any
phase of the subject, application may tie
made to the Secretary, who-e address Uabove
given. Persons who desire to contribute to
the pecuniary support of the National Law
and Order League may remit to ex-Governor
Samuel Merrill, the Treasurer, at DesMoines,
la. or Mr. .1. C. Shaffer, the Secretary, at
Chicago, er Hon. Unfits S. Frost, at linston.
The -Mprrwuc; ' the Lines is a plattormon
which all good citizens can stand together;
and the enforcement of the laws enacted to
prevent internix-rance, pauperism and crime,
and promote industry, prosperity and good
citizenship, is a work in which nil who are in
terested in preserving the youth of the coun
try from habits of di-sipition and vice can
heartily unite. Cn.uti.Bsr. Hovnkv.
President of the Citizens" Law aud Order
League of the United States.
Cmcvco, January. 1SS1.
Converted to Prohibition.
A few weeks ago Mr. Locke, of the
Toledo Wade, came here expressly to
see for himself the actual state of the
liquor trallie. He was strongly preju
diced against prohibition, and "fully ex
pected to find an open liquor tratlic
here. His explorations were etcnive
and minute, and he made inquiries of
all sorts of people. He found liquor
dens here, hidden away in dark places,
down cellars and in attics; arrange
ments prepared to smash the bottles
(two or three of them in all) if tho
"seizers"' should rush in upon them.
If the officers could seize even a spoon
ful or a half spoonful it would be one
hundred dollars and costs and six
months in Jail at hard labor: but if
the last drop were spilled, no fine, no
1 "accompanied Mr. Locke to two
lar;e manutacturing villages with about
four thousand p"opIe each. One of
them had great mills of cotton, woolen,
silk. Hour, iron, saw-mills and many
other industries. We called upon the
manager of the larret cotton estab
nionC "ho sa'd: "There is no liquor
tratlic here -at least I think so. I hear
nothinr of it. and si e no in Mention of
it. If there wen liquor sold here, f
should certainly hear of it and sec indi
cations of it.'.'
Mr. Locke said: "Iu Ohio, such a
town as th's would haw fortv licensed
saloons, besides an unknown number
not licensed." Tlie other village was
devoted to paper making tbe largest
establishment of its kind in the world.
There was no liquor-scllinir there, nor
suspicion of it. Mr. Locke said: "In
Ohio, such a place as this would have
at least forty licensed saloons. 1 am
converte I to prohibition " General
A"cr Boa:
Helping t.'ic Drunkard.
Sam Tippler is a confirmed inebriate
by heredity and habit; he is a good
mechanic, and can earn good wage?
when he is in a condition fo
work; but his habits arc such that he
is idle most of the time; he i. a burden
to his family who are very poor and
needy. If Sam was only out of the way
the familv, could take" care of them
selves. Witli him on their hands to
provide with beer and the necessaries of
life, thev are in great want aud destitu
tion. Tho degradation of the familv is
telling fearfully against the future of an
otherwise promising family of children.
The thing to do in such a case is to send
that man to an inebriate asylum, a
workhouse or a jail. Several young
men representing different benevolent
Temperance organizat ons have made
repeat-id efforts to reform him without
success, and he only goes on from bad
to worse, a curse to himself and his
family. Something ought to bo done
in this case; his family can not be ex
pected to make a complaint against
him; the civil authorities are not likclv
! to make it unless he is iruiltv of some
overt act. If there is any relief to be
had it must be by some judicious man
who acts oliicialryii: behalf of a benev
olent association organi ed for just such
work. When .the man has served out
bis sentence he should be rece.ved.
kindly provided with work, and made
to understand that on the first ollense
he will be committed again, and con
tinue to be committed as often as he
drinks. Christian Union.
Temperance Hems
Monn than thirty of the mining com
panies of Colorado make total ab
stinence a condition of employment.
"IIow did you first begin?" was
asked of a young man who had lost his
situation tlirouirh drink. "Mv mother
gave me a bottle of brandy atnl water
to keep me warm on mv iourncv to
London," was the reply. "1 lied the
feeling it produced, and soon found my
way to the public-house."
Asi.vgle case of hydrophobia will stir
the authorities up to kill every unmuz
zled dog found on the streets." But de
lirium tremens may kill scores of men
in brown-stone "fronts and in huts
of poverty, and tiie same authori
ties will hold inquests and sigh over
"the mysterious ways of Providence."
Chicago Inter Ocean.
At the N. W. C. T. U. Convention
two gentlemen were talking together
one evening be'fore the meeting had be
gun. One said: 'Ofo political party
can afford to lose the influence of such
women as compose this Convention "
"Then," said a lady near, "political
parties must have" principles, tho
motherhood of the aire demands it for
her sons." "She will not demand in
vain," replied the other, "there is no
withstanding the power of woman with
God and Truth on her side."
Lord Wolseley recently delivered
a lecture on "Success in Life." He rec
ommended total abstinence on the
ground of expediency. If, he said, two
lads started out together in life, all
things being equal with the exception
of one drinking and the other bemir a
teetotaler, it was long odds on the hit
ter. He added that on his Red River
campaign, one of the hardest he was
ever on, there was no strong liquor, and
there was likewise no sickness and no
need for prison discipline. If drunken
ness could be eliminated crime in the
English army, he contended, would be
practically at an end.
1 I
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