""SFflatl 5?- .' S3 iTLiJHsv -r J . f - Tqf -"' SSfFK -y"C.r Ti?7".T.A"aF K -H1? .-k . Ae-T-ri.- -- ?.. v-; ": " .rya r t.J '?"'' .CJStyf'-V , .-"nr '--&' Cji VA,' Sfe- '!"& -T5A --'- t0k , i,),- . JR'-vT5?? - J". Saw .j . v?. -". swa" i-iinffmfrr -i - iMejS'.ii'jJjL.-..-' - f - .ptw ' ' ,-?BBa.--r 'r- ? c - -"fc- SK 'm---SO!lt1ff H).WAwl) ifliil.HlWl IQW Wwi-Mf-a-!tai)gfe v?lSKfiar mT, "W' -4 ,?-s.ai---a um imniiih w ww(ii g jry until r4j -- ferJr-ifca-a:Ji?w "4V" -- -- j w: iii.y 9 awtfaaKir.ityaij;iw, H i t'i n M0WMmtm Mw" WiB'A"a'i''fifeyi.ai.r' ' 'S3F -t4KV T-J-- ;t2l, ' -STJ ? J!. a ?8T .?- wzmmmmm. . - 3 -3SmgWf ttZ&Swm : ' ; i . - '1A ''s..'. ifr.-?w ?.a -. ,- - , ;jftdt-- i - Mfc -.'-EL5flr-J!-W. LYA3r I T(i)- - T -7tairiLfT-"VAli5CCA' . SffT. t" - l .&-- !V-rfS "V"" 3- "? - i -fei- - " . . 1 Rsr .. f ' s-Li-- ,!e. -& wsrjp 3yk a-jr , T-j&3pr'-'fTvfcl'g'l? ." S ... . . - . - sS4r "- 1 --mmm?: u z . - -aeaaaaa jp ." ti?v v- rt f ;. & ,-. - CZ. "H- ". ICi-.jo- ;i; rr1.' .-: j " -: :i jt. -JUmiforttiWTof I -rt"?f 9 , WINDOW CAPS, JJSIALS AC ' ilC. I3i Street, OMAHA NEB. J. S. Buthrock, VJ rcrJ "J Rrtfttl Dealer ia PS, mil & GI5&HS. Also, 6jJnj!e Koom for the accom juodatioti of tfie public. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Mrs. L. L.Kellogg, unAT.ncr.s KED CLOUD, XEB. -0 A fine .Stock of fJooiIs in my line ronstnntly kept on linml, wlikh the ln Hiea of JJed Cloud and vicinity arc cor dially invited to calj and examine. jflBTMiss Hale's old stand, opposite Cthef office. Z3 m m mm hjk m wm, T. F. MOODY, Practical Watchmaker and ILgR ATI kinifs of Kcpairing Neatly and Cheaply done with dis patch. ANo dotrTcr fn Wutrhci. Gol d nd Silver Spectacles and Eyc-ghusscs. CJLOOKS. Mimical Instruments and Silverware, all nt Bottour Pris. Highest Cash price paid for old Gold and Silver. Give me a call before huyinjj else where Sij-'n of the Big Watch, Main gt- Bi:i Ci.oui), N'eh. Templeton Bros., Company, l GUIDE ROCIC, NEBRASKA, DEALERS IN 1LIUMIBEE9 Building Material AND COAL. Special Bargains at the Store of F. NEWHOUSE. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Berlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Floss, Germantown Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods, Mittena, Children's Coats &c, fccJ A full lino of HOSIERy, DKY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large and splendid assortment of TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gifts. Lm PiUi&g to. m&- 'CLOD CETJSUB AITS LEVSLXB. Weighs much lcss than other pul Terizing harrows, sells about one third less, and withal does the,, most thor ough work of any. IThe Best Thing Out. For Sale By JOHN BOESCH, 33tf Amboy,"Neb. DR. SHEBEB, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. A9 DSALSft I Drugs, Medicines. 'Paints. Oils arid Varnishes, - f A -full supply of LAMrS, LAMP SHADES. T5TICKS. COMBS BRUSH ESC. -aStrwce aoiWted a lid tkanafalty rewired Tittt ,''f,l""rmrnii,'rt 7aiMaWTOMtaam9fe4ttrMfcefaeol '.a.T-aatinaeij a4 paetegrapb Almuu. aUaP-CUHTD. - . r. - - , NEB. J. L. MILLER, -5-"w:ALE'Jif" c- .WKXswmr, coulbs, saddles,! MMtSMLANKETS, , &W. HIPS;cOMB3, JH7SH JaVeWlieraythjueg usoally keptiin Jirst "Kr- -- i ulfUUM iHb l.flVmnon Irm1 MIX UlUM DS&ittS Harness Shop, .4 Qf -BY- H xllM ?i. Siiii. .- . v - T j C ? X JfM" " ".. '- -- " r gS&V" TwOjdoeH.BOrtkofUttfaLBaak- , t 5 liem CLOUD. NEB, i-m -.k j .,? rLT - -.-.-Wtl. .-- ' tit ?W9wmmmaimAiaLm. aaW --Mtfeaaaaa-L.aaaaMBBl ' -aaa aa ---ni . . . -'YSViV-'W-.-i,--!- . f i j.- . . -e.a.' ???z-ty!&-??r?ir3 3 OHIEE?. 'LOCAL MATTERS. Carftltf Wt H: O. C.'A. . Mta erj otfcvr Mo4t erstac KefIr RCPtfer on 5o4r rtinar om tn before lac farll mens. X. B. McNitt. 8. WggT, Adj't. Coat. Arrirtl and Scptrtcrt ef lUOt at Fren Kt2 Clcai Pott Cfle, and Vmtttn Mrft Kimref - Q4Z p. n. !pn - T.-tfa.si. TTMlrrn mall imrM - frfi'. a. ro. " drprf - i:0 p. sb, Bcttrict rrte - Mn p. m. ieparu . few . . Itk Ostrt Kaa.. arrlT . 6 p. , drt - 6 a. ! .aTem eb all M am? - p. ra. depart - 6aLa.. Cnrr Ot " am - JJOp.a " depertt - 7 a ' IVelli mH - irrirM - - 12 m " ". - - depart! . 1 p." A nail will be elcxtd at tae hoan abore. taud. Offlc hours from 7 a. m. to 8 p. at Money Order oSee boon from 7 a. to. to 7 p, at. Office houri on SanJar from CM to 7:30 p. a. M. B. McKtrr. P. M. FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1883. New goods arrived at Baum's. Too tarnation hot to write locals. Nohhy calling cards at this office. Oil stoves for ealc at Morhart A Ful ton's. Shipping tags for sale at the Cmnr office. We arc one day late on account of the 4 th. Sec Baum's new and enlarged advt. this week. Chief and Kendall's "hoss" book only flJJO. Fine standard prints, nice Btylr at Baum's store. Dr. Damercll returned from Kan sas last Sunday. f Call at the Chief office for all kinds of joh printing. Demand it, and take no other iron prepaaation except Brown's Iron Bit ters. Say if you fellows want more locals this hot weather, just please write them yourselves. Make yourself healthy and strong. Make life hatiny by uscinc Brown's Iron Bitters. Wm. H. Patterson, of Wheatland, was a pleasant caller at newspaper headquarters yesterday. The Stato convention is called to meet in Lincoln Neb. on September 20th. Wobstcr county is entitled to six delegates. Mr. Roby has in his yard a rose bush of tho Prairie Queen variety or which tic recently counted 245 fu blown roses. Mrs. Wm. Parks boiled water last Friday for tea making, by sitting it in tho sun. We have William's word for it, and he, like the illustrious G. W. 'can't tell a lie." Tho sham fight which was to have come off on the afternoon of the 4th, was poponed on account of the rain, and will tako place, we understand, next Monday. Mr. J. L. Springer, brother lo Coun ty Supt. Springer, arrived from the east lust Sunday evening and will re main in Red Cloud for a timo. He ex presses himself as being well pleased with Nebraska. The capacity of the Inavalo cheese factory is already overtaxed, and the. proprietor is compelled to refuse ne patrons until he can enlarge the pHcuy oi mo iaciory, wnicn will cc done in a short time. Yankee Robinson's show that was advertised to be hero on tho 3id, is now advertised to appear on Monday the 9th. Wo will wager our old hat that it is a fraud and that everyone who attends will want to club them selves a month for beirtg taken iu by it. Webster County Alliance. A call for a mass convention of all Alliances, Anti-monopolists Farmers. clubs, Grangers and also all who advo cate our principles, to meet in Red Cloud at the Court House, at 1 o'clock p. ru. sharp, on tho 14th day of July, 1883, for the purposo of re-electing of ficers to the Webster County alliances and also to select an alliance central committee. Good speakers will be present to address the meeting. By order of J. M. Stoddard, Pres. D. S.ncl vcrn, Sec The following is the new law in re gard to delinquent taxes: On the first day of January of tho year after which taxes shall have been assessed, all unpaid state, county, township, precinct, city and village taxes shall become delinquent, and tho treasurer shall add a penality of five per cent to all taxes remaining due and unpaid at the time the same shall becomo de linquent, and such delinquent taxes shall draw thereafter ten per cent in terest, which interest and penality shall be collected the same as the tax es de. ,EL Halleit the Lincoln Jeweler tells tho following story of a duel between two jewelers of Texas by the name of Shottand Not, wftlch came under his observation a few years agor while on a visit to that state, say the News. Alexander Sliott and John S. Nott fought a due). NoU wm shot and Sliott was not There was a rumor ithali Nbtt was not shot, and Shott .avow rc snot JOU. whicr rtmvaa mta ther-tiet the shot SboU shot atrXott wav aet noja or traet Jiott waswef fW'fjnwfngi eWctaaHan- evidence ksade.-U appear on Irial, the shot Shott shot NoU, vhen r whole' afEair letolveil' itself into its ongiiwl element, and that So Was. shot and Nott was Jiot. We think htowerer, thai the shot Shott shot,'shot BOt61ioltvbut6ttr aajway it.was ijard letell who was shot and the case wlr disttiased. ' L .J,"'a- yjell r Notes of tho 4tfu fc3cds"of peopla in town. Everybody k glad that it U over with. We failed to hear the "I3kum" t sunrise. Very little drunkenness in Red Cloud the 4th. They danced all night and went home in the morning. The speeches were goodas the av erage fourth of July speech. Everybody and his wife and babies came to Red Cloud to celebrate. Isn't $28 for the use of a grove for picnicing purpoea a few hours, a. little steep. Aiiey aancedm the store room of the State Bank building, the evening of the 4th. The mornmjr. of the 4th dawned bright and clear and the day was ex tremely hot The 4th in Webster County passed ofF with out an accident, so far as we have heard. At almost the last moment the pro gram was changed and the celebra tion held in Jackson's grove. A few remained in town over night on account of the rain, and many staid on account of the dance. The "money changers" who sat in the "temples" and sold lemonado a'nd other truck emasscd wealth. The rest of us didn't. About 3 o'clock tho rain come up, cooling the atmosphere, laying the dust and taking the starch out of everything starched. e boys from the rural ilUfrw.f their Doxio Jane's, perambulated the streets and consumed ice cream and lemonade, on the 4th. The folly of holding a celebration at a distance from town was demon strated in the fact that not more than half the people who came to town to celebrate went to the grove. The chase after the greased pig was an exciting one, the editor of the Arrpu is entitled to the honor of capturing his porkship. Ho won the race and secured the prize by using his cars to assist locomotion, in the same man ner that the ostrich uses its wings in flight. To those who were disappointed with the fire works, we would say, you h.ivc only to wait for tho Bwcet sub sequently, when you put on immor tality, and you will in all proba- ilitrffc5 treated to a ltrikI fron lii. on of that kind, which is supposed ill be prolonged indefinitely. Bro. Kenncy's attempt to raise him self from the ground to the roof or the court house by flopping his ears, was a partial failure. Ho arose about six feet from the side of the building, which was too close, for when he had elevated himself to a level with the .second story window, and was Hop ping up in fine shape, ho struck one ear against the comer of the window sill and fell to the ground and could not be persuaded to try it again. Bets were declared of!. My stock of notions, such as neck tics, men's socks, stockings, ribbons, Ac., tc. is complete. Good assort ment of every thing at Baum's store, one door south of Miller's harness shop. American PKorr.E are tho inrr mt have set uoon the tfierir nf thp Soda offered for its use. The verdict is that DcLand's brands are the purest best and most thoroughly relible of any in tho market. COUNTY FAIR. There will be a meeting of tho Web ster Co. Agricultural Society at the court house Saturday July 7th at I p. m. All lifo members are requested to attend as there is important business to be transacted. E. H. Jonks, Secy. From Garfield Precinct. Chas. Kent had a calf hung on the larict, Oats and wheat are headed out and look well. Rye is ready for the harvester, and is a good crop. The furmers are feeling happy over the crop prospect Wm. A. Short lives on Wiggins tim ber claim, and he has a good crop. He is now dad, and it is a girl. The White Stone Alliance will meet on Saturday, the 7th, at 1 o'clock p. m. at the school house in dist. No. 76. Meeting of the farmers at tho court house in Red Cloud on Saturday, July I4tn, at I o clock p. m. sharp. Speak ing by anti-monopolists. The object of tho Alliance organiza tion is to unite the farmers of the U. S. for their protection against class legislation, and the encourage meut of concentrated capital and the tyranny of monopoly. To provide against be ing imposed upon by swindlers and swindling advertisements in the pub lic prints. To oppose m our respec tive political parties the election of any candidate to office, state or- na tional, who is not thoroughly in sym pathy with the fanners' interest. To demand .that the existing aolitical par ties shall nominate fanners or those who are in sympathy with them for all offices within the gift of the people, and to do anything in a legitimate manner .that may scrvco benefit the producer. Asn-MoxorousT. . Inavale Cheese. I now liave cheese cured ready for rark.4 i! eep-a!arj!e stock ef cheese at Miner Bros., Red Cloud, where" er deie may be sont or direct to the fac lenr. Etery tjftfmkd rjmiu full crtxat, aaiWJseavaealtera. uon. r- J rrices as lew a tkktm-rnHty ef Xooes can Tsefet ikwbtftwv & I solicit '.ih-w$kmm-bn8k&Fl- SOW J U M iri.t a . - -.- ," '"JF1 Educational Notes. Br C. W. Spwxckr, Co, Sew. UOice df Ceiuty SnpL Webster County. 1 hereby certify that there is now in the County Treasury School money subject to apportionment and derived as follow. Amount certified by the State Supt. I2W8.68 Amount from fines and H- cc, $502.0) ractional rem. from but apportionment, on Total amount to be apor- tionmenL 31GI.S3 No. of district entitled to share in apportionment C9 No. of children in dUtricU entitled to share 253- "One-fotirth" divided equally among 69 districts gives to each district $12,543. Three-fourtlis" divided equally among 5652 chil dren gives to each $.979 The several ditiricte as follows; Due 1 AM 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 47 49 50 51 52 53 5J 51 56 58 59 CO 61 62 63 54 65 66 63 69 Amt. $94 78 405 12 49 75 39 96 52 63 32 12 34 08 37 02 62 47 33 00 54 36 51 70 41 61 39 96 CO 51 37 02 61 49 43 77 45 83 39 56 23 3e 46 61 43 87 29 19 31 14 54 64 40 66 47 79 43 77 Iit. 24 25 26 27 2S 59 30 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 50 41 42 45 46 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 1 1 78 AbU. $32 12 42 89 40 93 38 98 53 66 62 47 K5 06 53 66 IS 56 35 06 45 83 45 13 47 SI 49 75 26 19 34 08 39 17 47 79 42 89 33 10 46 81 96 62 31 14 50 72 103 48 23 31 36 04 35 06 39 96 56 90 35 06 44 85 J , 53 66 36 04 66 39 38 00 42 89 30 17 53 66 54 64 Chas W. Springer Co Supt Schools now. are closing every week We attended the second monthly examination iu district No. 64 a few days ago. The teacher in this district is doing faithful work and the examin ation showed attention to study and commendable improvement. We can not speak to highly in favor of these worthy services, oral or written. Teachers may obtain any book they desiro, from a Websters dictionary to Supt. Jones, "course of study" nlao agencies for books, magazines, Jour nals to be sold at the Institute by en quiring at this olfico, special terms gi ven to "Don." C. W. Springer B. A. which is "book agent." For Sale. A good farm team and harness. Horses will weigh about 1,000 each, apply to C. Dawney, at H. Stevenson's farm, fnavalc, Neb. 48-2t Notie9 ef Application ibr PrBaiit'i Psmit Matter of application of Francis J. Potter for permit to sell liquor as a druggist Notice is hereby given that Faancis T Pntfnr rl!.l nni.i ll.n .lOil. .1 P - r . A v;i ivi, hjfii IIIU .Jill USIA OI I June, A. D. 1SS3, file his application in I the omce ot the county clerk of Web ster county Nebraska for yermit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liq uors as a druggist, for medicinal, me chanical and chemical purposes only, at Wells P. O. in Harmony precinct Webster county Nebraska. Francis J. Potter, Annlii'jint Edwin C. Hawley, his Att'y. Snellen's Arnica SaJva. The greatest medical wonder of the un. varrameu 10 speeuuy cure Burns,Bruiscs, Cuts, Ulcers, Saltrhenm Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains. Corns, Teeter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by 20yl- Henry Cook. As vase Sat wis Tfalf . "I have used Parker s Hair Rlsom and like it better than any similar E reparation I know of," writes Mrs. Men Perty, wife of Rev. P. Perrr, of Colbdbrook Sprints. Mass. "Mv'liair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle of the Balsam has restored the soilness, and the brown color it had when I was young not a single gray ir iei. since i oegan applying tha Balsam mv hair has stopped falling oat, and I find that i t is a perfectlv harmless and agreeable dressing." " itYe have anade arraageasents te far ish ta the subscribers of this paper, that excellent sgrirultural aad stock journal, Ths Xcbratka Former, ibr the small sum of 1.00 par year. The Farmer is published at Liacola, Nea th M. Druse, Editor, end is devoted te agricalture and stock growlae; la the west. Every fanner shoald take ft. Send $1.00 to thia office aasl wewH aave taa Farmer seat to GARFIELD TailveMiiMataTfktaa am. riaa.miHHaaUfHialw aai waarfcH-aaaatty ta aMi j,' aWyagt war TZ"N)a?RRi "N'Awl saawRRRRaRrRPRRRl RWRrRaa SMf.aaaaaaaaSjaaaaaiiaasaaifi Waaafcav aSStK?J222Jm5r2? S. T""R"W'7"K-a t t ' - BhnhT Binds?! A fell Hae ef 9tate Journal Cea. IBUnks (tk standard blanks ef Dm atate) are always kept for sale at the CHtrr osBce, aad at the awe price that liter are ok4 st in Lincoln and Omaha. The following is a fartial list of blanks on hand: Warranty Deed. Mortgage Ddf, CbatUe Morttar, Searvh Warrant. Mechanics Lin, Power of Altornr. BiH-ofSale. Quit Claim Dcd. Summons (original) Suiuaioiw (citrr). Appeal Undertakine, Execution, Order of Attachment. Affidavit of Vendor or L-or, Anignment of Mortgage. Preciix-. Suhjxrnas, Notice of Con table Sale, Blank UfCftpta, Blank Notes Release of Mortpig?. Agreement for Warranty Deed. Complaint to keep the Pcaca, e.. Ac, Ac. And mot ail kinds of blanks used by Nt-ie Public Notice ef Proving Will. The Sute of Nebraska, I Webster County J Countv Judge's office, Julv term, 1SS3. Notice U hereby giren that the 21lday of July, 18"53, U i fixed by the Court for the examination and prov ing the last Will and Testament of John L. Vance, deceased, late of tho county and Stitc aforesaid; and all persons interested iu the matter afire said will appear at said time, at the County Judge's office in caul conniy, to contest the probate of said Will. if so desired, otherwise it will proceed without delay, and as provided bv law. - (iiven under my hand and f 1 the seal of said Court, this 5th davof Julv, 1SS3. J.vo. It Wiuyix, County Judge. 48t3 Legal Notice. In the District Court of Webster County Nebraska. Dallas 1. Newcomer, ITtf, '1 A. Solomon IJ. Itohrer, Deft The above named non-rcsidont defendent, Solomon 11 Itohrer will tako notice that on the 4th dav of June 1883 Dallas P. Newcomer the nlaintilf herein tiled his petition in the District Court of said clstcr County Nebraska, agaiiiht the said defendent the object ami prayer of which is to recover of and from said defendant the sum of Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars with interest from tbe 4th day of June 1883 on the following causes of action, to-wit: For damages sustained by plaintilf by tho defendant's excluding ami pre venting him from occupying a certain elevator at Blue Hill Wclister County Nebraska, and the failure of defendant to comply with his contract in rela tion to said elevator for money paid, laid out and expended by plaintilf in behalf of defendant and at his hpecial instance and rcqucM,: for services and cxpcnccs in superintending and erecting said elevator at Blue Hill Wobstcr County Nebraska for mon ey used and expended on defendants farm at defendants instance ami ro quest; for work ami labor performed by plaintiff for defendant at defen dant's special instance and request. You are required to answer sain pe tition on or before the 30 dav of Julv 18S3. And you are further notified that on the 6th day of June 1SS3 your land consisting of lots nine (0)ten (10) eleven (11) fourteen (14) fifteen (13) sixteen (16) seventeen (17) in block three (3) lots one (1) two (2) three (.1) four f4J livi 5J six fJ seven (7 eii-ht (S) fifteen (15) sixteen jlfi seventeen 171 eighteen I8J twenty one 21 j twenty-two 22 block six "(6) lots one (IJ two 2 three (3 four (4 J five 5J six 6) seven (71 cicht IKI niue 191 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 in block seven 7l lots seven (7) ami eight (8) lots one (I) two (2) thrco (3) four (4) five (.1) six (6) block nine (9) lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (6) nine (9) eleven (11) twelve (12) in block- five. The west half (1) of lot six (6) lots nine (9) ten (10) elcvcn(II) twelve (12) block one (1) lots nine (9) ten (10) eleven 111 in block four 4 All of the above described lots or parcels of land being situate in Rob rer's .addi tion to the town of Blue Hill, Welter county Nebraska. Also lots cloven 111 twelve 12 thirteen fl.lj fourteen 14 fifteen 1 15 sixteen ICI seventeen 17 eighteen IS nineteen 19 twen ty 20 in block nine 9 and lot fif teen 115 in block fourteen f!4 in the original town of Blue Hill, Webster county Nebraska, was attached and levied upon under and bv virtue of an order of attachment issued out of the District Court of said Wclster County Nebraska in the above entitled cause, and that you are required to appear on or before the 30th day of July, 18h3, to show cause, if any you hare, why said lands should not be ordered soli! to satisfy tho claim of Uie plaintiff against, you. D. i.ias P. Newcomkr, By Case it McNenv and Dilwoith fe Smith, his Atfvs. jn22jy!3 A. B. LINE. Make a B line to J. G. Totters and see his stock and prices on boots and shoes. Ayreshire Cattle FOR SALE. 4 Thoroughbred Bulls. TOM OSMANTR. 5 jaan all. vita siTa. SOUTCKJOmfMT.KaiMiatoM. " SAIXT MDlfflO. 15 -MaXrUTP. - HUGH STEVENSON, 47t4 Inavale, Neb. A.CUHMINOS, DsULC IS Green Fruits, Vegetables &c. JtXD CLOUD, NEB. frsi daat Xastaa- hckadat Always keeps on haad erarythine amlMlusalaaalcaaaaaad. T si ooada always cm had. aRTluaiioacs)Ui oSar-;s--t all hoars. AT LOW PRICES. New Goods received every week at the leading Mil' linery Store. 1st Door North of Nat. Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. MORHART lb FULTON, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron. Wood and Iron Pumps, Creamery Cans and Oliddan BARB WIRE, Specialties. Keel Cloud. - - Toln-akru New Store. New Goods. CAHBER BRO'S, Have Just Opened a Stock of General Merchandise Dry Goods Ready Made Clothing, Hats, & Caps, Boots Shoes, GLASSWARE &c. &c. The public is cordially invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Store Ono Door South of Mmrmh'm. RED CLOUD, NEB. GaSUTTDOaT SlTOSo !?$ 4Fi ':t' -T ? who is too busy Jl'ST fcKCKlVKD. A gool Hue of btMts and Prices low at J. (.!. PotterV. shoes. Brick trick f T A first class ouality of brick for at tho new vara. H". P. IvKi.i.KV. salo I2tf LAND LOANS. Messrs. Mother, MKrc A. On leal t, at the First National Bank, oflted Cloud, will make you the very best terms on real estate 'loans. IR-tf The Retl Cloud Mill- Paicr IrWuris the lest thing out in the hue of brnul stuffs, riven Uncelebrated MinnosoU brands cannot cxcell it and then there is no freight bill to be added on to tho cost price for the consumer to pay. Try it. ATTSSTIOJf TEASZRS. Notice m hereby given that I U1 examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the common school of Web ster county, at my office in lied Ootid on tho third Saturday of cai-h month. Examinations to cnineuei nt 'J A. M. Do not ask for special examination. C w.rniKcnn. County Superintendent of Public Int. Look Here! Now is time if you want to get bar gains in clotlunr, boots and shoe, will be sold rcgdIcM of cost; must b sold; come and see to be convinced. J. G. Potter. m TORNADO INSURANCE. All who wlb to insure their prj erty againt the ravages of trrmui should call on Strohm A MchTeeby, as they are prepared to giro the very best terms obtainable. 44if Wstf A liberal reward will be paid to any party who will prodnce a care of LtTcr, Kidney or Stomach complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure. Brine them along, it wHl enst rou nothing for the rnedieirar if it faH to cure, and you will be well rewarded for your trouble bewde. All Blood diseases, Biliowncjw. Jaundice. Con stipation, and debility arc quickly eored Satisfiaction ruarantetl or money reranded. rtwt ontr fctir rents aer Cook. bottle. For sale by If. Ata a Never was sack a rash made for arrr Drue Store is now ai H. Cook's lor a trial bottle of Dr. King's Neir D- covery for CbruMiRipnesi Coush and Colds. AH person aJfectedT with Asth ma, Bronchitis. Hoarcn?r Sevtre I Coughs or any affecdori of the TIrot 1 ana Bng, can g a inai ixnuc m this eraat reasedr rcr, br railing at above Drag Store. SeguLtr arc $1 M. 7PerCcnt.Kone7toLo4ui! Moaer to prove n with oa ffiwf re- cciptr or oa deeded land at 7 per cent aaa i-vz aer cestx. coaaraon. or st scxaBi y aer cent, mo cosaswswR. Jjro. SL V, fLLCOX. 0ca u ta Caurt Eouaa. A VERY LARGE STOCK OF Consisting in part.of Groceries, and Queensware. ? This Space belongs to A. S. Marsh, to write an ad. Look out next week. J wcx$f "Xrt Jil HUaJBOW JEled Cloud, - VaaRRRaVB vRaRaaVRr ar aV aWaTRfc 9 'Hores and Ctirriar. with ur witVui dncr. fnniibol mi hort wro. FRED BEIRKNER, Mereihant TaUor, ItKD CLOID NKnnkA Cloth and Samples on Hand. Good Work and Fir guaranteed, and at the Lowest Price. .hp oppose Hcry mWEB & -DEALERS L'- RED CLOUD, - HEBRASKil, DHY LOrBER A SrKCf ALTi. THE BEST IX THE MAKKET AND NOEiI AT TM E SBaVaRRnHaaaaaaaaaaHMaiaHpaii Meat Market Jm. GAJIRER, . AIA Ktm OF Kllis, saUlfR fcr Always ojtHakd. msu rxn for fatccttle; foshcr"s old Stand 1883 1883 SP ANOGLE ft FUNKr Agricultural Two Doors South of Bank, BED CIOXJX). - iEBRASIC. !E3 V". -?'- - -ia if .i r - MS"' -Trft-. ?5' YYfl &.rT SC'fwTit ( -VW iVSVVI 'IHV Ai.VV iir 3E3IS0Z. - jLSebrtraka. C-k Vnz fHtre.' OOBLE noc rottTair. hides, ac: - Red Cloud, Neb Implements VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRJ b -RV aRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRaRRRRRatl laV BBKiaMaak.MB ayRfcAytaRMRatf d ""i'i 17 3awfSaaaaaaaaaaVV ""Ns''NaaaVRRaajalaRJJRpBaRRaaRRRaR 2gj3Sja2iSfeBBBw . --P.ljWfVsr 5iXS -v- i!-T Ti T?&, U .-ct5 .KVV ' 'K ' r ."i. y.ty i S iMc . n k'S-- Sfc- jfeifjfer-.-.