-ir rTT wr. ivim waajaggaggacaqwsBgBiw.' ig-iHxa'j-umww V I 'I I V t fc.;.: r - "iV v: iVr; t :w:t -.;, sj- ati. - ',,.' , The Red Cloud Chief. FRIDAY, JAN. 11. 18S4. Ceinty CemlsKfoBer'g Preceediags. Present, Hugh Stevenson, John E. Smith, Jacob L. Miller. County Com. and J. P. Bayba Co. Clerk. Board met Tor the purpose or making the semi-annual settlement with tht county treasurer, Chas. Buschow, and he not being fully prepared, the settle ment was held over until the regulai meeting, January 8, 1884, (2d Tuesday in Jan.) and there being other busines? of importance to attend to, the boan continued their session through the da; as follows: The following claims were presented, audited and allowed, warrants to be drawn on the county general fund for the same: Jones cs Goble, coal for court house $20,67; State Journal Co., special blanks, $1.35; John S. Marsh & , Co. poor account $33,36; Martha Rob- inson poor account $6,00; William W Montgomery, boarding and guarding prisoner $15,13; Jos. VV. Warren, sheriff fees, $15,00; S. R. Wilcox Co. judge re Vjrording bonds of county clerk and "county Coroner $1,50; Kaley & Edinger, poor account $5,00; Hugh Stevenson, rvises Co. Com.. $14,70; J. E. Smith, services county commissioner $22.00; J. L. Miller, services county commiss ioner $18,00; The following claims were audited and allowed and warrants ordered to Le drawn on the county road fund for the same: J. E. Smith, for cash paid for moving pile driver, $6.00; Ereigs man & Co., lumber for bridge in B. D. Ho. 14, $49,06-$58,39. The following claims of J. P. Bayha county clerk were presented and after examination were duly rejected by the board of county commissioners. J. P. Bayba, county clerk, for salary as clerk of county commissioners for 1882, $400; J. P. Bayha, for making tax list for Webster county for 1883. $440; and claim of J. P. Bayha for salary as el'k of the board county commissioners for 1883 laid over to next meeting. The followed road district settle ments were approved; R.A. Turner O. H. No. 12, $8.32 L. H. Rust, O. H. No. 7 10,32; C. E. Putnam, O. H. 12,75; Henry Holycross. O. H. No. 18, 18,00; James Amack, O. H. No. 29, 9.25; Charles Barber, O. H. No. SI, 27.00; John Tomlinson, O. H. No. 30, 27,00 Fred Newhouse, O. H. No. 3, 27,00. ' Ordered that the county treasurer re- fund to A. M. Talbot the amount of $3 66, the amount paid on labor tax for the year 1882 and the same be charged to R. D. No. 1. H. Stevenson, chairman of the board, reported the completion of the bridge on Farmer's creek, which was accepted. S. O. Baker agreed to brace the several bents of the Red Cloud bndge for the sum of $6 00 per bent for cash and the work was ordered done and contract let to him. Report of C. W. Springer, county superintendant public instruction, to the honorable board of county commission ers of Webster county Nebraska. The lollowing is the report of money re ceived and disbursed by me as county superintendent for Webster county for the year ending Dec. 1884. Received for institute fees, 1 00; and for examin ation of teachers 36 00; total 37 00; Nov. 27 1883, paid county treasurer 18 00: Dec. paid same 19 00; total $37. I hereby certify that the above account is just and true according to the best of my knowledge and belief. Chas W. Springer, Co. Sup'L Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this .2d day ot January, 1884. J. P. Bayha, Co. Clerk. The roads petitioned for to be estab lished and vacation by Noah B. Wag oner and others south of the river in this county was granted as petitioned for and road ordered established and vacated as prayed for. The officer's bonds approved were: Geo. O, Yeiser, County Judge; Chas. Buschow, County Treasurer; John P. Bayha, County Clerk; C. W. Springer, County Sup't Pub. Ins1!; Joseph W. Warren. Sheriff; Lafayette Mitchell. Dep't. Sheriff; Clinton P. Rinker, Sur veyor; Jas. M. Mosena, County Coroner; Justices of the peace T. J. Ward, Pleasant Hill; John Blaine, Still water; F. Houchin, Garfield; John Polnicky. Batin; R. R. Pitney, In avale; H. C. Wolf. Gar Held; C. E. Put nam, Elm Creek; E. O. Parker, Guide Rock; S. Van Doren, Guide Rock; F. C. Buschow, Pottsdam; C. Craw, Elm Creek; H. D. Ranney. Oak Creek; Sam uel West, Red Cloud; John May, Har mony. Assessors A. O. Walker, Oak Creek; Wm. Saw yer, Guide Rock; Philip Bock, Jr. Pots dam; E. B. Smith, Red Cloud; John Street, Garfield; David Carpenter, Har mony; R. A. Turner, Line. Constables L. Mitchell, Potsdam; Chas Winfrey, Red Cloud; E. J. Solomon, Harmony; B. Woodhead, Oak Creek; Wm. Kuehn, Line; C. W. Corwin, Guide Rock; C. W. Corwin Guide Rock; G. W. Hager, Pleasant Hill; Wm. Arnold, Elm Creek; Wm. Montgomery, Guide Rock; Doug las Yenson, Harmony. Overseers Highway August If aire. R. D. No. 14; G. H. Sanderson. No 29. Cnas. West, No. 1; H. F. Cooper, No. 8; C. C. Cox, No. 2; W. W.'Ellsworth, No 5; A. T. Reed No 16;M. S. Ballard. No. 3; Fred Blumen thai. No. 26; John Zaha, No. 21; Edwin Palmer No. 4; Cannady Johnson, No. 22: W. E. Thorne, No, S3; H. Hold- redge No. 10; S. H. Shirley. No. 23; Chas. Barber, No SI; Chas. K. Putnam, No. 17. Official bond of John McCallam, Co. Commissioner, filed and approved with and by the coanty judge and with the official bond of the county clerk re corded la the office of coaoty jadga. Permission given to Geo. O. Yefser county judge, to remove his office from court hoase to the rooms occupied by kirn dowp town as real estate office, the coanty not to be at any expense for re moving, aor for the rent of said room for his office. Board taea dtoaraed to meetia rag alar aeesioa oa Jaaaary 8, 1884. Hrjoa Stcvkksok, Chairmen. J. P. Batha, Clerk. A;'; :?- -.. ? - l & 2&M -;ff5as ra-KtS'Taus fjli f-:r .a .j" . i -,' - .w , V- WEST IXA VALE. District 51 lias, built a new school house 18x26 and are now 'holding school there. Mr. Smith of Iown is the teacher. A literary society has been inaugu rated at the new school house. Meets every Friday evening. All are invited to attend. A union Sabbath school has been organized in West Innvale. It meets .it the new school house every Sunday it 2:30. All invited. Some of our farmers have not finish ed corn husking yet. Mrs. Eugene Hunter has returned rom Blue Hill. Mr. Rice has got back from Iowa. He likes Nebraska better than ever. He will move his family here in the fall. P. M. Cochrane, who was elected J. P., has qualified. Niubo. HAPPY RESULTS. Manh'a Golden Blood and Livtr Tonic is a Grand Remedy. "My wife has used Marsh's Golden Blood & Liver Tonic for Dycpepsia and derangement of the Liver with happy results." T. H. Johnston, Austin, Minn. "Marsh's Golden Blood & Liver Tonic has cured my little boy of Scro f nla and general debility it is a grand remdy." Thos. J. Smith, Kansas City Mo. "Your Golden Blood & Liver Tonic and Golden Balsam for the the Throat give excellent satisfaction to my cus tomers. J. T. Dorsey, druggist, Bur lington, la. oMarsh's 'Golden Balsam the famous cough remedy, is for sale by Henry Cook, druggist, Red Cloud. Thousauds of bottles have been given away to prove their extraordinary merit. Large bottles 50 cents and $1 New Advertisements Proposals For Bids. Seald proposals for bids for books, blanks, and stationery of a necessary amount to supply the several county offices of Webster county, Nebraska, for the year 1884, will be received at the county clerk's office of said coun ty, at Red Cloud, Neb., to be filed with said clerk on or before the seventh day of February, 1884. The county com missioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of board of county commissioners. 23-4t J. P. Bayha. Legal Notice. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF A Webster county, Nebraska, held in and for the Eighth Judicial District of said State of Nebraska, John W. Schwaner, Plaintiff, vs. Elizabeth Schwaner, Defendant. Elizabeth Schwaner, the above named defendant, will take notice that on the eighth day of January, A. D. 1884, the plaintiff herein, John W. Schwaner, .filed his petitipn in the Dis trict Court of Webster county, Nebras ka, against 6aid defendant, Elizabeth Schwaner, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an altsolute decree of divorce from said defendant on the ground of desertion for more than two years last past. The defendant, Eliza beth Schwaner, will therefore take notice that she is required to answer said petition on or before Monday, February eighteenth, A. D. 1884. John W. Schwaner, By Case & McNeny, his attorneys. CONDITION OF THE STATE BANK. Of Red Cloud, Neb., AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JANUARY 7thy 1884. RESOURCES. Cash on hand $ 11,718 95 Cash in banks 6,556 72 Bills in transit 989 00 Bill receivable 67,139 60 County warrants 323 05 Real estate 18,400 .22 Furniture and fixtures 1,803 85 Overdrafts 1,997 59 Total, $108,928 98 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 36,600 00 Deposits .... 71,412 02 Undeclared dividends ..... 916 96 Total.......... $108,928 98 Levi P. Moore, President. Root. V. Shirey, Cashier. Attest: Silas Garber, R. D. Jones, F. E. Goble, directors. DRUCS HENRY COOK. Drugs, Painls.Oils NtTns, Wall Papar, Ac. Red Cloud, - Nebraska, - --! f- '1"? iTV W . i. .i? & MBpPHPaBaV ,.V ....." I ), CLOTHING STORE Successor to JOHN HAY, Red Cloud. nBBKBBnlKHnKnm . . . - . 1 . Every body can afford to BUY CLOTHING NOW, at the present prices, having bought the stock at BANKRUPT PRICES, and will sell them 35 Per Cent. Less Than Marked Formerly ! OVERCOATS, marked $20, now sold at - - $13 and $14 OVERCOATS, marked $12, now sold at - - $8 and $9 OVERCOATS, marked $8, now sold at - - - $6 Suits of Coats, Pants, Vests, Furnishing Goods, Caps, etc. marked down in same manner. As all goods are marked in plain figures, you can con vince yourselves by calling. This reduction is made to make room for the Largest Stock of Clothing, Furnishing Gqftds, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., ever seen in Red Cloud. State Bank Building. G. HXTlOXLOVm G. A. OWEN HOUSE, SIGN, AMD Ornamental Painter, Paper Manger, Calciminer, Grainer, Decorator, Etc., Etc. RED CLCUD. Orders solicited. Prices reasonable, and work guaranteed. J. N. Rickards, y Esttli & kruet Agist, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will buy and sell lands, and insure town and farm property, attend to all kinds of conveyancing. Tornado Xnnranc on Favorable Turns, Office: At Smith Bros. Farm Loan Agency. THE CITY Drug Store ! R. R. stierer, Prop. Headquarter: for Paul;, OILS AND DRUGS. Proprietary KUdlcIn a Specialty. SCUOL BIWUTKrOTililWnB A ew and varied assortment of f m sim r in PHVIIUF0 tnev Drnrnnra I llUU SUlU liAJU IIAIUsUjO JUBJ. SUi'iUllliM I Call Md examine oar CHOICE MAJOLICA W.11K. Ne tremble to show foods. .-; ,: -""-1 - . ATjr .--;. ?,.ii3 . . - - v -v--c ..-. - -." va IHWH ..!, il -iHg aaa-aaaaaaaaa y. -. The Golden Final Proof Notices. Land Office at liloomington. Neb. Dee. 15.1883. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. and that said prooi will be made Mfore the clerk of District Court Webster countr. at Red Cloud, Neb., on Saturday. Feb. 2d. 1884. vis: James W. Bryant Hd No. 6012 for the 8 W quarter Seo 22 Town 1 N R 10 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon, and cultivation ot. said land. vis. Noah B, Waroner, Krncis Houchin. Dallas Richardson Samuel P. Martin all Red Cloud. Neb. . dec21-jan25 S. W. SWITZBB. Register. Land Office at Bloomington Neb. Nov. 20 1883 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support oi his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Distrust Court of Webster county Neb.; at his office in Red '..'loud on Saturday. Febru- on h'd entry No. 91."U. for the west: half N W li 8ec. at Tp 1 N of K lO.wcst. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land. vis. Nemiah L. D. Smith, Dallas Richardson James W Bryant Joel T Martin all of Red Cloud Neb. dec22febl a. W. SW1TZER. Register. Land Office at Bloomington Neb. Dec. 28. 1883. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk Dis trict Court. Webster county, at Red Cloud, Neb on Monday. Feb. 18. 1884. vis: John Bangert on H'd Mo. 4382. for the north east quarter sec 24 town 3 N K9 west. He nam the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via : Louis Bangert lieopold Weike Wendelin 11 era Matthias Beaker ail oj Thomasville aeb. JanMebl. 8. W. SWITZKR. Register. Acme Fnlveriang SarroWp CLOD CSVSHZB AND LEVELXB. Weighs much lees than other pul verizing harrows, sells about one third less, and withal does the most thor ough work of any. The Best Thing Out. For Sale By JOHN BOESCH, 3Stf Amboy. Neb. LYON&HEALY SMa Mmtm Sm.,Chfcaf.. WBtMMjnMia teuyKMrMtMr fcTfiinim.iA1in BUD QATAUUUUI T iMMMlk JKUtt, Ckpi. BHtfc u UUUK CIMJMk oT u4 OatM Ml ffcam ftlMt KlAflt- Aail ia,aMiscTunaiairmrBaiui 'm AmUbt hUh aala (JkkaMMk avnapw lfc" .srsmlnf- mmfmi iu-ruwi Ai VT-",'ByflrtW Eagle Parlor Saloon, N. LONGTIN, PropV, Red Cloud, Nebraska. . CHOICE Wines, Lips ud Cigus ALWAYS IN STOCK. FINE BTLIIA3P TABLES FOE LOVEBS H2 GAJCE. R. A. SIMPSON. Notary Pablie, f. A. SWEEZT. Attorney at Law Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSON & SWEEZT, BLUE HILL, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A General Banking Basiaeas Transacted. Special Care given to Collections. Farm Loans at Low Rate. Sokool Bonds Bought sad Soil correspondents: Konnttfe Brothers Bankers. New York City Bank. Omaha Nebraska. REAL. ESTATE LOANS! On Farm Property ! In Southern Nebraska and Northern Kansas, at 8 and 9 per cent, interest Without Commission ! APPLY TO RED CLOUD, NEB. A. OUMMINGS, -DEALER IS Green Fruits, Vegetables &c. RED CLOUD, NEB. Also conducts a first class Restau rant, where warm meals can be had at all hours. Always keps on hand everything in his line thatcau be had. - Lemonade always on hnnd. HsfFirst door south ofShexerV 1 A . Templeton Bros. Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEALERS IK Building Material , AND COAL. Special Bargains F. NEWHOUSE. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA, .Berlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Floss, Germantown Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mittens, Children's Coats tc, &c.,, A full line of HOSIERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large and splendid assortment TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gifts. ' (Omtmumtflvm lot veat) How Watch Cases are Made. It is a fact not generally known that the James Boti Gold Watek Case really con tain more pure gold than many "solid" gold cases The demand for these watch cases has led to the maniuacture of a very poor grade of solid gold watch cases low in quality, and deficient in quantity. These cases are made from 4f to 10 karats, and a 5 or 6 karat case is often sold for 12 or 14 karate. It is sot economy to buy & watch case so poor in quality that.it will soon lose its color, or one so soft that it will lose its shape and fail to shut tight, thus letting in dust and damaging the works, or one so thin that a slight blow will break the crystal, and perhaps the movement. It IS economy to buy a James Bos? Gold Watch Case, in which none of these things ever occur. This watch case is not an experi ment it has been made nearly thirty yaars. Hazlxtow. Pa.. Oct. 34, 1882. X sold two Jasea Bom Gold Watch Cases thirty Teanaso, vhestaeynntcune out, and they ore in good condition yet. One of them Is carried by a carpenter, Mr.Ii. W. Crake, of TfryMnn, and only akowsttewearia one or two places; the other by Xr. Bowman, of Cnaningnam. Pa.; and I can pro. dace on or bosk of taese cawa at any thse. Sn.vziTxa Zxaix,Jitlr. tmi t nf faa U tb WmUh Cm. inttik PMfe. !fcta. Fa for .iha Iltalrml4 raapkkt ittflu W Stmm W lUbplm nth t'a. mr bkJc To i CutUinuuLl t r 9 si i '