The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1883, Image 5

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M.L.THOJU. ru1IIticr.
Thy -"It In thr winter irloamln:.
An I tho tiro tiirti l-lcht l-ttrrjn;
Om- hn ia-i M--uty "umnierg.
And the othT Juit Mjicntcun.
Thfy it t in n hfipnv nltcnrc
A thf fhnliiw iWjii fnni;
Ojip JlVf- tn u rctmluir futuru.
Ami on-1 In it long, long JiL
Each ilrnmi of n nih of tnuxic.
And n iiii-ttii)ii whijx-ril w;
Oiif will hfnr It this (toning,
One beard It long ago.
Earh (innm of n loving hMnn),
Win" travn bctirt l Imni alone:
For one tho Jor is (oml-ijr.
For oiiv the Joy ha flown.
Ench drc-nns of n life of clml'if?-.
I"Mit under the iiniiy kle:
Am! Itli the hnjte ftri'l the iiiotii'rr
f"hfti- in the happy eyes.
"ho know whlrh ilp-nm l the I -rich! on?
Anl whoknowM wtiir-h l tli let?
Ttir wirrow mid Joy nn- minified
Hut only the end i n-t.
'ijrfor Miuj izlnt.
OFK" Mir. jr.NKi.Ns.
1 was fort.uii.ite in rar uncle. So ov
rnlnxh tliouj:lit, for Uncle ltraithwaito
m:i:is wealthy and thriving a inanti-
ia-tiirer as ativ
-.. ntura -uu r, hwcei l.UCV l.nilLH-
m. iite the old man's only child. A
.so ere. just man was .lolin I'raithwaite.
He had won his own way in li e bv rijrid
Mdf-denial :m! linwea'ryiii"; industrv
during a joyless youtli, and I doubt if
h- ever thoroughly cnjoyeil the fruit of
Ins well-earned pro-pcrltv. it was only
when his eye rested in his daughter "s
Vieitv face that his stern look related.
Lucy reminded him, doubtless, of her
mrwt lirn t-nr n .L. ........ 1 .. V .
p-iitle mother. Hut he was a ortl
ni-witT to a pfl0 1 s.-rvant. notably where
be. who wasbv nature and habit Misni-
lions, could repoMe full trust.
m in his confident al clerk.
He did
1 1 ..i.,i. .'...'
i neon
Jenkins, that 1
." i " ""," ,ir, J !
of a thousand.
wa. the nickname by which irreverent j
a oimicrs in Hie countui'r Iioiim
ncMtly-hrusheil suit of formal bla- k. and
a tiling f moment with a firm like ours,
larye exporters as we were.
A. 'or myself. I am aft aid that 1113'
poor merits, if I had 11113 were quite
ccl.t'sed by th se of that commercial
comet, .Jenkins. Indeed. 1 know of no
reason, except 1113- blood relationship to
our principal, head of the hoii'-e of
Hrailhwaitc. 1'erry A-Co.. for nnv com-
pari-on between that
vetenmof the 1
desk and 1113- im-Mierienced self. Tut
nn une'e often said, in his jniu" wnv:
'lake .Jenkins for your model"' or
"fyr 1, l:ul. it. will be one while berore
vou (ill .Jenkins shoes' see bow neatly
he settled ihat bivMnes-s- with Chauviti
ct His- if I'ordeMtix. and how cleverly
he .-Moideil the lieavv loss of that :ist
frlrpiiPMit when Krakow and Kiuder
jrarten. of Ilamburjr, were iroin"- to
Yet I stuck Jo m work voting as I
was. and did m best not tobeundeserv
iti"; of the iioipeettve partnership, and
somehow lpota:iJT eimpre.ssioii in 1113'
head that instead of mv heiiifj 'ealo R of
Jenkins. Jcnk'iis was jealous or me.
One dav there was a bin cheek to
be changed nearer to three thousand
pounds than two and it was my task.
110 t tuisiial one. to present the dra't at !
I'eabodv A Sons'. In a house like ours.
here the feniaces were alwavs aglow,
and tall chinuievs alwax's smoking, the
utgo ng fir waes. "horse keet' and
fuel were, I nee 1 hardlvsav. verv larn'-
On that fl.iv - how welll remember
it' 1 was in exceptionally high spirits.
1 bad been talking with dear I my. and
though her father, who said that we
children need not be in a h rrv. would
neer consent to name even 11 ap
proximate day for our wedding, still
there was a vague prospect of connu
bial bliss next spring. It was fino
brnht weather, and on Tuesday there
was to be a garden partv at some llieh
luond villa, to wh'ch we were all to go.
Altogether I was in excellent spirits, and
as far as am man could be from dream
ing of thcetil that was to coma
How ill xou take it?" ased the
bank cashier.
Short! 1 answered, with a sort of
boxish pride in niv newlv acquired
familiarity' xvith Icsiness phrases, and
M-ilh niv fold and notes 1 left the bank
As I did so, a man staggered toward
me. -"ostled me, then iceled awnv. in't
lerinn 'Ieg pardon." and would havo
fallen ! t for the s pport of mv arm.
1 saw in a moment that the man was
Mber. Hut he looked ill. verv ill hag
gard and hollow-eved. though st.ll
3 ting, and he was decently clad in a
well-worn velvetine suit, with large.
br ii7c b ttons. There was a smack of
1 he country about him, xvaif as he xvas
in the midst of London, and his accent,
so far as I could judjre. was that of
Yorkshrc or Northumberland
'You are ill. I 'ear." 1 inquired,
"and perhaps a stranger to London?"
"Ngh clemmed in tlfs blessed Lon
don of vours. paved wi golden guineas,
a our old crones sa up in ( raven "
n uttered the count rvn an in the same
thin, reeilv voice: javed wi' trans
sav 1. and cause for it. since all that
grant fevt her stored up. whet her for Hess
and I?ell or for me "' and then he
would have fallen but for mv assistance, j
Clearlv the man was faint nr. and !
from starvation. We had walked some
distance- In tempting proximitv. at
the corner of a side street, xvas a house.
oxer the door of which, in great gold f
letters, gleamed the words Luncheon '
ar'' Into this, euite instinctivch. I
lia'f drrgged. half hustled the man.
It was the middle of the day,
luncheou-time. a brisk hour for busi
ness it. the city, in the eating and drink
ing line at least, and the place I had
entered xvas full of customers 3'oung
men mostly, noisih- chatting over their
sandw'ches. s 1 Hung open the
sxvinging-door 1 felt sure that I caught
a gl:mpse of my uncle's confidential
clerk en she pavement outside.
"Mr. Jenkins"' 1 called out. but he
cidenth did not hear mc, but prsedon.
There was a rush of excited voung
feVows toward us "I'ct x-ou 1 e's
drunk;" Four to live he's dead!"
Hun over?" and so fo th and it was
not immediateh that! could get some
TC'torati e. I'ut the poor ..onntrynian's
face was livid, hip eves closed, his teeth
fast -hut. and he could swallow noth
ing Then a doctor xvas sent for. and
the doctor was sloxv in commg. and I
had explanation after explanation to
give, 1'rst to the dull-witted landlord,
who came blinkii out of a back parlor;
then toiu tus-tivc customers; and when,
nt last, a breathless surgeon, hastily
Mimmoned, came panting in at the
heavy swing-door, amid the surging
crow'd. there was a necessary word or
bo with him.
But where is my patient?" asked
the bewildered man of science; and. in
deed, the poor fellow" who was the
object of all this stir had disappeared
Mi the midst of the hubbub, and with
him had vanished the heavy, steel
clasped, black morocco pocketbook,
which I remembered tco late to have
'incautiously laid on a table in the flurry
and conrusion of our sudden and awk
ward entry, and whicji was gne. piti
lessly gone.
: i t ...t. i -
dead Hster's son. &y, il VaiMian bv , PJ wretched room tn a suburban Io.l--iiaim.
wns not merely drnwiiT"- a fair ,J?-ho"" contamed but one' but I
wilarv. with the prospect of a partner- "-" now ., a im-swiger of j-ooil tid
hlup."ljiit was actually rnwed to be "" J'oyoii reiiiemU-r ascniiijiman.
m.-irrieil to mr ..,..l ,:c;7. 1 -.1 Enoch Clint !v nam-, who n your uncle
t J illjlin-iii. - iiii llllf .
i ckL"b i
w.tb l.a-c.H,rcathof that ,.e-rl of clerks: r f"K,; '" U1,"I, ," . 7, P i T
but even Ihowo jH-rt oflicn lads had a bo , ;"! -1J "anlly hear Mr. Mnr
1 cf in . , K. u,is m. rcpeetable. i !J:il friendly voice as he Said, hhak
iil. his lean, xvell-shavcn face. hj; . J" my passive hand the while- ") ion
i"-.''i".'-nivi iiiwhs. ever, as i nave j -- ------ ........
heard, in the tueuty-ninc voire o ! hi, S"" U V'1"" r hmtilly tC 'Z
toll, d honed Tetikins been Uown to . l'n,n- Nw Iwlen tome 1 hi., poor
:.-k for a holidav. to sh.rk extra work, j WT"lch- hn"d 1 ,in ' TV l '! ,
or to make a blunder as to tare and trcL I - u v,:r !'' -'v a'l;'" ,ia.
i,.t ....... i i.. ... x . :ni"ii:m. i. iir I'O':.
'Cyril Yauhaa. I always dpmel
Tou to be. a simpleton a .iofi. an o
Yorkshire rhapt say but now I know
you to Ihj a knave ' thundered out my
irate uncle, the north uutr' accent in
his wrathful to'icc bcotnin;r unusually
prelominant. Hadjounot lifcn nir
rulalve. had not my girl who hail
never Im the wife of Mich a scoundrel
begged you off. 1 would have prosecuted
you as I would any other rogue, and
Mint you to quarry stone amon tonriel
at Dartmoor or "Port land. A it is. 1
won't hear another word of your lies or
your excuses. Go. ! or I filial- forget
Lucy's pleadings, and act as a ritircn,
and not ax a father. The 'confidence
trick.1 eh? The countryman tho
I am not your dupe, lad' Go and pet
toursclf hnnged elsewhere! You won't
starve on the sum of which you have
robbed me."
Then came a terrible throe months
it was that or more a time of depres
sion, of crushe I spirts a half-btoken
heart for me. That I was wrongfully
Mispected gate me but cold r-oin'ort. J
was innocent, but Iurv was lot to nic;
my prosi-eci were bhirhted. no one
j would work to me, and I was jHor.
and sinking fast inU the direit depths
of want. I remeralKT how pale, and
thin, and shabby I had Income, when I
received a visit from my uncle's lawyer.
Mr. Monlaunt.
Mr. Vauiian. you wonder to sec
me." "said the shrewd solicitor, as h
took the broken chair I offered him -
m clienL Mr. Uniitliwaile, ena"fd
mhm .ix weeks lwfore the unluck af-
, fair of the stolen moneyf lie vulS a
smart younir fellow with excellent te.sti-
iikiii afs all forced, by the bye -and
made himself useful both in the houe
and in the stable yard, and was vastly
popu ar with his'fellow-seryaiihJ o-
1 eoiint of h;s powers of mimicry and tha
! j"h tricks which he could perform
I had an indistinct recollection of
lavui-seen and heard of siirh a pcr-on
, '" n!V ,I.l,ck s ""-l1- ""l1 ' ""ll.
! wnlfrff how there could Im-am thing
in Eiioi h ( lint to concern inc.
"This xnM-h rint," said Mr. Mor-
r daunt slowlv. "wan a north country-
nmn." 1 tnul at him. Mr,ly ,,wIl.
He was vour coimtrynuin. drawbvl
out thuhhfew(Llawor. and then a lijrht
ha e been
wronged, Mr.
Vauirhan. I.
lielievi'd vou
not tilt v xards from h s master door.
1 and curried ba-k to tlte lum-e. the
1 crushed and blood-stained wreck of a
i man. He asked for his master, and.
t Ir. P.rathwaite boiii"; absent, he praved
to see Miss Lucy. To her. in the doc
tor"s presence, "the dyinj: man jrasped
1 out some inarticulate cotifes-ion. clear
I injr you from all blame but that of a
.. ..I !?. . ... 1 . ...... t .t. 4 f-.t trk ilwl
l . m-- I'"'" ""'" " .- ;-..:
inipucnLiu", most eriousiv :miuuh;i !
son. At his own desire Ins broken
statement was. by the doctor's help,
taken down in writing, but he died be
fore the narrative was complete- Miss
Lucy hail an intcrv ew with her father.
1 need scarceh say. on bis return home,
as a e nel to'whfch. Mr. llrailhwa ic.
more agitated than I had ever known
him to b". called on me. and lad the
matter before me. We. too. bad along
talk, and the result of it was, Mr. Cyril,
tbaton the following morning 1 received
a visit from- have you guessed it? -the
con' detitial clerk. Mr. .Jenkins."
"Our Mr .Jenkins?" I returned, pcr
ple.xed 13' the lialf-cotuic expression of
the solicitor's face.
Your Mr .Jenkins, if v'ou will cling
to the ancient formula," assented the
hiwxer, with twinkling eves. "That
commercial luminary came 10 me oianu
Iv, unsuspecting, for. as it turned out,
he bad not even heard of the death of
' his accomplice. M I rst a t. when he
had made his hmv and seated himself
111 the client's chair was to shut the
' door and lock it. When he heard the
' click of the lock he star ed. and turned
as pale as his shirt-collar.
Now. 1113' friend,' I said to him. in n
frank, pleasant way. 'my advice to 3011
is. for vour own good, to make a clean
breast "of it at once."
'Then you should have seen tho in
genious wonder of his interesting coun
tenancc. Excuse me. Mr. Monlaunt, but 1
cannot have heard you aright,' he said,
after a pause.
0h. ves, 3ou have,' said 1, shak
ing a linger at him. Come, come, Mr.
.teiikitisrit is tiu.e for you to drop tho
sheep's clothing, ami stand forth as tho
wolf you are only this 1 promise, in
Mr. Hraithwaite's name, that if 3'our
revelations be full and ample you shall
have gentler and more generous treat
ment than ou deserve.'
A stormy colloquy ensued. Once I
thought the man meant to. strike inc.
but there was something in 1113 eethat
restrained him. 1 upposi for next ho
be-niti to sob. and then to whine like a
beaten hound, as, sitting on the edgo of
mv writing-table, and glaring at the
caYpcL he s'amniered out a confession,
which 1 reduced to writing, and to which
he presently atlixed his reluctant signa
ture. "The revelation, when this slippery xvas at length brought to make
it he did not know, you sec. Mr. Cyril,
how much his colleague had confessed
was a tolerable, complete one. He
had. it seemed, an especial malice
a-niinst yourself, as the kinsman and
future partner and heir of tho employer
whom it had been tho business of "his
life to dupe ly a show of zeal and a dis
play of niock honest I say, mock, be-
caus- probajuby. when the books come
to be over-hauled, it will bo found that
this was not the tirst time of a betrayal
of trust. And Mr. Jenkins thought.
tco. that young as vou were. 3011 did not
.share MrTUrnithwaite's high opinion of
h m. and might one day asic iroublo-
some questions.
'Wherefore, by the help of a forged
character, lie got" this fellow Clint into
your uncle's service, put him up to the
trick xvhich he had played on 3011
Clint had been a low comedian, mounte
bank, and thimble-rigger in his time
and received from Clint himself, at tho
door of tho-chA public house, the moroc
co pocketbook" containing the gold and
notes wh ch 3 on in the hurryanu excite
ment of themoment had Why, Mr.
Vaughan. 3011 are ill?"
15ut if he said more I heard it not. for
I xvas weak with long privaton and
sleeplessness, and the blood surged up
to my temples, and there, was a roar i
of waves in mv cars, and 1 sank fainl-
j ing on the floor.
1 nave not. mucn more to ten. now
cordial, and self-reproachful even, was
the reception which mv uncle, IMr.
IJrsthwaite, extended to me, or with
what tearful joy my Lucv-'s C3es miet
mine, are easy to imagine," but'diflicnlt
to describe.
I wronged you. my boy, and 1
thank Ileaxen that 1 xas xxrongin whftt
1 thought," saUl the old man. with a
sob in his imperious voice: Lucy,
here, knew vou best." Jokn licrunck.
A banjo-pla3cr in Boston the other
night had an audience Teaching from
that eit3 to 1 rovidence, the music in the
latter city being, it is said, very dis
tinct The central telephone office was
called and asked if music was wantc-
and an affirmative answer being givea.
the player began. A number of other
offices were notified, and for fifteea
minutes telephone employes in several
neighboring cities ana tvwns were
' r.MJik. . . , f . , ..,- '...U .....I
Barb Alim.
A tnot cxtraordiBMy cane whfca Iwm
mtoni-hed all the medical profcMios ia
1'u'M". and Poland, h-u jutt come from
Warsaw. A -dort lhae ago there died
In the oufc-fciri of the old capital a
otitig jKaant woman who was eun-d
t with that hate which chararterbe the
fmJerals of theTIusian pca-uutU. A few
da. a afterward "doctor were called to
determine the eaue of her death, but
none could i-av oitively an to the
, nature vf a dieac that had .ibown no
Jyinptoi whatever, and which had
brought th- vonng woman to a prema-
Mure and Midden end. Hie wjv boned
t in due com-Mi. wa ro
mored about the 0113 that her hui and
; often ill-treated her. and at hir death
! Mjme people Hcnt o far a to ay thai
lie wa the cam of It, i)ie rumors
pread more and more unt I :hv
j reached the ears of the aulSnirt c. who
immediately iaued the lody to W .
humed. 'J he judicial commision f ol
Inwud tliegr:i-diggrr titbe ceineterv,
and the latter proceeded to di-tnter the
remain . Having icached it rojie wa
lowered, and. after fixing it firm 3
around the half-rotten colli 1. !hochat!y
treight was h-nsted on-e rnore to the
"evel of the earth. They opened the
bier and. to their horror and stupefac
t on. discovered not onlv the "woman
but a MH-ond harcr of this her last re-ting
place, in the shape, of a child that
was Tying at her leL Tho child had
been boni in tho tomb, where it had
lived for several hours. Thus the tomb
of the mother had been both it, cradle
and toiib at the same time As to the
mother, it wa d M-overod thai hn hwl
been buried alive when In a comaue
state. and. on returning to coneiou---iieii.
had given birth to the child. Jt
was easih'.seen that the jnor woman had
uiflered ferriblv.
liurymg people alive in I'urope ha
occurred too often of late vear.-. and
can only be ac -oiiuted for !) the inat
tention of doctors which in th'.i ease,
should be treated as a criiidua! oflen-e
The. fear o lie- living of Jieing immured
a ve hai gained ueh a power over the
mind that l.ii-ians, wln-u on thcr
death-lniil, have left legacies for the
fotitidnt.on and maintenance of murtu-arie-
in the r nati-.e ei'3. where sup
posed co'psfs are placed lor three da3s
in the hope that their thread of li e nnty
not ha, e parted The inortuarv of Fn
btirg can be 1. noted as an instance of
these peculiar nistitut ons. which are
confined pr.ncipalby to Kasteni Kuroje,
where catalejitic fits arc. known to be
more prevalent than in am other part
of the g'.o . "" ' " " '
hit e center of the cemetery at I-n-burg
stands a ho m wh ch, to an unob
servant person, would have evert ap
pear.mee of a (-mail c! ape! This
thought would be suggested through the
right of a tower, wh eh eoiitn 11- a bell;
tint, on entering this lilbpul an build
ing, the MMircher for knowledge iiiighl
be astoni;hed to .sec a human form, dead
to all appearance The sti", r gi I b iy
re-ts upon a mar'Jc slab, dressed in
death's garments, and the rings which
depend from a w re rope that runs
through the c-iling, are attached to its
lingers. A lurthcr inspect on, ailed by
the theon of the apaatus wh ch the.
gen al attendint is wi 1 ng to gne to all
Msitors. wo .Id explain this .somewhat
mysterious position of the dead 'body.
The t!iiger.s of the Miepo-ed corpse are
pl-iced in nri-inetie steel rings that tit
tightly, should the boy show any
signs of reantuiatioii. theslghtcstqu xer
0 the nerves o the fingers would aflect
the steel r.ngs. wh ch 11 their turn com
municate w th another st onger mag
netic current that for es it-elf on the
bell niak ng it toll, wh ch brings mi at
tendant physician to the tescue. y
this means everal bod es placed in this
inortuarv s nee ISIm have returned to
1 o A peasniit woman, named re7oll
eki. recent h walked lroni her tomb on
the third day after burial. HI. J'ctcr
burtj (or. I'Milmlc ph u 1 rcss.
A Cise of a Tii-iits-iti'l.
Columbus ISrown. the man who dis
covered a box containing a large amount
of 11101103 at iraukliii. ciiaugo (0111113,
Pa., had long had a iimu.a for discover
ing the treasure which was thought to
have been buried bv tiie 1 reach while
ia j.os-es-ion of that part of the conn
trv. lie had dicamcd of litidm; it.
again and again. The other night he
dre uned as usua'. that he wa count
ing and handling a chest o gold, and
that he had found i? Iriried in the ea-th
at the foot of a tree, m an open held.
So excited was he that h- awoke, onlv
to find it all a dream, as usual. I'e
arose, walked to the vv udow. and there,
before him. in the held, stood the identi
cal treo which he had .seen in hisd ram.
but he put it roolutely aside asadre-mi.
as most .seiisib e 11 en would have done,
and ret rod t bed and to sleep. I o
had scan-ely closed his eyes t li he was
again in the lield ami igging at the
root of the tree. J.e was informed in
.-onie manner, he cannot te 1 how.
but b a man a lore gn accent,
an 1 111 a m'.htarv 1111 form, with a
sword and sash, that if he would meas
ure a certain d stance from tho
center of a r ek in the run. due north,
and then measure thirt -three feet diu
west 'nun that poiiit. be would find the
treasure he hail mi o'teu seen in lis
dreams. Earh the next morning he
aro-e. and. proeuriicr a taj-e line, xvent
and measured as he had 1 ecu directed
in hs dream. What was lis -uprise
to find that each and even' measure
ment brought him to the tool 0; tho
chestnut tec in the open field, llrowu
did not tell any one alhiut his dream,
nor of the result; but during the dav he
went to Colonel Itreaklov, xvho owns
the ground, ami asked and obtai cd
perm .ss'on. on some pretext, to dig
near the chestnut tree. He and his sou.
a lad of sixteen, commence I digging at
the root of the tree, and at a depth of
.something over six feet, about four v.
m., struck .something almost under t o
center of tho tree which gae forth a
metallic sound. A further clearing
away of the gravel and stones disclosed
the s:des or end of an iron box or chest.
Wi d xvith excitement thev continued to
dig tin 1.1 thev had i.nearthcd the chest
or box. which was thirty-one inches
long, twenty inches wide, and tweutv-
four inches deep, or about tho '
dimensions of an ordinaiy trunk. I
The r united eTorts could onv turn it (
over, but could not lift it irom tho ex- j
ca vat ion. The 3oung man was sent for ;
a hammer and cold chisel, and the Id ,
was soon removed. The sight xvhich j
met their gaze xvas enough to turn the .
head of am man. 'I he box xas nearly I
two-thin's filled with gold and silver '
eo'n. tarnished and covered with sand
mold, but ncvcrthcles3 gold. The coins "
are mosth French, but a number of J
English, German and Spanish are J
among tho lot. Thev bear dates 17"2L. 1
17411751. andvarou other dates, the
latest of which is 17."54. which is the
same xear Fort Macnault was com
pleted." On a brass ruler found in tho
chest the name "Joneaire'" is pla'nly
stamped. It is a well-known fact that
this was the name of the officer in
command of the French troops. A care
ful estimate of the coins make a total
value of about S27.000. The coins were
placed on e hibition at the banks. The
fortunate oxvner has been oflered tea
times its value fora single coin. 2'aifa-
'lelj&in rVew.
" Do 3ou subscribe to all the arti
cles of tlic Athanasian creed?" was
asked an old lady. "No. I don't! I
.an't aTord it. "There's a co'Jectioa
next week for the convention fend. aa4
I can't do any more," was the reply.
Chicago Tribnnc.
Major John Harold havu-gjcoT-sred
a verdict of SSQ.000 agaiast tka
New York Elerated Railroad for per-4
sonal in urn-s it had inflicted upon him.
the road carried the case into thrM
higher courts, bat th Verdict stack.
110!". FAR! A5 GAKDEX.
II ypti hare choice potaUrr to krrp
lor vil. iut them la a ti of -und la
j the ocllar. Thtry will not upruut awr
; ltvxe.
j - Th? Mrhi$u yirKT x that in
England a new um ha bs dtrterrl
, ing iutt largely lw for p than lor
arc, i having ln aHrrrtaitiw that a
' iKaatl.'nl color call be obiaioi frositJs
j nc fruit.
Oraae !ie Grate tic r nd of twi
oranges and wee? oat the iux.
cream uarterof a poond of butter, and
add br degnrt-- half a fxmnd of j-o ar.
; the yelk o' two r c I bratca. then
the rind and juice ol the oraagn. IVrat
the whrt- of the egg to a ttr f roth.
.! r, t, ifl, ti.-.?Lr ,-
gredcnti. Ital in pUj Ua hnrd with
.,-., t- T-.t.,.r.r
To Cure Croup.
can jx cureu in one
remedy ! sitnnlvalum and rar The
nay to aeoomplish tkfdW i ttake a
kn te or a grater. nd idiav.: oT in trnxU
pn.ri-se almt a teainuful at alum.
then mix it twice that amount of
ugar, to make it palata;c an 1 admin-
tr it a nuicklt a io.t'l-. Almst
)ii"tanLnneouroliuf wdl tollow. iMrt
Pick out the pooriwt jh dfy for
market tir?i- not th- poorett n flch
and M'e. but the lad bap--d on-s. the
one of ld color, or o a color not to
your liking long Ic rge i uw. and uch
as that. -eb-ct the bt pulb-ts to kep
oierth" best in M'e, -hnpr color, pnv
rfuetiuem-As. el all tne rrsl olT out of
the M-av ai soon a-. iM-!t5. o that the
stock birds shall havr tiie Ut ch. n.-
..'..... . . .
A r..t kf.t(it-t nLo nf i' nnnnir i
to take th- orettVstnjxd or dotted .-k's
of the father and cut them over in little
stckliigs for the bnli3. It of Uti hap -
l-i'i:- that tin WK-k is xvom patt mend-
ng at th- heel onlv. leaving the ret of
.",... , , "
it avatiaiiie. ami u are is ia en o mate
the si-ams mall at d jimooth. the lll'le
stockings will W a Mitv--M, ami w 11 lat
at least tw.c a long as any ehillen s
nocks that can lie bought.
-The lily of the xalley is ijtiite hard
in all parts of the country, but 1 k-s a
cool rather than a warm exposure, and
it irosH.hlc it tdiould have a little .-diade.
Xaturall3 it grows among tdirubs and
Ioa tiees. from xxhieh it receive -ome !
shade and shelter, and in pi nt ng it we j
should, il possible, gie it a location im-1
itating its natural site. In pro-taring a
U'dforit. if the mni-rml were at hand. !
we should mix leaf mold w tti the
soil, but it iisiiallv Mieeee n inot
soi s without .special preparation.
iconic wise, fanner i nil it to theit
advantage to keep no st ck throui'li tho
winter, as the can ala bui all they
want in March :u low as n No, ember,
and thus stive the winter Uipuig. i ne
farmer we hate read of whose rogu'ar
practice was to bi. in Man-h. feed ju
di ioiisly till gr .ss a reaih for gnii
ing. anl then se!l in .lune or so n af er
xvard. when his cattle were in the In-st
no-stoic condition, in tins memo i lie
gave his pastures rest in the fa 1
secured an earlier ami more vigorous
start f r his grav in the spring. J". Y.
Conntrj Head Making.
It ill a matter of universal comment
with travelers that countrvroad mtiking 1
in the I'nited Mates is ait her a lost art
or a to be acquired science The aver
age selectman or road agent of a conn- I
tn town is usuullv deplorabh ignorant '
of thu ! principles of making a good
road. Nothing will so surely advance
the growth and well-being of a town as j
well made and well-kept roads. No
part of its domestic economy will more
certamh rcpa3 the outlay. Nothing
more bespeaks the intelligence and
character or pu' lie spirit of its citi7cns.
In Kngland and most of its dependen
cies the roads are made direct y by the
State or under its supervision. .As a
re ult the contrast between Kngli h '
roadi ami those of this country is much
in favor of the former A common and l
natural mistake f most to ns in this
eouutrv is that an tntelligeiit farmer ,
must necessarily know how to make a
good road. 1 ut the icvcr-e is the fact, j
ISoiid making is a subject requiring
stuiU and a knowledge of tho nature of
oils" not often eons.dercd 13 atn but
engineers, or th se to whom such kno 1
edgc is a neccssarv adj net of their
business in life- A well made r ad even
in our climate and with the wide differ
ences in s ul ingru bents, will last for
3cars. whereas irdmarily the items
of repairs on our roads means an
entirely changed thoroughfare, the
... - . , - 1 I t .
niicn. waierMieus aim general enaracier
neiiig more in tn wa3 oi uperimuu
than a cientnic and practical renova
tion. The countrv road maker om
mences In throwing out the "big ones',
on to thoside of the road, retaining the
smaller ones, when b3 thoroughly
"bedding"' the big stones the best
possible foundation is hail and with a
covering o' .small stones mixed vith
gravel, or even with good loam care
lull harrowed and scraped, a road
bed' is formed which will defy lioth mini
and heavy teams. Generallv the tro
devotes 4iis time to heaping the ma
terial in the center with such a slope
as o'ten to interfere with locomotion,
and which heap the first heavy team re
solves nto deep nits, vitiating its use
fulness for any but a similarly heavy
team and for it onh with constantly in
creas'ng strain on the horses. Yankee in
genuity has invented capital road-making
tools which need but intelligent ap
plication to develop such thoroughfares
as would make them admired in jdace
of being a reproach ami shame. Our
country is rich enough to place the roads
in the hands of such government as will
insure their perfection instead of leaving
them to town oflicials without the educa
tion or experience necessary to an ac
complishment of tho object. Hartford
The Water Supply.
Pure water for household use is of the
j-Tcatest value, and the utmost eare
ahould lie had that it is pure. bccaue
none other is fit fordomestic use. Every
thing impure should be kept at a dis
tance Trom the well, and it should be so
constructed that no surlacc water can
get into it. "Where a well can be driven
it is undoubtedly the best, because
nothing can get into it w thout filtering
thronglt the ground; it is considerably
cheaper, too, than a dug well. In dig
ging a well people very often make a
nfstakc in not go"ng deep enough. It
is apt to be the case that soon as a vein
of water is reached, it is supposed to be
sufficient, even if it is small, ands after
going down far enough to make a l'ttle
reservor it is stoned up and the result
is that the next summer, perhaps, the
well is dry. This is very annoying, be
sides being an expensive jo . "I speak
from experience. By not digging deep
enough tho well fails occasionally, and
I contemplate dr ving one near br o
as to have. I hot c. a never- aHing sup
ply, water i needed n abundance at
the farm tmildings. and it shou'd e
provided somehow, either by sprngs,
well, a cistern, or else brought from a
distan e in a pipe. The best time to d'r
a "well is during a severe drought; ana
if a good rein i- then reached, bat little
feaf need be entertained that tke rap
ply will faik Cisterns should not be
constructed under the dwelling, bet oat
of door?. When making a cistern be
sure and make It large eaorgh. Un
doubtedly there is water enough falls est
the rooVof farm buildings in the course
of tke year to supply the stock with
dnakiaf wafer, as we'll as malti' for all
hoaeakold par pew. a; and if it is -ftraperry
filtercd. it is a good deal more whole
some than much water that is used. .V
X. Fanner.
I Bort Jokaer. a w4dJrawn
railadelsktt or tt4i0T. w
Lary rktiw. WfectiMtrr lii xw&lt4 tx
ik. LfAT u a mxilrr of wpctlaai 1
3r hft, j, cnajVc ural , bet h U vr-
tain tkat fedcvld to fftT fcer a-a l-
m and cotljr t-uoipit-t la PailswJ-J-
pbu. He weat to iars eL st cp ki
-rumac. to boa U aaad tfc Snr;
-, n:h a cat pt-'ca tave xtx?!
ti gift very grrsotxly. aad h rrtfrti
In a tate of wud dehrst, otJy to be
planged down to drjaur by k-irHiSj;
that be had onlr ra Mr. LaarUT
Siaul- rkua.ltjkta JltceeC
" .
Jtta hr"!. tae tan-
-ItU wjd of
fiocatrr, who oace edVrd a Ktlr oc
paper la Calif omu. UuU o grriiy did
ttc tKUT &ssoT3&cc ozxn trtrtal
i f"08 nprc thaM-Jre. upoa Wj
rocaxirr tat Tear xficr, ia the wtid
r- it wl 'daraor of th" mck toard. when lor-: 7.W - - -.,,
.j tMr 11.- mmate. Kerne ha atd ffeo-ntiy that nJ r. rf t. ftwt i m
f0-l:asan, howl for cwdt
M '"rctsaa howl lor -copy
1 ;u JiZTZmS.TZTu .-
w imm- fcj-hk i j - . v
tne ieaumg tirn o: i nii&UHputa. a
cbezaiot who ha. unraveled them all rr
port tkat he finds Imt two of honest
quality, and a bitter controversy ii in .
progresi. J'hila-leljJua itcu
- m ! mi li ii i I
i .. . .
An At a ioplrlo. J
Tnilr tbl la a oe it pfcsa; Nerrr- j
tiirtr, CaptaiS F M. Uwf, rf li traAr ,
Wlllura L'r tK. Vt?mvU' ,t Mlarn Traat-
j porutlot Liae lt rVxtoa aa-l lUUlmare.
; wbo .B2e.-M Trrt; tr.-u rt-am.iJta.
J euJ by thr ex-xurc -Wrai tokl. pr-4i-.
l. " 1 b t- OIL "XM U no
i .. !!. f ?'
UPl-.Wii. -". iwr.
TurKr 1 a irocrr ta a frrtalo atuxH tows
In th a State n ho ha al i"" i aBr 1 the
j VI-,li" 'J?r ?"
tnj uUnr obi ptnth ui Sur t aVr etart
! right. Jt au, tjeweiw. tkat i-r W :-n
t inf-blr juisra. A 4-t ar tr fa, a J t
" eranlwr.r. '? .l!,"Jf .I4 !
Lulr xsrtrin rait 4 aixl ar Art th
j lrniir' (it. -fv" -! mwk a naxnt
-Te-.lTttU. mJ M TUat -Um cent-
fur Jot. flte e-rnt- f'itu, tv tU t alf
forhaifacU - auJ tkr--- " 'IW
waataqtti'tt" "I ti tA I areaJlur " at
oofn-i t Ctirrtl tir liimliD; oh a ittHt
cranberry I hare to eura, nt f-r h-rrj
woul aer lor uhk ii -itc Mm a rrai
lor a ln;I" t-rrr " Verr r 1 tan- It
alone HuUn' Ixit' t -1H vr c, I
ran ii l IM thro tijtKUi -rrr. maj
am sift tki loth up In a patrci lav. Ivmtrl
to Jil- e 5 ruitnie' It I ttou'i luaVc a
rrul Itfi'Oit J-'rrt J'nu
llrallli. Strrnctli nl Vlgur.
If tou a-e tcV. nr health. tr nrtU nJ
J rigor, we cameUlr rvqurt rou to give llr
Gujaitt't Yr low UA and waraa aril a
trial. x'o mfst cinr rrr InTcntM ! nch a
Cil rt-conl aa health reMcrr. h.oot t-UflOT
1 an J trucatrrn;tte:ierof eterj irt ot the 1J.
U'ur.v Fozz a train on ibf ilfo of an
oltl ladyhe rcnurk'tl thtt It hchiailll-c
Bottom TraiiiCrn-t.
A splenillil Itouirtljr fur I.unc lllf r.
Dr. Itolil. rtnti. lite 'r-lvlrt't ot tho
Eclrrtlc txillere of the l itr ol r 1 ork. an J
firnierly of Cincinnati, Ohio, unl Ila. "A m.
HU.'s HxL.sam very extrn c'j in hl icae
ttce, aa maur of hi j:irnt, nnw I'Tlic anil
rcetorrd to lira 1th bjr tiaucut tint Itiraiuahle
medicine can amply tntlfr lie almy aid
that ao ! a remedy ought lit to he coti-
I lleml irerely aa a jtrnt nirvtlc ue, hot that
It ought to t rinacnto.I irrriy vr rrrry jm
lcia n aa a aovrre pi reme 'y tn all ejra ot Lung
dtM-aaes. It Is a ure cure for t'onaiimptton,
and hat no equai for all jx-Coral ctitnj la hi la.
Is it prorr to aaV a man how he la grt
tlns on, when he ha Juat aT7u:u oCI lfoiln
Cvmmrrciti! JSuiUnn.
."Keep lo your place and jour place will
keep you." lint you citinot rxject to keep
your place without h" 1th, the foundation of
all urre. For ineUn c, a railroad engi
neer In the employ of t!ic C M fc M. I'aul
IL Ik had heen crlernuslr ntlected lt!j dla
betea fir all yean. He to k four hotea of
Kidney-Wert and m w write that he la en
tirely cu:cd and working regularly.
The money irml-r tirTer n-gleeta bl hual
iiraa. He lake all the intercal he can in it-
A. 0. JHcayuue.
Sti-scino Irritation. Innammatlon, all Kid
ney Complaints, cured by Iluchupalba." f 1.
Two heaps are letter thn one, In tho
opinion of a ncwi editor. X. O. J'truyune.
nnECiTiM Ccr.ED. Fend t-mp for free pre
crlption.IwK.Helplienatine.'Waahlngtou.n.C. How to expedite the ma'c Gc: papa to
i-tk what their Intention are
Wells' 'Kotoit osCokxs.' irr. Ak forll Com
pletc, permanent cure. Corn, wart, bunion.
GKroSTTi-hcll g-oand In qu nlHte and
! mixed with hlicic "".-p-cr, Ind caic that the
j con will tn; mild.
Usr. nnldlng'n Rtila Salve In the boue arwl
nse Iledding'a IliusU SaUc in the stable. Tiy It.
"Yoc have loTelr trcth, EthcL" " Yen,
Georre," h fondfy Ilpet, "ther were a
Chritaia present from Aunt Grate."
" Fivr. doctor; no rnd af mrlieinr: no rrlif.
! IT.
Ihr. (iiwti'i kln Cure hat drit-tn ntfwy aS
frujtio and Vm Marty trrC
Ida C oung.
Hamilton, l.L
Lawtcks are given credit for telns iharp
became they generally Ille their auwerv
jyFcathers, ribbon, velvet, can all he
colored to matrli that new bat by twlng the
Plamond Dyes. 10 rent for any colur.
rotoxiNO by the nse of horrid htlr-dyei
may he looked upon aa a dyer calamity.
PrHi-NSOX's Celery and Chamomile Pilla
arc worth their weight in gold ia tierrou and
sick hedache." fir. H. II. tchllcbter, of
little thing turn the head of a
Tnr Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. 3fich.. win
end Dr. Dye'a Celehrate.l Dectro Volulc
Bella and !lectric Appliance on trial for
thirty darato men (young or old) who are af
fltcted with nervous debility, lost vitality and
kindred troublea, guaranteeinr speedy and
complete restoration of heallh and manly rigor.
AddreM aa aboTe. . Ik No risk U iacarred,
u thirty day's trial U allowed.
Ilale'a Honey of llorhonnd and Tar
If timelrnaed pre vents galloping coaanmptloa.
Pike's toothache drops cure in one minute.
I.Tdla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable CoiiponmJ
has done Ihouianjs of women mbregooJ than
the medicine of many doctors.
'Beowx's Una chxal Troches" are widely
known as an admirable remedy for Brooch: H,
iioancce s. Couch and Throat t-oublca
Exqcireit How old are wef VThj Jtmt
aiacteen. That is to y. Three yearii agu,
a certain actrcis and namelf vere jast ihe
um; age. nineteen. She told c only a dav
or two ago that she was jast clseteen that
dl. Sotton rait.
BonaowgD money I a noteworthj object.
A Cleveland mac has invented a barrel
without hoopo or sure. Who invented the
CereUnd mzn is aot stated by the paper
which furniaies the other inlortaatloa.
Chicago Tribune.
D&xvEas keeping to the right cannot go
Tex zodiacal sign for the opening of wister
Is a goat. The goal is a hard butter and
bard butter U alaoAt always a !gn that the
weather is cold. PhUadJphia JTnra.
TniT joenz ladr wbo rajde TOJ words est
of 'conservator) last fall b run away Iro-a
IXKae. Her mother wanted her to nuke
three loaves of bretd oat of Socr."
Iktroii Frtt JVru.
Let woo es be brought up to the habit c
ted a j try and eroncrsj, and learn to ssppori a
kaaband. and the tram nola-mce will soob
. ItZHt DtJUMf.
Tar Chicago Timo savs that fog are
rnoch core coa-saon la tLii city thin thty
ased to be. an 1 it rtsU voase geni-as to ia
tent a way to sa press them.
A CaLiroKXia mm has acquired a lortaae
fa: aaiaraltr war. JL: had a let cl ntalsc
stock of a nom-ail raltK. aad pledged it aa
Bollaiaril for a loaa. Taea t&e stock rsse
terv hl;a. The peraoa to waoaa It was
rJdgr aoid It -na-baersea-tiy U felt agate,
aad he heotrht It teek. stkiac t6J T
the traasactioa. Tke trae owaer of the strrk
feaad oat boH tie traasactioB. aai twe
for tke I2SS5, WO as hfln-ncHic to Istei. Ta
apre-se Cowt cits it te kiss. too. 5awt
Framriteo ChrmUt.
-a -ana who arosud Tather ret aaa
T-ln'larr it rr st1 f km Tfcin IKtt it i7
a areei- le-gtaaanr.-'
Morr of tke
ixkialcal torsxre
lwp. rrw t
I rJrt .s v p-Jka! is ---, Vei tV
; xUeim tol ,
x. .t
, c.i J4TH, ; m
yrvixr-Bt- to v jtV-k TWr
- k4 fa-- tj -flj
elfcJ- . -. - ! fc-u4i )
t r tit's -4rt vr uim 4 lw !
i, .-U4 1 v4 is-
ue r.krt ON -. M..T . pa
tit o jm tpMt-r k win-fsj
1 ? .
1 n 'w ' - -
u-n unwm -r-r i
1 . t
brad. Jw( IMf-iKi kfc"L
h. ax-CMloaAl -.ib twJM fcrv-. . a
of tfc bvlj ttlfc Mwirav i-- U TV?
IKd rstl'Uoi t? 14m- tfV Mf Ur )
h4 wwmM t Hie are nm u si -
fc: tbe brXV. 1 t str !r Ui. vi
ill I 44 til 4lml , tr w-
C-t&r dittMsi Mk li tr-a .1 jt a
srt( lit -(ttaaut ! 14 -J . - 1
it Mtt Unv Ue wu. i"-i s t - '
prtilttMi Tb ;ir tj I uaa kr
trrth tec :n Ua kt -.i v 1
Ut ti! Um tsilWr rrai V" 'r
rrlui.l lacrrasl. Vty a4 ,- S st
eat. aT Urtu v r a tr!! t 1 1
en i-r M waU t-f iMak. i .av4 -..t
a ti k-dct a4tftvr-, al M . t4rf ilt
wt-U-d kv a Iktto4 apf aa.- a4 U. a
C'fJ WWH sit f U l U. : r i
loar Wii. ic '. a.Mt
Usaa rr l.mi r ! tW fiuj ! i
tN ! frta p "' " J uft V l -
txut -axutwai aclrirHlr la S
1 d hst Jw : r aVaf a 4 in
trtrr thr fcrxL 1 iCw4 rarrurt lit.f l
a WHalmu ttt aay tfwl a4 lk . .
baau ut Ike VeH mI -s h( .Ws. ir ,
at tiar rt )tK 4 hwlt ! t ,
MHyi lot tat! . tagertavr -tjn ii sir t
aa4 nui4 im cji
He I ih k . fai-MMt u h i-rr ;
ttutifalr tlaat 4rw4rWtr . I d T t
k(i . but there r Ifcwwfratatt U d
are tTrrjr in tlk nt r m- ato-i a' aa
, irBtrat X it uir xt I a
ij ah u
the cwKr ut Mt.rtAr at ot-r Urn , V ,
ari "SlM W Rke Cr ated thi-
Itit fn'IfH s km! I Mi'SM T
a tdtwl tT a 4U. lMaf if-f a '.
Don. ! airl Ut a liiv r c
crit hrn tbe drvfr t kst imf . !
triri at. Ihr rlrWaltkl Mltosr.l ' ' a
roaatn ami tof. all kil S r i i
ahd all kind tKri. Milk" If i , -r
I lar al my hotel M !!.- ana, 'k 1
u mr-artly nir9Ut. gii m- U 4(
fr.t4 aktd (tk.a4-luMyt aJU h--i t
prevwifBiiattT nmr tat my Wat m t r
paiH.hleL, Mhi h 1 r le w-if KmhI, a 4 '
loch I gt f j r: (fij;
tKio, -htrh k Mrt afsarr had m.d.
Actl-g or lt ad'W. 1 Vad 4 ' r
au yid l tttrrr and U nr ' rt a
hawen and tl e' f u -j
large U.utlUea. A WtHf" p4.rfa
M-nt fur xu i app'Pod at tkr I ttt i. a .1
had llrigbt'a Ile, and tat.fl vS
certain. My fr.rnd lm-tttrd me take
a remedy -shk-h had won a giit r'..U -ti! r
the cure of all forma vi Lidor illwiif 4 I
therefore laid aaid'- my jrrJuitK- an -menerl
it ue. Al fcat wit at-warh r ted
il and I hal to ua '.!. oanllll- . lu' after
J the Crat Or" dar my lnih rl - r t I
oora. llil aa one tear a laat t t r,
aud my ImprHTeinrut ii r;ld id pr-
ttrui. I haTr regalnrit M) t thcfSj-'U da tf
fleah I luat dur lg mr H)lrs Attd 1 frr
wpil to-d y aa I evcnl! and I nu'ireerr 1
It atatf that tnr life aatred hy Wimffi
ijafe Kidney and Liver Curr, tho rrsiedj I
It mar are-M trant" that I. tclng a plifii
daa ami an ex arfnr uigon, did tux Jut he
water analyosl iTt'irr. but ucr ! the I rt
I kail tlte :u tuuu of cTry ti'her i!teae,
and I did n t u ie that my t dtri Mrr fn
the leant partlciiUr uiat ut order; and hefv
Juat where 1 In lhegrelet danger, and
where moil pent.'.e h'j read t aflle re
n danger. I II d that 1 n only one of th- u
fiauda ho arc uS-r!ng fro i. kutin-r dl..
def. wlitrh, n-g rctM aurelr troutate in
Hrlcht'a ttlei. I alo kir that ;4rleia'
maj treat thee dlaordel f r Htontha out
knowing clear y hat the truuMe U. a-viercn
after aa clalning theeue. he unaUe to pr
Tent It Ubendeatti howeter. OtaUr prrp.
Ukea the help! tjcllm they ,'ia, ult Itarral
&inc. attrilHit'ng it to hert-die', conru
aiona, apoplexy, vertigo, lanlu t, ltal
ineningetla, Uoml and uremic jlanini, etc.,
Word, ot cnure, fall U exprr ray thank
to II II. Warnor A. Ts, if lhceaier, N V .
for giving the wurld ieh a ttrettal bmI err.
tain apeciflc th-- Sfe Kuliey and I i er
Cure, bulauch a theran I g rtit gvr Ihe-n,
hlle to the thoi- U to bo'B I hT r -urel
npon the liw of Ik--I'I nd I gwti- 1
rtmiwie'Ml lhi letter iti.t eorhady at m
them Iji tef ro of ttx i itdh aMirr .,f a
dleae nrer which phrlelan nm!i hrT
birr no enntnd aud wtteh. Ja one ttni
anntber. -a ra'rrng m-'rr jxxitde to onUtncly
grave than anv other mainly
J. y. lliKTT.Ik M I),
Baltimore, Md 11 Jaratga i-treet.
A Nice L'ttle liT An Aatln Isdv, who
had coHp3iiv to tea, ro.roiid he'' "It'i on
r-everl limoa, itwaklo-L hoerr. ter grn V
At lt, mt oi pilet-e wilt. him. th a 1
r harp'r . "Jimmy. If you lo'i keep st 1 1 11
fitdyou away from the UiJe." Y- ht a
what vou always do wbrn there is rBitBr
and tter are Lot cniu;h cannel ii1ki o
go anmml." vi the rep-y of the gUtcd
youth. Toom $f!imj:
Bl tlmrU 45 Yara.
"I sraa trmiWed f-r many vears "Hh Ktt
ney ComplainL Gravrl, etc. ny iJd became
thin; I mi dull and inactive, eouWl hardir
crawl ah-tul. i an ok! orn out nus al
over, could grt nothing to hrip me, untli I
trot Hop Ii llr, anJ imw I am a taw again
My btixti and kid'ieva are ll right, and I am
a active mnin of tfairtv. a thouerb I a'
aeventy two, and I have no doubt u w ,11 daa
well for other of nry aire. It Is w, rib a trlaL
Ir'alker ) .VunJry Maxury.
A ca! el '. fblladelphia bwr
the othrr day, an.l akd to x-e the he d n
the familr lie w 'r'errel to tti servant
gi, LrftUarfAia Xr
Th- I)ral Cannot b Italil.
nor if vour lunga are badly wasted iT as
you le" cured by the c; olr 1'iertc s "fioJ
ea Medical D'coTtry It is, however, n
eqnallrtl aa a tonic, al'e-stiT and not ttlve.
and readl y core the mot OM tin ate ces of
broncbitla, onagha, cold, and inripent ron
sam;tion, far surpaastng in eflleaeT rod liver
oiL Send two ataraps lor Dr. I'iercr s pa
phleton Conumptio and kindred atWuon.
Address Wop.u Durr-fsiur JUdkil As-
SCCIATIOS, liuS.lo, ' Y
It is not lrz that kl nz corev frrck.e
At Ieaat vou can't get a treekled ciri U 4
dare that she aain't teen kissed. A'nr
Itasca JUguirr.
remade Complaints.
Dr R.V. IlEncr, HuSalo. y T Dar Sr
I write to tell yen whst jour FaToritr l"rr
scription" hs dooe If rce. I had t-e a great
suHerer from female cumptaictt, rs'--isi j
drarging-dowa." lor orrr alv Tears, durinr
much of the time unable U work. I iM tn'.
hnitfirci! of d'i-TUr wlthoat any tenefl: tl I 1
took three bottles of the -Fvo-ite Preacri'-Iton.-'
anI I never bad aa-rtklngdo t e ao citKrh
gool inrnjM'e. IsdvleeTrry SJ-illadjtotaar
it. 34a. Exilt Rbolxhi, X'cBrtdes. iUca.
Wnardothe wVl wavei ssyT vbj. prtsJ.
ab: j, "We real a dollar and a half at the bajr
Store.n BotUr Comtnrrciil BvZftlm.
Tocxo asd relddle age-1 rses saSerlB-; !rpca
nerroTis dehtlity, "-rea.arsre rdd are. )os of
Enea-terj. and kindred smrUx-su. shi-aU aesuj
three stamp for Part "V1L el HspbitU iasned
by V,arU? Dl pessary Medical AssociaLa,
BaSalo. 3L Y.
Tkz orld moves. A Ne Toefc Jsssber
haa been sed itty dollars Sot allghUcg hj
work. X. T. Sn.
&-raaictrrrr rosr otd booU sad shoes vila
Iran's Palest Reel SUSeaers, aad wear tin-ra
Cats. Sold by shoe aad hardware dealers.
If aAfcrted tth For Tye. ts Ir Isttas
Iaesapse&'sys Water. Ir-o-iseaK. ata
brssad. "sriaeTs
L aasaa !
jfr rnsii VsSrrr V1-yy
to vaoat prssoxs AJtr rxist
eaavrwiL .a & .rth T. m.. fH
aapar. tram immi mm a. 9W
Bsssssr. SMSaaa ceasi tya, asja aasay fVSBB
Sastrr-ji aatatav SCV
sWffcaWg-Esg Cft7
ska. arraass-w-aaav-'-aaaaaw ft
pawaBia w towsaw. fM SB
MIITYaa5a2assr5 aP
W "
Lwvr x-c. -fct- rs.
.. !, -"'. '
p bio w t
a rll
13 lO Ut
out Rfi
dj if.
diet v
thapjWC '
but do;
nctfrad- I
ci c l
Vt-9 J
th p.e
tbrtci an
Oft ah'AC
rap r
atd-h t
Utters IS
on wry
pacV ,
that it it
on the ia
b and
and tan
ne ether.
trTkUrMi lotwiplwlM
f.M.11. illMrlk.t.MIIII Ulif.al4
warr. IiiI'IihIi.m i wl ll f .' .
Iraai llillil.c.M'lll HNlr.
r-lai Irratflxaw ly rM !".
w Mrk Mr aolf kMMi lJi.nrim
.....N.rrIW4l.V4 lrlllM'l..VI
HAKACKaari: uuun uititr.
i f
' t 1
- m rt,
ii a B. h
'.' -' YA-' r
rut ' u- tt
tr r I !- IW
rrraaa. H
r '" "f
f,. . Vkl
' -f. .. ! .
t r i l-
i vt i fra
rp- ThIi.Y.Sint:tr,S20
55l?J " -a t l"v..i..t f
rrTav Bar l!WrMM
r fc-AjiitHs ! ar-ist b
tm tm iw 4ji - sis -
M-asawf. i B nigsait 4 aS
r i n MV SUa-rAs .
w s a )'t Ifc ara.-xto
jb I - "- 9 w - ? I j
A ssr-" t j. Wf )f sta
4tss ttawa '- ff4. S-c-sp
V' sic -tvae -aatr -. -fS IW
ClW " H. tf b iBg-
T -1 It ll,l. KinilM
sin n r fn r im rii i-ii i .
ii um m m - t t i
'H' 1 '- - o-a - r. o
' ! U .r I fKHi ..14 ,
l-J ,lll ll r I.VI t 7 ;,,
44- kl'MHI ,4, ,
ISe i-a: t r5 :TTg . r
SS l lb VT.VM. - .hIm
.... r- aoiDnrniniiiKL
I M TV wwH ta Ifc- W Vf H.
m. ia J e nv f ' tm a: f kM
rtMllM M 1 M ly4 y f wa
fct It. rvry UMt 4 T J7TT . ftt.
ri -it t.x alt ''.: nl-..
iia. t. a- ai-t X. 11 lwi a. , r Tav
CW caSJU.wS fTaraaj-f x -. aMvtil
ar Utr" f t rT 4 f ti rtm- w-4
5h'- tMBijS-14 r i -ax .4 -Batatas r
l (KrAI. a Ta Oly.
-k 4 ..m i . i.j rf k
vr n"T2jtsLt v aany.fc4mr. .
-i wi a:sas va ss SaSS
IWt.-lHrt4r, AMMM.
v.rawi r arsHs
X -w U-Ta pfg S sri
twra '- TSiry
f7Js a rtaAwt. aW a Wrf
er mat ? iwta riimf ami
""" fr
tasairw. rKKJC
stJAtUje. aar.-&.
T-ltiirJ fTir Ut
m v ir
acv r -.
wra Tats ATZ-TXAJf A TATaBOO l(Htit. v
l-'BAAt!-t.J.AS,rii tfftr.fe.JBKa.
A ytQSZM fct awy'a fMS't
flaV-l tss aam. X4r-
r w
a erorrB wi
r rv e 4 7mt.
.1. a-uar rva-cria; -- at Seura
r seas. araxx.
rf A WT7X. tSaowj mTmbw
K2 -i- W- SsaSH.a A Caa, Aae A-a.
ask - . - - aw .-P--- araia.
rf fi aesr jrtBB-SSar.
t C CL S TST fttfk m - -
Z. CK5ttAX. I sjm Surv 0caa.
mciatxiEeft-ai-w' m
u I -e--'TT'a'r'Bf'aJ4(
-"-"" 4Gmt. T3)GmsSa.
9 v 9r
f i -
j t-wt , n-iim-a
bT a m I SHL.
2 1 M
5 1 1 I B
s-r- o aaaa ai
I 1 mf?
BUBllBfeHH saa-saaaaBaaB
f I BrrEH
J I IJ tiTffiL
m p
aaja a
. 1 asa
sVsaH afe
awaak. sYaTaV
p g m -. m
a H TT
al m bbU
r awaH
M aaV-aBasll
aav.M. H aiaV
saaaasaBai aaaaa
B SSMS BWH ll UM rsiu. B
fSS s-OTti ""-?- TMnr4 H
ig a "avlt
-astassin-s-a. SVaa
ut sum fo nmm:
To . ; f -
ItmH f-i KO . -
H" U - tt
Vi 4ii . -S. Aa jmmt'i' M
Q - - ! -
V M - I'11" CHP
j. . . at r r aiiri 4s-
W "rf -
"tttt fX vk' -s.
. - i
m,i 1 awi aasfc. .attt.a
im $m tm toil.
rrt-ni ""
jas sa.s.T. -wtAara. -co.
TA. T . A?t .
r.ts. i tf a. - i"
, t 0 m ' - i n -
.J.,. tei.
ltni- " Artiate 8V
. .. w - i
.. . .- a '
. .r .. .-.- - aw.
I jdtt. tf ttltVi04Tl
Ciatrtaicorlaaf vt KaUr4 Jtwia
r.n.v rt Ti jl-. S
B 000,000 ywzm
iiutitii limit t.
t i !
t r
CiUSUs t CSttT
Iaiu -
i arr laia.
xxc "vcrxoorcmi3v.'
wuBJSfitcs u ti cettJ-
fOfl THC
tvt CK'-, C rM.a, .t.oia.
SaJal "-ia. t H '
ttvs. Cv CaV J a
t-a BeaU a, K itwi i
. l Um t tAJ -f
.t( a4 r""" " - a--
art ittt Ut iWtl itr A OS
tUnriXHi t-i a Mctt -a!, Ktt, 1 W
UairratH im Pui'' Mitl-.iSHi W4
Th Ola, Woll Tr.fd, WomlorTut
Hralth Honnriflfnt Ritii.
W .. p asS"Hr -
i'v. i
Snt 1. lltlt AMI.K.ti
Wsa fcCAf XlBB-MkMsf) Lb bms ----- - - t - - -
Hiav.. ( .a - ... a. 1
r j J "- " " " ' "- - s ir w -wtpw jr ss-"ae raw ImJ
ns.4 tA a a t4wy w i izs
. rmn '.'. ir iwrftpw
r . m f )&
TI iii-f m.f
ti3A -r v J
a "T w f
.JS. Sib. fs.-V a w -
Af v n)w ajFMiiil '
M. , i t- kCr fX - .1
gv t
I 9 .x j iw - . m vi ffrfn.
f tries SI. USE ti-v-tg a !
rtuTvo at rtfiiKfui-til . a. a 4
HrVfr( f .-atwf fcSa(ro jk. T'f"'' " sv
' W ;H - tWlliwH).
W- TH.tni.iiiM tt.jtt (
I - ?' f tr amars'W' Js ywm
fV a-fTite'v rni . .
Ic -. r fcr 'W . s at -w-ViiMt ' ti.l
"Vtsrrf f-M!M.aai
Wriuwk r tin r y- aw.....
rynxt rnwi: m r f-"-T- -
Cmi i C .. la ' ft -it. 1 1 m. jem t1--
jr" '-' ti -- r 'l
K - " - M r, fc-, -atv
,: c a-twb- tj
k. r- T "!'-) in f
r , pt M Wit rtr M4i n v
s aii'.- m " 3a'
( aaSrty T - ff"' "
r -ma -e" VS- ar" a . " nWt.
iwi.iMa.BSM't,i-- mi, H,9
- i vfmi - sp"1- s r I
. a3 'i, 4
ttM. )!
Mi'.iw,jit. if I
Brr prB-sss aasaj
. TTI TffV-J
f. 'jMa m ; yw
. e aUmr " -. m0ijr i
a. a BawssfjLa, srssfsat. j. -
r .!--Jafci ? jJ-'- ft b jwa "
rfaaoBror rSbWUMH,
jaaca. 'r
omiinM. rsrrjaa a-a--.
timm. . -ai'.s a
a a - alhBSSSak.
kn r-j - it . ' - JBB"B'&
I Wjilr.lliiM F
tirminu lrhaTrl
i Avavava'IE-'-- - ssi
I VkBBflF aTP BawSf tarv
)( sB 9ra -r , -satis-
I - P Ca1fcwsaSaBsS W-f !--
xt4 akl .J
k A.a4J-i
& . assssvarr cr
r W! B t4M-aaSB
. arfcf
fia araaaSj-flSWB f'iBsl
WtTsrtfiJB aSBSSlB
,i '!? a
aH umji eia.M. aau a-
-snrav vmiim ts ajwbktsscjw
ssb-b-j BjMbsBSTBsB falkdjf aVk'VtStftaMBMbMAB aafA Stffrtf
. jSa-f--gw-IB