The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1883, Image 3

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- s.
Id cloud,
Good-bye, oll stamp-H.' nasty tuck V
"Wat ends nsA-rien.nip so.
When othpraH-o jrnraoly Muck,
Hut now inlBno go.
80 hero n if ooa OF PnoL tears, .,
.Awl licit? b an honest nijrh ' .
Good-bye, ol J friend of manr yes w
iond-byc, old stamp, xood bye . -
"Your Wo has been a x-ariod onr,
u Ith curious phase fraught-- I
fNimctitiu' a chock. omctlmcs a dun.
X oer dnl,y coinlntr brou?ht:
iii'l to a w nUUiK lover's face,
i rfjiru 1 1 a mother' ej e,
Or joy or pain to eory place .,
(ood-lVe, old stamp, koimI byoi
Y,Vravo'f ,oilci' Rn, ttcr men
"ill ouch for whnt I ay:
Allhonjih you hni been lfckd, 'twas who
..-.M-fai. turned t'other way; ,-e
TViin often Inn box joiiKot- - '
t.s you will not deny
2ood bye. old rtamp, good bye J
i li tub) or yean I heard
Jlif Kuini! of voices hushed Jn death.
A iimther'R dyinK word. '
v "ijiMen'B answer, sort and sweet.
A w He 8 rejrretfiil .
-The m.Uer of a baby's feet
vouu-nye, oiu stamp, good-hyo!
What wonder, then, that at this Umo
lien 't hi and Iinuliart.
j nniim impir. to npC.,k In rhyme
il,Vromr.,t",eH ot "' ""art-'2-.':H
wiUl "'"c mem'rJcii .le
m'rlcs dear
,. J ",nl wncn other die -
J ou vu nobly nr-rv.-d your pit
Oood-bye. oiil stamp, srood-t
tllrito4 born .
Rtiimit. Lwirvl.hi .
Kwjmc J. fVW, in CWcooo .Vctrs.
A 3Ililiig,t Kxprrlrnre In the WI1IU1
It had been snowing .steadily all day
0 long, not in a boisl.-roiis, tempestuous
way, but quietly and persistently, ;us if
the feathery Hakes which were rapidly
j.iling themselves ono upon the other
on the frozen ground had come for a
Jong stay. Towards night Uio wind
began to ne, and when the darkness
m tiled tlown a moderate winter's .storm
wa-, raging. We were waiting in thc
Jittle Mation at L for the down
" Train, telegraphed an hour and a half
behind lime, and were endeavoring to
ke-p wann nrouml the small air-t?ght
Btove which hervi-d as the only healFn
medium in the low-studded apartment
L is a Iace of little importance ex
cept as a railioad center, for here two
trunk cross each other, and it is also
I lie point where locomotives were
changed on the different trains. With
t' Accption of the bustle and excite-
htfiil incident to a junction Mation,
there was but little to attract a tourist,
mid the few natural charms the place
IMOM'ssed at this time were hidden be
neath the soft covering of snow. So
the weary waiters were forced by dearth
of amuMsmcnt, as well as the storm, to
while away the lime as best they could
in the dingy depot. Thc different time-
tallies were perused, the flaming adver
tisements .scrutinized, all to no purpose,
for the hands of the monotonous-licking
clock crept around the dial with
thai tardy pace peculiar to railroad
time-pieces when one is waiting for a be
lated train.
The conductor who was to take
vharge of the express came in to wann
his hands by the little stove, and soon
the parly was increased by the e4igi
fctccr, whose machine eoufd be dimly
M-en far down the track ready for its
expected charge.
" Had night, Hob," said the conduct
or. "Heller come in and warm up. She
won't be here for an hour yet."
The engineer made home reply, and
joined the circle around the .stove. He
was a man of slight build, drooping
.shoulders, ami perhaps not up to the
t average height. Kalher effeminate at
first .sijrhl, until one noticed the square
linn chin, the quick, steady eyes and
the lines about the mouth, which
.showed that beneath that calm face and
quiet manner lay the will both to do
and dare. He had been selected es
pecially to run this night expiess onac
vititnt of the danger of the position, for
the down train was fie niciitly late, and
the lost time must be made up before
reaching the end of the road in ordor to
meet connections. Time and again
nothing but the coolness and judgment
of the engineer had brought this train
to its destination in safety, and Hob
leanings as lie was called, had been
ii niarkably fortunate, and had never
met with a. serious accident. The run
ning of the two trains up to L and
back to the city constituted his day's,
work. The position was a responsible
one. the remuneration ;ool, ami
'job..' as the bo
looked uiion with e
bo.s termed it, was
nw 1V Hob's fellow
After some minutes passed in con
versation between the engineer and
conductor, the latter suddenly re
marked: "How was it. Hob, you happened to
express? J he Superintendent
f the Portland & Ojnlensburg helped
xou to it, didn't he, on account of that
affair up in thc mountains? Tell us
a! out it?"
"Yes, yes," spoke up several who
had overheard the conversation. "Let
us hear the story, by all means.1'
"Well, boys," said Hob, as he bit off
n generous chew, and deposited the
quid lovingly in his cheek, " it ain't
much of a yarn, and it'll make vou laugh,
for you'll'think me spooky like. How--soinecr,
it's as tnie as Uospel, and if
Dan was here he'd say m, too.
" 'Twas when I was running 40 on
the P. & O. Koad which hadn't been
agoin' nioro'n a couple of years. You
may perhaps bo acquainted with the
line. She runs through the White
Mountain Notch, and is built right on
the b'de of the hills. How they ever
had the spunk to start such a road beats
jn;. for at first sight it seems ne.xt to
hopeless to get around some of them
short curve, to say nothing of the big
up-grades'. Near Crawford's is that
spiiTer-like Frankenstein trestle, you've
heard o much about wliere the track
spans a chasm eighty feet wide, undone
hundred feet deep. Strong enough. I
Mipposc, but it makes a man feel skittish
to go over it for tho first time. Well,
mv good luck is all owing to that trestle.
"N'e lived in Portland then, Nell and I.
She is my wife, and we was as happy as
could be. The only draw-back was
that every other night I had to take tho
late express up to Fabyan's atid come
back next dav on the accommodation.
Nell used to be afraid to have mo go,
particularly as the road xvas new and
accidents would happen spito of all we
could do. 1 kept telling hy it xvas safe
cnoujrh. and the pay xvas, ftood, so I'd
better stick to my place for twliilo any
vny. though, to tell the tmU, I didn't
like the vroute, 'twas so awfogloomy
like. No big towns to go throurh, only
now ami then a little xillagc, id they
would be as dark and quiet as t grave
yard, when xvc struck 'cm atnMit
Summers it wasn't so bad, but vinters
xvas awful. Well, one night in Jaiuarv,
when it was mytum to stay iu Tort Rnci,
the Superintendent sent for iuo.and
Bob, there's a party of directors as
wants to iret,throu2h the mountains U.
Tii"nt and they're going to start bok j
5 ',.inMr 111 have to send sneciaU
l;u V w.v -;
I haven't an engineer mat JL ca
trust Now, ltsjourn'g''C.Araow,,tuffirri. T to -mTSeif . .HOW-s -roy
hnt if you'll pull tho throttle for
;aWRielIows, Til make it all right with
a 4"tt?-
bat it's eoM-lfe&Tll go, of course;
aaoTantalns., ' sSbd night on the
. --;-, HOD.', gat
VflluH'. -r-, . -
'Mx Know i can :
directors say the
aavhow.' savs
'"So I went lack to our little coitMtel
ell ft 1mb TM .
n SJY-XH..e
ad to lure me - .?--
s tj innrr nrn asH .. : ..
JIko to hare you o Wf d,,a l
3l be'
J tri
irutouLmr -. "? :rr"urv ani
5L-1 " t " v' an'l nmtlJer am!
dcdthoti.ntfur; . . "i
lfJS!l i'T1 wcrhcrfS'
t!S,Uc?rBfUl f ,hal n.,tcin,
..Vf.cely heard what film ld but
bidding her good-bve wa oo, J ?v
way to the' It wa, xJlSl
nght and do, mbtake: scemsTo rnc 1
have ucrcr blow harder'of Sow
i.'t-ter. Once ortwTf. t t.,.i .,.... .
over. Well, Iwwgoon on loaril mv
hiM, ' ". back,nt the Station,
h iched on to two caw which were U
make up the train. As ten o'clock: at
pnachcd the director hm., . -:..'..
tKimtiMiis 1.1.:,. .?.. . lI-
lupous jooKinz men. with hUi.
monev and feeling all their importance.
"hem feller iy ho mvVelf, -feel
their steam pretty well. 1 ,!ont imp
pose they'd look at an engineer.' X
"Dan Smith, my fireman, was on the
watcU for thc coiiduciir'u ;,,. i -...i
when the clock stnick ten we rot the
swing of the lantern and off we started.,
1 ve wen orne nrettv n, ni,t .,
but that one was the worst I ever rol
member. The htorm to-night is hard
enough, but it don't begin to blown it
dnl then. Why, even' now and then
e wouid get a blast that would make
the whole machine tremble, and as the
country round Portland irt prettv level,
we took the fIl force of the wind. As
we got further inland, it wasn't so bad,
and by the tim" we were forty miL-.s
oui, it nail turned lo a tummer's
and was pouring torrents.
And now conies tin
COIlieS the Hinrnl?ir
... ""
oi mo story. e had the njrht of
wax-, anil on
ir dispatcher was to keep
the xvhole
up to rabyan's open for u.
my instructions being to Btop only at
North Conway for water. So I gave
her the throttle, and w bowled aloii"
at a good rate of speed, making, per"
haps thirty or thirty-live mues an
hour. As we went whistling through
Scbngo Lake fll-ition I had a kind of
-uiiii; toon; or me mat there was
something wrong. I didn't notice it at
first, but every now and then it would
come back to me that all was riot its it
should be, yet I couldn't think of any
thing that wasn't right. I allers ex
amine 1113' machine before I start, give
her a good oiliif, look well to the ImlLs
ami parallel rods, try the levers and
such, and so I knew when wo left Port
land ohl ' 4(J ' was in perfect xvorkin'
trim. Yet the feclin' grew on me un
til it was a steady thing. I tried to
shake it off. but 't want no use. I felt
it in my bones that sonicthin' was up.
" Now you gentlemen will laugh at
me for lielrig a fool, and I don't blame
yer, for xve was a-goiif along all right,
everything from the water-gauge to the
cylinders was a workin' in good time,
and 1 knew that it was only my imagin
ation, but, to tell tho truth, I "began to
fell uneasy. 1 had been an engineer
for ten years, and had been through
some pretty tough .scrapes without
blown for grapes, and tho boys all
said as how 1 had 'a good deal of pluck.
Now I began to lose all confidence.
" Hob,' said I to myself, 'this won't
do. You're gettin' nervous, and all for
uothin'! You've no business to be su
perstitious at your time of life. Hracc
"Twan't no use, however. I could
hev' stood up in court and sworn that
there was a kink somewhere. Well,
ni"anwhile we was sliding along, and
pretty soon reached North Conway,
where we was to give the machine a
drink. 'Dan.' says I to my lice
man, 'I here's somethin' out of the
way with thin machine, and 1 don't
know what it is.'
"'What makes you think so?' said
" 'I can't tell,' I replied, 'she works
all right; but I feel it in my bones.'
" ( your thinkin' of your wife,
returned Dan,' with a laugh.
"Hut while we wc:e gettin' in the
water 1 took a lantern and went round
the engine. Looked at every part of
her, rapped the bars, knocked the
wheeN, tried her at ever' point, and
couldn't tim! nothiu'.
"And I tried to think no more about
it, but the feeling wa- there all the
same, and do the best I could 1 wasn't
able to throw it off. "Well, wc had got
a prettv good distance in the mountains,
and xvith that light load Mil' didn't
make uothin' of the up grades.
"Perhaps, gentlemen, 3011 have never
been through thc hflls in winter. It's
some different from summer, I can tell
xcr. The mountains loom up dark and
solemn, and with their snow-covured
sides they seem kinder like big, ghostly
giants that have lieen turned to stone
standing guard oxer the valley. The
silence and desolation sorter awes one,
and it don't seem right to go shrieking
and screaming along their sides in the
dead o' night. This time it xvas worse
than over." Tho storm had let looo all
the evil sphits in tho air. The wind
swept down the vallex with a roar that
could be heard aliow tho ntsh of the
train. It xvliistled and yelled at the
cab windows, and blew the rain and
sleet so hard agin the winder frame I
could scarcely see thc short distance lit
by the head-light Tho great trees
rocked to and fro and seemed to hold
out their arms in earning. It was a
solemn place, for anv one. and I felt it
particularly as 1 had this awful weight
of anxiety on mv mind that had lieeii
agrowin' 'stronger and stronger each
"Well, xvc had passed Bartlett's.
rroin' through there at a pretty good
fog, xvhen like a flash of lightning the
partiu"" words of 1113 xvifc came back to
me: He careful of that Frankenstein
" That set me to thiukin. Could this
bo a presentment of some disaster?
Was there am-thing the matter with tho
" 'Nonsense, savs I, "I'm a natural
born fool. If an3:thing was xvrong the
traiu txvo hours ahead would hare found
it out and signaled nio at Bartlett's. I'll
think of it no more, but tend to busi
ness.' "But in spite of mc, 'be careful of the
Frankcnstine trestle kept comin' into
mv head; even the xvind seemed to
shriek it I pictured to ny-sclf a broken
rail and the yawning gulf on each side.
What a terrible accident it xvould make;
what a frightful chasm in xvhich to
plunge. Then I remembered Nell, and
thc queer look that came over her face
when she gave me that singular cau
tion: 'Be careful of tbe-Fnuikenstine
trestle': We was a ncarin' the bridge,
sure enough. On the up grade 49 was
making ab-ut twenty miles an hour,
and in jes than ten. minutes Jao would
bo over thc bridge, or I caught my
breath, lor at that moment those warn
ing words flashed into my mind once
'If I'm ever to be cured of such
1 What could Nell know about
bfidge? I'll put her across at faH'
I fSmM
tall white birch that stood om a
nf tho -aaoa-Atainwasthe landmark
wtife showed -m that we was acomuv
M wmw v -- . . --
'tTakrhr piece whkhJcoa
toe hWe I puVy ad" c the
"J" opea the valve, whe
ir tinT.1
outali right V ,, m corac tljcdwmlkMi5toUk!'iiilil!e
"She Mcrued a Hi u - ," . . plank until I rexchr.! tl dtiii- Urfi.
5,;gatle. I doa't suppose
1 af1t
U-- .. . T. I . ..- -... . . . ' ' " ' ". -""" "' T"" ,"'"" ' ....
r - mmm
LI ? w '- w, J, W
ctmthmo for- iU-,.1. ... ml
- mnd tln it-.;., . . - --. . .;
tnTw. KUCr fi5iC23!tt.T
---"'ii oa iwaif
then back asrain. Nat, Thr u
out of pl; -tcr. ,& fafa aiMi ,j,e
bridge was ai soundTai when hr. not
up! '
" Idiot! Critt! T. . ainrkfnpfniif
ffoolMinonscnie. This freak will crol
you your job.1
"I could mc the Hgbu of thc co
duclor and -r-ki-mari.'-whg had wltli a
ninnlcr of pxivfngert come out to mc
what wan the nimu-iv How the bay
would !ifg!f I tliaugfit T ..fjouMiev
er.hcat;the lat of h. I wa MpcakhV
baek tdthccMr, Whca I caw-; to the
witch of-ft dftwt aiding that hI bem
laid, on Which to ini gravel cars, II
wam't 'very long track, not morcthafi
a iitindrbd odd feet and endeil wiUiin a
couple of vard of the. precipice. Notlo
in' hometnin' peculiar. I held up rnv
lantntaqd found a large tree Miat had
just blown down and fallen aa'nt the
switch rod, breakin' the fastening and
throwin' tlie rails of the main line lato
the aiding!
"'I tell you, bojr. It m-sde niy-hair
stand on end. In two minutes that
whole train and Uij-nfdirjrCtorM Vitn Ja
pone off that cliff, anil not a one would
have lived to Ml alout itH
"What'. the row. Boh?' ha the
'Bow enough ayi I. 'look at that
switch. I reckon I pulled her up just in
(treat Heavens: exclaimed a fat di
rectorwho vas htinding I)'. 'Where
do.-s that track lead to?'
"'To the other world 'nays I. 'and
we came 'almighty "hear makiu' the
" 'Well, you noYer m-c a more "grate
ful set of men. The3 made up a purse
of five hundred dollarx on thes'iot, nnd
when we got to Fabyan's they tele
graphed the Super as how I was to ntav
with them during the excursion, and I
went to all the :gliLs in Montreal with
'em just as though I had been one of tht
regular party. Not c intent with that,
they gave rue an elegant gold watch and
chain, the President of the road, who
happened to be among 'cm, making a
neat speech. I tell you a peep into the
jaws of death will put ncii and poo
men on the same level, nothing like it
to tako tho bigness out of them.
" 'Well, the Im3s all made a lion ol
me when I got hack to Portland, and
Nell never seemed So glad to see me
That night's work was the making 0
me. for the Super irave mc a ood show
and tinalby I got this job. I never told
the boys wl'3 I stopped the train, for 1
knew thev would laugh at me, and I
don't know as I told 013 wife for a long
time. One da however, .she came to
me and snys:
"Hob.l had a queer dream about vou,
the night of that affair at the Franken
stein. I dreamed 1 was 011 the engine
with 3ou somewhere and we was agoin
at a frightful rate. Wa3 in the distance
I saw what seemed to bo a big gulf.and
3011 thought In gettin' good jica'dtvny
you could jump it 1 kuew, of cour.c,
3ou couldn't, mi when 3011 started to
op-n the throttle 1 said: 'Xul tint one,
the fraer then I. woke up."
"I told her then the whole ft-nn-, and
gentlemen whenevqr.j. hear a .similar
yarn, and I'rc hianfA tininher "bp'em,
1 don't .ttini upliix' noe and sav non
sense! There s more in one's feelings
than most people think, for, leastwise,
minding 1113' feelings saved 1113 neck
that night on tjie Frankenstein trestle.
There comes the express; good-night"
Edward 11. Crobf, in Itoslon
The Wp1
Among tho
Beers ami t'hl
The Boers grow and manufacture a
tobacco of their own which is of Mieh a
detestable odor to civilized man that J
remember during the Zulu war we ued
to tip thc Kaflir or Afrikander drivers
of mail-carts not to smoke except dur
ing the halts at stiges, nnd then always
to leeward. It xvas, no us; to 4 pfler
them our superior article, for the
dreadful Dutchmen scorned it as trash.
Kqunliy odious is the ord'uaty tobacco
of tho Chinese. Tiio Hoer stuff smell.1
rank and green and a'rid: but the Ce
lestial has a hea'3 clinging, eli-ggliijj
odor that sucsts ojiiiim in the com
position. The South African leaf when
ready for consumption looks Hkc
crumbled lia xvith miscellaneous dead
garden-rubbish and the sweepings of a
conservatory added. It is full of twigs
and knots and threads of vcgclnhle mat
tor, and is of a gonpral greenish-gra-c
tint The Chinese, on tho other band,
is curiously soft; it lifu up in silk3 snoin
of exquisitely line hair-like strands and
is of a deep ehIcor'-ctlor, and resem
bles some vegetable filler st-eped in
jaguerv rather than tobacco leaf. The
Hoer tobacco blows out of the pipe it
is so dry and vagrant; but the other
pads down into the pipe close and linn,
and tho bowl has to Ihj filled as lightly
as possible in order to obtain any
draught at all. To smoke a pipo of the
former is to scorch the tongue and to
go about all day with the taste of Tur
key rhubarb in your mouth; to venture
on'tho latter i to enjoy a cool, highly
aromatie pipe, with the subsequent pen
alty of giddiness and sick-headache, as
after a blundering administration of
chloroform. It requires only an ef
fort of the stomach to return to
Hoer tobacco a second time; to re
turn to Chinese a second time ou
must turn Chinaman. In singular con
trast to both these disagreeable herbs is
the tobacco of vhc red Indian, which is
both light and fragrant even when
there is no tobacco in it For the sav
age can not always obtain the precious
leaf; and xerv often when he can, ccon
omy and, it ma3' be, taste leads ldm to
adulterate it with various vegetable sub
stances of pleasant flavor. The mast
usual is tho inner bark of tho red wil
low, xvhich I have helped Navajo In
dians, in the vallc3' of the Bio Virgin,
to prepare in the following xvax: The
young xvithes of the xvillow are cut
into lengths of about two feet; the outer
bark is removed, and tho inner is then
jiceled up in long strips! one end being
left adhering to the xvithes. Tliese are
then stuck into the ground nmnd a
cuarcoai mv, ami kepi mere l ill uie I
strips of bark, hanging down in" a
fringe, shrivel up with the heat and
curl themselves into crisp ringlets
round the upper ends. When thex
seem sufficiently dry they are crumbled
up in tho hand lntopieces of the size of
ordinary bran. To this, if the shrib.
grows in thc vicinity, thc smoked leaves
of a species of sumach is added, wnich
are simple prepared by roasting them
over the cinders and 'then -crumbling
them. If, finally,, ,a leaf of tobacco
bo crushed up -and miagled with the
willow and sumach, a "smoking mixt
ure" of an agreeable aromatic flavor
and fragraaee and of harmless mildaess
is obtained. It is smoked, to correct the
heat, in a long-stemmed pipe, cadiag la
a capacious cylindrical bowl pt day.
which, compared with, the ssuiHk reed
stemmed opium pipe kind 'of instru
ment which the Celestial favors, or the
villainously unclean dhudeceurot the
Boer, is as much uperioj;to both as the
mixture sokediu it m superior to
cither of the others. St. .' 4im
xtttc - - f i
Removing tan: A wash to ifMore
tan is made of sliced cwcniilierw soaked
in mUk, applied aig-tlytetbe hands
and face aftdkft to dry oa. Tke Saute-
mmam b&u ibh aiik. . LaaiAkuja. i a aMfcjiifi'iw ' i i vw lt, LMMkiHHHMMiiiaftMiMiaik-'i. a iJtwu"fr c n
'J WIBIBB IPVH'I 'rTAB'BIIWVH m J ' ' 'lW Wfc. " ' I HTV'fmW WYViHK - : I "M '------ - -
I and
... . " , wv -T , , ;,J!,I-,WLVJ f!li
bvUrr tat wivtor mm fat mff
Salt IhJi are oskkct ad hei
algat KstMngt.
A rood cardrs and suull orahard.
wtW ukr- tare of. par more thaa aay
acre oa the farm. be"d- the laxurr,
,Jjrnt plcMiire aad health it gite t J
the family. Cincinnati 7tmrj.
-('ailed aad tvrK houlder ia horr
anitsodi)W by ihn-maa wofi
nnt'T tW VfMihiptiWsThi
can Ijc aroii'.e.! by plaitiaz th m
and tvUii up 'such a SMUtacswthai
it ran not toimh th colbr. ft nop)
uiiai 1 mc mimmu -w vni
which isotm 4t tkmhemt
. "" '
-X. Y. 7VM-
An able author : "Ilckles are
exerdjiKly unltliy .s artid- of
U. and often cauc acute d j-pi.
Young Utile adilictcd to tbrir ft' -
max' lc a isured that they nuut. cjftainty
part with their faToriuf ir-iatx or bid
farewell to gol digestion. Curiuubfr
pnrvrvetl salt and mtigar art'
next to trnpos-iible of digestion,"
Ah sppet'j'ing entree i mad hyj
ttkfng cold "bofled cabbaw' chop ft
fine; for a UMrdinm-rizcd jHjdiling dUb
full add twiJ welbbfat'ti ggs. a tabTr
upoonful of butFcr, three taleMKiufnI
of cream, with pepparand salt iuildi
tnm. ltutter thc pudiffnz dih,"put t!a
cabbage in and bake uutiJirown. Xhit
rnawW eaten oeld. but it is much xK-t-r
i( er'el hot. It is ern.t"iall3VJCud
with roast pork or mirk chop. X 1.
W. - -
Cream Candy: I'lace a large enp
ful of white sugar, granulateilis the
bet in a porcelain kettle, with three
tablcspoonfub) of water, and lrt it di
o'.e at the back of the stot. then el
it fonvard, aad -let loiI until it w 11
crisp in water. Stir in a teaspjonful
of ne or vanilja, c.t tract, and half a
ti-asjxxinful of cream of tariaf, our it
inU) a buttered pan or platter, and
w ben cool wortc it until it is perferiry
white, cut it in little squarcs'aud set it
awa3 to ry.Exchanijc
lUffsteak'l'ic-led: I3"a.steak in
a pudding dish, with slices, of onion,
a few clows, whole pepper, "salt, mid
ba3' leaf a sprig of thyme, one of mar
joram, and some parslet. add oil and
tarragon urn-gar in equal part, just to
come up to the steak, and let it steep in
this for about twelve hours, 'turning it
occasionally; then either broil it or fry
it in butter, and serve with mahcd po-tatoe-".
It may also bo slighil4ried In
butter, and then stewed with a little
common stock.and served w ith piquante
sauce. lloston l'ost.
IMjrginic ami Steriag Potatoes.
As a nilc, we do not bdicve in allow
ing jtotatoes to remain in the ground
long after the3 are ripe. They are
more liable to rot, while those near the
am face arc exposed to the a'r. become
green and bitfa, and unfit for use. The
dying of the st-ilk indicates that the
tubers are readv for thc harvest, and
the3 shmild be (fug when tho soil is dry:
they are then clean and bright and
icaily either for tho market or to be put
aw.iy under t;over. If dug in raun'
weather, or when the soil is Ver' heavy,
the dirt will -jlhero to them-, they ure
much more liable to rot and not nearly
as marketable. (Jo into tho vegetable
market, and yoti will notice that the
smooth, dry and clcau potatoes will al
ways 1m sefectcd first
ling in fajr weather, potatoes will
soon become dry, and when 4he are so,
tluy can not be galhered "up and "put
into the shade too quickly. Exposure to
the sunlight very soon produces a
chemical change which renders tho
tuber unfit for use. The starch is
changed to grape sugar, the tuber be
comes green, looses its crispnes.s,
and when cooked is neither mealy nor
agreeable to the taste. If dug early, it
may not be best to store them in the
cellar at once, lest they gather moisture
and rot They nun be spread in a cool
shed or barn, and 'covered with straw
until tho weather becomes cool enough
to put them in the cellar with safety.
The shrinkage of potatoes between the
time of digging ami the following
spring amounts to from ten to twcnt3
per cent, and this should be taken
into account in marketing them.
Freshly dug potatoes are. three-fourths
water, but evaporation slowly take
place during the winter and spring, re
ducing the watery jwrtion, and render
ing the tnlirr of greater rclativo value
as food. The old method of storing
potatoes in pits is nearly abandoned,
though it ma3 still be practiced in newly-settled
portions of the country. Wo
n -- - ,jt "nntato
hole" was an institution oii.iiiv
every farm, and it was regarded as a
good method of keeping them through
the xvinter. If well stored. the3' al
wa3s came out nice in thc spring, but
tha't was before the days of the potato
rot, and the S3stcm might not prove as
satisfactory now.
A good potato cellar should le dry.
capable of being marie perfectly dark
and of being tpiickry and thoroughly
ventilated. If the cellar is thoroughly
dry, the tubers might lio stored npon
the tloor. but this is not generally the
case, and it is usually best to construct
bins whoso floor is raised somewhat
above the cellar bottom. Board parti
tions used to separate varicti;
there '& much less danger of rot in this
arrangement, and agreateropportunity
is given to pick them over in case rot
ting should begin. Temperature is one
of the factors in keeping a potato. The
germinating power of a potato is in
jured, If not destroyed, xvhen. exposed
to a temperature below thirty degrees,,
and it commences to grow at a temper
ature above fifty degrees. Then a cel
lar that could be kept within this range,
or better still, from thirtv-two to forty
degrees, ought to furnish sound pota
toes until spring; and that would sprout
freely. A light sprinkling of lime upon
potatoes xvhen stored is a preventive
against potato rot Potato rot is a par
asitic fungus, and the lime, destroys the
germ. Maine Farmer.
'The tie atle-uui That Pays the Seat."
By a careful analysis of the Treasury
reports, it is found that thc ho furnishes
more export material than all thc fat
cattle, all the dairy, prodactss all the
horsesall thc mules, allhtshceni. and
M tteMty?arfd Kultr protract?
put ragcther. While the exported hog
products for the two years of 1879 and
18S0 amounted to the gwat j8mVt
186,087,7-6. aad all the products" of
other domestic animals and thc Jive an-
themselves ame-t?d to'-hrr
l0o,87tS8.. making about 175,000,000
in fVor ofthc. hogs,ain5t all and
cvc0otif;goaetKamaal and prod
ucts irom the same that found an export
market Really, this shows well for
hog raising. Bow important then, Is
the hog stock in. this. Saturn, and of the
treat Northwest hi particular.
The hog mnltiplies fast aad raatnres
m la Mf M-i. i rmBmwi m
(tmiMffu4riH lir'.lH
r -,. . 1 Mrrfurti
quickly. Whe& fc;fecidered hew 'ooao)rEcf wrtsiokaow -fcow
imporuat- faAdc"thor T ia tl1MJi-l " ?'" 'w u -J"
. . .-". I ilm finiP esaai iii-ili tn lrs-x-V tnL
predacthm of wealth, is H not little
straar-Mhat thiT iJ- ablaUc"kiHwr-.
.i -i!r
mm v wqj i, t a J w 1M-- mt l
uuw URr.ja aaiwM-MM if
thfs tX-a: in
sick- We'
L'W-CH-im M
agtct-iiH-l collapgaa
a . ..
laTi Va
frf4 an MHBMAnr Ir,
th JMfW Vmfrm$l Ca &.
rcnifctft mf fme depluif-hfa omh
dkfea ef tM? Jrwkh trUtm 4Ht U
HJwtlae, ! ifW
jciimif t at Ziswmaria arx
l irrrT trr at alt
HL aait for the Usi fwrotl"itotlstx
ha uprc .vJiUJm frw Ga,:r- TVy
Jmjilnr ahaoa. r fmt f
that a 4jnr Mrgraat rr"l mm
ahota htr r from tfc so?cx
of Bth Ptaah, al Jwr ptxsrc4rd
ljot optlayl-Uiyr Jirypcrat
"rt--wam.Wai .- thff--!
he aat f f aUw wetv -
with to drxelop tlwlr tsre.!jttb'
curtot CieriR that nw-rr fsmflws hd ;
brn wat tf fran Uad wa rVl
1T11 r. . 7T --
blc of "tfpfrg. -tn-Ktv to ithirti ' 4 l U ff!w t mill, A
it will 1 ic-n that, tbf aUac Iher cesilr U Una xh HM&tSt ! -harl
Us-a K-d to cxpus frow ih cv-ntral li,i,1 fit brtctJ
J loogrr f o-rthritnlng. lb hol qur
t;oit pi Um" nccr f ibcc coioio
tndid on thrlr reeriring )lleKw or
gamxed 3ltaarr at starting. tnlr.t
h I Hn frtrthcrjj-ng ft fl be t-o
Jste 1 fill! bop that a alt ration br
ing drawn to lh ub;crt thn mailer
may be taken in liarit it wui b 3
T -" . . .. .. TT '.
tnouam-t'ea ,!i ntvrnt. wnk-lxl
tHl fair to einrtMT Tfgvner!Iag in
nunc on the J tt rvHue. v
tnany.Cp-btsaYO EUhrft d lh
,x Vd
of !oth and meaiUcancf, U al!.w-l tc'
bccrwbtl fcr want, of a little timclx
asifnaabc J,ondtn Tttncj.
. . ,
A Ufr-Ukr Kemladrr.
ur.. ;. . :. ...,i...i.. ,...
newspaper of the pcr!ot. of a tlmrwftrtr
!Mnialrtfnujnirl9M.a were more
complfeaicd and more lunlcnv, than
tbtynoware iutirnal-retiue d--
Iou.- I he following are not louchrd
for as official Tito latent ih-n-Ionsof the
Ci.inmi.ftli..r ,. If.-n.i..
... ? .t.c-. t MitftiM1 t, uuiu .a
carter thu follimmg ixrfrit Part-s
ulng paper collars inut iim them from
thu original package; that is, from the
hCX in whch they have l-en purch:wd,
aifd a three-cent revenue Matup must be
attached Hi each one when put on
When thc collar lieeotnrs soded. and is
turned with the clean side out, it mut
rccche another three-cent xtatup and
must nltr be conspicuously MaiuiH'd
wijh thc word "tUnied." Hofs"whcu
emptied ran not le ued a sivond lime,
bnt must l: destroyed in thc room
Where emptied, and the assessor fur
nished with a certificate of the fact. If
thrown out of tho window or carried
out in the coal-.cottIe or wah-tub, mii h
boxes will bo subject to exjiort duty.
Hoothlacks are requested to U'rt their
blacking just as Uiey find it when the
Ikix is opened, adding nothing to it
w hatever. '1 he act of snitting in the
box and smearing the contents with the
III the
brush constitutes the bootblack a
or rectifier, or manufacturer of blacking.
and he must" ordinary manufac
turer's lieene. I'aeh boot blacked, for
which the sum of live cents is .paid by
the wearer, must, receive, at the expense
of the IxMitlilacK, four-arid-three-irHiar-ter-cent
stamp.- .V. Y. Slur. v
A thlarsc Passport.
If you intend to proeivd to the Inte
rior of that country liy river you must
get a "houM--boat" a sort of monster
gondola Juiilt in junk fiishion toii
must engage a. Cook and interpreter,
and you must finally obtain a passport,
without which you may be turned l aek
by any little mandarin's rcpri-Miutatie
xvhi may eJiooc to chnllcugeyou. The
house-loatautl cook were fouiHl for me
1 the energet'e manager of thu Hotel
des Colonics at Shanghai; the passport,
owing to the kindly care of Mr. P. (i.
Hughes, the much-esteemed Kngl'sh
Consul, catne just in time to allow mo
to aail myself of a fair wind and a gxd
strong tide. The passport would have
made a first class heet fir a bed. both
in point of Hcnnd in toughness- of run- j
tenal. What it sa d 1 si all neer know. '
The man xvho incrilMnI it will carry his f
dead secret to the grave for all I could .
iiecipner. .uincc it to ay mat it con
tained upward of -IW) fargo Chine-e
cha-acteis, two alone covering neatly
six sipinre inches, and tha by a Chine-e
gentleman of nn ac juaintanee it was
jminouneed "Welly etn do," Cor.
Inklon Tclrgrajth.
A crank named (iistavus L. Kern,
of San Francisco, has nrrhed m Wasli
ington, having walked acrv the conti
nent carrying a small "Unitj-d States
flag. lie claims that he T-irntitled" to
$Io,000 pension money, having "fit in
to" four wars, namely, the Mexican,
KcbellioB, Texas war, and several Indi
an skirmishes, lie does not state what
coBHcctloB his iar carryi-g scheme has
- th m alaim l'aff& Star.
The coadMuftt ,
.it St Jowph, MV, were time HiAUSK
Jreast to cross the Hue M',to-wi-, ha(
the riders should hoeeatly ply Whip,
spur and vrnce, aad that an auWalatop.
from balkiness or any other came,
should distance the stopper. The xvin
ner occupied ten minutes in going a
mile, and was nearly three rods lw
hind his. closest competitor. St. Iaui
' -
Adranco Step la Iat la try.
Hav.-, Cuba. Tho moot popular dn
tist tt thi city. Dr. I. Frandco Garcia,
rnemiwr of th Hoyal Unlrerilty, itatei
that In all casro of troublom9 naralgia,
arising from tho tooth, hla pmtrom are rec
ammf nded to ae 8u Jacobs Oil, and th
ogt satisfactory cure haro follownl. It
Is a specific for toothache, earache, bodily
paias, aad proof against household acci
tleats. mt
A ooon "proscription: "Fresh air, plain
food, early hours and plenty of eaercii,
ays Mrs. Ramibotfcara,' are worth all tb
-octors rostrums ia the world." Louie
m a m
NocnARoa is mnd- for the rogxettlon
that tho paer car-wheel men onsbt tou
nothiat; but Sooth American newspaper
tn their business. These papers are n
thoroughly familiar with revolutions a to
reqniro no preparation in conrrrtintrinto a
first-class wkeeL J'itUhurgh Ttltyrapfu
A LOOoaOTiTa rrrninds one
man'a boot, becac it makes
y. Tk e Jmdgtr'
of the old
the sparks
"Can yoar wife drire?" one Somervillo
man aslcnl another. Drive what?" "Drive
a horse, of course." "Drive a horse! why,
roan, hc can sot drive a Bait- .Seswr
xille JoKrnol.'
A OCTALsrHoop!fler, la one ofUae mar bemoans Amencan extravagance in
I r. .11.1 Ictat. Km IO tliT9tefl .fM
Wsl.-tW--hnkruptcy save for ta
rrl6r-Br milliner." A survival of the fit-
Ut, as oae may say. lloeht$tcr rorMU'
- .i
Sftss Am, tfce heiress of the patent
Bwdfcine aad pill man, hi worth i2JL,(
aad is so far MtaH'fre. Th Wretch wbe
w-oald steal her auctions wt.of coarse-;
bo a pill-f er-har. iVrf&rf h Teltgmph.
Wassrthe wMew baries ber trst hs
bandshe becomes peasirr, lt after he
T'ts the.svcoa se la asaally xpHT.
outer Gazette.
ta ock- ot te ot
of the arer-ra ib te first
tkai is alt we asrrsir. s
-iJTnS?ra Jfo .' -
tlsaJW Us
pi to fca Iced astray.
-X o.
Mac. Taarausos
har toW-tkat
. JtmWmtmrsk TeUymfA.
i i a
l - !
"P"B w.
Oa mr-
k4QKtaf Mt
tMw mm iMtik
he m Yftf rtrsw, JStsv
- iAXjr kr telWi
ff-a:' t - src V lMr lr k
!. U sr fsW t f fc4
faa -if lnttUtfrm aML Wwi
tj as -pit as m t ! -ia?,
t fe it4)- mi !. 4,
tala Mtsf vtf ) -.f;
TVU MHM Tp lUltosf, f 4
fltr tr . -
tfcrw . t cw-ti i-ti . Nww f
vtv -3vrt, v&wts U c.t fc
tf ! tat Mkt tivyg't t smI Vm i-
tn w - -011. wn s' r tw rsir
-- irf .-.- aa if
1 !! 1 1 3 Ji . VL - W
UfvW -Sr ! .t u t, I
4 xr t- i Tarn. wfrt-at !.
,U-trt of Cliv iWW lUfkv . V
rr frt!Wlt4irit f.sTMt
te Am!tl. 4 S t4 e !! J j"
IS 1ST ir I . f ' !. vl
a-l s-ajufciy rjrw a
twt, r ! rt, vtll
u.ill iiiil jtr, i&t k
.i tim t. irrtr at ll4(fi 4 t ti.W
-UNii rii!t. r i-sf -
J tr4t , JUr --, irUt.rii--r.
rr-aiitUi-a,U ietr
, -f meJr pti awt rv
' -r'-vt '.-'" v' ;... .. .iz
i tt iitat siiit-r. t vfta srr.
tuu t br - otf twir ti t ir-
j Uw'tsl uoirtj. tj-4r
' , ar. nl ti 1 nt ,rtvrt !- lb
. .v. ... ,
n iv3iA hitomii i,v .f 7 ..
WWW )W 4ffi IM
MtfPtiMal mt fch
i'i a
H.yf-t w. la r4ur u , ZZZZZU ZZZiJTvZT
t-rt'f-1 toiiuuit "iji.i,itU(,iWttiIMlMMMMtoT(M(
"VCMmiM wfa I w,, m atr I -M TJTJ w,"X-t: t
! -,1 . wt.-.nut.J- rla., -4 '.. ,n,7rt
f o.' rarixjr. My p-ritt 1 ut-wj. j ,ui,,waHMMikirHl.
r-1 wr ap'1 "Kst dUvdtrr I-4 js.,, imiMi s tv
! -'r,st tb.t.,Kl .-f- u, . .. , j,!,!
,s,r.r tr- nuUiU. 1 tn4 u itv
.t tii wit?, t-ot it wnl4 i . I
tb-Ni:ltt 1 tnirat rrmiM If. tut l l 1
a iimtAtea. an t 1 n&sir .
: U41y tS Ui-I it lmnt li-tsltlt It
( Umi U)lQJoU-, I hr kntj ny
, numl-r t men in tho jwlu uX At i-
1 j.srtnients f 1 swatrr b Ivt lrro
aliti 1 wit, u4 ! t ubt nut tbr
I rti to-tlijr huidr tl imlUrtj Irenbltf
, b, lio inywlf, JU wl n-r fiuw,
orrlljr it aIIsI rm."
l oar yrfil nr, Str. ( urtln.
dfx-, nut In.tli-At luccb p).rli-l 4ll'ir "
ail t- lu-riirrr Lti't t it
iuti.l t tia ami muole tn-tlns nrrl j-
fr-t rlfrn lnrf. In t -ight ltr him.
O, jo; that t ultstlbr Iki-; ot M
p?t, im1 I in tiappv l ir tal tir marc
than a -ar I b mJyHl alnwt Mrtt
h'.sltti. alibvasU I pr rrslt th; I v ,s
ou Iho rovl to crrt-lu dalh bv Hr tri'
dixxitn of thr Vitlnry anl trar!lii al a
Try input parr "
"Mow Ul s ou com to nrsjtcr c tn
plc'rlt" iaav u iut s.i i want i u-u you. ivw
j j b-tera it ipay tof gr-at -rvi lonmiv
! otbrr in liylirp -it
ifo.hi i.iav tHil'lr
bar of it. I 1-Z
in tun ut of a jrowltr
r-mrty nt tba rarut utirltatinu of a
millibar of frioil in MiU rttr. il iVutvl
any otlM-r elAst uf jcojlf ol l tat
grr or a cliiui)j of w4lhfr, nrrr ltv-iv
etisl. Sln"t my rerovrrr I hr rtxsm
tiifiulfil It frvwhrit, ami ticrerth-w a
Cne where It faltril rllhor to cure or bi
ellt. 1 w ul4 not t wltbeiit It umlrr any
coiitltliiratlnn, nml 1 am podil It I a
mmilrrfuily valuxbln nil I at th katue tun
fli'lrely hannle iiiiv. lutst, I rt
that IlnUtimi, Urail of lb Ullltr.! Mt
Slftlieal l'olle d Nrvr Yrk, Indwi It
in tho hliclo'iit irrms."
"So y.u rtpiTirnc llttlii dlfnully In tho ;
exrnitmn uf your dtttici ni", Mr. Curtin,
llJXiillV "
"Vou' wbatflvpr. Our department k
n-rer lit tattler eoiKiition than ot pre-
"And do you nTrr har any fra
r of
om of the desjw-raJot whom jou hao
brfti th niraui of lrini(iiifC t Justlc"?'
.sot In tho Irnst. soi h int-n ilr iml try
to retaiutv, partially mu, thry h
not the cournsr, but oftnnrr lieeaii
ntspt an efllrer vrh dos hi duty
Th Niticmeii, ftremeii, l"tter-earrl,r
and other public emp!o)e in thi country
hnjo a partliiilnrly trylni; life. Wli'ii.
tb.Wefore, n a inpla ond rur rnuisly that
rati r-tor ami titaln the hi-alth of all
such mn la fuunl. It should tw cnii for
preat conrratnlatl'ui, ejeeiatly whn
recommenced by uchni-n a yujriiitrrtnl
?nt Thtrina Curtin, of fiulTalo.
8nMXAMiu'!Mt U l-HrrM to If ati tin
coiiseiout lran.e-nctioii. Somerxillf Jour
nal. Yoexn and mhldlo ii;exl nn nfT-rlns
from nrrvona iti-litlltx-. tirtttiature old up..
loss of memory, ami kindrrd yinptoni, '
loul I f roil Itireo stain It for Part VII of
psniiilil-is iik-i ny World's lilH-niary
ittdicxl Asaoeiatlon, Iluffalo, X. ..
To tik realty fashlonabln the Inly who
owns a puj; dog should wear a pug nose.
Kwirr's HjwKrifio (M. H. S.) has n-Urrl
IB of anolriinalec-iot Dry Trttr,which
had trouhlofl me for twmtyrlTe years, and
had baffle I all sort Of treatm-nt-
Hkv. I. It ISrus-itA-, Macon, 0a.
rjatisV-sTPaT which should run full tlnv-
nitl.ce Ettn Satmrd'iy.
InroEi.t. Coc.vtt, C T1m Ks-fljeti..,
Mr. V. Woon, ny. " Hrown'a Iron
Hitters has improved tny dlRestion and
general health."
Fasiuo- hints to ladies To make your
Ununerlonaet pais tUiouaU Ikm tall Ws
it out of U 19 third story window. Jlotton
ro$U m .
ICAsaArTtT recommead Klys Creaai
Balm for tho euro of Catarrh, told in tn
flead, etc IVifore I bare userl tho first
bottlo I purchael I find myIf cured. At
tlmos I eonM scarcely snll anytbinx; and
bnd a headarha most of tbi time. Ht.-RT
I.1LLT, AR-nt for the American Express
Co., Orand Harea. Mich.
The hotel cook should
range. AT. Y. lleagnac.
bo gisso a wlda
ArrralonR Mercury and Potash treat'
merit, I found myself a rrinpl from Mer
curial Ithenmathm. Tried Hot 8prlncs
two years without relief, aad was flnally
cured souml and well by tb use of Swift's
Bpecific (5. 8. S.) CriA Beho,
Hot Kpri-jri, Ark.
Beaatifitl Women
ars) m-io pallid and unaUractir by faar
tional irrexularitles, disorders aad weak
nesses that are prfy cured by follow
inp the m-rRtkns ciren in as illotrtM
treatise (with colored pta) seat for ttre
letter postal stamp. Address World's
Disrass akt Mkdica- A'no'JJaalo,.Y.
Wars a poet prepares a loss-wadl
poem, does he measure it by a ra metart
That would be a jood way t Ret ia tba
words tbat bara.' The Jodie
Air esricaer of the blood and twsriter of
the system; caret aad lack of
ergy; sack is Browa's Irea BiUrs.
A eox pen A coin raalt B&tten
atic bers a pair of Lttw's I-Jeaf Reel atMNe-
rs aad .c a loot or aboe last twice M Wa. I
;'S A Greasa bstst
s5- CO gm M-ha- lilas-a ssssWT aNW fwyaayjllajf .
nomSmm!' ' " "" " ' ' ' ",'""-"sn -fe''i--f ; Tf
ma LB L Nrewaawawiasip.aaeaimijaweJWi fl a makarMSMaa' flasMisW'em - "jKt
S?irL Tmeert jSB5--3SE-. ,-jJF .
jgaTttaaBVt LiNlHENTS SSSSSmmmmmmlP
amsass-as ssPb w BT-BsaSap-BBaBB- aT BamBt W a s,-ir LaB.V -
sBTBWafVn TS0s VsVjbf " Jf - "f $. AamaW J"sB,v -- - "'a'rT - -a- "h -, -
. aaTam . T "" Wfe .Bt,.. aa MMs sHMf swMPatHBaBBssH !--x "
c TI l BillP,Pi"lil4rrlN,fc ' 7-K 'X
- - J" sr ;:-- i--: .--, U
L sss sK
B f
if wrrrB-fc q wwWi
Pk( lrtB
v wBrTF n wmura
fs a d. Jfhafc
r TPBJrTW wTy,S'r i
-? U &&tmm
Krt. W. V-, IT. , 9mM mm
SM-T b HrwV tm HMmi t !
ti bJa .
-C--SiCaiTI llBil
Cr4, .- Mrz44 t)'i0Tl
Ms4 ?, S ?$
5t Vi H
ri v
XXX. rwMpaw-! HV AiU tfM.
a wine nc'wur.
W mtf nm .(? wrtt ? Sf j
tMeV4ttT Hr-raJt V"4 " j
. m. - - - - l -S ktfttoi4 V eii
-- - " - - - -'
j vj mm-- '
xttff w-i & Vrl i, t frm
IWWW np b AJC Ml mwt g , B.
j,rtiit, iaew v- aw.vx 11 i '
JwwwtM V !- r-4
ot i - . kv f -
I f t m. ,, wt fa- ra-
s rw wmwj t 1 m
- WIV-M &1f
ktHk i
4ijiTtrtia tifcmtx
.. i,ic tiM .? -.!-r s
' --
rf4 t rj e.
H.afc 4m
ut, 1 4 -
.,,, ..l. .w.-
f sro 4 fc V4 n ij
1 IrfU kr Wt. I lmi Mffe iu li
it-xmi VI t i4 t w, -! f
t.ttx mif l tMV tp lvvU b ! bMl fsii
t k - tit t n a- t w t
KMT, . AaiiDM )nll M I
a - vt.J I wt tv st
S-Hitli's Tonic
foii tni cum of
T prfJtrtf tlt (:rat44(I
jattiyejaiai fertt a . trUjrT all
c4l tttr tUtiM ta U jVU fet lt tr,
CRTAIK, irE-flT aad TUX. KVtXt t
tf Ac-aaai Fr, ClUa4 rt ,
rr cf than r Itag ttaaic., Ktitar l- t
ka aacar fry a(ltttU,
fct rrttratla af t (t atral aaalta. It U,
hawTr prBt,aB4 Is try rat mm er
tala ta ctua, If ila & U sUaa4 la
am fsr a wr ar two after ta 4 hta
ba eher4, nera nrul!y ia dllatt aa4
losr-itaaaia rr. UJjy tfclt u4ltf
will nst rxiBir any tJ toktfiasMrtUla
frod erdar. SaonU t tlt,Bwttr,r.
Hulrt atatkaxtle Hlrlc aftarhaTlar takra
tar er foar t of tta Tnl. a ilsfla aa
wilt bo B.-deot.
no iriik diii re
ar uiiiia aiBi i
I j
! I ti i lUNIU 5YKUP,
Th Popular RamMllaa of lh 0r.
rrlalMl . ! sl tOllXTILU, Kf.
0CC ! ''t lltal.Es tnr .
PtlwO r( ku flTK
ltkv. to at s ? MMsti's i t,
TKi ltFL
Uui.Mii.fati Xi.) U !.' It. ,.l ,
Ki.lMll,3 J! l. f Of M-xtM
Ultl.imt M-lll lUKtlKr.l IH.
dor as
TV" wrt 4mJ yrMrr , 14.
refttiifk .!t . ... f ri l
Mliai IJlHJftll 1CM!J.
It causes jjnrxo, pains by tbty arl frightful ares rf nht
It destroy- thc pleasure of a y,ood ilmncr.
It soura thc rlispontjon and nukes its Mctiw Croat and pctiikmL
It makes thc breath bd, the eyta ketica, aiwi thc tkux t-Ktvw,
It makes thc appetite capHckajs wA yattmnnwlV.
Jt causes coniUnt ojvmbSn mm cttrnpUtM.
It lmigoratca the ifiFWl-i, r JU?? j,!
It promotes the cnjovmeMt 4" a Hearty MHrnt it, to iM
It enriches thc blootj, itomovcs
It nurihM the breath. ckr the rvMSL aMRM MMt ftt
It brings a regular ami hciithr
Your Drlcci5T sclb IIeow.n'
to m Mttte ta r-. JIIRSMIS-s AaitfSK
. llarStx. t. - CcA. Iria.
Ia fte'h AnM iih (
CltiimllTtMSfitiMTeatltliCaKs'ifnsjN. c1.--i;ir.
the rouvwtso
"""" CfCH
FRTSE, raEE-rs-
a. S igft
.. ..- ruvMirvMl., (orvttrtMii. ta ls rf tWJwietM
lS IAS. I ii IS.
TWO rKKMIf JMI r-auai mrrmt.
.- .. .,.,. CffUSyslr.
rarior Orr. Watcfce. Xot-:cs.
Ifo-ssrboVl ArtXlM. exs.
- . .. . -! Sa -
A, Mm fc vtSnlxl ts-s S v
)t jmtt urn a artilVa. Tmt ft tstot -stwa
jt r !-
a-wats ccRASt nr caews I
r r.a -a-s - r - --w-- tfc5VTVTlMltiee.;w,
:a . -ws-sa a i---ifcn. sai i w - . -
trnuinm crA-BUML "ti-i w -ti-i'4-CAMtr -
!:! srSSt !yll- .-
UHUHL at-- r--V-ii- tw -rsi !;. ,i-gc:a---
Wc' -"sH--PkWI
k fti
1 - HMt--tiwl
BbfIB i
t aRHl,i
I 4M
BKV lmmI
f V ' i
I l rt'i
iF 0M B
i a - - 1 "e
Sawinf Nhtcto
n , a
la mr .
9&it W ''
!. "" - . "
- M
juw u,i M-1-
-. wtift
fKX-imtt H Ht.
VH,ihhMU'S I
Ve .fil
nt 3 ) f&m
s- !(. rt;jn
.ijKwta -;
m ihw asHf
M. A 1&X
Jllwfwwuv ?!? i-m6 1 J"H
frfts Jt "V
" " LutotiC.
.'A s w mM a t-a vv-n5q 9 a u w
C W-T vti ifM Wi.;-4 r-
i. i. J. a .i Z JM
t .m-4'w -r W--m S5.'sifcsja
Nitl UOtWiw W!rt-
CM OllllO.MwlW.
a a a t xt.f jrv.
18Ku ft'f ttiHl
T ITHV rri
F riTorr
pw -
I t Milrl a4 M-at t
rxi ii i f-Fvift . y ,
y 4b
WWII l" I.-W13,
- t.
j i &
uriUTrn AotwTst-V5-
nHHILII twtft, M , tn.HL. S rf W
.. ff( i tu4 t t ij V .
Jtrui i m tt
V Ti;K la ttrt-a If, Iv-vtt
V. rwwwMijaAWU'Vn ,
rbsfci r io fvM
ttL.ii wasaaa-
AKt u(i
Ai4r4 4X
PW fftvrv J
v -rT. -
-u .if m
-r,' tif xfc- i
fc . E.W 4 r ..I iw. We ,faMlM 4cmsl
U.a, iLnti7 i
'V"Ttr " A H
" t,f3u-.u' Jl k
' ?f7 iatm X
-1 t ;, hi - .,. -.,$ r
o Ml r .
f flA
k. !
? a wy.K
l)Urt V-wtt ! "i- p
j ByVJV1 ( r DAb "S.
.V1 . - mv, - .
VOfSHbAiM.lt4 A
A AAA - To-- T -
on r-p f cnta 1mtttm
( PKMt tal.n : ! r l,i
tt tsHtt.1
VHt-Mtim IM!
K rt HAmiM ,
fteAt- t1 """" f "
M. I U. tl4 .
IWe. l,432A49
the liver, )(mmmmmivk.
t! cwrc hfWmmWffmMir Hhha.
Uoi DtrrtR. " t
cmrr, aatM u . morti
Mseit . Mm amtmtftm. s
Ons.MIS A!HIOSlt uaiaHL
tw- - 4 ft! V " m.
m"t ! mTSi l
K ftrff Ss w . I
Wew s H I
iMU ImH 4 iwix. fr I
t.I.sJJStK'ST V.s rv-r lsl
Mtom w . asi w e-i
a (w ,
i r b. BT l Wl"Si
a ? r 1'K.W
HEW I W,a,"v "" 4
(UK t.ij ( tn
- twl w n.ffSI
tv. rj S4f.,. TW -.7v tM, rf
t-it iJ- . -
mm4 et J asS
T1r Mk 1
TV sniiii -S IMM
rv t imsiiitM.
e-u4 sTf sf i"ie'a
frtita W .. .
..Situ. WHWI tn ttlmmt
m M HteV f Vi . b 4
---- trt.t m.l ITi tmrSK ftt IT M
mc StTS'l'IS R S
asi mfi t twoi8ii ufaief T
wmmmmmm- al aUi
- J - - L ISaa t Miu
J lrmWG9 MM PBWMW fH(si 40st OTa I 'P
1-.W. j.--r,sa'.tiwa ftimn!,lL
snar'i"- V
KGF 7l
mc, out as him a m. at
UtimWmmimmmM ML '
ltVr .
B "
C--.V, ,.T
f??i3i- v
.vr&- ,-v -,.!
i . ,,JMLV' fc -
.. '- 1i'wi sr? .
t&sZ&r -'v.
ft-fV ,
t i- 7-
, '
15s. -4s-t
K.t r.r0
, - V
r't; w.
. Is
SS v
!? I
fT- ' '
v . -- 3".
TSv'-, s ?'
i-r.v ?.
r-jST j 7mm - J
V , f
w -- -T .- v.SBSMa V 1'- Bv -- J- -BB
- ptTJ1 um ,mm S
trA"' "X. -. ,r.V-'t.. , fj-. ' -JmrnmrnrnW ifc'Ss BI
P-f - - -ll7ir ar-f MfaLI