fSS ? v- -- ........ iiraattiMMTflffT "s "iLfu? '' 1 ".,. - -- - -....- ii a -i ! ir iw i i.r. .. . .n 1. iMwrtjJMMdffMrtrtMssfrTfssssaT'"--""" " - THE BED. 9i - J " a tK- i r'4L Ts4-'l " fc V "V T- t--wy -t rt-4.jr'c - . - - J BS& l"psT tOtrS-' 3, :& - i J- V. - is- !fc -T -. JC 1ST M f 4 5 V II u ii r ou- ?.. ArxnwTJi t M. r i .-- . .. .r. f Sargeoii, I k.?kviaUv of Di-cjises of Hie VSS . . ! Eye mill Ear. WI)Y, - - NEUKARKA. P. a O'Connor, Wbelraale ed Retail Dealer fa up; m i mi Alio, Sample Room fur ihc accom modation of the public. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Picture Gallery, RED CLOUD, NEB. 'Imxt the shade ere the rcTxtxteo fkdes." AH kinds of picture taken and sat isfaction guaranteed. 4G-tf GIVE HIM A CALL. T. F. MOODY, Practical Watchmaker and smmimmm All kinds of Repairing Neatly and Cheaply done with di?-pnU-.h. ANo dealer in Watches, Gold and Silver Spectacles and Eye-sl-.efl. CLOCKS. Musical InflrunicntP and Silverware, al! at Bottom Prices. Highest Cash price paid fr old f!old and Silver. Give mo a call before buying etao whcie Sign of the Big Watch, Main St. Ri:d Ci.ori), Xi:i:. Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEALERS IK JLUMBEl. Building Material AND GOAL. SPECIAL BARGAINS! at the Store of F.NEWHOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Berlin Zephyr, Midnight Zephyis, Stxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Floss, Gcrmantotvn Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mittens, Children's Coat Sec.. &c." ALL OF our OWN MANUFACTURE. A full lino of H03IERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large and splendid assortment of TOYS jmhI CHRISTMAS Gift. S.W. SEELY, DEAIXK IK Choice Family Groceries, TEAS. COFFEES. CANNED GOODS. V TOBACCO. CIGARS, BREAD. CAKES, PIES FLOUR, MEAL, Ac., Fruit a Specialty. Bntler Wiul eggs taken in exchange P.fcronaire solicited. Two doors Smi ,&fiB!ffittb. - - - NEB DR. 8HERER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. A IlllU Drugs? Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES AG. FttroMge iolWteJ nud thankfullr rtcelrod. PrMcription? orcfultr cntnpnundct" I alio have a full and complete stock of school feooki. eutioneryand pbotogrph Atouinc- REU CLOUD. - EB- R. L- TINKER. (SaoeeHor to Q. A. BrowaOi DEALER IV Parlor, Bedroem AKD KITCHKS FURNITURE, brackets chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. OBia alwara on haad and trimmed on thorl nutica. Trico as low any in ho Vallajr. R.nairinc of all kind aona promptly and SatiataeUry. Btmal Robe furnished at rMonab? raUs. HXD CLOUD. . . - KEB. Harness Shop, BY J. L- MILLER. Keep ecastaatl j on taad a fall Liae af HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLE HORSE-BLANKETS, 'HIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL, ggAAi everything usually kept in iit r class slwp. " ' SXWO DOORS XORtn OF THB SAVK. norm l I Tl . I -f Ji. UHUJ P ' 1 1 uusiis-rjwmrr- - TrUXlkS YaltaO&iW-wWte bread. THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. Carflald Mt No. 90. C. A. II. rae Trr thr Mrtr rTaJor. Tlralr inftirr ' MoB'Iar cremie n -JxT-ir tbe foil m"B. M. B. Wcmtt. P. n. At. Com. Arri7al and tcjari cf XZ t Prco Bel Slmi ?wt OfSoe. cad Catn M41 W eaten tnjM CtwkwQi; - w.m Van - unrJrM - "' P- w. rr!r - fcT - in 4rtr1C - ; P- W. rrire r '- P . depart - v-t . rm rir - 6"p. m TTr - . rrie ! . d?rrt - C ". rirrtl - 7 m, rnrefl - - 12 m Hrnarlf - J P. C jWiBBtti win U elod t tb hnnn bof. ttnf. OfBc honr ffm 7 m. to 8 p. n" Mnnar Orirotoct innn (mm 7 b. h. to i p. m. Offlethoun on Sontlar rr9 p. in. M. IJ. Mr.Virr. T. M. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 18S3. M. L. THOMAS, - Local Editor and Businc Mnacr. Fresh oysters for sale at Roby '. Juniata had a $25,000 fire Inst week. Hair switches chnp at L. N. Hale's. A good article of maple syrup, cheap at Roby'ri. Pure comb honey at Rohy'e. 77 brr made it. A fine lot of watches for sale at G. S. Albright's. A history of Nebraska for saTe at this office, cheap. For the very best goods, full weights and measures. Go to Roby's. Wo would like to pulverize the poet who writes about the beautiful snow. A deaf and dumb woman was ped dling books on the streets last Satur day. The best and largest Mock of clock ever brought to Red Cloud, at G. S. Al- brights. We understand that Henry cook established a branch btore at CorC I " Ivanwts. ForSai.k: 1)0 ton of German Mil let, for sale by Ira Sleeper, Red Cloud Neb. U3tf. The town of Franklin is agitated over the .spread of measles in the pub lic school. Nebraska will bo entitled to ten del egates in the next national Republican convention. Any one wanting a good wind mill on favorable terms will do well to call at this office. Wood, oh! Wood Wo, want wood, and we would, that the roses would bloom again. Job printing, neat and nobby, and put up in good shape,, can always be had at the'Curtr olficc. Beforo you buy your clothing, boots and nhocs, please call and see my lines and net prices. J. G. Potter. The thcrmomctors have been indul ring in unusually toie habits the pres ent winter. A farm for sale or trado. Will sell on easy terms, or will trado for stock. Inquire at the Post office. Tho most delicate way of calling a man a liar, yot devised, is to fay that ho is an economizer of the truth. More snow has fallen the present win ter than any previous winter buicc the settlement of thw country. Foil R:vr: A farm of about 5j acres of improved land. Call on Span ogle Jc. Funk, Red" Cloud, Neb. Hot f. -lHffiisWk .HtO - TIi lnstian and' live in a rented houe during the recent storms and severe cold weather. Denver and New Orleans coal, the best in tho world, for tale by Jones t Mageo's lumber company, Red Cloud. The Hastings Journal cautions the married men of that town to do their flirting at some other place than at church. I will have in a few weeks in time for the spring trade, the best stock of solid and silver plated ware eTer I brought to this town. Cf. S. Albright. The widow of Sheriff Jack Woods, killed at Minden by cow boys last fall, has beon given a committee clerkship at the capital. J. G. Potter has just received the lar gest stock of Overcoats in the city, which he will sell at th lawest living price.. Call and sec them. It is said, upon good authority that the habit of using tohaccois one of the principal causes of the prevalence of heart disease. They claim to have discovered gold in a well in Minden, Kearney county, and talkoforganiiuu; a company to sink a shaft immcdiatcly- 2To. 0a BtciaMs Plies Co lease on long time in Red Ciond heap. Inquire of C. II. Totter, ever McFarland's store- Jf we thought it would do any good we would say to all indebted o ns on subscription, that we need the money and must lwv?e it. Go to Jones & Magce's Lumber Com pany for vonr lumber and coal. They are sole agents for Denver and New Orleans coal, In Nebraska. t-f. Mr. R. B. Fiiltonhas purchased" Mrs. Robert Mitchell's interest in the hard ware store, and the business will here after be conducted by Morhart &Ful- l ton. The denizens of Blue Springs have organized for a grand woli hunt the 22d. We arc not informed as to Kvhethei they have sent for "General Kenney to command the forces or not Remember Prof Wiggin's storm the 9th ofMarchrandpay your sidsscrip tiou to the CniKF before that time. You would feel better while being blowed away if you was square with the printer. The quality of Mlncsoti flour can be obtained in the Red Clond patent for little more than half the pnee of the former. This is a fact so well estab lished that many are purchasmg the patent saving the freight for x long distance, and laaies smile over mcc, ev av it Thcdnyi r Rnnrinj; ncrccptaMy longer. Mr. S. F. SjokrfieM nude trip to Hebron list week. Sam! WetV little boy has !cn very sick with tlrpthcrijs. NVxt Wetlnewlrtr. February 1 4th, in St. Valcntinc'ii day. One of Judge WilcoxV children hai lwcn very stric the lt week. II. E. Burt is has lccn siek and con fined to his room for rotnc tim. Will MitHiell rclurncl from a vwil to Lincoln and Crete last Saturday. The demand for extra copies oflai ucck'it Chikf was greater than th sup ply. The train Irom the rast, on the main line, was twelve hours late lot Satur day night. WantcJ, regular correspondent fn every prciut ni the county not al ready represent ctl. The Blue Hill Times nays that N. Edwards will move his stock of grocer ies to that town, shortly. The pe."etjgrr train encountered a broken tail north ofCowles last Satur day night, hut fortunately escaptd be ing wrecked. If you need a pair of eye gla? p or "pcctaeles. call -on G. S." Albright, at Gore'.s old .stand and you ill gt just unat you want lie has the beat. it . . jxis .-wajesiy, ine grounti 1102. i.uir to see his hhadow Iat Friday, Febnj 2d, and according to tradition e) weather will toon be here. Mr. Uargraves, the new drug man,; accompanied a deputy U. S. marh.dl to Lincoln last Tuesday to answer to the charge of selling "goodV without licence. Senator 0. C. Case is chairman of the committee on Conhlitutional amendments, and is a member of the Judiciary, mines and minerals, and state prison committees. We have received from the Excelsior Ifg. Co. of St. Lonfc, a copy of their Charter Oak A. B. C." a neat little book for tho children. Sent on re ceipt oa three cent stamp. It always seemed strange to us that there isn't room in the wide, wide ocean for steamships to pas,s without colliding. Nearly one thousand lives were lost dining the month of January by collisions at sea. We are in receipt of a copj of tho Obxrrrer, a six column folio publMicd at Louisville Neb. by Eugene Mayficld. We wish tho Observer ahundent suc cc.o, but if its editor gains a livelihood in Louisville, we aro of tho opinion that he will have to hustle around pretty lively. The local editor of a Council Bluffs paper is a wanderer on the faco of the earth. Ho said in his paper that Miss so-and-so wore a pink undershirt at a party, when it should have read under skirt. It was the "intelligent composi tor's" fault, but tho Ncal scribe was the one that had to skip, all the same. A physician gives the following rule by which to dctcrmino diphtheria from ulcerated sore throat. He say?: "If tho throat is red and smaller, no fear of diptheria, but it it looks as though somebody had blown a hand full of ashes into the throat a dull gray color lookout. It is diphtheria's danger sigual." The Republican Valley Medical As sociation met at Red Cloud w Tues day of hist Week and elected the fol- 1111 - 111 Uloomington, President; lr. J.. A. Hall, of Red Cloud. Secretary; Dr. S. Johnson, of Superior, Treasurer; and ajdourncd to meet at Superior the first Tuesday in June, at y o'clock a. m. Gen. Manderson, the newly elected United States Senator, is an Ohio man. This is as it should be, Ohio men arc entitled to office. This local scribe is an Ohio man, and he wants olficc, and demands it in the name of the state that furnishes to the world office hol ders. He demands it; not on .account of fitness, but because he is from Ohio, first, last and all the time. Ira Sleeper is building a blacksmith shop on the vacant lot west of Shcrer's drug store. Sleeper worked at his trade-in Red Cloud in tho early pi onccr days of Webster county, ami we arc glad to sec him locate permanently in Red Cloud again, but wc hardly think that he will have regular custo mers living thirty miles distant, as he did in the palmy days of 72. Columbus Bcownr of Franklin; Pa. had a dream, during which a military figure indicated to him the wherea bouts of a chest containing gold. Brown searched according to direction and found the chest, and in it 27,000 in gold coins, mostly French dated from 1729 to 1754. It is supposed the treasures were secreted during the French occupation of that region, pre vious to the revolution. Red Cloud, the Sioux chief, was the guest of Professor Marslr, oT Tale Col lege. It is related in a New Haven pa per that when a citizen there held ou a Box of cigars, saying, "take on!, Red Cloud innocently helped himsc to a bunch. XS ill you have ne? continued the entertainer, addressing the Chiefs companion, and the ether Indian slipped the other bench from the box into his ulster pocket. We learn from an exchange that hnggi-ftg parties for the benefit of clnrjshcs arc all tho rage in some parts of the state. -Now why wouldn't it be a good idea to do away with the old time church festival and adopt the new project, and. let the price rate as follows and be given to the church fund. Girls under fifteen years of age, 25-sts for each hug of two mfnutes; from sixteen te twenty, 50 cts; from twenty to twenty five, 75 cte; another man's wife, $1; widow according to looks, from 10 cte to $5 grass widows, few offered, but in active demand; okl maids, three cents apiece or two for a nickelj-and bo limit of time. "Rocky Mountain JW pc" & al daya of this week in JJed Cload. Tlie Rcr. Geo. 0. Yeiser will preach ucxtSah. loth morning and evening at the Congrrational church. Paralytic tmke. hrart dicer and kidney alFectinnr, prrventisl by the uc of Brown Imn Bitter. Mr. A.T. Phih. U Burr OA-, Kansas crmfemplatc cngaring in the clothing and dry goods butinr-s in ReI Clocd. Nuring mothers gain sfrrngih by uiug !rnwn4 Iron Bitter- It at lik a rhann in rrsstoring to health and frength eTerstraine! naturr. A printer from Kan a dyed-in the whjI democrat, va in town !at Tuesday lok:ng over "the grotuid and eckmg encouragement to tart a dem ocratic newspaper hef. Prehyterin Ijid:i Aid Society will meet at the roidenrc of Mrs. J. K Harri" next Tuwday at 1 o'clock r. it. All interested are requested to i pres ent. Henry Cook has on hand r. A pat ent fire cxtinguiMM'rv Tliey are an ornament to any hou-e. tore or jcc, and are worth their weight in fcullio i silver in case of fire. Eery man h own a store in Rsd CSori rhonid have one. There arc many big-hear toil follow joug the val army of B A M. em ployees. For instance, in the hunting of the Ealing House at Lincoln, tho girls employed therein, Ion what they had in the houe bv the 6re and were , rther bad circumMauces financial ly a- a r"-ult. The boys working for the company raised $HS for them. Mhj. Swan gave an equal Mini, making $2?.G for the unfortunate girl-. All de serve credit for what they did. Some of thcbravest as well a the most gen erous men of snr country arc em ployed in humble positions on rail ways. lla$tintjx Guzctte Journal. Encouraged by the bountiful har vest of last year and the rcmuerative prices for the various crops, hopeful farmers are making ready for another season of earnct work, and the more thoughtful are planning for extended agricultural operations. Already new and improved implement? for hurry iiij; up farm labor aro arriving, and dealer in field and garden seeds re ceiving needed Mipplie. The agricul tural popidation all over the xtate ha.s increased. Many now operators with larirc caniraf arc in the field, and an unusual breadth of Nebraska soil will be planted. Secure good seed take care of the sprout.-, keep tho weeds down and a weather eye open. If abundent .showers water the earth you are fortunate, if drouth succeeds and famine threatens starvation, if the hungry maw of insect pests ruin hopes you can rest assured that others arc no more entitled to respect towards feed ling humanity than your proud fcclf. "Over the garden wall'. Wc would like to know the meaning of "Over the garden wall." It seems to be popular, they all sing it. Otic "devil" sang it la.t week until in sheer desperation we fled from the office iu search of a place of quiet where we would be free, for a time, at least, from tho harrowing monotony of the thing. But wc were disappointed. Wc went into a store, a genteel clerk was waiting on a lady customer and singing "Over the garden wall." Wc dropped into the pot oJHce in time to hear tho clerk say, "no ma'am, no mail," "Overjhe garden wall"."" Wc went into a saloon "to sec a man" and the crowd, including some of the "leading citi.ens," were singing "Over the garden wall.' Wc called on the coal dealer to get trusted for a ton of coal, ami thought that he. at least would be too busy to indulge in the harrowing recital, but alas for human hopes, it was the samo old tunc, "coal $10 per ton, cash. "Over the garden wall." Faint at heart, wc wended our way to prayer meeting, an unusual thing for us, and fainted when the class leader said, "wc will now sing the old familiar hvmn, "Am I a Soldier of the cross," and then strike out with, "Over the garden wall." As soon as wc had sufficiently recovered wc got out of there and went home. Here, at least, wc said to nun-elf, we will find rest, but judge of our horror when, up on goin'4 quietly into the room we found our wife seated at tho organ and singing Over the garden wall." We had not xnfficicnt vitality left to re monstrate, wc took to our bed and sent for a doctor who prescribed ginger tea and asafujtida, and we revived in four days, but our constitution is broken, our old time vigor will never return to us, we fear, we arc undone, and all on account of that infernal nuisance, "Over the garden wall." Cowfs Items. Cowl es is getting up a brass band. S. J. Miller, of Amboy is quite jubi lant since February 2nd. Boy, eleven pounds. The new mercantile firm in Cowles ,0 is tryii 1 ie "a is trying to procure license to deal in anient." A. McKeighan will deliver a lec ture n the subject of temperance at Willow Creek school house on Tues day evening, Feb. 13th. OnMouday, January 29th, Sydney Cox had the misfortune to have hit leg broken by hia horse falling on it. Dr. Schenck is giving him the neces sary attention. Stewart Albright has moved hi jsw elrv store to the room formerly occu pied bv F. H. Gore, 1 door east of State Bauk. where he will be pleased to see all his customers and friend. He haa engaged Mr. J. S. Hope well known nere as tho best workman in the valley, to take charge of his work, and vou may dspend upon having your work well and proraptly done. Call and see hi new stock of watches, clocks and jewelry, and if yon are in neednfanvthing in his line yon will buy, for tho price cannot help but i please-you. Cn. Chant F. Manrffi, .Elected by the NVbraJtu Irgisialnrc to 9 ucxeed i&natrc Saundem In the United State Senate, a Um is Phu adt'lplua Fchnwuy Xh, Ir. He re moved to Canton Ohio, m l.-OT. htre he prncd the Mudy at taw and w& admitted to the bar In I SCO in April, 1SHI, he ried company A. inlcsntU Otuo infantry, and rv jronwSil ma jor. -ur Uteioaio oj niHMi e raitl s tep to lieutenant rokmw. and hi galfctnt and xnntorion ?rrkrXat Sumt: rtcr n-xj reardol by hi pro- moti'Ti Ut the colon elev In F0rtttar. l?fi5. he w. brevetlcxl lingadier sMer - al, ami thr mouth afWrwahl 1k r - iipi-l ott aeevtin; of hwjikI. ihof-ti lite war was rirUiallv eMlsl. ILi wa in all the battKr of hi ctininnd ns well a bo-e of the arcnv of th Cum-! bcrtaud uxcejft KrnitUiti and Nnhin and was wounded at Iroy'. uuvnt in 5eptcmler, JS&t. Returning to Canton he resumed the practice of 1a w. In 1S09 he rawc we-t and Knitted in Omaha ai the law ! partner of Judge Savage. He w.f honored with an riecJion to the eotwtitutmnal convontnm of K71. only tww vMii after hia sule:uit in theatnte. with Mich well known mem l of thu DtmglaM oottnty lr as Clinton BrHtgs, Jiwl-w Itkc al K-ta-hrook. ami tht cotvitititiion then fmmesi tnihitg k be rwtiHod, wf ele ted again by the pvjl of hi count withmit reganl to polmcs a a ien beroftlie mora suecuasful con rent ion of IS75. Gonural Manderon has Won a prom incut member of tho G. A R. ami Ins ready eloquence has added to the in terest of many of iu locnl and tleiMirt- ni"ntal camp fire His ability i uno,uctioocslf ns res - ord as a soldier ami a citizen is cleani anil as r. lawyer he ttccupies n hih rank in a Iwr as able .v can le found in any western rtate. Tlmt he will take his place in tho front line in the national councils is not a matter of doubt among tho-c who know him best. Educational atotea. I1V C1IAS. W. MT.tNCEU, CO. SLTT. Dipt. No. 6 'Hie school is taught by Eugene Hunter. Eighteen pupils attend school this winter, one over sixteen years of age. Ho has a chim in history and one in physiology. Four pupils study book keeping. This teacher has taught in. this district bo fore and he gives good cati-fnetion n far as wo know. Di.st. No. 12. School is taught by Win. A. Elder, of Riverton. They have a comfortable house and plenty of fuel. Twenty pupils attend the school, three of them over sixteen years of age. IIo has fifteen recita tions a day which is a very good cI:h. eitication, considering the multiplicity of text books found in this district. Some dilfictilty aroseat the commence ment of tho term, but the teacher is stiaightforward in trying to do his du ty, and no doubt will succeed. The school will close the first of March. Dist. No. 13 Mi"s Sarah L. Fisher is teaching here. The school began Sept. 18th, and wiil cloe February IT. 'Hie school room i heated by a coal stove and a boy tends the fires and the house. Twenty live pupils aro in at tendance. History, physiology, book keeping are stadicd. Miss Fi-hera method of studying and reciting histo ry and physiology good. Sho re- nnirna lltnm lo attwlt' (lua. ii(Vt.. tiv;r ty five minutes, then cio.o the book and write all they can upon tho sub ject, bring it to tho class ami read it, then ?he asks them questions upon the subjeit. Dist. No. 15.- Frank M. Philips, of Guide Rock, is teaching at this place. Thirty two pupils are in attendance, two over sixteen years of age. Histo ry and physiology arc studied here This is Mr. Philips fir-t school, and wc have a good report from his work. Dist. No. 17. This district built a new house last summer and secured the services of Mrs. Francis Brooks for their teacher. Thirty three pupils at tend the school, five over sixteen years of age. She has a large number of recitations (wc wi-h they could be made a) but as long as the text books arc different in the district, and each one insist on studying from hi own book wc can not expect any thing better. This is a six montlis term and all things considered, good work is be- eng done. Dixr. No. IS. Tins school is being taught by Mr L. N. D. Smith. The school house lacks good ventilation, but is well warmed. Twenty seven pu pils attend, fivo of them over sixteen. Mr-Smith is trying to make a good school and wc doubt not that he will succeed. He haa tome good scholars (also some patience workers) and they are trying to improve. Dist. No. 20. Miss Lizzie Davis, of Riverton, holds away here.- A boy builds the fires and -'L. D." keeps the house clean. Physiology, history, civ il government and composition are taught with success. Miss Davis k earnest and wide awake and with more experience will make a good teacher f-OOrER DEAN Married br Rev. J. T- Kllioit. at his residence, on Feb. 1st, 1SS3, Mr. Robert Cooper, of Cen tral City, to Miss Edith-Dean, of Webster county Neb. . i. ,m " FOB SALE'. A li vcrr bam 26x120, in Red Cloud, Neb, well" and strongly built and in t-nnd location. Terms, in payments lo I suit purchaser. Apply to or address YL. P. Albright, at State Btnk. 27-tf. ATTSS7i:S T2AC3S21 Notice is hereby given that I will examine all person who may dcriri o offer themselves as candidates fore teachers of the common school of Web stcr county, at my office in Red Cloud on the SrsC amfday of each month. Examinations to commenceat 9 a. m. Do not ask for special examination. C W.SrSINREB. County Superintendent of Public lait- X2 CLCT5 SA1ZT7. Wheat U i H eu. Oat 22 rt-T Corn ri at j$ c- prHtw-4S 3fj -. Kt f"tsl 13 $ . t oy prs 91 Fat Hrs-f & 35 V 5 50 Itair ! rt. Kcrs2tf rl dtckrn fa 0ft vfc 2 a; pf rfe- inrKry '..v rt jr LAND LOINS. Men Mmlirr M-v A (Hrtxh al thf FUt atiorM! iMnl. Ua! CTaJ f Til! iHrtt ri lr vfT Wt to;w real ru:e n Itf 1 " - - - , Pr WSIlt. HOXISJ tO IiOIU ! J jjnmry tn prove nti ,th on 0a' re j rcit. tr i dH4l LtU ; 7 tr tnt , jlajid l-&i w? tttt comma r at, f frs.l4kt 1 tu-r -tf u- - - - .." .--.- .-.. . ..-. - ..... ..,. J. K. Wtuxvx OtSce next door U (lttf dicta 20ft X 7sxti Zltrzpzxz. Eten tbe pa:etHr t J.4 nottlti l coaK txhutel htfc He i iroiwbtr nnd emlravonnc to utr l lit atidi once while thev tfc L?firM; up incrnn; coul nc mI,i it :op.T blt U? him to l Itertl Yvt, wry ey can a'l Ut Ih? AHlrd b UMjdy uis Dr Kn5 Nr dtTrr lr rtMttitptton ch il r.t Tnal iKKtle given rsj) j: H (h I Agents Wanted 1 - arpislt'i&l ftt r,int i-iWtJt. CveryDay Cyclopedia rl ! l Uj vi fO (r l ef -rl', rf-t I-wafrj ! iitrrl a. ifQ . &' iilittfrtlHan Morinonlsm Urvrcilcd. f i tt.' 4 iRfrun-ufi Jtltnl L. Ultr ! IV : lj"or lr- u rt tlt rrat ttmr, vith trafhie Patt f lit MattMa ! " i Men. in rb l.V Mf, et e-J f Vt4r f tre buledtrf-i I Theatrical nnd Clrcua Ulfc, r Srtt I l tltr ti. fi It-JB an I Jvlat ra J ; cal Van.i, s. ioaf a. ati ii. UiUrr. t-rt . 11. at ! pn III I rlart t 'et el itt'i'kti Flno Pictorial Family Blblca, :, ! luflfftlioni on .trl 4 oMkl, (Joi.l term to lit xttiti en th l- ri lllyj-tr tneath fusraau4. Ctrular ffr. AilJr 271? rWHSSRTO :: , S. L::,i::. STREET &. SMITH'S New York Weekly FOR 1883. Specimen Copies Sent Free. The New York Weekly Is undoubtedly the Bust Literary Pa pur. It is unswrsallv apprnsdntod as It immense circulation allvrda inevntcsti ble ptoof. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. It i iu every soiisq nti ruUir'Atitiug fauui paper, "and in each home hold where a copy i taken eierv member of the family reads it. and the nteiti nre dwcussc'U and criticised while the reader are seated around the firetde THE NEW YORK WEEKLY is due to tho exccllnc of its Mne, its uumbcrle-j cutcrlatnim; feature, nnd its fresh ami varied attraction., but not the leant among it rcMin mend.itions is tho fa"t tl'At utiUMinl care is exercised m roxiMUg the con tents that all objectionable words and phrases may le avoided Hem's offrmihes are awnr that we never permit in our columns any word or expression likely to othjud even the fastidious giurdun of youth. Toe New York Weekly contains tho in 1-MnxiPS- tU,"' finest jmem. the mot entertaining kctche, as wM a a choice vnnetv of extremely interest ing matter, and is therefore popularly concluded to bo Tha Bust Story Asi Skstcli P&ptr The New York Weekly regularly preeiit. in the ' l.uhe- work bo.x. ' plain and sensible suggestions regard ing the making of garments and the choice of material. Tins department i invaluble to everv frugal house wife The New York UV-kly also tul lishcs domestic recipes, tested and ap proved by experts The New York Weekly, each week, presents a numlM?r of fresh and sprak ling humurou anecdotes, in tho col umn of "pleaant paragraphs." The New York Weekly is constant ly presenting the works" of new con tributors, Now is the time to subscribe for tho New York Weekly. The New York Weekly will 1 ent to any address in tho Cnitetl State tpostacc free) 3 months for 7. cent.; 4 months, fj; 6 months 1 JW, I year $3. Thnc sending 20 for a club of eiiht. all sent at one time, will be enti tled to a ninth copy freK Getters up of cluls can afterward add single cop ies at 2.'0 each. All letters hould be addree to FPAI'CIS S STKEET 1 ITIIEITA. FRANCI3 S. SMITH. , SMITH, Proprietor. O. BOX 2734 25 27.2tAI Ko8t fs lAIili A. Has now Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks. Dolnta A3sT SHAWLS ! Clothing, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. .. "Will (XTnTE PRICE JSJSTD JTJST AS ''" FRED BEfRKMER. Merchant Tailor, Cloth and Samples on Hand Good Work and Fits U ACrt - Itrt S3, K 5 J IMUI DRJLRRS IX- RED CLOUD - PAt LUMBSU A Sr&XMTT. Go TO W. Staple $ Fancy Groceries -TUP TOBACCO . C5GAMS IN TOWN AIsl Choice Huts. Fruits. & Confections. Fnh Frulu and VecHa vt Tin i. Singer S EwiNg Machin SOLD r J. S. ltfOLL., Rod Clond- - - Nebnwk;u Till: BIST MACIIINK IN ln. a V" kuvls of Repair ' Uwl nMP Wl'TMl' O fWf- Meal Market J.. U K nwv.n ly ail lasr or Mi, :in.:i'!: k ALWAYS CN HAJ? " ZL. CA"1I PUD FOR riTCVTll.K. 1HM.1. lUl I-Tl 1IUJ3.'A Moshcr's aid Suiul - Red Cloud, v ms2 SPAP&LE&FUNI HE. U)Ol I AGRICULTURAL Two Doors RBDChOCn). Louis' CooK Manufacturing Go.s Carriage Works CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE LAKGfST rrMi AND MOST CArACITY "THK Jfnde Arc Hrcwester, Whitney, copper ana Timpiim Side Bars, and Sali'dce or Monarch TripJc Spring Buggies, The Grc.atit Varieties of Ftrle. The Find Two And Ttuc Ppfin l"ptoT' , Tlu? IIandomrt llaruchf m th M At el, gtvJUh Carnagrs. Kir awl Hjx !Mnrrtr Canopy Top lUsket I1.-rto. m The licit Ilatform Mpnng tnn. Kail IVa! anti Iiii B'W Vsn'. Otyn and Top afm' " . COOITS "5TANDA1U) VEHICLE' are knon lt rtt ihtU nnT for the ix-t xosry Io it t-!flr y c-timtArt W ml . ..Vi for Mir circtibr of mW arl prt Wbdt trI a rt-r. every vehieie S. Marsh, Opened His Fall Stock of Goods, Consisting of Vou EY CAIS" T3TJ Y rtJ miarantccd, and tk: at !: ncc. r Magee Lumber Cq - NEBRASKA. .o?. THE HT 15 TttK MAP.Xr? A30 JONliS & MACKK. B. ROBY'S TOR- BlT -i , urn rnt d km im: t rris isai s t II TIC HS FO K IMPLEMEN South of Bank, - NKHItASKA 9 0- COMPLETE I .PER in tiik oa; -u- MJH M .Sfc &j id5 standard vehicles mi TIimc Wk, Kukratin f m J - I- - '8:. ) LOW AS M03ST U UU JLS I YOURS, Come? Ar C?1' iV.O i . a i i B.- - v. '35S1 .r-: vjf" . 'dj 1 - SV st l.. i i.i in' '- TlllW.i