- - ; 1 gsj -; i.'.s5- -s-iajji .V-J.- V' -V-rf-' ,-irv VadBf- . -V"- "& 'Vi" r--,a?" ''v' -I -c ' . S:-J Wm. H. HOWE I JOB WORK. The Red Cloud -tarn .. m ?.; .! &. f Uiif . tutUMiiU J I ,t &mj tw . ? "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY' AND $1.50 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. VOL. X. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. I IMDA Y.MARCH -J. MSS3. NO. m ! -. ti- ttfin I!. yA CH I EP AGI2TT r0U Tlicc mills nre both solid Wheel btniidard mills-fully warranted ' lirnt-class in every respect Also furnishes brat-class METALIC PUMPS. REFEncvcK : Mitchell & Morhart, Kcd Cloud, Ed. GillVml, Cowle. or ad dre WM. II. HOWE. E-m Cuwloajicb. TRAVEL ONLY VIA j THE Burl. & Mo. Riv. Railr . . road, KSOW.S- AS THE BURLIUGTONEOUTE roit AM. roisrs East And West. D.iily Express trains are now run to CMcatgo, Omaha and Hen re i. LINCOLN AND ttimVKEX Ixnsas City, Atchison and DENVER. 2E X P K K 8 B T It A I N S DAILY DAILY Omaha and Lincoln- All Through train nYn equipped with new and elegant Da' coai'hcs and baggage and express Cars of the latest designs. THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES Are on Rale at all principal stations, where passengers can obtain informa tion an to routes, rates and connect ions, and can secure sleeping cur nc m comodalions. QUICK TrME, SURE CONNECTIONS, NO DELAYS, As trains run to and from Union de pots at all principal points. P. S. EUSTIS, cn'ITVti4Vt.. 4tf4HASKS. vsams rDcs0rPjZb&4 gD mkmm twwlBBflP VrfvflBB NVJt.. l70R ISS3. Flint to All aiinlicantx. and In cu- tnncpxif iMtyesr KiUinutonVnuirlt. Itcontalna ui f7il"WT. rM iHimtrU(Mi. price, amiraio dacriptlnue mil t&Iust.lo directions for r-laullnjr J&uu varioti. of VccnUlilo and Honrer Seed, lastft. Fruit Tr.ntc Invaluable to all, 010 lally Vs Market Uanlenura. fend for It ! D. M. FERRY fit CO. Detroit Mioh. THE FAIRLAMB SYSTEM or CATHERiNC CREAM Amo MAKING BUTTE DJWtS& FAIRLAMB TS.Miufacliireri of nud IWIcrslo. CREAMERY SUPPLIES. 200 Cans icnt on trial. 170 Lake St. CHICAGO. Bead for CaUloguoA FREE! RELUSLE SELF -CURE A fkrorlto rnT!pl1on of tmm of J&t most nouxl ao'l nrrwaiul r-mrlalUta In ine w. a. (now rrtlrod) for lueour of IcUiltfi ' . ir.uli..'Mriatltll.UlUaiWMa. wa. InrlaJ a soaltU cBvelop?V. UruElau caju All ib AJireti Cft. WARD & CO., Uniai-O. M Nervous Exhaustion. Premature Decay, Loss of Memory. Anf0-pjrflCloUi-Ionnd Ivook of whole vim AUlcc n uiik Mon, tya Heular 1'hysiclan. SENT PRFF on mcel.tirtwo uiroe-ceat THE HEALTH JOURNAL, MILWAUKEE, WIS. SIOcn 04.50. KrvoTvn" 8l.no. Znln - Ereerli Iir.rtrr K.(K. linlvM25-ii. Ktlvcr XVr.tcUe. Kt-u WlndvrSlB.uo. IB nM& fj al.in('t flirt ti r known cltf4 MMon Brevvb EM4rrm. H l U Vi lBlflr & Kraulvrrm. u OUR $15 SHOT-eUH at $mty rrducul v-rlc. Sud cUmp for our J"w UIui. "iljn. 1SW-4J. rOirELI.&EO!t Hi!a Mreat: CJ.SCJ.NAILO. tsorx'i tftrlle FREE for TRIAL An nufailirur anl r"Jy rnra for AVrtwtut Drhil itu and U eak-nrt. Lot of I'lfali.'jr an J l'iV"r, or anrnilri- ault of indixcrrUon, xc, ovrr irk. tc. lover fortr thousand ii- tirurM.) t WXond lio lor ihxiac irnt.1 w wna i I hnrnfltllttill ira trial txiiof Mill Or. M. W. JtAUUN. ad OulUoua l'taco, Cu Ad it ma. cor. Clark SU ad Otakoua l'taco, Coicaou, Tl.l f 3 . JtS KmT Will lm lnalltx mBm T3tim$m kiflO U HI I ImmW BUTT'S "TaCTOBAHT Ta BMBPOKi of Herbal .nd MuciUgluous prod-m-uTwUiciiyerweAte tUo ubctBc ofUi. LK, expclorte ifco acrid matter Vhatcotlecum tho IJioachul Tiil,oadlorni8 ottilur cotIus wlurit rellc-rca tat lr Tit&tlota tUrit ciuc ibe couli. It clcaaiaea JVikelMCea"tt ioipnriUctf, sUxBstliBS tcaThcti eifc!let liy dUemsciuvipor. at, tii0 circalauen of & lioid, and lracctha erroua eyatna. 6I.K!tt coltU oftea cl in caaMaapiiou. ItUUKurteroustourglect Kttcafa. Ailr tl0 riaerty yioutptly. A atoftwcitv yeare rrarraais in? '"i iu reBtei'yltascrcrliecJtfotanilthnHaM r-oixsTJt i CeJrclaa iflTT'S FXFESTCRWIT, latclo deso ralee IlrBia,MAlw lufluEaatlcn. ted it uto ieealr cura fhe ruot balinate eonvb. A pi eeeant ctirulcl, ctatl- tniltasble) and thouM ba in every f&aay. lm .V-..oialnfJte. TUXT!S PILLS ACT PIE j CTUY QW THE LIVER. ""o-rc VfeUU and FTer, Uyapepala, fMslsSXeadacbe.Sltlowa CoItc,Costla Uea.ltke ucaaUtm, PUes, rslpliuU ja of the Keart,XItxleae. Torpid JLlvr,aMtt Vvmal IrregwlMitiea. If you do not "feel txry iraU,aaicslepnUt bsd-tiaw aUtsulatMUM rtcraaatt, ia!orta the appetite. iapartenpor to Ujo Epwrim fas isn't kahual Fiti.- DE-EHTDEESOr M A 9S Wyandotte Street. Kaatas City, So. s, Authorlcd by the Mate lo treat nj tinTOnic. .rrc nun riitait: uit P Mm..rk.. SMulrml Wealmeas knirkt kJScxcalDcll!,.lv(rMJr btnr'rr) ecd nil latpecutnenta to roar ?rlr.se. Also, Plira, Tape-wxirro, rKlinmatistn. Asthma. Kpepy. m. -- u.l Skin I)i-ac. Ac Cnre eaarsinteed ormonevrernnded. Charge low. OverSMW) )caea rnred-xixr5euce U Important. All me!lclnwra 1 ji-i. fnlpvirrire.irejfronirJi fKftS 9- . nlrfona medicine nsed. o detcoUoc frnM ks!a- Stat yonrcaae and tend for term. CiluUonfreer.acon5::lal, pereonailyor br lVtMr A BOOI for both fcre-illnatraled-ad John Moor V. Prel Fsa&k Graham. Aj'i Cnh'r. First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. Capital, - 50,000. 'T'ranrait a s-neral t.inUnr lut'innrt. buy and tell County warrant. Alo County. Pr nnf t and School liistricl bonds . Buy and itll Foreign Kxchausa. DIP.KCT0P.5: It. K. Moor. John Jfoore. C.W. Mo.ber. K. C.Outealt fV.N Kichardsoc. K. A. SIMPSON. Notary Pubtis F. A.fiWKH7.Y. jHtuiz.tr at Law. Blue Hili Bank. SIMPSON L SWEEZY, RLUE HILL, WERSTER CO., NEB. A General Ilnnkinc IJnInes Tranactd. klecial Care xn to Collf!'tion. Farm Loans' at Lmw l'.utri. School 15ond Uought and Sold couitnsroNDKSTs: Kountze Ilrothers Hankew. hw York City: Bank. Omaha Xobratka. Ltvi Mook. I. P- Ai.nnionT. PrCident. Vice-PrwideBL V.obt. V. BniEKT. Cashien liEI) CLOUD, XKB. Special Attention Given to Collec tion. MKECrOKS: J. W. HhCI.WOOI). ll.AS 04RB. LtTi Mookc. L. P. ALDaionr. P.OBT. V.5hT. Ruy and sell Exchange, lections. Discount Notes General Ranking Rusiness. I.NTKItlST Al.LOWKI) ON l)i:i'05ITJ'. Make col and do a all Time W.H.Stuoiiii. O.K. McKsebt STKOHMAMrKEERY, Attorneys At Law, red cloud, - - neh. .Way be cor.ulfed in HntHh or German. Collections will receive rouiit attetition. iFFIOE 1 door west of Stiito bank of Itcd Cloud. ). C.CiSt. Jia. McN'kiT. Case 8c McNeny. A TT0B5EYB AND COfNSELOaW AT LAW. Will practice in all the Court of thin State aod Northern Kansas. Collections as well a litiga ted liuine cnr-lully and clhrieiitly attenileilto. (Ukick:- On Webster atrjet. udi door nortk of Uarbar'a Store. Ki:i CLOUD. XEU. J. L. Kji.ct, Dluotuiticton. Nebraska. C. W. rf ALCt. HcJ Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., A TTOnNCTS AT LAW A HEAL ESTATI AdKNTS. Will p'actiro in all ihc Court in Nebraf aa rcil noitluru Kantar: rollcctioi.s Tinuitly at tondad to and correiondenre folicite-l. EED CLOUD, ltorada. Alio. Acents for It. St M. It. U. I.audi. J. S. G1LHAM, A TTORNKY AND COCNGLOK AT LAW. Office, opposite City Dmy Store. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Edvvix C. Hawley, A TTOKNEY k COUNSELOR AT LAW. Orncr.: Over Me Farland's store. SSD CLOUD, NEB. Laird & Smith, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. -rv Hastings, - Xknkaska. Will iractico in all tb Court of the State. Prompt attention given to all buf'mcjs ectruted to his care. iulyl-7 I. D. DKi"KV, to. I. Physician & Surgeon, Rni Cloud, Nebraska ORice and slcepiuc room over Henry CoohV Drue store. 27 DR. C. SCHENCKa Physician &Surgeoin, COWUJ?, NKKRASRA. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Cowles. S-nl r Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FURS FTJKS! 0 All kinds furs for which I will pay the highest MABKET PRICE. L. BAVM. Taints, 3 COOK'S Oils, RED Glass. CLOUD Xotions. Wali:P?per, R. E. 3onr. Prei't , 11. Atnblcr. Cazbier. M M of M H, M t as 3 THE CHIEF. D. LUTZ, EDITOR. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, IS83. A dot: tthl occurred in the north nart of town llm Un n:irr of tlio wccL- which r.-a-i the source of a ;;ood de.il of mi'rriiuent to thoM who wjtne-pd it. The cnmliatniite witi Mr. RjllardV watcli tl( and one of the 'htors of the Chirr i, v ... ,i i.,... ;.. i,;. wandering rtrajed to near the dos's kennol, which piivi!o"(. th anitual true to his instinct-, dipuU'd hy Miap- pin-; at the intruder's heel. Thii lillla ill lt.i . ..'.. I., . 1 . .. . . .. enraged the valhnnt Don Quixote of the C'Ai'r that hu ii:iMilvMuliL .icluh and returning to the dog' kennel the l1!" th.;ir own section and contit Hght commenced in earn.-3t. The vlll ! lfiiy protwiiona to thu seo hattln raged furiously for a hrief time ons ami coii-imiciiti of other fcna- hul UicrcMilt is heat told in thcu . tof,Vl",! ",,,.,,l,,r r-' linos: i 1 he criminal court room h Leon "Oil Linden when the run was loiv. I "or.dcd for the past few (lay- with an All MooJIe-w lay the untrodden -now" pecunt throng cunoui u hoar what Whirh imliiMiifM 1I1..1. ill.. .L... l.i.itir. Rerdell can tell ahout Dor-ey and 'cciirely chaiiM:l, w.w a foetnan wor-' thy of hid adverbary'ti hteel. .-lrua Whom Satan most Devoutly loveth. ; I.-one whem.iketh,;iovelh, and tell-, eth a lie, As the Arj'iis man did, of the dog that onlit to die. RrefcrritiK of choice, the service of Satan'rf cuuse, To that of his maker, God, and keep ing of his laws. The dog was not in a kennel, as Kenney did know. And his chain lonj; enough, to reach where men had right to go. He not only " napped at the heels' hut bit like wild luiar, Ami pulled till the clothes of the man in shreds he lore. And this was not the first time, dog failed to he mild, For twice before he accoilcd, and worried a child. Now laud Kenney, tho dog, or the man of the Ciiikf, And if this be not true, call author a liar, or thief. M. S. L. S. It. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Wamiinkiu.v. 1'kii. IU. 18S3. Washington fell asleep last night to the lullaby of a pelting rain, but while it. slept the rain sticcummed to a driv ing .snowstorm, ami it awoke this niorniiig to find it-elf beautifully at tired in a robe of immaculate white. The city has been so long deluded with rain, saturated with mist, and blinded by fog that every'body is sick and lan guishing lor a sniff of unadulturaud pure air. During the wenk the sun lias succeeded in penetrating the dense pall of clouds only two or three times momentarily; just to give assurance of his continued existence, but never re mained long enough to inspire confi dence in his power to permanently dispel the gloom. 'While the people here appreciate line weather quite a much as ever, they have learned through habit thai they can e.x't with out it and even be enteitained, so they no longer expect any thing better, and have resigned themselves good na turedly to the triseful heavens. Rath er than be thwarted, they just put on gossamers, rubbers, and umbrella, and wade two miles if neccsary They do not think it too trying even to stand in line on the sidewalk for two hours during a driving rain, wait- opportunity of listening to Italian op era every week, and the sale of tickets for the sc.is.on beginning to-night has been at unprccedently cxhorbitant prices. The incomparable, Tatti will sing but twice during the week for nine thousand dollars. She has never eung of tenor, which is the secret of her voice. She lui.s never bVen heard here, and the curiosity in regard to the "greatest living soprano' amounts to a popular craze. There was a regular stampede for scats for "Patti nights," few persons feeling they could survive a failure to hear a few strains, at least, of that world famed voice. Both houses of Congress are in a cha otic state on the tariff question diffi cult to describe. They are simply do ing nothing, unless killing time can be considered occupation. The senators and members whose time expires with the present Congress have no in centive to hard work because they have no future but private life, while those who have been re-elected feel that since they have ft future in which to atone or carve they can afford to let matters go easy for the few remain ing days in session. Mr. Haskell, of Kansas, raised a little breeze in the nouse caturuav aiternoon tv a mo- but the democratic members xt once made points of order agaiusi tle mo tion, holding that all tax and revenue and not bv sections. The discussion was eutoffbv eulociea unon the late represenutive Shackelford, of Xortal Caroiis. Itls beemrUelr surgen-! ttur llinir turn ti ffie ntiomil" riinrillti" ' llatCll SOV. ";tll. Is. lor I11C sum Ol M St.r.n. and br Sinn- , ., .i. r . .:..... m l5 SIM) due mid ti:iv:ible Ffb. 1st. 1.:. V. U. I'otcr. t cwrelhe ior me sate oi opera tiuKets. im'r : .,;.'."-; : of SV). nt utn nh'ch th ... .. , li-i . ixogeiner nun si;,y IOr moiicv paui oui .UR1 l Vu villi 10 ht en :uslnngton public does not have an . ntIlliniU ,. !!,int:,r ;,r ,inf.,. Y;' uAhJi turn to limit all debate on the pcnthni; P-it oq-, atten3d to for m&dcat- f-t JrL " 3diia th-res. that .sJ rtaictiff -" T"5? P-Jej ittr :-. no bf. Ew Section Of the tariff bill to one hour. I ma we can tu patent; inle time tian Jfciteeday of JaaairyIV-3 tie nn ot P-. n.flratJ. d ia rj. rrmer The affect of this would hive boon tn I u:e jemote fcoc Wavhtnjton. , 81 s . af intere-t dc- tba r'toraix aa.si Ufe J ??ijt-. Ulus a i ellt fcBr i I itie.uiecioi lilb wouiil nave Uttn to aeadmleUrar4TTlsu. .Irie a.to rt- ' ';tnsisr pa a rrw nximtw SJ. Ko.kn r wcierfal '-lM-ia-rr have carried the nroin-CSS of the bill ' entability fse, 0f ctarte. at;d make ao r & tti ,ul5.,2 , t hare in- I Kaie a 4 tt to.lia c.e basdle- rellsat II la f r . . ii, char-cnnlest,ol,V4,l,p4tes,t. . , chijAi ,a ,id dccise s Jerfioture. Yw ita , fl.lroek asadi. tiaw pl.t etc r rap Befl from page forty-four to One hundred I Wc refer here, t, tfce -:aasser. taeaa?t f rr.,, iM,r Mtd ptutioa o or t-tor j Ia"'wee4aisaastaltrstmxcalksa and fortyyix PS without any de.lSr?2-nl&!lSS S,tfe.e bte at all. Of course the object of th SSS.1-!;-1 "" ia yoar Wa ---" t- afg-ju j 7, J&- tSSSTS w;is to close debate on the tariff bill, A. SHOW & CO., : i iV?xta'i v 1111'' T,..tVK.islA ed that in the future the delivery of culosics on deceAsed enator and njcmhcrfl should in all cx take plac at a social fCion to hc heW on ifun- 'day. Conxrc?"iiieti will continue to dte, hut it is lyrdly jut that the intnr etoflhc "whole n.itiotj hit set naide evrn for an hour, lecaue of thr-e itc curtencas It had Ixrrn thought that slrolute Utf trade vrai wrll rr-prc-onl-eil in Consrcr-.but this luw jirovtl a reat ini-take, there Lctn; oiily lh'jf rrtiral free trdcr now. every mtn having Lucome a protociiniitu a ou m any httlc mterv;t in hii own rlalc wai aailcd. 'Ihey may ic divided into three clases thotieh the logical pro- .,.! r r tectomt, who are tn favor of nmkin- the proteetton j;en.'al. and uteludin-j everv material ntret that deiiitttMUl .M-tance rcardlu-i whether it c tito t ther r .' 'la- oriiiott-fUoiii-JJi helievu in pro- Rf-"1'. ? le conftder.itei ro-dyf.ji- ueim in tiu: Mar Jioute case. Hi I if iinriti v itvvilitfi 't fill anrriiltiiMfn ,nncn ih-al lias ,oll0 ,t.fon. Tlu. (Jov. ornment'fl c-ue has hen Him-hcd o liriuly that legal ingenuity and ability while the dcfendcut-i are eicfc with a ickne-s that can neither he concealed nor mistaken. 7h Tim j The safe.-t and surest way to rotoro the youthful col. ir of the hair i fur nished hy IVirkerV Hair Rilarm, which h df.-erved popular for ita superior clcanlinc.-.. w. MONEY! MONEY! licsoytslcas en itsprcTei fanss in Math era irctracia at tho very be:t ra'.c: cf interest. We call the attention of all desiring such accommodations, to ihe farm loan department of our byinest, in which we arc -till olienng the beet in ducements to the public. Theiu is absolutely no cot to our customers. No fees for abstract title: no fees for recording moitgages: no fees for taking acknowledgments, no loans paid in checks or drafts upon which the borrower inut pay a dis count in order to get the money, but all loans paid in aettial ca-h, over our counters without any deduction what ever. In placing our loans there isnote-j diotis delay in submitting apphi-.tions ! to eastern parties, as our l.teilitie- are such that we can close all good loans on shoit notice. We are prepared to fill desirable loans at nine percent, straight, with no charge of any nature whatever. All payments of interest and principal nitty be made at our bank, and will be sent to the parties free of charge and interest notes returned to our custom niers. As to our promptness and fair deal ing we refer tu those with whom we have placed loans (numbering at pres ent nearly six hundred.) Call at oiw olliee, or address us through the mail. 21 tf Simion A- Swkkzy. Wm' Hill, Nebraska Legal Notice. In the District Court of Webster County Nebra-ka. Robt. V. Shirey, Plainliil', j vs. V. H. S.nvdey, Defendant. J V. R SniwiIv, defendant, will take no tice that on the 14th day of February, ISS3. It bt. V. Shirey, plaintitt herein, filed his petition in the District Court of Webster county Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant to the plaiutitr, upon lots -I. it, and (i of block I. of William- Ultlltlon to the ' . . .1 town of Red Cloud Neb., to secure the 1SJ, and lulr file I in the eltrV. nri'"! nf wv ,,.,,,, ,V .i inn nrmiitiirv unto i-terrjuntf Nrb:aVa.on ih" "'in 'UJ of Jn"y. imiiicut Oi a teitain promisor oie. ,K,.lvnJ ,Ieeite-l h7 F. . Riccron t sjun pcuucu ny j .Ifinf ;. iiiviirim :ii.l nremUes !intnt i insuring s loss or damage by lire, as per agree ment between said plaintiff and tlefen- , .... , , dant. 1 hat there is now due upon said notes and mortgage, and the mon- .- ..;! r,i,t .,,,,1 vtC..ii.Iii1 in iiKiinn.' w,. ..... V...V ...... v-..,....... n said premises, the sum of $1,050, for which saitl sum with interest thereon from the 1st. day of February, ISao, tihiiiitiffnravs for a decree, that defen- dant be required to pav the same, or J that said premises may be sold to sat-, isiv ine amount, iouiiu uuc. ion :ue i?i uit; iiuiuiuii iiinvi uuw. iu" ; reuniretl to answer said petition on or k'fore the 2nd day of April, ISS3. Dated February 14th.t INS3. St Knirr V Sllinrv t, . t r Vt t- I - ... i Bv StrohmA Mckccby, his Att vs. I '. i Tbecreat Ecyptiac dliV AA M-Mi aJ.n..,;..i .nnrfr OryiTtil- t !.& .r.J !.?! fh mint nfthnv naU. Any tune played on it by Any one. It, iaiutei! any and all bets. birdi animals in-j t-. every noi.ein fact.w'ch it jon can imi- tstt not only all bnmatbeinrs but all anitial litethedog cat turkey ctxi.e etc. Uraake. Prfct 't'unch and Jndy p-nttbleinerro home turaihe fun and barmlej amniemejt to a s"ha nichbotbixi. tnurc woo-crful tt:i.any taa j. plnyed in it at tlejjurc tu.ikt the ntdelbtfulmaie.at:dasionifb"nca5tmy ea tho?e can play en the Klkaxoo that rlr oo ao other instrument. Ibt souuenniiojjru- ier instrument. Tbi wonderful tnjtm- puUr Ishuadrwl year? ato in thedaj the Kins ' iade from be uliful eti- odsLrirht met-ltrimmr?i.vj xtantisl mest, popul oi iitruU tt ort-i .aaiI aoi?.'ihl li liOimi and If UTC tn CtTe stb.ajtion. I'r.ce only 5k S fr il: 12 for Si SeDt r.r,ld !r HT.T mitrcN b7 the ole. teatiU- facterr. KLKA7.00 CO. iliasdjle N. II. PATENTS tf -.. . . . - .. T? upostte raitaiofs-. Wajetntrtoa ir. v. jpww!"" .. ,- . .. .- . . . .. . .- . - -- rMu - ttra-ba I -- -- -- -a- aa , - aj. . jdfl.aalc,lwj - -" . Th S X?KSrTJTSmZ M liTi . Iif WA. --5&t.h.iSSj Qut taibra.-arrle4 SIw, B" lawawaw. c-i.enr. . Jfka?l a " i -- A v' ---' -". j j uw 'rJW ri T ST.6ay mjxm. jy I ItftttftttttPaovMa. fVMtv r-T.. T. araA (uit .!--.- 1J r TTWUlV I T liutcut ....4..,. ...... .. .. v-SSrsia l-itibf- "fis- VI $ A- t r-T--ti n y. Y. CUT. I I w'- -1miUr Kre Airn ti ataxn- f SEEK health and avoid 'Ickness. Instead cf fechng tired and worn out, instead of aches And juins, wouldn't you rather feci fresh and strong ? Vott can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you are tired of tha: kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? Hy getting one bottle of Brown' Ikon Bit TCRS,and taking it regularly according to directions. Masi&cSd. OSiio. NVr. ti, itZt. Geci'rairn I hr t mSttri tih pua (amy tide 2nd Lkck . a 4 ; t ixiam on my &r?4it. with bv la punt .11 isrvufch ray bo!jr. .1 tcmicd ii)i grt.it oVata !p ttnn cf tpmti. aaJ lot of lite. I he taken wi-rl ti(Ttftct mttiicinrt.andvAilreAttdby frtej latc: fiiTiKtint furmy brtr. It4 rtyi. njir4r.-i.tut I ruttxtrritf. 1 tiMufbt I eukiifry Irn't Iran IUtttr. 1 harctKrwulcnoAeboillt and a lulf nd m jbout tH p.ta in tide and tucV all oo ottrx all out of nay Ltctt, aitd I r.c a txl appetite, and ara Jiimre in tircnhandflctK. Itean t.tiyb Ca!!tJ U-e ling t mn Jtiuvt, Joux K. Altu.lsx. Brown's Iron Bitters is composed of Iron in soluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. o 2 o o is- 4 o tr1 ? o 3 a. as c Cf) rs a; n y; fa, V3 C o sSbd fA 2 - - IcaG ?S jZ ft o mjt m CD O ! mm 9 O O W GO o en go O Chattol Mortgage- Sale. .... i . I 1 ... .I... U ....... -f . .tun., i nrrr i.ii l.ul t tit.u? -ii m ri,,t!ri mrtiM l"te 1 on th Jf.;h -lay of Julj. SWVflli JVIMf'l t pwmentof the ?utn fre t nowiiae jh lnteret from Jalr been trade in t!i payment of-ui t uji. I will ii I no l-ropr-ty ili.r.in Anj-nnr-A. in wis. One bar hire izat vcnM olil. at imblir auctirn. in front ot K, t,ar.I,,n.l,v.s-oriV "".nj:in "f5ei-'," ! ,.lna.iT,' Hcl I nu J in Ujbtr r.mntr e''raJ. on tna -jub.yof taarsh. A.D.ISSJ.at 1 nViwt p. ra. oi atd day. c. II.Putt. 2mI By .N. II. Thorpe, fail Alt y. LEGAL NOTICE. PaiihIv fVirtrt I WL.t.r inntr. Xeb. I Order. in themttterof tbe aprli-atten of Aleta JSyidS. r iftuiSSU ee tea. ana jiary i'a iter of the applicstio j,jVefh,a0nT.Van retted, and Marr I'aniel. anl ali tn tne raai- n of ilobert . liiri to na lUniela. minor child tf nn in.i .vrr iiAmri&. .oiic i& ntrc bTtTer. that. I hate arpointed Jtfarcb 2th. lr canc aiu appucauon. nn i-ern -bo may be interested in aid matter will take tttt. noie. f . 1 Witne my band and tbe el of tho 1 J t"' "" "jVoVk.' wllc. vo.. jaace. LEGAL NOTICE. t . . .,., ,,- f;ak j,ix.f.i In tbe Ii.trtct t mrt ; v.j.tf.v. DKrict tn and for Webster Couaty .Nebraska. Kobert r Jfonre. vj JDM F raitb. . . , , , r. The id aefeniar.?. Jia F. Ssjiih. will take notice th-t the aid pUjoliS' hu Sled in JiiJ C'-urt hi prtiuoa and hi rnend'd an! supplemental petition, we jrtaEd rjer el waieh said routine an I Ben- jj ad sip'ilmientat e titioa. i l freloe , r-naia mortriie made t said r-IamMS by xniesd'd anl supplemental r"iun. ur ... I .r.niinl. na t'tk-' eivhib IT of MafTb. j jfcrin ccrta:& nt- thno nam-d. ro ..; ,V norlh-writ naittf '. of srtinn Eitc"o-r fsnr in twa-hi r.cwVr trr 3 n 'th. in rts nutatxr tet ;12 wt of tbe i--w a 1. X .Cai.I rt aAii at- Knpriacip.ia '"";---. I- ii.iififtniLi:hiUTiuiancmac ber o Final Proof WaIc. - , Laaa at ltMfi Vv, rv A fuX 1 C4v W.Vt . Jt V HJS. Hasl . 'J w n4- ', l nit iml irw ! u . v4 !lbillwWiMWa4iVa I r rUVt alrta mi IJn t s Kt CWaJ V rl- i tri. JJtre st m Ja U Lw. J II 4 IS1 Ut ia anl ta f ( I 1 f-ftW. rat-x li M It V , kit. r aa4 . 4 . U lMaa rflri limn t!)9Ma l - ?; al TtSLJ Or $ U u( ti 1aHi 4ea.i cr:.rt w swtrxeu. iii. LbiS at ; at t N.V. I"V 51. IMS. ' 1 hrttlt irt tktt Ik $Mis-t-akt4 ! & H44 fcU mi k l)lili. V kuiiit,Ml H f m aiaaaa . t&tat kd hr4( "tO r ol b4W. Ce f tl Kr IVrt en!er 11 C-4 Decih all KM ,V UaH f t ! t Mtk tM '. abl USW W v, ,i -j ! I a t. He casi l fcfitfc .' ' -r bat i.lint,4i r w I at r-ttaat fcf iiM Ufcl J hin MV-. kr r T rUj i ra,a I a'l .m-t H ,1 ,- WtUml.iUmt liuaia ea Nf iumS a ,s.VTXUIt Kr.iuf 1m4 a at Wl laiar. . ' r N I kr4iy r-o tka k '- I tM4aMl r(tSr Sv tic I imK f ba. avlf ial raf ia rvM l ! !.. as tiut uM )f U1 W n.4 UJr !V ' 0 lHai f t ' ft. W.Wwr r .. al iUd Cud Nrfc.o )imziT A f.rU .I.iV ttt. I'd ward I'aflrr. I I'd NV ICI. ftbes a. ' " t Tf 1 r-r a taf li Mt tl IMIMot tfct fotSavtct vit r...lIrc b naltii frt.lr . a alai vJI.Im f J. 1 U I. lt ff lira Inn ?autal ltMta. J. MhaNrS e-J Ira ai i.o.etiaraax, M J te.I CT.ij n. btarSt s. W. .Ml tl 7.1,1:. l'.i.n Las! 0& at Mtroair.tba Nt. t'-m. Zt. Hi NtM i brrebr firm tb.t tV f'lr-ir named irtUr h ilr-l nnlf of b ir'reii tn uaac Cnl prt.f to u't.r at ai rlim aed that .aid prt ! ' ul. li K.f.u.f r !! icr al HlntulC(l.a .Srl ,mi rta' df. April Ttb. IJ u.f T. C. JH'. fr ibaa K -fSee 6tt.t w rth titter I tL II iitrat th I- It i ! e Im rt buejattiiauut rrt !! ui-n at 1 eultivattn f h UihI, tit: ah ik v it, Mditry II Ktrr-e. Nln ltut abt i'nV Wcr iek. ailftf Wheatland .Sri. uut2 3 .h W hVt IIZL'It. UrjwUr Lacd Ode at Hlosctnrtat. Set.. Kr.. . Ntlfe hetrbr jure tbt th fH-".a named ctll r b. Clrl twtSae f bl 'rtralHin ! make final JTim In IMtt wf btt elalta bd e rurr tinal rotry thrrt t-(r Clttt ! 'bart In Hjtuirr tvuu'r k t hi &- i . l CIou.l .Nb. n str ' laarii IT. !.. .i Wilitn I' lautharn. IIM N "Hl, tor th wl S njllb-tl , Se 31 T 1 iirlh. Ilane II It i.m tu fwSlawinc wiine.tri t 'r b evtiiiai- u f r i Ie tn M I ru-tl ! f t"! Ual . Oar til s vT.rH. 1 hn II llaea.r i. .m Vj lVr A J ha r Vail lliir. att ft U I Im I .xri.ra.kt UwarlH . W, SWI 17.1611. Kv i.ier I.andOneeat I loomtnc'oa Jfeli Jan T !'" Notice U traby elen lbs Ik fll .rr namrl rrttler hn Sited ' i nt lit. iM'Uina to tiiik f,)it irif in uil-rt f ti e4nn at. I that .aid iriel will ! mate bfer lf' ef IHflriel xiirt Web.ler County Neb., tn ?aluf day March lfib. 1a i. KlSIK W rt'TTLC MM o ".3. for the r.onh-et nfitrter of 5i ."SHown I tmrlh tant 11 m II name lb follwIn wilticr. to prnT In enntlnu'i'i. rr. Hone, upon urd fulthat-on of aaid land, tix Nehon Itartlett Jaeob Allland. IIHan W. frk. and John ttallum all f f rll Nb febJwarJ s. W. si W 117.1:11. K'eiiter. LandOSce at Uloeitnlncton Neb. Jan. 27. 1-"M. Ntirri hrbr (trntblt th InlliwiBe-j namtil rltlr liai filed notic of Ht In'ention ' to make final prol In support ol Pi" aim anil th.it ai I proof will b mad l.fre lrk f ll'rict Court at Kd Clou J Neb., on I'ltJay March. Jr. I.lt.li- Am pa .If. S-t.iiot;. IIM No. ol0. for tbe eat half .f tbe .omh eat uuartr. nortb-wt iu''r ' ! oith-a.i rjnrtr and "uth-wet iiuartor of th norih Mt ijuarter of .Mrtinn t town 1 north, raoce 10 wt II nam, th filowin wilfif.rto iir hi. eoriinuoo rrld"' ut.on arvl rultiralmn rf .illAi.td, t(i; Jo I Martin. Jam. Amaek yru llmry and JocpS Taylor, all of Kt-t liil Nebta.ka. febTjrt S. W. KWITZEU. Ketilr. I.aod OTie at Rloominffton. Nh. Jan.,Trt. IMX X'0 i brhr xlren that ih fllolr nam.l etllrr ha. flleJ notl' f b i Intention In mke final proof In .nptort of hi elatm. nd ecor Ab-iI entry tlirI. pr"f to b mad he tor "Irk .f the Itiftrlct 'utt f Wbtr rminlr, at hl offie. in lt4('ou! Neb., on Saturlay ttarch 10. lsa. rlf ilttfril Wrxnitin. HM'ntrrNo Mil. for the.-m h it ; of H-. Stt'.n I Jtr'h. rn 11 !' name the frl!.irins wiine to pre hl ronttnunu. r idn"rori and enlliratiis of tatd Ian I li I.enpol I ehnllr. Kobertehnllz. Jl ruitr an 1 Lvirrnd Tobm. all of Itlne If all. Nb. feb2mari !. W. riWITZEh. Hitr. LECAL NOTICE. In the mittr of the eilat of Aurait W"U bro.d. Jerenel Vhra. on th" 11th da of Neorah.r. li an eHer an5 llr. mt rranle-i by tln Win (iatlin. r JMdreof th Innriet rnrt In and for vVeMt'r rountr Vbra.kt t Jthn I'- Hy er. A'Jmlnitrat'rof th eta'if uat H'.l. bread. decal. to ! the fllowifi driiSv ril -tar t-wit Til w of h foth wet '. r.f ion H l'wihp 2 rwrib. rae 12 weft ot the dh iiinil roere'lian. tn Nra V.v rorh sale to b ma e for the turp f r-ayirr tie dbt oofttaodinr rint aaid UI. S"w thttf re. notwte i horehy rlirn that un der aii by irtn of H rrlr and Iieati th asr.Tc naml Jhn C M.jr. Adminitrto of J 1 utit. will, on th l dar l 4arb. t1. at 10 o'rleok a. m Mil at piWe TnJu tbe alfore devlbu real tat. ruth ! to t brM al t1. tjt'i 4-ur tha .ort I ! ia Itet lloud. in aid Wber coanty. lb term. f fale to be h'lf carh ro day of .ale acd tbe bal ance on cucSrmatten ot sale John L- Merr. Admlni'trator of tbe estate f Atwt Wi brvad. deed. Kal Ur- 17tt Att'y. fr Adm r. ROAD NOTICE. Stat of Nebraska. I Wefcjter Coonty. To all to wb it may eo eern: The Comml5itif rp-intd l few and rrjirt niou a srtain Use of nad. rray-! for In a certain r'tition. duly ncxtd. preafrd and Eled with tie Vunt Clerk of U coacty. jiimr that a paMie tuj Ie Utt cat a. toll-'. t-it. 'oraroeainc at th At line of the centre of Sectio tweaty-sia thi ranatr-a-w ton I taif an-l tTminJiipj on lb rt fhieof he entre cf secti n twnty--i 3" 1 towc.hip Tbrt 3 Karre tde 3 t,iWil terruntr. slit. f Nehrask. .aid pj-flve f'l to be 1 ry ft wile; attr tewic b t ha rep rted larorafe, and rr- j3 It th't aai i Hire of road ba loeatad a rr prajtr o" aaid petition. All oljctson tbrUi ani e atasi for Jaaua mat h Sle I in tie Cf.sty rleri ofSe f faH er.unty rva r 1'Kr Bn ? 'Ise C h d.yufAstil A. I. 1V-J ftwrl w" n. l r-txn-i and thiubel wi,l,fat ref'Te-vNe trtj Red S.OJ3. Nebrark. Keaary Uu ''t ZBiS J. 1'. li.s. Co. Utrk. ThsuOri2inaX" tr SpaiigN't! KnniKT The 'dei, jrj(Mt r-r-ul.f V, bj --. jr; lasily l'pr t-estm its Zltlf-xr wi -i k. is a Urre P e Utdaas il'cr.rU"l Ulrfrr rap- sl f f tie Ldr Crasa fart -it to-J. ri.r-te. I'...t k ...t .V.... i: -. . - -.-- T" - '- j ' I PIATT 4& HE32B, DEJLEliS .A Coal & Lumber. Red Cloud, Nebraska. JglBLEY'SgEEDS 92SsLLLs OssSr? V r Ail. rj,t, tit o-. lm V s V Sin vSK Yrii ": .ftat tx j r . iia, J ti mill rU I HIRAM SIBLEY 4 sjitiri uim liMBA'TSifl 3XA.T1CIC rvjovr ificii iiuoi. AnJ will fafiMpH-uiy (.Suifi th. WJ u -.u . la. tar hmVi. . ,a" mh "U -k I Mil ..l. !! ttvn, I t- 14 l. . W e44 MM hrall, If aiMlt.iait( UrflU. t'f nn v. ttaraat ta. frtsta . )fU. I'hy lrl.. I. tli.t,. In l,ir .i., i. S-.4 .). Ur- m . a. U rtfjht lltr.Caopa. fnU jr .Itial.i a, JitMI M t rwiTl, tataa. ? D1PHTHER8A tar JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT -..w. . i- vfur 17jl f tl I1 I'. ' Ph.. - wt. -ir - vifotw - - a I4M fca V Vl.tw vra, a .- a a rjr,?" i ..r. (. ri -ml " H.f . tM4 .at.lkoi l-ftt I f It... .J I (- r-oSrr. . ' -. (.. !. II. ...Ub sfr'V..! 4 KAkon rrt. . tt-imsti !(!. .fJ '"'-'- ' : t fc. Indian Caret all diveajM Ir H JDOwcim, maneyt, bkia and Blood. JMilliouH testify to its effioaoy in heal inr tho aboTa named diMaset, end nro- MJI $j nounoe it to UijbT KUtYLEJJ Y KNOWN TO iVLaVTr. Guaranteed to cure DiMprtxht. TBADK MABK ITAOENTS WANTED.HI Laboratory 77 W.3d8t, Now York City. DrtiRjiiNU noil it. iJHIS Itc SUCfc to mrWZT7m7mmmYWmE2mi&Klm9lfmmWLimmmmmE t,w-rl2!5Hl "VSfX ft 1 3 "W7 J mS2mWimmmWtmmJ Kijt'jyAiTvr.Jo ar th w NONA WAGON CO., ,3:' "'njon NtrtxiflM s-afrtiA fpr HI-AC! i: ', .v)kVb!,iaVf,uMIttW11' MiVUU i HH ' i A 4tfT . v ,-A'A OAK T . s a- w wg -.P . a mmmmmmmf' .m' sS SS imJ fJ tt f ' . H ! Tj "?wm NKAXK - l!nV s ' vm aav.A.i.H0ia4 wnn- Aftr a t&oreturfc trtai of ti XROS TCXZC. I t paajr ts a-laaar t&t I i" ?ec LOOD fmw-m rtM-r brstel CT " t. X!&lsrs avsd Jtr lis Speakers will 2S It of tra STT.'-rst v sv 1 3 vh.erss ToaicU se ary. X rC8tEua.(t it m a reliaiilj tx1U xest, rotryr ss decitl sstrftire avad WioratlT prcrpertl. . C. J. IHi. nsi2Btrsisa.HajsTZft ifsTOiciar cocjsT,xaijx.K.wni 1JLA--JU1Z-J jn f'U ' ' i ..J aLLVLBLLLLLLLhifttttttttttttttB p' bbm JmXLw aaT aas k vv BBLraaV. VBBBtaifftBT jbb ' i j . ? "'bEkbb S S & BfcRiL-? 2? a aafai f a- 9 H VBBa'v f7 BA.PaaWlBrAf &rWfffrfffffahJHB& WSS gPBT fST 3 wk bpk JstfaafaaBaaajLXaaaaaaw i-z-m-m . jjj. W4BJKgr79laBBaBBEa,faBaffaffDBiHBaw 8 .sw.' fftttH CI tm SKtaVbaTffdawBvfffVHsTSw vaZ-wCTwBflftttttttVVV BTXi r5T t a w TBtftwSaBJHjatST SaaRKaisSlaBlifPw9afll f.VlMj BBI BBB A gH4BfBBDBBBBsw0KrLr fl fR lbKi S IBBMbfZBaaai BBartBBkBM R f2BB5i wa V Bl BBBBaBrffanaffft . jp iBaaajBBBBjBBkBBaYa aj u . pobbb ifia aaaa'BapBfcjyjf S BrlBBBVBaBBBBBBBawLaLJ-jOBiSBBBBBBBBliaEVT ' mr VBraTsVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB,BBBBBBBBBBBBlfTaVa fc X mk rwiKMn ttMarrnna irAltfac - K K DITKftn lllllllll.kil.rVWt S-arawwaT--. twtiwwOT njais,'w"-" 7T. 5 Tf it tlOWl zp ar in ,c s. o. i I m i a !.&. """ "" CO. CHICAGO K- nxit,'.f.VT ? y r CUOLh ASTHMA. BHONCMITIS JMIMH AMil'l K I IMVa.11 . ' " f '. . r.w.r -. s a-i J. tiM ISA M. f lr w.w. fav imi Ui . 'k. .& &a i l-.rf!t. Hotni , la , -a ti ffcif. w tj a. . t ". , T . . . r,. w x y kibi a iw a t lf. at I BULd MAKE HENS LAY i. pa. arl fw.. r.a. Im. mm, . CLARK JOHNSON'S Blood Sirrim of th Stomaoh, I,i vr, ba tha OKl 1TAGOZI. n It. own Ccrlt r. - botl Cr.ttIo .ATirt Tinnorc, Rf nrk rlswry yr t . j7 -- A M . . --.-- 2 OF ALL KIND" ronsALcer afir-RKelslor MICt 3Lat iLV - - - . . - ST. LOUIS, MO itrai fMti i'tanliwvr v jilualli ma, M.TMrMwr J" 7 puMKsxrrr-irr a. y v n aa a. r Mat ruHnH sw.fr. ir tfc. 4inva4 Tl4i . aaafl WIbMJ tCr c& narar I'aui:;- .-l iTa' ! i "fit " - ! 7 " ''-,-lJy . -.TKfcW-J jfe- -Sj ffSM S.rit-iM.