The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1883, Image 3

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-lltti HDli UliUUJJ UHitiT.
M. I. THOMAH. Putolltsher. '
Tho Rrt star pefpa wllhlo Iho patio
Tht t-olcl mid f nt weather.
"When the crwket and th tea-kettle
Coinmenv to nln tnjr,tHr:
O calrr. chirr, c&trr. O lmbblc, bubble, liub-
iiii i
There" nothing like a on;r to cbarm away
life's trouble. ' i
TtK-cricket 'ncath the ti'-artb-slone bright
1 pipltix summer irionei:
Tbe ki'itlo Vr the- glowing iitnig
Ik tcllmsr sweet hom stories. '
X) tb rr. chirr, cblrr, 0 bubble, bubble, ll-
There's nothlnir Hko a n wjc to charm away
life's trouble.
' I'uas sit up in tho warm soft niu
With ry-i-x that dnnefi and rlUtnn:
The old folk lean birk In their chairs.
And nili. ntid softly llstjti:
O cblrr. chirr, cb.rr. O bubble, bubble, bnl-
Then- nothing like ft ti'mx to charm away
life's troubles.
The children jmthT round the n-nrth.
Their Im-e brijtbt with Inuplili.-r;
The llnlljrht nei It ny jr'ow
On each iild Itcum and rnftcr;
And chirr, chirr, chirr, und bubble, bubble,
There" noth nsr like a Btinir to charm awny
life k trouble.
Oh. In inn fin-mor" kitchen
Th-M' wlnt t night arc cheery:
Tin-Intro !Mtufrhcn-nk. tlio wltrl isirn plains,
Tli world without i drt-iry:
Hut chirr, chirr, chirr, and buhld?, bubble,
There' tiotblnir like n song to charm away
lifcV tmubl'
Swrni Hartley SwJt, in Harifr'e J'mtng JYo-
A pretty, inexperienced girl was Clo
tilila Frv. daughter of one of the rich
vst fanners in Clarke County. Her
junk cheeks, bright eyes and brown
Jocks, with a tcry attractive
of face, gave her a certain right to ho
called the 1 ttle beauty of Lake farm
'illda knew thc; ws pretty. Added
to this, her noel-rcadmg had cxc.ted
Iter ituagination. and her ideas of li e
and of her own fut'ire were full of roman
tic notions, that only an inexperienced
vouiiir irirl could have. She touted her
Jiead ata'l tlte fanners' boys who .sought
licr :iefua:ntam-e. and fell that who
hhould liko to be "-ought by .Mime ele
gant suitor, who. if need lie, would ear
rv her off by for u, as her novels had
Of course, the child -for being but
Mxteeu she wa looked tip'iii by her
Iia-ents as hardl more than a child
never gave voice to these thoughts. If
the had. .she would have been Miuudly
lectured by her blunt father.
it happened about this time that two
men, who oflercd swcut-sccntcd .soaps
for -ale. hail been in town and had
culled at many of the farmer-!-houses.
Their appearance was such that .some
of the fanners had -upecteil them of
being .something worse than Mnall ped
dlens. At this lime, too. a house in the vil
lage was entered and several articles of
value taken fro it. '1 his had en sed
great excitement in the ijinet coiin'ry
town and everybody was more careful
that floors .Miould be locked, and that
the h- uin should not lie left without
Mime one to guard them.
tnu Sunday. Farmer Fry. a'ter a
lam ly consultation, decided that Clo
tilda .shotiM if main at hoir.e from
church in charge of the hou e and that
u new boy he had ju t hired .should stay
on the j remises, .so that the hou-to
hhould not be le t tin uarded Clo
tilda's heart gave a bound- so i! d .Jo
M'ph'.s. Mie would hue such a ..p'en
d d chauec" to read a book she had
tecretly borrowed, "The Kobber of the
lthine." while he decided that he
would go down to t'm end of the mead
ow and spend the forenoon in t hing.
Fa-mer Fry and h s wife steoped in
to the new carryall, while .lames, the
Min, mounted his horMi to which Clo
tilda had given thu .soiioroiia name of
" If any stranger comes to the door,
vnii must call doe," &:iid her lather, the
reins in his hand.
" And 3 on' d belter take the key out
of tie hilver closet," a hied her mother.
"Ion t let any one run away with
you. m.s." laughe 1 her brother.
"Theie'sa loaded p stol in my drawer "
Down tat Clotilda on the porch, ihe
coveted novel in her hands a frighttul-lv-il
ustrated, paper-covered volume,
dirty and thumbed, the prospect of rev
eling in its paes giving her a pleasure
of which any .sensible g rl would have
be n ashamed. Tilda knew that this
was unwholesome reading, and that it
was also forbidden; but she had become
infatuaed b it. and was rapidly losing
her p'easure in the oidinary concerns
of life, declaring to herself that the'
were very dull :.nd insipid.
She was just reading in the novel.
Isabel, startled bv the clash cd bayo
nets, darted franticallv up the companion-way."
when Middeuly it seemed to
her that some one was walking in the
room ov erhead
I'crhars it's Joe," lle thought; and
going to the foot of the Ma rs, she eal.ed
2so answer followed.
Any one up there?"
All was as .still as the grave.
"It was onlv mv fancy." she said to
heiseK and for ten or fifteen minutes
became once more absorbed in the vol
ume, when she heard oot.steps. This
timer, well-dres-ed voting man came
irom the vines around the corner of the
j)or-lL T Ida let fall the book with a
cry of alarm.
"Fray don't b afraid." said the new
comer, in a pleasant voice. "I am a
Irlend of your father' .s and have come
to ask a favor."
"Papa is at church." said the girl,
reassured. '1 he man looked to her like
a gentleman. He ha 1 black eves and
hair, and the "d vinot smi e!"
"Indeed I'm very sorry. I was
stopping at the hotel at the Center, and
xva.s robbed of my money and wat h
last night. This morning 1 received a
dispatch that mv mother is il and I
want to get home on tii s account, for 1
lear it s a dangerou
the money. 1 co .Id
illneis. If I had
, w A
hire a hore and
buggy to'takc me to Dash, where the .
express tra:i for New York is due this
afternoon. I am cut rclv without
money, and I hoped 1 could borrow
twen:v-five dollars from your father,
He knows me, and if he has it with him.
I am sure he would loan it to me. Now
1 must wait. I suppose, till he returns
from church, and then it will be too late
to catch the afternoon express. Thou-h
if I ould onlv get to Dash. posiblv I
might find some acquaintance there who
would help me out of mv difficulty." j
..Tt- enrr,- t ..,, fl,..t ft, t.-.,,
m iV- .
all gone! 1 co
sell if Thunder
m Tilda.
Thunder! What a fine name for a
horse! 1 wish he was here. And to bc
driven by so beautiful a young lady!"
and he fctared at her pretty face.
I named hirt after the colt driven
to death 1 y the mad Dnke of Argvle,"
said Tilda, growing insensibly moieand
more conliuent'al.
"Ah! I m'ght have known you were
something superior to the farmers'
daughters in this region that is. judg
ing irom those I have tocn.'
" And I seem to forget that you arc
stranger," said Tild blushing with
pleasure- "If y ou were not a f r.end of
my lather"
m " Certainly, one in whom he has the
utmost cont'dcncc; and talking of
strangers, 1 kuew a rich young fellow
who fell in love only lastsummer with
pretty girl in a fog-cabin. He was
bunting. The father would not allow
bis daughter to say m ch to him. But
upon my word, if you'll believe me.
ity ware xcurried in th ee davs a:tj
bc finrt w . "c took her off on a
fa(ll honcnd llic old man cbw-d
them with ajokoof o en. Fact Did
foil ever hear anything more ridicu-
I loiihr owr tfecv are liring m fine atrlo
! in Paris.'
"Splend'd' jtist like utory"' ai
Tilda. -But then. I would go to the
ends of the earth wth one I loved."
Ah. then, my sweet girl, go with
me I am rich and well connected, and
butometo think of itruy money
and ray watch are gone, and rav taothcr
is ifck waiting for me."
"Of course. I would not go with you
under any circumitancea," said Tilda,
"But if I come again to woo, jcr
haps to win you in the regular ortho
dox style perhaps ou would not ob
ject?1 Tilda, with averted face, blashingly
replied that she could not telL
"And you will accept thl diamond
ringone that belonged to my mo her.
and is a family- heir-loom to remind
you of me, while I am gone?"
J x ilda s eyes opened wider; hhc
thought she had never in her life Mrcn
anything so splendid as this pure, white
! stone encircled bv emerald, which ?hc
allowed him to pfa c on her finger.
It certainly wan no harm, she
thought, to allow th s. and as he sug
I gested that she might let him have only
enough money to carry him home, it
1 teemed to her tkat her" father could not
( object when he learned his name, if
she should let him have the twenty dol
lars in the o'.d money-liox. that he had
put aside for taxes particularly as the
young man promised to return it in
the l.r-.t mail after he reached home.
with five dollar. for interest,
o she went to the bureau, opened
the box and gave him the money. He
took it wit'i a profusion of thank, and
gave his name as Edgar Montague. As
lie left the dour, hu Ktoppcd and ki-sed
her. declaring that he should return as
toon as the "iIhichh of h mother would
allow him. and gain her father's con
sent to make her his bride.
It seems almost incredible that an
girl could be deceived by such d .sgusb
mgh abr pt love-making an 1 gross
compliments. 15ut Ti da knew nothing
of the world, and her book heroes and
heroines we e o' th:s character.
No sooner had .!r. "Montague" gone
than came i'atlv. ne of the neighbors'
dauirhlers. "Mother had a micII." .she
said, "and could she borry tonic
camphire? '
"Uh my. what a splendid ring!" she
"It's mv engagement-ring,' said
Tilda. promPv; "or just as good. The
gentleman wh i gave it to me lives in
New York, and I never saw him be'ore,
but he fell in lore with me at first sight,
and I shall probably marry Inm right
Away went Pattv wi'h her bidget o!
new.s. In a few hours, every ne ghbor
with n half a mile knew thai Clotilda
had a "diamond ring ' and wa going
to be married to a New York gentle
man. Tilda was awakened from her drcan.
of magnificence by the arrival of her
parents and her brother. Mrs. 1 r
went up-.stairs to remove her bonnet,
and then gave a shrill and terrified
shrek. An earthquake and cyclone
combined would hardly have created
more loufiisiim.
Her litisbaud ntid Tilda and dim
ri-hed u(i-sUnra. A si ene of coufus on
met their eves which w li not soon be
forgotten. I very dr .wcr and closet had
been sacked ami the r contents thrown
ab u the Hours. Nimchodv liaddre-seil
himself in dim's hot broadcloth and
left :ii their place threadbare, dirt
ciushed elotluM and a .shocking bad hat
The old gold vvat h, an licit loom, all
Tilda's little trinkets valuables of even
kind, were gone.
Tilda remcnibere 1 the noise she had
heard i p-sta.fs. and resolved not to
ni'iitio i her "diAmond ring. ' or more
o the conversation of the voting man
her lather .s mend then she could h p.
F.til she lorgot that .simple Patty knew
all about it, and that Patty wu.sthcgos
sip of the neighborhood Ju forty-eight
h utr.s. ev urybedy m the country was
talking of the robbery, and laughing at
the silly girl who had eon'ided in a
siiiout hi -spoken rogue, dressed up m
her own brother' cloihos. and had even
lent him money out of her amber's desk
As for the ring, that proved ti Ikj
utterly won bless. Poor Tilda! Never
was a girl nunc thoroughly mortified.
In the confusion tsie book she had b en
reading was taken up by her father.
He lad it aside, and the next dav.
after show tig her its character, he took
it b tween the tongs and threw it in thu
fre. deelar ng that if he ever saw any
more such trash in the house he would
shut Tilda in her loom and keep her on
bnad anil vvatr tor a month.
Th upshot of the vvhol aair was
that the tramp, ana-coin nish"d villain,
who had a'ready served his timo in
States Prison, was scon arrested, an I
poor Clotilda suffered the severe morti
fication of being ob iged to identify him
in court Even he. vv hen he saw her.
burst into a coare la gh. while tho
long-faced Judge and the lawyers had
all they could do. as she told her story,
to supprcs their .smiles.
Put the cniel lesson s'llVced. Ro
mance had lost its attractions for her,
and s nsational nov Is and strangers
are just now both alike repugnant.
Youth's CiWilKIM on.
The Kooky Meitntain Sheep.
The Rocky Mountain sheep inhabit
the lofty chain from which they deriv e
their name, from its northern termina
tion in latitude (8 deg. to a' out latitude
4S deg.. and perhaps farther south.
They also fre pient the elevated and
(ragged ridges with which the country
between the great mountain range and
the Pacific coast is intersected, but they
do not seem to have advanced farther
eastwa d than the declivity of the
Pocky Mountain:, nor are they found
in any of tho hilly tracts near Hudson's
Pay " They collect in herds of from
thiity to forty young rams and females,
herding together during the winter and
spring. Mr. Dmmmond informs us
T . . . .
,u:lt tnc locky Mountain sheep cxhib-
,,c" ",0 Mmphctv ot character o n
markable in the domestic stwrics but
,,,:,t "here they had been often fired at
lhe.v wcni exceedingly wild, alarmed
tnc,r companions on the approach of
danger by a h-ssing noise, and scaled
tne rocts wiln a speed and agility that
b-i'-lVd pursuit, isomc naturalists have
suppo ed that this var ely of the sheep
fan"!y substantially the same as the
Asiatic Argali. but of iPmm'fehed stat-
urc- 0"-TS dissent from this opiniou.
n'x cnl-v ' account of its size but of a
ddlcreucc in the curvature of the horns.
. nuu ii.-u.ilU il OUa-ine lUai
e of the Argali originally passed
"The fat-mmpod sheep," says Dr.
Anderson, "resemble one another bv
hav ing particularly the males a solid
mass or tat formed npon the rump, di-
viueu, as nwec, into iwo hemispheres,
which take the form of hips, with a
little knob of a tail in the middle. Some
of them have horns, but others do not.
Its covering is a mixture of hair and
wooL Some of the breeds weigh as
much as :3)0 pounds and the mass of
fat formed en the ntmp varies from a
tenth to a fifth part of the entire weight.
In the neighborhood of Caucasus, the
hind quarters arc salted as hams and
sent in large quantities to tho northern
Eart of Turkey. It lias been supposed
y some writers that this breed may be
the same as that which was bred by the
Patriarchs, in the days of Abraham and
Mrses. The sacred penman mentions
that Moes took the fat aad the rump,
and all the fat which was upon the in
wards, and burued them upon the altar
for a burnt offering Fntm Brxcitoj
Bcforc the ape of railroad and tcam
boal farmers tept the riJiac ia their
ricinity well supplied with meat of all
kinds. "as well as with fruit, grain, but
ter and rheec and other farm pro
da -tL Since facilities for Iransoor
1 1 at ion hate imrored the ma only f
fanner ship the r surpln product to
large cities a soon a tiw are ready
for the mvket. As a coujnuencc
villages and mall Ujwih are often very
ooriy supplied w.lh the product of
the soil in the immediate vicinity
of them. They arc alo rcry jtvurlj
supplied w th many of thoe articles
that inighl be produced if farmers would
give atteutaon to them If they are of
fered or sale at all they an jir cured
from some large citr to wheh they
have been shipe'i from the country.
Many grocers and proviuon dealers in
cJimtry villages obtain all the r ut-
I plies from tome large though
many of the arti les they cll are or
j could be produced on the" farm about
'them. The prefltdi option of farm
era is to limit the minil:r of the mjs
I they ra mj for sale and to send them to
a citr market as soon a they are in a
condition to soil. The demand of 'vil
lage i overlooked. They are jtoorly
supplied with many cimnion fann pro
ducts, and have no way to x-curo lhoc
thai are rare except to obtain them
from a large city, hending fann t ro
ducts to ncity and then bringing them
ba-kto the coun ry is bad policy. The
cost of car iagu is con-iderablc. tlic
rhargej of commission men and whole
sale dealers add to the cost, while the
ouabty of the article is almost certain to
uetc ioratc. Still no imonsidcable
jirojortiou of the articles that are ent
fnun the country to the city find their
way back to the country again.
The usual course of trade in this par
ticular is well illustrated in tho matter
of jiork products The of farm
ers slaughter nd pack the nuuf er of
hog they think they will require for the
use of the.r own families. The re.
maindcr of their hogs they soil in bulk
to some hipjier or drover, and they are
immcdiii'y tent to some large city
where they are slaughtered and packed,
or sent to omu jioinl further hast. It
is no unusual thing for farmers who
have considerable hired help to be out
of pork, ba on an 1 lar.l be'ore the year
is t ut and another crop of hogs an
read, to kilL As to the people m the
neighboring village, the are of necessi
ty obliged to obtain their po-k. hams
and lard from some city where they - re
kept in tick at all times. The difler
ence between l!:e price of dressed hogs
ami that of .salt pork, hams, bacon and
lard is nl ways large. I .specially is this
the case after the latter have b-cti kept
six months or more. The cost of curing
and of storing i.s light, but after the sup
ply of fat hogs i.s exhausted there 's a
great rise in pork products. Of late
there is a dcided pre ereneeonthe part
of consumers for countrv-c.ired hams,
bacon and jiork. and for country-rendered
lard. Still no oueeems icady to
take the re uisito steps to suppl. the
demand. A farmer who will pak the
jwirk he prolines, properlv cure and
smoke hams ami bacon, and render the
b rd in tl.e hos he 'attctis. will bo ijtiite
sure to find a market lor tli-m in the
village next to his farm within three
mouths oi the timu they are ready to
sell. hat is more he will n'alie alMiut
twice as much for them than he will if
he d sposcs of his hogs alive or dressed
for the city market. A fanner or an as
sociation of farmers can do well in start
ing a small packing clabl shment in
the vicinity of tho village thai is most
conv enient to them.
Cood, sweet corn-meal and prime,
unadulterated buckwheat Hour are gen
erally quite difficult to obtain. An in
ferior artic e is furnished bv city mills
and is sold in towns and cities Fann
ers who raise tho grain can have it
ground in considerable quantities at a
time, and can dispose of it near home.
Country villages are generally very
poory .supplied with fruit of all de
scriptions, and especially with small
fruit. I n'ess the uople raise their
own trees vines and bushes, they either
go without fresh fin t or obtain it from
a distant city. There is generally more
profit in selling lruit in small towns
thau in largo cities The. price is onli
narily higher, while there is a saving
in traiispo'tat on and coninfis.oiis. If
a farmer raies more of any kind of
fruit than he can dispose of near home
in a fresh .state he can preserve or dry
it urn! keep it till it is salable. Coun
try villages are also generally very poor
ly" supplied with garden "vegetables
t rdinarily they get no vegetables that
deserve to be" classed luxuries
They have common potatoes, cabbages,
tomat es and turnips, bit they have no
sweet po'atoes asparagus, cauliflower,
lettuce, cress or radishes, unless they
raise them. There is generally a de
mand for these articles, and if none ex
ists it can be created by a little effort.
Articles that tempt the appetite can
fonerally hud purchasers at good prices
t requires no more exertion to build up
n trade in a vi lago than in a city.
Fanners who make eder and wine can
generally sell them at lietter advantage
near home than in a large city, as they
save the cost of shipping and sell ng.
Cider can bo converted into vineger,
which always commands a ready sale.
With good vinegar and fresh vegetables
fanners can make p ckles for the sup
ply of tho home market. In short,
fanners can dispone of a large amount
of produce near home, if they set about
it. Chicago Times.
How to Make Summer Silk Presses.
Shirred basques with shirred sleeves
and trimmed skirts wi'l be u-ed for
th.n .silks. The skirts have lengthwise
double, rallies between clusters of shirr
ing down the front and side breadths;
sometimes instead of making this ruf
11 e of silk, lace will be used, and in
other cases the ntllle will lie of figured
foulard lined with plain foulard. At
the foot there arc putfs that lap, with a
plain ru'.llc at top and bottom. The
over-skirt will be drawn up very high
and full on the hips, and may be opened
down the center and drawn back on
each side, or else in a closed front in
apron shape; the back drapery falls in
soft folds and I ows. yet is very full and
bouffant. The basque will be shirred
on the shoulders, again on the bust, and
also at the waist line, and inside this
shirring will be a gathered plastron or
vest ot plain fonlard. The shirred
sleeves will be arranged in lengthwise
putls for short arms, and in puffs
around the armholes and elbows, it the
arms are long and need to be rounded
out; but these-puffs must le very soft
and droopng. and will look best if
made separately and sewed upon the
sleeves. Polonaises that are Tery full
on the hips and tournure, yet are drawn
back plainly on the sides," will bc made
of the largo-figured foulards to wear
over skirts formed entirely o' puffs or
lengthwise plaits, or covered with ruf
fles of the plain goods. The plain fou
lard is shirred in the front from throat
to waist line, and edged with lace frills,
and it is also formed in a great sa-h
an-i bow made of a whole width laid in
folds, and passed across the tournure
between the under-arxn seams. Lark
velvet is sometimes preferred to the
plain foulard for the accessories of these
polonaises, and velvet ribbon bows are
on the front of the wast and knotted
on the sides, or behind as a sash, bat
velvet skirts are no more effective than
those of foulard, aal add to the weight,
when one of the greatest commenda
tions of these summer silk dresses is
their lightness. Harper's Baser.
Down in Pennsylvania, when a man
Sts mean enough to rob nit family of
d to buy whisky he is horsewhipped
by the Vigilant. Robert Crosier W
juat had a stinging interriew with the
nvppl jMir tap
- A Peanylvantx fruit-grower, wbrn
he p'aals a strjurbrnr bed. aptd
manure at the ra e of thirty U forty
Um per sere,, aad dre It aaauaJlr
afterward fall rauWh of twentr
f:ve too mors He ratc S.CMJ quaru
to the acre, and they are big ucrr.
The Getnaalown IrUvraph says
" Our jedgment and practice bs'c a!
wavs beM to trral the so I in which thr
trvet. fruit and ornament a grow, at
far as can be done. tbt ann a ii that
is cnli rated for tegttsblc or gTal
farm crops, and w have always been
satisfied with the reuit'
A good vrav to arc and tie small
slice of cold mat i u cbop them I nc.
add Mime brcid crumb. alt and !
jier, moisten w th milk or with gravy
or tock- MaVe this into flat cafc. dip
them in rgg aid Irt them uatd brown,
cr put the meat in a pudding dSh or
basin. pre it for two or thrco hour,
and si ce it fort?a, V. F. Timet.
-Corn wne Is highly recommended
as a break al djh. Take one hjtn
ctiflce-cup of Im led hommy, h-at U
and stir in a tablespoonfu! of butter,
three eges, and nearly one pint of
sweet milk a much corn-mea! mar 1
added as wdl -ervc to thicken this t ii
it b 1 ke the batter for (ohnnycakr '
Pake in a quick oven, and sen e hot---X.
Y. Jrut.
A lady o! San Francisco lately re
ceived some plants from Mexico, and
with the plants came the advice to fcr
tili e them with wate colee and co'ec
grouuds. This wa d 'Ue. and the rc-
i MiiLs were o sain aelory that tlesme
treatment w a tneu on rows anu too
eflect was a healthy and vigorous
growth, and more and bet cr flower
and c-f richer colors.
A vetcrinarv professor says that "a
gtcai m.-onty o nni-lones in voting
horses come from the lai tire to fiorten
the toes.' To this may be added that
ring-bone is apt to lie formed if co'ts
are allowed to stand ou a p auk floor,
or anywhere else where the Joit-n is
hard, dunng the first eighteen mouths
of their age. Whether in stable or
yard during this period, let them have
earth for standing or walking, free
from stone or gravel.
.Superior .Johmiicaxc Two egg.
one half cup of molasses, one-half cup
of h gar, one pint of butler. milk, one
half cup of butter, one teasjioon'til of
soda, one teaspoon f til o' salt, ono tea
spoonful of ground allspi c. and ma c a
bat'or with two thirds meal and one
third flour, 'loleeaten warm. Now
sisters, do not.sav that is too rich for a
johnny cake," but jtist mae one. and
whatever you leave out bo Mire you do
not leave out the allspice and I am sure
ihe ".lohus" will call for more. 77mt
Hotis hold.
Pure honey should be used unspar
ingly by every family. It is no longer a
luxiirvto lie used only by a few. but it
is sufficiently cheap to be within tho
reach of alL It has properties which
make it a valuable food. It differs Irom
alcoholic stimulants, which dull ihe in
tellect on the contrary it produces a
bright intellect as well as a heathy
body. Children are very fond o honey,
and one pound of it go t further that: a
pound ot butte . It has th peculiarity
o' keeping good, while but'er often be
comes rancid and iiijtir.ous to health. -
Amcriran lice Journal.
Call rt During the Karlj Spring.
Young things that have done exceji
tionally" well during the past three
months, will, in the same hands, un
doubtedly ( on to gras as y oung grow
ing .s'ock" always sliou.d. namely, with
pliable hides and oily coats -two evi
dences that they have not put in the
whole winter without making some
growth. Vet, even such as have done
capitally up to Febniary. will possibly
r quire more attention till grass than
they have rom time of gras in the tall
till the ores. nt time. As winter nears
its close, efforts are liKeh to be relaxed,
in view of the near approa-h of the
spring bite and due attent on to the bad
inf'ucnce of the cold rains and mud
under foot, o liable to co ne in all ex
cept the more northerly States, lie neg
lected. These influences, added to the d"-
turbed digestion, neconijian i d by a
more or les distended abdomen, in the
case of cal es that hav not don" well
during hrst half of win or. w.ll call Ur
extra cire to t'io latter The
coarse feed, especially straw, should bo
entirely gtrored. no acees. al
lowed to any other than concentrated
foul, ex -ept moderate allow aiiccs of
fine, brigh . well-cured ha. 'Hie
trouble vv.iich usually comes to very
young stock from feeding ground foods
is the indigestion. 1 able to overtake
them llimugh fermentation of the food
given. I or this reason, oil-cake meal
is undoubtedly the liest food in use for
calves. Farmers naturally have a prej
udice against b ' feed for farm
stock of any kind, under the belief that
the grains grown upon tho.r own farms
are good cnoi'gh for any animal reared
llicv forget that calves arc usuilly
reared artihcially: that is, thv are. as
a nile. too early "deprived of their nat
ural sustenance, the milk of the mother.
This involves the necessity of substitut
ing as nearly an equivalent as can In:
found. On "account of the tendency to
fermentation of ground foods, when
given freely to young things, and tho
cake meal being only in a slight de
gree, compared to some other fe-ds,
liable to ferment in the sto-rach of the
calf, the latter is adopted. eje ially in
Europe, by pretty much all who fear
cattle and sheep, as the mot important
food at their command. Kspcc ally is
this true as regards their management
of young stock: nor d the, restrict its
use to growing tilings, but use it frecly
as a basis for foods during the entire
process of fattening.
Now is a good time for observing men.
with judgment well matured in such
matter-, "to look up and buy young
stock to rear, as the discerning eye will
see the evidences of good s'xa ns'in the
breeding and good care in the winter
ing, where these are present- Calves
that have l?cn properly cared for till
Februar. 1st arc with "proper protec
tion, easily carried through to grass, in
good shajHJ for rapid gain. Calves
should be isolated from old?- cattle, as
their food requires to be selected an I
very carefully given. Even such calves
as in line to pav master, should be re
stneted in their onportun.tles for doing
so, being fed separately.
Where shelter had not already been
provided, it is not too late to attend to
this important duty. As a do en calves
can find sleeping room in a covered
enclosure twelve feet square, the ex
pense of putting up an unpretending,
yet warm call room, need be but trifling.
A very serious mistake is made by many
men in discontinuing the feeding of grain
upon first turning to grass. There
is a material loss to the strength of
the calf by this practice, as the system
tandergoes a radical change when green
grass with its abundance of water is
taken into the stomach in place of the
substantial dry feed to which it has been
accustomed during the winter.
Under the com ng system, sure to
bold sway in the near fnture. namely,
the feeding off at half the age heretofore
thought proper, no owner can afford to
lose any time throngh omitting to fol
low np the grain and oil-cake feed on
yonng animals. If these strong foods
are required, and pay while on the drr
hay. given during the absnceof graei.
they will pay equally well after the lit
ter is entered upon, an 1 shsnld not be
dJsxntmaedtmtheTomsgf&ags have
become well acemttoxed to tkjs. have
ieaty of K. aad are thriving
TV H "wVrr." aa Aaw-rieaa-
Um te dVcntw a aaaa wo c9rirs la
fei ability to wis l&c s-la&tfmiio ot
women. & o :& into e is tydos.
j whvrc Ikx: k-jwi of hssass Wiajf W pWo
tjJol- "lit a faxr. says lis U
jos inn. an &ms aaavsruota.
- .. .. . .- .
or n mr-.Kl. .AAt,A is t
wet. p08cy. aed UBwhoissB 'aust-
j won Inns a ro.ts aad jgisotosrs soti
' llwdctilolr oTrdrsijMrid. tarcksd nss
to tb vsxT- cHd. sao4kr?Tsi like
.. . -. - . . ,
t is Jewelry, ecaJ out wta !kmrr
iVr a fuotmvn. t4iotc la cosatcaac.
arsl parr Us coorenatksc with a
knobbed sick to suet, he has becusc
sji observed forts of sucal oj14 ttssl."
The nsr!itT of
always .rsJuax
r?,x! rrsmair kad a rorxna iHostra-
I lion tb other dsr ia Pfula4lDala. An
old lady nearly bbad kesrd a noisp ia
ti upper part of tfe bo-ac. a&d ca
calbng np-stairs sbe wa aaswerrd by a
strange voice. atog "Its m.
, -.. .. f. - .. - - -. - j
crra to ne moprr Isnguagr. the Jd
lady knew at once that
there n a
, strange man ia the bouse, and quick It
effected ber escape to a erigabor's, si-
uiougn o suuerfu some Tjorsc a.
the hand of the bogus sn. lUtrglars
in Philadelphia will hereafter probabfr
add an Kngith grammar to tbcxr
klU." Ilujfalo y. Y Erprrts.
The story i uId. It rosv or mar not
w? tmc.that dunng a f rrc fixhl in a C hiea
go saloon a man rs shot in tb" mouth,
but escaped injury through the bsll f!u
tening itself Against tm breath. JlncLej.
Ur (.S. J.) 1'iMl.
?frw Hsvra (fmn i nnJf-n.
rtnw m Lavjrr Trld th l'w.
I, Istu! fir utt, ni Stw Htu, two&rctt
eat, tU-ckl l h s srrcrr .tramttra
In mj rlibt srm, bmt tl Iirv o tht 1
WrtkrJ tlh dlSleuitT M cM b.nlij w
. . . . i. . , . ..i
fU Jacotx OU, rtilt og ell tbrretttor lj.
kihl otjUlurvl trstsnt re ct bt s t-rtrcteurc
IaTII TBOlC, AUvrTtryti-Lam.
li l rrUtrI oi u ut-uin r-lJ-tit thst
t er ttr tmtrber tillt hml cruB l uct &
ore ttst ttc batcher cul iu liHotr rarrt
U-c tlrbt, be ff 1U Mole lor blaelr ili In J
CttleiueiiU 1hre ttr lotir iij fle' tfce
tiuuhrr bsd rreiTrtl tHc B'te tie cslirsl ttpoa ,
tte cielllr sinl txld 1 t j ur rnU t t '
'1Za, due tn three rnoili." "'fou tTr j
'Whit wuuM I the dWeount on uch r,U-1" j
"U ell, ou ouch: Ut l ll to real t' t tel !
fiC" "W'otllJ too b.rd me flSw ud lal.e '
the Motei" I h'MlW kiht N- V r 1 tn,"
iromtly re;lelth crrilitor, "tMit tot wjr j
(r.le. To k m mn to itUr nt la. uj- j
r U to liuintll'te tilm. -Hut I Ur t-t-sl j
mil the lat)S. tir. sut! none ot them l i take
ll." Ab! I e! lt' too ntn I a mal'rr
fur tbeiu to hsriille 1 owe the ent-m-r f lt'fr.
tmp;scTon ,-y It ntlet me tear up tt-W
nole, am! slr Tim one ir t)tJ amotiii rtitn-
Wnrdl" Tbr hutetifr is .till ho.JiBK tbc-ie-
lual Bute. lo3 .s.Vrrt .Vrtm.
A rnisicisv write: 'IbaTereenmmenlrjI
Ir f.UTnll'a Yellow THkV, and Sra(ail la
in tnjr j-raciiee a a cenerai ionic 1 cuinier
ll pupenor to crery otticr irejwiratUm lt rase,
ot fern lie comr-lalnta and R-weral rrotral on.
A a blood punQer it ai way aits I ke a clurui,
sad ss a true slmnKtbcncr It U a bo cjuaLM
"I nealXT wi jitiztlrsl what to do for th
bent," aiJ our own Mr a. lUinatMiia-n I
wi.qulle 'on lic cir:i o' s duenna si the
sjjIu,: la." I'wtfK.
Pn. Bessox's Celery and Cbamo-nlls Pills
contain no opium, quinine, or otber barni nl
drus, an I are hljlilr rerommrtidrd for bead,
acb-. neuralgia srJ nariounca. 50 cent.
st dru;:j;.su.
O.TTt.izr.t the msn wbo wear glict.
SvintnllU JuurtmjL
' Ad'f Salt Ilhrvmfur 10 yira. Ftmr ;irls
mtmofUr HrtiMtH tSktn Curtty'hrtiy enrrtt inf."
F. P. Lavclle, Merer d. Cat tt. slUruKKiiM.
Tn msn of cirst wait tbc creditor .V.
T. CVniiifrrW Aurtrturr.
."Iletter bew present rrlU thin Ry to
tlue unltlown.,, letter still, u-e llidnet-
j Wort and make your ;rertit c fly tc juris
J unknown. HviuCnd yourself eetlinz tl-
I'm, bead bcavy, iiioulh fo-il, eyi a Trllnw,
I Vidney disorJcrevl. ympiomt of nil t tjr
nienttnc you, take at oner a fe do-s of
Kldner-Wort. lTe It as an adranrs- ruanl
j eitlicr In dry or liquid fonn--lt .a -Ihcleni.
I Six itonnzD crlmlnds were r rdond
fnun tbe ( iilcsgo llrilcw-II lat year ll
mean so rn-thiuj: b'n a t'liicgo man sy,
"itepjrdoa" ItomLH TniHMnfJ.
Tho At of Sllrarlr
1 pist. and Dr. I'lerceN "tt Men Mcileal Il
rocry ' will not rjlsr tblead. will n't cure
jou It your liinirs sre lnol ated bj con
umption. It is, bowcrer, un-ur;,-'"'d Imtti
as s rector 1 anil alterative, atd will cure ob
stinate snd aevrre dlearr of t e britat ad
lunca, coiijhs and bronrblal afleclions, Ily
Tirtue of iu sroudTful slterstlve rrorrtle
It clc-inses snd enrich tbe bol, curei 1 -pies,
blotches ami cru tlon. aid cane even
great eating ulcer to hraL
A5 Eds woman has robbed s lulr sto-e.
Like a pistol, she wcutog With a tang J'itU
burgh J'ott
Get th Ortclnat.
Dr. rie-ce "rel eU" tbe oris nsl "Little
Liver I'll!" (ujar-coatel) cuie able and
bilious betdarhe, sour itoinacb and bilious
attack. Ily drafts is.
Tna shopmen of the l-t crneratlon v to
settlers success w.lh crest julns, but now
they use ptt pin- I . stead. X Y. JleratiL
Dr. TirncE's "T Toritr rrrscrlt tlnn." for
sll thxMr weaknesses ;-cullsr to women. Is sn
unequalled reir.edy. Il-tn-sslne Usrk-'che
and " trarlns-down' scniallou ylpld lolls
trength-clvlng propertl;. Ily dracptsls.
Gini.s sre more cars-eon than rrca.
Tliey arc ready to mse s match with a fel
low twice their slxe.
"Mrrrnra Swa' Worm Smrr" forferrr
lshncss, worms, constipation, tasteless. 25
A nr.xn msjorlty
Norlh roJe.
-the inhabitants of the
"Roron ox IUss.nClesrsrmtrata.mlce,tes,
Brioitt days tn store when there is sra&
of customers.
Tnn Vctltatc Belt Co., Marsbsn. Mica., will
end Dr. D-e's Celebrated I3ctro-Voltaic
BelU aad tlectric Appliance on trial for
thirty days to men (jounc or old) who are sJT
Ckted with nerrous debility, irjsl riialltr sod
kindred troubles, cusranteeinx speedy sod
complete rsUratton of health snd tnasly vizor.
Address ss soots. N. R No r iaairraC
aa Uirty dsy's trial Is silo wd-
Hats tou sees the Carollthlon Ousts sad
CnSal homeUUnc nrsr. Askfortscss-
A50TWTR bote! horror, as tbe min
when tbe hash was set before hira.
Browx doesn't like hss new colored docae
tic so cllss he had anticipated. Sae is ner
erat borne eTenin;; always gnlaz sooe
where. She li. In fact, a rezular Diasa trat
Thct were talkinsr orcr masic aad
drama, at the table of their host. wt
thej were already awsre, owed bis fortuae to
bl own nnatled exertions. "Tom tre Sot4 of
Koslair' sake-.! one of his guests. "Passloa
stelv." replied ttse bo, Ucrw do joo like
hi Barber!' "Don't know, sir fierer pat
ronized tbe man ; hare shiTed rajselt for the
last forty years. " 5w Frvmeiteo Air -Jfrr.
The calico manufacturer Is well red, asd
rrtnts anions men. JT. T. Xnr. .
HT are so many claMic coaeert pi
c-u-u. "poionsisc" on tae rroinmaei
dJh. Because titer are quite loar aad xea
erallj drac JTUrf Xtw.
Tax asa who Is al ars beMad 31 tre no
followers Lomttrn TrmmltcrifC
Tax new frre-ceat-pieoe eosjtsJss s Scare at
tn- Amftiran cade, watch U allrisii; bat st
wobM be more ap ropriai ts pmt a dog on a
cent. Xorrittor JitrmhL
Tec real clore feat occsrs wkea a womsn
tries to ; at a Xo. 6 clove on a 'o. 7 fcaad.
J ssstea Cvswanrnisf Jfar
A xas lately- applfe at a Bfatciver's shop for
ms. w.ffilt at .ft
As a aaraslejs laittkaa bato Use ase of
are-arms, pettrcirls aickt practice skoot
iaz ciaaces taroacK domWe-birrted slassesv
Mowzt k caHed te rreal cireslatiar eaV
bi-b aR&iase asest tse te eircaUte M Jt s
a a asaoiaai a mswk at X. .
ion tke strsat. X Q.
Ccaioca ckmastaarawA
Fat iai V J
Ii f al alf.-jr. jr.
CM - t ftw r
TV ttA t im fcs2J t -
:i --...- - i , ,
- . wvtw
l b " T rS im mm
t klfc, 4ilrwR, u U
st bnnti ut M . W
r t5. r W rsa -
l fcj h r-? (wwM; kw St
Paisl r tJ orb vt X.r ,iAmr
t tA i U it T m-t ry
Bfc- i J &. ti- S.m s? SVI
fcrxxj 1 1 vat Or . 'fsM 9
j tt." !uVrr J jv md
rrjMrt tScww'A W I' J rtmj
mm-rl K - " tt M t
tlmfi u u i .- -t
at lO &M KHUIHKWI i inn TW v
t liHn i.a iSrt UI SI V tfc
, V
rrrl S w t- wrr m & V
-rrr k rw A ! M- )n d-vl M
i ,r-r ti i4T tm t-K
lS- rtlt tU I . St Srt -. a
!- j" !?- e
lUt tl i Tra-i
4 U-l
i liilfi ti trim A , IV , avXX. Sn r
, m rtHi rr .t- v&. ss t- ii
, f ;
j '
r vifit. iwi rsv
mvn 1 ST- sfcrSrS r1 r&
tbmXji B4Mt ii rvv . mt tiSt. u.
Will rut IK )a T-- T U Ub-
lo.ii lt I'laa'tt. it lvS Hh rt4Mkr,
Ust bu UavsU4f -m -: me t-waur
sljrnnl CUi- t trtSM Iim M
Ji.rj a txc. u
t-tb tl 4 f tv
lk rjj i he itnsi-H tfiwn I - amir
kM'ti Sj fc e.2ti. Am-j Xt y . ,
bever t. lit El f lv4
lU ec I o ti It " Hut k-kr 4 -
.V. .M - A. l.l4 Tk Am m Wb a
crtl i ai I'liwfw iMkM -
CaCl f)4lfC. . ll I i Sl . -
ristAl u.u-c. mirm M. s rf
Ticw.Uf at mrT ttwmrr, i-r-f t
lie fcc-rV. 4ir4rsl 4.B1. i. Hi. ssa
i!l,titiwi-l t stitf mt mmmr
lcMt rr tW la4'ttwi ti
' rim Itx-ac IW Sfcj W mm pa. u Ss tm
I ml Wwr
t ..1. . mr . i . .ww .
D J t- tJfdn .! trufw th ! t Sjt SnsSS
iIhIKIi t xTlalte W l.oK". 4wp4 mmmfm
at il. eo ! Inns Il- iiWiiS
Jl U blr lm IW 4 mm Um mmmA B
biTe Us r u - U inf4 kSSwwf stsSAm,
ihowltt im- arwtmsj l e tmmttm- kmm, mum
reU'T sr mt m)m-m ir4tr mmm air- S4W I SkBt
TW u2aOS: l is la m f m ! oS
a all tlte laHty , mt r ' i
rsst v mUemmrtmrUf 'memmtrnmrni ISxvwSra M
tle rn'C ! -ril m mm rmmmtm nsiST lir
ttU It-rrttate 4to ! itsm arkaw.-, 4 it
a-xl trek tor a . 1- LW Mk mt Uea prmm
lroWi.1 t it 4riv-f nltm t nan t a-4
for lt a Itttratlcta , ISA Jk Um 1 f4v
( till CM, tlX fmmrfm. mt )mtmrt et4. Ml
onlr tb -' are a&rtnc mmX Ukh Sm
Late trim I Is 4atC!r, are artTUt aa4 '
lltrT k-.kirxt,
1X abtT wtaltrM f-ww Uue N YrV
Trmmrnm 1. rXUt- tmmmirt htm tam 9mVtt m,mJk.
sn tl ee-iM to 1UI Ike fif tratm
j t,.i Ux iirrmWRe mt $ UUra Tfc
.urmlHf. !,,. mt tir, 4mms 1W4
I. .... , ..., ,
I 'M " -& - 'it'- r--lis
j - arVsswle.4 :e I lswt Ult svf 4i tmrmm
aaaLeu tbe CTcilt.l tr4 st mry mm k
bjt. rt iat t May. ll ia lolaaila
lntf. tkst r tirs4 e-f U atf trmm I
wbcre, ptisiiMi, Jt vTfa-etott, an4 ISt.l lkrts )
r a p"C4k tr lave (Tilt .Ur 4rscf-tmat we
bate ootur t iw'tr t,ssw. Hi ttMt Use
twyer we "e IrnsKWlr sn ttsse i
of i-artk-s Hslmlwt m Las Immsm esstssj of
serious kwlnej trsiMas is K - kvs.1
tven aU-twd mrd , Umt la rna illt wt at
jeojJc r lwe tJUerr4lle I tMFHi (jtiti re
cently. Itoartcr, S SSSltnv uf prm t Iwmt al
wrll-kstiwn IWH bale oss sl u4r J
atwl slatest OTer tkwtr sjfwsl I'M! lj
ere ct let I rurrsl lay IW use of o a ire'
afc Klilnsy ami IJvr Curs. )lsi jMr
bale Wmn awsre that tMs Of-ttsrltx has u
Htittsiisl t,i5lac a 8,1 mtwr etMMx H l l
classed aUre prt, rtrtary rtt-t. sC'eal'y.
tiul thit It hid arrnSMfsUstsel mho Ib
clvcklnc the rat slot f kkltf-r tlle- Is H4t
so Generally Im n. Il rroal w rtk a .
bo 8 ll'tl ,aly IT tTHl It imrffs-lfl,
but nN tw-r iHe a nliwWr ni tae U liUm
hue ii-are 1 li th mtK t frautlu entlr
c'almtns tbe lalua'sle nsialltifst mt tlt'itHt
sjfr Cure. If ll were not valuable. It wouU)
not b Imitated
Tlie above na mrtti like an ultra e iT
ment of a , ulsr mn"ly hwi tt i otmr
hlt stronser ttMM tbe fact tlmt bat
rver altt tlse n irM ti .nt bHS and et-
srquenl baMne atI 1 rwefi- t,e JfrriT j
endont-ment of tlie pri r-i all frWd --f j
human tf. It I on prrriselr tU ri
that the furseoinc t tc est is mwle a-nt
mrrli the careful ctMssltteTatJoa of every
Ibitiklnc rrsder
17" the as. jee In bankruptcy who ha
jainful wrecks tt.loctJoss.
foroits "flrseii'i WmJW Trw W
fcit.y tbc Irrilatttin an 1 lof ewjghlKc
rnrjENf of mind Itsrlti: a r ol t r've
somctbtnj, but never cirluz il AmIvm 7W.
Henry Cwrlille fsir
Tlic Bevt Ssivb m lUr wrW fr CK
Ilrulae. Nres. I'Jeers. halt Itheum, Tetter
( luji. IUihI. UtltwUlnv ttnm aissl all
knnl. atf Min 1 ru;tMs etc (in lltaui'a
tAniHii.ic ALrc, sihS take mintiter
A French writer rs the art of rlvltr s
dinner i a lost art. Iben by not lerti
an J Sud 1 1 a3ln. .Vfv I taut Rrguirr.
m i
Hale's Honey ,if llnrelintiml snd Tar
Promptly cure athnatle I'tke's
toothache dro; cure in one minute.
Orr Lvon's Talent Hee StlfferK-rt fo- tbe
acw booia or shoe lefure you run tbem over.
Ti:v tbr new brand. "Spring Tbareo
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Law itiai. BaeM. HssSaa. TetfisuRt.
arlTaraa.wlllsa .S
Umrmm. ISs-mltfa. FS Mil s.
avs six crrasa aewtLV ntts ss a rasa.
BsM Vj ZHnrrt r- .. rts:;CM. Vt-a
piii.iti i Lw m.
Tnc rsiELts a. vscrui ess.
SaBw.i iwunim Ssst -ii . SA.CS.A.
s stLTHsC! Xate area.
VrjUsVl A 19 ais-sproSU
SHCaa; ------- .
ear r ivwnwsi iiiww rwvs
nt-rtnTrlTrjrTiTsn;n In i T rrjf irry
Cboioe irrrtiory e. yio &- ,
rrrtrw caa sren a. OoeAss KaaVni'Ya
tlte am wts-fc. asetarr Sk. w rw as
aawB(DrfB8BarUears. ZWfmt atm.
I LSKXfftIO 4 CO, Cdsaa. 0- Kasas Gtj,s,
ItfJti Ltst
l?r OCVf sat Wjc3i
wLSela s-rrtr1 csa ! oti-eLtui 1- i art
'C 'ss T PP'T'aa' wata 1 y-r Aytr ta T. ".
a: Tonuynuiw ag r sa'si a
Lawscsca. iOeutj6'rr fe V
S i-fa E TaSasJ
Oar tae. fiAtsEI OCf
SsarrsrfM c- r&ai
is Mallaa Trmm S AH. We
a- Ifee lUmmi JC-mrmUmT t
sasrsr ! a-Tsrw rv . r
IV 1 Cadartam ( Vi-a .
Tmrmmz, Graas aa4 T SSKUk. Frrr!sa;ts ia
rtta. law.
TV mttt Caa
at. Tar t a ii
rfSrA).9 Sy-j..
wriTBACLTlrTAnaco -Ti isLTf
FHar ta Sie 3 KMsS H ko I- w et
evrt. rrv .- Oicavais a4 f
K. BOTU S ISO. n rOtbrk fa.
fs3 trer9(laasf
M.uom-x Cmm. t r an.nisriisr.a
Ssrw THUS Saras I
V iTTa af ar-- r re wn t aaaiawe
r-S Tlaiaisai f 1 -inn- IXSre. ".
' iBiiii iiaanansnn wmn
rB r. aKnrcr. m saawa
si ai
jlcsti -at.u; ar,
lasssass asssaSrsiseast W-12
L-1 nil
CA s'ar ' l li kV 'VfV TStrlri -i.uWU4.rt-V
m t'" fs wk 5spj ffaK v' Xwwtut nut-st s. ..rt
mnHa v .. mi i .
s It VHHHhw mtmjF 4V W'ia - viS - --- a-" n'tm aav
mm 9Brk'7WsXW m- "sj fe J. kr' " l4- -s .-- afrwi.
v-T rsNjHBVJ9BLAMaTSvwl "' " r . ''
m-rm f 9PiBrmRi Bp C IV ? - F -
aT1 SBB- flw,, sW sx a-v tXjs. m-t Sl tm'm mtmmlmmmmmmmt.
i a rmcL M w 'v i t - t r a -J J - t hm r
l-!? I m99m-Wmm W V ! WS.
is3)RTLfP!r Jrvx t
ME GsREAT .-wfaV BUT- 714llf5?SAV W .1
.. ,
BSwWIl's-J Utarwcaia. I aaaasu MS a,
s r
MnK y,rtCsf-ft naV 43nsV9 M
nsni Imm s4 Hwt 4s sw I sVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVswsWswswswJsVswswswm
-Va'tr W tiii sSi iH
'-lVW' "i sy1'--SlA
J. ..,..tM. w mn i- hm S mi-
h - im ! II ;
. WB .-,.
v .,. w tf.m
-- ". I
fm cm
a, svi
,,. y- w s,.,.im , ...... m"t i
. - . n-a . -., t
- t Wi-t m i .
;- o.n. .- j & ! -
n I i T.S M, fc
' "- -
SMCw-tr mt
a Tt niT rvriTurn w 4t
mt r.
i mt s-n tic rs.
kb. W LsT-sv - .w4b.l
fs ,1 4 mv mm . '
ml HI i 'in ,-. mm-. .- rnm k-
a. i. . ,if- is v. h m mm.
mt m, .. mm U ! W mm, mtt
tbt t ,, mi Itmm
i a 1..KJS iifi . Irtw- ImM. m ,fS Mk4 V
mmml rmrmi t Hm
H Jl.r., Ml S U(hf a w
IfeJ y...ii tS run. MHiifc
a MM. Mkt tt - mmmUm mt St. I " S W V.
lir-jis.,. ag . Iir. W.l till i. m
mr t um r s&r I w. t i !.
ll Slk Htrflkt 1TrtJi.I 4wl wV
mmmmmmmi Y .Himliy If r. T. MS ltur h f.
.1 k 1 i. i im IWSi. Kviam.
" iMw; StiLial ml mttXmm mmm IM" 1 U
-Mr, tmrnttm- mlfmt I Jm, m;i . "mmm
tmm tmm tm tmm m 4 t-r Vm rrnt of t.iSf Hms
hn imtm mmmt Z'mmmtT mi t m,mmt H tmmmt
t-urwWr m -. , .4s mm Km mj. r Ism. mtmi Wl tmi
ma mfmml tmm . b .wt tM U tmmmimttf
til rtm .;-n ,-mr M mm HmmmimS Umtm-f 1, mm
. It le Amrmmmt tsmtmmf. fit ' k
Irtval.d. If'lm
st In bealtft atvl
wrM l7 rb l
Bfrsi t" trt
leelhttusU that
f-whrst lb" nil-
i if weHe itt sar.tfa
rllH- it !
vivWi w Ht tisr
tsr-n risr-" s
fwirw le j n-w ir-
itar llr ft ttt
mt- hr II -
t.-r M m. b ItM.
trr I r pisr
atiUsx bt f'f ttw
avrrsn mrans yM.
In war lis
Vftt mmm if il
rr riierty.
VTJrti mmm c m trn mmrmm tm m , t mmmm i m
t mmm mm m - ffr , r - rf- - t-w s-
a. . t , . u- tt a - J I - H (
m- rails af s,srsaaii,( kiki
.mm li V r t& l n.i i x. -rts, u
mmm i. . fw 1mm m mm mmm -i m -.
. fc . trr. w - W !.
Misi4t I f fr-r - s t(V 3 emmmsm
-.ssi-r . f -i c i-.-i
J,1H S; i: o k f" .Si tv M. Ss. Tv
ntti um nt tttt snt.
! Outers " 7esl
tHt( n. t-u4hr lvcrM.
rarggfwT .hl
Sat k H. IWC a.f t asstj.
Kalr Carrlf C . &'
Iimla7 taa.
tC i, f)nr rilaTtbn!e rmpi wTirtJ, a
J mm wLmllrmm -lr Sfl SC-. rsU4 w
laLfc-V Us.cS
Mo lll'
Wt te SV.Sn S t iwl s J. rJ
- I IIMfcl I mm - . ' W.IOT
m i I l - I 111 ' I I I taw Smw mm-m-m.
iSimI . Wjp jimm m Vi - mH fr,ni f mm
mmf li -! "-S Xil m ti ! 'mim nmmtrntt, mmm m n
i iTi mt mm mm . - mm
!. mm mm i i ! MimmwrTmf m f.X, mmmt iva,
' mmtmmmmJmr mm kr -' ! "Ul mmm .iM 0 .
M,Wln -S li.ittiiilHiii mm m m
inHifc, mmmml m mmmmt, !K M 1 1 '! W miimmm. mm
m.m 1 il" HO ' - -
i'i t m r s tmrnrnt Si m wm mm m
SS !. mt i m i mn"i n. Snmmm. M
W. NhW mmm m mm mm k . V4 M) i l'
fiaw a w w m mm mrm mmtmf mmmr --mm mm m.
Iki ii'i ' .M mm mm mm Slinm ' m
j mmrmmmmmmmm mm tmJm Kill SS' -- mmm V k
mmm mmmmmUmmg s &M. . I 11WII mmm mm Sm
tmrnmrn Urn Imrtmm, S tmm MS W -.iSi
' iwrn mmmrm m mm - IV m m 1--
m mm- m j.,1 i m. kk m - m-mm '
WBmmmmmmme mm 3 m ., m m4 .'i -m mmmm m
fmrnmrnr mm staw S''
ammmx mm J i mmm mm .in 1 1 w m Tiim mm m mm
mmmmtm MMBS . Mn A- mmmtm 0 m fm-m'm " '
XH SI Mil Si mm fmmmm m - km! Wrl
mmm ilwj . tmm !., ii p .
S Saw .. rf
mmmm mm US ' wm
li t . . t . mm hmmmm I i.l iiyintiw fci .
s-lat ,Wy f-mam fcfc Wj.ifc mmm mm Immm mm rnmm m
1.1 mt - mg mt r-f m ti.Si i. tmmm. mm
ftmm. I m 1 t U m t..i - f, ' -
mMmmtmm m . l HI S. H 1 lli m I
af " iSS.S rm mm fmmmm, ., Im t ti l.
Is, Hf -M -s, MV. . Mmw S . mm.
fmhm. M mmmrm mmMmmf i- mmmrnh Smw mt tmmmm
. .. .. - - ll I . J.J .Ma.M.b
tfuiil its It. sS IKutos !! s I.S. nil. mm - mtm rB
IVnn rstMvrs I sj,. i. m wt . m " Wl.JU
m m nil aM m"m. mmm mt mmjmm mm m H K H Mm EbSV
ii.If, .? fn. mm mmm w.tai mmmx a. . H H H H H a
rnrnm SS. mm .ifmm 1 .. f4ti -. e, m m B m VH s m9
Jm.mmM mimimmj tmm i!Siii4ii'ih4sIi "l K-l P"
k. mt Um it - ..U. ll rmm i . iWW- . BMb P
ip,m rs .. i i i i ssm a t iii-s n
na I ml
mmmmmm mtmmmm m WH
rnm ml mm mm m m m m Vi
fWSiir Hr V li ir
sswslevBlav. W V w- AHHHr wk wL2mLw mm
)' w .1H
m sfldT sk t siiutim
Iff V H ari.ara. Stt
f V sIV ! lto
IM i 1 r W -r st 1,1.
I ! I BHHH mmmmlbmm ; . a.
Jl f m mmm-m Tmmmmmmm, mmmm VwhJ1
X 1 1 ft I !- mmrmmmt, mt li'il tmtmmmtt
, Tl I I M m rttrmm raw T wmm mymmw mmmrmmmm
Ti ill .A HV tn- u- -r l i -" im
' s. jm 1 1 H rut Mif tiKv fT,sili i !' ! So tS
1 SvVaffA asss V rs. s-iri csi "
. VII WMalirn UMtaR.4tV t
ssilWW. V ea!SW W mmmm dtl ftmmmt
"mJmmmmmmWkmmmmmm H HtrtHit e tmmtf
H m-u. wr j i.rwisiMi
Heacr sua aasintaf tew.
arirrue (. rr - SW-f Us sws. t a. JKasfa a
fBtjty ,3faBthrss"Swnasi -si a J mVivavXTt7T
I Tli w.'l'J"ff,l " S"-1 I BH SJr. t leT .
- - i i pim i t.' . . ' .T' i v rnriis
V V Br t zWmW a-" m ' mm, iifen I Mt - - .
9BwKr.SffSMJ5 ! ia H I ws-fsat fcas. ds"
B 7wrsel -4wT suaf fMT I JMSk a-" rttS-J
l9m mfmS" nrwris, rtae?i.j A )?. a iaai
3a... iiii ai i nai, twaw, aaraaay mm b a au- I i t,,-, r- -f Mitf m it
Tarawa trS-urt aii, L.1, .lt. . ... tea-e a(
su at m asssjl at .W fTTHiM I 'BalCO-. 1 mj jjioa l j ia 1 -;al fin. IsSstSV k
saragv swSs.Siilir'i.a.C SSar awialatrisU TtmUr mm lain Ssai SS
- - .1 mmmtmmr mcmmt m m-tr fc aSs
Asfll "" ' " 'Llai j -t-,fc
s Mn.8s i I ,sai:aaisM raaaai ijas. f 'wmST -lt T " ' """sBii I
W l-jj?1 - --a-v yway-M aa-aslMinnm t
''a'aaasfpfmn Bmj apaaa ' .-'s; a ,
- .s. '-' -aBl
a - tfci- -t :.BsseHHIHR
.v. x j, ,a --"'timwPB5
AsrAv-i -7t.t at ?
nsi i .
Tfmm.m'mm 4 St tin .,. It
mlmm, fmmmmm
t Sr.v
J,M'tSifUM mmJtmm
w m9 vmiisWi sswjsw 4sk ssrjs- w nsteis 1
THC t3T rati.
Tn O tl. Writ Tr.i Wm?(
Ik. m., av-Sal -- - S
simrs rzwJL fuis rrjxsr
000,000 rcrx?m
nimnl jL mtKHMl trill i t.
I wBh mWB r fS""1"
I tlX mmmW
- iv nasansa. sfc'S
CaUttft t tSSmZJ
ImVmA r
Mil W St SVttf MU
12 xviaaoorvJitarrsr.
m mm mmW
Si S t ! '
m mmm
S... m- I . -. . o .. w.
AGENTS :r.s! "Zr1
. mtt mm si r. Sn
4 tsHtMII IMfkft
St S Hlsbs a w t
r 1 1
A mx9
trnh rrTtaJsli" t fwpt4 tlst sets
Ulrrol'i t ta tlir t lrr, o4 ( f-r
Utrr I ismplalnla. Jsr4W, ltltlw
r, MaUrta. I !lrtisT Irs4jw
It islts llffrstU, strrtttJr lh
Siates, KrenUtrs Ike lUrl. I'ari&s
tbr tlHi. A ni S'l-t I lUlVm
Pit. MMCIKIl,: IBsMTWtJl.r.
irnnMU nt .sit nst bssrnlt.j
Cus c . Cs. rscsj-fta.
Rfsecksal &-.. fcacsJ!,
VtStf, tK !.- ts. SllP S
ty arsB-f Sfa II - t t-
f fix tt mAm4 t amtssS Vv t
MM. Sw tstH tw mmjfri mmm1 S4 t.
S Ss-rvt Ut fSt aft!) H. CO
iUrTr9ltflssKcetWwtW. Rttit SU
tt tas-s . t x bowgit ffmtwtmamt M U-iS.
far aH nssass o h IMMfi svt
tl I I,1W s tM t'.f lSlll (,
a. -Hl Wi JW ImS aiMg.!"
S Jas Vf S I-
.iIHIM. tlM tSr m-rmmmf fctllH mmyrn.
mMmmimflm ttr . ft
VlnHs-tic!. ... ki!ssrw.
VmI mmX mmmmZf
X ! Sr mmmt.
mm rnmH kaa a lfsie
f rt.
note n r onuooiarn
CHiist Imprsvrd Amaryliit Trcatex.
-- - fx.-ra.
a-l -s n mm
a i
mmf lat
I fmmm, mm
,wtt. fm 0mmmg
- . rsAV
t itsaf m
mT k,r Slot.
m, aa.
li S SV
a I n tmm L&
.. tmm ...
Ill t,irawe-
I. a - ,),
issrwst aa Hr
. i Srf lttfc
latf smiwiwiiW t
M Kllll :s rmmmm mtm
ymm mt tM mm. mmJ
A mm "IBm.4rm4 'Mt,
. -aJf sf,a-rv.
, t Mtiitmni,
fflSaiSiirilil ftmmm
'' Lmmmm urn- tr jSJ.
mhs sa astis-T i,.tfi.Ffc w
Sks ist S
iHwrns. . whim
Saw a mmbmm mmmmmt
ij i as ws, Sn
ISA lM!.t
IMS iSUlf 1mmmmrm nmAmmmm
mmmt m-e j. ft 9tlt'5a
w. a.
EaCrHaifTtS, H&&ALSO.
i.kmis't Aan.ll'aa MaaS
Ctar laiM? mmm, fjtSmmrami t-a i5'm''KmZ frnmrtm mJtm Je
rXsSa- mmtmmtm a, M a -J Swss SMy
wOS mtmrn-T Sraa, fa krf afe
! i
. mrjnmKF
Sini n m-t (SfvIS.
pwi. mm ii., S.1-
r n-mrnl. lmmT J
mmmmf S-,im iln ., im
Sta- rSwSh
mm !'. mmmmi .
m-fm s mmm- ssfts . . -SSShA. aw, -
SSasVStSl, - m SV 4 - -. 4S-smma, -S
mm -m : mmmtt mm "IB
4anls HU&4 -s,
1 Msjf:
j nn -
CtMtaSXrTlSrl CAM tl Clr13t
rOM-SvMkr . k
mwm mtmW WBSrS , mtmmm -I- w
.. 't r
-i.ssnaiai iisr-ii.yaaav I T 1 i s i ana s n wtr fi ' snr r - T
- . -W)s,,ffWT
s- r--5?s C'y
vSq," !-'';
- Si- " 5L..i
-. --?. J
. vt
"fe. s.
-- -