The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1883, Image 2

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HHHUflKA. aT:-C a5j- '."" nnamnanBmnBmnBmnVanBnaVamBBV.aani aanasmnnsTi ffM?HHSJPaltM wto f H 1
SmmNTBI .VMIa V7raJVS i mmv mmmi Smmmmnnm. mmnmr mmmnnamnmmr mmmmnnmfmr TamTamam WOTMHMWt wws" "s asr 'vasa'aw t, r f vi. - .? mmmmmmmnmammaVaumamamamamamamrmamaaaahaaB Am m avKa m i
BMHfitWi IIMK H"" awawa IV i aaaaw M-T" :, ;-r ,.- - -? r--' ', .1 v BlMHB-M Mt IMHMV k
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count re ana mm x
m our tie murntr -a
xb oueapMciHofeMua,
tvctlti: rtlU
iwio appro
lo appreciate ita labors, and
never wju.
?(i 4 BULL.
CO iVaxoA aviflit
to.aa old scboel-companion In 'crtli
fchlre, named John (;rant, -who was
facto!' to a gentleman in the county,
lift hadlaU'ly married a cousin of mine,
find reaicied in a cottage picturesquely
fcilu&trd near the ricr Tay. He m-.v r
jod-natured. kind-hearted fellow, and
a great favorite with all who knew
I ww, and still am, engaged in lnii
neis in Glasgow; but on receipt of mv
cousin's invitation I usually called
John "couain" I hurried away from
itswnoky purlieus, and was soon in
tUilled under his hof nitnblc roof. We
were both fond of fishing, and the prox
. Jmltv ol the Tay aflbrded every facility
Vof fts indulgcnc!. Some days after in'
arrival I accompanied jy- mmm to aco
ngreecnt purchase, dfmfMtmtmih
xb iilacebad tumoCjMl !,! flM.'ar
rival. It -iw a larve. aowrrfnl animal
iibrowiaUjcdeelgr.-Wrth a pair of
UiUHorfB- TwAiMiled it with
m iiMlnmir uBed a repu-
iu nnr mn laiakaav -.t
!... - "J-., i , .1 . mi, --a-
"""Mi- allllniifl
ftft m back
(he nl
"Iter ofl
mare, i rei),
my rod, into.
at all
events, whethtrl
Hung else or Ml
the footpntli wkWl
:r clown
a lield In
wliieJi the biM
Mdkn fMrtered,
ered, I
saw the a
Home distance;
or read
somewliero that bunsirM
io mo coior rcu, I determined to prove
ijr uaiiuj iim-iii. wjiviucr it was true.
Standing on a projecting alono of the
.fence, on the sa'e sido of which I stood.
I unfurled my rod wlk pocket-handker-
1 chieT, and waved it in the breeze. It
w.v some time before hw bovine majesty
noticed it; but a'tor a little, he
l-aiftcd hi head and looked at
the ' flullttring rag. Presently,
nirioiity impelled him to take a closer
Mew, and on lie came at a smart walk,
Jinally breaking into a run. When
' nbout fifty yards distant, he paused to
reconnoiter; then, having apparently
inside up his mind, ho bellowed loudly
and charged at full speed. Not wait-
ing the actual onslaught, 1 put tho
dangerous picec of bilk into my poek-
et, ami continued my walk. The bull
. followed me a far as the limits of tho
field would allow, and when interrupt
ed by a fence, stood gazing at me as I
. A short sauntor brought me to tho
river, whero I was soon engaged watch
ing for indications of a nibble At
that point, the river was about fifty
yank wide, and quite deep enough to
drown ojrf; whilo tho rapidity with
which leaves and bits of tfiok floated
past indicated a considen'do current.
About two hundred j'anfc from where I
stood wji8 a boat-house1 in which wcro
usually kept a few ski's, for fishing or
eroding to tho othc.' side. I whipped
. tho'Water as I slowy sauntered in that
. direction, but wih small success.
Liliting a cigar was about to make
M IMWMttai
. . iiiyyen coruforUalo In a gi-assy nook of
. ",2 bank, whec a noise caused mo
to look roi6d. To my surpriso
nnddLsmay, I saw that the bull had
somehow or ether broken out of tho
mad; and was moving towards me.
; ortunafuly,lia was yet about four
Jiunarcd yards distant, and only walk
ing.: but evidently highly excited. I
thought at first he did not seo mo,
owing to the swell of the bank; but be
tpre I could conceal myself, a loud bel
Jow.warned me. that I was recognized.
JSot Avishingk) excito tho bnite by a
precipitate retreat, I began to walk
slowly in the direction of tho boat
. house. My dreadful pursuer followed
. fclowK- at first, but, gradually augmont-
inr bis tmph Kt-l-rvV.w r. V
o t., viuivu iuiu ii iuu. x saw
OnCH ihnt iialnc T -an la r
' of Teachinsr tho boat-house nit
was small. I, therefore, set off at full
. speed, thinking, in such circumstances,
discretion was the better part of valor.
I.was, however, well aware that ray
hasty flight was certain to draw tho en
. iaged beast after mo with even greater
vigor than before; but I calculated on
reaching my goal first, and jumping
into the boat which usuallv lav there,
push off, and thus escape being'impaled
on his cruel horns. Glancing over mv
shoulder, I found, to mv disraav, hat
the brute was rapidly gaining on me;
. with couched head and elevated tail,
on he came like a whirlwind. Fling-
- ing away my rod, I bent all mv powers
to the attainment of speed. Not dar-
. ing to look round again, I heard the
rapid thud of hi hoofs gradually get
ting louder. Eighty vards " from
. Ihe boat-house! Frantic with apprehen
sion, I strained every nerve. Fifty,
: twenty yards, and the 'enraged demon
is close at my heels! I reach the boat
house panting and breathless. The
door is shut locked! There is no wel
come boat the side, in which J
might, have escaped. Having no choice
inu no tune for deliberation, I plunged
into tho river. X waded in till it reached
. myneclc, then turned, and looked at the
bull. To my great relief, he had not
entered tho water, but stood glaring at
what was visible "of me, apparently as
tonished at the sudden diminution of
my bulk. After giving vent to his dis
appointment by pawing the ground and
bellowing fiercely, ho stood eyeing
, me, evidently conscious that I was in
a fix.
Thus we stood looking at oho another
for some time, the conviction crowing
stronger, as I felt the water chill me,
. that faould not remain long where I
was. I trusted that some one might
9 discover the escape of the brute, and,
rivingthe alarm, come to my rescue.
But miautes passed slowly without help
appearimr, and I was pettiar desperate
ly cold. Oace or twice I fancied the
Jrute was ahout to eater the water and
"attackrwe; but he always passed ab
ruptly ob the 'brink, apparently un
willing to trust himself farther. If I
ivbeen swiaiser, I -night have
"to4he other side, and taw hare
rjr?. mtv haviar learned that
the rivert 2K?!iltt -
- 2uS?l?piTSifSSS
i . . . seacBiwi ,v. i j
"? the rim,rfwl& OlttdJ4epideHt.
c wafeh V
oa-witK .riT'''"e.-
; 1E m !.
. 4owa th. ZfJlT.. 4 0Tsi
wi iawnrx utt sht
2?i?fSBKrSBBBBTB. - bK LaAa aaaHB)aiasuas aaaSamjaaaaaaMBBkaaTaaP -S k.u aTaaBaaBanaaaa!alanBiBnfl
BliBMIL SnM&JHlSn.. .-w .. ", J KHKIi aaai aaaaaauaaf. mnaaammnsaaatff - -.P'-S ismm ' .-jaMSavaWaStSmMft' -
!"M iKity M: it.riiH.rJii irt ! i P?' ' I itaMMW. iMMiVHMFIfVaU9 - mm
j wwm A-mw. twww w'lglWrrT. --!- jj, fMpWCnrai MMIt ( MI. fc-j i m. r.,
zrSiSS Sai . W'tKrccrsS
tela, af wr liatfM
ia tM dteftM mmrnSmhim
way, I aMt a BMaWr f
Ur U traaat-bli- TWj
raw an-l
..P aW.rJHilflBfcifeBl
wMhwcC HarieHAd
;.,x aaranrr
warMUuMMMiMMlty wu.
KxycrienuimrLmn tm wmm iu
caused IfrltBgypaVglBarkMfajid
when I cxpIaTnWwr'cauMJ of It, .bo
was thankful 1 had escaped a horrible
death. After having changed mv
clothes, T felt little the worxj for my
lobg immersion, and was able to wel
come my cou.-in home in the afternoon.
Ai the penalty of his escapade, the
bull was consigned to "durance vile"
for some time, with tin; view of im
proving his manners in the future; but,
perhaps, my manner of outwitting an
adversary so dangerous as a thoroii"i
ly roused bull may ! of servic"to
others on a s'railar emergency. (Jkmm
bcra Journal. T
A Central African Villar.
One fine large village,' a lo day's
march beyond the Inki."si, gives a good
idea of Central African life- Timr !
ntaeral asvect of t)ro-trit'aMT ft
poopteaffe nausually sjiorti vu and awiry '
1 MMT tMpwclvei. Children, pretty
iftliehiMk ckJdrc:)(.F:r.! )Iayingto
nMrtr'Vaad wakiaf. "I iii-t: one
t ikfricanette, looking n. carried a baby
wrMaT M aereu. a -" u"' cuiCKcns.
wiMlkaptwadfastohttinacy which is so
jMtfBmrattC ofowl, would insist on
retiring for the nigjit in the
whiek fcai been assigned me an my
lodfiagl o two capable little boys
aught the ten .chickens tenderly and
coareyad them to a plaee of safeU, the
old hen, perforce, clucking and protest
ing behind. An immense quantity of
pumpkins with the ripe fruit and tho
great yellow blossom growing on the
same plant, and the waving fields of
manioc which I saw in the bright morn
ing light, lent an air of prosperity and
plenty to tho tidy group' of houses. In
this village, in front of many of the
habitations, lay huge logs of wood,
roughly trimmed tree-trunks. At one
end they exhibited hut little handling
from the operator, hut at the other they
terminated in a rudely carved and
painted head, executed with little
finish indeed, yet the few stroke?
that wrought " the semblance to
humanity JkmI in-en given with a
certain decision and skill. There was,
in fact, a mm1 dral of character and
expression in this sketehed-out face,
which, besides, bore much resemblance
to tho prevailing type of man in that
neighborhood. Itcthcr thoo logs, of
which many were lying prone liefore
the eottagr doors, were house-idols in
disgrace, or merely ornamental ettles.
I could rot ascertain; but, when I men
tioned io word for "idol," and point
eel toenrd them, the men and women
gathefo-.l round and laughed con-
temppuusly. I might mention that the
I buno).' Tho plural prefix "waM a'ain
rcplfcs the more classical "ba." l'e
yonrthis villago all w;us magnificent,
graijiiosc forest. Tlie oath goes down,
dowi. ilown into its depths, and the
tn.'c-aops shut out the .ky. The long,
straight Hiatins dependfng from the
hp'D'hes appear like plumb-lines and
airyVcaffolding sketching out a sort of
fantwtic architecture. Large jessa
mine towers shino forth like stars in
tho ghxinry depths of foliage, and down
at tho bottom of tho deep ravine a
brown stream catches a few glints of
green light as it hurries along.
Wo stop at the villago of Ngoma
("Ngoma" means "drum;" as you
will liavc noticed, it Is often applied to
a sounding fall of water) on the even
ing of the fourth day after leaving
Lutcte. Here an old fetish man and
some 3'onng disciples were performing
a curious sort of dance, in which they
hopped like frors, and squatted on
tnyir heels, waving their hands down
ward from the heavens. 1 was told
they wero calling down the "rain.
yuicrs, more muoienr, were reclining
iu different postures, having their hair
combed and dressed by women. Cor.
London Telegraph.
A Rocky Mountain Glacier.
To Prof. Canln. a member of Pum-pclh-'s
Northcrn'Transcontinental 8ur-
ycy part3. we are indebted for the fol
io Tiraccount of the discovery of a
glacier by Cut -;sriY. and a description
of the coimtr3' arounefYI.'u UppfMariaa
Pass, between the headwaters of the
Flathead River, west of the Rock
Mountain range, and Cut Bank Creek,
east of the same. The locality is nbout
one hundred and fifty miles north of
Prof. Canb3sa3's that on the 1st of
August the partyi after having left t'ie
Upper Flathead River (about eight3'
miles above the lake), entered the
gorgo that leads up the mountain to the
Pass. This is walled in by steep mount
ains, which are crowned by rugged
precipices thousands of feet In height,
sometimes terminating in knife-like
edges, and sometimes running up in
H! snarl)' """tv cones, which mako
tho sky lines of tho mountains most va
ried jind picturesque.
At the summit of the Pass three main
nmphrxheatcrs come together. The3 are
nearly hore-shoe in shape. From tho
Pass therv are in full view ten or twelve
high peaks, often running up into regu
lar, sharp rteky cones.
Some ten or "fifteen miles away, look
ing to the westward, a great mass of
snow-covered mountains were in view,
and below these summits was seen a
true glacier, haying a frontage of at
least a mile, and in some places a face
estimated at 500 feet in height From
underneath this glacier flows a stream'
of milk3--colorcd glacier water.
Prof. Pumpclrj-, "Jth the Indian
guide, penetrated the amphitheater in
which this glacier lies, and counted
twenty-two cascades over five hundred
feet in height, besides seeing manv
smaller ones. The sides of the mouut"
ains which surround this amphitheater
are covered with deep bodies of snow,
which are the sources of the many
streams flowing into the valleys below.
There was but little snowonthe Pass,
and with care it was not difficult to
cross. In descending the eastern side
of the mountains the gorge presents
some remarkably iotty ana sttipenuous
precipices. Those gentlemen of the
party who had visited the Yosemito Val
ley considered the scenery of Marias
Pass to be of a more varied character
and grander in everv respect.
The summit of the Pass wu. found to
be seven thousand eirht hundred feet
above the aealeveL We shall wait with
much interest for amore thorough and
aompleu aarrey of this sew and - won
drful owMaw. district of Montana. -
Idisin, who aacnt to know, says:
rMaMTSaai ammek iaweatwitv tH aaata
9 - m m, ZmWr "?.'-'-' ""
kop( m tha mJt af taft wek.
SMii-iiTHXw, -aa-B
V'thaat ifabTnr thrir j hail
salikadM. ;itls ath fcr
ia frar
Cos af
90MC ""
encei, and
ft in her honor, music
atWn?airr rrla ItflnC iB attimanrA.
The ueU-gatftcrcM haj nothing but a
cloth about their loin, a Kniie anu a
net bag at their side. When one goes
to Work lie takes his place on a stage of
two cros-bars fatenid to the end of a
. . i . ? . -
rope, ami w lei iown against m xaeo
of the rock. He grasps the
rofe with
his left hand, and Jn hLs
right has a rod
with which he holds hlmilf off from
the rocks. Sometimes he goes down
several hundred feet amid the roar of
the ocean and hundreds of birdi flyiag
all around him- When he comes oppo
site a salangan hole (that's the name of
the binl) he makes a signal, and the
lowering stops. H now swings back
aad forth until he get jower enough to
enter he hole and find a footing on the
rock-tie ha noted. If he fail, he is
dashed to pieces on the rocks below.
The ran n generally has a thin cord fast
ened, around hh Ixxly and to the
V bo that he can pull the stage in to
tain. .Should this break, how
ever, M hiH to make a hold h-ap and
catch the itage. When lie has got into
the caveri he ciiLs off the nest with his
knife and places them in his bag. and
whea it is full he return and his place
is aapplied- by another. This business
is so exclusive- that no foreigner has
ever been allowed to participate in it.
Sonic Dutch merchants once entered a
can, but they never came out alive, and
tho Malays have a story that the ( oddesa
"ro "iook them to her bojom." Thc
swallony breed four times a year, cacli
time making a new nest. "The nests
are plucked three times, and so only
one brood is left to the bird . In the
cavern of Karang-foHong, I have heard
it Mated, there were three hundred and
thirty thousand swallow, nm! tmm
them about fivs hundred thousand nests
are annually taken. The harvest is done
in July and August. November ami Dc
ceber, and the worst in April and Mav.
The nests are cleaned ami assorted ami
packed jn bamboo casrs of about seven
ty in a case. They all go to China,
perhaps a few to America and Europe
as curiosities; one hundred and seventy
thousand pounds go to Canton alone,
and about fifty bird nests make a
pound. The first quality of nests cost
in tho cities of China twenty to thirty
dollars a pound."
"How are they eaten?'1
"They dissolve the nests in water oi
broth, and spico them highly, using
them as an entree. You'll find it a
dish among all the wealth' Chinese,
and at all the Hoyal and State enter
tainments. WI13, when General Grant
made his tour of the world he was en
tertained on them at Canton. Tho
Chinese think the' are a great stimu
lant, but R'imt! German chemists say
that they have no stimulating qualities,
and are nothing moro than the saliva of
animals, neither nourishing nor stimu
lating, but awful Micky." From Inter
view in Cincinnati Enquirer.
Where lie Hud Us.
There wore seven or eight of us in the
smoking-car. anil I13 ami 13" the conver
sation turned upon" hotels" Siv of the
crowd were going to step off at the same
village in Georgia, and one of them re
marked: " Well, gentlemen, 3-011 can make up
your miiuls te go through purgato to
night." "Whv?"
"Well, there is 01113- one hotel in the
town, and that is run hy the meanest
man bouth of the Ohio River."
"D03011 knowh'm?" asked a chap
who was Mispe ted ef heinir a lihtninjr-
rod agent from Cnicniro.
" 1 rather reckon."
" And what's he mean about?''
"Everything. He has bugs in his
beds. ucs beans in his coffee, his rooms
are dirty, and he's a robber in his
" And there's no other hotel?"
"No. If there was he wouldn't gel
custom enough to keep a cat alive.
He's the meanest man in the State of
Georgia, anil if 1 ever catch him outside
of his town I'll put a head on him!"
"I move that Ave resist any swindle
on his part," said a drummer from Chi
cago. "If I find hugs I'll fire the bed out ol
the window,'' said a patent-churn man
from Ohio."
And thus it went on for half an hour,
everybody anticipating and preelicting,
but the conversation linally closed bv
the originatorTeiarking:
"Well, we'll have to put up with it I
suppose, but you can make up 3our
minds to seo the meanest, low-down.
Iiang-eteg tavern-keeper m America."
It was after elark when we reached
the villago, and after delaying awhile
with tho baggage five of us rode up to
gether in the 'bus. The sixth man had
disappeared, and we elieln't see him un
til we reached the hotel. Then he was
discovered behind the desk, a pen over
his car, his coat off in fact, he was the
identical landlord himself! One after
another walked up, took a look at him
and fell Lack, and we had adjourned to
tho veranda and were talking of sleep
ing out on the grass that night when he
came out and said:
" Gentlemen, will you walk in and
One followed the other, and though
we all remained until the next evening,
not a word was said nor a hint dropped
about tho conversat'on on the cars. It
was only as the train was read3 to go
that he shook hands all around and
kindly remarkeet
"The meanest, lowcnvn hancrno
favcrn-kocner in America b0pes to see
one ami all again. Have a Cgar, uen.
We sent him a eallon of wine ana. .
box of cigars frota Augusta, but he wsa
still our creditor. Detroit Free Press.
His Rercacf.
They were riding up from the Wall
street "fern in a 'bus. He lifted his hat
to her ,ina gingerly manner, and she
bowed with the coMness of an iceberg.
"Know her?" asked a man at his el
bow. "Know her! Why I was engaged to
her last fall!"
"And what?"
"And she gave me the bounce. She
said she loved me, but she ccald not
endure the thought of a straggle with a
French flat and tapestry Brussels car
pets. I went forth a crashed man, tot
revenge'is mine!"
"How?u -
"Why, her father pat on hundred
ana tiny tnonsaad dollars m a
hotel, and the company hasn't
enongh to pay the wages of the head
waiter:' wau &ree jvcsm. ?
Sits. H. B. Stowe m atent to
la -JWBr VV . bvi C"w"MaBBH
Italian author, who
booktto FeiimatiiT-
General Greshsm, now aiks that official
to send him enough money to coTtr the
expense of printing the first edition.
Bronson Howard, the draasatbt.
who w firing os royalties from his nlar.
In England, U thcpocAor of a doablo
tricycle on which he and his wife, and
and whatever unpl!c thev feel like
carrying, make twenty-mile and thirty-
mile trips about the country.
Mr?. Harriet Beechcr Stowe ai
that the novels of the day lack romantic
interest. Human passion has come to
be synonymous with a niawkbb hyMcria,
to be photographed without grace, and
bv what strikes hr a a drr nroceaf.
which takes the victim in the middle of
an emotion, as a horse Is caught with
all his feet in the air. A'. Y. Gratthic
For some time Miss LouUa M. Al-
cott has been at work upon a new rtory
for loyi and girl. It is a sequel to
" Little Men." and is to be called Joe s
Hoys, and How They Turned Out."
Mis Alcott hoped to have the book fin
ished for the fall, but owing to tho ill
ness of her father she has been obliged
to put off its completion indefinitely.
lioston l'Oit.
Will Carleton, the popular vero
writer, is thus decribcd by a reortrr
in Indianapolis, where he has been vis
iting: "He is nearh' six feet tall, of
slender build, with" a bright, rather
youthful face, blue eyes, aquiline noc
ami short whiskers, which cover only
his chin. His hair, which is slightly
tinged with gray, is combed smoothly
back, and this, combined with the some
what clerical cut of his clothes, gives
him rather the appearance of a well-to-do
young minister on a vacation."
One of the most interesting subjects
discussed by the American Library As
sociation at Buffalo was the practice of
changing tho originn title of a book, or
of giving a book more than one title.
Sometimes the change is effected by
fraud, often by thoughtlessness, hut in
either caM- it" causes annoyance. As
examples, John Habbcrton's "Just One
Day, became, with a change of pub
lishers, ".Mrs. .Maylmrn s Iwms; with
Her Trials in the Morning, Afternoon
and Evening of Just One Day." Mrs.
Fctherstonhaugh's storv. "Kilcorran."
is enlarged to "Lil, Fair, Fair, with
Golden flair; or. Kilcorran."
An earthquake usually caucs an
active, movement in real estate. 60m
crtrtllc Journal.
Someone who believes that "brevity
is the soul of wit" writes: "Don't eat
H cumber. They'll W up."
Allele Yes, your poem, He loves
me very dearly," is a rcmarkablo pro
duction; hut if you want those pleasant
relations to continue, don't let him seo
it. As for tho copy sent hither, it will
lie carefully placed in .1 little basket,
not ncccary for publication, hut as a
guarantee of good faith. KxcJinnye.
" I feel so worried about Charles?"
sighed Mrs. Wildhusband. "It's get
ting late fciirc cnoujrh," said sister Kate,
looking at the clock; " but Iguess noth
ing unusual has happened.'' That is
what frets me," replied .Mrs. Wild
husband, " I am afraid something usual
has happened to Charles." Detroit
Last week the Governor of Rhodo
Hand packed his State in a hand hag
and took it down to Cape M.y for a
holiday. This was kind of the 'Gover
nor, and makes the Geiveroor of Texas
it a a
niuc ms eiimimsiica neaa when be con
trasts the generous action with his own
selfishness. Catch him taking his Stato
anywhere. Bless 3-011, it's as much as
he can elo to keep it .it home. Hurling
ton Jlairkeye.
Ingratiating photographer (after
carefully posing little Violo): "Ami
neiw 3-011 are geing to be a ver3' gooel
little girl, and sit as still as a mouse for
a few minutes. Violo (who, though
but a mite, has a mights will of her
own, quickly imposing and assuming a
most determined expression): "O, in
eleed, Mr. Man! That's all you know
about it! I'm going to be as naughty as
possible!" AV Y. Jlcrald.
Ctcsar's mistake: vRoss, will you
tell me how to make, root leer?" asked
a coloreel man of a clerk in a drug
store, a day or two ago. "Yes. I will
Take a hickory stick, three gallons of
water, an old "hat. a quart of molasses,
a paper of tacks and a pound of cayenno
pepper, and boil and skim ami set in a
cool place.'' "i?a3 dat again, boss, so
I can ilisremcmber." The clerk re
peated his directions and the customer
brought his fist down on the counter
with the exclamation: "I sees where I
spiled 1113- hull batch! I left out do
tacks!"" Boston Gazette.
Honors were easy: A German citi
zen, approaching the window, rc
3 nested that a check payable to the or
cr of Schweitzercase be cashed. "Ja,
dot's me," he noeldcd reassuringly, in
answer to the teller's look of iniiuirv.
"But I elon't know that you arc Mr.
Schweitzercase. You must get your
self identified." said the teller. "How
vass dot?" asked theGerman citizen,
with a puzzled look. "You must get
some one to identify vou," repeated the
bank officer. "Ah.'Ja!" cned John,
mueh relieved; "dot's all right. I
don'd know you ncider." Buffalo Com
m a
A DMkty's SalcMe.
It has always been thought that man
possesses one'point of superiority. If it
can be so called, over the lower animals,
in that he alone is capable of commit
ting suicide. Man's sole claim to this
sad privilejre is now assailed from a
que unexpected quarter of the animal
tnsdom. The Pans Faix cives nartlo
"Jars of the suicide of a donkey which
WsUnes8ed recently by a dozen per
sons, waw j -i,. WM.;Jwl
that the am
death was premedi-
laiea ana lBienuonsu. tv. .A.. .
quadruped, which was toJ
condition of skin and bone t eta
too little and working too mack,
aged to escape from nis stables fat ia
Hue du Chardonnerct, and made for tha
Seine, into which he entered near tha
Pont d'Austerlitz. A man who hap
pencd to be giving a Newfoundland
clog a bath close by, perceiving that tha
donkey made no effort to swim and was
on tne point of drowauar,
tnedortohis assistance. Seising tha
drowning animal's ear in his month, the
Newfoundland managed to bring hisnt
land. Bnttonoparpose. Tedehy
looked ronnd with ak urge, and ay;
ad onieUy walked back into tha watar.
Thedogwas again sent after him; hna
this time the donkey kicked eat so Tig
ronsly that his preserver eonM net a.
F Aae nmtr, o sijisl hit
.ana enrrtnt, made n mavaaaMt --- -
Vet O, Kt tos m Mat tfSr to list
!ta&Urm!laBcrTt-taA4 M. mwJ at
Hk roarl csk rrc hcUr. hi
lilt form Ucuw trctW; Um trarU of ts
tta . . ... . .
What a rf4cr to ea py for tie p$errf of
!a tfcnhf3L la trfu!a.
Kara cornMT. K atUoa U critS u
Trt UMiiuU n oUox i4 k-iox tkclr
Ar4 laUltoaa uat-ora hi tfec Uutir tti tali.
Orw Btrhl to ih tarrrt ram ivtrr HcUtU.
by. -
He rntrrol rh- tafrtrea. h t .Jofl tx-tWe
Tfee rtckrt Uar Uh a vrrtmMr UK
For be frit what a Uvr hr hA wril t-
In lhs morciless ptUIrtt l-jttjc of rum.
o he calM for a drink anJ be ruztW tt
Todruwn bit (lull rare arxt to make bits fr-l
He drank aad be drank UU tbc UtnjJJjbt
tuukcl lnia.
Till the tarrra turanl rvund ia a inyttical
Iledr&nk till lit ftomach w frtuml with
pit horrible pfcantosi dUtrxctcd bit trala.
Uut. w' from a corner tbvrv vautfcMi'
A little rrl rrocnt; bow bprncd tt tbrrr
lu eye alcam like diamondi, H rlif !, it
It col! 1t vSf ejuktty unlrr bit chair
H tear from b! tt-ai with a howl of di'tnar.
7bo little rrO -rjvnt 1ia vsnMbnl njr.
Look! look! from tho crack) tn tho CclUnj
and wait.
From tb barrels and kcy, from the bottlrs
and lur.
How tbf nakt-4. how the worms aad the Trrn
Iljianl. cntol?
How thcr twin, bow thry tujuirm tn tbc
rUr and niutr:
How thr- crrcp o"cr tbc counter and In at the
door: "
flow tbfjr wrlsyle and wrllbe, as tboj fall on
tbc floor!
Tbcy climb up tils limbs, and they twlna on
lie dma bU old bottle! He tbrowi off his
They crr'p on bU body! Ho wla-jfkf, be
He nnticeU- to tear their cold coll from
his t brunt.
He taiuiiit on the floor and bo clutches the
Then ruhcs In rago for his old cbtf tnut
mare 2
Hut the boys of the rlllajrc. who longed for a
Loo-d hl ncljthlnjr o!d t:st from the Ljn-
ji anu 1 km
Inberilace. with a bed-cord, a bbr biiudlo
All addld. all hridlot, ami ready tn ride.
When ru'beri from the tmern. ith toiakra In
bin track.
Old I'ctrr. who oiinced with a jell on her
The cord snapped In twain, and away In af
fright. With the Maniotcrhrad dimly llKhtinsr the
. road,
red I'cter Mcllrtdp In a pllUul ptiaht
Jn tbc tracks of.his itevd toward bis distant
Tiie dof ricrrfly barktil, and the cock loud
ly crew.
As tho bellowing- cow by tho farm Ijoum-j t!cw.
Tlie vlllnicers leaped in alarm from their bed.
They threw up their windows, in wonder
they a-aztil.
And pet-rot tbmtixh tho datknes. with un
rovcrttl bcH-U:
Buch n row In that region had never lcen
While swift as the -lu of tho wlmt o'er tho
In a terrlblo tempest rode Fcter Jlcllrldol
He saw tho strange horns of the lrat that ho
Tho four cloven hoofs of tho fleet footed
With the horrible thought, 'twits tho devil he
He saw It stiff tail,
like n snnko on tbo
The air nil around had a sulphtiroiM mcil!
He lost his firm (trip on the Mtddln and fell.
Friends found him and carried him over tho
To his desolate home, where they put him to
They bled blm, they fed him with camomile
Thcv postered bis chest and they )oulllccd
his head.
And when he recovered, he solemnly jw . 7
To tipple and toy with tbc devil no more.
Aro you watinrthe years of your mnnbovx.
away? "
Is tho demon of dninkonness drasririnir you
Arcyou mshliuranl hasUnir to early decay.
The by wont and sport of th? bojs of the
Some draa-on may carry you off In our pride.
With snake at jour heels like old I'cter Mo
Euutnr J. HiHI. tn Chicago Inter Octaiu
The following facts gleaned frem
the various rejiorts at hand, tell their
own story without need of addition or
In 1881 there were C9.C31 criminals
arrestee!, of whom .51,0.')7 were males;
and 1H.57J were females. Of the males
13..WG were arrested for intoxication.
and an additional .l.t.TJ for being elnink
and disorderly. Of tho females, 0.W1
were arrcsteel for intoxication, and an
additional 2,82:1 for being elnink and
diseirelerh-, making the total number of
inebriates arrested 28.6G3, which i
more than two-fifths the whole number
of arrests.
Besides the numtier arrested, there
were 120.G83 indigent person loelccd in
tho station-houses; more than 8. tier
cent, of whom were compelled to s-ck
IeHlging3 there by reason, directly or in
directly, of the liejuor-traffic- The
males thus seeking loelgings numbered
57,905; the female. 62,778. This is a
number cepial to one-twelfth the entire
population of the cit3.
The cost of maintaining the police
iorce ior me purpose of attempting to
"cure" what should be "prevented"
was f280,053.
The cost of the various court? made
necessary by reason of the traffic in
liquor, in New York City alone, reached
me sum 01 5.',uw,0ua
The expenditure of tha 'Department
of Public Charities and Correction for
1879 amounted to 1,262,618, over nine
ty per cent, of which expense was made
necessary by reason of the traffic in
liquors. .
We might go on imlcfinitcly, 'bow
ing up, right and left, the enormous ex
penditures of the people's money, for
muu "uicn migni oc oispcnscu witn,
were it not for the everywhere presence
of the demon drink.
The statistics of crime only hgw
what is forced upon the surface. Po
licemen avoid making arrests as much
as they can, and convictions are diffi
cult, as witnesses will not testify lest
they- be locked up in the House o'f De
teation, while the offender is released
on bail
In New York, oftentimes, the ac
cuser and witness receive more anaoy-
Aa aaui aitanaiar l.m A. !... .tafni.
they may at last be con-
certihed that thev are of 1
character. Uf these, 2.004 harVt JLj
their time in various State prisons; 3,
S5 have hean aesmaed m conntv prisons;
L75i havebaea'cooledoar,in thesu
tahess;laaThag 1.6Hof the nnm
her who hare thac far been able to
lad tha vigilance of the police.
Ttelknar shape of New York City.
hT nfaeednMa hy side, wonld complete
ry JUe hock aides of a street extending
frasn tha ItsatsrTf Kisnt's Bridge.
ideas where
lafsjt prwf "C wi avfasaw nt
Mat arrsw hhv frf ari
tia any Wahmw mn w $r 1Tr
i CHy. ,.
QijmJm tiriwiaaii I friMpy, u
ISfll. UL9 ptr 9L tf Um imlt m
1S.1 perrt4UVa4klst,isiajki
tkkairMr wh fa a m akt
hatiat. I
la JiaHalciH. 1mm HRc4J r.
IKts "1' t2jat tSNcr !
en eel 37 fr . n lis at9tr rf
cvml dMiartwlwrrpnJtttkw
U at th rwJc. a JcrriB! irf A ft
cS- ht tkm askr 4 c of er".
a4 10 pet cat. Io iJm? aumi-r 4 ak
bt (fttoXMtia. wbcree ISfttor i lrrA
Tfc raI&r4S::r4 ComIwEk&rr i
VrnSil Edcat.o. h hU rrr-xt y. j to
ctc of crfaw with tatrajrrxsrfi
Of Ut J WW ioatAtc c4 ta Mu.V
I fckm Sta pris I5,5i. ? J p.
crat., arv rrpdnsxl to hirr bora tsijii
In tn N" Hassplure tt$ pHtA
outofSUnma admit thv,
to have Ucs?a Ia"njpeni.
Of thcrialaJaHKlatl ia 0 vi
J j nm:y asn taaatcipAl pnoa in t .
. ... ..., ,. .it .
tictict. w tasti 20 per crat vimi.
I ""; "-"' " '"""'"
I tnetv-thrrr ir ceat.
cd tkta- 4.
finfHj lu' 1W MaBit Htiar 4 f,.
dutrr are confiard for critar r .
' cd with liKr.
. , iniUai!MhIa livt rrr ik -. . ..
5 UJUrucra nwr rru uKvatw i . te ..-;(.
prrAne, aai twraty-on' a-.
tntrat to kill proctticd froat :v
Of over jron x-r,-. ,), in
iTiilidclphla Ut yrr. 7 j? fflt.
neru cauI by tuurapTaii . ,( .
jK'roai committed to cttj pr-aj iaori
than two-lhirdr wrre lac -afcrnrnc
of IntfmjM'rsuo?.
In th childmn's Lwp; , j,ew
York Oty th-rv wr tou feiugd, la
Jvx), 1 fer drunkrnnr. ts-, took
with them their nurng .nfa&.
Within the lat irMj - cer
teachers hav inertaisl fr.n ? to &i
tK-r cint ami pupil attrn! nr j'soj.
1 tmuv than '0 jn:r xat , 3 t iro b
inrreasett W) jw?r o-nt.. aJ.-.t Irrnla
pai'e with the increase uf tho traffic I"
Juelge Noah Iari. of NVw Vcfk.
state, that In an ejrnt'H'-r.f tweet'
five 3 ears on the lmb, 1 a focatl
three-fifths of alt casrs of i.air'ic tube
directly traca'-lo toj.tnBg xhat.
luelgo AUion a- " In our rriajin"l
courts, wu eau traeo four lift'i of tho
crime that are eH!iinjiM-L to the latlu
euce of rum." Tln-ru . not rs ex in
twenty when' a man i tr.s tor W '"
In which mm is not thr ebr.vt or indU
re. t rause of the murdrr - Vn. i'h-1-Uth
ITionwon, u SaUvnal I &s.
The Uewlnloa Mreue !-"
Canada is birred with a new 'fern
peranro law, a great imprMtcnifnt on
an3 licencing laws we hate in tho
United States, and in ealhil the Domin
ion License Iavr. It elems not la a'.V
way ahregato ur set ahle the Scott act
bv "which a county, if it o clrK itiny
St-cim" abeJut prohibition. iMTflt ap
plies !mph' and onl to Jocalibrs ilc
hiring license To such It sat. 3'ou
may have one license ti rxvr ti hun
elreel inhnbitanu. 3011 may "not wll to
minor. ilrunkanN", twir letre'n the
hours of Mvcn p. m on SaMnlay- till
sit a. m. on Monlai. It al frb d
the issuing of lici'nM-. to grwers or nnv
other than actual liipi r-shops: And all
existing licenses of tins character aro
arrange-el to lape within a Hmiteel jm
rioel. This law Is uniform throughout
the Prolines. Heretofore "ora Scttia.
New- Hruntwiek, MnmtohA and tho ret
have had their own particular licen-s
laws. Now all over the Dominion one
thirel of the tax-pai-cra arc necessary to
petition fyr a tlnltii'-hop licenc. and
when ?ucd It-. conilUlons an orerj'
whens the sam. It U regard d by
thoughtful Temperance cop!c as a gr. -.",
gain la legislation, as it will reduce thi
ntimheT ef lieinis nearly (m.linlf In
t m. uf tlit. mv!nrv.. ...."i ..-:n !......
. .'-.... ... . .. ,.... . Mic l.l.t nill'l II 41
the hours of talc. ching the saliKut jt
e'leven p m. en wee-k elays ami entirely
en Sundays. The hotels arc al pro
hihiteel frenn turning their bars on .Sun
dai.s and no guet can le furnihe'J
lieiuors in hu- room. The law simply
allows the supply Ing of Honors at two
principal meals of the elay, and then
only iu the dininz-roemi. Ourneigiilors
over the bonier an vastly In adtanei
of us. Their great northwestern terri
tory', whero a mounted force of 1..V')
sohliers is kept for the protection of tho
Indians on reservations a"ahit tho
frontier whisky-elealer. is S standing
annv of n-proach to us who on our own
Iwrders wink indilTerently and even
ejuizzicalh' at the violations of executive
rdcrs in Iwhalf of the Nation's wards.
Union Signal.
Tcatprrancc Ilrws. s
Deku am Srie inc. It i said that
meire lMer is elrank per capita in Mil
waukee than in any other citv. and that
the suicide rate there is eJoublc that of
any other cit3.
PmsoNEU. A San Antonio dipatrh
makes known tin -ort of whisky nd
In that place when it reort the? fallow
ing: Three barkiejer were (oiotieeI
on tho hands Iu handling ice and lemon
in making mixctl drinks.
Thk ("aisf. in Chixa Bm a few
years ago there was no Temperance
organization in China. Now- Tem
perance; hotel is advertized in Hon-
Kong, and at Shanghai there is a Loele
of (toexl Templar? ami a .r-i.t -)d.
Temjerance- pajcr jmhlishcel weekly,
called the Teinftcrnncc t'nian.
A ('foi Wokk. Lawyer Barney hti
acccptcel a retainer from a Xc- "jjnj
fonl Total Abstinence Society, acd has
promlseel to c!o every illegal "Tevrry
in the city- within six rnemth, " lCT
gan by causing the arrest of an active
memllcr of his own church forrentin"a
building to an unlicensed dealer.
Sxtnos I)t.vKC5.vr.M. An orator
in Iowa claims that pruhibitin- the
saloons only create dninkenne, m thu
homes." This" is untrue. U"K;t.. n.
few- bcsotteel indivuluals would guzzle
at home, not one man In a hundred
amongelrinkingmcn would drink hiralf
dnink in the preface of hb wife and
children. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Fireman's. Phtnic Without
Liquor. It is said by a prominent citi
zen of a popaloo-t town la On-on that
two days' after IL Willanfg riil
there and addrc-s in the Citv Jfajf
large Fireman's IlcnJc was heieL wbes.
for the first time in history, liqaor wn
conspicuous by its absrace. People are
very reach-able after alL Union
Dr. MAcox, of the Inebriates' Home.
Fort Hamilton, L. I., ku looked ;-to
the family history of one aaadrt-4 aad
sixty-one" patients there. He learned
that" ainetY-eigbt of the Stember had
druakea fathers: eix.draakea naothrra.
ansTsixteen. eracdparents aad other avrxr
kindred who were intemperate. Fitters
were of families ia which iaaamity ex
isted. someU'racs along wkh inehriety.
IndiannflU Jrrn4L
Bees xxo TtxrkzAjcczl-hcm wa
see so maay boys aad men SecsaUur
driakifsg iabiu throngh the rawpsawd
MvaJsasness of beer, aad sea each nai
titajav. , njiii thek sttrjdaa fsnaaW.
aaderca.atW. far She aecea
snnes of life, in twi&ag aLssm ralkant
of beer, aad aa raany nmnn ei-hkat
aad fat on every corner; and am emry
saloon, we can see that few besUca
lovers af beer, and tha brewers aad sell
ers ef beer, cosld haTmonnt
selves into the notion that thai
factmstsale and general nscaf
Oir ?mmz Milrt.
MRf ftr'l
a mA
mw M
-rtiFrr Vtrrt sa 1
JUf 3 S ? -
- !??rrr
wrtv -r
V.ff rMr"
W!. r
v4 aV
r ,1. . ,,1 &
; lf
ismta mmrf J-
mr 'rT!;rt (
.. . .-V
iv'fr' t - -
. . - m flu ii. -.
tut-- - i r.
-ftr twh
T" "TLaJatXa-MV
4flt -W-r tr
r 4 s-ree tTJta-Vr.
a. --. . a,
rtf t" 1
j. i vr'
I At-at"
" ''''.. M
unw .
c, Viw-r
. ittL in MV'
lnsJ II .
z ,- !ktr In' 4r '
Tt? WTc rrd livat h Vl
t?.awail fc.U-.rf. . tfc
tb rrrr top
airt la
t!f he
-. inavHj iLMr mtHl ffl u. roll.
TaWeassl t L.ij jjvt Up arsia.
la- Ww JJSSL- uatU hst vcWd
U free lrr h-uin-a wry ftj
. .. f.1!. kanr-eBrtl tmt jut to
Uatt- U y y tiui0 ( wl
1 iHfitwtllke a Jo f ! r a
WmOir t the ttom
Kr "I ;.:., . in- m tho u-
.1.1' . th .IiUnnviu window, at
fiSLxr-. t-- a)
,.!amt chanat toUwVtul. k
, 1 k.Jtk !- rolling w; And
1.-1 -. iirf. ro
rj'rrjrha miw tw
fa.trrirrcry roil. ln):l-
htr tel-
lu"' But if'j -" m" a u114 yr
Mrftheri nei Ja trying W Itaa-
iiw you M'' ,lut " m, a1 k'"
U-n t alanaent alKMit him. fr half an
hour flrward hr wu wa aafoly a
the top d thf hill again In the bv
Ho hl lecn rubtol with rfcw
here, and anedutest with ctaisl alrt
there, aael he had a hmg strip of ort
plaoter Jut aUivt oto f hl r) . and
m - t II... I. a4f . . t Si !
another np aen nj;v v.
no, ererth-le. h wa
erertbde. h rw ry hap-
For hvijdrs having teiu a j;npAt
stKiarw would say, he IlvI ftl sh
mum bliuiLbcrn iam And he dl
cTO. acniTcu j;ru -. ' -.--
lOt (Ml
1 nut
grt blactbtrrr lam nry of two, iioiitntH-h
edtner than "he Uk a ndl down the
hilllel It w a only trauc tf th rwlt
that ho gst 'ho jam now hatnrur ttn
derstooei this fact, mi withal, ho felt
that the aeeielcnt wis "all for the Uf
now that It waa over
While hi ato liU brad auel Jam. hU
mamma with rri reel iies. wa gtlnjr
her neighbor. Mr. .Smith, an acviunt (
the sheH'kin" atlatr, od of the mental hehad -tfr tl w hllo hr Uy
wa.s taking his w underfill oirvnUr jir.
WUv. I idiouM tlJnk my hair wowW
have' tiiruet! grni" hKi
sight," she oxclaimeef.
iuin more toar that
t horror at lb
wiping away
tamo at tho
Oh!' Intemiptcil Saiiintr
Ml a
Mr. Smith began sjM-aklng. "If y.'1 "
nut been tho felhm that wx. a.rtihn;
t rum
h. LuoltiM on ain't tuthlnir.' he
wndh !
Hill a few dais nfte-rwatd he found
that " loking ejii '' tew methitig. It
cairn alieitit In tlds wnt
When Sammy 'a father, ili was a
e!iter. came houn at noon on this ilav.
he wn In a treat hurry Mr. Hurl,
who Jiveel twedie ndli emt of tow n, had ,
nnotlnT stnAeof paralysis, and he itnul
10 tei se her riglit 0J1.
"Ill Jut tako oM UU eitit of the
shaf's-' ald th. eje-ler. ,atil let him
get Mjimi oat ami a few mitiutrs' rtst,
and then on" I must go again "
'llien he put two stem lfnn thn
front herds ed tho buggi to krp It
from ndllng away, auil went in t his
own ehnner.
"Don't Hire M !e w th thejwi stone.
Sammy," he alel, the Iat thing.
nmmy had had hi dinner, and so
had his two littlocoudu Meg anil Mill v.
who wen vUiUn; him. N they dlil mil
go int the heMsc.
"I.e'f get iu th buggy and piny
here" aid M'-g.
And in jhe nnd Mllly clamlwrwl,
while Sammy tok hedd "ed tho sbafl
ami brgnn pulling. Tal:tig hoM of tin
ohnfUnnil pulling a bttlt was not meel
dlingwllh the stone, ho thought He
just pulleel a "little bit," when ud
denly the buggy lxgan in wA It
piivhe-el hanler ami hanler. ntnl Nm
tn got very irel in th fac trying te
hidelit in. "lliitU irwiWet'" U lied In'
It got away from him. and nsjel teH
medl elownthe hill with tho tenttl
coaius Insiele crvamitig "just awfully
And Sammy coiiM only stand still and
Iek on. jut as jKor mamma hal eleme
when hr'Yollcel away a fer elay lfon
Oh! he fell tlrrtutrnU 1n-n hi paps.
mhee! eut, anl hl mamma nihrI
emt. and his auntie, and Mary Ann. thrr
him! e-trl. ther all rhasd tlw lU?rv
elown the hill. " Hut thcrelid init caU-h
it -not until it stopjW of Itself agalnv
the fence.
Mllly and Meg were not ft hit hurt.
U.,t il,r -?t ntt rristl ami iMith ,if !
the shalts ed the buggy were !jrekrn
clear off.
So the elocteir hail to go on horvbsck
to se Mrs. Burl
Nebody scoh!e-I Sammy very mnrh.
for he lookcel so pale anel fcorry. anel no
beiely gvc him any jam thi tim
either. Hut afte-r a while; his marnma
smiltel a little, ami aKkesI bias if "
tng on" ''t om-th!agi
And Sammy le'tel veay.-vrrr mek.
aidsaIiI."Ys, ina'm." iVA'j Cs?w
janion. m Wrinkle.
I wood
er. children. If when yrm Iwk I
frandmrther w!mj 4 Ifcer-J
at sour
ia her chair ("I wm 1 1
" - " - - - -- -o(f
. .--.-
vs grandmother, with a I
start; "Of cosrwj not." rttoras rraad-
l-. f.l. i!.lt. t .'. .V. 1.
wonder If. whea von Vnik at tlw
wriaklcs In the dear rrasdolhr
fao. rem thins of the t&ottgnt aad the
care aad the trials lhat aWt'est Hm to
make tliem- She is awe-rter Ut . ! eJbaiear?J ftt uxtsi to 1hx! 4
children, than he sra. ia the old daa j tr Prrxt of Polarr, In ej
whes she was like a wIM re; la Jaae. pU d h m4e tht thy Is
(Grandmother made a epiaiisu d4-fah- rdd A tnMc la lh stwt, lSrU
ionel courtesy, aad everybody went rijfhsg the hsrof -vtr s5"'.
overr aaI k!ses! hr.) Th? tiVerr was at rt frxt4i, ht
But wo won't talk of graadasether Ut this J! to thrr A lh ?nV8taj trai
partlcnlar, we'll talk of wriakVa iayra- ' rc b4ag mtsUi hy lie aatir
craL Whea I wtw a Ly I was taaght "J.--irt htfr,
to look with respect on a wrinkled ( . J - --
Each wrinkle t&fsR a great steal. It ' A hiack aad taa lx hifisg tm
mean swaVriajr aad carr. aad aaiSety the eiMhtererirh Cha(a-arrxt a
for thers; for thai old prrsow 3s term j aeddentajfy ktOd i N-w Tk t he h
very vlSih, in-rd. irho has Hred e9aJyirdy, The hssdWast idaeerdfa a d-
for hlate!i. lew have been sMssh. j
leslrrdar. I m crwur Sosssfc
Ferrr. I taw wriakkd hand LHrc aac
sc '
I on tae ra. 0 le Saaaf. itwaaa
l- .f ..t . -- . -VX -
kaad. Jt was hard aad hrcrwa And.
thogh the man hkmteU Vf hlalsaek
towards m I read am frasst that haasi.
He had hi Sssadav ecat an aad a taff
hst.fMstUaehaadwathe haadas! a la
borer. The. srrMkks were made m
mnch by cosutant awe as W akaa. It
usaagKicwonM be snar naismi to a j
to loss that
the haadef th Sarahni Ladr
, aw5 snw rasawaW maVnanhV ananmna ShnnflE 9
them at fasaac. . TsJaV Wlu saw. -
iTsrne as
trnm . . , tw:
WW m few-- aaWBBarWsk . .
iv f5
trtr 4. 3t Tlka tfc4 i
rf a!5vS S "
Tt t" , , I
,k. la-wa.f . , JT& t,
Otak'rj. Xe Hls- pwf
Ivrrfsip c4v v arrtArt,
T. fi" iSw' J",1Kn - ,
t!wt V fcVra t'w t hlaX- t3
'. -b A.i 1 1 I ratsit lw era-
I n l.fe' rf i K Cp ?
tub sr" -trab5t-- - t
1 -
..t.., .. - .1'itUr
jr in fJ in' ,wr-..
H J-j
I -.w tf-Ml-. .1a :.fJ fflli rTS-airk tMvHaaaVV.
I - S 1 -- -ti" " m--c 1 -- -
Uil ( am ? iK&yr 1
e4vi dt. - - treW "f
. iUtJl Jtkt ,
railt aWaaaa 4i a taVaiaV
1 raietji igia tt 1.
tntg Iwran.if tt-t s iaiW
of f4a4a citlM tnrj rlawrwaify
trlrt TW t rti i
"t tSsvr Bl9af rsadMt aw Hnw
nut ,UmWMtw4w1. sr, m4
lk ta nOl!i Iss n fia Maaam
i tfct trr tia-r tftl W aAtaH
AatotXtsaa rMk. AaJ tw M 4.
UaXkan fr t irj -? -aawl ar
irsmitMf wiar brtati tkw im
oM & tir mtt lyiftijt a
hand tfcat ftrr k, Imt tt 4
rsnoort. ltn. fr;. pwi 1 kf
Uk. aI bkvck at t
!arrrh ltnvtd. lt Twll "
i ad W(o cMHa-He-9 C aisat t. !
with U A r Urviuf hr m
Xhrtt tiimmj:i, and a jarrt V. 4
! Un tiles Wxbi art luknf av W n kSi
U tt4s( far friaitMiaj; vLm) jrariarnSi f
U ktmlv 1T1ojj jHk ttv
r rrxw-k oa"1 paleft jir gi! stif swli.t
a vbih urordreM h worn tfc
aMrt uf Uk ur a! Tsdvrt; than wll
ali bt tuitk&rntly Ufs Wf wlMBwr
W rU W lTH M'lMTtt Htwtlt hM dWM
1 with i MHithi Vtrt, to 4afn. md -v
rMinl wij that ars Ji I- 5
winter OeM r-4U' twa
iditu, wf lh plaJI in frtttst ami tsnv.
ar fattrd Wt tW wut ihl. mm! mk
pniihW wtltt ctyU ur aalttt rvnln ax
tfcat Afw ml hi tjs at UK
4l't fpf d ti waUt, tmt tied
f rn&t fW Mt ft (. i fiaw4 Ms tM
mst lo 'smm'v tn tli0 4ttr !
iilar, r rlw m djfjr hmtlA-t tf est
-it,r irlrn or fur, in tl awi. l
their am esstJs ! Xkf MHt ',1tfJ
also t larfalr(SKdrt aritMKat lri
shou'dt-r ad lsrV. of tW mi, wl
n repi-hV rfd it !) s4tawt tti
w-Mst ltfitt. bWV and jay-as -
At tn: ur 1 ftif tt) j-C'-s taatA
th-tv mv tstAtty tSid tMHSS IM ftaWfc
thoel anl lnrsid8 (4aM. .WfwtJsMt
fur and braid trim ! t Wt m
. iiiHtwittir
Mt txitufttflaMe ltlnt
elmtlar 1 gin UiNrtd n asMr
!( bs Hh fetr Udef a awl iwt mi
fwr and braWl hwtt Jl i. VM
garmoftt hat Ultr-d b- mow.
j tU,M I4 ,M '"'
nu ' I,a ''. 4
ith rl- ite ln
I ) tmtwr 'ietfH
lw w,l,r "' fi trt " -
lacC r.,f rH' bfwn tfath at wwi
ttMtt fo i"A irjrrrt imtmr.
Tw Utl- fTia Ihratfc. t
TIh rnltwor
Im'n aW
nae?fKs tt i-tlv
inm ,
tftt at:
wetrn pspV at tsltfhl iad thrs "?-
K-rteiteoji Wtwi(elav I It lrtn nftt
N'erritemn wthJtrry prsMiif rftrU
ng Ninth and (rn MfffU s4tlH w
timet and wUhout tiuldnt wstU mH
thm The train j ruabsg s at Uk
rill ef aUiut thtny mile an hmmr. u.t
was within half a mile' f 'mtsistt' tfVtt
when the watrhftii ,filnef sm b vf ri
ll et I at -rg jt lyinj wJUtlti s !
dml lanl ahiMwl f s eets. as-
with )As head ajfsrvuilly on Ua r.
'Hio alrbrakos Hrf jeitdwn, taHnsw
jin' nr.trt. ami rery siffuri Inst! U
lp the train lWere 11h wrl tswa)sit
the man hoal It Wjts iw Jf f
t engine nitheJ a httni'4 rr4
U-reire th train cnM - U aa rat
When It e-atne t a umItlH t) -tlllrteir.
rtijjinerr tnl is ootuiwr f
jalijer wrnt W'L to peek at tt
tnangh'sl rpniJuns tf i) onfMtsneW.
riotlm Iruajrinn thJr urprt Hm
eIltrsiTtnng that tb inwi nihr
elrad nor maligll, lilt sirring ipitcily
aletngshle tho trcl. not at Aldliiil
by the rarkrt whkdi had lwftnmfjr
made by tho pxssin traeiK lit lwl
na n a ti not ntet than tw imj
frnu th rail, and the- whe-r4t 4 b
tra'n mint bar pnl otef H ''iti.ln
le than that elUtanc. IB Utr
trrU'hrl l"r.g the J-rir Jl isf!
the rail Tle Fomluetwf ! ts
ruhly, and kI him what esis;
fry thu courting tth a henTil! drai4s.
"I ehm'l want nothing but lltil' nap. '
wuel he. "ane 1 lmt t e hy a MlT
can't if" to bi tut In tb air In jh
f'ntry wilful g-1
itiB fcaou-il abost
"."..'" ",M"'
U b,f" th 'JntT'
H" - "1 ,mit u b,lnf;
" HI, I Ces I h-d
hii poslttsftt ut
Jm etmljr sII
hd bttr ?H evol a
little further " Hf sw tli4 etrtVun
off and w arrrl nt U Attempt sh a
nat arain. II" Bter nW' aad
j riot at U gjatrfaL "rfgtR'f br j
he n-rr saw nh raa " I IrJirTr,,
a"d Ik. that that MWr ohiUI gr
J(t cn top of fin of U Toltt.a f
Jara during aa tarth'pjfciuj. Aiati
ftkin llttrL
jlttrtlUr friaValtksu
The Paris PoIIf M;ritrJ-s -rit-at
ir r-liTf. nic art s-r&iw jrpi-. tj,?.
tl only proper p"jw to svis rri i ta
th nepp-r. YiT sm tef pf.
' hr rcot crrs. f".w td!
the I'ariS Llwrmirhtar hxt fcern th
. .,-.,. , J
ung tw cw 11 wtjuiw m
R't tradesman. Tb- efrirrr lata-
ntty atttre ia a jresrr r,i's,
costuavj awl th ror', hy a psjftows ar
magrav-t. Is alrt cocall frmt
vjsr ka4 what wm rrUir ho,, p
aatbulat4tg tnc tx. Th!s- M?rs.-
alTrrtisrs sardJtiAs tat wr
walsMst rwa a4 - t
Ui Chrjm
frUriaL Fr h.n sale sU't
Jthg asWat k. U the a4rr.
anker wis had the M. haad tea res-
fnrtr. r we mii U wM with
w aswtaaaa. t w Mr jpsavwfaw air
th time. No - Uahsg a a ds f
neral wa heard ? a rw ftnm acss. hast
nrWhSrnhtsaC t dM C thmt
a yaar4CVWjra Jstraast,
1 asa 111.
: "TeaVaaif Jn;,
- m araee
WaaSMbVv mtiLA tBvaa. -
w1 r sama.. w&
Vatf Ir f
' taigas mM lataa.
- aw
A mh ma
"Dr. llinmnr
anmaw. amt aw anrriaa
far. Ha lannllirsr
rs4ftav sd
Bfnots can nrooMtn the csan af Tm
0raHf BjafosiT.
111! li''
wharf with an aw
ft HH0HHU--I Mtthai mi
-birtatafS) Mi,
. s
lri . ,
r-SN? v
", ' ( "
s -f 4 A
ur nfvj
jgjfNaayMtot aauaivpinft a
a mtw story, wnjcWrv-M
ratsHsd. aat inchtding drag
aWPh. ""pnmJff'aana