f$i- - 'prsj SS.- v5- " w"-!.j a; 7- -.--L . ?.' i T -t 7 lXW " K - i , m -!: wiifliyir i :;&V- "U . '- da"5' 'r.v. .:'h ; st - r -.."' iv7 . iJ . ii ii ', ki hr - 1--' -l RP" fia& -" K ED r ' Hi? 5 -s 4j tr ..Tar --X : J..V- rLmz -'. ; rvjrv i - ; 4ly, .r-VX cd Cloud wiic - iTi- V - . --PJ-Y, , JMWi fan Ticket; 0t J4g tf,thv Svpramc Court U. H, EE8E, of Saunderi. Fr frfijli ofUmrtrrity Umg term) MIITON'J. HULL, of Clav. JOHyT. MALL A LIEU, of Buffalo. Jfrr JrWfr o Unwenitu (rhort ltrm ESSE M. HIATT, of Harlan. '. T. HOLMES, of llerco. Sutftefa!. 'or Jmfyrttk Judicial Didrid WILLIAM GASLIN, Jk. Caunty. Clerk JOHN r. BAYHA. ?r County Treasurer CHARLES BUSCHOW. For County Judyc- GEORGE O. YEISER. For Sheriff HENRY C.SCOTT. For Co. Sirpt. oj Public Instruction CHARLES W. SPRINGER. Jbr County Commuvioncr JOHN McCALLUlL. JVr County Surrryor C. P. KIXJCEIL Jhr Coroner J. M. MOSENA. Drnocrattc County Ticket. for Cwtntr Cttrk. 0. R. DOWNS. For (Vmntjr Trriuarer, CH ARIES Bl'SCIIOW. For Sheriff, THOMAS J. WARD. Jn County -hiJf , G. W. HOUGHTON. V ty Sswristendmitof I'ubllo Isitrae- liun. MRS. I. S. BEAL. r Coaaty CoramlMir. A. McCALL, - For Coonty fiurreyor, H. HOPKINS. For Corontr, DR. DAMERELL. TO WXSHIP 011GAKIZA TIOX. Be it cnactrd by the IsyitlaUirc of the State of Xilmmka. Sec. 1. At any general election thnt may be held in the several counties of tho slate, the qualified votcrn in any county inav vote for or ngainsl iovn t)hip rj;ani.iition in such county. Sec. 2. The county cominisaioncra on petition of fifty or more legal voters snail chum; to Dc siiiinmtcil to tho vo ters of the county the question of town fhii) organization uiuler thi act, b' ballot, to be written or printed or part ly written and paitly printed, "for towuxhip orpauiziitinn," or "again? t toa'iiehip organization," tl e vole to be canvnsHetl ntnl rofn ni in like manner ai votes for county o tfi'crs. Skc 4. For tin purpose of tempor ary organization, each voting precinct shall be a township until otherwise o -dernd by the county bonrp and at the general election at which the question of adoption of township organization as submittal as aforesaid; Provided fur ther. That in wards of cities' of the find and xccnud class who? limits are eo-extenive with the precinct, the el eciora thereof shall only choose supe visors, nRsessors, and judges amd clerks of election. Skc 5. In case a majority of legal ote east at said election shall bo "for township organization" and the elec tion have chosen suporvisiors in a ma jority of the precincts of tho county as provided in the preceding section there trull be held a special meeting of the newly elected county boaid, commen cing on the fifteenth day alter such election, at the county scat, and when fuch board shall have met nod organ ized, the power of the county cominis bioners of such county shall ccao and their offices become vacant. At such special meeting the county board may tr.ut act such county business as may be required to be transacted before the J next regular meeting oi me ooaro, ana shall procoed to divide said county into towns or townships making them con form as near as practicable to town hips according to the government sur rey. When fractions of townships are cau.sod by county lines not being in ac cordance with the surveyed townships then the commissioners may attach such fractions to adjoining towns when the number of inhabitants or the amount of territory in Midi fraction tdiall not be sufficient for a epamte town. When a surveyed township ahall have too few inhabitants for a separate organization then such town ship may Ikj added to some adjoining town, or such township may le divi ded between two or more towns for the time being: and when creeks or rivers so divide township as to make it in convenient for transacting town busi ness, then such creek or river may bo made the town boundary and the town fractions so formed may be disposed of as other fractional townships. No city or village of over one thousand in habitants shall be included within the corporate limits of any township, but the territory occupied by such city or village of over one thousand inhabi tants shall constitute a town the name ef such city or village for the purpasu of town meetings and organization as hereinafter provided. Tho electors of eerifrlyeawsfc may-chowe-one super visor, one town clerk, one town treas urer, one assessor. three judges, and two clerks of election, and one over seer of highways in each road district and if it appears that a majority of the legal votes cast have trterein, the words ftr township organization" the county clerk shall publish the fact and such officers having duly qualified shall hold their offices respectively until the iext general election for township offi cers, and until their successors shall ho elected aud qualified; JProriiferf, That at said election' in precinct hav- than three thousand lnhabit- ftte?MHHMMttJis"ica one audi Ira taMMMMtd inhaoitwifiM to fleeted two additional auperiieon Mid ierserery'iddtilthoaajkx hill H I wti there aU be one ay penis - entte pepMtfton m e eosrwHnea oy I t state eneeurpreoeo ; via losee Culure to um.mmtmmmmmrmH mjpuqt. SlSlowiiU thedoUMui of town- iaatiow. and5italJe;tKe ramtT:OHHnHnxniiTi IfmimnSL el mWkn o divide i towmbSpai awl m J ?i" - t- --;. 1 i thtaralatf 'aaagaJB" aay!!!- !" it MiiiaV latilYnnfi ItTnilr Milt--'- .? irx fLiMgmgW:3i,-ffic jhhmt seeienHaVaHPeaMv twejevaKaec am, J - , c-. f- ? ju 2' 5u-- && --i ifzi.im: . -g ggsrgsi aws' ? ?-i j?t jeaje awvvaveaiaMaTavawBe'Kiwc'wjwspvaw f-' " - w - M'!vn ''aH aaB aaaaATMaaial :aaMafW tatH 'axB'ledavtiMata-fr -.-si?-- .--:,-- j- r.'ik tt - . .-g-v.. '---ajgma?at Mi aaBraHap ---- . Vw.ajBHBJBfare gaavavavavavaaaMr m. jMaa-aa - . z T .-i51. J, w 'Vr1 r . -4 - c c- - -.MaaMkwLA t v BBhSBaVC -o--.?- it rj-d -. 7. s- EX- - . --, jt--iE)aaB ' ? i1 is, t-&- TtM BBHBBSgttBg? -..'-" ' "ewaaiawaV I , 1 rpl, W 1 gaTaWaTaWaaOgaTaWaTaWaTaWaTaWaTaWaTBg ?-J-haSWaPB?"Val mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmtmmmmmmBzF7 .r-----M gBaaaaaaaaaaa - :t JmI agTagTagTagTagTagW . ' ''SKKBmStgSBtHtKBBt nJFSBjKWKBrx.-- YJPWmUKKmt9tU e-CJJriyX'gge.jiJBaaa'aaaM gawavavavavavavavavavavavavavavavs J i'&'-4mmmmmmTmK j& - S'-S' - c--eTaa jtaSXimCbr i-aw3 CjS- vgaMgaMgaMgaMgaMgaMgi 17. TllO olrrliir rJ mM. .. U have tiower Hi iAt .! triteting to elect uttch town officers m rrmr be required to be chosen io ikrect no institution and defeuceofiuit. at law or In equity in which mcli town may be a party in interest; to direct audi um to be raised in such loan for the UDDOrt aud imiiu(inann nfnuuU and bridge, or for any other purpose proviuea oyinw as they may deem no ccaryto take m&vuret aud ive di rection for theexcrcUe of their corpor ate powcis: to tmpo-e penalties upon penwins olfnndititr acaint anv iiich re- ijujat'son; and to make all rule, m-ruI-ratboes, and bj'-lawn necarj to carry finto effect thn niir'cr hprritt iTinL. ed. ?nc. 31. Every person choen or ap pointed to the "nlfico uf tipervior, town clerk, ascor, wn treasurer, or ovcrrcer of hthwayK, before he enter" upon the dutjV'i of hw office and with in t-n dyi nfter he ?hall be notified tf hi election or appointment, uhall take ai'rtl uUsribe before "OUo authorized ncrxftn imralh or nfllrm to fatthfuiiy ! nnil IiniMtrtiaJfy perfornw the duties of lux oillce hs pr(-4criieu l)V law, and uhall caiipe a crtificAte of the amc ta le filed iu the office of the town clerk. Sir. 33. All town officers except justice of the pence and constable. Mian bold their ofiice for o:ie ve.tr and until their tmeeddors arc quali fied. Sx;. '.V.K On Tuesday following the annual town meeting he shall account to tfttt-n board, for all moneya received and disbursed 13- him iu hia'officia! ca pacity. Skc. -12. Assistant supervisor, and supervisors elected in the cities of the fins! and second class, shall be me in be of the county board of their respective counties, and shall and enjoy the same powers and rights as other mem bers. LOCAL XOTES. Wanted A good girl to do general house work. Apply at Uie residence of C. F. Evans. DllESS MAKING. By Miss Moore, an experienced and competent drccsmaker, with Mrs. Kellogg opposite the State Bank. - --. - A GOOD TEAM FOJt SALIC. Inquire at this office. Both mares, and weigh 1100 each. Also, will sell wagon and harness with team. Call at once. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. G. S. Taylor take this method of informing the ladies of Red Cloud, that sho is now prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking in the latest styles and fashions at reasonable rates She makes a specialty of cutting aud fitting, If you want dresses made, cut or lit, call on her.. One door cast of the Commercial house. Rkcom.ixt that Morhart & Fulton arc now selling barb wire at 5j cents. Call at once and secure what 3-011 want while it is going so cheap. Tiik old reliable Chicago lumber yard established at Red Cloud iu 187H, is still at the front and defy compction its prices are always lower than the lowest, audit claims to sell a better grime 01 lumber ttiau is soul ty any other concern in the state of Nebraska The stock of all kinds of building ma terial at this yard is very full, and the proprietor respectfully ask everybody in want of anything iu their line to call aud see for themselves. TORNADO INSURANCE. .All who wish to insure their prop erty against the ravage.1? of-tornados hhould call on Strohm it MeKcchy, as they are prepared to givo the very besi terms obtainable. 44 if The Red Cloud Mills Patent flour is the best thing out in the line of bread stuffs. Even the celebrated Minnesota brands cannot excoll it aud then there is no freight bill to be added on to the cost prico for the consumer to pay. Try it. NOTICE That we have at our place H miles west of Well P. O. two or three eari loads of broom corn about readv for market, and we would liko to have tlioso who want to purchase, call aud sec it. 8tf Nicholas Yenskn. ATTENTION T2ACH52S. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common school of Web ster county, at my office in Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of each mouth. Examinations to commence at 9 A. M. Do not ask for special examinations. C. W.Sl'IMNfiKR, County Superintendent of Public Inst. a:klen's Arnica Silvs. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Bums.Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Saltrheum Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains. Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by 20vl. lleurv Cook. MONEY tMONEY I UoaeytolMO en imjravci faras in soati- rn Ktbrasia at the vary tt rats of interest. We call the attention of all desiring sucli accommoilations, to the farm loan department of our business, in which we are still offering the best in ducements to the public There is absolutely no cost to our customers. No fees for abstract title: no fees for recording mortgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or drafts upon rower must pay a dis count inRttaPVlMseAeJiioney, but .rin&na aiaid 1H nrtniit "counters without any deduction w&aU vYtMT ' - && i IVlaciioi.T;loiu there w nnte-j aiowsttway in suumuia ppeKHKV M'eMsierH pertiee, as .our failie are uck ifcji'we eAadoeeairaood; loans oa short notice. . 1W rol!" W oeeireltVi oun a nine percwi. uHMLiiw.wiui.no otoaice ToTmny Betttnt wtbOever. All! peyiMeittof loteree mm1 ,Mjtnnft ny e aM m our. &kv am witi be tesitf e ttte mt4 free ' ofeheijl aad JOt W Art affciiM for the Rrier. Umj KnM mm! lh Story a4 Cap r pirw, ft4 mi ft ro ost iu any dai injjtruaietit yo want m Xvm m th lowest in price and the tart in qual ity . 8.AF. 43 PRK TOALL. K IttUM tfHtnk'i Mta UWrirtcTj. Every pernon in Red Cloud, who is uflvriug wih Contumption. Weak lungs. Bronchitis, a cough or cold, Sore throtit, boancncss, Croup, Whooping congh, Alhma, or any d eake of the Throat or lung, can obtain a trial bottle of Marked' ouex Uxv som, the great cough remedy, free of charge, by calling at Henry Cook's drug store, Red Cloud. Persons, who have tried this valu able medicine can procure the large iKrttlrs at0 cents aud $1 Thousands of bottles have lieeu given away to prove it extraordinary merit. Two dotes will benefit. For all blood disorders and liver complaint uie Marshes Golden Blood and Liver Tonic It purifies the blood, invigorates the liver, stomach and bowlcs, regulates the kidneys and strengthens the system. Sample bot llc free. Half Outof His Head. "Blessed le the man who invented sleep." Sancho'a gratitude is ours, but that if one cannot for any reason enjoy that excellent invention. "Ner vousness in me had bcc5me a disease," writes Mr. William Coleman, the well known wholesale druggist of Buffalo, N. Y. "I could not sleep, and my nights were either passed in that sort of res 1 1 ess n ess which nearly crazes a man. or in a kind of stupor, haunted by tormented my tormenting dreams. Having taken Parkeh's Toxic for oth er troubles, I tried it also for this The result both sujrpri-cd and delight ed me. My nerves were toned to con cert pitch, and like Oeiar's fat men, I loll into the ranks of those who sleep o' uighta. I should add that the ton ic spediiy did away with the condition of general ability and dyspepsia occa sioned but my previous sleeplessness, aud gave me titrcngth and perfect di gestion. In brief, tho uso of the tonic thoroughly re-established my health. 1 have used Parker's Tonic with entire success for sea-sickness aud fot the bowel disorders incident to ocean Toy nges. This preparation has heretofore becu known as Parker's Ginger Tonic. Hereafter it will be advertised and sold under the name of Parker's Ton ic omiting the word "ginger." His cox & Co. are induced to make this ! change by the action of unprincipled dealers who have for years deceived their customers by substituting infer ior preparations under tho namo of ginger. We drop the misleading word all the more willingly, as ginger is an unimportant flavoring ingredient iu our Ionic. Please remember that no change has been, or will be made in the pre paration itself, and all bottles remain ing in the hands of dealers, wrapped under tho name of Parker's Ginger Tonic, contain the genuine medicine if the fac-siinile signature of Hiscox A Co. is at the bottom of the outside wrapper. New Advertisements. LEGAL NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Webster county, Nebraska. . Minnie Bloom, vs. Wm. M. Bloom. The defendant will take notice, that on the 13th day of November, f,S$3. at 10 o'clock A. 31.. at.the office of Wm. H. Uphiim, in tho town of Delia, Ohio, the plaintitr abovo named, will take the depositions of Emorv Vicrs, John Hatfield and Dr. S. P. Bishop, witnesses in this action, to be used as evidence on the trial of the above en titled cause, with authority to adjourn from day to day until all such deposi tions have been taken. Minnie Bloom, Plaintiff. By Strohm fc McKccby, her attorn eys. octi!6-uov8 Mast, - kraoee, AND LAND OFFICE, OF W. H. COODALL, RED CLOUD, Webster Co., NEBR. Complete Abstracts of Title to all lauds in Webster county furnished on short notice aud at reasonable rate. a-SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Patfmtc I If you have an inven L.A l E.N l .fion, send us a sketch or modle, and we will make au exam ination as to patentability, free ok chakuk. No attorney's "fees unless patent is obtained. H. K. JOHNSON, &Co.f 1005 F Street, N. W., P. O. Box 573. Washington, D. C. J. N. Rickards, M E:lili & biuuti ijist, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will buy and sell lands, and insure town and farm property, attend to all kinds-of conveyancing. Toraxio X&svraaee m Finraile Terms. Offjcc At Smith Bro3. Farm Loan Agency. J. S. Ruthrock, WkoltMl and Retail Dealer ki wins in SKiss. Xho, MoetioaofUKfjhelie. IL ,.sr-j; -3 o - i 'j." iL.l'TWviTmkW, wmpmm m.-..'-SZ'" m , 1 -$ rznjz-x ( ' fiiyr3 i . .- . CT :-r;,. ?- J k-'fttar nnor S123- mS &&, "- Home Industry Only organ manufactured west of! the Mississippi River. KANSAS ORGAN. Elegant Case and finish, pure in tone and rec ommended by all musicians. Factory at LEAVENWORTH, PCAS. Call and examine before purchasing. For Sale by SPANOGLE & FUNK. IJtr la Fresh Meats, Lard, PCULTKY. Rci Clol'd, Neu. Cub rU far LI1m Jk pltj. 188S SPANOGLE ft FUNK. HEADQUARTERS FOR Agricultural Implements. Two Doors South of Rank, REX) CLOUD. - r WliATT vV DEALERS IX Coal & Red Cloud, THE CITY Drug Store! R. R. Sherer, Prop. Mmim k Paints, OILS A D DRUGS. Proprietary Medicine), a Specialty. ran wRn-j A new nnd varivd rtiunt of LaMP AND LAMP FIXTDKES JUST REVIVED Call and examine onr CHOICE MAJOMCA WilKi:. No truiMo lothow rood. Geo. O. Yeiser, Heal M & kruei Agent, RKl) CLOUD, NEB. Oilicc on Webster direct, in Miller & Ball's seed store. n-Diirt i ell lll KUt. atttadi to rent ing properly and collecting reaU. 39 tf Otlera the following desirable prop erly. Farm of 320 acres with frame dwel ling and good out buildings, the whole place enclosed with fence, a beautiful stream of waicr run through the place, lyinc six miles from Red Cloud and two miles from R. R. station, fur a phnrt time at a bargain. Farm of 320 xcrc4 with nnfuiling springs of water, dwelling Jtc, 50 acres funced. beautiful grovo of trees, within 5 miles of Red Cloud. Farm of lf0 acres, with comfortable dwelling and other building, whole place fenced, and cro- fencing, abun dance of wood and water. The farm and 40 or more head of cattle, hogs team and crops at low figures. 1C0 acres 3 miles from Red Cloud at 3,50 per acre, a bargain. A flock larm 01 4Mi acres, a miles from Red Cloud, with comfortable dwelling lot encolsing 175 feet of nice shedding, wind mill and tank with wa ter pipes leading to stock lot, bO acres under cultivation also 1000 ewes, and 50 head of cattlo and 65 thrifty young hogs, all can be had at reasonable ralc3 An improved farm of 3G0 acrea 7 miles from Red Cloud (200 leased,) over 200 acres fenced, iiue bearing or chard, Frame dwelling, barn, wind mill and tank supplying water to bam. and grove of 15,000 trees, a choice stock form very cheap. ItCSlUeilCCS, UUSIUC3 X1UU9C3 UU town lots. For information, description Ac, ad dress, Ceo. O. ieiskr. itea uouu, .eb. Painto, 0 COOK'S Oils, a RED- glagB X BaLaeTVgggB gBM gaalHagflaaaV CP dAI 0 mD $VRE' rjafWal IM alatfaSeSSt F-? aV aVaV agaaaaKaaaaaaawlS!!? Oi . ST IH AL'.VAYS ON HAH0. H 18 83 3STEBRA.SKA. ?. Lumber. Nebraska. Special Bargains at the Store of F. NEWHOUSE. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Berlin Zephyw, .Midnight Zephyr, Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land FIo8, Germantown Wool And Woolen Knitiug Yarn Jfoods. Mittcnt, Children' CoaUi Ac, Ac. A full line of 1I0SI EKy, dry'goods. and notions. Also a largo and splendid a.ortmcul TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gifis. Acme Pulverizing Mm rCLOD C17ISX1 AST9 LXVZIZ1. Weighs much les than other pul vcririnp harrows, sells about one third Icjjv and withal does the moit thor ough work of any. . The Best Thing Out. For Sale By JOHN BOESCIJ,- 33tf Amloy, Neb. Harness Shop, BY . J. L. MILLER. DKAUCft 1ST HARNESS' COLLARS. SADD1 HORSE-BLANKETS, WHIPS. COMBS, BRUSHES. HARNESS 'ML And everything uenally kept in a first class shop. t Twojdoort nortk of 1st Nat Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Trunkal A Valiftti, THE WindlDU! W. H. HOWE, Agent, COWLES, NEBRASKA. The Company warrant the Perlcin Mill fb be a cood, durable, elf-regu!-tinjf machine, built ia a nb?Untial and workmanlike manner, and hereby agree to furnish, free of charge, the part or parts necc?arirto make sool any drct in workiBanhip or mate rial meed, forth term of on year. 41 K FBHHB taw. - M mrr W Vs t zzdszl AAlyow&wc aly t " ! Lm SaMamV OAT aZsaBaaw. f awagw 'laawTaaW I kmT3gmpa.lm SgmXSm F4B faaaa' gflaVaSaaaaoa' aoafaa CbakOjMa. kwaTaaaaa awrCaar t FT33fco. tbaav aaX jaS fjaatiar MM M raaaa. ajajjf I gpaaaoaaaataa(bBaSaBaaaJaw:ggS THE BEST GOODS ! Invitation to all. arc on deck ready for DRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BOOTS, SHOES. l HliU AND GROCERIES. Complete in Newer and Dcst Selected in the market. You will BRICK STATE BANK'BLOCK. A. S. MARSH. RED New Store, CAUSER Have Just Opened a Stock of General Merchandise Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Queensware. Ready Made Clothing, Hats, k Caps, Boots & Shoes, GLASSWARE &c. &c. The public is cordially invited to call and oxaminn goods and prices Storo One Door South of Marsh's. red cloud, neb. Carber Bros. A. CUMMINGS, un.iir.K in Green Fruits, Vegetables &c. RED Cl.Ori), NEW. ! i Alo condncu a futch Retail rant, nhrrc warm mcab cn to hail at all liotim. j Alwav keep on hand everything in his hue that can lf bad. Lemonade always on lund. irKint door routh of ShrrcrV.-i Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DKLKni IS Building Material AND COAL. Final Freef Notice. Laad 08c. at Hlontnbjton Nth .Or?. 10. 1WX yntlci l hrltTnfht th r.lwlof- naiaad ttUr hat aUd ntte of hi intbiin to maka Anal fr t in taport ol hli eUlm, ! that ! tfooi wU! b vj htlof rik f PUtrlft Coort ef WVtr wir. at ft4 Cloct ' '.b..onatortr. NtT(Bibr;iih. ImJ, 1 ilKNUY WAU.KK. On tl'd ntrr N. WA. forth ?nthtat f Mtitn M. Iowa 1. a raat. 10 wtH. aa-1 rw- i the followle wltnM t prort ht fOntlnaoiM rnridane nptn and ealtirallon of raid Unl Tit: Ivteri.kSH. Kfir. Nlon Uard. Loltf N. K4nn arxi Wllium X. WIap, ail a clt. f7ctl3 S. W.W1TIT7.2R. hnUUr. Land Oflcat niooatluelon 5b. Hpt-:i.lM3. Knttclf brrbrilvn tbst the follolr named t:lrr h SIM uollr of bl lot.-ntlcB tt make flaal roof In rarport ol hi eUlm, aad that said r roof ill ha mad befer tk Clfk of the Utftt Coart of Wbter f-otr Nl4 at hi offli In U-i lead cd Salurd7, Xoraa bar 10th. 1M3. !. Leander N Wkib. m o of tb htln f nitna M. Uno.dae'd.oB b'd entry So. 317.j f.r the S!OK nd .T K M of X f. He. 33 aad .4 K Vf of A K !i off . 2 T Ja E ll rt. im! tinn tee friHavie vitctwe ti tro bi ront'naou rrldrnre iiivon sad raltlTatlen of aid land. rlt. Kdvard II. T-. Kdrkk IL ke aer an4 5'lxsn Hard ef n"l, b, and Mtnin L. Iboaat of Kd Closd. . atpgjaotj H. W.SW1T7.KR. IteaUler. LaadOliceat 'looaHaftoa"!ab. Sot-'r.lWl. Nollo t hereby (rea that tha fotlwl aamed Mttlrr hu tied aoilee of h' IntaatWia to make final proof iaeurrort of bl elalw. aad that aaid prt will a aad Ufere ark Uie trirt C'oatt. W StUr coonty. at Kad Ctaad. Jleb oa Saturday. Nor. 10th. VXX. tu CHAIILKS E- PCTT8. R'd 5". S3, for the ooth' we aarer cf ee Uoa U tna 3 aorth. rme li wart. H tb.i-llowiM wttaenai to proe. kia e6lif i4eaca aaaa evitirmUoa aiaataiaa-i. tb Rryaold. Ataaao T Cook. LoM faaia- btli.. .eUrDmty.allof Batla. 5 . J. W. SWITIta, KewiMar. ;EAaL, KHTATE LOANS! On Farm Property ! In Southern Nebraak tttd Northern Kansas, at Sj an.1 9 per ctnu intcref t Without CommiMion ! ATTLX TO rn liiiii 3 REP CLOUD, HCB. 7 PirCii. Konto Loan ! Hoacy to Vto tm final f eein,9rm4lmAHi percent. aM 1-Z pw eit- awgaigaiA-. or at tfarcecu. -M:'WnMM OafcrtAtaaOirt I t. aaTMKkc LOW Come, now h your action, with a MAMMOTH before purchasing Meat Market, J01 GAIUtKli, Prep ALL K!NJ or Null, Sioiiji; i:. Always ckHako CASH PAID vail TAT UTI.K. Moshcr's old Stand FRED BEIRKNSR. t eafav ek a a. af I1I1 Cloth and Samples on Hand. Work and Fits guaranteed, and at Good Lowest opfH Ilnnrr "Shop DEALERS LY- LUMBER. LATH. SIIINOLKfl. RED CLOUD, - DRY LUMBER A 81'EC.ALTV. NOX.D AT TIIK J. G. POTTER, HEALER V- Dry-Goods & Clothing, ValiaTes, Notions, Etc., Etc. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. r:,o:- r Call and examine Goods and Price? hefnr purchasing elsewhere, as y any house in the Valley. J G POTTER, Red Cloud, Neb. ro: War Zt ft 7raiM 9ob. CMm rKaMCif.H. Lk. a4 aM ' I KaaC Tra r n rrfr 1 ! ! 43SM &imhsCmt TWf TVkaar ( Sot 'SZtl i maj apaajHjJBW V 9 afaT"aeJ aj arHHfcV'taf f. LBBBaaaat gaaaaVatal aAaaawaTw aiTBafaV. a(aaTfaaaa flk mm a aaWVfJaW anwawia aaajaa rr wawaaaajBjBaav awafaaMeafaVaW EST PRICES ! chance for BARGAINS. Wc new srocpr every find m department, in the NEW i 5, CLOUD. New Goods. BKO'S, elsewhere. .- Kvfft; HiJ 1N 1 rijy 4., 4 Red Cloud, Neb HMavagagaMaMgaaa!gaaaaaaaw aaa? IgSKTwQveiMlalgVnflaT f .'tv r-f)r' .ant Tilop. tl lc Price. A,', ru u r "Wt MOBILE, 9 SASH, DOOR. Ill.INIW AC. - NEBRASKA. M- THE iV IN THE MARK'KT AND LOHKSTVUKK I will not be undcrmlrl 2fe rrti K Oj ttf9 furiaTi li S. b.. JWSvVjrt.fte - , mThT - !, vl i xMt. or v mm ftaa.a.?ra. V 1 1 r 1 Sl 'jaV yp . i.-j K ?$-&