The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 23, 1883, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Hasty JadgmeaU
Nothing w more unjust than to judge
I of a by KUort acquaintance,
hiiiI too Might inspection ; for it oft-u
Ijbj.jh'Iih that in the loose and thought
less and dissipated there u a secret r.ul
ical worth, which may shoot out by
projnir cultivation. To imagine that
0 ewry oiio who in not completely good in
irrevocably abardoned, is to sup o. o
Unit ull are capable of the aamo degree
s of cii'4-llKtice. It is, indeed, to exact
toenail that jerfection which one run
ever at t tin. And, since the purest vir
tue is consistent with some vice, and the
V virtue of tin? greatest number with nl
'inest an equal proportion of contrary
' qualities, let none too hastily conclude
that all goodness irt lost, though it iimv
for a tune he clouded and overwhelmed ;
, for most minds are tin; b1:ivch of x' r. a
c .riimstauces and conform to nnv hand
t nt under akes to mold them, roll down
unv torrent of custom in which the
lmppen to ho caught, or laind to any
i ,iortuuity that bears hard against
them. Samuel Juhnwn.
A few hoarders by lh week at rea
fonahlc rates; good accommodations,
at the farmer's eating house.
E. A, Young.
Incklen's Arnica Salve.
. The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Hiirn.Briiie. Cuts, Ulcers, Saltrliemn
1 Fever Sores, Cancers, Tiles, Chilblains.
Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hand's, and all
f-kui eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance or money refunded.
'2i cents-per box. For sale by
jHOyl. Henry Cook.
Money to loan on improved farms in south
ern Nebraska at the very hist
rates of interest
We call the attention of all desiring
pueh accommodations, to the farm
Joan department of our business, in
hich we are still ottering the best in
idueements to the public.
There is absolutely no eost to our
jeustomers. No fees for abstract title:
no fees for recording mortgages: no
jfecs for taking acknowledgments, no
jloans paid in checks or drafts upon
which the borrower must, pay a dis
count in order to get the money, but
jail loans paid in actual cash, over our
counters without any deduction what
aver. In placing our loans there is no te
dious delay in submitting applications
ito eastern parties, as our facilities are
(such that we can close all good loans
ion short notice.
We are prepared to fill desirable
oans at nine percent, straight, with no
charge of any nature whatever. All
payments of interest and principa
may be made at our bank, and will bo
pent o the parties free of charge and
interest notes returned to our custom
As to our promptness and fair deal
ng wc refer to those with whom we
lave placed loans (numbering at pres
nt nearly six hundred.) Call at our
iffice, or address us through the mail.
l tf Simpson fc Sweezy.
Blue Hill, Nebrask
We are agents for the Estey, the
Kansas and the Story and Camp or
gans, and can fit you out in any class
instrument you want as low as the
lowest in price and the best in qual
ity. S. & F. 4m3
Well 2ewarli
A liberal reward will le paid to any
party who will produce h case of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that
Electric Bitters will not speedily cure.
Tiring them along, it will cost yon
nothing for the medicine if it fails to
cure, and you will be well rewarded
for your trouble besides. All Blood
diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice Con
stipation, and debility aro quickly
cured. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. Trice only fiftv
cents per bottle. For sale by ll
tferer Give Up.
If you are suffering with low and
depressed spirits, loss of appetite, gen
eral debility, disordered blood, weak
constitution, headache, or any disease
of a billions nature, by all means pro
cure a bottle af Electric Bitters. You
will be surprised to see the rapid im
provement that will follow; you will
be inspired with new life; strength
and activity will return; pain and mis
ery will cease, and henseforth you
will rejoice in the praise of Electric
Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
II, ook.
Geo. O. Yeiser,
Bill Sstile Minnies Unit,
Office on Webster Street, in Miller it
Ball's seed store.
"Huyi and ells Ural foute. attends to rent
inr property und collecting rent. .tiUf
Has on bis books desirable Town
and farm properly.
Farms from 80 to loOO acres.
Below are a few from list.
1U0O acres of beautiful land with
stream of unfailing water.
A very nice farm of 360 acres with
residence, fine barn, wind mill ami
tank, 200 acres fenced, wood fruit etc..
at a bargain.
160 acres line land, 3 miles from Bed
Cloud, cheap part cash balence on long
Farm of 1C0 acres. 130 under cultiva
tion, good dwelling, wind mill, walnut
and forest trees, all smooth land.
80 acres near Bed Cloud, all plow
land. 140 acres near Bed Cloud under a
high state of cultivation.
J arm of 100 acres, fenced, and crop
fenced, good dwelling, unfailing wa
ter. -
40 acres under cultivation, cattle hor
ses, hogs ami crop, all ottered for a
short time at low figures.
Farm of 640 acres, 100 under cultiva
tion with improvements, S miles from
Red Cloud.
Farm of 190 acres, 50 acres under
cultivation, sod house and stable, offer
ed at $4,50 per acre.
Farm of 330 acres, about 80 ceres un
der cultivation, good dwelling, granary
etc. wood and water.
Also, town property, business houses
residences, vacant lots suited for busi
ness houses and dwellings.
Now is the time for profitable invest
menu in and around Red Cloud.
Correspondences solicited.
"It will soon be twenty year since
the war closed."
Under the hot sun of August, 1882
the village, N. J., lay still as the sphinx
in Egypt, while Elijah Sharp, of that
place, slowly and softly spoke of the
past. "Yes," he said, "I was in the
army and saw many of the sights of
those fearful years I was finally dis
charge from disability, resulting from
sunstroke. I came home, miserable in
health and spirits; so enfeebled that I
took co d on the slightest exposure.
Life seemed worthless to me: I lived
only in memory."
"That was siul enough," I said, divid
ing my last two cigars."
"That's so," responded Mr. Sharp,
"but I got over it. Outgrew it? Not
exactly. When in that condition J
hegan'taking Parker's Tonic, and my
health beuan to improve riirlit away
I was astonished at it, and so was mv
wife. I piled on the llesh and could
anything. My ambition blazed U. 1
could attend to btisipe-s, and now - ex
cepting that I have to take care about
oxposinz myself to the hot sun I am
as well a I was the day I enlisted.
What differences there are in tiling
guns and bayonets kill; Parker's Tonic
sav. s."
Tin preparation, which has been
known a Parker's (Jinnur Tonic, will
hereafter be called simply Parker'
Tonie. A unpiincipleu dealeis ale
' constantly deceiving their cnstoiiipis
by subftituting inferior articles under
the ii'tnie of ginger and as iringer is
really an unimportant ingredient, we
drop the misleading word.
There is no change however, in the
preparation itself, on all bottles re..
maininiug in the hands of dealers,
wrapped under the name of Paikor's
Ginger Tonic, contain the genuine
medicine if the fac simile signature of
Hiscox & Co. is at the bottom of the
outs id wrapper.
(Cbntinurd from Uut wrk.)
How Watch Cases an Made.
In buying a silver watch cue great mrJ
should be taken to occure one that is toll
silver throughout. The cap of mwt t hi
silver cases is i::adeof a ronutosition knot
as albala, which is a very poor suUtit
for silver, as it turns black in a short til
The backs of such cazs aro made n
thinner than those of an all silver jf
Icing robbed in order to maka tbeV-
tl : -her and get in as much as possible of
t I. can metal. Anothcrim;
n. .1 ver case is t ho joints or
should le made of gold. Ti
cheap cases are made of sil
not a suitable metal for that
a brief period it warps, bead
apart, allowing the backs to
upon the case and admit
dirt that accummulate in
Keystone SilvcrWatch
with silver caps and gold
8T. IJ
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