- SZ" -V ivw-s si af- -- 8 oars J rT: . l r -yf-' 1 II fcj-.Tr-pro g i r' - .'C-' -frafraWjatraay., iiwmnPiafe, IV1 jrrfnl nt Stpw4 XaCi to ai !AlaClAlraitOM. 4 rrl rl FnatriM tmiv altS Oatrt Ka rr j r dTi-a Oavkar CUf ir Barr Oalr .armc " depart! WB Mall ' - arrirea XllMHnilwjrif4 t tka ln ; tinted. Ofle aiura from 7 it. m Ulf. MmejrOrd..Teehrfrn7A..to P 0sa boat Sania 7 ta 8 p. m. M. B. McNitt. P. M. aw. & ,- , - l"tMMglaateggCBj .- - aaa - ' l 7 a. fa. . 1(10 a. IB' 7:Vi p m. fr.10 . b Ca-aa. 6a.v ;f..m; 7 . - . V he wir ItenCuori, Nf., Friday, Kirr 1782 i Local and Personal Affairs. Wasted Cabbage The largest head UJihhnffe. the Iarcest sweet potato, icUrc(t Irinh poUttoc, the arj-ct nuah, the largest onion, the larjje-t winter radish. Iwt huMicl of wheat, oat, rve and barley in the county to end to Wiwliingtoif exhibition tii? month. Whoever will furimh them will cin renown by it. Bnnjj to Hie Ciiikf office and we will send with our box of tulT. Before yo'i buv your clothing, boot jud ghota, please cull and nee my mica and get price. J. O. Potter. Any one wanting a good wjnd mill on favorable lerms will do well to call at thin office. A farm for wale or trade. Will Fell on cany term, or will trade for Moc. Inquire sit the Poet office. 7 papers Arbueklca Arioa coffee for 1 at MiscKii Buo a. Henry Cook has the finest lino of Utionary. Books and Fancy floods tint can be found anywhere in the Le ft. JLTJatty, of ilatinft, and a di ciple of Blackstorie, tm in town the forcp&rt of the week, attending court. Lat Saturday and Sunday were ter rible wintry day for having had uch nice, weather be forc.beandw if we were going to te burled rlht into the midst of winter at one, hut Jfonday and Tuesday, began to assume Nmc of the former plranantnc, aiwl procpect now arc, that we may have qsiite a iipcll of nice corn bulking weather yet. And wc neetl it, as there is much corn to husk yet. Jewelry at t. 1 will ell jewelry for the next 3J days at cost, and don't you forget it. T. F. Jloody, opposite Chicago Lumber lard. The Tetitt wash machine feem to be the great attraction and excitement in Ked Cloud now. It is becoming a matter of interest to the people to seam thai a wanking machine ha-5 at last been invented that childien and young women can wash on with eae and iecl and fpleasure. Bucn a one H the J'ettit, a-i we learn from even one that trios it, and some that do nut. Davis el In territory. Bed Cloud's Nimrodn arc in from the chase, grown fat and lusty in ten dhort days The leader links his name for e cr with Gore, Hi mate must have some game e'en ifhrJiook 'cm; While Garber, garbed the game with down all over, And Zeiss could nothing do but joke 'cm. "Tim old old torv reneatcd". Dem- dence of Mr. Eljbrth Orr the Hridea mother, by Ue Rcr. Geo. i). Yduicr. Mr. Ir Muswell and 3IU Jennie Orr, all of WcUter county Neb. Tlie fitt genuine rold snap of the season, accoropiinied by a urind blow ing at tbo rate of 40knoU an hour, vuiod tbia ecction last Friday. Moody lim the celebrated Win. Itog cn silver ware. Joe Garbrr, we Wrn aho lot a valua ble horns last Saturday . if there i? any consolation in having company in mia fortunes, we are not left ithout that bit of satixfaction. We hear that the Kiverton f uiTercrs have in custody, a mui whom they think they can convict of the crime of netting the fire, which made so many of them homelehs. and out on t!i big wide world all alone. If the guilt could SABBATH SCHOOL CbXVEnOX ATKimtTCtf 0V. 19, 20. HET.J.W.Otf- wk.v aistccroa. Open on Saturday at 20 ju m. Ea ay, dictiiorjr, e:c, by good Trnter and "pe3kcn. On iunday at J a. . Social mctting, Sabliath fChool, and ecrtcou by Rev. Osborn of FrremonU Ever lcdy is invited to attend and make the convention one of mutual profit audin:ertU Loeal Com. Itrverton November 7th, 12 SENTIMENTS. S.JSAuclion! Auction!! JoNESfc MAGEELu leBk,N.b. Wf I nri?rv .. .. . ... ....... t n&ttr. .?a jv - 300 Hi man UUS'IS ucs, .-cu. " $ull the fever racrs hnt b oar , M 09. iseichau now com L. RtKiuaftd, IrMnmiTIOth StOCK-i I waatii irELL EVEKYTU1SU th , t-HflUIMl yll VV..S vtca of moving to Chitwco. DH.HElTDBESOFi -OP THE- Alxmt T weokj aso we were at one of e?iion,j of the Congregational tyitoi tion eeW here, and were exceedingly plied a well a inieretcd, and ben efitted by the fcniimenu xrc'ed by peverai, and alulc. we listened to the -ugCft4R made, by bich iheiniiu- 6b! th m.lilinnn i-nllof 10,.?'" fiS1 S of" hS din, "n- ocraticsucccsHatthe roll. and a gen once of the puloir, or the occupant of beroed the halter training would J it might be more widely extended' we probably errt the mast benign inuu encejinall rc-pectn of anything that could be done. Buch demons in hu man frhape hhould not go unhung. Tim world i getting too full of them and the old law tieeniH to i.ie Ittet quite loo much of its "terror to evil doers." Buv an Eclipse wind mill the only , it t i- r ...:il .,..- t Uiiraoie milt niaue. i " ii". " you by actual comparison, that no Jpcr tv heel mill(madu. will do you the hervico or .-taud the years of heavy wear and tear that the Eclipse wil stand sold by K. M. I'crkins. Geo- Holland is having his 'bus over gggNewYorkCIothing Irrf- A.. fV. 1ir-rtni Onovc 5tjw t-, V5 V UttrrXVl Dtta terial, and for low prices, and good qualitiea it delies compciuioii. Fine Saginaw wilt $2 per barrel at Miner Bro's. Now U the time to get bargains at L. Bauni' closing out sale. A full inc of general merchandise Special bar gams in CLOAKS and DOLMANS. Just received ft fine and selected Block of the celebrated Win. Rogcw Silver ware, all of the lateM deoigns. at Ix.ttoni price-; nlto a full line of bcth Thoinas clocka. Elgin, Wnltham and Springfield watches. Jewelry of all descriptions at the lowest jmcu .a . F. Moody's Jewelry Store, opposite the Chicago Lumber Yard. For a, nice gold ring at C03t," call on Moody. Moody ha the boss bracelets and neck chains at cost. ijidies woolen underwear at Mrs. McBride'. Mrs. C. A. H:inon, will ojicn a new Millinerv and fancy goods Ptoro a Blue Hill, Nov. 1st, 1882.. all the latest Mylcs and fashions, counting of hats, bonnets, ricbons lec.s, velvets, flow on. feathers, etc. Ludies.wo.ir, gloves hosierv, hoops, corset, ties, liaml Jserrhfcfs. hoods, searf-. and noveltiea. Ploa"ecall and examine our goods. Drejs making included. n Viitimm will deliver fresh bread to all parts of the city. Minnesota Best flour, Hungarian Process for sale at Putnam s Stove coal at the- Chicago Lumber Yard. Hew?; Cook has one or tho best se lected tock of drug and chemicals m the state. Ho has every thing systc mized so that it makes it one of tbe most reliable places to nuv urugs. nuu auvthing kept in his line that you can find. If vou have never been in his placcofuusinossgosuul try for your selves. Remember that E. Young delivers bread for C. E. Putnam. Canon City coal Tor ealo by Piatt & Frees. Jackson Coal Company coal for sale by Tlatt & Frees. Denver and New Orleans coal, tlio best in tho world, for sale by Jones & Magec's lumber company, Bed Cloud. Go to Jones & Magec's Lumber Com pany for your lumber mid coal. They are sole agents for Denver and New Orleans coal, in Nebraska. t-f. C. E. Putnam sell the Minneapolis flour. Nut coal atriatt Frees. For a superior quality of bread, go to the bakery of C. E. Putnam Putnam delivers bread to all parts of the city. C.E Putnam's bread isvmade of Min noapolis Hour.. For Sale. r second-hand cook tove and fuxuiturev Wm. Moshbs. CI TT. Putnam's fs the place to get grapes, peaches and apples. Roby it selling choico winter apples at 49 cents a peck $3,25 per. bW. -Prku Silk Store buildine 22x80 and lot occupied by the New York Cloth ing HOUSC. Apply lO xwiscuniBJ Bro.'s. Red Cloud, Neb. Go to C. E. putnam's for your canned goods. Bring your old gold and 8ilve to Moody and get cash for it could not resist the conviction that the ? pre, wc mean the local pre., might le made the medium of bearing the mOit benign influence in to thcjamilies of our variou conimu nitiei. For imtanre let a half column of oui weekly papers m occupied by the Sabbath H-hoOls reproentotivo either committee for the purpose, or pastor. Or ctiperintendaut. Mftitcr wielv selected aud arranged in this way would be interesting and profita ble to many families and children who do not, and can not well otnerttise en joy Sabbath k1hk1 instruction. And the Mtne may be -aid of the preached ecHieKand in this i5ue wc have in ' ? en- h , rit&rrit4K !!. v vpfrf.i. j rTNo Isjaft- ewtr 1 mSh. cWlsn t-r 2 casdrwti. yrU er tr u7CTaa: uiwn. OirM yv tc- Final Proof notices. UndOSf i nicmtrt .?,T- ,o2 ! Vrtt.. U Ttr firm hl ttr W;b ettnr.1 Kiticra nw " " "- rttrk f !" et In Kt att4 Sb. OB 3tTf Wit 'n W rrtoB. HM entrrNft CT frr th Wi c rtH of i -n fo rth t fc'jh & ren of n sb fucrlh 31 (nS irh rrr w,.t. ltrtJ th fl'oti wits l t.ro ll er.UaHt rri Pa. t ' t !'.!. ....1 1,1! i.t; i..r A. Ilatlin Jif Ct'mr"!!. Jibi Mlir m4 AnB It. lltcke- stl of VLv-i nii ". DEALERS IX- RED CLOUD HEBRABKA, UKY L 3iBK K & tY. TltK 1US5T IK TB M.liCKr A.1 iiouATTm: wrtvrr raicr- JOKES 5c MAGBB. House, daily Aircnas s-via EVBUY APTBBNOON AND EVENH'TG, Until Entire Stock Is Sold. GO TO W. D roK ROBY'S Staple $ Fancy TS A3C0 & C Groceries, ITvN XlO Choice Wuto Fruits & Confootions. .rh Fralu id VssMaU &M rw ro csujcHs Nifli enil nartv drunk at the faioouH. W ell for the nation that it pnly occurs once in twenty years. Br. I. Tul leys though an old doctor could not save ono of his own hick hor scs Saturday last, but had to allow it to accompany ours. The ladies of Red Cloud and vicinity will celebrate thanksgiving by serving n dinner in tha M. 12. church. It will be a regular old fashioned, New England, thanksgiving dinner and they make the announcement thus ecrly, that families may be in duced to patronize thus as it will be cheaper than to cook their own thank giving dinner, and will also be helping tho church, for what is made on that day is to be us-ed to refurnish the church, which has been thoroughly renovated and needs somo new furni ture. Thero will be a dime 6ocial at tho church on the evening of thanks giving day. Northern .lights. The hog market boometh. District court is in session. Church Howe was defeated in Ne maha county. Tho cool chilly winds or November have been decidedly numcrot'S of late. An occasional prairie fire illumi nates the heavens at night. hauled and put into more comfortablel a,frrUKj tite publication of epito and reliable shape than it has been foyLe(j gcnnoiw. Our copy thi week ome tune before. -Messrs. uow anpn: s ,,,1i;Cwi ,v it: Ham of FreMy- 1 Walker havo the work iu charge, and from iippearences when theygct through with it, it will be in No. I order, as Geo. has every thing cbc about the Holland IioUkc. Work aud low price- are the ben references. I can give you both of theve and -ell you the only reliable wind mill made, tbe old Eclipse. You don't have a loose rattling wheel full of joints and nul, in other milla, and I will make the price less than you will pay for inferior good. E. M. Pkicki.ns. A large assortment of fine new zeph yr hoods of our own make and the la test stvle at Mrs. Frnewhouse's. A fresh arrival of fine zephyrs and chrirttmaa toye, and more coming all at reduced prices at Mrs, F. Newhou ee's. Our envious competitor do.vn below looks up and Miarls and ridicules at nearly everythingiwe write or do, or even what he surmises wo are gomp to do. It reminds us of a child learned ryhme. "Let dogs delight to bark and bito For 'tis their nature to." s We havo not yet advertised for a business partner as he has, aud if our paper ir so much more doirable prop erty to share in than his, wo can see no dNgraco in it to us. If ho can find tenan charge of Bed Horn! and vicin ity. Wo deem the printed word more enduring than the spoken, and the pre-v more potent in its influence than the pulpit, because of the more enduring, and far reaching nature of tho ecntimeutH promulgated, ami are glad to Ikj able and willing to lend the aid of our pre.-s to accomplish what is commonly conceived to be the mi&ion of the pulpit, or it occupants. To do good, love aud practice juKticc.and in fluence others to do likewise, are the itohlot a-pirations of a lofty, and vir tuous humanity, and if spoken, or printed thought, or word of ours shall influence a single fellow mortal to higher, or holier aspirations aud achievement, then shall our lalori not have been in vain, nor our efforts abortive. In this connection allow to HUggcat that th and the times persistent, citndid, erious thought, ond independent faithfulness to the fair conviction- of Mich thought. At tain to this cMate, fellow mortal, and our opinion for it, thou wilt find peace of conscience, and happiness of soul. OBITUARY EQUINE. NOTICE. !'... HVIiOFKtCr. Oaip'.aiot hlrrf'm rnierM tMt oS-e M Jo.CpS RaUw.tj. JVi Hr.n far tini'.cff h II w"v! Mfr W .,t"i SeM-nb-r VMi 1'Sl. Ri-vn th rbf I .rtUn 5). tonnHip:nrthrj-ll "' .,a webl-r vnnr. SeSrika. llh let W rnp-MlKuofi'lotrj.lle i.l srt' r hereby iimo I U a"Par t llil - mrorn-rsnU'. li. tW oVlafl.M.i rpnl a1 furnlb tctuiuy 6fmios W S. W. WITZKH. n'r. K. W. .WON til iMKitV. IU-5vr' 12-5 lism ass direisEir! Ilipi MiiSwi TliEOK'fnMC KPWNH SM W 3 ma SOLD HY - BAbnit 41 I Nn'Ic it hrttT clri-n tht lhj follonln irk fir.al proof In -ufPf ri of hh, a"ja,7 tTM-e-flnal cnirr thfrmf rfor rtrt l th court In W-Wtrr mwH m h. o o Ke t'Jou-1 Neb., on K.i.Iit. Nr itih. IW rii. w iPittn - I'l'P Pre I). S. T'n-011 fortbu ?t' . SI. inn a north nnx 10 . war the MI .wio litnn to f 111 rontlnu n tr lra vt .. onl onlilriilon of t$.l lilm: i-tco i liu&a " ur. Rosenthal Bros. Red Cloud, Mcb. Opioid Chus ImUt Yaiit. Reel Cloud. - - 3STobrisIcn. au uk of nrAMMrr.atVW W. KntT!. Corro.Jm Crnw. Henry Walr.ll "f 'V"'.', u &. t.SW tr rEU. Rrci.tr. Ijint Office it niooTiinston. .b. 0t- t.. !'- S..tir- it hrrbr fftfn that the lllIn nw, tfttWr h fit I notice uf hi. totentlvn t mat.-final rroof in upt-fit of hi Sittn. n-l that atd l'M-1 will "V,"' ,"'' "7 -. . - V' ha,clfrk iUtri?t en m it l V loaJ brj-i. on i-aturJar N 'V,V?'.Y.,t, i J-.h M. CtBifor! HM entrj- K.5-3. for the w, nr'f W ': ... i t..,n n'irth Tmn 10 WrU II prv, , ." " no spirit in him to do society, or bim- A spJflinv moral, or spiritual service, wc The B. & M. trainmen will be dressJ s0 no ,.,&,. 0lT,M,0n for his i Our "Lndy White StockingV." bn "passed in her checks." he probably died oj a broken heart in eousoquence & u 5 ' of tbe defeat of the nrupoed coiwutu-i ' nl-r . leak Btk- I ' tional ameiidme.nt, ami the -touno- thai follin? wltnrf to irr ni r-nunuu-rc-i.lf reo u.n. t 1 cult ratum ol ii I lyml vi ltr. J..hn l'0Tr. Nflion ItnH. w lUnira I n,l John U'alltr.nll f l JVY--Jk-M 11-3 S.W.M1UZLK.H. Un.ttS-r t InominslttB yb. 0. 10 1'i - I-'. t... .Ii .n tkll Iht, fi.lut'.ririf narce.lr-"tlrb.M f,lf!u'iff of hU Intrndon in maVe final pm'tf in uppjrt of hH clnlin. act Ihit nijtl irol will h rni.lo r ' liSril nurt W tjtr county .Nb., en SAnr- Dli- S.H KBBR, I'rdpritHor fth City Drug Store. Vj' ?i5rti-Lnt 3 fni i rr i aw. ttsu or tl a5i " -" t'SBP s wrKv rSl: i?n - sr.' t ---" kBJN wn' ALWAYS OrUiAND CASH !AH FOB FATCATTLlx H Wl Tfi IIIPWVO f nJirVs old Stand - Red Cloud, Neb, V'r- i " -? - r .1-.. .., 1-.1'! IVZ. Til. fathar'i e !te-. !onn-?Ir (Mharne Herry. HM enlry No 147 forth- ?'- . 'r.J" rnncfllw. tlenarnt tht f.i;"in ! o urove hit coLlimein rri-ler.e upn .t cultirailm of mi-IIu!. ix: Atw",tt" V llillinnrain. CUji.! '': J1"!" M-!. X16t i. W SWir.Kll. Kirr. !.n.i ot5o , A. A. k Kit II'IM f ! ba.r full nd Mt lwV fW !.. r.rHMr awi JPaii - I8 18S2 3 UttD OLOUU. .VUI1 F. D. Parker, Sc Co., ta IIALlaADATMPt, Dwia:r, 01 idc, PS J 3 s x4 sss ski jfE.mnr.lh'TERt fOll IWPLFW rs c ,,il , 11 J TS. QPQiPiii T'52A3 wn tors Suth of Bank, r f.t cir.o f T n. - T I'" i -H:15A.: - " - - PERFECTION im W.B.-Koby having received R car lot of fine winter apples is prepared to fill orders m most any quantity at ine lowest prices. H-2 -, Entirely Satisfactory. Ladles vrishinffa perfume, that com bines noveltv -delicacy and richness, find Floreatoa Cologne entirely sasis-&ctory. &-?r -'i.--J f5j 'iifjBSS. - " Wuk - .-J .-? p- --rt.ir.'p. j. c TiJt : i- i .', j: r-o -i. rs . "3f5l- C-i. A mpwilt Pfaalam Sanrad. SieaMtreior stimulants is becora iaa?a,iaoaetreiM evil and how to over- coaltiHueston Wllu reformers. Tnaa Oineer Tonic fairly solves the . -,-z . . -.ii. owem. At invigorates ooay ""iitli'niif lutrwifiatiner anl Ajtaaktiand happineM to - ci -. - v - t -j .. (."r- -r-. , v-t r a Amoialll4te UMaobinr services or 1' VT' -T'l v-l -U !. J-l il.. 1T. W.I. .u l.r... allnM, M urui av- umriuiu aw iw ih uw b o h..v ;Mi.'irij liun ed in uniforms soon. The hiiffrago amendment was de feated in Adams county by 309 votes. Charlie Wilson, of Blue Hill, made us a pleasant call yesterday. Jaku Thomas, a merchant tailor of Hastings, was down to tho metropolis yesterday. Mrs. C'-C. Brown from Tcrrc Hutc, Indiana, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Clapp of this city. Andy Tanner is taking a lay-off all on account of that journal too. Bank up your houses. Shelter your agricultural isnpl'e ments. Lay in your stock of kindlcing. It's a big thing that wa&hing machine. Salt river has been booming for.' the past week. J. S. Noll went Silver Lakcing last week. Rather quiet last Saturday owing to he iuclemency of tha weather. If you want a first-class job call on me, 1 can refer you to 200 pumps sold and put in by me during the past two vears. - JC' J1 L t-w--- I am prepared to do better work and sell you better goods, than any wind mill or pump agents m Ited Cloud can do. E. M. Pei:kins. Several parties from Donver were iu town last week, prospecting. Gere, editor of tho State Journal, was defeated for Regent of the univers ity. Anotlier newspaper man giuusiu ercd. lXthcre's ono thing we liko more than anotlier it is one thing more than anoiher, i. e., free rents, plenty of cosl and an abundance of the whercwitlTal. Joe Car is attending to the' sale- of Uncle Bam Garber's brick. Y. F. Gray, with Seeberger. Beakey & Co., Chicago, one of the beat eom mercial tourists that ever struck this ection,.Sundayed in Red Cloud last week The daily and nightly auctions of ut n i...... .. it . , . - -j . l.lt7IlJ.-- mi: success of th? lenu)i:ratie party. ' s-sll -n n)i.v- ti-4 i She w.is a -sensative, high blooued, u! at;e. attempted, or designed to bo . nd,cu-l J juof(. ions sarcasm,, u. ...-. .. ... - - ,u(, to lk.Alh nt ,he il)humni,Uy of lho manlier disposition, "u auuim. ui "Living cpinihip" to the knowing aud reading of all men. The G. A. K. cntcrtiiinmeni 'Wed nesday evening, we understand to have been a fauccess, bringing from for ty to fifty dollars. It don't matter what figures other parties make you, on a pump or a wind mill, I will guarantee to sell for less than they do. Call and see me. E. M. rKKKlXB. PROPOSITION TO COUNTY. WEBSTER F:ke! Fins. The rumor that our si. tex town of Kiverton w nearly de molished by-lire on the night of the J lib. inL strikes terror to the hearts 01' many Red Clouders who are virtual ly living, and doing business in huge piles of timlcr. Look sharp out for tho "fire fiend." Watches, and clocks and jowelrj; of all kind repaired at Hope, anu war rented to give satisfaction. All kind of lumber cheaper than ever at the Chicago Lumber Yard. O -ITeitfexipaeior at ':3d F.'ic, -exceaninz veryjaooth when will ftve way to a TTnion gabbath 'at It .tfcloek. letwilitecujrSepU swff-Ffv. J !--- .i. r . io.,- - . . caaaMar anamaui - Rtp: SE raataari Jav. Geo. vr f- vr i&-MrSLsanii i &igSfcj5a ' a 1 -'-l"-;-'2-2 "jUaHaiaMaiaManrlCV w 5 - " v TjiJSjll. " aatJIaiiaJbaaar j- M ,-a. - lBMAaaVafV3tAalaBBaHlR : C,-.- .:, -' "-a..-W tri .-'; ' ,aJalaWWBaaaaa aw; " Xr a"'' lJiLijiMi Pa UPtH -i-- -4X''.c'"- a ill'anTjaaM:A-g-- w "-r-tffOf1iWC-yim Taaatiaaat .-- - aafa3laaaWaaaia.--,T!Ct- .-- -, t. r HK. Tfl&fiie-daOBMiBAkaa: anaMaMaHaVaBaBa4 mamgL-i . .ar'..-i- --a . ii. i -j. -.-- v- - - .a - -iiL,r, vaatWaaaWawnaiawa;',--'.!, .utt im taiaaaca-aaa eaaea aaa,-aa' OaiaCiaaJar Ismeg-TmmmMmms wMayApigv aTL- .,- r--k ..---: - - i-.-- m Biii ' laanwaai .it , -aTarMnaamaa' fr- -wmmrw bbtw vwtw iy w ." a liiK.'aBHiliHljnsBArjMttrdriiiiiiiiiivliiiiVliiiiiiliiiiiiT-lv-VK7 7 -. .j- r. . '. , T .. - e.jt j -r s'"'"i" - ng;cooiderable attention aud we arc told aoate good bargains in goods are being picked by eome lucky ones of whlei.wa feat jenerally been. none. TheTree"Preaiat Biverton, failed to aatl wsoothlyjttuag the aea of jou raalMat, and weaMllMraefunct "dress. A ren- ooid aad w rata fiU in- tki Tepeafeat'Fridaaaght. has aaaoiatexl) .ta 40 aarofNoteaaber av .ThanTaipwig iJWIa NaW W"aa"a" jMtjaH Lagiunoc, Ixi)., Nov. 10th, 1SS2. Replying to j'ours of the tith will 8.iv I have sold my facto ry and will locate in Webster county on the following condition: , They put up a building at a cost of not exceeding $800. I will furnish all the machinery and pay them 8 per cent, interest on tho cost of tho build ing the fust year, and the second vear 8 per cent, aud at the end of the second vear. I nay full amount of eoet of the building and tho building becomes mine until that time the building theirs. 2nd. I want the milk from at least 390 cows, pledged for two years, "de livered at the factory. I will furnish everything in the manufacture of the cheese, furnish boxs, bcx the cheese aud dolivcr when sold to nearest R. R station (not to exceed ten miles) for ft nir eent of Sides for 300 COWS. If the. milk of 400 or more cows is secur ed will make as above for 26 per cent, of sales. I want every farmer that subscribes cows to pledge himself to yay me $5 per cow, for each cow he fails to furnish. If he fails to fnrnish the number he sutecribes. The reason of this pledge is this, when I came here a great .many pledged me from 10 to 25 cows simply to get me to locate here, and never furnished a cow; the result waa I lost about f 600 the first season. Now if when we started there had been only 20 or l cows hori of the number I would never say a word, out where it fall 300 short, I should want some redress. If man was sick or something of that kind, I should no4 call on him-. Alt! ask a a guarantee that I will have the number of cows I am4 pledged. This plan of conducting a cheese factory, give the tm " IactionofanyalaBI have ever seen triad, aa it puts tbe manufacturer on eaual footing awl give tbe patwoa the benefit of allt higa - pneaa, 4 Jce i lavt I JIM m ItcKV for tfer ;- T ium' Uiit tfc rt ( " T l t- a . .. - J- -- aaawaat. aw a fl aaia Mrrai vii-w-a' rwr- - - - - tiirtHi u; i mi . . a im - tjiwMa i"aaarm aaa' i'" r ' -"" "",' : ilT x' ... M I l-Wt-I T; w.r - -- ,"Jrj?"V" (MI VIRIHV" Wk-kwr-. rU f t ttoU 'tlL1, tlsMf. . L:i'l OrtVeat HlmitaiiieUin. J.b. 0U .. 1 MinwlMUierhwi'- tri f : Jrif wnHe fal pref in wni"t of h Hta. 'i tcura 6wl ts"r.if pr t ' JT !otr Hert f tV I'.M.-ic: '' ;-r v ,' ciur.tr. Jt hi ..i?r. ia H( lejl Nao. .V run W O j-yr. UMtnlryNo U1 fur th iib'-i " 1- Un in rr.e 9 we t. lo nau4 the fotwlns ttaef to irtirr bii contl-cou rMii!"n o-" l, cultivatu.u of uitllaDl tIi. Ut-nreo II. tort t. foti'Untino Itnehi, Ju.tHn Haily an 1 John Sabin Hf0WsS!lkswifeEll. KUter. The best nickel cigar at Hope's. Cannon coal never slacks. Try if We want to reduce our stock before winter sots iu. Come and get our pri ces before you buy. Piatt cfc Frees For a fine line of gloves or mitens call on C. E. Putnam. Headquarters for millinery goods at Mrs. McBnde. A bis stock of Men's and boy's clothing of all kinds which he is about tonel! out eutirelv, will be found at 1. Bium's, post olhce store. 1 1. Fur trimming at Mrs. McBride'a. Latest novelties in hats t.Mrs. Mc-Bride's. Smith Brothers announce still nn other important reduction in rato of interest on time loan, iff might mne iwrcnt annua! intcre-it. Call at the Bank and leave your application. t v-r'" t .- a- aAUZt j fjftfcS ftV'PN iKK t iXjf " x w - - .. t, TJnrr- s la EOASTUIQ i 0AK1KC H rf t4ai Iy Wf fzi DO0RSjVBi MISS LYBI EaI. Xar7. raatrf 3oi' ai liua- ,.ii c t i n BUilJ'"" PA1TEEHS. fS-Opposito Ctnur Offlee. CHARTER err-;-. . -. "EMS&EOAK- a STOVES And RANGES I'iLIili 9.9 y . iL. S. Marsh, 7 Per HP71. atoilGV to Loan ! WaV PWAaV a --y Money to prove up with on final re Ipt, or on dc-eW land at 7 jK?r cent., ml 1-62 per cent, commivoon. or at cei ant ern;rl,t 0 uer cent- tin comuuion r Jxo. R. w xujrox. Oifice next door to Chief otfice. 20ft Clothing! Cloth ins! A fine line of clothing just received; and will be sold at lottom prices. Call land sec them at J. G. Potter's. Lad:e knit and muslin underware at Mrs. McBride'a. Tha Beat Thing Out. The Gasoline Stove for sale by Mitchell & Morhart is the best thing for cooking and baking in hot cathor that has ?vrr been invented. a.e fuel, sav time and does not heat up So room. Warranted to be safe and aWlutely non-explosive. Call at Mitchell & Morhart naruaii.- and examine the stove. 4,J" . R. L- TINKEK. Has now Opened His Fall Stock of Goods, Consisting n,o rrnnHo nnfi Rrass Trimmines. GioaKSa tJIUCO guuuu uhu toiuw - u . .A-ISTD SELA."WL,S ! x Clothing, Elankets.'Bed Comforts, Fta-nisliing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. Ooxxio? of lioimans You attention Travalera In order to close out my immense htock of trunks and valices it will be Iareelv to vour interest to examine rov stock before purchasing ole where.' First class goods at bottom Trices. J. L. Miller. r.t rsz"? a i fS AXU 'KltOitEX 1 5T' Highly Cstcamad The voutbful color aud a rich lustre are restored to fadd or gray hair by he uso of Parkers Hair Rilsam, at harmless dressing higfily esteemed for its perfume and purity. BALLARD'S Vegetable Mead. gi,i fts l i Will nr-F "PR ICW AND JUST AS LO"W ASM03ST OIs E X Rio i GOODS I Oil J- v.f -- YOURS, - ASs-M. 1 " "" Z. -aa I ! aaf'J V tMi rir irMrwrm rr wtfw w'nmmwm mi t . ar PT MJD VUVJ1Jf' r i-Z.. t. (CaaakaiaC anfvMk.f .. Maaataetxrai aai for aal or a. KBD CW)UD,EBRASKA. A e tfrffct8i"faiajtr Ariak. vanaateC, vnU mUU. aatto Wttlat aria. ,3u t. ' - Jiaafc ,ti iCL.ai ro-Ga.lodsaaw&o6a, fTSZKZT-THKZZ 1ZJLXS AMQ9Q CUR WiLO INDIANS T- jiMwWflwL y. 11 Qaiaaja. Caataaa teCaJ?rraicrroBr4!'naaarr. f IJaeaSai'irafcMaatadfarwaWrajjai is n TW aaec a wjEmc arsfcra 3SB SUSISB'BB "WAG02& ay- Haaabaatae btaaa caaaaatiap a)aaatawa; alaaa faU kaaoftt- j .-a-W jfcaava, . A tJk Jri i -.htArj;?.aitl aW ! alis-MMaa a'ao stay K.rs t ef" ,'ainUt l-tfn X a pnatary STS aaTatfatatanaw i aa aaaalha at -Uja.J J. L fifLL- HBNESS, COLLARS, SADDLfia "liOBSE-BLA'OTS' AHIP COMBS, BBU3HES f XAKSE& OIL. Aa4 ewrvtbinc waaHj kentja i"4 r . " daaaaaop. 9oamtorTHxaa5a&. . SiafirasafBVfartaaarf J "- .r ?&4 Sf- WliU7WaBBk 7lcaaacaNnaaKaaSafacrar ! C 4 i 1fef t S? I J&mffi??gJ:IZW 5S OfeaaV' -UWayiMiiiaji afaaYaaaa &? Jf 1 "s,-; 4 'WffialHai -t.. t -. a -i .. - . - a . . . ;.. -.-'.Ks-AaaaCMaw aW . taaaMty - 3-St jfiSrtSw'ff V - f&VaYBaaOaaaW "-' m -' m a i Ml 999 AfiEBTSS aTaTiiaV atSaaaSS U fca r Ifc" JaramfwyjWaWWPaPtiiaM" . al kkaM JT1 .''-Wl- i " " -""-- T- V " aV M t VlVaF vNaMVwBBpl J c-4T.i AViattJaaafl V1 fiHHBVaMBaL aaaBBaaaaaal Vaal aPfllaaaaaaaaaat WM aLaLaaUBaaaaaaaaaM 'i?- " - x . a g l ai aaaaaaMuaak.aaBaaaafc- aa aaaaaaaav rw a.-aawaiai n it -' T- -,. t v-TT j--i -.t "b. 1 i . !c ..i. .j- - t -. b. -t-w 4" - r m tV vV-, J9. - jfcPatCJaWWar aaaWgfcgatWWJ QBKhSa iiwowa uArtniM frn tiw a t-w ? -t t v - 'swosrr .i - ijr" : -ac -- rr- 'vyiirt'CKi fcxacs oxi ii-t oirn -3 JOl i&tzxz .".-. . .. ia"4rf3Saf't.-Vi-- V: jc p-j- -w--' vj-: s "- " Z? "a- t -r ! allTlplfc, ,' sSMmW ,x, .s&miiMmMM'? MtfaflHEHalaavl &';,s.Biin''r':5!SMP - ' . .... - as avftagwi. .SfcBB usaa' . '? awaiJN!. ? 4t'f . xa f 11 ii 1 i -; J ? 3W P'dl?2S&l ti- . - ', --"... - taaaaaaaa ,r , T 'i ai i i iaaaaaa art i. , i-p zTaaaaaaaaaaav r w. 3- 'JBaaBaaBaaW'' Zi -r. LmLw. ,iit . -aBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBMaafla