WpST ' -- -.-i v ,: ! i 52 BMmmaWaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaBaaaaaaaSaaaaeaaasaaSaaaeaaaeaaai FrtuesliiOMWi. Ton wouldn't think those bit of Wood there were worth at least $3,000," said the owner of a quaint old more in the Bowery, as he po.ntcd to a heap of round, flat and odd-shaped splinters lying on his work bench. T certainly shouldn't have thought they were worth anything. Are they lined with diamonds and have they been smuggled through the Custom House?" "No, no! That is a Stradivarins vio lin, and ono of the finest in the coun try." But it is all troken to pieces." 'Not at all. The owner kept it in a damp place and the glue got soft. 1 had to take it all to pieces. Why, that fiddle hat probably been taken apart at leant twenty times since it was made, in 1710. That would make it 173 years old. wonlda't it?" And yet it is as nind as it wa on the day it was fin ished. Not a crack anywhere, and where the varnish has been worn off by friction against the clothes of the player, the grata of the wood -looks andtomost. See here, isn't that a picture, that back? Mark how the light flashes in and out of that mottled grain as I grntly move it." "But doesn't it hurt the instrument to take it apart so often?" "Not a bit if the work is done bv a skillful hand. Look at me now." Ho took up another violin and inserted a 'iarp knife botween tho edge of the front and tho sides. In a few seconds the knife had made a complete circuit, and the front was lifted gently off. "It sounded a if I was cutting the wood, but I was only scratching the glue," he com inued. "I have taken oft this front or 'belly,' as it is technically called, and now you can see the inside. There is nothing in it but the exquisite finish of the workmanship. I am going to put a new 'bar' in ; that is this nar row strip glued to tho under side of the belly,' and extended the whole length Just on tbo left of where the bridge stands. The bar gives strength to resist the pressure of the strings, and upon its size and shape depends the quality of tho lower notes. On tho opposite side of the bridge is a little post about an thick as a penholder. This is not glued, but is supported by the pressure of the 'belly' and back. Upon its exact adjustment depends the tone of the higher note. A movement of the thuty-secondth part of an inch will make a material difference, and, as every violin has an individuality of construction, the best place for the put ting of this sound post varies, and can only be found, by long and careful ex periment. Some great violinists will even want the post moved so as to suit the acoustic properties of different con cert halls." "What fe a violin made of ?" "All 'bellies' are made of soft pine, because that wood has the straightest grain and is the most easily set in vibra tion. The backs, necks, and sides are of cycamore or maple. Look at the beauty of the gram of this 'belly.' The lines couldn't be straighter if they had been ruled by machinery. Irregular grain spoils the rhythm of vibration. . bee how the grain gets closer toward the center; that is to allow for the vi bration, which is quickest immediately under the strings. The 'belly' is hi two pieces, so arranged that from each edge me grain gets narrower toward tne center. Artificially grained wood that is. slabs built up of strips glued to getherhas been tried, but did not work well." "In what docs the superiority of an old violin consist ?" "Mainly in tone, though the varnish of the great makers cannot be exactly imitate!. The manufacture of it is a secret, as much so as some of the lost arte. It was not a spirit but an oil var nish, and it shows no signs of perishing or losing brilliancy. Some makers have thought that amber was the principal ingredient, but all attempts to dissolve that substance have been practically un satisfactory. The varnish not only serves to protect the wood, but checks the escape of vibrations and drives them back where they communicate with the air enclosed in the violin. The air es capes through these two slips in the bellv, called holes." "What causes the superiority of lone?" "If I could tell yon that. I shouldn't be repairing fiddles .for a few dollars. I should be making them and selling them for thousands of dollars apiece. Some say it is age alone that makes the beauty, but we Have got very old wood to make modern fiddles of, and yettbey remain inferior. We have mathematic ally gauged the form of the great vio lins, and nave made exact reproductions, yet they haven't the tone. Some per sons assert that the old varnish had pe culiar qualities which affected the sound Other makers claim that their violins will be iust as good as the Stradivarii a hundred and fifty years from now. We can't very well contradict them, but the player who wants an instrument for present use can't very well afford to wait so long. No doubt very good vio lins are made to-day, ana excellent J rices are obtained for them, but they aven't the tone of the old ones. Why, a really fine judge will tell from hear ing a hddle who the maker was, that is, if he was one of the three or four great artists, and as for the look, a violin to a connoisseur is liko a picture; he will re member each peculiar curve, and the pattern of the graia will be forever in his memorv." "How old is the oldest violin you have seen?" "Here is one by Gasper di Salo dated 1571, and he- had then been making them some years. To him is due the credit of perfecting the present violin. Prior to his invention there were only lutes and viols, both comparatively clumsy in form and poor in tone. You will see, if too notice closely, that this iviolin is a little larger and flatter than the model of the best of Stradivarius' jmake, and the holes are larger. The 'tone, therefore, is a little hollower, and not so brilliant. It has what players call a tenor or alto quality, like that of tbe viola. The Amatis, a large family, were the next great makers, though Jlagiai, a pupil of Salo, made" some ex cellent instruments. Antonio Stradi varius, the greatest of all makers, was Dunil of the now famous. Amati. gtradivarius, even in his own day, was considered an artist, and was treated with as'much respect as agreat painter When We HMkh Heat. "I had a curious case two years ago, A wealthy man had been attacked with partial paralysis, and his speech and the greater part of his memory had left him. He wrote out the question, 'Where did I put my money?' The amount wan large, $32,000 in bonds, which ne hac been about to take to a safe deposit building. The heirs were wild. 1 stopped all tho tearing up and cushion pricking business, for the man was not a 'concealer,' though it was supposed by the doctors that he had felt the attack coming on and had put the money in some oat-of-the way place. Just how or in what spot in his library he had fallen could not bo made out. After a day's reflection my partner and I had to conclude that he had been robbed. Two courses were open to us: we could inae sudden arrests without any rca evidence, always a hateful courW for n good detective to take, or we must fin the exact spot where the man fell, an 'line' up from that. The doctors heipt-i: us here: 'You had better examine tht gentleman's body,' they said. Wc die so, and found a long horizontal mart on the hip, aud blue marks on the knet and elbow. He had fallen sidi:wii over an object not over ixtocn inuhe high, and having a narrow, rounds. 'dgo of m-tal, for an iron mark wa found on the clothing. Every piece o furniture in the ho'ue was inspected, but to no purpose. The heirs npparen were in despair. But ray partner an: ( began to be hopeful. Iu dctectivt work, whenever you come upon sonn detail that seems utterly inexplicable, that is the tiling which of all othors must be explained: aud you feel, more over, that in solving the difficulty you will come nearer in some unkuowi. way to your point. Wc took all night to think the matter over. Then rat partner said. 'How a'jout the cellar: That's wiiere the household metal is. They all laughed, 'lie hasn't beci; there in a year, they said. Wcwem down. My 'partner 'glanced quiekl- around, and then gave me a look that 1 can almost feel running through my nerves to this day. He bad discovered some common household article which had not been used since tho family ha been searching the fireplaces. He wan. in fact, looking over a lot of coal hod There is our metallic edge.' he said. He turned tho hods over carefully, nn. from out a mass of waste paper then rolled at last the $32,000 worth o bonds. The paralytic bad fallen over the hod, and the money had dropped into it among his waste papers. Be fore the general search was made, all 'rubbish had been taken to the cellar. Our friends had sought too deeply for what they had supposed to bo concealed money, and had grossly neglected the science of the obvious. Some detec tives do precisely the same thing. My partner and I divided $5,000 between ui that night "Yes, they hide money in queer enough places. I have found it in tbe covers of old family Bibles, behind mirrors, in the bored-out legs of chairs, behind cupboards nailed tightly to the walls, in false ceilings, balusters, pin cushions, in the lining of old hate, in clocks, stoves and bronze images, in vases with the bottoms covered inside with plaster of Paris, in black bottles weighted with mercury and marked poison, in canes, shoes, and vest lin ings, in tomato cans and tea canisters. in cracked walls covered with wall Eaper, in all sorts of bedding and up olstery, and in almost every conceiv able place. "What is the best way to conceal money? I can't say; but 1 will tell you about a man whose method was a good deal talked about at the time among the detectives. He was a bachelor, and well known as a 'concealer. He died of heart disease, in Broome Street, some years ago. Many attempts bad been made to rob him, but without suc cess. Thieves ran off one night with all his clothing, and ripped it to pieces, only to be disappointed. When he died, everything was broken up to find his money. The cellar had been dug out to the extent of three feet, the roof broken apart, and the eaves examined to no purpose. When they were clear ing out the rubbish, just after I arrived, some one knocked down a rickety shelf above the mantlepiece, which was covered with old letters, medicine phials, dusty newspaper scraps, and other worthless rubbish. A quarter of an hour later one of the heirs, a girl of six years, was found seated on the floor in a pile of bank notes, to which she had vainly attempted to call her mother's attention on account of their pretty pictures. "That 'concealer' was the only really deep one I ever knew. The lady paid a high compliment to the gentleman's acuteness when she remarked; 'Why, no one would ever have thought of looking up there for money.' " 'Inter view with a Detective, in N. Y. Sun. Medeixte Prices te Bale. The Breeder's Gazette says: " It is the opinion of many conservative and ob servant men that we are to have mod erate prices for almost all agricultural Sroducts for perhaps two or three years. 1 course no one can predict prices with certainty. Any one of several causes may produce high prices, but tbe prob abilities are that, with average crops in our own and other countries and tbe prevalence of peace, prices for all great staples will be lower than they nave been for two or three years past. In the line of live stock, this country has a full stock of all classes horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Gggd prices have caused increased attention to breeding; there have been no destructive epidem ics among our animals, and, pretty cer tainly, a larger number of females have been bred this year than in any former one. There is no need for discourage ment, but we do not advise any one to heavily involve himself in debt, looking to great profits as a means of paying. m e A remarkably well-executed five dollar gold piece, which actually con tained $4.63 worth of gold, was stopped in the Boston Sub-treasury a few days ago. It is said to havet been so well executed as to place experts at variance and to make k a difficult question to determine whether it was made from a die or by superior casting. Bicycles have, been seat to China and the natives are delighted and astonished. SWEPT. INTO THE STREAM. One Thousand Acres of Land k"Right Smart of Bean." and On the deck of a big Mississippi steamboat stood an aged Southern planter. Indicating by a sweep of his arm the waters the boat was passing over, be said to a passenger from the north : ''When I was twelve years old I killed my first bear on a new planta tion my father was then cutting out of a forest that grew directly over the waters of this bend. That was a mighty good plantation, and there was right smart of bears there, too. But that one thousand acres of land went into the Missisippi years ago." It is putting no strain upon the fig tfre to say that great forests of youth ful hope, womanly beauty and manly strength are swept in the same way every year into the great turbid tor rent of disease and death. Yet it should not be so. That it is so is a dis grace as well as a loss. People are largely too careless or too stupid to de fend their own interests the most precious ol which is health. That gone, all is gone. Disease is simple, but to recklessness or ignorance the the simplest things might as well be complex as a proposition in conic sec tions. As the huge Western rivers, which so often flood the cities along their shores, arise in a few mountain springs, so all our ailments can be traced to impure blood and a small group of disordered organs. The most effective and inclusive remedy for disease is Parker's Tonic. It goes to the sources of pain and weakness. In response to its action, the liver, kidneys, stomach and heart begin their work afresh, and disease is driven out. The tonic is not, howev er an intoxicant, but cures a desire fir strong drink. Have you dyspepsia, rheumatism, or troubles which have refused to yield to other agents ? Here is your help. , A LIFE SAVING PRESENT. Mr,M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan., saved his life by a simple trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for con sumption, which caused him to pro cure a large bottle that completely cured him when doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs, and all throat and lung dis eases it is guaranteed to cure. Trial bottles free at Henry Cook's drug store. Large size, $1. ATTENTION TXACEMS. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common school of Web ster county, at my office in Red Cloud on the third Saturday of each month. Examinations to commence at 9 a. u. Do not ask for special examinations. C. W. Springer County Superintendent of Public Inst , EtcUen'i Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cura Burns.Bniisen, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt rheum Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by 20yl. Henrv Cook. New Advertisements DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on and after February 1, J 884, the co-partnership heretofore existing between Kaley & Edinger, doing business in the town of Red Cloud, Webster county. Nebras ka, will be dissolved, M. D. Edinger re tiring from the firm, A. Kaley contin uing in the business at the old stand. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to the firm will please call and settle their accounts before that time. Kalcy k. Edikokk. 3w PROBATE NOTICE. la the matter of the application oi Governor N. McDaniel to be appoint ed administrator of the estate of George S. McDaniel, notice is hereby given that I have appointed and set aside the fourteenth day of January, 1884, for hearing said application. All per sons interested will take notioe hereof and attend!at the office of the countv judge in and for Webster county, Ne braska, at that time if they so desire.In witness whereor I have beremto set my hand and affixed the seal of said county court, at Red Cloud, December 27, 1883. Jno. R. Wibcox, County Judge G. R. Chaket, attorney. NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing between D. a. spanogle and A. L Funk, doing business in the towns of Red Cloud and Blue Hill, Nebraska, under the firm name and style of Spanogle & Funk, will be dissolved on January 1, 1884, by expiration of time. All debts due said firm will be collected by D. B. Spanogle. Spanogle & Fukk. Dated at Red Cloud, Decembe 26, 1883. 2l-3w Harness Shop, J. L. MILLER. Dealer in HARNESS COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS, WHIPS. COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL And everything usually kept in a first class shop. TwoMoors north of 1st Nat. Bank BED CLOUD, NEB. Trunks AVmlisos, Geo. O. Yeiser, 111! Eiliti & kruu inst, wfi nmiin krr Offite on Webster Street, in Miller & j WBuys and -ells KmI aVtate attends to reat iajt property and collecting rent. 39 tf Has on his books desirable Town and farm property. Farms from 80 to 1000 acres. Below are a few from list. 1000 acres of beautiful land with stream of unfailing water. A very nice farm of 3B0 acres with residence, fine barn, wind mill and tank, 200 acres fenced, wood fruit etc., at a bargain. 160 acres fine land, 3 miles from Red Cloud, cheap part cash balence on long time. Farm of 160 acres, 130 under cultiva tion, good dwelling, wind mill, walnut and forest trees, all smooth land. 80 acres near Red Cloud, all plow land. 140 acres near Red Cloud under a high state of cultivation. Farm of 160 acres, fenced, and crop fenced, good dwelling, unfailing wa ter. 40 acres under cultivation, cattle hor ses, hogs and crop, all offered for a short time at low figures. Farm of 640 acres, 1(H) under cultiva tion with improvements, 8 miles from Red Cloud. Farm of 190 acres, 50 acres under cultivation, sod house and stable, offer ed at $4,50 per acre. Farm of 330 acres, about 80 ceres un der cultivation, good dwelling, granary etc. wood and water. Also, town property, business houses residences, vacant lots suited for busi ness houses and dwellings. Now is the time for profitable invest ments in and around Red Cloud. Correspondences solicited. Attract, - Insurance, AND LAND OFFICE, OF w.:h. coodall, RED CLOUD, Webster Co.. NEBR. ComDlete Abstracts of Title to all lands in Webster county furnished on j snort notice and at reasonable rates. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MONEY! MONEY t Kostytoloaa oa Improve! farms In lomth- era Ntfamka at the vsry test rates of interest. We call the attention of all desiring such accommodations, to the farm loan department ofour business, in which we are still offering the best in ducements to the public There is absolutely no cost to our customers. No fees for abstract title: no fees for recording mortgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or drafts upon which the borrower must pay a dis count in order to get the moiiey, but all loans paid in actual cash, over our counters without any deduction what ever. In placing our loans there is no te dious delay in submitting applications to eastern parties, as our facilities are such that we can close ail good loans on short notice. We are prepared to fill desirable oans at nine percent, straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All payments of interest and principa may be made at our bank, and will be sent othe parties free of charge and interest notes returned to our custom men. As to our promptness and fair deal ing we refer to those with whom we have placed loans (numbering at pres ent nearly six hundred.) Call at our office, or address us through the mail. 21 tf Simpso.v & Swerzy. Blue Hill, Nebras Legal Notice. TN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND x for the Eigth Judicial District, held in and for Webster county, State of Nebraska. Maria Ayers. vs. Nathan A. Ayers. Nathan A. Ayers, defendant in the above entitled action, will take notice that Maria Ayers, plaintiff in the above entitled action, did on the 26th day of November, A.D., 1883, file her peti tion against said defendant in the dis trict court of Webster county, Nebras ka, charging said defendant with wil fully abandoning said plaintiff for more than two years last past; also, charging said defendant with having in tbe month of October, A. D., 1883, and at divers places and divers times since that date, and prior thereto, committed adultery with certain lewd women, to plaintiff unknown. The object and prayer of said petition is that said plaintiff may be divorced from said defendant; and for the cus tody and care of Richard S. Ayers and Frank Ayers, sons, and the issue of said marriage ; also, asking a decree allowing plaintiff alimony and for such oth'er and Airther relief as equity may suggest. The defendant, Nathan A. Ayers, will therefore take notice that he is required to answer said petition on or before the seventh day ot January, A. D., 1884. Maria Ayers. Per Case & McNeny, her attorneys. nov30fec21 .AM. TIME CARD. Tniu arrive ui depart m par followiac tima WEST BOUND TRAINS. Arma. ife 3 Liaaala Kaariaa . . , 7 6S ta No Si KaaaaaCHrfx 7 V aaa Na 1 Mail S 00 pat Ne 21 WjraMia Zxpreaa 9 25 pa Dapart 7 3Saai 6 30 pa IAST BOUND; No. 22Waiora Exprws.. 6 36 ma No 2 Mail ! .15 aa l00an No i1 IlMwur Rtam 7 1(1 naa ? .n Ko 4 Oauaa Exprcai.....-. S OO.pai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTTTraarTlaamT:i '""n i laaaaaaaai for Infants and Children. CaatorUtanoirelladapledtochUdrenthat I Caateria cam Colic. Constfrwtion. l recommend It as superior to any prescription I ""r Stomach. Diarrhcru. Kntctatum. kaewntome." 1L A. Aacnnit, 31. D., I KiI1 Worm8 a"1 I"P. nl promote dl- 111 So. Oxford St, BroeUya,N.T. I Wftto?tiajurioaa medication. EimURXlNiMEffl An absolute core for Rheumatism, Sprains, Paimial tho Back, Burns, Galls, Ac. Am Instantaneous Palm I B relieving and Healing Remedy. WMmAWS m iy DEALERS JJV COAL, LUMBER, ETC. Red Cloud, Nebraska. Maryatt (SCO'S 1 Is the place to buy Jew elry. Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Plated Ware of all description kept in stock. Wait and see our new stock before you buy elsewhere. Repairing a Specialty. MARYATT & Co. NEW Furniture Store Four Doors North State Bank, RED CLOUD, - Furniture, Picture Frames, Brackets d Mirror:. UNDERTAKERS' GOODS. R. E. HARESNAPE. liaaffitwHaaUJ EASTWARD. Daily Kxpraw Trmiaa for Oaaaa. Chic foKaau tfty.St. Leak, aad all points Saat. Tarawa ears via Paoria to Iadiaa mpelU. Stegaat Pallaaa Palace Cars aad Day coaches on all throBsa trains, and Diaias Cars east af Miaaaari River. Throerh Tirfcetsjet the Lowest Rates are on sale at all the important stations, and panasa will be cfceeRed tn destination. Any information as to rate, routes or time tables will be cheerfully furnished npon application to any asent. or to r. S. EUSTIS, General Ticket Agent, Omaha. Xeb. cVi im:i;s, NEBEASKA. WESTWARD. Daily Txvrtft Trains for Denrer. eon nectiair la Union Depot for sll points in Colorado. Utah. Calafnrnta and the entire West. The advent of this line gives the trav eler a New Bonte to the Wt. with cenery aad adTtatajcet unequalled elsewhere. r . - . V, i ..vi - J I' "aTsrTl