y .... Ill I - 111 I - i , . Bfc i iwitinaXM i S' J m " M wHMB a mniwaj; SH BEvw.aKawdaBaiaBBMaHtiBnRain KV7veR Jim .335!1 srrvrj0-5, k-i-i!s-' - - &&&&&& && l-i ) Win. H. HOWE, -aCRST l"OB;- mm m Bissna win mi - The, awlbare both d WaaaL ftni.-6 mBls-Arily warranted fi(M-olws in very mpec AJo farntiLe urst-claas METALIC PUMPS. RCTTRE5CT. Mitchell A Mnrhart, Bed Cloud. Ed. Giflbrd, Cowlr. or ad dress. VM. H. ITOWE. 5-3m Cowle. Neb. . JOB WOEK, The Red Cloud Chief. &,M, totoh ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," AND $1.80 A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. as. VOL. X. RED CI.0U1), WKBSTER COUNTY, XKBRAR. FKIDAY. JANUARY. '9. !SS3. NO. -' I. ' - w "'" -TcSS ! RELIABLE SELF-CORE, fvnr:u mavnstKaa af asaa ef Mj aTvwtrrOt' e.".! .coraasrul .lacialleta In the C.L. (nvwrUn4i for the cure of JT mhi gfHfr Imt MmHt. fT-tUamm au4 Juanaj sa tBraa4aaeaJ.:e3Vel'.yene. lm1tt SU AMt OR. WARD & CO., I THE KSE&5C5 OF YOUTH and MANHOOD A GUIDE"" ? TH WITH BOUT MEDICINE. Y AW!VII lAVui 3rnr'i ir5rnrf. tlon'I fx.l.no rmi. .illriu l.)t IrT. Iml rat tl.ll It k .tut aw.l.l Oilirkl "J'retcrtptlena Irrr" it nrrlrtr Kelt llttm. tar, wlilrb II p. I'rlr- lc(. Alrea THE PUBLISH. Co 234. Milwaebee, Wis. sw jbo. Kttivef fj.eo. Xal-i llTr Watdjo. Nun Wl4tr aic.0. rvv-fi ajuexic" s.i:a. bami a n M I"-. rareeat Itarm. lUItUs A BrrjctlvM. OUR $15 SH0T.6CT PcA titran ( cor X T.TOVTB:.VttiS.iVtXAlaittrt CI?uiXATLU I !-- f klaWll I 1 fcatrtr't Ifsrlli FMl"'!! miiflY rKf'irj FOR I lllilll 5 "jiJa. . JL7ci?J; Artw ItrbiUlL an4 Uriini.a. Xhm of fituMryanJ lr.wrknavllr. i.tt of l4iTrrUro. um, mf work. rti, nrr fort t uqu.I xol tlrt.r I SaM-oiS lio for lun Ir :, Ult) IM1KCI lintil. AUI Mi tWH. a4 CiiLouo 1 -7HE- .Alibi AWi n sr tart'Jc fcr the ro'ir'it yf-nr as! tt j"esoni or t,nij5i:ilifl nieces?. i .- .4 ijw f:r..f uiuUu vikI has Iwcn r.hi, o iKi'-e'I-.a "Vrlii.c cuiiipi't- i;,.-i:.'it:si:!i,r tujebifes h:ivi'lK?ca 'c 1'r Ott'j one or two scar-oni .-SK: : t-f r ( :..... om r-?.fi! . yiscr Lr U,rt f- -. t'.-ir. . . . . .. W.fc w.. ; nM ". .1 inoifjt.-ivf conl. ij- : .: (M-rv hniidln nml iM:ni v,v w-r. 1 AND BST il; UAllINE ia the i . tic Dncr.i.vG ei' tvv f ixtitfC CI ti'oll auasrrrjK; cr -L s'1? sr r ccHng. r . mu j chicks::. rl te?T. 'rc Tte Girpnfrr Ihs I - r '. tr tiitrCTor'Jr5fl.it!rjiu 1 u I .r:cU .'. W rcorrs-, "a.r j.. o. C. A., Vi'.U lir&sci LC.fi u.tl VTe.riia la Lcndon, I-;J.-s t rctcnisrr, City cf K;xh?. Scr"j Circclscs. f Ttt-rrs rf v ' .c -Tc-7 rri l'ir2c:Ut3 la c- 5- fi- . ' Tirtrtirictsrr, ax Citrsstcr .: f f LlZZZZttiZZlZa VvArtriANi . - ...TvrAns. ii;';t tiiLr-iJii..': i r vi.tctt .r'i iv . f s" " i t t.r t r"t It. tii j i.-rr jiril -l v.-i.v r you ciu v .-A.O. CVER 100 STYLES, ":.- ilniniCLfrcit.O fit i?: COICCriittTej A iststifu'. lrOp. si!l,-T,t-j5 Cine ,-rr ;:v...!lifti. !.'.. I'.iJZl- to u.:. ziurziifr t ... r THTT'8 EXPEGTOBM "'. ymid ot iletbjl usui il-c.-t'iuoni ptvd- j n-l, cilcclintr3 Oic acrttt niattcr i.-,..irf.iu me Kiunclisal 'Xul-.iuullviain 'ililnir cuaUuw. fcch rrltcTtt llic li I -tttou Hint mum thu ivJsa. It clcnnar3 .)!f'nucarMllrai"itIf.lrfliKlla9 J. t m wata taf esbltd ly dlwax. 1 . . h. . m-JiL-o: nf tio ti.txai. 1 rt.l l-nrth5 - VT.'.rv.ra. Mic:ii cold- ollrn end In ' toaump:ioa. Itiitlaiisrrou.toiirglect Vi.cfM. jtj:lj- ino Kniruy friruiniMi. ji. t;orri;,,v fiucrrr InlttBlthat faaa t--j. -t'lM-.Taaia iaa u't ion vrsj i .vj.i t- i.cZoc-:m!UTT'S FZPECTCKAHT. i -!;!c iloo raitcs ihc phlrciu. uulu "... - .tou.aud its v.i r-M.:r rurrtinia.t .1 - . onr eh. A ptraavBt cardial, efeU- . -1. 'nke tt icnrtily. For Crup It la . -abtc nnl &holtt !- in erery faiily. In i;.c. -rd 1 JSo'tl- I M II III! I I. I 1 'y. c r, af M m S SJ i I S PSLLS 1ST r?P.CTLY OW THE LiVER. rc--s tilt end KtTfr. Dyapciiaia, ."'x llct.iclic. t titans CttctOuatipa -a;'. ttiKcmatliMB.PUeatgalnitatlo he iirsrt.Ilaalaeaa. TorptU. X4ver,ad j"ta j Irrcarailaritle. ITjac io ot"5rd r - .wiia;lj'aatba6Uiii aihsulatcailn ,n-'nr-cthfip?tit.IatraTi?'t"t,'a ... - TvKe.S;e. SIS 1nnjr 5 JIC.T. -n TilTT'X HJW&1 fRce,a m.HEITDERSC f. j. m 1 ur .aVJ ' vc 8 Wjaa tetta .Street, Kaacaa Cl! j, c. s. Aalborlted b the f tale o lrrt , Chronic crvoo aaa I"i!vate Di .mmi, Seminal Wcakarra ( r) ana aii impccioniia loroar . Alo, Pi.ea, Tape-worm, 'Ebecmatirffi. Aathraa. EnllooT. ivrriad Skin Dlri.v a. Ac Ccrr cnicaBtced c .ionevrernndL Ctargealo-x. OTer2urc0aes . j expeneace ia lzaporiaut All nc-lcIiiMfur-r edreadTferrse coraumEstoiTssrttw. Pa- e-ia ai a dlatasce ceatea by Ictler and esprre; ?aeCicinea aeat eemrherce from axe or bree tr. No iajarioua aaediclBca cacd. So deteatiOd X- "baalscee. State tout care and end Tar term, t -nltaUoafreacilcoBMBttl,prteoral!Teeli5 lauer. A BOOat for botfc ! IRatiica awe c.f Mt of other things, csteelrU in plaia wra?- ;,6.rtwo8cttaaii. 2f.IL Dr.Hcedewowtea &:ar eradaate la aaekJae. Over Kjears' acae- rr; n:-Iia Chioaeo. KrVrMati per.. laawva I 25b a aaj35i!aF 1W SaOaSv OlIUV r. a.j.. cor curl St. ..ftin'.i..i '" ai i iMaer; I " ': ..-r, F- 7 ..-.: li! h:.Tr " : Uvjtf"'vwir fi fo.5 atfr TliT- JfA. at" C.TLi.rav i-av. Jal :m$wmms attorneys li5,l BED CUm - I S7?ftt4PrVjKM. Jhrfc.e-.l.e4ta ? - lC??4iWrJl?J?1-l Collcvli-.n will m:riv i?e&tf.r Or FIciV 1 0o,r ot .EKaVHiuc Ceo. R Brock & Co. Bankers, GUIDE ROCK. NEBRASKA. Do a raster! Muklftf Kaejaeee.nllaattjae anale. ad jrotBrllr reeaittail Bar ud Mil forelga esekuc- RETIRESCE JufeHt Htk. Nor City ?. -tale Kef. B rV IrfncolB ;eo. aonoxe in bftsken. New Yoik. Alto f tnt foT tbe IniB St htp Lin- R. E, Xnor-. Prel E. il. Aatltr. Cibir. Jobn J4oor V. Pratt Frk Orhaw. . AVt Ca.r. First National Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. :li.ul. - 50 000. r'r,,iet tt"ra1 B,,,.nf 'To'1 r!11utr7lM "n'thJ H?wl tTi.triei bond. B-y ! !! ; Frtin CU" DinKCT0R: I H .K.Mn..rt. C.W Mother J.hn V-ora K COntca!t Ttichardfoo. P.. A. SIMPSON Notary PuWiJ. r. SWEEZY. Attorney at Law. Blue Hill Bank, SmPSOH & SWEEZY, BLUE HILL. WEBSTER CO., NEB. A Oiprr1 InVine Bom Trffttd. Loan at lw R!. School Bondi ltfajht and fold coimKsroNDnsTs: Konntxa Urotbrn nnkrr. Naw York City: Uank. Ooiatia Nebraska. LsTI Vnn. Pre.dnt. I.. P. tanoiT. Vlee-Prciident. yoBT.V. PimiT, Cihien STATS Ml OF &E0 RED CLOUD. XEB. Spclal Auentlon Given to Collec tion. UIUECrOKS: J. W.Fmuwoop. SiiAsOii. LtTt MOOKB. L. P ALH1CST. Boit. Y.Saiaar. Buy and ell Exchange, lections. Di-count Notci Mnlce col aiul do :i Gcnt'nd Bunking Buims. Inilkit Allowkd on all TiMn l)LIlslTS. W. II. Sraoiia. 0. E. McKcxbt STR01IM & McKEEBY, At Law, NEB. Hrisli'h ur Gc:as. protupl attentiou. f Suic back of Red Ca. J. acur. Case & McNbny A TTOKIfKYS ASH t'Ot'SSELOBS AT LAW. t 111 rraeoca in an tnr .furo ot inn -ii Northern Kartas i'olIcrtic ai wall a lttiaa- lei liu!nr"-r liTIy and rCiriautljr attcbdadto. ; ririe- On Wclir atrrtt. una doer aarUt kf war btr More. ki:; CLOUD. NEB. . L-Ki.t. Uluutuil'CtOB. Xcbraaia. C. W. ft.At.Kt, KcU Cluud. Ntk. KALEY BROS., A TTOIIM.V AT LAW A REAL ESTATE ' AUK.NTM. Will .rac:irr in all tb Vnrt In NanWika -cil iii:htrn Kana: collertior.. jmirtl!j al tcuJtd to and corrrct-ondrare !icitri. 1S C107D. rebraiXl. AUo. Aceno for B. A M. H. V. Lands. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOItSEY ASU COUNSELOR AT LAW. 0JI1&: opposite Gttf Drug Store. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, A TTORSEY 4 COlTNSELOa AT IW. Office: Over Mc Farland's store. BSD CLOED, KS3. Laird & Smith, A TTOK! VS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Hastisgs. - Xebuaska. Will rrjctie in all the Ourt of tfaa State. Pmmpt attention riven to all barineM eatnt'tad to hit care. iaIyl-7 Dr. H. A. RArwn lMrtTTV RESIDESTTDEHTIST. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Physician & Surgeon, COWLES. NEBRASKA. j Professional calls promptly attended. wnas At resiuence near Uowles. S-5I HENRY Paints, m S f fi Trj V V- Vt. Oils, RED Glass, CLOUD Notions, DRUG VTall Paper, STORE. CLOUS 96 THE CHIEF. D LUTZ. EDITOR. FRIDAY. JANUARY 19. I8S3 AMERICAN FKOCKSS. BY C. C nCTMA.V Mr. Chairman; ladie and gentlemen The ftrl thing you will naturally de- sire to bwrn of. it the uhjcct on which ell tofctarl out with a rlctrly defines idea, that it is w-ll Ut have a tarft a which to ahuot that ht1d I nil- can progrcsa. a puiyeci a oroau mhi grand as tbc continent; full of won- dewns the Arabian Nighl; nnd can progrcsa. A subject an broad and dear to the American heart, s any tMiicu. ,iiy remark? win uouuuo be crude and unpoliebcd, almost too imperfect in luugiuige and sentiment to present to an intelligent audience A ibis is an educational a-sembly, convened for the ptirtHKc of promo ting the interest's of our achooU, you may ask wii.it this topic has to do with education. I feel that it ha. much to do with it; that under this title we may include all sought to be attained by the foun der of the institutions' we represent. We can't confine our cons-idcration of the topic to the narrow limits of the school room, however, nnd claim that v. -. 1 . 1 ll 1 1 .all th!g lemarkable development is the! rcsult of the teachings there; but wc must glance at the grandeur and beau ty of our land from a broader platform and Like into account the many cau se. that bae accomplished our pres ent national creamer. Yet I believe, that of all the forces at work, our lib eral svstein of education is tbe main- spring that moves the machinery, and 1 into a condition the very oppo-itc to her present state of advancement. Wc are apt to forget that the schools have been, and still are the great safe guard of tbe nation; and that 'he liber ties of a people are safer in tbe hands of persons who understand all about their land and love it. than in the hands of an ignorant and lawless sol diery. We may forget that as teachers we should endeavor to iu till into tbe young mind a thorough knowledge of the principles and resources of our government; that it L necessary to awa ken a feeiing of reverence for Ameri can institutions; that it is necessary to cultivate a sentiment that will giow and deepen through all coming time. I see before mc many. who. like myself are laboring as teachers. Some of you are just entering your fieM oflalor; others have already felt the noonday heat and arc looking at the results of long years of toil with pride and pleas ure. I want to say to you teachers, that your influence is bou utiles?; that you wield a vast amount of power for good; that you have the opportunity of moulding a nation whose decline and fall shall never furni.-h material lor the pen of a Gibbon, but whose glory shall fill all tbe earth, and whose name shall be a synonym of all that is grand and noble. This is why I felt like talking about American progress. I felt that while a disposition exists to ridicule, and contemn the best government on earth, it becomes us as teachers to en deavor to educate a people, who will, if necessary, shed their blood to pre serve and protect a land they have been taught to respect and love. It is my purpose to discns my sub ject from various standpoint, and should I happen to get my ideas a lit tle out of their regular order I ask you to bear with me. I never liave much system about things, but must talk as the spirit moves me. The topic is so broad that were I to attempt a review of our nationol pro gress from 1776 down to the present day, I should require about one month to complete it, and at the end of that lime you would be thoroughly wearied. . Charles Dickens thought the Ameri can people inordinately vain with re gard to their national importance. Thii is my weak ioint, and it may be trae in my case. I love its beauty, I reverence its history, I wonder at its grandeur, and I ! myself when I in to paint its possible future. We all feel this way. We are all proud that we can claim thw glorion land as ours. We are all gratified when we think of our country's gu$in tic progressive strides, and Ve never tire of hearing her praises sounded. Stiadyinj: tbe history of tbe .world, we can trace through .11 the a, the working of a prograiv .pint. We cM aee how, from a cnwJe" begin uiag kftjTftdwB7workftMluBw,,tJ?. I in Land telkin" and for f-r that if I wriniirMl tht mrli i-lim .I.miI.I fr.r .M .. ..u.l.n. 1.-. l.... 1.... .. .- twrMpcf. Iut jirfl )! rntvt j wiiUulin itiuti w4 leaTe you to infer the nature of my du- ?o many jpe-, b .hmtided with th miU of centuries. A on a the mar ,-..wl.!r ;( j 1 . ..i- o ss r jS , ; r 1 , .1 . , , .. , , ! K,rHI . l !llf all I MlriC A SulMM.klUH(a Jim La (V. te!. .. . counfe from what I ball f;iy, you will dark reil of .rtm. Tlien aani the f,.r mdepeid-nc riM..!. the Am-riran nrr.pi,r, it fra mrrc foe the cJJh- t tTtU! KLXKjTUiUilt. Tti, never knotr, I dec n it !--t to inf.nn thought hientere-l my mind, that tip!c l--jr.m to develop their country. n " new hr t""l-rrrh and mtl ' . ..w- . - ... I you at the ouLMt. Bendo I fcrl it in the ."'urnm. ii. ins I.h1 r-?er-d tht4 The arlv iMtrtou had n:ibii;idft "wn. a" tlr rnlirr c.r-ta Uihr '. mmmm a-k a the mark at whir). I aim, I may Mill Eur.-ie iVoni the thirteenth t the fif- t.y al.Mi the Atlantic ae.tl-o.trd In. . "'V1 ft"tc " e lfir ro-t y U7- t -t . Wh m VmI bit Hom.S lower down. t. entl, ten.nrv. ,f e notice the -n.- .rr4i., 1-t.a,, Tl.e a,te ,.lcra i 7 T' '.IT ' LITn X.mIHV .tV 1 My topic, ns announced, Aineri- ii,c iltire in the hwrta f niaiikintl. i uhnl wnh Kolden lurve.L. llic f..r-' P-rrRil ait-i.iioti -".! i iK- .! . ?iL .k.K-17.i .U..1V.V-, J topic I could select, and upheaval of aorial life that t!ue launchcU out 011 n career of pnrcM. J -he ! Ber. the ,MtMi.her bate 14. ' :XJX"ZZrl loftCK TtMll lam no orator, and if you have confiirting tuteroU introduced ,' fiip.ra!elle. 111 hi-lor. We are tumi-! I,':, " larger nnmher of ahtihle and Kwi.u .iui,. .4wn. . it . H LKC tuWtrrriQX. ........... " ' . I tl.a.rill arllf ra in flu..,. ,.n.4.i... l.-t 11 Urk ka.ar4 k W.a. 4 1 art t-t Tt- fi.4t i w-. w, . w . v-v come ncrc to n-ten to a tine Ui-piay ol cannot help but real zc, that ;he time , "j: here hctnecn the worlds On the xhiU WJM er ofii re! v i V ita. ..... a....! ,... .-.. U l!m eloquence; to bear grand and loftyibnd arrned hen donntriKiden hu-' t, ilm civihzatiot: of tuenty eei.u.. er Tiee prrmmin. .IIW .illtrtl iV&L:?:!'' thoughts expressed in periods fully matiitv throughout the uorid needed 'n mKo, i watchun; tw. On the ea,t ; tl mone their 'iribra in t" b'"'lZ ""7 - - Jfa!r.,,!i ' T f-f.--.l roundetl. clothed in all the p!cndor of a home, needetl a place wbiTCthev the accuiuulatetl knowledge and en MnJ" '"- 'v mnmr Uiat . rmr.v let- w,. , .r.i. .r ai uVtii rhetoric, I am afraid you will be dhmp j nii,!,t gather .bout them tbei' hou.J- Hsl.icm..o..t of aucccire aS. 1 not,- I L'' -i,U1?lTf """"l11:100:1- 'U ''' "" "" ' " " - ward. We notice that he ha paaaed rnanr uccra,ire stages of improve ment, before he attained that perfec tion, which enabled hxin to rnaae the I iducoTerr of new hrmwphere- Gt, j in hi rvt wisdom. douhtleM kept the earlv mariner from venturing out up- i . . , J ; , .. on the misbtjr watcw. and findinj; hw way to a new world. The era had not arrival, nor had hu- maniiy reached inch a development, Uiatthu part of the Maker crd domain waa necewary to hi happinc- fftfft PinAilail t A ..litnti A m l.KP jeleration to a higher plane, morally, ..... . ... and mentally before he a fitted to inhabit and leautif- thin faireat tor- tion of the uniterc I bate oft'n enjoy the oriona Ik.ii of liliertr; if we notice the dorrate effort of de- ' pot to retain their H,ake,,i,i- Kra5t. on tHjWcr; and if ne notice, the tunnil hold j;ods and live and die, guided and , hod fu-..,.. . ,r,d de- i.h 1. .he f.uurc ..,,, H4 V"'E .r.iZ' "" " 1 a,S:- Urtixhtu d l.ey foiiod tbcniirlve . in rery nttmlwr th crr fetfel rr-m ar Hnntit'v& BjlUrr If we atu.Jr the ancial rxiditiOM of ! Ivioti of narrow atrip of coun- t "f the JNw-Vy Mint.iu, trritrire . l directed by thoae principles of right !reer ot our native land. During a and justice that are implanted in the rgh; century America hai o rapidh breat of every true man by bis Cici- Ie-.enel the intervening gulf letMeen tor. The time was nje, and only nas ber and the pnudet nation of Ki tieeded an instrument to accomplish J roK.',thal to-day hbe occupies the aame the first tcp in the grand design, and , eiice. and is taking tho-e final render poiblc the final emancipation jtndea, that will le.ue her, ere many ofthehumaii race from the chain of, years have bifaetl into tbe pad nndts error, of wrong, of weakne and of de- Put uii-.tres of the world. We read pair. Such an instrument Chnl found j'1' u',tory of nations rhoe iirrgn. in the humble ."ailor of Genoa, whose ' fk:r,,,s to wonderful to be real. We genius expanded by years of maratine! tnra OVur l,,c f-cord. of aiu-ivtit Greec exerience. and iiispircti by years of, J,u' Rome, and grow ent'ntiiutic over earnest thought, gnn-ped the grand ', tnen. alJ forget that here iu the. wot truth that liuallv culminated in bw " a tar that abincji with bngbter lu.4- g.oriotia vonge of db a'nxery ami placed the name of Columbus high among the names of the world's great est benefactor. I shall not attempt to eulogize Co lumhuM. He needs no wonN to eLib lih his right to grealneas. Neither can I I compare bim with any other of ourl tniciur mimic ,.n.l r...-.. i... ti. ., . ,e hU jor rf t U OIJr h- tiio.i. in h ovrn f'rjcciil no-iUwii In-' litnnds grandh- alone. In hit own glo-' rious sphere, his original genius stands ! without a peer. You mav wonder' , . . , , . why I ta.k j-o much about Co.usnhu. Because he is so in'imutclv related to the progress th-'t has accomplished ,'.? "lMm wich the next president our preent and rendered possible a Hn'51 'w ,,cr,Cl1 . .... . . . 1 , , 1 " hite campaign m .Nebraska indi- grand, a glorious future. cates that the n.-iple are th.,roiigl,lv About IVM) years ago the world was aroii-ed to the importance of thee vi- startled bv the strange statement that ' Ul ,,,. The principal for which a eaptsin "sailing under the SpamM, J l!!r V f""hl ," "." I;r n . . .. , , ' , duptiie. The greenback ha. become flag, bad di-covcred a new land. A tMUl, in vain. Jo gold and silver, and clime, the eiithtMiaslic vyaj.'ers pic-, the credit of the nation -lands upon a turcd ar rnrc'.v lc.unifui. and of bound S:,u n"' e-,lrr J,ai. But the abuses less extent, 'indeed, so iitonishing rcorpoi:itc mo:iop,ly and the oppres .... .1 . t n i"nn of the pnslucuu cla-ses bv irre- was the discovery, that their infinmed .poiide ni-d grlv railroad "kings imaginations jieopled it witii strange! continue, and can only I,e checked by wonders. Old men who'-e heads were the jKissagc aiiiljcnforcement of sound white with the Minwa of manv winters "".'1 "nic,el 'prt110"- f ... . , 'r . I Having battled for the auti-monopo- sat out in quest of fab ed fountains ly crt;iJ,c during tome than ten verr-. of iinmortal youth ' , ibe Bee Ins e Libit.-lit d its title ! pop- All at once tbe old world awoke to a u'ar nnfideiuc as an tarnet and un realizatiuiiofthc fact that bevond tjie . fl;lK lvoite f the nght of the , 1 .1 , . ; , , prottucen- In championing tbe coin seas lay a land 111 the muM of what be- Jiioii ititcreata of the people agaiuM fore they imagined a waste of waters, corjiorate encroachment, toe Bee has whose depths were iuhabiicd by hide- never adv;cutel tue confiscation or ous and uncouth marine monster?. wau!o1n h-truction of railway proper , 1 f j-. 1 , , , , ty or laws that nould bankrupt th-se Thousands of .d.v:du iU brave I ti e t;)rMirilli ,:15 !ilt ;: i.-wt, lhFttl . unknown perils of the dtcp, and w.tssha.l deal lairly by all their pa flocked to fne new El Dorado. Settle- trou. that they ab'all "not confiscate ments sprang up like magic, and the thti P"1";1 of l',e , amier by extor 1 1 r -i- . 11 , tionate toil, and that thev shall no; onward march of civilization rolled, evade their just lu.nlen rV'!ion. where for ages nature dwelt in soli-1 Railroads are intended to be public tude. iseraants. and o long as they failhftillv It is unnecessary to trace the historv VST !UtVotn, "' "re xj' , , , . . - 1 'le complements in tbe great struggle of our land from the first permanent : fur advancement in the race for pros settlement at Jamestown down to the perity. when they abandon this rea davwhen the old lcll ia the S'.tc f tion ana ft"e to the niaster. they Uouse tower rang out a foreign sover- J " ;lV and become oP . . . . , ?, , ,. . 1 pressors of the peple, and danceroa cignty. and joyfully ushered into exis-' to the public interests. It is tth wise tence the grandest nation the world ami just to foster by liberal legislation has vet seen. These facts are familiar 8Uch enterprise rs arc honestly cn to even- school-bov from Maine to the P,1" e.jvancement of the pub-1- if rt - 'a t 1 .,", he welfare, it is no less just and wte Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic UOw aver, to protect against all scheme to the PaciGc. I ahall attempt only to and modes of admiui-tnuion which consider the subject from the time1"6 " other matters aerindary to when our nationality became distinct ' !h.RP?ei1 ?f raJwJ Bianagcment. or a 1 a u'k . - 1- to "ie just for gain of iolleni and pec- and dchned. ben Amenca took uUtora. llie Bee ball alwav, leeTa her rightful place among the nations staunch exponjnt of repubhean prfm of the earth and started out on that ciples. and it will continue to battle or wondcrful career, that now after the - !!,fc Prinpp!cft, but it will not sanc , c , . , . . tmn the dicUUirship of Jv Gould or lapse of a single century has , on5 other wilwmv laMaru. rH.lit,cal her to the eminence of a first class aSair through die irutramenulitv of power, a result as wonderful as it is the republican party. satisfactory. Over one hundred and . The influence of the Bee in tnoahl v .i 1- , ritg ptiuhc sentiments on the nulwav fifty years ago, the pinrt, disgusted JfJ, y. in & 'Mowislf with the corruption of Europe, penned letter frniu Uic aecretary of the natioo tlie following prophetic lines: al anti-monopoly league to the editor Tliere ahall besuus another gold-, of,lhc . waw llEADQS Ajm-MOXOTOLTLEACCEI . r f . . New Your. Noremler 15, Is. Tlie rwe Of empire and of arts; . Keaawratar. laa. Oaaaft JSelk: The good and great iiupiring epic' .AVsr&rWe have U.e newi from --. .Nebraaka. It atakes a atati feci protnl T - v a 1 . lo an " wrti-aaonopoJiH when one The wisest head and noblest realises what your state h dene for hearts. I the cawf. It was a marnlrtcent dars NotsuchM&mbreinherde-1; cav; Such, as she bred when fresh and younft When heavenly lame did aniaiate her clay, By fotnre poets shsll he sane;. "Westward the coarse of easpire takes, its way; CMaTftCaB A JU shall ckavo the drt- with the dav. Tn n.h!t off.pnns U the ;" With the birth ofU Amcncxn rr 1 AtncncAn rr- re;ruh!tc a achictcd ibe firt dc - ivc Tirtory for homAtiiiy Tlie Lxl cene t York:on ruherol into lxnS , . , , , . a new ntu. and the new. .f die de - r1 r" 'llkf I" ujami the drj of the old world. The nhu tlut UM- iam Tell f.Mi-ht for anmtu the A I p- the pnncipJe that Toll. h jwlni died for and !ot, rained the pTrajrj.1 uc- .-u Mt. M.f.l- ..T.M 1 . known land. . A humtm! rear i a brief irrl in . thecautar.ee of a nation. Tb- srejt-! nrti of nil other niion. ancient a l "' " ' mmiiwI or the settler : Cnibs-tlion tuniebcti wfstnard. 1 thr ,K,pIe, ficed from the mtcrfcr- "'ce of European lei.lature-, ,:,n ni admiring wonder the upnard j tre, than any the world has yet seen (To b: cMtUtnutd ) Th Political Cvclon. Tlie outcome of the campaign of JSS2 the overthrow of ! rule aud monopoly deioiiuiuatiou The imiIui ml cvtb'iue that hwent tbe counm hm the Atlantic to the Jmc.Mc had a ten ible significance which no o.iriv Jre. to KHore. The revolt again.i irn-.. fr.mt ilm ii nnf ..r ....i.f... .1 ,.. hot- .nnd corporation kings. The cotiii' lr-v '" ,,ort ''-ugul face to face with ?TJ'Jhi .'."r. 'I"1 IM,CW',, U,,f W,f :tre r the nation, a.id esiecially tbe future pnperily of tbe pnaliiecm Ttie-e problem will coti;titut tbe N- fc&' 01 tremciKioa odda, whea tue balance ot power was won in the interest of the people ob alectioa day. We coarrata iftte yoa aa the icraau cow. and rec eataiae that ta yuareJbrts aad the ro sire support tkattha Beela xiTento the priaciBles af snti-naoooeoiV. a laraeaaarefirtae ansfit Klae. That areajraiat WiaOft- a-waiaaiB m .,. r--BBav in H.k,iv.i.' III.OC lit kllt'Yf f - JJJ.. J. BaaaaTaaaaar War tarn ' - . . 'PpnBMaasaas Jiafssm u BB 1 --- . u'!n hr.m ,bp J1 "S27 i feW j- rtmm iLi r. ft .J1- .k-. ...-t 4.. ' of nl-nvfnj!j- rinci(T u jVTtal "S '-l ti lh Ja hrm .. . .. ,n' rr l ",,r ?,: wl" monMrfJv hll cJr It br.ir 1 lril ,vr.fttkA tt to usn, l mU i monopoit n-nto u. ihr lntlrl 5ilr n-nxtn. It jinttjuw Ur the ptrmi ' ' "' Wr iw.r ki mrrt. plc eau 1 it,nAtl tutoUir A?m oncrinhtm; r. i4 tllftl lil Ttf t?M Ml .&ta A.1 m . i... i r..iL.r..n . i i.- .i . plr4 if Aim-rotJ?jop.-4 m tiMirta I r!wiin ririi tntlv Ilnrr Nwtf.iJL-cv The ! t ur inr.Jv ; nlr ? nt fi tn-tnietie ami enlertaintin: lt- ! rrttl,r'. hich i Mdptd ahle to the j """ th W,U"n ',J lhff hwur rtr In nnir t' extend the rirrttiatioji premiums, i wer $40.00. Atnonc thuso are Tno ihrc-hini: msrhnir- f l,2unn . One fann null ith power ..... 42A (m (Vie twine hinder .tino-ii One rhvant piano iVn i) Fifty srvin machine, and hundreds " of iiM'iul artirlcs A full list of premiums in published in each nuiuler of the weekly Ber. Sample copies mailed free to anj ad dre. Sulrripiion price weekly, $2 00 pr vear, n months $1 00 Every ervn that remits pre-pny-tnent for one yitrill le entilll ! one premium. o preinitrn worth at reLnl b-sj. ibnn one dollar All remit tance. mtit le made lefore Feb :, a the awnnl will le tmdc on Man 1. 3rd without fail. Po-otnch 110 jni;Kj:jc meiit. Address remittances and order, for ample copie. u the Ihrc Publishing Co Omaha Neb PATENTS Obtaiord. no-1 all ntbrr Woi'o.M In lb U. .V. i.lnt Offle attcnJl l for noJtr( f. Mr ffi- tr tp- Hi lh ',S I'al'tii ti9c. Je a obtain fiittu ii Uw ia taat, lb r rmul irvn Muinnfiaii .ii'l u I.I or lriti. tV a.1rh t rl oolaSilktr fi rit rbart. a 4 a a.k v rh'Ti onlm obtAii p.tt V T(rt b"T, tu Iba wU uif the Hpt nf man') ore-tii.i'o. al t a -t i' if tb U. !S Patent ?. r cireaUr, 'Itiiws. trra inlffltrthcM to tui cli.ati It. jvmt own .-: or ci'Uty. m4lta CA.SNOWJLCO.. If 0oatte Pateal 0e. V1 irjtvo p. C. No Whiskey i Brown's Iron BrtTERs is one of the very few tonic medicines tlut arc not com posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown's Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a njn intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Itcv. G. W. Rice, editor ol the Anuricon CbrisUan Rc vino, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Ga.,0.. Nct. 16. tSSi. Gcao : Tac iboita was( imz at' Vital fierce m biiiem. r4eaaare.aad vidosa iatlaL geace of ow peoejle, aakes ysajr weauattoa a Bsxeaaky; sava ii aeeKed. wiH iae kaav Mi was nates; to Brown's Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested (or dyspepsia, mdigestion, biliousaess, wreakaess, debtl-' ky, overwork, riaeumatisfli, neuralgia. cottsumptioaa, liver concUaiats, itiosey trotsbfes, tec, aad k sever fctils to reader speedy aad relict lafsaMfttWX.? YlCTS'afJ''7U"Mllat 7 flJ "g&JiJTmJrJP hi It-r l - $ Vvm Ta Out . -. . ,-rwj i faWll )l i.. . t.M t . A- 4 I f TfcS tV M jhr iixr; itiv8 jri,ii. JS satlu v fc-- avi, Jt T f'M Qrt(kl 4 -r "-J - V. rJ i.t r r. tk V rt i- r -- f knrVn-J u. rkt 4 Hiw V .i4 -.J t ! .-i ' ZXYtrwrU u rJo.i r-.. .. . , t7fTrVU tt" - ! fcfkfr w . r.rL' y... ri H. .La ....! . .1 V. a A ,m - ' ' - tttft f - iu mmi ,!.. us i -. . fliOO.71 PARSOfT P!LLS 3IAKK NEW JMOII MjTtOI. AaJ artU swsnpirte rftMta tkw iOaa a tK .. .. wh ta Ifcf ovawtbay a.f - wfe 1 trm .. tat r- i u. u t... - - -. Wa4lK. If aMlttt.litf;barM.ibl, r Mi.s ri(.MMr.tit tV I'ltnitftM eaaU. rti).liaM aa tiUew Ut ialr arwtl. aM rrKra. m m V H f-e eight latlaataaaiaB. fta4 tt .Irmlar. . a. Jon.'sasJ' ft lt, HT. Maaa. DIPHTHERIA .OHNSON'8 ANODYNE LINIMENT IT" ownniovno nmuuinL ft.IHIIfie.riT lS7r7Z A a rn Vrtanaart fcf J t -fc 1 a trtttc ihn wmfi ..x rvvt I At ll- a4 tet r-wa W . I ' !. irwW, Ht i 4 xvai.4 , at.Tt. iwvt er iiS. f aaa SiTTr LZT ,, WttUCrti. H - f - - -- 1 awa Wf lasaar W9 WJ agftftaft -i-ric-Ti i' LmOKD lYACOlf. rr i v ,n ta&&& w. risN s ' '-Jr--A'ea4iaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBra ar.-xrt sjclj - wnaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBj M'fl4l4BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH tj'Lii'tA-itmjmXsmPm;nmPm3IM - I-nr -. imi t .. . ini .......... uvarwnaa ar Tac ; ? ? ? ON A WAGON CO., 1 i7 a r rriro2TAr i;on Htrncl'i . r-rx: . Jj!" rttrt OVEN pkSg DOORS JL a5SjS.,asrj? a wtUEU 7aat ataVjftawC S afJrttt 9 fj) aafcaVsf rS aaaaaa ajajaaaaaaai aaaatftWl'MBl 'Tryltllawwl adBraPj TS.Vi:t,osT VU; I ttet Hurl. 6c Mo. Rtv. Raur- j ru3 I tiwi,i ia&F.LHfCTOX ROUTE r -a 4 f East And West. I 4 i i; trrr t Lincoln Ivn-a Cl AlchtftOt suit! DENVER. 2UMt TAtA tAjt.t - ra; V - Omaha and Lincoln All 11 jii. j J-4 . m .t pi t rtv.v tif i.t fitf it ad; .Ver 4 afiftjtl In. Lece pOMnOwa-. tLan H$Wa 1 . ewaawei t.j-.j 'f a C0UF, ASTHWA, UrlONCIUTlS. !.". .- . s vt wA tawt iit a u 11 1. .. ! V w rn -! M) Mat l A s .- m av a. MAKE HENS LAY ttasrfW r--s.. 1m tai CftV V j1 1 m m .. a on K rzvm tarllm aaaaaTajk -KKKtHm -' eaaaBaBaaaaawMaV iaBaBaaaaBBW s'lX'VaaT3aaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaa1 - 4f ssBwr-fPftiaBW'fsBaaaBBBMaaaaaw lrf"'irTjr'aaaBaBaX Vfm&&Xwi y ,v, v " f wWsWaaT awa t-nrfTT . ' f JtliMl? SaaBMY-aarL.BBr WbLh a iri"v I I all aaamw MP i a y lrs&rvm9A j JtxieZzZzJ&A. V JaWvaawZ"?! lYiilsT - 1 'V ?- --aaiaT, WftV A ftVWTZaaaTT X . .V. H tm- W VSaV ?' aTI.aSaTaWii7 J rgr.iis . v"JTli-fiaain iT f -JaaaaaT ! J"'."e-saa' I PERFEOI iUiv It FASTIJCG asj tAfcUCC W csW Yj CHARTER x: zxzfi ST rMWR aajF aj aafr ay aajajp hjsjT And RANGG"r wumen 4 wummwm f m afnaaHMaVa J JWBfT. a, rwmmrmtmmjt 9mi nmW9imi9 jMji "i fi agaaaaaaSJ FS&i&SZk - Jiet 3MT- v- -j - affVjpjV BBaBaaaVJvV ""T7 J 3f -a v-- y S- j.. -7 . , Hl -j... - rf'l 'fW - ,-v -,i lJ - t. y .c Sr- -Sr- . -?-.. m5SRS M - AillSSB(aW -ar--