mrcrz -ar ''i. vr.-z-zr! .i - . -. lr&' '$ ? -w?. :v --.K. ,. " z . i- . -" rrt,- I" ?: "t if' iJ?.- C,. tgs -Wr?" S?iS5'?- T. ifi;!K5, - V s: '-'l8SifeHr6-;fJif-fsv--Jsvi'i ifc r i - . -x i ii mil Trr-M i- i v rfc .-'-t v-1.- L"--"? -i. rAj-iij-"ir i.-Jr(W9vv - JcrtJL. 4JV jtc? -W,3--4 ' g5?JSS2aS!fr3<f c? ,..-.jK-r--.f'CV'- -ii .'-ai - r?&s2Ki7ri.v :;-& 'if far l It -4 "'' .' F? 3 -, I'j!w'. . . A fci - .. s&3& . 12 ,- I?; 13' hR s&ss ,W4 : Bas 1. .aLJuiliMIU EHBm Hfv beTtere ffifflFmWum political ?mm ieweftbe t Au tfon th k 'X't iSr Hd laaiiik . -s. .r , .f Sell ejfte itow sTViV. -1fc'fO S.VsSj? pw y,. fiS. "1 .-.v:-- i5 iy s.'.-.. v f&r'!' Pgft&i- i&KMI, 1" SnMrKfu.dMs -iur8m. .oJan.tiri.m AixwrodM riiBi; who - ttteMK:k.cMuiU, ' ttie Aicw when Irrnlbi -MfMMt .'or tuwiait-k)Tm- :i('rnNteaiO(TiUc6cottiae:rIt:M- l i ; bore -pblitkari . to ontroi ib rioMiiefaaid: tonvvtt I tioM vtM elter county, TJW,r. l , . jt.-- -w .... - fc. -r . .- -k., fcl . jJ JwMMgi?iSCto wlw n, t iwmui fc iw IT an i And MtnlKy th'vutatf w MHHMrte iWkwkkt iWoWi:fiefct.T?Mw lhiafcfwwwUiW4iJTbr;ifct rtjuilifaUwjteratfc, Lwcrejoe Mmotaiiiina MW3WW Anru CiyWndWrrfcnjU-lhe tan HMt UmUcuc m: the neat tnhl wftvWiitoMtt'k: and. Ht. f faukfldhii WMJhil., Itil tUe H I "I IF' " "" ;aa m, tru, LfTny-otlH-r knd tiuU Mey ickt M inp4lni eoiHttyr or ttwTftittif JbMliff ;WbtM:hcrfto -nMii.Ott ttt luMHRinHi r M-;not vviited jtKtSW -a .tiuuMUBt.ineAiK";0 ; i I"" Ihrho wtofberofcrJt cowty ionirtd(LliBj;-th l-wnu wera.'iiuHHwiMiiftwnvwi i of fwll cTufiw. brwfco wm witk ; Undtnc in .tbe, eomaMntty, ldc- ! in:proprtr. or jnttWMwnoe. Mtre- i,le tWtiiily - iapdttv 6r ;prM9ttesiMWMimtnMf7f- or. . "V,fw' i r " ' w"wi?JlHPWf? - ti Atsw aan to v own ,er'lriWd. tr l!Wofit4o ..-. -....' ---.-.'...f,--im.r--r. t?, It; w for w nwerit see wb were W)Uiyr.riW imI iniawiual riicMfw.wuewere sooaiuitj'iuem i jvt,jkt;- yw wwu. iwr -. n r- iftamiv ewif "tbenl I-4 can em alt, b pre yoJ these MypWpOp. r-Wttilw but" SOCMtMBeS, ivsa "'. ; alue "wore ? jre., -fefuWiean Mt ',"jLa : -.-C""' ,'whr '.oller'f-- tme couimiuce re- T2 '-" . Torteu nis oraciai linen iu a aepiorauie i. . j i ii . lition. AH the penance which Mr leys can do to the republican party mot wan mm clean mm wnue. j. rones was also a rejjular bolter, and anxious to carry off more money was his due, but was watched too ulv. His sworn statement was rc- d by the investigating committee j false. Also A. J. ' 5T.2: l.y, .?"? ' ia"m!T wouuenui rceiiuiniy ooitea the straight republican "ticket. I believe be has but once supported the whole ticket in the county. And Mr. War ren as been.- straight bolter for years Even Jtulce Wilcox has never to my knowledge been accused of voting the straight republican ticket for yeais. And it is believed that Br. Smith has leen trying to rideitwo velocipedes at once, which to do successfully and graccfulIyjTequireiiijreat skill. These men, with some otner oijunareu spirit and their henchmen: look tOisonie like- a ring, and have been so regarded ,for ome tune. Now. Mr. Editor, th'is small borel partj- were dissatisfied with some of the-7 i.n'c uienuoneu men, iuu uucu .men '..i i '. j en,.! !.:; i itaces with such meu as John r. isay- Ia and Charles Buschow, and the Ar- Igus oppcl them with, its whole force tlerccly as it did Mr. Mr. Soott, and jfof the same reason, using Its trusty iwcapon lustilr. But I im told that wme of this mixptl nartv voted for Mr Warren although they encouraged Mr Pcott to come out for sheriff: because f Joe Garber whs working for him, .aud loanite Joa. thavwoMtd bolt, and did a t the regular nominee.; is no more of a gentle-i -. Warren, but a better re-1 us conduct makes more) i if Mr. Garber than I W , solhavis made some s Mr. Garber. andlwk -i-t-- . - i BBTST 4i' J"..-,l t -i-5!! -mmr.of.;4he , . jLt t . : i l I- H I T?r--Z kthiaMVHto rtiLii5 f MUMtrNMI . muw zrZ -' - d&amarV ue una commiuen, hsSjmIwi outfit with ulr "viv. lit 14 tl m mr zLm:irn ? aMmajausgment," . iuur: r'-flt the rrawr h h -m&IBM Tif-. A "Z 7msm.m 2i ... ieir thmr !&. ill-will. the tetutbrial dtsctioa f last mil. Mborted that h lGariarV had struek hawk with Ais old outfit, and bis:4rtfnad JJMmu-ly drewi riom Mm,i.M'taM had: had a ite;wa aeeeaied by mr. Case netvMtttot.asifmtfet ire bsnVrtJSt bMBMMM 'waa r- tmro traded wiii the beltew; rt. himmeiiadowH that Joe SterrHrfe wv Call. taiaed . 1 mfat aofcaereme w?? Tate, asd we ffl ?i -" i' sattek . vifrjrK.-i?srv?T;5:j moit ;( mi -SB r-a.- ;. ;-$ .-J- J v " j?. -tftttOgifilr fct frientk." )Toreiresow, plop well; i come to know got to sell. often see 5BXB3ES irge amount, prices we, ta ianl to connt.- -i : Ifit mucb, odaii Mai; -Yt, ftctoalitM i t- - -r --r-" bh .wtjSeii rofito will. Oar clii Wren mil lure may dnbwrickr xl, and great BntHopeVl -every day, jLre fcifUtif ;cl lored by late. Ojrotiifpott till ahead, -wlfch "lb enjoy tedate ; ' ktutUTe;j i we're dead Hr.-HLvlj':,..,:! 1, w fUMHwy; iv "1 ?" CIF13rtf a- . fe- -e r. One ink's Golden HH(;Mr be Given u i wey. :Everyby m IbeA'CkM, who is suf fering Jrom Scrofula Cilic Khenma twmJaundice, BilloasitM Dyspepsia, GostiYeness, Hea4acUtttSs of Appe tite; Backache, ?mm Weakness, Nerrc' debili ty. r any blood, liver, wey, stota.- ach or bowel- disordi r JijM robMiin a trUl4KHtfe"ofafbMer'.Blool aod Xixer Tonic freSwe bycall- ihiU HeHry-Cook's tdral Wore, Bed Clood. Tenons who fcaiwtried thin valuable medicine jean bScure the later bbttlesKt. centot'Sd $1. It jpnnftca the blood, invqiB the liver moiBacn umijowai, rhm ine kiu Deys.'andstreoittbemthcltSteni. ' sFor aWaissasss of vrtbaflMroat and lanaa ate Manli'a OoldettOMani, the creat couch remedy. Mile bottle free. . .. DXESSMAKI -Hia,G. S-Taylbritakeil method 6X; infonnii the lmlieet okP Cloud, that Bho w now jprepamn) do all ktnda of -drsnniskuic :Mf'Be latest styles awd fiMhtona afcreswpdfhle rates She makes a specialty ofMSing and fitting, If you want drceeSBade, cut or JfiLeaH Jon: ner- Owf Ar east of the Commercial howe., ,i g MARY At: CO., . Have-seenasflthe sole .ami exclurivB sale of the solid goWwmbina tionrfutnffBsg, rep reentedJberiMS It is a baU.anSi8t the ihingtfsr'ft lsMdsoine DresetatVior4 Sstms. It will be a token Uiatwinbf jnreci atedby any person.' See.thetfl before yo:buy your preseals. WHATSTRUCKrANOLD XMpiER. ? "It will coon, be twenty yfeaa since the wardosL" , ; . Under,the bet snbf-An tbeiU-ee. N. J: Uv stHlW 1882 hmx iaEcypt. while KijaliSlM. ffliat place, slowly and .softly f the MaC "Yes," he.;wid,Iit araafc and .aaw-aaasivefUMi n the htsof xnose wamu yeara .;x-;waa y dis from smstiwkey -I came sum,! lo in lieaHtriswd sfunte;-o; hat 1 UosrQ.dt on Uie slightest XUe see wed. wortMsasriew ure. lived .. 72 Mid, divid- lng'm'y last two cigars." That's so," responded Mr. Sharp: "but I got over it. Outgrew it? Not exactly. When in. that condition j begantaking Parker's Tonic, and my health began to improve right away. I was astonished at it, and so was my wife. I piled on the flesh and could anything. My ambition blazed up, . 1 swu1l nttoml tn Kiiuina anil nnu' r. Cfiritin that r hftV ,0 abont exposinjf mvself to the hot sun I am as . welt as l was the day i enlisted. What differences there are in things gnns and bayonets, kill; Parkers Tonic saves." This preparation,'-which has been known as Parker's. Gingor Tonic, will hereafter be called simply Parker's Tonic As unprincipled dealers are constantly deceiving their customers by substituting inferior articles under the name or ginger, and as ginger is really an unimportant ingredient, we drop the misleading word. There is no change however, in the preparation' itself, on all bottles re juainining in the hands of dealers, n:..- t,.,.; wrapped under the name of Parker's "'s Auiiiw, contain the genuine medicine if the fac simile siuature.of Hiscoxik Co. is at the bottom.of the butsid wrapper. MONEY I MONEY3 VoMTtolota en Inrml feme ia en selrtixa at tie Tery Btst rttw of liter. We call Uie attention of all desiring such accommodations, to tho farm. loan department of -our business, in which we are still olering.tlie best in- UtlCCaliVilaO W MIC lM"HVi There is absolutely no. cost to our customers. No fees for abstract title: no fees for recording Mortgages: no fees for taking .acknowledgments, no loans paid in checkspr drafts upon which the borroweTmuat paya dis countin order to ,ge the nioney, but all Wailiipshl in actual cash,.over,our counters without, any deduction wlmt over. 1iiiti.ifi -. ! a vrtliltf In placing 9iir loans there is no te-, dio8 delay m submitting application to eastern- parties, as our facilities are. uucu umtwe can ciose laugoea loans on short notice." t- We are prepared, to fill desinibhr ausjUnine DerceHtrstraiahL withab charge of any nature whatever tVjfUl iai liiria nf 1.."S...-i i .i-ir-ilM.-4! mavbeimadd at rmr kaaki aniwiilWi' tAMf &grMf $ml&A M i.inib annn iwitw M WLCUHIafll. "5TV- T" . T.r-fc?, fe -t, -"fX.-'Jtf " ?ti( Ty' j; '-AU 5 ' -a f ? ? - " , pBLm' ' nt!BBSISISISW vBpjIlj '.four feet ala dat bMnC:1j of forty feet ---- v k- years rOiL Rnt oi.riv i SWSS1?? re2o?ifir speodthei withaUKwaaridJ Te" MM the oayleeiiHwlrte "'.'I SMWJU. tfaehadi 5 vara m Li "- ' .-, r?-!Sii 5! J--..H L5Ss 'j" 4i.iWJtaJ.MI. fcwtlK)anteri by th week atrea- aooaMe rates; good aceonnsodatkmK, MlbelanMr'a eatief houae. E. A, Yocko. People wanting to bny mniture, will do well to wait for the new store, which will be opened in Bed Cloud, about November 10th, by B. E. Hare snape, of Wahoo, Nebraska. " He will give borgins that will astonish every Derson in Webster and adioinins coun ties. Be sure and wait for lam. Il-tf TiKsttetcpIt It's too bad Sir or Madam, but don't get frightened. Tour hair is falling off That's certain. A glance in the mirror, or an investigating committee of fingers tell the dismal story. We won't discuss the possible cause. It is enongh that Parker's Hair balsam used now will prevent further distrnc- tion. Is yonr hair somewhat gray, and crisp? Alas, yes. The balsam will give back the original color, softness and gloss. Not a dye, not oily eie- ganty perfumed, a perfect dressing. We are agents for the Estey, the Kansas and the Story and Camp or gans, and can fit ydu out in any class instrument you want as low as the lowest iu price and the best in qual ity. S. & F. 4m3 Xicilsn's Aralca Salvs. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns,Bruisea, Cuts, Ulcers, Saltrhetim Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hand, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. !5 cests per box. For sale by aoyi. Henry, uooa. Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will produce a case of Liver, Kidncv or Stomach complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily euro. Bring them along, it will cot you nothing for the medicine if it fails to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble besides. AH Blood diseases, Biliousness, Jaundice, Con stipation, and debility are quickly cured. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price only fifty cents per bottle. For sale by H oofc. Verer Olre V. If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, gen eral debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a billiou8 nature, by all means pro cure a bottle af Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid im provement that will follow; you will be inspired with hew life; strength anu acuviiy win return; pain miiu mis ery will cease, and henseforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by H. ook TORNADO INSURANCE. All who wish to insure their prop erty against the ravages of tornados should call on Strohm & McKecby, as they arc prepared to give the very best-terms obtainable. 44tf New Advertisements Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of AppstiteossofStrength lack of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fearers, Ac BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS never fails to cure all these diseases. :-Fr mot I MdceoldiMfltar(lMTtaKtria fwjvluckraiWMOTv 4) mta. acttac lk advio at a BSwrf.wbahJfctiOTVtrrtfcy owirs ibom vtrnoo, i tnea MUM. With MOMMtfPrilMcra irttnom to uung Bmowtft lam BiTTBKS. CTenrthtM I ate M,aa I nacraa gmrtly I mmm iMMtiaa ia tat mi wMAwm taiHiMe: Siaet tale iX Baow,IaBwtmamj,aHty naUaiaraataaaad. Caawtaay liaM wiikcpt aay aiMfrteaU n A a practically aaotaar Mn.W I.rLTa. jo Maverick SC, E. BoMaa. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as. tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The . only Iron Treparation that -wilinot blacken the teeth or give headache, aW4.brjaU-Zugala. " TkvjtwiiChtfriiceil Cow ' ' . V -J im ihatjal fcea ttmm mm siafc y e " r. AR OP IMTTATIOHS. JeW bTV'Cb OrV iHNfe. Lt s w . - - always JbOov a article, ami ,bakatia:'k. eat ef the bsst rfof,radhnaMarw;adma. k is that jma JaaaiihW. CaW ra Cmt;hw Mhwkatori' Biemcaii always tU;the fwuMby.Utatrad4iaukofaMaHlro. whidris maoiW.rjpair.iirW JrTKeVT" ith.Too. VTnrn : . .!. ma j .ss,;fe T-"A" J itp.- iv.; a 2aS-taaf - Baiiaiilif f '- . T't jMBamamrnVM ' .iXBW BMamaWBamffamamBBBamOT - 'JemammtT-4Lammt mamamamaflmw -M ScmamVVBamm - ;eMHBSVV999Ba WW 3 n .3 CO H S r o o W --i n Ol o o O O w CO o -o 3 H- rr O CO CO o 7 w CO 3 O r o r O H a CO 1 o c o o 3 Eft 9 cd. O O H CO a 5 C CO sr W 3 p. 3 3 CO s O w CO ha i i ,.vt r wmwmm DEALERS IJV Coal Red Cloud, 1883 SP AM06LE ft FUNK. EEADQ UABTEBS FOB Agricultural Implements. Two Doors South of Bank, BED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. mm i sm, Dealer Ia-c Fres h Meats, Lard, POULTRY, Red Cix)Ud, Neb. Caaa paid for aMaj k Mlta. JOKES & BLE, DEALEBS IN LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLFS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AC. ----- - - I ' t RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. a DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY, THE BEST IN THE MARKET AND SOLI AT Tit B 10OWEHT PRICE. rAglBLEY'SQEEDS livaWamWsmamaHSmamamW JT'n LL BSejf'j5x 'JELAlMaiar HrTeKTSrAaTJlX SilXX VXrJSVir WATeSL AmtaMaV;-t&.OMlMtaaULi "Vl IS jSjxJfl. JL, jPridwaMJaWaittaaaMBia!yt Lift1 a w ' B eavamUBa VmaV myssT Nayfjmjpmmpam maamamavei avam) Teaj Ass eja BmSS amamawam "-sums HIKJUMSHRY It Legal HotiQSa N THE COUNTY COCSBf 00U1T of Webster eoaaty. James M. Mosena, -' , JohBW:5rrrick. KoncK or jtiTACaUiEsrr. John W. Warrick will take notbe that on tho 15th day of November, 18a John R, Wilcox, judge of said court, iasued an order of attachmeet for the sum of twelve (lSldolUrs ia aa seUea pendisg befbre him, wherein James M. Moaena is plaintiff and Jehu W. War rick defendant, that property consist ing of. one trunk and contents; has beeu attached under said4 order. . 8aid cause was osfttinued to the 31st. day' of December, IR83, at nine o'cleek a, m. JAME81 V. Moseka, Flaintlfi Edwia C Hawley, Attorney. . Bed Cloud, NekrJ!b,-!0,a883. ' (riovidec7) r , AtriittiovTiACius. ; . Notice is hereby given that I fwill examine all .persoM.who may desire to offer themselvesTaaC'cawdidatea 'for teachers of thejwntmob school of Web AnihaJhisamataaamofeaeh aieuenV Eamwatiato?eommenaA A:ir? Xto.uot Cony J- ,t- j. K - d VW."KE25i, a lw. AXVftHP"' fn-iM nnnBrinatanewtipr.rnWr inet 1km BaaBa-Maaa,a . .t-i w -. es tar &-'&&$$ '&&.!!&!&.- -i7 . ?&& o -rf-A Q P 9 a o 3 n o 3 o o to c n P O o r Z CO 3 o H X w CO H O JO, n- Lumber. Nebraska 1883 CO. CHICAGO,!!. Geo. O. Yeiser, 9 RED CLOUD. NEB. ONke on Webster Street, in Miller k Bairs seed store. estBais aad afa Ral Iftato. attmds ta mt tatjMMtty aad HaiHag- reata., ' ; 39tf Has on his.hooka desiimble Town sad mm property. Farms from tO'te IdOO seres.. 3ekw are a fowfroni Hat. JWOQ acres of 'beaiitiroi land with stream of unfailing water: A 'very nice larmf of 310 acres with 'residence.' fine ( Tiarn. 'wind, mill and. hank, 20d Acres fenced, wood fruit etc., at a JMrgstn. t . -, 160 acrer'fineland, 3 miles from. Red Clood. cheap part ;6ash baleuco on long time. 1W" ' 5 llxx "Farm.df JeO acres, 130 nnder cultiva tion, goua uweiiuaj,jwiaa biiii, wainut and forest .trees; all.amboUr land., 80 seres near Bed .Jloud, all plow land. '.' - 41- - , k 140 acres near .Red Cloud irader A biibf state of cultitatieh. ' ,V ; ajiaVof 160 airesfenc and crop .icnceu,'.guuu uweuHig, unmiiimr w Sseres under cW ration, cattle her- w, -nogs and icrofi .sir offered for a rt UTim at.iow ngurra. yj?ir; t -, impwrmMtaVamil fr i fair mn ..aawmmmi am aaamamam t nwamaen "VJ' wi "-WBT ". i'3?P madatam"oaajr- Lia am:ak;'r?-?T"5i'-ii :-... , . k 1.1 Ifg ' -""-f-'.-T-.--.--.- -7- JeW,i x.s.i'ikMjt--' esf o i-rrjrr: - Zi-SruvZ'- CX rBv mmmmmv CD GO f19JfSKBm THE BE5T P ammmml R mmf ml Of . ft H ALWAYS ON HAND. -H saw Mlilett aivaw aaarvw .as aamawaiaw &! Harness Shop, J L. MILLER, ' -csIlkb, is HARNESS' CCJLLABS, SADDLES, HOBSaVBLANHETS, , WHIPSLC0MB3, BSU3HES, " HA1NES8 0IL And everything uaaally kept ins first class shop. Two doors nt rth of 1st Nat. Baiik- BED JLOUD, NEB. Trunl i4 Valise. BAj CSTATX LO NSl On Fai Property ! K In Southern Nebraska and Northern Kansas, at 8 J and 9 per. pent, interest Without Commission ! -4 APPLY TO I RED CLOUD, NEB. THE ;S!SEIKS itoinaifill! W. H. HOWE, Agent, COWLES.'NEBRASKA. Tlie Companywarrant the Terkins Mill to be a good, durable, self-regulating machine, puilt in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and hereby agree to furnisa. free of charge, the part or parts necessary to make good any defect in workmanship or mate rial used, for the term of one year. 41 THE CITY Drug Store ! R. R. Slierer, Prop. Islurter5 for Faints, ILS AND DRUGS. Prearfeftaty Medicines a Specialty. BBS SttMBT, mmm 'A saw s ad varied assort ateat of LAMPAWD LAMP F1IT0RES JUST RECEIVED CalUsnd ezaaine oar CHOICE MAJOLICA WAHd. Ho troable to aaow goodu &GB8 FdveriakfEarroff, CLOD COTSH21 AND LITZLZB. ' Weighs much less than other pul verizing harrows, sells about one third less, and withal does the most thor ough work of any. The Best Thing Out. For Sale By JOHN BOESCH, 33tf Amboy. Neb. Special at the Store of F. NEWHOUSE. RED CLOUD, - NEBR.SKA. )o( Berlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool. Shetland wool, Shet land Floss, Gcrmantown Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mittens, Children's Coats tc, 4c.,J A full line of HOSIERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large aud splendid assortment T0Y3 and CHRI3TMAS Gifts. Final Freef Neffeesv rv Laad Oslea at Blaaauagtea HebOet-1. ISO. ITotleeiafeertaysivaBtaat i.iMwiac- aaatadaetUerhaflalaiBatiM af au iataaUaa to aiaka Baal aroai ia aappanai ra o;wb. an lai aru Hppart.i oobi. roof will aa mada aafera.Ctaric Dtotriet Caart or wcMar aoaav. at saa uaaa n. H'aaatnr Na. Sioa. far tba aaath-caat raeuaa 34. Iowa, a raas w waat, aaa aaaMt taa fallawuc wnaaaawj w ! "a rori.aacia .aoa aad aaMtvaUaa af faM bad via: !? HI Kaaaey. Maana Hard. Laaadarff. ElaaamdWiUiaaOf. Clap. aM af Cawtaa, aaaTasUa S. w. ssiuia, Laad OSmat II aaaifafftm Baa. Vaw.ja, vk.blMWrifMtkit taa MM aaaiad aatelar as, ttad aatica of kta .mtaadaa t aiak fnal awaefia taaaort ot ata etaian. aad tkataaid ata af will aa awda bafora th.yark ftka IHrtttat Oaatt af WeUter- eAvatr Jlabw at hia otle ia Kadr Olead aa Fatatda?. Daaam- k.4j tn.,i. an arar rownh. aa a'd aatrr No. MS. for U.Seath-aaat l4 t 8ae.6TaXITarRll.waat. Ma aaaMSaaafasV awiac wttaaatar to Mora bia waUaaaaa, rat deaaaaaaa aad eaftivatiaa efaaid laadUvU. Dand U-Hataiaear A. freribaar UaaryC oeatt Sawaad XawaaTalt af J vaaaa aaa. ' aarMdaaa H.W.SWUHK. Laad OSeaat PIeaaiiataa Xaa. Saw., Katiaala aanbyciraa taat atuaraaa aiaa af.his toaaaaaBaal arooiw mat aaid ptaaf win aa toSOaaevfaV "SShTaSTtt r . ;aA.vii a BaWa.aam.iaraa aaim wawo aa. tawa t af faawallwaav M mm um fSf0f33w9twfMXfp sZZZlVBmmm ammt aWaMeFSSm yJtaXaatomam aaeTaaaaaam aaamaaL. WNaV 1 SiAtJ aaaaaajaat AaamamafSSSl Sm ! aWNm, " J T arSJ r BaaT- aa aa? aA Bat wFeEac " aataaaBama.m' t . laaA am aaW.aaat.- tt,.wnyiamm,jftF eaaa,.er.a Tmaa at naiiaaiastm, Asevaaw.a,iBay iaia1 damBweaa, . - Brnwrnawamam. v i .- ". a - .- a a - 4V- ifBJLBk wasjwaawaawaw aw j V. rdtataiF is - aaraaw jtaa mas-, em. fsaamaji a - -w ; J taaaak?Saat aaafjaiaaaaaafmaafaps)aimm ''bmBiaakai aaaa awaaawataaa, w awajaw'" ." .?w aasywaywjfaw waayaaj aaaBBBa.. j .''iZ..,-,1 J BaaaaaPmvlaWeraf ajm St, JCiv lQsaaaam "''ip..BJJ BSs4r-. -;." -': 5 - : ; f-.-. ' 1 '& T:- :i; aaaahaaftaWeaaaBHaBaaawaaaaaaa aaASaaa BamamamamQLSSsna Jll HHAmfeasma JvMmmmmamHal ETv (j. c -. "m7 m Bmamamamamamm-L r. ' --.--22 -' 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawajK.. .eMfc 'sx?' 1 BWAWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaW2NLaVA ' ' " Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa3& '"c, awawawawawawawawawawaaaaaaafcitM rr? n t Ho: Only cm K Elegant G ommende Facto at LEAVEN WOIrH; Call and 'iiinebefore For Sal ySPANOGLE&F A -v guu Daily Ezar Vs r0aa.CaLM- ro KanMa ITilrl ;aa.t aU aniars Ewt. Throitbl Ktlata- .pons. ;ican Day cnichca oa i van and JNatv aad Dunn Care i ITR, Thronsh TU liarKSKS will be I Ubiea will bm cl ri;t, i knne,' LAND QfFIOE, vF.aBaa ttJDALL. RED CLOUD, erCoUxNEBR. 5f Title to all Complete At lands in Webst riuaty furnished on short notice ar onaete rates. UARANTEED SSTSATISFAC K.A.8TMPSON. V. A.8WIIXT. Matorr PaUl ttaraar at Law Blue sihp: t BLUE H1LLJ NIB. A Gtnaral Bai TfamaaammmL fepaeial Care iliarttaaa, farm 'Meaaal Saaaa lioina at 8W, C01 OPEjrn: . Knaataa Bret Haw York City Baak.OaiaBaN W.H.Stbohv. STROl ,' .B.XaKsaay IA? aVKKEBY, AttorI fAT Law, RED CLOUI . ner My ba eosa CHaetioaawill i i.MaaWtawO OFFICK-1 do Oead. af 1M A. I. Jfaore. Prd lmal 3Sa,Sj Ta .1 First Hi lalBtmk RED ,KEB.- Capital, TrB)aet a get. 1 fell Count -Ala. Cmmto. Fra- r-iaetaad Sebod Forties JExcBai tl( ILE-Mo O.W.Mataer. Patent! here aniaf en iduas.skeich or modle, at i aa exam-. ination as BjsHnvjTe? Hfrs ;feee or charge, xv tti tnlem patent is oh H.X. .Aoi. SsreetB,. P. O. Box 571 iD. J.N, BiilEsi sJte rJ REl NEB. 'M Will buy i, ami insure town and fa W ail kinds of conl Teraafe: iftmwemTi Office: i lBroa.FarmLojsn Agency. -' j. s iflAMl.- a TTOaSET QMea REDCLOl o.a Ca CA! ATTomi YitlTC aadaavtaara icatodHwiaa aata. vrnc f.-iM-'SL' -. --..S. Uti y'dXni--1 emeeaf 5 v??-' S,ft' Stew l:l'a.. lawart F--aawaWr umawai? - j- - - - t-i-r.-i5r ;li LJaml ,- r -. .T-iars ga.t4 war wjBBWawjv ZM: SamGa -A... ' .K.K. . ' " ". .". Tf C-fSC'-rr.- .' ' .tf jJi'L " '"?- 'jt"&-r--2ii .- Buy i b &"SsM: aymyjw' , leetioea. ela'A Geueral! I" hLvri aa ttm. L - tiwd i j- R- M EaBSB i- lrj u'WIMTt) K wjuwanjtotetafaaa aala'at ail taftiBaattaatatoatoaWaa- i(nfcaSaa4 J:2i!fc!,0 !!J "Mtaim-tamVtjSWC'r HH . m .SSSSSSSaBSalaNia. i.-?'-'- ! i ' ' ,., TIHPmmK .t ) M . rem rsJG Banb EL V vf aYMSaa EI3STER CO., to o& amVASmaV. . lm 1! W J" HBS , . . . . t Namaf . ujeaaai aaa. ?.: '. I? - s- '?BiwmSj - XwrnamawarnvBamPmrnBV J flMmaal faWTaaaULamaamaaaataamB pVMaaaaawpaNaai.aBMMWaHa' lJaafc- aHaamaafeatmaaamlL J- ' icNinTa- J; Sv Eutliig PitnmT AT 1.4 W .J??tnsaaj aaeaaimi smp am ; amati matt HI aajBacaaiBmaW vs. ..' S':-:0k--'Jt. ,5 VLBmmmmmmmVI LTVr'.C -4J ta ' - T"1 iaaw; atSBaaaamamVamamamamamamamaVj 1 - '"w '12 "iy - 'laV JS - '.-! XBammmmmmmmmmmm I afaaV malsmm i W, fllft amam-aW aw BjejSJMBAMBajBdBi iJH 'BemammaL TpM bwbIW-W ;Bm3!BaBw,W '-mmRBmmmm! aamafemaammr i a- ahaSBaLaL-llBaiBaLBmw amJaW9SsmW-mKkma - mamT-" aaVafX VafsTj f' .yjrh' w:l& 'Mama! 'mlaatTgniriTir TT'iTafM; -r. 5irS rl'Fmmams,jjjLijfcmjtfScBjf i JjX, -C't ' mmmV At.ama. g. JjSaffiffi ?f - '-' amfal am H aTam.aS-almv,Jliaama;' IS AS ORmN It tm"t -s1 I. !7!9jvj&i fndfiiiish, pure in toBLiiiilsi f aH musician. , - " i-ii purchasings 4"&l ; i-? - .. '2- .i JwJ. 'il T ' ""V VS-'l "J 5il Vla.jt ?& Tr; S ii MjIwLJP'J 3dL si -? & 'i Paily xBrTrajMW.JHaTr;i Calara-lA. Utah. OUaferaUaadrthaai wear. iaeMrantoftMsHaasiraatlM ater a New RMtc to i WWml with m. aad.adf aatosea aaa.allt alaawaaiaVV Ahm'Conshmte.'afratvclaM. Mat,-where wahaaieahVcan bhaVi ' all heurs, - y . Aiwuys keeps eer-aand arc in hw line teat caa-be U4. Aemonaucatwwitotwnana. Firatddir.iKHaVofSbercr'a 7f Parish JSI N. LONGTIirFrefftr 'i-W- s .-' JV' i'saka - a yfM ' -ri. ltivtoua. cwhcM&v: Aar -."-. T' -fc - -- A.3 t.-i-J',- .3fc woe 4w -V..S.-' 1 t " ?5i:CLe r -,wr5i; rTil tsj&sx'-iiy-tsv ..i- A i- . -' $& ii-j.y? bM If-: v m - II fyj-aT M HEm: V BmamWamaamaamaamamamamamWr' VJ mamamamamamamamamamammv e COOK'S TsHK. :xtvi JlEiX Hfff aaawaV uiaae, j. "jafiEciL "& leWNKA - Wethmw Wlw! fmmamf " " fBRITIWlih??. Bi jIBbW- :i!?i yammmm. -P-''lai5! - AW ammmmmmfM A' ? .. JBgVJja jaaat -ammmaamiggMagE .amamamamaiuar M. VTbT WmW' Mr JammamamammaaMek'l d.:.a..bJb' RESIDIIT IIIriii j; X)aaaa' aASaSaaaiSaH Gm- 'eaaa awaeva) aVavSaa'aaaaL atBaaiaaaK i; SawvvSjaeaeMavlaaaaaVenaMaaHaaaaaaT iV'' ASBa m maa ; m SmiJTajI12Lv i!m9Bb '.'"''' BJ a? aNaaSH aAaaaa aflv.2aaavawar i BaaBs aSaxaaas aa'BnaT aavflBaaaaaT M'' 'Ba aaa. aaav vaaaaVaaaSaaaWaSaSBBK jr wa 11 " . . .j . ' "iSixrjrai A. CTJMMBtatll'l -'ir-J ' t- jvtr-, ' !fcatJBmai Green Fruits, jffiA Vegeteblesemamll ' KBO'OtJOVO: NEB. fC&BI '- ( . 2 .OTmamValB Tempteton BredE " GUIDE iKv'lMQ'.'i amaUlMWr?r4i::-' I irmawaaamK LUMBEaa Building -"lpi ireammmiilal j -aaa. aa.-i,- -ft -tu fTi?& ji. Si'bisjpsi-mamma -m Hi Jll -! i l