The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1883, Image 3

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rmir& 'aarT
" JL. '
I 'K. JT-"". n.mjmTStr
iV Svi
M.T.".TlTOTJi.. lull latter.
Klil) ULUUD,
. j '
Men an- like house. They are flat.
They, too. have Prick---within their lint.
Thej're tiiortsru;.'c!, limnim-red, nulled nml
And h.-iyfrooin-attiejs. nml their iKmnJ.
""j ictiaitf. and, c rue.,
A Tri!TinniTrii aunt, more nr lc.
Jtoih have top Moil.., empty quite.
.Ami each ilutli lake carpenter rixht.
Huti-V nrxi men of nut-lent duto.
MjiiC.iQt,V anitfTroVfnfirhJt.r.
'iu4-PjE;r t-Oin.l. wth stairs;
Men oo fiif Mum-. ninth need repair.
HKMMwaMauutiuj piusier.
n rafiii j hi J i. ,
iroupe, nun na iHen Hoip Mcn,ationn
i iiMiie--, alL m he", tokl me that lie
ii.VrtyiUft:i jaifibijfilit once, and
,I)W'J'li,n1uiHfroni a baronlv
;';. r who, not a
pei former him-ef.
veil me ies wiluoiit liinirv. A
"Little lTTlT, a -fine Miutiir
man now who has-licen celebrafed fr
pre-eminently hiijli, dives ever iiice he
vvasaverv mikiII bov, Mimetinies mal:
inr a headlong perpendicular de-cent of
eirhty feet or -o. where the buihliii"-i-
Jottv euoii";h to permit of it, savs that
! Ii.i lull. ........ II... , I. ....II.... I.I. ..I.. .
...... ... ...ii- in.- Mioiiioer-iiiaiies
I ....II.- i.. ,: :.i. .f.'i .
...... ....... ...... in on mi -
,.....,.. i.u- -I1..J.II, me eu-am aim
womieriul -dive- ,, .aael at the
.iiioini ivpiaiiinii win uoiioiie ne re-
lugmoereutpv ruanr readers.
lour .-peeial coniini loner lieine;
taken up to an cvcccdinirlv aijrh and
du-h place to see .-ome Very ingenious
uieeiiani-m lvcenlly invented lr. a rym-na-t.
wa- induced by the enthiisia-tie
ar-ruinent-, protestation-, and twin.
lepealed eamiIe of that llidivid-
ual. lo take the direct route to
the lower region- in plain words to
hop rrom a -w inline; bar mlo the cu-h-
..l""'1 "'''. V"!1'' J'Ltv f,vt below. Fin-
-jrer- -eeiiie.Tloa-iime an iron ;rip. and
the bar to bei-ome magnetic. I-ven after
the trapee had been hroinxht toa Stand-
Mill, and the les dnivvn up at right
angle-with the I o 1 v in a sitting pos-
ture. a- directed. Nowthen, .".'"
va- -limited more than once, before I
could unbend tho-e lmnuVnrhlch had1
apparently acquired a per-i-lent rigidity
of tjicirowu; then the bar anil roof with
it.s beanii- and girder Hew away from
me. and a trenien.lou-repentance of the
folly I wa- committing rnlivilMipun
me. with a di-tinct pro-entatinn of
. vcru ikjttuj of. even ttory I had beard
oftipi falling through nets improp-
erlv hed or badly mended, and a to-
tally independent calculation of the
-stirpral etlect which the leg-tif the in-
veiied chairs I had ob-yrved piled up
in the area below the. apparatus, would
produce upon the human fnun falling
fromaKoighJIthe jhule accbmnaniedJ
by a perception that T was gradually,
.-. "i.i.iuaiiv. iiuiiiiui" oacivwaio-, .
whfl-h oiieneil a new vi-laof the proba-
1 !. 1 J J. .a
bilitie-of myldVm.HitraUmi tltt- tnttJi
of the -ldeways neck nieory. I-Sepniwl
10 ue ueiwiiiii carta jinn .-kv
fTir about a week! and' was always
reconciled to the po-ition, when I sud
denly and unexpectedly found the crim
son mattre. e- billow'in'g up about me
""mWtfirging over nnyfaeennd'woke to
the ftic-tirthHt L-hml j-oallv fallen. I
lauded 'oti iny bncaT,-ik5i:buttSore wa,
uuiiojyf mrA lnjiceuroyvs acon-cioua
oi'iiavimr .-topped: vvhieli perhaps was
. . 1 "v- a -
due to the ela-ticity and rebound of tho
net. The only part of the adventure
w hich wa- disagreeable physically" w:is
k' V,5nitel,'1,J!l'g and
,eruw;, uvyilMjf the hubter at
the fart he-t end, a very quaky, sea-sick
sort of bu-ine..
Atfrobhtt. and gyniiiasls ttsually.pnic-
tice duan
.-ome thttT.&-HreiiivvlH.'triuH wwrhiajr
nt aBvxievv- trieavaawyvy(t-aBMee
once a dav. if their engagement does
not melutle tvw perlorniauces. roni!4
tiinej4he.y havcT'a,vi thwMglaTmany
a- -ixTor seven.- MVnen"S-mas lmcnaa.
.. '- -
'unipfv school-room or imuUeT'lMtlL -or
eAji; a JJieattMyfor his owBexoBv-
lise.Tanutliere" exercises with rjtskppli
aiiees ami assistants untilSe is' perfect.'
f No fctage performance is ever rehearsed
atliome. It is somewhat disappointlnc;
to liudjthafthe music which'seenis'ftuch
an inspiriting accompaniment tolhe
.spectators is disregarded by some prtf
fc ioniil--, whti, indecdravcr'they would
nit her be without "band-clatter!"
Salaries vary enormously, of eourse.
OfjkaWvy eara. lhexe. -Las.biMaiA Uciuandi
for female gynm:L-ts. and some have
liecn forUieOming; but, as might be ex
Upelflthcy nirely excel. Still, they
draw good houses, and the morbid tasfe
of tht Kiblic enables some of them to
i-omMtii,aTty ir a Imndr pounds a
weekTroupe MTaries runwafi higher
tlian'tkls in cxooptionalcaieibut pMn
agers always want something that no
other ;onipany has presented, atfd the
art is therefore a progressive one. All
manger of things ate introduced to
hujMirt a spicCjf lofefiy to old
.. Iriclts in cverv ttkiartment. Acro
lit8? ."ji.gglo will lalkC . knives,
hoops, fans, bells and burning torches
while tumbling; oisthrow somersaults
while playing tieMaBn or Umibouriae;
or mount tSewelvas 0, roller-skates
and bicycles. -(5yBt? . "fired"
from spnBg-boaria ooacelei-Wm a
"" gigantic aamm. let off pistols lRTTtiaw
lll.r'.f iKt-uiirrl. fhi ait- fir. PO thltMUrh
r'niwemiml Willi IiUherirlien .- . . " V . v -- ; t -yz'jjL-A-i y jri jf it:; MHWuiji i, , , ii I. LK i . --- ... - ...- --. --- -- ,- -- -; -.'-" -v-'--- Jl JyiaiitIT . "Mil J lntr( 1 ' ?t ' T "F "" ' " " r ' ' "
Hte, ,.,:uiHlmve. 'niej-rrjjjjiuifjMj loo. "iioiuu of ami: to .it in n cliair IiaqKion anil jcanMl ereral. bnr cntilil m rorv. vrtio'U tmlM am m- h "" "J inaer. tiia ret-Tfr. - t.tnts j3. fWr u rwl t m wrii -, .MJ aaja
I 1-milieirm.iiiVhaninfjKiVii-Vi' :iB(HiiiiHaii it ImUnccd caMtwoi-jB vt K'14ariL lV .SIrpioin. Iho hrtithf-r uiEiatM w earin- tflm fir b YE2 Kft? c VVl"sY'?1 1 u s lrMt' IX , ,T. .. . ' 111Wp4 !-?-(
J;:r;rs,ffiWiW,8 ? x ?j,,riIr-ola?AMl !i,.aft,r .thauforieatii i.rV-raX.?1 .
ni,b..Mhi, 1,0.1 iinniliiirSwiF fc l ne-laoiitKoafrB&lin- U SnJwtrf prri(ih i.T 1 to ri- aware catne in aaJ t Intn-lnvpl t' tt- .l4W,tr.kUlr. t,,. Lw.-j. tXlJ &LJLtL - -n- -- fcr-.a
.Xmm'SSIV nMab!eoim.lalion;mncrthrlo.thoejenm-to keep the -bar aav, Un jQUOglath Jq wjmtTi,-: ar,. at M, m-'Jr-l-l. It UMiy Om-; aaiUlTt ttl.iiiT Jvit i . ' ' - - DM 5fc Dl
r.MinUwnUfororkMJ. - "! other similar man'i-li aru -t.fiitel ' Xovenilr the harkentiiit- qfct lAa!-cv,mpameJrhrm Into an sl-f t tfc-0ix-f. ud Brt&4ryi. ia tt- , 1' '. H-. M feJs !- - J" rt,waM.M., ,
i r ,,,H,,S2,.,-aiS; 1 V'SMy fr'NJfty -hilUns. a week. Roll- .p:-- Wr, frommi mufntioiu ofllce. lu-forc ,tatinK her li-. wiuA.Jf ttalwSgirl A .t "r t1' '' - "V - 't " 1 7 " ' '' -
,ur,lliCTfcP?rS jnS4Wrt 1-afonnjf.iMi at U--&laUMji,id.A at nkek thrill I nliti W. C''Lim.. ai.l- ' -- T H4 - - --.-- -
B1WS.3S" i" '"count; but French winir.niK Urm1ilrix it 1 , mi OnottkKr vfTvri-l Iht. i WkeJt l 'm-l, U.,iAwWl.JlfcW! A iZ. TiTmtZ W---M t- -VT.T 4-Z- , "H. -w
ACKOHATS A.MM.1.M.YIST.S. with tliIr tiimblfn-. arc w; up. .Efof Man.1. Kri.-fvIlnMiTT e7. nthen afkt-tl. rc tou rftilh-a ,1HH1- "jj ? lL!irti tJH,,u"Ul l wti" r X" I rw-vmiuf: , - t W t -& J
The nrifliif of Ffrftiitl. -wU 'liivuk Wmpct include ';vrrv, vetn r niyH afUv..iS'i.ienin' a heau ire?" " " - j8" rirwfrrWu-.v UaHt. .Wj-v. - ff fc -. - y . 'I J-'
that mam more accidents ! Vr SSiSS J '? ,i",5'5tcre J:i.l;i mana-. d to catch hold of -he but Im -non n-civerrd hi, -ritai'.'. ;' , Q j7 t fit1 a r-r,J . t- , T .TTi-warWJWilcau j.,, w? I ' -.... nut--. .i.inu mn r; me jaiier. i nrcw u miTwiani. iikmi. la-Miionaoiooi oiaiitv. nwr a nuwi iti richtlv ll I a awawi for mc.I .h,i "' ! Atrf i; iU4 jcju.aV . wm '""r"- -- Katlicrta
.ie'lrtft LA-frtirV'ir,r rtctrc-, Italian Miners aiuh Cerniai.H swonUUIruck the lt in the lm-r.Han.i.U amf pb. a douUv viniu with , tCS iril , it!fS n'ltU 1-., ?ZVZ. T f ., 1
-:ii." Iart, tVarc muclu more .vden pttrnpaiih M-.lcr ouu KnTii hi Jn.f. I ...ippol that all llZ"" '! W .".t.out ,. M jr -J. l s;' ; ,-' " 1. , t , rt Mr,fc .
KiriUfunKT iisiJm '-tnvrdre,..U,iJa,.andthef r" "
dunderLuiMinNio,,! ?- "'"gtW-. - 7 . M ...... ' SEaS JTjS. - - W.
l:WrtlKritfIjitaiIi !, A '.V.. ... '"WKgrlWifti v t.t.f b, , Ni.. , , - - f fl nllliOa
liinl all tfiej atM,fi;mcei.d:Iffu.ff(l.I lia- r',nt,1V,'ir,,,r f'l leaitb,.to IUHIhagm-iniirtlNj dt-y' X UrvU HirirN of L1tmi.' ! .uiryriiirt wHlat -a .loci, ij,,. ,u..n- V ,M U. i,l r? h .. r -iMT. M- 4w.r4 Tti
lo he overlooked M.iiiaiiiiuar in nil! v iiri-unas paino- cillc tTof tric'Iltif iMi'r rtnaT,l- ,V '. "1 - " " v "", ""ll'rs-ia'iur jkk act ami I n a to nav th ." "-" -"" - 7"-"' " " ,; ;' - " .. 1 n.M-
... "y """fc'.1'- inimcs for CrviUl L'aUuaieutcriaiu. iiimiM.r 4 in lmi,l,. vu ,l,.r.. vrp Mioiiim iiicoiw haTu nviraeed I for tlta-lSiaa f ilvr, how mniir ,ilV, Iftutvpur rvw, t fJr,yiVf M W .s - w- t i&j. .uaii I w h I 14,
he deM-enl into the ct ,M.f i KiilT"VAif 1.rtSr7i kA KS i, , .'"H' ,V !.. ,:.,"?T., ..!:',. 'rTT liiiusril of a "milT. a miuultt during a . In ,.r ,-rk..' -Trn .1. iu. r lw lW,ffu .tlrifaU f tTr V' I.. . V"fc- - ' K- 11$
.uitUiifirimorTiou i.:t i-rei.t Su,r vr iiiiy alkiiWlTIi.Jhi-y ej-jA Jli.-ir nncr alMrd. and Jamlwl him at Ma-v- n,h 'H'K- F hour. awil W'iw-4 ,,. .ZI,,,. iia i.TT,,,, v' ..j.v-.i ib. ,. .1 i... l4 -- -. Afw -,iw m
KT. Ihf4 i EnS""h u? PfHal.-TYlij'fi;thvy ' l-run-i., QnvwWni.drrrl.aH'V'rH Jl'lr:l. "C 'V0' ,h!,n -,XV- '"He an., B. k.Wt5i flhSt , pttrh.MiAfV - V'tfj th. - IV ir fi.hl -f ,., .. k - , wrt., w
"..IT0!" inl t lnll'lOrt l''MH,J'I1 nVl,,.,, lt(,.l m.MAiA nlV rl.... .Tf... lwJ..' .'.I... '1 ..?L:1 . htnir for Hear V VC hour-. A mWVr- livnm- h.l. nil., of .ublracllrfi. the tnrl.U tfertt inLd.t U ! .Jt O.WU, laaw .aawt-r t,V I MaH w
v. I ... .... !. I I ." " V -' r' V- - T i 11 J IIII 1 II IM V lllllk III' Mill III.'I I "-? !.. . . 1 . I . . . r bll rf Mitaa. if J.ak . a jaa ..! Ik. - f- - . a &Jv. am .&w V a rT a. kuate
ol the head will itMJVtulybreyU,iJj(i , i,,.v:t. ...Vmlietiee "wlio n,oV ". I'- I f . J Vr "."""" u" V" riinrkable race was 'llown fn.iii ItotiM . I . Ml tl. Ih ni m man tlnn frr.nmnt.m-! kin Lid lk) h Mr . . -w. .t -- V
1 1.. !Mtiii.oMivi5lL,tJ.r.Al.i-w1BSM,l'VJ l.?tf,"lU,V,Kr lU . ..V. ...,!,. . '. . . ) ,...,.VI Hlr.,,, v. ll-. J.-.r.' ,,wll ant .! I .a Irt - 'l . l tWV.a-.riw.U, !
"i""""iiiii.Hinii 1 i.vnf nnnkiioi' .. 4. ...-j .n...i.j.. . ii i i r 1 r 1 i ir'i 1 t to rMMfinin in in l . iu ih.i:iin'e n :nr - .......- ....... . , - ..... .... . , . .....
1 1.....'. !.... , ,'. . ' t t Jl's,li iii:iMii. and .sin-le word of .. milw. m-:irl WK) of which. a own f..rmlfiavM4ur,MiM.?l v(j.U wutlj1'"" -Vl1" u,,,ftt AI y Jrlya fumi , j- Wfiib.f fr W. ttw i - p.-. .
tin 01 v. .MaiL n':tl;pim-ai9iwntfe.jun:ah.cjuuJU vrluVh fv';rTii.-ri4V4- . 3- , conntrv entfreiv new to the binN. 6i iHVi.p4TO&i Ji thm '-.l--r Uv 0 M I. nivl tlvit lf' 'UMiran-iH ... .. '- , J5 SOfrXS, !4 I?UI
with the rn-s or carpet.s vvith liX the ., " "? "&.. 1 . . U '1IWi?Wiiii'fi In American Tatllc. . .K ,l5riIs liberated scarcclv tw.ntv U AitZldElU&mh'.-lU0 lvtvtn 1 la-nUrai-al w...hMMMii. - -?
iheiHirr; AiBS ... .-..n..rort. ito??; r:,,::;;., m.---jE5H cinSTtTTEfiv
mil' n:uti
lie WOUIil liave no i oei- inn In nhirwr.. .... .. . r .. . ... t A "' " ul"i " ' " .inoinei , -... ,. , ,.,, .... 17"-. . "I. "..: .."-..."-" i "."" . ." " -.""v "V."... . , -""""'' . ."-.- .Vm aw -f "- .)
f i ... J - ' " -"i- .-eu-po e-sioii oi me man oi .-oeie- ,.,,, ,.r i..,.v ,.,. , , i.. .,r,., hh.L "" ""' "cue .too oiivoau u - m:uri;tr)rr wvarn.Kr ! Via Wlmt icmirr,i!iyranri iT,vi.r," xiii ii"iin or i v o.h.o,h ji Aips., TaiflP'LiaaVi-ar7
fmn. alii-irht twice a- -r,.at into a net ty, but he al-o a.-sist.s in thedi-eoum-e- rf! '' i I u , f 2. . 11,.?" nftw U-iiy lili-ratnl. The -reatv-t di,-T p-rnfi44ja.mXa.wn j 3W W-r. lvrt,.-.- ycai We ,u,'v wtVTKH.,.Ku.4r S-A-fei-T'
of proper te,i-i and that he has never m -nt of the nraelice of iTd- ! , lMt'f. ' , ' tance ...Mlowii bv a homin- pWeon "I rait him. ll m ry kKt. ton- C.ik,s.J iJHt IkvUyJhc l.H.U rm.u. ," Vr rVF ?JL?"-!rr.?ZZ ITZac. -
Milleied :m inconvenience from the , ". ,i, C J I, ! ,I' M,t,",r:iun fr"m t,," market .i SLUi. i" irV umptloM Ii.I fnltaylgffanB, u.,n 1-lm. J'.r.P..').... n w. .Ui. W llttlirrHjl.n wl .,...... . a- lKX DiatI..V,C f
imiisii thiou-htbe-iiior -.rre-t .,f i.. 7.- V H. The enteipr -e of the .n.i'li in INiJ or IN"I W.idritl. n h.i ii,..;Wtfjitl,.nml la.iKHM jJ-..raK.t.r !WW mrfoe xtittbou TMBi . KlfTlfNa . ..!?
I! J- n rJI:SL " ,,,S ,,n,fV,' ''". , ? "n Il,,f,I,, Kt.KIM.I.a.anMi the Americans and. ni. o nru--els IkdMun, a d.Man.e at the W of taking nytl,I.,B frr It wl, . ,tdttr oMh.Iuer, h.l.;l,e .1 uv S66' "Tir.JiiXSl 1 1 I fc f V
.. .. . ., , -.-". inaiiorill. t men 1 III "le von ail oppor- ," .;.. ,..,,,;..,l ; . .i;..r;.., f '" i,IV"J IIIIHJ-, Jill line. Ill loin IIIUIII omnni mi uu m, mm onu mini iwiiu -iuii ii.m. r. i ., in n w-", i t.
hiiiediiection. with the hands extemleiH ii.ifYlfo mien the fonvird -iliior thusw" .ipnai i- now - mii iiiviv-i- .'rami concourse from Home to '"' I" l"imdiien.N,H hark- rurce' lnnrita I'rr-aptlea. ka. rarCf n MTUM Hart. r f - nil ATnitUfMiBal in
the head i- linked in on t he e he-t. so n.1. :......: ...i....... i...i.-f.. i dnveu the price up .-o hi'di. ( attic this .. ,. . 10w , ,...,. to.lrisaM lai'rHKl.. .haBa TaUrryaWol.tli H Lto-r- . l. M. .t....l Ynrha nUln I. 1-toMtAU II aias. '. tUi M,inn WttrfVifJhr W " '.
Wax :-$xia&aB and a -bjafe ol aqwta i
and rocket. Tin various "lines" of
buiuew. too. while more numerous and
JivT,L2TilI,"LiILliit''-t ami M-pa-
ratetrjrTTii-nn- Trsr.
jajani ljam?'ijtgMfa wark
IwlU their ground; but tiglit-ruitc and
ffifwi anil
slick-wire walking-fetifip-,rri rjUiry
ntqiimtl il,al, anv OtLT botllrJner.
JiinL .ucrobatk kvllcUlrojiij..iliJab;
giiisl, and corned v companbs, ni"cr
minstrels and Mep.laricers who accent-
nate their hornpipes with MjiucrauU
and hand-Hiirinirs.
teii-ivu proportion? than they arc at,
liouic: UUU 11 IS Hinuiirc SOIueiline.S. Ill
Cuivibcnf, Journal.
Iltir-e.('ar .Manner-.
When a "jentlcinan boards a hor.-e-car
he .-hould jump on to the feet of as
man v idat form na-senirers as itoible.
In: not oiilv ill-covers tin
. .
.the uomluctor pa-Ses
.. . . l ..
t linmirli
'ctlleiTllir lares, laticiicis is
and veil .-hould do what von can to
.-i-t the conductor in eultivalin it
After he Jias made hi- coll
u.i,.aiij tnwium Vamon. art; a drug
lii-tli? niarkVifr? fit i-iWiL hvtihci
v. ay, that the eeiling-vvaikirig. which at
n tituf trM uJi- fiUvn. mh-JjMjWw Ajjlh ZilltolTirirTK' '. ir." wmiIk fanlr.-iw wi
cvit reairy 'iK-rforniaJ ltvafnAnIMJtJ 4tlCJkt.i&iiJtf y,W aV fPif-kalf w.upr. ., ... v T .. . k K"tVt!arr lS4Ur
tjreftsiinj or by nia:nettril. at wa- irallmw f water ILiti .leniJier r "I'rar U jwateTl." nail tlip rlerk. of-' laue-frMTlfufa'rfa kn-tl
alh'ireil. .i)rin' or hi-iL l.nv?r..r u.r. ft.r ...v.-nl u.-.w 1)1x7,1112X1, iK i-.i.- l..: I.-" Z..7Tm ., cVra a jxi. or w lu t
. - - -- - '. aknBAjki I.h II..I IM..H ... al 1 . 1. I M . i . i j- j. V -B KHL 1
j k t-i imii ....... .iin iiiKiiii' ii:iiiriiiiiiinr iiii'iiik inn lUkir i i. ' ? lorrt . iniT .ittiti .. i -- wm
- - WraM...MMi. im. ir-n. nm iiii .1-JklJS.j W ta f'L 1 1 ' - m. ...m, !
. . . . a w- - - ......... .-....- ....... ....... ..-.. JBB ...... ...I...B .... .... Ii. . I .... fl..H I - " ------ -.--. ........ ... ..-v.. . . W. . ..S.IV
---- - .-- a ai - iiivi. ! .& nioiiiiii'i :ni' iv iirn -t u . . . iiiiiiiii i in.iiii' i -.-i ! biiiii :ia - - -" -" - - ' v.n m m s h k-Btvaatsaa xa -- .---.- - - --- -- ..-.
Afler he Jias made hi- collections, .,,, ... .. .. .. .. . , ...,'
counMhepcngijitaWng caro Uiat.11"
the conductor .-hall M'ewhat vou "an. T ta, rf, l, "-t3lfVudol- j
about. It is natural to suppo-c that he aW. lu'r1h"a.' : , -N.,1'1 ,,,,, l ''?"' 1
ha.sthe interc-t of his employers at
heart, and will therefore be pleaded ti.
.see a M rainier interc-ted al-o.
If vou can do it without in:ikin' vour-
S(.lf J.-k. elievv toliaeeo. ii-in.r the -tiiw
for a eu-pidor. Tobacco, vimi know. i
a powerful di-iufectant, an'd. be-ide-. if
pa eiiei-s were too careful to prc-erve
th0 eleanline.-s of the Mmw, the perniri-
,u- olliccr- mi-rht ne;lecl lo repletii-h
Jt :,s f,. JH .sanitary coii-iderationsdc-
Smoking, unfortunately, i- forliidden.
except in the open car-; but bv carrv-
jg u lighted cigar into the car ami let-
tinjr it go out gradually, you will be en-
ai,Hi to pertueate the interior with
effluvia which will drive out anv di-ea-e
gniix that may be iloating abotiL
Never give your scat to a homely
woman. It i- the duty of a woman to
be beautiful, and if she neglect that
duty, take good care that vou do your
bv puiiMiing her for her negligence.
Never oiler your -eat lo an elderly
woman. She fias not long to live, and
a little rest can not materililly lengthen
i.r ,avsr it is in youth tharthe?ccds
0i arc .implanted. Therefore,
vou slmuhr mivOr give up vour-eatto
aiiv but a young lady. You help her
to'build up a strong constitution by
avertingwearine- and ifndtte ten-ion of
f i,e UlU-LMUS,
When a lady wishe.- to take a ear. .-he
UmH s
,J,K.jt7r .
stjike -Jier parasol at the con
ami when tlnj"carlops, let her
walk to it as lej-urely a po.jble, stop
ping to chat with a friend before quil
ting tho sidewalk, if convenient. It is
not ladylike to hurry.
Ifjtlie seats- are ail-Occupied. let her
choose, "the timide-t inaTo hlpNl litfd
glare at him until he is only too glad to
get up and lct'laVrstrdovfn.t She may
Uiank him. if he qe vyryjtimid'; this
vill make him feel iiion' uncomfortable
than before. Onlinarily, however, and
on general principles, hes should le--tovv
no eon-ideration tnin the fellow.
Itjnight make him vain to think that.he
had done a.gallant tfiingN C4 i 4 I
If the lady have a child with her, she
should allow the little precious to occu
py as much space as irascible, and in
j order that tho garments of the abut tins
passengers may Im? literally muddied.
the cliiMshonld1noonragieri toknml
on theseat. with its face to the window.
Never take the child in v6ut kmotait
J a geatWiinan may have a seitatialit the
offers. Conductors
rarely put women
oil the cars.
When a lady leaves a car while it is
in motion let her face to the rear. She
will probably get afiOlbntyha!j 6f that ?
If she is a-laiiy of1 spirit she is not go
ing- to yc dictated to oy an
When the car stops within a few feet
of where she wishes to land, no lady
who respects her rights will get -out.
She will wait until the car starts, and
their sTcrirstopped for fcernndmdu-
ally. She has paid her lareantus enti
tletl to her rights, and oughLto have
them, even if it kilbithe horses.
Of. course it is unnecessary to remind
tacgefetleaea tkat it isjtkiifbaunden
4atytb Wok th laes o thcopposite
aeala 6utof cbuatemaace. " '
It is also unnecessary to say to the
ladies that when taking an open car
they should never neglect to sit upon
oae of the smokers'1 seats. The awn
wha smokes ia public is never so happy
as when. face is near to receive his
fnnud exhalations, aad yoa thus' con
tribute to his happiness, besidflB waking
yourself happy by having something to
growl t.r-M09tM TraiiscripL
Mr. JohnV. Farwell. of Chicago,
has his life insured for $223,000. This
yt believed to be the largest individual
earned in the West, Ckfrtm
X Laa TejaftT fa a Ihrj.
The tcjc"ra
eJrCTanlt r
recently announced
ajtiiku lat Augut for Australia, tin
iAeirnmind ant! wlc control of
I fllif-tiri IUrnnnl f.illli rtKmf
" T " .-..-. ...
tdetflnattiin InrtlV Iplbt HKhniarv.
The Httlclrv.i ! ,.aiv .Mu4t. f.-t
fffrrT x?fifrln!.f thirrflfebe in
depth. A log wa can full y krpt In
jjh Captain, and the .follow .rig i anex-
trart; "Don raoM ajei fnmi an
fathom roi'" a
ward righted the cMd.
owraniii. ItcforfifSi
Kecoiiiftiiiie .-lie .lrT.Jl
!! uiit
I when I .-i;jh!ed the hip AMn-rt Vittcrj.
. am vi l.i.-W.-.l no in hit it m
AtU4ii:kau-atocLt;a,lc. ;.ml ..irr.Uatf,
reapinj' a rich leward for their vvn- '
tures. It ii estimated that nearly one- '
sixth of all the new herds in the coun
try are owned by' Kii-;li-h capital.
the l-.nIi-h have hit it m far thern 1
not a doubt, but whether their 'i.fsl
1 1 liner than
i loCa:(lHu:p
eWCai.imrpoM'-. aim nveinv-eiirm do
1- I
' Har-Tt filftv dollar.-
and thirty-two dol
not con-idered too
Iar- per head an
nirli prices to asic
I hope .-oou to 5ce
that such will lie the ea-e. The cattle
bu-ine ha- been so long neglected that
it can not be picked up at once in the
face of a population of .ri."i.Om,000 of
people and their enorniou- demands.
The IVrll of Trau-lors.
A man who lately held the ooMtion of
tut mane a Urair. Alt-r- "lOlK irank auimoii. -aid ' Th Minri
- . . . . . w" -. " k -
I ' ." ' il..' ii i t iun; y
night telegraph oMintUuaL ouu.of Uni. to a $jlfcj Jof gni- thr'catriliar
-tationson a New Hngland railroad h:us , climbo! up. tail first, followed V the
related to a reporter of the New Haven ants. A- .-0011 as one approached he
f'wiou a ner-onal eperienco vvhifh , srTzc"(f it m Ins laAf riimllhn.,1forTth
serves to ilfu-trate the chances of di- stalk. Tht4fitV?..ifrjf fftal the catcr-a-ter
to which travelers are constantly . pillar had too strong a po-ition for them
exposed. He was the only man in the . to oYcrcdmc. rtwirtedJo stntfcirvi. Tkiv
depot at night and his hours wi.-ro from
?:lQ p. in. to 7::$0 a. m. One night he
Iropped a-Ieep at his lii-trument and
the next thing he knew he awoke, to
hear the rumble of an approachiii";
tniiu, and his telegraphic call vigor
ously sounded on the receiver Injfore
him. To his di.-uiay he perceived that
his right hand and arm w ere asleep, as
the common cxpre ion is, and totally
u-ele-s. and it wa? only with great dif-
fienlt V ih'il lie emilil nv fill ititellitrilil..
rc,-non-e to the signal with his left hand
anil scrawl a brief memornudum of the t
? . 1 .1. r i. . 1. :
instructions which followed. However
he did succeed in stopping the ap
proaching train and giving the impor
tant order, which he had jnt received.
"Hut." said he to the rejwrter, "the
affair frightened me so that 1 deter
miuiul nev er to nap anv more in that
oHice, anil to get off the road ju.-t as
soon as I could lind a decent ilace else
m a
An Accarate Tirae-riew.
While on tho subject ef
Waltham watches, we may mention that
we have seen a letter from the Com
mander of the Gordon Gtllc (Castlo
line of Steam rackets'), who was fortu
nate enough to save life at sea, and who
for hi- gallant conduct was presented in
September last with a Gold Keyless
Waltham Watch by the President 01 the
United States, on beralf of the London
Local Marine Hoard. Referring to this
Presentation Watch, he says: "When
1 left London the watch was sixseconds
fast, and on my arrival at Singapore it
was only three'seconds slow, a most ex
traordinary performance for a watch, as
I carried it on my' person the whole
time. I compared it every day with niy
chronpmeters on jthe passage out, and it
seldom or ever differed one second-from
them; in fact, IJeUul it almost, if not
as good as.j-chHiometcrSifwhich ia a
great deal1 W'say-'f or fa watch carried
about and sobjeeMo all kinds af jolts."
London, England, The Watchmaker,
Jcxcdlcr and Silversmith, JTeb. 5, 1883.
Prof. J. P. Stelle, agricultural ed
itor of the Mobile licgister, thinks the
Southern States admirably adapted to
raising hogs and that bv the new re
frigerating inventions jerk may be
saved at the South as well as anywhere
else. The long-coaJiaucd warnx weath
er is favorable to fattening -anieheap
pork-. sinctvfiogS-can not Secptipand
warraetlbytoves and wood fires in cold
weather, and it is expensive to warm
them by heat-producing food like corn
and peas, lit thinks pork can be made
at less cost in the South than i4he
The so-called Gould Koads are the
Wabash, Manhattan Elevated. Missouri
Pacific. Missouri. Kansas & Texas
Texas & Pacific, Hannibal a: St. Joseph.
International (Jrcat Northera.St. Louis
4t Iron-Monntain, St. Louisa- San-Francisco.
The. Vanderbilt Roads are New
Xbrk Central, New York eV Harlem.
Lake Shore. New York. -Chicago 6 Su
Louis. Michigan Central, Canada Sata
rn. Chicago & Northwestern. Caka
50. Sl Paul. Minneapolk Omaha.
RuIadelphJ a; Reading, Ckvelaad. Co-1
luama, tmcinnaaaC
(aareportad) taeCntnl New Jersey
.tX4rI Itrrllfr.
Tctm!ar aftrioa a nmn? ltr
VWc:-iWwiieirii-r??nhT?"t irt
lf atji! jjlaacin anMic! front to- S
anothfr of thc manyus-n' ambtrfj
thcrr. a it naneahi lr wim1 farlJet
Iar twnnn. Mralkrtl ut lo otw rf tL
ricrL ami tmiJltr AaU.avI for a dctal
ivL.- . .. . ...... ...
. .ijjj iiai.p-ujar ooe- .cv
eiiii w tn :
www iiyl -t'U ftn. jvta iixturat j
j-ftf!ir wmio'licsitatfon, rl nrn-r li.irKt
ljjfr ttifs)iJ-Jiad atithintodA-Kitb'jfho'TTSrt tttui)
oiyp4ftl'Ut;lJcA, 1 Hcwrhapiutrmndt4-th.a4
lay ln-foro him. m
Frtiwisco Call,
I'imone. where the mountain.- are Ie-
twien ;,0 and 7,(KH feet hich, and!
the Ab.s near ihe M. (lothard. whent'
the loWepl imi-J-c arealout-7,(lj0fitf t. It
i.s mop' than prubaJdc. hovM'Vir, that they
rounded to the vve-tward of tlii-e
mountains and pa -ed bv mmv of Nice
throii'ih France. 'Ihe lint biid rcadird
napulis to Jeisnv City - C,'.VJ miles - bv
'(Jarlicld." a .-liver ash cock novv
owned by (Jeore V. ("re.s.-on ff the Hed
Star Homing pigeon club. thilaiUlphiu
Unrorm. , T
' 7-: -
-A smgtilar combat between in.
ns w,tue.s9(.l by a traveler in South
host of
Pursuing a .caterpillar was a
mall ant.-. An ant would
mount upon the caterpillar's back and
bite him. I'au-ing, the caterpillar
would turn and bite ami kill liiwtor;
nfcntorMfterslnuEhlfrlriJn duien fir
nftfe bfhMper-iutorVtir Vatefifillar
. 1 1 .e r... !! . i
.-novkco .-igns 01 laugue. i ne ani.s mane
' n eotnliine.1 itt.-wl- l.iink..lf
began sawing tjiniugli -Un gra-s stalk.
In a few minutes the" stalk fell, and
hundreds pf ants pounced upon, the eat-
erpillafand hcva.vKiirpil.-nnd the Vic
tors marched orr in triumph. leaviri":
the foe's body on the HuHJ.
. . rr
Mr. G. V. Watts. It. A'.. KnglNh ar
tist, telN his countrywomen that ex
treme tightness of dress is a very haz
ardous experiment. Kvtai beautiful
arms, when very tightly cnelo-ed, look-
not a little like sausajres.
Itut it is al-
ways-to be rfrnenibervd that folda. with
!...: :..:. i t.i . t -
their infinite changeablencss of shade,
light and .shadow, are more beautiful
man any iiuiig, excepting mat perfec
tion of form which is rarely found.
,w t-I
. Mrs. Meaker, who was recent lr
hanged at Windsor, Vt., for murder, was 1
mo nrsi. woman 10 suuer tite extreme
penalty of the law in that State. Abotit
fifty years ago a Mrs. Pcnko "was on
victed of murder bv poison, in Orance
County, but cheated the hangman bv
comnutting suicide a short
the dav unied fur her execution.
A orusoER whoaa raise is Bob Skidd,
Was mowing the graM in hisileld, .
By a snake he was bitten.
And he has just written,
" St. Jacobs Oil has the bite healed."
A lame Chinaman on the I'acidc,
Of pains and aches "was prolific;
He limped ail around,
Until he hid found
6t, Jacobs Oil, the Rreat specifier
- -aa
Paxcocioct bor (muBchintctliefrBit of
the date-tree) 'ilauima, if I vat date
enough will I groa-Hp to tier an almanac!"
- .,..-., j
Two coon signs . . IFatrrfov Observ
er. TnEr were talking about the ce of
Ktnatl-pox that ar alleged to prevail oyer
in San Antonio. One of tho centlviuen,
who has ja-t returned from San Anfoniv,
reaiarkvd that theru k not much dancr,
as tho rjaticntj had been isolaU-L 3tr
'WorreT Atherton, ' who think she tnow
everything. Kpoke np and said: "It doa't
make any difference how manv time yon
have been Isolated, if ft dont take." Texas
' a
A SEASIDS belle harinir left her hatKinc.
-sboeaoaftofrtke hotel window to dry. ta
tywo, paper announced tnat tne hotel had
erected new awnhigs of a uniqne design.
. "I Alt free to confess" the thief n.
4 Bwrketl when he turned State's evidence.
r l r.
. "HX. best thing I ever read!" exclaimed
a book reviewer, as he perucl his ancle's
will ana foHad that the lamented had left
him a snag bequest.
Tn wahe of a Teasel is aercr caebratML
AT. 11 Urrrfier.
;It kaa been.caaaarked that every ariaer
knows his lode, bat tke history of the risa
and fall of tfcetoypol has proreatfaat
erery minor doesa know his load. Chi
cago Times.
Cbbcjgo calls itself aa Eastern city, and
the law offers as no 4ress. LqkcII Citi
Mem. m Btam are thinks that law Amerkaa aic
in the rooter of allevfl.
"It kat that I caraahoat a little werk
9W.n said a lazv "he I an mf raid
alwaysaa exaected to do ft."
I.. I. .1... 1 a a - . L. L.
Tt-S nt i"1'sr lSiwt 5
la lWral. tln lrt ?. v -
ftr rj of . .t ' , i -. -t
HWXtlMiill'ilj n
iwrnnr." 'U'jt t i lfr- int y Ki;
w-arw-r-a f t?sr'mvjiy n
itMiLautt tM .
"--'. '---- - -- "v
"'" ir "rT vr irfT
Su 7a ! 5 51 J ..m' ?ntJ 'Ti ai-Mai-jei i'Utwika!., Vtat-e
bffr lfi4l-t
G4 lUaMU JiitH tti H .
n.f ti. ... x. . .-
. .1, .., -,, , -
rjrlmon-r, hmliytt r.w can. Imt
"s-t rtiom r." " 'fe-. 5 uh father
TlHijrwiH tutSfor Jm ,-i marl wlU tw,
niiii'tLat itf wortl 1 miivto ! un,rr. ti
" .. . .--. - -
.Vita) in iUiae''
lme mliitxl innnv vears to trfi-fr tiiib of
life. The nirw iitiiithpni, n it J iiIrIi
to nil who read thi nidlry. 'ni-ij onra-
piniih tell the ntnry, n . patient p-ntil
. tun. (BMatK-y. if
ill- Ixit aLtytl allrrl
thr uunUlMl rarir t
JT3l lr. lrT' l (mi hi
t-v. ft naa i.i rta alt
icnj Afr H!'n nUH V.rVT I
?-.erai tAMltim mOTlpwr.
uiuiiilnnti tlm mmmwt for 1. Intunn th
the a
nn'tultrUaiitl;y-r?il Ui.flikli,4
wornf Atirury.iJUv C? 'jl. J v
innrol A wholo r!rui troniie, hfre nml
all, tenust to make hU IhsI th ntenn of
their wild erfertiiirie?,. Ini tin ensn
money did iiotfMaM'tiio ?o, for hn
.pent n deal of, rjeaa- .jicJdjH-tor nml
physics nud rrt iforhnn? Ne-fr.l. He nte
little, and nan fnvt cubic down to an 1111
tirnely ernve,leainj; hli wife n widow and
hi four bright ehildrrii oqhnu, when, li!
on one event fnl riiRht he dreitiii.-l for onc
n bright and happy ilrrnui, whhh our next f
pnaiKrajjIi vtiUrrlrte - r .
DeiflirftlMi Blark'-vaff'Hl tjytei Jiad i
unhT then itar.-d nTnilii tlfe fAre, IfuflRo
drrajni'rvusli Wm hoiy, lie wrn brirtrt,
w hltt-n W.1 .itartUtTbu TflHiiifawhY 6I :
" 1 coino fo firlnjj you'iKKl new. Iter.5!
your,j-ur.vre, safe. Jinrinleys nronrjit,
and rrjui.ljb. rJw H tntl'tji Jiike
hrnltfi thereby to otliers. lUiol.l ClieVtire'"
With these, w'orda UieitiRel iH.Kiie, but
ero the ti,allofjifc,1t8'w4H4i jTUowf; hbu
had vanished the dreamer mr RjltToroij; in
the lilit three piblrn lettfm -O. M. I.
M What can It mranlllbe m to hhuHlf,
n ho aw..kc from his sliiiuber. " I have
had a (5m1 Many Dream U'fore, tint m-y.
tfmich tl.U.'rtfllLirtieJr'iii,l
If iaVj-fci, .I,M,l if T
hif. SAliafil.l nytld
'aa,rti..'i.i m-,1,-;
... .
r r
te.1 lie
lain. .iriB-4iHirin
ti.l-il MtJ, an
Kinc.1 tier nusoanu oecame irk', ii ex-
f tressed the hojo that the Icttem w re not
itt'!i(l-d to nzj;cst-tiat n (iimh! Many Doc
tors must yet Ih consulte.1 in addition to
nil that ha'd been interviewed. He zroane.1
0ilKWTrtrt tliyir a &
coiiiuii aiiyunnro tneru wonin Lave to uv
a UUXaUlT atstflTcrcd ht?6ritr3&! jay
mem. . ,r-
very dav foW Wek K iHd Ids fatthfnl
sioue searche.1 dilirrntly for n ker
to tho problem. In. the dictionary, in such
newspapers as they happenel to hare, in
book, on placards on the wall errry-wtivTqlhff-soaghtopiiMrito-JInd
lyttem utand (or word, and t,her hopejl to'
light uoii ttianirua that roubl nugcest
the cure. Tliey (Jriaved Many Day over
their lack of good Juck, a they said, ond
the Good Man Dreamed again and again,
Imt aw no more nncel. Hono deferret
rnaWtlf tHe heart irk. "Oh. that faaaNgal
had Cnideil Mo Dollnitely and Olven More
Direction," he exclaimed, arain and arain.
"V earlv two week had elapet since the
nicht of the Great Mvsterfou Dream.
when there came to"!h house a pamphlet.
Tiretl with hi exhausting office wftrk,
.which he still pursuodUUrraining if to
sible t die in the harness, Jones wa about
to throw taa para pal ot ia the lr tbta
omething prompteil him to examine It.
IsHrely.oUfeaiht he, here ca tar nothing
that will Pierce Ibis" Gloom Most Distress
ing, or Give Me, Diaheartased, any relief.
Poor man, he had worked letters over In
hi mind, firifl'road an many ernabinationa
with thena. that they occurred in almort
every sentence ne uttered. They entered
even into Jils prayers. Ileay,n OrsntMe
"Deliverance, he would say. nor Irt dtaa
Grind Me Down, aad so forth, ad tajfofttfa,
and a mile or two beyond.
f eatally torturrdaadscffrrlngia every
fibre of his body, what wonder that he
read page, after pax of tae paeaahleC It
was a work on diseases, and in the raorbid
ttata of hia mlndiU ceetenta seemaa ta
suit hiau I spokef almost ererr dis
ease' that flesh is heir lo bat oh. jorl as
he read, a Glimpse Most Delishtfal of
lizht stole in upon him. Eureka! Ea-
reka:" he crid.4 Wifr, I have it. I bav1
1 very body ia, the Boas hear Lisa cry
J Eureka, and rushed to the room to Lear
what be had found. AU eapedrd Uv.e
some Great Miracle Done,' and then cum
the explanation, titotahv c coaraelvut
why had he not thought of it before? Oh
what a revelatfea! Hwe waa kafa'.for
him and. for all coasuinpties. Here, hope
for suffering friends nwf naHraaors. Tkat
night ha scarce, could sleep, but wkea he
did, ne again saw a'brfght t! foa ef golaea
letters, in fact, a Glittering Maaocraa De
ciphered readily, aad'readin? O. M. IX:
Laadacaia 1 P. P aad ret azaia F. P-,
ana on nnge 1 arovna waica iam otsers
weraeatwiawd,aa4thea W.D.U. A. AU
the letters blended, ret each was distinct.
AUW had seen in thabeok, aU ha acaii
saw ia his Tkion.
Dream Most Glorioas. D. X. G. GM.
D. Asaiaharaaztaeckanzea: back-
l wnra, forward, erery war. Ge4d Mwlal De-
aenred. M.G. D.Mwery's Great DrliTvrer
I n uamwoaMiaiitoteiitaaman. r. r. r.
atood for Perfect peace Promised fer suffer
ers, and sweet raieaae from rrantrnmac
Pargatarial Paiaa. And. acaia P. P. waa
Freeaom Prowiaad, and hacAwarJ, T. T It
air-ami Paia Kasa. Sear aa aoald fe wall,
aad once well, aa waaht aa a mlarioaary, a
Qiad Jlamsaaacx Dvroaad ta taa wark af
WlliametaawalMwalscmiaJet cat dasiTer-
m hia
I iL'lit will 1 iilrn w u 1 mil an It will flT lnvlltl. 1 1,L I. I . v li Umv Il'..l' a I I ! 7. . ." -' . ...... Ul I n aa I
ffwaaamm -SaaaBami nmAnvaMtaahA- aBBBaaahaaaa tkaaaaasXal
lTfWI aMaasat ansaVaaaaamasVama WBaaaasfl HTMsal
wsmaJsaaaal saaassaasCammia Hsl wamaPaaa aaaaV aVasm 9. saawOVsF
aaffarias: from akara, coaaaa, wank aad
diaanaed laasg, ta to fraand, Oiaaial
aaw "" ,V Wa WsaaB Mw asWaaaT sansasl bbbwW aa aMa
Aadfarallaama, aa was! 11 iTr II 11111 IT.
tae Gram May- Saaafaamr fbam ataaaat
TWiaa,aiataaeamay ha tUsaa aMtw Ua-
amaaCaaamaaJi mtahmaaia aaaaT'aaat
gawMtn atara- SrSmmmiSmySlwSBX
i f I
J Mr4 ..SsnV 5j1
5I , fc- v .4
I"" i
.. .
an 'v . .n vjrj v.
K-t k 4nW M' 7 . w;"' '
. hitui.. u.t U.ui ..u tfer.-v
, .Tr"C'. w tagA. trt
:"w . t nir v "- --"- .v.
,Mi nuejri(aurr-4CKc
I ! l tl-t.'U .io 'U4n
I I rLtr ? X t lw r
IBj... .1.
nitttMftlH.raWfVm ! lV-i4li
lr, anj . n t;j.4t h 1 1 '-. mX
l.I LtK, 1.1 , avt ili .1
mvV"r' "f
. llK f . f T
ll! Uirv -....f th F V . . r
nM f th'
' v! A., lM
! !..
IHH1 JU1 .
fetera. mt M ili-Terr fjW 1. 1 1
lVrfctlv ronWrtat 1 IHdt b umng nf
th(imuintr Multltuil lvtivrnnl f 11a tfc
Oranji Mwf Ifr"wUi:j of (lrrljr l mrntul
rtfry "lelc iirftit ! Iner-tl w !!
I.n... I .f ...... ...! ..ww.- ll ,m .k
too, for ! il - not kit r otHi on wt
fiukamJ m--l tlf
WbrXiVi Tinnr9 W.liral A.tAJUoltnti. 1
---..-- - .--j, ....... ..,-..--, .. ----- , ,
turei, ft ivrniy of inedn iff nieii, iTUlf'
nil M tham.'iind lt pr.-1-t-at. tr 1U v.
1-irnv iOJ.r an- o.ajfal V f Mr
J jte r-otld Ukon, nil at tne wrvle ,f
the i k ntnl Utreiilirvervwliere: wliil
tl. 31. I). I, well ,ead th. ildU.l. rf the
paraeraidi of thi nrtl l" ami u will w
tllnt (I. M."I. if (ioMrii Meibenl lt lr,
the tili f tlw ill-rl. .Thl w.-tdHrlul
ineiliritMnim nil hmie.p.. fmm th rt
ncntfula to a rntninna blotcK. pimple-, nr
rniption hrtpIa, jalt-litMn. fevrr-
r(r", waly r nti:li kln. In td.oFt, nit
ftlHsea liy laiil Movl. am mmi
qucrril by tlil.iHcHiil, ptirifvlti. rvt
' IiiVliMrnting iie"ill Ine. tlteat eaMng iller
rapidly hrnl un.lrr lt lxiiiii liillbmcr. '
J.tpis IdllV lin It luaiiiUvtisl IU MileiKV In
curing tetter, boll, rarlHin-Ip. aerofuliiv
w n1 ant welll,. white weliiijr, giittr.)
ortliit-k leik- and rnl-trgd rla't. t"t
unipfion, whl h t ierpfultm) di of
th InVjg; I jrtfiptiy itml nlejv nf-n-stvtt
arwl cured lv UtU owrUn and ,
niMl-Klrni i'Uie.1 , taken latere the la l
Magetf nr' reeli.l. lir w-rat lane, pit I
Uug tt l'l"Hl, caiiKniupme ugvit-jwrata ,
and kill
torpid 11
KltKirrtl afT'-loli, It I a sovereign
For Indication, driei1 and '
TCr, or MIOU," 1-I left lra
eai iicierY wis no i; enm-j.t
WfeVt.a.t rldleirrtire
... -.
- .lIU(ftl Ml" ' " "l " tl f m v
t:on for'advire, derrlbfr.K vtinr ml'lr-
well as youcao. Many .nt, arp rvrtfrnm.
fidly toMlisl through ronrp-indeww at.l
no le nre elntrosl for enijUatiMi. Vor
one dollar and a hlf ; m can yuxuni
copf of the "People t'oi .Dton Bert Msl.
IcnrAiWIaer, ent totiafd Ui ytar ad
dre. lt purrhe Hl rejr too. In
thi is QlxenrMore Delrnl4e InfurmaUon
than you ran find In any other wort of a
similar nature-
A boa an fall of nifts Uihwortwe erfr
aw. ExcJtan'jc -
Da. r. W. ItExao'-s Tejery1 and Oiamo- !
mtle'l'lll. rtre rrtansl expnI r toeur
ml wilr-rnm Hendarhe of all t"id.Nea
rnlcia, NerronnHknrfDv(pyi4. Provad
and endor-l by pbyloau.
StaOS to reason A debater who wont
alt down. V T
""" j. " T i. I
44 Da. Bicxos5 Sfia Cre rrndlenud njr
pimples. Tky HseA brlrrakiftl cuntiAtnl
ly Ktev; T. Harrfaon, liocbcstor, '. Y.
Iatdn;-:glt. '
Urpx what should Ui dad' L felf
Upon dtrwlrops, of coarse fje.
Hale's Hone of llitrrliaaoit and Tar
Soothe the lnng convuI-l xrltij a eoujh.
Pike's tootbacEe drop run In oae minute.
BaAXDT iroprOTrs by keeping It; ao does f
the man who own iUIliUiort JL'rery i
ThOsk conrT.AiTrir or ioar Throat,
Hoaraenesa or Cold, sheald ua " rtnca'a
MroncAial TrtrtSu" SoJd only la Ujxaa.
To aTOi cteWa, krepToar mosta aba.
"Mort politiclaaa are uiiferingrBj cold,''
aays va iucaester (. 1 .) uiuox. .
A Ktrrai-aWa Triltatas !
Sidney Owchurawo. Tiltibwrgs. Pa
write: I nave a--l Da. Wx. IIaU.s
BaChaw dk THrEr:o mHTjrer, wfH
tha most gratilriai; r-aalw. M flkrvlaa
innaeace of Ifall's IiaUsat Is woawIeffaL
The ala and raek rvdr. f neMeata? b a
ticlitrnaaht aos dfspj--r y tha ma f a
spoonful accordjnz to dtrertioa. My w(fa
fadfcffaf samta for HafPa Halaam IiiiiU
of a payaiciaa, aad beaUa ia spardJy aa
ny iu
lr yoar
aorsra aarre- aore sboalders.
er opes aorea af any
'a Healing Pewlcr.
mapaaaasaBaaaar BCairnV
.Kf'V CAO Dilll irywwMMaVrajtWfwi.
v---taM run nun. kiriwf. rmjxx.
anaana. .aaaal - ..... alasila saira atsiaiaid --
BBnanananjananananaaj -" ""' a-lr f Z a aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi 7
aaaaataaaT.aamml JsMKUJaL4'laJaa f " aaa-a, amanja aaam
A Naurada. JaEUCAlf Il8Tja56!4XI- i.:
aaaaaaraai saTnafna lamninn JIE5T. It anaHTaaaM a tamnw
aaTaaaiaaBnananaam 1 w a a aiJt iiT -
" aCatAOaW- J -. T pmma, Mggm Wfgm
BaBanaranB awaaaaJaaiaviajKju arjaaa isisan, BU uaaanaajananuaaja. ni 4 ulli j-. r
aaaamklaBSAai aaaaTaaaarr a j. a-Z , isaortiaiaH'sTl
naaaaaaaaiKiaaaaai aaaa,, T7"" ., ni 1 sasBBBjaBBBaaaaaaBaaBf; wswwa. u -
BBBBBBBrWBaaSBBHBm 111 laai aai ai 1 1 siaa tika. all 1 . --" mhiiw Mtsani
annaanr aanaaanavai - aaaa, aaaBsaaaaa aanaa am nan? aBaaaaar -... i-n. - -. nm . & .b. vaiaaaw a.aja!tv
a-BBT"-"""" BMsmAaasa. Ianaaaaaaaat aaa aassi aaTaaam mat aaUaasass ta, tag fnswa " - - tw
KmBBaaaaaraal asaaaaaa. CakL assaa. !mwww aaaa aw aaam ana . ..,..,,..,,.. ,, , ...- - -
aaaaaaCaZaZTI MiaaT - 1WhiH af ttfO avMramaffXra.TKamaCaM
sssaaaaLnVfl faaas,.... fmaajadjama sjf aaafaaat mmj aMHallA'taasXiwaa.
aarmaasaaaaaaBBai asajtMna, aaxULUatV aTamawaamaaasi aa aaassaaraa aanai i VSVAV tViaas aa 1 m 111111 r " "
aaammmnaar.l''l'''Wj "" .Jayf 95! T
alaamBrtaaaaai - " 91 ' ; y.K. ..!!irj
ajaaasmamBlkaH ysfsMBaaV JsaaafaaaaBsjPaaa 'VmB PaaMaaV aPaaHVWMmr 5P0 aVVaBmVVVaABiaM
" W ?U. -a . Wvria-wk? t1 S. v .. ... --aaasslwJaW .e . v
. i
7J tE&Pt hftt!it t w r r -
n-n4i4Vr - tt V -, rift f
- . at - t a l .sL - jaa i. a& h. aW
frtrntr ivr
j -! w fwvww.
Jt ' lo 4.--.frftl
raf . tk, .
AMk4 - k
" r ft.,a
v-h--m-- ro rf4 "
jPi rveot-,. R. C iUHMIiilt
. tr-. H "c U. i.
.-. . - .a.
jb.-jj, "vij. ,
- --w .- - TF-
llMl .. k.L.Xm . " . . .. 0 . .. ....
Uif'flrfWb(kk)tU U4'l b.M.ui
u -- x vyj -, -?; an
;.- iiii'niHMtnwr(
t. Kt 4J"' ( Vftoi frV. bf
" .n. 1haa fwHa., k f
UirK 1-5,
3 itaj tJ Wk vvf iMkw4 ,
urtti ;aUU !.
tuulult X
H.ri r-M AvV- . A
j o-.
(.CUB WttJT 1 la M,tH.
Wa uiei.i.) ,c a !
a. a ,j'iamr. . wi
. m . . . . . .. . Ft -.
1 . .....-. . . . ..
lu,0-.. Un4 V .1 v? J1MV., JeJtv. ,
r . m.m. . & ,. .. n
g tj 00 K-aJftU tt
ww " fcw'
ajH attala RMl t atwl la M
lawIHHH ?-"- ' IM". .
Win1-' t -, i-f.A,
4 ViUT A tTITTll ft liu.lw.. ivt
PnffWf i tiyil twif Q T r .,..
M .iw, iw ' 'tr.ou ,j.t
run tTi
AQTIiAI l ivm,
Opium X 1fnri.. I I'llt Mi. f 4 . I ,
Ua9-4ra 4 lvarr. wikH lm l v- j .
4rWWia KiJU(.UtauiilUVMWi liil.
aa aaiailiaa a tt
Nir.Tra wm t
to aer part ' I at t i rrrtf f a I j
prcUl 4tor H r4 -3 ft fUw H.
J. c (.luarratAt-aa. Mata.. Hr. Y
Udy AgenttXr
tr ..a
rr tt .-.w:,, er.. 1100
ait4 M.I ttf.ll fc,,.,..y ,
m m a .... ..
bui n vnann.
..IMUaHiM. Mri!lMrHtrhr.iM
M4riWtHl.JtVlKWt.MU SMrthMlAlk
IVpisl to
1-3 to 1-2
' i,U
' aa 1
m w n
XJ t Dfaa
It. Lamia.
D. C. TtJOIS. itmr.
I fcj aaHT Ma
Lraythe Axe
to the Root
V a aa - . a & te a..a a . s. d b .- 4 iiJ" Ifc-i 1
imas-H r T '". r . 'im r f-
refm.ther MNttu.u - WfilaX M -j V T iAIiar aT ..
ltOI.I- siai
mn j. iMuniu. t .
suits Xs .a
fyWW. I -WNf4naal
riA aT'-jh aaalf-W
X ) T ! JC& ImmJQ
sw. (. A X 1 L I I ' am VamaaaaaC3aL3 F. ,
2K, u ramvsa
v I 1II1 1 md.-.amaamaaaT mi1
4 ,m ftanc
X' I II I I i .
'"iry 1 1.1 r
ran -J I '
Bales rar I M I rW J
u Am 'V
aU- 1 M " r
RflTM k
H aaJvl H WtTawr!UTr
Il fill I ill - - r 1-
AJIiUaJiJj fj twi isSirKut. mj
m2 taaaas -w ' m -- .
a-c.aBBBBi . 2 -- r r
aaanaaam . & .d
ssaaaaaaaaal sawsM fir J 1
amaaaal eK
laaaamV ,
saaaaaaa 1 1 1 1 ran y virK .r. f -- j - c.
aas.aBB.varv - ---- - - - - ---- iai 5i i.j j
'l s
maal W WW Tsfmlll Jraa' Aey
aanamaaaaa nan na. asj bm aM .aa aa naaaaaamnaaaFssjaBBBa
aaaaLaw aa ai aai aae aa. am aa aa, an aa aaj BaaaaasiasffvaHBatf?
sammw aaaa an an aa sh bb bbbbbbbj ! aa raw. aw
etYaeaaaiea(af U. Jntnmatm Cix
Ch99ft I
" Si Vtprf St & "&
, iCmtz&m-ggtf
a .. . aaaU.4 UI ah& bl a J j9fa"
. . jgaR.y Iih s. AHtf
iik fcirt . v-iSMHk. k!r
? , fr flikS &&f a
AM( mef .iF jw?,!
-T I5sr
J i?iet4 S
I " ttePfrWv i tw4tf
-a- a Ilmw MM uu I WW
- r.5fri,..
Xx - -- Ui Jt i
.-. - ."1 . . . II I .- Kb. - - T P.H.BB V
" w Mt.
" i
SsdllltTn a vi
Distnsas and
Mcldip j. Hi!.' : 'tJ, uc.
. - am. v
,, I.. . 'ban
S4aTI i
.f 4 T 4. &5 A-
-A. 4 r- aM. a. fm it i
lit I I.AI.I
t m --
4nl , Mx ra tM.
KW1 tf ttMHAattaa,
W.i.tM HTt.
AMI.K "H a
i-OMkiu -.,.
mutd't " c-
!- I . -r I
V f ' t Jt
$uf A K f
ii)flM . v . r, - ... ... .
turnout. s etrtw-
mM fwj, w4ft
. ,''ll'tTtee,1 m'i 4Jjr
,h v3 t Iff r - K a- im-
ef t
kHH Utit
W pfasnTaa jpavaawr f af
"' Spj jwrs
jfZme vmh-
THAT MG Of aCHir '
rwwMan'.iHr., jbw t V J
trs-f sh i s I 'Erj. t y a
WxM..11' x A Te , ;
. VKT A. U JL. V V
W-W -' !
?-'- r
aisrcrcir. p.f
ji"J ftftW TH 1 1 Mr. Tiirw.
p t Js4wt
H a-Cj fjCef
Ul saa-f St., sn-f aB t4
u&.jMar Mm-im-i
TtaaP aaaaf 1HC.
TliE tV Is a -. v-
aisasiui rjaTaarwaVfSNii" yurfaaeiC- fca-XT'
fcBm -a-wrar Sw". ? "Se5
AtfraSas'BSfBVjMr'Vtaaa i -
raaasu -,r irr at jrw
t, w ta3aKM!-'"C'
r 8 e
. Caesaas. a.oiaaW
1 mifrr -. sssaaw
r tr pwi. tso 1
.ar-VA - . --
. r. a. rasas. Aaw, ata rw. xav
B 2 :
L larfTSMt f .1 ej -sr-'H.
m a eJi. !
varfrti W Mk aa
, -.Ta 'C.'tWfx f
rx a "aiia. . 't f
JI f)
aa-aJ, faSBMBSfejAri fHMtMevl
W r Tsj.sMlLiiL mfSMi fg Mr.
it in 1 a 1 diaaa 11 1 1 1 1 i i ia t 1 1 ii
A -"- eare-a - Bt i Taaw . ....
1 i
iTwcoffo Jtermt. .. -, - A
JSBBh..".' , '
. J . v.
j j"
iicici' ?- i
ji?-'r-- Lil2- "ol am W lloaaaaasaal
M ' . it
jay '",- A 7,m.i t... w
,j- 5 i "s-aa.' aW j, ."- w "W --"i. aaaaaaaBC " Sa " "
f. .riv:. 2 ..aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - -" rA' . .S'.r - ' ' . aiJ
.in 11 .r