The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1884, Image 8

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The Red Cloud Chief
A.C.HOSMER, . . Ptmprtotor
FRIDAY, JAN. 18, 1884.
gJMJMMUM akUdkood's tiny grace
Draw nafroa bactoeas. bookBand aiCl
letter than aU ttewirtl the clasp
Of dm eaull luad upon the heart,
W krte, with ttda that mlalcked death.
In fever flames our darling lay;
while we who watched hertiutterfng breath
Could only. wait, and hope, and pray-
Pale gilding shapes and whispered words
Haunted the bushed and shadowy room,
Till the Ant twitter of the birds
Awoke, and daybreak edged the g loam
On vacant chatrs and silent walls.
Where loncrr watntiMt of An nih
Sfo ,d-how strange, how speotraL
Th saookary of the BOTBinf lhjhtl
Asiaa traooeof fearwo j .
Peril toonewecanm
Fterll and pain to oss b.
juuee trombus? eowarc .the
The dawn rose, pitilessly bright;
The sunshine wore an alien huof
Tboro was not any more delight
In song- oT bird or spark of dew.
How idle seemed the task that claimed
A cold, accustomed service aHUI
Each worldly wish was quelled and shamed!
Alike were tidings good and ill.
Friendship itself small solace Drought;
We came and went like dull macblncat
How foreign to the harassed thought
The most familiar household scenes!
The golden fields and score skies
were relied in sorrowful eclipse,
Till beamed again those darkened eyes.
Till smiled onoe more those childish Upa,
Another night: ail night she slept,
. ou iuu;; j joy j was ever nawn
Bo heavenly sweet as that Wtilch
With drizzling showers tbe trees and town!
The hinsMa frowned, by lowering brows
Of gloomy thickets overhung:
Bat In the dripping ohestnut boughs
A cheerful robin parched and sung.
Dear omen of her blest release
Vrom pals and the Oreat Dread past bjl
Peace fined oar souls, the light of peace
Was over eB the aarfch and skr.
O happiest day of all the year!
Kaon moment had Its Joyous tarn?:
Whatovcr came brought hope and sheen
Alike ware tMI good aid UL
Now never ssove. O heart, be sad,
When cloud and tempest drench the pans.
Bat keep the day with thoughts as g!ai
As robins staging ia the tain.
.. -OL T. lVeworldga, as YcmlX't Oom&mikm.
There sow nmeroixs inetanoeson rec
ord of persons in "durance vile" mak
ing pets of the most wnlikely of animals,
nay, evsn reptiles and flowers. The
shstanees considered noteworthy hare
been generally those of persons of rank.
Id reality, the passion is not more to be
wondered at in the Count Picciolaof
school-book notorietv, who gained oyer
ue gooa-ieeuag or. us keeper to re
spect the pet flower which had sprang
op betweem theetones of the prison
rard, than is a similar feeling exhibited
by the deepest-dyed criminal of the
common jaiL Da fact, it has been no
ticed tfcattho feeling, if anything, la
stronger hi the man of few resources.
The present humanitarian system of
conducting prisons provides the edu
cated prisoner with many means of
killing, if not improving, his time,
which a bygone system ignored. Com
panionship is found in books of the very
iest kind. In the ease of the unedu
cated prisoner, it is very different For
many hours of the dav ha f
hut oft from everything but in
tercourse with his own thoughts,
and tkeee being, as urate, not very
companionable, he casts about for
.something to engage his attention ether
than the four bare walls of his cell.
Suddenly he hears the chirp of some
impudent sparrow, enticed by a few
itray bread-crumbs which the poor
"w " Bpareu irom ms allowance
and pushed through the tmimvrd hit
idow. Here is something which eer-
which, to one given to susDeot. is above
bears him no ill-will: something
suspicion. There is not the slightest
doubt about this visitor. But tha nn.
suspicfousfeelingisnotreciprocaL The
crumbs are all very well so long as they
can be reached from without the bars.
The dark within is an unexplored
.region. But there comes a spell of
sharp frost, may be, whhra whet the
appetite of the feathered visitor, or
there is something in the manner of the
would-be host which reassures him, and
the inauisitive littlo head if cautiously
Kushed inside the bars, in order to f of
, E P trail of crsmbs judiciously
laid by the tempter. No harm follows:
and familiaritv breada hniHnoaa ti.
little fellow is surprised to find himself
auite within, taa and all, and. as
lough astonished at his own audacity,
beats a hasty retreat The next visit
finds him less modest He advances
across the floor; then, with sidelong
glances, makes a backward movement
then a forward one, till he feels quite
Emtive that the statue-like figure in
e corner has no bellicose Intentions.
As a sort of feeler, the figure moves a
foot or a hand. This is too much for
Mr. Sparrow. A flattering retreat
sw we oars, out and away, leaves
the lonely inmate still more lonely.
The thought of the crumbs, how
ever, steels the little feathered breast
and by-and-by he makes another
ssay. At last he loses all fear, and
hops up quit close to the immured one
to imatok some ernmbs sprinkled
622. ST if1 m,8ihk rae bW
From this it is not 'r, a conlidsnce ia
rained, to hop on to the knee and
shoulder. What sort of bird-lorio has
been goiag on in the breast of this little
parrewf la a, week or two h foam
looomeataoall,aBdtoeat his meals
from the hand f a smasi who, very pos
sibly, is sneering imprisonment for
kicking his wife very nearly to death,
r for same kindred crime; but who
would take infinite pains to attach this
little soulless bird to himself, sad resent,
with Wows if necessary, any interfer
ence with his pet
What is the philosophy of the mat
ter t Is it the waking up of dormant
feelings t the softer, better memories of
happier days, when the love of wife sad.
aaJjdrem had not beoome estranged P
Cvery man, even the lowest type of
shut off from the world, rarefy noticed
such an obscure creature in his days of
freedom. There existed, however, some
object or objects upon which he lavished
his love ; and, refused acoess to these,
he turns to the sparrow or the mouse.
To whatever cause the passion may be
attributed, it is true that all are equally
ready to avenge any insult oifcreel,
and he would oe a rash man who,
of malice aforethought would injure a
prison pet We have seen men, per
fectly tractable and well-behaved on
9ther occasions, behave like demons
wnen tne favorite sparrow or mouse
has suffered violence at the hands of a
warder, who, possessing more seal than
liscretion, has not bees able to discover
mytbing in the affair save a breach of
orison rules.
Whether or not the domestic mouse
'i more cognizant of toe baseness of
uumsn nature than bis relative the
field-mouse, we cannot say; but certain
it is that he rarely succumbs to the
blaudUhmoute of the tamer, is less
docile, and more ant to return to hhf
normal state on the first opportunity
A pet domestic mouse is a rarity com
pared with tbe more tractable field
mouse, and the tamer of the former is
looked at in the light of a professional.
His ability is requisitioned to assist th
amateur, and his proHcieucy in the
profession thus becomes a marketable
commodity. A "sixer" or an ,eighter'
prison slang for a six or an eight
ounce loaf occasionally, is payment
rendered for assistance in bringing a
domestic mouse into a state of subjec
A free man, with hundreds of other
matters to engage his attention, could
not spare the time necessary to turn out
such marvels of the taming art as are
to be found among prison pets. At
work in the fields, haymaking or bar
vesting, a mouse is seized, secreted in
the breast-pocket and kept in there by
means of a handkerchief which close
the mouth of the pocket Imagine with
what anxiety the man would go through
wjd cuabuuisry urueai 01 oemg searcnea
on his return from labor, fearful lest
when the handkerchief is removed for
a thorough search, mousie's bright eyes
should peep over the ridge of the
pocket ana thus discover himself to
the searcher, very possibly to bo ruth
lessly cttspatcneu. bnouid some more
than usually amiable warder be the
searcher, he may seeing that a mouse
cannot aid the prisoner in an attempt to
escape willfully pass over him, or, in
his hurra, fail to "feel" the little soft
creature. Mousie's education has
already begun. After having leen
taken out "to work" some two or tBxee i
days he learns to "lie close," not how
ever, before he has received sundry
tappings on the nose, as warnings oi
what to expect in case he shoula feel
disposed to. wander. Then the experi
ment of leaving the little fellow at home
is tried. A nest of picked oakum has
been mode in an out-of-the-way corner
of the cell ; and into this nest he is put
with many injunctions not to stir while
the master is from home.
There is great perturbation of mind
on iue convicts returning xrom laoor,
for many things may have happened
during his absence Everything is
eagerly scanned to see if it is in the
same condition as it was left On being
satisfied that it is, the little quadruped
is taken out for a share of the meagre
meal; that over, he is put through a
course of training taught to run up
the sleeve and come out at the shin
collar; to beg for crumbs, and on the
approach of the slightest danger to nub
into the harbor of refuge, tie breast
pocket Some unlucky day, the prisoner
returns to find his pet gone ; and real
are his secret lamentations over his loss
far more real, possibly, than when in
his days of freedom, ho lost his child
by death. The unsentimental prison
cat seeking what she may devour, nae
smelt out our little friend, and in a mo
ment this companion and solace is a
thing of the past Or seeking "fresh
The Golden Eagle
Successor to JOHN HAY, Bed Cloud.
11 saaP flBI BsBsWiassgdjieSSiBr BJsaf
sssa asm nBBB rfE5g23 000-SSr W slHBaBspssasssssBBs1sry ZpffrSJM S'-TBlr9lrrvR I ssV
Every body canjafford to BUY CLOTHING NOW, at the
present prices, having bought the stock at BANKRUPT
PRICES, and will sell them
35 Per Gent. Less Than Marked Formerly !
$13 and $14
- $8 and $9
OVERCOATS, marked 920, now sold at
OVERCOATS, marked $12, now sold at
OVERCOATS, marked $8, now sold at -
Suits of Coats, Pants, Vests, Furnishing Goods, Caps, etc.
marked down in same manner.
As all goods are marked in plain figures, you can con
vince yourselves by calling. This reduction is made to make
room for the Lar est Stock of Clothin, Furnishing Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., ever seen in Red Cloud.
State Bank Building. C TfTxeXier.
aa pastures new," but not
of forsaking his old home al-
Notice is hereby given that on and
after February 1, 1884. the co-partner
ship heretofore existing between Kaley !
& Edincer, doing business in the town '
-. ' . i
Final Proof Notices.
ppea np ov some otner renreseat-
of the taming fraternitv. In either
, he is lost to his old master, who
. r ... - "k
ansamai. MveswMaewntr orsomeooav.
it My bt selns, base love; but k Is
tv;Jre,- nevsctheless
Who eaa fullv
the sae rr praasuled by
Um wire-kJcWng "Mack Cauatry" pad-
sBar, who leasts us zavonw duu aog
while BispoercUMrea go about uoarel
sarP ostJistsMwisearwhe has
ajetjs Bat spauew waro
woods and
together, mousie shyly wanders oS. and
is inconsolable at his disappearance.
Should he be able to fix the cause of his
loss on anything or anybody; it is easy
to see that he will become that thing or
that body's implacable enemv. A case
in point occurred at a London local
jwwu m auon umo ago, sua was re
ported in the public press. An order
had been issued for the extermination
of prison pets. A warder attempted to
carry out this order in, perhaps, not
the kindest or most iudicfous manner
possible, and received a stab with a
shoemaker's knife for his pains. A
fatal affray at a convict prison, in the
south of England was tbe cause of this
order being given. In a quarrel be
tween two prisoners as to which should
be the possessor of a certain mouse, a
blow was struck which resulted ia thf
death of one of the disputants.
Mice and sparrows are oommosj
prison pets; but what will be said oi
rats as things to be desired? We eaa
imagine the horror of the female por
tion of our readers, who would, doubt
lessly, consider pests a much more ap
propriate name man pets, a prisoner
given to pet-making will tell yoa that
the rat is almost uateachable, the most
that can be taught him being attach
ment to the person. He eannot be
trusted out of sight, bat must be always
carried out to work. He evidently en
joys the warmth afforded by the taaerg
body, and being neither an epicure nor
iwuuiooi ia regsru 10 loagings, sums
this kind of life preferable to days of
grubbing among foundations, fearful ef
terriers, poison and gins, in a house of
his own making ia short; he prafersit
to working lor ms lmng. we tsar that
this rat is too true a pieture of the
habitual criminal in prison. The latter,
supplied with a good roof over his head,
a good and clean bed, fairly good food
in comparative abundance, congenial
companions, plenty ef good Ktaratuna,
and no terriers in the shape of police
men, prefers, or if he doss not prefer,
is too easily contented with, his prison
life. (bomber's Journal.
of Red Cloud, Webster county. Nebras
ka, will be dissolved, M. D. Edinger re
tiring from the firm, A. Kaley contin
uing in the business at the old stand.
All parties knowing themselves to he
indebted to the firm will please call
and settle their accounts before that
time. . Kaly & Edkgek.
Legal (Notice.
Laal Oflee at Bloeaingtoa. Neb. Dee. 13.1883.
Notice is hereby siren that the following
aaaed setUer has file notice of bis intentwn
to sake iaa.1 proof iaeapport of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before the elerk of
District Coart Webster county, at Ked Cload,
Neb., on Satarday. Feb.- 2d. ISM. tik James W.
Bryant Dd No. SM2 for the S W quarter Sec 23
Town IN RIO west.
lie nanes the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of. said land. ris. Noah B. Wagoner. KmDcis
llouchin. Dallas Richardson Samuel P. Martin
all Ked Cloud. Neb.
dec21-jan23 S. W. SWITZER. Register.
Webster county, Nebraska, held in
and for the Eighth Judicial District of
said state of Nebraska,
John W. Schwaner, Plaintiff,
Elizabeth Schwaner, Defendant
Elizabeth Schwaner, the above
named defendant, will take notice that
on the eighth day of January, A. D.
1884, tbe plaintiff herein, John W.
Schwaner, filed his petition in the Dis
trict Court of Webster county, Nebras
ka, against said defendant, Elizabeth
Schwaner, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain an absolute decree
of divorce from said defendant on the
ground of desertion for more than two
years last past. The defendant, Eliza-
notice that she is required to answer
said1 petition on or before Monday,
February eighteenth, A. D. 1884.
John W. Schwaner,
By Case & McNeny, hia.attornevB.
Land OBce'at Bloomington Neb. Nor. 20 J 1883
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support ot bis claim, and
that said proof will be made before tbe Clerk
of the District Court of Webster county Neb.;
at his office in Red Cload on Saturday, Febru
ary 2d. 1884, vis. ,
on h'd entry No. 9m. for the west: half N W
M. See. 34 Tp 1 N of R lO.west. He names tbe fol
lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land. viz.
Nemiah L. V. Smith, Dallas Richardson James
W Bryant Joel 1 Martin all of Ked Cloud Neb.
ds22fcbl S. W. SWITZER. Register.
Parlor Saloon,
2. i,uiMUXin, rrop r,
Red Cloudy Nebraska.
Wine:, Liqnors ud Cigars
Templeton Bros.
Notary Pablie,
.Attorney at law
, -Mrs. AsUy. a slightly ineaae At
lanta lady, was fssjad the other slay
trying to swallow a kitten. She had ft
ahout half way down her throat aadh
was with difficulty that she oooM be in
duced to rive it op. Herfaoewaacev-
Merably scrasohed and her mamA
VwJly lacerated. M T. Am.
Proposals For Bids.
Seald proposals for bids for books,
blanks, and stationery of a necessary
amount to supply ;the several county
omces oi Webster countv. Nehnuka.
r .1 . ... f .
ior me year 1884, will be received at
tne county clerk's office of said coun
ty, at Red Cloud, Neb., to be filed with
said clerk on or before the seventh day
of February, 1884. The county com
missioners reserve the right to reject
any or all bids. By order of board of
county commissioners.
2J-4t J. P. Bayha.
LaaaOgjceatlBIoomingtoa Neb. Dec.2S. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that the following
aaaed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Clerk Dis
trict Coart, Webster county, at Red Cloud. Neb
ob Monday. Keb. 18. 1884. viz: , . ,.
John tiangert on H'd No. 4382. for the north
east quarter tec 24 town 3 N K9 west. He. name
the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis :
Louis Bantert Jieopold Weike Wendelin iltn
Matthias Beaker all oj Thomasyille aeb..
jaaMebli. 8. W. SWITZER. Register.
Blue Hill Bank.
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Special Car gives ta Collections, Farm
Loans at Low Rats. Beheal Beads
Bought aad SoIA
Konntie Brothers Bankers, New Tork City
Bank. Omaha Nebraska.
Acme FnlTerizi&g E&rrow.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to oner themselves as candidates for
teachers of the common school of Web
star county, at my office in Red Cloud
on the third Saturday of each month.
Examinations to commence at 9 a. x.
Do not ask for special examinations.
C. W. Spring Ea
County Superintendent of Public Inst.
Weighs much less than other pul
verizing harrows, sells about one third
less, and withal does the most thor
ough work of any.
The Best Thing Out.
For Sale By
33tf Amboy. Neb.
On Farm Property !
In Southern Nebraska and Northern
Kansas, at 8 and 9 per cent, interest
Without Commission !
Special Bargains
Berlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs,
Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet
land Floss, Germantown Wool
And Woolen Kniting Yarn
Hoods. Mittens, Children's
Coate Ac., &e.
A full line of
Also a large and splendid assortment
amgflsarm gsaavgaa.
Mm. 0t
JSaSSV ssn
MSmdHBaaa xgsjsai
liimi, SaMfcC
Green Fruits,
Vegetables &c.
Also conducts a first class Restau
rant, where warm meals can be had at
all hours.
Always keepa on hand everything
in his line that can be had.
Lemonade always on hand.
HsfFirst door south of ShererVtsl
lOmUnmtfrmm tmt west.)
How Watch torn an Math.
In 1875, thirteen sea coaprised the
eatire workW force egad ia the au.
fcctare of the JmmmBmd GotdWatck Ckte.
HUBber m constantly faoeaaW. Therea
soa of tfua increase k tai: JatheJawea
Boti Odd Watek Caas all the metal in swat
and sabjecttowearkasfia jaUwhile there
mainder, waacfcoaly kod. atrtsagth to the
case, is ef atrongeg. snetal than, gold
giving gold where gold k needed, aad
strong, elastic nwtal where strength aad
hMaty are needed, a comhiaatio. pro
doonga watch case txtfr than aoud gold
aMUOsTaVBALVthecoaL '
Over 300,000 of these csges "&
have bam gold, aad every jeweler in the
ury can testify te their quality aad
1 Uf?8 J yesssi sgL sad eazrtog 1 aaM a
SB1F'1MSwalest swajiaisjimia. lasrc
HnlMVMlmaHlfaa flul lll. nan..
OrnUi as taoara atsr bad
alreaseaor tfcts klsd a Jrwekr
! A MSsat m - w- W.
'"'-mMTsi"rIiarkirrn.i.TunS" ""
WM. J. CcaanrAT. JmtUr.
ViyiiiM Wets C as,
(TtkOMaeaa 1
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