f .MtMWHI' JMWIft.mWiyi'!gii ift&WHtfe'HWtlCIMrWMIlJWiirjlCMiUli J ' " iUal""ni iniiiiTiiiiiiraii ii jTHjgd v JlTi." "C1 ""iri"JyL'W'iLii'Cr'"''Wi''VXHTiari t .: : r -- m1i f t ' . . f .ft JOB WORE, -ni Cor . & ITUiHlrccS. Two lilocU ;. E. of Capitol Grounds LINCOLN, NEB. The lnrvrHsnil rnot cwu?Utp ptablibmpnt p" of the Mwiwih-I. ijjx (.recxljwu'p. oter JO Or fr nl tlrr. b full f9rtll!it of rTerj ibiic in tbc On-r-l.fr re likrdr hrublery. rui&JI Jruit. rtn.t ttaJ f.liiii ar4 carlr pc.tiiiip plant t tnc-o tuira nor rriff ritlp ptcrn firm Ap r lflbtihinrnt J In at I l)rntli6tit bi ilif hot water trrtera aitti un ntl th uwJprn ttmiro-mcnt uur i-laiiM fre ttrorij: a-il Lpaltbr. Our afriii.ra: uumrji. bj- Mf la iUc pr vT "t "iIrti urf invitrj In call T-hen in tbo ctr. Utpcrip ttrp catalogue aeiitfrre i.n j'i!ia-i'n. 3u.3 W fc. iA l 1 IS.'. Jfc CO. il&,Mrihhiia&. i ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. ijir VOL. X RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. MARCH 3 Kr. 3pjfcr jtc 5A.rc, ? ii g.wn j "" 'MSSK:Kew$sawMMHNkii-A jWHiii iJI .lull Ijiiiu , --'T ""PWiWrK JJ I ,a W ' i l 7Mnj fc '!' nw wwwpwwwi in ,iiI!SjSMrwSTgu iraiifc ' " iXfcAi w3a."'wBwm p-- - g'qwwa i. lS4f?tfff' The Red (JIjOUD UHI-EP. FAVORS EOCK OUAERY, (iWE CrxTY Xun. JOJIX McCAUTUV, Proprietor. .fi AH kind? ol Ruble and Dimontion Stone; mid a Miuplte .-tuck of Cui 4n; fftr WkHt Timus5, (Jmjw and sill-. .M-o Flnuijr. (3iHiti norkod lo tr ler. Sinpi'- win ! wen itt Liv-i-yV Jji?rn JIon and tliu Blue Vxlicy JJjnk, t Wyiiioro, Ktdirasbn. XStuI j TRAVEL OXLY VIA tui. Burl. &iVio. Riv. Railr road, ir.so',vv a.s titr. 3 UELI1TQT01T ROUTBJBJmq Ur iw:mti-u!.m, ior$o nil East M West.1 Ii! Iaj.m-1. tru I.1- uro imiw nin t CUIC:!0, Gliiaha am! Ken - vrr. i- I 13 FM? c3 34 otc c u vs a ov Lat 3? ami ur.rwri.v Kansas City, Atchison and DENVER. k x v i: i: t u a i v s haily daily Omaha and Lincoin- il Jlirouh train ji re '."(juippcil wi nc and t h".'itiit Py coaclie? Hid hiaye and ox prose Cnr, of ti l;itet dekl'n. TIlROrCH TJPKKTS AT LOWEST KATBS Are on sV n( ad prin -ipj'l nalion-, where '.tficn aii oI...mi informK- Kn n to ri"i'c-, rut.- and eoniteei- iotuti:d caiiwiiic kicking car ac- . (modatiuiii. QUJCi: TfME. SI 'UK COXNSCTIOXS. M) DKLAY?, . Aj trjui;? run to im! ffo:n Tiiion de- Io:s at all principal pit. P. 0. EU6TJS, Uwu'lT'k't.lVL, OMASA SK P.. " zr err jti rt ii.. ..... T"-..: T. ir. bV J. W -J r hii-iI wwudcr ) xi-ui'ial)- J "' K'i t 'os ?!.( rcinif tlfjiv- in.. I. A ny !ii t;hv. 1 . ii it-v " w,j. It. f -1. orj nu i fa. t!! jj cm imi I .t l."i I " i"i '' . .' : '' ii uU . iHif w m "if-jit hitv ri' !. M iMiHern .-rlP"l ('itsrh miii .Iny im-tM!'- in wen lioiuc 1urniit l.i anil lurnilr-' attu-r-n i't ut a jr'jwtt1 Hf'fHJ. rMl ii.-i vri: -i'r.rijl till. ntijr IMin T'Jty't m t Ha-'ur"- miVIr tb tBtit ili'fhtiot t:tHir. a-rt h"i i!iii if u wiy -i th ' k ;imi - x . !. ki-yi th t'luj' on lu i!lor t. ' ,nf-ii !".! . n "cful inlru in' '. tU ' LwnJr'! yir ni in tUv dax ii llit.--la i o"it fn' liQiutiful v4 .irwl x -Mi ir oht wt 1 iriui,hiie-'. e irni4l t1 r1n"r a .'.".. :nr .ml i- Tr l cur !tl"i Tr .-.Iv Vi- fr ;;. 12 for K - pr- ' r '.r- by thr "! r uumi- li.-trr- . .A.'. ) i t:o. Hin-ilule X. H. Tup 'lc. not ifmlT. bc nn-l -,'iipt i (iB R pJ I M-jiilr l..j.ir iibf-iis ii 2tit ynr wilb JJS lti :' ii:b-h K.u:: r-'.lttU'H.i rn:aHl" al ii" i latnt-ii ji .p 4(i -ln-.iia i'iLr-n'p-1 liierwry ' leajii iv acJ corrMfi'sdcncc r!icitnl. M;ir i.i m1 t'r l..lscr rail. I Jll .! Ii1l I -Jori-. V hHm I" .pii ri !i ltnurHtil cn'iinc :i. (;( j n'l luiti' in i.'lir jmra ri li-bvi j ':uin-a lOo-.-i.Karir jj" '' p'Tm'iif. It i .. 1 1 h)wi.ii'i 4. r li'il- Hi'y rt a year r-t . ft ' --t a ir i'"iebtti ol Set .if . In. . " Ktr-i .J" rrfiM ..is . m lir.-. w-x, Mler'sl ic 4I.Vj. r Am. Ii-jonrv7tf . icr. ill r. .j, de3ip S-Ma'' i. iiaac:1- i .1 I A fUStf IicmiUk: r ron-icrfnl m illtjii:-iii-:-irvo j J ? 5. b,ie'- iiHiitll... tint, i.l-f tW -r upp-i. Itili Har'iPH.t-,f:.-. u.-f-sil itfPtiiinirnt knmrn ? -.,. i ..i. .r ..I.... . ....: It JVBK n . yiai'-?fnt fr-e l-r 2" rr',u lisl irfc.-r'ir. Nmr. i:-ri-ti n irunr.iiit-nnl r.r :n 'Hpy raTau-!'! Trltl t Bi'i'-iii1 far iialy ' rrn'-t. 8is-iuieti :. . Ajir-w. SlAh AN :UI UA.NNI.tt. HivsOAt-K N. II. 21 fW CJ o -r- r?jt Vr"1 -, . v-fcr - -VIST oi !ot yrtr vni ur ."WTmur It. It . tcitiut. Atiwi t ITi v.v-. liX1 it:-.t. ia jTirtw. ucrura: T3ipt!on saJ i.-Ju.:J" iirve:oi.J for jiltatiniT laX) inien ct Utru.ij aa-t Konrcr -ceJ. juiV. rm.t 1tT3 .tc larioili- Uiall -;--uUjmio tt ClnVixr yfHa Xorl D. M. FERRY Li CO, Detr ji i '. CI. r-A-riVft' creakier fessf. . -, SUPPLIES. -fcaSWl: - cim tx-alcrsia ."- J - JV IV . 'j ! :iXi'2SScatrcitr;rJ. " ' Ki .if i-2mi?r-.c ."iirr rr. u. j . . --'ILI'TU"; rttac si.so. itPTo'- ci f.-. -. Enr-s L3.rIT5,.;,o. XuIve-2.TclH. ! KntfrVAirlicf.pisprrWfn..et .. T . v vw. JLYQS3&H5ALV3 "V Haf L. .1 I4JT. .it Lf T.a.-a1 i-B ; t-j -. .. : wiu. . . . " 1 L JlWvJit : aitijfc. Pk.f K J.JLa l'rrta ' ai.S VV. JwCilak VfelW Sllu.i. IVtaV jV rt MtE4v a.1 'l Vrf khil 1M- L:Mv(.KfNlMrc;lrfftt.n4 C f t-ftwr . - - r-'JSi- - M V i. : own h C 7Jrf s -TC ri"? a nrriDv? r asjj fky j.i -'.-. tf f-t. t V-JiTMlS 2 ra d , 13? TZ eatslcBS. tco, g A I , ., -4- il- C "TZZZSOZ, U T W - iA - ? SI i .-r,j:.cij afiu .iu ik. iuita TV .1. -3ji am-l!rauin. aau to ru .,iTTf'!,, "lris AA; -'iS'Sjt S; I .. .. Ul..-. ti H.l.r.; -T .i - . JJc? KIM1 ITI OIn PIP5 1 n -i irii-r r in TV.-?I ;? '.? Viif I ili.II V.I.ULI' .M.1U.:.A Asc jthr.lXu GilTTS; Z"i 'v-y H:"!" P. iv'l-iiJiTSta5, Office ami alsculr; room over Ilcsry CcoLV L'At.J & --Vjrf5 Iniff store. 17 ? M S F! jAirsinS- T. Mg.tg W A 15 a r , . WatftoSELiftBSIDBHT OiniST. -??i . J;. .'.' -' ,?';Lc. RED CLOUD, - XEBKASKA. T'SSOS.Il.IMi D. J. Hallowell, M. D. gsfes irS3d,iSa5s: ? D ai S on, 5&f M S,ffiSSUi: I JIakes Special of TUtMSCS of tho ,VJJ l?i3 Jip3T.i KT--n- Lrf l.r ,:pjrs Jive aud Fa IrfVttl cu trial iwioiiu j-Ui. Addr: -it..uiu i..r.. S-sit.1 JJ-iJ J.T.11. .. JtHCUN, cor.CiarkSt. HARDY - - VFUPISl'l ciu Iciiy. eaC Calhoun llaoj, Ciucaoo. His. . ,r ' t.-JKAbK.A. UCH yr..r Jobv Moore V. prw't I v First rational Bank. RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital. - 50,000. 'T'rar.nct a irrisr! Haniinc bntifirr. bay mul 1 fouuty -rrant. AIo Cuntr. I'ip Inrl and Hrbol District boodt, liuy and sell foreign Kichacro. I)IRKCT0n: P.. !i. Monrc. John Mnarr. C. 17. AIwLtr. It. C Outcalt fT. N HtcbarJiwjn. U.A.SIMK30N. ou I'Qblie. r. a swekzy. A Uorccj at Law. 8 Oils S!MPS0!T & SWEEZY- IILUE HILL, WEIISTER CO., EB. A Ofn-ral Uankins ISu-infM Tran.-vctfd lrctI Care cicn lo Cllrtion. Frm Lobr.c at i'-w Kutes. Xiqol ikinut liuusbt nJ Sold ro:u:i5i,0SJKXTfl: Tlouo'ie l'.rothaM lUnkcr. I"ew York Citj-: HDk . O muli a Xcbraxka. I.Kri Vnom. I. I. At.iiriHiir. l'rc'di-nt. Vice-1'raideat. V'.oiiT. V. SuikKT. Cashier; fii.j. r..i. . n..i ni...j j) SlSfi Bl M 14518 5 Ji CLOVIh SCO. Spccls! Attention Civon to Collec tion. DIHECrOltS: J. W. SnKEwoort, fiits fRBr. Ltvi 3Iooui. h. I. Ai.nnir.nT. P.obt. V.Snitsr. Ihiy and j-c-iI ilt:limre. Ml:c col leioi. I)iK'oiint Niilers and do a G.-nerul ISiuiking lhisincf-. Ivtkkkt Ai.!.on:i on ai.i. Tivi: Ii:ivS!TS. W. II. fcnttuia. (J. K. McIIilbt STKOIIM it SfcIvKECY, Attorneys At Law, ' hep ci-orn. "EIl. ,-''J' js fir.r tilted iu Ecs'i .li r Ct-tmaa. CoIliwtiurK will rcceivo t'riwitutlciitIoij. oi'l'lCL-liliiure.tr Ftate imnk of P.ed 0. C. IW. ' J' c uay. Case Sc McNuky,- A llOKNi Ysi (CiUN'SCLOl b .T t.Ar. t W.H i n-i - in nil i!i t'ouns iflJ t- S!lo mikS nr i- lwar-u. t'oUipni-iiWh wll" IiJ i: ti to 1'ic- cjirtifuilr :u'n lli-jiitl .4Hti.d- i . O. i i; - t. ft liMir nds.li r N tour.! b t.uj. .nr-. i:SUCL.'fI). Shii. I.. ICir. i.It'jmuir'oB, Ixcbriiki. Ited t!oud. orb. KALEY BROS., A TIOUNEYH AT I AW L HSAL KbTATE " AtJFNTH. Will iir3ctirp ?n rll llw t'rmrt in Kcbrvia LID CLC73. Kc:r:wha. ccr.t Tur i:. A .M. r. L. I-ntj-Ji. A':o. J. S. GILHAM, i.at; -- t;J',f ''.'5 ' :!V J)n,2 -VW! ! pirr C ni'H liil-W v ll'' XEP.RASKA. Edwin C. H wvlgy, A.rron:;Ev i coit.i.ok at law. Ornc::: Over Me Farla:uis btorc. .-i C DUD, 2i23. Laird & Smith, a ttor.-ckvs a x: cou:;snt.oit? at lv. r 3I.UTJKIJ.S, - XKKlt.VK.V. "VVI'I iirrctice in all tuc Courts of the State. Prorata aUrntiou cu to uli butincf cntruttd to hi rare, icljl-7 Ii. D. I6ii'RY9 M. IK "Ph 7 st C 1 2. i & S ", r a r tfr, j" " -i& - -fclu-' t-owLc?, K.;:;:A?nA. l'ioreA?J0iml ill promptlv nttcntSe-'.. Okhce - Atroahleiieeiiear vowlt. S-.'il ; ELEJIjaY fc Pniut5 S COOK'S Uil5. IK?:w iMttMh; BBt22$ S" ClOUD - vqUoiis.! ,DBUG WallTaper, CT7 7T7 I 1 - -i. r; ' ' I j VXK. tKKxg". 1 THE CHIEF. D LU7Z. EDITOR. FKIDAV. MAKCU CO, ISS3 KEY LAWS. igest of the Acts passed bv the ISth Legislature, (Giutiuutfl front list tttrk.) sr.Nvrn nu: J LI. Amends occiiou S, uhitpivr 13, com- juled ftUtutv, entitled, "cities of tlie I firt c!h-." ronfcriiing dividing Uie city into wanN. etc emergency daiti.u-3. Pl.X.M K I II. K H, .... . .. 1 1 Amml- Mc'rign ,"- 5. 7 8,1 9 ehniittfr srvniif - fDittiil..l li.ii. ..., .,,.... ,..,.. v..t- lite,. .Section one ntnciido I to read, "th-t in ckic, of the iin-t da,, and in tho-c ,-,- ..,, . , i . cities mentioned m heution twentv oi iid chapter, there .lmU he a:ointed hy the mayor, suhjoct to confirmation, hy the eity council, from imimi- the Iei.nl vv.err of pitch city, one rei-ter for each voting ward, or precinct, or pollin; place theieiu, etc" The re"is- tcr's pay is nuw seventy five dollars per unnnm intod of three dollar ier day; ao. each offie..r of re-itration, diall uke tne u-u.il o.t'u. Section li. "IL-'ilr.rion h.jk.. " Th-. th'icity cnuiu-i! ofiih rhy ha!l CHt:-e t.. Le prepand Looks of ni-tm- tion ofname-iaml f.iut-. roiii.i -hv lhi act: nLo provide- limt in addition to the ciht requite in th'.s locilnnA the de-criplion ofliis ic.'tduncc, hy nttmher and m.me of .twot, ii the street are uiimlfttui: if not, th':i do- m rihed intteh a mr.nnera to Mentifv the pl.uv easily M'r.soii . Alien "Alien horn (-:li(Jlis."iinMi:L.ir:in himI ur:i miiiK fur ilm c.W. the-e wonU in the old section nre left out of tno new, :n' hy him etidorecd ' with tiie I.4te oftiitir cxhihiuon. j sf.)c:ioii 7, "lhyiMr-.it.nn, time,! jdaee." Jt hh:iM he the dutv ofrtiid' jmtt-r. ji mkim oe me ou:y 01 it j tv th,ec compile 1 'tatutw to reul oiBcerof rti-uaf.o.i iu it at Mm!,!.;- j'..j of "recmler' wf . r,:.vomcnt place m Uie lutiug Iu itf ,f, lyin!, h, ,W, fcl.us- ilJend oP.rt. ,' Jorwmchhoiappo.nted.forthe pur-. ,.... ..am;, h. rt.,.(fdi j.j fl; jio-e of rcjiiilration, a- fol'oivs: ITe I diall open hio Iho'c for iesi;n.tion ten da. juior lo the day of oiec.ion. and Mtntl Ml each day thereafter until j ti.M 0fia;,.i jvj., , jn morr x, 4l '0' Auditor i-hall not c'.uvv itUrit, etc. -2 ,1. of the d.iy proce K. the day of , Cvl.MV ,,- ouu'ru'c, it shall ho !av..l ' A" ,M -'Md.d to rv.ul. Traf c.ection. and si... . eac.i d-y optiii iilt0 n.rd ii aur count v the whole of'urntofclM'll p-V H fomU or lfure hoohs for n-siJ ration at II o'clock a. tJic-drriptw. iVHindW4vl therwi, ; ,ho tmn1&l ,J:,-V : IV7 tm4ii m.and Keep r.tcni open until 7 oYloel- j,., . roc0-j: ., -ji ., .1 . ciiotio-i l,!-v "fOcmbiiT, lnt,u?-d of tMih of Sth p. m., and ..nll giro notice of lac time nml place of Mttinj; at- leat.ove dttyi, , ci:, :is in me y i scr.uo.i. SeclionG. "Li,t,,.uhiUalioM, ory. conuction." Jt8luH ho the duty of a .1 oJlicerof re.'tmiiott, to pnh- li-'t the list of vo:- - :ii letrvt four d jvs prior to acli uu.! lc" ejection herd in Mich viiy. The nw- paper in which . im uai f to t.e piibnthftl is to lie eli- se.i hy the city council instead of the rei-jter. jJcjiexhnt: and merjronry clauso?. t-'jNA-n; j-tu: 115 Amends section tw:.ity tixv, chptii ten, co:.:pileS statute, bv -zntdui" luei c.itiniy Miperiiuendrat io the fifth cr head couniy Mtpcinicutiuiit i-; added Itcpeali :g clau-e. fcCNATH rn. 117. reouirca county vommUeioncrs .to ,di vide precincts into two or more poiliiitrl or voting di-tricts in cerTnih sH for general election jmrjuvcs. Hit:crgc.j cv eiatiso. 'for any r.ir-nmt exeeHnu :!ie "'- atc of SO er cctu Lw-teal of T -3 ,- ti cot. xViul att'ir Uie wor.J p4.m-t.iu hv fmrth line. rend, "tmr iutU iu Im lawful for the coui'tv iosrd lo .i-- -' '. inotitioned tsiulcr ti:t e''i:oiidheau .t.td, iuox rj..nin: a U.-su of dnmcalic wiiyif pnMemaJ w.;f . r.iy ? provides mat .10 app.oprviuoa iaHl,.ttiinuiB nmhiTed with uv cootmsiou, R vMmmei. K.t-tne L.ur, heniaiicfor the erectitm of count v tx:.-n " " W,V " J w iiiu--jl.d Pt.ey iinndinss not .o Mi-wd ois Uiound itorj noti 5 ii.a.. & . rf the ti-lney. mmI live hundred doll:.-. . Vu-r the fourth T0 .,rev,Mit fnuid-i at locuu. ir rv .1 tfen:'4pi kjwwr witero- . . ., ,-.,r k tH. ftAi-Jt- tb l.-a iar . 1- asurmii i mh! m. t A an 9at Amends soctsoit th;r;v fwr, chantt, eoM n- upon ctvctuiwn :r laei iot- - ft a ' . t.- p - ;vv in - - ?. r-a. r.u dw-zsa.: rj vr i -i . " - ! l.t ' ai r - i lrp r- . r p- "" " ttntlt . eistj'tcn. comjnJtHi statute to rem!. inenl of anv-m din? chi aii dtr- w,i im. . ,. -W .iweff f - n-r2-ai s w Wiraiiv, njr. any ccittlicalcof ;:JtlltHlHe53 in :.ayjr:nr. r u-1 iht; rent. iu, iriee-i' form in iki ment of any :u.touitt otoiidt -.:ne.-eoi ur&o. niy fr to or oluim, n.. to make asr contract hvi , .uf iucxHn:otjt in ftitttrc f.k1- for. or to increase :uiy . indeht dns-apuin-t the tou; i.i i. v of Hie u.x levied for county exiwrsc? dnrirr the cut rent ycr; nor .-lull any rcpendi turu he inade or i:uicti.oduca oe coa- tractcltohe p.:id ont of any of the fii'sus o." sr.itl ct.unty i.i excels :"of the rutomit levied for tuld ' fuud.' i:c- pttuaig and umerj.eacy.-K-iUc-j- SnXATETjLr12S Requiring couuty trctaurers.lo publaJi a tahulatetl MtUemeut of the ntratrscfJ tne ohicf in June, H-', and Januarv3 j 1SS4, and seml-unuualiy thercufter. tE:;ATETiI,E 100. For the incorporrtion of diurclzes. panslzcs und rsliST6u5 societies. sssate jiLe 1S5. Amends section-eleven, chanter fS: compiled statutes, uLionors." The - amendment is the oTd section sddeAL Trovided. that any porsou or jejonis shall he allowed to sell wine -made j from "rapes grows or raised "br sam Tircrm tw tuiNniM ;n .?. i. . . i".si-a uj. uju tune ot e of JNe- hrska, the hamcito be told in quanri- ,- .wtnrwwin quann-j - ytl.tlo, fallen, vitc; prririn tbc linn provjtrn! for ia tUu chapter M olJ MTJunjrr:vlL eKXATX 11LX. LIT. Aiiiond-,cctiti -xty nine, chapter ' ond cl ail Ailiac. Th? f iriMn is Bo volirniuiwto and m many chon are uudcthAlv.e mil not give .:Sp'flm3Irt?KUr(i JB- iamd irxxrr. nw 140. ' tyw,JKi lMfular. J'rutitbiitui; exiuruon ui dstnii-. 9U TJ, oai Moetfr i I naOimiu the tmiciHiD of tJ.n;ruph fd :v,l read,, ou r Ix-C ti.c dr.: dipatch. Goci'mto uflct Juy L , .Uy of U,Uii imlrmi ' Ir.Tlr ls j ivct: V2 Mnundl a. fottoua. norexiiOLL I .iHmorl-jforetl Dik ky fOt- i . , i t .aiiiemiuig wniiuuuon in .u thrws hundred! dollar, and wiloaeo Inth way- IJifnliir kiii:i4 ti enn-' tinue aixty day-. lailU to Ik? intro duced aftfar the fortiblh da-, cspfpt in re-jHe to u hpwiul inte fwjfiM dy of Jaanmry. uid ofOcto- uis KOViTio:. lIOCriE KOI0.2 Amondn enajiter f7, uoin piled l;tt- ut'H to m,,, Ueiwaluj" and ttaion une. -oi M exctni ion uoi lui pur wivk for each and uvery wucV. : frf tklti.ti ?ltri fii- itltr f rlt. Imlt t . i ii " "" .. i.i . ...... w, ..v... ....... ' Wl or ryf!"c htf r',t''JV:vwl in theJ name of the count v roinini--nucT5 etc . .,... uu prwHiwinniti-r.iim micii Hor j IriiS cntillcnl lo M.pport fr.n .,y; s "l" ",,u'. . . "TS arvHm iiuiiikt Mich r'!ative fur .upiKirt, in , - , hL or her own name, ! ction 5. Addtsl lo thi sucliou i.;of Nox-emltjr next aftor tch tx lx- l',e foilovvjnt; provj-.i. AJarriejl to-: come deliuitiafit. males while they lire with hr hi-l Sec. l.'.G auifuded to re.l Ar the hand- shall not he huhle to a Mitt for maintainance huyond the iuturunt or income of the estate of ?ch married female held in her own riht. i.'rri: wi z. X. Transfer- ccrtaii I: l- of the te t :1m i-.uiui.. .:..! fun,! i.f ... nlatu. i,- k otx. A i An tt to a . -.u! ac ion tif rii act U incu onu -ly of tho frt CU and r-u.ale tJfirilntiv l"es nod gorfrnmful. jrcpc.tl i!te ohl ewe- tion. IK aiv lUr.L fi An act to rep.! n ct n--el I'eh- ruary Sth, I.:;;, re'.uive to the uptrtnt lection of amount due from thu tJiii - ted Stated to tho suu? of "H. hou-k poi l C ,ii.U Ri-,iinnV,. . i- .Lntar .. HI..I- ?. rAr,l,..l " t .,"...r K.. word lit tho follow:. "And wi.wi nifi.iMiMi.hniAKanii.iiM .h..-in. ,inol in ik i)li404jt j.-ideti sui.h J rt.,rii .ail i.Jfltide nil m ffrantitu; o.- it tvryi.ijr part o la.'nje nfnd dtliv-'.a. Co.m thc.e, u.c-n,; uw crti.t. euf o ruourd&J, nor?? io! 1 7 ' , , . , . Aint'iiuS nu act to provmo for the v . viv. t.de. li'.ifiiiie. and svttuni nia.WT-t.a:u of rill lo;N ami nunl ej xt) .r. for ,-. ..:! ,,.,m.--a and pet xp.:rt for edu atioiiHl jirpoja and r . (i - . . p r j foi the iuvttiii.cut oi funJ, ri.in irom the tale of suoh land-, mid iu- pctils ti.ti 'e three, of cimpter e3hty, tomptleJ.-tUiUsS, also the act of I'eb. t' ' liUW .K1,,fc' ' rrou.iRt.unie t.eo -unnuion. eil- liorK ot. 14. .-.. . . ..,.1 uonik .trv'iuiii'.i ii lui.tv Uipu !..... .l..Ali.l.n.i ... " . . - the duly mi rLMiui.'! of h..jel pfe and the materia! it ; miuwifaoiured f;ORi IloCsE ItOiX IT. J coo, ).-. -uti.i invAty , cbwr t-.,rf.M..- P....; -t ,. t. ..l ..-. ........ . -. ...-, T-. . ., I. d-rrtf. ani in, thRt vt f"Wr..y for 1 p.-.. (i...t U ' " ' i ' ;joj. n r--.t . 4 ixni-MiUU'l Krba.i..-!i t;J iS. j"-" - - - .- . in th ra al -ud jtldj;int: al fTve" jv or m-;.ue.i;in-e arut!; tc Hen ujjix the.io.-4- of .a htial..a.l and roy- ho catored and collect -d iu the -Amr maer at other jcuriefcts of :hccntrt wherein they rc x dcred. ,...,..,, , IIOl-TI.OI.L IX T, ..-... w . P L 1U i" wMinicnxai: it in m;Ki Defines houndanes of Brown . coan- lt0CE ROLL 26. Lciyilhsns dbectiou,. Emcrsencv -jf, .it.fc .--- A.... Ji t i oi oa n-.l - A4sent4a. 4, .-9,-61, ili. 56, 9. and lOSofi-evenuclaw, approved. March 1, 1S79. - - Section 4S . u-endet! as follow. "The county cierc snail catrse such s- sesfcmenr books r.ud 11 blanks nece- sary to le used by the assessor ia the assessment of real and personal prop- v to bl Uinc, fur dcHvcxo uj-of vmv"0 liii a;:er the ntentij ,dav Slr4r ,rrJ7r'fac,.?"irc've. r Wc- f.l-c''iiP'l thst hi i rnnmi ofM..v. ro!!.v not ies tain - SSud. nt-.. ui. -nit w.rt- rs m nsirsi u.'f!,iVr I priitKW rr FTop.him- siso1 - ' -R il " ,a ,-"'orv li-" r.id rosatr. t i!ni day of April Itj. Tiu c -.-.. - wiJ- """ -a JtiwaJtF .iai.2a ,.,,.4-,1 Frsauvi ITmi-. , - jjuusijzu..!. . i4i RiluBrt-jiwiii w-hl -i t take notice that rn Tierfjer 1 the caz r l-dforr tW fli y j of Ajml in --h yrar. ail f.r f.rr j i aj-mt U .m tK. .uitv mai . IIlilgHle fw- ,wfe ' y j .jUon - f-- p. .. j UilHr amimj, 0iecu4t, a -.i lUlltc5ul v( I'hrvtnl'or i .ha lkirJr a liiMN-a tjr (Ltyrf xihJt t the tenuity tr cr a Utttitnt etc 5rtio 17 rraiU On r lfor thir U,r. .- , . r SfirtMm 10f ruin! Oa the ftr-ni l .f Jatinuirr, ioxit-jMi of the flrH day of M.ty KeeAH-r rkie wk fKOvite Jiml umr-uny datit'i. iiolv-x iioij. 25 To imnd.-tfcin S. m, IK. Itt. wf .ui act to jwovmIc h iyUrtxi of rert- 1M- rtfpruVvli MnM,j, u, js70 . aJ4U,tw, M, relM, ,fMllv ?-Ton m-lett to p,.y hi- utxrs u.iul -... ,,. n-. i.,. ,f r......-.. ut tntt tirt lay ul Janrttan' IWit xfter ftitch lax- liotxniie due, irii4eid word ixillocted, in the cfth line, the . follojnj. Tlie county lresror kliall fcottlo with the honrd f wmnty rmi mi-i-ionew, on Wednesday ller the l:rt Tu-d.iy 1.1 Jawunr. mud oi v.r '4r''1 ',,Jy i Jul. ii owch ytrir Kotl ' i-H.'h ..tiier Umr IImj tinuttr ' rt dirt;u4 i uhich tim the c ot.ty tr dourer atuut fi!o tnih uw H'y -iek m Mam lui fuw.: ' " Mr"y -oU Unl Sjt . tJtJ4a, frtm what tni(ri I rt!1,J 1'ot t rnmtry prnJ .4:t and f..r I i imai iiiirrMMii i'vi ur .! niitTfiHi.. (i)Udt .. a. .. tr at . .al. .t . . I ! 1 -1--" - - "- "..- , , ers of watft; Mw mtioOMt nf ie Uut lwl "Pi ai i mmt of iwim.') on UnJ,(I Lrloniij: to tho ,fvrxl Allld. Thol4 two H:h of the old j5001'0" ' leAoiit of the tjfnv. j Action 112 ameiidixl to ioihI r frf- 'low. 'Hi c treasurer shall deiirer tbo ""e "w '. -" Jt Al M""?1,m "- cfrtini on or iefoi tl,e r,wt (lt" '" Fubrtwfy cli y IVrtvKfcJ in all c. where lui urttl menu. ccrtilWe, and KfttonpfiorU.il M-ttk?mnt of hi' account on or hefore er. urttlt- ortAin- : ..... ... .-. t ..t Jt W KH Hl WU'WIIIIM i II IMnstlT- 'cr aro "" m' ;ri,h th 1 w WforeUif fin day of I'rhraMT, tW venl--. KonaftUn ckitixii. (Cbniluiftl nst :oc.i) ll ... . .,r . r . ..i :' i"-'"-' '--- - -, "" vMx-, irold;, alhain. hrujurit. 1 ol voice ur nliy txl.Utm (lf llM, U44UiU j, .i:il. urn nwiuio'.ivi in -jU -.; H .i-v- CiMikV dri- . k..t and ' .. t .; Vuu.ii " " . K'B "w "1l r 'implion. fre of ohKro. iliu-.i Mifll..iTi:. tt.n.. .,, m ,rf ;4 mMJ..ltv, ...mJ rMi .r ami tshoc- vhat a rtyiVr ookurauu i'otUe will ik. l.i tl-.f-? tiii-. .f q imfc nwdicrie ailrrt.io-.t- iiy:MW. it i tra.v rrr.trf.imj to i!.U oe ruclr iImM i- f 1 Iff llinm .4 ! aII ..? i. fft- iuh'c n !...? ' . 1 klW.. .. k.P... ... .l . .. . ...- ! l,. Henrv G1:. LEGAL KOTI CE. Sbar W"ja3 Owipwr. ri 7 Coilr iltrnb jr Aur- f .... a .. ' Uu A NUV. Kr raz ws a ixtf " - - .' I ' r-9t- -.pr ac;v N'l'.r .iu fl fcj - wl. v - w.- . -r. rp.- -i4i I? ( wt 3l. - r. "a p-.tj kk - .- W.e .. ' tHfa;HT ik1 'ae OkWu Hon mM As JeS- rple!p t-5t. lull. m.u jl. . J-. --.i-!. .. I j-. . HT'iM. r t-.-..t.;.- - it-t i .rw 4V. rfa ii, i-4 4r at? .-!. : t , . ,. . . ttr ;v r-) -r.T. - Ni'ttiti'Opiiir '.. .14, .:,!...- i,.mt . a:it. . LECAL KOTJCE. WrV: tr zm or V j.-x -raaty NsWrk. t,rff y J Jip P. cnuh. J .-m' rU wl otjci that tbe-ni aist.? kx fci u- t-tt ats rpti:pti j .u w. jt-rjrfaw. o4 ta-! cca dv .f b. j ? r-mj.-rwus: rLmm a .asl. ea- CTIli la cola-T t a-rtrr 'l W s uan .-.w,.! , ,Aui.ir. ot.c- t--. ,x. J . . " . T- ' ,'1? n --'t ip. taat w..t fi.wu5 t.i . miPCv ii- icia c ;ai fr sr. va ' ,3 '"4tatfliteai JtfataUii - - - r-.-Ciiui P'a.ait,Trb7rVH" . cte - l I- i'dJipersewr i"re .ware. r a.r ' i n..i jL.or ax.M jjh. . a a a.. um . . . . .- j. . . -- . i ti" - i Uu aa: jceat rra-j-r aac- cy. Hrxer E. iltt i-Ui3tl: , . , . . . Gilt 'Ztt-ZZZ . . ..-: :i. .. - ;- f fslS Citt Oaarsctee - io pleaor ssaerrpiasJeU. .cljr -.T- "X. -?- Ti wa34p at . poll TcMyZ . ? lfcffSSSS hXT& .--. j Xrfi a43nl;t:txl ,-riirjtva. te ti- the obfrrt jmv1 nnsvur af nlnHk w. tt -' il ic -s?lrspuive:.ti.3. V f f.rep 1 , I 'J11 y tute r.fM -Mii i srfitjrfir oujt tA -jJ tUitktia tr ' Perce o: oitotit: front mH Yrffe A. in ia2 .r .'T'ff . w.f r a.. . . ..'- j. ...A.si n:Hi.4inni. vm r.. .. J ! a, J BROWNS IRON BITTERS wffirr -fcp Vrtnwan rvki rv. toiiftf-. arawr ht tAjayltti, BROWN'S IRON BITTERS iar7, etc Iiy i '-t. BROWNS IRON BITTERS h the calf I mo jtqjiiiKxi ut doc not Cuivr the teeth, aovi u3 -U Ciuu braJache or cuwtifatUi, 4 (ftLcr lrua -tqvunum wtii. BROWN'S IRQ BITTERS I jilin atwt t'.l arr fitm nru nlgu. hrlciia, sn- KiMird am pliiul., vriU LiJ u vi uhbU ia c'aL Final Proof Hotlcrs. Iat"i "5P at K)iuqcimi JSrl. . Alaf k l4A. ! K"lw w aproUr r.lbst U. twWiri- rBM'tiPf)u.4,.ir. ( ll wW4 l M p Baal -.t l.i liMoin al kU .Klta . I llA. bU .. A. 1 . 1 !...4i Pij .. T j - -r.. ..jwf wnT www ffwi.i Hi .a ?. w liifirl i M at Uvd Quoit p..k Tuitio. Jirrn lr., II '4 AV im f.r.iM.XLS .'". t 3n tptc 10 p't II a a.j i.tHnf itpw- tr kl llllt(l; 7mIM. M fcK-i llltatMMI f ltli (-If.J. vim ll . ,Tb mm. 1't.i.M-k. i.lMtH. f. rai a4 Kra K- I tti. l ? UH ,' . tsjCAtri S. vT nTirASH. Xi4r. Ijm (ta m IIWntainctPM N.H. K4. S. l"rt. ;."t p . Vrofcr op ll (fe (MMnr nti tttr Itw (VlMJt-. bw lat.Min t takp Cm2 f a f tpvi U ki feu. f4 Ik it urtl fr-' l! t cj.'f tVrc J P. Itoi .tk vt iW -: it )W CSw.d Nb, mi -uflar. itrk t.t. fCthk vta J-'t U. Uair-ar. II 1 2.IS, fnr lw p-rrtk - artr f efcn IS H.m hrtb. mixr H vrl Ip wwwa 11k fMUt.)iic MrfMM n. . ba cMiti.Hurev MtMM, Ufm B I rv' .- -f tai4 t4, rij yni 4 ... 4' nMr ?i w: ru s w. svriTzm. itr. Li.nA ac at lAiwe4as Ncb.Fvli W. )V. Xifa ittW old U -i tk Jw4U"ir i.&acJ .tt.- -. .- tt i , . kb tu .tU t MMk. nfiil kt- . i .frt .f hi .; rt4 tkat Mil priMff wlti l. u-.4 Ufri O" f tb Ilitto.t (Jwart Welter rtl at l.J CicbJ Neb.i-nlBcol.T. AjkJ L tC tx. i'e-W-t VHmi 4 i; J4 rs .- v. r T I mi, M';. '.Mlti.r a i't rftii .Ian. I. ru It 1 1 HViMm f,ry J "? ' Wu al)w tt'tUfcM Wrtcfct- ii of li-.t Hack :. aiwrSt S V. 5WiT7.BR. P.crw- Lnl OCra. l rtoasitnr e. Co.. P.V . OaX II'J'p- Uktrtir rtii t ik i4atox ! ) tkr(M( M,ri i.ivt af ... !.. i narapI cOpr aar LM at an : i.M MH"tiwn t-4i.r ecuit pmmi is t.i4.-t af t. Haim. wa tktt ai4 pi..f Ti:? W na. lpSr "V . i a yM pof ni" W n4 bpfer iVt r ! tp lirtt Van. ffrlmj-r rmt'f TlMak ' , .. .. . .' .. . a& r.ra ujihiu .tt.,oo luaur v:rii zj. JW. t'Uwan Kc't. I'd No. 4SI. for tbp Kl, e. 3t T 1 twrr'h iar Ii wrjit II- bot tk fnllnkir wu- U jre k r,ntt3, rri4e uim.ii nd r'Jl". U-3 f t I taa'. rU: 'Mrt - K .... J- 11.. I f T'. .- fc - ".! . -. c 9IS M.A- I I EJr-l i S. -' H If I . tk ri. . , "j "" .w. .. mw. L! OZ at RVS3lscQ N . Tr. 32. VJ. Kstj!iffkt r!" iiit Jp Jvfe n-Dt?4re lrrl-v f impp f LI !?s tj. isVp 5f.l rrftbByptM !op oImi.mhj ttot rud jrix.vi't )m u irp lttiarr r IiTP at lHMIr;a ?vbc iaUtt rfy. AH7tb W. .is.; Jv(rU K Wtr. T. P n. Sr ! 3 : t rp MOS ptt. -a&ti i.nr u "ae jtc l-llw,cx wiiua ISUtlwt. Stte of rhmoitm, I W -I -. -J w, fmmtj. i In t! JH4rfH CjtfrX,oC rrjctt A. iimtr,i ymms , Ummi ter. d-:fdettft rrtC Lid( rwttrr tlaqt m I wteiB oy wi HuRit, iS. Jfcei Jf. Huata!. ytUuMUf! brta. JM4 a:Jt iw twn t tltfnvt r-t of VdiMr rtKiotr Kd aatn 3Mir d'r inv tinnier. n CTOtiniiiif wilfal . i . . .-... j.Wiiado- " " "" "H'Hg ' ' ' - ixp FBKi oei-Ttn i jo na- w n- rJr!re thr xbwgr. wiH Jf the lth j djt- of A:rri 1853. t!. ! Ilr? IL : rr" . -.. . a. i .- ', W. llnn'er. A. M. C-.1 JJ". K G- ' .1 "'r vh iaxw vrJ., -? ij i OlU'iU. omaiY fi)tRJCJ- . . . .. 1 Waaler 3 ' offirf if Wl2iaL jSniith. in the c2r ofJt-nTrc.etnxt lotfUcsud iw of VLcorv.ia. st , Lothptacttietw?si thcJHin 'tT& a. '. ad 4r. :,. of Kl di,y. m,-I tl U- aid tUrpotniiou s.. ukeo. toix-o-ed & ! nn.Iro- w tTi il T .-. -t. I . ,,... ....-. ... v ..( Ci-- ; . i- ,,r i j.. -. -. . . t . . PliA-TT -i?j!I V--i Red Cloud, Nebraska Go To W. Staple $ Fancy -tmj in 1 w a: Chvico futs Fruits & Confections. arKri rr-u id wo, b A .1 - . C.. m.EEM"DERS01Sr jr- A,'-W...4 -. .a f ( J" jnr .11" " ---- f.Kurt - a, Mr ciOTat r Mmno. MM -i. UMMr Mm ttk. St-i I tm txntft m t rv wiml w i- I Ob Jl.WaW. Milling , ,itja 1 iriid. 6,.- .1 .stMMl t r- . . . ! n iwtaiajri, i w UM4iiiMir, tfi'N- tw iifc'.. WWKHlii .ni. ,, ? H- Wjy. mm ttpmMfo &77Z lSiBr A.t - lit W -i?. I.y tc W t tt m.I, It r wiV.. Ar . iU f'.-IMB A Mt.i f t f ii fc-w. b. .v, w . lMUft.irH rteiH MnlruB,pWfc(.iU.riS.W. -Z!L T T'" "r- riiiife!?; m ix . I'it r 4 i"PIIii . . (I w A- . . .; fag m'. a. - - - - .- - - - - . m Mr.. (U ta i i. fc. t Jf nr'VMn m. i . iw 'P4PV-! r,ij .n.miiiit.i Er. gjssv8' Hiaisn Kpp:A nouroo it f o ifc.P .. iMV.-rM-. IW-WWl., . . K VT & Cures rui a.s3Jc-a of ih btosiAoit, Xivvr4 gfej BottcIoj Kidneys, Eki and Hlosjii 'S JM Minus teetify to its ejSoaoy i h.-i. CJ-liiz?; the abovo named duseA3L ziid nzc s&a- 325T 2: .xiiD y n?? o wr r TO JsSL&St. thaws maci. GtUirattUctl to ciirv liftrtKl. gT-ACrBITTS VTAKTES.1 Laboratory 77 W dSt.Xcw .:iSB BUSSFOB WAcOF ?rSg8iiiS?s 4I iwp y -S"5 ' Slr t-JLpaiia;? v.4 j ". 'lx '-. Lj'CW;. e arr-isL r--1 .4. lfcFr " i , r I-. "V. t . 4 r j - - ' e. i2.- ??. r -" jt; KirAcrir3 cr -krs mmm wagoj ca V r v oOjrrL ,4t "' k as - . ..llli'7.JilflTlim8R,RIi . v smf- uf-t w-- J; aBEBS, JUK5 . T iiiKjfc Q3T B. RUBY'S ruR. IPS. .rr. Wra. . HOWE - t- r ir ... v.nr.v .5 . MKTALIC PUMP lrp 9 ' " - nit tu ta CO. CCA60.m. JJitetS.T 'I1" ft , l (., VNlrAt . 'i:"' tin' J'IW I t t " - a. . .fc . . . . SV Of-!". Km mmi .PtMMHMPrfk ?--i Mit iiiicoG 'j&rrznx- b iH rcrk r;r. T'ruilfU so-T '. &- --.-uJ5&Efi 0-.1 m 1 ww 1,-H y-;-rs 2VteiI Vs. vK Grocer .CyMfc5!EL'v' rvi'wwnt ,SISglj& 7TV- "i TC'-A-scnl V j&?bL V. l '-. i r '' IJB -. w- picrv jwr w'-raw mr-jr', mm Xa-rffirrt-a C.-fJr-:' ' "- " Wife- " ? W: T atuL elate. .; i. -. -V . ,!i ;'? -M&- 1V