...... Jt-su ai' i'' -""" a.,-r--.-.i-.-; I -. .5 ' " " . ?j -----aut--. c -rKw S-1 -frr? ii- .Mr? pijr 2" EWf " '-&&z - n?x " W '.,9-T! ft r. N v-J yt ? Sr3 I THBTSED CLOUD CHIEF. I ! M- HSbUiMer. RED CLOUD, . TCKBKASKA. WJcAf T wouMaajj l n corner plack I or on-rnnoi thnt Turn kKM bKMM9t yn -lutrcii-ar: rwotfrfsatalrjil -word urftrtfl. I woiitnna imrt him for d imiaf. Nor lid ii n onr in onjr lKat Which lie itrij-at Mrer. T:ntfSinirjHl ft'4Mitfff fcnubl be, yri'l I'ortmmKiiit n nmn the 'ilea, 'Whprf'rr be tie, - " ItvUtiaiuuid.tu uadvaliuxl.fr . . . I low he inny walk throujrlt lion nnTiafi'l Wj' checrf u fiicc nml ujk'ii hand. Continual!,): Hut when, I' pltc o' w-ark an-1 cure; , A in-mjmt lo ani ftdhJre bear, "- VIlo met-H. inttac "Wlia will not to niiftiurtunc !, Wlni cok. Ills I ion net on 111 lirow Ami light nnl flittitu, he kenonn how. Throujch Iun. hnnl laya T wotiMna ititi nn nuM haw li- Korony nmn tlmt. I rouMKu Wlui .ll.lnu hold Tin wcetnex o hi mil her' fi nniiif, Tin; klntu! hi fcrnthfr'n claim, ! TlicltaaafaVa Maii'ita? our i ii nam rnr nun to no, Wlia ken hl friend nrr leal nul true. Love mrect uriil utroiur. Whose hearth know not fnm year to year. wnwmw oi ii noiiuior jear, f , fcrl i ir....i. .i... ..in .. ... " "f T . ' l nvii nn; inning in m inr J " - 1'orony wnmji 4iutlui iiralMi..wliosu lovoJ palm . Vli, wrntitr l. fonfli'. nnI loven lu'iiln, Ani though hr priwn Ix-t not tin? oVur ono from lib enrr. lint lot'i-K htm malt-. nnl imilr. iuhI innlr. And liltli-.x liUllmfl wl liojKs anl pwycr, Anl Mill Ih-IIcvvd. A. u lo li!n iiralw? who 'cx:sna frnr 'Jliujip-hill tlht from yvnr to four. "". Anl wlm irrip fMt Hm alti thiir om tliniuuli uffl r HI. W4i. If Hu-y wumltTr. lovci tliMn ntlll: ivjinu fin y oi joy no ii fill ma uu; Mi; II win nt laU Mary A. dJ'arrf in JInrjirr WcclJ-j. THE CHUIini IIKHT. Tlie MeUioUst Church of New Al bion halT kni been fitaerlnjr under a lo.'idofdebt. Its ediiiue, built ill the Hush limes following the war. was an ambitious piece oi architecture the ehiirtlfflf Ihe future, hevoml a' doubrr Miien it was much laruer than the needs of it.i congregation ami tliu pews were lill vacant which thu in uine builders had expected to see filled by the men who were to pay off the inortjjaeH. IJev. Mr. Thorjie, thu a.slor, had car ried tlii-debl now for two yuaiv, itdind been thburilt:n of Jiis tlnys and the iiihtiujirc of his drcims; at length he hnd broitht his conreatioii to tli'e point oLatptckiii it. He hnd made ftjjrrg! anxious wdljrriitiage.s to rich IMMhodistsJitr nPigliTirin cities, lint found small cuconts.renicnl: it was evident tlmt4 the Methodists in New Albion musi nhdnTJler their own load. -'Aicordin;Hy the ilrst .Sunday in Oc tober was devoted to a carefully-planned effort for the payment of the debt. Mr. Thorpe Itad concluded to dispense with the service ofHj Jiuangejist''- and to direct hit AJor.tsJ. Thcnt was to be no regular service in thiMditireh, but the public were invited to meet at ten o'clock in the forenoOn. and, by the jjraee of (Jod, the meeting wottlil not I'Hini.tMr.l'horpu .said, until thedebt was pjticl. A colUitiou was rovided in the b:iciinnt. so tJm peojdo might upend tlie day in the work. The debt amounted to thirty-two thousand dollars, and when the incct itijr opened iH-vcriitflen thousand dollars was jiMince 'subscribed- this amount hajQiijTi'iT secured 'lleforehand by private conference witLJlhoiiUler con tributors. ,- ;r " p'his teelknt start awakened "jeat eiitlni!jiaim)ginl, . focy i;tkiie, subscrii ti6ns ;c in rapidly; -Imt-longbcforo iim tJilKmitfstho people's ability seemed 1o hayu been reaeheil, and the list only footed nj about twentj-four thotitsaniTtlollars. Mr. Thorpe kept his forces well in hand, -however, and showed no sins of waverin;;. Exhortations and appeals wVro Htl'erspcrscd with singinr;" n jijlieions and enurfjetic committeti did a jjtjod .deal of personal -work with indi viduals; messengers were dispatehtHl to lalior with absenteiw. Itut itsocuujd eiiilent that the larjjb pifts had all lieen iiUierd in, and them was still a de Ueieneyof more than seven thousand dollars that the sninllsubseriptions yet lit be obtained would by no means sup ply As Mr. Franklin, of the Congrera Upnal Church, walked home after the rnornuijr sen-ice, with his pastor, thev li;isei tliedoor of the Methodist Churcl l "Let us look in for a moment,'' sai i. lid tie parson, and see how thev are get- titir 6ml" T1icYat down in one of the back seai aqd Yatlied. the proceedings. YfPXU. MK1 Thorpe' (T occasional" remarks thryjearned the situation of jiffaira andj saw, that, the, case was probably hope-- i-j-w,. uiwiifju -iiiu ivoiuie icaucr uiti not foVra moment ittfsent to such a eonclti .sion. .-AiTtKey "ivalked Slong, Mr: .Yranklin said: . iiJitikinga, strong light, aren,'t they?" 'Al.'il.i He jtj - . litit.Uicv will jiot take tlie fort?" I don't know." !'ldo; thev'ts got to the stiekin point, and 'they will not get past it." ' Pit-," said Afr. Strong, seriten- tiously. After a moment's thought, Mr. Franklin-said, with n new interest: "Is it lawful to pull vour fellow crea tures otit of a--pit on the Sabbath day?" "I should say so, especially if ho is trying to get out liimself.';; J" . VJw4fulto Mteh. itp-bur horse anT, pi him out ? " "' " "Yes." laughed the minister. . 'iJY1''! yu S hemic anil get our lttncli and I'll get mine and have Major Jiutrkito fiiebuggy. - I'll be around Ijc oro'oae o',c1ock, and we'll sec, what we can H&"t fi a . t - "AllrightU It was not long before' the gtxxl wbit liorsetainieat a Week day iaco to tlie door of .the iKirsonagevaud the friends wore soon whirling awiy. , ieor am ixclned Jo gi ye, so me of tlie, .-rest clianee. The Episcopalians and the Frce Baptists have a heavy" Hebt of thtir.oW; the Adventists arc .not able to help much; we must enlist the others. Ilrinsn-tado must call on the First Church foJks; Ellsworth on the Baptists, Thomp son on the Universalists, you and I will look after our own.1 They were stopping at Mr. Brins made's door and the master of the house answered, the bell. "We havo sot oiit." said Mr: Frank lin, "to give the MetKbd'iiCs aTittle lift- in. paying their church ilebt. Wniyou' go ana stand in the v.efAibaievoi ywr church and waVlay as manyiaiyotfeia of your strogest men as tkey gourrto' the afternoon service, and get sascrip tionsfrom them? Start-the n.iMr vnnr- i ni.- ii i xt--ir5i5 i- 3d collection before the sertaoH for the same object: Get cash subscriptions payable to-morrow at TBy baak. Re-poH-the aaiowit to rae at Mr. Stroag's houaeyf oar o'clock skarp. WillydH 'Yhat a steamboat yo are?" said Brifismade, laHsjkiag. l7fmfyoill3lt?', sid FrankMa; t3trenuosly. ""No time f or aoaBcage, old fellow f' "Yaa,.rU4eit." "A -riffct. GMd-bye!" - "-J. 'a-BkaFa ff-t-.-UTl naii. . J& "ow, we vp got to be swift," said thp Jtaakejr. Myjlirst. thought was "to call oif some ot o"itr bwn ieople, Tjut I .3aajBifcliijz"vloc 8 ooii'rBviBg Woa-j vt tie- flnte.juitl, ail UiaLcuuld J uon in them tiit Ik? nono bv twrvmal application to a few of the more pro- .. tK'niun mcmk'ff. Hut Mr. Kratiklln ha! ;Iectel the rislil man tuva canvass, in each vx-ie- tv. anil aftcrtthev ll iKren MB at (hrk.lMiltf Wwtmhl In"t nlv tlc chim ue mid Ins jititr MffJiciJ Joilieir-i'n pariftli. which hix divM4- letWecn Uiem, ctrntrivln? bror fmtrjb'dotk to wro a pKMfMirtJOif ftf JfiTn'Ht jreneTom ineniiKT. AL that hour tliev all rnct at wie jarMnae. as oy agreement, onn- ifijr with them a much inch larger . sum than of them luul hope! the moil i'ati'nihiu toireL They came down hatiloinoly." aM Hrinrnailc. Tlirce or four refused t iwrite a 'Um letur.f saW-MrrFnttTklhi. expIIMlujnhat tlA.J&frlHlAtmtc Tollecfifil llTfrom fri?nuVm vrlmTrcli. naming the amount and stating where it may Ihj called for Hwnorrow. and w.JU go envr at oiK-e-nnd send the let- ters'un tb Urot her Thorp-. I trust ! U hf.hlm-r nut vi-t. but iL niuit !m nretlv tough for a man.who de - irt,.U,lkMU. the jierseverance of the sainLs to hang , to such a poor pnimite." , j It was alKiut lialf-pa.t four when Mr. Praifklin and liis frtetidr? entered the MethodiAt Church. The back .scats were all occupied, so they stood in thu Apace behind the pews and looked on. 'I he church was pretty wcllliljed. nnil Mr. Thonie was Mill keeping up a live - ly lire of ajipeal and argument, but there nvere.no rapoiiscsftand it wa.s plain that hope had depaFted from most of the solicitors. . Will you walk forward ami take VOlir.iiCaLs, . them. geiititnHeu-' v r sam -ono-1 "No, I thank 3011!" auowured Mr,, Franklin. " We are only lobby mem bers, llowdoyou get.on?" Z, , . r "Slowly." Andilhe solicitor shook his headdole fiilly.'il ' - -,-. "H()w miidh hare yon got?" "Only a little over twenty-live thou sand." "Why don't vou Mop where vou arc?" "Then we. low everything, . ,The greater share of the he-Tvysiibseriptions are conditional rupon raisfaigv of P the whole debt." "Won't your .subscriber, make them iitiittiit !f i.k.i.i 1 o Noj we've, begged, lliev are obtinate.V . ' U11.11UUIUV11U11 . . J . . , thenir to. bt-i- It "1'itv. tsu t it?,, "Yes, rir. It will . beVhard blow if we fail now." Tlie discouraged gentleman walked' away. Mr. Franklin's air had been so indif a. m . . - "f ferent J hat he had not ventured to a.sk I r . . . .. t - I 1 mm ior nuyiiiutg. "Send tii your letter, Hrinsmade," whlspercd Franklin. "Get that .small boy to take it up.'' The small boy toddled up the aisle -and handed tlie envelope to.Mr. Thorpe, who tore it open eagerly. "Hallelujah!" shoultfd thcimpottious Methodist. "IJretluvii, listen to this: 'The First Congregational Church of New Albion sends greeting to the First Methodist Church, with a pledge of six teen hundred ninUventy-livudullars.. to be paid to-murrow; at. J wclvo o'clock, noon, bj- a cheek upoirihe First NafiorP al lUnk.'v This is signed 011 behalf of the church ) v.. Janies W. Urinsmade." Thy. .reatfiiur' ot t kc- let t or was followed I bvm sloTrmif chcer,sanlt all the ifsn-il ! AlctluMliat 1-e.snonse.". m the midst of ."... " i t : jt. wlwh't h organ stniek up the Doxol- ogy,j-tnddho whole congregation rose to its feet and sang witli a tremendous energy. "Will Brother Brinsmadc come for ward?" shimted Mr. Thorpe. Itut before he had time to insist on this u little girl was. mouuling the pul pit with" another envelope, wlduk. the pastor received with trembling hand. This letter stated that live hundred and fifteen dollars, the gift of a few friends in the UniversaliM Church, would be on deposit the next davrat the same hour and same place. Over this the furore was redoubled, one en thusiastic brother mounting a seat and calling for "the second verso of the Doxology." "lletternot protract the agony," said Franklin to KlUworth. The good minister, who had now for six Hours been under a continuous ner vous strain, in whose heart confidence had given way to anxiety, and anxiety was beginning to change to discourage ment,'' was so completely overcome iiv the contents of the other two envel opes that he sal-down in fiis cliair and couiu not spcaic lor a moment, and at lengtJi rose and half sobbed out "Two more, brethren. One Jrpm friends' in the Baptist Church, with a pledge of nine hundred and tweuty-live dollars, and one from friend Jn the Second Congregational Church, with a promise of eighteen hundred and ten dollars. (Jod bless them, every one!" , This time they were all too excited to sing, but there was ajyolley ofaaa-jiriwin response to the last ejaculation, and men nhdwonoMi all over the house vrorc laughing and crying lik'Venildrcn.s 1 lilvc us the foptiBg,ifiow, Brotlier Harrison." -Mid, the luiuislerat leiigth, to the- treastircr, who was keeping ac count of the .subscriptions.' "Thirty thousand one hundred nnd J fifty-five dollars," -was the answer. "IjCSs than two thousand dollars more arc wanted! " cried Mr. .Thorpe. MVhat do you say'lo that?" - - "Two hundreduollafs "moferfneT, .was the first response from one of tho ih-Triest4subscribers; and tlupMhc sui- picmemary suuscnpiions, large and small, eamepouringiiH for ten minutes, faster than the -Treasurer could record thorny As jsooti5asthereiwas.a.short pause, he sflnirifed ,ip the raniount again; and rising to" his feet, said piict- 1-v: j "Tliirty-two thousand four hundred and sixty dollars four humlcpil: and six ty dollars for shrinkage!' VV" Tke scene, Uuit followed canoalvbe imagineil by those who know what an incubus a churcH debt is to a devoted congregation, and who arc also famil iar with the ways in which the Meth odists are wonfto" express their feelings. "I perceive," said Mr. Thorpe, rising to his feet after, the tempest had sub sided, "that all these pledges arc to be Said to-morrow, at noon, at the First ational Bank. It-Is easy to guess who js at tlWg.bottom o? all 'this business. ahdI see him now standing near the .door.' ' . J t "Up seeaesor mevwldsperetl the banker 'to hmlnwter.ipPn-i going. our.i.A .,-...w.' nd Jie slipped ontiof Ihe door and walked quietly away. i& WakeriFranklin..is;thc man." coa tiauedlhe, parsoa, "and he is leaving the rjouseatt! oaeat; will jpt some one bring him back?'" ' -1 . But tkat.waefyvain atagfostion. Mr. TraakUn. acuhrerVbody woidd not teWouht backTsV n vNfc Mt. fiw-n's "pastor must answer for ktaa, th," said the minister; and He -StrMjr; Talked up the aisle aaud great cheering. In a few graceful words, he told the coagremtioa that Mr. Thorpe was right in his ceajectrxre; that the plan of aidiar thaa in tkeir V. .... V..VIWUK .. , x .isa: 1. j . n ir-.- .-3 ;ivfaaau rive aiiytliinx; nut mxt of them lial wm'wl win io rcajHnip Hi; ittcrcitfj; ijiii-T l1ht)lliiy;licib'4atjr.tjjltittj. j fcrtfcr Vfcsn&vJ vr K t r in?pfv,K I5 T1K r -. their namiaLilcmai before JJicv knew 1l , cliaritr uf jnany generations ' f there tTSioT V ;&;! ruyyf Hii. tflXUTviVSJ. ! 'Hi-Vrf Kifl f-ffrtrf t It dropped on them fo widen like thaT ---- - t"i:m Ifi Wi-' Tj pw.i wf,. ..T -t Tr . , ,, , hlMt , . P V.'rfy .,i?,H;;? fi VfeiWn ; they hadn't time to hunt tip exeui. 1 - Sir Wrttfl, , ' fnrrfithr. , ..li . , . . j- NIwftrtfci.xy, 'dvrtt- at .impwtT ,. .? ThG old dov-UM- warmed up to the buU-1 n . r , , i .-nlcdth of fn! 1 artle fi N'wkJ'toW .... . t.iXfUm .Ut v , ..T nelH.uitlfiilly.Sndhe-'ta Ilka Prominent anion- the cani .f the juhnJfcAonUiMachMtKntotill riK4iMrv w . .. . T. - --- TJ l ' profaHMonal. Tlfcr bnmgA i nearly nipnrative wkn. ol jmr wom.n b ; n" k U hi tJ - T5&$$XJZX -, . "' f ?WOinth..lK,x..sLtW,aHIffotfroni lh pntmrton of the du. 'Jnjlyet it : P j ? "t.M. Ibrliii. irn t-t, LufcLwJr e'Shad much the w Morv ' t htrr -- - Jf. .L fe - v, f . lMjHffi in their eotira"eu effort wax univeral atnel Iarpr t.liJllJLJJll.,"P1S-, a" " C.. ,, t .n. j . - i . Nf-irrtrmrulwi t.tv .i"rj. tr llt" -W' -" ii.i r" i-l. it houhlTe but befTirr thT a4 of - Mt1 hinda (M beft. the pnoncr, f TtvMutti y ruf Uit -Jitv . tkio- w.th a,. Imic 4 cr v! and it had found a ffenerotiif exnre.i.'don. ,l '-. i.cre int. a. oi i j . n.i..' , .... ZL . ............ . NwM,.l, ,,f", -it d.mn.aod twt-nty year, the form" of the M.ter men,- , , w .wsvonrr- "V iwK;fii;rV " f ,? 4" t WTa .w'V.ttfc2f rko' iwniM u thtr h3rlit rnanarr Iv ti -mi'iiii, "(ik-Atfi ifi m ... on w.'tom he Iin.fl caileii; tual f.-I !, -.t.. c!ieme tra the Fnpiratjon itl a m nient still j4he fai:l of a fw Inniw n work: al that !ktru'.UiI th: tlir re- wih tliere wercmanv fi-rrrnt rt"pon. anuaiiera jraver oi uianxiTin ov j the.pator. ami the xiuin of IU.-ol Ik the 31c that IliiubiJ the . eiinjrrra- : Uon brokf lifiT Thar tav will mvtt be . forgotten by any one who had part w i doin. and " fruit of thefccd th'n niatcnally iUflVraJniu tjiat f imi;4vv "'"". F r ""uf,, .ll,KWf .-r nc.t i;naTOin'Mhtt.IMittii InUiu ' uneivuica miMiw.Mo m. though aotahvayftruci-iUJi:'' A tight dec-. Lelts. lnd, ete.yWjn-n thi'lwnw arc yourtg and yteidmg. in their cotitinuou-. itillu.-tltre WillcVentual- - Jy n-vi'rse,natiire;f-op tukign to tin jf.." nriiu (litis ftitv i - ! f i wn:.fhtrni.-t. In theImman fMd''therc iihonuMi- uni. iLs orguiLS filling the enfirt; pf Any maUormatioii, thereiocy must cripple, rob mine of the viscera of their natural and tieee-.'-ary space, and 6f cour.se tirove hurtful. '1 hi cimpnui- ! " ol c,'"'t - a '-- IHliit. tlm j " dajigunnu vi the body-dcjijnn a '' natural action, nf the limg-. W-arj. i stomach, liver and ljowes;ahd U among , ' prominent, ran f .ily-sM!isln. 'Hiln will explain- why its victims iu-e iso weaK haii-starveu-irom ine iact that that nutriment is not fuljy appro priated, in coi-scucncc of crippling the stomach. , A pre-wmm at this iKiiat necesanlv crowds .Irorgans out of thelrnatunil Kitioti, oi necexsity, trenching oil their freedom. In this way the lungs and heart arc invaded in one case, at least, i nriW of tint. liiufnliDititr iiritiil nut nt the upper '-fart of the cnW. in the form of a tumor. It iollowJhcrcfoiV, that t when the heart, stomach nnd lungs are J thus crowded, UiPlr3naturaJ Junctions cannot bo. well jK-rfornM-d..."," i Since they-demand viotionf the heart is hiiiripercd itscontractions and " expansions are necessarily unnaturally Inborn aud-their ucliou iucouitik-te. the blood which is , the life is not j successluliy sent on its mission ofreno vation ' and creation, while. -if tlie parity is reduced, that renovation of the lxidy must be diminished. If the natural kings inspire nliout twenty cubic inches of pure air at each of the from fifteen to twenty inspirations each minute, or eight hundj'ed.cubiei'eet per day the smallest amount which can conduce to good health it is plain that confractcd lungs can do but a traction of the natural renovation. If only twelve cubic inches an; inspired, in eon seipienee of the diminished capacity, it is certain that the blood is not duly vi talied. . The health of the lungs --iis well as the whole body dejietids on the action of ever) part. If only a few millions of the air-cells should remain inactive as they must if compressed nature se cures their removal through the agency of the lymphatics, oftcu.if not general aiiluWA .1. ....1 n . i.: .wT'iki.. whim tli lmm . r-i . , . ,. -,. -fc-v-t .kt ikjl ti....w. half -or two-thirdsHofthoir-nrttral ca pacity, by. a ruinous custom. If they are not used, they are abused, and thus lose their vitality, since nature expels useless constituents. aiu ,i"'iui-avivr "4i:- ii . :. i The relations of vigor and power to the air inhaled in imantitv anil quality, I mav be inferred from tho fact that wc , naturally inflate the lungs when at-1 temntinir an unusual effort. The .size I of the lumrs with a cauaeitf of-aboiit ! one galkm tlie.. fact that they'-jlaTir day and liight.lhe abundahce of- their food, the air, their inlluence in iurify ing thejdood, all point to the necessity lor lull and live breathing, ample lungs, and their" free inovemehts. J. A. llan- naford, in Golden Rule. IU-Troatweat or Horses. - .. r " Year in and vcarZout horses arc .kept in ill-ven'tilatetl anil dark,pdarap njiart ments, ami yet are expected to keep in health. It may never have occurred to hc average nifmt that of -alHinimals which serve useful purjmses the horse is most abused. But it is true. If this animal did not have a constitution "likes horse," thwe-quartvrs of our horses would be killed every day. We are carcful of vuryw.-sbi eur bogs, of our slieep, and'of uf chiclcelis.'but th'b poor horse must suffer. Perhaps he is iraprojKxlyfedand improperly watered; from the beginning of winter until spring he may be compelled to cat one kind of food, when common humanity ought to Imi enough to suggest an occa sional feed of roots. 'Tie is often strained beyond all reason, and nothing thought of the cruelty. He is .driven on cold days until he becomes heated, and then compelled to stand withbut covering until thoroughly chilled. But it is a horse, and so nothing is thought of it. The stable is filthy and hadlv ventilated, and even- inspiration which the animal takes while in it is an inha lation of disease and death-breeding impurities. The horse is a strong ani mal, but the physical system will not stand everything. If properly taken care of, a horse is seldom sick. Com mon humanity ought to be enough to send for a graduated veterinary sur geon totjrcatjtKcir sick4 anrmalsaad uotTor a home-made q-iack to pour uown tucir uorseu fNre -at-aiMtioiwjtTart they can get into him. which is enough to kill any- horse in a .healthy condition; then w-here istaodhance for the1 sick horse toescajc? "We have nowadays so many quacka.who profess to be"vet-ejina-frs-iirgcons and never saw a hos pital in their life-tiase. Sack men are a ruination to our land. They kill many a valuable aaimal through tkeir 'gnorance and "foolishaew. H- farmers Would not emplor scb ovackstkev could save knar a valaaMe aaimal. Cor. Okie Farmer. - Steamed corm bread U -pariicalariv " w aotesome waeaaaaae wiu . oatier- milk. If tkia.caaaot ,be sfaeamC ase J :ilu . rr JT ' .ir lobberedjBilk. To two caps of Iadiaa awal allow oae oa f wajteJoar, two f wk-Hie iamar; two aad JJiaJ.MvcrtIc. ura Jit.-Jfc.rw.f thf taflulit hiireli Inim H''P nvw-i i- nwo in Vi. lSn.lrtrn r.f .1 At Irtit the trva?tli. BIm.l Cpmnum Iglrlr. m UW r-B ' jpi' ""' --- - m - --- -. .- - -- P .6 . ar Fcnittf vf '(he lKin4f,f MtVnrn!i!p anion- ffccenxwa ia.: nr.jmwc pnjt-11. tli Aun-Sti otVv Albion. To tliat I V TTf Is bjpillr lv csTi Ar t ii.ipedWI,"digeum and blood-making I ,f P" -f,?gwSniWj Q Wi ;nm'd both ave and Mow. I no--OIt 4mn li,J,. iald .uidcr the Mg me hi ZTV; 'vZZl' a w t must be inimiplete. If Ihe liver fs --st,WT T...?ArS li ,,. , t.ccd;thHt.sp.d,.rKg(.nen.llv , mo-t b ,.e iH.rch. -md ue had ..,nl, rrie, "'L "T'l li. 3 t u TIIZ J Jua !t . U,,t H f crowded and efipple.CMts work of til- """ "lllSOmitS"- . '' meiiig.'tu tn ocapuig. ami u.i not, like OHke nnd rnNui. Jnt ai we t dou j f;7 , .a ' ' . . ;, J ' " Zi.' M.-w,j -iwi. ! tering tho'bl(K.l. and the most impure , ..... . ,x. QfTr Xrf If to - J-'t"-Hkruaej,eK ami other insect" take , Mt ,n NV,,it .HW frm ,r uin. ' iS iv ,i7I. i-.H4,vn t j-W - elemrnts mav not nach and harm I the ' . "'V '" "M .i ? in where ?,M,lVr V. t,u "", ,,w,nr-l,,!ls .'K 'V m,d ,he .t ovra bUml ! k- . Kmk iZk J uXr VUn ,rnJfir T "tTI h..-irt tii.l I.m. ; imtu.rfWt l.dSii.r i ,nii 'lU'Ur ,:.ls. r,JlV-,,l . ' ,,uhere f0,. I ,ave often H-eii large fpider .., nilli KlIM,1. .tt. t..f, ?,..,. t,..r.l.t. '; '- M Ml' tw4 amt ..wki-COifi d tfk Mr heart an,l Iungs-if imperfei-U leatlmg lhh)t 7JfjueA-raW ti-d-ilftdD ; huUj.kin-offni-inv vinls in advance and ,mml lM, " jHI. lift Iruiu bvrliii- and iiN-ntrtt of Prof Way. .h H. i. jriIr iiT-U taS -l w to the coutummatloli of the whole svs-1 .,: .....ir..r V. i..r....l it, .,- . .T.fs 5 I PMK,"s "" "". .'" nniiu, nt , n,,r Ui- had a M.l.ndid l.mr .u tiit Unij ,itraill.H -ie.J ihrM. T ;!l- s J , tern, tlie "heart aii.Mimgrolfc ,l,lH 1,,rne'1 "l0 da PPrentlv detennit.ed to ; put a kihkI , OIIJ.hl . lftV enwith u-" lu;io,; "' HH Umn b-4MaM ut the greatest extent. I aryUml' '. ,,, : . ;d.stanee lVtw,vn theuiMdves :ui) ,lC 1W IVnM? How ,,,,mn he f.dt! And T. 1 1 . Th,- eapacitv of the lungs is much af- , f - ""ir'1"- J""-" - fM-. "" -aoeof the fal- spider. ,. UH, IU!li,,M, (.,r,iu hU kUv . JUi l J -Sl W m I U f r ,a 'V' (M ' t fectcdbvourhabits,an.rmay be in- ' " Vxl,,:,,n t,hat ""! n 'i" ; r 'hanest men.' Manding n the midst aH alt,u,.. tvr LlHit ttnet, ' "ZZ .-- iWr? 4 rnM.5. . f creased or diminished. Thev .serve an A".v Hmkt: ea" tcl1 -vou ,,,a, t,"'n' ,,y of n-nniiy of tints, and with the great- , "rJ , Jl!n, o( ,lf 1Lu, tMl .,.,- p-''d -il oitc imoortanl oiiroos'eof 'mTrlfln'ft'he i "u gnawing on a newspaper hie. -. est coolness lifting, one after another, . - ii . ,i i .. . .i i L K-l-r tl.t t4tURt4QjtU jr. . " oil I e n r e n n- in oStwitli ,0'' l"P- whlh Mij.iH.rt.-,l its My Ammglnr; fr (Vrn.alhi... . AIhim- of Ak,,l4. at tlo. nb.il, .i.ttMl , ft lrt,ua , .L oiooo, nn. .ur coining m 1.0111.0.1 iwi( . ... ... .. .. T. V . , t. ...... . 1 -- nii-elinf of Ike t.ermtt S-iit ! rnK .. .... . ... 1 the blood in six hundred million air- j A little girl viMling Niagara xmui aoo.e uieir reaeu. .-oiu- nuesas many t Fve ehei-rfnl-hxikin- ireiittrin-ii l II. HimTtb nWU It ntl-mi.! In m ., "" V ,'T.f,'r "" cells. The natural l.mgs are none too ' her father, and seeing the f.Min at the n live out of s eight leg. would M, J , JJJJ'" ' fa n Jj 'i "Jj, "" lS& CJ frHH " ." J? " large for the lalnir intended for them, I foot of the falls, exclaimed: "Pa. how hf.edat once, and whencer a ant a,.- J.J J n J , j '.'."'v , .V, "hl fWti nfl HM Tf S a '' -' W ft mf?t . u-l.Tl,. i.tict f..i...i....i tl.nt l,.5r ..nl much sonii it must take to make .so i proached one of those oiMNhich it t..j. " " T . V. .? TV. .." ., .,. . n n ,"V rt..a. nnA-l . . f. ft.rl1' a HrHi-i r ! iWl iewl ' ""- j"---""' ; - - " , ..., . :. ... :,... uiaiivii oi-iei nmn mc iin-iiiiiuinrt o wnw oi jimitaiioni uiiU'Ji iuHina inn soda, oae of aaKoae taMtiaaoafal aid a katf of -aewad lNtter r iawm ferftra aawrilff -a aM flaMitjaj-lte'aad dry oi A51 UTCEARr. Vr Taniw-r. tb? fairr. wto kai firnl In Com'. !x. for crer! mcmth. ha rvmotvl to Jatnwtowta. in Kcw Vork .StAtr. iitf,r3-, ol,rrinl tkst Tfka M.. im im ) t ...a. 7? :.-:.. .t- . i-.f3-? 1milTO iwprj-s Mt MY wai JI3Uf4WIC abimt to retire. It aj'trar that about i all the bi. cicc.ua thejyttool are rw : tfrin to vnjor their b.t steep. -.V. ". PER.SOXJIL J.. . . I.PdMh.a - k kh.d Xh t WOpi, tr, r i - .1 ' ., . t.J'lr - , reat iet i an 1thot Jotor rn In hi otrn cmntrr. An A.rhlm J additional educational other jnfyrnw in the To auuiiionAi 4ilUi?ilioiiai lacjiKie.t ,nu, . .lyrnw in the pnon ol Haiti- - id wvi.ington. she wnrAifr"' "K.VOWIMI CRK. Kngland. and ik'vote tMr4?U!n- t ' mixrcan ail for merlo effort- in bi'half of prim re- , -- - fonu h.'h. y. V. Tuna. - Kx?sunatyr Thurman-' rvematscri- on accident occurred as h- ua, hum- '... . 'i ...' i... . . .... ...fl...Ci.. m'ri -'. .i... .b.i'N..lMi-j In m wUr fftitrl - nviiJ'vKiv. ill" h"j. i aii-ini in ni" oi - lt. .t ..I i,nf..u r..n...r,l iwi.tv...i..tK..i. hall dyor. IIo wok it:rri.il toJiis room, wlHn it w.x found that hi left ana was xpiarely broken just abiiVe the dlwiw. r j - (- ." m .--.'- i--.---i--.i Wenilell Phillips' wife has been an i invalid for over thirty years, and dur- for two vears In" order to feck expert medical treatment in Europe. Should it 1J found that her voice can mi bp" re stored, her retirement from the lil will be iierinanent. -(ViiViimo Times ti.. i- ........ :......,;. - r.,,i I ' 11 ill III llilll'l Uil, III I l.llf. V"' nn '.John P. Hale was a remarkable man. lie nnu a lino voice ami was a He hnd a lino voice and was a rami no rou ueoaicr. . uiaiiec wiiau was the provocation, he net er permitte 1 his nngry paeons to ri-e. He was al- wsiysase-ilm asaM.mmers morning. uelooKeu tKeag.HMiieiow. xpoKeuKii, a gMMi ieiiow, ami i, oeneve ne wa a; m ' . t ... gooiuejjowj-wjj VVUlHiilill.A,JSM I man on account of polities especially goodjaiovvjyijcytdlout ith. anv much miii.i "I like your new hat very much." he said. "it's rhi"; there's a sort of abandon " "There isn't tiny sort of hand on it." she said, -muting. It's a, real ostrich feather." Frank Cella. a New York four-vear old, ran out of the house to avoid kiss ing some female relatives from tho country, and got lot. The -Kdicu picked him up nearly two miles, from home after wandering all night. His first words to his overjoyed father were: "Is they gone?" The following is said to 1 a bril liant example of ('crnian wit: Child "llerr Pastor, mv mother sends nut to say that mv father died last night." Pastor "Did vou call a doctor?" Child "No. Herr Pastor; he died of j "A v,roinia cau wa- itHinu in ina iiay-mu iiR-uiuiT un9 nnu hut tn-trn:r Mt-YifitA tlttit tin. itritui ttlitct hnfn lilri-ii Ft IF - 1-iJ Kll-k tll . 111- ! f I ilW 11 i. .. . .4it a . sl nil inrn iift'iiiiM? "iihtv wii iur inti ' t . af . 1 1 ll tier-way ior 11 10 ciiuio up. 1 ne gen eral opinion in the neighborhood though I is that the owner expected the tax j assessor round that day. ltoston lot. ".Johnnie. ; saul the teacher, "a '- can be acted, nsSvcll a fold. Nmv. if your father w:ts to put sand in his fi,f'ar' :"'d sell it, he would be acting a "' nnd doing vcrj- wrong. "That's what, mother told him." .said Johnnie. impetuously: "and he said he didn t care." .V." J". Eia miner. A sober Philadelphia omnibus came near upsetting, and the possible victims, witk one exception, throw up hands of protesting leverage. The exception sat motionless. " How could vou be so calm?" asked a friend. "My dear," was the reply, " my glove arc a mis fit," Exchange. "Please, sir, there's nothing in the house to eat," said Brown's landlady. " How about the fish I sent in 3 M "Please, sir, the cat 'ave eat them." "Then there's some cold chicken " Please, sir, the cat" Wasn't there tart of some sort?" "Please, sir. the cat " "All right. I must do with cheese and " " Please, sir, the cat " "Then, darn it. cook the cat. and let's have it all at once." A. 1". Tribttm. At a railroad station, lately, an el derly Irish woman who had arrived a few seconds after the train had started, set off to run after it. She of course soon came to a halt, when she began to abuse the unaccommodating engine, adding with a "nate" brogue: "Faugh! the great black ugly lump! When she gets as old as me she won't run so quick!" Two young fellows Mood in front oi a billboaril the other night intensely perusing the announcement of the Bos ton Ideal Opera Company. Finally one remarked: "What is the" 'Boston f deal' anyhow?" The latter looketPat him half contemptuously for a moment and replied in a deprecatdfytone: "Don't vou know what .the Boston Ideal is? Why. you ninny, it's baked beans." Hartford Globe SeawtUatr Better Duriag a Westers trip of one of New York's railroad kings, made last year, if became known through the passenger coaches that hL private car was at tached to the train, andastkecoadudor entered one of the coaches, a man from Northers Indiana beckoned to him aad " Is Mr. Gould's car with this train?" " "Yi-w: sir." "Is .Mr. Gould in that car?" "He Js." "Can I go in and see him?;' -? j- s. if-vou caar-retia.- - , "Well, ril try.jmid tke maajM he roseap. ' Pve got a moifcl hereof the i-martest. cutest aad; bert washiatE-ma- rakeca ever iaveated.- aad if Mrr-Goald I - w1I lwa lu riilMic aaal !- lU this with aw. rilwaitaac.aim aiaaadv iaeame. after the firm rear, if fortr aof lan a-weekr" He -"Jrfat maxeetl ' cateria-r aear, aadik mav be the reasoa 'why Mr. r-uil IB IUC1MUO-M ub.hji.mv- r - ... r . iw.i iii'rii .irr i Hiiiin liir .nuirr 1-31111' .. .f .... ... . 1 . . ..- ..-. . .- .MV fcV ltv,. ....r, ... . 1 .T.,.... t ...I.. I . . I. ..!!.. ... . ' been tintiriu" in his attention toiler. ' "", - ,' , '". j , i im u i'i. - uw n ? -Mnt Vo bhe lim io can kn ..w what it "?ch luw'l ,u'" lJ,r th" -, ul j"- iM thiak of b-.kius U him lm en o enrc 7"r her" wa-Tr." I .,,nwW- ",u P' H' rrfrtI . for .lt .- he began to -t tin- H W nrkd to him i -.tlr Ah? So , r,'11"" V' l! l" t ' heard 1.1, hxZ FannV ealHi Htm. inn uui nit Kiion.i iiinw.nv, vi-rv ravenous and n-gularlv, ikw at,, ..., -.-n was h,; heartiuie answer. , ,h ff, , - , , Wj h" l.lI;L;ln w MMJ. f j I .-MissI.ottaMiHtumCrabme.1k.tt.'r A, 0l a, It inrf--W-theTlv I Ulill, f ?' - t? "Ufcl t Wm3f " known bvthe simp e name of Ut,. ha I lllwl ,. Iwk ? Wllh tlir Ann "f ' p .LjT JJnk I been losing her singing yoke duru.g , t to,k- this Medlhglv III. Tim first ? t ,'ht t vo thJtn ,Lh a tnVl " ! some time past, and by the adrK-t- of Umr. n I futally UiClUntiy uilh it, it t l 'SC!U ff ,1 .V L W ' ' her ohv.sieianswil nt ire from the stage . mn,1M(ri1i . f( ...,. . i. .,. t', V ' "JB ..' ' . ' ,Tr,n-w ! i Our Youn Headers. H ..J m. -- . . - . - - -r- -"e T.iVtiirr ur .t n.UMW'tr r rijit-a. wnr is it tUfcvire if SK. fcfjw t fcrf'r ! 1-jKV a.tl ciri twt Wrf fi7 CT7Si rtF" Tf- Jifrtlt. 1S lUin-.!rrt Srrrr T-' - Ho- t lv - jmw ltytfaa J - H Jrr?35BIiOlStr.rr V ? WlMttT UCX.ciltC7Bl wiwiVf fj"rmur vff4ul '. a. K. La&ii in A, V. tuMin.Uti. Trisix ... . , IS '- u e bvcrvU nesi: .miters tame-i , ii y .rtomrs . at,.! here i xi imm . 'ii;-. -r-jnim --.-.. "3 ,'-"- wmir ibi uiucnt--. tbev lia M?ii-e !tvU!?h to n-M;nl betui? . u-a-c-1; "l iioticv-d oik- da-, m a half- , Utvdl; 1 jioUcvu one m . - - - x ' - - - r - ' f . .ill il - i'irK rormr ji ii.traij n-i-iaj-nT .. - . . -.-- . -.jM.m .-. vw, .o .....ii .-.i-h-iv-i .-,... i--i had miula it hoai. anil sat at thunrrt- , opening early and late watciuug U , some iijmg or cnarjwD lorni. n sv-n . wcame a niiiar ijuiti wim me to rarrr it tlie?- several tim a day. nhieli I !.M , . tiown K-lon ll Uoor with a oair X ; later tH)k a 11 v light aa, oilr friend ' thip was de.stroctI fonder. t following dav it treatiil mv U'Mll fittlltllllll fill! I tllklllil lint llrV. . ...... . .... ....... ..... ...... .... ...... ,. ' ami on me imrii u;w u uau .day it penrcd." - of'theTnnt oft ! You have nil heard i South Amerv. i south Amenen the Ki'tton.s u hleh go ... ... : moui m great eroirus ami Kill even Uvc en ature they overtake. There f ' , uu nmillt riVl. l,v Mr . IIt. showing' ! ,l,,,t not nil the wisdom of the omtn I belhtigs to iie ants. "Many of the . . spulers woiilu ereaiK ov - 1. ......:. t .fcJ , i.ended by a thread JK'ii bra ofMlk from the. I -."....- -. ,,.... k..iii. it.! in. 1 able to hold up the threatened one out ..t.i ii reaen 10 inn. now n anoiner. so ni 10 1 li m iiaiiiT. j One who has studied the ways of that wise turn, me grav parrot. 1 reniiv to iu.w.. ...uui rv .. .1 u -if, : ... ",i.ii: '..... .1. .. . .. . i" .im- 10 "linn jui"", minion i i.ti knowing herself, found her match in entitling. 'tine dav the eat anil parrot I ,,. .. ' had a quarrel. I think the eat had ill set Polly's food, or something of that kind; however, they '.seemed all right t again. An hour or .so after Pollv was standing on the edge of tin- tabfe; .she ' called out, in a tone of deep affection: I ' Ius-s, puis, come then, come then, I pussy. russv went, and loktiI ! H I' '.!i - ler lie:!. niK'entlv enough. Pollv with seized a basin of TnilFMatTning bv. and tipped tlie b.'isiu and nil ""its content I the basin and oil -nts contents Of course the fall broke the bash., and half drowned the cit " In one case a parrot owihI hi life to pus. " 0;c evening there was no one I . ... . "". . . ....... ...,.., .. lnivVI ' wim,,,. mine kitchen. i.ook nan gone titi - stairs and left a bowl of dough to rise bv the fire. Shortly after the cat -i....i r, ,... .....:.. ..,i ...i. im what si.'tis she could fr her to'tro .i.f. ,i....r..t... : i .i ,..iJT..i her apron and tried to draf her down, As sho was to .eh n M,ttrf of eiti.- .....w.t ..vw .v "-.-, HVI "- -.ft T flK nulk IrKB In- . . '-. -jr.- -- . - - - , i tutu in pro invMuin vnou, emi nri iiiiir ait- 1 t Mil nil- uh- ilKll ..:.. ur.. I. . A i.l ment, conk went and found Pollvshriek- P-.v all other vyn- of tran-i-orting ihg. calling out. Happing her wing-, j t,MS ,M,d-v '"" lato iwidcnre to Um nnd Mniggltng violently. M.p to her t roiuator-y. If the rvlation of the de knces'it,7ongh.and Muck qiiiti n. j reav'd wished to invite heir friend or No doubt if she had notlM-en rescued m r;n-r of 'ho iiMial diMdav of n fii. she would have sunk in tho morass and npn, V"VV w're ty haVt t,T.riht to ,l" been smothereil. Cage-birds know quite well enough S how to nsk- for bath.-and it. - seems j !.. u. .;i.i ,.- .1. !. v t-.l.. ...... rri.li .... VMI..n ..17 .i... ,..,, 1 .-4i:., iu...i. - :M,.i..i.... ...i.:.i. i:....;i i;..,,;i ................. .. J..V.W... U1V.. ...... in heryanlsavs: "I generally made a practice of tilling a large basin which stands under the trees every morning fair Ii.l-.i iitl r A Cn-ar ilnt'j nn I ..... f...T.-iA-:.t.4- !av,.i ..4. J .V..t'fEt..f ti.f.t ; .."-.. ,..,Ur. ,,, When I.opencd mv ilremg-nm shut-.; h3" l' intirancc wmpank-. IVron tvraabmitMmaji3"aMckAl foad mf1"-'1 ,.2y ? c'f . - wiJfPV: 1 sltr.i:M.n.-J.:;..;..t j-i.i-.w-.. iw-ryi-ar; from ) to J year, (: X, to as though he knew y"."T " v.r..-. that he should see me there: and when he did, he placed himself immediately in front of me, and .t, .1,1- t.:m-..i-.t Cr..-.t ., t,;- wimrs iust as he always doe in his just as he a I way - bath. Tlie action was so stiggcstivct and so unmistakable, that I spoke just as I would have dona to a child: Oh. yes. Jack, of course you shall some water." Christian I niin. have Uftiag To Naaj Vnls. The nsc of too many words is one of the most common faults in writing. Wc were attracted the other day by an article in a newspaper entitled "Gump tion." and hastilv concluded that a writer who could" use no homely and ! 1 .L. ...l. . 1?. ?... 1 sirong a worn as me uiie 01 aw arucic must have something good to av about it. And so he hail; nut he employed a wild superabundance of words to ex- press his thoughts. For example : "There are :inany permns the majority of person.s.jn fact, who see, but do not perceive. ' This awkward sentence be-; TOIBCs S lDi uac uvNiuuiv R-aiinruiu .1 I -J . 11 .C... ..T-l. ' I inc imunaaui wonis iuiu: --lacwa-' I : i-cr-f per-1 r. ami I jorityof person- ec, but do not -ceive.' It would be Mill hctter, baps, to avoid the long majority, ami say: "Most persons s-et. bat do not perceive--' Thus - by eraoing nine wor-aUtfram a fentence of fix tees, tke thought is more clearly cxpre.d Ie-cat-tse' it L more, direcilyr statetL The writer tkca remarks tkat'maar pefaoss bv a kaKit r.f anctskrusur mjBal .aant- tiaf .-af'.what aofrkv to be doaeit once. The words aad pasfpoaiag cess" hv wfcich a-rea are to ct gwnp- tieavae rkWawa-aboat kk words with al "Itwai?w1r'lrfi''aorr aor kMtjjmatkdoar: aad c?8apletiag of aaythia-; tkat aeeda to be doae apoa the iastaat, witkaat delay or popoae- attit-e.aatate tktae a carefat of wkat k coiae oa anaad aac." Brdmoaaic-aoa of mere tkaa kalf erie tkia tjad aeace. k k coa verted awo a fairly tohrakle "It is tke doiar of wkat aeea. ta dte ra th ia.1 'ii iw4 rnfnfir es 3u.RU.sse:i. ,tT- yniT rrprH OBW- I LbrfK i lhH I'll I ! li' HI . JVt jWtn ! in tbrtir 4L swla. 4 1'1' i"'f H fsrf V"t w -rtcwA." JWTnaA lrr l ftr i4i r!-eSr y- " ct i-t-Vrfii ij. .in r.4W. h . . II , . K . B C . - V K ' titm' .. 4Ai.K.ff t ItV && . ! ! MrtJu. mwum ilwm tW i'T tci TW tfJ.i ihrv iir: aca4Uos. he Mnn4 w a ik -jiJ'T fc awJU1 V fee fyk 'aptjtva trarii fS.!. rU- Vuuw ! aii trtt Lauiatfr ua. t,UJ4j: iM wIm-iV it Ootkrf' & at X f n tin talJtf a Kf f r?U. fM;aa I lis it tiot if" . Ltk.t-t -t. Whiln . h i W -Kid "lTi-?Uuh-r -MhWv.Uum 4innrr, ami ma- h Witt rr 4H D but I drtn't rare far h. v t - --- . T . . . . n.rl lvt1t If vwtxwi't iiit5ry th tt- Pa iy ti.-oJ. th" aiir uT &$ tl M-nt out into !)uf ard; i W 44 awl --- .,j, j,J mlJo HvUr 3I A-4r t , j,., j,jm aj j-- J n j tjni,j,. wkJ( tfcrWt lhln, wuttl a ?.,nfMl .wIL.Im.i'hU It 1" UtliT Ur uttr t hr rtMUf-gfc tlian for e.v'h to kcie it a HubO i h ran to th bani ami enuiksl wp IHI - 11' How n into thr lMtr..t tst n.l t.l.l rrfl." 'Wtl. hO little whitolf.aiHl hnUir.fcJ-3., , oiiervii iim?x jur j, j,, iJw h,M hrn tlMe.w i nHk.- -- . t-wer. lie waf a.sHamHi tu g n;iu uiv ",i1P;Juti. for he ktien he had br- m ?tingv alxttit the jelH ,.ti nvt. bli w,.,i.. rnnnlnginlo "r-n ?-- - , Kt.. i tj. lniVurd. -hIwiv Im . .... i..... ii.u i. .i.i- i...... i. v.. t.-.t .!.... ..l.. ...it i-vn ;,;. x ,, " " -.ma .-.- ..What .lid ouwar' ,vk,l law, IMllk,, t . ,v .i' ,SMi MiiiH him -,, ''rn'ihtiiii'r. - . -. . .rM.,,!,.- .--..,,.,-.. M IV... -'v .' ' --- -"- ..i n .i" .i"ii i.. i . IliHI )lt 1411 IWII'1 IiilMleilgeU itage. Ikiok nnd pa- i" r" Xvrv. lav alioiil fealUnil liefote tlietu. kiu-r readv for Couidrrntioti, the Seeratan made note mi t.'adth that . ,. ,. . Mrt......,.. . t "heHtioti of a Hvf !rt,iic!!iic wB, pre- te nan seareeiv time to talk, anil cverv etil to the viitor I he evening work wa iinnclt:iM the consideration of re quests for ndinUsion, leitTs of ltiquiry. nnd the adoption of neciar nde-. and l the time the nd inurnment Wtut elTet t b. the time the adjournment wa effei t- ed the socictx "a made full rmdv to gi on with it work. Theorganlrjitinn. ' which is the lliM of its kind in Amer ira, tas Mart il almtit a month ago by m gentlemen and one lady, who thoti'-ht n tMimiliir movi. in f.v.ii of r-r. ' matt'in rotild ! letter induced thnngh ' .... .. . .....". a" .;n man oy mere inui- niitai , , .,' . ' ",'- - .- ""' 01 1 nc mi-si .nine 111 niitocaun!' uie .... . 1. fll.l. t m. . - '" ""; i niuem. am , aiirr some rule hndlen drawn up. the ofli- ! "Wniaati n w- omiplrted by ,'Iw',nS k. lo lui-J Wrot, i l-mntx .loM-tih. Ni-nl.in ix Itiwi. ' ,- ; - J : " ,, , , ! " ""? S.TretarV: Kudolph ??- l"n'r n ,''v", Meinninn. IniM-e. Ine nilr n- f.?,!, principally to the iiirlluHl in i which funeral, should Ik eondueteii. and provided that the j-iciety -.hotild furnlh - , t . f . . I a 1"""' "tar,? nnu on'' ""tibrp, ami : mi ai uieir on ein;ne. v oninnwH-a- lion with the owners of the crematory jti -". - a. s'4lJlii4in . .wiingiim. i".. urougni oeK mo A - 1 f- 1 k 1 . . : answer that thev would rvdtieit bodl 10 asue ai im- ran-i jw npiifi. , 10 usue ai im- ran- 01 ?i.i nv'. ami .. 1 ... . . ... "..... utr . - .. . . ... , .... .. . .. .. . . uwa oecMieu u maxe io ivaj-inngion institution the active agent in earning out the -oeirtv the -onrtv rarK. 10 provide a fnnd for exeni" a claihVd rntrane; fe!- i" provide!. bal on a "mfuruAt Similar extectation of life to that inn , .19 vears, .: 40 U 4 year. J ti l tl years. SIO: and M U fiycar. 1 1. Memlwrs over GO year old will have to ' pay the mil expenvr. ami a ria .4 ! mnltvvlii. will not uke actirc pari in the Aorieiv . awair win -also in? . -. M- t charged the full price. I'hita'UrlfJiio Itcss. Tm HeaeM ! r TratfL A gentleman Mopped h horv? at a toll-gat, and nd .-eing th gaffrman went into the hooe. Tinding no fne h T-Mi'i'ii'ra in fL w T"rra ?-r-Mi mnaiiv a irr'---r-'-r -----, the rate-ketiirr out ia the Jd at work- Althvugb the old man v naite a di " 1 tance away, the gentleman went info the Held, approached the oW nwR and .:.t. j -si. j "You are the toll-gate keeper, I W- ! Ucvc?" ..ye, r," the ohl man rrplied.tura- ' w 3BI Icaxiiag upon hi hoe haaU. ..w L JO nmgh the macj" ' - .. he ,., j ..V- vs. A 7 "Well, why don't yo go thro-agh ti n" lfla to I"therc Becau."ve I waat to r to. Aad yoa came all th- war ot frwrc V pay me are ceat? "Y-rt. Mr." Mud tkgeathr-a-an.peaad-ly kiokktf tke old au ia tko . " ofddat voa have left the mos'T oc tke table? "Yes. but f wasted voa to kaow tkat lpaidyoit" '. ' """Ye. r " m4 tke -foKkat. uu- sia-iJi-Miiaik ii-i iiifi t1 aaM-ja-Ta p-oil ..... . ... - - .. . e . . , the wtuie a peaca pn-y jpnnw over "aaaas k4 tw V t--l i, "Irfftke -&c'- ... , h'rf - ttare cuct "Yo weald have walked three itaie ltao-dfjt: of tke -pfjJiija- art xs far to kare said mctaafcf-te -, K- .1 rtrrm ilrrraiafcikialrr. w-jaUa'ryatani a - " ' aad S tke aW t refveM tke J f "Y,.fnr, I.weaid. J kaaan akohotc" Ettwy -ekkt ia vi- kste.Jk."tkeW atcr-JWlo, tTkw!d4ia a -amaV ' W'tav aboytk-t krk tke ffck-. "cS tke f for aat gaaiaacaaa waaca laat tearr 1 tilf he ret awar. Kct a la4crddo)- Isr ke ateak mmeihimt ft ac leanrr i .Jftaaura IrwnMir. t i . rrr Irarrfieti-rxTJJJrfrjnTTyx j 3ft, -: r tT--lf 'I ll . Si 'St4 ufw Hp? a ?- I m, n-Ne Kwe fMi J I r k wf f i? Mt OmnW V l--k4 i BifV i4 I.. . 1V- .. . t X Vit A rfc- - - fA 151 i.- r i Au4 -. .u wS Hum ri . tjkte. o fMr&. t Tt!M-i ltr -5w !-. , -r-sr " -4 it ir 4 fi .W MMMI -J W . Am l -r- w'i i .'' Kir ! - wywl-v - --- - . - - , - - .. . I a- &rt rt-4. i----4 v---t 1 A' vli Kl4 i Vl fclM- IImi -MktKb." ftrflnt T. w "i . "- Ajvt.4tfilHr ' Tfb lKr lU fri tUTlMj vM't t M 1., ivf ti m i t it i-ris In MMIKt t 1A . -r f t tV, Uv t v j W(M lr 4-a -imi, )W 4w m tl $-f rt wa r .? tMi .;- " TVI r M"- Mi H'ii 1T ! tsillt of f - rhn uW t t. . ir .nif wl 4 a JVl Mm IfualiMvl IT' . Jsu thrvr V ,! Immm -N.4riM.rJi t'Jr. . taiaXiC .. l .(bridi-d In Ike IJ-fht ef Iterant ' In JfTy t!-tf hh a mtmrnlwl r III.. .... . k . . . v- . - " ir ' nnr ftiiriu'ii in uiiutn ttiitfDtioi jaat . ". ' ..." ". r .' , ,j !, U.M. 1.1.1,11 1, .l LtMi dMlr. to,n.Hi a, u. nh.M, i , f J,J,J "7,tJ Inlw Sf ' Tr T i " .TI? TuJ ' x-IJi ts--. ... .. .. n .,. ...ii tw' --r"''-" '' - ---- 1 .. -'T .. "' ' "I l"" '" " ."' -' . " , luu sr-Mir l Htntwtr-iiiMi ,!. rtf-im'' inui tindlllv the- ilnw hnd -u qtititiil .favor Of aliibre Idra tt-e of ab4ifd . But Mill tiMiio ititiMirtapl U the .. akk. -f - a , held U. Vieiiua, Svpivmlr. . lI.Ulaid down 11m-.. Ihii tf'i I rknt nLnlnJ iiiiinu.jiim mri-niM . iibmii. uon uk-m. .no 1 , , aai a..uH undrr n HnnVl rr.tMr,r. It. Ph-U PPhIih-U of frruM-titatUm of of dUUlU lion, tiiort. hurtful than etk-! ahsoliol itsidf. Tw Ji pj.'Mi'm -.nUi'nr alehol can In omM'r-i-il a t fotl b- atiinf- No. a well a Vf. II tv-i il-fin-s hla ie If a IkmIv ! in iIuk- and I .!!.. I tf.l.l ..... .1 m.m. m ." i . ami i- mu theni-Me, r.3ny il ftt. r mi , fareot.u,m., -,. mH to i.MlnUij, , animal heat nt-al t the n.-rk-ig ,.J tlie inaeliine. when tiiU HtwO. m tnrK.t ; ,, ... . ; , , , . , ' j '.?"'? ' )? ?' tHrH Jrtrll.- in fr!t.n. tl r,n . iIm, . r'piralo r and cirvtilatitH eriUr-i , H further add. that mi Um trtatU o-ie-n th enMimrt-.n f ak.JAi in atc-hoi . ' and U19 elminaika t ert-mi -nd and abMirjilWti of oxygen n n-n-t em aei timi iit. iiliu ha "t.iHii.nHPrald.. for lft4M 1.., hanl mm in furtW .- 1U ,mUr tl.t tint vM t prriment ami In fit. .,.. vt r .t)Muk W).t-i.al4U-l 1.. pp.-Mi.in iw to th MxsuHmHvH .4 tb , ,1,-JJr m, j , wetter U1 .Mf W fe to a gap in our knirb-.Ix- Al- oWt-sI. oidll kW Mrilti IN " tlioogh hi vf.'H an dUMttl a to tbi ' koJi U-- ,f cmiot 41 Jrt it . o-iHlatbm of alrohol. yet Im. in d-Bniti wim?-i-v ntr uwl tmt attf oUmv fm ami -"burning it value und-r tin-" .ii. j tAt!r f Um fatuity , -m1 trkf -' nan. it ciretiniinne-e4 if ili-aio. j Unr!!! iiff Ytirtv jra a Wrr la add that hem tM barn reeh"d th hmil of it i -- -s " - mfm -- it" '-hiih iegitirnat dotnuin. " lwtf'ir may be -mid a t the tsibjn value 01 aieonoi a a tK?ifMS. fo- i ?iaeil npfin tin Rnmptiofi lhl j tvt - f htn fu4- r.lUitr " nlim-'afatioh In 1U6I1 Ttn Jmj. driaV Jytinleaiifij )iqxms Jl kt ible. that the tltte and fat-fo-j-I in n- tvri fffiurl furtiK-szt t , tfrifrl it-t tret i shoot 'xhiJrI,Hiid Uit llul-r J tt$th JaJk tjn iat. aleiho! may aid in the rmfrgiiry WVd, It fl ) ffr fsiffiiW narrtiw evrn U thl coeT that Uw ' t HH ' riw r d" f go-l physician w-n no-t tnil to ny inich hy pothcth-al ur. bt td roi to watch tery rldif thj "ffisri If It U d.-iirawl that, by rtam -rrrrf ork. of tindu-rtcxpottrrr. orof imprf---i VrA. Vfrry-tai- anrln .a crtdJ Un 4 . prt-chlnsf Hf-Kaini. 'In vlir of it- i.-r'l., M aleol-J .- .-, la .,. Mtt IIH - It.i.t v 1. ,li.., .1 . . also ld th arom.itic cmtitn?nt- A t-a ami cofle-r, rhk-b uliwuUi th? In-art ar -Mrn-r -Ut 4- rtr-olil ma-tele. wfihi-i tlW ul?iu-nt -t- .'Mt. ...-.. . irii.j tm MM-M. a!jri haaotVm th-tfn'--ri tJV. .-k'.L It f k wfrv ric?i-rt,r-.ay tha. thorii i.t. 1 .-- n.j..r..f .. . .4. .i... 11. i" a frni f-4."J v they might tfetu app-par U 05 Tifi"iu 1 .ubtttc for it. Urr utM. to ofCua "Vr l' T ' ihfaA. U ukca in och i(i.i,i""' $? itir,on tl grro.lofcfJi t ! T1 if" I1,rM ' . . I. r1 .. . .1 iUan ll af I -. be in.!u!gs;I it bv the t--rfiT tU. It s drfirttfnl to - iw thU t-S4,ir-- v-r -..- r i - f . -im-.l in favor 6f akob! 1 dwwtwlc Whb allU-akj'-? arr jh!! o : to wpiwa-et nrutoi-is- i!f;tfcr of thV-ir ta It ! joorr ainf avr-' rr dirai tkai alcohol raat be fs-fd trictlr to the- dom-iln of a miliar. aaI mz not li-r aorr-i:-it-tI -m an all-e-3t for all UV- hltlr !aea4 ka r occur. It I vcr?-iartvitmt. , kt Prof. FH t!oer oi 41 aI arttft Um? tttMl K-4aclyiiM l-rlwe fppiriu-Mim-i aad fur-t-fcratrtJ liitxtra. Wafik heaa A Iml laaKsrt the &? ctfhymvm-'.u both tr tk? indiTidsal aad i drty. f cscnTBtedti-wisy!ri4. n-M!-k kwa Laa akhoi.i4 tksi tSW 4icjetofK4d'ark-a4. Sba !- BBaaTaB'BWaiua.aL.A.L aL - .W .a-B -at s-. I t. a f a-r a .a "Vak flaTV"" -y- -c--h nm 4?a-r-rrs k-k4-rf aa '1IIafc lur las iaWm4 of Wtraklasr U act tkr? atai-m of lk Ch-n " iirenHaveac. aafl uk rf-Mtlas race 4e- rf ... . . . 1 k a-akiar- kaetf fek. IV HMedlnr rd Mu t-, Iwimportaac I& aaatw Ike kaRial of the ay-y-t-daou. aad Witttlnatt ef -set-feet t I arrv aiii-oacn iraai - ! aVarf-sfoi hioh ta t jyawai tke tt-m aaaaaa ktk.-.'C.r a-fJaWaH fmaaa-----BBtas Hfct J.V Hff ,l"t - - - - AiiAsia,aii - 4 frfct I - J-rrT Ht ' B caw- 14 t H 'iW iW i f T I4mfk fr. w A iiir ! jti tItwWNo Nm MHj AHM1 - W tiir nvgrnkHrU v iMtUrlA -pguWfFii I TWm4',Vi J B4 tfcfcvri - w Ai.w4iL3Atal . ' rf i Tiruki ffiM-T 4 - a-M h - psmiw ii ! f)in ' ' I. 1 IL-iiii Nff miiti-il.-fnii f I . . - IP'P '"'"y wt--r -f--i " - e ri m- TV iiiumtlw' 1 rtM't ' tUr Vt U t6 I JtM ' 4wlr4 tvpM f-M. -iHr - tWw li cMt oMM T. flM-te ( - f Uk4k -W Mt ' N-t )-i m w !' t lr ij-4 rM f CfJ r" l-ay (? Thjw . 4 lA r- Bi . I Trfv.-?w- I tvilM(kWlftiM(Xt-4f1 If lidfek H !r tivtrMh Itknr, W lt Htm -11 l h Arvi-Sftlft ttft-r r- JK.JK T s. j B fW -"--W - r-T- - -P" ' J - l 1w. A,sJk.lwtLii.iA Lai )kt mlalt t kk. m. jprwiK - mwm -.llilMMllli JjiJOWHP " 1i fftH cip W rtr ! mi-i-ti'- nt Mttdle. . fruit iwr-Mifc tfc- ' ..! fAr-f4f-i UHiwiri hc K al ii rfx tftatxaN llWi-fii " " " " F- t"!" i it , . .. i . . .. .1 .B-w . mHewriwi Mwrwjm ' . ... . HntWf !lra Im f 1 Uto t h mm t. rt4ia - -ftl H, i.J lt-nr -- t,.aiTLTJI. -n.a.n ft ' lt-eHlft.f tk4 --i .- : an.maNUii' i i . a. ii- I 4l4l f.a f.-.II..M' tl... M-tfaMA.K .. .. . ..f ," f nn trll'frl ff-in hi .kHrt- ml inl. tt whirijo4f ioi.., " - i tmmmti -ri rl-a-mmmK ' - - n-i,rThfw.rll.l b. U!i h ft, fa U.Ui S I . r- ..... )pftt ) ; , U;Al hm Kllintimuf. lwi v.-, n h-I, I ,..,, i4,.sUitAht,. i,4iul t.AJ!miZ irPttjrw'wrtJMitsii twt.-fli&ti t ti.niihdil n-l ft.fc fyM, r ft rli UMtjsip, if" fHl tkWtk nk. envy nH )mr - ' -- 1 W'' . , rtf.. A .Vw thiiln-Jr it I t-wj-r'iw. Tbr-t" ar a ivai InMAT itUfttlp0n K.r(i-i -1m hhJ4 UV," m W'vo f MrAt. Irtit Ui oviTritor k-- 'f 4m tate j Ut-ri tmu-r t41 llNor -4 ro!uti"0. jt-l agruij h4 -r. U-r; U. a a . iarT -,r tf it h.i : Alanr ,r tf -- Ixlhd a Urg fa;K-.l-MIyj, - j W'4-fW J S4i, 'WWrH (f tfhfr el-t - lngV ll prtf ! Cntt I . U-vifrtti: rV 4irn rir W Uy tb NT IIJ5lll rrtf4frmt Av Vsr-ttf nae&c . . ' Trrr-iM. lUmtt, Tiicr-rAq Ufiw f Tij-k. Ka-vj I a. - M U-Z)WliAlsa i4jUJ7JiJ-1 TS, - 5 rartal;rf HuHb i4tik-tA' --. . ..3: . rfw. . " tpi tiiutirmiSL $ Ih u ltiUriXrilrt l-rrj r TE -r-r..ii Pftmitar-fcfvv 4 m ?- M,:;T '4 4,r1 b3 " TiM? ? r .t't . -" 4 " . - -" sir hh iumn or a tj v jJl4.i v biit!Jti, 4er-' !lf 0m&" f1 Uj r1 -T:i' lo 7 IiaiH-d i tkt . t4 ii os4- I. NwcH4 Krloe jr-sir-Ttt- ai4 . la K-m-r I I4M vf 3n'jir.F Mai", a l-?- UbfhriWn jt- frwai I IbdaJgrtic-jt Ut inUnleafil . brttw - wty rfi'3ii-' are dcrlld. dkrctlr iretm aIiuML T MJm4 dkretiy hf doaiiaur --f- ts At Taiui-c w. A-jtcraSNTaf K It?a Catke Ckwrtk tt)s4 T-Mfet.- -ttfI la all cfctc4 wjtk avl j-f-alu. TW , p?J! -prjkekd t TiTr tar. al thrs sd rrwy jf 3- "-5f liojd kd wcj jrknff aL -uh jH tke -rakr f -aW amxY3aK-rt JU rHrC Wjj-Uir-J kf tWr tkr tm -lr LiuMi 'kail L. Jy. U 'maul ka. vfatlk li3 . r. ' --. ' j i - eraeutt ia fc-wM. Ix-oat Wffl JkW!MR-M4rMV riBHi sad tkg -g, -f:aJajeW. I kr' mt tke dead a'xtt & . . '.-.' -. - tW awMt-mia im Aatfffiaj( -rara. j;' mial aiaa ai;;i - fcay ir.. t wrmfc J. yfw.kltio UrriiHHL a4 1 hatrg pahawd jiaaaf fr MaMle. TkW a?aiiJtawL. tkg gai- ettdaravti'i 1 kaafaajt. aaav Wc wey rm rftmlaaiif tV aififa wh-W W aal rUaMaA m IU -aaULa U --- - J. amrai,! lJk-ay ,7, raaa it jwfj jnVi -ykv . j .taJ. 1 aar -raaav at taw. - tfmrUato " Jiiiaiirjv.'FaMW a la. Tjana. at r 4 Ife r- "V . lira! " ' ' aeai l'- --ss?-al rSMfea wisr--- , .--" r-4a. f-T Y---' -W' FifT ? -rTriITP - y.. FZiSPvi-j? wi. '2 -r . i.- t?; tr '--craA -- -- ti fckcy i v i' aaf. : " "-- s. '-. JiT '-?-- -s44-s. " aaBBBl BBBBBBBBW -L .J T av - S .'ilCu- - - -MBMMiM--aBBafATartTtBfaBBBT - Bt- T - V ! . " aBaBBSaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB V jMl. , . j- -B-r1aMM-aBMaBBmvjBVaTjava-aT .'--iTri;-.-, . .Bi-'-fffff--tH-f--fffffffffff :S-N?,-T'a:t