II iM!l..rf..- -r-v.y-v -W-c .JK?PaBi -..-. :"l"fjrf- ..t.-! - - . fe - ,- I I l - w The Red Cloud Chief. A. C. HOSMER, - - Proprietor FRIDAY, FEB. 15, 1884. NORMS VICINITY. A very cold snap has caught us. Tell C. J. that Guide Rock extends to Elm Creek on the west. We learn that Mr E. Hagan and family, and Mr. B. Goble and family leave Iowa this weqk for this vicinity. Webid them" welcome-. It'was recently discovered lhat Su perior citizens were prospecting for coal on Guide Rock territory. Go it boys and And the coal. The.boys in this precinct are play ing havoc with the jack rabbits. The boys on Middle Willow Creek are getting the mitten. Wolves are getting quite numerous in this part. We suggest a wolf hunt before they raise their new crop. A Cowles man is depreciating their real estate. There are a few farms aTOund here that would sell for 6000 dollars, and very few would fall below 1500. J. Bmith is still buying calves. He is one of our first-class farmers. Charley Teal and John Smith are go ing to look up a stock ranch.- OdellMoshang is still picking up bargains in cattle. Daniel Reaves is going to farm the fertile soil of Nebraska in 1884. Loogootee. G. S. Albright, the leading jeweler of Red Cloud, takes this method of in forming his friends and patrons that he is still holding the fort with the best, largest and most complete stock of jewelry ever seen in Red Cloud. Uew watches, clocks, silverware, etc., constantly arriving; musical instru ments of every description. He has two organs that he will sell at cost. Remember that he does engraving on all goods purchased of him free charge. Engraving a specialty. Consult your interests and call on him for bargains. EMINENT SUCCESS. Editors, Doctors, Druggists, and All W Try it Unite in Praise. "I have used fyour Golden Balsam with eminent success. I can fully re commend it."R.' H. Diltzea, M. D. Fort Scott, Kans. "Your Golden Balsam is a splendid cough remedy. It is highly recom mended by all."Reck & Rankin, drug gists, Allerton, Iowa. "It affords me pleasure to say that Marsh's Golden Balsam cured me of a most obstinate cough after I had tried various other medicines without avail. I only used half a bottle."lSims Ely editor Herald, Hutchinson, Kans. "Your Golden Balsam is unquestion ably the best cough cough preparation we liave ever handled." J. L. Jones, M. D.t (of Jones & Calvert, druggists), Jonesburg, Mo. Marsh's Golden. Balsam for the throat and lungs, and Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Tonic are for sale by Henry Cook, druggist, Red Cloud. Large bottles 50 cents and $1. Bcrs's hog cholera and quinsy eure. Warranted. For sale by Hen ry Cook, 23-3m New Advertisements SELLING OUT AT COST! m On and after this date, BAUM Will offer his entire Stock of General HerUise, k EMBRACING Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Gaps, Dolmans, Cloaks, &c, &c Don't forget that they going to be sold at COST. L. BAUM. " flas2?5?ZZZF27&9aav E jdKSs$aK9SaaaK- K? Ik I A. S. Marsh IS ON DECK AGAIN ! Having settled with his creditors. Now is the time to get IMMENS E?Mfil3ftllBd In all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries! BOOTS and SHOES! The stock will be SOLD for LESS MONEY than ever before ! THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. : t". 1 ft. FOR FULL VALUE roa YOUIS MOtfEY, OO TO The Oolden Eagle Clothing House! RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. ALL CLOTHING bought of John Hay, will be sold ' at from 20 to 35 per cent. LOWER than . former marked prices. Just Received a Full Line of Seiz's Boots and Shoes! Which can be BOUGHT AT BOTTOM PRICES. MONEY REFUNDED on all goods bought, and Not Found Satisfactory on Taking Home, State Bank Building. C lA10ELrB W. If GGODALL & CQ.'S WEBSTEP COUNTY Land5flbslraclaRl insurance Agency, REDICLOUD, NEBRASKA. We are now prepared to offer bargains in real estate. There is no better farming and grazing land in the Vet than in Wcbster'and adjoining counties in Nebraska and Kansas. Wo have a iine list of improved and unimproved farms, business lots and village residences which we propose to put upon the market at the lowest living figures. These are few oi our special bargains : No. 1 .860 acres all in one body. Two houses, improved correls and italics fine land, large timber, stream of water. This land is a bargain. 12 miles from Red Cloud. No. 2 1C0 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, plenty of water and timber, good frame house, (600 insurance on same,) for $2000, part on time. No. 14 320 acres, splendid stock and grain farm, any amount of large tim ber, stream of running water, wells, two houses. Will sell 27 head of cattle and some hogs if desired. School house on the place. 10 miles south-west of Red Cloud, at 512.50 per acre. Hits is a rare chance. No. 15160 aores, fine location, under firet rate cultivation, good frame paint ed house ($500 insurance) two wells, hog lots, 2000 young box-elders, 200 peach and apple trees. $1000 down, remaining $600 due "in 16 pears at 6 per cent. The owner is a painter and wishes to dispose of his property very soon. A good home and cheap. No. 26 320 acres, 5 miles from Red Cloud, at $7.50 per acre. A good stock farm and a good investment. No. 7 A fine business lot located on the best part of Main street. Extra width (27 feet). Can be rented Tor $20 per month. This is a good ofler to any one desiring a first class business point. Call and examine theabstract, lot and buildings. Price," only $1000. Oiler for one month only. No. 8 Fine residence and several lots- $1200. No. 10 For rent, a fine, large office, two large rooms, good 'location. Only $9 per month. No. 41 Five lots, house, barn and well, 40 rods faom main street, at the uery low price of $650. A good home. We have the only complete and accurate set of abstract books in this county, and make a specialty of our ABSTRACT WORK. Abstracts of title are furnished free of cost to all purchasers. Abstracts furnished on shortest notice and at very reasonable rates on any land or lofo in the county. Our books arc made on the self-correcting Degette plan. Telephone to the court house. Mr. E. V. Rudrow has taken charge of our real estate department, and we are sure that as a genieal salesman, everyone will say he is hard to beat. He is also agent for the Nebraska Mutual Benevolent Association, tho best life and accident insurance company in America. A home company and home men backing it. Fire insurance in the old Continental, of 2. x., or the reliable commercial company, The Traders' Insurance Company, of Chicago. tSTAll kinds of conveyancing promptly attended to. Notary Public always in the office. By fair dealing, prompt and energetic work, we hope to merit and gain oar share of public favors. Call and see us. Office, next door to McFarland's, on East side Webster street, Red Cloud, Nebraska. W. H. Goodall & Co., Ablractr.H and Real Estate Dealers, R. E, Jbere. Prra't John .Moore V. Pres't E. II. Ambler. Cashier Fsrst National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, - 50,000. Transact a general banking business, bay and 8ell County warrants. Alo County. Pre cinct and School District bonds. Hay and sell Foreign Exchange. DIRECTORS: K. E. Moors, John Afoore. C.W.Mosher. R. C. Uutcait W. N Richardson. 1',' IMI I II II If II I I IIJMJMM I If WpJIuii afor Infants and Children t "What gives our Children rosy cheeks, a What cures their fevers, makes them slep; Cagtoria. f, "When BahreJ frrt, nnd crrbr turns, "What cures their coKe. kills their worms. 4 Caatorta. .' "What quickly cures Constijxuron, , Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : J Castorta. -5 Farewell then to 3rorphino Fyrnps, J Cantor Oil und Paregoric, and S HaHCatort!u i "Castoria la 10 well adapted to Children, that I recommend it as superior to any medi cine known to me." II. A. A&cbxr, M.D.. HI So. Oxford St. Brooklyn, N.T. lENTAUl IHIMENT Am abaolate cmre far Ran matim, Spraims, Pais ia the uac, Haras, Galls, c. Ami tamtameaaa Pais- ralierer. J. N. Bickards, Real Uiii & kruei Agul, EET CLOUD, NEB. a, ' "Will buy and sell lands, and insure town and form property, attend to all kinds of conveyancing. Tornado Insurance en Txrorzih Teres. Office: At Smith Bros. Farm Loaft Agency At t i 1 .. .au: -ir . 4 - t -' "1l VV. -' J"v- -v - -. . i Jv - $' l? f r - i&ft$&?k$ r.r r - v .imo r t r u.txl.. ..TgfCL.. r?r&l Kii.