, . v k, -? yyuE:ipiiiLj ia 1 n,cnt? accompanied by the name of the mitjio avuot necessarily for publication, but as cx'ttepceof pood faith on tbe part ol the w-ritcr.5Mrita oalroa om aldeut tae paper- 1 parUcnlarlr careful, in ctvincnames ana date, to bare f letters or fljrarea plain and distinct. WHAT MOTHERS ARE J)01K0. I know rrbnt mothers nrt dolnir tn-riijrbt, Ixnlnjr. mother nil ovci the land: 1 can fe the rhHrTm.tn ioiIua whit':. Ttonhd many n honor Un-h.iIi- in.L O- 'Ti tsaturrfay ntsrht. nnl. roy and weE: Kcb from It lnth. Pk n !!ot Irora rain. ratleriiitr n'out with llttk Imrv f --t. And tra line nlsht-dresM.- Jrj from j tale. - know what mothers na doinj: lo-nlyht. i'littitiK nway h tor or a tool: Hi-Jinn? aomc dear little acfaoinr rrclto lwn or text for br Ki&lmi-M:ho.. 1-nrinjr otitrcndy weo Jackets anl cup. Serine tbiit rtMf and stocking arc tlrhC Gloves mid collars and oorywrarw. That's wbnt mother nro doinjrto-niKbt. Patiently mcndirir ioinc little, torn dross, ichiiiK to think no hotter i there, l'litt'njr down n--dte and thr:nd to carca Little onw txmdluz lxalde her in prayer, rmymjr hernolf. n the twilr few?. Now n inittrn. wnj niw a ltr: If on aw relay nlsrht a mothr knows Tho sweetest Bide or u mother care. On Saturday nlKht, when tbe chlilren filoca, And father ulu by the fin. at n-rt. ' The iiinreln jrivo her 11 thought to ki-ep. And she forls that a mother's lov I4 Meat. Fh" IcndTly tnlksor tbolr future dnya, lellinir of all they have nald and done. Till the father plow to her pktiftant praise And blcttso his children one by one. And the yearn will pom, and the children prow liiii deep in thif h-art tto-r Vlil keen. I a w'"Z' . h. , . hllJ,K ,.,, I That !dny when they !vnd,"r d farand' wide. 4 That eve. when tber imid. In the wanlnsr lifrbt. T - 11...1. ..,n.V,,.1 .1.. . .I...I ... Hide: Obl lier kl- was pweet.und tbclr bearta f wr llr-lit. ' IVhen the went to 11 on a Saturday nlfbt. MUlt. K. llnrr, in X. Y. ldycr. McWILLIAXSES I.CIMJLAB ALAKM. The conversation drifted smoothly and pleasantly along from weather to crops, from crop to literature, from lit- rrature to Hcindal. from K-:ni!nl ttt rn. ligion, then took a random jump, aud ' landed on the subject of burglar alarms, And now forthulirt time lr. McWill- i:ims showed feeliii"-. AVbenvr I perceive this sign on thi-s man's dial I comprenenu it, anu lapse into silence. aud give him opportunity to unload his heart. Said he, with but ill-controlled emotion: - I do not go one s'ngle cent on burg- " lar alarms. Mr Twain-not a single cent and 1 will tell you why. When we were finishing our house wc found .' we had a little cash left over, on ac- count of the nlumber not kuowitiir iL I was for enlightening lightening the heathen with was always unaccounUibly the heathen somehow: but it. for 1 l itt fitl till llaftlt !lfn urif1ltfktV lttlf. Mrs. McWillhims said Tio. let's have a burglar alarm. I agreed to this com- prom se. L will explain that whctieer 1 want a thin"-, aud Mrs. McWiUiams wants another thing, and wc dceiuo upon the thing that Mrs. McWiUiams wants as we alwavs do- she calls that a compromise. Very well: the man rami! up from Xcw Vork anil put in the alarm, and charged .32.'i for it. and said we could sleep without uneasiness now. So we did for a while say a utik.itli rl lwn Mnn Titfrlif w,, utlf1leflf II' unokc. and 1 was adviied to get up and see ulnil the mailer w:ls. i lit a e.iliil 0 1 i.i.,ri,.,i iniM,r,i it,,, cii; ml Tne!, a biipdar coming out of a room with a basket of tin-ware, which he ad mis- taken for solid silver in the dark. Ho was smoking a pipe, 1 said: "My friend, wo do not. allow snioMng in this room." He said he was arranger, and expected to know l7ie rules s; huI he had been in could not be of the hou many houses just as good as this one, nnd it had never been objected to be fore. He added that as far as his cv pe-riciK-e went, such rules bad never been considered to apply to burglars any way. "1 said: 'Smoke along, then, if it is the custom, though 1 think that the con ceding of a privilege to a burglar which is denied to a ISiahop is a conspicuous m-ii of the looseness of the times. Hut waivinr all that, what business have outobe entering this house in this furtivo and clandestine way, wi.hout ringing the burglar alarm?' lie looked confused aud ashamed, and said, with embarrassment: 1 leg a thousand pardons. 1 did not know you bad nburjlar alarm, elsel would havo rung it. I beg on will not mention it where my parents may hear it, for they are old aud lceblc, and such a seeming ly wanton breach of tbo hallowed con ventionalities of our Christian civiliza t.on might all too rudely sunder the frail bridge which hangs darkling lo tween the pale and evanescent present and the solemn great deeps of the etcr uities. Id ay 1 trouble you for a match?' 1 said: 'Your sentiments do you honor, but, if you will allow me to say it, metaphor is not yonr best bold. Spare your thigh; tb s kind light only on thebov. ami seldom tbcro; in fact. 1113- experience may le trutcd. But to return to business. How did you getin here?' Through a second-sttrry window." It was even so. 1 redeemed the tin- ware at pawnbrokers' rates, less cost of advertising, bade the burglar good night, closod the wuiilow alter mm. anu retired to headquarters to report. Kcxt momin-r we sent for the bunrlar-alarm man, and he came up and explained that the reason tbo alarm did not go off, was that no part of the bouse but the first Hoor w:is attached to tlie alarm. --- -- ----- -.. . 1 ins was simpry luiouc; one u.'- well have no armor at all in bnttle as to have it only on his legs. The expert now put the whole second story on the alarm, charged $?00 for it, and went his wav. By-aud-bv. one night, 1 found .1 burglar in the third story about to start down a ladder, with a lot of miscella neous property ,-. My first impulse w:is end with a 1) lb .nl-i-ttc, ItMcIn n. rain from this to er.rck his he; but my second was to re.rain from this attention, because ho was between me aud tho cue-rack. The secoud impure was plainly tlie soundest, so I refrained. and proceeded 10 comprom su. t .-. 1 i deemed the nropcrfv at former rates. if 1. 'deducting ten percent- ionise 01 a a a ..1-iIh. 4 XV,TV T0.1: LL.r-,' - n; .,a3 u m:iu uu ty rtnrr att Jhod more, and had the third story attached to the alarm lor 5uu. ... Bv this time the 'annunciator nau .-vn to fnrSldable dimension?. It grown to formidable dimension?. 1 . . nr.n upieu li ordinary wardrobe. Tbe irnnir wns the f,vr, ' size of a washbowl, and was placed above the Jicad of our led. There was a wire from the house to the coachman's quarters in tlie stable, and a noble gong alongside ins pillow. 1 r-Ma ' e should have i!t'i;u uiiiiiiw. v now but for one de. ecL Every niorn- .fer. in the wo,- of j?A!?! went that gong: J lie iirstiimo m Hap pened I thought the last ta, was come. t .itj.v i.:..u :. T.. UiA nn lint, sure- lUutniuniK iiinw-u sure- 1 uiuii t iinm out of bed for. lie . ". -t a ?. T-. I -J rt ltlT first effect ol mat frightful gong is to hiufl you across the l.micn onil tlriTT. vnn rainst the wall. and then curl vou up, and squirm you like a spider on a stove-lid, till some body shuts that kitchen door. In solid fact, tbere Is no clamor that is even re motely comparable to the -dire clamor which" that gong makes. Well, this cat astrophe happened every morning regw ularly at five o'clock, and lost us three hours' sleep; for. mind you. when that thing wakes you, it doesa I merely wake jrou in spots; it wakes you all over, conssieace aad all, and yon are good foreighteea hours of wlde-awaked-ness subsequently eighteen hours ol the very most incoaceitvable wide awakedness that you ever experienced in your life. A utmnger died oa oar iands one time, and we vacatea aBd ..V . . . ." .... ... . B J K - - --a II J-tBrf nn i Tll'l I-lb I TL. I A I ..-.I. ne naSeif yaSms "ronnd hun- j whole thing finis iiwt nn.l it. neennied the space of an neAU ! i.ij ?yi our room aver urnt. ma No. sir; hn got p at tire tfca w untwieniattous way. J knew lc would. I knew it mighty well. He collected bis life insurance and lived happy ever away tow - - - -- --., -i " w j --w m ifcS - Hmw!fT in."n,cutji,uldjraI:nn--'erTtbing hist four nwviamjtlJteen'Jmw fmMH - lia.lt... . It iucm-n.upan. anu nc ran a WiireA - -P".-,,1-0Df P?r W". -w4 sf 1 Vbefi d bl jpltlA -ne- wrs witb plapfed a siffJttlbre;wlBWelJTibtoUihars.imJnTnL ine uutler. could take off and puixn the . -Tini lMtTmilaB -JUWarr amxtVt one 5Htctmtak-hes,Kchcdthe'alS'rmoff ' at night when whe went to bed. awI switched it on aain at davbreak m Hie aorning, jmChi trwe for 5Wrilk i ojKjn the kitcliendfvor, od x-HaWutfcit going JcrUam,usacnilbclrtHM5,wwwe. times breaking a window with one or the other of us. At tbe endjf a week wq recogTiijteJ that ibis switch buinyH wan a delusion and a fcnare Vie abo di covered hat n band of .bun-law bail been lodgiag in the hou cj i lv tivM time not exactly to .rical. foTtlicre wasn tmuch left npjrfc "piut bidu-fxom jiu puuvw, jor uiey were jkh prevsoii. one i-on or anoiuer. uiaicunioniaro j and tbershrvwd'v judgedMiat the He- lonir with that combination. Goal bye; Jectives would rever binkif a tnbe of J burglars taking" Ranctimrv itf a boufe notoriously protected by the most im- j joing and elaborate burglar alarm -in! America. r A "Sent down for the exttert a?iin. and J tbia timi.lii-clrtiilr.ti tii(CtlrL2i!''Tdfa4iK.- .?. ""he fixed the thlnir sft that ottcimig the kitchen door- would take off the alarm. ll :is a ! Mea. and he charged ac- -cordinelv. Hut ou alreadv fore eetbc 1 ctit -ffni-'li..J on ft..! otiirtn iorr -- -"-1.l. Vf" . .".... .- nijrbt at bcl-time, no lonjrer tnwtm to ThOTflSSMrnJl mtfriTfirv8": and "as b on as i . ... '. .. the lights were out tlie uurfrla walkeu in at the kitchen door, thus taking the alarm off without waiting for the ccnik to do it in iLe mo: ning i'ou fee how airirravatinirlv we were-situated. For months we couldn't htiv any company. St a spare bed in tfioJiouse, all occik. pied by burglars. , 1 " llnallv. I Lrot up a cure of my own. !I-1.A ft .....- ...I .1. .... II ., -nM 1 be p.xiert answered the call, and ran , -.. .. 1' nno'her underground wire to the stanie. nd established a switch there so tiiat the j coachman could jiut 011 and take iffi Iho alarm. 'Iliat wirked Jirst-rate, HTiillvhit and briule: eut into st cks. ... . .. r -....... ..-.-raaswi iitiittitf nv:.ii tor, tui-nud up tJiegnsand s:iwlhoworu sawiuoworu McWlliams ' 4NurBerT, exposed, Mrs: fainted dead away, and 1 came precious near doing tbe same thing mvself. I seized my shot-gun and stood timing K4M7i1 WW the cotvbniau wlnlal that appalling buz- zing went on. I knew that b.s gonz 1 had Hung him out, too. and that he would be alowr-Avitb bis gun as soon as' he could jump into his clothes. When ' I jndged that the lime was ripo I .crept into the room next the nursery, glaneed thrntigh the window, and saw thy dim outline, of the coachman in the yard be- low. sfauding at a prccni-arms anil waiting for a "chance. Then I hopied into the nursery and fired, and in the Ft KflTTlP same instant tbe coachman fired at the red Hash of my gun. Uolh of us wcie successuu. 1 cnpoicu u amw " shoL oft" nil my back hair. We turn' d We turn d uj the gas and telephoned for a sur-, gcon. There was not a sign of a burg- far, and no window hail been raised. (.'no glass was absent, but that was where the coachman's charge ha 1 come throiiL'h. Hero was a line mystery a burglar alarm 'going o V at midnight of its own a cord. amLnot a b-.rglar in tlio no ghnorhoou. ...n . ..c...-.,i ti.n ,.c..i ..nil and explained that it was a 'false alarm.' Said it was easily fixed. So ho overhauled the nursery window, charged a remunerative figure for it, and departed. "What we auffercd from falso alarms ... I. natl llirnn vnnrs TW t, lormtllllC .. ,iu.,.ni.n iii.rmrr it,,, ifrt (rw I IfLU lll Il-tVIIM a " ..- -w-. 1 i inon hs 1 always Hew with my gun to ' .1 ; 1: 1 1 tl. ,...,... ..1. ... i HIV 1VI1U1 IIIUIUUOI, illiu iiiu niv,ii.w,.,i sallieil forth with his battery. tosupiort ..... lint tlmrn was timor'anvilim"- to shoot-windows all tight ami secure ' o always bent down for the expert next day" and bo fixol thoo par ticular windows so they would keep uuiut a week or so, and always ro- membored to send us a this: 1 ro Two hours lutor bill about like fiij .47 .at .15 iT3 Taje ltecbanrinir buttery..-. ThriM. hours' lntor..v Htrins..... ...-.. luird .... . ...... ..." Pond's Hxtract fprinp. t.O.VJ llullrond lares 12-, " w ". " Atlongth a perfectly natural thing came about after we had answered three or four hundred false alarms to wit, we stopped answering them. Yes, 1 simply roc up calmly, when slammed I across tlio House oy ine aiann. caim- i ly insjiectcd the annunciator, took note J the room indicated, aud then calmly disconnected that room from the alarm ftj wcnt Dacij to bed as if nothing had i,.ippcncd. Moreover. I left that room ,v'Mnilv...HiHdiiotafiulfnrtlie iiuiibui lUiMlvitv v m -- -- ...-.v .. .-. -.-. CXj,ert. Well, it goes without saying tuat 5n tjie ct,ur!e of time all tbe rooms whcr& taken off and tbo eutire ma- chinery was out of aervicc. ..It at this nnprotcctcd time that the heaviest calamity of all hap pened. Tho burglars walked in one mht and carried off the burglar alarm! yes, sir; even hide and hair of it; ripped it out, toolh and toe-nail; spriags, bells, gongs, battery and all; - wiro;"tliov fist cleaned hor M d j,,, and never eft us .. ,l'i . i. thnv took one nunurou anu uny mues a TCSllge 01 ner 10 bwear aw eai u, 1 mean. We had a time of it to get her back. t - II1 .-;. a.i..ll n mi vc accuiniTiiynru iiuujiu, aui . 7 . moncv. -Uicn uio alarm nrm saiu mai what we needed now-vras. to havo her put in right with their new patent .min in'the windows to tnake lalse ! nns hnpoible. andtbeir new patent j tment to take off and put on i. -,- ,n,!n. .nH T.;.ri,t ui'thnnt -fuv- -"" """'"". R , hnan assistance 1 hat seemed a good scheme, uncv promisea to nave uie ted in ton davs. Thev 1 uemui huik. anu u iuai. tut uic uiu- & 1F . a It n Piim mer. ineyworKoaa coupie 01 aays; then they left for tho sunaer After which the burglars moved in and began their summer vacation. When we re turned in tlio fall the house was as empty as a beer closet in premises , where painters have bcn at work. . . . ." . V rnfnrni.shed and then sent down to ' t .... Y.v .,.,A T4. ..MmA,., anil A.JU IIUW u.r All. Sn S, So 'Iowthis clock is set to nut on the alarm every night at ten. and take it off every morn- I 1UV tlL U.TVt va w aww -p- w - -- (p, .. -- -t nd ihm , "'-"".:Z . "-n7-v "" 1 icaw H8r aiouo -ffuo tiii io the alarm herself.1 ' After that we had a most tranquil season during three months. The VOX was prodigious, of course, and I had said I would not pay until the near ma chinery had proved itself to beHawleas. The time stipulated was three months. Sol-paid.the bill, and the very next dav the alarm went to buzzing like 30000 bee swarms at tea e clock in the morniag. 1 tuned the heads arofuad twelve hoars, according to instructions, aad this Atoo!ceff the alarm; bat there was aae&er hitch at aight. and 1 had to set her ahead twelve hours oace more together to put the alarm -a agaia. That sort ef-aoaneBwe weetm a week or two; thea the expert came up aaa StmaaewcioeK. u casee ap every e moaths duriac the aext three fiHn u. prarc uhsuuh. uu..Up .,..... a nice ieiuun-cauu 11 .uau . ."".- we got to inv t ng company once more jDg together nlowlv fo half an ho?ir a and enjoying life. pound of supar and one cup of water; "Unt bv-and-bv the irrepressible add a 1 tte hot vinogar to clear it JcaI alarm invented a now kink. One win-J by dropping in r.obl water, and when lefs-uigiit we were Hung out id red by briUle.vorjaitblenioniiiouc-on but- the siulden-mrislc of that awful gong, tiered tin-. Any kind of chopped nuts and when we hobbled to the nununcin may Imj added. tlwmyii a faiW. Tfa rfrl, t wottld nut the alstM. on H tbf &) UflM, " snd U.cv.araH r "tTiifc Bht. 'and if W idrTt armL iferr minute -year bitnrr of that . iUti; n wiv - a it mad m.im' T,nMr, Ttr,t.,t-i fr nauht el down in malier les. in burglar alarm tbe wbole time, for tbcxr timlwlnn. nn minv ru! -t mr ! cont -for not a plarrnev cent could I ever sj-'t tbern tueoutnbutc I1ot said tolr. ilcWd'.am thatl lwtcBougb ofJtbat'kiiiLof yie; no' wk Jler foil ttcatXt the whol tkiagotat and traded 1l off for a! drg. an 1 elot thn dog. I don't know what you think about it, Mr. Twain- but I tfiink thoe thing are made solely in tbe intenrV! of 4he btiftflarw Ye, mr, a burglar alarm xabtcsir its prrMin all that U o ectlonaWe aWuiit . firi-, riot and a harem, ahI at tbe umc time ba nonal of tlio comixrn-ating advantages, of get off here." ' o.sayjSi Mr McWillUm gathered tin his sacbel aud umbjclla. and bowed JuavrU - at trf tbe trala-"JarA - Tah't?2 m'Karpcr Christnia. i j " TFVtlJrSweft TWth of Mtllp FelV. Any. except the fincnt and richest of ; the .unfcctipBcry of theshops hi tbu ninion of manV.-nuite Rtrrnacd by tbe 5 l. I ...... ...... i.. .. ..1.. 1 ntwmlfnff If HL - 3U HlflUU 1IU.UU .U4H.- ..v. V i ihuhImt nf ntrif -1 tiM-jti wtth great care, arc here given .lany 01 mem ar so simple as to le easily made and tbe children, raav liavc almosrfas mncb pleasure in manufactnrinj their candies as in eating them. For a xerv delicious white taffy, take tWo pounds of irrauulated sugar. one teacup of cold water, two tea"jKonfuls of butter, two teaspoonifuli of vinegar, 0d without ftttrrinf until it i brittle .1 . a!?.. T .1 ... ... IA 1...M l.mM when tested in cold water. r7 (1 ill COMI AVIllCr. I HCU tHT, add one tab"e-poonful of c-nencc of vanilla and pour mio nouuereu piauur, whi'n sufflcienth' cofl pull until it is m z t . u .i. k., .ii ikini. a nuuiniiy may xe mauu won ....; sugar hv boiling" together two pounds A nutiatrf may tc macio wim mapie of maple sugar and one pint ot water, imtilit is cnp when dropped inU cold water. Do not stir it- ben ready to take offbe.tove add a tablespoonful of vinegarl Pour into buttered tun or platters line 1 w.th mil meats, a-id when cool cnongli mark on mio nps. " " Pure eocoaaaa- drops are made ov beating together one gratetl t cocoanut. one-half pound of fine sugar and the wbiUs o( fo lr eggs, well beaten. Dmp with, a tablespoon on buttered paper and brown slightly in a quick o en. For cream almoniN take two and a half mips ofline sugar and one half cup of water. I!o 1 four minutes, then Deal till cotl enough to handle. Mo'.d over uiuiujju nn .. ........"... .-- ...H. The following is for chocolate creams: To make the inMilus mi together two cups of sugar, one cup of water aud one and a half table-spoonfuls of arrowroot. Iit them boil from fiveto eight minutes, stirring a"l the time. After this is taken from the lire stir until it conies to a cream. When it Is nearly smooth add one tcapounful of vanilla and make the cream mio nans, ror mc uuume wis nnn.hnlT timind of bakers' chocolate, but do not add water to it. Koll the cream halls Into the chocolate while it is warm. One. cup of grated cocoanut ."tirred inio the cream as It is cooling improves them. Recipes for chocolate caramels are manj- and varying. The one here given is miub used and simple. Take o' "rated chocolate, milk, molasses and ,- - t r t a sugar one cnpn 1 eacn piece m iiuticr llu. Hi7t of an C; Boil lltltll it Will I! V , , r"r 1 . I- . I harden when dropped into cold water. Hax'or with vanilla. Put on buttcreil tins, and mark off into squares when partly cool. Delightful bonbons are prepared in the following way: Syringe etiojgh o-auge iiiico into a rup wan coniecuoncr s sugar to make of right consistency to I mold into anv desired hape. Then roll j in -granulated sugar aud place on but tered paper. The above aro all choice recipes, and with their aid any clever per-on can manufacture very dainty bonlxuis. It i advised in making thco or other con- 1 fections that the sugar or molasses 1 o J cooked in a vessel j.et inside another I vessel partly filled with boiling water. This precaution w.ll prevent the syrup from burning Children arc alwavs delighted with pop corn ball, and these aro easily made. Grind the pop-corn and sL'r it into a boiling syrup composed of half a cupful of while" sugar and s x teaspoou fuls of -water to every o.art or corn. When cool enoufrh mold into bal's and roll in pulverized sugar. Or, make I sugar or moiases tally, and while hot . stir m whole, pop-corn, men ici 11 vooi I and mold into balls. For this operation buttered hands aro rciiuired, and for pulling any candy white the tinges should be buttered" but no more than is really nccessan or tlie candy will be greasy. A plain molasses taffy which can be pulled quit white is made as follows: Boil one pint of molasses and half a enp of sugar dissolved with three table spoonfuls of vinegar, stirring often. Test bj' dropping in cold water. When nearly done, add butler the "size of a walnut and half a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a little warm water. Add anv flavor desired, stir well for a minute and our into a buttered pan or platter. When coo) enough work white. For vinegar candy boil, without stir ring, three" teaenpf uls of sugar, half a teacupfulof vinegar and the Same of water. Add one teaspoonful of soda. When it crisps in water, pour into a but tered platter. A" T. World. A Jicw iHrredieat. It is Mrs. Cobb's candid opinion that ia some cases, education is not of much benefit to tbe colore i rare- Mrs. Cobb nas a colored, cook, who says she graduated at a female cemetery, who can read, and who gives much of her time to perusing tlie cook book. A Jew morniuirs ngo." the cook, whose name is Mandy. was told to make somo cake A short time afterwards she ap peared in the parlor with the cook book in her hands, and said I wants yer to send right off to de store and get some latter to put on de cake," Some what?" "Some latter." "Latter." Yes, latter. Tsc doae tole yer foci time." "Ib the name of common sense, what is latter?" "1 dunno what hit am. X. . . write dis heah book. Bit reads data cupfall ob de latter sheald be put in de' case 10 ma&e au gooa. ' Mrs. Cobb jerked she book of the cook's hand, aad, at the alacemakalei. read: "Mix bb the doejrh with a tp .oi waterier of aweet atUst, bat the latter is the best" rr Siftimm. K that the 7.000 Fmadiaivisas jaixat aK omity weald like to give 1 'Oa.mvaBactawmsTvl Ti ofka peeVle iaTfewTtrt sl T.ttt riliCTPAB Ttl -tlT WLT. ilLWiiiI 12 . T -i , j I t . . ' T ; I lll IS t -H tll i .! lUlfllTI1 M n IS1T II !. r mf, i -- X, ;FtMtuar. AUCUST. S. M T W.T 4( ,,-f, tltt 11 I ! 1? i ta,at a a,aas7 AaCM. ... T :w i a 4 . a i' i T 11 11111 i- t IT it ta a al . 3 .-, i a. a - t a Biaillliilt ts is it ! nam as xa a-xx 7ixa tM -- -.-- .. -. aiAT. M T W T T .. I' X SB . - T! a Bian i 14. IS 1- IT 1 ! si xx xa.xt xi o 1 a saat n t w t r . 1, a a 4 a 'i" x a a , T, a B1BII t m t is ic iri ia 4 c a t a ! it inuuuiB 11 cost .iuteJii ltutl XX XX'T-I t?tXMS t . 1 '..- xsh.s:ia- - 1 .' ' n 4, i T a 10 ii tx ia ii'ii in .-, 1 l a a, 4t 5 "J is 1 1 it ia tt'is ic iT!ta'iJM it in iBtati aa xa Bi(ite:c3i aa,xxi seijSa xs .. .. .. .- .. -- avai - -- " . . , . 1 !! IIOXI, KAIUI AXl) (JAUBl'.X. To relieve hircougli at once, ttke a lump ui Higar haturaled with vinegar. A tou"b piecu of meat cati bemadu tender by'" letting it cook lor several hours in water at simmering heat. Potatoes, when dug in an ttnrij state, may be at tunes watery and not til to o.tt, but if tpru.id a thinly a- jk-.-ible iu a dry. airy place they Will in tune become as mealy as if left to rijn.'n iu tbo ground Exchange. J-net Pudding- One cup of sugar. 0110 cup of ..net chopjied tine, one cup sweet milk, one teaspoouful of soda, a pinch of salt, two egg well beaten a teacup of raisins, or fruit of an kind if desired, three cups of Hour added the last thing. Serve with any sauce on may like, or without hiiuee "the pudding L ory good. Chicago Journal. A writer n the Fruit Rerordcr makes the statement that one of tlie neighbors planted some cabbage plants among bin corn where the corn inised, and the butterflies did not find them He has. therefore, come to the on clusion that if the cabbnge-pa'ch were in the middle of tbe corn-field tho but terilie would not find them, as they lly low and like pla.n sa.ling. Gravy, which is excellent with lioiled fish or with pork steak, is made by browning a sliced onion in a Iiltla butter, and adding a little at a time to sonic beef stock; thicken with flour rubbed smooth in a little of the cold stM5k. Add. if you have it, somu chopped par-ley" or Worcestershire sauce, if bcrved with jork, a table spoon ful of tomato catsup is good. Salt and pepper to taste. A correspondent of tlio rKif .'" crJrr recommends the saving of coal a-hes, which he says ho ha used for three or four years on currant buhcs for the destruction of the currant worm, and finds no necessity for theuo of hellebore or other po'iMtn. 'Jlie are a- effective on cucumber vines to keep off the striped bug. Laat year he u-ed them on cabbages, filling tbe head full, and had no further troublo with tbe worms. Tbo cabbages headed well, receiving no injury. from the ashes. Tho ashes are better" to be silted through a line sieve. Many a valuable horse is subjected to unnecessary pain, if not to perma nent injury, at this season of the year, bv the thoughtless placing of a cold iron bit in bis mouth. Il any one doubts that this is painful to the horse, let him satisfy himself by laying a piece of frosty iron across his own tougue some simm nioniln"-. It is a very easy mat- I ter to keep the bridle in the Iioumj where a win do kepi warm, wncn not in use. We have scmi horse the sk:n of whose tongue and lips was as e''ect nally burned by a frosty bit as they would have been by a red-hot one. and all the while the owners were wonder ing why the animals refused to cat and feu off In llesh. AV10 England Fanner. Weeds a ika Wei1, Who has not sat at a car window and almost thanked tbe weeds for tbe varied beauty they give to the landscape? In April, the "green-sward is gemmed with dandelions, "from Maine to Minnesota, and, as the season advances, hundreds of other weeds brighten the 11. endows, and make bcantiful the neglected bed"e-rows. The thistle in mid-summery the cockle in the rijMjning gram; the golden-rod and asters in the mel low autumn how beautiiul tbcv all are: Stand at tho rear platform of tlie car, aad sec tbe breeze of the tram break up the gossamer globes of the dande lion, aud whirl .along the seed laden balloons, which seem to chase and dodge one another for miles this is in June. In August, the dandelion is gone, and the prickly thi-tle fills the air wita down, and upon the wings of the wind seeks fresh fields and pastures new. The East is full of weeds, and our railway trains are carryinjr their seeds westward, gradually but surely, every v ear. Fully one-th"ird of the'laborof many Eastern farms is troaUlulimg. This'is a labor oarely thought of on rcostTVestem farms. " There it is "one of the things you read about' but how soon it will be a rcalit.! Tbere are farms at the East, once weedy, now nearly clear; held, as we hold oar freedom- or as we should hold it by eter nal vigilance This is not scar so ex pensive as plowing, harrowing, hoe ing aad summer fallowing. We take pleasure in commending early aad last ing vigilance to our brother fanners of the West. Fight the weeds. Keep clean hedge lows aad road aides: slay. burs, eradi cate, exterminate. Wc " are passing laws ia the Eastern States compelling the careless aad thriftless to keep their road-sides clear of weeds, aad of the brush in which they harbor. It is not .. I II lllllllfcl,' .fsVMA I t f ..MA 1 TU4 Muwwij nunc 9 w- a oumo r"-Br w t. iUHC mimr wmn- vuocrt ! mac v to he quietlv agm the lew." Ib ethers, the laws are m aeese m Laser a liveslua ta, aad rraaaelh mea caiae apoa hiees. ssetkia the fielasaadtae Tead-wavs. There iaaoteke ahoetit. iaey wiapes 1 1, u. t w r, r.i. i, a; a -, -, J , V W WW.- , .. K m' ;!! I t 1- ! IT ! . ww w . w - a a u at .. U'TfMM". it 'r i i 'T '" t r - -.4-,- - - - -- i ' - " 1 t a a - - i it i ia ?" ' ocToaca. $. . t w t r s. r' t. r,. junc. Dtctataca. u t w , t . v , s. m ' T r K T twir at M ve nrr wafl k w aiiamaial araai i-t k it eAco i waiil t Mkn m' coai sj i rrAi ia-tJkv-LaI cUsrte. laTaivtaf s I , iTalTScaa J fa Ob fcsfhlc aa4 kt!-UJ4 aad tboacU, fac. faacr. -1 - - -.lil. l. lWf fejor iC!Tt . .c7ZZ-tTtrJ i rz i T 'V Aat aml'fral bM-bMbCMbIbI aaATt aMMRtJll 10 "" - - -"-i i BTirrwaafnT llY'mta ceroid ro to wora larura wauar tij a isrre -err u- wsw we I topa, ae ae wa.-aKOTT. a. fraial ltd whb Wy a4 aoag. -weax. aa so -ara Fsaajae pujos pa tbe rraad. cW aocataiaa of bi. ' i o r. a4 U tar & - Itobert Han, tie great milpU orator 4 fcM5 , ltt, ,4 iiaf M- u of flngland. once eaclil, I el ate j h tmtr -i v j. m na t - . a koa. arwl I tirracb tike a bar. f a iy tvT rr a.g Much ia lb earctrof lr. Joaoa U explained liy tbe fart tkal be m tbe habit gI taxta a vonaoc stotnAca to tbe utajojtt. Carey, tbe cobbler, who, witboot any , acadxtnic rdiKalion, becaaae tbe luead- j er of asodem jotwkm, tbe traulxtor of J the Utblc into forty of ta atcct o India. IYufftor of haascrst Jn toe British collcjre at Kort MTUiarn, and tbe . fr.tMt nl th ,1.t- Kr.uln deiag enough otber work tolaasioruu - ize average men, w larguy inueutea to a Ttiroroua digestion that xm acrrr abused. , 5af iKUtmXtl AVau. i-aV.iag of ftfriylc. wholgan early to naffer from dy?pepia; ""The gloomy view be u-ok of tbe -conHiUrtioo of modern aociety was a renex 01 ine menuu urprePMon dae -to tiad digralKta. Hts railing a4 wailiasi over ibe dfearacy of tbe tiiac, bis bopleB&4 of any ln proveraent, and hU mean opinion of aU the literary men and women with whom be came in contact, had their origin la the mc Biorbid tale." louf A Own- fjanton. Prof. Wiener, the Sooth American explorer, writes that tbe Amazon b not .. ii.i. . . 1 . 1.... -. t.- CailCU oy Luai naiua a uuuic, uu n mouth i called by the natives uo del Para, ana farther inlanu. simniy V luo. A1ktc tbe confluence of the Negro it ia known an the K10 SoJimoeni to tbe bom ilary of Brazil, beyond which it is 1V 1 liii. Maranon. Prof, Winner is .1. . --..-n .flanlnn nH .!... r,- ""-! '. A ..':.' A ";.:r. rMMible from the Brazilian Government, Doai J'edro II. having placcu a tine steam es.el, with officers and crew, at his dipoal, and tbe icntific world U anticipating with gnat interest the ac count of his ex(edition to be published on his return. In Kngland very rich, beirlcs mer. are apt to leavo "all to wife," abso lutely. Thus Mr, Assheton Smith, the famous fox hunter, left $200,000 a year to Mrs Smith. She, in turn, left hall to hi nephew and half to her nephew. Mr. .Meynell-Ingram, also a mighty hunter, left two grand nt with tlecr parks and $'2GU,0XK) a year absolutely to his widow, then twenty six. The Londtm Lancet succumbs to tbe Ixilicf that the electric light must soon become the common illuminating agent. . . , ... ..... .. .1....1 ..1 m u. IIUl mMSl inai aoiu lueumu biiuuiu ud devised to miligato ;ato its intensity, "lor true comfort, ' continues the writer re gretfully, "there is nothing like tha light given by the old-fashioned nura wax candle." Aa Aga nf Sutplrlon. Tnsrjr, thta la aa aire of unsplcion. Neref. taeleat. Captain '. it. Hoa-et, of tbe ttramer Wllllani Orjne, Mcrcbaau' a Miner Traa portatloa Line between Iloa'-oa an J lUItlmore, wbo suffered tererely from rhenmatiam, . eanaeil bj tbe expaaurc Incident to lilt jmifi--ion, was cored br SL Jacob Oil. Tbl la no saapiclon. Jiotbm OloU. No, 1'acu tbe window of tbe caul it mt a rune in the stomach. Marathon Jttdtprndmi. mi Chicago' lint Cltltea. Tbe Chicago Trihunt. la cloaln? sn labor- ate article ou Hon Carter 11. Harrlton, Major of th tcltr, aivet tbe followlnsa Mr Hatrl- son'sorluloa of Sf- JacoU Oil: "When I first found nmelf sufTerinK from the rlienros tlsai, my leidinc thouaht naturallj wai to call a phytldn, but my nelzhtr all adrivd roe to try St. Jacob 0J, tike Great German Iteraetly. 1 procured nome of it Immediately, aad found It excellent for that ailmcul." m 'Bia" a'd an old colorcl mn down at the poot-otRre to another oldcodcer, "IVhst'a de meaain of veraa-Tersi!" " it means totb er from 'arblch," answered Sam. with great dlRnlty. " I duoao." aald the firm one, " I think it mean ut,dedoa-n." ".No," retort ed hu friend. "I'ae done saah It mean bind side defoih." A third old fellow c - e by 1ut tbrn and thrr a pelcd the question to blm. I cannot detpUIn pernetly." be said, so to meet wld your compredebention. bat wlser-irersaa-n a 'propriatlnn from do ltln and means sum and w and mo' of It, I members stumbiin' ober It at CDllrdrc It am a bard word to nemounre.' " He ambled slonr wltb hla back saw, and the two wbo had referred to blm looked afler hlra with re tted and admiration, wondering that "ona imall bead could carry all be kaew.M Jhtrvit rot m Mn.lwV.McnrnT, of Falmouth, Ky., writes: " I ouli sooner do witlioul rav tobacco than dlttente with Dr. Guytl' Yellow Iock sod barfaparilla. Myself, wife and I It tin oat use It for cold . coughs, bradacbes, indbrettioa, elc, WbeaTcr we don't jusl feel well, we sac It, and it always doc good." m A riKCX of steel is a ffood deal like a man a sea you jet il reU-bol It losses its temper. lVraeaalt Tea Voltaic Bblt Co., Marhall.nch., vill cad Dr. Drc'a Celebrated ElecUo-VolUlc Belts aad Electric Appliances oa trial for thirty days to men (Jonas or o!d wbo are ar ticled with nervous debility, lost Tiulity and kindred taauWea. .raaraateelar speedy and complete restoration of beallh and maaly Tiger. AaaresaasabTc N. R No risk ta lacuna, as thirty day's trial to allowed. BjUa'a Jlaawr of Hi sat aad Tar Cures coaahs and colds, draps core la one minute. Pike'a toothacts) Get liTon'a Patent Heel StlfleBer for those at boot or sheas 'jef ore 70a rsa thasB , aia A atorssexxr ce foot trimester; eora. m Mcax men are the best at -eesifareonae-drBma. This cornea from the fad thai Use kale to flax aavmin X O. PUafu. . A Japanese woman dellsbt laa doll, wane aa Ansaricaa Ctrl doles a dolraaa. m "Tas," aaia the fair bet false yoea to calkt to BsaihleloB, "that I aa old Eaxllaa sons with a refrain." "Ah!" repBed Ihe eruatj critic, 'fJael froaBsbagiasTtt." )bm salts ae. Minis A UQCoadealer ta a MaasachaseUs ts rereireU a prntal card readiar: "Please al tead taa'f saeral of a assc 70a acre Sees Sea yaass ia klUia.;. Vbtt theaTRaex asaa laaraa, reU tat Wks i iaale?aaui.hajag5aw. "Om, seatr.n cried little Aaiy is ta ma aery, xak Freddy beaavc aiaff ; every time I aappea to kit hiai ta the aaal wttaaaa axafiet ae eatsU oaeryta.M jrraoiavacTcaabaatadfmm allaaOsw. Xaa as t ex a aa frosa a sac ot seas, keft vos ais coatrtva ta isaeliirr ic J. 71 ;tsssT MAwxrAcrcsxaaoClaeKera ae Itoaa. altheark taxr an eTsea BaCt atx aa arc aka; weTe kaeawae telaU Oaai :sasacarxaii ia aet anal. fv. It. 1L JIL. Sr. 3Bi . 4 S-4 ) r -- ? fc-. t A JHf Urt4 tirijsjr4j-.i rw-,r",rf . j. Hiill . m M i law i i h JBarw !,. -. &. i vsfcr'MA. A W t ikU) rr1 w !, Hw.' J'rt,fL,5!r HT- It tal Jb4 aai wwn - I iw cr rwnww iv fet-Ti l i4ari Stw iwbH-V fct -hia.V f .! l-am -.-.- ViSut- - IW4m- v w 9 'WSBBI w al "--"W '- "'ill"" - - - - my I w 4t t t l . . - wr j. tJ . ,,. , j, 4.4 p jit j tr! " pt jr srT 1 i sr- a . , u ru.r. Uxrt t t st : ! teanau. u u- Ww j A ,-,5,. Tlr fc-fen tmVXt 4Jmtr, ' Mw. t i- t. wrri iit, I JJi -Clx- irtj e4 .,? Da. K. V rimcx. RT i v l lr 5r i I ra;TT tr r.i twtmtf . tJ.rl.M ta . trrt rr lm Ub .t luf fr'. : tVi,rt.ta rrrt t S)-i .t I- r1- 1 a-- -f Mat i wm s w-: r -v. --, - 1 testati,tai J a. Hum, u U . MA 9ium ruu; wt (Kt ! r- TBl U p tiuat bfj- W4 U'ify ktcf tit- C4p Jiuta. Upj, t'Wf II W tVtl4 Vol. Wrrr xrfl tUwrl ra a. crt-r ia UkI.iv! UVm y O. tVrr - 1tLrrl, ti,tam xwld t1 II la It t u4.aafc,.f t traJ'for ll. dirirr rahir to bcr ml Etx- atalf a taJ It ttr tba U&s 3 ei ' tU' U iluu . u tae jv I rb. CAi-w Tu-. lit Iitar' ria'da Mrdkl !rvwir 1 bit troa m tWwrh.i Ul4H4J H puttie I tAxar Us4l U t Uf tt fcrtfa f J, It oatl &t t ewry t4rU !- J " J" 'HT cfTTt V 2? it iefuU f lb hiM i oltwr 14..S 4- N I t Mf u b (Hc ,4fi. uwt t 4&4j -Um co.uiiat" .Ma. 1. ft. Ott.var fc l-t btt tTtr"r corctt. Tlpir r tiAtu wat atl tU- ."InblUr It ltrr tl lra lr I W ItT "T DemO M'T-;8 ta HW Ia UT w-n ! if vujrta kiwi a - lalorrrln mauiUfaiar hrttfe. WHU btliWt liter, tfl tbi liibr-j, airfl ant mr trill aif 1 la sol hcllh. U tW t.u t.rn torpid. If I'ilru Mf nlj if ll- kV l 1 ci wlo. ft a jurl. -rr iJ KU-rj-W-ri tn bo Cir&i attbout mote uCcrtei. Tiuri U nothinc llkf a tro c .tr I puMlnj U tsVr t -n ipW r ttl lra , CtvUVC lCr .Vr Harm JtrfrtUr, If yoo ate a vmtiia tnJ wnl ltli t ct'lh a&d beauty, rcajewt-T tbt ail arBr4 rV fort t Inert e roar pctml cht ra re Tta- rrhne a"d l-riotr rc-'piax Kt. ad to curr tbu Mr. Ltdi '. fnnka r rcttir-hct for all lemair eak'Ti feJtcf ?! uret tnrnt of rcnorl$rm. "Ib bt.-lftt la tahlSJ-nc- lor it lulr Un It mm; fin J " cxprrIi lbnHch a bhiuut cw4JiMuJ Good for either ter. A roiXTK If yon aaa't ieH. ilu aa-h a bid hml tbtl noUxlr rin trl! iiit Uu Irtlcra arc . tJTTbe tnrl t-rllllanl tbtslM pr'tle a ' tit tbrlr arc inauc nr tnc inaotwt n all tbrlr arc mailr vy tlw iiuwotwi ii. - a , m.11m1 . ,, ,inr-r . dun.MHlr H da. . n You cam twtar rrlr upon an ectr.. tr not hArtrr rk oftb care brt Ecito llc 1mIuh Cvrrr. Dn. a W. llff'i Ory srd Ch It! la are t.rrParrd CTl rrlr to cor n.ri llmlartK- of all klodt. Nruiacia. ontuea and Drspctla. 1'roTcd ao.1 udroJ by paysiciatit. " l'w a nntron of hni.lrv " said rtdow wbo tuada Jicr fourth coupling the Foa Tea Coaa or a Cot'ou on Kaa Tunoar, "JlnnenU JlrvntKUI TracA' aro a simp: remedy Sold only la boxm. WiiT is a shoe like a It It ma.Ie of ; ik. borne rtrtt IWpsu' "Dk. llrxox's.S'Kf Crt rrdUtttTnypn' tin. TSty wxtf Ut lrtit outeimtittiy " etora 1. Harrison, Itochrster, N. Y SI aliruj;UU. Vou.T uncil.oJ IsntxH CiUtrn. for A dead lellr. FoRTniCKUKAt.braTystomaclia.WllfTttinta, "Well' May Apple Pn'la'cathartU.lOaod'r.c PnoTrcTTOt for home oa ttw) pantry door Industries. A lock KKtXTIc, Wens' Health Itmrw-r" rettorrs health and rior. cures Dytprptia. II. Kunr jt HAroirrcit fared ten) : "I won der what made mt mtrrr ptt lie la not st all tbe sort of man I s boa HI bare cured fort" Traaer Asia Grra. Tlie Frazer Axle Grese lat four times as Ions as any otter LV It, and sate yonrborsrs andwasODt. A trial wlbprotelbatwearerisbt. Trerk 1 a marked .Mfferrnce between ct- tlnp np with the lark and slaying cp to bear one. .V. T. JlrraLL Tar the aew brand, "gpriac Tobaeaav ATTV. RhsHHiutism, leuraloia, Sciatica, at au. srrsMB aa I j ttntgrnm rnIMn . Ill ac cwaaus a. as ,.TnraiaaacB. ,u.t.ti. .i.a,i.aarraacnawifitwfcn ia wir. sl aST w Hiimsa. arartSc tVnjp 0WkWrrw.J.ii.aTacsiaOo.attr4. a.T. HeUaiaaaaV! SAWMIIXS wULTBX xcxTxaa a tatlobcsl. j wsxaaSVa cMata ssa steoa ia ,scotMi ra M7l33SS3S S JAC0J?. Oil ls- S mWWmmWWrmWWrL F aaaaaaaaaaamBBaaaaasa kmsz ff mmmmavammsKx KsemLammmmmEammmmH BeammmrR8P GElmMANREMEln aBsaeeslUSfMslZn -H fteast OEnK- 0f TJiia. sxmssBVMsmt. MH gCawteaas?. Fernet lay mwaWmamV. J n -" RAIL18AD lAOm I 4WU tiaawrjir! CaHiri U4 31 rvww t SJ j3 V- a a. r U tt rtvX4t-K wtu. tw k.-k t-i., rt;o rkti. iu it iiiJM rt tfcint. irtrt ji. - t . tir-inrt com rLiivrr nw b ltUrt Kiwri lis tT. ltima r. rtaataka ai rtatnra 1 a fct U ! Ill ' & lWt),M. toMiwllan.lwiiinom'11"1 (riiwr-!-.!-.! n? r Yt i ac mU ta k . tr - nvrWMlW t a rkx M a. TV.t.it, i. l u " Wr a-a t f " Hi. - rt jw- tl - v- 1 . !"-. rfc-sa busK ai iw )!, - a vr- txn.vn a. n pi r t ,.p, M-4 K, ii.j p M- . rU a aH lraUt.-a in AQf.Ag' jAfPHnRaSs J t-i 1 irrUtS 4 911 - s" t r si, wet a " 14 IkVUIi -ttur ta twJMA4 !-' M lk-i . -m - i-i & - - - a er rtf n- 9 t r iff ; . t-t iwa t1b v fr 'tia.it wr" i-'-i ' t ! sa 1 f m ! a I t- vf l r-J (wt j " B Lit . LKr - . h r a X IxV j. I 5-- .. - COOw0004P01XNal " MaaaalkV atttararmxxr.wt. agS. it UW wvABW4a.- ' : f ?-.w -.'S n Taif afciar arr -- -- - t Jf yi""Wt ccra; Jir 1 laf) & r ttr it Cf 1-i LYDIA E. PtNKHAMfS T532TA5LI CC!g3I?y3L 1 li;Biirilars Oatninetl ! Is. : ..(. (tf - . fMUtrrf.ruwMH B. MT4 tm, IW- tfc -r iwiiinaiH. K Mrwu w t.ni a. mm. .-. .. t staa. ... ( HOS'LHtRi atrr fir 3i ara.&vw f U t t lMit ty t' trrUSJMw wt - ffraninm f Iki ftttrnttmi ntm. tt nrs 1 !, ai CtiKrTt - tte-t (M ot ! ImM firrrifrtS kvl f r rm ff 3 It muunmi TWtl.Y.XmfK,S2l wnka(4 4t T' ni lili . 9mt m Ov li H itmrntf lf il mm KrnS.. tt tmtm a- il iw. t Sr nklW4kM Mt JtS- il. Ah a m. b4 tni fM Mt. iarai vi cjsimra'',ar',a. Tmwi, f. awSW r aa!r i r j:.ih. s4 . iarvaa,rti. eiX arrwwv r-- aa.r. i. aas a. a rwa. KaMOt-.la. CleftllflNii Ctrnttl sma Cwfft, I w lawsts -a eie. aw . larvs 7 WIJ. r " nn-. k WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TOMORROW? p Pool'a Signal Service Barometer amWamBBaM0asrW !. TMcataarTra raaiaa. taLTT T. . . . . a.-5w f ai cx MCav SHU I "t- " -- - mni-mrv rtfm".mmlmr1m a- .-' BH7smmmaxal "? aaVmal sssKi illmaxl amasfl " mamBmamamamamV H ssmmmamBsi am!" -J 5- SeKxaBai xaVHsi " xTbF xamsxi am H a Baasxal aai'4eaBxBm bbt 3' aKaweaaaaaj BsaSS-B x BvTBSJ K aWxt-xamai mLW''IkW BBBV'BBxB aa BvaxawBKasB BxtlKaKiBBKasl I n rl j s taar. ASSsaanaidsrif iwla raac tantrTrasY- MrJ t ',"? riVaS A f aBatf y(t irf. St V&a5L CONSUMPTI0N. SS!t1vaaJTwSraorT aaTatXawa TSI slBp sa. am TTi?5SDTi SLS'sta. rx bp i a ji i twai s jsjsaipis aas Jflsaaji ! awe fas afaratw jayfJatTB a I ItmssmaTasmtlaUxfa fi2S?Csfar jf-.r jMaWmaPy I aPsWsmBsVBBnmmTmriaaa!ag jf'AlnssmLmWeAri I BBsWMxWwyaiayBBajB jiaaaaassaMasaaaaa a tmawBasBaBBsBi xaaa.xs, isBSBsaBasBKasai.aB W" Si iL. a HHBSBaemBMBBMHWK-emBI I - r.i T "HifiP , I vaaMt feafcr4 t 04 im ' tVMt ' jtmtrrrirf-r Wwa , ImM Aay- ,r"l,wi ! Jkf rvrt. . r "- ' - -a-Gaawaw s-ii. - i rwiv irt--. n- aip , v -?- - rtNrr 4Mt .... a4" - i,wi4i tuaH W , iftfi rJt HI" J- tw , )lwV' . J at Vr - mmmm - -wiai ! Mmxmw t WV-'a A t-o jJa-JiWf t4mtp ' " 4 oM "'l-jm iN k-4 its f- m jm!T- tM fvn vt 44-wJb !" Plw i aa- j-ktrw-. wr t --- ia n -wi tw lt4 tj ' mi """ VW - in "' t a-M tr A. - ia ''" -J. .X In. f Nt - mt 4w . a . ri. k. 4StV t - V - 4 Taa y' fc ihwihj w i-. i I Va- te tosnrJl a W - -3a 4er yM f S j . .Ti.mr tattl SIKIafi FO HiRMIRS I Tusv Lijlitniij Nif Knif ! t.wt.1 at M Mto fV Nt lrmm- rimmir,:.. wm y I eUCKa TO AMV UTtSC autre im was. Mr-! trm 94 - wi t - I " firmsltl-rft hl fmm m .4 n . ' tmm4 nii ( i taw , a mifc TtiT. it wiuwrav OU. I BEllBltl Q..tsa aZta.kL.e.Li. HAS BEEN PROVM Tka auaxar cuat Hut IDIwatY DfftEASM. ! lUMIfM Hktmi- TOM 1 iKSSOTArXt 1 ' tiAl - Km a- .w a rm fcr IU LLfldiCsl W . emmm, lr . w irn-. w.nh vri-ir ! 'I "-- ' - " r . IB1 wuM)vnvr a ''. 4js tVahss, a 9Mr - 1 1 K tm, mmj wr aix uactwjDria. DR. STRONG S PILLS Tre OM, WeM Trlfd, Wenrfsfful Health stenawln iamadias. smmr $ imm. pills irs - S4. -.. IK. 4rj 3 A 4m eraiiaee samraasj sail e r--wi Jirmwv rtviemsk rnxj -. i il.. i ii i.,"n -- -fc A mm ,.ii. t t" . 1 .r a S" '- i .- J ..iii. I4fci . ttmmnut m- 4 . it ba mi.yMi4k4ilaMtti-4tMi -4 M JTr Al ..- Vrn". t. X- at 1 1. Jk. a BV svassa 1 THE MASSILkON imiwi a. ' sat aas.s. . rs.S.A las., aT.4, n GHWWHtrrtll ' i Taa4 rvtt su.Aaarr.Baisu a vr aa t. tOUi ma 1 mmj mwtKSmm?mXW Pmmmmmeaamm Trmy S tfNr t SUWwMUUhKM. ISM ' m eBjsaaajajswsaafaBeBjsaasasyBaaav h4mM. uni m s4- "-. rrg fw-lsfsatSH toslsatse,l. -mmmvmm t? at I. JTT.Jtm. i. m-'- i rja T")- fi(WnaWia iWin rrsJrsnJircltST III THE. f TT-iaTVii)! r ii fl In imm i sr u a r ir , - llati iJCmi tsaTW-S Mi -&f" ssre i . . a i..l. mm tii in. m I - " " " iT.:. ... .a 1J , m. wvb wmm t . --"- -fc.- - . . . - : - M m Si- t- artx 9f ! aM, 1 ya w -at sm- j' . - JJ. tSyt aa. - z a sa - a - Maa.MSt rjsrs:zz t$r ri(.iniiiM.yiMi - Jat CENTS rflisiaawfs air- rwsaa aaaajsmr 3Q i tUtfW imlf Wis- tTarwrrtl mj - 21 Uaai rUvTtMTM rMSSJaIPTCJt Wa fcawi SSj- saw1' TfrTtx tStafaeir ' . -f. " ,1",t p sa" ai -r . , '2iaaiSa43a arta w.htthk rrsuc t at t. ;SaSarTtr-?rijfr mWTmmrmm ., .r.,! , .., ., . t & a - - - - - ! PV-. W.M Wmmv mm fc H'". - mi- ,-. sjasrwasiSMyya c.!.?g em"J Uaaaea "JaWBaX emiBBT'SaTpaSsxsw' MSkai )aira asx aa asaa srM VSmlmTVjSSSSmWm . saXTsTsafCLsTT TwItaUaaT Tt' ,r aflflSSQvBjBsBtmmafVBWBBM aBBBBJSjmaw. f ,, - . ,. . i 1 T "that stranger wait for the " J?- f" F11 m aaew clecc. Sex it What wmiiismi ef str- -' - .Jlr5' Vpf t 'v'- -e. Jf. 5 . . A- ! . - r- - U --- ; J -V-i " SaS -jfc t. . -- :;:-w., st' "i-. fKmn-tt ,pi-J rWTeasM Baa Sri. i2&3SsmB&3Gm.SaZmam-H TiHsmEO