The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1883, Image 2

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ir ' ' wtf Whi?.nf , liuliiilttiilWtMiliiilWiWaaiaiWiMWMWWi
'"V. "
n n
ZBBspsa or the advertiser.
lam sn-adrertlsct errat:
Injcller Lotd. and b'-ir and rutin I
TkeprUcof my ware I sound
Ifusperltyj taretnte.
Tno people come,
Thu jx-up'e fgif
In oneuJtitinuous,
Hurjflnir How
' Ty ,m"r m" & ! n-l rone affatn,
-Ami I in the hap Ict of men;
And tfcl tho renson J relate:
I am an advertiser jrrcat J
There I a ahop ncroM the wr
Whens ne'er I h-ard a toman trral-
, -3mr traJc ,s parolic 1 nd dead
w lib ne'er ncwumior n .lay.
tl be t rox"e enrne.
The jteop'.e tt t
Hut ih;-t there
lheydo not know
There' uch h ebop tie:ieati fie skies,
ItcsuH: ho 'oc not n Ivertlc: .
Wh f Z with pleasure cnntciup'ato
That Tin an ndvvrtlecr j?n-at
The nxn-l of my fortune He
In oner-mall fact, which. I may aiate,
To nmny tradesmen tcirn too Ut:
If I bsi-o (roods, I n I v.rrt (.
Tin n p-opte c 'ino
Anl p-oplc- jiy
In f oti'tant iilni,im
For K-p kn w
TJvt be w6 ha good ware to cll
w ill ad erl them "rcll;
...And pn.u llr-l n iterate - -.
J cm an odt crt.s r j- cat S
rkntzr Triliune.
ifUtucatnlitHflftMi.; Si wen puw,
whtJu statue at left micc. Sliutm
then goc t look t tlte cUss'o hmU
when Ujc man slatne knock hi hat ol
with his upcar; Sirnou trien in aia lo
fiat! who did it. a the staUe is immor
able aain. Aa the statue par him no
alfcntioa. S'mon trick tm lib old hat.
atid lce4 it on tie head of the classic
bust and contemplate It with de.ighl:
but n eoon as hu back is turned the
bunt Atoop down into the frame, -and
the hat disappear with hor. Simoa
goci for Ida hat. is much surprised not
to find it, climbs up and look down
after it
The man pushes him with his speac
and he rolls orer on to the stage. The
gleauer rakes him with her raku and he
looks up. but she is aain still. .Simoa
ad ranees with;reat consternation to'tha
front, wheti th right tatae- glides
idowly toward him and seize Irs arm
I eft statue also ad ranees, puts her arm
around bis left, and the trembling Simon
is led oft" at tho rht mid shouts of
laughter from the audience, who cannot
rcft the curious spectacle of the
solemn statues thus in motion. YouUCi
riradlnjr far If! Papa.
The pleadings of a little boy ot
more than fire years rid. who strug
gled and, kicked to free hImeU from
the 1 rawny arms of a policeman, made
last night s late pcdcstiiaiM on Chestnut
street, nca- Fifth, stop and wonder
what oTcnce such a child could po
Kihlv commit. A few m! ahead
I walked another officer, baring in charge
J a lazy-looking man. with his head ! an-
dacd in a hu c cloth, who 1 clones t
that tyj e mot with after dark t n any
of the populous thoroughfare. At the
Central Station the officers told the ser
geant in charge that the man and his
child were found bcjrring. and they
f thousht, for tho child s sake, the two
should I e held until investigate n could
discover whether the little fellow was
properly cared for or not. The man
I egan to I eg in the familiar way for his
IP crtv, and was making a very sliht
.! Impression on tho .crgeant, wiien the
w, whocou'.u restrain hi; feel
Tfttt ff4Flrc.
Tlre imH titesro'iid tfcln ire-rhH
that Itaa a picture U) Imj companrd, for
brilliancy, with the fparklia play o!
lirt-works upon the andiron. !ramci in
teen o-rred by th IHik of Braaawtck
- had 'n i Inm dbvippcarej, Tneih-iay-eample,iy'
from the lKdjjwof
the t adc- It i suppoMrd that it hare 1
the fate of raasy other aotcd gems aad
w a stolen.
The irar -havr of th Bhac ftfaxaon I
hal no hope of tlHcoreringlt njLite. bat 1
hll rtonjt nttitjilual mcaats- ilcwaa
not ia anhnrry W ic 1 it, ftsd after the
ha1 it f ilatnond-leilcrs w)h tbe tinnt
ton. kept jt ycr? cke frum 1apo
toa. About two month ago a member
of his firm ma c a btw nes trio to the
rtrn aw. in
"So icorc intc esting way of spending
nn evening, or more successful means of
linking money for chu ch or charitable
tiurjKise. can lw found than in this de
lightful pastime, which has bcen"jutlv
convdered very diilicult of exrcutiotL
'J he simple processes which have long
been kept Mcret arc now given to the
public for the timtime, and if carefully
followed by jwrons of taMe and judg
ment, thee plain directions will enable
thent to almost rival clas-sic marbles.
The actors limit, of .be grace
ful, and also have a clear contention of
the hcntimcnt of tli:r parts, as the ex- Pl',rciS,,I01
Dression of fru- ntnn tliniw t I.r..nrr1. t llttlO JeJlO
- , .,,.,.,., M1, ,....!.. . . ...
the jiowder which covers it ,n no 'onirer, ioko up in a Mrai-nt-
After a long trial of manr articles for I fri!?rd "i"11 that surprised the group
wiuienmg the face, nothing is found su
perior to th velvet chalk which, packed
o hanuoniou'sly by the dull tcrra-cotta
color of Uie inclosuig brick-work.
Ifaiifjr are they who. harinjr old a;
p!e tne on their ground, can utiUze
the dead limbs in this charm' a fashion.
It is fascinating employment l pile the
twig? and twis.ed brancbe in ?uch fan
tastic hape that the whole, fired tip.
pre-vcnts a fairy liwcnc to the gro tM
and arches and freitcd woodwork of
nic ojd trrapie. outlined in rosy liact
of cdor. Just I'cforu it fa'li parael
and bartiJin a scintil'atin ', rlowiKg
heap, up n the ld of ashci, wliich. un
molested, soon omrocnecs jo d aw its
en tain of cremation, iu gray gather
arcund the edge.
The fire light is a wonderful necro
maiic-. In tho enchantment of its
light and .hade pater amilia. stretched
at ease in h's g c tl reclining- hair, with
bis slipfK-Mtd fee on he fvnder, Joks
like agar voon;r man again, a he telN
huw on his fa lie '& tiuni La and his
i .i . ...- . J.i . . .; i J catrL auwTcr. - nn i
rainoia um:u uj ,, w.e g cat ure-piarc lnfi.n,J af t,:tr nhLv t nf h . n,J.
rdraut.bjbclc4.tUaf the diamond wm
sent on to be sold. When tbe travel
ing p rtner rec..ived it bo compared
Tt furtivery with the pork-packers
tud. nd saw tliat, beyond
doubt. tho latter was it "lonr
mUs4i2 mate- He telrsranhed the
r Drtf:0d1erri?HI t irlfrawraf
ty-atath year, and U the oMct ractlrfa
bwjer ia the frUtrf of New Vork.
The wa drvbe of the lh-aeo 311c
tster at Wa.h artoa U ralaed. accord-
hag to a corrj nd-a. at?tMTJCk
He never aptrca twafc? at rwcrr4iia
the mc il ffjt, and they a all oCtha
riches: s 1L and atm. i
Coloael iAo chhf AVUliiW ot
0r Youn5 Haulers.
1.0&CM it I3t rrrt TVtt
Nahril!e. own I about u..:J
at the
cad of Ujc war Though tinea nwrlr
th course of which JrwtvyrarM. hr wrat 1 wrl. ad
tcln is ticav which oc.urrrd rcaj
1hrf hail peu I ry ot of hk debt.
Tbe occcof .Vnjcncan magax ac
be viitcd Chicas. II r mere accident
he eacuanfered there X ecrtaia wealthy
pork-packer, and with mingld feeling
cama'CTcnt, hope aad delight. t
gitamiag a Ws hirt-frot.-a Urgtr blw
diamond, which scemdi to be a wonder-
fid maTdrforthe rare swne lockf d nflT
. w
omc,paiac. iictcisj.TaptieU uu-
ii cjisu:! iu ms psnoerj cem. anu alt
er the c change of a few dispatches a
truU'd cl?rk hasteaeti from this city to
Chicago, bearing with him the ltlanc
diamond for the puruc of comparison.
1 ha-uutlcr w.o- important and deli-
caltf howTcr. tjiat ithe clerk wa not
la Knglaad ha Ic I the pubCiher of the
J '.M l c fvnkttf in arraazt! wii
in tne out u nmg-r oin wttn a pine
stump, and surroun J it wi h ha d-wo d
chips and r IU of i cb 1 a k. and then
watch the grand illnminathn with U
i.h deMght. He ! ks ac o the hearth
i tig to the low locker, from which the
m 'ther is sm Hng a him. Ipt face, in
the fli-kcring, ipytcal light, looking
fresh and fair a tha of the y ting gi 1
wh i leaning her head agatnt hrr-
fa'her's knee, and watching, with
dreamy eyes, the dancing sp ites of
- A neTghbor comes in. "Sure." he
?2?s, "one couldn't have the blue here.
D.d I ever tell you about our famous
fires last year the first of the summer
season, when fcllcn anu I went into the
in sujuaro I oxes. ha- tho si.e and shape
of a ball two inches in diameter, and is"
fold for ten cent by all druggists. No
nelatinc or other subtnncc is used upon
the lace lie ore apphing the chalk,
which must afterward be nibbed off
dry, and then a coat of cold cream or ' luat ' know."
of officers
"ray, 3Iste- roliceraan, p'ease let
apa go. I promise you that we won't
get caught aain. 1 fciie let him go."
"Does he treat yon well?" asked one
of the officers.
Oh, yes. sir; he's a good papa he
is letter than anybody's nana here
any lubrlcat'ng substance will iirevcnt
uiiy iiiiure rotigimcss.
The best cast for mot j)crfonnanccs
is four ladies; one of them very tall,
one short, and two of medium height,
one large, muscular man. and one girl
about ten years old. These performers
can till all the parts, as they resemble
each other so closely when whitened
that little is gained by substituting
others for tho various groups.
' The man-wears a suit of cotton tights,
with otton glores ?ewcdon the sleeves,
a kilted skirt of cotton flannel reaching
- to the kno and a skull-cap of the same
material. Two cotton sheets will be
needed for his drapery; u hole is ripped
in the middle of one, through which
his head is thrust The corner of tho
sheet is brought to tho front and the"
Hides looped -up to the shoulders, thus
joriiiing a uoman toga.
The chiM wears a plain .Hight-drcsi,
tho waist being bound by a tape over
which the dress is allowed to fall until
it takes up enough to only rea-h tho
knees. Cotton gloves arc hewed into
- - the sleeves, and a tight cap made of
cotton llauncl covers the head.
. The ladies wear tight white cotton
waists high in tho neck, tho sleeres be
ing made of the legsof cotton Mocking
with cotton gloves sewed firmly into
them after they have been tightly fitted
to the arms.
The caps arc made of cotton cloth
anil braids; bands and waves arc mado
-of cotton wadding to change tho coiffure
when needfuL
. . IHtAriXO.
In draping tho first sheet is tied
nronnd the waist over a tape to form a
scant skirt of tho lower or inner half of
the sheet, the hem of which touches tho
floor. Tho lc:t-hand corner of the front
. hajf -of this sheet is then fnstennd t tlm
right shoulder, and tho other corner is
then also brought up in front, mid tho
end carried to the back and fnsteued at
the waist. A largo knot is then tied in
tho corner of the second sheet, which is
fastened in frontof the left Miouldcr and
tho sheet is drawn across tho knees in
front, and the end fastened in tho same
way as the first sheet Beautiful folds
will be tho result, which can bo stroked
into such positions as may bo desired
after a study of drapery from any good
models, and when the figures are placed
in different attitudes tho drapery thus
.mauyuu win constantly tail into new
and graceful folds of itself.
Asa variety of good subjects may be
found in art journals and photographs,
it will on'y bo .needful to add afow ex
amples of different groups.
I'wo tables four feet loug are placed
In the center of tho room w tli another
table of the sanjo jdc upon thenr a box
two and a half feet long and one foot
Mgh stands on this table, and another
box of about the same ir.e stands on the
floor in tho center of tho room iu front
of the whole. The pedestal is draped
with cofon sheets, and a black.eurtain
or shawl is Jiung behind it
xne ioiiowiug arc
The man stands on the top box in an
nttitudo of makin ' an address, with his
right hand extended, his. left slightly
curved and heavily draped with a sheet
thrown over it in stra'ght folds. On tho
top fible at his le.t a temalo figure aits
representing History writing on a tab
let and at his right, on the lower table,
a tall figure stands at a high cjoss vyith
her left arm behind it, and her right
hand hold nr to the bar. At the ntlmr
end of tho long tablo another lady stands
bending forward as if strewing "flowers,
M'ith her r ght hand, from a large basket
which she holds in her left On the
lower box in front a lady bends above a
child which clings to her with its arms
around her waist
The stage represents" an art exhibi
tion. On tho top table Is a man with a
huge spear. Cn tho lower tablo at his
i ") ii ua anu raKe like a
gleaaer is seen, while at his right an
other lady is placed behind a table
which staads on cud so that her head
and shoulders Tilonc are visible. This
table being covered with sheets makes
her look like a classic bust The two
other ladies stand new the frent of the
stage, one on the right, and the other
opposite her on the left each being
poied on a amall box covered with
Simon enters left, meets Pieman
right asks for 'pie in motion by-point?
iug iu uis mouin as ii nungrv. rieauat
wants icaeyvSiBMn rods' his head.
Sjezec pie -aid runs of. Piemaa par
aeg hin.but he hides behind statae at
left aad. Pieman sadly goes oft.
Simon comes g&lfy forward eating
pie. Beiag then pleased at sight of the
stataes,'he pots pie oa the table.' takes
oat a catJdgoe a4 stadiea the 'figure
carefully. The stale statae slowly picks
up pie. aad cats KT Simoa seesjum just
at the last moawat awl .climbs up to
try aad gt to the pie. 'He shows fight;"
statae is immoyable, -hat. whea Simon
tarns hhi back the statue pushes him
down to the Toor, ?
jSimoa. is very aagry, .but the statae is
parfsotly aacoMcious.
Simon geas forward. Ukes oat sanr
fcox and opens it ia front of sta
HnVii Y-rttt i tiintlinfi)
jjii aiaiaA
"Yes, sir; but she don't live at
lio-rc. i'lea-o, sir, let papa go."
" Can't you like her?"
'No, sir; because papa doesn't like
her. I declare you won't never seoma
again if you'll let papa go." he said,
with emphasis, as he put a tiny hand in
an old, patched mitten on the bio-
policeman's arm.
"Can your father support you with
out begging?" inquired the sergeant
" Oh, yes, s;r: papa generally has
money. Sec that nice new hat on his
head? I made him buy that for him
self. 1 did. He's a 'splendid papa;
'deed he is. Won't yon let him go? '
The earnestness of the child won its
way to the sympathies of the sergeant
and he ordered their release. The little
fellow's face lit up with delight He
pulled off one of tho torn ml lens from
ach'.bby little fist, spat in the palm
"for luck." and extending the black
ened digits like a thankful man said:
"There, Mister Policeman: shake
hands." The officer hid the little hand
in a big muscular one. "You're the
right kind of a man, you are, and I av
God bless you. God bless you alL"
rhiludclphia Times.
Ilcrlscd Fables.
soaio specimen
A Train n. who Jiad not tasted Food
for twenty-seven days, and who was
Anxious to reach Uu "aln in time to see
Ins Mother die. knocked at a Door, and
asked tho Woman for Heaven's Sak to
give him some work whereby he might
Earn an Honest Quarter.
"Walk right around to the Hick
Door," she Promptly replied, and in
About four Minutes tho Tramp was in
troduced to a Pile of Hickory Wood
and a Iluck-saw. Then his Heart glad
dened, for hi meant to steal the .Saw
and Ax, bat as lie made for the Alley
Fence a two hundred pound Dog played
with h;s Coat-Tails and rolled him over
tho Ash-pilo until the woman came out
and, Chitied him for his Impulsiveness
and said to the tramp:
"Now you Climb! and as vou Pursue
j-our weary way through Life's Cold
Paths, reniombcr that Truth is Mighty
and Honesty- is a Big thing on Ic"
A Goose having been placed in a
Pen anil fed until she could scarcely
ureawie uappcucu to caicu sigiu oi a
lean old Hen on the Fence, and called
You can now seo which of us
stands highest in the estimation of our
Master. Hero I am provided with a
Warm Pen and fed until my Crop is
bursting, while you have to lloost any
whore and have not an Oun e of Fat
under your Feathers."
"That's all right, my friend," re
plied tbe Hen. "but while your Goose
will bo cooked for C hristinas, I shall
live to see many Months yet"
Throo or four Doctors who had heard
a great deal about the Effects of
Imagination in cases, of. Disease put up
a .lob on a Sailor. After he hsd
Lodged for tho Xight in a certain bed
they Conspired to tell him that it had
Previously been Occupied by a Small
Pox Patient Did the Bold far at on o
begin to Shake and Tremble and Pros
trate himself and Develop a Gcnuino
Case of tho Disease? Notfor Joseph!
He at Onco Shed his Jacket, gave his
pants a hitch to Starboard and sailed
in and knocked Jhoso Doctors Stifler,
than -Crowbars, and Taught them a'
Lesson in Physics which they Remem
bered all their Lives, Detroit Frt.
country to board for our health? A
good many days were cold and wet. and
m!enely disagreeable. Ellen hid to
walk the floor t keep warm, or lie all
covered up with wraps on the lounge,
Stoeshad been banished from every
room except the summer kitchen, atth
sxtreme end of the house. Not a fire
place in the building; but in rambling
around I found at no great distance a
small, old-fashioned, unpainted cottage,
unoccupied save for storage. This
lioiie was a'paradise for fire-places
one in every room and I rented one
of the farmer, selecting what had ben
used f.s the parlor. There was still oino
green paper on the walls and I had
permission to use all tbe wood I coii'd
cut, or pick up and prepare for myself.
The next rainy day we had a perfect
carnival of blaze, and delicti the weath
er to longer affect our spirits. In tho
evening tbe farmer came over to see us.,
" ou wouldn't believe, now, fire
would feel o good this time o' year
why. it's June." said he.
"'ti usi as mucn neeucu now as in,
January,' I responded.
" al, I dunno but 'tis. Ennvwav.
I've allers ben sorry I didn't build in "a
fire-place inter tlm new house; but
Dianthv scd she'd had enough of fire
places in her day, and that they was
awful dirty places, anil hard to keep
clean; and for her part, she wanted air
tights and soap-stones. And so we had
'em; but they ain't near so conifortin' ;'
and the farmer looked sadly into tho
" They're right in style nowadays.
All tho new houses have them,' said
-Yer don't say so! Wal. they do
take a mighty tieart lot of wood, and
stoves is more economical.
" But why should you study econo
my with all your wood la ti , mid more
tim' er than you can poss blv exhaust
in your day?'
" 'Hard to cut hard to cut, and
wages so high don't pay tohifc rek
on y e never sawed and split many cords
yerself!' and the farmer looked "rather
pityingly on my hands.
" Well, 1 did cut and prepare a good
deal of wood while we were there, anil
left ijuitc a ljad for the fanner's wife to
use in kindling her fires. She said sho
shou'd remember me for it, and s c
never would have believed I was so
"Did you experiment with the differ
ent kinds of wood, and which burned
lact to ttio lieau oi his J:rro. and re
,celred prompt intnicticns to secure,
the pork-packer's gem at any price
Concealing hit 'eageraes. he entered
into ncgotot ons for its purchase, ami
tina'ly became its posscor for a sum
which, though large u.- much below
its value its one of tho remarkable pair.
Tije iKrk-nacker had Worn his d amond
for several years in entire i norance
of its history and of tho fact
that its exact "duplicate hail ever ex
ited. Durng a viit to England ho
had liought it from a Hebrew diamond
ucaier m jxnu"n. rorouvious reasons
the prices which tlie stones have fetched
smglyat different times are not men
tioned by the persons . who have been
mo't interested in tracing their history.
As a juir H would be very difficult to
estimate their value, aud no price has
been named for them by their present
owners. The news of their reunion has
excited some diamond merchants in
U'ari. who. axe vorv anxious to seenre
the gems, and they have been send nir
cable meagc3 on the subject for the I.
past icwilavi, but it is not believed that
the glitier ug i auMcn will bu permitted
to leave thU couutry.- -V. J. Cor. Chi
cago Xcux.
Oil "Mjlterks.'
A correspondent of tho Philadelphia
Tuna, writ ng from the oil regions" on
the fabulous fortimes made and lost in
the petroleum speculation, says: The
country has again trone mad with oil on
the brain. Hut the great bull movi.
mentand advancing prices last week
received a seL-lrack by the striking of a
large well in new ferritory." The new
well isf located in Forest County and is
tho best?' inquired parterfamilias.
"r-teryiiung we saw, ironi pine
cones to tho tough and inscrutable elm:
but I like oak. red-heart oak. the best"
"Not so good as hickory, sir, or the
white oak, that burns straight on
without anv quips and qu'rks, iu splen
did style." Then followed a bri-k dis-
cussion: and bc.cches blrehe. jKplar.s.
alders, hemlocks, maples, willows and
tough old buttouwood passed in quick
review, and their combustibles were
praised or condemned. In the nrdst of
it all forue one exclaimed that the fire
was out.
The ashes were hastily raked open,
more apple-tree limbs put on. and the
bellows applied. A thin, blue smoke
curled upward, growing darker aud
more dense, like athuuder cloud be ore
the lurid lijrhtnins leans out The
music of voices ceased. A hiss like the
stroke of a bell: tlje curtain of smoke
rolled upward: tho flames burst merrily
out, crackling aud snapping in live
ly performance, sending rays of in
Uoreseencu ont into tho room. The
spectators applaud and conversation is
"resumed again Boston TramcripV.
Rare Twin Uijaieiris.
- Fish ia. Great Xakcs. ,
The white-fish ia-Lake Erie- average
three aad a half pounds, .but occasion
ally ono or juore -ara taken weighing
ten to eighteen pouads. 1 speared one
in 184-1, at Copper Harbor, Xake Super
ior, that weighed twenty-live . Pounds.
On the north shore of Isle Royalc. Lake
Superior, the white-fish average four
teen pounds. The lakaherriag are the
most uniform in size of all our fishes,
averagingJeas thaa a pound in weight,
aad this average will hold good if vou
count taiem bj the millions; but never
theless, I have had brought to me speci--mens
that would weigh three, four and
even six pounds. Tne white-fish of , the
Youkott Hirer, Alaska so say the Gov
ernment reports weigh as' high, aa
forty -poiin-is: TKe sturgeon of the
"Great Lakes' averac-e fifty nound.
but thesT baa Ts -taken that
weighs 100 , 'pouads aaoTo-rer. I saw
myself, ar tfce Sasat.Sta. , Marie, one
taken that weighed-12ft tooads. The
catfish of our lakes are of mofluperior
quality, brimriarinthe SalriEarn mar.v
kets abetter rpck ttaa anv-ofXHir lake
n-ntitr Tamil r una iiasaaT in n 1 1 il
r&&mmtmias; bat made tdits maie.. hut mil cTew
H?w-,Mterwilli a hook- ;the oUier-stoae had baea lost. '1
Wfl lllHTBUt aaaaaTaiil f----- . m . .. 1 . - . . . . .
oftaa atafaVrla
H Valle"it
One l our exehaages receatly coa
taiaed aa elaborate editorial eatiUed
The Bright Sideof JeBraalisiH." .The
editor had just heard that a riral.had
failed:-o JVt - V
Carefully guarded in the safo of a
Maiden Lane diamond inspector are a
pair of old Indian mine diamonds cut in
cushion shape, weighing eight and a
half carats. Each arc of a remarkable
pale-blue color. Their tint is far deep
er thaa "steel blue." but m-ch lighter
than the sapphire blue of the celebrated
Hope diamonds. They are so full of
fire that many- a pure white diamond is
dimmed iy contrast with them, and so
absolutely" perfect that the slightest llaw
cannot be discovered in either by .the
aid of the most powerful magnifying
glass. They arc alike beautifully pro
portioned, and,, the peculiar. shade of
;blueTS precwelyjho same, in each. In
all respects the quality of the two is
identicaL: T3 early history of the
twin diamonds' is wrapped in mystery.
That they are Terv old cannotbe'doub't
ed, as stones of their size have not been
mined in India for two centuries. They
wcre undoubtedly royal treasures, and
it is said that they passed into the pos
session of Warren Hastings when he
was Governor-General of India. They
returned to native ownership, and came
to light again at the time of the Indian
incy were tnen earned to Europe,
-where they-were bought by. a Russian
nobleman, who had the gems recut in
Amsterd m, greatly increasng their
lusterand beauty. They attracted great
attention among diamond dealers, and
ofiers were mat e to purchase them for
the Czar, but the owner refused to part
with- them. ..Getting" info political
trouble in'Kussia the nobleman left the
v.a..v, "Mint wa jewels m HUB. AX.
the gaming tables of If oaaao he played
hich and lost beavllv. Ma tiiknl mnH
j lost one of his blue" diamonds, which
passed mto tae bands of M. Blanc, tae
note I gaanag-hoase proprietor, whose
daughter was married two years ago to
PriBce -JtoUad Baaaaartc The us
staa imMemau'r other Wa diamond
found ftawar iatotlM aii & Pr
jewelers Anec. walla leiocts were
r. to
Paris stone was bought byjhe Duke of
oraacwicx, wao, uaao:a to km tae t wia
gem, sold it again. Its counterpart had
all this time bee ia posseoioa of the
Blaao family, aad'ahoat a year ago it
was seld with other Jewels hekrcgiag to
Maw. Blanc aad wa bought far a large
sum by the agent of the Jfew York 8a
md aerchaat. Sosae years before
thi the Paris ope the uie which had
owned by the Anchor Oil Company.
The first reports sent otiffrom it re
)orted it llowing at 1.000 barrels per
d.'cm. Since then. Iiowever, the best re
ports rate the daily production of the well
at yOO barrels. Il has been the custom
for several years back to board up the
derricks of "wildcat"' test wells in im
portant locations and place an armed
guard a ouud them to prevent tres-pasiriiirutu-gaiuiug
cceHn order to
Keep the result of tho wells a secret from
the public until the owners havo
had time to bny or sell adjoining
lands and prepare for the effect of
the well on tho market Such a well,
in oil region parlance, is termed
a "mystery," and the frequent occur
rence of "mysteries has resulted in
the cmploynient by lead ng brokers
and large firms of men
thoroughly versed in all matters per
taining to" the potrolc mi industry, who
arc aptly .termed scouts, as it is ihcir
duty to learn the condition of such wells
by stra'egy or force. This new well is
no except on to the rule. As soon as it
began r.nw'ng heavil the owners se
cur d the ser ices of Ii ty Swedes, cm
ployed in peeling hem'ock tan-bark in
the vicin ty. and set them to felling
trees around tho well, which is located
in the midst of a vast forest A plot
eight hundred feet square, was marked
out and the logs and brush cut were
piled upon the lines of this square,
forming a high palisade around the
well, which was located in the center
of the sqiare. and then the Swedes
wore put on guard within the in
cloMire to prevent any ono gaining
admittance. The scouts arrived in
duo time, an I began skirmishing
around outside the fort, trying to gain
an entrance, but while daylight lasted
they were unsuccessful. " When the
friendly shades, of night, had fallen
though, three of the most daring ones
silently scaled the wall an I cautiously
ci opt through the trees and bushes, in
side the inclosure. ti tho tanks into
which the well was llowing. where they
remained several hours, listening to tho
flows, and measuring the contents of
the tanks, after which they silently
stole away again. While 'the three
were in the tanks, two others drilled a
holo in the piio lino laid to convey the I
oil away from the well, and on which a
pump was working, by which means
they learned that no oil was passing
through the pipe- On Saturday night
thoy again gauged .the -tanks, twentv
four hours after the first measurement,
anil a no oil was pumped away, thav
knew the e-;act output of the well for
that day. Luckily, the soouts were not
detected at this work, or they would
have been roughly handled. -
Pei haps the most nottble of oil "rays
tcrcs" was tho well on lot 646, Cherry
Grove township, in Warren coanty,
which was drilled to the sand last
March. The well was a rank "wildcat"
of great interest to the trade, and as it
was generally understood it would be
made a mystery scouts were detailed to
watch it some time before it reached
tho oil-bearing levcL None of them
succeeded in getting any reliable infor
mation from it though, except one,
"Si" Hughes, who hai made his way
through the picket line and lay under
tho derrick floor for forty-nine
hours without food, in freezing
weather, and in a position where
he was deluged with water
every time the sand pump was used.
Tho result of the well, which started ia
May with a production of 1.000 barrels
a day, is well known, and Mr. Hughes
received from various parties .50.000
for the information "be suffered snch
hardships to gain. He also wasgivea
an interest in tae oil company, which
purchased lands adjacent to the well,
from which he realized a haadsome
sum. This company was the Anchor
Oil Company, which owes thcaew For
est County mystery. The' scoute are
men chosen on account of their thor
ough knowledge of the oil business,
their activity, their daria aad tkir
training to close observation of miaate
details. They are not only empleted to
watch "mysteries. bat also to'cosa
pile statistics of the production of the
oil field ami report the caeacitiasof
new wells which are not guarded, aud
amoag them are fouad most of the etl
reporters of tne od
rheirpay is ranoas. Soma l
work for salaries raagiag from fI00 to
4200 per month and expeases. while
others work for trokers aad recerre oae-
aall tae profits made oa all
asade on the strength of their
uon. sosae oltacse hare
fortunes dariasr the tsaat two
Taken as a class, tberieacuseai
the best intellects ic the regioav
ith a tine
f London pub! I dim to iue their
mooThTr in LiT'd o fcw"davTatrr
than its apcarasco jx Hosioa.
Thoreau " cek on tho Concord
and Mrrnmack Iln-ciV IM not sell
welt ami his publShcrs returned ItsJ
copie of an edition of I,MJL Thortau
stored them in hi attic, and thca bunt
ed that he. had a library of nearly tX
volume, of wheh 7U0wcrc books be
wrote h!mclf. IavU Courier.
Each of tho daily nen-p3pT of
iucbmnnd his Iot through death Iu
chief editor within about ono ct.
Alexander A. Moteley of the '".
Ca ta-n John Hani- den hamtx-rla-. nc
of tbe SUitf. and Iatlv Jan- " A.
Cowardin of the l)vjittj.
Anna l.)Ickinjn has withdrawn
from tlm tage and is luwg her
lister and aged mother at Ho:iedaU
Pa. "She and her family." - a
friendly writer in the l:htladefpha
lYtJ , "are joor, but prxmdacucr '
Anna has been importime i by her
friends to return to the rostrum, but he
will not listen to anything of th kind.
Oliver Wendell Holm?, Jr .who hxi
Ieen elutatcd to the jud ctal Iwnch. is
the author of a treaUso ou The Com
mon Law." which ha been pronoiintcd
by the foremost 15ritih authorities to bo
the most origina' work ot sju u
lalion which has apie.ired in HugUsh
since the pub! cattott of Sir Henrv
Maine's 'Ancient Un.."
Abdul Eer m Pasha, who i coming
to America to arrangement for
the oiiit;ration of Mime of Arab! Patha'
followers, is ono of the- mos: fnmotu
oriental scholars. He a grailua'e of
I ambr.dgc I niversity and an eloquent
lecturer He has lranlateI "11 Miier"
into Arabic ami .several works into En
glish, and has been decorated by Italy,
ltu sia. France and ! urkey.
KeV. Joseph Cok has lectured
round tho world, and 1m ditl not t'nd
that the taunted uietanhynical acuineu
of the I'rahnnns of Ind a amounted to
much, but socially the better eJa--
throughout the Ea-t del ghted him.
"The'r re nement," he say "as'on
ished mo verr much. 1 attended a din-ner-fWrty'glvon
by a Chinese miUronain.
nt hiehtach ohis, partook, of two c-:ps
ot Dinis- nest soup, wntcn i icarncilcot
himiye. dollars a cup.' .V J'. Sun.
rThiir!ow Weed.' ay the Phila
do'plna "hx "vrx the tat of the
great editors of the old school. Crom
well, Kite h'e and Prentico pasi-d away
long before him. Greeley, Katmoud
?tra At rr
Of an ifconr X4 Uc9
l;tn mj r ? arvwto
A ffopH rlVfU'
Or crri &y tUr
Nun MJ kcJ itnr
IW-ao thp ! U Tt.4)
Or 8 I a ivr tcv
fcU my rtf bt Mfe.
Awl tuo b rt la fttiaf
. Of. cef-atuUX t-RJKvtv
EI WMmrat ft sf f slal
Jt 1 rorat last ir
Ati Vt ifeM rv fat
Or rr nt la t&r 8
That 6'cr -r.t rafnwf
Wim trrttl lrfc. nt 1i
T1m tn iMUmn Mirat
RVS jrww five tk trrr
M itats r bsstrt iu ticu
Tat !- ta .1 or H-iwr
t.l ut ri rri.
Tlx-r In nt a h - t
A Utr jkH f.-a.l tn miu.
Vrs-, U'. Wr,' Jtvd
jTfc nj, uai rtuiae put ii tn.
oU-U jerttw: ut Cioitrr TbUuc4.
nnkrr ijiss ltr rctditl to wtctfc--r
Mr. l4ruxi wjt hit trr-Trvta tl tfer
rtf Utitci. HaVrj &J ht UiAbm at
usrt ce lar.tcU tat !trrt9Mi.
Il tut t" Joirj U t . rtf Mrs.
tlTJ.nj. ' UKXijtt TiaVrr UMljv 4 t
i.Utat Utp h kl taurb -OiwT km. it 1 iu4
u ,ut Uit iu it i uiWtoikiii
Velt, 'at ouU! ra tlotta il
T.tOurr m UJt
I wwM tae trt y ifi hM
a afaas aaa a If vtf i fa 1 '
rr y mJt Vt Vr I vf .
TVy Srt SM tfw trtii
r4. Ma i W . tawjr Ct
yrt !. S um M
Hi Sm ifV f lr
fcM-. sraa V t
Sfc, I wkmtw T -r
ifia p tfSjeku4 "raitf r .
1 (a rva -- tt(t' -4 i s
ir?? 4rrs. t4 ! l"" W
i Uvxj. t tt fv fes" v Vt
-tt-v -ut jw Fts?- - rsn
TVa i i-r4 t ktfA ?. !
I r m - Otrt Ail WUsEt wf t
Mt lSHT V- If .
!"" A r5, 9)iCW' nVV -
ftsS0w. ZT'vn frjtrf 4rCS.
f J IfcK r-f
lt Ht A?t.
5? fct S.M 4jiH" 1
't I il4 t - -C !
j ctr fz f-n uui jv ta is m 1 ii
?v r -y t 4ii tst fsoi4
' t. ' t V '
i e.lsr Vri'riU' Vt hi fes ! U
K fn r tKfftvO Mr t1 I 0 yrt
t ta g-t .. TM Jr l-'i
fJ J gr JvtM m t t IW" fV ht
lJ- I -t TWllfJ. tof RMMl,ut it
V Uf rmrwtrtst A fc ;
umt tut M41 ire. il 4
tvbt.t ixit vha4s IN tel h-f t
rJv tlft( ti hU rt y M
it ttij'W 'M ljt. A.
Trmpcnnce Kmdf
I I -i i T-----
TK &UrK irf J FnstX
t - vf-w rgK-" iiiU.w-.'
,4 t j &( '!
M " s."fpy s It
Vv-r - fw r m "" "
! nt Ht aCSS
At rt V J SS V
I A l rr
Ttni.PT Iy u4er -kip vr viipj; If!' i crt rt p t l&
Ift-rd STs 11 M 2 "rs .- Krf 11
U ywa
What l a rsWf
T.tOrrt Wl ttjCtt aaj t-M. TUl 1 . l' ,J -" "- -j" -"
-r,., lrr oc . orfUblr o fet ' l anoIV nwrfvt 7fc UiJa 4l
Urfd tWotf, ixlrtititiAtriittr w.dUtr ' aut, hem fTrl bor to the dsord-
t -miEVFSL ISVu'kJMV I iU'1 o! l-BUh- l vi i "5r. Tr,rr. U ,M t.V -
... -'. ,, -.!,. ., ,. ,,1.-1 . -
nw"rr ir? t muimI w mjii
t tN r IW 9 !-
S4a4-atist 4 T'frAsc,
It la a irjJtl- f i&ai i jg-
this MiW t U ta jfl wf th
rvft. a ao- 4 t w
r?MJUr rlarta. Hs a
cjkidU v jetul thnm i5t Um
Mi ltacl m 4 mmUUJij
1 1 jVrtttr"" x Wai
rHy hfe t H jcs-ttry
later Uin. Tkc tst t&i H
c4uur i lfe tatretimt
iLxtt aa f4t.Ufl It & k
trrand(Ki fmnbuM mt tAnw t
M ... .
0b,"4il ftttkrv. Mi. ia zAae to Jct 'trrllenc of Ollxn. ad mr- rly
tc tuTcanaUicr ir , to inrloJe any nrtthr ot rs- a or f io-c AaUHiaAl H a t& Urn
m.i" T. -....., "vr; rJ-50- " taat.h drvnl by .-iiIkv jir-.t, b- f hfwI ttjM ,w4. b T
jZr. wiwrtf.s a-rr K"- ntm mnc r,Ui ur Uie rerntiUl , 1M Jifor4 w Wr4-M
"VW crlnt Tinlrr W lt ocll laok. ttr, tW trm Br, t dTiwi tatl at! tnmh
-irs Mil tt little ojnj vvnua. -I iu 1 w atlop'-M lY -ul o?"sl t&- tfc i trk. to.Uc4ult aawl trift IW
nett came between the o'.d and
the new with much of the ttersonality
of tho former and something ot the
broad journalistic grasp of the" latter
nnd they. too. went before the master
spirit of the earlier day."
When rain falls, if lio geU the
bigger half of tho umbrella they arc
loiera. if ho takes tho bigger half, thev
are niarneu.
"Almost a Imd disaster" is a bend
ing in an uvchnngo. Wo are now i-n-
gaged in a wild search for a good dis
aster. Uit City llizianf.
Plug hats cause baldness. Hut it is
worth something to bo a gentleman -which
you cannot convince a man in a
plug that ho is not L'twrll Citizm.
"Ah, excuse mo." exclaimed an
Arkanaw man as he. knocked d nvn a
stranger in the street "I thought ih it
you were a friend of mine. My ee
night is fa ling me. so that I II havo "to
wear glasses. ' Arkunwr Trnvxicr.
One cannot but view alarm
the rejwrted growth of sponge culture
in Honda, for any one who hxssufle.-cd
from tho experience knows th.V tho
cultured sponge is the very worst of the
whole sjH!ciei. llosbm Truwcnp'.
-lrof. Tyndall 5ay. there will bo a
wonderful change in the appearance of
Niagara Falls iu fivo thousand ears.
It is pi to likely that there will af-o bo
a remarkable change in ourselves by
that time. Any how, wo shall see.
Sorriitown lh'rnUl.
Itwas but a aimplopin. hn-k nays,
on a chair, and the little boy did grih
like a bear when tho teacher took a
seat, and in manner very Heot few a
half a hundred feet iu tho air. This the
teacher d tli annoy, and he chant, and
no pardon to the 1mv quick he grant.
Hut he grabs the indicrcct littlo bovand
him beat till he rather spoils tho
seat of his "pants."
When he had called the meeting to
onIer.Jri4ki'n Gardners-arose and said
"Geu'len. if it wasn't for do wheel on
a wagon thy wagon wouldn't move.
When de wheels is on. den what?"
"Greasol" solemnly exclaimed an old
man. Kerrectr" whispered the Pres
ident, softly nibbing his hands togeth
er. " We hex de wagon an' dc wheels.
e will now pasj dc bat aroun' for de
grease." DciroilJ-'rce tress.
a wnire irojn not jong since sued a
black man in one of our courts, and
while the trial was before the Judge
the litigants came to an amicable set
tlement and so the counsel stated to
the court "A verba' settlement will
not answer," replied the Judge; "it
must be in writing. "Hero U tho agreo
"rocnt in black and white," responded
the counsel, pointing to the reconciled
parties, "pray what docs your honor
want mqrc.than this?" CAico Trmrji
TfHr"man who offers to. nav his land
lady fifty cents a week extra if she w ill
.see that a butter plate is always before
him at dinner, may be said to have un
dertaken to make an extradition treaty.
We own up to the badness of that pun,
but it Isn't so bad as one a friend of ours
made when he said the clothes worn by
tbe University student, aad which seem
intended to advertise their wearers as
collegians, have a five cent that is,
Harvard Tm" look. Boston 2'ost.
"J wish I was the trapper aad was
tied to the stake, going to be burned
alive by the Indians.1" said little John
ny iusletop. who was reading a dime
novel oa tbe sofa. "Why do you wish
to be ia such a horrible predicament?"
asked his mother. "Because in the
last chapter, the trapper scalps Jee
whiliHas Jhas. the Jumping Jackass of
Juaiir Jungle, aad his Indiaa allies.
and carries off White Fawn, the lovely
maiiea, Jn triumph to his moaataia
fastaass." "Itiuak there is too much
fastness, aavhow, about the boys of Aus
tin," remarked his mother, thoughtful
lj. Texas SittmgSr
fc. "": i.j wnr raatu jo re w i natttc Ot UlUvsl UUkxI. al l tW
IV Jw X1?JrV ""V tr,1-1 uJ mon? thrmc?,s Atlr-thlh
ti rcrrrytho2jou10.ff. t-ulr. iia. , Vlril ot rvmntrtvm aw th? tw-wj.
Urttili jcki raa tiTr tnitona iL for valne of o haorrl title. ad brot .No ukhij, tk run tttirUtl rur u urau ng to !akln anr cr-!urv
Xlfi2te,M,.:5hS- 'oraino.trV t maaofa. tor, -
Tn rr trit to JccMe uia t trraurc f "r - UW '-hai HUgbt l-sm
lr boukl eoitrrt txtwca ttit bauraal tutt-jan ub ct nf aaJ" a Creole pa,,
rt. To tet Wi powrr, h tt, ltti n ilr ' rhlelens Cows. hV fZ. r"5n.
..te.m.D.l liasleta. o.Uajfa." t,--Toet. Ut Ut
X Uh tor Nate of lcr.rrm.M . , 1 i . , ..
Tterr it . n5hl In UU h.oO, 4I. wbltr, n ( " lnpfr w II OM .ban- lb'
tlrllcjoUi. ami. to TtuWfj" i-iuxetrwat. uo dwtlnctmii wttb the worthy Awlla,
uiAtirr no fa,t be ate, tix bHe Ur p tiuo Hq Is a CrcwJo ouly by ytrtiv. aiI n
taUtd-luott;ni anitnktK-r,bti tht weond ttfiou ndar IW'ra
. tt I, j. u n,e IM ta .rol-mVm frrnch wl N-nuh. thrn.arrr. fr
4ita ami crratn V4nlhlnj: ! a Jenjw tn inrnrncrt of Wfh, 'Cdorpi
'i- , jCrro'ck; but there an no IlaiUa. or
Hut, tiUbc v :ti thluklor of tliL ' stHt,M nnr l--t,.t. v..tA iwA
.. , l l. .. .-. . ' 1 -" " " -"J M.W.. ---... ,-.
-Oa Urr .IsbeJ fair TtaWr i -Ub I ! ur ' nVct . J fw'c.
n at tha table.' rrntagn rn&mod Into, and
irll blmtcit liftrtl U( atut lul
mcaUO. in at tbe kltcliro d-w.
Mi a
w., .
01 p
9 Krrtt ,!
'Ibrwialt m crc!v tortteJ tforr Ih ' thorotiihlv rr-Jvtrt In. t'taob V-I-
ibui icwH ibirty. .Neither StvnLh nor
iMuiup ,1..,
A ttwritfart
t ,.ku f... . - .. .1 . M-
ln-, l.l. -hmir -..I. h r..- .f.t", ...'. i'1'"1" "" an rtiB 111c V(WI
tiU bl trratb wr, oil ralM a firuMji i lncr l-"1" 'rraacolar ThU. U.
tloubt iu liUiulml obetlirr waikla; oot , Is part of their title and, in tine lb-f9
lucfrfatlc to thl ot t f alr Uicou ption , s-rni to lw no morw aervieabUi d-nui- UMreuliarnbarrylnrtbriHiRh S ,1 . .1 .1 I?H . w
ttemeU t4iIn brt-Mra. tijtklMua tl" at thy art? tho Ilcneh-Tk
Your clothe, are all cm tour b4.' TtnV- lag; native, ruling elass,
c;' tu. thcr tit a be ruv ujti.ln. 'j I , Tliefe U 80 need of dUtinrut-h U-
one all 'uiuVrr.-' U'U ,OW ' twren'the higher and bumb er grads
IlnVcr ruabrd to hU room, mtiml forurt r boe from whom thet prani: A
ting- Hie falrr aul ber -rumlt. , few settlern, only, wen; xroo of roV
ltcner mlt a .rrttr Ikht icrajr, Uj ujiu i and talion. Many were th eliddrnt
tlieb,!, waleonaclialr wrtebU OC . of 1 hi-wisket-rtrla.' ,! m-.- wr ..f
Mich stiek as mnnety oronouuers le
Tinker took up the prrltj j rot tX t-nlv
1. Haa tae rrrr urt city uli uit hj bl
cTer i-oe.rf, bl u'Ual tlr le.nx tlve out
crown dottilns of hit oLirr tnther Hut
tb'.i otic uli w allbliova mute lor bim,
Iltllnf- bltti, utul be handle I U nrc'u It It
w tiil tiUttxH-U up, a it bi come hMoe,
ul, taK.oif bl ki u-n the Ule u tie U-C
Tinker uubutlone! one button, a e o .l, but
Uie wur-J eemrl to b toj lre t ' tfe bat
ion-bole, anil .ull nut ome il.ronsi. tie
tirtnl it atxl ii(hmI It. na r-iltaiiU JdkeVl
It, pubcU It tn tie rlrht, putlc) It toller Irfi,
till be u r4 In tt f te, J ,t bit- temtr.
nl crini out:
iio,.il-. i . 11 . ...1.1 tii. a. - A A aa k &
i,nrc, iur.mjaui-1 t m,. mj wf rr in.U TgTiaOe IBSV tC ISl prl
n WW frel Ihem fr,,m T.V... ,... I "" U " .'IfOmWo ! hatlS th tc,
ai.tlbeyK,arrIliiti!'r, . If lfjj wB-s peraturo of tbe rlr but Mteabrtio
erca-xnx hl oirtrrtcii.j tinl, ami SjinV 'l' frrelng point, or at about thirty aix
ujiinjiii me o"ii irw.i ui oniiU?e, r aiirenfrit, anu 10 Marc it well mnli
than nottilng; yet In new of :imi tate
of aociety huh the Frnch i-cro!anon
later overturned, anr prreat oterjdiia
of aoaOr Jtiar well MI to lh rhlf
dnjn of tho-- who tilled tbn prinm. t
fore, aof thfs who flUrd lhm dnr
Jog that bloo ly t onruUioa. .Vr. Ca&lc,
tn ihc tenlury.
(V.I Crllara,
a Gaae.
avk4nj lilnl, the tie- Wur tnjtnjer iUiij
Hue tiruTokluclr nut of reicii.
Ilnke was ica-H Vt err. Lilt. lrt-j.J, aM;
"I wish lor no her palfof pants."
Hut tbe wih a iiahanl or iltibee. Iu
1 orTiaii'i, n-l lie iiy teme .t e I l it he
eouM iitt Ii re to lhe f.r nj on thl i
"Why ran't I remrmler to tnnk I
fp '" tlMjUlit Tinker, rueful r taking up
bia rTrrr-lav pant thrown I1 with tucii
l crh p they won't ho much with a
new coal ami vft" thought linker.
A call irotn.lowj itir tiurrie! h tn.
'We're alt rrlr. Tinkey ' , n?
VII t Tbete wa no time, tbea, to
Tinkey caurht up bla new tho tl tbrutt
In oue foot. Voice trotn luwn :a!r were
rnjutJently houtlnr "Tink-y ' Tiller,'
tie turrnl Tinlentlr, but withont assli. at the
oe bia mother aJ tbou-ht bad tf tier be
'Sine tx larcer "
"Oh. cot-ieW mM Tinker. "I Ih the
hoc rc twlee Ms"'
Oa'lppcl the ihonu eriy a tf It ha4
been srcattil, Tlnkejr'a fo?t ot fa Ha ul
lenly inneaant aire. Tke ab'x! To tb
ronn'l nje gtziuz al tbem tbef looto-i Mj
a tbe barn, a l if nr little realer liub( It.
let him measure twice the Irncth and ,
of h"a U4, anil t'lit h f'mt ii(hi tbe mo'iir .
Tinker kickel the tho into the rontr of
Ihc room with a pai.nle !.
"I wcn't otM Le cril. MJ woa't wear mj
oil jiant and hoe with a crrat p Ich on
Art? jou Bcrtr corn I a rX' aaotn4 Bol
from down-stalra.
"I'll a:V: orert Don't wait for me.!
Tnkej atiaareL and cca!d ber te.n ail
lau;h as Fnn!e ald '
-Tlnkej'aprlnklnijl won't he UetJ-rr
SLculd he got Mr. Dartd' aaat
party not to be ItzsUy ct Ue. ami w
one ot the cxoit "ptewurr In Tlakry'a qnel
coantrr life, r trials atBvns h many kta
rtre.a wtjatd not be nnt$e!rL Vert JUUeii
be took sp the Uacklac-bruth. and 7iihe.l
lil old aboea to ocb oeriect on tXat, altr
ail, tbe
bla drraflss. The rcfrtor, hj the aid nf akh
b-aTansprd hUetiar an. I ati-tle. dii not
iclect bit janU, al the ;j-ttr ilk V wt
very beeo nf a& Actaallr. Tinkey wa hlU
1 nx wLca t took ap lie comb to part bia
Now, Thjkej'a tolrvti what oH but
cat! "ftBWlom,, and ta more Taker
bruaied, the more ;r-'te aUr It tark oat
Hepartfl It on the If ft: a-s tried a ;trtkic
nn the lltt: be mad a losefy wkste Jla
down the aiddle; he bipr4' it ottr tt
forrhfad. aad eaJs way looked wi thaa
the luat.
"Ob.IwtihIIsa.laU aej halrr erfed Itv
patifst Ttokey.
Vas there a rata cf feathtrt! What t
that tilnz iaio LI rye, up hi Botrih.
tickl c hi ear, dwn at thrvat, Ur bz
raojth opfsed wide ta amarrnBentl Hair!
hafrf hlr! The wc4 ron rnj-d to t
fall ot ft. Sjieg tare and therr. tf arerj
Itatr wji a fairy Unhls at TlaJfT d!mr.
Aa J when at lt H had all aveM HeJf wtia
one rxaad ruh act at tae ofea wtedow.
Ttaker'a bead was aa ball aJ a chlaa deer
kaob. He jrare one dea-Mirfac JtKKe at tba m5r
ror. earfct un hi old coat, crammed hU tJa
cap tUkUy orer hit 114 ste, sad rahe foti
of the house. Noxr a-lieed tlm aa be ran.
sot to Mr. Darfeloa'. tat tats th woodi.
tato the deepet ahaduw be e&vkl tnA ader
the tall tree, where he threw htaateir Vwa
aad erd Itaw a baby.
"No tresder father aajt: 'Tfcfak aVat,
apeak afterward.' cwbe4 Tlaker. -A fee-
IatisL lo do thi It U be-dfid to haf
at lcat on window an arraagvd as to
allow it to swias. ojwolsj; it o'tcn m
onco In tbreo dnya. with tbe dror, that
the wind may wp through it, ku
, 111 tne lonj -acs I U it may aretimt.utf
I A deadly j- carbonic aeld ao-umu-
irics. ns n pnniuet 01 tfrratfinjr. rsm
bu.l.on. frrmnntaticm and putrd action,
and f1oa likxi water Into th low
est mrt of th bouae, Jt U hearirr
than air. If llnic sTter should bepl
in inn it woum aosoro a part 01
thl, or even water alone, when practica
ble however. It I well to opon the door
and window for half an hour, particu
Urly on a windy day. aa thl la the bst
means. I Hiring the warmer tlys of
winter. It H flid chaa to allow the acMilh
window to rrmatn open ovot of the tim
by ilay. a.s the unbhl I grand irt
fier 1 1 i ali true? ih thre f otd (f.Vs
which are abort nl and appropriate! by
vegetation. pro-Jucisj: all of bv wolr
flljer. an looked nn fn Iff. tow and
waur. to lHt rrlr-a.t in tbf tprioj j
-osai ion ceuArctrrrunci speiai alien
tlon.niuch morr thaa It crnerallr n
ccire-v I repeat, the aarrr the ree-
inf tKJiau If anthlB I fro-R. thr. bet.
terfor vrgeU-ibir. wh Ut fenas-aUttm
and putrefaction are arretL I wtft
add that, while the !lht and sua ar
arlnutted. It Is bct to ctrlude the light
from Ike potato, aa they ar- prrlued
Innhe dark, errs wrVr Wrif-1 ia th
falk I-t it ha rememfjrreI laal dark,
damp aad foal rsdJars wiira prodc
nueh dicae as typhoid fever. d?fh
therfct. cronpali maltcaant d ;&-
it. j r-K j and ptpftv lb iiisii 1
pftttal efte m t?i late. wt i- -to
impart t Jui whim tkrs t a- ' i
kowiJ 4 th fa' harav
ojr-wtMfttr. 4JJHiJlit.. and Jaai n 1
J4esIy to iptiart awfae a
really l clHX . l E4 taW .
trii.rufnU td tJ4 te ae w. I '
wdl ieAUl man oo UU k
jUtrrd iitefWlnlttett, aA
b U'i dettiand. Attf tn Vtt,. .
I aad twst prwtieaJ Vrv-k?Ij? f l
j arena 4t tshh be It tHeiim t
prUe ol fuanh4, ai of at ham -.
) ttuidaiarfttA) J.rwllr tkai .r a
u in iwMi rtaii jar a
Uoal ftt nd ifrelkod rati'Ma
thu tnpU aot tbe? arw rirbt. a4 '
o mtHh a it aay rf 't iX- tt -ate
wroar; fvr- tr-oe Umi ma( W t m
of tnUlbjrrtU trvctv4 ..' Ue 1h-
use Taxvrrniest, itw tttrB -
of the, day, to tH Jmmo r1 U Sa4.
achosd, up thnjh trltnrt a4 t
rt0Tf Chtwdji, lOtirji-a, MM4ftB .
ffd Utlertf-. ia gtatr at t
Thlagrae tteit-ot. te i
rratnlr sad aaUy at4 1 h ia-W
la tS fart thai. ! -rrrat mnf4i t
manilfid cniie from tt huaiwi -
i tuUot of for a witbt h
ta lw-t tray oi tJjio- tb mtmt f.
fooud tndirm the wtrtf tW -t-nn
itlKiit T J'tnesjtlMW &e
tu0dott rharartrr wf that lntsi.
I not that fsitfeaOoa J-arf at u t
that aya nHhlar aWot Ik- srl
tl great- prrll, thai ifeall Wetk,i
wbo U vtrd u lit for k a
tm.bed walk life
Hut Jet i lw ttjofv etpheil I n4
latewperaaest the ttKt Uirdble U t ,
modern UtKir I uenr j$ti i
earth not rpitrsr B Ju fJi .
laMOMOH In lh pthwa rani itb
a family Ithaa tint iMMwe Um bunfo.'r
fooehHf I thers tt hf n iIsmm j
directly m Jndreetlr hmit? t iAt
oftft haasaa lit whotn It h ttea
wa wrvatel and 5,up1 ' l l
not wbtyultosi tire ! thes
jeoed tliiRjj t which IX tt sot 11m. rt- 4
aad row?rfttl ? Aat fa h
d iaciI U pofr tt tnlUt'
Dwea U aol cututantly djtroy ms)1
As praetiraJ ava tdr the qon
what relatlo !. abofio wte a
headth? It RUfe the jeh
duratea the brain diord-r th rT
a teu? makn. ttus BHrt flt4u. I
thMwa ka vietlitt a wrk i Ur b
of time, it doe Jt bad w.r itmfn
tinr "thj efowa a?d the n-ur
treated aHko, and hoW w tot pee
asatttregratrr blfghletl by pm
whrh neither hUrt Uujfct to ef
tewfht Uot the tett-ba. t,t pbftlolof ,
to want ll jroaa- a ! giaati
OBglit ot tbe chord UUrh tie IfWrt
daiflratka of albot a a jnsoo'
er. f7rory A Mmt A ,V.
Mrwktf IMah lav fAeMht .
patches were acarcelr teen, aiyj with j ,l ih1 . l Iffttida, aad
r heart, Tinkey pfB? U corlte , even moist foods, will alsoTi lhe4 fgit
gaes. addinr to the caaes of aach 4-
. Dr llJvrii, !. G!dn Jimle.
The-fhdsf l-rsdart f fsWrral.
ThepoM prod oct of California, frtMu
the dUeoTcrr of ths prreioa ssef al hy
JaaeW. Marahall. ia the tail-race
.SBlter fUU Jan nary 19. 14. td
daae 30. lMf. asaouated t KI7CU
tOmX)0. Of. this xas. MH,W)Sm
estimated to hate teen, extracted ttvm
the sariferow placers. 1 hf reasalader
rrprccat th yld ef cold-qea-t
raise, of whtth the Sfa cvatalav
masv. lljeyearlr project of roid la
An epfrwW-14 fastrder 4 er
ti csavlfy vWdr ( hr I "H
lth Ow, klrf n rtVdHrtrtkn !
lUdaail Satypn nt trt r .
ht lifwthr "rhetyfeti ajsd (an Otb'
ha4cnMmel akijfUn tn4
otef & atfw4f rfolfaza n.l an ml
ladeer watch. tVfre arsJ frhei
aad Ms tftkr with a huOst J h.
lainta. At Craad fVks, la,. Jtm-
ian4etsj w W W r:-f'v!fcT ,
a driHikea -ptr. At l',!.,-
ra.. 1 aptala A. C Suit, Caehier of the
TJ;' Tfrr,
aa.1 killed hy N I. thii n altrOMr
aad a Membrrtect af IAmt fiatr'Le-M
Utttte. fafltxinkaU a aulorVfu etr
aater aaaia-1 Jaa Chrl!r kM a
besdnMtk. LwhMfrrnswmW
la hciaaUa-i rl' i TV. rw.i
Into a fs wHh tWAaniawey naiBt
Lsm. aad will die from tas; tarUt h
It m always "pat an or- shnt
with the assbrella. aVeea Cem
Be said a dida'tdatemd to stay a
iSBte. had jant dropped in te ask a
Sttk ndricc on a baalasi sasttar.
"Sappose." he eoathned. that I
ted to raise a thousand doGars to
a sadden eaurgentyrj
"I wosjhi asttaraly ew to the taakT'
TMwasrdd. '
T wonhi rive a note fsrihitty days.
m k watsM aare to ae
Ami '. 0.
yon iaJorstid k for
"I ahoald expect to beoblirad to fF I irry w; tte sen
tm GWdnwainr" lssatalapaa
ty loo41aft oteject I hare cade et sjeff. aad
I eaaaot lsaclne waat ateuer wm aay ont
aay sioe aa4 raats, Jta4 Uey -( he
kariac aseh a ake Uaae new, yUy&caJJ wt
of jntra. rre half a aated la wUh rt wU
pfivmia. X, lata seeqanetmen
a taat aa faeC aayhowl Ok dear, aew hot
Hi! 1 bk-anl not Iea't w4h any-
taeac- iieae aae: I waMr gtmtr te wiaa j
was at awawaaaai sr. i west saake
aatker feoUtfe wlak; mt eaet Aa4 a I
cast aate the tarty aefc aray. Y3 jmt
think, a aart aa ever lea, el faleate
-Ok. aha ana's 1 wiak tar intr ie
tkoazkt, sKtatc sa a faBea tre
Waak. -1 welertfMlaa'ttseat towiahfera
aUfsiea 4aar, as4 Skaa I eaksrjreTtktec
Iwaat IdeIheiieTeIwstetl'. Iwjak
fera4larVtorri4aJe4.aa4 Ml la the
jeie at kta aea4 a yuatare c -.naatkiac
unmi Theec klnr.i awlsjac tirtr aaftax,
ahJaatgaatf KkadlaatUettkeaWarf.
-lawaaifcrt. 1 can aseetaeaar tkeaarM
wksaaa keea ntaacr "-seanrf at the
eesssiiLnailalak. hsrt I mm
C aliforaU i f rota $l.fXA.iXt to t..
tXW.fX. From the date pi dlacanrry to
1-sel hvl4Te. lie tead prdcte4 CaJ
Koraht areraf ed kUK0pO9. derirc4
chle'y fross the asedera rirer-heda aad
shaSciw placer A largw f-rap9riMa of
the tesaiaSa? t:07,W.rsj), VnCW-
taiaetl la tu deep -rat; depoaits. Vr
the kydnudk: nsethed. Siraaca as h
snay appear. n hsdarry which haaecw.
irihnted ao largely to the weakh f aha
world, aad ha been the leans M tk
aeaksaaat aad dete'upaisat M CaWerv
nav has reaehed a aenad m Hs histaey ;
when It is claJatd hy a larj-e purnna
the eoardnaatty to he a jpreafsr artQ than
aWasaaFnwr'' BrV sW Va9Man wi IVVffpQRaV
hajpthe hydcaalie ass-lswd f gai4 asi.
iarhabfscatWawh'eetaf aaraesst da
awaetoaadaethhalla Wrhv
laetoa. The law Ua keen Isrraked to
apprass ar eoaarsa ic Etc lhaStoto,
lstMf b lis AKat-nry-tieweraJ. has eesa
naeaewl a aa-t to aaspr-i s k. Tha
treaWe croars at af the Isaaii am
asaoaat t defer mrhJah tha hydcasdac
salaers a-e dawdtaqriaf aawitaatlr Into
tha wai-ar-swsars et the Stoto.Tka
A 'aiwai mw In t r,
tmn.. evt to y 4 irl
Karwa at the hsuwe f otoe mta
feaaaabwwa. in learaswl-Slth
fatally atohWd Kra4 A4erwm Tw-Oe-wx'k
fkravr wr ..mtre-l ia a
ak hi rVrktjrtaa. y a ,Aocxx W
peYasto. whose Jysehtwe; t hHy e
partod. In !'-, JR.. a wet?. ?
torrar ef the lew a etef a4x,b
Jfaa la-eiaeTtoiaAeJt a4 wWbot
pravaratn. Mad fsaaMy Wa4rtt a by
sasr. Aneaswael4BpUf tosret
jJWf wh feed i4 I
Wee4- Then tha pc4teessaa pK a bssl
hlntia htMimxu ij 8ctrry
aa haft an law LaU.Tr T
der wa drkv--OWf w rn'
and ItfJi thesa araUto rt tuL t
aAiKanalX .aBt-snsshaar
'aja-a--ansa,ar nr flBnBTaa;
tit ed CWW, lfwee wiftW Wi,i
asw earaajad ha ah vaHvantkait uitkm
Mjwweiai iaiwerUHaA
A KrTrar r. n-d tiea
ya had never tastod wkiaky u
naajherdny, !. for a wnrr, a
T eaei to Irkwaa en
ftsat ad the arn4av l3kCwf.
wSi!a!LT-u?1tA Coamirrw
a rennmliaala k -. .xi
Tha yetkan patars
araiaif tho CTaaeasw hsTa
waatorn Mexicav sstiaaillw
where -T J ate nam avese. lanakj
eaa-aFBa a ryaaashaai Sf eiaaa t the
ataaa vaasaaaaaaaa wnwss thav saisae
apaaa saw i-afafaasas. aaif
wwTwe aw aakaaribiaaassa and aJ
nra presawahnj- l-jw-Sr t?1.-':! M ,tp
law w !f? T" sacs. that
ssbj, AS9Bsssnja ' . flnanr? faasanBa ahaa - - - j
ClawlaannnnnV lan- ff ? anPyWly HaT tJafJataf
w - - aaaana- aaa-annjsssnnnnjss, ''pvsaVV JHrt Fak0,
V.ll,gJ1' IhiksT.saieiatlN.
hntav SanfcfcsenTaaaaaaWawT "fsjaw
aaanaaix-ua." .'