V 1 Tfi " -KS1 ,in 3i rm, -. . i . L .1 .Y3&fc ' . f . v fe'-j&r ..v lv. 'J-z -x ?.-: jJhLjl B'x.J''. J-5T r"- r-.". ' rSS?; T JSS, , - ri"x zt -n -v- -. - J kTTi ,?s $ ?v" n e- t ill fc' e ". IC -a I,.5J :r . J i tk JC 'j-'vS . SBvai ' VT-TTiir JC TlY s- . i-ji ri. -am, &?- . .? -32 - a i- &- se Tl V I..-BM- Tram in ii i iiM " --vrt ,? i ,wj r&sB&9' - or - !JC- h r--r-.'ii - -l , r ' j-r "rj'wii: SIS -J , h. m . mamf a. mk. . Mill i lifiiin nnnoiTiTinTit inrltTri SBktbftrti received at'tbe. iMilllafflT store. JHie iBr WT mmW T-rm mm .m- - - jj-m. ..j riwpmirfid at very lo' J& -IPt '. -i4 -j.. . iT-Z : and I 5v 'ti? I J f-l M. e X r-xv r.1 VX $3.00 Trimmed Hats, $2.00 ' SOOTrimjiieaTOCS, i;o iiWTrimmedBatB, ,76 iv J c, - ,! i& ws -i rt t -r ' .-;.w -." 5J . -3 A MM 'iW . . kpf5u -!.; wrr, VSW' JBjti 5? r j.Jr'-' 4 r. -. t -T'ftrt tio fttliii back.4 i& aned In the rto OnfiVf douar 8 -wSiP (CTWCFT -"j al, L- i -' f ffiX - ' mrzjiXE? v sgg: : 1J IW-1 AT THE ohmi 1urUIII I llllll lltluull Br -0lj. H k B B S Bl Blk B H ' W mW 9kW Mmt oi "JLfJS- w. .r 5":? - i jonn ai . rt-.. -rs. OnArlAAr Wt Af th Rank. t'T' -"-" cl'i si - - t,. " &V A-V . ,...-- ..- ..-,-. lY, JWtJC& MAnUhAU I UKCR9 WP. , T4nov. v ad acco.jH O T l iTl't" PT k" i ! ; -V And oim, therefore, give you. zmr&p. I T niife to Red Cloud rLLiE-tS' - T - . I0QD. and respectfully ask every person .Zr call and examine our goods. je?k ivr itm ot --' also, keep on hand i rl I-?- l'&-Zim i-. Srft i w- ir-vvjtirjs- SS.rfK-v - J Bttl JE ID li1 r r . i .lt ??' aSaVBB bB VaV ? JU0W f HBrMff WILL SURPRISE THE PEOPLE j r RC0 CLOUD ' 1""" i-K fc-s.t ! y-5?. ' 2i 5 j vsvr ' tlM OtMid. m thrti , -v h ISj " j . . r . ,.- - - v ' V7 " r Vr.lt-ri.z fr-.- - - Ms; &:yi-lft5fte;s '?' '.Ti-n ii"i.?vi. " B""i i5lr'iji - - - -n-' raBHBMBr t k C-Wii ' ! f ". jji As1 5 Iff IHi " - H P aBaVaBBaBMaBBaBBBHBBBaVBVBaHa1 v f avsaVVBBHaGBTs rFiu"' -i avaaB' t: t . ,. mr raaT bKbT'bb. saV W-" awl aBtawl bB 1 mrK'inttWXi'Mt-&Trvl. - - 'A y r" . '- rt4 v. T " . T a irav--'-fT-ifi ,BJg;,iT - 'i.BwT,' 7"r 7:r:-. .tillaB-r- m.bW.A- iii v V. i'ww t - -i. -h W'T.- " -. - f m " i & . . BW- f fc .. . ' - ,i'j ' - mmmmVm?t'tJi- i Lead- gooilsno1 " " vlHflW .'. t.' s k, " ' tr will ha V( , -i xti siiIceB! t - JT'VilolJi-Sr-r .. tir : eia liats At SJaos y1 '.2 Bix ' jr y i-M i .. - est; off for tin A. FOWIjER. BANK. CL0THTN Hew IStatc Bank BU . -w- .. . -..... - . a. kaaanaaaB aai H I IT C .r to- DO THE PEOPI t- . jr ." 1 a well selected stock of PRICE AMD CAPS I it , &C., 1! M LOW EA' r- f- ' C - AND VICINITY. JL-V i F3i: v. - ..5 611 t t wWDwC wm Xn9 m rr ns - 1 rl V . T. T -mbV Ji i-j" k'1?! -i ?-, K f- rj ,af ,Jfl ' "I AIMED CLOUD, NI SBBBEaMB iial6r':r' ' "r t P .sRSo S ss"ai - -a Uv& fei a : -- - ci ' t --" aaar -- in ..aaM. d - ' - ". -aB A. 'ii if 3 'mmi J toBBT"MBL BtrBB-cB-' aa:uJ)wuB'3uneaor.5t Jf' ' , . -m - . 1HB J .' tf.,jwr. . r -..- - r'? - r j-pw . --t ' v, - " 'vi.-C A-rt.. IJ'. ." "i t. ' i--. xrr7&Tr.Br-zt" ' .- ; IF Hnnv-a iiur! u. .- . -f ..3 R Boots imdffl jwSVfcaawairBBBi Sum. RlilTIIIB " "' BaStBaB-BBT -aLaiHBBBVB ?'JL,ri-,-.- .w 3. mrmjmm. Utt.Jl( lK""KSiftSwS?; ... ' .fTET "--- '' j'-tfi-. rV - i''3 cuHpeuM .1 '.-l -.: T'"- ESaf AL VIGILANCE IS ID CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, . "M.tif S. I Lense .1 OP ILLINERY GOODS 2 AT Mrs. S. R. The Oldest. lading Millinery Trimmed Hats from twenty - five cents to twelve dollars. Chil dren's Hats and Hoods ,;' n all Styles and Prices. Plumes, Tips, Birds and , L other articles at Prices that EFY COMPETITION .- i ", V V i . 55" 3?i tfShSV-' ; &isN; - lCiC-G."S:J-. - r -,-va. -'-i'M . I !K . . " liS-JWi- krf-iTO- r TAt 7 !- 3aP a o B ZT BVaaBfaV P SIS BBBbBj 3- - I 5a 'Li C3 ?-. a ? H 2 &." 1 a Baafl BBBBl ft -, ?)uS tt St.CS-D p in. -" , J. PPl T "WW JW BR w c ? VM" -sit - S31 tVZ&W . - " B-7f!. - y T -- - -. . i" .. .- Jn , - ., f-Ffm BBBBBBBBi'- j. .? rt . .-'. -2. Bf'- 'waar' - - T "j ftl-iir Talt 7b"bbbvbB ,. V .-- . -f .'Hi.Sa m ' - - .r .5.7, ViiTr ' r bbbb1''' '"' "Wt" "' ' ' " ""-" 1"657" BB - - -j .BBBBBBBBBBk . iJ. a .S B C - ... BBBT mmmmw - I BBBBBBBBBBB B1 J X .aBBkBBBi -B BB MBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBB T BBT BtM. BUBBBBH BTBMB -Jb-&S; ---; - ' ""tffivmwu"' .-mm ! idi'assav -tr - ' "" THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," 3t I' t'-ii ,? Display! McBride's Xaargest and Store in Red Cloud S. R. MoBRIDEp ;;-0n Blocc South of Poctofffco. Maryatt &Co's P Is the place to buy Jew elry. Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Plated Ware of all description kept in stack. Wait and see our new stock before you buy elsewhere. , Repairing a Specialty. MARYATT & Co. UaBBBBBi -V it - . A BBB ;. vl, ?W'.. , r . .V... . ,., ' - " r-r -"r' w ' -y. -iBSai55is.iBBSrBi BVC1t3i i2ifaT '.?- - r 5-- . . t BBBBB1,' VT1 .- T'-'BIBL B - - IBMBBt rB I HI -imtr " ' "-V??i'?i r""T?-.) ''iVv t - ,r.' - - -.'jy"4.v -. ..aBBBBBBm:r"? -t. bmbcbbhvbi bdobibui irons lBrK2ePSlL-- ''- - - T ...--- -r -,- V jr--,, -, AND $l.BO A YEAR 19 THE NEB., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1883; The Red Cloud Chief. A. O.HOSMCR, - Pwprittw FRIDAY. NOV. :. 1883 SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills for locals, advertising and ioV Wftrlr will YiornfiOnr fia Attn mt I collected monthly by this office. The l bills for the same will be presented the first of each month. i CURRENT EVENTS. Go to J. 0. Potter's for the lowest Cash prices. , f-2t 0. P. Tayib-, has been laid up with "biles" this week. Editor Warren- of thc Argus was in Lincoln this week. District court has adjourned after a two day's session. BEMEiMBERthe thanksgiving dinner at the M. . church. Makb your application to the State bank for fani loaiw. ll-tf Groc&Hies, groceries, at bed-rock prices, at J. G. Potter '8. 16-2t The ladies' aid society will meet this afternoou at Mrs. Win. Parker's. Yodr grocer will toll you that na tional yeast is the best. Ask him. Notice For good suits at great bar gains, call on J. G. Potter's. IC-2t Exqkaviko free on all goods sold by Maryatt Co., jewelers. Red Cloud. Mrs. Kei.mkjg, th!b milliner, will re main in Red Cloud for the present. Broom con has been coming to town in large quantities during the week. C. A. Owen has taken the contract for painting the new Catholic church. The Presbyterian ladies will hold a social at I. N. Taylor's Tuesday night A car load of furniture just received at the furniture wurerooms of R. L. Tinker. Jcix;e Pasli.v, opened the Novem ber term of the district court on last Tuesday. Look here, bargain? will be given in clothing for the next 30 days, at J. G. Potter's. J6-2t Frank Potter celebrated his four teenth anniversary Tuesday night by a Uflfy-pulling. Don't forget the ladies of the 11. E. church hold a grand thanksgiving diuner on Thanksgiving day. v Maryatt Co., are retailing goods at wholesale price. Their jewelry can not be duptW-tpdJn the valley. Makyatt's is headquarters -ft a m'onds, watches, clocks, jewelry ."silver ware, spectacles, etc., Red Cloud. Some of our readers took offense at thc communication handed us by Rev. Gault last week, and which we printed. Miss Etta SanPord. is teaching in Polnicky's district, No. o. I. 0. Walk er is to teach at Batrn and Ilenry An derson in No. 47. The thanksgiving dinner at the M. E. church, will be a good place for every business man, clefk or laborer to get a good meal. Every body invited to call at my furniture rooms and examine those eay chairs and parlor rockers. Oppo site the postoffice. It. L. Tinker. H. F. Crawford, now living at Batin in Webster county, built the first house in Montana. It wi erected in '02 at East Bannock. . Miss Ida Garber, is to teach the primary department ot the Guide Rock schools. We now have three graded schools in the county. Over $49,000 has been collected by Treasurer Buschow on the taxes of 1882, A pretty good showing for the tax-payers of Webster county. While the people in Illinois are shivering, with' the mercury down 5 below zero, us Nehraskaus ate enjoying comparatively fine summer weather. C. R. SffRzand James Overman, of LaPnurie, 111., old friends of Dr. Damerell, are in Red, Cloud looking up business locations, amTwill probably settle here. Mr. E. M. Stoker, of Wahoo, Neb., has our thanks for a jar of very delic ious honey. He informed us that it was his intention to start au apairy. in Red Cloud in the spring. - Call and see largest and grandest aispiay ox jeweiry ior guts lor nonoay presentation aud home use, ever seen' in the republican valley, at Maryatt A Ob's jewelry store, Red Cloud. The dancing club held a very plena ant party last Monday night. These 4aces ure very interesting and furn ish great deal of amusement for our youmg foil- during the wiuter. Tmdelmquenttc sales nave. oc- cupied the attention. of Trees rer Buschow, and 'assistant Dodd, a greater portSo- of last week. The final sales were coaswsmated Saturday. Twc Bed Ck'crearary is stiH dofega Ikmrishing rbosiB, aad is sow B-kiBg'frb-nWOtpSOO pounds perweek. Mr. ftUk4for that crry will preWWy m jMur.DirYKB, a Webster '4J $ luw'bMRJtrMbleiL. with - tat alierratioa ibr'soMe'time past. Oev- TbT 1av AYaairir ha was takes charasr : jbyafiMieiwjp 'm " ' f. rnfii -, " t fm . -. r ' 4 - a?-" PRICE OF THE CHIEF, A few more corsets offefed you at cost prices. J. A. FdWLttt. I am closing out my stock of zephyr at 8c per ounce. J. A. Fowler. Col. Wiggins is the happy father of a bouncing baby boy. Twenty-five per cent, oft" from every dollar's worth of ribbon bought within thc neXt ten dayf; J. A. Fowler. A FiVfi-YBAR old child of Frit Zer- ka's fell from a mule's back and broke its arm. Drs. Hall and Damerell set the broken bone. Will the party who borrowed a woolen-shawl of J. A. Fowler last June, please return it without further trou ble to the owner. We have been compelled for sever.il weeks to omit the real estate transfers in Webster county for want of space, but will endeavor to publish them next week. Ir you are going to tnake your friends Christmas presents, don't buy until yoit see Honry Cook, who al ways carries the largest and most -elegant stock of such goods of any firm in the valley. He has everything that one could desire. Be sure and see him. The basket supper Thanksgiving night at the M. E. church, will be a very pleasant affair. Every, basket sold will contain supper for two and the name of some lady, whom the gentleman is expected to take supper with. It is very amusing and a source of much pleasure. At Perry McVey's sale last Saturday morning, cows sold from $30 to $3S each; spring calves $13 to $15; yearl ings $16 to $20; corn $6 per acre ; hay $4 per ton; shoats $3 to $6 each; horses and ponies $50 to $75. There was a large crowd present and thc day very pleasant. H. B. Simons, was the auc tioneer. Mr. A. Lindley, a practical and ex perienced druggist, has purchased the Miller Ball drug store. Mr. Lindley comes to Red Cloud highly recom mended and proposes to carry on the business in first-class order, and do a strictly legitimate trade. He has al ready largely increased his stock and extends-an invitation to the.people to call and see him. The Woltz comedy company will commence a series of entertainments at the court-house hall, commencing on Monday evening, Nov. 26. The play on that evening will be "Dora, or driven from home," Miss Jennie Woltz -iiiahestar This company has re ceived the most flattering noncesrrtmrj the press every where they have exhib ited. This will be a rich treat for our people, and we hope to sec the hall crowded. Admision, 50c, nothing ex tra for reserved seats, now on sale at Cook's drug store. What is the reason that Red -Cloud' can not get up some kind of a manu facturing establishment? We have a first-class water power and all the rail road facilities that could be wished. Why not start a pork packing estab lishment? Something of the kind would be a big thing for our growing city. Our wealthier citizens could increase their fortunes in a speculation of this sort. We hope that an effort will be put forth to secure a manufac turing establishment or a pork pack ing house. W. F. Hughes, of Texas township, brought the Public office the other day a turnip that weighed three pounds aud thirteen ounces. This year seems to have been a good one for root ciops. Clinton (III.) Public. Yes, we should say so, Bro. Butler, but Nebraska takes the cake on raising vegetables, Only a few days ago The Chief was presented with three field turnips by Mr. Olmstead, of Inavale precinct, which weighed from seven to eight pourids each. How is that for turnips ? Mr. Robert Hicks also pre sented our office with a common red beet that tipped the beam at nearly eighteen pounds. ' It has been said, and wisely too, by some of our citizens that Red Cloud ehoald be better protected from the ravages of fire. The means at hand are inadequate to cope with a confla gration of any magnitude should one oecur. The subject is worthy the care- fal consideration ofthe trustees and Ihechfeens. Self protection is one of the saiiF-gaards that every -person should feel interested jnv The Chief would suggest the formation of a fire rkrade: jtnd also, that city fathers take action in reference to the purchase of .. nre engine at once. juu invesiea insoMethincofthektnd now mar be the BiMBa of sa'vregsevevat times that much in the futusev We hetieve the people desMnd it. A HOLIDAY PJKESESrr. ' A pair of beauehs A etruscan gold braeek-, set wkhsjameti ad 'pearhs wor i $15 to be given-away tier the cash pfcchw of the hwgest bW of goods at Mr- srellogxVfiM tW 30th day ef November terthe 2tthi day ef Deceaa bw, 13, provided tbeb tieeeds $ the. above prise isvbii- siMiiiio, at 'Mm. Xellogg's store,, whev' i.ii? 7 r"- l r;K-i 80A;W I -receive atichet-lwith every. r tafcl wUl-badeUversd lo-'tke oVrtaw -4t .'21 :?t JI;T as null - - .niii rz. j----' - purchase; whfchir to 1e held WHa;ha day of Lb.wk thw7. i' if-iTpr?- c 7 H&grf4 sr F .ImZJt.---. li ir voupjuAux. X- ' BY .Way Wm. r. of 'McCoskl is. ? night he ..j7 a i.- -- . , - a aw ywuu. .. y ir Mr. f. tM iif i -i :h. 1 covering l tUm ISLBBlk IIBB W V 9- T- There rge travel east over the B, and X tipreseat. There aiso a heavy Fr i.-t lathe travel west." C.W. i is, havCag his haaas, tv. i. 4ii;. ' full dur Charley MaKfedtoill the o- sition. A- i r ' -V '- Mr. iey foreaaan of the fouT house ill i cUy,hae gone east, on, v . a " c f visit. :-. rateaHme;isoate(ing in Mr. On It .- JWRUIB., .j y. evening. Mr. 1 . -'- Brown loyo'ot theB.'and M.. at this met with a ntost ' serious accident I vt which he lost a Dortioh of jfjir. Brown it seeaw ihad one lor been atl rK cieantne up a- eoaen. and hii( ted borne wifhaifeop that had cor apart, under his arm. Thw he was! 4 m MCFbKra-. -' . jwtoxwhileintheactofj,MkW-Jbw, stti her crossing k- i a. .i i i ae tracr, arc cue. not oaserve ictiine engine which run hia an appl down tt he was aware of its p?e ClU'C, cl i'bUbk- his fool ah xhnvm if h lad" i -Z-m -. 3i Dr. Ha company s suraeon, was called, the inji ass-todby Dr. Da e'reUV portion of Jp foot was anipnt He will coHsequentry be compel lay off for several weeks- Mr. Br Eis indeed fortunate in es- capmgl ,a crushed foot,, as one step furthei the track would ao doubt have cl Mm his life. It wssra very narrov ipe front instant death. JCCESSFULEOVSE. One ago the 16tn of.Novesaber", 182, t Natioaal Baak of Bed M Cloud, onraaissd. aod liceased to do a iialhankiag busiiess'ia Ne- braski aaviaf become the sucesaso'. of Sml baakias establishaieiiK- which ,doag-basineas p Co that i business of theFirt Natioi has been steadily grow- mgiu nt until now it has become ill and flourifthing basinem apei indust di our city, iae more prom- inent iBterested in its orgaaisa- tion rtx; Messrs E. E. Heote, Ox W.M r, John Moore and. W. 'If. Ricbt i, and has the disjunction of beinj irst.and only natioaal bank, in tl republican vaHeY. ' Tnei- cess oi i laak has beea .far greater T 2V - !. -. than rerk aaticipated by its. most ipaortersTaad to-aayau k sangu bers iters aKg-airelasses of busin lad.mHvate citiseaer ThedeV posit ; shows a heakhly stale efl aifaii ; upsosac oVeriMCWt Whicltfl ---Bmiimmtfj 1 1 u irilFt rw stockholders, and naturally makes them. feel good over the result of their efforts to build up a good business-, so much so that they have determined to erect in the spring a large and elegant banking house, which will be an adorn ment to growing city. The location of the building has not yet been selected, but will in all probability, oc cupy a sight in the immediate vicinity of the present building, and with 'the zeal and general go-ahead that charac terize the managers, we shall look, for ward to the erection of aaicc building, fully equal in design and architecture of any in this part of the state. The officers of the bank are : R. E. Moore, president. John Moore, vice president, V. W Am hi pr r;ilnpr Tfic Huirv ia pleased to learn that the fiwt year of .lie imtmm. a wioivnvt ii utoi m ticil success aud a financial benefit to its numerous stockholders. The Presbytery of Hastings in ses sion at Bloomington, in April, 18S3 r'w'commendcl the building of a church edifice, and the establishment of a female college at Red. Cloud, to the liberality of the friends of jprestcri anism. Thc church edifice i now about enclosed and floor laid,-and rt is expected to go on steadrff fo cnrtfple tion. When Jinfahed the town1 has reason to expect a sefcstantiaf and comfortable house; and the hope is to; establish a hard working church. School Retort! Report of Stillwa ter school, district' yf, Webster" county. for the month ending, November 7 T8S3V "Number of days taught. Number of Dupils in attendance Number of girls, Number of boys, Number cf days all pupils af f8 31 M tended, 3g Average, ff Pupils who misssd'axy jaysy Jeunie Shirlav, Grace teel, Bertie Shirley. Ol- he aiurtar. Maaave flhirUv. -f k Test and Oscar Shirley. ' r-P.rWwL; Tewcber, -- - cthtf buetoess m of -.-af. -. J Bed Good, set at Case. A: McNeny's week to take ae- accradvk?inireceiieabr W4 Wbe UUt frWtb aaWe a, the V, ' wcei- Jreekeeavt, No phu(- e4aefie(nC X.m -tJJ" ."Cl eirV'! :. jtril.-rfiii -J" i!t-- r nw avviu vaniT,a mr we wnuasL ' U C Art trefereaee- to the dmmtm Vevr. wNiae aa a. e t oTBid jk- c tim brOa . -id the - te- . ii7' .t- - - - tr eaa "W s-f t J m umi"j"peu w '?HirJmma wmk at " r ns"n :?:;':" BmBBlBBBBBBBJr BBFaPBPBBBBB BBB1 &JmM iMimkaMA -' v- "-. F - -- -t. - - MT3 V-. ".- f Jr X VS - At . v"t a ii - t--- -- r-v r ZL a; swaysateja-w Fth. - "W - t T 1 " t, ,- eSSKtUfMn vSg if he had - lee the poCtitift 'Skn rl ttWMtlMVM tie a wkL W la lb. lHh.t tae Sr-" hest;. Aser isikckir srttni;- the tiriie; ft 9aured 1 tl'-n J bashful be.tUt arV.UMk W.fc taw doubt it vise wi;h however tot be as; Mnffari U more coryeulfas ins loved zmmir k mounted his.pranaiur" - . " - --. . . e W3 with his. for tl s2LSF davas kre he scaindlt mue aod hat iatended leth:reUh bw ht , was resiened. Tb nay w: Washing wasiapogress. was ia.aa iritab lemood.; fiict a cosrinlB-tian f-reaiAs er iMosa(ler.tlkM(i now r iievecsasa-, ae m. arouad 3Shsrethe;o4d wonwwt.' - r. sl-mm . ting th elothethrauwh the I IMm law had, keen shot out of TUw. iqestka tBMbt ej i lk t !.' & inini.n.,Hfh! loetat Mtopocewr vetee' Xs be spoke the hut wor he 1 -.- -0 , .. I hVJiVUk.P7" iato the tab of hot waters er was amazed, bttU thnr r.l wau. kw iae answer eat, jii home kt bis excitesseaC-' E' Georare" did not hare: feet of induchif him te-frf5.' or retracing his steps? said m ed marriace'eea failed to b.c aiated. Truly, a- fiw-t heawi won ir lady ' j" . - TH&COUXTKY DA .j Vm lima come for thai - fortabta! corapl like the sound'1 bask !H"i ws with". iV The orchcstrVnsuad die not Tieiinppnsrbly bcuvo. Oslendfcaoagh, the makes fhe-mefc and calls' thl .bovetlwnoiioaf the" dancinsryou hewb 'Iteetj on the norwhh'Missi hie rover exit out Rnn l "Ciiear or atffm,"- &cl L change. lt';aVirftri mmonfhw nrKfLsirvxsa oi ine ci'y, nu i to a townsman the country, vhil with his- coiins, buoyant, the spirit bles over in its -exci1 code of etiquette guided by good sense are endowed. The "ho on such occasions njakti feel cTnly gratefiu1 garden of their nii niaillB 2b ItfMiinilU tisf'of IetteravKi for in the peefoBce Webster county N week cndiHg4 tovl I. Wn. BWrett Amaf' Jack Bfovrit. GaiMrl Xnrfco- Cecehvaev Aqfc M JMiiwoa erw Belrrr Hetim rarkir. eo. Al H. W. Rose: Miss- Fl In caflmg' feraboVe;' plea Tertuerf, giving date of list! M B. Mr5 MEMPmskoijTM Kansas- Cuy"- to chance of ears.- Thar people of' ft west and-j called to the ItalWiedfy. F now cnmmefetf tweetrEausas'Crl Tern. f line fo'ie.sotith I to-the-west prac tic tioAfrttJcr'elrtWr'r ;for1hi1-stfof4i I" rf ai 1A " m a S Anrpngn eninTj; niHso pBce mane hours' I T. -.... j- . f-niie, wimtt . em ataaaBU BIJtH 5e" ore: at ail West' itt! fresrotri &&& iTf MAMt Ox Fotatoi Fa" ai eDossa Twawaar sswaf.-.ee voete-- a f'u T"'rw --T-rf n- a. 4 mm hl rl m w .1 BBBBBBF7 ' WWWwt .BaTBV bbbbi IbI imBai K'?i' 't&l-.'; --. thBPaaBi v..' 'K- ' -"' n- fc.i'.i--"' '"- fi; '-":' " BaaaaaaABP V0'taBi . "' m