ananaannnnpr " ', $1Bd(HPSi'?Sv - BnawnavanaF - gBananBstEi-'C&c-?3,2 f ' - -wr-sr . -v -e - . '3fr'UJ ,- ?n , ., -rrH 9 . "jpsmfr mc- i "f W v D. J. H ALLOWELL, M. D. Surgeon, .Makes ppenaUr of Di of the Ey and Ear. HAUDY, NEBRASKA. F. D. Parker, 6c Co., 3S II AM. AD AT ST., Dcnycr, Colorado, JkW ls thy rVednat. Bit ieV4ia Tv. Wsks tMaUIsy! HQI. rOtJLTT. fWcrswMsJeww IWWnst. Striae llot, P. H. O'Connor, Wkalenla Ml Bll Daalar m win: & w. J Alto, Sample Boost for ths aeeom Htodstion of the public. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. B. L.OSSIWG, Picture Gallery, RED CLOUD, NEB. fertra tit tlsdcw srs ths r&kstasst fades." All kinds of pictures taken and sst hfkciion guaranteed, it-li GIVE HIM A CALI Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEALERS 15 LUMBER, Building Material AND COAL. SPECIAL BARGAINS? at the Store of F.XEWHOUSE, HED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Bsrlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool. Shetland wool, Shet land Floss, tiennantowu Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mittens, Children's Coat Ac.. Ac, ALL OF ocr OWN MANUFACTURE. A full line of IIOaiERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Alio a large and splendid assortment of TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gifts, S. W. SEELY, DEALER I r Choice) Family Groceries, IXAS. OOFFEE3. CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO. CIOAR8, BREAD. " f CAKE3, PIES. FLOUR", MEAL, Ac., Fruit a Specialty. Buiter"and ejtgs taken in exchange. Patronage solicited. Two doors north Smith Bro.s Bank. BED CLOUD, - - - NEB. DR. 8HEJEIER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. A Drugs. Medicine Paints- Oils end Varnishes, k bill supply of !AXFS, LA51P SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHE8 AC. PalreMgc c!iiite4 aiU thaakfally nr&. I alM kara a fall ami ewapltU ttaek afaehMl iMaka. alaUoaarraaa ketoffaa Alaaao WCD CLOUD. - - - NEB. H. L. TINKER. (tattasatr ftaQ. A. Bcavsv) MALEE III Parlor, Bedroem ap Kircmn FURNITURE I lACtETS, CHROMOt, Picturi Frames, Mattresses, Etc . C ahran a kaaA Haai. aaart .-.tic, riris m low ny ia :a Vjr. -niriw' T all klada m rcaly aa HatiabetMy. kXtriel Robes furuUhe a weeonable V RED CLOUD, Harness Shop, J. L MU.LER. ICmh MtaaaesV a iiUh4 HAKNESH, COLLARS, SADDLRR HOREE-BLANKET8, -A-HIW, OOMBB, JaR13H. h " HARNBK OIU ' uawllyLpJsitaVsf- sotm omtiuxx. up " emmmsa iBkfWMBkBl . TraakaaVaOiawl THE CHIEF. : LOCAL MATTERS. He. M C A. at. mtm t-tkm at 4r eiaf . TIsmIw M4mr rratHa m$f aft Ml ?tf WftT f. Waar. Aiit. tf aWb famltAIWtlfiat xsar -.astr. fcl eMftS . !-: .' - Oavkar Ckf " e ssesm arrivaa MM . a a.: I JS a. at ti : - - IS at tk kia akv. Bmt Oafr irrifM - tftpsrai WtttklU - irnTN JlttMUavmkatlwU aft tt4. OtV hacrt from ? Kar OriW sle htmn trm T a. at. f 7 . u a p OSakomnaeSaa4arf tat, av M . B. atcNrrr. r. M FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1S83. M.L. THOMAS, - Lsmo! Miter a&d Bufineet Manager. Fresh oysters for sale at Roby's. Hair switches cheap at L. N. Hale's. Senator Case spent last Sunday in Red Cloud. A good article of maple syrup, cheap at Koby'a. Pure comb honey at Roby'e. Tkt bet made it. A fine lot of watches for sale at G. S. Albright's. A history of Nebraska for sale at this office, cheap. Dr. Denney sports a new and nolby office sign. A. A. Pope is silling off Putnam's old stock of goods. Newhouse purchased Carl Weber's lots and building. Seo the new advertieement of Piatt & Frees, thin week. Sol. Hopper returned from a mouth's visit in Iowa, last week. J. L. Wjigfct, the barber, is building an addition to his shop. Red Cloud Mills winter wheat flour is giving the best satisfaction. Major N. Edwards made a business trip to Hastings lost week. For the very best goods, full weights and measures. Go to Ruby's. One of A. 8. Marsh' children has been very sick for Dome time. Reports from tho cattle range, up west, eny that the stock is doing well. Now is the time to get your farm ing tools in goed shape for the spring's work. Under the gentle rays of the Janu ary iun, the enow has nearly disap peared. The best and largest stock of clocks ever brought to-Red Cloud, at G. S. Al bright. Dr. Hallowell, of Hardy, called last week and placed his professional card in tho Cmzr. Fob Salr 150 ton of German Mil let, for sale hv Ira Sleeper, Red tfloud Neb. 23tf. Any one wanting a good wind mill on favorable terms will do well to call at this office. Job printing, neat and nobby, and put up in good sha, can always be ha at tfc Chief office. Beforryou buy your clothing, boots and shoes, please call' and aee my- Huea and get prices. J. G. Potter. We understand that N. Edwards contemplates starting a branch storo at Blue Hill. A farm for sale or trade. Will sell on easy terms, or will trade for stock. Inquire at the Post office. A fnll JeeKns after monl, dygpepsui, hevt-burn, and! general ilr Kcaiih re lieved by Brown'd Iron Bitters. A. 8. Marsh keeps winter wheat flour of superior quality and "don't you forget it" it makes good bread. The Gather boys, John, George-and Dick, will open up with a full line of general merchandise about the 15th. For Rent: A farm of about 55 acres of improved land. Call on Span ogle &. Funk, Red Cloud, Neb. 2G-tf. The editor of the SffcCook 2Viotote advertises for "proposals for marriage." He says he is tired of keeping bach. Denver and New Orleans coal, the best in the world, for sale by Jones & alagec a lumber company, Red Cloud. Best thing for the money in the line ui nour in ue nmu in mis mantel ia Potter &. Frisbies patent. Price 3,25. only Should you be a sufferer from dys peptjiavindigestie, malaria, or weak ness, yow can be aired hy Brown's Iron Bitters. Carl Weber, one of the early set tlers in this part of the county, sold out and started for the Pacific coast fast Monday. We- have received, with the compli ments of JL F. Zediker, assistant clerl of the House-, a cepj of the legislative Manuel for J8SX. X 6. Potter has just received the lar gest stock of Overcoats in the dry, whmft he will sell at the lowest Irving price- Call and. see them. T Send a copy of this week's Chist to jour frreada ia the east. Copies ready for mailing ean be had- at this ossce for five cents each. y.0M r lease on Tone: time in Red Cloud heap. Inquire of C. H. Totter, ever McFarland's store. Adam Morhart started' for Quincy, TTbiJast Triday morning, having re ceived a telegram that h brother, r skfibgatthat plaev, was dangacosak ill. Go to Janes A Magee a IUrrer Cesa pany for voir lumber and coal. Their fol agento fnr Dcnvtraad JCew vrtwaveoai, w Asamasjui. L , Mr.lT.A. srhk MrvCamrAe sa JTJfcimss, among jsar osllsss Camphell eon TCif at sS iscwurtjr. tM tal e Ti nest Ittal WftiaWywtfi UFek W., WaaaiafteaVa anrta day. Jwae GaslEw wants Uw Oraaal Jswy ejetcM aboli.W. In tktB taw J4f agree with Ike CHZBF. The Arpu, ragmlarly ceice a year. gets of the oM a4ere4jaWjoke ahot it taking tw rwayapan to asiBfoct a town. The matriaaosilal market as rather qet, the demand for hceneea not WAarerk prayed thnt "the candHiatea for ing nearly o great aa it was a feeTi wecka ago. Yes, we will receive stamps on sub scription, at their full face value, but we do not want any of larger denomi nation than three cent. Squire Vance, of Iaava), aa ex politician wae a pleasant caller at the Chist offlce last Saturday, and beat of all, he aided us financially. Ifjrou need a pair of eye glasses or apcfUcles. call on G. S. Albright, at Gore's old stand and you will gat just what you want he lias the best. Judge Gaslin informs us that he ia eriouely considering the advisability of moving to Red Cloud and making a permanent residence here. Lost: An account and memoran dum book. The finder will confer a favor by returning it to Curt Evana; aa it is worthless to anyone but himself. I will have in a few weeks in time for the spring trade, the best stock of solid and silver plated ware ever brought to this town. G. S. Albright. Rev. J. K. Harris will preach at Red Cloud depot, old ticket office, Bab. Teh. 4th at 3 r. u. Sabbbth School at Mr. H's residence every Sab. at 10 a. M. Providenco is kind. Just as our I luacent was gone and our coal ex Ihsusted the cold wave passed away and the sun came out and smiled up on us. 1 Rev. Q.L. Little, of Omaha. Presby terian Clerryman and Synoptical Mis sionary of Nebraska, died itvddenly at his residence, of BMlious Pheunomia, on Jan. 25th. Seethe new advertisement in this week's Cnr, of Fred Beirkncr's tailor shop. Fred understands his business and will give you satisfaction in his line of work. The stores were crowded with custo mers last Saturday. The cold snap kept the farmers at home for a few days, but they were in town inforce Saturday, for supplies. We presume that if another cHlic neighboring towns should take fire and burn up, the business men of Red Cloud would again talk about making arrangements to guard against a si'mi lar calamity. The recent cold weather has playc? hoh with the house plants in this part' of the heritage. More than a wagon load of "the tender plants were gath ered to their ancestors, so to- speak, in one night, by Jack front. The Nebraska Furnwr, which pre tends to be a fanner's paper devotes a column of space to the abuse of Sena tor YanWyck. the only friend the far mers have ever had ia the United States senate from this state. Tol.1 No. I of the Guide Rock Sig nal, by S. B. Newmeyer. is received at this office. The Signal is a sprightly ucn P little paper, and we welcome it to th newspaper field of Webster county and wish' It abundant success. A. Mouser, one of the many success ful farmers of the northwest part of the county, called last Saturday to re new his subscription to the Chief. He said he always got his money's worth in home reading in the Cirrer. Rev. Alfred Martinis, of Hastings Neb., will preach at the court house for the Trinity Ev. Lutheren church, of Red Claud' next Sunday Fcby. 4th, T883, at 1 1 a. M. and "p.m. A cordial invtiatibn is extended to all. Sunday School at 10 a. v. The Gage county Democrat gives this sensible advice, which will apply with a good deal of force in this com munity. "If you don't want an item published, come to us and sav so. If you do, gfve us all the particamrs and let it be published correctly." The matter of transporting the mails from the depot to the postoflSce needs attention from the authorities at Washington. We would suggest that a good healthy man with a wheel-barrow would be a decided improvement over the present arrangement. Tai local scribe has shifted the responsibility of the election of an United States Senator to- other shoul ders, and has been attending t his lit tle business, whiti- accounts mr the improvement in this week's paper, over the last two or shrta isas.. What has beooase oTomr corresnesK dents? Torn samstfon is asked ns, ana? we refer the questioner to well we wRI not give the names of those- who have agreed to sendinwa far publi cation, but we hope this hint wift be sumcieot to start their quills going. woerld call the attention ofbuei- men and others wishimr letter heads and other work tablctcd, to the met that work put up at this office will never come to pieces, as we have mciliriee forthat class of wosk. that ia not surpassed in this part of awe state. The U. F. and B, A M. roads have not presented passes totha m ameers of the present Isgislatara as in the past If a member mania a pass fromr theee roads ho must first ask for it. and tfiis very rule is what hurts some! as? the sntis -they,have had te ask ier thcirpeasm AimjaaaW Pimm: Weseebrtawtsportofthe treasur er-of she Nebraska firm ilssnrmtioii tnat there- m the- msminVecnt swm af trVartft the trsenr. 3Ms mv ded- aaSaaVSr simwed- the the- scr.nmssatti Mx JMaRm af Usv vamasVdnVJsBlBnn sVBTerwJHVBSJsaS f fpar My osaats. Wa ssmmiin'sui toe I mlM Jii!is ?ti wrisJ prosptdtraad persisted Tm - Red Oei,aa4 tke ttapafmlar. We haw than twenty aaea a tkas alaca have tried to of Bsjemlar oaafiavor taararAi arfpe hat ky weariog the Mwieidly things, but we node that tfcey invari aalycave ia after a few ehort weeks aa4 give it up m a bad joe. lave Chaplain in the Itgiaiahire last U. 8. senator migat he eoaMed to sub- ordinate their own ambition to the good of the dear people ef the state." If the good Chaplain had watched aa many senatorial conteaU svt the "oldest inhabitant" and Uie Almighty has. he never would have made sack a Jboliah prayer aa that. It is worse than use less to ask impossibilities even of the Ruler of the universe. Stewart Albright ban moved hia jew elry store to the room formerly occu pied by F. II. Gore, I door ea of State Bank, where he will he pleaaed to ace alt bi ctitrrnen and fnend. He has engaged Mr. J. S. Hope welt known here as the best workman in the valley, to take charge of his work, and you may dupend upon having your work welt and promptly done. Call and pee his new Block of watcher, clocks and jewelry, and if you are in need of anythiug'in bis line vou will buy, for tho prices cannot help but please you. Some of the good denizens of Wells P. O., sometimes faceliotMly called Pickleville, have been unfortunate, ot late. We are told thai Mr. Huffman recently cut his font and has suffered muchly in consequence, and Mr. Wells, while "monkeying with his hogs in th pen was attacked and bit ten severely by them, while another of the prominent citizens met with a misfortune at Omaha recently that de meralized him more or lees Last Monday Mr. George Win tow met with an accident that a ill con fine him to his room for some time. He went up to his farm, north of town, on horseback, and while returning hia horse fell under him. Thinking that the animal would get on its feet again all right, as it had done on previoua occasions of the kind, Mr. Winton re mained in the saddle, and the horse in it errt to arise struck hii on the Teg-with one of its honft, breaking both bones between the knee and an kle. He was brought ho town and! tho injured limb cared for by Dr. ITan, and at hfet accounts was resting com paratively easy. i" The so called "blood disease" which seems to Ikj hereditary with one or two families in this place, and which has spread with such alarming rapid ity iivotir public school of late, calls to mind an amming circumstance that come to our notice at Fort H.rniar, Ohio, and which illmtrnteM one of the uses to which said blood dicoe may be put. A young man from the back woods camu to the fort in '64 and want ed to enlist in Undo Sam's service, and when nsked his ago, replied that he "guessed he was eighteen years old." "You guess yo" safd tho re cruiting officer, "what reason have you for thinking so." "Wall" replied the rustic "I've had the seven year itch two mil terms, and I knlkerlate third term is a little mute nor half This office is constantly in receipt of letters from parties in the east who de sire to locate in tho west, and wish in formation in regard to the town and surrounding' country. An a general answer to these inquir ies we will say that Red Cloud is situ ated on the Republican river in the south-western part of the state; is a di divibiou station on the B. &. M. R. R. is growing rapidly, is surrounded by a good farming country well settled by an intelligent and industrious clam of farmers, has the very best of church and school privileges, and is destined at no distant day to become a city of no mean importance, as its natural advantages and the general healthful ncas of the climate caunot be over looked by these in search of desira ble homes, while the openings for the profitable investment of capital is un surpassed. In short any one who de sires a pleasant home with the cer tainty of Incoming rich by simplv staying and growing up with the country cannot do better than to lo cate at Red Cloud or in the surround ing country. , .... m A ftUht BJtaunsTmCanaTna For several weeks a number of chil dren of the forest, of bom eases, com monly called "bucks" and "sajsmwe' havemauV their homw on the river near Red! Cloud. The lucks spend their time trapping the fssSirr heawer and odonferens skunky while the squaws atrend to the demestic affairs of the ranch, string heads, make mor casoos and "swap" with the bald head ed mam, ami ethers, who daily viait them to- boy moocasone and traffic sritli them fn varioue kinds of skins. A lew weeks aero a aaiddU mm) mn with aUeoaaio resmg wife armed from the east and domiciled thesar selvea at one of the hotels in thia burg. We shall call the genUesaam Beacon, that being the nam bwwftjeh his wife makes him. come and go. The dea con was, it transpired, a second grade preacher, and conaiderinf that he-had arrived ia a heathen land, wanted k do some missionary work. It occurred. U one of the young men of town who waa acquainted with the aborigines at the siver, and who occasionally tramcked" with them, that it would be capital idea to let the deacon get in some missionary work on the squaw. Ha accordingly, at the fisai opportunity, aecosted the dea osn ami tasYtlum. thaisvmmnant of a ejnee powerful amHaiiiesUiel tribe of toe original proprietors and gloriomi country were on, the river, end that they were renr care's of their sowl's eternal welmre waakraes) akisaainar akaake kjMwa aaen peateoaaiag tat ataa the tide tka aVwe mi spending tack'" The daaeam who wag a tnrrjr and a chrietcan gentleman. 1 embraced the opsortoaizy taeaU now th hsnthtn. ha company with yonaig snan, and make aa eaWt ta rescue their precious gisaards from the wrath to con e. and at the same time matearsjewrd for bimtelf us mav sieaarr that might at some future time redound to hia credit and pecuniary advantage. Arriving at the camp they foam), as the young mn expccW!, th buck gone to look after their trap and the aquawa ready to awap" with any able bodied paleface that mfcht come along, and who poeed the requi site collateral to aaake the aakl "wap" an object, pecuniarily, to lb aid qiiaws. When the men entem! the wigwam they found the guileless daughters of the forwt making, a meal oft" the cr caaa of a defunct canine; which had given up the ghost, it U supposed, some time last fall. At any rate the drain of the canine had been sudkeient y previous to allow the isb to at tain that tender, succulent condition so touch prized by the seithetic children- of thti prairie. Tho deacon and his friend declined ao invitation to join in the repant, which was soon over. the rornain of his dogxhip bring dragged to one side and carefully cov vered with an old army blanket tlkat looked as though it might have done duty iu Uucle SahTs service, in a hoa pita I in '62, and never seen watcv since. The meal finished, one of the squaws went out to shin some mmkrnU and digest the dog she had eascn, and the young man followed her to watch the performance and amoke a nine while waiting for the racket which ho knew would soon develop itself between the squaw in the wigwam; and the bald heeded deacon who was anxious to commence his mikionary work. The deacon ottered up a short prayer, and then proceeded to point out to the untutored sa.age the way to salvation hy the orthodox route. The squaw understood cry little he said, and cared less, while the young man outside cluwckled to.tliink that the row would soon begun for ho knew that neither could understand the other, to any grwtt extent, and he fur ther knew that while the- deacon's mind was on religious tnrtrs, lxr's whs on something else. While the deacon was iu the midst of an exhor tation she interrupted him ami wan ted to know, by signs and motionx, if he wouldn't make her a present of a few trinkets, such as his finger rings, jck knife, watch Ac. The deacon re plied that while ho had never been considered stingy, by any mean, he nevertheless was opposed to giving much atcay. The fiat headed aborigine's clasic countenance lighted up, she thought she understood tho closing- words of his remarks, and promptly answered, "two bita." The good deacon, think ing by her looks that ho was making an impression, waxed eloquent iu his scriptural teaclring?, and assured his hearer since Christ had dfed fur every one, salvation was free for all. The dusky daughter of the foreit hail at tended the races once when alio warr en exhibition at n state fair and she thought she knew what free for all meant, so ehe told the deacon that there was nothing "free for all" about that ranch, that she didn't do business in that way, and sho euipha?aer her remarks with a club, which caused the deacon to dash out of the wigw4iu ami shout for help at the top of his voice, thinking he wa-j about to lose- hia hairless scalp. The racket arousrd tho dogs and they all with one accord attacked the deacon and tore his pants and chewed the calf of hia legs and chased him down the river until he finally sought safety in the top of a stunted cotton wood tree which grew on the bank of tlie river, and howled for help, the squaws soon came up, with the young man as inter preter, and. then negotiations lor the deacons release cotmuenced. The good man was not in condition to make-terms, the squaws held live win ning hand, and they resolved them selves into a committee on supplies, and introduced the following resolu km, towit. That if the said pale face (up a tree) would cause so be sent to their abode- wisbeoS unnecessary de lay, heap coffee, heap beans, heap su gar, heap firewater, heap flannel, and heap meat he might come down and depart ia peace. The deacon moved to amend by striking out the last named fire articles, which motion was unanimously overruled. He then of fered a resolution striking, cst the word "heap," but it was no go; he had to promise, and he had to leave has watch and purse as a guarantee of good faith, when he was permitted to descend and make his way to town, where he hired a dray and after buy- r0 0ttl Provi8ion lor ! dray astd sent it off to the Indian camp. lie had got in his missionary work on the heathen, bat in a different and more expensive way than he ex pected. . But the end was not yet, iorsome wkksd cuss went and told, his wife her hubby was making, costly to the Indian women on the and she, who had never seen an Indian, but barf read about them, and believed what she had read, conse qnentry th sught thai the men were no ble and the women, pretty,- raised a terrible mas. and boo heocd nod de clared she would go right beck teher V that sba would, am vain the snrealhmwiiethesqaawi rym tkeedrierefwe meed tebe eosafartsst ansithaj- lesl the .weminc train for their ia the ens, wily con na cad that isaionary work among the savages i it want it is "cracked an to hfJ la this namber are herin al and specxal node ef schwwl work j Urwteboat the ow:r. M the Um spprarthk winter Not U xht rv porta have been aeni in yet, hat we hope they nil! he mtm. an we Ardrw to make a coscnMc sammary i te wri ters nork and prcstt it tcfr esr readVra. W think thai some of u tfl beinterrstmg rW ua poftion v our itrMi. A aw rrport bar com J from ritber "ut I r 3 or t we bex with the uerthnot rvrtitr u(Xt cwun- tv m Dit. 5a. 5. TVU cbool UUf ht by Mm C Ainswot!i and rowmcacwd Iec 4ib. and will clo Mar 'JX There are 26 pupil thu winter, 14 maln aad 10 female, two of whom art1 or Ifi year of age. The Uoiic U comforU b!e and well warmttl, tbdtnct ptot ding fu4 and son uw to luiKl lbs fire. Miw C has 10 recitation in th furenoon and 12 in the aftrraivn al lowing from 15 to mtautr fur rr ces. The common branchc inclu ding hUtory are taught in the school. Aj'paratu for iltutlrating gecrmphy w furnished by tlc ditncu No lf ficulty baa been rxpenerwrrd tn gor erning the school, and the pupfl though moatly maU, arc improving- There are five cla.c in rradinr. 1111- lartl's text looks ctnr ucd. lhxt Xo. 9 Tliia clul u Litg taui;ht by Mr Mark Xblc, who taught the school one year syo. Tliey have a ct'tumodious choot hoo.r. well lighted Mid healed. About 31 puptl are now attending chol, four if them being over 16 years of age. 23 reota Uon a day including cla in U S. hutoiy. ihcldon'j( rradent ar uril for text book. Mr Nb!r is one of our rxperiencrtl toHchers, and dora hw work faithfully. Ilr is thorough ami ucter fails to interest his clam. We quote from his method ot teaching. "In teaching history, I rcid the !en caiefully, and write questions to bring out the leading jK)int. Tins ia the only way I hae ever been able to teach it successfully The teacher and tho pupil become common students, and the teacher ualna ported on the lesson, and consequently as much intcreated as any one in the chts " We hope we shall hear of less tanlt i iew in this school, for thi ii one o throhatarlcs to progress which we all find very annoying. We are glad to learn of the interrt iu this school auiV of the gmxl feeling that etta Inilwecn the teacher and his patrtus. liit. So. 10. Thw school is leing coiidiiclisl by M. Horatio V. Cooper and ii Muth of Guide Uock. the hou."c is very niicomfortable. and no wood uxrept gntii oak and cotton wood. Wc have thought of this sihoof during the past few da, hoping that tho district will see to it that the teacher and children are n ell pro i tlcI for, and in trying to warm the heart and iutelct, the finger and toes may not be forgottun. There arc 30 pupils attending seluxd this winter, lliern arc two ecriis of render in this school Mr. Cooper's idea of conducting a raiding class is this. "Frequently reading in concert; teach them to ol fecrve the pauses; to study their lea sons carefully, and gt the meaning of the different words throughout the ls sou; to study the meaning and ideas so that it can be rehearsed." Three pu pils hac ndanccd to percentage, and to'sludy history. The attendance is very irregular and thus dwarfs the lest efforts of any teacher to make a successful school. The students arc well Shaved studios and nlcdicnl to the teacher. Disv No. II.- This is Uly 0. Knights maiden effort at teaching. He has IS pupils, six of them over 16 years of age. We think he ought to cut down his number of classes and give more lime to a class. Besides the common branches wc find civil government and physiology in this school. We hope that the fuel will always he in proper condition these cold days, and that such things as crayon, Ac, may he famished by tho district, that noth ing may be Licking on its part te make a successful clool. moke XXWf. BLOOsnxorox eb., Jan. 23, 7SS3. Ed. Cfiisr.Tlic next regular meet ins of the Republican valley Sbspherda and Wool Grower 4asontion will He held at Orleans, Feb. 3, 1883. A fnll attendsuce s wool groweri ii requea ted, aa busrneM of zauch importnca will come before the meetinr. L. V. Hardkk, J. A. Hobls, gec'j. Prw. LAND LOANS. Xessrs. Kosher. Moore k Ontcalt. at the First Xatiacat Bank, of Red Cwd, will make you the very beat terms on real aetata loans. l-tf FAJjIi sma Has now Opened Hu Fall Stock of Good, Conskting ot Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks. Dolmans Clothing, Blankete,Bed CJomforto, FurnishiTig Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. Will m ONE IIIICE A3XI JTJST JLJS LOW JlS MON-, FSJID BFJRKNER Merefcaat Tailor, RICO CtOVTt, SEBRASXA Cloth andJtamptcs on H&nd. Good Work and Fits guaranteed, and at Lowest Price. ttT&wp ftp f.u HerT (Wk lim Hstijym MmmmmmMmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmBmMmmmmmmmmmm Jones AiMAGEE Lumber Co DEALERS IX IntawMat, LATM.MIWaLaHtAi, DOOBsV MJ)Tfwt REDOLOUD - - NEBRASKA: OatY UJUWm A TnCTALTT. THK BNBT I Tff 1 MAKstaW AJss aViJPATTMKLOWHprr rkUCm, JONES 6c MAGFR. Go To W. Staple i Fancy Groceries, nil: urxr TOBAC5CO A CIGARS IK TOWN, AIJO Choice Nuts. Fruits. Sl Confections. rrah Fstdta and Veubls 5oJd THKOl Singer S EwiNg Machine; SOLD BY J. S. NOLI, w s Reel Cloud- - - ISTobrnskn. THE BKST MACHINE IN USE. All kinds of Repain r.n hand COMK ND PEE ME. Op Oaf .f&. Meat Market J09.G .UtllKtt, Vt? ALL KtXDS OF ittllUBipifc. Always on Hand. CASH !'AII FOR FAT CA1TLE. Moshcr's old Stand 1882 1832 SPANOGLE&FUNK, HEADQUARTERS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; Two Doors South of Bank, RED CL0TJ:D. - aSTEBRASIvA. Louis Cook Manufacturing Co.'s Carriage v7orks, CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE LARGEST AND MOST riJLIs TAPACITV the Standard vehicles" Are Hf stile t Thpr Wkt, KsBtbrnrlniar; Brcwcster, Whitney, Copper and rimpkin Side Bars, and Salidcc or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies, Tiie Greatest Varieties of Hlyk, The Kint Two And Thrr Spnnjc Phatlatis, Tlie Hndomt liarouclx Is tb Market, M Siylwh Carriaije. Yoartuid iis I'agrrs, Canopy Top Bkvskrt Yh-mUH. Tu'Pi Ilatform prnx Warooa, atail iVt mai I'Un iHde '-, Ocn and Top firrry vVactw COOfTS-frTANDARD VKfflCLrW rkmwti orar iKe world m the mT Pr the uuwr Morr. Do not undr ay arcttmi4aer bny nntil jv-t have sent fat onr circular of vlc arvl pric. WhtA (r4 a !feilif Kcmesaber we make our own 'aVli, Tff IT ftAKVXN rATENT. J warraaV every veil isle. Sa XaCarsliw TTou th, B. ROBY'S roR. on Co?iraUio nnt rtoro m:k, - NUlSi: lltXl, ronVTUV, 1HD1A 'A" - Red Cloud Ncl CX)MrLETE Tw.n. IN THE WKKIf. WQELDs '82. nk. ananananananananananananananananaVI !! ???'nsasHsnwHnswPHsK - , m -swanasasasa-jay 4rfJ Come? GOODS! - YOURS, A.S.M. i &2 '5 " v . . .1 r 4.i i H '-. "& lv t i. t ZctL t" rrssJ-A .trf7 L'-aXrJ! - B ,"V' :--t2Sks S.LzZgZ Ar- . . -.. - jn - "-.gSfjri. -5fe? ' 3 ssSv' . T-T--fc -J77--- ujfW-j. C'ZZZSTZ- Zri 1, 5' Z: -. -a." t f r -. , vf'."r av '-r. '. -.3L ,. W3i- ,yA'v 'm -gJ , T - s-a- .T , ,- ?'.1v'-m-S- .'.'-j,'!! ' -' 2? - - . . ST2" "" " ' X - 1 -.Vtr- c . r - "i i. imu- j - ' : - -JJ " - v -w . i .itr " ' --.. V5i?V-,,SM-.ff- tTCK- i -1j-? . Ja.-K r -- $smM2g2&m 7 -.. -Jj-.--i-sawi