- - r r --" 'V5p. g-aJgBBsr-sE 'S sKli V V & JMBFS"at4BTPfJj45(g "'. i. tamwtJtKWjMBntwMiAniiaiwi "J- l-t ""J ;jfi aWfcai; 4&SDGLOUD CHIEF The Red Cloud TutU$itmi every Friday Morning BY- A. C. HOSMER. 0 7 i.tae- nn -uwfc - - ftfc-J-W-L ' - " "" in i " " ' ' J W '' s A B Chief, wsaw , . ? s BATra or BUtecRUxios: 0a copy, on year. Ona oopr. tix monthi, Oaa oopr. thraa inontlu. W. so. Bfatereil t the P tefflea in Red Cloud j I tar of tba (fcutid class. it- MILLINERY! The largest stock of Exclusive Millinery in the Village, now open at the LEAPING MILLINERY STORE ! The bargains offered Tips, Birds and Velvets, -1 f r !?.,.... 1-wty firing ma the nomination tbat I withdraw in the city. Stock L-rf.sh erom the kASTB.?JN.armtBtieiu,4liAihr . ,tt Market. Buying Largely, and FOR CASH we are enabled to give you the Very Lowest Possible Prices. Mail orders promptly attend ed to. j. a. fowler. FIR8T DOOR NORTH NATIONAL BANK. NEW 0B 1W FMI Tust Arrived AT BAUM'S Cheap Store, a consisting of DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps. CLOTHING Notions, Groceries, Trunks, and Valises, Men's and Boys' Suits a Specialty. A nice line of LADIES' CLOAKS and DOLMANS. Also, Soldiers' Overcoats to be Sold Way Down. Bound to Sell I In Order to Make Room in Store. L . BAUM. BUY YOUR CLOTS ING aaaaaa) AT THE aaajaaai People's Clothing House ! Recently Opened in the NewIState Bank Block. One Door West of the Bank. -:o:- WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF CLOTHING ! And can. therefore, give you LOW We came to Red Cloud to DO THE PEOPLE GOOD, and respectfully ask every person to call and examine our goods. . We also, keep on hand a well selected stock of HATS AND CAPS! , Gent's Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, &c, mn will s ' '14 THAT IT WILL SURPRISE THE PEOPLE OF RED CLOUD mm " ? 9 ! WffVi,..." .xOLf. L vm.vmw9 lni -jj, idrtfhaNwtaii v- JSHN s VOL. XI. MILLINER V! you in Hats, Plumes, can not be duplicated .o:- AT M llf AND VICINITY- -101 ' !LJS -t . - - mvvir - lank f Ra t ,, X V -v ED CLOUD, NEB, .- EB9 PRICES m Bictou: w- - "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB.. FRIDAY, The Red Cloud Chief. A. C. HOSMER, Proprietor FIJI DAY. NOV. 2. IBM. Carfleld Post N0.8O. C. A. It. &)'. eTfry oth-r Mao'iajr Tcnlcc Krfular tokitlne oa Hoadmj evening on or batata Ihe full racon. Ja. ii. Mcitt. S. Wmt. AdJ't. C. SPECIAL MOTICE. t AH bill for loca!, advertising and job work, will hereafter be due and collected monthly by this office. Th bill for thc&vme will bo presented the I first of each month. WARD W1TIWRA WS. Ilarlnc deeHaJ tht it u duty lht I owe to cnyielf, to withdraw my mat candidal for tha offico of f horiff of Webttr r enuntr. on count of not htliot ole la leir tba exparue. neeerjtrilr incurred. orpiro the lima riie tod end neccuuarjF to ronduet a -atupIgn in nj behalf.! taka thii minnnr of aunouncinc to thn t of W'ubtler county. TU01. J. WARD. CURRENT EVENTS. Wintkk is coming. N. Euwarw, of Ulue Hill, was in town Monday. Gi:o. Cah-som, of Council Bluffi), vans in town this week. D. P. Nkwcomuk. of lue Hill was in Rod Cloud Monday. Thk Indies' aid society will tnoct at "iilrs. Murj'Htt'fl this week. The Cimkk extends its regards to Jlr. and Mrs. John Gnrber, for uomc excellent wedding cake. VoriNt. place in Garfield precinct i:hanged to school diitnet 18. J. I. Hayiia, county clerk. Go to Mrs. Kellogg'rt for bargains in plumes, and in fact ail kinda of nnllin ory and fancy goodd. 21 Two bao burners for sa lo at the Commercial house. One Westminititer with oen. Doth will be auld at bar gains. A great many people nro coming hack from Dakota to winter. They cannot stand the severe winter weath er in that country. A tiiitk and old saying that if you wish your work rnrll done., you mubt do it yourself, is still true. We do our own wtrk, and warrant it. Tiik ladies of the M. E. church of lied Cloud, in accordance with their usual cuMom will give a thanksgiving dinner on thanksgiving day. The Webster county woman suffrage ociety t ill meet at the residence of Mrs. A. McNilt, Friday at '2 p. in. All interested in that cause are inited to attend. Koiikiit Hicks, brought to this office this week, a led boot that weighed aeveuteon pounds, raided on the old Burkhead farm. And still they can't raiso vegetablci in Xebr.wka, you know. A. IJ. If anncr. the third avonuo har bor, come to Red Cloud about twelvo years ago, and used to shave the boya sitting ou nail kegs. Reclining bar ber shop chairs were not in fashion in Red Cloud at that time. Uncle Peter Marsden, one of the substaucial fanners of Webster coun ty, gave The Chief office a pleasant call Saturday, and deposited u J I. SO for a years subscription to our paper. Many thanks Uncle Peter, call again. All people in town h ave hud an op portunity within the past few-days to try .National Yeast, we can say from experience that it is superior to any yet we have ever used. All grocers sell' it, . Postmaster McXitt, has the honor of erecting the first two-story building in Red Cloud, about ten years ago. The basement whs occupied by The Ciiiek office and the second floor by a hardware Etore. The building stood on the corner where Miner Bros store now is. Mtss Lulu Barber, daughter of Mr. -KTohn Barber, one of the oldest subscri bers of The Chief, has the distinction of being the first white person born in Webster county. In the htetory of Webster county the distinction is giv en to another person, but wo nre in formed that it is incorrect. Ox Wednesday evening, about thirty of the young friends of Maggie Taylor gavo her a grand surprise party. It was her eighteenth birthday, and in honor of this her young friends pulled taffy and indulged in other sports until a late hour. Our reporter was present ed with a bunch of the said taffy, for which he returns thanks. Mr. Chas. W. SrRiXGER. county su perintendent of public instruction, is one of the best and most thoiough school officers that it has been .our pleasure to meet. He has for several weeks been engaged in a tour of in spection of the schools in the county. Mr. Springer is the nominee of two political parties, which alone is suffi cient evidence of his abiliiy, end integ- J rity and an excellent endorsement of his past services to Wcbstet countv. E. W.vssEXKX, of Cincinnati, Ohio ,vas in Red Cloud rencently, investiga ting tho price of hogs with a view of makinS this a point to purchase front. Mr. Wassenick is making preparations to start a packing house at-Denver;. Colorado.! "Ho has returned to Ctncin- tnatf- to gitrahaM the machinery with cwhicH to operate, lbs. packing house This will evidently give us a new market for our hog product ia t. j this part of the state. He intends to' lllaytntr i,Iarge scale. f.- i. j -. ; 51 wS) jfyasiw? THE PRICE OF LIBERTY The now jowclry florc, WrihtV The cotntui&aioucrs hold a econ lo-dav. Clocks at lowt prices at A N. Wright'. Ftrrr articles in silverware at A. N, Wright'. Latekt derigne and etylta in jewelry at Wright's. Velvet or suit caps, made to order at Mr. Helloes. 2vT Special inducements, for the next 30 days at ButimS. Big bargains in clothing and boots and ihowi at Biuin!a. Call and tee u And inspect ourjOarlr, P 1. Ve:r stock. A. 5. Wright's. The chiilleugM wind mill is taking lea.l. Sold by S. fc F. The State B-mk mil give you the best term on farm loan. 11-tf Big bargains in lac; em broideries , and insertion, at Bauin'it. Fixe and diifictilt watch repairing a specialty at A N. Wright's Rev. Mil Moouk, occupied tho M. K. pulpit last Sunday evening. A xice line of ladic. cloaks and dol- mans, to he aold rheap at Bium's. A coon piano for sale or trade, very cheap. Call at this office. nI3 tf Clocks the cheapest in town and warranted five, years at Maryatt it.t,Gir ne- rti ad denartod for their Co'. PKEnlDEST Xrthur, has appointed the H9 th day of November for thanks giving. Miu Codvax, of Cod mm and Whit- ney's rancho, has gone to Boston on budiucss A large line of trunks aud valise? at Bautn's two doors north of First Na tional Bank. A full line of all grades Swws nnd American watches, at A. N. Wright, new P. O. building. Eyes brighten, cheeks become ra-y, musclas gain etrcngth by tho use of jbmvl nnd j,poon ur; Mr. Ambler and Brown's iron BittCM. w5fef An,on iu-rker. and Aiwon Hiliv. Tiikre will bu a meeting of tlicnvcr i)Uttcr .hhnu knife; Mary A. W. C.T. U. at Mrs. K. . Warner's 'f-.irbcr silver e.itor; l.vi Moore and Friday, at 3 p. in. wif(Jf sCt of sHvcr knivw :uul for!;a; M. P.crnembcr, if you want health and f nn(J Garl,(.r tQt of sijvt.r uMe strength of mind and muscle, use s U)(1 (Cft sp0O!M. Silas Oarbcr. p'.ale Brown's Iron Bitters. , m5rrnr: Samnri mi.! Chas. Garbcr Foster, the. bogus medium hns been lracel to a western town where he hai defrauded several people. Jest recoived a car load of Stude baker wagons nnd buggies. Spanoglu A: Funk. L. Olm.stkaii, of Inavale, brought u an assotmcut of vegetables. One of the turnips weighed eight pounds. uusiness is improving with us j,ivpr vaM,. eh.irlcs and Mamie Piatt, good goods and low prices will tell. !,,, :np;S.v!io and Clara Bceker, Kaley t Fdinger. I CJlt pliuig i;lIlipf K ?. nn,i I(1:l r.jrber. Our old friend, Mr. Win, Booth, f,In,KC parlor lamp; Rev. S. Crocket, au Ilhnois, called on us Saturday. He toprnph album; Mrs. Julia Fowler, set was on his road to Arapahoe, Nebraska 0r siiver knives; W. Cunninghant. set A Oio assortment of men's umU-r-0r'SIrVcr forks; P. A Beaehy, silver ware, also overall.-,, jackets to he sold ,Cake. stand; G.S Albright, dork; "M. A. cheap at B.ium's, two doors north of . Albritrht, silvi-r sutar shell; Beulah an.l bank, roi: the greatest variety, most sty- lish goods, and lowest prices, go to.Cook and wife, droning fray with col- Mrs. Ivcllogs popular luilhnery store. 2w If you want anything in the cloth ins: line, you should cull at Kale.y t Kdinger's It is the place to get bar- Mrs. Kellogg is closing out this'mwnriii tu)n onvnr Mi finlo week, a largo line of straw hats' at 25jShcrer, picklo di-h; Mr.' R. l Ycifur. cents each. Alo a nice lot of fult hat3 j ant ji;4S p. ) Yei-er. majolicji tea set at .10 cents each. a -t jand piikie di'h'-s; Mr. S. Perkins, Everything in the jewelry line the! handsome boquuu; gold pen ai.l pen- cheapest for the quality in Red Cloud and everything warranted as repre sented by Maryatt fc Co. There will bo confirmation and communion service by tho Lutherans at the court-house Sabbath Nov. 3d and 1 1 o'clock a . m. All are weN coino. Be Siti re nnd see Kaley fc Edingcr. before you buy yotir dry goods, cloth ing, groceries, qceenswarc, etc., as you can save money at their- store. Be sure and call on them. It pays. The friends, of Miss Myra Brewtr. gave her a grand ovation Saturday eve- ning in tucshape of a surprise party. It was her sixteenth hirthdav. She re ceived mariv tokens of friendship from those present. Ouk friend, Tliomas Humphrey, call ed at The Chief on Wednesday. 31 e is A very prosperous farmer and is making money fast. He has thirty 1 acres of. corn that will go ceventy bush els to the acre he says. Frobably the fincstui the state Absolutely pure Baking powder is J scarce. Pure starch or pxrro baking powder pure, yet on this ground alone ' many manufacturers claim purity. TlAT.iin.ra riiott.I U iI-It, "-" - -"". ..i,. Powder U absolutely pure. It contains oniy Grape Cream Tartar and Pure Bi-Carb. sod.u Mr. C. A. Owen, of Clinton, Illi- inol, has come west 4to grow up with the country, and has located in Red cloud. Mr. Owen is a general house painter, grainer, paper hancer, and is now rcactv to take contracts.! Those who want a nice job should call on him. He can be found at this of3 ce. The Hastings GuzeiXJovmod, one of the very best daily papers published in the west, makes the following remarks in relation to Bd Cloud: Red Cloud is comine to the front in roan vb. ...ua commercial roitTm?mv- ?! T4T-orTirS fri t. W a fdl-ln liTfc i " - . vo..Ufe pii cuju..oiiiiaii9r me. ianKjaa.Dnimin(;ti,w,'a pay ypa to sec H''- otk,vuu u uuu .Kizce aavanihcr tax-in thi mLif. 1 . BUCKS IXXR SALE. " Five merino bucks for sale: En miire of P. C- Shsteder, Harvard, 1 Cly county, y eb. n , . - AND $1.30 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. HAPPILY MATEO For thai: few weki txiHy rxt clra of Red Cloud hvi; bri on tbf qui nr OT-r the anticipated nuptiU of Sir John GirKr and M! MacTo Al bright Khich UA ptarc On 1a1 rbur da.y evening at the rotulcac of Mr. W If. Stroll ni, otic of our leading attor ney' an! a brother in-law to thr? bride The two young people re nelt known in thw city, and uaoy ei ay d:iI i d that 'M.-h should b? the othen' tnato thro'igh lif. Promptly at the t eppoinunt uour me nAppy opi-. ac- , comp.nied by MiM Oha Garlxr, Ida aim .'.cr, wo.i i m -- ! tiartwr, t. A- iHavny, anu u ai .. ... .. !-. ! bnghprcjicntoc uienvilves before Rev j U"0. 0. Vvicr, who, in one of hr hp- nio-t stramR. ald the mvetical wrini- t that mady Uicm one, and .leil thir heartji for life. At the conclusion Of tho ceremony, a. bounteous wedding tipprr wa spread and the guL par took with a wll!ingn'4 that indicate! thoir arquic(coiicu in the evout Ahich had just transpired. Supper ftui.hrl thu guest and ncly married couplu 'spent the evening in various amujc- mcnt and all went "mornly as a mai riage 1k1I." At a late hour the gueLs bade the young couplo godsnesl in various homes. The Cuep, extends its congratulations to Mr. and Mo fJarber, and thrown tho proverbial hIioc after thorn, wishing them a I ions and iovoiis lu and not a j Wtirc 0f trouble" to mar their hap- pines in Jne. I lie toliowing ulettant and .i)propri ito prusent were bwtow. cmI ujon the nowly wedded couple Mr. P. Albright anl wife, china din ner and tea set; I. P. Mbright. marble curtin table, and chamber ?vl; Mr. Mc Keeby nnd wife, toilet vet with nwK . H. bnnth and wife, stiver Mitrnr hjvcr spoon urn; Mr. Bently and wife silver butler dish, Frank aud Carrie Ppanogle, faney vase; C W. ICalo and wife. A. h. Mitchell and wife, 1. M Perkins and wife, silver butler dih; .1. M Miner, cabinet album; Celia Gurbor nilrcr toilet bottle and tand; F. R Gump, walnut bracket and towel rack; R.L, Tinker, wall pocket; Mis.s Tulloy Anna Sirohm, silver napkin rings; A, L. Funk, book of telcct poem-; Henry luloid brush and comb; Mr. Dodd and wife, individual china coffee cups; Mrs. A. S. Marsh, Mrs. A.J. Kenney, Mrs. W. B. Roby, silver pirklo dish and fork: Mrs. W. B. Roby, handsome boquet; Mrs. D. Kalev, Mr. E. A. Leav. cil; W II. Strohm, ladies patent ruck- cr. Is regard to township organization it is optional with the voters whether they will elect their township officers or not, to take their places immediately iu case the township organization propo sition carries, and if not ne iv .they can not be elected until next Ail. . U' thiuk.it important that each tyrocnict select their bet man for suprvfor- to ne prepared if the propisition gets a majority. , Kalev fc Edixger. the en tcrpri?ing nierehnntj". of Rnd ClTid. ari onenini? up the season with one of the largw stocks ever diplayed in Red Cloud a such low prices that it will nav tho I People- to see them before buying else- wnere. xtiev aro cenerat mcrcnanu and therefore keep a complete stock of all variety of gools. W e can rec cotnmend'themto the readers of The Chief, as upright and careful business, men.who always study to please their large aud growing trade. Prograji of tescher-s association, to be held at Red Cloud, Saturday N"ov. 10. 153- 10 a. m Singing. Report of committee on constitution ! and by-law Eleclion of oflicere. I'ECES 1 p. m. Singintr. - Essay Advantage of teacher asso ciations, by iot. u. telthan.' Discc?- $icn Stngm. Methods of school recitation, Mis Eva J. King. Discussion. I oy Singing. Reduction of tractions by Homer E. Weid. Query box conducted by D. Jadson. Singiuflr. Miscellaneocx business. Singing. m ' For spot cash -are-will eeU you a fult cf cloths' fxr an overcoat for less .T.. .va a j wj.t pay txa before bay alev "4 Edmirer. - Xdia.elTaJhmerHB.allc61oa - .iVU - odl. amAmvr- m. rH .;.! 1 ' cheap weahrkak t J Call in aad ce for - 10 quote wie prices Yourselves. NOVEMBER 2. 18S3 VOTE STIUinttT ASP I OTK TUV, nKPiHLUAS iiactrr. On next Tufwdar. NoicmWr Oi H cccwr iH cWtMHi far UJ- itmi coootr ofSxr. awl k fil c&JW ' on lo tirx H Itpputin rotcar n Y?lict county US tCrit out wi lint xJr and tote n ktrafrgM HrjaJ!r.n ! tickrt frntn ton M M Rwi, tsxadi- ' ilit far uprrtne jud down in w oner f. ti-..U . j po.r.t ;f they 1! tarn ho; -4 -S (or J J - ui. sa oi mr nc. in in,.,r. .e- c, i . i,lw. An ettrt.., rf. r.. : i..: i. . ... . .o, u- 0g w ,n .i.r ,. wi -W- - - . ... 11. - iw our caiKi.ia:o mk ajprt) jmi Hon. It. M. K-. Mr. Km- sn h!e kwycr, and Wt?ll qttHlfv to h ron the urren.r bneh. 1th bajnor to hiinjelf ai! jmiirc in Ui hjU. Voi? for him ?lrifht on rUy, For rrtntt of the UnlvriraUf. long trm, Milton J I lull, of Cttjr, al John T. MaIUIh., of BuHUk. kn.r ltm .filt'ctotl for the Kaitkm. For the hort (rnn, Jeti M IlMtt, f Har- land. an 1 K 1 P. Ifolmas, of Pirf, were noinluUil. Vote (or thun straight. For jude'of the Stli judicial dhtrict, Hon. Win Gali!. tht tnil ami the tnio, and tlw notittiiti of thrct p.r ties will be oloctod without oprHttiou Vote for hijn tr?;ht. The We.hjter cosinty RepiiUUean titkcl is undo up of men who we in recommend to evory vtr in the coun ty, a g-vxl, quar le-nest men. "ell qualifitHl in every nartietilar to fill th position of trust to which lhy havm ben nominntct! and c:ulor.ol by twt or more pirties. J P. Bityha, the preJmt inetuubMit of the oountv ulerk'.n olfiuo. and a oan dulrtte for re-oleelion, i a man well worth) of tho ofliee. and one too. in whom Iho people can pltcc implicit confidence., in tho jwluiinitrtiou of the bmincAs atraiw portnining to that office. Every Republican houM ac cord him their support, and work for his election. Vote for J. P. Bayha straight. Chat le. Rusohow, the efficient and courteous eeunty treasurer, cndone.1 by three political parties. neeLs no ro com inundation from us, as his record I well-known in thj county, xuflico it to sny, however, that ho has manttg ed the affairs of his office co well, tlul Uie entire poople of tho comity are in favor of his ru-ohje'ion to tho i-atno po ition of trust, which li h.-w filled no aMy in the past. Vote for Charle Busehow straight. George O. Yeior, our worthy towns man. U tho nominee of the Republican and Anti-monopoly partite, and will wear the judicial ermine with credit to himself and the people of Wcldter county. Vote for Yeier ntraight. Henry C. Seott, .the unanimous choice, of tlwi Ropublic.m county rein vention, for tho office of Sheriff, isi a man well able to fill tho position in cvory way, and i a straight forward and upright man, and affood llrpuMiran to hinx we urge the pop'' to give him their .support. Mr. Scott is well deserv ing of the office, and hi hfo long Re publiein :intoo;dent.i i a sure guaran tee, that if elected, he will manage the ofiico honetly and fairly. Vote for Scott straight. Charles W. Fprinper, the nornineo of two parties for the offiee of superintend cut of pnblic instruction, is a gontlo- nian, whose ability nnd mental enjur ity, peculiarly fits him for thy high and respon-dMe po-itiou for which he ha b:cn selected, tuid which he has fillfd to the satisfacti on of the peo ple in Webtcr co'inty. Vote for Springer straight. For county eommUsionor, John Mc OUnm wan imaininonsly sclecfetl ly Republican convention He is a go! man, and well fitted for the dutim that would of necessity devolve upon him. Votaj for McCallum straight. t C.T'. Rinker, i- th" cmdidate of the t T. . -.- i . rvepuuiifan pany igr courny curve) ' or. Vote for him ".might. ' For Coroner, Dr. J. M. Mosonn, was unaminons choice of his party. Vot for Moscna straight- " The alove lumd gentlemen, who are the nominees of Uie Republican party arc all well able, mentally and physically to managed the ro-poniMe duties connected witli the offices for bich each have been nominated. Vote tirt, last, and all the time fr the Republican tirket- Do not scratch but stick to jour colon. Work hon estly, earnestly. anl fr th renral success of (hatgrtnd old organiiatiorj the Republican party. AX7I-3WX0P0LT CO. TICKSF. For county clerk, John P. Bavin. For county ircastireT, Charle xfus chow. For county juege, George 0. Y?i- cr. For Sheriff, Henry C Scott, Forcoaniy mi perm tend en: ofpnbfic instructtoiifcCha-- Y. Spnm;er. For ccantv coam'iioner, nom-sa Vaughn. -f For county surveyor. C. I. Rinker. For coroner Robert iMtnereiL WAIT FOR HIM. People wan;;nj to bay fanitnr, Trill do A-eIl Hi wait for the new siore whicliwid be oper'id .a'lMJOCdJ aboatoretnter.lOdb. brJL J& !&... JKivJxr5iux.thax ttSI aguish ev, kprJum.WeieTaaladjoia"icscotm- Wee -Bajsoxe arm wait for bim. Il-tf . wmrr.,.- : 1 .1 Ibooyraod shoes. Jiave ecerythinr to Tta&cnb bc aic utavjqtanni KIT 9 -. ... , """""""'..WMicaid prKi!r 04. Ja 5eep the feet dry anu warm ai pt.ce,.,.,. ' .VzTTT" " - hi . ii im ,. al " a i M jfr(it Wrrfcrit mt TV X 4 14 . . Am A.W&.fl tad t-ta feA, lhtat xn f wk4ijui mi ft v m n Ui taVKWM fr l,aWi.lB,' aa-fI t?n wv iratta & itiitf Hm i w niiw cwMwrnai. wn LT -. a dK4. .K H - -A. A - LaK - --- W4 rlV3 tV i-i 4wt MH I4rf. 4 Uie jrfvjrt f tfce iimw m 4at ' itui wooas rto wrd - int waaoty MkAitti faaaV at f agllNlfc. t". fau If IKa . firw h j,. Mk1.v -ui , TllltM, ,,,. N U k.w. j , n . ' .a- , k, a! , .- r --- -.-. ,., ... , ,.,, ltwilti tW. .. .fci. t,--- ...- k jj, ic fttic-M. T1e W to H- a aM 4ut at MsCffi" j !.- l LI .. i e Kr nrS Kmnl twtr iUm amalT bUtl vK l-ot W-J ttuta tew W. Smith', fmt ilkvnVl 4K - tHr- lt ak. .. - , , , . . ,A l 1 ivT ittcJ.c of M teA mi 14VU rHI UuMn4 is (US baallar t4 tf lAdy tHf vitii klWi urm piv-ico. TIm- cUat Ume are tRm item a cvl (a mine Th mai eoii:rqta Hi Ctn, am evtiry eonOMloit Uit & la UlV ffotltk:. rW rl of tho Uuehorj in Usl fri 4 lite cntr Urtj (mxmi brt4 i4ili tlwtt tWy misht wmosi tlii tn$lt of i ftUlu-Aco kxl rrmmxh vt mt aUli for (.'. W S'rto'. ti iwr - NlaHtlllAA ftif .UtUikntkiutlMtal . . ktwJ t buio urn j.-,a,r Mu,r . i : . . netl mHtHx Th ornuMttto ran- I an aciiv W A'' ttrect it IaUv VfLmi vitM klWiiM autior fa Mea iL.J ft.t .t.,... dov.,4aa,rft.r fmtnmM. AMfb S,Pa li " rwg Mjrr. Mr. fia.SU,.. C U Wa j ! Mr. Ho.nnr WeW. ons f ,nir jarwa,-1 flZZjf" lf ?" MT! net y9NNC mm ,. TOMI fri r i Jlf ?"". nlu" , ,,,w f ' tmdat to -. th T.MM,m or "k V?oa mmUm mL toachwr iu tW Onul- ItWk el. "' UJf f-1 W IT now P. t. fron, !-.W,U ie m E,,r T!??!?' . .. Feeil to make Bine Hill ,t. 4MM. I , T - - JWa .on far -im-ral month MHitf s J mml n,o farmer, in the noun "ZH rt L ZT??Z jrt M the county nr- unximviy a, u J Slm wlofrrflvr. rUim h U wilt p J T JT"? . i' The incmbvn of the ltn! e.l ttr '" " " nc,iMtunIy evening. im x nnm iiiMklirt twt -tiji wt tu her Ikmuc f'reent Tit xiodety w l " otf "r 1'n teuWraf j. ealle,l Ui ordr by tho niivi4iitt Th I v )ur -. i-I 4 Ukt tvits follvwing l-wiig the furam Air th evening Addro to Um Hiny l.y th? troaxtire Mu- by Mtn Vaui and Albert nnd I. I roHlr.mi S-jlect rolling by Mr. J. I.. SpnugflN DceUnmUon by I.. I. Foliham Other (txortitsr folloo.1 (Hit w hare not rotun to mentioti thrm li rrk. The following prf-jmrn wn tirr.ftti j ly earned out at tho PMIonnUi mi iV Cioty, Monday, Oct. 2V, I.Sol. M uic bv tho society lut'igtirn Mre Pridvnf. UeAitntion Pawl S'r-. Select roarfit- L!Ih Itut. InrK tno-IWl Irer itecitattoti Wilhit IOvoti. Ea. Ra'.ltf Sifaitoiflo. M 11-ie luotnsmontal do)t) Gnrtie lUatceiutKl. lASliny .Miller. Reirif4iyMym Uw.'r. UttCiUtKin Gkrrm Mmcr. Select rexdinKuA Seifor.l, K--A) Beta Wilfcfr. Paper rhtor- Cordia Sliorer, Mu-io SiKioty. Delmte I,ort.iffre-Artiitjr Utitxni Gertie HrakefiuJ,l. A full nrovrnm ha lcn nrratirrd for tho next ineetitix riKh nth ',! lirtt two iYf from Um Monday nf terooon, orcinbr IU SHW HII.U.SKIIY FT0HH Wit for the oprntnu f " '"Wra"; Millinery tore Wodnady and Thwr day, r.fiernoon nd evening, Novem ber, 7th nd Htb. The bet foetM ?toc of millinory gool eer hrMsbt to R-1 Cloud will bo npet I &ir ac m the former rtjre. fount of Ma ma I repHtfully init eTTy pcrn in ne-l of any good in tb! Hue, to cl! and nxamine rny good, jfMi wiil lx urprie! at thy low ratw Yhj cao buy the 7erv bt good', fat ;cy sKd are freh from the Cnfj? ntrVet4 the moi dw: ruble tJ w! mill U old for aUiut half the pri tht voi have !on w;nHlIfiI to piy fcr rnitfin ery goodj. Ilease call and bsi oouTioo- en i. An mviUlion lo all Thr;c doors north ofute btik. Mfw Mat Bftojcyca. . TTTr"""- ' r" W e1i be 4nl Rm( at TO JfffMiZ DAMAGISL J ,,0t ne-rr tb. t4m. I j-- Dear lady, there i probably no u nnxm-ni. anl lCpMtnu) u . telling you that f.hkm4h1e Jtfe in a : M thi f' l-- ' M f"1",: ,--v-ii". '."ai'LSSy Ii.e houp, los of !ep and fruui rwh wr-Tnn rrfi. ?-S .-i?.t, excitement 'will leave yrm by and lirde. frcr4. tlteyarn mft?" alt b horn cf the luttfal txi UMlh m"u -Jtrt It -drw lovr around vou in other yeor p-ciJ Ut th mwi ""h tw tn ArtsfdaIulUiuteif "can rftrrer pa ! " "Tras vviM ryt fr taW those ricii and rfof Jr. I'arksir j 'm frtip f iitm,f Hair Babnm wl tufp your h-ir irom I NA wr? ,frl wontan. U Ui $& Ca-'Jinc out, restore its natural oolor (- ork fv th-. If Wf andsoflne., and pror cJoioiix and j tny T yu hf rMal beelicial to the calp. 1 ' l! priTrr Utttirr tor wi.t cste. tlwrrfor th frSte? fRZE TO A LL bbaitr th rojtfxwt hlw JiWtne .r am J. tfeit t fflWJn tl 4il Zzz Zixzzizi Zz'.tlti ii Hsrti'z ttUz &&& iif & t tM Ut Sslas t: givt- a-iy. . t o- - Priwn Every per-Km rn lie.! Clwd, ho it, htnci, Bnjnehiti, a ctuSh or oId Sore throat, hvars-sscs , Croup, Whoopmr 0013, A-Utraa, or aar ca of the Throt or lasp. tna otUm a irial botti of Mi-Bxrrs' GoLnc Hn. lfO.the Trei&eotvh re.flrfy j.-." . r. - " . -.7 -"-.T' uiirrr rrr -:nf -r h&am iiAMb-. rfriK, . 'r.rZ leA o ' .. . 7 ' .7; 1 - 'j ws-a. r" "I- .'"'- r-ersotis wno have tr.cd tab ra- S f W?!S?ie C4a J0?"?" I'3 LottvlT Tn'T: j JoSTwiU SSil" oror ita xiraoprArv im T - rr n v auju a v.. - ...u; . ' il- ,;.. IMoaILverTivw ---;j ni.v tj'Jt GfMn It frr the U ( r - - . ., llTzTi T . .feZTftX ajflriaam riaVTT'llal NO. f3. , mm & y I mmmmmmwmmmmmmm ' ' " H -- A ?& tt ferf t4$w' - . 1ii.t .. t t wmian IM Mi3 - l V iH? i. .-fc tstif .!j vJe il K-at ... , atl .fc.-. - .. .l li. ik.kb. fcw4 strf aaM ?vl , . f rui. r 1 . ' ,-,.-- UaMB) Uu i I 3 AjvJtHii. XVS Jt ,,1 i sm'net Jmn tilv fkt af .m- ..w4M MuL iX, Atit in i, kva tH I. mU ijf W t LW m. u . - - -. ! Ai 'w, 4m a 1 M iwaf , W? iW , I f,. tajarr hkwim aau v " ' . " Vk ! i rr& af . h bM ii tfaftH tir k ms tM tt SfaTuEJl rt4aa4 rf laV tt-J fa.i tri hmti iftvJ mt? m 9 rt-rijtfn TW ptri h,mtf Ml aW H ftiuumi al.ivJti-Jr' . x: srj'Lr? 'zrsrrji: ... . , . - j ; . v . . . . !::'! I?" ? -." ' - --J' w-w . wwtwwwwf m Tf I rw ;T 7 . " m " "M" v . 'xRSTTZLaI U - S) ia J tn !tl d y, Utr ro lhts tmK the UfUinUK ! J r-.UMittlrt- llwitl T'SI litlMa, WX Ul U tnMh" 9t ho ! iir m h.H Ui rvn 4na- iy two r three 4ax. jni u s Hfa.t WiihI rfhixit U ha. Wj H i pool in cV Woth ntot iu)ua My th apCiHul dy a p rutan' p'rxini i-ii I m. mi itn a lh Hr a Uwn1 . J.fo t ii"iy t aer -.o h,h ! n uq fMl if f wcKild t ttt-vler ch h a rNttlirr i.wul Ut doihur at aim d w 10 t tMlTMi Imv. ami ooUoo h MtaiafMitl ifMl AMMi(iinine nih ajia'l4v tfn H umU- inr nttr f t. mu e.J,l )h eoiHrrisI Xht wsr Mtt-H MUnMtlfm t lc part - tatiuVt le nndi u sir uW LxMwahcr th n trd b i fffuli itoalre. find n-sd. iMlt Ut I'" aA Mint at Wlkr kc4 JUrtit't; rather, lew tttfita Jr iumr IhiiMiijtf. !. i J. FKSitK W7 rk htai(-r Mai, ille horse. wtr lmre, hrwl mnM tax) IritlUn pwiiiM, om1 a )fffti enUte. wiN he nli at jWio tMilw 1 1 . ,Vh . n W4ia,jij. N itbr 14. ls-tJ. br M II lt A lpr,n Alir wjtjorrf n4 a4 iU U'Mtty r:ltf ffinr, r fit C ch'"p yinij ltMS mr. il1 Jj W)H t W on hand. a. tHe p a etA h of linn .ins h-rii Tim a wtll W givvn on ;' rat K K. l'ri &&ftU fjyj HHTAEY. Sr4t &f rrw- 151' PiCtf fhif tat 4rvl4ir m intftft a(f eil tn tryltC in oet , Hman t lW olner if crirty oprifnwh!iBjt, lA H i not to lodj IIm ku af 11 rifii. that h fi IsWrt e roanir g toGtitii of lat tcuU f At SaMta kNntn4t. H prAMy Wmii H -lll W an QtWWf 8inaia1t W Uaa) apK ihhu o; iTpiciMur. Jra r Vrtintr, owe tit dMirti m-mw 4T ). . a- . a flw,M.af?J ae of t?e me:is. f .jercSe-, ,V piGuun frt ! "S - t-cnblA.I alrf?r thi, Imjt , di-JJeiroI r 2ttti w wtM Ifk-, t w.p -K?- je iar. mm vf M' f fiawrfi rr' " V" "f." 1 aa3. M KkVa o urkj. a. . V '. n...i .. .z j.t-V,'j . . j .rw -."? 'V w ? rr?? oniv ticti j jr woKps wuw only mattli&c oj wVj t tS t , 4 iff - . ' . - - -- - ----- liHnfVi 2frtV 1-lMT fa ,.! ! pp-ss in5rf UCW tif filMl. Us Tit i -rMTTl-. ?- ,? f. ... - 'fr -" - "1 -T W ...t , - AM JIZZTJC1??? 4fcr tbj W rjn v v ki wi.i'.t, S'asjtia't f r ? . T t:t.' P??-' ' A 0m. irrVM tJSt4f; ."cm ti m, tt w trfw'V - - . :'BcrrY, . , -j , ri j "- - -- -j a? ;- 7;, a ' & rf :HZ2 ittttmZZ 1 k raj K - - -.. . !j.f - : 54ia-I W. I ,-.Ll fain J IKM v Z1 x 8 w I A Kk. r '- :--, j 9 -(- 2 C ' s?n -r f ', -at- -:' m .&y f " m '?Tmm--r&glg : ' k S-AJL. " lPt9. , mmmm..4r'-:jei?m iM3SeL.l i A AS? '-iS tf 1 " '" 3- - &'?&&. :-'--i5i--jir- t.-sy.rsia.-j "T. - '- -v., a -is-r- k. " jZ4 -1 "' T -.-11. , ?rjj-v,:i-T"a - a yfiP" -cl rf.-tcsS3iAsat ,;-- t-Vi i. - T' , A. - Z2Z? -"' . - f az j" V t. '-SK'' -- ti -'-iS.af--- !asi-- rx. ..:SsktiS-liiS .'?S2.''A ?j'VV-; . . . j , ,-9L ii. . --- "- ' l - "WrTlin W.J-,' i afrf i TJT iJ r - --"Tff J '-" (Jfew-i "-t - : i-?5???5 mysis i . riv- ' - -.-fS' wr--y ?"i?t-"a lialey & Edinqer. 1 Katry i- Esntflotf1.. J lT fW' - affT i i aaTaaaaaaaMaaat a , 1 ' S& a i t . -rZtt.-L '.,& "S . . i!