V J ?&.- jt-zl ti ,. . x--!.' .'K. jsjt.- - .-. - -.'V.-cAr nvjcs 'yy - I PL v :- ;--.'? si- -" ""Lir '" vr sr. - "--i4 ' ', v1S ? The Red a ji "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $150 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1884, N. 27 VOL. XL r5 I Cloud OHIEF i U rT7T- T TTT rTJl 171?' RHU OJLfWUl--' V,Uii: EVERY EKIDAY II Y A. C. HOSMER. RATES OF SUBSCRIATXOX: One cory, one year, - - 81 50. One copy, six month. - $5. One copy, three month?. - 5ft. Enlrreu at tin I'oftr.fflce in Rrd Clond as mat ter of the f econd fla.. COUXTY OFFICFliS. John T. Bayha, County Clerk, dins. Busehow, Comity Treasurer. Geo. (). Yeiser. County Judge. J. Y. Warren. Slicrill". Ohas. W. Springwr. Superintendent of Pubue Instruction. C. P. Kinker, County Surveyor. J. M. Mosena, County Coroner. J. E. Smith. J Jacob L. Miller, County Jno. McCallum. ) Com. Business Directory. Lavi Moomc. FreJdent. Kob.V. SniBKV Cas Ller State Bask of M hi, RED CLOUD, XEB. (.) Special Attention Given to Collec tion. DIKECIOBS: Sling Garbcr. Levi Mooro, R D. Jones. F. K. Uoble. Kobt. V-Shirst. Bin and sell Exchange, lections. Discount .Notes General Banking Business. Interest Allowed ox Deposits. Make col aud do a all Time KKAL EST AT: LOANS! On Farm Property ! In Srtithern Nebraska and Northern Knpas. at Xj and 9 per cent, interest Without Commission;! Al'FLY TO fit REP CLOtTr, N THE i J. A. FOWLER, Propreitor. 63?" First door north of the National Hank. Red Cloud. T I- DEXNEY M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offick smd flceping room over Cooks druj: store. TAliT"c."sCIIENCKi THYSCIAN AND SURGEON, Cowles, Neijraska. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Cowles. 8-51 J- S. EMIGH, DENTIST. Ispermnnently located in Red Cloud' i Neb., over State Bank. 17-3m Dr. H. A. Baird, TVPKl urrrri RESIDENTDENTIST. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. R. DA JI ERE LI,. HI. D. Physician & Surgeon, REd Cloud, Nebraska. OrriCKr OTerTthe new rwtonice. J. S. GILHAM, J TTOKKEY akd counselor at law. Office opposite CUy Drug Store. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA O. C. Cae. Jas. McNeny Case & McNeny, ATTORNEYS Jfe COUNSELORS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of this State and northern Kansas. Collections as well as lit icated basinets carefully and efficiently attend ed to. OrriCK-First door south of National Bank, up stairs. RED CLOUD. NEB. Frank R. Gump, a ATTORNEY AT XAW. RED CLOUD. NEB. Collections rcceire Prompt attention. Orric Over the new portofilco building. G. R. CHANEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. State Bank block. Red Cloud, Neb . IT IT . . .... T 1 V . r t-v. I Kaley Bros. TTORNEYS AT LAW. RED CLOUD, NEB. Agents for the B. & M. R. R. 'Lands EDWIN C. HAWLKY, At Law, - ' NEB. Attorney RED CLOUD. - o - - - V- :C' ir &. r V"U. s, in m B. Ldisg mm Store liU EsGmtom Furniture Of R. L. Tinker, Red Cloud, Opposite Postofflce. My stock of Furniture and Mortuary Goods, the LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE ever brought to the the Republican NEW STOCK AND LOW PRICES ! mmpftev Bit Come and Obtain Prices before you buy elsewhere. We make a Specialty of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc. Gome, come, Two Doors North, DEALERS LY- LUMIJER, LATH, SHINGLFS, RED CLOUD, DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, OI AT TMK LOWEST ltfEW Furniture Store Four Doors North State Bank, RED CLOUD, - Furniture, Fishre Frames, UNDERTAKERS' GOODS R. E. HARESNAPE mn & soi, Dealers In Fresh Meafis, Lard, JPOULTEY, Red Cloud, Neb. Cash paid for bifes & pelts. New Goods! New .A.T the old keliable and Undertaking House ! Valley and my prices can R. U- A. T otli will you come, why don't you come ? GABBER BROS., of the State Bank. fe S2 9 SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AC. NEBRASKA )o(- THE BEST IN THE MARKET AND TEBRSKA.. Brackets aiilrros. ? fishkM !SB the best of B 0PwH I Vki i U H ALWAYS ON HAND. H Prices 9 0 is not fail to please.?;: S533S -aassss . R. A. STMPSON. Notary Public. F. A. SWEEZY. Attorney at Law Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSON & SWEEZ7, BLUE HILL, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A General Banking Bnsiness Transacted. Special Care Riven to -Collections, Farm Lons at Loir Katas. Mrhool Bonds Bought sfcd Hold COKKESrOXDENTS: Koantse Brothers Bankers, New York City Bank. Omaha Nebraska. DRuS8RuCS HENRY COOK. ' Ssur laa. Drugs, Paints, Oils Notions, Wall Paper, Ac. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. C. A. OWEN HOUSE, SIGN, AND Ornamental Painter, Paper Hanger, Calciminer, Grainer, Decorator, Ete Etc RED CLOUD. Orders solicited. Prices reasonable, and work guaranteed. TINKER Mfco.. -rr-T, - ---' CTTTr sMBMlll " m ' i . -. -? TelT --- i.:r?r European Restaurant! sWSHHpHi Opposite State Bank, Red Cloud. Meals served at all hours. R. E, Jfoere. Pres't John Moore V. Prea't JS, a. Ambler. Uaabier First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, - 50,000. Transact a general banking business, bay and ell County warrants. Alo County, Pre einct and School District bonds. Bay and sell Foreign Exchanger.- DIRECTORS: JL . Moore. John Jfoore. C. W. Mosher, R. C. Outcalt W.H Richardson. Geo. O. Yeiser. R. D. Yeiser. Geo. O. Yeiser St, Co., Seal Estate k luiruci Agents RED CLOUD, NEB. No. 121 Farm of 160 acres, three miles from Cowles, 80 acres under cul tivation. All smooth land. No. 129 Farm of 160 acres, four miles from Red Cloud, 80 acres under I cultivation. Good stone house with basement. Stone stable and 200 fruit trees just bearing. No. 136 600 acres school land; 320 acres deeded land, timber and fencing. Will sell stock with farm if desired. No. 137 Farm of 800 acres, seven miles from Red Cloud, 100 acres under cultivation ; frame house, stable, etc. No. 144 Farm of 320 acres, 2 miles from Salem, Kansas. Well improved, all creek bottom land, and an unfail ing stream of water. No. 145 Farm of 160 acres, four miles from Red Cloud. Wood and running water ; fine spring for cheese factory. No. 147 Farm of 240 acres, 6 miles from town ; fine streams of water and plenty of wood. Good improvements. MONEY! MONEY! Money to Ion on improved farms in south ern Ketrtik at the very tost rate of interest. Wre call the attention of all desiring such accommodations, to the farm loan department of our business, in which we are still ottering the best in ducements to the public There is absolutely no coat to our customers. No fees for abstract title: no fees for recording mortgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or drafts upon which the borrower must pay a dis count in order to get the money, but all loans paid in actual cash, over our counters without any deduction what ever. In placing our loans th?re is no te dious delay in submitting applications to eastern parties, as our facilities are such that we can close all good loans on short notice. We are prepared to fill desirable oans at nine percent, straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All payments of interest and principa may be made at our bank, and will be sent othe parties free of charge and interest notes returned to our custom mers. As to our promptness and fair deal ing we refer to those with whom we have placed loans (numbering at pres ent nearly six hundred.) Call at our office, or address us through the mail. 1 tf Simpson & Sweezy. Blue Hill. Nebras NOTICE OF COUNTY JUDGE. TN THE MATTER OF THE AS- A signmentof Alvin S. Marsh, of Red Cloud, Nebraska, to Joseph W. Warren, sheriff of Webster county, Nebsaska, for the benefit of all credi tors of the said A. 8. Marsh. Notice is hereby given that I have appointed and set aside the 8th day of February, 1884, for the meeting of the creditors of said Alvin S. Marsh, to be held at my office at Red Cloud, Nebraska. Said meeting of the creditors to be held for ihe purpose of choosing an as signee to, succeed the sheriff in said trust. All persons interested will take notice hereof and will attend at the office of the county judge in and for Webster county, Nebraska, at ten o'clock a mt of the day named in this notice if they desire. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my iand-and affixed the seal of the said county court "at Red Cloud, Ne- jbraaka, this 25th day of January, 1884. 125-z ueo. u. xeisek, county Judge, The Red Cloud Chief. A. C. HOSMER, Proprietor FRIDAY, FEB. 8. 1884. fcM A 31 BOY. As we are glad to-sec the CmfcF give' so" many interesting items from most- all parts ot the county,- we blow a few breezes. will again Although the weather was1 noC favor" able, quite a number were present at Sabath school. We have a good one: Leap year is all the boom. The boys -can't go any place-with the girls, and some are getting bashful. Mr. George Ball visiled the1 school ar short time on Wednesday. The excitement about 3Iiss Bertie Ball's wound with a crochet needle was not as bad as represented; She is: now on her way rejoicing. Mijs Walker was very agreeably sur prised on Wednesday night. She was' on her way to spelling school and was taken home, where she- found quite a number of young folkB having a party for her benefit. As soon as the moon gets bright and" the ice gets solid again, the people of Red Cloyd are invited to come here on their skates. There is only one more piece of corn to gather in this section, and it will soon be no more. Mr. Baker is having a well boreit and will move to his new home in a few days. Don't forget Sunday school next Sunday. Wind. PLEASANT HILL. Mr. Frank Cockrell & on the sick: list. We want Mr. H. B. to tell us how much of this country Guide Rock covers. There was a danca at Amboy ono nJght hat week JohnRelph furnish- ed the music. Mr. Sam Miller has lita farm fencetJ and is consequently happj. The Rasser Bros., of Amboy, have one and one-half sections of land fenced and divided into farm and pas ture. The boys are well "heeled." By the way, and for the benefit ot Miss Courtright, I will say that John is a bachelor of long standing, and it is our opinion that she will court wrong if she does not try to capture him. The Amboy bride has no objection to riding horseback to the 'squire's if the other fellow will get a horse; but to have the courting to do, and pop the question, and make all the prepar ations, and then have to ride a blind plug or a Texas pony she says she'll' never do it. Don't blame her. Mrs. S. W. Polly is on the war path. She is looking for "Wind," and by her irate appearance if she finds him he will cease to blow. That is our opin ion. Mr. Baker, of Iowa, is building a house on the piece of land purchased of Sam Miller last fall, and will soon move thereon. The board of directors in district No 15 decided that the teacher should not punish by whipping the pupils. Now,. Mr. Board, how is she to manage those fellowswho are too young to expel", and who draw knives on her and carry revolvers strapped on their backs? We'll bet a punched nickel that if we were teacher we would pound the stuf fing out of all of them if thev tried to come those "rackets" on us. F.N. Richardson has the smallest cow and calf iu Webster county. The cow is less than eighteen montlis old, and weighs 400 pounds, and the calf is -not quite as heavy as Jim Miner's baby. The Hon. W. A. McKeighan attend ed the meeting of the farmers' alliance at Kearney last week, and reported a- large attendance and a good time. Have you been gilt edged? If these scribblings do not find their -way to the wast basket we will write some more. Expoundkk. AGENTS WANTED i- For Erery-day Cyclopedia of useful knowledge. Revised and enlarged. Horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry their history, various breeds, diseases- and remedies. How to make the--farm pay; how to prospect for lead,, iron, coal, gold and silver, and mak tests beekeepers' guide; curing and. storing ; cooking ; household economy;. laws of business ; home doctor, and 10 000 other valuable recipes. Illustrat ed with over five hundred original en gravings. 20 books in one. Endorsed by all. Price, $3.50; agent's complete . outfit, 7 cents , outfit and sampl copy, 3Jfi. Write at opcefor agency, bend for circulars and terms. 803T PCBLlSHnfG Co., 210 4 212 Pine Street. 8t. Louis, Mo. A cen. that wakes with croup . t V. S i ouuuiu uic a uwet Ut-fUU 8 .U1T8. 4. . ?. ill Nfc! V ft! I W P.' -l-.' T"-" r-4 m m I I w ' m i ,S - - "MT MB " ' ,"" " S Jf - . n ''IB