r,l'l.'l.. iifcWHW' fSSSW6 -aia- ksrtS-ai - - Yfta '' -e",M"' . wrW.TVrtaSVJst. w , fr . a CI h s w 1 t If . II I 'J tip .1 Jrt I .' T. SUVHOLD, lfanftfiorartr of EUd Iru Mss, TTINDOW CAP3, FIXXAL9 AC 411, 1Kb Street. OMAHA NEB. J. S. Ruthrock, WWlwU sai BsttJI Dwlvr fa LP, IIIK ft , Sample Room for the" aaavra auon of the pnbHe. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. T. F. MOODY, rractic.il "Watchmaker ami iiEiwieiiiEia AM kind of Repairing Neatly and Cheaply done with dis patch. Also dealer "in Watches. Gold and Silver Spectacles and Evc-iasscs. , CLOCKS. Musical Instruments and Silverware, "all r.l Rotom Price. Highest Cash price pnid for old ("Sold and Silver. Give me a cnll before httvin; elso where, Ffcn of the Big Watch, Main St. Red Cloud, Neu. Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, UKALIKS IK LUMBER, Building Material AHD COAL. SPSCIAL BARSAI1TS! t the Store of F.NEWIIOUSE, KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. lo( Bsrlin Zephyr, Midnight Zephyis, Saxony wool. Shetland wool, Shct- iaud l'lo-s, German town Wool And Woolen Kniling Yarn Hovnli. Mitten?, Children's Coat 8 &c, Ac, ALL 0? oue OWN MANUFACTURE. A full line of H03IZRT, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large and splendid assortment of TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gifts. km Hniim Harrow, CLOD C2rSS22 AIH) IEVZLE3. Weighs nuu-h less than other pul veri7.inj;'h:irrvi, pells about one third lens, and withnl does the most thor ough work of any. Tho Best Thing Out. Tor S.ilc By JOHN BOESCII. 33tf Anihoy.Neh. DR. SHEEER, Proprietor of & City Drug Store. X DBALai Crugsf Medicines. Paints Oi! end Varnishes, A full supply of LA Mr?, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COM DS BRUSHES AC. rtrMt o':ite.l atid tbnVfHy rMtled. rr'rtvln rarpfu'lv rn?rniifif'!"J." I ! !ut . full aad complete itack ef arkoo' ok. eutioncti- aaJ photograph A Idubis. RED CLOUD. - SEB. R. L- TUSTKER. (Saoeeurtr to O . A..Brow,) PsULCU IX Purlor, Bedroom AJTD KITCHSSI ITUBE i?ACtILTS, CHROMOI, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. OC'S lwT3 oa hond anil t'i-nrard on hort n tir. Trt; at tow any ia the VaUcr. Rvrkittac cf all tiin! dono toiailr asJ Ktlufactiry. Kurial Itobas furnished at reasonable ratat. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. Harness Shop, J. L- MILLER, v Kttt fBtiy es kcd a fall Lte f HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES. HOBSE-BLANKETS, A'HIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES HARNESS OIL, ' - Ana ararjrihine usually kol m a irat ciasaahcra. nra nom sokth or thk v.kxx. KM FURiJ LOCAL MATTERS. Carftald Pi U: 90. C. A. ft. rrrrr mW UH.t irraiit. Rv-ralar r.Her ea Visitr rafr on n- bf:r tSs fall acnn. w. o. NcSrrr. tntal Ml rc?trtrt cf ltd U til from M Clnt Part C2ra . KactrriyaH rrrvf 7-T.p.n. WfB trail rrir fc" . rs " " wm 7 p. m Etatrita arri- - T:T. p m' Rafli Onlra Ka.. tt!t . - n dtpiru - . CawkarOu arn-M - r. aj " " " A.pyU - t, .. Burr mi - ;.a p. m - - dtr-rt- . T m. Willi Mril - arri - 13 m - . . apr' - 1 p. A II mal' will K Hod at Oi litir toT f'M'il. OflJt hnnr frii 7 . in to I p " Jnny Orlr f)ri-h'nn from 7 . a. to 7 r. Vttzm honri 00 Sandar 4 In 9 p. hi. M. I). McXitt. T. M. FRIDAY. MARCn 23. 1S33. M. L. THOMAS, - Local Editor nd Bu&inei's Manager. Ei4Mt cund.ty. Rond? nre good. Now make gAnfen. Lot-el y weather for March. Advertise yourganlcn seeds. Who will rare for WigginR now. Freah 03eters fur alc at Rohy's. Mr. Ballard improves very sloly. Numerous new subscribers of late. The county comtniksiouers met to day. Blue Hill ia enthusiastic over its brn?. bnr.d. Go to Spoke2fieId' for cheap gro ceries. Spanogic it Funk are building a new office. Wiggin's great btorm failed to come to time. Wild geese arc said to be plenty the Platte. The river bridge was completed Saturday. on laA1 Harlan county wants township or ganization. A good article of maplo syrup, cheap t Robv'ij. See Mrs. Fowler's advertisement on this page. See card of Favor's rock quarry, in Gage county. Pure comb honey at Roby'a. Th bffs made it. Go to the Commercial House for meals at 25 cts. J. S. Noll moved to his farm on tho Blue last Tuesday. Still a few ftock cutters for sale by Spanogle A Funk. A prairie fire loomed up north of town last Satuiday. Blanks of all kinds are kept for sale at the Cimkf office. What is more inquisitive than a woman ? The assessor. Mrs. R. R. Shcrer id confined to her bed with the rheumatism. See our tonguelcs cultivators. Spanogle A Funk. Last Saturday was the busiest day in town fur several weeks. The street sprinkler will soon he brought into requisition. G. S. Albright has started a branch jewelry store at Blue Hill. For the very best goods, full weights and measures. Go to Roby'g. Don't forget to subscribe for the Ciiikk when you arc in town. Mr. Henry Bass, formerly of Missou ri, lias located at Ouidc Kock. Case A MeNenv have moved thei ofiice over Spokcsficld's store. Newcomers are welcome to the fer tile nrairics of Wcbtcr countv. Sec advertisement of the Conservato ry at Lincoln, in another column. Children in the vicinity of Thomas villc are suffering with the dipthcria. Tho bridge was completed and teams crossed last Saturday morning. Jut cccivcd. A new lot of Xorwe" gian plows. Spanogle A. Funk. BARGAINS, BIG BARGAINS in everything you want, at J. G. Potter's 200 bushels s eed barley for sale by G. W. Francis, on sec. 25, T. 3, R. 10 Job printing executed with neat ness and dispatch, at the Chief office. According to our exchanges fiom Kansas, that state is overrun by mad dogs. Dr. Weber is foreman and manager of the drug store in the south part of town. Wc "lay over" any office in the county on sale bills and horse pro grams. It will cost you nothing to have your application for final proof made out at this office. Spokes field keeps cood groceries and sell them cheap. Call at Putnam's old stand. tf Justice i near at hand Gump's ol ficc has been moved onto the lot south of this office. The 0to Reservation, in Gage coun ty will not be thrown upon the market for another year. Aliner Brvw. shipped tho stone. tlic foundation of their brick buildi from Gage county. Fort Sale:-150 ton of German Mil let, for salo by Ira Sleeper, Red Cloud Neb. 23tf. -The two sisters of Reht. Y. Shirey. of the State bank, came op from York last week on a visit. Drs. Lawrence, from, neaven only knowa" where, has been "doing" Red Cloud. Quack, quack. Our genial friend, John Boesch, is agent for the Acme pulverizer aud I harrow. See advertisement. Wasted. A pood blacksmith im mediately by G.W. Dow, Bed Cloud Nihraslra: ThtT will U a todal at Mr. J. Q. Pottrr's ihi, (Friday) ercniop. All artrj mnted. The Opposition Weekly change its nmo to the Wclxtcr County Demo crat, this week. JInd in your local notices of fvsti ralsu marriages Ac, a little earlier in the week, plca. Th Ayr department of th Blue Hill Timei has suspended since Wild Bill pulverized the editor. m The ladiei of the M. E. church held a donation party for the benefit of Rev G. W, Hawlcy Inrt Friday evening. Rudrotr A Elon hang out their izn in the Clirrr thi wek. When voa want a good liven rig call on them. The Rev. Dr. II. P. Fitch, of IHinoN, will preach next Sabbath morning and evening at the Congregations! church. rou Kr.vr A farm of about 55 acre of improved land. Call on Span ogle A Funk, Red Ootid, Neb. -Jtf Tiy nnd take a little more interest in the village election than you have in the past. Ditto the school meet ing. The Daily News, of Lincoln. U a sprightly little sheet, but the type from which it ii printed U himplv abomina ble. Wo notice notice quit' a bit of lumber goj the country thi spring, whiclyj ing to nhows that the farmciM are btiiidin D "OIIIC. It is said that Ex-Governor J.uncs has recently fallen heir to a halt mil lion dollars, left him by a distant rela- i live in England. For: Sale: A buirgy and single har nes, eh cap. Call at the Cn:t:r ofiire. Somebiwly will get a bargain fur they arc going to be sold. It seems htr.mge that not one of the three score ami ten boy who con stantly play on the streets, ever get-s tuirt by a pacing team. yAgain we ask the quotion, whv i that coal delivered in Lincoln cots but little mure than half what it co.u in tlic yariN at Red Cloud ? Ifyou don't receive full value for cvety dollar invested 111 the Chief, then you hive our pcrmi-.iou tu kick our ' parduer" all over town. Mr. D. C. Metcalf sold his farm, ly ing just wc-t )f town, a few d.iys ago, to "a party from the east, for three thousand live hundred dollars. Those who think that the last legis lature accomplished nothing ;.re a lit tle oil'. It appropriated one million nine hundred thousand dollars, Mrs. Henry Cook left la,t Sundiy morning for Clinton, Iowa, having re ceived a telegram announcing the fact that her mother was dangerously ill. Composed of the bc.-t known tonics, iron and ehnichnna. with well known aromatic, h itrown s lion Hitters. H cures indigestion, and all kindred troubles. A destructive prairie fire raged on the river bottom southeast of town last Saturday. We are told that a large quantity of hay, in the stack, was con sumed. Mr. W. K. Shirey, brother to Robt V. Shirey. of the state bank, and a res ident of Chicago, arrived in town last week and spent several days with his brother. Wc commence this week the publi cation of a digcat of the law parl by tbe last legislature, and will contin ue it front week to week until the whole is published. A sure cure for impoverished blood. tdmple-s. and callow cnrnplcxien. U . liprtwn rf1iea!l n hvii Iron Bitter. It will nroduce hv color, sniooib skin, anil is k absolutely not injurious Riveriou is foou to have another newspaper. The bones of defunct newspaper, metaphorically speaking, are piled three feet deep in the streets, of Riverton. The ladies or the M. E. Sunday school Riblc Clas will conduct an Eas ter service at the M. TC. Church next Sabbath evrnincr. Subject, "the risen Christ " All are invited. Person who cntacc to send in new items from different parts of the conn, ty don't livn lone, they generally die nfTin a few weeks at least we seldom 1. f.... !... .1 1 Ioimi hmiii uifiii uiuru liian iwo ur three. tinte. Cant. Honchin w-is a p!eaanf caller at thi olfice lat rrid.tv. The r-n dn ha ntTered n irord ile-il with rheuma tism the ).! wi-iter. bn! it has not twisted the anti-monopoly sentiment out of him yet. Wc learn that the family of fr. .T-. W.Jones, of Walnut creek. af wild parsnips lat week and ome of them were very sick in conequcnc. Two doctors, we believe, were summoned to attend them. Several frame huifdinjr-. are on t!ie move to make room for the new brick hlnck that arc coins? un this snrin?' Last Jfnndav thero were tw-o "fra hurlduigs on the street at the same time, moving in the same direction. A Pawnee City farmer sent thi order to his merchant. Please send me by bcrrer too ponn of slmgor, a hlackin brush, five tonus of cofTey and some little nail. My wife had a baby last j little nail. fo J tyght and jJfUcey wrcnci (A We notic and too padlocks and a moil- wrench." notice that many of our exchan ges, anions them the Guide Bock Sig nal, while pretending to be printed all at homo, use the patent plate. We wniftd much rather use the patent sheets than the plates, for the reason that it is cheaper, and we can furnish our readers a better claw of reading matter. When yon want drags or medicines go to the lower drug store, opposite Chicago Lnmber Yard, and Dr. Weber will wait upon you. New goods are being added, and the stock will be kepi up in good shape and every thing rfirel cLus. MtTiiCT fc Baxu rope. Oarficld Teat So. SO U fioarifhln-;. Applications for membership ar re- C1Vn1 arrv m.l Tho Post h w.... .. v.. .. ting nwt September. Inriution i fx tended to all ct-jldtr to come and rcnow the fraternal ilea of lir.-jiv ycara ago. A pc.ton remarked to ns that thrw hours aftr th bridge wa completed a wsgon load of empty Leer kcj. were rollel ont of the back dvr of thtr a loon. It would eem that th idea intendetl to t conveyed z tliai the south silcr got powerful dry while theimdge wm out. It 5 nfHs to ay that we look upon this as an un cal!cl for sttack upon our neisldors of the outh ride. s :t is well kno-rn thst they are strictly trcperatB. Ba:nos men and others wko oirr. !ou ia the hn4ine4 prc of town are very much plcaed t. have the AnjH.-ailvcrti.-e to the world that iiid lot will not Imnr, in tivo ye-irs from now. tit" pnrraked for them at the present time. They are almost well enough p!eacd to lynch the-idiot wh- h. no more "cn-e than to cry down th town that give him UU bread and butter. We arc not in f.ivor of lynching in this instance. The fot.l dun't kno an bjt'-r. We b notice that some of our exchan ges arc publishing the statement that Solon Wigin, redding on the south ide of the river, i an uncle to the i"a uadiau weather prophet of the ame name. Mr. Solon Wiggim : one of our oldest .-Itlcr, ami h.i-i been a sub scriber to the Chief for the l.w nine or ten year, an I we don't propose to see hi- character tlui- as-niiled without rai-iug our voice in hi behalf. He i an upright and honorable citizen, and we are at a lo-s to know why wir exchange.-' nhotild thiia traduce him. Wc are sorry to chronicle the fact that Frank Tenn.i'it aud Mr. Dixon, rc-idiug not lb of town, lost be.nily by the prairie fuc that raged in ihat i cmily last Sunday. The wind blew .1 perfect gale, and tho fire swept over tbe country like .1 cyclone, leivin blackened heaps where a few minute before had been well tilled granenes comfortable stable mid large ricks of 1.... I- ..! I. . . I n.i. rraiiK iciiuaui lost .ill Ml- li.iv. t.lble1 grain and stock yard. Mr Dixon i- still more unfoitunate, for in addition to looking UU grain, hay and atabhng, lie lo.t two co!ts, one or two cows and sever.il head of ho '. Through the kindne.M of A. L. Rur ton, a former 1 eddent of lbn county, now of Vork Suite, wo are perntitte.l to pcru-so a copy of tho "atiud ty Tiding-,," a paper published at Kimir.i, New York, ami devoted, it appears, to trying to prevent cmmigration front that inhospitable land to tho rich aud j A-rillo prairies of Nebraska. The "Tidings" is agisted, it seeim, in the unholy work of crying down Nebraska, byoueS.int Way, who writer to tiiat taper troni Hasting-, and hays that he is unable to make a living in thia coun try ami wi-bes he had money to take him back east, a wish which we hear tily second, for we do not think that Nebraska has any uso fur Mich as he. Any man possessed of reavmahle health and a fair amount of "crit can in a few years earn a competence, n thousands of industrious farmers can testify who settled in this Mate, within the last fifteen years and commencing without means, aud relying upon their stout hearts ami willing bands and the vergiu soil of Nebraska, have become independently rich. As a general thing it is only the sluggards like Sam Way, of Hastings, whu cannot nt.iko . living in Nebraska. Eo. Chief. There will be a meet ing of the patrons of Iuavale cheese factory, at the factory, March .yth at I o'clock r. m. All interested arc re quested to attend, lam requested to say that after the cheese meeting ar rangements will be made for organ 'ring a county Agricultural Society, and all interested in the society are requested to attend. J. O. CllAM.lEill.SX. Rloomington Neb. March 19th, lS."). Patents fur land in Welnster county li'dl this day or delivery. William A. Ueck Alexander James. Thomas K. Horn I). K. Tciiuaut. J; li. Columbia W. H Perry. P. J. Wrigia Jr.mt Hilkey. John A. Ktuick I. L. Umphetiutir. James Ranter. S. W. SwtTZKi:, Register. Married. In the city of Hed Cloud, on ibeS h of Miuch, I:J. by the Rev. Geo. O. Yei-er, llr. Cua-. Dow ney and .Mi-s Emma liatiuum. all of Webster Co. Neb. For Sale. A guinl farm of one hundred ami sixty acres, with running water and improvements. (July a short distance from Kid Clou. I. Price sixteen hundred dollars. Inouire at the Chief office. G. A. R. Tlic attention uf ex-sohiiers is called 1 to the tact that not over one in ten of them who reside in the stale of Neb.. are ineniiieri ot the Untiid Arniv of the Republic. Thus" U ma ;ts it should be, for as MHtn as the aims and ohjecta of our or der are known, old soldierj having honorable discharges, seek to join with us. Iruvbiucea occur often where members of the same regiment meet and know each other within the Kst ami at our camp tires, who would nev cr have such privileges granted them liad Gur order not cxuted. I would therefore cill on all in our suite who are eligible for membership to at once join themselves to a jost if possible. If there is no pos located near you, and there are 2u ex-soldiers desire to organize a new one. send at once themanaes to either E.&. Taylor, chief mustering officer, David fcity. Nek, or to Frank Brokaw, of Superior Neb, who is mustering officer of the district you reside in, and proper pa pers will be forwarded at once. Let there be a hearty response to this no tice all over the state. Verr ResDedftilT-. ordered to tand of arm., nJ I "SIT.V, -, t r, e v ..it. . - - 1 1 rcenL II S"CTnon. J E Smith UllwKoff-cltini-iiniSirmi prcpraio.j . J4ii.Vr. cwnty commuttocrf oi ry to sturading the re-union at !!.! J P rUth. ctniBt ci'k. Jxb. C. Bosyixx. Ifcpr.Geca. Dept of NeK, Q. A-! Commliilsntr'i Proctil)nga. ianl i x Unc. tusx pqrvuui to The loikmmj; cUtmt trcr andited and allowed ru warrant to U drmwji on tbe coantyjccorral JutiJ to pay tha MlCf. J 1 Btyha county elk po;e nd ex pr 36 5 V K Jckjn iitnei fee In enrn co T W Hatfield hnardin- pauper Corrdon Craw J p fee cntn cae U II Wtl.on atty course! (or John Dtmtin Nor term Dut tnurt $2 J M 3Itcna 31 D fee in crtm rae John E Picket aitnoa fee crim ? 40 II 3 10 si w a 6j case ' cj Scttiemcats of road orc'tecr. ap prorcU & follows. N-ii:i Wjccij wrvioea overteer E K Conrad ervicc ovenerr R U-JA' II 2i O Craw - j; 0 (A II K U'o-diead M 23 M iO Bill of June A Mngec liimt-rr compa ny rejected to le (xdlucteti of road t dt."t 3 Tlic made. following appointment were . L Augiir.nr far jinc II lIidivnfM. Oil HI) .Vu IS precinct. D Carpenter " r, H HrtiiM- u A O Walker " 27 Ulficxui Ikwk! .tnprored. I NStiiiiIi OH K Ii) M M Morgan Oil It D No 1 I S Ucal " 7 A O V.iJ!cer 27 "1 tie lo.ird appropriaXdil the follow ing amount or -o much Hterf may !h: iKcvrary to purvlm.; ina;on m! to l.uihl bnlgi in the crn! ro.td li-trit' a follow., 10 K D .No 4 for I liudRu III (Kt 30 ) 75 t0 to i0 27 for 3 bridcii 1 11 1 Ruad fund of old road district iium her t.'t orderl tti bo ihvtdtsl etiad to road litriftt number 15. 3'' ."..t. at now within ibe ImumU of siitl old di- j tnct iiumlKsr tiituen Ik-Iom; iu diu- lun. IVtilion and bond of J I. PaIUmi mid A I. Redding. oiCiudo liovk etrn ka, ptaxni" lor hceu lojk-ll nudt. i- ihiii m.d rpinin.HiH lMIiiorM fri.:.;RED CLOUD, NUB. ami iiceusu ordered grnul.il and ! ' -Uftl. retiliou of l'eik .v Lntta of CoaIc-4 Nelr.ik.i, pming for .1 druggists nut to -II li.iiii.t-v for medit utal per-J pur- po-e.H was presented and aid oxer to next meeting. Adjourned to Friday March JT K-.T J l R4.VHA. H SrKVKNbo.v, CoCtk. Clnm Co Com f. LAND LOANS. Mcsrs. Mo-hrr, .Moore tt Outcalt, at the Fiist Naliotial Hunk, of'Ke.l Cloud, will make ou the very bc-l term, on real c.t.te loan. l.n-tf irct:: of A?p:!:a::: :;r Srajis'.'s Pern!:. Notice i. hereby given that on the !-thlay of March. I sS.J. II. II Shcrer filed bis petition praying f..- permit to .-ell liquors for mcdicin.il, mechanical and chemical purposes in the village of Ital Cloud. Neb. That March l9tli ISS.t, at the regular time and place of meeting has been designated by the boa id of trutees for the hearing of any mid all objections, protects or remon strances filed. 3-J--JI KxuvisC. H.vwi.i:v. Clerk.- Notice of Application for License. Notice is hereby given that on the Sth day of March, ls.s.1. J. S. Huthrock filed his petition praying for hcene tu sell cpirituon. inoMi and malt liquors in the Milage oi Ked Cloud, Neb. That March 'JOtli. S.;j. at the regular time and place uf meeting has been desig- nated by the Hoard of lru-tcus for the hearing of any and all objections, pro tects and remonstrance filed. 32-a Euwiv C. 11 uvt.r.v, Clerk. Notice of Application for Llcsnso Notice is hereby given that on the Sth day of March, 1XX Xphdu Iong tin tiled his petition praying for licen-e to sell spintous, vinous and malt li quors in ihc village of Red Cloud, Neb. That March 2luh, ISS-1. at the regular tunc aud place of meeting has been designated by the Hoard of Trustees for the hearing of any and nil objec tiods, protects or remonstrances filed. :52--J: Edwin C. II.uti.ky, Clerk. iei!s cf iTi!'- '- ---- - . ,"fc fc ..i.4 ... 7OSw. crzi.t. Notice i- hereby given that on the iMst day of March, S?.. Miller V Rail tiled their petition praying for permit to e!l hquois lor medicinal, meham cal and cticuiical purpose, m tli vil lage ot Red ('mud, Ncbra-ka. That March i"j:h. Jn;;, :i: The r.-gubr time and place of met ting l..i been desig natel by the Ixtard of trn-tees for the hearing of any ami all objections, pro tests or reutoii-tr.uice.s tib-d. UJ12 Eim ty C. Hawlcv, Clerk. A Card. Having old mv livery business to Mes?r Rudrow & Kdr.:i", I wi-h to cx- livirvtai tu :n tsrrm -.-!.. it ft tk ----""-' .-.-' t--"""-j4 t,llll, - Mr. Edon U one of vour oIdet ttti-j zns. nnd is too well and favorabiv J known to tin community to need a;tv ?ecial mention l.erc Tlieir csul lihmeut i now one of the mit com plete between Lincoln ami Denver, and will no doubt prove to be a very popular ami successful firm. A. L. McPiieesox, Notice of VHla3 Election. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday the 3 J day of April next, at the Court Home in Red Cloud, an election will be held lor five Trustee--of the Village of Red Guild Nebraska, which election will be ojen at 'J o'clvnrk in the morning and will continue open until 7 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. John R. Wdcox and D. . Coombs have lccii apjioiuteal a clerk ami Edwin ( Hawley, Frank R. Gump and C. II. Potter as judges of said election. Emns C Hakixt, 3312 G'k Board of Trustees. For Sale. I will offer at private sale twenty to wenty five head of good work horses on or before March 25th. For oartira- r law esquire at office of Jones &. Ma 1 Z7VrL, 1 7 rl , n,fMlr,,nr!h.Mn.,linthc Rcl O0mA i:cnt f-r Ml JS i f i " "". ,?f httJe more tb,n half tho price of the Ked Cloud nnd the traveling public f Tim i a fact so d! e'LuV generally. nnd would re-,wiliillr - XHlnmnv are purvhing the nMHl.,,mo.l,..r,,,v ,Mient-sav,g ibe frrihl for a long ;:,,Mlf,W,U'l"'S,, distance, artdhes smile over nice, experience to the bu.-unes. anil is a:,- ,. ,.. 1 t ge. - , li. U03UL At W 1st Door North of Nat. Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. IVIORHART , FULTON, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron. Wood mnd Iron Pumps. Creamery Cane and Gliddon BARB WIRE. Specialties. Jcl Cloud, - - Nobraidcn. New Store. CAHBEEi Have Just Opened a Stock of General Merchandise Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Queensware, Ready Mads Clothing, Hats, & Caps, Boots & Shoes, GLASSWARE &c. &c. The public is cordially invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchasing olsewhere. Store Cne Dcor South of Ktrah'B. 3TAXiIi Has now Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks. Dolmans Clothing, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. Will Tou Cosne? OISTE PIICCK A.2STD JU.ST AS IX)r ASMOsr 1Z Y CAN BUY THIS GOODS! YOl'RS, A.S. ,N!. Stewart Albright ha mo 1 d bm jew. elry store to the toom formerly k-cu-lti by F. II . Gore, I door cswt id State IlMiik. where be will lx pe.ird to r .ill bis ciiMomc and Irieod. He ha eugagnl Mr. J S Hope well known here i the b-t workman in the willcv. to take cbiirsre of hti work nud oii uuv dnpend upon having ottr work well ami iromptly lme Call and see lu new stock u( wntcbe. cio-ks and jewelry, and if you nre in need of anhiu4 tu lu line volt nill buy, for the prices cannot help but plca-e you. Attention Travelers In order to cbe out my immrn-r -lock of trunks Mud vahce it wilt I largely to our mferi-t to examine my ctiH-k before purchuMuc ilwhcre. Firdt class gixals at IhiUoiii Price J. L. Miller Ircilei'- Arslra Sslva. The best salve in the wrld for cuts, bruise, sores, ulcer. alt rheum, fcrr uris, tetter, chapped hand., chilblains corn- and all skin eruption, aud po itiifly cures Pile !t 1 guruuieeil to give ierfect sutisfiutioit, or money refunded, Price 'l't cent per lnr. 2m I. Hcury Cook. ATT.Tlwl ?ZACE23. Notice i herein g'net that I will examine ail pcrons who m ty dctrc to otrer thcmelvf as catMifeUc for teachers of the common .c1mm. of Web stcr ctaintv. nt mv olficc in I'rl Chnid on the tirt Saturday cfcach month Kiamination to ronim-nrfal 4J a M Do not ask fur peiil etamiuton. C. v. Srct'.EK. County Superintendent of Public InL . . .- . 7 F&T CBIlt. 1102167 W LrJtiLU. I i;.m to !rore l wtll t until im una. re ml at 7 per cent , ftunt. or 011 deeded and I-fi Jcr cent. coman-on. or at straight 9 per cent, no commission. Jco. R. Willccx Office next door to Chief ofScc. ft Look Here! Now is time if ycai want to set Jr iM in rhahrmr. hX arnl shoM wilt tesold rcprdlea of rtjt; rorutbc old; coaic and s-ee to be conrincrd. J. C. IVttcr. Look Here. If yon want fruit or foret ln eaR -it the new grocery tnre in Putnam old stand. He weans bunc- Bnek ! Brick ! ! We wish tr say to the dtixens ot Red Gwid awl vicinity that e have on hand a lew thousand brick for sale. and expect oo.t to cooraeace makinjc on a larger scale, and hope to meet the demands of all parties with a ood Stality of brick. Yard north of Red ou-L about one mile. Re-pectiuilr. 2m W. U. LCwWa A iX. Ti... ..r.r.?t- ..f fttiif.i f?ir ran l-r I rw iiiii TTiiiiis nrpjii new goods: n t t r IHli LEADING MILLIN SOfWOiWEBL Nrw Gnods Carber Bros. A. S. Marsh, Opened His Fall Stock of (mkh.s, Comming o. om rV'v rv' -Jl xvtvih a-ccji ami snlc ta.uu Tied Cloud, - ftaTlfwi nnil Crrj:rt. with or m!. FRED BEIRKNER. Mereluiiii Tailoi. RED CLOID NFmiVKA Cloth and Samples on Hand Good Work and Fits guaranteed, nnd at the Lowest Price. MTShop 'pr"-i't Hrtrr ( V I'fi; ft (t Jones & Magee Lumber Co. -DEALEHS IX- LUMRER, LATH, SHlNi;LFH.SA.?H, IXAIW llLfsffJAC RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. , DRY LCMIJER A SPECIA LI Yc TH I UrT ITHE i RKKT AM l01a AT THK MftlVKHT PUfCK sai 1 j 1 1 11 ' ' mmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmgmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Meat Market Jot.GAHIih'R. rtxrp. ll Ktxz nr alv,7.ys o;i Hand CA.-H PAID rOV. TAT CATTLE. Moshcr's old Stand 1882 SPANOGLE ft FUNK. RE ADQ UARTERS FOR Agricultural Implements. Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD. - ISTEBRASK:. fr V V ,u, Kvno f i J i BRO'S, '8 9 A . - . r- . . - TSebraska .-, .r!ir f -KUl fn -ltl rvaAr Hif-iiiji HOG?. rOt'LTKY, HIOES 1C - Red Cloud, Neb 1882 9 -av TttfpV:wmwmmii' - .mnl-f'C 5- -rr- i . "Z 'figS .w- " l .- ft ?tJt -&