The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1883, Image 3

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31. TU. THOMAS. Pntsllatier.
TVlh me Jor." be nil. nnd turned.
Vltblfcc aiitrbter in til -;
!n. I have won n wife.
Ai.d my r rou mut pprov.
All my cbcvk and ton? e1 bur-cl.
With a lc;lln;r. not a urpnc:
And I fill that iViilb ii Mr,
Ww the on Jinr of my Uivn.
Mint he I, nnd Ukf a lawn,
Wander nx thro' tbo woodland ways;
And bcr voice 1 soft on'l low
As the murmur of a dote;
And the prninia. of the da u
Illuahr cjuirklj- in hi-r face;
Inry can you wonder so.
You. tt-c muter of mj- lorrV
Jvi 1 trlrd toiiieilc and amlto.
Taking ljtb h" bunds In mine;
ayjn;r he w8 worthy her
Word that -en-d to burn nnd choke.
from raj- bn-nkin h'art the while
Tore th bopm that claxp and twSno
Thii with nil my pulv? aatlr.
And nsy brain on fire I woke!
"Wish me well," be said, and ga:cd,
All h's soul Into my eym;
"Mary. I uid win a wife,
Ik you care to llatrn wboT
As lor me I H.fA amn-n-d.
In a win or irlnd surpria..;
And J be frr-t of my life
ltlo'im-d Into locu"y new.
Tnllund-tatiiy dth be co
I.Ike n quern tj rough woodbind ways;
And her v tc 1 ewe and clear
A a niHt. d ntphtinj lUo .
Tell me, Mnrj'. do jou know
Her. whom 1 would titly inle:
Jlut w b n I have call"! her dear,
I'itrtl nootb-r W"rd nvalln
All th' nuttiniti wtxwilnnci Ncwid
To awrk In unimjr ttiow;
A, with b:ub on cbwik and brow,
I eonloed him dr to me.
WhMi I told him wi.nt 1 drenmod,
!! m'l nwcr. laughing low:
"Did tb -y never tell jou bow
lire ma always otitrary wV
li. II. .Stuart, in Arg-my.
5ee, Nellie, here is just what you
want; it will slia ,'o your eyes nicoly,
itml be bcconi njr. too '
A pleasant voice spoko close beside
the counter, where 1 laj' jiiled up with
a niult.t deof the "latest ouu"
The next in.-tant I was picked up by
a firm hand, which belonged to an attractive-looking
young woman, who
pave my brim it d p one way and abend
lb" other, h M me up in several attitude-,
walked with mc to the mirror,
set me back on her head, pulled me
down over her eye., and then tried a
medium coii"c. moved away, took a
view from over her shoulder, took me
off again, and at last replied rellcct
ively: "Ves, 1 th nk I could make it do."
So she bought mc. and at her order I
was trimmed with some scarlet poj
pies. and lovely creamy musl n, and
sent hoce.
1 was ery observant and attcnthc,
and Mon learnei that Nellie had refu-ed
to r witii some or nor menus to a
fh.-hionahle watormg-placo where, as
-he said. "ou die-s, and go to d.nner;
dres.. and walk out; dress, and .sit on
the pia za, dress, and go to the hop "
No, she preferred to g to the truly
country, have no one to bother her. and
day out-of-doors from morning till
" You'll get trcd of that. Miss Nc'l."
sa;d a young I :i d . whoeame to see her
the day we le t. " " You'll get tired of
that, and vou'll wish vou had gone with
Well. I have your address, and I
can hud my way to the Nation. " laughed
Nellie. ' Would 3-011 have me in cae I
repented, and wanted to come?"
Yes. indec I, and if you promise to
come as soon as 3011 want to, it will not
in; erv lung belore we see you."
I 11 give 3'"ti tune to unpa -k before
vou send the carriage for me."
I hen she put mc on. bade her mends
by, and yve were ott.
I think the young ladv must have got
tired waiting for her, because we did
n tgrowyyeary of it at all. Nellie's
little brother was with us. but he soon
found moro 1 oys. who took uj his en
tire attention, and he seldom went with
us in our walks among the hills and
We had a loveh" time. Nellie told
Mr-f. (Irant, in whose hall I hung when
at Ieisure. when she wished there
was more there to interest her.
hhe would to have the days
fom--cight hours long, so that she
111 ght have more room to put the en
jovment she louud in ei cry. thing about ,
I can not tell how long we had been
there, when, coming in from a walk ne
a'lernoon. we found a broad brimmed,
bin k-banded panama hat hanging on
my own particular peg. I was so aii'
at she intrusion that I fell down threo
tines wh.le Nellie was try :ii to hang
me and at last was put in another
) ace bv hcc- force.
The nvrloper was afterward yvom
by a gentleman, who ca led Mrs. Grant
a ntie. and whom Nellie addressed as
Lr. Wentworth.
1 thought him a very f nc younr man.
but Nell u did not apj ear j articularly
impressed, and sex oral times I thou lit
h wou'd like to have jo ued us when
yve went out in the rnornin.:. but io
gave him no encouragement to do so.
One dav, however, we tot into "diffi
cult v. We yvere saunternir along
through some charmin yvoodiand; Nel
lie swim mc from one hand, while tho
other held her sachel containing her
time', sketch-! 00k and worsted work.
We were enjoyin ourseh es very mu h,
when wh-r-ri buzz! and the yvlio'.e air
yeemed full of winrs! Somcthinr tlow
against Nellie with sudden force, and
the not thing 1 knew 1 was lying on
the groun 1. atul she yvas in full retreat
in the opposite direction.
f do not know how she felt but I yvas
scared. Would she never come back?
Was I to lie there alwaj-s till sun. yvind
and rain had done their worst?
1 had almost despaired of ever seeing
any tine again, when a bir dog rushed
up antl seized me, ana with a lew
bounds la'd me yes, would you I el:eve
n? right at .Nellie s feet. I was so
glal. 'iVnd there yvas Dr. Wentworth
with game-bag and gun ready to pick
me up.
I cam" up just in time to hear him
tell Imw he yvas frightened the same way
once when he was a small ooy, ociore
he knew the ways of partridges.
tie onc
like those vou hannened on
iiKt, tuose jou nappcni.u ou
jusi now. tney are oniy too reauy io uy
m your lace.
After that we used to encounter him
o'ten. and he and Nellie came to be
rerv good friends, till
one dav I was
c'ectntled by- hcarinp; him say some-
thn-which sounded exactly like the
i " t u j . '.j: a .u.
boo s I heard people reading and talk- 4
Ul ilUUUl.
I was so agitated that evcrvporpl
"Icannotrcad the stories mvfelf."
thou ht I. but is it pr sible that lata
to witness a genuine love affair?"
Su.hseem-dto be the indications; '
but a time pass d en I found I did not
have all the opportunities for observa-
t;tt,,'i;.i,t hTT ir'.i1 fn. n.
Wentworth very often declared that I
-. '. .i r-i
V.c In !. n..r- .,! i.A..1,l nnlntl i
"7l":"5"!.r"" ;:r".rJ .:iJ.i:;
i iue, an u set me quite :uc, waerei
1 i,i . .-.-. :-Z -
LUUiU UUi ;J tlUSi 3 LWUi" V44. 14UI -
yet quite j:et the full import of their
c nversau' n. ivuionce a aeaiu a sou
rustle I used to hear in the wheat fold,
long before I yvas a hat. -
We were aU rery happy to.ether for
some time. I even grew to tolerate the
road-br.mmed, black banded Panama, t
nc awe lurunnitoiuf locmcrau uncu. .
xui, auer a time, mere came a scnous
change. I never knew what it was '
about, or how it happened, and proba-
bly I never shall, o long a; there is one
straw of my ana'omy left upon another,
My wearer and the doctor stopped
goin out together, met very seldom.
when they did see each ether the t
coldness of the atmpberc abont them
made mc feci out of scanon.
I staid in the hall more than nuai.
Mr. Wentworth rami In the door one
morning, just a Miss Nellie ramedowo
stair with a shawl over her arm. and
I look m from my pes. Tlnr urrelesl
each other tcij; poLtclr. ana1 be, hVz-
possng she was j.oin oat. Iiela
the door open a moment, but hc turned
and went tip-tairs again, taking me
with her. I suppoe she wai disap
pointed bccaae he did not go ont for
fche jUMt threw herself down, and
an if her poor heart would break.
We were goin home in a few days,
and he did not leave bcr room very oft
en wh lo we sta'd. Once, a note was
brojght up, but when bc aw the writ-
inpon the outride fche fent it away
w.thout looking at it.
Tlie last day we were thore I was in
the hall once more, and when no one
else was near Ur. We it worth came in.
and put a note between my 1 ning and
the straw, and he said softlv all to him
self "Flic certainly will sec this. If she
would only ct me explain"
Nellie's brother came flymsr through
the hall a few minutes after, knocked
me down. and. of coarse, the note fell
out. ,f
, .. ,
queer place for ell to keep
' he said, "well I'll Ux it so
"What a
her letters.
it won't drop out a-ra'n."
And he ptihr.d it in out of sight, so
securely, indeed, that nobody was l'kc
ly to iee it but the one whoput it there.
Nellie did not wear me back to the
city, but put me bat k in her tmnk. I
was taken no notice of for a long time,
when I was lound one day by a very
kind young ladv who surveyed me
critically, and said
"That has been a prettv hat."
"That old thing yes. I wore it last
summer. I think Twill jrive it to our
washwoman." replied Nellie.
1 felt injured. Of course. I did not
expect o stay with her always hats
never f el the same a'ter one season
any waj but I just did want to know
how that story came out, and how could
I knoxv if I was given to the wash
woman? I cou!d not ee what was the
matter with me; I was a trille faded to ,
i e sure, but rsellic herself was not
nearly so bright and pretty as she used
to be.
I was forthwith presented to Mrs.
Muldooney, who, when aked if 1 would
bo of any usa to her, answered
" will holp to cheer up
the dear child amazin'ly. She's been
sick in her bed thii two months so she
can't move nor str. andthe:o tor tend-
in, Iier all tlie while, though he takes
noilnn lor Ins
"bSl.!"S tt
me do him a little washin' now and
She took me home, and, though I
was not accustomed to Mich surround
ings as I found myself among. I was ap-
predated once more. Ne lie never en
jovod in half so much as did tho
littic girl, who lap'HMi her tiny
hands w hen she saw me.
"Arc there really llowers like these in
tho country, mother?" she asked,
touching the poppies lightly.
"Yes. indeed, derre," answered the
woman, in such a d ffereat voico from
what she had sed before, "yes. dariin'.
and you shall see fcryoursel' when tho
summer comes ngain we II go where
yve can have plenty of them. Only
hurry and get well.
The chdd lay J erfectly ejuiet. and
gaed wistful y'nt the bit o' blue sky,
visible from h r window, and I was
afraid she would nuver see tho fresh
coil n' ry, she looked so like the lilies
just before the petals fall off, and leave
only the withered stem,
After a time the-e came a step upon
tlie stairs, and tlie white little face bnght-
cued up wonderfully, then the
opened, and a cheery vo'ce asked
"And how is my little patient to-day?
almo-t ready lo send me o:i?"
"1 g e-s I'm letter, but d n't want
you to go away; and only fee vdiat
mother brought mc from" where he
works. Isn't it lovely? Did you ever
see anv llowers cjuite so nice as these-'"
With these words she held me up,
and when I saw that doctor I was more
surprised than I ever w is be ore in all
my ep Ticnec. Why. it was lr. Went
worth, Nellie's friend, who wa not her
frien I any more. He was, like myself,
look ng much older than when I first
saw him. and there were t red. troubled
looking lines about his mouth and eyea.
He seemed astonished, too. at seeing
mc, and, when he took me up. his hand
treml led like tho leaves. He looked at
me thoughtfully, and passed his hand
around the ins.i'e cf my crown; some
thing ru-tled as he did so. and in a few
seconds his note was in his own hands
Tor a long timo he did not speak, on
ly sat (jtiietly holdin r i c lirmly in his
hand Then he spoke in such a low,
subdued tone.
" Little one. do vou knoyy where your
mother got thi?"
"No. but she does." answered the
child, "and if you want to know I'll ask
her when she comes home again, and
tell you."
1 should like to know very much,"
he replied.
"Do you think it such a pretty hat?"
the asked.
"Little girl." and the doctor took a
small pale hand in his, "can you think
of anything in the wor'd you would
rather'have than this hat?"
"Wiry, doctor!"
"Think hard before you ansyyer. and
don't be afraid of saving anvthinjr too
"What could be nicer than these, ex
cept real llowers that grow in the
ground? You know there isn't anything
nicer than flowers except the hand-of-
gan man: he only comes once in a while
"Did you ever sec the bouquets in
the florist's window, yvhen you were
yvell and could go out in the street?"
"un, y-es. Uon t you think the man
in the Uower shop'ouht to be verv
"And did you ever hear of little box
es that had mus'c inside of them, and
you had only to wind them up as votsr
mother does her clock, and they plav
the most beautiful music?"
v a,vi-V t have those here, do ,
they? Diu you really ever sec one?" j
-1 - -...,..... .,w.j ui. ivuu me
' i.k --.? . mu me
exoressman brouirht umiicirW
Miss mGaeher. Wm.l hn '' "Z
Zaa. k.n aiaa.- Ma.aV 1 aV A 1 1 4V .a.4
. .. ... ... . T . --- ,
in tnc prett est i.ttle hat in her window
"" ." "" -,uu miua-ou coum sive wny. m uus age 01 reason ana enlignt
methis hat, and let ne take it away enment. it is allowed topass that a aris
with me?" " boot-maker knoves better about what is
f.wV?iV,nJS i Vv7 " y1U a
fasry jrodmother? Are these mv thr
AThe? And
-r - . .
are you going to vanish?"
, "V ... .'". ," bm is mine.
. -va- a . a
you say uus nat is mine-
men l win vanisn io tne tionst s to tho
music store and to Miss Bleacher's."
he chdd did not speak, but only held
me out to hm. and when he took me
aW was sorry to leave her, she looked
Wy- ,
The doctor and 1 got into the bugsrv
and drovp oT. One does not mt th
nicest kind of a ride under the scat of ,
v,.. rk.n. tn.vj ..'
1 hlHt'V- WhPB Wl tCtt tf thf rfVtrtl-'' e
ZmrjfpF VV " r ' : ", T,r . r
... 4. -. vi. j muu.. hk
i1tti Anvm nn the tmht mnA a, .
. ..w w .- .- w wav, mm .1 u
out -
nen no came in airam a ooviru'nn.:f;r..j: . .?.,- .
there, dusting and setting things in
"Shall I sling this old hat away?"
a,""5 to-Y- seizing me ana going to-
ward the window. I
T "" "& j
And Dr. Wentworth scowled at the
boy, and took me away. He carried
me to another room, and put me away
in a trunk with some bosks and queer-
looking things, quite unlike anything 1
Lad ever seen in Nellie's trunki.
I spent the tune thinking about what
I hail fer.n. and in ppccnUtinz abooi
the future. J wa acxkmtto r th end
of the Ukt. I a ted Joag. los
time frr f rthcr dctelojiessenta. and at
lart grew t-red of waiting. SlilJ time
went on. and nobody canto to take m
out. j irreir tijr ana vellow I felt tn
every atra'' and thread thai 1 was unde-
niaJily an old bat.
I mut hare ta)K-l Into a dormant
state in which 1 remained I know not
how long
Put suddenly I fonnd myelf tn brail
daylight ajin. and when I had col
Jectd mjH;l( huCicteatlv to know what
was about roe. I was astonished to and
rayaelf being held off at arm's length
by my own Nellie, in a pretty pmk do
meslie nnmn n. tirwtti.r t. nir cltjvt!t
cap. and the prettiest pink in her cheeks
I ever .i-.
"John Wentworth, what is tliis? ' ho
"A fhadc hat.1 think you used to call
it. my dear."
"I Kbou J th:nk ,o It is the -renr
hat I wore two years ago in the xua-
sit? raii
"As I distinctlr
remember. Mrs.
"Where did vou pet it. and what is
it doing hero '""Nellie akcL
"I got it fmra Mrs. Muidooney's lit.
tJe girl, and it is there l ccause it i one
of mr treasures."
Then he told her a 1 about his finding
me. l hat dav, with the little sick xprl.
and how when ho m the note there
he Sruew he had never een it. and
how he had got her addres and heard
about her from Mrs. Mu dooney.
So you ;ee. if it hal not been for
this hat I miht netcr have found 3'ou
aa n. and thij day instead of having
the best wife In the" world I shou'd have
been a confirmed old bachelor."
I slipped down behind the table, and
nobody pa d any attention to me They
must have been nearer each other than
1 was to either of them, because I
could hardly catch a w.rd they said
Hut 1 heard again the same sweet soi.nd
that puzzled me onre be ore. while we
were .pending the summer in the coun
try. .S.ti is. ztradmun, m Lalluifs
m m
The Otter.
The otter rcscmbl&s the wea-el :n form
and motion, but is very different frotn it
in many' other respects. The oitcr. un
like the weasel, lives almo-t 1 xclusive
ly in the watr and never allows its
curiosity to over omo its discrct on. A
full-grown otter is from three and onc
hal to four feet in length from the end
of its nose to th- tip of its tail, and
sit KYl2 fftnt ttt'1A h . xaB.l.
and sho liters and nearly- black futther
back, with occts onally- an individual
that is j t black all over; but a p rfe tly
black otter is very rare. I never have
hcen but three. Th .ur is short, thick
and very line, and longer than
any other fur. An otter can not run
very rapidfy (it never walks . it umps
like a weasel, ex ept that in traveling
on the snow where it is level or a little
descending it drops its forefeet back by
its side and slides along on its brea-f,
prorclling itelf by its hind feet, and I
have seen where it has slid ten rods at
a time without moving its feet at all.
and the trac looks as though .vou had
drawn along a six inch log They some-
. times travel long di-tauces overland and
even over uite high mounta.ns. but
th s i not common th ir home is in the
water.nnd there they re at home in earn
est. Thev 1 vo exclusively on iish, winch
they' can catch with per cct ea-e 13'
out swimming tjiem. If an otter takes
after a litdi there is no escape, utiles it
can get into so sma 1 a place that the
otter can not follow. It can out swim
even a trout- It does not use its fore
feet in swimming, but drops them I ack
the same as it docs whi!e sliding on the
snow and propels itself with its hind
feet, which are webbed. It prefers
trout to auy other fish, and will eat
three or four jounds per day. It is a
very strong, sharp bitten animal, and
yvill whip two ordinary ogs. It is a
1 very hardy, long-lived animal, often at
taining the age of twenty years. It
breeds once a year, dropping it- young
I three or four 1 a out the first of May.
and generally selects some small strea u
that is very secluded and well slocked
with trout. ( f all the wild animals of
the Adirondacks the otter is the wildest.
It is very hard to trap, not only on ac
count of its natural shyness, bu also
from a penchant that it hasforca'ch ng
its own food, and consequent it can
not be baited. In one respect th otter
is very much like the average bo-. it
lov es "to slide down hill. It scle -is some
steep bank tha has wa'cratjhe bottom,
and then it goes aip and slides downinti
the water, and o repeats theoperat on
over and-over again apparently ju-t or
amusement; and trappers knowing of
this fact take advantage of it and set
j their traps about a foot under water at
the bottom of the slide, and thus fre
quently capture him but it require? the
smartest of trapsto hold one. An otter
can remain from ten to fifteen minutes
under water and can swim a c uartcr of
a mile without taking breath, and I
have heard it stated that "when the
water is frozen over it would take in a
breath, swim as far as it can. come up
against the ice. let out the bubble untd
it becomes reoxygenated. take it in again
and go on. and so rcieat the operation
as often as necessary, and cross ativ pond
or .".mall lake " but for the truth of this
I sta:ement 1 do not vouch. It ha a mor
: tal fear of any- human track, and I have
known it to come to a man's track in
the snow and cruise along in sisht of it
) for a mile or more before it could mus
ter up courage to cross, and the lcat
disturbance alout their sl'de will drive
them awav for a long time. Trappers
generally set their t aps from a boat,
and do not make the least mark on land.
It is uot remarkaMv sharo suzhted but
its ensc of smell is something wonder-'
, ful. Upon the whole, the otter seems '
, to understand the first law of nature
self-preservation" in a marked de-
Troy (A. J.) I uncs.
Modern Foet-Kear.
What ever led to the contrivan e of
Rtieh n frvnt.crer n. th mwlArn U Knmt.
1 .u: .i.. :? r 1-r " . :i : r.
iuiii- mat 11 e.cee:sine acuiene-vs 01
the intellectual powers todiscovcr whv
it came to be considered that there yvas
mci - uus ui uur jceu iu icau oi s. pre-
meeuus ui uur leeu in teau o: a pre-
nt.itin f tl, r.o-f.vr.t t;.,. t,-. ,
. ; t, 'r'. ' .1 " '. " Vn.,
or the voting bare-'ooted savace. or
r7ZSSP. .17 a?1 e
human foot, or to sunnort the human
frame, than nature, which made some
- 3 .
thing absolutely different from the de-
" . 7 -.l r n . . 7
-'"- ---; i ma ianMin dool. ana
2o4rw2ape vf l" And.5tW
? i"1 B we
& JL!?T J?0011 tDe
Sf"S2lS Jk -hc,l:r!tsn-an'
prel ff isW. L6 Uacom:
EIJK 2 - olesome and
. . o' uu n ics resuu o:
SSiS tTtXE: J - 7 U'
ct ve contes to feehnirexnuisite sweet
ness ana cnarm in a babv ;
TVCT cTSoll-l-lrA CAnVA. -. .
ness and charm in tor's dimDled.
- o, c,0ii i;v--v--, i .- .
T sueu-like sock essfeet and disgust
I a. ic ;tvn up iooi; uiai xne artist
who comes nearer to the knowledge of
Inct, by natural bias, and br educi
tion. tlian anvrhr.f.t,i w.,
instinct, by natural bias, and by eduea-
the nnconfined foot, and not on v that
but prefers foot of size etnxal'to the
proper carriage of tie body, coademnmg
too snail a toot asunot, nBsymmetncal.
and ungraceful: and that, lastly, the de
signer of the frame where all the rest is
so adjusted and so adapted, and so fair
in its original intent, designed the foot
as it is, and as it is best it shcssld be,
and not In the outlines of tbe last of.
the best Parisian boot-maker that ever
waxed aa end. -Harper' Bazar.
The Cir4al BriUa.
A remark abJ instance al preesce ci
mttd on the part of ao actnrw : re
ported frius Cte!it1D. in Teti. At a
part of the pi" where tbe wx tbon)T
peroo oa the ttage be was mforsaerf
from tbe wp tbat a fire tad brokes
oat behind the cce. Instead of auJc
icga prcciphate xrtreai. aed llsreby
can;sg a duaatroos panic a bx per
oas oat of ten in ncr pition woald
rve done be mietlr ordered the car
tain to t lowered, and, ttepplcc to tie
1 foutligbt. be aid to tbe audarac
. Ladies and rentlenaaa A drama la
real life as terrible a. unexpected has
j just been enacted behind the tcene.
i ur manarcr. in a tit or KaiousT. cu
killed the leading lady and cat ht own
throat aftarward. TbU doable tragedy
prevents, of course, the coauouancc of
the ierfonsoe. The bolttai have
been removed to a na;rbborin:r bone,
! where thev are to hn M-ea.' The nab-
llir. wrim
ra. natcrally very
j much excited, cleared the theatre with
i u:o utmost promptitnae. oat wunoai
, accident, no one feelin? the en.c of .
danger which constitute, in fid, the i
greatest pjrtl on acb occasion: but, j
instead of the two corpses which they j
expected to find, thev onlr saw a taioc
column of t moke nm from the rear
of the building they had jaii vacated.
St. Jaintiy Gazttle.
General IcuatlrflTs Hotac.
The Itecue DifJomattque describes
General Ignatiefl'a homo close to the
Winter 1'alaco in St. Teter-burg as a
beautiful residence. It is fronted by
four somber columns, which give it a
mournful air, bat when the portals
are pished the interior is charming.
The Minister himself ocupies only two
rooms, in one of which he receives his
gucts. whiie the other is a library or
den, where hts real work is done. The
reception room is a veritable mueiim
. ' .. . . im
oteatern cnnosities. Japanese stuffs
and curtain, and hanging from China
in all orts of fantastic patterns are
scattered about. 'Ihere are Tu-kish
sofas and lVwuo chairs, while articles
.: ...l..t.. -:!
of vertu lie about in picturesque con
fusion. One sees the ta-tes of a man
who has paed his life in the East. The
workshop contains a collection of his
torical arms, unique of their kind; cat h
piece has a tradition, and each is m&rxed
by rich and curious workmanship; all
have leen given him at one time or
another by their owners. One ee tho
pi-tols of the last sovereign Prince of
Albania, a long poniard of Schamyl,
and a gem richly chaied presented by
the Sultan Abdul Aziz.
A tramp, passing a stationer', read
this sign "Wanted a man tojfeed a rul
ing machine." Stepping inside he in
cidentally remarked to the proprietor
that he didn't know that he could feed
a ruling machine, but if he wanted a
man to rule a feeding machine, or fool
a reading machine, or a man to fool a
reeling machine, or read a fooling ma
chine, or reel a fooding machine, or a
man to feel aroodingmac Whir-r-r,
biff! and the trttup lay in tho street.
In answer to the inquiry of "What was
the matter?" of a passer-by, he
sadly remarked : "Oh, nuthin only
another Wiggins wizzard ." Chica
go Herald.
m m
Some of the newspapers seem to
think it wonderful that so many of our
millionaires were poor boys. Succe-B
in life does not depend upon the start
ing point. As in swimming a race it
makes little difference at the end
whether a man wades in or jumps in,
whether he starts from a rock, a bank
of sand, or a boat in the stream ; o in
the battle of life it is not the point of
starting, but the direction of the start
and the vigor and endurance and good
judgment that are brought into play,
that bring great results. Boston Trai
cler. One of tho most noted housekeepers
in Talboiton, Ga., has not bought 1
pound of store lard in forty-five years.
Shu also has never failed to plant her
Irish potato crop during the dark
nights of February in forty-five years,
and this year is the first year in forty
five that she has failed to put hog hair
on her jotatocs. She maintains that
nothing help? Iri-h potatoes like a small
bunch of hojj hair put on the top of each
seed potatoc placed in the ground.
The Chicago Tribune declare.? that
no matter how'much money is spent for
protective works on the Mississippi, the
floods will have their way, and tho
stream held back in one place will make
itself a new channel about as it please-,
and concludes that the country will have
to consider the much -neglected plan for
the improvemen of the .Mississippi sug
getcd by an old river captain to make
outlets and cut-offs and help the flood
to discharge thc-msclves faster.
A Boston p.iper talks fiercely about
"The Tax on Brains." But w ha"t in the
name of Cape Cod and Plymouth Knck
does a Boston editor know about such a
subject? Ministers and Salem witches
defend us when the Hub forgets its
"culchaw" ard runs after such strango
gods as "brains." A". Y. Graphic.
According to a correspondent of
the Providence Journal there is known
and practiced in Fall Kiver a method of
manufacturing milk in which there i
not a drop of the pure article, but which
defies the test of the lactometer. It is
even asserted that every milkman in the
town has bought the right to mauu
future the article.
Important Proclamation.
Tbe Hon. l'ctcr Boc is her TL of tbe City
and County of 'cw T rk. Kecentlr, la con
versation with ore of oar reporter. Mr. Bowe
proclaimed the following f.ct: "J consider
St. Jacobs Oil an excellent rerredr, and one
that ought ccr'altrtv to find its war Into ev
ery househuld. Sirs. Boe aiwaji Las a bot
tle of it there, aad makes a Xamllj retaedj ol
It." -Ww York Erming Tdfaram.
A CSZWel thine: The art ox etabroldery.
Josn BixuxGS bits that money can not
bar the was of a do.'s tail. "o but it can
atop it. Money bays knives, don't MXew
Tis the piano-moTer who toa!ly holdi the
i one
A bot w s leadinj a goat arouad by a rope
recently, when a pedestrian ssked if b"e want
ed to sell tbe aalrnal "Coarse not: we Just
ro: hist," wa the replv. '"hat did rou
want ot a coatP ''Notainz mcch. "We
bonrht him to cet ahead of the Browns, who
have a fox, bat thev've gone and p-ot even
azjta." -Howl" ""Why, three of tbe fami
ly have been roesnjerixe'i and Johnny has hid
two teeth filled." Detroit Frrt Prtu.
Goon cabctltate for
C, aad dash under it.
fca-bathlag-: Write
AtwaTS in a very critical condition:
dook reviewer.
WiSHEfOTOX was naturally a so'dier. Bora
late in February, be was soon on the Xarcb.
Chicago Tribiuu.
AaxTHXtncu. proposition: How xaaaT
qbccs are there in the villa ge pcoad!
Lcssxs bT are: iloaey spent for dgara.
Hood's "Sons of the Shirt" was orijiaalry
played by the wrat-baui A". Tl.Wwa. MUh
take, it was a aew-low. B&t&n Conunnximi
Dkawtxc It verr stroac ralliiij om a
Jeser Havana. A" "i: DUpoteh.
Tcaunwc-FODrr is life : fee gray fcsirs aad
tbea dye.
A xjLXTTasr O A sfeoet of tarrriie X.
T. Cwtfrcaw Alrertur.
A nan lot The lot yon hare to pay tats
Cmcater atlad of tea re-vras yeiterolna
MiEc. &(m Ccwumrrciel JlmStlU-
tndastria Cradle
Sar i
I CSrwd W5-k-a W1 jfrtl. i
cJt i
dtr tuirx Vir jvtivMl z.t
lj tr3t IfHB, k t rwa T
U Xi?ii(x ILtjrtkMwr 51. J J. tv
" fc7r' 'ttr ? " ft-
J J jw rrt f Wtif "Tti !,
Ji a3 lts !ar vr4; et t
djT 'Sk4r I bT iifci: fttt9 ,
v . feet tinw t.. t itam toAltr .
(M r tl sHar; ; lirai it . rtuaus
fee furty rts a Joi r ersJf tar
ttlrty at. k tfcj ImllMt." - J ?M
cirrj N- l-i &I tw2,it stJ Jsr lirirtr
erattf JSs I.XJT AJj r .v
tJ oo aaxr tt rf . I tri lit i t4. i
& bc5.t, . & rtr cll kr d &
t-lT ikw tfeat. w - As4 e&i Tfas tii
tl t tjfi. -iVrW "nat
Ma. F L. Crr. of M4t.e. Is4., itt.x
I nasyifirlr ix-ktm. sp vt& rV-t.t
tUm. x&l Aiut sgriAff lrwa t$tmwci
M ?-. Mf , Kr Vrs. tf la
I"ttT. wrt- ft.lrtc i I try I
GertU Tt IWk ml -Ur. I
:U M. I -Im tntd mj tU iwr
d jlt lit, UciUacs.1 1ctcJ lit
tSrz "
5ttei ti. a-ttrot f th- l4fcrt U i mw
tha rw trs liit & katt Iktnx:
" -1,..
Tua fUs;e4frfttrr it !- xp a im
TUe irtlw &. jwtecje It 1 tr'- wwj vX
tke tfn-tau, iifel m. ct U a. Urel
Kh t tirt4. ty a w3ircr la lU
Lalttsi si Nrr
LITX TTf ruuisHir .WK 1
itl JL.HU. ri. i XA4U.
JaiiUiy M, i .
lr tsSru.tkvC (a to j irtraAM
U beiiu wcltwc Ura irl
l&tnj HjUk j;j MUe i.i 1 .- Ukt
Ubr ui4 bwuat . ipUt. 1 -or k
i c wtirf t'-rv Utt V r rUt tfcx
uj eat as tatfraal s-eld vt ri.K.u-UA-ju
caru 1, it S; lUvi, tx.ii jui
oJ I mttz IK lb-,c J tbe
ot bcutb; and 4 eUtui ia 1-j-vUt. tant
liy'. Wbj I caadoa tl. V. j u-sht
roWjKbou w- mrrl t H.r illster. . vi mi
kau ti; 1 be ; J tMu a terras
HUc 1 , ht dc lrery IrvM dcata s .t U
tic ..acr! ul UUcutcrj in aeilvau m-cuc,
uxuic ir a tuoa uo toiir i.dAm in im
J tivnt rikf h. u t orcr, U8sd
' tu,mJ ma piuti. Tt X,
' lt'rt .vrr stiT crr br tbe iuu4t urt.Uit
.; uteTcr , th. od tciHJT: mlnl
.jjcatoa ni icmiu, b.uwtu ttcmtia
! loror that rr4 .iWoU,tt.
? Jutr.tD j .unl. j.l-n I,JCl, t,rT.
' -"S. w 'cBimj.; ia me
00 inj old balk, b. oox I rxtn U Jwcria j
uj culort, 4 tbe 01 r Ulcf , U eis. Unwu-ti
tbe jjearj borc a, ce e .e
Ujtj, jytli l t IrUt crrdit me "lib ju.t
u. lor (lacerttt- tu to; lUinV.iu:n &J
bcUet 1 ct .o ;su mr &m tix-at mjr
Obiu cruic, iiii. &lDjetb r. nj-ct to ee
rtzla i ch B b- raicrtAltted bf jiu.
N itb bct witbc. Motcrrlr tvr.
Ketr Atluund U. a. Srj.
Hoa. (itoaox Wzjcuzul,
ZlucUU I'lace. UotUc
a nUtUILiCil In tbe trir !ss
IojuJ t..e taut it? b.j SvfHd rwunlu g :
tin- trcacberoua ana Jjojtou axuetuttr i
isouib Au.erii. Aud lbi j tcrUta j -a
Icudcd to , laer lUclt tn rreonl ttb tbe oj
tU Tcdctcar :i-irked iorinj, it liiI.Mi
tu iu.l Atid catht u m lj.rd '
tuc Sjip tbir fl.i in huJ i nd li
couiluru. Tbe re oid ol tbe .rmd u tbt
irulv;, vratcb the w uw cvm,.lt:tlu; cu ber
boiucurd bound v.i K boton, bad
tccu tu .t UUiea.ble, beu cuba.dftcd In
tbe l.gbt ot beav xcjtbcr work, rromsurx 1
to A.Iea, tb-n ou to Honibijr. IVlnt dc (ullr, j
Mnaijre. lions Koj, jangbil. Nakt
fctl 1 ..L'..H. ... l ... .s. .. t
IattIj .n urur of ol Neptune, rou-b cbr-
acuruitc. Out itb rciinrkblc evrauc ,h4
braltb aa 1 onxln! rotcr of tbe ?bl' com
;.u, i4od tb.. dajr 11 it du ne 1 tbrc
year a;;o uitb on etr;,.t,ox Ibrwusbou:
the divore and Turied eijnurc lncKlestoi
to cruU.nx over the Aiuiic utlwn, bre
cbt'Icra. Icrer. lirrrcMm umtt m.h'u .n,i
coi.1 o: all deffice rt-liju In ;ul force, nouo
. rm -..- - - b . . , w....
ot tbe
ere I14I u3crcd more
triiii lrai
incmrentcure, ud thus
tl x-erned
trj burd tbit nu. in the cio.inrdir of i
ttic cru.c tbre ua1 ni e lor, to j
one isrjin.t, a rictorj bemx atl at aeorej I r :
lbcIetr..T.iitiieUetb. When tbe .Vvtawd .
reached i-uaiihai in tbe eartr ;rtion ot btr
cruUc ber .d.nira wn tbe hcullhlet ian ;
aboird. A grand ,roimeu ol nianborid u 1
he. Orer ir feet in beisbt, welgbtnc to '
hundred Ojnis. bro-d i 1 cbcat aid atroMm 1
l.Illlk. hr r,-titlr rl.ln.l lil,.... r f,.n '
hare of .Naturt' b,sbie. y bile returnias
Ute one input from a di.,..iii4tlc rcirpllo.i at
tbe Cnu4atc at bbaabat. through orr-
Lcatiii- and insulheirni r.i;nH f,...., fi,
damrcrous 1I cia of tbe iculU ;r datno awl
earcbl.ijr ulcbt afr, be cusbi coul. "Oulr
a cold," remarked tbe .lniiml to the doctor
ot bU ablu. "and eaf y to me." tbon.Lt
the medical oflicrra, but with a quirt tmmcb
lu.Llious progreMion. tbi CuSd dun: to the 1
admlri in ijitle of their brt eftorU to era d- ,
cate it, nd when tbe time came for lcailo
Yokohama, hotiicwjid b-und, tbe Mruiral '
real zed that bia luuc and throat were ileci- f
dedlj out of order. The doctor a advhed rr-
turulag bewne br malt steamer t an Vr i- '
ciaeo, sj that creater meant for cur nz this
prttcut c u?b roljrht be found in tbe
"art lio4p.ui tbcre, but tbe
tre erred to Hick to Li ahip, t il jm
azinln; that bis trouble would cTcnlujUr
be oTcnroroe bjr tbe doctor treatment
No one h looked at the admiral even In
tbov days Itniirinrtt that be would fall a
victim to luns trouble. But li a the o'd
lorj acin trriCetl In th rae. Onlj a cl
at flnst; and in plte of orthudoz treatment
tbe jcuhar climatic efle- ts of ( hlna nured
ft, ami hastened Uie u c rrsult of tuch a
drep-catcd truble Time pas-ed after lea t
Jnc Yokohama cr B -ston. brlBcn Tarrlns
ivmrtoi.sin the admiral' car. and tbe
ilixto f iiuaclned that tb-r beW tbe dteae
In check at Iet Hut with the formation of
tutercle. iftbt-weat, and lSc no rpfd
consumption ot lune tiasuev hieh bad Ml
In with alrrr.l jj otmp'.om. the pstient
readzed that hU cokl b-wt bid the eed of
that fc 1 ac-nt of Death, eenrumptwn. Tb
barking couch of the ad had In ttetf
bee-3 saflicieut ftI for lerioas enn
idersttoo, and now, a In the waria
autumn dr the fiachtn callactlr rod
orer the blue waters of tie Pacific l-mnd lor 1
Cape Horn, the doctors ooped much for uc-
ces. Hot th! toisteroua afternoon ound i
in- irxi n p strarci w: ltb drantlr seas
set off from the Cape by a fierce nortbety
wind. Leiden were tbe bcarensand sd the
be rts of s.11 aboanl, for th t morning the
taaal bal.etin of tbe n-etical offirers had art
forth tnU Intel ince. The ad ulra! is in
ame condition as reported last night. A
burning feTcr h .a been s Irbtly reduced,
white other sywpto-ra ar as heretofore an-cou-red."
All nnJers'.ool these orl with
out qnetlonJnr. The be ored admiral bad
durirg tbe pail two weefca mnk rery low.
The ymptoms of bto-d-polon!nz. a torpid '
l.ver, iatense flr thr ugbout the bodv, ere
slght and mental asultie 3eeted. ap'petjie
gone, throngh lnactnh of that grrat regula
tor tbs liver. Tnese went tbe mra is whrh
had reJuced the admiral 'rem tbe plnaae'.e of ,
b-alth to tbe Taller snd shadow of cTe th. '
CimnmpttuH held foil sw y now. and the we'V- '
Known k ii oi nava. doctors was la this ln-
tance at least complete fo led.
Tbe admiral bJ lisued orders for the Zxz-
ship p touch at V atevtjeo for coal,. cd It
waa tbe lateatlia or tbe doctor to land tbe
admiral there for trejtment. Bat one rain
in tbe ship was wra ped in tbe gloom of dl
palr, as standiar by tbe wether r.gztag oa
the roop deck be" gazed abeaUy over tbe
seething waste of waters. This was tbe ad
miral's son. a Leatenani. aad attached to bis
fathrr stmff. He feared thu tbe ear and
tear of ship-life woaM sapbis father's strsngth
beyond endaraace. aaJ before tfae ship could
rech -Voaterieo. Among a group of sailers
gathered arouad one of tbe great gua oa tb
spar deck sud the captain of the fore-top.
Brown, a slight bat bealthT lookiaz raco
Hls companions were listening to a recital cZ
hi sailcr.njs from co&sumption. which had
cerelop-d while be ws sttocjel tatbeloop-o!-wr
Rajyry lying ia the h rbor of Toko
haaxa a year a. th.a 'yara' havtar ta
ttarted by adLccasloa abvat the admiral's
eonditioa. Tbe aen had just retoraed frors
some work arocad tbe ttck, aa order for
which bd interrupted Brews' story a few
momenta prevjoasiy.
"A year :ri tils day I was hare to la the
4p01 niaaV sick bay is the Kmnorr. tbea off
lokobatss, as I tell yoo, pari, 'twas no ca
pipu- my ncrsner. casse i was sign on
pjssin' ia my es.Utaieat papers for a J.
:' la mr en.Utsaeat tarn for a. tmw
cruise aloft," cccttnatd B,-owa. "Cosasmra.
aloft," cccttnatd Browa. Cossac5
tioa had ce Cat shack, asd the doctor sirs tt
was no as to stow t'tr b:s lash la my bold
eels that my bellows ws cocderased by a
higher jo er thaa he eosid wrastle with.' I
-How did ywa packer oat of UP asked a fi
iraaner's mate.
-Wa'adi." rented Brows, 'asy CUaes J
wxsh mas coae to sac ose saor&iB as he aars .
to me, 'xae sab got allee caize Melicaa sua j
taedikis, io rou heap good! I says oris
isg JaU
eff, Chaag. I bay al. tbe SJ3e. That sJter
soos Osng sore sp wiih fourtcea bottles ot
a lean. esoa?h to kin or tcr. th- whn a4is,a
crew, as' that looked fresh is tadr sice rap- (-
pcrs. SavsCa-sc, CMa stas doctor tab
got limit score, he stake beap rsod well
with my sick, tbia sasiber atut avd?itis al'ee
sae tsroaxh Tokofcaau.' Wa'all, I took tie
bottles as' told tbs doctar 1 was gets lo ry t
.one as by the ssvQia' orders oa tke bottle, asl
tie doctor ke Uagmed and S4j x waa so good, f
bat I d-ce as tse Kgslttioaa ssts froas tke .
first, as' sere I sat, txis tke dealer's idea
to be sareH
With this trlaSBpssaaat ssswrtioa Irswa
looked aboat tke darcie. Tkes, lawersskas
Tcice, aaa. -soya, xreieajroi tassc
baolealtrfx alsH rrre'rsaa aw yyataftrr
I was cswed-ae' Ky9a antktaktkstlt wessld I
a i
Bot ke toe fre witk tke aad saaa- aaaaaaaa 1 1
rotoaisaia tkereealka sasp steak sva asy It
waatlkave t ysa. aakJa' kss rarsCa. ,
J want tayeaasaftsjteryss)eai say
. aaeta' uu aarj aansi say essjssjsaa.
t "fUrsroa kI teiat.
! ia. l iitft w -it i 4r
is Vi na iv tfc t t 3 -
4tl. J irmi' 3f ttltm-l. mw-
Er.ii 5 ? M.
rty tXU 1 Wtri4 m.
ttwlovHtr-Ml I m4.- tka4 W
X t V. ' 4f t r M
J A t rmr UtVr
I 1 st tU
r Urj l. Sfc -
rrU2xN crttJ -f i-
I II k5 4 Ul R f Xm
,i J! iM. r wl, "i
ra t tM JUa "S 'kfmk
? It s- ot tU Hi h, fctl
lrtjk ut" . i yl t
IX d ut IApt -4-rrtjS fci to
i t 4 Vkr ,Hr.- tvmtOi.
"I "It! mUr I V l h- . ""
I'nl Uiliwrfn4r tJ r trn
Hs --i -y 9ftMG. k a km. Vke
l.lV-r tavrr ""f
l .4rt ti 14 ilJtmd
"Tii !. tr. 4U4 V s4f-vt
l- ljk' ! !-. i t inKrm
rrrifi TVrr.WokMl . ngt tr fSf
I kfs Lu r 1 lkii-. tM fc v m4 m -t
M W t Vtr immmf$tt hw
'rt tmtm ml ttr i 4rf
tc ta4M tof ' eln U .s.gtl -M.
Vkt tKlart.Ui '! m (
1m! t4 u. m.0t sn mi tttmrnm
. Vr 4 tn m.. p cutk imh r.
'' ' t r rr. immmi pm-m--Jt -mi
tlrt U tAt " '. Ib til tmm Ut
Ukr c4urt. fcf "Met W U
tnrto V) idv1&rfigWt.ak4
tl kit kt Wiu rnmrtrn Mm Si
nwnwiwc -" itt Dw IMirii
Hr , hC l - a Mtftk- 4 mm Imhm U
ilwloo br t r lu tt XT-mt IM mf mH-lrt-r
T jie H M.
trrftrfx am4 WfSk ii. m 4 m
la yt X tmtf mmmtt-. Vj V- ( l-
HVr mi.Tt Wt tW wr tor U
f tstt . Uw Mit l14.'lHdkW; kU mrer -m ImmmT linml mr
eHs W T. W4i I em. iW ( mmt
m Ml Mr tSl I wtt Uir at lW rM..
' nt tt yr fmrmUmmim oW Km
wlfrK. tt I MUwd I fcwinj
Jo &.C 4 . TSM W4f f U
tlrf Srt UiU Afivtiwo. tk
Sc4, 4r tl-rr tkt i.l lo ) 4,
McBKIe fiMte J ImuM Ut U 1 1.
bT :v4 tW f ATimHir Om-
l-r fetw and iMt-Wto.; ck aterlt bftT
trwtt4tfK: vM t
TW Mto.rT srK.r wt fcvrt W & m
tefc i;lX OwCb ', amrmZ k-W m.
btd. al kr lutiini V
cvt but Ibr zrtmtmi W-A. MA f a
o hi an 4ii 44 t4Ml W'w f li
Wtf In ib.tMrk tW ttBM k4 -1 V
dmMd & (Mtt it AawtoUal t
4i x bi it &i tKi Ho UrMktf M
M4k. t. f tiT m wm-tmUmml en iii.
tbr Ad It i0erJ I k-.t mm M-ti,
nl new ?tT tb it f-J'v. 4tMi Utot
tfer rt uf U Sttx kJ -fUrBnl tkc mmA
cdrfrltjf t'tlK ' .'trMk
Tbrr . Utr fel fc A'' ;.
tnctbe brior ol y.tmt 4 Afwr -
nj t'riduikMd cntltf e kd rtwiBil.! tl
C;s td tKf lrt 1 l.f t4 1 f.r
tbe SlrtC tJ IT--.. 4ftlTi4. 1i
one t,lTr U thf Ih4j vt ! W .-
tb late .f tb..e Kx-d U. ft-Aj-. 'kk
br.cbt fflgfiM vkl bc tr4r4 nit
ot iwf ikK-k turit. Jim tb itr T
r-..ii taiit'k UnMM S4 rr iw t
fiAlaUiB of xrlr. ) jr lWiw. J 4nA.
tbe nut- of tku. Ai4 -"kyl If ?a
rvuld b p m-cji tW dVr.l tfel tnftt .. ,
Img. dc-tr rwilT, ytKir nr tr-4 !
tircn tu! J f'e-4 l kt l-r A rk.rd
nan be v -i..rr " iitf 01.
j P -""' l' dre4 m
T ji k.f f4't-
Ht Ibc&xbt at srr v-. bsrt Hk o
rrf .tlo tti v.jMt rUi it rtJfa -ilx-all:j
ot tUr mm trM of tmHt kwl.KH ta
UmlT 1 bad tartird lb &!. ,' rN t.
and wai elf but rr j lrirft; kiM Ike
tbe &rid ttb a ;.ner "Itrb l.m .dwl tk
dwclof and Shod kit hrrU rltb toy iU
. ,...
VV"bt tbt tbea that tut! tt) tbe rtc-
torr tot tie cbb Iiraan. ad to
Iraili -z lb admlf aj biitrfrd Iofrt tu tl.e
aaine grand feUltf WkeH akd tbi no
ti n by o. c rt bl odirr o dotr. s M
rid o. tbe vlmirtt. a.clf ilttWac b bitl
ro 1ml, I hi d tt in tte f jl !d
at plated tt- al tbe "tvk! roKl read Ihn,
tle name ut tkt rrrt trwedf r.d !
bovn. roOI'led ltk lUr ;rotu wVodi- T
erl tl -Tnic t.ttir M:tit t I'IMOikht!
Dr. lVrc. of lut!..., . V tke to
J1' C1 ' j
..i!?. ",,:,u'1'
i . ThUltthen
(lk.w ntrt th crt-ai r
bit worlx- Sk kr.r l"'
me 't Ikr . .mtrnla ot Ibt
bottle on B.T table, Hd t,l le tke mat
. u" h foutt-' lbc r'l Wa2 iih
it ,rt,,e " onec ,oM r1s J twethfto
' ,a2 bo!eme and tbsrcfc In tt. rr.uHa,
. a cU.?1 ne- ,n mr " w lu' o""":
M o lr Ion,
lor itr.i tii.ti it eanfioi iritombif )r'orm.
Nature a 1 araiot tbr abu ut - an '
Urll orht tbe admral mm-t w pr.lw f
that wbirb bad unci j-lrl j rrcul btra
from a faUi 11 Brs. yy .r U, hli' saeb-w 1
the first eorauiif-lon f.r tbe dtlri'a t-tt t
rsmaa arre purrbave of I'r l',f f
CiiAl'n edlra! IieiTerT. ti-Ji, a lb a.J
iniral aadly admitted, be bad en in ernr
port tbe world around and Hat oi.ijr atm'r 1
a au ctI icnc of tbe enerrT an 1 emerj.
of an A".rr1can b ortild tho plac bi
(toiden MrdiOil friTrrT la eTr u rfx and
corirr of the cMx. H.t un be w ncjo
more to traffv to tbe o.JrfMt p-wroJ tbia
raetilcinr, and e Uhltdxl o In M.HiWtJeo,
br prai.ln; it up lo all tb bleb oSlcia who
T.nltrd him.
A week later a.l tbe Xtrrrvut a-lM for
It. ton dirret. What tbf roo4ltm f lb (
dmlral ii when le arrtred tbre I h 'n I
In bl lrttr !!. It p t- reeordrd 1 ifc I
credit of the doc' or 00 lbeCrhlt tba l-"
were coo le?dr eure.1 tf a 1 d like 'r th
Cio'dru V"dlejS I)irfTrr. nM it falt'.fait
on tbe toT4irct l!-ton, -rMt Udt-1 tkr i?'i
It w..nderfui power, the ad ri e . srtetf
retorel; and more than one pr fcl i V
tarted ut in the ab k bar of th Xwtt.
Vht atauncb fnn Jth Golden yedtca. li
coTrrr made In that h!p!
Tbe ab.Ts, reaier, ltn ouUlneof tbe utorr
tun bribe adro ra- to bis frirn-1 wfe-t'bi
met at tb dinner We lit sot tuucb m ether
torti a of blisterrtm; rectal of ki c.!
1 er-c al, our aim belac t record U tet
tnonj for tbera-Cit otdr in redcalr.
rnej tt,4t this ninteetb tm art ox aurprta-
inr drTelopf'tn h.s rwo'Iucrd
From tbe wo.Wfa! p er ut Dr. Iterre s
Golde. iltdiial I'lsroTery oitr that terri'-T
fatal d.-a.v? conu,pKM, bl b t scr.u a
ot tbe lu'ga, wbn fir t offering tbi w
w rld-fnd rem--dy to tbe puvlr, Ir Ilerc
thought faToraWt- o caittsf It his foa -Uou
cuie,'' but sUanloard tkat Dinr a. ;
rcstr ctlre fcr a meJtcine tbt tro U wn
de-f al comb naltoa of cerafl-detror ac at
well a ton c, o strengthening. sltTat e. or
bo.Td-cleanlrg sntl-btloja, drirrtc. pC-r
al, and Dctrilife property. Is anenwaie'L not
on y as a reai-dy ? eo-iaptU f tb
luasrs, but for aT chronic dieae o' tb st
er. M-wmI, kidnef a. and laora. (totd'n Me-tt-cal
DeoTerr cure all bu or, from t,.e
vort scrofula to a rommon blotch, pica e,
or eruption. Erysipe a, f all rbrum, feTrr
sore, sea. y or rough skis, in saorv alt d-
ees caused by d.s-aar ger s Is tb bori.
rc conquered ly
tins p-werfaL purif r or.
nt mrtgorat n?
medlein. Grrat eatlaie
ul e s rapidly beat under lUbsig lnfiaeee
Especially bat it maairatel Its ;tr3fT s
curing le ter, ro rath. LoGs ra-'byncJ'.
sore eyes. froXalost arrs and swelliagt,
white swelling, p.lue or th ck seek, and en
larged glands.
-The bxd Is it life." Tboroogsly
cieanse t&ts foustais of health by smg
Goldco Medical Discovery, asd good d g
tioo, a fair sSs, bsoyast splits, ntil
strength asd sccadsess &f cossUtsttas are
If yoa fee! dull, drowsy, debflluted, tart
aaitow color of skis, or .je.owib broa
spots oo lace or body, frrqscst headaebe or
daz.&ess. td taste in moslh. istersat
beat or cbUls. alteroatrd wtts bot x?a4&et.Isv
s.inis sod glousiy f&reboitsgs, irregular
sppetlte. aal toacs e tcl. joe are tiSet'
teg frcra lbdigrstioB. dypc. sU. aad toryid
liver cr "biliosasets.' ia sasy cases oaij
part of tbee srmptoxs mreexperlesced. As
a rcaedy for all suca case Dr. rVrce's Goil
e& iledicl Discnrery haa so eqsal as It
effects te-ft aai radical cores.
For weak losgv splttlsg of Mood, siort
brejt!s.coj.rao4t.Te nlrhn weals, aad tea
dreJ ffectioss, it is a sorerevra resseir la
tbe care of braseMt-a. seTere toagtts asd cs-
soaptios. it taa SJloaisd ti eaedica!
facsity, ssvJ easireat pS7-d ss prosMwose it
tsc rrsaSrst ae4icaJ discxrTerT of ls
Tbe catrrtiT- properties pontsd by col
Brer otl sre tr sg se cosizrt4 itt
those cf tbe Cro dea .Medical Disrcrtery. It
raptdiy bdkl u ttc srsteaa a&d ratrraaea
t&rSesbssS wefcat cf tsose redaved te-cw
t&e sscal stasdard cf bs-ts bj wstisg CU-
c ses-
Tae res4er wl pardos tae for e rotag di-
gresaics. prompted by osr saisiratioe tcr t
rexeJy tsat ;rforaa sac ssarreiaca csrrs,
asd pcrxst as to sat tsal wtea tie adssira.
irtsrsed to h fcoe s r Tork te tvtly
eload cat apes ls asp? of ti rrssieo
i4t hj family w eavaseJ hy li eeetasard
QJassvs ef bus e-lct son. a y6vg asaa cf
eaty-tesr. we titseae. waves tie asiska!
! frtaas XeBterbk-a, fcaJ bco rererwat as
ccssUr to tbe trcatsxt of tse fasy
doctar. Bst sis tuce i ossd fc Oerwaae;
aafartasaatc ycaag tasa ws sJfic
scTeruy irasa caresuctUaease C 1st fcMUcys
aad kUaUcr- lfre Iavisj Ba,ua tke aO
atkal sad pareass-d a t?f &f Dr. Pnre
beak, "Tke FswflVs Cmbsm Srrae Mla
Adviser." B trad tkk vais koek iker
esCaiy, sad aaea k4s arr Tal kaaw kad aude
as sua asiSHs as aa use xztsre traaiamat Xea-
kM aasv TW latter was uaita tt f.a.
lsTalsra Haial. atBaXalo. 2C T-, eavdstcfed
kr De. K. V. rssta. sad Ma inai-fc scaJC I
laC spsriiilits. wkwe. aadcr skOifaj Vest-
saasH, see saauu aeasi sea.3 rrssst assft a
alaiiesLMMswaZfkriwy est Ms kaadassss ktaaaka
iifiUfl ldtswtl-s4jswa . tic imt mjmm
tU U3 r "J -4 Ml Mbi -.
rafc r3tt t( li w acufet w
mmM 4 "m 4i-V
tMi H Vytte-T . -H v
K rrr wia
V arM
wt k
Wt V I. ttA
"p" rfc
- ? al V rl 1 rSuS-4v4i.
v. w 9m Uic. ft-ur ntf4f
to ko ml - r-wat. Cko yvy. i
hr '-S( m Htc W Vt 4 -nf
fa' A - t4 - Vt
- ak 4 WK t
taf mmmuts m t Wt frv JUto
l)1( VH Mkj C
). VV t jtM k. .-.- JV
. -r brt.
to 'Vatvra gk
rM w
V KJS) 1
k r.i. t hmi
i .J I M aaf
- at
iikM t ajav
to 4 kwto.
t!jiir i a Jrj at
rr. a.alt
T VsKTr Baytto, VthM, &.
r4 l V V.
wM .4 lKy AaaAJrr m ! k-r
; tkafV? 4 W toa iioiw; m k. r t
' (Vtoat tawriaaj toMr k-t ..!
llitri t WM , cskarjf )( at
j icuiAala Uir-fctorfkiJai t tSm?
AkVM kr K- -N ruk U kaa.r4
1 totktrf Uj' trtkU altovX
. ' tkv-j . f ax4t XUmtAto
utr". u) r iimtku a t
Yl .l--a a aiaa lek, tfl
dtvfu In ft- tutout.
Tl W fe.t af r.1 an I S3 Ti
C tav t fcavj.tM.ia. .V ler aai at 4
Ltl 4 tSrt4.
: tojr a yrmt Lm f !- MIT
a4 -4 a buvt r aku aS .i,u
1 KT lb near trnd ."'.tinf T,"
Rheumatism, Ncuralala. Sciatica,
Ltmfe)a. Basc Ha4L, Te"a,
rTIi I.Sallla.'l, Ma-atlaaat,
ra, aill. $ S tlla
1 U. trlBia Ntflll rla (.
yVjM.M te-.- .- t .f .. p
lwr.i j 1 i !.-.
Tfir iniiiLr a itKurtj-a
inditlt . -i a,t.a..
-CJi man tfm. AJIr. ?(,. aaA. Urn.
fil.yl' t ItVvr
C wJHi.. Lim. fta. .. t
Mf x ttt U-.
Ana M f(U . DiwMfe. Mw
U lkl.Wnw Mff ..n lu.i. fta. . . .. .
IVW U4 .N.I llu Tlh.l..u
C OD rrjv in iir .ra Tfm an.1
I li-aUStfrrw A44T M IUiUi k iXJrUa.Ma
tmm MaJkSI Cairaial la la
la.a till f and,
Xf aJ-tl, UNW. uta.
1 orsiT
-.". ITB f ' W a r""
j r- aa Tn fr.., r ,,
.:uitl'tuuiliHiO,' .tVKat
j (.-as.
rniaL m.m ;. r
I. rtaU'.a 1 ttaaaa
CCTTtK I) V HvilmQ.. SI W Uk.taa9a4fea.U.
Sat f Wf -1 aVrftT-TatS. f?
mUr r t L Afiwi aK4
l-rvaoir ITtaiU tv 'tWi7fn. M.,aa.
aV 4 " at A iii wva.
ai A It-OJO rrv tal -. fiat pvi
b nt UTaaiiulS; laiii jUan
fri.Mnprrdarathom fUmjaV worti V
twl 4.UI"-
Aj-lrroaar a.v.lvr.l'l. aU.
ic rA rarMTf
ItltUVV rilr !. l!.F'.vtf
rrt IIM. ctnn iriw
a -
iiimi K. RtJTit MO. -a Mr4. r
AlfsU Ol T.
I f,riltai". Pia
JJmmmJtfm. J IUx.lCo X lar .
tVmrmrtH, A at!a 4
aS hMi- Oai U-4.
a w I
ruMK fcKNTrstr.r.
41wii(m4 Ht,wn,
?oWff4 VW
a? V af w
t' af yart r i r4 ea a ir vm r r j f !
J. C -. I.IUHTHOI CA -. &wr T
tM. rav naa'a tMrrai'-KMt AAla
T V,Z2XaiXXC,i&mUirktmmtamcK
a t t -i-n)nrmi S
aJMM. K VaV sMjaav Vhawaav'-mv MaMaafJWiMai HW1 aa'WaaaMabB
lr mairJ rM V.v - : ,i ! " - - ' ' '
- - - -" Ji--' - mw- - r m, - j t
mmmmtmmm9 . ay 1 . . j . am T a. Mm. jm-ammmm - to ... a to iaf
J in.i. (' t''. . 11 ,k M 4k Jk- tW ' 1 Mt i tosaajsi
w I ., luaVW - sW i . kuak M.Mto Mfl AMtoMaa, laW - - -
K rvit UA V C 5 WrM. . " 111 I T H
r . . - ., - . .. - . -. - -
I"""- era mmt i taa) flwirt f - toi ' tojtjatasa.
t . " j toMaas taaaaakK aataMaaa l aaain aaat llak
h.m4 . . r - ... -"-" "- - '- - -
s 1 lar l VaaVmU tl tow , n .aa.toli aj"aa aaaaiaatoto atoaXMaal
BUtllikV, mMmI.nMiV h t aVaiaBto(ta oaaa aa) iiaatoaajfc
I A fX kW a SaJna mU aal f ' ' ,"' ";
i rsk twl Tk i.-i4 H4 1 Vta r4 mnn.s stojtMVcr
I . a W-. raw. t ato iimila toa mmm
Jr VT JB r QS sm
. WsfeaaHHHlB9alaaBBK
i "" aHB3atoBafalBBBBK.
..- vJtrt. jr-Jk. A.-"! a.
C U B I m '
Ltmfe)a. BascM 4tk, laalka, t
yssw 4ntnHiu ticiis v VB
M .i. i. U tXMIIW'.i.J.l.S.
JM JUmlOtstfk ttrrwp. TmMtmm-nt.
J CajaUa. f-Mmfmrmrtmrn. B
Jartaja traai ?
W!H YTZ mjf
. mGmrm V
ira4Tal Srrssal tr
KriA. aa tIMV. mt
aaTaaata. aV
mwmmmmmmmmmmr -amaa r
? HbbbbbbbbbbbVIbbbbbbbbbm
Actatrra. Xt ty
( t laasart
ra!S ta tW a. !
tad B aiaa oarwas
fcrs al !
as mt tttr mmmtmfli.
ra h vtvt TKzrr
m. rr aaa
tawa WVaS;.irt... k
flVaaclr VS kit-
5 , "
t- a! t
... .- I
- m.Jmm
If you are
1st tiM Iir7-WWck In the
bt LJaiaettt ffr 1m m
ev4?-Ui iff m the awwer. aft-te9tc-i
kr Iw ittjfraU : tke
ME T. lie nmrnm St t
JNC ltBaKVaHM?f saMVa
wMBi, r iMafifBi, to tke
1CIJ' kaHMU aMM VWIfvS Mai
arav r-aaa y aa
twssra aaat &
Kt. inn l mn if un, mh
K mmmf jW'" BaByjBBBBBBB
I !
M 000,000 ncro
W Jk aa iW m -
(.44 Ownla ja'
mi w tt rr wit.
- - frw Maa .a
a. a.
Mr r -!-
r. at ...,
. - -M
" kMA s
a ;
Th OlU, Writ Trlcl, Wonderful
sncr$ sjuutjye hus rr
I si .
- 4-a.
t 7 --- j. y
- C -m - 9 1
Can (L -4
strokes mmn mu irrtr
-.- t - 4).' ' . ' a a
4 Jt h4 w Ja y- MMa a. mi m
tmmiimal 4 --
fit a " 9 aw - - - C.. J
I. Ill II Alu M-... t .,
a tal a .- till" lat U t "
M a M HlllHlNi - a PfJ
a air r r msr. as trm xr i liteiaa a-j
r--r at m. - I n.m a iW4
l ,- 4 i r mVm r f-r
int. ounmrcH
r a a.-
Tt ' K-"
j . ' . -
! rawi.j.a t. fiN aia 4 -
t I
. -- I " r .
acuis r tii
lata -dl -' a a.
j. v .i-as a -.-
rxjmrr'yL.") " Ar'a
aa a -
xamvAi rrtutxvt ce is. ta
M -X' XT .
f -1 t --a
'-sat ' Ca
aw ci CJ
t;a- ;
a II :'.
- . r -
a . - - t. a
fc. I-SH. 4 -"" Zahf .!.
w.w a ..
a tiarn a4 .
ia. - t Sa aaaa "Sa. -
?asaaar -Maw- y ! r - w C. -- aaaWBF"a-
-ar ar-a. vataaWal jVbbbSV
t mm' "
ifi !
Ma a W. w a hw S." t
5 m m T irM aMiaaj.
j' "
Soda Fountains!
--M tir Ostmkmmm
t Mm
. -,
1 1 IXJrvr?! AT OTTK. twaMMt ?
U ! a la-w lN5Mr- 0,r Jao
rIX- Tt . r tS tt a--
awav tar grmrst.-mv -, -Traj a aatv a ti-
Lai. Jw ar a L tn tXr
t'WL. J. A. IHIXKT, f-rapa-SaSo.
a. laaaj ursarwar Z.-7 a iiir j BficL.
' w - - . . -. . v .
t - a a a i i Ir Sa tax .! " Vf na
aaa fi aa an af iva aaat auaa) a a1 "
asaaalnnaj -a aa atf.L t a m "iai a ar ;aa
Sana aay Hto.1,5 TT fsrKTTJuJ rxis.
aTO.THriPm-irJ1 aW8Ta.r, S
. Sl"
a01 "4 aSil-i.a.
. X.m.mUAXM.
fcf MMUlslI isT llUJ !
wr issl ot-aotaratyr taxatff I
t , SV asaa a4 Una 1aaa an BfiwiC. Va 'H va
W saa arr V a.f .ar, t a. Wa aw
iwaaecsaa' Ka. CSaW TtmWm Sax
r Ia-a
tVI ratv4,-
a a a.amaaioa -avar
t Ul Sa-ai an Aaa aw
yrraa-a. ;, j a w
J- c
.-.- ' s
HMpaf SHMPtoBaBaaryiapaMMM
Sia ats- inpi aa a afajan
S f r ' Maa A aim na)i Maaaxaa
V.aj J Mait .ni-t " 1 Ma. aatl
tiStat ViA tt .,.. ..-. aMaaaWavMyj
Ad a.fc- W wa a. . .
-f "-- "'
9m- to J WaV-atv 4, atojakajaaafl
waa- - -
,. Aji. a j . - aiai a ngK
, .vVaaaa&
J UuUti r- a" -" ale-
If9 ftvlM aij v w tL
J . 3- ter4. - v -1 . k
VMaaj a..., a W 4 MwR
r 1 -- "vsu"W
W h , K i j j - U
)0 . a -S far -. v
. . 4 .- a - .r . .Jv
I r--a 1tmm - - t -
J aSaaai r - aya P la -. a 3
: H a l- . I t V.nn 4 vm.M jB
lr .. ' . -w f.u. i x
a-a J ! .. a . , .!.. ?. . J
K1 .,a I -. iiii .. i9
" , .ai . ! tiiaa "to
-'. I .a A). . nyS f" JKr'fl
to " I mi .. a m -w
H - ' .- .j - a jB
"" 4 aa. r (''' - i.,i '4 km
T . s - -. t -.. .n rmMw
Aka a1-. ?5 f ' a, r -- . a .aBBT
ft '-TW - . .f
aSaalaaaiiin ia. Wa4aasraaMi SSaja. fVaaaaal
S.X.K. 1
Oca iatiat
tac v i
., -t-,.- AiaBaVasssssssl
- . -" -f"" !"!: r-
. "'WiSE-wi
v - ; - -
ii ia5san.iriniirariS