The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 09, 1883, Image 2

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few fete t-"?14"
" j
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'.l: 4 1
a avmanf lampmT
a tilth above htaoric pares.
Brave With ike deeds of rallaBt wen,
And wlab thoe xt.-r or earlier axe.
In our dull day could lire ajraln.
And ret bo kslrhto ancient uara bcfan
In chivalry with the American.
He oe not frequent- Joust or tourney.
And flaunt hl lady's colors there.
Hut In Uie tedium of a Journey
lie fbowg that flnrercntial cart.
SBil inuMtful kindness to the sex at larire.
which makes each woman feci ncrac-iritis
lie does not challenge foes to duel
To win hi lady' cant-off Klove.
"Ui Vrtivv in way 1cm rah antf cruel
The truth and fervor of tils love,
wot liyiold docus, lut ly hi reverent mien.
He pays hla public homage to hi juecn.
He may not hinn with courtly irracoa.
Hut yet hid kind, respectful nlr
To woman, wbatso'er hor place I.
It inljrlil Iks weji ir Klnsrs hIioijM share.
Ho. for the eblvnlrlc, true Kenlleninii,
vincmc, isay, our own American.
nua wuftur, Mx .v. l. sun.
Ride closer!
It is two miles ahead to the foot-hills
two miles of parched turf and rocky
pace. To the right the left behind,
IS tlli rolliri'r Till lirnrnl vnl.
... .-..... ,.....-- ...... . ...
strikes the sierra ."scvailas nml atops
rti vall had been built across it.
What is it on the grass? A skull here
a rib there tames scattered nbotit as
the wild beasts left them after the hor
rible feast. The clean-picked ukull
grins and htnrcH every bone and scat
tered lock of hair has its -tory of n
tragedy. And what besides these rel
ies? More bones -not scattered, but
lying in heaps a vertebra with ribs at
tached a ilcshlcss skull blenching un
der the summer sm. Wolves! Yes.
Count the heaps of lioncs and you will
lintl nearly a score. Open oonts are
picked tip at sea with neither life nor
sign to betray their secret. Skeletons
are found upon the prairie, but they tell
u plain story to thoo who halt beside
them. Let us listen:
Away oft" to the right you can see
tree-tops. Away off to the left you can
see the same hight. The skeleton is in
line between the two points. He left,
one grove to ride to the other. To ride!
Certainly; a mile away is the skeleton
of a horu or mule. The beast fell ami
was left there. If lie left the grove at
noon he would have been within a mile
of this spot at dusk. It is therefore
plain that he did not leave until mid
afternoon, or possibly at dusk. Signs
of Indians may have driven him from
his trapping-ground, or mayhap he had
exhausted the game and was .shifting to
new fields.
It is months since that ride, and tin:
trail has been obliterated. Were it
otherwise, and you took it up from the
spot when; the skeleton horse now lies,
you would lind the hist three or four
miles made at a tremendous pace.
"Step! step! stop!"
What is it? Darkness has gathered
over mountain and prairie; as the hunt
er jogs along over the broken ground.
Overhead the countless stars look down
upon him around him is the pall of
night- There was the patter of foot
steps on the dry grass. He halts ami
peers around him, but the darkness is
too deep for him to discover any cause
for alarm.
Tatter! patter! patter!"
There it is again! It is not fifty yards
from where ho lat halted. To "steps
are too light for those of an Indian. A
grizzly would uioii his victim with
n roar of defiance and anger. A
panther would hurl himself through
thirty feet of space with a scream to
unnerve the hardiest hunter.
"Wolves!" whispers the hunter, as
liowl suddenly breaks upon his ear.
Wolves! '1 he gaunt, grizzly wolves
of Um. foot-hills thin, and poor, ami
hifngry, and savage the legs tireless
the mouth full of teeth that can crack
the . boulder-bone of a butlalo. Ho can
k-o their dark forms Hitting from point
to point the patter of their feet on the
parched grass proves that he is sur
Now the nice begins. There is no
shelter until the grove is reached. In
stinct guides the horse, and terror lashes
him with such a whip a human hand
never wielded. Over space, through
the gloom, almost as swift as an arrow
scut by a strong hand, but a dark line
follows. A line of wolves spreads out
to the right ami left, and gallops after
tongues out eyes Hashing great Hakes
of foam Hying back to blotch stone and
grass and leave- a trail to bo followed by
,,togpwardly coyotes.
"" Men ride "thus only when life is the
stake. Ahorse puts forth such speed
only when terror follows close behind
and causes every nerve to tighten like a,
wire drawn until the scratch of n finger
makes it chord with a wail of despair.
A pigeon could not skim the valley with
stieli swiftness, and yet the wings of fate
are abroad, and long, and tireless. The
line is there aye! it is gaining! Inch
by inch it creeps up, and the red eyes
take on a more savage gleam as the
hunter cries out to his horse and opens
lire from his revolvers. A wolf falls on
the right a second on the left. Does
the wind cease blowing because it meets
a forest? The fall of ono man in a mad
mob simply increases the determination
of the rest."
With a cry so full of tho despair that
wells up from the heart of tho strong
man when he elves up his struggle for
life that the hunter almost believes a
companion rides beside him, the horse
staggers recovers plunges forward
falls to the earth. It was a glorious
struggle, but ho ha? lost.
The wins of tho dark line ohlioue to
tho center there is a confused heap of
sunning, lighting, maddened beasts.
ana me line rusnes lonvanl again.
Saddle, bridle and blanket are in shreds
the horse a skeleton. And now the
chase is after the hunter. He has half
a mile the start, and as he runs the
veins stand out, the muscles tighten,
and he wonders at his own speed. lle
liind him are the gaunt bodies and tho
tireless legs. Closer, closer, and now
lie is goinsr to face fato as a brave man
should. He has halted. In an instant
a circle is formed, about him a circle
of red eyes, foaming mouths and
yellow fangs which are to meet in his
There Is an interval a breathing
spell. He looks up at tho stars out
upon the night. It is his last hour, but
there is no quaking no crying out to
the night to send him aid. As the
wolves rest a flash blinds their eves a
second a third auda fourth, and they
give way before the man they had look
ed upon as their certain prey. But it is
only for a moment. He sees them
gatheringfor the rush, and firing his re
maining bullets among them he seizes
Lis long rifle by the barrel, and braces to
meet the shock. Uven a savage would
have admired the heroic fight ho made
forjlife. He sounds the war cry and whirls
his weapon around him, ana wolf -after
wojkf alls disabled. He feels a strange
.exultation over the desperate combat,
huu iuv pacn giu way oeiore ms
mighty blows a gleam of hope springs
ap in his heart.
It U only for a moment; then the cir
cle aanvws. Each disabled beast is
replaced by three -which hunger for
blood: There irf -rush a swirl and
the cry of despair is drowned in tho
j&orus of snarls as the pack fight over
them. They wfll look down upon them
X urn lnrtk. i-ihuI 1m lnrv r 1iv-
..:"'-".. w'T ." '.-'
rcau it, ami rtuo away with a icellng
that 'thi but Bothr dark secret of thr
wonderful prairie. ZWroZ Fricc 1'rt.',
Meate Carle.
Since the death of M. Blanc, the pro
moter of the gaming tabid at Monto
Carlo, which occurred a few years ago.
(that of Mtne. Blanc transpired ' in
ItWl), the Casino continues to projcr
in the most urprh:ng manner. Those
now interested in the undertaking an
the memlwrn of tho Blanc family viz.,
Kdmond Blnnr, um and heir, and the
Princes HadziwjU and Boland Bona
1arte, tvho married daughter of M.
ilanc. They nre the priric'pal abarc
holders; neverthelei. a few shares arc
said to m in the hands of the Slayor of
Nice and other high-standing function
aries of that citv.
There are three hundred of the-e
ahans, each one representing ono hun
dred undivided parts. Kach share at
the outset was worth .W.OCK) francs; their
actual value is difficult to tell. At all
event, if offered for salothey would at
tain a fabulous price, feeing the phe
nomenal profits annually realized by the
roulette and card tables. Hitherto the
owners of the, Cawno have apjtcarud to
be satisfied with their annual profit,
which permitted the daughters of M.
Blanc to Imj dowered with yU.000.OOJ
francs each, irrcsticclivu- of the enor
mous revenue which fall to the lot of
each shareholder. But although ,tiot
opetilv debated, the idea of a tmanc'al
coup Iiasfora longtime Iwjen meditated,
and the following is a rough outline of
the fcheine:
The three hundred j.hareasthcynow
Mnnd (ono hundred undivided parts
each) are to be converted into .-ixty
thousand coupures (thereby doubling
the thirty thousand undivfded parts),
and these coupures, or coupon-, will
then Ikj offered to tho public at tin price
of 1,000 francs each. The operation U
unquestionably a bold one; neverthe
less, despite its faritatic proportions, it
will evidently find favor with the French.
And why not? The receipts for last
year amounted to lo.OOU.OUO francs.
This project for converting the Casi
no of .Monte Carlo into a public affair
has been generally approved by the ac
tual (stockholders. M. Wane's dignity
suffers from the fact that tne .source of
his revenue is a gambling hell, l'rinces
Kntiminrfj. ntnl l!iil"inill unrtfiL-r. if
I that view, ami would not be loath to
sever their connection, once and for
ever, with the institution of Monte Car
lo; above all, under such favorable au
spices.I'rincc Charles.on being apprised
of this resolutiori.wasMituewhat startled,
niturally dreading the revolution in
his affairs that such n transaction would
entail. However, he was brought
around to the views of the majorit' by
the judicious counsel of his father con
fessor, and was even led to take a more
decided step. He has given his consent
to relinquishing all further intervention
in the c ncerns of Casino, and in return
for this abdication his yearly pension
will lie increased to l.OOo. 000 francs.
Tho contemplated issue of tho new
shares may be expected soou. The
date of issue will be settled at the next
meeting of the shareholders, which will
take place in Paris.
The magnificent Cas'noof Monte Car
lo is annually visited by an average ol
fit 10,000 foreigners, who" play more or
less at roulette or trontu-et-quarantc,
and this number is steadily on tho in
crease. The impunity with which gam
bling is carried on at'M maeo may be ex
plained by tho fact that any attempt to
suppress it would bo equivalent to
touching the prerogat'ves of Charles
III., and any Mich departure would sus
citato an "international question,"
which neither of the neighboring pow
ers is inclined to open; a quotioti
which, probably, would lead to erious
complications. Moreover, the inde
pendence of the pr'neipality is fully as
sured by treaty. Cor. AT. Y. Tribune.
m m
The Base-Ball Umpire.
"Who is that man with the bagiry
trousers .standing behind the catcher?'
"That's the umpire, dear."
"Does he enjoy life?"
'till, ves, occasionally.
"When ho is not umpiring a ball
"What are his qualifications?''
"They are supposed to be honesty and
"Do they send out detectives to find
such men, or do tliev select them from
Government oHice-.?,v
Neither; umpires obtain their posi
tions through iuHuence."
"What is influence?"
Influence is the wife of power."
"It is good to have honest v and abil
ity, isn't it?"
"Yes, in tho case of a clergyman oi
bank cashier; but an umpire is too
honest to want both, and is content
with either one or the other."
"What quality predominates?1'
"The other one.'1
"Why are the spectators hissing the
"Because ho is tryiug to be impar
tial." "If he were not?"
"He would Ikj abused by both play
ers and spectators."
"Has ho no redress?"
"Yes; when a player insults him and
calls him a liar and a horse-thief he
sometimes lines tho player as much as
live dollars."
"Why not fifty dollars, or even
"Because he knows when the season
closes the player will lind him alone
tome dark night, and punch his
head. "
"Are the spectators ever impartial
"Individually, seldom; collectively,
"Where do they get their knowledge
of base-ball?"
"Mostly from tho morning papers."
"Whatis an 'error' column? "
"The column in a newspaper devoted
to base-ball reports.1
"Is tho umpire a married man?"
"In which citv does his wife re
side? "
"My child, let us go and cut a water
melon." American Sport.
m m
Ceuldat Stand It.
The Mulberton and the Ginslev fanii-
ts aro near neighbors. They live in
s suburbs of Austin. There is, or
should be, a bond of unity between
them, for they are both very slow and
deliberate in spending money. Both of
the families mentioned keepVery frugal
tables. Mrs. Mulberton thought it
would bo a tine stroke of policy to send
her children over to tho Ginslev man
sion just about supper time. 'The re
sult was entirely satisfactory, for the
next time the ladies met, Mrs. Mulbar
ton asked:
"Why don'tyousendyour little dears
over to mv house every evening."
"I couldn't think of it. They come
home hungry as wolves, and would eat
me out of nouse and home if tliev were
to keep it tip."
There is now a glacial epoch existing
between the two lamilies Texas Sijl-
Justice Gray, of the United State
Supreme Courthas ridden over three
hundred miles on horseback on consec
utive days this- summer without fa
tigue. As the Judge weighs three hun
dred pounds, his horse has Hot coate
out so well. Chicago Journal.
-The Germaatowm TeUgrnph be-
early autuma to be the proper
irwt aces.
The Kara! Wn m Chlaa. .
X faeiUy, C. D.. con!tiag of eight
person oVn an acre aW a half of
land. The land w aJmV'bt bv tl;
randf4lirrof the pmfui head asd
never lamn ubdiv'dcd tuncc nor ad
to. H jow about MVeslv bti!ielf1
rice aid thirty-five of wheat and ki
vegetables and cotton uoiue. w
llrrlhf.r tti mnntv ntaTttit fiflr ilol'
He haalwD'HcphewV who trox xxrti
and bring home something to help.
in thacrrer.tbrr get skrfig. but
are irrr pJr. nc pay n"i
land ta-c to tb vtcnt of oae dull;
fifty cents a vear He and
neighbor wear natlre blue clot!
and wove In the farailv bv U;
from cotton grown by theruselv
never wore foreign cotton. Tl
he fa.ul on (a well-worn affair) h
made two vrs previously, and
lat two vear more. It ?crrci
nf"ht fLu a eoverlet ae'l xt
day. J'
Another family owned four wire odd.
only part of which was suttaUJf fir ric?
culture- Their incom was afA'. eighty
huhc! of wiieat and one bffcWcu and
fifty of rice, alout a fourtjfcrol which
they could usually -JL 4TijO" pa
...- . -. - -.. --K,
.something over three dollar) a tVcar as
Government land tax. rhmr Sbo crew
" . -. r m
more cotton than they eoji jke, and
sold every year alwut'ten oW-arsworth.
They wefe'lx-tter off thanjpeojc of their
iicghboi, but never savol ut money,
'"hey hail fifteen mouths p feeL
The foregoing exsrs arojjcn l)ccame
they represent fairly thotJVcrage "con
dition to be found in nirjtt Vfcina. Tbe
greaUT number of eulUfa'-OM belong to
the class of tenants.'Hfrnc say the.
projKirtionof tenants t peasant propri
etors is as seven to three;fothers put it
as three to two; but. Ai'r tenant or
proprietor, the combllou'.of the culti
vator is much the saiie-pthat is, it rare
ly rises alive what ii;.tt enough for
the baro necrsjlrieec"f llfc. ily own
observations hav I tKi ,motl y confined
to this and adjoining provinces, and I
exclude the cultivators of tea, silk and
opium, who, groWi a commodity
more and more iuf&jfnsnd and casib
trampurlub!'.', area A far JK'tter osi
tion than the ufdiVary ieasant; but
.HjR-aking for the rfrcMtcr part of CJiina,'
1 IM.-Iieve I am nor owrstatlng the case
in saying that fotlhe working agricult
ural ma.NSt'9 it ift aiilaily hand-to-hand
struggle with wan! In'a suuccssiou of
gcMul years thcyj'iHl verj' comfortable,
tliev have cnoiigh-Jio cat and to wear,
ami they havircluw other wanLs; but
population is ev increasing up to the
food limit, nne wfien a bal year or two
comes they die of by hundreds of thou
sands. J" i
Two or thftfii causes may readily Ikj
named as hating mainly conduced to
this state of lljings causes which are
generally td' hh found among Asiatic
races. Tho raie prohibiting the devolu
tion of prepejty by will, and making
division oirJpidsofy among all male
children, tcuMs readily to rcduco all
holdings ojL minimum that Is, to the
very l(nvt7piautity out of- which 'it-s
po-sibleitalraake a living. Here, as
every wliarv else, energ and good luck
niise individuals to a position of wealth,
who may. if they choose, become large
laud-owners; but in the course of a few
gencraticas this universal equalizer,
aidul jbythe apathy of the ordirnary
Chinoje.yi'hen in comfortable circum
stances, -frill have reduced things to the
form! (lead level. Another equally
potest fietor is the habit of too earl
marriages. Parents deem it a religious
d nt JJ provide matches for llfloir chi'
drc 'm soon a they aro of marriageable
yetits.iind tho voting pooplo go to the
altar Jh much tlie same way as they go
tosc'bol in Europe. It never occurs to
thewto ask first whether they have the
mcanssto marry or whether "there will
be cnoiMi to fill the nidtiths that may
comoitJcny:inl. The evil is further
agafty.tcd by the joint fara'ly svstem,
vr"SMakos the responsibility off ono's
uWiT-huy and puts it 'jointly on
that of hanNoep others. When a
man knows that'FeWincjwt.acqual
sluvu of wlrit is going, whether he eat A3
it or no, and that the lieuelit of his dcu
ing himself any particular iniliilgence
will accrue to others as well as himself,
a great motive for thrift is withdrawn.
l-i one respect the Chinese peasant is
in a better position than the Indian
ryot; he js not in debt to money-lenders,
lint I do not know that that is a virtuo
for which he is entitled to mu-h credit,
for there is no elas of moiiev -lenders
to whom he cutld get in debt. " Indeed,
I am not sure that he is not thereby in
a loss advantageous position, for when
hard years conu he has no means of
pledging hi- properly, which, if he
could, 'might ave him from sheer
It is a melancholy thought, hut it
somus inevitable, both in the case of the
Chinese and Indian peasant, that tho
great bulk should necessarily be in a
state of constant poverty. The food
production is limited. A good, stable
Government may remove many natural
checks on the latter, with the object of
improving the condition of the people:
but it is doubtful if that i any real
kindness. It only postpones the inev
itable, and drives them on to another
cheek all the more terrible because de
layed. Emigration and self-restraint,
tho only true remedies, nre hopeless in
dealing with an ignorant emulation
counted by hundreds of millions.
Cor. London Times.
The Egyptian Arnijr.
There exists a considerable diversity
of opinion aliout the national character
of the fellaheen, but on one point all
authorities have been hitherto agreed
that the fellah is one of the most un
Marlike types of mankind and heartily
detests military sen-ice. Any one who
travels in Egypt during the time of the
conscription mu?t be painfully im
pressed with this fact. In the villages
ho may be often roused at night by a
violent altercation outside, which begins
with gruff, bass male voices and culmi
nates in shrill, hyMcrical, faletto tones.
The first time he is so disturbed he
probably assumes that it is a cae of
burglary or manslaughter, and rushes
out with the intention of supporting
vigorously the party of law and order,
but he funis to his disappointment that
it is nothing more serious than the
capturing of a recruit for the khedivial
army; aud though it may be quite true,
as the women loclarc, that the village
sheikh in making the choice of his vic
tim has been influenced by considera
tions of baksheesh, tho arguments pro
duced pro and cou involve such contra
dictory statements of fact and such
complicated considerations of law and
morals that as a sU-anger he can hardlv
feel justified in interfering with the
action of the authorities. In the prin
cipal towns, where the recruits are col
lected, similar scenes take place on a
larger scale. The conscripts are
brought into the public square under an
escort of kava&-cs, armed with ti,.i-c
and switches, to be examined by the
medjeAl officer .-nr? tlm in:t:,. r.
medical officer and the military authori
ties. Among them are a ?wirl ,-.-
representatives of the halt, the maimed
and the blind, and these, after being
separated from the others, are allowed
to reuiru to tneir homes. Of the re-1
mainucr lew coauuct themselves with
the apathetic, dignified air of the true
deavoc to
but the m!irr"rT- ,
prove bv rrTr.l.- " ..
lnI,l as5cvfraons. 'exprey I board floVir kj the latterfrom kmock
no gestures, or revolting contortions I ine- hoh- in th craft's muslia bottom.
taai tnev are tnfu.- ,,.v..j , v .
tn- .rrf . a v "ou"cu r hmii- "MB tee canoe naa oeea compieica.
ScLtlxaTSaexnts Ml, liit act pamtciUt weighed oalr x
iSK ".i? Jhclmjap-1 teea pouads. bat has silce beea chmar
peals, or indigaaat nrote .w-J.iT I .. JLi i,- - .);. irJ
SSSHai V. Masses, withX
deaw k.Tj 'swilckes- a-fh
aeavor ter keep order aed t.
Tliitl,l!56ti:s:UeIy 'aporti
-J ?"jlv oscakfroaj Uje raakj
knWkvtlUt nlu. -! . ".W J- ,
- .
Ut he pt bsck f sto their placru by fore.
till at !at a rough ortmcst ha brca
noraf defect and who hare
a . "
r4f j)f Miti!t,tkl kj, ! fcllfh
are. thm jhaiiaW offto prix.
there -tinW the arrival of lac
ttft'ch WW tramfwrt
When the aoaal
raot eiiraorw-
are to be wjv
to their fate.
tHt'tejwM-; JtML4 ohVikt
.cuK-npt aa.
! oy
tbroaca a nag ta tae couer, my are
TboaBtT together ia groapt 6fi or a
dumtm . Aroasd thm UasL iLul
malo rrlatires, weepiag aad wilUsg,
As the momeatof sparatioa ffrVW'
c t he exdtemeat of the womeii m
crease, their moaas become om4rrnsxM
theirAr:k3 wore shrill. satlU a tit?
train or steamer mores oC there I
terrible motneat of cHmav. The wye.
irround. ttiniWdut tntea their hea4.
cteculate, "Mfriek W gesfleahuelm
manlao. while the mere eicMawe. ,11
not restralBeM. literally rca4 their jrar.
;ucnts and how all the symptoms of
the wildest despair. A spectator Igao-
rant of the cause of, all this excitMSwat,
ansl grief would naturally uppoe that
thu men in chains had been condemm-d
to death and were being uken to Cairo
to be executed. Cairo Kgyj4) Cor.
London Timet.
A IH. Uli MelWrama.
A story comes from St. Ixmis hariag
all the elements of a thrilling melo
drama. A young boarding-school miss
wanting her watch repaired went to a
Miiall estaidtshment sear by. There
were two niea pfaseat. ono of iwhom.
apparently the. wor for litiuor, was
rc-aing lib) he.ul tion tlie show-case.
She handed her watch to the other man
standing bv. givieg directions as to
what.should be done, with it. He. ap
parently on purjMJM, let it fall, break
iag the crystal; hut on his promising to
make t goedshehjuYJ ., wiw him and
Subsequently she ti-lurncd'snd asked
for her watch. 'ih9 proprietor,- who
proved to be the man whoso head wa
resting on tho show-case, denied hav
ing it. The man to whom she handed
it had disappeared, and had not re
turned. Tlie proprietor gave ler an
other watch, which she was to keep un
til she recovered her own. Dissatisfied
with tho arrangement, the police were
called in. The proprietor of 1110" storo
insisted that the watch was not iu his
possession, lmt had been taken away
by the man to whom the young
lady handed it. Pressed to ex
plain, he admitted that'thu missing man
was a friend of his. but that Jio had
proved false and treacherous. When
tho young woman came to his store
and found him leaning on the show
cac he was nearly insensible. In cori-
rutny with his friend he had been drir.k
ng a good deal and subsequently lie
smoked a cigar with him. The ciar
was drugged. He 1ecame stupefied,
and while in tills statj his friend had
not only taken the young lady1 watch,
but haf robbed the money-drawer of its
f.lintirw flirt Q?ifi, tf fii-ti litim1n.fl iliil.
r ',.. " . ":..". . ".
inr.s, nai nis pocKets oi tneir contcni".
Tho proprietor awoke next morning
from tils lietl in a room adjoiaiug his
shop, and found himself htripped of.
niueh of his iiroierty, with his frieni
missing. Ho Ins not seen him cinccX
iic inane, lie satu, tnotHWt reparation life
his jMiwcr by giving the young lad.ffl
La watch as valuabSe intrinsically
hers, although as it was a memento of
her dead mother, it possessed a valtie
which uotHing could replace. J
If his explanation is true it ia as rr.
mantle as n iibtv nr n Mtnrv: if tint&-."
it does equal justice to an imagination1
xt'l.tnh nniilil Sni'.itil I ... m.:I .. A ..W
l,lb. VUlllil lltvviiv V CW ttUiM-"jyu.
irou tree rrcsx. I
i .
ailr TstlskertaaliAaaa
-j vieiFfv j
Tlie'oiilecflSMcaiiher of thoib:
.-at li.-.(euing to lheHeti.f hiJLirii
nient with a peculiar .--orapnTcsmilo on
his face, when a reporter interrupted
him with the remark: "I'll bet ten to
one there's a female operator on the
other end of that wire, and what hes
sending is n special for you and not for
the naper."
"It is certainly a lady who is send'ng
the message." said the telegrapher,
"and .-ho is doing it verv well, indeed.
There are many excellent operators
among the women, and though they can
not clo such hard work as a mnn.the
send mes-sages in very good shape.'
"Are vou sure just who it is that is
"Certainly. I can tell as quickly a-.
I could recognize, a friend's hand
writing. Each operator acquires a p
culiar.t)le of handling a key. and there
is not much difficulty in recognizing a
sender when once hisiyle it known to
"Where do all the operators come
"The city telegraph operators arc
supplied motlv by young men who
have learned tlie business in country
otlices. In mam caes the son of a
country telegrapher learns the art from
his father in spa;e moments, and finally
succeeds him in the iiusincs. For a
time he is sat'sticd with his jnisition,
and the novelty of buzzing' a female
operator in a town thirty miles distant
is very p' easing, hut soon he gets to
talking with citv operators over the
w.rvs. and when fie finds out what they
are paid he become dsatisHed with his
own little al:iry of next-to-nothing a
month and find himself, and so deserts
his post for the city. These young fel
lows from the country make 'very good
operatofX for as a rule they begin to
learn when they are thirtcenor fourteen
vears old, ami that an operator should
begin young is positively essential to his
success. They sav a person can never
bo a good vlolini-t unless he begins
when a child, and it is much the same
with a telegraph operator. The- begin
early and generally leave the business
before they arc old; not that they retire
on a fortune, but they drift out into
some other occupation," as most of them
intended to when, they fipt began to
handle a key.' Boston Globe.
A Nautical Carieslty.
John Crankshaw, Jr., an
jottng man of Frankford, has coustnict
ed a curious little canpc with heavy
muslin and barrel hoops Tlie craft fs
fourteen feet Ioug and twenty laches
wide in the ccntefl The stem and stern
posts are sawed out of pine'knee knots,
and the lateral slip over which the
ribs are fastened are also of pine The
rest of the little boat is constructed ea-
tirely of muslin and ordinary flour bar
rel hoops, the latter being onc-quartcr
of an inch apart and fastened to the
lateral slips, which extend from stem
! to stern. Over this skeleton the mus
lin, having been, thoroughly soaked in
oil, is stretchet . Two water tight com
partments are made fore and aft, by
stretching the oil soaked muslin entire
ly over the canoe, thus making a deck
which can not be penetrated by the
lor T1.I nlilArTe Ti!uv rrtntsirta k
nill u,t n.l r- nmirrfi tr rlr
;,. ,I...,'.- T.- mrA ft 1 l'kt
7 rr . . , -r - -a-j
several hcavv coats
bow weighs thirty-eight pouads.
It has
succfcsfnlly pat to a test, aa ia
Ur U;c .KWMiii -"-
uses it amust ererj diy oa the liter.
Fki!ad&ia Ztccqrd. - - -
w.., .. o . umuo-v.ia .
Crarral McCkllaa J1 hcreflrr
! TC l,"50,,u
Ilttrr !wUp4. ajrd ..Uty
twos, 4
!IattiVtLt!mrsd. rv4 afuen.
t Grog. N.Y . rrtwnUy. fc
Alfred TowasT.l h ymi
trn4L BoVcI, "The u5iir-4 lv. .
which the Haq?T bars cerptrL
Jwurgroa. the famoa Lotxloa nila
Jstrr. Iia but tworhiWrra tlM iw
and thrv are both Bapuaclrrgyntca.
.-S'lllCxlctoa ha -"oifirka'pocK
on a mortgage It L cxiwrr U -m a
mortage than to oortgagr a p-tu-Chhcaqo
later Ocata,
Bartholomew Tarney. of Bath.
Strurn t oantv. New York. ,gnaitrd
n,U ee huo-lmlth hlrthtlar the oth?
day by talking thrcf mi!
J Mii Maud Bank, daughter of
General N. P. BanVn. gvw on the plat
form tht a an rhnjtlo3it. S-b
I ha-i U-rn tudvig in Europv-
v fr w n ItowelL. tat- novrlH. H
V l trar old. Hr Jovr ouict and
and hun odetv aal tirW t-ort.
HpffeTird and interlined nixl arr a
tclr-mto the pnnten. .V ) AVuu.
r-Wx Walker, the colored lawjrr
ppolmmJ bv (iorernor Butler to tho
beach ejf Ike Vhar!-!own t Ity i otirt.
ott, vflMmjtth-irvU. aaa a' a "nit?
wlfu Mmxm iWH
er iur fid 3W
slings and arrow
ol outragto
e'ki the .lrft
her by the will of
chowttS man who
avcntnc la-
4 tlw o'her ilav.
Indianapolis Jo
prisUmr Ihtf'v
uuvug?iH . nT
r lnWl mn
I h .w aJ .
a capital, whe
nor vi ii." iriim-
era publihel h
meatlon of tho
.tiiiiuv with frequent
aatlior a? "mr johu
The first
copy of thc
streets of N
eahov who evwr-i'old a
v; 'ork Sun in , the
York b.eaunj famous
.and rich.
tea j-eari oM, and
name was Brnard
from Cork.
Flaherty, but mi was atterwanl known
as warney vy;nma-.. tne toineiin.
Julius Jf.Ulpu. a inoinbcr of tho
New York ftmk Kxrhangr. ha ha 1 hu
name chanf d to Jubu Newton lie
has done tfci hecaus'. as sialyl, many
ieople ahnJMwauu-l to kn w if he wa
in any wa nlatel to the N.-uhni. fam
ily, that wtJIOuado unfortunately eon
spicuous by tin- death of the laic I'cuja
mia Nathca.- .V 1". 7wou.
'ijnk'tte phrattdogy:
has wL'ivith all the cooking clubs?
If t'reiriu i the .mhiI of wit, there
is a gdbdea! of fun iu a dude's coat-
tall. -4CmH I'rdzd's Witlltj
VWhy are vu so distant?" said a
traufp ton hccMrak in the etauraut
win(.r.J Chicago Herald.
-lt mvs Ihi'u suggested tliat a fitting
cpmih r Captain Webb would be- "He j
WJ net a faonte in the ixols." Jcr- 1
U "What are vou writing such a big
r.dlnr, Bat?'" "Why. you . my
Kmeniotlier's dab, and I tit
iuMe't,,''r to her." -Itrtnnt lst,
Miss Kate Kii d hjjlleves. ju
j .Mirt f.t- f
qwp-iia. ell,
get into. hot
ail about dvs-
4i 9 - tO! ?
S i. You let a man
wafer anil he II torget
fsia. Hodon l'ot.
.IS-What'isthat fs it
bat? 0hv pp, jirji. f yii,
mho i kicking himself.
tic man kick him.elf?
a circus acn-
thit i" i. man
What makes
lie ha-. In-en to
fm masquerade partv
and fiirted with
his wife all the c cuing. Toronto
f - An attorney, about to furnish a bill
tot coLs, was requited by hi client, a
! baker, "to make it as light a M-.ible."
f"Ah!" replied the attorney, "that's
what you ma say to your foreman, but
it's not the way I make iin bread.'
.V. I". Graphir.
"Come here. Matilda, and keep
these- quinces from burning while I go
and make up the In-ds." ?aid an iudul-
f;ent mother who had been stirring the
oiling fruit for some minutes while
her daughter stood idlv considering the
lily and theMiullower In the front anL
"No, mother. I shan't stir.' replied the
languid maiden, who hail reo-ntly len
reading over some second-hand juins In
an ancient almanac- Yonkir" a States
man. The rrofesshr, from Ids' ofllcial
chair "We who ourselves delicate to a
noble career lind neeosary o the com
plete fulfillment of our mission ' a largo
development of the body as well as a
powerful unfolding of the intellect. Our
duties are laborous and painful. Wo
must accustom ouiselves to perform
them without helps extraneous or arti
ficial. The ged engineer, like the
.skillful mariner. mut Ik. able to shavo
him-elf in the dark without a hxiking-
flass." A pupil -"But, if in the dark,
ow might a looking-glass aid him?'
The Professor "Slence the mouth, sir.
You come here to learn." City of Mex
ico Monitor.
A Joke en a Thief.
There was a man on the State Fair
grounds yesterday who was so tickled
that he set a dozen coidc. round him to
laughing, and when aked tho catic of
his merriment it was some time before
he could answer:
"Such a joke it nearly kills mel"
"A joke on whom?"
"On a thief a nickjockct. I can
just imagine his ha! ha! ha! feel
ings" "How was it?
"Well, you see, I brought fifty "lol
lars here with aie. Alxut an hour ago
a irangrr aked mo to change a
twenty-dollar-bill for him. and in so
doing" he must have seen how much
money I had. In fact. I mentioned the
sum to him, and I took notice he
watched where I put my wallet- I felt
sure he was a thief, and I determined to
give him alittle surprise ha! ha! ha!"
"Did vou have him arrested on sus
picion?'1 "Arrestedl No! But I fixed a-rdan
to take him down a little. Hu look me t
for a greeny, and I wanted him to find
out that I "had ray eyes open. WeU
sir ha! ha! ha!" 'and he laughed ua
til the tears carne-
"How did vou do it?"
"Why, I slipped around in the crowd,
took the money out of my wallet and
shoved it down rov boot-leg, and then
went back and rubbed around him. I
Sreteaded to be gawping around like a
aysecd. and ireUy toon wegut into a
jam. Tbea the chip prcssca roc hard
and lifted -roTlahtwaUel aad dag out
like a Cash, lie thought he hail that
fifty dollars; sure, ami Iktw his jaar
most Have "dropped when b found fail
ha! ha! when he oh! bot I'd have'
given len dollars to see it!"
Was there nothing in the wallet?
asked a man with a squeaky voice
"Why, of course rs
His grin died awav all of a soddea.
bis eyes began to bulge out and ia a
miaute his chin couldn't keep stilL Ue
looked aroead in a ilazcd way. aad
when the question was repeated he
slowlv replied:
I had a mortgage and six huadred
dollars worth of notes ia there aad for
got to take em out! Where are the
Evervbbdy laar&ed aad fcregbed. aad
dm maa fell 'rwa "aad choked aad
kicked y his delight, bat the panywho j
had saved usEmasuin kct ck
BBUetL He sjaply grew pale ami
breathed hard aad glared areas h:m
uatil a friead cJered to take aim sat to
the cattle ueas aad kick him
M Uae. Iter Tne fro.
Temperance ItcInj-.
Till' TETVViLLl3:i tLKPOX.
i, sirprwqpw!
t fTS. e?r ivi)t.
lit rw ;
or rrrr r-
&r was t
- Xcb"VT S
t -
- - - - rt
rUn Ua4 tw Kirr4 J
Th Impurtan' t a gtt tv) a
Tim iiHl minlvl hi a UiV. v ik
car. triirKpti wa vi c l T t". atmi a prttmisM Ut&- $
of a lrv- SoUinrlr rt He At4a
You lal ch ma attd ftN!iMrwl
In ihr fact that. atrrv t th
; In fOHr -arv oae of the art (ju
I lion a. hoo a liniiW Jlrcn
t xoMkl riiirsj' umaj ih-ib V .. M
tin ! As
Yur instance "i ur Br jh the !
lumr. and we ht Irs turn tu t
rdl w dintnuier. Wrvi1 ,' "t
tbem Mnd u the usriH- f J.fc ik.
. 4 .1 .. .. t . . .... -..
ol Suiunitri'i, a -t r"-w iw kiib
llft. .. - - , ia,Ha!r ,
Kit b? lhat
R .. ..:..;, vf t.Jl
j xm : ra n ami v w aj u,t w
man 'rtairi. 0 aaw ei i.i is
- ! -
H HnwMrr-t al K 0
lhin A iV lwine agicy. wmt
etep' man's Sttr and tamlijr rati
ascPrtalned at iskc e " laUrurl
mir traveling clerk u -vt ll ft
atKut hbi fnmi the ". f rtoril (
the couaiy. alwas ojnn to ptbite U
MMrihitt If he ha tiu del. ifcr
am rycorded tlierv. if Id piMjKwt t
tntrtgageif. that ran U ertaitKL
Our agent al inquire aiii.g AKr
bitmfs mui of the t it aerv th
tragfr-lla- Kupjoiwe letvin trtm
tht- Marr and Irotn Dun' atnl ilmd-t-lnct
Ixmk. iiielhtig like tkl
"John Smith. agel tlurt. i tuarnud.
own hi Ikiiuo fn-e of mortgage, mrnt
hi fiigagement", never drink intoxi
cating liUors, ' that JtUs tin imp
we put hint on our Nnik-, atnl -l Imhi
glK-Hls. OM Credit. But sWpfH w gt
tin In 'John Smhlt. ngi-l l Wirt v.
rent., mortgage on .gH.t. rfr.lj."
that -M-tthV tils uae. V vnnt n lur-tlu-r
pnf that he . worthlewi a a cu
louirr."' 'Il.o value of a rrort- how sharply
. !umds iit in th- light of lhf-e vt
litlness fitrt All erlh a well a
licaen coupirc to help the man wImi
htdj bmissdf. Ilisljth frielkki
w.-iv.' He tie the lwnf nntiiro and
the iirniatural l hi chirioi h'4.
why llouMll't ho ucvod? diir ntn!'
It I our forvhndiuvd let iu. "th
iubtaiie if things IiJhmI f.r, th el
deuce of thing not wn.'' .scene
brings t a fi-cu It id lh;ht uin it
iu the-e day by pitttl route and teh--graph,
and we can hanll now eniM
our reconl mop than e cimhl if lh
juUgmcnt thpme werjN- r
Iks Twel hid aWav.m .Spstn.
where a tray iartou k4 Nnntl rutimW
hi true inwardnes. and he j remand
d back to New York and the Toiub
A 'defmdting i lerk outrag the e-n-lidctejdtlv-J5giMl
Christian lonk-r.
Breton. Kimu V Co.. Chieag". and th
lal nhotograph, mIi""1 ncgMive he
coithl but leae behind h in. italilhi
hi hentit away down In an ibeun
jro.ineof South Ailieriea. A raenl
ly oung Kiisiian tenl twvhe tlnui
saml dollars Ipmii hi eruploxer In Mo,
cow, and is arretil tho day aftr be
ai rives In New York Surely tJS
world at Ieat has no plnre of pt fot
the trangre.4r. Cr.iil by dnnk an
three-fourth of the who trnngre.
Awav. then, with dnnk in the inter-!
of all legitimate Irnde and uei-eful
bu-.ines. lot of all away w.lh It In
the interest of man's reeopl Here aud
Be ond.- I'nion tivpial.
True In Their Principle,
Two young ladies of our IxMivHe
Y. W. C. T IT. recenth wnt to New
Vork to Ixv prr4jnt at their lrftthT
wedding. i ino n a offered thon and
at the' subsequent recej tion It re
quire 1 some "chamcter" to leate tho
wine untouche-l and drink the health
in water, but the loyal girl wtc
equal to the tct. At lad the father of
the bride, touched by thi quiet stead
fastness. re and cald, with a look of
ndmiratiou. "I projx4 th health of
our Temiwranee- gue-ts from Ken
iur ky," which wa drank with enthul
astn.'apd. let u Iioim at leant. In water
One of our leading Indiana workers
ha a noble and accomplished n who
has recently l-vune cJle-tor of a bank.
When aked o enter a alrwin in pp.
cution of hi work, this Temperance
woman a lxy leild . " 1 will w-nd the
bil', jiaying stationery and pos?.tge rnt
Mlf; but rather than enter a saloon. I
will rcipi mTjdace." But a vou lb a
true anil wholesome as that lnt allow
ed to re-Ign. H l worth to mu-h to
hi employer - Union Si'jnaJ.
The proprietor of a well-known Kn
gluh .eaide Temtcrance hotl recently
n-fueI to entertain a Jady and gentle
man, lccaue tlie former a!d that tout
wa a daily necessity to her the doctor
l;ad opIcpn! it, ami he omldn'.t do
without iu The i?d jiroprietor dil
no; think either of thec p!n t.nOJctej?t
to justify a departure from hi strict
rule to allow no drink on the premi-,
and sacrificed his profits to hi princi
ple, for the intending visitors olffe'y
declined to come.
Tcaipcranre Ilrta.
O.vnorntr wotiT kvils mnn'-etMl
with drinking in this country aric
from the fact that many brewer are th?
owner f chjuh; nwngages o, !vn.
which. b-Tng thus 'jeT." ar cm
pjlled to '! whatever cmKrtind may
be lelivercd to tlicta for ale or bcrr.
K. Y. IknxhL '
" I AtvtK au. yon .amt and sin
ner." ?ail fiennr IieVeroo. a b
stood on the trap of the IajtTninrj
gallows. hvt Fndar. ,"not. to fool o
much with hhky." I dl sot kill the
man; it va whtsky. Henry had tn
suffer tl.-; penalty howcTrr Ilvtlon
Axu xow the mnilsjr of tb fn
whikynsocitioa o.PjrUJd bxir to
poe as por prrxotcI alnt. -f whom
the city l takhag unfair ailractagr.
Victim. ff "faoatje-sm. thrv are com
pelled V take oTit Homers or nra the J
cbaace ol jarmg uan cii wocl-l foot
up a raruig total. Th wuadrr is
that it dvnt cccvr to srjm of them Ut
quit a lnl3cr which the law. for pro
tection nf 'Jk comaiBfiity, mat tax aad
ban. C tjpnian.
Kcv. Kxtwjisx) Everitt ihu said at
the first rcrctiagof the Harvard Trm
peraaof Iscagtw. I w?n rrmemlsr th?
fsyvcrest .Jay of ny experieace whea. as
a reporter of a daily aew.paper. I n?
norted t! itftdicariSn of Beaker UsU
Moaamest. There were tea reporter
at work. B-i we lad to take tkrws a
short-kaa- the oraJioa of Websrr. the
speeches r! Faacml Hall, aad the ad
dress of Prtsideat Trier. Wc jh to
work at tea a. m-, aad the oae h oC
rotdoaestfor the aext moraiar. Of
thos wIrohadaottksctfVsWXto sti
late thcav aot eae is aow aKrc. sad
oae died aa hoaorahlc death. T7
who harn Ewd were those who scack f
cold water. whch it
1$ tixe oaljr thiafmr
a literary au
r T4a1
er ai i ;; ihi'p -w 1va i,
. v.t. ..... i - . i
.lUM.jyu-, .i' -v- -.k., 'Viu-.l U. fc
....v .. it. .,, ii . t l - . i .
wl .rr", T,:",T:4i"v!V ; r.-, A4. !.
I Tk....n1'J I'lllkji fcai ?t . tfNofSk il'I
!' inrfftvi i.fTw--.rrr-:iw5- .. .
Hll m run J. iriwiit in mi' wn a wuwir.
Ovr YHg Itrtwlfr
nis -r J?t tus oa:$r
,U9, 4 Cf whM ?
atfc-. f. a io .r.
wM M f
CMrra .
.Uti .-
"ttxn. w. tt r mf
-1 V IV Ctt
" ,-t f M, Vk
I V fcy -, .
ita - ir 't f-w
J ii " Hxr-
i. p - m r '!'
(MVr wV4 4 -
4 ,iV VW iftMf U", -Wrf -s
Lr & i urji'
- " T - f -i- c mmmm. AlH.
A4 a tt l
H'. Sfw15V l1
"Jxi-t j. iUai f .
W- I!-,4
-j U-imm ia Umtk l S o.
fuan Wa
a4 irrt kt
! w.n - i.rsM k
-r IMt. a-4 MiMUki. I II lg
. -
'Mm m.iv. 4 ar af f p h
- . . . .. T
1 um - ( tw?tT a J l 3
bnr IW rv"f' yK nul tlvwlns
i m rn rr w up - ver
gt u r4J sm. i.a4 lurrs ikfst st hk
w k w .
tl I tr." misvJ
.!. , MMta.v
4d ihurr, la a
r, e.ttUs im. ) a pn 1.
ttrlt aWs u Atm I )si f 1B
rmx r wn A V S i
- I WatM I I rw. StMBtiu wW,
.t. i ut
li sMr I ut itlrs; isyii tm
.anil Urrii."
'Vh lt Mt k u Ur fck e m i.-rAf y,m thhl lW (
all nb.Mt liw io; bat r 4W't sl
awj la4m. and wH mfk imm& a Umw f&tmnbm -
i.f m Mt 4 mwm md taU !. Taa - a
l-r sw hs wd u hr-i u tas tamV um I it ? t miew aaal
tks U; Wwerht lattf rha-r aad l.jUlr4bikfSs .'
d. M us Irua of nr a, ' ifcuimgai I - -
.n... mma, hir tW " f J ltW ttaN 1 i t J f '
ell. " Iwn MAM., ."vmim. w ti ' MikUda WttH. a4 if I hms aaa e1
rtlr ait MtAMM' 4rV Issiwt
wtth "well ' Ilv twt had Wfjnl k
Ilka It rry ) k ll ltl iHUfcf
mn "lHjfet-broail th5j- ! ItfW
the CuoheH: be al'vai V Um liat
Haniiua wuhl gi Iimh Apt St
w ken MSAMH4ft ' a 4rr tth
" W U, ' lh UrM HtthlMX H
" rfl." W matrMiA. 'fr hj
frMS krtv m (jr awiM that j-ll jr
in li. tM4Y H ad knot a tttt
w a
' That HMl L- ;tvt f. lyt hl Um
s.' a.d llarrv.
OoH't talk" Ham." sM lWhWd.
with his even (Ht lnMMtn' fwi
-ivi-o'faf a Way," rojiUoOod mam
ina, "that viiry ff tmiW UiStn.
there is a own i try n dlttiti funoo
Mr. Thiru Htner ajrj itdd whf,
iMir at ! urift I'k'iwdre wwm
i-t hd thing lhiv. Ile A4ta an -f
lh e4tRi, lh ainl v-ll. and
ange mm! red )u iaa - tltriH hlHU j
far i(w n la Iks 'for wtr ITn'i- art
haks. ami alhgaUr. sad crwilti,
tK. ainl the nrr v nl att.
JliHi'l llry at Mwp4( litutsf"
nktl llarrv
"N'tiirUm." W mauiiiM.
Itob lket frightpnu'l, and iflntnm.t
hurrJetl h
' llt thy birU ar even mon lo.uli.
ful Una tl Mhe; kiic of thorn aitt n
while w, and f tketu an
j4nk a lwl 's ifbimkj. and ioi 4
them hake bright r"t . of
them n gr and jpdd. with lfy
dnqdng taH-fatlr yanl liig "tMi
of them hu a ry that Mnind jut like
a child in trouble It wold make jimi
ad to hear M anl tker tjo. that ka
a imr a karj a trd under h wing.
lieeaM light hi nmi-. IVn mv
a great man) ga bttb- kttiiiiuing ltrt
that ll in and out anMtnjr th tre. and
et-r bee. e-n at) purple drann
UI dart about In thtbnln-. .
" Hut tlH, plant and tr r lh
mt wndrful of all There a tJ
erralle! the fer tlfet;r. lrMw at
certain tint in th lny U gi out
'vtt. aad tlicrv I a plant rjHVd !!
pitcher plant, lseaii U lei nr.
fohlrd tip Into llttlt jtrn-H ttelier Uit
hold wat-r One of th jlaM h a
ery big flower that jll-t U'fore it blos
som look. like a wan Iw-hl Iu lu Mil.
but wfjitj ICi all ojn Jl torn! iMo a
lllert-p wjtli a rndet lining The
vines climb 'way up o the u.p ,f tho
tall trr and hfussom there, nnd
that grow (. to th grfMml bjig.
grow tber till thej jp. high a trr'.
You would like to g toatk lbre nod
" the strangn rrj r7e j p. Hh
shining evergreen hare, and little
hite dower, very r-i to m'ir n
csa-tre-. trrytall and straight, wtk r
cluster d leaTM at the top- great
lerr twenty fct loeg; antl oranfv.
. !.. I. i - .... .
irrr-, whi inac nwi iuo-.Tn rwi
green and r)e orange all on tke tr
at one- um I tninic jou o,vi like
l-t of all to e the
j on wruld hare to cHmo tip verr hl-gh.
for It like, to bre on high plac."
-J wrtwldn't miM that," mhl lUAy
IA-: " I traa.rthrth.
fititiw you w.tiUI gt tirr!. mthl
"So. I wouMn't, rilbrr said J',b
We. WnxUl I. iiwmiM"
"Hj-iiri3ddorji in ih rIlrr4 Hi
wirtiiM w a kid- wjic. j mamma
"for lt tu (fur. zvr7 'way op on th
Ides f lb rmrtmUxiftm, S'turUtn' 1
do-n't rain In that part of tb rMintrj
fgr vr-k. juI week, antl roontk. iml
the JcsaVf lrp, anI th j-rr ww.frers 1Z H" had V-o slut;-' oJBt iljrr
lek as if they wrrr th-a.1. Un If he arrre tn tb rtt. a wi
were to cat a Wilr place j.V trunC of HrT tttatr r-4. ato lktTH
one vi lln-tn. what do toi (Ttlnk wwild wm teV. trfd ,,, j l,
rurocfJt Nh--. rri mltk"' j vrr t fc-,! al -oKk- kr
" ' . h4t "c r1' milk? v.Ud ampoit ib, - ut suth r, i fcj
'k'TT ' !fT "' " rrvl. sb
otJlt:ealyJklVs-hlfflSft.!Twm w tUrfT prt w
ma. "It alnxist Ilk Jt, aI t towpttnnwnit frr lhm-fte. trt ij,
gtI to irrtnk. TofTwDohf think o U drs!-Tftb, jth ait?wt hmmt
yoa cvSl w- tt. Huh boys aol gl ajptHty. dierrerei Ty , Us.,4
ihern drink it Th milk runs ':- w j sjrj, , ,,3
at soarW-. awj . wtea the m ri J,lpi,S " f1 od hiU hw
over lb- nweVis thj itl m. : a tiri tltaj U wr-hrd frva a brnf,
nvn. awl woton. ad cfelMrru. f:h whea h: tirrJ f fki4 j wj juj,!
thrir bowls f8 th-rr had, to -pt tt,Wrca her iw-v! vt h4I br bv &
milk, ivy oaly xjn toltoM iImj howl h-M., w!!, tjt did sv.
doe to the trrr. a.I ti BtUff Wt df- (, ir &A VaJlh. H!lr -
strram ton fills tf- If ih-y 3ke, ib?ir t w piamf a TaaJJ ! w aAsHf
can vt it away wlvm thnr get sn. wb-. .he Uy i fnti fW hki
ahrahwhih, it wifl uatC tifct ry mraife A ffaS SS
v-si rr . ith:if sns
Bobb. I u kc Hke any eca- g-ffe ,y. trr dW WlhJ.
moatrt !nwt rtrrlr fc. .,- ,
-Tes" I4 ", rJjr t
xmrr tall-a great dxl taller thaa aay
of the trs krr. ft hat UaJfI darJc
grrra kaws, j-bUt1 at the rjwi. aad
loagrrlhaa ay haad aad thiy Ihtic
fiosrrra. and j mall, roced frait 'wixS a
Huh" Iaf oa Use tap lite a cap,
Eat. mamma. said lUrry. jw
harra't told at whre the cucrmrr hi
m U Lm rs.. LI. 4
- It) amoas th t. ordilkTa. w
st the
coat of Caraeav, awr-4
- D9t I dmi t taw aav feerr aw.
mhl Harry. I aerer'airi tht
Saee hctorc.
" I taw k.'' mid mmms, aattmsf;
h ymi caa take Mf'i kV acta te
amcnaraa4 ami It.
, !. tJI . -,f
""- J I s. SW.
asc ammaaa eair ammp
TV' jMn S l wwswv" f
it&. w -r I
t.i - a"" -feif (TVi y
- VT '. w-,. -"""
fHirr . , Jf
I i3r?. r uniaw i wmr
! VMf.
run Ttf 9 xm ws? aac "4
u tW m Ukutmm e
. . .. .. LXt-.. ml
toi n,ai - w n &
tiff pmm
M- t I I IK -l m iiT
t Ai -a5 Z?
fttt Hrf"e 1
Z, 4n4. m&mil 5 4?t
; y h . , W -f
;!' J2L
m. -m nw W-rmw '' - t - j
, im im
f-Ji t,mnu Af -
. . . . - .
IMI 1 w m w- ' - - -
bM tt V-
v.v.f Ma laaakak NVtMa aM -
4 .711 W..ISU . mw
tstaihiwe'i it
fc, iTilm I,
ttW Aim I
mKw r ' -
. ' .t. - - .La (
w m ii ii-- w- .'
W M Uim am
5 y !f
tf. r"r
. w , friMHi tm mm m
--. . iH
mm mm.i
aeaaaM aaflkn
. ,
MiU :. an w
1 . t
, mrt-AM
MM rI mX
i - -
, n
! Wmm 1 -
- mm. - m rtVwt
mm W J d haf
li W tW4 - r m,
Us-V. Vti Nil II
.nt m htmfa
I MkM JMt lk K
1-W.- -eh! h
Vim W ii talW''
-1 .-- kl. ! t
Vh sttatr Xmi
j ost tm m ha j
I 3s a-M. m 1
tmr WIW Wv aav'
U h Aru.NaV4Htf w
am fMM rmm)tm L, VaM
tto i aati ta i'1 " &"
r y
TtHk;r al
I hljsn
'th'iHkHrt I a r-
d iwvraa art 5x w4 laWmi
tkrH. IW MM
erri a 7sd "a ' ll -:J
tatwt ( yUm M-tfc k.sf I
tnsi k-Hou krav ki imm, iami
mrtt ltm Mi I- In 4laaiS l
4 rirl U W my rwhiaf --'
rn. ! tlaav ka4
wave !! wivrUst l tt (9 k ,
eart, ! t drtlkml ts ) Ik-
fr dt-. r tt hm k ta
par, or oretbi4r ! erp ,4 " -Hrrk4
yl twver H 4si '
lnau-trirv d ! dfljr vtslm
'IVmffh iTHel h krfftiaa
nddtwd kj piMta4r H mm mi UUS"
Ut fsw-l MKiMlt tiwi i wiJaii .1 ! I
NMtke a 4 r a hH, vf .
pAt ( 9 .,.. kti h D1'"
ihh rflr" wf krrhii aa. kt s
IHHW nlt ut mt Ull k ks -
a4-tHt!t tHMrh ' k
tkrir tsVyil k. d kl hf
tmm U "alt. Lk l tmmTi mi
ltkv ikal wimiiwiHsii T i
e.iftnallo I tlr rf, h tW "
wutC Mdy. kt ah- ike aajIT " '
sAtMrnte! Hh tkkt fm fA ek
(in ntlwr wk4 wHh Ihsat mmntm-g -4
tt ) Tk. w Ih-m krskss m luern .
valnrljstiat(; for !) ttfjrlsW
I'ir. Anle.!. fr mmy M tW 24
and twin., gwMmlly intiQa (
two rfH kn itf kjr fr Ik '
and an nnr r-iH Ur liv tmmttit -l
until nrHt w all tiwthiw kl
a ftr plae U t miWMk ( tW tmmj
round whieb tW -mw4n tasssHt &HM
gather ami rfntatiy xkaro tu tmmni- r
Bit how ithmI IttMDMM A tW Wt mi
at ono em! f tke k. aai ik- sr k.
mke rtHm3tx essrfft h at t
wH ktwtnf th raf tsr I frtif !
ha tiopg U tl m wk wi -1
eye, and at It rtrwff urll Iwtw k
rv-l brown dsr U art ,(--) hImi awd -.
qn rMn; prart fw at
Uut nun" I.n4ieiilli k4tt In la Uaei'k
H in imf mnm of wyr-. k4s
kj rr nl lib n k kerHf( "
rvltn lirt ( klfti5-en tl. fc
rrr. ao ehgaol Mpraiv. ta ki
few AM. & . ma t3um
I .. . - .. ... . ,
me prx-eimxvn oi rvinr m thmr r"
j witk a ritofV f j. 4 .pfk
iAetu rtlk lrjr t-. in
I It J wild rut of wlrvil rkVk !
ciaTT wff auj fflin-xtf tfcff ptmt
As a jfearral rut thsw ktkiiw -
ti wretched ly r rjm 4smtnm .
Vrl Lj-rv. atut tliMf- I m.M .r-m &, m
J - -. "- t.- . -.. . .flM. -. 'WW -..
hr5Jy rotxhtrml er,
ybl to i)- ftMt tw.r fM Umm
um Ik-
Inmat of th hut rMiti h in nrn
j In all thjr IN 7VfsV tUtr
Heath f a Itaky UrxJ)Ut.
Kltti. tl rt.rotiW-hl
ontaog of ths tntfiWit! hi A
dKl at an Trfr hr rrt-rtaT
wirt W lhU krr JL
Tofcrr or Ir of rmMi- JLi
k, iW. . - Jr,? 1
pwtf Jt feaE
Weftj !m m.1 ..
bt a&r&
Whra KittJ had br Wr UsU
gfjl er ukea to j,.
meuW ifa d
trfT "e 09 4be hiW sad
ItkasOdthatCyjrsHfhe ah, m
ahmjaai riier wa h
a aa !? yi
k.n.v -tw-
s w." MaM
a a.
C -JJiii,?