The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1883, Image 3

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    aiwi nitftinrt noti
M.L.THOMA. Publlaher.
i?j:d cloud,
" What Is the dink papa?" she sail.
With wot liKiuirinjreyrg,
And to f he knowrledKC-aeckin? maid,
Iicr daddy thus replica:
A weak muotncho, n cigarette,
A thlrticn-button vent,
A curled-rim hat a minaret
To wutcb-chalns cross the breast;
A pair of hang a buy drawl,
A iack-a-duUr air;
Tor rnslp nt tb chili or ball.
Some little pant "affair."
Two pointed shoes, two spindle chunks.
Complete tho nctlierchamia;
And follow fitly in tbe ranks
The two low-legged arms;
An empty bad. a buffoon's mrk,
A posing i ttltudo:
" Jove!" 'Z ad!" Jfitaw!' "Immense"
All tbc90"uku up Uio dudo.
PhOtuldjJiVi Press.
m m m
Last Wednesday all hands knocked
oft uvrk to take part in a grand kan
piroo luilluc, convened by Home nelgh
boring Jiii:il ten. It was on the largest
wile ever attempted in Australia, with
a corrispotnHnr result. The local paper
some days previously contained the fol
lowing advertisement:
Itrll up! ICull up ! Itoll up! Neigh
bors Frlemh and Strangers. HorMj
meii and footmen, with guns or with
out, to me t at tho Homestead, on
the i'.'5d of October, for n Kangaroo
Drve. A welcome for overyCody.
Itrnga pair of blanket.), if vou've got
a ii i. If you haven't, we'll find you
Mime, rienty of tucker guns and am
mimi'ioii. Holl up, Hoys! IloII up!"
hueh an invitation "in New South
Wait-, finds ready aceep'auec.and for two
da before the one :ti(iiitMl
inen by twos and three miglit be .seen
wending their way through the bush to
b , tho lessee of which run was
famed, far and wide, as a thorough
going .sportsman and a liberal employer.
Our contingent went all together, and
an an mated scene the home paddock
pre-cnted when we arrived -at our
destination. A .s'm'lar bight is not to
leseeu everyday in the Australian bush.
More than three hundred horsemen,
aimed with even conceivable ,ariely of
gun. from the forty-year-old shooting
iron of IIollN to the" 1:1st thing of Gr-eii-er's;
ami mounted on every conceivable
anety of animal, from an almost un
broken colt to aSuffolk punch. licMilcs,
1 ere was a .small army on foot to act
as 1 eaters. It was a glorious day, but,
ofc urse. after a twenty-mile ride wo
f'-It like a little refreshment, and there
is no lack of it. Huge rounds of beef,
cheeses like duty wheel, and great
bin kets of tea. hot, .strong, and .sweet,
disappeared like majr'e amid much
laughter, fun and dialling.
Next morning, up with the first en' of
the laughing ja-kass, jiM beiore day
hiak. a wash in the creek, breakfast,
and a suigof Martell's palest, and the
fun commences. .Stations are allotted
to all the parties by our leader along
kboth sides ofthe gully -the whole length
of it. Old hands at the gime generally
lie down, because, in the excitement",
bullets and swan .shot may lly rather
too close to he pleasant. I looked .sharp
out of ni ris-a-n and discovered one
ofthe rankest of "new chums'" it lias
been m fortune to come across. One
of those gilded youths who are sent out
heie. now and agjrn, with lots of money
ami no brains. Heaven alone knows
what they c me here for, unless it is to
be made a laughing-stock of through the
e. Ionics. They hacift a .single idc"
except themselves, and their .speee1:
renerally limit d to "Haw! oh! yeth!"
Theie. oppos'te me. Mood this particu
lar specimen admirably got up for the
Hiish. Velvet kniekerlioekors, nothing
hss. ankle-jacks that. I could ee from
where I stood, where pinching him hor
nb! as he rested himself lirt on one
foot then on the other, like a "native
coinp' nton." gazing meanwhile in'ently
up into the trees fiom under the .seantV
.shade of a little Milt black billycock.
.N'.ingthat this gentleman was "hand
ling a brand-new revolving rifle. I lav
down flat behind a tolerably thick
stump. The beaters could now be
heard at work, the crack of their whips
and wild ells and shouts making the
Hush ring again.
Soon half a do.en "Ihing does" came
hopping down the gully, thud. thud,
t'utd on the hard ground: but they nev-
r reached S' far as our position, but
fill ".ictiins to a dozen shots from the
other side- the rule in these cases be
ing (as it is well known the marsupial
en enteiing a gully will attempt to
make for the .scrub, on one .side or the
other) for the .shooters only on the side
they make for. to fin1. This lessens
risks in accidents, which, however, fre
quent 1 occur. Thicker and faster now
rolled the living tide of kangaroos,
wallaroos. wallabies, and all their rela
tors, large and small, encompassed
let ween two walls of sport.snien, null
ing ball and .shot. Of course it vns a
massacre; but it was badly wanted,
lit member, each kangaroo is said to
eon-nine the jrrass of live .sheep a day.
We hail net expected Mich a drive as this,
lor the wide gullv was literally eh ked
from side to shlo with the jumping,
Minting masses.
The blue velvet knickerbockers I could
see diuilx. now and again, through the
clouds of smoke; and a continuous
crack, crack, from that quarter, accom
panied by the whiz of bullets prist my
head, warned mo not to stand up yet.
The heavv rush was- over, and the lifing
sl.ickeneil considerably, but the new
chum continued to blaze away as fast as
he could put his cartridges in and dis
ci arg his piece. He had by this time
got ironi the scrub nearly out into the
middle of the gully, and there he stood
tirinj. but .seldom hitting anything
piople all round sinking out and
swearing at him to no purpose. He
e identic meant to pot a biped of some
sort, if not a kangaroo. One of the
latter, a very big "old man," at this
moment entered the gully, and, run
ning the gauntlet of a few straggling
she ts -for guns were bv this time get
ting hot and ammunition scarce he
made straight for our friend in the
kirckcrbockcrs.who valiantly Mood his
ground, and discharged four shots
nearly point blank at the seven-footer,
only one grazing his cheek or jaw. The
Ming of the bullet made the "old man"
so savage that ihe next moment ho had
Wue Breeches, breach-loader and all, in
a lov'ng embrace, and was busily en
gaged in doing his best to disembowel
the unfortunate Mr. X with his long,
sharp hind claws. To do the chap jus
tice, I must say he behaved well; and,
though 1 orribly scared and pinioned as
he was, he kicked and struggled with
all his might; and, as some one after
wards rematked: "Never so much as
let a yell out of him." Off came the
velveteens and billvcock; the former
strewing the ground with long strips,
and the latter entangled in the ' old
man's" long claw, to which, perhaps,!
uiu utn cuuui uni-u uio escape nun
only a few nasty nips; for men came
running up to him from all sides, and
the savage old brute got his skull
knocked in with the stock of a rifle,
while his opponent, released from his
grin, stood ruefully surveying himself,
and wiping off the blood and dirt from
his legs, now quite denuded of their civ
ilized covering.
Lots of fnn was, of course," poked at
him; but one choleric old geatlcraaa,
with a very red face, read bin a sharp
lecture on his shooting exploit, winding
up with: "Confound you, sir! You
snot at me a dozen times. I couldn't
get chance to &boot langarooa for
watching you. Pity rour mother didn't
keep you at home, fantrad of cndinr
you out into tho world with a nix
chambered rifle, when von uc it as if It
wm a child' ten-."
However, forth clothe, a few band
agca and half a tumbler of "tbrco-
tar somewhat consoled poor X
lor all thin rough tmgc-csnecially be
cause the "oldman wm akimied on
the spot, and the prtt prcacnlcd to him
as a trophy, which attention he ac
kuow edged with: "Haw! ycth. horrid
brute! nearly atwipped me. Soglad no
ladies, you know' a iecch which wa
received with great laughter, it wm said
no earnestly
i IIf Jhc, slam werc now' counted,
? o"01 tho Ter respectable Ultal
of .',800: but lots got away, badlv
woundedmany of them to be yarded
in next day's drive. I dare say with
those that died in the bush, the tally
came tin to 3.000. Packing up was now
.. unuT oi me day. Horc4 were
brought up, tent utruck and stowed t
away with tbe eatables in spring-carts,
drags, and wafnnpifo ami f,-
made for the next camp and another
days drive.-New South Walt Cor.
London Graphic
A Flea for tfce Ktea-Xsther.
How many books do wo htil! take up
in which the
...i t i . r
pioi turns on the cruel
machinations of a Men-mother, nn.l
sw irely writers ought to 1m wNer now.
1 hey make the very name hateful; it
seems to ring with unkindncrs and in
justice, and far le it from us to say that i
the prototype is nowhere to lc found.
Cold-heartedness and oppression toward
the children of one who has preceded
her in the heart and home are no doubt
.It tunes to be met with, but can not
mciLsuru of love on the motherless ones:
and what do ho and she lind on retlllii"
down to their daily life? That fool
ish relatives or ignorant servant
have already poinoned the habv
mind against tin Ir second mother",
and that all her efforts to win
their affection and trust are blighted by
the un':oly itiiliience that has been
wielded. And when other little chil
dren come, too often, instead of being
welcomed with brotherlv or sisterlv
love, they are greeted with fe lings of
bitterness and jealousy. Nor is this
only so when the chil'dren, naturallv
perhajis, have a feeling that they mav
be deprived by a .stranger of part o'f
their birthright. Ca-e.s there are where
hundreds have been added to the in
come by such a marriage hundreds
not even settled on the Woman who
brought them to a eomparathely poor
household; tind yt t he was het aside as
a "nobody." treated with cold insult
by htep-cliildren, and undefended by
her husband. Wu might tell of sick
beds watched with all a mother's devo
tion; of dying hours soothed with all a
mother's fa'thful self-forget fulness; of
the young hpiril .sinking to tho grave,
clinging witJi fond nilection to tho rep.
resciitative of that leal parent whom it
was .soon to greet in thesp'r.t Innd: and
we turn with just anger from pictures
laid before us as as they are ill
judged. Into how many households must
the second mother be brought, or they
could never hold together? How many
families must consist of the children o'f
the one father, but of two mothers: and
is it well that voting minds be t r iudiced
against a .state of things in many eases
u,.;.ri.,.,H t . '""" uiicm-f or roausnifs pruo I coupie or pnicians were in atienttancc ,, ., r , :l T . .7 i .. V - - --- n u wiri iut wrti ifa m
Set,) n'andp S-'" ri"' ' !s!f ,an rh or ? 'Pf tl"ir' Wft1 rWi -' - Sh'r.r&vsst iriVo;ft,t;j;: -T i---;r;-Va,,:
Mmn T,h! n ii-i . V ill hao a wonderful ellect. j U tet dtcidedly Critical. JujicAcsfe Kn II. h m.tUator, nn,I. a onmUrol rient to nit i.!w . Urib,: , , ii-, Wuat. ., h U
ibi ..m.t li fctorv- where Iti,everv mill's dutv to avoid a (S. II.) Union. rumliuilon. of tb? fl -.Unc prt!rl? In rr7wlM-nr. ioAamu t hm- p.u, .wM.
UiC RUflerer is the one who is looked hen wir bv vrHn. bU !.- ie).,.eeee K " tbeatmoihre,aii foun.1 nundwra of hr. an.t M-b-trnfic pttvr. la tha be 4 art. 7 T r ' Tfc? k" " -.
on as an interloper? Arc there not i ,,.. i . -i jin . !i ' "" the iir cauaW of pro.lucia dli. rMiff.rrr. rritn "brrrwufUirt. ciic "'" -m ,t u; .u.
cases where a man whose beirth l.;m ' i , IKi-ii)im oi iiieir injuring Tbe Sua a a SourrtJ of Toner. l..iiryun4i.altuvorll lr I frwtrni H-to " U.l .mxI," .,.fe.i s .c .f.a a. Mwn. H-i. rv-4..
Men ..irlt' .h.Ju, .i i "I9"." ('" " iiiglil.irV proirtv. -Tlie t-it of a 1BC !,u" " rK,arTO vt l oncr ro fwiu-t, aaJ thao of th hanat. a- ai-.l othrr ttrt-.ion anit rm-f.Ht.. iIm- r- -
;i.i,.- ULsy,3t ". ?"d who is left hen-var.l large enough for twentv-tive , . , , . ritie, w ,J In low ,ta:p t,Ur...rn.d.d tuiu of Uvd tUiiie i.a ... -.
itii tittle ones whom he can not look hens" need not be erv much "verv- ' the enormous power of the sun . l.our, and unh-lu y eitie., rti irwu( tf !- rf .41) irt - frtm - r - . n " yj Tijr rpfiT rfnV!JLf
after, with a heart .still warning for af- ,.,)t f,.,,,.,. ., t... ,,,;.:,.., '"it,., . i rav few rradew haveauvacciirate con K nm were extrrmdy nuBirrvw er. brirfljrvf-rtoltR,n4iiiUlrvns; w.,.t f mm mi " " J!
fection, brings home Kome wann-heart- J, U a,mrt 3. IrJJ ri ' (,i',,"- Lt a ,h ,inie PPft n,w '" "uUr, ir. f r n , i r r r', " ! ,,m,,,MTi t, 7t"tr, ' RCMEOY
ud Hrl. niflifv fi i.n..r .. .w...i i 711' 'p1'1 "4al!ri. Willi tlirei strij f i ',.,.. i...niw. In i ,1.1 Iu UcwiLrn kocn. of raHMn. C.r- d a..ut frr UU (!. r. liadi""" a- naiai
ii. in. iiiiu-eiKiiim inn ntiMihiir fw. n . ...i. . .1!. i . . 1 . . r . .. . . . . . . . rp r tii.i .hm.iv tm..iitMi -. r rtr- wi,n i.. .- i. ..i -i , . .... .
r - .,.- sr I'oiii riL liu rtllllll II -voh .!... . ... ... ..:i l .... I ... ov oi'lirovuill- a aa a avaaaa'a a 410.1 ijj . . .. - 1. , u ...V. in. . . . u .. . . . . - t a... a T.m -sa aa M a
a neccssiiyr mil in novel or tlie not grow sons: i0 pnmuee iiie usual
tale a youthful hero or hen.iue i.s tlie ' Top, the dealer would bo liable to tho
more int Testing tne more he or she i farmer or gardener for the damage oe
suflerM under the domestic roof, and ' asioned thereby. The damage in the
that Millering is supposed to be most 1 'ae would not Ik simply the price of
easily wrought by the ".step mother." the seed, but in ease thecrop was not us hope that a truer view will be , t ic kind represented, or if the .seed was
taken of this relationship; that the unsound that a sutlicient per cent, of
vulgar feeling with regard to it (a feel- J it did not grow to produce a crop, the
ing showing itself o plainly in some ' measure of damages would be the dif
localitics that the name of step-mother ferenee in value between the crop
i.s given to the most painful thing on raised, and what it would have been if
the linger, si metimes called a hang-j the seed had been good, or of the right
mil) may ere long pass away from ! kind. If there U an entire failure of the
amongst us; and that, as at last the ,
old maid" is meeting j
T( .. ,.. . ... , ....
i justice anil kindly judgment, tbe
same may be metetl with ro ;.tintiug
hand tthe often long-suffering and
much-slandered "step-mother." Ex
cluing?. Mrs Jones Krcites History.
Helen of
asked Willie Jones, as he was 1
his historv lesson, "who wad '
"Ask ytmr ma," said Mr. Jones, who
was not up in classic lore.
"Helen of Troy,' replied Irs. Jones,
who was sewing'a new heel on the ba
by's shoe, "was a girl who used to live
with us; she came from Troy, New
York, and we found her in an intelli
gence office. She was tho best girl I
ever had before your pa struck
Bridget.' '
"Did pa ever strike Bridget?" asked
Willie, pricking up his cars.
"I was speaking paragorically," said
Mrs. Jones.
There was silence for a few moments,
then Willie came to another epoch in
"Ma, who was M"rk Antonv?"
"An old colored man who lived with
mv pa. What does it sav about him
"It says his wife's name was Cleo
patra.' "The verv same! Old Cleo' ucd to
wash for us. It's strange how they
come to be in that book."
"History repeats itself," murmured
Mr. Jones vaguely, while Willie looked
at his ma with wonder and admiration
that one small he d could onrrv .nil b.. t
knew. Presentlv he found "another
question to ask.
"Say. ma, who was Julias Caisar?"
"Oh, he was one of the pagans of his
tory," said Mrs. Jones, trying to thread
the point of her needle.
"But what made him famous?" per
sisted Willie
"Everything." answered Mrs. Jones,
complacently; "he was the one who
said. Eat, thou brute,' when his horse
wouldn't take its oats. He dressed in a
sheet and pillow-case uniform, and when
his enemies surrouudod him he shouted
'Gimme liberty or gimme death,' and
ran away.'
"Bully for him!" remarked Willie,
shutting up the book of history. "But
say, ma, how came 3011 to know so much ?
Won't I lay over the other fellows to
morrow, though?"
"I learned "it at school,'" said Mrs.
Jones, with an oblique glance at Mr.
Jones, who was listening as grave as a
statue "I had superior advantages and
1 paid attention and remembered what
I heard."
"Well, I say. ma, who was Horace?"
"Your pa will tell you about him, I
am tired." said Mrs. Jones.
Then she listened with pride and ap
proval, while Mr. Jones informed his
son that Horace was the author of the
Tin Trumpet and a rare work on farm
ing, and the people's choice for Presi
dent, and only composed Latin verses to
pass away the time and amuse hiinylf.
JktroU'Pbst and Tribune.
John Carpenter, when twelve vears
old, left his native town of Woodbury,
N. J., and returned recently for the
first time in sixty-sir years, only to find,
greatly to his surprise and somewhat to
his regret, that Charlie Pomeroy and
some other boys with whom he used to
go to school were either dead or had
moved, away. Acicfr Jfewter
The panaip i osi of tke i,
ait root tor nallch cor.
The e'der barrel are gettlag empty
To prevest them fro becosta? ruut
this tumaer leave a few gallon 'n
tbcm and bucg up tightlv. Ci ajo
MolaC4 CKkie: Two curn
mola-iics. one cup lard, ont-half cup
ether cold water or buttermilk, two
large t-apo-jnful giager, I wo large
taponfub asrattia and a pinch of
salt Tn UouvtkM.
Krery cook knows how long a time
ti i.i.,., it. . i . , f ...
it. . . ', .
fr .lf . lilTIl 1L 1311 IITIKL 1)T ITian!!. 1 CJ
lok ver or.e or two quarts of beaa..
:". -IIThV" s3rer 3"'' a.u .
beans that arc ipecked can h picked
out witbeac. and in a Terr --diori time
Tiio rranan- should be rntlreh
cleansed at least once a ea or it mai
brti-d weevil in the old grain. The
wheat needed for ilour for family uv
should U ground during onu wana
day in iriu:r and kent in barrel in a
cool place during ruiumcr. Cmcinj'i '
J huts.
The common harrow can be applied ,
to many more
purpo-tct than !t oni-
mou one
flf fifllttirifiir fltii imiHfii! ftkW
seeling. It Is one of the best imple-
merits lor truing manure after it ha
eeii f-pread broadcast, more thorough
ly mixing it with the soil and making
the manure ibubly etrcctie. .V. '
' oti.
- The Gur'cwr'A Mon'hhj aihises
owners of fruit-t-ee to remeinlxT that
the trees, like grain and vegetable crop.
niut haVo manure t keep up their fer
tility. An annual top-drciing i !hu
if the manure can not be had. fresh
tvo feet long, and on the top four feet,
tbiia making a fence dx feet high. -A'.
V. IhruLl.
A correspondent of the Toledo
Il'tt'Ic recommeud'i the method follow
ing to rid the garden of moles: '-T.ike
a handful of vellow dent-corn and -oak
S, ;.. 1. ..... .- .1 ... 1 . ,
ib in nub .-iit'i 1111111 me nun skiii 01 me
""' aiiui muni: iiiij iiailt'U ifii iiiriii . "... . t uniij.A wu wtiwv "'ia iu (7utiu-vbaU( an., iw--r,ra ruHriv ir rwnT ir . mr -m .m u ;l Bfl
. i..,.i 1 1 1 .1 . 1 1 iiic .inn neat is caiiaum 01 Kiipiining
S ''T'1 then take each, Fnince ,. ,.Us jVse.e-ai, ar'ea o
Si!, I'l. . h,k". UM"r l,,tf!nlK,it half a million Miure kilometers
r""1 ;,"" to admit some ar-, In .1C hm,r tlll.Min lt.nt wl :i
.-1 . n j ani "i cen. 1 ll-i;oi lllCiail'T
a mite as big as the head of a
..t 1... 1. :.. 1:.. 1... ..1 .1...
inn; tlien
, re V ,.i ,Vi V .'
tlry. rccoiid, take a small .stick and
iifiit iiriii
,.,.-1 , .1 .. ,, ,- .....
pish t down in the dirt directly oyer
lm n n lf I 1?! "&' "
drop in a kernel or two of corn. Ihe
moles will discover the corn anil eat the
Warrantee of Kami and Harden Seeds.
We have several inquiries as to tho
liability of persons selling farm or gar
den .seeds when there is a failure to
grow This subject has been aroused
by an aitiele we published a mouth ago.
lliere is no doubt about the law. and it
applies as well to a person selling only
a lew bushels as. a regular .s etlsinan.
If a person asks for ami obtains from
.not her per-on, for a valuable eoiisid
rttion. a certain dcsignntcd kind or
pialily of seed, and the dealer tleliters
l pretending it is the kind onpiullty
utjuircd fo.t and if he represents the
seed to be good ami the quality desired,
his constitutes a warranty "that tho
seeds are sound ntul of "the quality
tskod for. And if it should turn out
t.iat the seeds were unsound and would
Top by seed failing to grow, or if the
-Top fails to ripen when it was guaran-
1: ' : '."..": :. c
teetl to in! seett which would ripen in
lid- latitude, then the measure of the
damage would Ihj the
reasonable value
of the crop for that rear.
In the State of ew York a dealer
in seeds sold a gardener eed which he
I r presented to be the Karly Flat Dutch
Vim,W'chHn ""-fTu swd, but they
-y ,:l"0 lo prouiico a crop 01 cab-
bage. and the dealer was compelled to
pay the garden farmer the value of a
crop of cabbage of the kind men
tioned. Cd N. Y., CI.
In another case the seetl was repre
sented as Large Bristol cabbage. But
it was shown that while the seed was
raised on the stocks of Bristol cabbage,
yet they were grown in close proximity
to cabbage of other kinds and were
fertilized by the pollen therefrom, so
that the crop raised was. by reason of
the crossing of the different kinds of
cabbage, a crop of no known variety,
and wholly Useless except for fodder
for cattle, and in this case the dealer in
seeds was compelled to "pay the dam
age. 71 X. Y., 118. Iowa" State Iktfis
cr. (J lores.
Matching gloves to the dress is en
tirely out of fashion for both dav and
evening toilettes. Lighter shades 01
tan-colored gloves than those worn dur
ing the winter are used with spring cos
tumes for the street ami on full-drvs
ccasions; there is also a tendeucv t
n,ore "ellow f hade? of -or. show
;ug rau i: orou.
olor in various shades is offered as
rival to tan-colors with street dresses,
while pale blue and tlcsh pink are sccl
with evening dresses, not, however,
matching the dress in color, but more
often in contrast with it. White un
dressed kid gloves are again in gooc
style with evening dress at dinners, th
opera, balls and receptions. Black ki
gloves are less used with dressy toilette
than they were last year. The Sued
tumlress'ed kid) gloves are more fash
ionable than those of dressed kid. ant
these retain the long loose-wriste
shapes closed on the arm and fastenei
bv two or three buttons at the wrist
These arc made plain, entirely withou
ornamental stitching, and with sire?
dresses are now put inside the sleeve?
not drawn up over them. For half-1 m
sleeves the gloves extend in wrinkh
up to the elbow, while for wearing wit
short sleeves are gloves that cover th
arm its entire length in wrinkled, can
less-looking fashion; these gltves ar
tifty-four inches long, and dealers kec
them in three pieces, sewing on tl
tiiird part across the top, or omittia
it. as the purchaser wishes. There ai
also stylish English-looking gloves c
heavy kid with three broad lines t
switching on the back; these have slcn
der, close wrists, smooth oa the arm
fastened by six buttons, and are pat ii
side the long, nearly tight sleeves c
the plain dresses that are worn ia tin
street. Reddish mahogany and tern.
cotta gloves are not now wore, evci
with black dresses; for these dressr
yellowish taa, slate,-Mack, aatt 'cream
white shades are ased. while wka whit
dresses are cream, taa. cM Mae a"
pink gloves. Later in the season ail
Jersey gloves and lace mitts will L
worn in many fancifHl colors, while th
joict tints quoted for Saede gloves wi.
be repeated ia lisle-thread gloves fo
midnuamer. Hrpef'$ ifaucr.
A JferfJa CUM T&
Msry, a rrt-rxt-nA daoghtcr.of
IKrliore Vtit, rvde a tl ?
cnil iirr bf h& t-nnnt blo;k eorci
of Manck-tcr and I"io sltrtl. uadrr-
j wt a crilo u.r-rirnce
j o'c'octyoUTilar aitrnooo.
about 3 J)
It went
that Mr. Ocrore. tb rooUwr of lJ
child, put her in t-sj in tlc attfc about
oac o clock, for aa aftrnooB nsp. Tnr
next knonn of her whereabout c
wa found on the idrralk ia froat of
the hwit? in a partiallv laibl con
dition, utamln s cut upon the fore
head and a brtiie on hr ide, Uc.dr
t.-ing oiiicnw uaiiiv saatcn an. lix;
.'.. . -. .
tml Iniomi-ilMih
to how the :Uf5r
l"V wwx o Wl
hapincil tradiriral throorhlrvlBg.a
. of Jaon Conu. who at tE time wa,
' "" f ,aJ B 'I w ,a, ,w j llrl
or? u ? to " ' lt
W hr oil Dili tn lll-af hn . .if Kvr khi
: i . i '". J. "7'. . 7 ".IT t", -
dovr ?ti the rrw.f and tfa !L!inw ilowu
llW,l Wfr t 4-V. k 4 SJ
toward the gutter. A cond later an I
idle hal gone oer the guttr and wa
holding on the nith her baai- A
few .seconds and he fell to the Ide-
walk, striking tlr?t uton the slej o!
the cntran r to the hottc and then
rolled oft" on to the sidewalk. All thi
linieoung (opp nas amly trying to t
summon a4ttsucu. "
A large enmd sx;n gathensil and riie I
little one uas tnkeii up and medical aid 1
Mimmoncu. in lailmjr "be lortunateH
t Mruek tirit utx.n tLe
, being alxiut trntv
feet, the d.stanci
mg aJxiit twrntv feet. Hid br
come doun head lirst. ai when tirst
sH.-n, uitliout doubt she would havt
ln-en killetl outright. As ctideuci
tendeil to show that hehad beena-Kn!
all the while, the liit words poken b
her after returning to conctouincs
01 being matte ilirvliv available n:
plaee of coal ami .steam for the prutliu
tion of power ami light, the mustion i
1 beg.nuing to a-innc something mon
than a theortical interest. The lVfie'
electrician, M.Deprcz, iu a rcent wo k
makes some calculation which ilhir
trate the enormoua fund of force wine
i .1 -1- 1 . n. ..t . .
l. ..- .1- ...... .., L ..t ... .. .
HIM tJ Ul til llF I . M jfUltllltl H WJIW'I IM-I
r IM-I
,neter an s(l on n tirau .summer la
the Miiatititt of water the miii is eapabl
..... ..n.:.. t .1. ' . ..
' t oiironig 111 0110 nour oer uie en
, tlrc 0f France h not h-s than
thousnid milliards, or a million mil
k.... .., ....1 ...:i... : i .. 1
ii'in a i'iiim tf ritiifv. a 1 !
to raise this quantity of water toboilin
I'oint in boilers, we should require u
ess than sixty million tons of coal,
which is one fifth of the entile annua
production of coal throughout th
world. The sun's rays falling on Frana
would be able to turn so much wate
into steam as would keep going eight
million locomotive engines of collect
I very forty milliards of horsepower.
Hit Cider.
London Truth ay.s that tlonkey i
Infinitely better eating than beef or
mutton. "There are, however, a good
many persons whoeoolil not atilnnkui
without exjiosing themselves to th
charge of cannibalism," says the Chi
cago Timcu. The first thought of 1
Chicagoan is always for himself '
ton Transcript.
An Elder was cramped with an
Ht. Jacobs Oil did the pain hlake;
He was so hiRlily pleased,
That again ho was greased.
And took a lot home to Halt Lak.
A "toldler on guard nt Fort Wayne,
Was ftiuldonly stricken with Juiin,
Ho thought he wits gone,
But when he mbticd on
St. Jacobs CAI, was all right again.
A Nr.w Yonu man has invented a ma
chine for plnying tho piano. It is not an
orgnnetto or an orchestrion, but a rane
placed over the kebnnnl with Ktrikcx that
bit the keys, which are turned by a crank
that is moed by jdnl. Tlie correspondent
of the I'bilm'elpliia Urcord, who has heard
it, aays thnt all the time he was listening
ho felt as though he was at a boarding
school "coiuinenrement," and the crark
pianint of the school was playing her crack
piece Tliere was n labored att'mnt at ex
pression and n girlish disregard for time
Mr. (inlly, ti inventor, says ho can imi
tate the playing of any pianist iu the
world; ami lie warrants to giro his pa'ont
nil the (Ire nnd passion of Liszt, if any one
orders it. When this is perfected, with an
elee'ric motor to turn tliecmnk, a man who
is able to own a piano will not have to
spend the rest of his forttife educating his
daughter? to play i:. Musical Herald.
A Inetor'a Occupation (inn,
A Rood story is told of a doctor whose
moat profitable patient was an old lady who
suffered greatly from dyspepsia, nervous
ness and weak kidneys. His medicines
Deemed to relieve her but did no permanent
good. Her nephew induced a trial of Dr.
Guy sott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla
which benefited her so much that she dis
missed tho doctor. His peculiar sensiti.-e-uesa
caused him to give up his practice, nnd
instead of responding to professional call,
he o'ten merely grunted , ake (tuysott's,
which saying became proverbial" In the
neighborhood and a large sale for thia
medicine soon sprang up.
Wi always sav that it was an apple
which caused nlf the dis'urbsneo in tbe
world of morals, but iwas really a pair.
X. Y. Herald.
Frjcsh air. exercie. good food and Dr.
Benson's Celery and Chamomile fills will,
when used together, cure any cas of nerr
onsness, sick headache, or indigestion.
Thy strengthen the nervous system. 5,CM)
i'hysicians prescribe them.
Th ground-hog and goose-bone, no bar
ing published aa almanac, still maintalr
their repu'ation as weather prophet.
Aorruiotra Herald-
a -
John Urown is dead. Victoria's maa.
We ae er shall ec him more
And. come to taluk, we never bad
Seen Mr. Brown before.
Ctlea IltzvM.
YotTK language is wholly uncalled fjr,n
a tbe publisher told the author whose
works failed to sell.
Tbk fresaaeas-of routh is broagat out by
hot water. A'. O. Picayune.
Wgu yoa travel from rice to xirraeyoa
ride oa a corduroy road and get many a
bump; but wbea yoa go from virtue to
vice It is just aa easy a it is to slide dowra
. '
AFTn aleac dlscaarioa in tae
per, it has at last beea settled that
girl's Riotaer keep a noardlag-bouse,
asaa can marry oa tea dollars a week.
Baaiaa ranlar Tgr stBain Boston
Gcxxaoo aatarea will hesitate abnat
lkkias; a postage ttaanp wheat it geta doara
Tasaxtaao disTtrtaca between a well
limbed tramp aad a weU-triwairil laaaa
win a cyclone atacw its appsaraacs, for
Ax ergaa grinder is not the architect af
ia owa loar lane jr. j .
ia the dock faaablea a his
socket tar taa
dollar aad cess" is it
iiassii aaaaaatarial
af Tram
ewTarkv Ws
t sthiriaca
It OftM t(fHt(llA at'. I -?.-. 5,t I
i iiiiiiiiiiiu. a a iii ii j a
nasaad ta aafthTaatwaae?ar hafMn aaaevl
c a HalL He Drummer.
ItXB ?M SUMS Mh irtlll
aiaamatdaty.aaat ram aa rumraili
WinnitL tflXATIMlrTMllT'rrM.- rM U t- if
1U ttmtl
TtA pci'tAiic riJ km yum t?
err milk & txictra?m vt Xkm a-tt ir)
fal -atsar trf tftkXi4 Is Zb t-ira Cf bctV
It trrmih mA 11 t la U cXjtrg4 wb&
U&e-a 4rriy litU ctwijm ta r-ro-jsrtkwj
It U Ufil ttvm rrUf naxiatt
oercc-s. 11st14 IfT msl p-rlat
jEbl rvrvfe la "ftfcxrvs to W tL Mutt
frsltfel r34i ef dim kkovt, -M li
irr 4 fel-!i oX tt bil-ri4J U-
l-ndlms o Luxlf m lb trsnk ttva iictruru rrac i l lot .irl
tti.l ,W kwK f l. .l.n. la
UsJ jiM of cirniic ttxjttir txeM U
UI .- ail uw., or t
to onirrr 1 0xrki. At flr,t rWWi
. .. l " I j
-- - u J tv - .- P i --
I n- -tt&e tera thrcWtt tfe vfU.
Hat liul f 1 i talfesi of ta O kW
ck-ntfic joural at crc"ttJ with U
t-tfanjr tkat U tln; Utl pnrwrv
ti of Uw rJo of Ui KiArry vt.ov
try which IroBooart tbr c"-l !
vac ia BMtltral wric of toodtra tuw.
To I I'actkcr. Ib eejltwral rptoch
c rati'., who bj hi trrrvst Ja i U;tUa
ijx Mivrtl to Franc o masr tnUlloa ef
U all arm. i prolwtilr tint ih Loaor at ti't
;oliitiac oot tL trrtUe por of lbr
rrnrn. In r-rognitiaa of hi rrt rrfcs
lb OTrnM-nt La ratlr o si Lim
frora tb iub,k traary bJ, with
ttblch to CDtitlaue Lit rxjvrmi-nt. H
L terill rrrl rarirU of lit
jMiranit-. nw rnmpAr?lTr!r barsilm,
ottver itnrmly tlaaruu. On form b
prors by nT,r of TtmmUnni sJ
o!hrcoivi-!mJv rxiwrlrcn' lt; cao
of death of mnjr u oujmlo aalmti b4
hrril of rattte; inotiicr lb actl ant ta
1 the dra'b of owl, lir cholera. Artlu'cunon
t the know!st bo bail iinr! of th natur
of the Krrtn b- pomrsl out
with tto ornnifn of coir.tKiom
Ii4 mail hun a tsorniicl authoritr upon
th ubjsi-t. by rijnTiliititlnj; aftr Uie
UlrlhoiW of VlI.LtMtx, ha dlenvrrHi an.l
imblhhfsl an account of ote of tho moil
I itniiKi-rou rativttri. to wljj. h it I tirovon
, timrt- d.-nth rtrr ttu.J than to oay dix-iw)
Inriil'-iit to thf human rari.
llr dscrltf it 11 a kitnp'e c-! olaroran- ,
Ism b lout'luK to thw inn" or.l-r a tlii
hiieUria. When drb-d tho kmii mr, with-
out Ioliu any iulity, rmlura k tt rx
trfiiiea of tcinprrattir-. IWm; aa nn an I
n lii;ht ai dust. lnvilbli to tba naked r-yp,
ttioy may bo til wn any ditaiu by 'ho
w.nd or carriisi! upon th clothing or tHty. '
I.iko stMli, tbry may Ito for month or
yrar iiinlNturt-il tion tho furtiiturr. fl'Vir,
c.irtKt, curtain. wjIU, or in th tRslitinjc.
and otdy rr"juiriiiK a projnr !rure 01 .
wtirimh, niiiKtu. e and fol to wnki-n Into
liff, b trlnp, and KTrnr. Tliey thriio and
live in tho IiIjOiI, lytnti'i, mucu nnd -cr-tionsof
thi bum.i'n Unly. Whn tL v
tern i unliraltby or wrak tbiy attack fha "
cells tliat f.iakc up tho animal train. A:i
iilbiiuunotj mud v ill furulih thtn
fod for growth, and a sincle droit i uf
fl lent to contain hundreds. Kx.i:mnd
with m!croroHs of great power, which en
large them so that they can le seen ami
studied, they barn the njipoarnnra of mi
nute rod-like bodies having when active,
loraii pnnrr of motion. T ry Itend in th
middle like a lw end straighten with a
)irk that rnN them a Icit tim- their own
nrth. At the temperature of the human
body they re thw most active.
'llieir power ot increase or reproduction
Is remarkably g'eat. One germ In a lew
wink's time, under cwndl,
Mill give rUe to 111 lliim. The pro., in
lii-.tnuiln as'-ki-" ,'""1- i-oi.l de
stroys or p events their growth, nnd this is
v hv refrigeration prevents d eiy of mts
and other animal food. Kxpmedto warm'.h
these small organisms attack and eat up
the albuminous ti-nu leaving a foul limit.
Tlie odors so common to this pro ao
given off by these minu'eorganums,andU
ntsnit the only indication of their pre- '
ence. This is thn warning of na'ur and it
is an instinct to avoid all urh smells. Tun
foul breatii, bad odors of old sores, etc.,
leads man to avoid these genus in a grvst '
measure. Tlie danger of their presence i a
the UmIj- can be Imagined wre-n their rapid
increase is consldeied. A few germs mny 1
1.0 readily nbsortwsl into the svstem by
breathing air containing them. "They nr
y us d ran 11 Into the Interior of the Nwly
'urniigu tho long and narrow respiratory ,
passages of tho throat, e! es'
t and nose, '
which nre lincil with soft membrnnn and
covered with stlckv mu us. Iu this fluid
they tlud ready loilrncnt nnd favorable Ings, goitre or thick neck, and enlarged
conditions for development, increase nnd j glands.
growth. Tue "cold" nr cntirrh. os.enn or J "Tlio l.loo-l Is the life." Thoroughly
eiironic catarrh, hay fever, etc, are com- " cleanse t-Is fountain f heal'h bv n-lng
mon ui.iiiile.tations of tho eff-c s of one of ' tmlden M- dlcal D.sovery, ami goo. dlge
the lenst bnrmtul o' thee g run or inf- tion, a fair skin, laioyanl pi its, rltal
crozyuira. In the from the : strength and soundness of constitution aro
lespnntory passages nt such times tliou- established.
KnmU of the living nnlmnlculit nre found. I Consumption, which is erofulus dts.
Tlie tovcr, deliility, pains "i.i the lones," eawt of thelun s Inilucesl bvJhedeaitly dl
loss of apjtr.e, ctr., are indications of ene germ lmllvs. Is jyuiptly nrnl ps
their deproclng effects Uon the vital tvrlv arr-strd ami run-d by this sovereign
orptns. ' remetly If taken lfore the lat tars of
It is from germ of slower development, th disease are rearheil. Krn Its wonder
however, tha. the greatest dinger follows, ful wer over this terribly fatal dfea-.
To the one most fully descrilrd by KoCil whn it offering tils now world-famed
is due more deaths luantoanoUierktiOwn renirlr to the public. Dr. I'ickck tJuwjht
cause. According to tho researches of fnyorVbly of calling It his "consumption
Cutter, Flint, and over eight I cure," I ut alandoied that nam as to re
million people die every year from this j strictive for a medicine that from Its won
c use nlone. The annual deatos in France, 1 d rful combini'ion of genn-lestroyinj, as
Kngland, Germany and Russia .rom their ( well as tonic, or trenitening, al'.rra'ire.
ilestruction was oVerone and a half mill-" or blood-cleansing, an'I-bilious, diaretic,
ions. In the United States und Canada pectoral, and nntritlre pr-jertie, nn
over three hundred thousand orons per- cqualle.1, not only as a remslv for eon
I shed in tLe lost year from tbe bacului sumption of the lnngs, but for all chronic
done. The most common disease result- L diseases ot the liter, blood, kidneys, and
but other oipxns of tne Lodv are liable to I
V , 13 t.Wiisuiui'Ul11 va tuv luusf
ls affected as they develop slowly but sure-
ly in any organ that may be ia a weak or
unhialt. y a ate.
II active and healthy, tbe Hrer, kidney
and bowels have to a wonderful extent tne
power of expelling these deadly animalcu
le or parasite from the system. And this
fact turnishea an Important indication tor
tne successful treatment 01 all tbe long list
of maladies caused by these parasites as
will be bereina ter shown.
Ti.e studies of Lascxca, an eminent Ital
ian, and Wood, Formau and others, are I in
teresting, as showing tbe Urte ra
rie y of chronic disease as htreto'or
classified, that result trom vbes.- germs.
Among the most common were "liver com
plaint," biliousness or torpl 1 liver, dyspep
sia or imligestion, lun affections, bron
chitis, kidney diseases, chronic diarrhoea,
spinal complaint, tever-sorrs, white swell
ing, hip-joint disease, rheumatism, ma
larial ditcases, suck aa fever and agao or
intermittent lever, general and nervous de-
bilitie. fern Ieweakaesse, chronic csUrrk
of the head, or ouena. many form of aa-,
healthy discharge from intern-il organs,
ana an tne vanon. scrofulous anrcuoas or
the skin, glands, bone, joints, etc., lnclud- "
lag consumption, whica Is bet scrofulous
disease of tbe laag.
la this large catalogue of apparently
widely diffrria; diseases, trot really all de-rndiii'-
nr n rraiion cause, aad tkere
fore naturally to be TccesfuIly treated oa
the same Keaeral minc-ele. examiaatloa
of tbe Mood aad secretioa revealed large
Bambers of these parasities, aad curiously
enough the nantber bore a direct relation
to tbe severity of the disease, n compara
1 lively small namber being present ia asfld
' cases aad a Terr large proportion in bad
cases. Under the ase of the spedac treat
BKBt which they give, aad which is sub
stantially the same aa that described and
rscoauaeaded later ia this review, the nun-
to day aatfl, with tha restoration ot health
Tawgreatast Tariexy af jauji'nsns were
foaad to aicosapaay their preeenoa, dae to
BecaUaritis of aatcaastita lea, taa part ef
the body atoat sarioaaly asTected, aad the
esTorta af thedtfereat srsjaaa ta rid the
ccmsana were fnqas at headaches, nearal
gic paiaa, aaaaea, coasttpntioa, paer er
ariaU aniOH, irihni. Aad areata.
Beetle fever, coaga, aiftit fiats, rrll x
tresniiies, d- tarpssa, catarra, er threat.
eve, etc.. waua where taa s
acsrt ana. erynipaeaa, it. Aaaaaaya awn.
cared by
niiisilis. 9t.AntaiySI
jBjadaaWy hat with certainty warn
VaaaW attaaaaW aHaaaaV epaVar asM9iaE WVwTaaf avaaaa
aaalfe VFaTaaal aaal tawSaBBaBaaBanaafaVaw TajTB waaaaT aaBBW3BaV
aadeahar ayaajaaaa daa ta taaesTana af
aa-Mas. - aaAaaaaBBBi ma aaa aaaaaBaB mTtaaaaa aaaa
UastaasdtaawkrBBaaalmtha pari,
fyiag asaaaa af tjs Mrer aaal 1 1 ai ulei j ar
Barasataat aaay am eamraaaa, aaal taa
amaialii weak reaaa af aaaaa claad
-t J
yr-&-9-B - 1 9 Uj Amfwsiib!!- 4t mmfifr-
tVB Wf 'J -Wb!t. WJ J,cf.
AM &? 4 .arc -AawAl h
tVsrrUf fe-e5f4 . -?4 .
I rttrr4 $ - Air--J ? ?" '
f ---r.JfeL mm Vwjtm- rjn.J Jr
sd JtMAij. 1 ttr w4
r m ' s ta
J?wt.- Si JTsjJ ?eS font Cnrti
ky lk J-tr Uv9g M k! -f r4V
Jm U- !ar-t hf U- ! -siM-
Errr tt-iitHJ &Vt rri,I,r 3
rf tS -k1 oe im of isat-tny t tfc lii
kitl 1 tvrwlt t U- t
r fsal to pt tin tff J HIM r
tfcs vrsst, Usi if 4aiikvsc -X
?k jjwr-ta a,YU rvs tteV- Hs.r
hat w. Jr tt psfsw rjMwi !
fm lia u wi K
r-rv to r -n U tUfc fn-rr
fa crirr ta -k t t i.i ti tT.
wtttout lary to ttr :-Ia.
Ae Anvrt-tas p i uciia mt Sx s
ricr fa M Ubt X I Sra i
ftrvaic Ui-s, w rvt OWf Afo'ii
t l f uJ r r i4 uf. tr nwa-r
jrrart il?Ul taraclt U t J tsMjr
UW W! l MGiri ia l',,g j
tiiTr-sl ast itfWr w. a "tj
fcatk of -fira. ; rt UibiiM4
rltb auarvrkxs t Um- cwesn.
Uon. or -rt-3. f la Hia.. a4 r
crfans, a4 ia J1 . aUkti MV
Ctrat sT0, i Juh1 U il IS
iwt ocj'W.oi u-i rv-iurt ).
SacAitt. bt- It ov'Kr I4vrtlft
far aurpa tw f w.t ltvr W r X
tb frturdlal at-W tr-rtsl lo tr IV
CMilki! t'M'-W-i lit eii ea.. JtfMw
p-0Itlr, Irvm. atvi tpttSfetV ta' 8 sm
parto to h is bsi lli up tb insjjHi -f
tb il Uhttitsl. Tirwtiat ailu4 Wr
tim. tat Usrti ttitsl fcr -.r tb tv
trra:ct uw in a t aaJ bmhI
rrful ractiv.
Tb rt ta rafTMri u lli tanv :
rtiltv dtffefsrut. lj- risailv
ktew4. a 1
turn', tml to it irrivjtrata tw i4i a
conreolont form ta diiih if I .
rier-w' (ioMrn ilisll a Inown, I ,
be ot4atnfsd tb oorltt e-r at deu fl
grorral t.n. and felt dliv" ton fur 1
u-e Mill I bMied lu ;. t4Mttil. t tfcAt ..
rKuit eah bout. It i Is Ik It- at
vioodrrful Ituulilmr and lHVwlt a ,n
fltlencr tin th- llvr-r, Ibat grealeS jjU .l
tin- huttMU vuta, wi.ii-h ba UsrM imH In 1
aptly U'tinnl tim ourks)pr "t our
l.-lth." Tlirmjch tbe tnetraxvl arlnf
tim livrr and other rmuii("irv oran of
the system.all ilonou ctvio. ar tr .
drred inactive aid gradually n-lll ft
thx ytrtn with othrr imtmrttles. In mm
a-. vhiam there arv unhealthy d- 1
rlatges, as ,. noi the notiil In eae f B
either acutw or ehroule ratarrii, tl uu . f
Ir. Sage's Ca'arrli Kuiiwsly, a tubd a 4
healing antiseptic litl--n, vli.HjJd !" '
ClaUd Willi the Us ot the IiImiii rrv. It t
HsOiulviiallo to 11 tkla lotlOll H "tber
liKal manlft itatltn of iiteawef mmiHii
surrarr. iiriiii mant iiiegrrtuioiiie j
I are Uelrot.I nd the tn-mbranrs rle-i it
(irlertl in o Hip LIsmmL In -jrt thrnt.
julnv or sl!nhthsrUt lb- Catarrh Hritifty
leptld bvul i Im used a a gargle, and tba
UoKlvn iltsJlcal I)cuvery tai.n freely.
In women where weakness ol special or
can is common and almost certain lo t
deyvloje,, attendinl by bsikaehe, bearing- j
.Ih.M.. .-U..ll..... .H.I -. . l. I - (.....
the use of Dr. Here-'. Kavo U'lV--erp-
tion In co-ijunctlon wlih that of f.e Ils.v. J
erv, ieirv resloresthe bca'thy fnnc'loni
n aalta In Ittillilln iif Atiil IttvlL-TtratJnf I
......,, " ' " I v .Lin. 1
Cos fve niiil ar not rrgilstel and act d
upon stilli ietitly by the mill laxn'lre ttnj-
ertle posee.f by the (lold nMeilleal Dls
rivery. Dr. lVtce's Pleasant furgatire
I'elbts (Utile pills), taken in small
Hi nv i,i. --1. .i .,- . ,
ar not rrgiiisTei ana acx u 1
dors of only one or two each dav, will aid
materlnlly In t!alIilllng bealthV
and in exjellliig thn disease-priMluclug
germs from the hbd and system.
At the rlk of lepetition and tiy way of
recapitulation, wi may trnthmlly y that
(i.-Iilen Mitl.eil Dlrery curt s all hu
mors, from tho worst ne-moil to aroinmnii
blitch, pimple, or eruption. K ysijsi a,
i.alt-rheum, ev eT-ores, scaly or ttugh kln.
In short, all dleae cau.rtl by dlea
geiini In the bbxxl, are ro' quere.1 by this
twiwrrful, purifying, and lnvlorattg mej
telnn. (i
uikIt Its
treat eating ulcers rapiuiy ' eai
Ititil.r ita l.r.l'-n Inminrfsj KhIi.m lisllsf
has It manifested Its potency In enring let-
ter, rosn rash, lois. rarMin' les, vre eyes.
svrofnb us sores and iw. lungs, while swell
It you feel dnll, drowr, deblllta'ed, have
allow color of skin, or yell -wih brown
spots on face or l-ody, fr-uent beadscbe
ordixzine's. Lad tan'e in mouth, internal
beat or chills, alternate,! with hot flsshes,
low spirits and gloomy forebodings. Irreg
ular appetite, ami tongu rosted, yru ar
suff ring from indigesiion, dyspepsia, and
Torpid liver or "bibousnes." In many
cases onlv a pirto? V)-c syrnp'otn are ex
rericncsil. Asaretneilyforaisirtica-Dr.
rietce's RoMen Medical Disoyrry has no
equal as it effect p rfect and radical rn res.
For weak lungs, spitting of bloJ. short
breath, coniumptlre nigUt-sweat. al kin
dred affee Ions, it is a sorereign r-roedy.
In tbe cure of bronchitis. s-ere coughs atxl
consomption, it has as'onlsbed th tne.lral
faculty, and ralnent physicians p-onif-i"
it lb greatest rardictf Ueorery of U
age. The notriUye properties p-ssed I
by coil lirer oil are tnllinz wben ooiiparvti
with U-o-of theUclJeniledtcal Dicosxry.
It rapidly IUd np tb system and In
creases t e flrb and weight of tho r-
dotrd teIow tke usual staadxrd of kealti
by wasting iliieaaes.
Tew plan of treatment tfcat we have so
bri'fiy oa Used in this article or th large
class of chronic diseases referred to, teas
long been ackiKrwleiged to t the most
successfsl, based aa it ia spon the belief
shared by tae soft sVUlful sirdical bbw of
tbe day, that the only way to get ri J of tbe
noxious diseavse-pTodaciog grrajs la Ue
blood aad systeai is through tbe lirer. kid
neys, and bowels, asd therefore that !hose
agents which are kaown to act saot eS-
riently in restoring heal' by action of thee
organs ar the oae most to bw relied apoa.
For this parpove thw Golden Jierfical l
CJteij ia prt-edarnlly the agent that f ai
fills every ladicatida of trejsv-at reqaired.
TLADrra, n piece of adrtesi never send
yoar leUers by asale. JtarlUjton Fnt
"Oa- Baanoa CWcry rf Csrmtii4
rnU'Ctrtd my arfe immriitfj f fr
tuxTol-jiaJ ILaCCcUIa,v)epkerisrwR,
'a. iue. at draggist.
LxaaaJCK: 5e; yea as-dnt think that
dike have csdia thetr threats last be-
caas yoa'v eccariaasTly aliaerred a
fern, eer yr Itmferd oyenyfrvm a
sit cttfave. Br. 3ou' Sit Cn cwrtd
." C. iCMcDeaald, FUtnrtl, Ala.
A5cwToacdwU fefl
way aasathaj wteei tae eeheraar,
Wmm UaTaaji I, j U KfW tf. m
mB i m j m - - " m -
wha waa Uawa aa? taa
ty a taraada aaya aa
roof ef hi
Ia taa aaarr Salts tar
Tulears. Belt fttaaat,'
ft frUaia. Cera,
IWW WTfAnS t x -
"Da. leasffir.
nil ertha car
caaa." Dr. 6. P.
Vs. Maaataatdi
U tilkif fir-tr l-f -4 Wt il
t . ..-'Lc.ta. AMA4al tt -v2 m a.
m . r
. - -- -
f T rl H r 4iiwrr4
it V && - Vftj. UU '
&. . . .
,9it V Vm-C
Ts )ll Vf Jiw a4 bf4
V.rsw tw i twif &. -4wi
B Kf r Vt Ua
tW Ay Jfcir
? mt a i r rC- ?
tMJt tj eUw CUiJi Jv4..
A : lsl 1 fMBHKt 144 Mkk-f
...a. ... . ... ..... . . u
M, I J ! Mil Vrf TW,
j Cva. J .!.
, KrM fc! r- .. hbt
tr alMrW f"1, trr tnw
oa rat o rsr
wjrr Ujst rt i-ja iim vij.
fS Vur e & t s
t M
trl 4 rSfr
t .s .
WU4t,iWw ra- V
r4 t k a . aaM taM n j.X
4ft W:-m. v' sljr 4
rnii rit-, mt wa i
r A- at-. . H H tU it
Wvaist. at tuny -I) UU. I artL
Sciatica, LunbafS,
tit vMt aMrKiitnv,.
eri4t. o
!., cit. a '-i.
mi n. at' a (.,
AWI M - UstU afc
nrrr cun i miul
a. -H s-T e tHft'i A
w.irr t- la U
CK 4 Veesta ta
tS, 1 1 i m t oKtuai
II KAH tbU. an ve wple, and
a ear all ve of the xofbi.
Hop Hitter will luaart 31m nrlt ami to
. .
, , , ...
-It Mtall cure all tbe j-op4e and put
sivknoas ami nuflerln Knurr Unit
.... . ..
", Ho thou nef afrtml wfeen VWiT
k jj. . e.m-m wiron"
1 caw or Ucr (.'onipUtnt. tor Hup Hit
r , , , , . '.. ,,
enso or i.ivrr v oiuinan, ior hum iiii-
ters will curt 3 on.
4. Hoth low and high, rich n! p-oor
know the lalue of Hop Hitler for
bllloiis, nrrvuus anil IlKtutnatU torn-
A. Cleanse me with Hop Hhter? ami
I eball bate
robust and blc-oraln? "
t. Adi! dieaM ujvoo disease ami let
the vvomt Come, 1 am afe If ! use Hup
7. For all my Hfe luto I l-etj t lxrwl
with JcJ;fj hikI srrt-s, nodtKitnutn yer
g . was I ewtrd, Iy Hop ltttb-r.
He that krvjirtfi bl Iw-s from arbtng
mm lUtrMwatisin aixl NeitalgU. vsitti Hop
Hitters, doelb ttlwt,
9 Tleugb tlmu bat rr. plmte,
frerlles, nlt tlieum, crtlfsts, btt .
oolnC, )et Hp IMttris wpj utnott Ihrnt
10. What woman l there. fer!4' arl slrk
torn finnale rMnpl)nt. wli dwrrUi ho
Viilfh atnJ uvrth J lop HUb-m ul Is m;fr
! ir'H.
11 M rvt jirrtert to n Hosi Itlt!-r
Ndn on ssriious Kidney aut IJv etas-
IS. Keep thy tOTYCB ftB Mftf fatTrt,
liy hlot-l urr. arxt tby Unurh Uom ball-Ce-Uoti
by Ijsjpg Hop HUWr.
1.1. All my ialns atl &rto trvl disease
r like rlafl before lb wUfl lwn 1 tt
Hop HJtlrrs. '
II. Mark tlie man who tri nmrty 4d
ir! rht.11 np ty the doctor mler tuiut Hop
tiltTs and Iirrmeth wrIL
is. Ceaei from worrring til terve
teas, general debility, atwi srUua IroBbse,
or Hop U.tUrr will fesiote jou.
TVts has
iMtaasa la
ic Ja MirH
T!t ami Mai
l&fti n
lOt. wr
IM - lew.
lkeasJ7 ss a
Uss k4s4 W4
! W'4 af
ftr he
. tasl f t 4
r-csrtM t
iee' trts
.exv trr rVli 4
Serer, m sa m fV
SfS l,"'l
- V.
te !- l tie?
J-tSts ss e
r rr
try frtmSj
rw.1 Ttt. Tllll m
. Jk.. -a. - - - - - 1 11- nfti im'-jiTii jl I
hiw,..irtaMtowrvi e j.lvTJa.f
I. -g. - l rn.ifciiai'wsv
I.V ta ! IUTlitM cTU:.,
C7f A TZK. IU ttiy V "V
If yontmre
BeMt Uaafrt faW Maal aaati
ME3&T. Tte
OaaaaV JV I U Mill
aaaaaa-. m
.avaataaWBaaaBiBaT T,-'
mm -VlariffTUn
s.p ww m. ava?9 aTaa: XalKtM
iitfitka taaaift.'aaw . -
HIIUII I ULIIIII msf1 iwcu-i
Hll I III I &I teUvrsi: u4 KWMi Cwj f S I
! ( III mm hw(uvakwrrCf Ui'i lee-
BwaaawHal alal alaiaaaw dwae. Met ss ?
ear ato eaasxaseftea. Iif insia aasawiinsi Bssss ews J -- ""
Bartay aaseeaea. I 1 11 Is ksaue aa ens. L a. JokSW A CO, feeTAJ
BBaBaaaawmtawmanmaajnaBBBaBBBaBBBB 1
ItTJ Wmty fmtj wfifwl mm iM
U tart Im wMMt tjrk iftMb
wm mt-m.'m 4 ;?
1 X
I -& .. .,. m mA m it)iv!m:A t"wi. fc-W' -
I t 9 - - .'
. n V J -
--w1 - --'
-. iu. -.- . 1. , t UMli n.ri, 9
MV !' M-
--r V 'p" "
w ,
. . ilwNiwtMs$
I tawM-k M 1 4Swt Ma.46B
. of . "- I r
l m. w , t 4 m sjim.o i
tWi,iir at jitr. " "
ay e h,h
H 4MV - !
f .. fr .p4 f i
Fine Clothing.
A ltn
Th Old, Well TfteU. WtrtJ-tut
Hoaltrt llertMlrta ffemesti-.
STROM'S SiMTIYt rUlS i V !!: -
a -
A rss4Fia
I t4. V WH --
STRMirs rTCTOWi mis irrirr;
hb.- J Vfcf V. . A - -t
-. Jl ,
t.HIM,A iu,a.
r-- .;
- ab SiiMtM
ave wi ",,
Hwatii.i, '
S26 Every Day
Wull Aurora A: Drilln
t aw4 rm tin "S"
SmimiiJ IV- aWM e f
M.. - t ? - tt.tW
n c imii, uu, awe.
IKUl WAITC1 K,C7,.Trt.'5
! Maiw htvS fafc -"
1 dt. U.iit ie im 4 m r
w ?ktr l --- s
t m -A " ?
MmsIoIs Ulti,ellJrf
jpt.. w e . ..-
mthc aiar otarflar.
rT, twsi iei - e- .
MM tln I iil'. .
nnMwli'M(IHr. ..
u4 a r.v- w :i km ty'
"IIAIIfi Hxvrrm
IVVMwIa" F .'Ofwfl-s. -i
V e ft r , - 4 I.
mete! ". e ( ', ftWMI,
jTc. LavsarratarraKeV Hav. &-.
IttewimnsMV t(l atiR C4pt,'f.t FV
fTlaff1t"'t?t Wits 9Se e1
WallXU aiseitaieiafc.sul li
! I aVfl iWNtaTHtHrr.(
t f 4
Xf.M. H H jttt M ti Ss.
-rwt vf aM
k.. ...' al eras a a atfcsaTaav
Qr1e f,-
V t fJe;-
tlittt MttYM M V xe wi a
.m ib .. t-....f W - k. .. . e,'w.. ,1 TJi ij t
ii-lMU IlVIUr-M4ls6k JJ-tJfc.lfa,
SSW ! m t
ew-r. wv ! ).
ffa -l
.a $Xit0btttt-KMM"
(SEE! lrtsrJ-atsTeTa
WW m -4 Z. s e v"
y f rx V TJ " Sre
A. Mes
Cae A
tMMtaUat WilS
gllBBTjiriT Jc
ffCt m aiLLM
m Vlf K.
Wr 5-
J ai a i,A ii i iiii.n in, a ' i jiHiMi
a. t.y.i , - ri t ?
. . . t)M kit, i,ii n Ma4Wv4W
rMM i4 a . '
a nM - . ,ij ai iim w
IW Wl iaf
m V J' ?V
I r I - -
, I, j "M ..I
ti ,aw
i V. I i t r
Vt 1 i lar
. a. i ' z(f ?i
IJa ' . m '.
,., o
W -ak i lomwfa
. 7 -
n VJJ JHra
i I itaw, "
" a it s .a
rui.ia naaiaiBiii m-r
am r
tin,,rr- feMVAT(UB
i ripj
I ,- w
r v r- rMw!-
iSMtt WilX e li-e !
He a aaeatasssa wriaT
A.g.K.1 mm
mmm a-eaaeWesaaw"ae "-
sflPav faaeVtT BatarwJaTnaBWeBTawaBFaawa
. "
-. T--ST i