ys' - rf ?gr 'is' """"e1 jrgS y. -vsF-.-U-f " - -r. ;-sL to --jwrv, V "' i. . -r -iw -y? . "' - -" . t--macf s- - vTfc -, & -r 'vssrs; vn ra ill 1 1 $ i 5i 1CSS LYDE HALE, XilHi. fairy ftfe , ni Alto agent for BUTTERICK'S PATTERKS. laf Opposite CHicr Oilc. F. D. Parker; & Co., 35 HALLADAY fe7i, Denver, Colorado, J.fctxn W rot? treJ. - lM44ft 76, WsaaUa 4h l rlW SUT7SIL tK WttUltt, AfcXfe. -"--iri i f irwn if rr.iTT P. BL O'Connor, HM( t fcw4l IfeaJar la up, nns t mi Abo, Sample Room for the "accom modation of tbo public. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Picture Gallery, EED CLOUD, NEB. ' tii tbxltrw set tfcs fttaUaa UAm." All kinds of picture taken and sat afactiou guaranteed. 46-tf 1VE HIM A CALL. Templeton Bros., Company, OUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEAI.EIU IX LUMBER, Building Material AND COAX,. SPECIAL BARGAINS! jit the Store of F.NEWHOVSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Berlin Zcphyre, Midnight Zephyrs, Suxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Flow, German town Wool And Woolen Kniting Yarn Hoods. Mittens, Children's Coatu &c, Ac., ALL OF oim OWN MANUFACTURE. A full line of UOSIERv, D-RY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Alto a hrrgo nudffplcndid assortment of TOYS aud CHRISTMAS Gift. S. W. SBELT, DEALKK XS- Choic Family Groceries, TIAS, OOfFEES, CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO, CIOABS, BREAD. .CAKES, P1E8. FLOUR, MEAL, Ac, Fruit a Specialty. Butter and ege taken iu exchange. Patronage solicited. Two doore north Smith Bro.'u Bank.' RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. DR. SHEEER, Proprietor of tha City Drug Store. aw BBAiaa a 0rug9T Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of rjmrs, lamp shades-,, wicks, COMBS BRUSHES AC. Fatreaace aoPcited abd tbankfuny raeairai. aaPrrcript!nn carefnllr comionnw lalae hara fill aad eeamlata ttock efaekeo koekr, tutioaery aad vhatograahAlDEaa. 1 ED CLOUD. ... NEB- R. L. TINKER. (Saeeaaaerta Q. Ac Brewa.) SCALER IS Partor, Bedrosm AXD- KITCI1ES. FURNITURE, brackets, cbkomos Picture Fkjlmes Mattresses, Etc. 0 a alwar ea kaaa aa4 criaaW a atart aotir. 1'rieaaafowaaaauriatlM VaJiv. Rc)Mina T alt kiaOa 4 amayity aati- SataaaUxr. Burial Robe fumUhed ratca. RED CLOUD, - at raasoujDMa - KEB. Harness Shop Y J. LJWfLLER, Scat ceaaaatlr aa a4 a fail Lk f IalAKNE98,' COLLARS, SADDLEi , HORSE-BLANKETS, - VUIP3, OOMaSft., BRUSHES. HANESjCdlL. Ami verytbinff wBlfy:lcept m a first v' '.ciaiss shop. TWO BOOalNOKT II Of THE kUK; THE CHIEF. Arrtrri tat Umtmt Mb to s-t TnmtHekmHm9mm . fca.a. kl-t a. a a, 75 . a. - S.4S a. a. S . B 7 a, a. - 12 a .: la Bean atava. Jttt imIU OJ Icm4 Ht4. U raa a- a. U s p. a MrVf4 ma T a. a. u 7 . tVa an ffn4ar I to . a. M. B, McKitt. 1 M. FK1DAY. .NOVEMBER 24 ,1882. .L.THOMAS, - LeealCclter niul Bn$inc Manager. Ljocnl and Personal Affairs. Nut al at That &, Frew. Riverton appenls for help. Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. Stove coal at the Chicago Lumber Yard. Canon City coal for eale by Piatt & Freea. C. E. Putnam aell the Miuueapolitf flour. For a nice gold ring at coat, call on Moodv. Fine Suginaw salt 2 ,er barrel .it Miner Uro. All kinda of fresh cmckcra cheap at N. EoWAUDd Pntnnm delivers bread to all pnrt of the city. C. E. Putnam's bread is made of Miu ucapolis flour. Go to C. E. putuama for your canned good. Merchant, call at the Ctnzr office for job printing. Juukfton Coal Company coal for eale by Piatt & Frew. Come to Moody's jewelry store and sec the prize castor. Remember that E. Young delivers bread for C. E. Putnam. Choree dried fruits of all kinds at N. Edwards. Moody has the boss bracelets and neck chains at cost. Bring your old gold and ailveJ to Moody and get cosh for it. The nnmo of Gosper county has been changed to "Garfield." C. E. Putnam's w iha place to get grapes, peaehes and apples. Roby it selling choice winter apples at 45 cents a peck $3,25 per. bbl. 7 papew Arbucklw Arioea cofiec for $1 at Minku Buo'. Minnesota Best flour, Hungarian Process, for sale at Puts am's We hare the best brand of flour at all times on hand warranted N. Edwards. Fou Balk. I sccoud-hand cook tovo and furniture . Wji. Uosiieb. Copt. Houchin joined the alliance just in time to get his "tail pounded" ngniu. Wo invito correspondence from all parts of the county, on topics of gener al interest. Any one wanting a good wind milT on favorable icnns will do well to call at this office. Do you rccognizo the "sentiment" contained in the local page of the Chief this week. Before you buy your clothing, boots and shoes, please call and sec my lines and get prices. J. G. Potter. A farm for sale or trade. Will sell on easy terms, or will trade for stock. Inquire at the Post office. The stalwart (?) form of Bro. Wat kins, of the Blue Hill Times, was seen on our streets last week, Henry Cook is getting in a large lot of goods. Some of them aro for the Hollidays and will be nice. Wo understand thai Messrs. Har grayes &. Turner will open np a stack ofdruga tn this village neat week. There wilT be x social at Mrs E. B. Warner's on Friday cvb Nov. 24. A cordial invitation is extended to alL Denver and New Orleans coal, the best in tho world, for sale bv Jones fc Sfagees luaafcet company, Red Cloud. Editor Kenney went back to Iowa 'last week to help his old bourbon friends enthuse over the recent demo cratic victories. We have a good stock of papers, en velopes, card board and other supplies on hand, and respectfully' solicit vow orders for job wort. . Foa Saw: Store buildincr 22xS0 and lot occupied by the New York Cloth ing House- Apply to Rosentuaf liro.s. Red Cloud, Neb. Red Cloud postoffice will be closed November 30th, Thanksgiving day, from 8 a. m. to 7 r. m. M. B.McNnrP.M Mr. 8. C. Smith, late of the banking house of Smith Bros.,. rawT with his family to Beatrice .laat Tuesday, His many friends were surry to-sea hiux de part. Tho old reHablb Chicago Lumber ara uas a mil stock of building ma terial, and for low prices, and good qualities it defies competition. If yon do not get a neat, tasty and clean job of printing at the Chief office od at satisfactory prices, it will cost you; nothing. Leave your ordem ThS the-time of year when farm ers should house their fanning imple Taente an prepare comfortable barn or shads for the wintering, of stockv Wm. Mosherha erected a buildimr jnstsoath of the Cukf office and opened up another meat nsarket. We are glad to see Mr. MosUer engagsd in business is Red Cloud again.. W.B.fcoby fcaving received a ea lot of fine winter apples is prer-red to fill orders Jn most, any quantity at the lowest prices. J42 Entkalv Ladles wishing ajarfease that com binea novakV aWicacT and richness. find Floraitoa ColofiMi entirely MtamMaU amtrM Bwatrias aniaa doara adta Caeto Kan. antra Jit.ru OwkH City arriraa M ar Bnn Ob uriin dMU V)ta M.U - arrirve 4.MTM factory. CMtMMi dm! MvtraUcfca. Try ft. Moody has tWsalfctttWWnt.Ios ra stirs wars. For a in lit of gloves or UllUBUt C. Putnam will deliver freab brand to all parta of Ik cttjr. Moot!' is retailinjr aaaionaUe jew dry at wholesale prices. Bertbrsmts for sale by of tobacco and cigars X. Kowabjjb All kinds of tnmbcr rlieaner than ever at the Chicago Lumber ard. Lcm Aultx is clerking for Mr. Coon, who keeps the store ntr the de pot. Wc are informed that a gentleman from Iowa will soon start a uewKtmper at Guide Rock. Lowing has moved his photograph gallery to the vacant lot west of Slier er's drug store. Fob Sale; A brown mare seven years old. A good roadster, and drives cither double or single. Finest lot of all kinds of fancy candy for sale by N. Euwaui. Watches, and clocks himI iwtIrv tit ail kinds repaired at Itoites, and War ranted to give satisfaction. (iueensware Tlie largest and beat assorted stock in the city, for sale cheap at N. Eowaeiw. A large assortment of fine ! zcplt yr hocxls of our own make ami the la test style at Mrs. F. ncwhousc's. Messrs. Strohm A McKecby are en gaged iu making out a complete ab stract of titles of Webster county. We want to reduco our stock before ' . : : . .. winter sets in. Come and get our pri ce before you buy. Piatt L Frees Wo have just received a fine lot of glassware, for sale cheap. N.EJWAKl3 A fresh arrival of fine zephyrs and Christmas toyes, and more coming all at reduced prices at Mrs, F. Newhoti seV. Wanted: A girl to do general house work in a small family. Good wages will be paid for a good and com petent person. Enquire at the Chief office. Now yocr time to buy your teas as i am eciung cneaper man ever N EDWAKDrJ. G. S. Albright ha3 recently estab lished himself at Mr. ilopo's store and is prepared to repair your watches, clocks and jewelry in a workmanlike manner. It don't matter what figures other parties make you, on a pump or a wind mill, I will guarantee to sell for less than they do. Call and see me. E. M. Pkukins. We understand that George and John Garber will or up a full stock of general merchandise iu the store room formerly occupied by Mr. Auks, about Juuuary 1st. The burning of Riverton has served as a warning to the business men of Red Cloud, who now realize the im portance of effecting an organization of some kind to be in readiness in time of need. Wc wish it understood that the mor al and christian gentleman whose name adorns the head of this local col umn, is responsible for tho lies that ap pear on this page only, the first page being in charge of another man. John Dustin, tho gentleman from Kansas, who was orrested last spring for stealing a pair of horses from John Waller, at Cowles, was tried and con victed at the last term of the District court and sentenced to teu yesn in the penitentiary. A married lady, resident of Smith Centre, recently eloped with a "hand somer man" taking her four children She left aj letter for her husband, the closing sentence of which consolingly read. "Dont fret for the children, dar ling, for uone of them are your; It is pretty late in the season for snake storiesv Snake stories arc not fashionable this time of year, but Mr. Van Benson, of Indian creek, comes to tho front and says tlutt on election day he killed five rattlers, all in a Imnch, the largest of which meas ured five feet aad eleven inches in length. It seems to be the general wish of those who participated in the amuse ment which resulted from the organi zation of the last "wolf hunt," that an other effort should be made to exter minate the festive cyote. By all means let the thing be done-. We are ready to assist with our advice. Let the watchward be "war on wolves" and the old "general" to the front. Bayard Taylor says, in his history of aiumnls of the plains, that "the jack rabbit an animal with ludecrously long ears, the material for which might have been better employed in the manufacture of brains, substance which does not enter very hugely into the make up of a jack rabbit." Mr. Tay lor's remarks about the jackass rabbit might be very aptly applied to the other jackass, at the losses end of town, with the dtfTerence in favor of the rabbit. A gestlessan who has trod the gol den sands of Colorado- fsr the last doz en or fifteen years, and who was- on his way east to assist his political breth ren iu appropiately celebrating the recent democratic victories, stopped uv town a couple of days last week to fill up with ye extract of sod corn and workup Use amount of enthusiasm test the cisssjrnstanoss seemed, to re quires Laboring under the delusion thatrcenipared, atae Rocky Mean taiw whiskey, the Red kmi. "pisen walitUemcUuav aalmted water, he auldscd aTsoot a desen dsfals too many, and. when, fee saet tne gcmX fall borllkdwrsn cam of fresh oystsss a front of Laaterbach'a rsstawtsaw, the eoUisskm destroyed kit adredy-aaccr-taisi equikbrioss, sad he' went down under an avalanche ofcsntaefl bivalves, from, which mnjsaamjat predicament he was i waned ant led away to the BastUeto mssata4s taiaties of lift and the fecta of .Kcd X&ud wkiekey. DISTRICT COURT. sf mm ft? tte CIVILCAJE. Ne. . MachvtU Nat. Bank of Boston, vs School datrict No. 22 and school datrict No. 63, Webster county. Continued. No. 2 (divorce) Velinda Feam vs Edward T. Fearn. Decree of divorce granted. 3 (divorce) Ida E. Devereux n Charles Devcreux. Continued. 4. (divorce) Albert B. Trowbridge vs Sophronia Jane Trowbridge. Con tinued. 5. Dallas P. Newcomer vs Soloman B. Roll re r. Continued. C. (Appeal) Alfred White vs Geo. W. Francis. Appeal dismissed. 7. (ApjHMl) First Nat. Bank of Wa terloo, J ml. v P. A. Williams A. Co. Continued. 8. Amanda dimming vs Joseph Jacobs. Levi Moore and C. II. Potter. Demurer utnined for Potter and Moore, overruled as to Jacobs; Jacobs given sixty dj& to answer. 9. Sandwich Mfg. Company vs Eliz alwth Heberlue and K. N. Heberlee. Continued. 10 and 11 were previously settled. 12. Jones A Magee vs Bttford UoK comb, J. N, Converse and Jefferson Mattix. Confirmation of sale. 13. Iowa Loan A Trut Co. vs S. L. Milner, et al . Judgement rendered. 14. (JJivorcc) Joseph K.. Murk vs Agnes Shirk. Continued. 15. J. L. Miller and Hugh Miner vs E. C. Hawlcy, et al. Dismissed as to defendent Hawley, continued as to others. 1ft. The Chicago Burlington A Quin cy Railroad Grantee nnd assignee of the B. L M. R. R. Co. in Nubr. vs Web stcr county JNebr. nnd E. II Jones Treasurer of said county. Continued. 17. E. H, Jones, vs Isaac Downs, et al. Judgement for plaintiffs. 18. (Foreclosure) Iowa Loau and Trust Cympauy vs Roderick McBeth, Continued for service. 18. Albert Hummel vs Henry Lav erty. Dismissed. 20. bteclc & Sohnson vs Mclvin P. Miller. Dismissed. 21. Harvey Parmer vs John It. Lightfoot. Continued. 32. General II. Sanderson -vs J' C. Warner. Continued. 23. Jacob Duncan vs Allcrt Henry and Nelson Henry. Dismissed. 24. The county of Welstor, Nebras ka, vs Sohnson & .Creps. Judgement. 25. Gustave Miller vs M. Wellington Bird. Dismissed per stipulation. 26. (Appeal) Geo. W. Brown vs Thad Arnold. Stricken from docket. 27. (Appeal) Charles E. Green vs Samuel Hcaton. Appeal dismissed on motion ofappalee. 29. Abram Kaley vs Fred Stewart and H. B. Simons. Dismissed at plain tiff's cost. 29 1-2 (Appeal) E. T. Fearn vs J. W. Warren Sheriff. Dismissed at plain tiff's cost. 30. Board of County Commissioners Webster County vs Joseph Jacobs. Judgment. 31.. Board ofCounty Commissioners Webster county vs Joseph Jacobs and E. T. Fearn. Judgment. 32. Robert E. Moore vs Edd S. Reed and Mary F. Reed. Settled. 33k N. II. Warren A Co. vs Jacob Wiggins, et al. Settled, 34. David Paul vR.T, Root, Con tinued. 35. (Divorce) Lillian A. Hair vs Si meon Hall. Decree. 30. Albert S. Hummel vs Albert S. Granger. Verdict for plaintiff. 37. David Spanogle and Ancil L. Funk vs John R. Holbrook. Judg ment for plaintiff. 38. (Divorce)Lafayette Mitchell vs Ella Mitchell. Decree. 39. John W. Schwaner vs Elizabeth Schwaucr. Dismissed at plaintiff's cost. 40. (Divorce) Ida B.Hollcnbeck vs John W. Hollcnbeck. Decree. 41. Nannie Edwards vs Chas Bus chow. Continued. 42. Maihew R. Beutly vs Edwin L. Grubbi rtaL By default. 43. Jones fc Magee vs R. E. Link-fisld- Continued 44. James W. Griffiths vs Mary S.L Griffiths. Dismissed. 45. ( Divorce) Mary 8. Griffiths vs James W. Griffiths. Decree. 49. John IT. 3feyer, adm. vs the es tate of August Weisbrad. -Proved up. 47. Walter Chess vs Western Hard ware Company. Garnishee answered, and ordered to pay into-court moneys due defendent. 48. Charles M. Barrett vr James M. Martin. Continued. 49. Steele & Johnson vs George Bc- man, ft aL Dismissed. - " CRIMINAL CASES. 1. (Appeal) State of Nebraska vs Soreu Sorenson, Continued. 2, (Indictment for assault and bat tery) State of Nebraska vs Thad. Ar nold, Bond forfeited. L (.tsosnlt with intent to kill) State of Xebasska vs Henry Laverty. Bond forfeited. 4. (Indictment for horse stealing) State of Nebraska vs John Dunetan. VesdictaifgHiUy and sentenced to tea years ia.stares pnseau , (Iadictmcnt for selling liquors without license) The state of Nebraska vs H. llihser, also Jblaeoa. Bail i W0 each, given ani tinnsxl. Hemry Cssi Wa the finest iTasr e j that cam befosnd snywaerc the Kay wmmwmmx u . . . - - pabUcan-vailerv This is a correct like nr of the nrtJdinr ntusnfthe local pjj of the Cmtr, taken on the aXh of lat July, at the close of nearly year of inctaant ncpjper work. And here U a picture of the same rcntlcm.an. taken on tho SlKh of No vcmlr, aJUr a fou r month 4 rci, inauuiug a trip to the Mountain. tiare upon tnoe pro file, and never again tzy that an editor don't need rest, that it would do him no good, anyway. NaKK1 Nor. 2Hh, 1n2. At tho residence of J. W. Shernuod Kn. the Itride Cither, in the citv of Red Cloud, by Rev, Geo. O. Veaer, Mr. Anson Htgby aiwl ilis Bern ice A. Shemood.'ali of Red Cloud Nek I'rcabyterian preaching lit. and 31 Sabbath at I ! a. m, and 7 1-2 r. H. at Paator's house. Bible claw at 7 Friday evenings. Sabbnth School at 9 1-2 a. a, every Sabbath. Joiix K. Haukx. A committee of ladies have made up a programme for the meeting of the Cold Water Army, which will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday at 3 P. M. We hope to be able to interest those who may choose to attend. After the Iaje of four months thit scribe has voluntarily gone ujon the t rem! in ill of newspaper work again, having assumed tho huMncs manage ment of the Chief ami undertaken to write up the local page of the same for an indefinite length of time. The terribly dltastrou results of the recent elections in so many of the heretofore strong republican states, as well as in our own county, warns un that so long as we value the perpetuity of the National Government and care for the well-being of our fellow man, to never jeopard'nn these important interests by intrusting the helm to unskilled hands. To our bretheren of tho press we send greeting. Wc have labored and ttarved with you for ycars, but we don't expect you to kill the fatted texan tei;r to celebrate our return to your uuiuriling fold. It would be a reckless waxte ofetcer. It would be asking to much, when we know that you need it yourselves. Speak of us gently tenderly, and let us down as easily as you can. The people of Webster county, our neighbors nnd friends, all know us well aud if they don't like in, why, that h their fault, not ours. We invite :tl? our friends, and enemies too, if they think it'a safe, to call on xu at the old stand. Henry Cook has one of the Ic4t se lected stock of drug? and chemical in the date. lie has every thing syste mized o that it muked "it one of the most reliable pnicei to buv drugs, and anythiue; kept it his line tliat you can find. If you have never been in hi- place of busino go aiul try for your selves. ELECTION Abstract of Votes Cust in at the General Election NAMES. CoSOKEMA.Nr-- Harmao Moore GovkKNoa: aawes ........ . Morton rngersoll Lieut. Govkkxoifp Warner Reynolds Sec. ok Stattb? Kogjen Kirtley Auditor: Wallicas Leach Bealty TkEAML'BEKr Clark Sturdevant .-. . Att't GE3TMAXr PbsreriK. C raw font Barnd. .r. . , Comr Pubuc Land: Kendall Madeley Surr. Public Ikst: Jones Poiats Dist. Attorxet: Morlaa. Abbott Regejtt: Gere Barks. Ben. State SbkaTob: Garber. ........... Willsoa Ptouddt Chapia Float Ketkx't: Caapia- LohC . Proadfrt. RBrKKSBjrTATIVE: RaBsey... Bereasea ProaisBw. ........ Garber. .......... Co. CoauneeiOBiEK: Baschow Coon. Lohat AxRxoutsnt For AgBiBSt Smith Brosaers announcer stOi an other important reduction in rate of mieresv on uaee loans. mrmgiu. arae pereatl aaaaaal taaraaf. Call at tie Bask, aaal leave your application, V40tL; GR U Jones k. Magee's LnaaberCosav samy iaT your laaaber and coaL They are sole aceels for Denver asd Xcw LOrlsaua aaal, in- ysWssaa, t-J. 5owiilaeaBtajcKaarranatL. s eJasing east sale. A faH line (ersastal at rar- Same st CLOAKS and P0LStA5S. M fU . 205 121 20 48 GO 23 35 25 41 21 42 10 P0 12T12 46 40( 94 13 31 13 31 4 $1 Charley Fants and Frank Miller, th bm-s who eaptnrtd ftmmfmtti hd I shot Bdmenv rvcctTi 1,4 the re ram uffffBJ u.r the rapntr I cs. victjwi of the murderer. Th 2iai t paid fr Belmont; another la-O i Lepanlupon th orntktion oftm merman ftetd tUi tfcry rrv aJ lowctl tl2i for esrxciuc avnt f the state in mukinr the arrol &.l bringing the bodir io Lincoln. TVy left for Hitchcock couuty hrrc a hb eral rward h Utu oncrr4. Fruai there the' go to Drnter. here a re ward ofl!,OX) offcrrd by Ue Stock menV a30ciatitn of Corado a wait them, From DcnvtT they prvxvl eat to I-iktn. "Can.", vhrre KatiJ left hu hori,, and fnim there Miller gox;- to hl ranch at Point of Rock, where the murderer were captured. and Fant returning to bi ranch, nliich lies taclve lailcs notn ct of Wa Kceny, Kanaaj. Bur an Eclipse wind mill tho only durable mill made. 1 will prove to you bv actual companion, that no per wherl fin 11, made, will do you the service or Uud the eur of hearr wear him! ttnr that the Eclipse will sUnd sold by E. M. ltrkiu. A handsome $10 caU.tr to !. given away on the 25th of Dercmter to the jenon buying the mwt dollar orth of me between now and that lime, the name of the lucky person will lo pub lished, with their permission. T. F. Mooily NOTICE Notice is hereby given that tho com miKioners of Webster county. Vb., will meet in icjion on Friday. Decern her 19th. lt82, instead U on Saturday n announced in tho publinhcd pn ceeding of said board. J. P. ILiviia, Co, Clerk VAXiXi Has now Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks. Dolmans A-ISTD SHAAVX.S ! Clothing, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. Will You Come? ONE PRICK AND .JXJST AS TLOW AS MON EY CAN BUY THE GOODS! RETURNS. Webster County, Nebraska, held on November 7, 1882. rc:'C,3K's:s ?. zz 5 j!ir; H 2 e a I c S ? i I s. g . r ?- - a " s o z a ' s, S. . 3r 2 S 3 I 2. 2. r- 2. "" " S : ! ... m ll . . . . ....... l'l If K 67? 249 4 1 laj'fstr -JL bis; stosk e4 Ken's- nnd boy's clothing of ail hinds vraich he is shoot to sell out entirely, wiirbe (wsd at I. Baarn's, neat saVce store, U. A Inellie of Sotting ji fecsHTtdV aad will be sold at bottom price. CaU and see tbess at J. G. PuUefav la BCnar to cleae oat air 1 stock af traaha asal vaikat it will be Varnalr tm Tr tatarsnt f ssy stark Basra aarchsaisc aaBwha? first claat reods at sattnua ftieo. J. UXzuxx 40 44 21 11 58 3 9 6 21 6 1 H 2 59 22 SI 14 40 1G 2G 5 10 41 28 16 7 25 333 1 S ,215 133 20 51 77 30 40 20 39 43 R9 15 11 15 748 , 75 3D 27 11 7:5 3 12 11 11 30 8 2, 13 2 317 , 24 19 25 14 12 7 21 5 i If 29 If 6 23 215 223 133 20 &1 ftt 29 24 30 43 39 15 11 15 761 , 68 39 26 IT 70 3 Tl 9 11 30 8 2 13 2 303 , 25 19 26 14 12 8 22 5 6 II 29 11 C 23 217 ,225133 20 51 81 29 40 24 39 -T3 39 15 11 15765 , 66 39 27 11 70 3 11 9 11 30 8 2 13 2 302 , 25 19 25 14 12 8 22 5 6 11 29 11 6 23216 222133 20 51 81 29 40 21 39 43 39 15 11 15; 762 , 68 39 27 II 71 3 11 9 Tl 30 3- KM 23tt5. , 25 19 25 14 12 8 22 5 6 11 29 11 6 23 216 I ,204108 18 51 82 28 40 21 39 41 17 15 II 15.693 , 111 81 52 25 81 12 S3 14 17 42 59 13 20 25' 585 , 224'133 20 51 82 29 40 24 39 43 30 15 11 15 765" ea on o- II TA 1 1 Q !') VI ft V 1.1 9 .TAA WO VJ - t iv o - -" - " - 24 19 25 14 12 8, 22 5 6 11 29 11 6 23 215 t 222133 20 51 80 29 40 21 41143 39 15 11 15 763 68 39 27 11 72 3, 11 9 12 30 8 2 13 2,307 26 19 25 14 S 1 22 5 9 29 11 6 2320L 225 133 20 51 82 29 40 24 42 43 3 15 I r iskw 63 S9 27 II 70 3 11 9 XI 30 2 13 229? 29 19 25 14 66225 929 II 6 23,i204 224132 20j 51 88 29 40 24 S 42 -tlJ 15 II 15,771 92 58 52 25 75 11 33 14 15 41 35 15J 19 25508 225'l27 20' 51 82J 23 40 24 41 41 3 15 fl T5 760 90 46 52 25 70 Jf 9 17 37 37 13 18, 25:59 12 6 3 14 5 3 ,1 y 44 209 97 34 2V 93 8 30 22! 27 51 31 11 26 8;70 84 70 12 40 44J 17 7 8, 16? 7j 13 8j 1 4J,S41 15 12 21 12 25 16 22 lji 23 27 .238 1 S X 1 0 1 228132 19 51 79 29 3J 24 40 43- 36 16, 11 15.762 88 43 52 25 73j 27 9 9 31 39 18, 22451 I IIs 215 122 13 48 76 31 40 23 ' 43, 3P 13 II 17731 S7 I0J 22 14! 12 3 21 5 7 25 II j U"204 63, 56 35 10; 75 3.' 11- IX 29. K 2l 13, 2tt ill 1 1 197127 17 38- 50? IO" 27 201 15 21 39,' 13. 10 12-456 " 66 42- 31 28-101 19 19 16 31 35 2j II ifflO 43, 21 23. rd 12 13, 24 2 9 23, 29j 13- 8 23S 1 M 1- 1 P 191 tfA. VI 1 1C, 9 IK 57 SG 90t 11 22 430 i I f U Jones ft Magee Lumber Co. DEALERS IX MTIIIIKR, LATtt;4KlNGLIilAH, tXOR. r,U,Xr.Ass RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA. ' VtLX LUMBRR A SrKCIALTY, TICK HiXT IN TltK XAKKKT XM9 aOLXJATTUEIWl-KT 1'KICK. 'GO To W. bTAPLE Fancy Groceries, IX TOWN Al.M) Choice Wuts. Fruits & Confections. "Frwsh Fruit and Vx:b! itO.J vi Coum Kin r?4t 0 XKtt Tiir.t.cNnM: Singer Sewin Machine: SOLD it r J. S. IVOLsL, Red Cloud. - - ubruslcn. TIIK BEST MACHINE IN V&K All kind of Repair, on hand. CO.MK AND iKK MK. Op. CWiof & i A. S. Marsh, Opened His Fall Stock of Goods, Consisting of Auction! AUCTION, MiMMOTU STOCK -OF New York Clothing and Dry Goods HOUSE. CSoiisiBting of Clothing, Dry Goods. Boots & Shoes Hats & Cape, Trunks, Valises, Carpets, Oil Cloths tec. Bally A action Bale Every Afternoon and Evening, Until Entire Stock is Sold, to close the business. ROSENTHAL BROTHERS. Rd Ciouct, If !? .Oppctrito CJaioega M- JONES & MAGKIC B. ROBY'S ron- -Tin; mr & C3GA1RS "82. YOURS, A. ") M j -Tn Loabtr TidU Bargains i- urv - N' 1 X 1 u 1 r 1 j. TT t-.or!l . rj-" "1 i. v""ra 'e , i -. ,.?., r. '-ji.-.r;-! ! '-. 'zte'&r?r. ?-r -. - v -F . ""i T-fr?- "tP'ad , ; -- ' Jr?j3- s, .;. -qe'g Ifa1 LsgS &j -. -.. t. , - ... ...11 1 in.i.'i 11 ' "'u ,ll'!J!'''W5gS'..'J-Ji.. .JtLJJ "SZ"""' " "' 1 iiiiiw'ijnwj'"a-J ;aaLaBJaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ' -A. J'ftaaaflBaaWfaaaaaaaaaaaaa "