Tjrr&Z- - r-J6-'.' x- -v- v 4V" - . IKjl-st - -' ? --si-ssw - l--'iiJ ,- v I. -.$ - -s; MP---' . fn- -Sr .- " "- . . - - - 3SS LTDE HALE, WUltr. Faw Iwli. Ml Also agent ftjr BTJTTSEICBTS PATTERHS. aW Opposite CKr Offloa. F. D. Pakxbr, 8c Co., 35i JIALLADAT BT., Denver, Colorado, Jafcaar fa MstT7 IVodaaa. Jloaasaataa W' . Wt staka a rUlty ot pjlM u fcr 13UTTKR, roM. A5D0AMB. OarrapaB!raea fiolieltaJ. JSrrl, P. H. O'Connor, Waolaaala aad Btull Daaltr !a WIRS & CIDAHS. J AUo, Sample Boom for tha accom modation of the public. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. b. itossrao, Picture Gallery, RED CLOUD. TsEB. 'Skits till shadow : til ralstarc faica." All kinds of picture taken nd sat bfaction guaranteed 46-tf GIVE HTM A CALL. Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEAI.EnS IX DUMBER, Building Material AND COAL. SFECIAL BARGAINS! at the Store of F.MEWHOUSE, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. w Berlin Zephyrs. Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool. Shetland wool. Shet land Flo, (icnnantown Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mitten, Children's Cnnts ic, Ac, ALL OF ouit OWN MANUFACTURE. A full line of HOSIERy, DRY GOODS. AND NOTIONS. Also a largo and splendid assortment of TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gift. S. W. SEELY, DEALER IK Choics Family Groceries, TEAS. COFFEES. CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO. CIGAKS, BREAD. CAKE3, PIES FLOUR, MEAL, Ac, Fruit a Specialty. Butter and eggs taken in exchange. Patronage solicited. Two doors north Smith Bro.'s Bank. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. DR. SHERER, Proprietor of tha City Drug Store. DiAisa ia Drugs Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full snpply of LAW'S, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES &C. Patraniite loHsited atiJ thankfully raoairad. SPrcript!inJ rnrrfu'lv pr1",'l"':, I alio hara a full aad eonplata rtoak af aekaol oka. italioaery and photograph AUaau. RED CLOUD. - NEB. K. L- TUSTKER, (Saaeaasor to O. A. Brewa.) DEALER IS Parlor, Bedroom MD HITCH FURNITURE, brackets, chromos, Picture Frames, : " Mattresses, Etc. C B-s always aa aaaa aad trimmed a aaort aotiea. irio aa low ay latfao Viulay. Kifairiac of all kittin dona prenyl l? aad Satisfactory. Burial Robes furnished at raaaonable rates. RED CLOUD, - - - KEB. Harness Shop, . wr . J. L- MILLER, "Eaats ttNHNaatiy aa kaa a fall Lkaa sf HARNEaS," COLLARS, 8ADDU53. T HORSE-BLANKETS, A'UIPI, COMB8, BRUSHES HARNESS OIL, Aud erafytliing usually kept ia a first-. t ciaatahop. ' TWO BOOT xoam or Til VAXX. X MfUMH TrunkJanJIVmliJiOB THE CHIEF. ArtTii ni StprtiN if feCt to Kast-ta.llail WMn a 4t5a.a. tli a-m T . 7, a-a.. ....: p. m p. a" (War artra . 4aav arriraa aVparta arrivaa fart mrrivrm dtrafa raa slta Ctra Km. a Caaarrr -l"rr o a Wl(t Matt t. a . 7 a : Ma. 1 .411 sasHa wilt ba 1om4 at tbt kar abova ataf. Off hnnn Tmat 7 a. a. U S p. m' If nnr Onlr eSra hour froa 7 a. ia. ta 7 p. ar (m koara aa Saa-iar I to 9 p. a. M. B. McNitt. r. U. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, f3. M.t THOMAS, . LajcaiCditr and Business Manager. Local ond Personal Affairs. r - Fresh oystcre for Bale at Rohy'a. A fine Mock of Indira callm? card just Teceivcd at the Chikk office. E. M. Perkins in building a resi dence south of Mr. S. Perkins.' Knbv it scliinc choice winter annlna at 40 cents a peck 3,25 per. bbl. The holiday arc paxt and humanity again settles down to the every day drudgery of life. Any one wanting a good wind mill on favorable terms will do well to call at tins office. Anyone wishing to buy a good driv ing animal will do well to call at the this office. Before youluiy your clothing, boots and shoe. pleAe call and s,ce my lines and get prices. J. U. Potter. The G. A. R. hall at the court house New Year's night proved a success fi nancially, netting the society over $30. A farm for sale or trndn. Will enll on easy terma, or will trade for stock. Inquire nt the Post office. An effective medicine for kidney dis eases, low fevers and nervous procura tion, and well worthy of a trial, is Brown's Iron Bitters. Denver and New Orleans coal, the best in the world, for sale lv Jones it Magee's lumber company, Red Cloud. THE WONDERFUL Elkaroo. adver tised elsewhere, deserves the attention of all who delight in sweet sounds and good music. J. G. Potter has just received the lar gest stock of Overcoats in the city, which he will sell at the lowest living price. Call and see them. Another year has gone, another com menced. Let us, each and nil, endeav or to live better lives and do more good in the year that has just begun than wo did in the one just passed. Cane-seat chairs renewed nt low rates. Upholstering done in first clas frtyle. Call at Gottfrid Pause, near the german tailor's residence. 22-'t Go to Jones & Magee's Lumber Com pany for your lumber and coal. Thev are sole aircnts for Dnnvnr nnl v. Orleans coal, in Nebraska. -t-f. A pure strengthening tonic, free from whikoy and alchohol, cures dvs- pepsin, and similar diseaee. It has never bceu equalled. Brown's Iron Bitters. A SET of silver-plated tea spoons nro oH'ered in our advertising columns for only 5f.cts. The advertisers are re liable and tho spoons as good as they arc cheap. A dozen or fifteen aborigines, inclu ding squaws and pappooscs, of the Oma ha tribe, have made themselves con spicious in town the bust week. They have been trapping beaver on the Re publican and "heap swap" with the merchants. It might also be added that they "heap steal" whenever an opportunity presents itself. Go to John G. Potter's and look at his fine largo stock of Overcoat-", and you will be sure to buy one to protect you from the cold whitrv blasts. For snie cueap. HOt 1 1 YEAR. Tim Aimnno s(o C... gled Banner makes a liberal offer to our suKscribers elsewhere. The ban ner has been iinliHshml , years, is reliable, and sure to perform all its premises. Attention Travelers in or dcr to close out mv immense ock of trunks and valices it will be argely to your interest to examine my stock beiore purchasing elsewhere. First data goods at bottom Price. J. L. Miu.ek ItacUta's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and pos itivcly cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded, Price 25 cents per box. " 20yL Henry Cook. LOST: On Wetlnesdav nriliT rnol- somewhere between Marsh's store and tne railroad; two haw, one black and red merino, the other a plain black shawl. The finder will be suita Wy rewarded by leaving them at the Chief office. Wm Richardson. 7-tf t m m ATTENTION TEACH23S. Notice is he rebv oivon that T -a-:!! . . ri" - " ...w- mil examine all persons who mav l-s5r to offer themsdresas candidates for teachers of the common rlinni nftti. ster county, at ray office in Red Cloud onmenret Saturday or each month. Examinations to commence at 9 a. m. Do not ask for special cxaminations.- C. W.SPKINGEtC County Superintendent of Public Inst. . Executrix'. Kotlcsu All persons knowing theaasciTes in debted to the firai ot Mitchell A Mor hart or tlie estate of Robert Slitchell, deceased, will please call on R. 8. Fulton at the old statu!, and adjust said claims at once as they must posi tively be closed without further delav. Mrs. Anna L. Mitchell, -2-.5. Executrix' A General Stampede. .ever was such a rush made for anv drug store as-is now at Henrv Cook's, for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for coosutuption. coughs and colds. All persona affected with Asth ma, bronchitis, hoarseness, severe coughs or any aflection of the lungs ran rota trial Kntllo hf tla mrmt r.v.- edy free, bv coiling at Che above drug SWwaBa BTflrBB arrl &-v. Tb editor of a public Joarn who will villainously wfl a worthy aal competent emmty official, simply b? oatu said official does not aee fit to patronise his dirty sheet, is worthy only tb contempt of all jpxxl citizens. 3fr. Krnney's tirade ajainst Co. Sapt. Springer, this week, was prompted solely by the above iroed cue. Lt Friday evenin?. in nnloadinc the mail for the Red Cloud postoflke. one of the mail sacks was accidently dropped nnder the cars and pretty badly "rhnwrd" up by the heels. Several Christmas present for par ties living here, from their friends in the cast, were pulverized. Dim. At half-pat 2 o'clock, Dec, 27th. I SS2. Lillian, wife of John Bur den, of Wells. Mrs. HimK-n was taken in the honeymoon of a recent mar riage with that dread disease. Typhoid Fever. In falling a victim to it prey, she leaves a young huxbind !crcfl of anient hope, and knots the tic of j friendship, that bound to lier the many numbered in the circle of acquaintan ces. Mrs. Burden gave up her lease of life at the early age of twenty one. filur. Il'itt 77m. The Superior Guide gives the new history of Nebraska, the following send oir. The history of Nebraska (illustrated) published by the Western Historical Company, of Chicago, h being deliver ed by their agent, A. S. Parsons. It is a comprehensive work, and has been compiled with care by competent i writers. First, comes the history of the state from its discovery, written up in graphic style, whHi U of interne in terest. Next its Military history, giv ving a full record of each person. Next the population by precincts. Af ter this each county has its full hNtnry written up to its organization, which lnnkcs it a work of special interest to every person in the state. The work is finely illustrated and contains over liWX) pages. It is elegantly bound, and every family should poscss one, and become fully posted about the history of the state. Lattar From Cowles. Cowi3, Nkii. Dkc. 2Gth, 1SS2 Ed. Chief: Thinking it might be interesting to your rentiers to know how old Santa Clans dealt with us, I will give you a brief description of our Christmas. The Christmas tree and entertainment was held at the school house, it being the only suitable place our city affords. Exercises opened at 7 o'clock with familiar selections from "Gospel Hymns." RnciTATio.w Night before Christ mas. Henry Keenev. Rec. Christmas Foe. Night. Tliornton Song.- Wayward Boy. Mrs. O. Fisher. Song and accompaniment. Mr. Harvey. Music by the Choir, Anthem and several other songs, with musical ac companiment. Then began tho distribution of pres ents numbering, it was estimated about two hundred. There seemed to be something nice for everybody, and all appeared to enjoy themselves, though the house was very much crowded. The tree, though quite handsome and well filled was unloaded at last, and turning to thank Santa for his kindness and generosity, found he had taken his departure, away to his own realm. His mission in this pait of the globe being finished. Exercises closed with Doxology, and all repaired home. We presume to comment on. and ex amine their presents again, almost re gretting that Christmas was'nt to come again for a year. TitiniENW Warssow. Bi.oo.MixoTo.v Ned., Dec. 23 IS5?" Ed. Chief: The wool growers of the Republican Valley met at the court house in Bloomingtoii, Dec. '23, for the purpose of organizing a permanent as sociation, for the mutual exchange of ideas anil experiences, also to become organized and work for one common interest. The meeting was called to onlcr by L. I). Proper, temporary Chairman. Committee on Constitution and In laws reported, and the following officers were elected for the year. John A. Hobbs, of Bloomiugton, president; R. M. Edmons. of Rivcrton, first vice-president; M. Mitchell of Alma, 2nd. vice president; J. E. Smith of Guide Rock, 3rd. vice-president, and L. V. Har dick of Bloomiugton. Sec. aud Treas. After election of offieeis and appoint ing committees a lengthy discussion took place in regard to protection against scab aud all contagious diseas es which resulted in appointing a com mittee to draft a petition, t be presen ted to the legislature, to prohibit the in troduction of all contagious diseases into this state, and also to try to secure an additional bounty on wolves. It is very evident that an association can secure such legislation by beinj; combined much easiser than any other way, and from the interest manifested, the Republican Valley can have a booming association, one that will rep resent as xuueh capital as anv wool growers society, being as we are, rn as fine a sheep country as there is in tqe west, and having more natural advan tages than Biost localities for the busi ness. A general invitation is extended to all who are wool growers, or expect to be. The next meeting will be held at Bloomington, January 6th ISM, in the court house at I o'clock p. at. Meetings will lie held both eastaaa west from here, to accomodate those who cannot attend at Bloomington. So, come one, come all ye shepherds. L. V. Hakdicx. Secy. m LAND LOANS. a -Messrs. Mosher, Moore t OatcaTt, at the First ational Bank, of Red Cloud, Wilt make von the sratrv - 1realtn(eloaa. "' ' is-tf Red Clocd. No , Dec 2?. 18W. Th board of coaaty coaareif sioaers met parsoaat to adjoaniMeot; preaeat Isaac May. ch'as. Hugh Stareoao M4 John K Soltk. coanty commUaioser. aad John P. Bajha, clerk. The official bonds of tbt fuUowlajr named persons elected to the several offices Nor. 7. 1882. at the jjcaenU election were pretested and approred: M C JckoB. aas'or Plratanl Hill Tct. L D Thomas. Elm Creek K M Pcaraon. Potsdam Marion Alexander. Harmony M C Fulton. Walnut Creek " Ch.-w Motley, Stillwater G V Humrael-J. P. Line Henry C Wolf Garfield Thos Paul Line T J Ward Pleasant Hill C L Pope Potsdam - " F R Gump Red Cloud A McClelland Stillwater Auitin Riley Oak Creek - G W Hager Constable Pl'ant Hill " Joseph Paul Line David Smith Potdatu Jobn W Hudson Stillwater O C Cox-O.R. DUt.2 Pl'ant Hill J Araack Cliaa A Barber " A T Rceil August Mairo -D.nrid Diugeu J W Robinson 23 Garfield 31 Inavalu 16 Rrd Cloud U PuUdnru 25 Walnut C'k 13 Sjillwatur 10 Walnut Creek " 22 Stillwater W S Noble T Cole The following claims were audited and allowed and warrants to be drawn 011 the general fund and pay the same: M C Jackson Special road commissioner - $ 3 00 Jno Woods building chimnies on court liou-u - - 27 00 M Aluxandf r services assessor 71 60 Bern hard Kuhii sp'cl rl cuius - 00 A Kreig.Miiauuiipp'erd'c.'i our'd2 00 C G WiNon do ' 00 Chat Bliimm do " -J 00 J P H:i ha Co el'k canvassing" voles Geii'l electiou 1842 senatorial 2 00 W H Strolnn do J J Garber do JPBajhaCocl'k do J R Wilcox do W U Strohm do R A Turner el'k of election G W Hummel do Philip Hock Jr do J O .urges do J D Post do Win llrubaker do R D Davis do Eugene Hunter do Juihon llailey do J W Robinson do W II Hobarl do J A Laird do B T Reed Jfc do John Poluiekey do J R Wilcox do J A Till leys "" do J F Smith do Noah l Wagoaer do O E Raniuy ilo John Ma)' do H Ibtldredgo do Jos Noble do Win Arnold (jo C Craw do C Molley do C A l'eel do M Wil-on do 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 6 10 2 00 4 70 2 00 2 00 Oil ; 20 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 O Vl "" I o iui! 00 5 80 2 00 5 GO S L Miliner do D S Helvern Judge E'ectiou Thos Paul do Michael Walter do August llusuhow do David Smith do Cyrus Mackey do C C Cox do Saladiu do C N Richardson do Walker do L C Oltnstcad do W J Vance do J L Vance do E O Parker do Ale.x I'll. lips do T C Laird do A O Walker do Ellis Smith do I T Irwin do J L Frame do B T Reed do C E Putnam do Samuel West do 1 B Stauser do J H Welborn v do C Miniver do BC Burt do W C Richardson do Geo P Gather do Thos Vaughn do Stoddard do W D McKimey do G W Francis do Casper Wegman do E Anderson do J W Robinson do J A Smith do R U Thompson do Goltfried Wcgnian do Isaac May do W W Hoirato do .1 r.i ! 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 fi 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 C 70 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 10 4 00 4 00 4 70 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 V) ,r 20 2 00 2 00 5 40 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 J PBayha witness beforeGr.J'ry 2 00 Aiiiauuel relers do Edwin A Philips do W E Miller do Chas Motley do John L Vance do A M Talbot do Tuttle Jones do Jos W Warren do John R Wilcox do John Waller do Ed Guilford do M W Bird do William Waller do Frank Smith do John Eckroot do A Kopisch do Pery Meadows do Dr. Callender do E H Kecnny do W D Gernsrd do DP Newcomber do W H'Letson Grand Juror H C Scott do Wash Reed do Geo P Gather do B R Pearce do John RoIhrsod do C G Wilson do Henry Stevensoa do Jobn Parks do Eugeue Hunter do Emanuel Peters do A Cook do B Kuha do S H Croxton do Jobn Coplev do C H Potter" do John Holbrook do A Wells do A S Marsh do August Zerwrebk Petit Jurors Geo May do John. Covalt do Edwia Rector do L L Aager do DS Helvern do Peter Albriat do Jobs Tomlrasoa do Frank Keat do A M Talbot do S L Milaer do Geo E Qataaa do MCJacksoa do Jacob Rosenthal -do A Watt do Mark Waraer do Geo W Fraaesa do A N Fatsaore do ) 8 20 3 40 3 40 3 20 2 00 3 40 2 00 2 00 -7 00 7 00 8 10 7 00 8 20 8 20 8 20 15 40 7 00 7 00 15 40 a 20 2 00 4 40 6 20 5 '20 5 0 5 00 6 20 4 90 4 00 5 20 5 50 4 00 6 50 5 40 4 00 4 00 6 70 3 40 2 00 8 20 8 30 840 7 CO 6 GO 6 90 6 00 6 30 6 80 7 20 7 60 450 6 70 too 7 20 440 2 70 4 Jo do do 4o do do Jas T KwiH do J r Hatha fee district roart M - , - - m J F Baka cows- lataslty. HM- aah Park - - . li I W Tuller. M. 1).. du 11 tt'll...- tt- b'i. -:. " . . . - "'"" " 1 " m ca ot Hanaah Park 4 Joseph Norria do Mra. Joaeph Norria do M C Sherman do L L Angt-r do Tbos Paul )u Mr. Thoroa Paul do J M Mocn ilo K R Shcrer do Albert Cumroiuga do J A Tulltjp do Kretl C Winton do J S (iilbatn do N 11 Tbnnc do Jobn Q Poller do Mrs. John Q Potter do i 4 4 i CO 2 Z 2 'J A t C W brnugerserTict?sCo. Sunt. Vi .... ' Tir ?norvr V" .rPU ,H"ln;;c - Jo, W Warren sheriff fat dUt- aat Mtiif t US ' Gran EaJn bo'dini: and rus.rd IV V aU VW. ml I Ing prisoiiur. Juo luUn ?0Q r M Hall services gaint writ babaet cornus Dutaa 32 A J Kvunev printing - 41 S3 E IVt?r O It dit. S-bridge ui.-ttrrial atniitrd and allowed warrant 20. road - 29 93 Claim E Peters, sen icos overseer U. 8 anurorcd fr SI4.39. The following- claims for taxes illcg- ally assessed anil paid to county treas urer, was orevtu.-l with the following atlidavits in regard to said taxes aud said amounts were ordered to be re funded by county treasurer. Stkei. City. Neb. Nov. 9. 1 $.'. To the comumMotHTs of Webster , ' , " . . 7": , """;' n" clirTs addition to the town of Red Cloud, is J I AiHi L N Efftosj M L Thom a A M AhIu Ja H Fansasi D B jpaaujcU Allvs 8aeU II A Wataoa T E rVrner O-Ul) Two doll.-rs and, .1!.,.,, ,!..! 1 : i;-... eleven cents .... ..... , I hl4 lllilifiii.tll .. n.2. ....... '.mill ie as 101s aujoiiiing are assed ..,,., . , " . , about 12 cents each. I was informed ...I... I... .!.. . . that your honorable boanl could recti-, fy this and have the treasurer refund what is rijjht. You will see by refer ence to his books that the ta has been paid. Respectfully. W. C Ct'NNINiSUASI. Att'y in fact for McCluney Radcliff. State of Nebraska, veusier county. J. A. Tu I leys beinr duly sworn de poses as follows : That he is the ajjent ofW. C. Cunningham for the .tl of lots in UadcliH"s addition to the town of Red Cloud; that in 1881 the assessor of Red Cloud precinct returned lot 21 block 3 of .said addition as having a building situated thereon : tint in con sequence of said assessment and return the taxes on said lot were two dollars more thau on the other lots of aid block ; that said taxes have all been paid including the village taxs on said lot. and there is not now and has not, been any building situated on said lot. and h' asks for an order on the treas urer authorizing him to refund the said amount of two dollars. J. A. TciXKis. ag't. On the 29th day of December. 1-SS2. personally came uefuru me C. Seheneh. oT A'ehjtter county. Neb., nnd after be ing sworn deposes and sav that in the year 1879 he was assessed with credits to the amount of live hundred dollar and that at that time his actual imlcbt - utai uiitui;ii int.- iUIIOUIU 01 s;im i.-iruu and that he received no credit for said indebtedness, and asks that the aieouut of taxes, $;U,56. hti refunded to him by the county treasurer. C. ScHCNCiC Subseribed and sworn to before me this 2Ulh day or Dee.. 1&. J. P. Hatha. Co. Clerk. Onlered that the county treasurer re fund to J. (J. Holcomn ?G for labor tax illegallv assessed lor the year 1S30. and charge the same to road dist. 10. Ordered that the county treasurer re fund to Harmon Holenmb $:J labor tax illegally assessed for the year 1881 anu charge the same to road dist. 10. Ordereil that 9 25 or so much of that amount .as maybe necessary, be paid to Henry Ross, over R. D. 31. to apply on the approaches to the bridge across In dian creek on sec. line duo west of Red Clnml. when said approaches are com pleted, by warrant to be drawn by coun ty clerk on the. county road fund. Bids for publishing tho preceding of the county commissioners for the year 1883 were now presented by A. J. Kenncy. editor of Webster County An OCS, and I). Lntz. editor Red Cloud Chief, as a joint bid to publish said pro ceedings for $25 each, in said papers. Said bids were duly accepted bv the Board, each paper to receive f25 per year Tor 1883 for publishing ccedings of the Board. -. 1 Said pro-j The petition, appointment, oath, no tice and report of special road commis sioner and affidavit of pnblication were now presented to the Board prayisg for the vacation of a certain road corasien ciBg at a sec corner on town line of sec 4 and 5. town 1. range 11. and sec tions 32 and 33. town 2. range 11. thence mnning south on section line between sections 4 and 5 to the corner of sec 2. 5, 8 and 9. town 1, range 11, Webster county, eb., and after due considera tion of the same said petition was grant ed and said road was ordered vacated as per prayer or petition. Adjoamed to Saturday, Dec 30. Red Clocu. Neb.. Dec 30. 18S2. Board county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment; present Isaac May. eh'n, Hugh Stevensoa, John E. Smith, county coatmissioaers. aad J. P. Bayaa. coanty clerk. The following claims were audited aad allowed and warrants to bc drawn ob tbe geaeral rand aad pay the same: J P Bayha issuing etTelectioa f 35 25 J P Bay ha extra work oc ass' eat Doo&s- records 50 00 J If Moaeaa aardscal service 6 25 32 82 10 Sa - 12 72 U 59 A Garber poor bill A Garber boot bill Joaa Maraa poor bill tied Uload. CkieT nriLiar Fraak R Gump poor bills 121 j Jos W Waraer skerir. reward ar- -- '- Tt- t--.- J Jim a N ars LsmWr C 99m i v VJt tvart: aaiF H I W Omaka RpWJca Wi. kUata w bjks itatkHM-ry - 4 - W OsibRrmMkttl.MslV..l - W Osaka RrtusbK U-l . ii.i. t-z ; ? . . r Sa 4itt! tmt Af , data-: .! Jaha S Marak laVr sad wa'tal lor '2i brkfe n tt' Ji a j .-. r...k-... .. , - - - -;- ,t wo OU- matrrvu - . . r WJooo & Mj? LumtM-rru L 6M natrrial . . . 5 & P ltrltey O R itt 3. b'd- ta'ral J Ji Otderel that tia am of ?tM paid to road district 10 for raxtrrUl to W! j build a briJj cn Waiaut Crrr. -a a 1 2!j Rftl1 ,alioacrT rtc . for the year 13. W & a a& . . . . !& & (.0 ' . , ' v iivsi (uo . tract, for 000 car. W Adjourned .lae die ' I IU,M-- -. Isaac Mir. Chairmaa. 40 t I -a. ........ 00' mwnKTi mJtt.l I i Issr l-as s- -t -, u ..v. 00, j ers ctraila at tis Terr kn raua c: istcri:.. We call the attention of all drvrin; such acoonituodatMtis. to th rm R ," departine-nt of our biisioc, in 1 "' e are suu ouenne the U'at in durcmciil to the public Hiero u absolutely no cut to our cutonier. No fet- for nlftmrt tiih- no lets lor rrcorditv nmrtrnt:s. no fv."s for taking ackuonolniouu. no Imii jMiid in checks or draft upon which the lrrorr niuti.v a di - , count in order to get the moony, but all loans pui-l ui actual otsh. over our counters uiihout any dmluction wUt I 1. 1 t I .- -'nis n 1 nHHlMMII , l.iu.i.1.1. -1:., .. t .i.. . ... .,..-.-,. j..nm, s wir iiteiiuicsi are . ..j. ,1. ...... .1 n , , , -ucli tint we can close all gotl loans ! .,., '. .If fc IIVIIHIW e are nrrnnred to fill il.r-.l.!.., loans at nine percent .-triis;ht. mth no chanje of any nature brtev,.r. All payments of int(m! mu tirtueitxi! i, iiiviii" oj uiiuriii uiiii tirturiixii 1... .1 i ...1. . .. . nu 'v iiiituu ni oor iiiiiiK, aiiu iu ih .sent to the p.trtie fieo of charge- and iiuere.-t notes returned to our cutom iner,. As to our promptness and fair deal inj; we refer to those null whom ,. have placed loans (ntttulKnu at pres ent nearly i. bund nil Cull at our ofhYe, or address u throoh the iimi! 21 tf StMixv .t ."smv B'ue Hill. Nebraska 1 rrtran cf tha Ctstral .Tebra:ii 7esh:rj ri Asxa ios. t: ba held at ci Jaa. 13, '23 IOttl.MV. Opening nddreu, I). Judsnn, Red 'Intnl. American pro;:rer C C Helt. man, SujKjrior. Chis- Reeitntioit lit (Seogrnphy, Mis K;i Putnam, Red Cloud. Armrsooy. HabiL-, Mis., .Minnie hTiuilulI. Has tings. Way with Primary pupil. Mws NHIm Winter, Juniata School Goveriiniviit, R. J. Harr, (Jrand Island. Tho-e attemiing by rail (hoiild write to the president at Hastings for reduced rates. O. C. Hcrmntx, President. Neliie Winter, Secy. It is to be Imped that ovary teacher jin ,,lu nuty am, VflJ,oy ui bc , SID CLOW KA2IS7. Wheat-60 (ti, 05 cts. O.its . rt." Corn 13) el. Potatoes -4. Oi 50 ct. Fat Cattle - .J 00 (o 3 X, per owt. Fat Hogs 14 75 t; 5 25 " " Butter 20 ct. Egss 22 ct-. Ciiickens-j 00 (ft 2 50 per doz. Turkeys 5 fa, i,J u r pound. 9t!: cf Appliu'Ja fcr Irakis remit. Notice is hereby given that M. J Hararaves did onhe Nth day of De cember KX2 file his application pray ing for a permit to sell li.pior- for ice rhanieal medical nnd rbemi,-a pur posu in the village of Red Cloud Fri d.iy -jfj:U, KSiJ at 7 o'eloek v m, nt the 1111:1 1 place of meetintr I di-i.-nnf.l ibo time and place for the hearing of any objeetion. protests or rmon strance filcl Etmty C H iwr.irx. Clerk of Ixwnl ofTnitees. PATENTS ObUiaM. na-1 all other Vatins-t In tbt U. .SL rtat OSa sltnJl to far axxlerai- fr ur uffiea ! rrtoi( tbs V. J 1'at-tit Oflr. nd wo cm obtaia pttaat ia lr lai taaa th reiscta fioa WajaiDftaa. SfnW tablet ttT tfrawinx. IV ajr a to pi tflUHihtr fje of rtartc a4 wa taaka a thrr aslrst ara nSula r(sat. " refer her, to ta ta. vtr. tia vat of amnf7nV-JitMB. ail tSSnu afuit U. S. Patant Oflf . Wr rir-alar. airia-. Urta. mat niacimi 19 aeina. covaiais joar aara K-i or cstHbt. a4drea C A. SNOW A CO., tf Orxwlta Paten OSes-. Wa-iiaf ta O. C FAIili W ' ct.OD Itor Utrr-B arc. 32 ad i5 imp W oar. ranjw twrbr. Wrbtter rouatr. l ' 3"rfl, ft r 'd brvfj-f It cvw- W) Ordared that tl coootr el-rV. adtrr (.); ti for acilrd bid. fvr "tKott. UanL. Has now Opened His Fall Stock of Goods, Consisting of Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks. Dolmans AJSX SHAWLS ! Clothing, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Furnishing Goods, Boots and She Groceries ill OZSTE PRICK AJSTD JUST AS LOW AS MON EY caist BUY THE GOODS ! YOURS, A.S.M.. Tf I 75 J5 . 1 asdi LCM. LATH. sHfl.XO LI5t. AH. SCOKS, nitr;ta RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA, PKV LCMilatR rj3n AMX THK tiKT IN T1IK MAKKsTT 4..e 1U AT rUH UJWtwr TKICR. JONES 5c MAGHK. CO ti ss u 41J w. m Go To W. Staple $ Fancy Groceries, 1 TOBACCO & CIG AHS I TOWN AIA Ottoice Hut; Fruits t Confecttono. "FraaJa Trulta and Vcctat! ?.4d t'mnOn itn CIjOVP. 5KH. j Singer Sewinb Machine! SOLD BY J. S. NO!!.. Keel Cloud. THE IHisT M ' 1 I All Vin.1 ifRr, !.-' 1 4-! I ' Jos. QMtllhU lnp am. kim or ' If-.i. iaHaaaa. fja ? aJlaaVsa. WiM.aaC ska t"-'V i - 1 ! always d.n Hand Meat irifilii I Market. mmmMwm CASH PAID roil FATCAlTI.Ii HfrV, IIJft.TIJV IIHUN AC Mo&hcr's old Stand - Red Cloud, Neb IS I f SPAKOGLE&FUNK, HE. IDQU A RTERS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Rank, JZTT.T) Cr.Or.TD. - NKHIJAHKA. aaiBBHBBaHaaaaaiBaaVsaaaaMaaBaMMVMssaiaaHsisvsaMMBssaaaapaBiiiaaHaaaH Louis Cook Manufacturing Co.'s Carriage 7orks. CINCINNATI, OHIO. THK LA BO EST AND MOHT rrMa cir.KiTi "the Standard vehiclks Ar .tfatlr nt Three Wk, V.mhr mnx Brcwcstcr, Whitney, Copper unci rimpkin - t a f t af i ( bide I5ars, and bahdec or Monarcn rnplc Spring Buggies, Tiic Greatest Varirtira of thji, 'TIm! riueat Two An! Thrcj Spr im: ih.To Tlie H;ndonrt Ii4riuebe trt the Market, Hlytwli CsrnAse. Four atvl ix rwriiger, jCff ' Canopy Top It kei ltxUm. - -- TlicReat Itttfurtn .'prmsr Vaco. lUtl It-d aud I'lAin .-Mle W ,ipm, Ojen l Tp sirr-y U'xwi. COOIC'S HT VNU VKIl VKIIIC'LI r! ktvrn f irtet U wfifUl aa U.t nr-T Uf the lXkt MoKT Do iHt iumWt soy em in, if nntal jf have etit for tur nrnilir of ?yts. rnl tnrs UnArmlr itU t-priAUy Remember we make Mir os Wnas-I-. THK HAKVKN I'ATKNT aJ ntrs every cniie A: ietrjfTfi'PEDJfififfiSBDS -" s. - . V. asw ,ror tho ra-: i li a- i Jt 7b i h m w! itv tLi r ' v.w--.- rf .ts. r-n r vctv Marsh. Toi ' m'mm'mdmMmWWT'BB Magee Lum6o. DEALERS .V- B. ROBY'S FOR- -thk ttjyr THKfiKNriNK - Jfobi UHIM: IN fisg. vilca. t)K VMiMTJll ! f ,S. 1S82 COMI'LKTC IN THK WKKK. WOULP. - nirtu 1 1'tiuwi ru'i A ;tR ,wtCUv .tm rr.''rirrv& SI l 5 .:rfis rn Tt.r trr '82. t - a -i -a ar. 'U' i,as---sa.-r)aaias. aaaaaar a ma r - Til jtT aa f Come? ; - -- aw.p- - ? -C-- ' BSF7u v?u aaiasia i5 is Si ' 1-.U " ssa5 . '.j. Am- IM 'fgL-L'T -;L V'SJ . - & " -.'w'-a" C55- tl-aW-Ps. 20;