" f "a" ' i ' iT m in i i.iiMi i m m i,..iih " " ";-"' ; .SifmESEmmf!mrm79W9t " " ii1-"rgsST?? "" -SaaSABBBjfcBBPf-t v fveaeaaj Ik V V ' f-mttirimmm0tmmmmtmm- pewaaaaaawaaaa " wiuDe.w ,nu M.iUfc'twtfUnfii m wtwmmmmmBmmmmmermm imn' ii rn.m'." Jmni mii'i'i imTiam. wwwfc-j -THE CHIEF. Pttbluhra crrry Friday Horning JOB WORK. The Red Cloud Chief. - . y &,B-hfc, Mnb M. L. THOMAS. tt " "m Vl. 'T'ltfAtfSiMMi "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.30 A YEAR ISTHK PRICE OFTHfi CHIEF. jutes or sraiCKUTias: Cae eovT. one year. - Oca copy, tii moBthf. -One eupy. three sconibt. - a a At f : so. K. SO. VOL X. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. JUNE I. I9S3. NO. 11 a,..-, a- te-- P ; . 4 W .. " Li j i coin- Floral Conservatory. Cor. G. 17th Street, Two Blocks S. E. of Capitol Grounds, LINCOLN EB. Tie tersest sn! raot eofJt etabtifiaient We of tbe Mitipj-l Ril Greeoboaaa. rf lOCVarl of 1j a tall apartment of eeery tbifc is tbe Oreebboaae, bard abrnbberr. I Ball frail, eweet potato plants aad early Vegetable plant a: pner a tow aa any return fiHa eartern firxa Ai our etbiuuent M heate-l throughout bjr the hot water tT'tem abd ht ail tb- modern imnrorrtnent. our ftaats are etntnc aid hraltbe, Oar a'iortra.ul it tiDorj"' J bj u) ib tb eal .r iL Viiiuin are invilej t.i rail wbeo in the itr. Deacria tie. catalogue 'lt free n application. 33ai3 W. S. aAWYEK CO. Xitu-o hrn'hv ivcii that I v.itt cxamtnr n!! jKjr-yns who may de-ire to olff r tht'iiiflvpa nn candidates fur tejicher! of th. common choi! of Web utt'r rnunty at my ot'ice in lied Cloud on the third rvi'urday feach mouth. Kxnuiiuatiuu- t j commt'iuv at y a. m. B(;ot a.-k fjr ;tt:al ixammatioiw. C. W Sl'UINtiEU. Count v SiirK'riutcndfiit of 1'iibhc lut. DE.EE1TDEES01T a MHi tTjao !otte StrU Caaaaa lllj. la. v Antiiorird hr the tte lu Irrat aW J mm.G- Zrwrnm mriA lHra!e Ola. 3 Ki'SSH: aWBaBaaBBr Tl..t-m.tt.n. A.thm. KnilrWV I Urtuarj aad Sk .n JMwr. c, Caf tmratred rri3on-rrrfnnlrL Cliarer le. Ovi-raDJvneaara car-d exp-irncc la ImjMtar.t All medlrine for mihedrcadvf.ir; nornnnlrtctiidrncMurr Pa-1 Atzircaimii'iu. yfcp.ui i.-". . tiecta at a dUtacce vrrated hT Iclt-rr and ciprtM; mrilclurnleTCTyhrrr,1rirtruTa titer breat I as No lnjurttra rnrdlcto' b1. No dclentlou J Jnisi ba!r- State rartM' and eend for lerr. J OnaluUttnTrer and rnuflrtentUl, t-rotiau or ry letter. A HOOK fir UtSs eTea-KlatrtrU i.d clixolanof otJierthltc,',ntra2et In pllnrr petiriwo3ertanjj. N B- Or HcuderouU a rjTiiar pradcate Ic medicine. 0er IB year prac tire JJlaChkajo, IVMr Frr Maactua U bow tipea ere drecrlpslon lu tUT took. ttfUIYA ' --A9af rZDaawTM- T7 1 ,. 0C3trJP?5G .aaAni' VaTCalaTw'. NVAZ. ton usa.. , rm tn au arrJicacta. acd to caa- torneranf laatyear wtttKnTtordertaatt. It metafile ahemt ltir. J UlnatraUnoa. t-. anmrate &mctivinat ail J ratuaM (brw-Unna (oc lauttna 1400 Tanatifa cf Vrclabir aod Fltmw VreAm, inanta. rrolt Tre.ric. lavaluable to all. aapec UUr to Mar&et Gankirara. Mend Tor it' D. M. FERRY A CO. Detroit Mioh. I 11IE R4IBLAMB SYSTEM or aaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaam. CATBMHC SEMI aaaaaaKaPaaaaaaV ae aUaMC BaTTrt) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ' ammv di iU wmawaaaBW DAVIS AL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT arelwta lai aawaaaaaaaalaWaVV factnrrreof aatf Daalerata VO Caaa aant cm arial. 176 hmkm St., CHICAGO. Klflea) S4JM. KrrAlrrra tl.aa. Znlw, Brrera Iadrrl.at. KaUetUrta. Hllaar Watchea, ltnm Wla4rr aja.w. Iet (iki ei.r knea n awavai luaataevm. Wra KraalTawa. MSl5SmT-W U rreatTy T'dserd pnre. .ad .tamp far unr a. ltlb. .ulnce. 1MO-AB. ?.J"0WTJ.L a FOX SMifi ci.ct53raXdk aardwt FREE for TRIAL Aa unfallioa an4 t y core for imm J6ftyapq ntvM.tMi of VUotitrn4 rigor, aeanrenlr ealt of iodiecrelion. emit, oerr work.e4o urzattt tkouaanJ fl- tl neaa ijc tar mi cntrt.l toioruurtna. Jldraea. teaaWtf . aad iaitooa l'laue,aiuax lua ri i l bnvls: a st- a. ILYON&HEALY I Slatt Monrac Sts..Cblcaaa. vrm H,e t . .i; u .e. tu iw AMD CATALOOUE. , Urn inl I r-. .10 kMivni l.f lKtwih. -rtv. Cis N!a i V... IV.1 W.S Suek. ar4 I3"IV -U ft, e.T in 4 iniia f t'rtH, - iKi.Aa ir.Mia a4 a- WCheaUaaale iSilirlinta' KMM4.uaawa i$IWfls- Kg iTwsmifwaauRTw f FsrWxc fraa, CO s Oteflnnatl, O, K. T. City, raakaoertna. EU Oaaaia. Kak. wiuacJa ru ' Arnta armatea ar tka EJeV CL A "U T'TTETiT a i m alllali - - -a. a- eo"Troupletetorrofl;ian!lellfeaiv!trari; c --' rreB,hri!llarit.reliable 13anUrinnted a Kcleat ataaM Gca-aBaa.macntftrvntfrUlua- uandati ly UcttO. Faaaeas aeilinc bnoK b!tahet. y . attaaaaUa. fca-ea. CALrTlOaf Lboiii2S3ir3y: - w eaaw aampec aaiia'an oooaa wtta V- 'La c.iiiaaij t a-taaa. Taey are aaertr xrrr.i. :-a:aj traafaponlUmeiaorTofthetrtat ii i' 34 a tear A-ant! on tbe paojlc Tnla awk la fitrctyaieai. Thr oaljworfc wortky th theme. iccd Cac. ia aaaaajHi for Acrat'a Ovtat. ! 5- EEL) wmhemafiii? aaaaaaaBfeV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKLvtfr-iaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaRSaaaL m wraaaw wa aar .aca SIaf aV1 I Lwaaaaai J us 1 i 'iatfTfaaaV - A W 4a"1 ' I CatOeaF-e ewwlHb aaaBS-SfaW Jabs Mor V. Ifwj1 Fraak Oraaaaw, . Z. H. As Mar. Caafclwr. jiCwfe'r. First National Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital. - 50,000. Traa'aet flsef) baakiac taittw. Wrwl I roil Caaaty rtmatt. Alt Caeawtr. Pra Hart at) Hebool Dittriwt beadj. Bay Mi tn Formic Zscaaacc DIHECT0R3: R- K. Vaora. CW.Ma.bee W. Jt Jab aTawf. aV. c Oatealt R4 aba rdao a. R.A.Statr80K. Notary Pabite. F. A 5WEEZY. jlttoraar at Law. Blue Hill Bank. SIKPSOS I SWEEZY, BLUE HILL. WEIWTEB CO., EB. A General Dsakiac I!eiiem Traotacted. EpecUl Car circa to Collection!. Farm Loatu at Imw Rate. Hcbol iiuadl ikiofbl aad Hold C'OKBIJil'OStiKNTr!: Kooctie Brothers Banker. Xtw York CJtr: Bank. Uaka Sabrajka. Lti VfKta. Tre.Ueat. 1 P. ALatioarr. Yi-Prci4aat. Koar. V. fiatitT. Caahim St&tfi Swik of Rsi uloUi ' JIKD CLOUD, XED. Attention Civvti ta Callao tlan. HIRIXrORS: J. TT.Krsi.woop. ttaGaaa. Lkti ilooaa. L. P. Almioit. Roar. V. Satarr. Buy mid Fell Exchanije. lections. Dicotmt Noitst Make rol and do a General Banking Busine. Interest Allowkd on am. Time Deposits. W. K. Sraoaa. 0. E. McKbmt STROHM & McKEEBY. Attorneys At Law, RED CLOL'I), - - NEB. it1 be roarnlUiI in Kcclirb or Oerraaa. I Ollertion will rrceire prompt attention. OKFICE-1 dot.r wet of tfuta beak of ReJ Qnad. 0. C.Ca. Ja. McNtnr. Case & McNeny, 4 TTORNEYS X CDUNSELORS AT T.A W. a Will iractiM in all tbe Coartr of thit State a(i nrth,rn Kan?. Cullectmna aa well a lit- ir-trd buine- tarefnllr ana tficientlr atteud- i. fi.r-v-. tt.t HMf u.Mth nf araXnn&i Bmk. nf ftair. RKU CLUUD. NEB. J. L.Kjlt. C. W- Kn.tr. lllooaioctoa. Kad Cloud. Nab. Nebtaaaa. KALEY BROS., A TTORNEYo AT T.AW 4 REAL ESTAT '' AOENTS. 'A'Ul t-rjetire ia all tbe Ccurtt ia Nebruka and nnbrrn Kana: rc!le?ttBt .rnaptlr at tcLdrd to aad eorreetocdenca eoltciteU. LED CLS7S. I.'eiriika, Alo. AreaO for R. A M. R. B. Ir.d. J. S. GILHAM, A TTORNEY AND COrNHELOR AT LAW. Qffix op!!' CUy Tfrttff Storr. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, TTORNET COUNSELOR AT LAW. Okkice: Over Mc Farland s store. seh clots, :n. Laird & Smith, A TTORNEV? AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. II.lfTINRS, - NERRASKA. TV"iH practice is all tba Coart of the State. Prompt attention jrirea to all bmiacas eatraatad to far care. lalyl-7 R. awAMEItELl,. M. P. Physician I Surgeon, Rl Cl-OUD, Nkrr-vska. Orncar Ota door aontb of Caiar cacc. Physician & Surgeon, Rn ciud, nkccvska OOca and tieeria rooa orer Jlearr Caak'a Drat tore. Z7 DR. C. SCaffaENCK. Physician & Surgeon, COWXES, NEBRASKA. ' Professional calls promptly nttendetL Office; At residence near Cowlcs. 8-51 Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDEITjDETIST. RED CLOUD, - 2CEMLASKA. D. J. Hallowell, M. D. Surgeon, Make a Specialty of Diseases of the Eye and Ear. HARDY, - - Woo NEBRASKA. Paint, COOK' . Oils, MED- GUm, CLOUD NetietaE. DRUG Wall Taper. STORE. JL E. afaera. Praal $sb& a wO Baaaaaaaaa aal THE CHIEF. M. t THOMAS, eaafNer. FRIDAY. JUXE 1. !W3. A Wrscossox girl't innate mode-ty caused Iter to xk a. clerk in v itore for I a pair of limbing when ahe wanted legjpru. Tlie truKIe- for the cake now lie between her and the Muouri , wvj upon the fl r or ,unding with land worth t aa acre; 3J horaew. 130 girl who tella strangers that during the 'yoar back to the wall, and always take cattle, mwl of tliem fat and nerly rr war the enemy threw up buatworka on your finj pohion on the firat orjdyfor market, 250 ho-s, farm ma iler father farm. ground floor. Never aland or he in chinery, one piece of ctty property, " J front of a door or window, near a stove worth about 15,10, and caah on hand. The Siramerman family, compriinj; father, mother and one son, from Len-- ora, came in on dunday oa their - .. way to Yyoming. They arc an un-.eU and groves, make for the open fortunate family. With one son under, field, and throw yourself, face down sentence of death in Ncbraaka and an-(ward toward the east, and your araw othcr under aentcuce iu the Kanaaa penitentiarj', Uicir lines seem to be cant in hard places. By Monday mor ning they seemed to have chanced their mind aa tn Wt-nnrina- ami art. -- - - - - j - ... "-aa - - -- - ed south willi the Indian Territorr or New Mexico as their probable point. Mexico as their nroluble ooint. taking Kitt Mudcett, th Grinnell mail carrier with them. It were better, per haps that Kitt had been .calped by the Indians iu the heart of Wa-Kec-ney. Kansas Citizen. ii wic ur route tnai liiccraoti i.. -i . r.t 'i made a rapid summarv of the evidence t ,t. . . . .-it ii aa tt nnni'irril tit him and rnnliiriav1 a follows: Gentlemen -The fate of" thcc men are in your hands. Eevn thiug they hold dear is in your power. Ur arTtt frrtm fttt tnAr.ltr an tuinat i- . i. - r . ' i .. verdicL It is for vou to say whether you to say these defendants shall be clothed rith honor or shame. Nothing is so pro foundly sad as to wreck htiiiau be ings nothing o profoundly mourn ful as a home covered with shame. I want a verdict that will relieve rov cli-' cnta from the agony of two long years; that will lift from them the cloud; a ver dict that will 611 their coming days and nights with joy; that will fill their minds with a sense of joy and gratitude for ever to you, one and all." Many la dies were weeping when Mr. Ingersoll sat down. All the spectators were vis ibly affected. I It is an appalling fact that the cy- ameter was scooucd out of the creek clone is doing desperate work in the and dropped in Vienna, three miles land and no iorlion of the country is distant. The farms of Gillespie and exempt from its presence. North, ' Mrs. Morris were swept clean of South, East West, alike are visited by everything. Iu Miller county the this frightful destroyer, and nothing is storm was alo very severe. Aa far a able to withstand it force. Excarie by heard from a dozen farm iu the neigh flight is the only mcaus of safety yet borhood of Iberia was ruined, and a devised. Scientists have in vain tried 'school house torn to oi-ces. to pry into the laws that govern the cyclone, hut bcj'ond a few observations patent to everyone who visits a scene of destruction, they are unabU to tell , us anything aloot it. Numerous theo- ries have appeared in print, but the ' fact vet remains that "the wind blow- .. " . . ,.,,, -. , cth where is lutein . The ni(t im- Iortant facts that should be known by i those who arc so unfortunate a to be I Jn til Ttb-a- of th whirling mnn. ... ..... , j - ..- .....f, ...x... ster, are those retaining to the best means of escape. The first appearance of the cyclone is that of two small cloud, one northwest and one in the south They resemble smoke from a fire, whirling up rapidly in fantastic shapes. Finally thev come together with a crash and a roar succeeds that , resembles the sound of a heavily load- cd freight train crossing a bridge. If the storm is nealry or directly at the west of you, no time should be lost in escaping to the cellar, or a cave, if yaw have a good one. The signal service gives this war ning: If caught in a tornado always move with all posible dipatch to the north, unless in so doing you are ob liged to cross the entire path of the storm. A stance toward the weat will tell yott whether yo are on the south $ eni ctrc ui tne prviaauie pain oi me tornado cloud or more to the north. If in tbe renter, or halfway between the center and southern edge, your chance are best in a direct course to the north. If fnrtbur to the south, move directly and very rapidly to the south, bearing -slightly east. Ia no event abould yoa ever run directly east or. northeast. There is alwavs 'I c,f ...f .& .A ...a.a .I.m 1 I cca ii u oe oat a lew too irom you,i for its breath is only a few hundred feet; a a general thing the tornado cloud s seen at from one to three miles distance, pvtug you from threa to ten mmntca warniag sufident time to enable yon to get from a quar ter to a half a wc out af its cooree. As for houses, there r nr prelec tion, and are to be shuaaed in a storat oftaas kid. Vo baihling fa befwi or isiikdy to he devised that cm witb aaand the rbrce of a tornado. JL frame house b baoer than a brick or stone we, because it is more ilitii. aad a oe ftaty bwk4eti; is more ekaatic than oneoftwoawaiia-, fct, wlsaaerar live style or dtaracter of the IxMftc, always aaTaHifitisintlie path of a torna do. The Signal Service wwrndi as Ike aaaaccef aaaaay a aeUar er eat Ibare eaoatraeted 1 simply hoks ia the jroead, covered te .ua.; ,w t-tpB ",c'"rn:,ufkrmof 640:.crre wi;h valuable ftfttiect Um iniiTw from fl.C b ben, wbwrt lhy cms rmn in tb eet of torndoa. Uzuler bo orcumataaoM, whether ia buildiuf; or cellar, never mke a boaittoa is snrlh eat roots, or flaU a east wall, errn, Rimtwi Wr, Uo, liial the torn!o inrariablj reotre in norUicMterij direction. Tbu tinpte rule will tutve nmetern- twentieth of the lire now sacrificed to the tonai fiend. If forced to re - aain ia your houae, and where yon have no cellar, always take a position afainat tbe weat or south wall the former ia better either fadnr down- or heavy piece of furniture, and al- ways cloae your doors and windows. . a... a - I you are oat o: lae houe, avoid tor - . over your head to protect it. The state of Missouri has again been ! VUJted hV a di'trtictive storm. The . 8UU! Journal give tbe following in re- a - Krd to it l Information has juit been received that very heavy wind and rain storms swept throughout Howell county, Mis souri, last Friday and Saturday, doing very great daaaage to farms and other property. Part of Howell valley is . , ,. --,,. on the Kansas City, fcpnngneld A M .. . jivjcj. uwuEci aiiu riiimiikuiciiu - - "5 dS1 delating trains several da vs. The little town of S Moody is destroyed, every house in it being blown down. J. McKelscy was severely injured. Several othen were . .. : . . ... oauiy tiurt. farms m that vinnity also suffered vcrv severe! v. Informa- tion also comes from Maries county that a tornado swept entirely acrn-s it, making a path 100 yanls in width, leveling forests and sweeping the ground of everything in its way. The largest farm in the countrv, that of Jauion Krc&son, which is three in ilea long, lost all it buildings. The fan.ily barely saved their lives by rushing in to the cellar of the mi!k house. A horse was picked up and carried a quarter of a mile. Several farm hous- iCa were destroyed. Farms on Marie i : . . . creek were unfenceU, but houses were spared. A turtle eleven inches in di- Trattf Oatt. AH persons wishing to tct the mcr- j,, of great remctlr-one that will positively cure consumption. Coughs, colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, or cfTcction of the throat and Innga are requested to call at Hennr Cook - drug store and rU1 - of Drj ft,,. yew Discovery for consumption free of cost, which will show yon what a regular doI!ar-Slad Dottle Will do FeritawS frr 7arms7s aad Xeekacxx. Thousands of dollars can ie saved ted, do not delav a moniftit, but co at once and procure a ttotlle of thoe wonderful Electric Bitters, which nev- er fail to cure, and that for the trififM eum of fifty ccnta. Tribmne. II. Cook. Geo. O. Bui Estill i tauus afnt, RED CLOUD, NEB. Office on Webster Street, in Miller dt Ball s seed store. av-Bsya aad -alia Real Eftata. atl-ada ia naaaity aad oallarttac rvate. insures aratnst loss bvhre ana ngnt- " ... . ... . iting, also high winds, cyclones and hnrri canes. Is now offering great bargains' in arm, town lots, residences and busi ness houses. Now is the time for profitable invest ments. T Ii.td rn mt- lartri2rc fnr .! iiVvk - " provemeats and abundant water. 649 acres nnimproved. Two farms of 320 acres each, with excellent improTeaienta-deirai!e. One farm of 400 acrea, wood and wa ter, well improved. Two farms of 300 acres each, weii iaa proved, with wood and water. Twenty er swore urnn ot lvj acrea eacat, w lasprowaeHie. , Quarter section lying together aaal ateawbed with aad eitboaat kaaarowe- Aawai-aber Tery cneaf. Barceas which cat cheaper thsua wiaLhe JCa jwiH be eid: aoM; 1 aaW ta aw eewriaceaL J-G. Totter. by usinir nroinr mdircment in takmsri tai. Nmim- a kmbt eicM t.s.t H. .t.. in the'eare of the health of yourself and fajn-if.0081-J83; at i o'clock r . of ail d.ia ' ... . tPkal riUaiSw af KnI llaaaa.! aT-.W .ae . Ba. I J west. ,ily. If you are tu!iitt. have -allow ' ..,.1 min 6 td at ubiic a-.tio atTwirfT -. complexion, poor appetite, low and de- c3ics tf takmc .i kea;tas tba h ,-ja,i -;rita nH ennpi-illr rl.K;iif,-'. tTe deoexibad aaJL i - - r""-V . . wa Mtari D. McCate. ear to Sed Cies rl aaed. far the Saras efoaae mY. 41 bfW WWrntW w f aaaaaJt aaaaa a aSea aawa- Yaamav Xbm t wMt veaeaK eei. eaai BiaBaBrm a raaw. awawwa aai mm .. - -- -..-.. j n aa Taa BEwa, -- - -- - BBBBral af h a m aaawapaaaSaaaa aaSadl aBaaaaT eafeaaaSaW wrarfMsfi It k mot. ererjooc wba ca mak a ii ix at (krtmuc. rt a lew 4o it, tbas Kowja tut? oiUli(ic of the pfufiaaimi Here u a ct whtcl) iUa tralaa fallj how a. fair lurtuac raay t or haa been amad in Xcbntaka, Vjr hard work and cloae economr. Ludwta: George, who lira norUi of Crrie. k th eiaaapte we bare in hand He came , to thia place n la7, and kia axr;te powaeaaiosM of this world Vguoda wa I'JJO. He has worked iard and ItTed bard erer since, and ha arrate foot up fSJXfO. ThI inclcdea AsO acrea of Wry little, if any, of thia haa been mde by peculatioo. Of oore a larjc the farm resslta a 1 part o: tlie value o: from it increase in value, aa the coun try has been aettelrd. Lat year, Mr. Georje raided 10,000 bushel of corn from 20U acre, an average of 60 btwh e!a to the acre, 450 busliel of barley, from 15 acrea, an average of 30 buab eU per acre; 700 bushels of oat, from 30 acrea, an average of 35 buahela per acre, and 500 buahebi of potatoes from 4 acrea, an average of 125 buaheU per acre. The remainder of his farm, af ter deducting the portion ued for houae and atnble, wa twed for patur ape and meadow. There m.iy be a jrat many jeople in Ncbraaka who have accumulated more property in the same length of time than Mr, George, but he haa certaily laid up enough for a rainy day of any ordina ry leugth.. C-c Union. Wool twine and sheep sheers for sale at Mor hart Fulton's. MONEY! MONEY I ateer tt 1ms a iatrrrrtd !irau ia ststii- era jTeBraaka at lis rary sast rat af IzUthL We call the attention of all desiring such accomiiKKlations, to the farm loan department of our lUMrie, in which we are Mill offering the best in ducements to the public There i alnnlutely no co-4t to our customers. No fees for alntract title: no fees for recording mortgagej: no fees for taking acknowledgment, no loans paid in checks or drafti urwn which the Iwirrowcr must My a dm counriu order to get the money, hut all loans paid in actual cash, over our counters without any deduction what ever. In placing our lotn there i no te dious delay in submitting applications to eastern partie. a our fucihtic arc such that we can cJoc all good loans on short notic. We art prep;ircl to fill desirable loaus at nine percent, straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All payments of interest and principal may le made at our bank, and will bo sent to the parties free of charge and interest notes returned to our cuitom mei. As to our promptness and f.tir deal ing we refr to thoae wiih whom we have placed loan (numbering at pres ent nearly six hundred.) Call at our office, or address u through the mail. 21 if Ststrcox A Svtkezy. B!uc Hit!, Nebraska ErntAY nonce. Takett ap b tbaaaterical.lirii: oa nm tioa 1. town Z raasjw le weet. if? WeHtar coaatr NeV-ra.a-a. on Frii.r. April t3t. 10 sc liabt crar n'lraa ae or m year oit. n-at bio aaJ Final fraaf Natleas. Laad Gflaa at RlooaaSactaa Nek Jray 2. IMS. Notkvuheranr firafttbat. lb tollnwiac aaaad attlar ba 4!ed notice of bl latest ma tp otabc teal pruol ta aaaprt ol hi c aiaa. aad tbat aaii aranr wUI ba aivle before Clerk of ptatriet tocrt at Had dead Xab, oa SaiarJar. JaJyTUu IRLTi: J tarra Uni ,-N TJa atW iaa. tl twa 1 nerta. raaja 10 iwew: nanaaarrae vuowiac wrtst; ta prare few eonti-iwa reaeSeaea spoa 1 caltlratlwa "C.e ts.- vi: tfaorae IWiu. Kara IL j r-aarasn. Jaaar H. tinli aad I;eir b Va. Icra. all ofUaide IVrk. Tcb aiaji.-3a s. n . SWirZER. Rartttar LaadOScaat Blaiatoa,Neb Ma. X I Xotrce Ubereby rirea tbat tbe follovisc ta rrat- tiaveed rattler ba.- t!J rua ef bat tateattea ta JHf aaaka aaal r vf ta rappart of bis eiaiau aa4 a. at. Satal eotrr ta. mnt rm ft. a .a k.. " tit -.r k iui;, i'. ia . - "-"- . ' j' -r -r-- w - -- - lora ciara r tae cowatr. at hat aalea. ta lt4 C.ead .Nt va aatarday Jaw 2. 1C rk ITiLuti Crate. ICa. OCt. fa!CK',' af See. ii T. i aortfc. R. Izwaat- Hcwaaaataa teHowtar witaea u 9Tw bat raalaaeja leaidia oa aa aad eaki TaUoa afaaad Uad. rk Albert N. Wicaac. Jaha Martr. Jiba aTUasa aai Oae.r ILaaaar. at aTCatbactaw. . .. w.H w.- .v -mm jv a. v ." w.x S 8. V. .WITZSK. RaMr. -THE Wind Hill! VT. Z. HOWE, Agent, CrjrLSr NEBRASKA. The Cbaaratuy wamei the lYillag jg- t he a s.rjL darabae, aetf-racufe tin; wiatlaiiii. haute xn a fatanuJ d wieaaaaalike waanurrf aadWTtoy tofaUeuaa, free c ciaasjaav bee awn or pans eeceaaary te etake goad nr defect m wmiaaainienn or euaie- fa to afkaV I afc-- aSaaaaaV 131- aaaaiaMaaaaaBl 1" agata eaWaat. i , .. aak ra-aeai eaw aw wmm waaaav aaaa at was SEEK aawJtai aaM JtVOat! SaCatllCea. Urod amd tafeckas row rather feci arsi ad stroog ? Yoa as coaatisme fccfuag aaatxrabie aad good for no- tkiaaf. ajsd BO OaaC bffet yoUT- df out awd tank, but if yoi arc tired of that kind of life, you con change it if you CBOO&C How? By Ecttinj ote bottle of Bfcowx Ion IlrT TZjrA,and Ukic it rcguhrly awxording to directioaai. .Ob." .. teat. Ia.i.ajn4wkb paaaiaara aJe a4 acb. aad Saaa aaeaoaaa wa eavW.aat.wfea aawaa. was a& MAMf aif bwir. a. aaadad wue re4 eaaeea. iiaiaa aaea wf unaa aad e e aaaw fcte. I baea lalaa maal t final aaaaieaaaa, aa4 waa Woatew wy aea eaeaa wkraiciaaa W my bear. at4 awrra, aaJ t aleaa. Vt Iaw-evtM, I tkeaafbt 1 ami! try lbwa lr Buaaia. IbaaavwaabeaaaaVaeala aad a baif aad aea .Vwt waB fja ia aaa aad batb aS a aie.au aft awl W mf aaaat, aad I bare a l aai gaiat( ta heaajeaateba J-aaiC Brown's Irox Brrrns i composed of Iron ta soluble form; Cinchoaa the great tonic, together with other standard remedies', makiag a refBarkabac cvon-akohoHc toatc, which will cure Dyy pepsia. Indigestion, Malaria, Weakaess, and relieve all Lug aad Judaey discaAcv. Tlc Itl Cloud Mill. Intent Ilouri the tn-dl tiling out in iltr line f bread Ktuffa. Even tliecclrbratrt! Minnr-ota brands cannot ricrll it and then there is no freight bill to !e addetl on t the cot price for the cou.uinrr to imv Tryii. ' Wood Wanted. The uiitler-igriod nill uay the high est market price for all the ood h can set, ihc anie to lo delivered al the old Burton brick yard jut north east of Kcd Cloud 3-tf H. P. Knxrr. It' Artist, lalTa. The 1K salve m the world for ctrta, bruiaejt, anrea, ulrcr?. "alt rhotint. frvcr sor. tettrr. rhappcxl hand. chtHUin corns and all skin eruptions, and itively core Piles. It U guaranteed to rive perfect satiafaction. tr moaey rfnnded. Price 25 cents per hoi. Sryl. Henrr Cook, 7 Per Cent. Honey to Loin ! Money to prove up with on final re c eipt, or on decdr-d land at 7 per crnt. and l-t"i2 per cent commission, or at straight 2 per cent, no comraiaaion, J50. K. Wtxxrux Office next door to Chief o&ce, 30ft Parlor Saloon 5 I L0XGn5, Prp'r, Red Cloud, Nebraska. CHOICE Fan, Lipn ui vx ALWAVS IX STOCK- TSl aitUaUIS TAtaalS ?2 ISTtU C7 7Z2SAX2. POLL YBROS-Prop's, Take thi method f4 inibnniac the puMic that their is'tlT U nrw and has Wen constantly ruanlnc aitlaout anr rtoppages, oa FLOUR. MEAL AND FEED Oar water pcrwer it of snek a charac ter that we are acver cindered either by ice or hih or hrw water, awd oar ff'ttoaeT caw always ekpewJ m hav ing their work doe prnVeptly A well. ?riaaaij aaarFlowrat who'cb 3j powa4 or over at Use aeiil; 25 ctuta o4f m the hauadred. S Special Isduzsroenis. Smce aha aftatrsbsium (4 proaJoaaa Ls oxer a4 0r senswaaa !i deal atatil mtM year, weare yes. astK, u iacTeaae the circUtwe oC Ue Weevir ysaaaAa wwaaaiaraie fjztmtj re-1 Ue caaK ea; Me MaaT aaaa tar law at wtr aaxaat la -avsa SM SVavSanaF WwJ BC year, Jrear aowwaki rraatry is, aaae Thai a the fcrerat wnee ever 'awrwaHera mrmi the !eft)& lateral 1 Tax cx rummmcct s awwaae aad aawa. , - 4 PIiATT DEJLEHS IX- Coal & Red Cloud. GoTo Staple $ V w. B. Fancy Tfir TOBAC5CJO CIG ASS !NTtW5 Al,) Choice Nuts Fruits &, Confections. "Fraa rnaias and Vrxrtabia Jr4 ra l .?, ..vw ?;rr n.rp ;rji4 L. BAUNI (H'rra hi. free ft I Sori tsd General Merchandise at reduced prices ; consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps. Trunks & Valises, Notions fccM &c.. at his NEW STORE BUILDING, one door south of M HJcr's hcnic$ shop. All arc invited to call. I am very thankful for past favors, and would respectfully KHck a oft! J . cantinuancc ic same. prroT U VO I a .HyX aaaaawAaaMaaeaB.BBMBBBBBaa CAITWAII. TaHr Ei- Traiaa U, Traiaa Ur 'Vabt. fblea- rtKataAtr t ll. aaH al Tbrab ran rU r U I4w8 Baaawawasaaaaa?aeaa-aaa-awaa-aaBBaaaaaaSBaCCaa FLaaaaaaaSaSaaaSaaSaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBZI 5 aa(r. IQraal raUa... r.lava rt 4 Wej(. Taw- ftKa i taIf. tHf mm a ! Ikre.tb taa. mm- aw . Je H1 I! . .va.ae the Ire Can f J4ar1 litter aad irfJ ae. Tbrb TVk.t. t Uwl l e't M a I a I - fa "a I batc i' b eb-M-kal ia dtaaita ir.ewUjw l. rrt, f-mtm e . la4ea wul b. fbeefJif rarawb.4 - .-Ml.. ? ra . S. lUaVTIS. Ccrera( TkMAaHH, rwb.. -, PflBSONS' V1XXC Aaalwa Ue aawM ta wea rat aaa i rmvm aaJac aa ajaaalaaa. raaHat'ii' cm laWaa aa fcr sajiat' ewaaaw. t. DIPHTHERIA 4eM aaAMaafaaUlaatam a BJcaffVaaf mxt. aeeWn. Sen Ur laa - aaaaat aaaaaaaaaaawaw. iwd AM aaajaTaaaria j aaaaaaa aaw CWw art rWw aVSWfaaaBas wl SsaB wBaasaaaery wjV aawSa aaaaaW mf isa aWa. wf Car f. aan - mf ")BtiaV Sat ear. f aaai e awaaaaaai i m n-mm -'- mm teafaal aaaiawaat. aaWaaaji.iiaKaaalerawta 9mmmmmsssssssss&sssmamsmm saW1" aHF Indian aaaaaaaaal BoWwiA, KaalOCTaV MiUitmu iwtify toiU Momcj ia IsaaT tklt ftbOTw BatflMd daaaMaaaML aaasat f ao ot ix toy vn .aaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaL.1 fiaaaVaV JtawataWXaX-X aVtlUWil AaaLaaWSe. T&acal Quarantceii to cure DyMprjutii. TACrBlTTS WAlt TBD.-fJf MmmmhmU11W.4SVYortC.VrmmmmUUit xAMTam'Slad 'BMmmipMmL KINDS m am Ww 'E- aVTMaWiarT "-," g SlaVm BmV - aaaaaaaaaaaaTV -'SaaaSseTaaSSSSSSSSSSSSwMaEw' BaaaaiPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraarra lmZ r.fffmmVJmmMWWmwWWWkXK-WWMmr'r " J 'I Hi wlL 1 4 - fe FK JIL8, Lumber. Nebraska. ROBY'S Groceries, KfcST s- L BAUM. L. IL ail I fatlr raa-e Te . ! w1-0 in I - IWea U mti pttt a I . WA.li' ! aea - PILLS Cbe etew 0f4m fa 1 Iwli aaaatea. aw . M4 . uHai a to, mnti. M4K. CHOUF. ASTHMA. SROMCrirrtf. A3 fUT r J IM aTWT if aal, fa.? Ma' ia'i V Btaet W - f S 1 9hf I BatarabfT - W0, tmi taaa Wvw ' v we4 .Mara. roK- . HRs-js awaaaaaiaaaaaaysaaa. 'w,yMaaavaa Saewa SMaSa SaB) !mmf ele. m ai sMri. imm wee jm iei tr mm wmm n i i MS Mk. Iilwain ia. . . jaaw? m9 ! Pirn f"WI -mt taMHa,tOT m aa. a 'T-aa. aPX aU itf f U MM, MAKE HENS LAY tmtimlm CURE JOHNSON'S Blood S3 of ia .HosMol kia and iaaaMal- aT.LQUaitO A i- fL? sej... 4 - -- Sf' "7T fc.V-i.sr r- "i a-w--"-'-'.w Ti-''. ' Vt rn ' -. 9- Jfe Ssdkis-feSM. ii -? 7 K i , -iLJ r iS . .- tfsiTPH Si? iT. B6. .- js m 't- . '" iff