- jgW "MlJSlie nH-riin "i.wn rni(, , , tiiiwin.i,,tiBit,,i,fciJ?clw(wrwul iii i wMillpa.gab'J!NIISifr -3 - vMWWMMMwM4MM ! iT1WiwWIIWIWi us &mi"WmHi''mmmmm)mmmmmmu wutn-fr it" -a i nil a'iaiat. '"'' 'h'miji "i r niri a nggriiiiiiTiOi'ni MIMM mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaav .mr ""tBBBBaw "Sr' h4&&Mgt jfT r rTMv aa, .Tawfw eet rafcfc fewa1aae iaJbiSaS JsS? T. S1XH OLD, atanuurturer of Oilnsiiri boa Mn, . WINDOW CAPS, FINJ ALS AC 4ir. 13th Street. OMAHA NEB. J. S. Ruthrock, Who1tl as BrtaJl ftalrr ia UPS, WIS k AMU. Also, Sample Room fur Uic acconi mod At ion of the pnblic. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Mrs. L. L. Kellogg, DEALER IS Milli&er; anl Fa&ey Doods, RED CLOUD, NEB. 0 A fine Stock of Goods in my line constantly keut on hand, which the la dies of Red Cloud and vicinity are cor dially invited to call and examine. CJTMfas Hale's old stand, opposite Chic? ollicc. Gtll 1 Ezraiu Boodi ft Frien. T. F. MOODY, Practical Watchmaker and All kindu of Repairing Neatly iul Cheaply done with dia putch. AUodesiler in Watrhe. Gold and Silver Spectacle and Eye-glonacs. CLOCKS. Miwii-nl Instniments nnd Silverware, ml! at Ilottom Price. Highent Citfh price jmid for old Gold and Silver. Give me n. rail before Inlying else where tit?" of the Big Watch, Main St. Rki Ci.oui, Neb. Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE KOCK, NEBRASKA, rr.ii.inja is IxUMBEM, Building Material AND COAL. Special Bargains at the Store of F. NEWHOUSE. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Berlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Flo'B, Germantown Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mittens, Children's Coats &c'., Ac. A full line of JIOSIERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large and splendid assortment of TOYS and CHRISTMAS GiftR. Acme FnlverM&g EsVrrow, jaoD civtnt axs lstzui. Weighs much less than other pul verising harrows, tells about one third less, and withal does the matt thor ough work of any. The Best Thing Out. For Sale By JOHN BOESCH, j3tf Amhoy, Neb. City Drug Store. Brags. Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes. A full snpply of I.AMrS, LAMP SHADES. WICKF COMBS BRUSHES AC. PStfMst pa'J-ita fcJ tsaakTaUr netlvar laUWnafcli kMki, atatisasty aa asten A RED CLOUD. Mi Harness Shop, BY- J. L. MiLLER. BEJOES IS s NAR5EmT COLLARS, SADDLES, JwJlK irjcoi S r ;;: HARNl JBBMBMSuBwaaaaaasBaaaaaTaaaa'! r XI ",- rJZ2 THE CHIEF LOCAL MATTER& itmt Ar XitJt; rBiu. tlr sa a "," fall . M - MeXfrr. . WBr. A4i. Arrival Ml Starter ef la&s at Ml frMiltieiMAfoctOlif. gatrs Mali .. Wwttra U BMlriM - Sarita CttM Isa, SUm ataU " Barr Oak W.IU sail - rrrlvM irt irscrtt arrival ?:tl . aw ?. F3 a.ai. fctta.B. . a.B Sa.ai a.ai. J . at 7 : 12 !: arriv am an rrfT -- soar" Jill aaH will ks If4 tk &? Wf. tau4. OSm fcar frsai 7 a. at. U S . Ma7 OrsVr kssn frost 7 a. m. 7 . ai OfMlwwwSMkrlNa U7JlB.BI-. H. B. M5trr. P. M FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1883. pay-All who fail to receive tbeir CuiEr promptly rt especially reques ted to notify us of the (act at once; District Court this week. Com plowing is now in order, j, Strawberry festival are ia order. Oil stoves for sale at Morhart k Ful ton's. Curt Evans has the bouncingest in town. I A good article of maple syrup, cheap at KobyV. Go to Mrs. Kellogg for bargains in millinery. Pure cossb honey at Boby's., Tke hm made it. Read L. Baum's new advertisement on first page. Call at the Chief office for all kinds of job printing. I Judge Gaalin's instructions to thc grand jury were good. Real eatate in this county is increaa ins in value every day. Red Cloud will celebrate the gl rious fourth this year. Two sets of iurvmen were out un morning Tuesday night. The piusII boy yearneth for the se ductive circus lemonade. L. C. Mick, of Salem, Kansas, spent Memorial day in Red Cloud. For the very beat good, full weights and meuHures. Go to Roby'a. The Junior editor of the Bine Hill Times was in town Wednesday. What do you think of the old legend that "it never rains iu Nebraska". A great many farmers were iu town the fore part of the week, courting. Dr. Mornnville dropped some silver into our empty pocket Inst Monday. just received at Moody's jewelry atorc. Ok a.mb war . a m aI Iawmm Ltt Good millet seed for sale at Baum's at 50 cents a bushel. Kcnnpy says that the postoffice, un like the heathen Chinee, hadn't 'orter go. Moody is suffering a good deal on account of the bullet wound in his log. The ex-soldiers made a good appear ance in their uniforms on Memorial day. We hnvn't room to mention by name all the friends who called during the week. Why don't we hear something from the new horns? Give us some music, boys. The bovs billiard hall in the south! part of town should be closed for. keens. Memorial day presented the appear ancc of a fourth of July in Red Cloud. Tho question of postoffice removal still agitates the minds of the south- enders. Ncrvousnes, debility, and exhausted vitality cured by useuig Brown's Iron Bitters. Mr. Henry Waller, of Cowles, called last Tuesday and replenished our ex chequer. A fine assortment of seal lace and other neck wear just received at Mrs. Kcllogg's. Major Edwards, of Blue Hill, was in town the fore part of the week atten ding court. Work was suspended on the Bank building Monday and Tuesday on ac count of the rain. Call at Mrs. KeTlqamfe for the great est bargains in millinery. Hats from 10 cts. np, to all price. About a doata prairie schooners passed tarewgfc; tasrsi.laet Saturday beand forth wildtwU Please .rsnsasber that ihebscrip tion price of the CarF,$ 1J0, is dae aud payable in advance. Mr. W.McDaaU .Wella, call ed Wednesday and paid tot the direr another year in advance. Wish the town council would send us some little fishes to sport in the pond in front of our owicc. true tonic, and sure to give atiuc- iJonuuiMsa- ail tno essentials ot a tion is Brown's Iron Bitters The streets of Red Ootid would be a disgrace to any tawa with only half the pretentions of this place. Mr. Frank Wheat, of Wheatland, called last Tuesday aad paid for the CaftET severalmoath in advance. .Five thwatsai ttrcj hundred tickets old natoyaRevaaatt of lass weet, to r.- f- as :irv . A- 1 rfhe si Ko fMftt MAOMil fif 4ot to grovisK crops by tonttkat MowUy. o fiax fretx. M Ward MaajOrul Day dwd Lrifht aid clar, and vm piirofinatcly okatrr4 by tfaQ. A. R. Pom of tfc pUos Mki by the citaeoa fenersTly. Married in Red Goad May 29th 163 by the Rer. Geo. O. Yeiaar, Mr. Geo. U. Carta, and Miaa Mary CUa ter, all of WebHer County Nebnwka. Fanera are jubilant ovr the pre- ent excellent procpeci for crops of all kind, a the recent abemdaut raina have left the groand ia fiiat cWm con dition. A large acreage of beam in Texas m aid to be the scientific explanation of the cause of those high sad hot winds that occasionally viait us freaa the south. The festive circas passeth hy on the north and south, but stoppeth not at Red Cloud, greatly to the diagust of the small boy as well as the grown pie. Mr. Wilson, the bee-keeper of the south side of the river is having excel lent success with his bees this spring. He formed ten new swarms one day laaweek. laayweek A. black covered blank book containing U. S. fractional paper cur rency amounting to about $7.00. A liberal reward will be paid for re turn of same to Passe R. Gump. Last Monday morning found all the lawyers with their soft clothes on and their hair combed actually combed ready for court. Mr. J. Q. Potter has leased his inter-1 est in the Red Cloud Mills, for on y year, to Mr. Dcwite Jones, brother It D. Jones, the lumberman. t it about time some of our cor- dents would wake from their p-Van-Winkle sleep and give tu news from their neighborhood. We are told that two men and a woman were struck by lightning last week in Franklin county, they were riding in a wagon at tho time and were severely shocked but not killed outright. This part of the country was visited hy a lively hail-storm last Monday af ternoon. The hail-stones were small hut they fell thick and Cast and aplas ed nearly all tho water out of the frog pond in front of our office. . The Orleans Sentinel comes to us enlarged and very much improved in its general make up and appearance. We are pleased to note this indication of prosperity, and hope that Bro. Mar tin will meet with the success that hi j euter)rise dwcne9- Wc aro pained to announce the death of Lydia E. Pinkham. ' She was a friend to the printer and made an in dependent fortune for herself hy liber al advertising. Alas! how few of her patients arc left to mourn her depar ture, liequiesaat in pace. . A large portion of the Baking Pow der sold ia fearfully adulterated. A strictly pure Baking Powder is made of two articles only, vir Bicarb. Soda and Grape Cream Tartar. No other inregdicnts can be found in DcLand's Chemical Baking Powder. Mrs. C. W. Springer will open a school on the Kindergarten plan for children between the ages of three and seven years at her home west of town, on Monday, June 4tn Tuition $1.50 J per month. The attention and pat ronage of the public ia solicited. Tho following bit of news seems to be going the rounds of the press, as we have seen it in at least four of our ex changes: The Red Cloud people are reported as having raised the required amount, quireu t ouildi 4d.ouv, wmen secures of the Central Branch of the lT. P. R. through Central Br their town Rev. M. L. Wilhelm was elected pas tor of the Trinity Lutheran Congrega tion of this place, Sunday evening last He cntcres upon his labor at once, and there will be services in the Court House next Sabbath morning at II o'clock and Sabbath evening at 7.30. All are invited. The Grand Jury at the present term of court seems to have mace an hon est effort to accomplish a little good, which, by the way is something unus ual with tlie average grand jury. Sev eral indictments were found against various persous for selling liquor con trary to law, gambling ftc a We would suggest to the Baptists, and other religious deaominatione that habtise by immersion, that they saight, hy applying to the town coun cil aad road overseer, get peruuarioa to wee the fish pond in front of our osaca for baptismal purpose, a it would be "much more convenient than going to the river. Mr. W.E. Jackson, H took offense at our article otf matters two weeks ago and foolish j enowgh to rash iato priat. The arti cle in question, while it was sii.it aa tially true, wa eoJy intended a a pleasant little history of Sid Ctaad post-oflce matter ua the laat twelve years, and it was not the iateatiaa nf the writer, to cast rshtiaaaaaea .the actions of anyone, air tasmaaay. eld ores. Jackson's literary elect ia a) awer thereto would vCtase a smile to wreathe the moe of the iwaawr whevi aosted ia regard t h early hiaiwy of W rerjfon aov wbhjSji vBajHMaass waHa a jaajaasL aC astaVsasaMav SaamacMlBav aaasSaav Z.-v ". "--- -j J-LSJSr J-Xm3Bas5Bl PtffciM' Column. - ! TW Edrf Wtad Mill m aaran- um to araai ao par cvni mmn ann tkan the Challenge. lUlliday. AH hoiM. Adiiaa, or any otlr afc'ion whaelvU! TWEdiaaa vMinn aMM II per cent aaore power thaa t) HaTlt day, Adaaa or any ecti on wheel nult Tlie Edipe wind mill waa awarded tke higheat decree of merit and the rat premium and the grand mlal of honor at the Cenuanial Eapositioa). The Erlipse wind mill presents only W UHMWe rwuuiiK auriAcv in m atorm, that the Adams. HalluUy, and any aection wheel present. The Ecliwc 10 foot rind mills has (A square fei of receiving aarUce, Halliday, 10 foot wheel lias CI The Eclipse wind mill has not a sin gle joint; Halliday has 42. Farmers buy the best; buy wrought iron, solid wheel mills, over I20U0 Ec lipse milU are working today. They are guaranteed superior to any mill made. Call and get figures and terms. 42tf E. M. reacts, Agent. t m Call and see the above Mill and get mv figure. You cant do as well any wnero else. E. M. Pkkkiss. 1776 1883 JULY 4TH. Grand Celebration at RefMJIoud. New and Attrac tive Features for Independence Day! Ontios. Mia. ui Bas ket tar. Grand Military Drill and Dress Parade in the Afernoon by B.A.R. Posts! A Prize sf $25 offered for the best Brass Band . Present. EVERY FORM OF AMUSEMENT FOR THE PUBLIC. EVEKYBODY INVITED TO AT TEND. The Committee of Arrangements haviag in charge the 4th of July Cele bration at this place are insawatigable in their cSbrta to make the celebra tion the grandest affair ever gotten up in this part of the State. As a new and novel feature the Committee has planned for a grand military drill and dress parade in the afternoon, and has -l- d this part of the program in the f of the following committeemen RedCloud-M. B. McNitt, W. B. Roby, A. Kaley. Guide Rock H. F. King. Blue Hi!l-Col. Hoover. Wells Joseph Grave. Salem H. Browning. Rjverton C. C. Chapin. Cora C minder of Cora Past. Meaabei of the G. A. X. Post in this part of the State, so Jar as they have been beard from, have expressed a willingness to aid in making this part of the program a complete swe- Ia view of the grand encampment at Dearer aad the re-uaion at Haat iags we shoakl think all ex-soldiers will avail themselves of thi epporta niry to practice drill and dress parade. The Committee of Arracgemeat ha also decided to offer a cash prise of $25 for the heat brass beodarseat, and it is expected four or ive baaan will ceaipate foe the prixe. wilt he Court adimirned Wedmiay after - noua to allow Uc laaycr aikl other to participate ia ihm Mcmoml cict- Hail tosea to the dfb of two feat drawo on the prairio Tuoaday morataf aftor the atorm Monday sHoraooo, T. F. Moody, the JeweW. sl with an aecidcat last Sanday thai will Uy him op for a time. He was on hit way to see his brother who liver in Kansas, and while driving over Iho prairie saw a wolf near the road arid tired at it with one of those irresponsible 44 cal ibre self-cocking revolvers. The re port of the piatol frightened the horses and Mr. Moody grasp! the lines fine ly with both hand, itill holding the re volver in his risht, and in the excite ment of the moment kept preying the trigger aad the pistol kept on shooting "jtatt as though nothing had happen ed." One shot went up though the top of the buggy and another struck Mr. Moody on the inside of the left leg just above the knee passing down and ar ound the bone and lodging on the op posite fide of the leg below the knee where it was found and extracted. The wound, though not a tUngcroua one, is painful, and the unfortunate victim of the reckless antics of a self cocker will be confined to his room for some time i erf IntftaJwmewt Chresi ai HWfia vv ini raaiia mf ..-. a,.kiu - FrMaf Cvwninawun) inlnav lean. , GKixmu soso. Beautiful Thoughts, Mattie McQuilkjn Consider the lillie, Pupils from No. 4 A funny dollie, Rec. Eeie At wood. Little chatter box, Dainy Warren. What I hate, Dialg, Boys from No. 5. Merry crow. Song. " " 2. LHneontM l-tdpole, Rec. John Tulleys. Mr. Hop Toad, Lewis Frohmuth. Queen of the May and her Court, Tableaux. Tlie noblot boy, Dail'g, Boyi from 4. Ajncceo.tity for a change. Dec. Ro'Ia Gardner. Grandma, Dial'g Girli from No. '1 On time, Reo. Murray Reiglc. Kitty Tyrell, Solo, Iura Baird. Selections, Rccitat'ns, Girls from No. 5 Mra. Partington's tea party, Dialogue, Girl from No. I. Curfew shall not ring to-night, I.cn. Harris. The old bachelor. Hoc. France Adams. Pleasures of imagination. Tableaux. Denmark, Charade, Pupil from No. 2. Tlie Centminial Shay, Dec. Paul Story. Red White and Blue, Song, Girls from No. 5. Cheery and Grumble, Dialogue, Boys from No. 4. Tlie velocipede, Dec Geo. Newhouse. Scandal, Dialogue, Pupils from No. 5. Tlie Court !ady,Kcc. Laura Bsird. Exerciser to begin at 8 o'clock p. in. Admittance 25 cents. Proceeds to be ued in buying npparatus for the school. To TIu Tuelun of Witetcr Co. Institute For 1 883. Ds Mot Fall ta make your Arrange ments te ceme. afekhaas !s tkf Osnty iarisf ft Csatixi Balthj law TipfMaj Teaaxen Zaatitttat, The Institute will open Monday, July 30th, 1883, at 2 o'clock p. m., at Red Cloud, Nebraska. Conductor County Superintendent. Instructors Frank W. Brler. Frof. of Modern Languages and Elocution in Frankhn Academy. A. I.. Funk, of Red Cloud, an oxperiencel Institute worker, and other instructors will be engaged. These names are all familiar to you. Home talent and work for home will be prominent in the Institute th'u year, and by thw means we expect to broaden our influence beyond former years. There will be three grades, or classes in tne institute, sio one win he ex pected to engage in every studv, onlv such as be or she most need?. Teach era of first grade will find opportunity to "try their metal" on the solid work of their profession. Second grade teachers will be given opportunity to study those subject most necessary for them, to acquit themselves as scholars and teachers. Third grades and those who never taught will be in structed and assisted in going "higher up." Exercises of a general character will he interspersed in which all will take an interest. The instructors Mill bring to the In stitute the sum of their experience, with the vigor of young men having mttaabie ambition to exeat m tue pro fession, and we feel coswaVnt tha: the teacher who attends the Institute this year will not go away disappoint ed. Do not fbiget day aad dale. Per en who have not heeat examined for I certificates, nor paid an latitats fee during the past year, aad who became members of the Iastkase will pay 91 to the fund. Visitors are cofwtely in vited to be present at all the session. The Institute will be followed by an examination of teachers at which rrmj appfjiae for a eertsaieale will be charged the usual fa. Beard and lodging will befamishsd at about the aatc rates a last year. Tor farther particulars address the County Superintendent, Red Cawd, Neb. Morhart dc FaHoa discount their lafejiewfli aMew) aamW ewawww IV MMe aTaVaaa V PwHX ajVamma arxar IWaaiBr taTmsar aaCBaat aTaaa'ak AT LOW PRICES. New Goods received every week at tho loading Mil linery Store. let Door North of Nat. Bank. RED CLOUD, NEB. MORHART It FULTON, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron. Wood and Iron Pumps, Creamery Can and Oliddas BARB WIRi:, Spacialtlos. Red Cloud. - - 3S"fhiiikn. New Store. New Goods. CLARBER SKO'S, Have Just Opened a Stock of General Merchandise Dry Goods ) Ready Made Clothing, Hats, & Caps, Boots & Shoes, GLASSWARE fec. &c. The public is cordially invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Stora Oaa Door South of Maraha. RED CLOUD, NEB. CSLTber BaTOSa This Space belongs to A. S. Marsh, who is too busy to write an ad. Look out next week. US CLOUD XAUST. Whet-70 ( 12 eta. Oat 25 cts. Corn W (rf. 33 ct. Potatoes 40 ( 43 rt. Fat Cattle $3 50 ( 4 00 cr cwt. Fat Hogs-$6 00 ( 6 26 " M Slice p 3 Butter 12 cts. Egg-!2) cu. Chickens $3 50 (31 4 00 pev dor Turkeys 6 (A ct per paind. Ducks 2 00 K 2 25 K?r dot Orcse 6 00 (a'7 00 icr dot Two young men and a lady by the name of McElhom living south of Kiv crton, were struck by lightling Un Saturday. The young men were not iujurcd beyond a sliglit ahock the young girl cam a near being killod. The lightling tore her hat into inall fragments, as it did her coat which split it down the back aud left all in atrings. Her body and limln were badly scorched as was alo her face. They were riding on a load of corn, going into Rircrton, when they were truck by an electric bolt. Dr. Kch ler of Riverton was called to render the necessarv medical aid. They will all recover. M. At a pecia! meeting of Garfield Post No. 80 G. A. R. the following rosolu tion was unanimously adopted: Re solved that a vote of thank be trn derd each of the clergymen of Red Cloud fcw their service! on Sunday, May 27th, aad that a copy of these resolution be furnished each of the papers for publication. M.B.McNittP.C S. West AdjL New Ceoda! Mm. Kelmag ha jest retaraed Croat the east with the largest and best -sortmeat ef mnKnery good ever brought to the valley. These gooibi were parchasdd at a bargain, and Mrs. Kellogg will give her customers the henefi of good good at lowest prices. Call early while they are fresh and nice. - m - Brick! Brick!! Aim am quality yawl. H. r ity ef lkk for sale at the new r. kBULJCY. 4JtI LAND LOANS. Mers. Mnsber. Moore At OafcaaH, at the First National Bank, of Red CfewL will make yoa the very bet terms on realesrWhma. lHf Harrah! HurrahS for the wortlt of year meaey, yot ww g JT'Jf' at I. G. PUec a A VERY LARGE STOCK OF fi ;a. & Consisting in part of Groceries, and Queensware. h:cvlso: it- BaBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBlBaBBBfBf tivcvxj, gect and $vlU ftaWe, HUBH8W e BtI. Red Cloud, - - ISebraaka srIlort and Carriagen, with or without drirr, frnihl on lrt nrtir. FRED BEIRKNER, Merchant Tall or f RF.D CLOUD NEHRA8KA. Cloth and Sewnples on Hand Good Work and Fits Lowest I'ncc. awTShop opnit lUnrj Cook's Drag Uteren JONES & GOBLBa DEALERS IX LUMBER. IJITH. SIIINGLW. HAH. DOOPJ. sTUNIH -IC RED CLOUD, H PRV LIMBER A SPECIALTY, THE RET 15 Ta MAKKKT A50 HOIaH AT THE fcBWBIT MIIC& Meat Market Jm.GAMHFJt, Prvp. kix. suras or MnitsUttwk ALWATS OX HA5D. CASH ?AID FOR FAT CATTLF. Moshcr's old Stand 1883 SPAMOGLE&F RE.1DQUAMTEM8 FOB Agricultural r sa ftc V . a 1 a ImmrQ m istalrJ guaranteed, and at the MCSRAMeV IWC, rotXTKY. MtWH. AC - Red Cloud, N ii VW3 Ii n 0 "VJ5 ZJ '. ! A.BLUNC. Make a R las e J. G, rL'-'-. LiVri -M- TwOoorsSMB r "i-C. d?f - r ' -i'-i?-; j? tiSfe., lM BIG BUeSAlX as j JaaAatJ.wLlsarV 1 .li-2- - 'ynJL : - V" fS&L - LLJi BeSS aaaaaBii f w- f.r F J ? ;-aP- KSamVmmi IV1 ' T' M rr. -a 1-. -.' ;. ' - " : -t-(. ' yf 5- aaVaSiaavfa'vBaBaBB? Mmiiilm:?s HF