The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1883, Image 4

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    ryTHE RED CLOUD flffTEFj
.if wj-iu.
M.L.THOMAS, Ptilsllssrirr.
They 1t In the wlntrr c-loamirts-.
An I tbe tiro burn b-lcht U-twcoa;
One bit pn-wsl kcvrnty Mtmrnprs.
And the wther Just sotcnlcun.
Tbcr rct In n happy sllrnro
A tb hnliw tirri-n fust;
One llVf. in a nmilnjr JuHirv.
And one In n lone, ion? pnt.
Each drvnm of n ruh of mtilc,
Ami n nuiwtlnn wbiprrd luw;
One vrlll hoar Jt thi -culnK.
One bean It long aan.
Each rtmtm of n loving- htujtind.
wlnc bravr hcnrl I tn nlouc;
J-or one th Joy i oominr.
For oni- the Joy ha flown.
J-nch dream of n llfi- of ulMti''
hx-nt land'-r lhr mmy kIi-..
Aul Utth tb- hopr n't the intnry
h'hiw In the happy .
Who know rn h dr-flm l tbo liriirhtot?
Ant wrlioknowa wlib-h tti IV-t?
Th- irrow Mint Joynrf mlnirbsi,
Uut only Ujc end 1 nit.
I'.irUrr Xaq-izlnt.
I wa.s fortunate in mv uncle. So ev
rryWody thought, for tfnclc Braithwaitc
uas -is wealthy and thriving a iimrm-
farttircr as any in I amU-lli. n,l 1. his
He had won hi. own war in li ebv rigid
felf-.lenial and unweamng induMrv
during a Joylew youth, and "l doubt If
!11.,.ir)l,n,1i,i,.,...:..,..i .i... f.:,, i
(.!-.. ii.,f ........ ... Tt l .l - .
dea.l MMi-ri.-son. yril Vatican bv , 3 ".pu room in - ua.u. ""-,
iH.m. was not moSfr drawi.7- a fafr 'f'"- contained l- but I
Kilan uith the pro-pect of a partner- rnm" nfow as a nnP-r of ?"i V1'
hhip.'but ww Actuillyen-a.Vd to be IMr oyoti remember a. wninj: man.
marrie.1 to tny sccon coMsh. 7e,,utrd n Enoch C,int !,-' n:im": .m1,. "our ""
great he.rlde r, sweet LucTSh- ' di,t. Sir ''.
waitct!,. old man's onlv child. A r'nC "x.,wc,f ,,1,vf0r;,J '"", L- a
his well-earned pperltv J K lli ar wilb his fc"oiTl on flc-wh.-n
his eve rested on bis dun.rhtr's t-otint of h s powers of miinicn and the
r ..... . I rv .Mi
eious could repose full trust.
o in lils confident al clerk.
He did '
T t. I
tllliuu .
.lenKini. that head cWrk was one out
of a thousand. Importable Jenkin
...-.- il. ..:.. i . . - .
- 4iiu iiichii.'iini' iiv wincii irrpvprnni. I
ueatly.brushed suit of formal Ida k. and
bis ..are-tocd boots. Neve as I have ,
heard- iti tln 1 unn v.nltw. i.;e 1
r ..
ii"l I. .1 !..,. ..c. f....i.::..u i.' i..." !
a.k for a 1h.1hI.iv. to hh.rk oMra work, I
or to make a blunder as to tare and tret. I
.. it.: t ..-., .. ... ,-. .
- - . .. . M"ii -, T.lrviii- irrn rviill lf
.. imij; wi iiiMiiieni miui :i iirm nueours
1 v. . 1
liiic :. poners as we were.
As for myself. I am afmid that my
poor merits, if I had any. were finite
"-'" hi sc tn iiiai commercial 1
com,.,. Jenkins. Indeed, 1 know of no
reason, except my blood relationship ,0 I
our t.rincipal. hiad of the hoi.4 or j
Urailhwaite. IVrryA-Co.. for any com-
pnriMm between that vetenm of the I
.rI'.iL-...l 1... t. . . f .1.... ;i
leskan, mv iiittMN'ripiifi'd self. Put i
my inbterieneet;
iny uneV ofien said, in his gruff wav.
"Take .Jenkins for your model"' or
"Cyrl. lad. it, will be one while berore
you till .Jenkins' .shoes' see how neatly
he settled that besiness with Chativiu
et Tils of l'ordeatix. and how cleverly
he aoide,l the heavy loss of that 'ast
shipment when Krakow and Kinder
garten, of Hamburg, were going to
mi ash
Vet I stuck to my work voting as 1
was, and did tin best not to be undeserv
ing of the prospective partnc thip. and
somehow lgolaag impression in my
bend that instead of my being Valo s of
.lenkins. Jenk'iis was jealous of me.
One day then, was a big cheek to
be changed nearer to three thousand
pounds than two and it was my task,
no 1 nusiial one. to present the dra't at
I'eabody V Sons'. In a house like ours.
where the furnaces werealwavs aglow.
though her father, who said that we
children need not be in a h rry. would
neer consent to name even n np
proxima'c day for our wedding, still
there was a vague prospect of connu
bial bliss next spring. It was fine
bright weather, and on Tuesday there
was to be a garden party at some llich
Jiiond villa, to wh'ch we were all to go.
Altogether I was in excellent spirits, and
as far as anv man could be from dream
ing of the eil that was to coma
How will ou take it?" asked the
bank cashier.
"Short! 1 answered, with a sort of
bovish pride in my newly acquired
familiarity with business phrase-, and
with mv gold and notes 1 left the bank
As I did so. a man staggered toward
ine. -'ostled me, then teelcd away. m t
tering leg pardon." and would havo
fallen ! t for the s pport of my arm.
I saw in a moment that the man was
frobcr. Hut he looked ill. verv ill hag
gard and hollow-eved. though st.ll
y ting, and he was decently clad in a
well-worn velvetine suit, with large,
liroiiro b ttons. There was a smack of
the country about him. waif as he was
in the midst of London, and his accent,
M. far as 1 could judge, was that of
yorksh're or Northumberland
'You are ill. 1 'ear," 1 inquired,
"and perhaps a stranger to I ondon?"
"X'gb clemmed in tlfs blessed Lon
don of yours, paved wT golden guineas,
as our old crones say up in raven "
II uttered the country'' an in the same
thin, reedy voice: "paved wT traps,
say 1, and cause for it. since, all tliat
grant fevtherstored up. whet her for Hess
and Hell or for mc " and then he
would have fallen but for in v assistance.
Clearly the man was fainfng. and
from starvation. We had walked some
distance. In tempting proximity, at
.the corner of a side street, was a hone,
over the door of which, in great gold
letters, gleamed the words "Luncheon
Par" Into this, unite instinctively. I
lia'f drrgged. half hustled the man.
It w:is the middle of the day.
luncheon-time, a brisk hour for busi
ness it. the citv. in the eating and drink
ing line at least, and the place I bad
entered was full of customers, young
men mostly, noisily chatting over their
sandw'ches. s" 1 Hung oncn the
swinging-door 1 felt sure that I caught
a gl'mpse of my uncle's confidential
clerk en the pavement outside,
"Mr. .lenkins'" 1 called out. but he
evidently did not hear inc. but p.-scdon.
Then was a rush of excited young
fel'ows toward us "Pet vnu I c's
drunk'." "Four to Jive he's dead!"
" Hun over?" and so fo tb and it was
not immediateh that I could get some
re--torati e. Hut thepoorvountryinan's
face was livid, hi? c es closed, his teeth
fast -hut. and he could swallow noth
ing Then a doctor was sent for. and
the doctor was slow in conrng. and I
Lad explanation aftcr explanation to
give, first to the dull-witted landlord,
who came blinking out of a back parlor:
then toiu uis:tive customers; and when,
nt last a breathless surgeon, hastily
Htmmoned, came panting in at the
heavy swing-door, amid the fnrging
crowd, there was a necessary word or
so with him.
"But where is my patient?" asked
the bewildered mnn of science; and. in
deed, the " poor fellow" who was the
object of all this stir had disappeared
in the midst of the hubbub, and with
bim had vanished the heavy, steel
clasped, black morocco pockctbook,
which I remembered too late to have
'incautiously laid on a table in .'he thirry
and concision of onr sudden and awk
ward entry, and which, was gne. piti
lessly gone.
Tireuy iace mat Ills htern look re laved. J 7" ? ,: , ,....., ',Um ,,f
huvy remir..lel him. doubtless, of ber ' . I.h;i,! " m??utu
gentle tnother. Hut he was a good ,av,n-7T ' i 1 I S I l M ,
master to a goo 1 ...-rranU notably where , " J ".n,' " ''T", id I an. thin;
be. wl, waby nature mid habit sum.?- "!l"nj: how there could be anUhmg
youtigsicrs in the counting hou-o spoke i """": "" -'- , " ; . . ' 7 ,
!..:.. 1 ... 1 ......" . . .' . I )irit-i mi iiiKin m ;ind I crrew sick anil
hii oaM-irnrc-auioi that j.eirlol clerks: ". " , , ', " ,".. x, ,
but even those p,.rt oflice lads had a bev i ";, :" ,m,,,,l h-!in!b Sc f 1 ' Z
1 ,.f in Hi,. ,r, I... .., w. ..,.,i.i.. . daunt's friendly voice as he said, frhak
,..;i. 1.:.- 1 11 .... .... .,- iii-mv native hand the wlulc:
and tall chimneys always Miioking. the . noi imcii iiuiuu - mu e..m ,.
outgong for wages, "horse keep run! 1 n--c.itiplioo. My f rst a t when lie
fuel were. I nee 1 hardlvsav. very large. '""I " ll't l,v' amI l'AWtl '"
"11 that Mv-how welll renieniber , ' tin- clients chair was to shut the
it! . 1 was in eweptionallv high spirits, 'lour and lock it. A hen ho heard the
1 had been talkin" with dear I ticy. and click of the lock he star cd, and turned
''" J j
-p to j a simpleton -
Yorkshire rhan sav but i
alvrajs ocann?,!
a Soft. 9M wis
rham sav but now I know
jou to be a knave thundered out my
irate uncle, the north awtintrjr accent n
his wrathful toiic lic-omniy; umiruatlr
predominant. "Hail you not brcn my
relative, hai not my rfri who ihail
never be the wif of Mich a acounrirel
begged yon oft" I wou'l hare prosecuted
you a I" would any other rogue, arid
Mjntyou to quarry stone araonronrfctA
at Dartmoor or "Portland. A it In, 1
won't bear another word of your lie or
vour oxctic-. Go. ! or I "hai' forget
Lucy's pleadings, and act a a citien,
and'not a a father. The 'confidence
trick.1 eh? The countryman tha
I am not your dupe, lad' Go and get
yourself hanged ulsewhere! You won't
starve on the sum of which you have
robbed roc."
Then came a terrible three month's -it
wa that or more a time of deprci
5ion. of cru-hc 1 spir l. a half-btoken
heart for inc. Tliat I was wrongfully
j Mip"eUHl frau me but voM om'ori. I
Mai innocent, but Imcy wan io-t to mc;
my prosjeci4 were blighted, no one
would work to me. and I wai t.or.
and mnkinjr fast into the direst depth
of want. I rerneralKT how pale, and
thin, and shabby I had become, when I
n-ceived a vis.lirora my uncle's lawyer,
Mr. Mor, Jaunt.
".Mr. Vauhan. you wonder to iee
me." said the shrewd solintor, ai La
took the broken chair I offered him -
J21II Ul 4.I1LI ALUlUil iiiUMV I
Z- -1 ..!..-. ..rmrf
smart rouns W'ff fff ' cc,,Jn Uh
,n" a t'1' ffor"T ', 'n, ! C u, Zt
njlc l"mlf as eful boihj n he hou e
and in the stable ard. and was astl
in Enoch ( hut to concern me.
"This ' noeh CI nt." said .Mr. Mor-
J Ciaiini. hiowiy, .i- iijm w'"";
! man." 1 .stared at him. torely tuled.
1 . . . it .i ...i,i
. . . .... . unHli pnnnfrr-
."I IMV1H VOIir eoiminiliail. uinmcn
--. .-- ,
iin e tiocn soreiv wroji"i-u, .ui.
Vaughaii. I. .lor on,. i
"IlllLV. ICir WHICH 1 IllMUlIt : will
g""ty, lor
Now. listen to me" ThU poor
wr,Ui"- wl y "" ' X . " ' '" "
'rl?m "T P n " s S do r
not iftv ards from li s master s donr.
V I '. ..... . ..,. .!
. - . , , ,.,,.. 1.,... - il.n
ami cj.rrieil ba-k to the houe. tho
and carried ba-k to the house.
crushed and blood-stained wreck of a
man. lie asked for his master, and.
Mr. Hrathvvaite being ab.-cnU he praved
. ,,. . .i., i, , ,r , ,i
" " n l ";r l Z S
u Presence the dymg U
!'l sc.n.e inartie lat .- :nfy"J: c,ar;
,n- '" fro,n ,nl1 i, "? V M" .."l
. ? VUmhU "M'y "SO- l
"I"'wK """ -"".' ...""-.."
son. At his own ciesire ins oroKcu
statement was. by the doctor's help,
taken down in writing, but he died be-
I fore the narrative was complete. Miss
Lucy had an intcrv cw with her father,
I need scareeh say. on his return home,
as a se uel to 'which. Mr. Itraithwa tc.
more agitated than I had ever known
1 him to lr called on me, and Iai tho
matter before me. Y e. too. had along
talk, and the result of it was. Mr. Cynl.
that on tho following morning 1 received
a visit from- have vouguessol it? -the
eon' dential elerk. Mr. .lenkins."
' Our Mr .Jenkins?" 1 returned, per
plexed by the half-comic expression of
the solicitor's face.
Your Mr. .Jenkins, if you will cling
to the ancient formula." assented the
lawver, with twinkling eves. "That
commercial luminary came to me bland
Iv. unsuspecting, for. as it turned out.
as pale as ins sniri-coiiar.
Now.tuy friend,' I said to him. in a
frank, pleasant way. nry advice to you
is. for your own good, to make a clean
breast f it at once."
"Then you should have seen tho in
genious wonder of his interesting coun
tenance. Kxeuse me. Mr. Mordaunt, but I
cannot have heard you aright,' he said,
alter a pause.
" 'Oh. yes. you have,' said 1. shak
ing a linger at him. Comet come, Jlr.
.icitkins it is tiiix for you to drop tho
sheep's clothing, and stand forth as tho
wolf you are only this I promise, in
Mr. Hraithwaite's 'name, that if your
revelations 1 c full and ample you s'lall
have gentler and more generous treat
ment than you deserve.'
A stormy colloquy ensued. Once I
thought the man meant to. strike me.
but there was something in my exethat
restrained him. I .suppose, for net ho
began to sob, and then to whine like a
beaten hound, as, sitting on the edgo of
mv writing-table, and glaring at the
carpet, he stammered out a confession,
which I reduced to writing, and to which
he presently affixed his relnctant signa
ture. The revelation, when this slippery
witness was at length brought to make
it he did not knbw, you sec. Mr. Cyril,
how much his colleague had confessed
was a tolerable, complete oue. lie
had, it seemed, "an especial malice
against youn-elf. as the kinsman and
future partner and heir of tho employer
whom it had been the bu-iness of "his
life to dupe by a show of zeal and a dis
p'av of mock honet 1 say. mock, be-eaus-..
probably, when the books come
to be over-hauled, it will Iks found that
this was not the first time of a betraval
of trust. And Mr. .lenkins thought,
tco. that oung as you were, you did not
.-hare Mr. Hraithwaite's high opinion of
If m. :uid might one day ask trouble
some questions.
"Wherefore, by the help of a forged
character, he got this fellow Clint into
your uncle's service, put him up to tho
trick which he had played on you
Clint had been a low comedian, mounte
bank, and thimble-rigger in his time
and received from Clint himself, at tho
door of the- city public house, the moroc
co pocketbook containing the gold and
notes wlfeh ou in the hurryanci excite
ment of thomoment had- Why, Mr.
Vaughan. you arc ill?"
Put if he said more I heard it not. for
I was weak with long privat'on and
sleeplessness, and the blood surged up
to my temples, and there, was a roar a
of waves in my cars, and 1 sank faint
ing on the floor.
1 have not much more to tell. How
cordial, and self-reproachful even, was
the reception which my uncle. Mr.
Brathwaite. extended to me. or with
what tearful joy my Lucy's eyes met
mine, arc easy to imagine, but'difficult
to describe.
"f wronged you. my boy, and I
thank Heaven that 1 was wrong in whftt
I thought." said the old man. with a
sob in his imperious voice: "Lucy,
here, knew you best." John Jicrtctcfi.
A banjo-player in Boston the other
night had an audience Teaching from
that city to 1 rondencc, the music in the
latter city being, it is said, very dis
tinct. The central telephone office was
tailed and asked if music was wanted,
and an affirmative answer being givea.
the player began. A number of othe
offices " were notified, and for fifteea
minutes telephone employes in several
neighboring cities ana wnsMere
... ..! 1 !...!
rr1itwr t-Ir!.-u U'lllfll III! r..)lll(l OCriOriU
I... ..I. ,..... I !.... i.f mil innti ! ii"iir
, - . 1 1 1 ..r .1... .1.....1. ..1
Barfei 111m
A mot cxtraordh3ry csmr whiek 1mm
sfttonfched all the raedjcal profetk& ia
i'uis. and Poland, ha jtwt come from
Warsaw. A hort thee afro them died
in the ouUkirtM of the old capital a
j oung peasant woman wbownWW
W1U1 that hwU; which characterize the
fttflcrai of th Tlutvixa peasants. A i cw
dajji afterward 'doctor were called to
determine the enue of her death, but
none could fay positively a to the
nature o' a dieae that had xfcown so
tyinptoui whatever, and which bad
brought tb oung woman to a prema
tura and Midden end hc wa tuned
in due courvt Honrrrr, it wa ru
mored about the city that her ha and
often ill-Jrcated her. and at bor death
Mm" people went mi far a to ay that
he wa the caue of It. Tbe rumor
spread mor and more unt 1 thry
reached the cam of the autborXc. wb
immediately raued the bdy to be exhumed-
'1 he judicial corntnon fed
lotrud thegrav-digger to the ceniytcrr.
and the latter proceeded to diint-r the
remain. Having leached it a rope wa
lowered, and. after fixing it firm y
around the half-rotten coffia. fhechastly
ireight was h'iitd om'e mre to the
'eve! of the earth. Ther opened the
bier ami. to their horror and atupefao
ton. discovered not only the woman
but a second .sharer of this her !at rent
ing place, in the chape of a child that
washing at her ieet- Tim child had
beeu born in the tomb, where it had
lived for ceral hour. Thus the tomb
of the mother had been both tt rrad!e
and tomb .it the .same time. A- to tlm
mother, it w.i d.Moered that hj had
been buried alhe when in a eomnue
state, and, on returmag to coneiou
tie, hail given birth to the child. It
was easily .-een that the jxor woman had
mflercd Terribly.
liurymg people alive In Kurope ha
occurred too olteit of late year.. and
ran .only be ae-ounted for by the inat
tention of doctors, w Inch, in th:s ea.v.
hould be treated as a criminal ofletise.
The fear o the living of being immured
a' ve ha- gained uch a power over the
mind thit Kuxsians, wheu on ther
death-bell, hare left legacies for the
foutidcil.on and maintenance of mortti
jirie.s in the r nnlie cit. where -
pcxed corpses are placed lor three days
in the 1iohj tliat their thread of li e may
not hate parted The mortuary of Fn
burg can be ..noted as an instance of
these peculiar lntlitut ons. which are
confined pr.m ipnlly to Kateni Kurop-.
w here cataleptic; fits are .known to be
more prevalent than in any other part
of the rr'.o' e. -.--.'
In t e center of the cemetery at Fri
burg stands a ho MJ wh eh, to an unob
servant person. Avonld have every ap
p, ar.mee of a unall c' apel This
thought wotitd be suggested through the
fight of a tower, wh eh conta 111 a bell.
!ut, on entering this lilliput an budd
ing, the searcher for knowledge ii.ight
be astonished to see a human form,
to all appearance The sti'1. 1 b ,'y
rets upon a mar'de .slab, dressed in
death's garments, and the r.ngs .which
depend trom a w re rope that runs
through the ciling. are attached to iti
t'ligers. A lnrtlier :nsjeet on. ai led by
the theory of the nppa-ntus wh eh the
gen al attend-iut is wi 1 ng to gne to all
i-.tors. wo dd expla 11 the somewhat
mysterious position of the dead "body.
The linger- of the Mipoed corpse are
jdtced in mugiietie steel rings that tit
t'ghtly. .Should the bo ly show any
Mgns of rcaiumation. theslghtc-tqti ver
o the nerves o the lingers would atleet
the steel r.ngs, wh ch u their turn com
municate wth another st onger mag
netic current that for es it-elf on the
bell, mak ng it toll, wh ch brings :.n at
tendant physician to tho rescue- By
this means .several bod es placed in this
mortuary s nee lSi".'i have returned to
Pc. A peasant woman, named Peotl
eki. recent ry walked trom her tomb on
the third day after burial. St. J'elerfi
burtj Cur. I'htlndi h u I rcss.
A Cip of a Tliciusaii'l.
Columbus Brown, the man who d's
covcred a bo containing a large amount
of money at lraiiklin. enatigo County.
Pa., had long had a uiitti.a for discover
ing the treasure which was thought to
hae been buried by the 1 reach whilu
ia pos-e-i-ion of that part of the coun
try. He had dreamed of liudin; it.
ag'iin and again. The other night he
dre lined as ustia'. that he was count
ing and handling a chc-t o gold, and
that he had foun I it leiried in the earth
at the foot of a tree, 'ti an open tield.
So excited was lie that h- awoke, only
to tiud it all a dream, as usual. I'e
arose, walked tc. the w ndow. and there,
before him. in the held. tood the identi
cal tree which he had seen in hi-d ram,
but he put it resolutely aside asndreim.
as most setisib e 11 en would have done,
and ret red t bed and to sjeeji. 1
had scarcely clo-ed his eyes t.H he was
again in the lield and tigging at I he
root of the tree. He was in formed in
souiu manner, he ciiiuot te I how,
but by a man a lore gn accent,
an 1 in a mJtlnry tin form, with a
sword and sash, that if he would incis
ure a certain d stance from tho
center of a r ck in the run. due north,
and then measure thirt -three feet du .
west 'mm that he would tind the
treasure he had o t.'ten een in h s
dreams. Earl tho next nionfmg he
aroe. and. proeuriirr a tajie line, went
and m.-aMtred a- he had 1 ecu directed
in Irs dream. What was h s u"prisc
to tind that each and every measure
ment brought him to the toot o: tho
chestnut t ce in the open lield. Brown
did not toll any one uIkjuI his dream,
nor of the result: but during the day he
went tb (. o!onel Breakioy. who owns
tho ground, and asked and obtai cd
perm son. on some pretext, to dig
near the chestnut tree- He and his sou.
a lad of sixteen, commence I digging at
the root of the tree, and at a depth of
something over six feet, about four x.
m.. struck something almost under t o
center of the tree which gave forth a
metallic sound. A further clearing
away of the gravel and stones disclosed
the s;des or end of an iron Ih or chest.
Wi d with excitement thev continued to
dig unt.l they had t.nearthed the chc-t
or box. wh'ch was thirty-one inches
long, twenty inches wide, and twentv
four inches deep, or about tho
dimensions of an ordinary trunk.
The r united Torts could omy turn is
over, but could not lift it rom the ex
cavation. The young man was sent for
a hammer and cold chisel, and the Id
was soon removed. The s;ght which
met their gaze was enough to turn the
head of any man. 'I he box was nearly
two-thuVs tilled with gold and silver
co'n. tarnished and covered with sand
mold, but ue vert hcles3 gold. The coins
are mostly French, but a number of
English, German and Spanish are
among the lot. They bear dates 1721.
1741. liol. and var otts other dates, the
latest of which is 1754. which is the
satno year Fort Macnault was com
pleted. On a brass ruler found in tho
chest the name "loneaire'1 is pla'nly
stamped. It is a weJ-known fact that
this was the name of the officer in
command of the French troops. A care
ful estimate of the coins make a total
value of about S27. 000. The coins were
placed on e hibition at the banks. The
fortunate owner has been o8ered tea
times its value for a single coin. Pkila
'leltil.i.i Press.
"Do you subscribe to all the arti
cles of the Athanaslan creed r' was
asked an old ladv. "No, I don't I
,ant aTord it. 'There's a co'Jectiom
next week f nr the convention fund. as4
I can't do any more," was the reply.
Chicago Tribune.
Major John Harold having recov
ered a verdict of 0,000 agaiast th
Sfew York Elevated Kailroatf for per
sonal in urles it had inflicted upon him."
the road carried the cae into thrM
higher coons, bat th Yfrdkt stack.
If yyst hare choUrc potaU ta wt
for wod. lut thra ia a l-ox of aod ia
the cellar. Ther will not pnit ar
-Thn M'rhngti Far'cr r that ta
Engtaod a new ttvi ha bem dirotcrJ
for damva plntn. Farmer af plant
tog piit ' largely, !c-M for pi than tor
dye, it baring la aMsrrtaincJ that
U-autPul color caa be 4rtain-d froatb
rje fruit.
Oraagr He Grate tie r n4 of tw
oranges aad jnrre u; the ).
cream uarterol a pousl of bcuer. aad
add br dejjrtr- half a pound of ti'ar.
tb ycik of two egg e I beaten, then
the rind and juice vt the oraagrrv JW-at
the whitrji of the egg to a UJf froth,
and m x them HjhUr with th other a
grel cat. BakW in pie Ua lined with
pate. A" 1 TrJ'vnc
To Cure Croup. Croep It 1 aal.
can bt eurcl m one nwMrtc and tiw
remedy 'm impl valuta ad gar. Tlio
nay to aecoraplxh the d-"l i t tak- a
kn le or agister, and hi' of in msll
jmrucle atx.ut a tcsiinul ol atom,
then ran it w,th twce that amnl of
sugar, to make it palataVe an 1 admlti
iiter it a qukklT a, Almt
m-tantaneouro)idf w.H follow. Ikrtt
Pick out th porot jMdfy for
m-irket tlnct- not tb jKoret n fleh
and i'c, but the bad 5hapl one, the
one of hid color, or o a color not In
your liking long le rge i oihx aud nrh
as that. Select the bSl pulb-H to ke p
over -the best in .si-e. -hape color, pro
diie'iefie. et all toe ri off out of
the way as soon a jvitie. o tht the
itx:k lnnb shall havr the l-ct ch nre-
A cat sfctori piece of e onomy
to take th- pretty striped or dotted ock
of the father ami cut them over in little
.stcwkmgs for the baby. It often hap
.et: that the oek i worn iat mend
ing at the lu-e! on!. leaving the rot ot
it available, and if iarcs ta n to tuatj
the .seams mall arl mcxtth. the lit'le
.stockings will 1m a Miece and w II last
at least twee as long as any children
oeks t hat can bo bought.
--The lily of the valley is quite hard
:n all partof the country, but I ks a
cool rather than a warm exposure, and
it po-s;blo it should have a little hadcv
Naturally it grows among dirub and
Jo ttects. from which it receive some
shade and shelter, and in pi nt;tig it wo
should, if jMsiible, ghe it n location im
itatmg itMiaturul site. In preparing a
bed for it. if the material wore at hand,
we hhould mix wme leaf mold w tb the
soil, but it ttuallv sueeec s 1 n most
noi s without sjK'cial preparation.
Home wise farmer'. 1 ml it to t licit
advantage to keep no si ck through tlm
winter, as they can alrta bu all they
want in March :m low as n NoiemlKir,
and thus save the winter Icptng. ' ne
farmer we hac read of whoso regtt'ar
pn.ctice was to buy in March, feed ju
di iously till gr ss was ready for graz
ing, and then se!l in .June or so n af er
ward. when hi c:itllc were in the Ix'st
po-sible condition. By this metho I lie
gave his pastures ret in the fa 1. and
secured an and more vigorous
start f r his grass In the spring. .V. Y.
Country Bead Making.
It in a matter of universal comment
with traelcr. that country road making
in the United States is aither a lost art
or a to be accpiired science The aver
age selectman or road agent of a coun
try town i-s usually deplorably ignorant
of tho lirt principles of making a good
road. Nothing will so Mirely advance
the growth and well-being of a town as
well made and well-kept roads. No
part of its dome-tie economy wdi more
certainly repay tho outlay. Nothing
more bespeaks the intelligence and
character or pu' lie spirit of its citizens.
In England and most of its dependen
cies the roads are made direct y by the
State or under its supervision. As a
re tilt the contrast between Engli h
road, and those of thi- country is much
in favor of the former. A common and
natural miMakc f most to ns in this
coiiutn is that an intelligent farmer
must necessarily know how to make a
good road. I tit the reverse is the fact.
Bond makng is a subject requiring
study and a knowledge of the nature of
oils not often cons dered by any but
engineers, or th -e to w bom such kno 1
edgo is a necessary adj net of their
business in life. A "well made r ad even
in our climate and with the wide differ
ences in s 11 ingre lients. will last for
years, whereas , rdinarily the items
of repairs on our roads means an
entirely changed thoroughfare, the
pitch, water-beds and general character
iieing more m the way of experiment
than a scientific and practical renova
tion. The country road maker com
menccs by throwing out tho "big ones,
on to theside of the road, retaining tho
smaller ones, when by thoroughly
bedding" the big stones the best
possible foundation is had and with a
covering of small stones in xed with
gravel, or even with good loam care
iully harrowed and scraped, a road
IhmI is formed w hieh will defy l.oth rain,
and heaw teams. Generally tho tyro
devotes -his time to heaping the ma
terial in the center with such a slope
as o'ten to interfere with locomotion,
and which heap the rin-t heavy team re
solves nto deep ruts, vitiating its use
fulness for any but a similarly heavy
team and for it only with constantly in
creas'ng strain on t he horses. Yankee in
genuity has invented capital road-making
tools which need but intelligent ao
plication to develop such thoroughfares
as would make them admired in place
of being a reproach and shame. Our
country i rich enough to place the roads
in the hands of such government as will
insure their perfection instead of leaving
them to town officials without the educa
tion or experience nccesary to an ac
complishment of tho object." Hartford
The Water Snpply.
Pure water for household use is of the
greatest value, and the utmost care
nhould be had that :t is pure, because
none other is fitfordomest'eusc- Every
thing impure should be kept at a dis
tance from the well, and it should be so
constructed tliat no surface water can
get into it. Where a well can be driven
it is undoubtedly the best, becanse
nothing can get into it wthout filtering
through the ground: it is considerably
cheaper, too. than .a dugwelL In dig
ging a well peop'e very often make a
m'stake in not go'ng deep enongh. It
is apt to be the'ease that sooa as a vein
of water is reached, it is supposed to be
fiifficicnt. even if it is small, ands after
going down far enough to make a little
reservo'r it is stoned up and the result
is that the next summer, perhaps, the
well is dry. This is very annoying, be
sides being an expensive jo . I speak
from experience. By not dtggrng deep
enongh tho well fails occasionally, and
1 contemplate dr ving one nearby so
as to have. I ho; c. a never- aHing sup
ply, water i needed 'n abundance at
the farm fmildings. and it shou'd e
provided somehow, either by sprngs,
well, a cistern, or else brought from a
distan e in a pipe. The best time to d'e
a well is during a severe drought; aad
if a good veia i then reached, but little
fear" need be entertained that the sup
ply will faiL Cistern should not be
constructed under the dwelling, but oat
o! doors. hen making a cistern be
sure and make it large enorgh. Ua
doubtedly there is water enorgh falls oa
the rooTs of farm buildings In the course
of the Tear to sunplv the stock with
driakiac wafer, as we'll as wafer' for aU
hoaaehohl aacpoxci.: and if it is property
filtered, it is a good deal more whole
some than much water that is used. A"
. Farmer.
fkmqprt Johaay. a w"3j.ew
fbila4clsa towr p44U?t w
Laajrtry irtetiau Whether hi Tri fcsr
the braaty a a s.Ur cj tUatrs!
r T3iar t cosr oral . l4 5 U tr
ials that hd0'JM U c?t het ? Ias
CnM and ccn'Jj Uj&&rl la Pkil-ii
pkla. He cist to hrrhoteU sl up kU
rrd, aad m mt hr a kxodtt yj
vsaaa. ta hots he taadl th arw
er. wita a crai pvch 8h aecrptrd
the gift very granT. aad b rrtirTd
la a tat of rud deUght. ody xa be
plunged dnrn to dcpair by leorwej;
that be had oalr a Mru Lasjftry'
SiAid. rkuvlcfj-A-a Hevaed.
It I wid of Jtos Kree. th afl
lioaaire. who oece ediirda wwkly aw
papcr ia Cxliforci. tht o enrziir did
the petty aaaoyancr of an JcVnal
room tmpf c thcaltrcs ajxa hi
memory that year aftcr. its the wild
clamor of tb nk board, whea fur
tu&c were bang oju1? ad hx hi a
minetr, Ccrrne ha wud frnfueatlj th.t
iUn all that dm he cmld yd bur hi
old foreman' howl for "copy
- ' '
Of qntaiae pdl pat up by evrn of
the leading firm. of Psiiadcsiphta, a
chemist who ha. naravrlcd thrm all re-
port that be Had ht two of haac-t
qoahty, and a bitter coatroTery U la
progiws. 'i7aic-iia Yrj.
An .!(. ot tttplrto.
Tralr tii U ui vrs ot mtgi'iia.' Jfrrr-
tari-, C?:ia F M. lUw, mi b :r
Wtituts Cr tr, MrrrauiU' .t: Mtaer Tr-
rVtto Doe ltrraIkloa ! HHlwwcf. '
wbo a!Ier-l rrtrrlj tr-yst rbj-Ktl!.
cukM bj the et-turc terUtrsl tafc frf.
Icn. cuml hi ti. J&A Ott. 1i U ao
Tarat t &vcv: ia a crrtl tUt ua
ta tb 5tte bofc 1 t- tttt th
tintti u.a In Mlriilj.a. M roy lnet
rr il tout fct. tr:nr rV.rr Mi t
aal tV.lar out pische. & ar t mVr fiwt
cipht It Mt4, U.wctr, ti.i.1 r hit tern
artilr Jutrt-1 A irw ! c ls
if crntr.ri J '. rj t U" Cir 4 m
taitv lf inn tail 1 fcJ i.rl "Arr th
trfbt" Oa,trv -Ii mwli a5t"
"T ct x crnt. iaJ TVf cnt
fur jital, fle crat- f 1 kii , tol ll
lurhxilxcV Zr Xwi liltr- ' ""tHJ ofl
wantaquttl" "t h wv I r.dUr t' t
ctxa rti-U l cainl 'j bintias ea jt
crjol-rr 1 fce lo c!.. nl -r ti-rry
woul lew bulk. 11 (lit M r-al
tor a la;l'' Wrrr " VeT f! -Uw it
toos ii.U.'n' Ia r tH je., I
nnl' t 1M throw n an cxi trrr. m.J
atn. l V loth Hp 'n a txred 1 a . txMini
to ('!- r hit' it I iloo't make a
crtit iHUoit J-'rr J'rtu
llraltli. Mrrnctli antl Vlc".
If joa are c-cV us hraltk. lr ujlt nt
rli:cir. v)ccnetljr rrqarl roa t ct l)r.
Ouv itt't Yp l IK od r ar 1U a
trial. 'o mM clnr rvrr Invf nU ! iuch a
CiM rrriinl a hrallh jrnccr. 1,(m1 puriAr
and tructrrnj;thoHerutcTer jurt et thr UjAj.
Witrv Yivr iiv a train oa Ihe lrr ! an
old lilyi rrtiurl.rU th.t it lcht&4llM.c. '
A ifinilltl It'itim) for I.nnc III.m.
Ir. lUrfit .Nrtli. ltr Vtr JrM ut tt
Kclectlc CSce of the l itr ot .Sr uric, an J
f(irnirrl;r of Clnciunitl, Ohio, usl ltt- M.
lliix's HiL.AM Tcry extrntTc'j in U jrao
tlc, a muy of III jutirnt, um IivH.2. anil
rrctnrrd to health lij ti uruf thl luraiaabla
mrdtrlae cm amp); tritifr ile lwr Kl
that o jcui a rrtnodr oiigtl iii to be nf
lilernl it cipIj a a pVtrnt nilir l,f, but that
It oujrhl lo t rn-cribe.l Irrrlj by rrery phr.
iciatiat aforre pi feme ' r in all CAr t I-UHff
illrae. It is a urc rurr for C4intmptloa,
and haa no equal for ali ;c'-ora omi lalata.
Is it proper to aV a man how ho It ret
tfnc oh, when hr h Jiut woru uCt lle:m
Cvmmrrti-ll JSuSUUn.
"Krrp to your place and joor plc will
kcppjou." But you cnnot rijsrt to Uerp
your plare without iic-Ith, the foundntiun of
ail nicer. Fur luUn e, a railroad nisi
necr in tho employ of tSe C S fc M. I'aul
1L R. had been crlcr-iuflr nflected vtthdla
betr fir tx year. Ile t-k four tote of
Kldney-Wnrt'aud turr nte that he it eu
tircJy cu:ed aud Horkins trcularly.
Tnc money lrnd-r nrrer neglect hl bul
ma. He take all the intcreal he on lu it.
V. 0. JHcayuHt.
Stimoixo irritation. Inflammation, all Kl 1
ncr CotnplainU, cured by " Huchupalha." II.
Two heads are letter thn one. In tho
opinion ot a new editor. .V. 0. J'ittiyunt.
Ruecm ATI w Cento. Fend utimp for free pre
crlptlon. It K. Hephen(lln-, Wahlnston. I). U
How to etpeiilte the rna'e dc". pp to
ek what their lutetition are.
Wrt.u' Mtoton ON Coas.' 15r Ak forlt.Cn
plctc, permanent cure. Coma, watt, buittona.
Coco i.vct hell connd In qu ntittf and
mixed With blacic (M-pjcr, tnd cute that the
icawn will t-e miliL
Usr. Kcldlntr'ii Itnsila Salve In the houearnl
use Uetldhic;' Russia lUlrc in the -.table-Tiy It.
"Voc hare lovely teeth, F.theL" " Vca,
Geonre." h fondly Ilpel, ther were a
Chri'tmai present from Aunt (irate."
m -
" FlTK doeiort? no end of mrlifinr; no rrii'J.
I)r. IlrnMm's lin Curt hat dru-rn amty ij
rrujJio'it and Pin ntarl'j mil. Id C Youn,
Hamilton, I.L
Lawters ire irlTcn credit for leln; atuu-p
Veaue they generally tile their anwer.
HfFcather. rltjbon. velvet, can all lc
culored to matth that new bat by ujId; the
Ptamond Dyes. 10 cent for any colur.
PoiSO.vtso by the ne of horrid h-lr-dye
may be looked upon as a dyer calamity.
Da 'nrsjON' Celery and Chamomile Till
are worth their weirht in ;old in nerrou and
ick heidacbe." lr. IL H. tchlichf r, of
A tect little tblnz tarn the bead of a
rrronI J
Th Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich,, win
end Dr. Dre" Celebrated Dectro Vol-tle
Bella and Electric Appliance oa trial for
thirty darajto mea (yoanz or old) who are af
flicted with oerroat debility, lost vitality and
kindred trouble, euaranteeinr pefly and
complete retoratlon ot health and manly rlcor.
AddreM as aboTe. . It No nak It incarrad,
a thirty day's trial l allowed.
TI ale's Hoary of Hor-honnd and Tar
If timely used pre vents galloping con-amptloa.
I'lte's toothache drors cure is one minute.
f.Tdi E. Pink-um's Vegetable Co-nponml
has done thoutan s of women more jroo-1 than
the Medicine of many doctors.
Bown3 BnovcniA-TaoctiE" are widely
known as au admirable remedy for Brnncatt-s,
iloanencfs. Coach and Throat t-ccWea
tSQCTREK- How old are we! Why jwit
Btnctern. That l to far. Three years ago.
a certain actrets and oureU err jast th
same see. tiineteen. She told ns only a dav
or two -co that she was Just nletn that
day. Bottom Poti.
Borrowed monej U a noteworthy object.
A Cleteland mas ku inrented a barrel
without hoop or stare. Wbo larenteil the
CcTeland roan is sot stated by the paper
which fern is es the other laforstatlon.
Cakae Trihumr.
Dkmvexs keepisr to the riirht cannot co
Tax zodiacal sins for tkeopeaia? of winter
w a fTMt. The coat is a bard batter and
bard butter L alranst always a lza that the
Veatbor Is coid, PMivUphie Xm.
Tn t youar ladj wbo taxde t)J word oat
ot "cD3eTTator" last fall h ran away Irom
komc Her mother wanted ber to aake
three loares of breid out of "Soar."
Iktni: Frte Pits.
Lei won en te trough: up to the askvis c
ktdntrr aad ecoacasr. aad Jearu to ssppcrt a
ksabasd. aad the traap sciaince will sooa
. 7cxf SiTUmgu
The Qikaapo Titxm says tiat fop &r
iBUch Dorr rosaoa ia that city this t&ey
.ased to be. aa 1 k nsU aosee real to V&
Teat a waj to sa, pre tkeas.
A Cauroasia bib ha acqsirwi a fertiase
is asiosBlar war. lie had a let of ea raise
Stock of a aoshial rala. aad p!e2z2 ft as
cellaieral for a loam, Taea ta stock rase
verr hi. Tae peraca to a boa K was
rJMed sold it :abejeatlr ttteftacab.
aad be boarat H taek. aakusr 3sCaJ Vr
tae tiaasacUos. Tae true owaer of tie stock
fsaad owt abeoa tae trsasartloe. ami saed
for tae !, aa arfrargtBg taateu The
aprese Coart cm H to hlaa, toe. 5lssa
Hosucz Gaxaur osroe efseau
aaaiasan sa aaaaLsa a-kr ars&cal tymtaasaa aaaat sassha
laMwmm! dslrt ser aad tW, tfag $tj d&
Horr of tae sa:caaical toys ire
sa, i i
4 m W - -Krmi
fav-t fSHCn&S aa 7 tt wa
M& ar Vtr. sj rar smf r
at. Urn Jrvr. mi . it I ra V
J-fcrtWf aiift it V v T
r aA se ti tj bui mi rTVil7
X tfi. I rvirrt rw
Vrf tt ;. -. 1- MMi!X!
t r iZ vt 14 tAM i Woil
alu fnx 4 oat -! Vfctvt
tof .-. iifcl i-r tm. I (4 kl
Ut 0 . UJrtAHN si
lwrarfT 7ut ,, tawo-vavrv 1
aif 149 . fc rM. U& twM ua
a rt I a t . s a nwif stt
wmi va rf J A 1
etrt, iwrw, fct Ur r . .
Xtirf crtix b4 mj .- . nr i
iSfcA a ! 'X trrr f -l pa
i li a rTtcr. iimu, a s msw -4
at, rCrS I ma'4 l k -- o !' .
2h rfc ff l4rX lWfc trnlUMI
tWt 4 lnnn twric MM W'i
1 a4 f.t 4mB fMmt jm4s
tmj fcr4. x4 tayvrsa tm$ st4. ju4
hv wf.xa k tJ7bi skt as nlm wrt
ui t ivt, ti. . WieM tmi
aa4 ymifJ-.UiSi ftt 1A-r IbaafV Mf imK -trl
hviMt J b ItXitK . a4Vra
brai ta arxv I b4 4iM Ur Una. 1
Vt 1 44 tt 4jmsw1 mi r to
asa dutn . ta t-mA
unst. Tt caactj t a. m4 -4
at Ut&c Ve k. trri u .Mjt fi-
iMtvJux IVtt t &; I mmtii ims
trrtt l'T , r tfct. . 4 Sm h4
Ut t- li tmslt ctTPt a444l
Ct &-li reaMvX Mj rfr-hit f.SU4
t. s, Uwt e Uv4 J
to j. ! uru rt.srf i T.
b Mr rt wwaia wrf aak ir mj wt
a X-ri V-4st t9--9t. a 1 t
wo-4 t a ) Uttt rtr. a4 a ttu
j:rr C Vt ' "U tS Wa Z rf tsai
tt Mty br-4. tM4. -t, -4. Su t 1
tsiOr r arts c l iW rbM 1 i
la rat tft p r J awi mi Vr U
lwt mcsliral tl.llNMHl't ttut fcMtQ .Sum
I u4 fcat a thi J wc .-4 i tcr
trier tbe fcctt. 1 mStrtrii lrtm lg) t
a Wtmiiim l say Wl tmd atK as is
ttfc &- hI -tr MM timmrtt.
at Uwn-. y SlaW 4 W4t -aH Swm.1 .4;
pyi Ua. t4la MsSrrtav; troat UMdrwsc
anil rat4 mjtw
H 1 .-l l t Wm4 t Vb lrl
trtKibW taw I 4rvwrta I 4 a t
kw, U1 tamr r tMMs4 14 i a
arr a2rtax irwai taw -iac r t aal ar .a
tfbor&ai A l' tttXmrr 1 My . a n
the vlM 4 m-rlr at Imsm. 4 fcvs
rl It nU4 br ttkr iC a4 law tf -bl
rr- . aai 1 -;irf y !,
t.4U-d bi a 4ul. ton
Hon. I Uf I to a larr .-W ,
vt hn tb ruft t as.i wrr t t
tnr4 al. lb . cV-lt4 Mtaamf.l t' .
riHtntri and I'r-f. aSt Vwl 4 Snv'Sa
i4 ail ktad I 4rwv Ms I avri -
1 tat at sbt hotel m l"fcai5e W, Wi-r I .
itn;rtj ijumft. mf to 4r '
fr.cBilk awl ifeitlMM 4tV Urn
rrriS rati alt rir twto Mt Wm !' -r
m.hfU hb 1 r ic ly ir4, a4 U.
ktch I JP1 a w tJ -y rt wil
tHn, Uth sm Mto sEarr bad iTawl
Acting o k 4w. I bad sa t-r
an ytol l imrr atul U uy f:rV -bntmen
asxl tube c f 4 'm
larce na.utKw. A .Witlfist pj-ca .t
Mat for ni apjfi4 4 las t - He i I
had Itnsitt. JjlM-r, tnd Ua Wf. a
crrtila. aty ireful lmjctBl ue l tVe
a rcurdy Tilikh bad c't rvfusat on t r
the cure of ail Ivrmi 4 awlv 4-s aM 1
thrirforr laid hl iny preja4we an-1 mm
rucnrrl It um. At hr.l wy L . h rr)-etd
It atd I h.i to u- tkflajntul-. . blltr
tbr first Cr- 4av ny tumrh it h4 fi, 1
tloea. ThU was imc tear af la Otl&wr,
awd my imriirem&t raiid a4 twrm
neat. I hare rrralBl M ui tar fiS m -4 t-f
Sh IliMtdarMC mr ttinr-. aad 1 fret as
we lo-d j a I crrrcinl. and I eaa urrrrst
It tt that my nfe aave-l by Warr"s
tafe Kldury and Liver iurr, ih remedy I
u ed
it my irfit stranee that I, -ag a tbrt-
dan and an tx irwi ti'j;, did MK b v 'be
waur anlyrsl le!"rr. but ucb t th I et
I aad the lira tmu. f rvry ttluc 4iMr,
and 1 did nH .m.-e-' that rnj i, dnrv refa
tL irat pnlclr 0t of order; and here .
Jutt brre I . kn tbere-trl dansr. and
where niot e-w'le b rad t a'tleie ar
lit dinjrrr 1 n d that I a Miy wif f th. u
u.l bo arc uS rtnc fro -j k4ry dlMr
der. whl neg rtfst. .urrlr ter--nHt ia
lirUht i dt-ri I alo ' tbat 4Tt Irian,
mar treat tor.r duK)r f r moath ithmit
knowing rlrar r what tbr trouM U. amlfTrn
aftrr aa ertai&fng tberaU'e, 1- unaWo to pre
rent it ttbendeatl bownrr, fl-ly over
titke the beipl' victim thry .!ftui llarrU
CJtte, attrllMttns It t liart-dte, crul
Hin, apoplrty, TrrtlsS tral , i4aii
mrnlngetl. W(xl and uremic .4arnirx, etc.,
U'or-J, ot conre, fail to e jprr ray tkanVs
to II IL Warnsr A C-s. f lUtebrit'r, i ,
for coring thi troth! oeh a br-4ad ad rrr
tain jrctBe a tb- e Kl''y aad ft-rr
Cere, tut such at they are 1 g dv ere t !..
bile to tor tbii.-. I lo sboft 1 Wr tot.
urrd upon the ! f b'sl ' i hvgv I
itriiwend thi letter f"i rorl a.Jy a4 m
them b brcin if IWe i dli . 'ur f a
dUra.e ver which plivirUn cinfo ibev
have no mntnd aud wi.leh. In our Jorm k
.another. carrvtng -rr joplr t UBtlmely
g-avs than anv other mldy
J. V. IiltTF.It. M D.
IUltlmorc, MA il SaraUga .strreL
A Nice L-ttij: H"T -An Antln, hn
hd cirjttnr o tea. re.flrwil hf f Mt'i
evrrl time, 'aklog. hoevee rer em' r
At I't, out OX pitlrtHs IU h ni. th- a 4 . "Jimmy, if yn A.b'i ke- t V. I 11
sradyou a ay from tbr tMe," Yr that
wbt you always do when there is runptiv
and there are i-ot encujh ranncd iarbr n
ji anmnd." wt tb repy of the gifted
youth. Ttxnt .ViT.nj;.
ftrf, llari. 13 Tear.
I was troubled fr many tesr wjth KlI
ney Complaint, (iravrl, etc . n.y dtI leai
thin; 1 a duU and Inartlte. wcW hardir
craw about, a an old em out ma al
over, could c?t Bnthlnr to help Bie. umU) I
C(t Hop B tur. and now I am a bo r
My blood and kid-ievs are H rlrhf, and I air.
aa active a a n an of tbirtr. athUeb I an
seventy tn, and I hare no dabt H 4t do a
well for other td my sse. It I wvrth a trial.
(Father j -Sunday Jferery.
A rrnriLta cal el at a Chiladelptit bw-e
the other day, aad akrd to ee tee 1 -d o
thefamllr lie was 'e'errel to ta- erast
Rl.L PfHlo&jAut .Vrm.
Th" Xlrail Cannot be ltajtl,
dot tf your lunj are bad! wasted inr can
you te cared by the ua- c Dr llerte "f.od
en Mrxllctl D'eoTrry" It I. horTrr, o
rqnalled as a tonic, al1 era lira aod eat ttlvr.
and readl year? the not oMtlnat ce of
bronchttl. conrha. cold, sad inrlrent roo
aum; Uon, tar surpaaaia; in rXScacy eol liver
oil. Send two tarap lor Ir. I'krce j-am
phJetoafn.uraptlm an-1 klndrrd atlerUoo.
Addrrs Worm, D:rrxsAKr McotcsL As
sociation,, T
It Is not tree that ki nr core xrrrfce.
At Jeat roa can't pet a Jrrekled drt to d
dare that abe aant lea klaed .Vr-
- Frmal Consptatata.
Dr IL V. Jlcacx, Buflalo. T : IW 5
I write to tell yea what yfur Farente IVe
acTiptton, bf done f-roe. had b-e a crest
sufferer irora testate cossplaisi. ef'iaJ y
dracine-dowa.', tor orer x Tears. dcrSwr
much of the time ssable to work. I PH cyst
buDfirrd of dobirs wltoool any teaefli tll I
took three bottles of the Fao-Ue Prracrl:
tkm." aadlaerer hadasythtacloweoctcix
roo-llnrny'r'e. Isdvlervery s-ek lady to Uke
iU Ma. Ewilt Kaon.. .VcBrtdea. Mich.
WiiATdothe wJVl vravei ssy! WTst, prso-sb-y,
"We rest a dollar asd a half at 'de hair
Store-p' Botisn ( BvZJl.
locxo aad aid ile ael ea sxSrrla; frc-m
nerroa debQSty, rreaaiaee old ace. tore of
seseryv asd kindred svs3rtraa. afenojj aeod
three stasp for Part TIL ef raaph-et icsoet
by Worid's Di.peaaarjr Jfabral As.dsVo-i,
BuUola, 2a. T.
Tar world rotm. A "ew Tork faster
aa beea Csed Ifly dollars 'or sUjiiis; hi
work. .V. r. Stut.
frrxAicKrrs tost old boots s4 shoes visa
Xiao's Patent &eel SUSeaera, assd wisar '.brm
Beia. sj aeoe asC aaraware oeajera.
wilk Sort Kyte. a Ir I
,'aXyaWaier. DracciaU ea. t
to arson rroaossAXxroJa. rf aV l9W
sbsbMTo taaarMaaf 4 JS aVfJk aaaa A flPS Basaai
SJS?'?r--!. W to -X7
saayiaaaae aass. - aKaar
rt sawtaasSt'ir'ywa an casaStoi to awl
pi aota.Sj tjcsaiaujau JBm aa
CUACojs Oil ;
i a.T- aaaaaaaWlsaaaDsTM
. 'aar. J sBaaaaaaaaaaaaaPBasBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
BaaaVrBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaawBaaaaaaaV' rK
J VadrBaaaaaaasaaOsaTTjIf 4.
a a m t
Rhununtm, ?icurslcJt. iitcx.
Ufia-fcf. ---, fc- rrf.
pj.ri ia...i, ., s'..
SaaM. .Us r o.
p w to w
Ka tri4
t9m tat
owr H"
4) and
de 1 1 ie
b u X o
e that
tha wonS
m th pes
turret an
irdali ta
l.ttets is
on -?
paes ajj.
that It is
en the (a
bel and
and taaa
ns ether.
trTVtarva.r-41 lw.l1p.4VIW Sfc
. A .ll,4lr ,ka,UlM'aM.nw
Cmilli. Vld.).vllfM M.I
frrnto. fr !- T r- .('
M hlrk Mr UI. k Wm . I.lf ,i. !
.Miw.r,k'srf.klu Vm tat ..i tn
. - i
. -
ilw a U?rbt .
Trr ("!"-
ft to to-. j-
t. t .-. Ur
Hrrtav 4 Vf
f . & twrw
r a5 t fc
t -.,
r mM
W rM t9 .
T .Hi
r tti4l- ml
r ' iw V r
i ft. 4 T4
''AH, i.i rm
i'S li.ftilwi wt, m4 J.f.l.w r.
rm WH Irte, timm vW l.t.
rrr w.w .in..ii t -.
r xs. ft ft. a.An4i r
p ... f k -
!kll t f m
A j" ". rJ rn
t f -si - r m. iitrt i m
Mir. - kiirMnkiMi nil
HS ItlllltSUi r K'fia
4' I. a m - .r7 . - c
r l ' ! Aw ii,r I MM 4 4
l,-.((..l aoHorr MtoW F t fc
't- Kn It A II.A .
Ii '.): ? f T-rJE" aari
au to th rto. - fc . k.
.ry p.War a r Tr4 - mm
b.V.4 Iravr., SUI.b C f ". H !! St K.
I to !
jrr f to vn e." to tw
i .. 4 to
44 IM w rf )
fi.av. f ..
n a.. Imi i r
ft n V-rv Um, -a
itw ncrrj i r
newmktli r . TMJI'.IC
r rj:r- S i- r Vm.
ta t. a. aXc.'.xa. $w rfi .. t.
CnU CSI,lTnf atrt. KUit
af jbt nj & f..i -" KiC f r 4
I 5' t-r- taiai rtMTAiaswr
, avat. cwatraaa. aw -a c.ia-.
AMm ?Mta
" r WwMr
rri it r-irt a, K .T yi,. nrr. rg .
. "" fiiMUUUI U
new stove nre sHiar.
Ow 4 ! tM as i ss
a.". ... S.,r44 F.. 1. i
gw ttoa r3 smC v
ltoa hrtnr wrst, Ttoy r
rr-s . w r
ftrT. W " frr ST - !2vr
caUxa-wi. rstXC Z W fcKttXJ; S Ato-.iC
tTtfUmJ FV to
wrsta TSXrs.TaJUrTAIlAfSX Wrt. .
&CKK PWa s-CiTS a)Trir-w--
if w AMOrnSwItorti.- j
SA ' rs-j-aa W-. Xa-a
W f Wauawaata a Caa aGbict.tS,
AKT5J,rA-rrla fseiva-seaat rMMas.
arvsrt;sto Mrfaitwra hknn
S.r.- s..,....r. Ti !. Tt l.
tffATnt tacsjistasati
fyrV CZtor'. fririaf rit -.
w". w-e-a. Itfinj at Ta, SJSa-4V
UAID 7fw-e -t t Jaipur r?!X.
"Will -C3C5KjLX. VtMto&crrrt.tiyrsw
l acixcrar r ostii au wmia n
3rn tetltoiu. Satoaas,r$; V
ai4aaaw saW
-kss aaV 9r -sasVw " bbt,
aa bsbu wtM an it faiu. B
PSJ WIOcr Ttnrir H
CJ A WaJCXas Tgarowa town. Trr act
asTsasjs Sa aa jl. a.
tit SITUS rO flUattit
m4J T to m - .
iii-w. ' - -je
. 0. m."'1'"
vrsa6j T ar tK
.. siar M" -
i . - - - f '
to -. - ""' J -
i..t . imi -'- - - - &
TWtft titN)K!.
f -as
"' rrti?
rr-rztx -. .s-
satstd. Tv. avaf. .
TA. TXr.a. Jirtt j9.
r 99f. fAT a. ' - s . -
f , 4 , . ... . -. - m I
au- m-.
4Ma A.
. , T-
p wn iii t .a a-!
'MM. V,
k t a Sts-
a. -A to . '
m m .iriM W n fri
cold 2si SILVER PAINT.
Qfni iarnt Ar" ?-
- j j . - '. - - . m "W
Csxsrtwsx mA K4fctrw4 ?.
ra.wl t Ts . .- -
B 000,000 aorow
(Jtattu i catiT
iutiwi tunti s. t,
ri !
tM -as o r v
MUlMIKrr !.
xxsr vTtwcxDrciatxrc.
ens tarns tn tc mts
Cwn C- ". C fw.- . totor
Osncfclst .S)sto BV-S-h'WIW t-ir.
AUm. Cv rVtorwf Ct, vm
tto aatrl tVi. i 4 .- Ito
! tK twt y to to
&., s4 ri tto M W Hi
art rr tM tot w4 W
iVrion toi- mtu. rent MC
ii s trt , rva !to a
Th Old. Wotl TrlexJ. Wortffw)
Health RoriowInK Remwlle.
siaws smtiYE mts zr ,
4 W- ? -. e H. - 9"-i
smoKS's rorowL nus
... .
V- r-i t ' -
IH i -
r i. lit i i v NasjsaHslo,wa
- V - 4 j
!.4f4haM U . n Wm O-i j , ai
. ... . - - - - - . , ..auA . - '
Ua4 lt -rWrsa4 r V-T Wt . J
wff si Sss? I J lis .. tikis, rass r nr t in. huts n in
l sat t arsl tux -,-
JB ria9tftUfl hrs.H VV.
Stol taiMvr m. A A TBr -
Urntito ta t j?
ii" .tof JT. riiri wii "'j'
rmcssi. USE j tir..-- stoctW
Tto r .wj'8 "&. f .ti J--TvrrSt
.w;t WJ ' to 4
afto l"i st -' , v j-
. . -'. . . . --. i . T- " r - j. ' -
tor it w r '. HiJfc y-r- .n . n
? l . f ir " w ey-.
v wrti vj T-.5 ,s4. to
to s i sf to l- r V "in imlJJn is
t-t- -y f!i ' a ' . .- Tto m.)
iK K-Afc V in k. , .in 2.. .k.a.
. n ai. ..w j". f T- rF. . f . i.p
It ' J aar, ,
to . Tti . yr
i . x-r .- . w . ,. .. .. ' ... . , J
193 r"-Tj- f-trf kr-r ..
lSw-" r r?X"5 vt-J5?'"
r t . l. . k. .i i t .k. . . . .
. ." .U. I i . - ...W .. - .p . P w .. j
-J Jrlj.-w oy . i.i.r y wi-
--?! ! rr-y ;aa-yrvywiLx
fts4 tf a ry j'f
. i . act. i r-t.., st. awsij
k r a i. nir i . . . ..r t..i .. b. ' m a,... Sw.
y- ttmr . jy""1 f
f.s a i sto-rjAawatftJ.y--'
ajto. - aawrsssjLt, c.,i -. &kjs r
staarixa .. atm-w. -. w-w-Cjava,nslL3---JPr
: S
tarwiesv, era r.a farr-w-T. aw4se
lm . i raira i - --- svay Ba&daaBBw. aawa tcswya-- jav-
4 a M
.a iim
fc... - ' . . - .te ii
- -te -a " mf-r
aitiM - "-
sajsv fjaaj r,is.n
-- -!
in iniLtol aV
ii utoy)f
assasi a.'
:' ,aaaaaaaaR
I saaaaaaaaaaaaBaar.rftaaaa.aaf
I waaaaaaaVaSsKaay,naA,v "
ByajBBTBjaar sn , vBrto
aaaavaaar "' bsbV
j S"v, Tsaav -s,p,,,j- r fr " saaji
- B" jiiffcn " " "f! aaatto-4
'"' c,l...W,.ni,a ar-l
-. y r . aaatrv
" MMPir-aB . r.iin o'4. llH SfstiAnra Ba
K r .niit .. tjfBr a
BatKtapapaw r iinLmi taBwv iaK.aL . aa' wws- aasnawaaai .
. mm s.
BtaaBBBB ttjiwt t-.j--c
DBBBlto. JrfcVirf .(Cram.
BBaaaaaaaaaB Tik-kw-. -. sawsw
aaaaaaaaaaaaa x . ...
wMi aaw wi . y
rsro araarnw t AJrTaarravtJsa
swwaw " aa fsW sasawsasswswikC tss
aisjwser. AStn3Mastotoajiw-a'aoa
sa ws"jrsj"sr
m'miAftt-avimmm&mi0&! wayTia-a,
"" .