-;. " -- : THE CHIEF. PvJMuhttl every Friday Morning BY M. L. THOMAS. JOB "VVOITK, The Red Cloud Chief. 9&34 j!rJ,E-Itt&ritf?,;. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. KATES or sriiscnuTios: One cor.y. one year. - On copy. .ix montbi, - I M. Una r ipy. Hire laoolht, VOL. X. KED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. JINK Zi. !SS3. NO. 16- iCL. - -."j Jfe aaw T m TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tliso ourr-3 ui Iw Ultra fourtua of tl.o ilUamja of tSia liuiuan raec. Thnwa fyinttumm lmlsmto Uiolr existence :lVoee ar Apprtllr, Jtowila coatlrr, ck Ilea. atcltr, fulJneaa after ratlner, atveraloM t mcrtloit of lxtly or ml rid, Krselatlow of food, Irritability of temper, IW anlrlla, A frellnit uf bavin aara; aomeduty, IUlne,FluUerlia;atUaa Jleart, Iot lrore tl er,hlKlilycl orrd ttrlur, coxirripATio.irv and de mand Um hvj of a moody that nets llnctl7 on tho Liver. AsaLlvi:rnc'llclncTCTT,S ril.I-N liavo no lUftU Tiiolr actlonon tba iiaiieyBiindHJciiiJsnlso prompt; re inorlntj nil Impuritlf through Uicro threo tnf(cri of the jrtm,M rtrodiiclnjf appev tlt, wound ttfznmian, rrgulae stools, s clear BkJiiuiKliivlcorouiilxKJv'. TCXTTM t'UAJt (aum no nrux-a or griping nor lntcrfurs vlUi d.iDywotkand nrou prrfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Jx.,Jrrrywl.-rr'. Of!.! lmmyht..N.Y. TUTTS HAIR OYE. ;uat lUm ou AVmw:r.iw cliaiiRO'l In rluiiMy ton.LoBr Ulaoc byaftlnajn ap. jdlcntioii or thin inr- Hold by DrugtfbVa, or ncut liy pxpretrt on rflcolptof SI. Offlf., 4 .Murnty f tr-t, Jvr 1 orfc. TUn"S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS rBEL 'JCII12 Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED TOR BEAUTY, DDBABIUTY Kcw method of attach- inr tho Sills, uuLiii ir THE M08T rOWEEFUL , xxa DURABLE MILL BUILT. ALL KINDS OK TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. B ,. I. 4 far Mr r.ul.pi. Ul.n LajU. BUCHANAH WIfiD MILL CO, BUCHAPJAM, MICHIGAN. THE UNION FOREVER EKrWL??SG Th tTnlon Srwln TTIacIiJuc i up. rtnr to nil for llio f IIoIiik rrai:m: Ithaxtlin lHNt f.vl in dm v rM; tliu iu:arct ih1fcU-s nj lun.UciiiiivtUrt". luli-inii maliliio ni.-ula If you M.int u.v tutii.iiit; MacUlno. buy t ho I'ntmi.a ilurahlo Miwliiiio. t.ty tl.o t'aion ; the REST. and lnHt ninle. buy tho I'ulon. Th ITiuiti I the l'EElt of all: UfU a ltfivtimo: aelf-wUing itoll. rdf thrraJltiR nhiilllc, oliwitlc ti-iuuim ; alwj ready, ixxylx no lintnicli a. wurt with any klud uf thrrail. fumtxhi d itli tiio U-t attacamenU. ele gant iu dcwuin. a Ihvmty in Htjloaud QniU. ACICNXS t.JLNTCD la U unoccupld temtory. aixurJtcTcntD bv tbk UNION MANUFACTURING CO.,Toledo,0. DE.HENDEESOIT 60tf A C9 ttjanlr.! to Slrt. KrcjM City, Ho. AUiimrirci i'v me Mnir unreal '"hrouic. Nrr inn rrd l'rlvlc I1- rr.Mi, 'Uiium "knr migAl stft).vx leAMrllttefn.xMal 'rntr)M rll ininrdiment. tonr- ri.titc. Airo, i iic, inra-urorm, Ul.rumfitlsiii. AXIirni. h.pllep-r. Urinary aad Skin DUi-hm.', &.C. Citicf cnmiiti;ri ur money n-fmiilcd. CIibjvt-. low. 0er.COcaci cured csperlcnrti I liuportsnt. All iiiidlclncd fur- nMii'diesut for'ic unrnuiiliiptuiiruc.torrii. la jlcnU nl ili!ioiro t.-r.nted ly letter rml xpn?; nivtllcinr f rnt cvoryu hore.frco frout rnro or brcik p. No injitriu;i iiiedlr in n ucd. rc detention fromou-diiiM-. Slato TourcnMjnndnctid for terms. Coiinultntioii fnf andconfideiditd, prrronallr or hr letter. A HOOK for both re:e-!Uutrateu aua clrculartorollivrt!itrj;th!it enUd In plain wrap jcr.fr iwrt3e.tanipH. X. It. l)r IlcndfrHOU.lHa rrcnlnrTTidimlo iu)ucoicluo. Orer K TiTrB' prac lice 12 in '!iicai 5XT"My Frro Muecam U now open ec I'.ctrlptlon iu abuo lnnt. $1,060 can be mad InKlxmootfca IVVVEeUlcg TUHiSOHUAPS&CHJUtTS For SS TVUTA citalrxmn frrvp " l nddrora, II. C TEX JJMN. C) Clt.clanaU, O K. Y. Oty, JnckponTlUs. EL. Ccciia, Kan. IIIJIUIAW Kflc-J .50. Itrvolvem 91.00. Zalti 1'reecli I.ontifr S4.00. Iinlvit2.rfa. Mlvor 1 nlctim. (tti'iH M'liulor ets.e. .1.001 rr:iv ,r known ken Urvoett Tt4mL. IRlflra t Rcvelvcra. OUR $15 SHQT.6UH it KtMly reduce! Frt f.R(t jttnt for cur Stw 1. lOVTELI. A SOX. 38 M!a 6tiest- ClSClSyATLt, IllUfl. t&fl.ru.- ict. usnr'a SrnlSe FREE for TRIAL An unfailing and aidr cnn for ArrrotK lytnilt ,iid U ration, lea of VOmfjand (r,oraiyerilr .elf of indlMmtiCkn. iMd. uv. trora.u uvrr xarxr inonrJina ro.1- tcmrt tinyroimJ iaSnu lio lor outrtI Ivjiof lui4li. ad! jssr iHUlU). and Oalbocn I'taoe, Coiciuo, Ur.Sl. . AtJU?, eor.cii ark St, LYCKfSiHEALY St&te & til-rot Sts..Chica2C Will ml 1-r.U ( mn XS- liir i BAND CATALOGUE, t for 1,3. XJ itrr. .W h&rrvikcil at IctniUTttt. .Stlu, Cm. hctu. 9tJw IW. 3Uib4. Slft5b uJ llitk SicliT IUsJ Ottu. Ktcoirtez K.'.h.nir;,iniKinM2ikt: j " .(OhMv.C.JVlU. j&KTvi lor Amuu n.yi;s .ia a I IliRAMSIBLEY&CO. nM Turnip Seed: NEW CMP ftftt Send CATALOCUE & PRICLIST. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Lwi-rr n k u OUIPARnill. WE-vTR fj.Y. CHICAGO ILL, vi3K?NSTRt 2CD-235iiisqMihS 'Jrfci V-v, (? ' a-, ; - V--rSL i'L-': I Zg Sawaaaaiv . .jBBBEt uwiniunHiiiui LanrtaKZ IISU JTiO SK,1 . lM B 2 PB Tl Bs 13 &, IJUiU ijk 'aW JM iu " if Batflt fori' " t'a a " " Jobn Moor V. Pm't Fraak Graaam. AalCaa'r. First National Bank, RED CLOUD, NEET. Capital. - 50,000. Tranract a I en.ral baaklnf mnm. boy ad tell County warranu. Alo Coonty. Pre cinct and HrhtxA Dlrtrict bondi. fiay d mU Fur.icn Exchange, DIKECTOIiS: R. ff. Moor. John JfMrt. CW.Mo.bw. ... . . B.C0letll ft. N Klchardaon. R. A. SIMPSON. Notary Public. P.A.SWKKZY. A ttorncy at Lav. Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSON & SWEEZY, BLUE HILL, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A Onneral Banklnr Boilnew Traniacted. tj.eclal Car. rica to CollactioBi. Fr Loaai at Low Rate. He boo I Doada Bought and Hold OOltRESroSDENTH: Konntre Lrothera Hanker. New York CJtr. Bank. Omaha Nebraika. Lkti Mooat. l'rc.'dent. I,. P. ALaaiOBT. Yice-I'reaidtat. Rout. V. Huibbt. Caahlen Slate Basis of M U, JlEl) CLOVJ), NEli. Special Attention Given to Collec tion. niRKCIOBS: J. W. Hhbrwoop. SilabObbb. Levi Moo a a. L. I'. Albbioht. Robt. V.Shi bit. Buy mitl pell Exchange. Make col lections. Discount Notes and do a OYiicruI Hiiukin IJusine-M. Inti:kkbt Di.roniT.s. Ai.i.ovki on all Time V. II.STKOHM. O. K. McKlIBY STKOHM&McKEEHY, Attorneys At Law, bed cloud, - - neb. Jay ba ronnultpd In Knglifh or Ocrnian. Colloctioni' will receive prompt attention. OFFICE I door west of State bank of Red Cloud. 0. C. '.'ft'c. Ja. McNcnjr. Case 8c McNeny, ATTOHSBYS k COUNSELORS AT LAW. Will prnctiee in alt thn trourbi wfthiaStato und nortbrrn ICaiisn. Colic clinuKU wcllrw lit ik'ntrd lntim"5 c.ircfull y :inl ifliciclitly attend ed t. Orrio::- Fust door oulh of National Bank, up itairs. RBU CLOUD. NEB. J.L.K4LBT. lilootnioflon, NebraakJk C. W. Kaibt. Uod Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., A TT0HNEYS AT LAW k REAL KSTATI AOENTS. Will praclirn in all tho Courts in Nebraika aud northern Kana collections j.niuiptly at tended to and eorrwi'ondence solicited. BED CLOUD. Kefcrasto. Alio. Aconti for B. X M. B. B. Land. J. S. GILHAM, TTORNEY AND C0UN6EI.0U AT LAW. Office, oppotilc City Drtig Store. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, A TTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Far-land's store. BED CLOTS, NXB. Laird & Smith, a ttorskys and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention liven to all buinea entrusted to hia care. ialyl-7 R. DAIERELL, Ifl. D- Piysician& Surgeon, 31&1 Cloud, Nebraska. Or net: One doorconth ofCHirr oSce. L. D. DEIEY, RI. D. Physician & Surgeon, Rkd Cloud, Nebraska Office and Bleeping room orer Ileary Cook 'a Drag Store. p DR. C. SCMENCK Physician L Surgeon, COWLES, NEBRASKA. Professional culls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Coirles. 8-51 Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDEFTJDEKTIST. RED CLOUD, - JCEBRABKA. D. J. Hallo well, M. D. Surgeon, Makes a Specialty of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. HARDY, - - NEBRASKA, 26mfi Paints, COOK'S Oils, GIxs, CLOUD Notions, DRUG Oft Wall Paper, STORE. Ac, etOf '4s$&z . t J. H?v t ., ).wr-. L-A r.0" "s-i. tC -wi 4f-- y-JI R. E. ifoor.. Vnt't Z. II. Atr.Mr. Cuhlcr, ife THE CHIEF. M. L.THOMAS, Ulter. FRIDAY. JUNE 22, 1883. Baboock. the servivinir murderer of Millet, at Hastings, pleaded guilly to manslaughter, which was accepted by the district attorney, and he wu sentenced to ten years in the pententi ry. lie was taken to Lincoln on Thiirday of lust week and committed to prison. TflERK IB a rrtnrt WA 1tnAntmnA abroad in tho state, that the supply of wui-ffn,ti,.. n.....:...tT. .:. .i - water for the Reunion at Hastings this fall, will be inadequate. How this re port was made we know not, nor by whom. It in absolutely false, however. Hastings will have an abundance of water for that occasion. Our exchanges will confer a, favor on the G. A. R. by assisting in correcting this falsehood. Hcutingt Journal. Senator Van Wyck and Congress man Laird have been making an ef fort to have regular mail service put on the B. dt M. between Red Cloud and Denver, a service that Ls needed and demanded by the people of the Republican Valley. The Omaha Rep ublican, the sutisidized organ of the U. P. railroad, opposes the measure, and, among other falshoods uttered in a short aditorial in that paper of the 13th inst says "thcro are not a thous and people between Red Cloud and Denver." To prove that the Republi can recklessly prevaricates iu thus mat ter wo will take tho U. S. census report for 1880, which gives to the counties on the line of the B. fc M. between Webatcr County and tho Colorado state line an aggregate population of 22,051. This does not includo. Web ster County, which had, in 1880 a pop ulation of 7,104. and which would be benefited by a through mail to Denver as well as the counties west. Recol- lect that this census was taken three years ago, and that in a new country , the population increases very fast, and it is only fair to presume that tho ! population of tho counties between Red Cloud and tho Colorado line scientific agriculture, and is an unpre have at least doubled in the last judieed observer. Prof. Sheldon is al tltrce years. This would give to jso an imiiertial and painstaking prac tice counties an nggrcgato population tical experimenter, and states as facts of 44,102, to say nothing about the 0nlv what he knows to be facts. And tiomiliiliim liitu'inn thn fVilnrtuln linn I and Denver, which numbers several thousand, and should not be deprived of mail facilites. Tho editor of the Republican has allowed his zeal to get tho better of his judgment, for we can not believe it was ignorance on his part, and has lied to the extent of 45, 000, at least THE AYRSHIRE COW. By request wc publish the following taken from the Fanners Review: One of our subscribers and occasion al correspondents, at Waynesburg Pa. sends us the following letter, address ed to-'.ho Washington (Pa.) Reporter, by an admirer of this breed of cattle. He makes out a very strong case for his favorites. We may state here, that a gentleman having a large farm with in twenty-five miles of Chicago, stated to us that ho had given the Ay rehires a trial for a few years, and while he was well pleased with tho results as re gards milk production that he gave up keeping this breed on account of the ugly disposition of the bulls: Editor Rqwrtcr.I saw in your pa per a few weeks ago an article in eu logy of the Holstein breed of cattle, and thought some of your readers might perhaps be interested in anoth er breed which has not gained as great a popularity in this part of the State as it has in other sections, and espec ially in the dairying portions of New York and the New England states. 1 allude to the Ayrshire. The Ayrshire is a breed which combines to the high est point of perfection the qualities of the dairy cow and the family cow, which combines to the highest point the qualities of milk, butter cheese aud beef. The Jersey will produce s greater quanity of butter from a given quanti ty of milk, but the Ayrshire taken yew for ytiir, will produce as much as the Jersey and of a better flavor and keep ing quality. This has been established beyond a doubt Dr. R la SturteVant forbears a breeder and importer of Ayrshires, and now director of the Ge neva Experiment Station, and auther of the "Dairy Cow," one of the most exhaustive scientific experimenters and agriculturist of Uic present day, undertook a series of experiment at Waahackum farm, having for an object the decisirm of the question, what breed is the best suited lor dairy and family. His experiment embraced 1 the Ayrshire, Jersey, native and Hol- te breeds, and aU ended wifir one reeoR pointing to the Ayrshire as pre- exniBesUy ttoelewy We do not claim that tke Aynare is eanaeatty fitted a a beef aaisaal, tboofheaeHyfittteted and aanorinfr early, the carcae ia not Ianre enon?h - r " jt AsabreedAyr- afeke cattle ai tWD.au,i weja bolks i '2--z r-t nML'i,M8 to s,- sb - ' L -S. Z aBlaarkiaK... .v s, i - .iacfanL9sf ax H!a--jtt. 1 - a. - ' -j - - jP7 aaaaaaj -Ss3tftr"KSi JStlijSeaeSferc-j f1 jzrzp-i ; - -?3 w - "Wv-sT 3f - 25&Z k"-?-,ddKifK'; .r5Fet'iVtW-i - 4 ?Mzf?z4 J- J5&&2&&J uymmmwmt r c-BBaaiBww, itfr a - aaaBBSi.br-. aau:BBBB&.aj . t- i . i. - i . a.- --t-t l - - . . a. aa i aaaaiBBBBBBBBWT-1 -- -- &.k --! .rt- r -j- - - BBBBBBfcaBBBBiaBBk. -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBkw- , ja. i aaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa t i aa iiaaaaar ih.r n . .. r . - - - - a. aaa i i. aa laarnri n aaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai I HII i Hi - -,-aaw'J ar-STS.- 'ri1:v'. iBl.lal III l ilillBaWaWaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam m&K-- . ' 111 Ma iafil T" - - n r- f - - -v-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3k3eaart- - r ssmsr P fiaarTr BBaf iTrTMrTf i iiTlTMaiT iiii TmTrTffTnTT laaaaaaaaaaaaaa L3aaaaaaa.iPaFaa9 000 pound at maturity. Cow from 900 to J, 300 and ometime 1,400 pottmLi in good condtlon. A well fat ted Ayrshire cow after bcinij milkol for a number of year, produces wh.it is considrrcd by juJcs a Htm marbled clo graincti and fine quality of beef. The Ayrshire has the honor of pro ducing the large', quantity of milk of any breed in tho United States. Ocn- Hungerford's "Old Creamer" gave H pounds or 13 gallons of milk in one day, and gave 1W pound for 10 days in succession. General II. chal- lenged the world lo produce her equal, and as far as I know never has her equal been found. Mr. Miller, of Con-' nccticut, thought he hail found a cow that would supersede "Old Creamer" as queen of the dairy. When he im- I0rUi! l.h,e Uolte'm COW K"';rcM; 'ho " id to have a record of 103 pounds, or 13 gallons of milk in one day, and an estimated yearly yeald of 21,34'Jpouuds, orovcr2,S5S7 gallon of milk in 305 days (ee (huntty (Imtle man, April 5, 18S3, page 281). Mr. Miller wat disappointed, as tho lagest day's yeald of "Empress" was eighty pounds per day. Col. Croxier's "Bea bell," Ayrshire, produced ninety-two pounds per day and was the perfect type of a splendid milker. Professor Sheldon in an exsay published in 18S0, on "The Milk pail and the cows that fill it," says: "They" (the Ayrshire) "are wonderful milkers, doing well where other breeds would hardly live. He clasifies the breeds in tho order of their merit tinder different heads. For milk the Ayrshire is placed first; for cheese, first; for milk (butter?) and beef, fourth. The Ayrshire breed has the highest average excellcnco for all clasnes. No other breed stands at tho head of two c!aes (t'ce his work). Dr. Bturtevant, iu his lecture before the Ayrshire breeders Association in New Yerk, in February, 1883, said, "from analysis of the milk of tho different wo can but decide in favor of tho Ayr shire cow as the faintly cow; her milk most resembles the milk of the human family of any animal milk in existence and is therefore better suited for chil dren and invalids." In closing I will say, what I have written has been principall' the ex perience and olwcrvation of others, men well calculated to judge. Dr. Sturtevatit is a high authority on all matters pertaining to dairv stock and the readers of this article are respect- fully refered to thcit works. Rob't M. Cakkons. The following "true story" is from the Omaha Bee. "On the 9th instant a very thriliug adventure befell a settler who lives two miles and a half west of the Ponca reserve, on Ponca creek, whose name is George Volkcnbcrg. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon as he and a hired man were at work putting the joists iu a new buildiag which he was erecting, they suddenly saw a fun nel shaped cloud approaching from tho northwest, and were surprised by seeing a largo one story frame buil ding decend from the summit of the cloud and liting within thirty rods of the place .where they were at work. The building proved to be a livery sta ble, and upon opening the door in the rear a young German was found lying upon the hay and partially stuptfied. Mr. Volkenberg and a friend exerted their utmost endeavors to bring him to conscioueness, and after some labor succeeded in learning that the un fortuna man's name was Hans, but they were enable to find out his sur name. I hey took: htm to their camp and he Ate in a most ravenous manner. Having partially satisfied the inordi nate cravings of the inner man he told them that he was a hostler in this building which had been located two and one-half miles west of Foughkep sie, Hew York, alluding to the buil ding he was then in. Mr. Volkenberg telegraphed to Poughkccpsie to find out whether Han's statement was true or not, and up to this writing no an swer has been received. This affair has created an immense sensation in the neighborhood of Ponca, and it is nnparallcld in the history of the state of Nebraska. The only explanation is that the building must have been pick ed Up by a passing cyclone and car ried clear across the states, and as the picket fence and other outside appur tenances were still around it, Mr. Vol kenberg will consider that tbc hand of Providence was in the matter and will keep the property uulees U is claimed rery shortly." Lincoln Floral Conservatory. Cor. G. & 17th Streets Two Blocks S. . of Capitol Grounds, LINCDL3T, 3fEBv TaMtaaecftaaai waataCabaaflaaia k OBaTWsVBBjB awaAallHm a i- atx 1$mhm.t&m. iMae? aa iTBaBiir,fcytaawo kaaaUtaa tail - ;Via - ar m 3i'wBilnaBai aaaw v - BiBwi. filXrwaakwawwa.arar -w . .. .. -mmm -mm i-eai - a. a -aawaaa. Z-rmi4 v, yf-aawTrw. Baflaflaftftfta fair laniianai if iiiij uwaafaMj vsrraM vat iertina yTaTga--BaVa-Rai iT' m eg jmzmxxB. - - aL-av-- sAar jm Saaaaa WfwaaawMaa, aaSr aaawwwll. Mill In iaa a aairai ilifnTilai irTfrrrnTa I I'STZLTJLZZ ZTZ 7 Jim lawail III la -- T Tal MtM . aaVBaVBal fratlB, aaa aajtata taaalB aaat aaav -- - - t.:ir u w i .anaalJBf XhTVbV If bbBF 'O'BBaVKSBawsVKaSBBaWuBaVVaaaaflC'V. aaVlaZ. .BLrW1 laBaBBaaBI iaWT aHtara fraa. A oailaaaSaWBwt'X Biaj lataaaiJtlfn -"i1 iMlQwKaank IftSt 5aaVBa&. 'mBjKm9K WMW laT fjl aat aaa aaaitay. Qar anarmaaa at iPwTXWpana i j "- fcwvm bb in m iwm..mpm n afwa acmawaaaaaa I , ' 'finTn - HifwWkf V 41 M 115 MTk ' aBSBBBl mtImmmimTZZZJZrZrZ?mr,V?ri:mnr WF i i , a ,-: aaaj l . . att r 'Utttl illi-W V " ""?-r'-'BBWtaf aafaafaa-fl &h,jZ .siaLsKsi a -5-iicwsi-!- "oAlrtslrV - -BBa,rajiaiai a awa,iai a9w4wV' & - - wKagT- - ivt "- . Baaaaai -, i"3t- .jr. v ..j - ri Jfl - --fv in. j -r- i -. j. mar ia tt jaa a. - v - 'wa. - . - . . -rw - o. i bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi aK3assSa . - ":sj-2i5S5w5:ra- . fc jisi" -. r - wssej- 'iae- . aasaaBi ZzrmEm mrr - -?r .t . -''..i.ssr i'sr -,' . a. ' . -.. '.t"r-1 -i- - - i .!. jdaMaBhaWdK-- . aaaaaaaBai iBasXaeiBaaK.'w . - . &s -s . -v?r. -' v -. '-j . ' l - -.. .v- 7 -. . . . ,t.,Xf . . . -," w aaaaBaal agsiawagv: iaikjciiv:; . . - '- . , - - ; - . .iv --t- .sa , -r .''-zrzBSz .aaaBiai sBQeBcaBr ..32 . - - .--- , ,.: "jr?t& JsyiBBaBr?!Ji. -'.w t.- . , ?j i - .r. - i.sO-r .i-'TLwTr'i.- ' ...si. ..... -jttzd- .-- - afaafaafaafaafa !3fc''wnamBMri.-;it-j-. c- -c ,. -. j -, . -rv?' .- 5m' Vj.x.. . r-' ? . " i'' j-vi... i..ir-T "yr,v- ? ?. -.jcv---t.Ma- r - jsi-' ?-tts.'x. . t - ii-'" - aiBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBi k - Xit TjaTS;. 'S-- -j . -.-- -jjsbhww 3 -r, "-'saar wjaaaaaaaaawwi.' k 'j r, . -t.-w.t-; jt 'L .aaa9MBBakBBBwBar BaawaBaaaBa - " i -r--i. - t n laaaaaaaaBaaBaBaBaaai awaaaBaaaaaBaaaaaBaaa i tmmmmmmmm . .BW?BCrjBr1' -WCBBSSwaaaajD-f..-- JVViBjaasio-'a7$v a It i a crevtotu wrong to the people of the Republican rallcy that they do not have a mail to Dearer On the B. ic M. The mail car only run to Cul ?rton, and all mail for Dntrr h to corno around by way of IiaJtint; ad Kcarnry, taking to day for their mail to reach Denver, where but lor thegroa neglect of the government it would reach there in half a day. We hardlr undpntUiid what oar Con- greaMonal delegation ar thinking aliout, that they have not remedied mw evu ionjr-iexore imi. .Mr, xirti has leeu acting in Uiw matter. But j r1 ought Ui cti-raic with htm so aa to secure the proper action of the government at once satrw tun A permanuient restoration of x hatiAtci and worn out function fol low the ue of lirowu Iron Bitters. Songs Mtver Sung. "How ! m that vcre run ? Some thing like thi. i'nt it Thrtt ar who toab the tutrie ttrlar. Aod giur laaa U proa 1 U hi ttur Al ! for tar, va? nr ia. Iluldi. with all tb.lr ramie ia tHrta."' '"Yen, that's beautiful, pathetic and true," anid your representative. "The poet allude to people who are unrne how uppre-ucd, and never tret their full allowance of joy and air. Which re minds me of a letter thown me th oth er day by IImcot. .t Oo. of new York, signed by Mr. F. C. Williams of Chap man, Snyder Co. Pa. a prominent bu niiMsM man of that place. He write: "I have suffered with athma for over forty years, and had a terrible attack in Deccmtar and January 2. I hard ly know what prompted mc to take Parker's Tonic. I did so and the first day I took four dose. The effect aston ifched me. That night I slep ni if noth ing was the matter with mc, and have ever since. I have had colds since but no asthma. My breathing h now as jerfyct tu if I had never known that dinease. If you know of any one uho li.ti asthma tell him in my name that Parker's Tonic will euro it even after forty years. Thero win a man who es caped the fate of those whom the pool laments. Thi preparation which ha heretofore been known as Parker Ginger Tonic will hereafter be adver tised android under eho namu of Par ker's Tonic. Iuaomuch as ginger is re ally an unimportant ingredient and unprincipled dealers are constantly do reiving their customer bv ubnituiing inferior preparations iiik1t the name of ginger we drop the misleading word There is no change, howexer, in the preparation itself, and all Uotthvt re maining iu tho hands of dealers wrap ped under tho name of Parker's lunger Tonic contain the genuine medicine if the facsimile rigiiHiiiru of Ili.cox & Co i at the bottom of the outside wrap per. julftl MONEY! MONEY! Stacy to leas ea iaprc7ti faras ia ttb- era Ncbruia at las Tery test rate: cf iato:c:t. We call the attention of all desiring ?uch accommodations, to the firm loan department of our huiue. in which we arc still offering the best in ducements to the public. There is absolutely no cost to our customers. No fees for abstract title: no fee for recording mortgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or drafts upon which the borrower must pay a dis count in order to get lire money, bin all loans paid iu actual ca.h, over our counters without any deduction what ever. Iu placing our loans there is no te dious delay in submitting npplications to eastern parties, as our facilities are such that we can close nil good loan ou short notice. We are prepared to fill desirable loans at nine per cent, straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All pnyinenta of interest and principal may be made at our bank, and will be sent to the parties free of charge and interest notes returned to our custom mers. As tn our promptness and fair deal ing we refer to those with whom wc have placed loans (numbering at pres ent nearly six hundred.) Call at our office, or address us through the nrail. 21 tf SiMrso.t A- Swkkzy. B:uc Hill, Nebraska Pinal Prwef Notices. Laad OMc at Blooatocton Nb Jfar 133. Notirl hereby (iveataat tb fctoVxr aaatedartilerbasftlatf aotie of a la lijtwtfot to make saal proof ia aapport ot kit c aim. aad that iid proof will be e4e before Cltrk of DUtrkt Cecrt at Red CToad N'eW.. oa Bataraaj. July 7th. I9S5.VU: Joaaci Hb:. H'd No, COT IbrttiXHSKijSW M SK'.' N W K8 B See. St town 1 aorta, raara 10 t. 0 aasM ta tollovisc witaaeea to prvnm hii contiaaoaa rcatdese a aod ccltiratir.c nf faie laad. ritz Gearao UaWiu. Kara IL Wieaaaeo.JaaBH. Mallaad Djedrica Vl lers. all of(lai4 Kck. Nab. ayiaHaa S. W. SWITZKIt. KecUtrr. Lasd Oflca at Blooaiiastoa. Nb liar It "83. Notice bertbv rlrcs taat the fellawiar saaaedfetUcraaj fled aotlc ofbU Intention to take fteai tfoof ia apjrt of hU ciaiss. a-l ecara iaal entry tatrvof. proof to ba saaJa be fore Clerk of taw Dlrtrict Ccart of Webitcr eoaatr. at ai oSe. is W Ctoi cb on satarday Jtne 21. la. nc WllMlM l.'.TO.. OB I H'i Na. X. for 'i E lA of Se- ST.? Bortfe. 12wt- Ueaaswatba folloviaa itae V lrVa hi ctct rattaeaca apoa aad ralu Tatioa of aaid Uad. tIk Albert N. 'TCaoa. Jofia Marker. Jobn wiUes aai Oacar Ralacy. all of Cathertoa. Na. fatalSjaaO S. W. 9WIIZSR. Geairtar. -THE Wind Mill r VT. H. HOWE, Agnt, COWLES, NEafRASK A. I -W I lUCIalKUaaRU. . .vv!iiL,MTlBBfa'StOfl aBBl a"r --'- - fMa. nf ffcaran ftamaf XmSSBrSimmLiiSSZTZ- I &yWnX tBmX$W- BaaaBBBl CTTataaata. aar alBiri "TsKaaajaE7L.l i. ' j aaaaaaaetii ! ii ilnii iibb . i bbbiii SrSSfmmR IiamxVVXTVX'V Bafaafaaaaa Oh.MyBack! That" a common cxprei ion and hat a vurld of mcaninj. How much suf fering is summed up :n it The singular thtajj about It is, tlt.it juin in the back is occasioned by o many things. May 1 cauvcti by kidney dUca:, hxr com plaint, eonstmifjtion, cold, nervous ticbthty, ftc Vvhatcxr the cauv:. don't ftcglcct it Somctlun t wrong and nccdi jompt attention. No medicine has yet lcen discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Ikon Hi rnutN, and i: docs this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure aud rich ff P. Manhll.ofLerr--fort, Indiina,tc I My ife r.ai for many rest been trou bled ffom pain tn her tack ad general tlcUHtj mcidrr.t to Lcr i. She hat uVrn one Uxtle uf lliown'a Iron lattrri and I oa truthfully uj tbal ah ba been vo niucli 1-enefJcd thit ahe ptirtounce it lh only temctly vf many tncdi rinca the haa tiicd." leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Hkown's Iron Hit ters. It has cured othen sufTering as you arc, and it will cure you. J. N. Rickards, M Ssliti !i:srit Agist, BKI) ci.orn, NKB. Will buy nod sell land, and inuri town and fiirm property, attend lo all kinds of cottvuyanrinc. Oi'Klcia AlSmtth Bro farm Ioati Agency. S. L. MILNBR, AUCTIONEER CL0VKUT0N - NiCBKAHrCA nit Have had fifteen yrs oxpencnic as an Aurtiotwer. "Will rail tmbhc sales in Welwtor and adjoining coun ties when called upon. lBaI.cAvn order at tho Ciller office or address ue at Cloverton. Wjter countv Neb. S. !,. MII.NKP. The affitoy Flouring Mills, POLL YBllOS.l'rop's, Take this method of informing the public that their mill is now ami ha." been constantly running without any !topp5e, on FLOUR, MEAL AD FEED Our water power is of -urn a charac ter that w- are never !mlered rltliT by ice or high or low water, and our customer can always depend on hav np their work done pronftly t well Scltott Varztt rri:s jtii b: 0ct4 JCUisj Want. arPlour at wholesale Z00 pcnmto or over at the mill, 2b cent off OR the hundred. 25 Parlor Saloon, L. MtNOTIN, Prop'r, Red Cloud. Nebraska. CHOICE Wilts, L'jijjj wi Sifir. ALWAYS IN STOCK. rad frT.tf.vn rjaizs rex izrai C?rHX513C, ! FREE! ?SS rg ff pftfy . - - a - "' it i iifl. ica, fUEnsui m PIj ATT !KJLt:i:s ix Coal & Red Cloud. Nebraska. Go To W. Staple -TItK 45 hANCY UROCI T08SAC5CO & CIOAUS IN TOWS' Al Choice Nuts. Fruits. & Confections. "Krmh KtuiU anl Yrgc table J-oSt t fHn, v- -MTr 1 I. ,4 General Merchandise at reduced prices ; consisting of Diy Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Trunks & Valises, Notions, &c, &c, at his NEW STORE BUILDING, one door south of Miller's harness shop. All arc invited to call. I mn cryithnnkfiil ior past itivors, ami wouui rcpeuiMJJv mjucii. a continuance tf the same. i i tABTWARO. llr Kir-r. Ir i I- -S.rv r" Kao ' tr m ! 4 JI rM Kt. Trr r lit f. . - poll Mwtt lalaa r.l- .n l Vtj rt mi all tkrat ti, ! biaicc tal t af XUmir tUft aaai i - - - - ' - - -L -r i Kfr, will t fa-! ti At ,.,. Sr;mltmmr'n,it"- -- twbirt will V tlt tnt ! -n l -t w V -(, I . 8. CUiTIS, Crira Tort AKnt, ! v PARSONS1 PILLS Arwt will omilwtly -ana IK- Ul im tK atlrw ayt it U A a aoat mho will taa 1 1111 h alM ffwwa I Im ii erwaV. awry tn rav t . Naaiiw. If thirt tw faUUs. fr rrfw rxawle CwlJ4. twww rH Ka a 4iai. frhy.lflaAa tbwwt la lHlr prawttaaw -l4 twyi, mr ww4 wf tmt ti Ubt UHar-atamfMk. VimJ Mr Hrrmie, t. . JMt,tft M ( M1V. jMn DIPHTHERIA JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT waa. ItfaKT ... af Lm-r. K e.r ill f ? KImhiw, tr A7TVa. w Iraww ; . JB-awi, Bww T'm timmm a aw aaaM e-. it ffrw. Jwaw H-1 r.atw . t jBnwro. jM.a. la Kaatwa tmfirr . vmk I w-vtrtfrfk M t rfV wf I r tit rV'M m4 ijn rum a. vt4 trt i:mV H mii !& y; rf I Mwwffu'wDi ear, tm s B ea V toy f , Alaant 0 w- fcwa rlwr MtalfrattwC BVatt rrfyw , tnt y mJ tx wv mimtm. U a. tiiaaaia a Cat. U, aUaa- BBBBBBasaaBwaaaaaaBaavwaBBwaBBwBwawBaaaawaaMBwaHw Cfr-JSnml riwhw aw. iHseMf MaS Indian Hr Cores all diaaaats of tba 8toatca, Livar, Bowala, Widntjw, Skia and Blood. Million tmtifr to ita afloaor i &1' iof tba aboTa jgy tao jaAJot. Gum ra nleed io ch re MypiMiit gflF-AGElTTS WAItTED.- ULborxtory 77 W.3d9t,Hw YorkCity.DnwffWtJi 11 It fe ISTftHES Lumber- B. ROSY'S r o it- iRIES, BIT UYU I'lnt'D SUM. BAUM . L. BAUM. WCftTWAItD. t9rtr Tr P-rt - m aMt K t ,.- a-H t-t ffi M -- . t . ia . i rt. wk I al a J, -n4 CROUP. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS. Jmxir' AtH11r. .J,i mat a ' tiin rw wra. 1Mi r Mm- It'elflasl rtf ti fN If , H ttf i nr-w. awar taMP r, Y H- rw--w wW4i, M - M I ! I 5. MAKE HENS LAY CLARK JOHNSON'S Blood Syrup nazaad dlaaaaaa, aad pro- noaaoa it to oa ioa BEST HBMBDT KlfOWlf TOI-tATT, $9pl I ' J '-i?r. 2r,