e V4i . ,- , ifc,5W ,-:- r " -l v. "fe .-'y-;- 'gv - ' -rf VTS6, .. 1 V- Ti- -. .-. . a :.- --. , 1 -1 - '. WlK-.Z'pHr-'Z 2- ' enefcriW" -. t -. -. BL r.rf '' F r?r. ift&SfeaJMj' '" ""'ttf' J ejl QnjIWOitfM -- ? r. 5i- -:. jc,-rrai -rwwvJ L iWm. H. HOWE,1 --r -, . 5 ! - ?a& i JOBTOIlKt - - i aojdtt ro ,-,''' w Httas us Drama waa uul "iLz -- XH LOUD VyHIEF. ..',?' A,E-lt W2i t. iai Kumt axi FKmmsr x ffpjtwv Ma Pw6t r- ETERNAL VIGII-ANC IS THE PfllCS OF iSD $L50 A YEAR J5 THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. MTf RED CLOUMKteTORC!OIJNty,KBPtAKA. FKlDAY. NOVKJIUKIt. )). ISS2. TT KO. 1-1. ?. , - "feiTt x.2 - rv .afajr i mmmMmmj,. -4 1 - ' m bVSbb w VOL. x. - M rf i;. ir- & fe--v These ml!g sre bolh solid Wheel, standard mi.ie-fclly warranted first-clsas in even respect Aleo furniaiiM firvUdaM METALIC PUMPS. nRrcRXCE Mitchell ft Morhart, Ki Cloud, Ed. Giflbrd, Cowlei. or ad dress Wil. H.HOWK, 3-3m Cowlcs,yeb. TRAVEL ONLY VIA THE Burl. & Mo. Riv. Railr road, KS0WX A8 THE BURLIHGTOH ROUTE rou xu. roiXTB East And West. Daily Express. trains arc now run ta; ,. . . RlCXff. UMSM d ver. LiNCQ AKI B Kansas City, DENV - O KXPIIEH Omaha A11 Tliroiich trains a new and ele: mm tim Day conchpa mid bnccnitc and Cum of the latest design. TIIKOUGU TICKETS AT LOWEST ItATES Arc on alo at all principal station, whero patvengcre can ohUiin informa tion as to routes, rates ami connect ion, and can accuro ulccping car ac comodation. QUICK TIME, 6UIIE CONNECTIONS, NO DELAT.S,. A train run to and from Union de pot at all principal point. P. S. EtfSTJf, GtD'f T'k't .4Vt.. omaha ygn. S. W BBELY, ii:am:k ik Choice Family Groceries, TEAS COFFEES, CANNED C.00D3, TOBACCO, CIGARS, IlftEAD. CAKES, TIES. FLOUK, Fruit a Specialty. Butter niul cjjsa taken in oxchansc Patronnge solicited. Two doors north Smith Bro.'d Bank. KED CLOUD, - - - NEB. PIONEER y )o( HATUKWS ct- HANSE11S, Uhop lit door wait of Wcbiter County OaaV, RKD CLOUD. NEU&ASKA. SHAVING, SUAMrOOING, )AKI( Hair- Cutting iu the highest stylo of the Tonsorial Art. COME .AND GET A CLEAN SHAVE. P. H. O'Connor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia W1ISS k w. j Al60, Sample Room for the Jaccom inodation of the public RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. B. laOSSIlVG, Picture Gallery. RED CLOUD, NEB. "Secnr tit shadow ert Ui subetaact fadss." All kinds of pictures taken and sat isfaction guaranteed. 4C-tf GIVE HIM A CALL. Templeton Bros., Company, w GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEALERS IX IrUMBEB, Building Material AND COAL. POST 00? a 'AWSRJCAH SHJDSHT LAK?. GUARAKTEED THE BEST. STRONG. STEADY LIGHT. mix. TXM9 tf-AB w lung arrreaaUcd Ta vA ttMS pE3X STVjfjzrr 2.AM MAPS, mmktmm XZr ems- fJMetailaaMTMIlggyera) Ktcaaat JS. ta Hor POST AMMPAWT, .. V AWr r V""Pt j- tvi -i .- - - mSQlL -i-- " .' $'-!' fe---r . "w vti J?fjr PbIV rat Anisoa and -. l rmT muu tana VrtJrf DAILY iflaHMbaaM. sMTfax tcihim ana arnhLincoln- L'&issrS rolamiPDCjd with gjli:. Bfcj""s- fcJb, lHaVS im EirST THE BEST. aPHHaaBBVwtar9c!aw 1 . R.A.8TMPSOV. i.ivncT Sour I'nWlff. JgfjlHtnn i Uht. Blue P Bank, SIlCFSOlpL SWIEZ79 BLUE IIURTCBSTEX 00,, . .Mfetac BaKawi ThmmM, iraa m ummimm. rm MB. WttMl lull f jOOtaumrovDom: fmnmUUm. Vtw Tt CHft ik.OaMkVakraaha. rHt SMITH BE0TE1RS, cloid, jam, WBii mN aaaaty wafraaw. Im Mi9Mfit BmmU. Uaata' lT.at.laak Saw Taifc, MrniBicML L. P. Alwkiht, . Praiidaott 1ft. T. ImiBT. Caahter.' mm citt Bin, K ow'Keat Estate. Buy Mok and h1I K Btt. go a renerai Banking bu P , nxrr.n dttr A AtVIrr. Rank . Taakt.1 bank. Turk. Fanners' A !) York; Union li(nl Ilmki k iJrM Matitar A 0. W. II. Stiorw. O. E. MoKiaar STROJIXI&McKEEBY, Attorneys At Law, red cloud, - - neb. Jy ba consulted In English or Oeraaaa. Colleclion will reccire prompt attantion. OFFIUB-1 door wwt of Bute bank of Rod Cloud. J. C. Ci. JaiTiicNaar. Case & McNbny, a TTomjrrva and col-nseloss at law. Will practice in all th Court of thla Htata aai Nortnrrn Kudmi. Collcctlontaj well a litiaa tcdhuintncar-luM)r andeffirieotlr attended to. siTrTKZ vn 'ler fctroit, one Uoor aorta of Uarbcr't Store, KKI CLOUD, NKR. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOKNEY AND COUX.SIXOtt AT LAW. Office. oppoaUc City Dnig Store. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, A TTOUNKY t COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland's store. bed cloud, neb. Laird & Smith, a ttorsey8 and counselors at law. IIastisch, - Nkhrapka. Will rract.ee io all the Court or the Slate. Prompt attention given to alt batiucu entrusted to hif care, ialyl-7 , L.Kal(T. illoouiiottoa, Ncbrukft. i r 'a.. . .Ited Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., ATTORNCTK AT LAW A KKAL EsTAT AtlKNTS. Will pw lire In all Ihe Cnarti In Kebratka and rorlhern Kanrar: collection pnuuptly t teaded to aad eorreiiondence toliclted. EZD CLOUD. Xebradev Alto. A tntt for B. ii U. It. B. Unds. Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDEITTDENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DR. . CIIENGK, Physician & Surgeon, COWLES, NKHKISKA. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At residenco near Cowlcs. 8-51 HENRY Taints, O 000273 Oils, 8 BED Glass. CLOUD Notions, DRUG Wall Paper, STORE. SPECIAL BARGAINS! at the Store of ' F.JfEWHOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Berlin Zephyrs, Midnight Zephyrs, Saxony wool, Shetland wool, Shet land Floes, Gcrmantown Wool And Woolen Uniting Yarn Hoods, Mittens, Children's Coats fec, a, ALL OF ou-t OWN MANUFACTURE. A full line of HOSIERy, DRY GOODS, AND NOTIONS. Also a large and splendid assortment of TOYS and CHRISTMAS Gifts. Hlchly The yoathful color aad a rich lustre are restated to fid?d r tray bait ey the we of Parker Hair BebaML, a hartleei drewiwg liyMy eeteeitdfor anan7. A Otnifl' mm iw Haf 3 feWCD 3cMi TOV - to mimMMK ana WSney, - I jjaat ..wilu- y. r ..r. .,TCTCTg?T'iAgyry fc - . .t. - - 1 j- . .? . -. irk. ,i-: . "r .t -. - r'ca.v -.- . v iR.-cxicc.E-4X.. .w r -r-: i.-.-;gij,Ba3r'.-sJ3r ';si-v ,ccs e t ss"1. ' " ---. .i5asla0KMc i1 lJ r i-.,-v. --,- -, ;,-: ..--;". -..r --sr' -v iasP - r - pj -- i- -; '',-'".' .' Z " "' -'" .js r - , - t r: - - " .-. . j THE CHIEF. D.LUTZ, . - -', rwTon. wsmmmmenssssssmBBSsssi A NMMKMT JUOTICE, XOT CHAJt- Th BtnoJcrUkf' Journal pi to commt4 taa lapators raeaM wtklc frsAtad UUaioivaokn, aad ki ad- AAajv a! tli !!! faf - - ' mtm& dad to crarr netir aoldlcr au aaani tke atTaeiTalfMa arnrica) -In, ar, and to arary aaan now atxty old or over who aenred I Vkmj Ulnar paper arelow.Mapaaaifjpicr to indorsa or apprara. But (Wit9 pro graa. For aoj loa; ha 'Jh' the (aanioH to aoodema, thifaapfnce now ihor jralaction andyiicction will brief .convictioft arjpV conversion. Tam m not aauch laaiafr to go a ftitAt. t.f a 1 .arn . .. . e.iut auajacu " w a,aa q'i" growing iMaa.pfcrohaibeei. 1.1 the part few yaaMtraugo and unac and a coanuuiM Mjawiorence on uie pan 01 public m 1 tlie main body of tho public p toward tho Union soldiers. Amer fa pride and American lover of , tlia vajiintecr oIdicr, who risked his ow alfo and the support of hw own Rtyfor thepr(crvat.ouoftheRo - die, hits been stuck to tho .puck at in an&ntin ctf louilimr tmlilir mnn ...w.,,-.. , .w ...... ami icaoing newapapara, viriuany ciaa - aing tho surviving Union soldier a u unportunato army of begins torm.ng greedily ot the gates ofllio National Treasury There baa been inehna - tion, on tho part of the iintcal reform - ' , ' . , , crand the finical pros, who are op - , .', ', ' pwed to wiyaort cither of govcrnnion - tal entarpnao or governmental S- tunc, to class the proposition to render ,'. . ' . ... tanlv justice to the Union soldier oa a ; , . , .. , ., nart of tho plan and spoil of tlie orga-1 1 . , , , l, , , il ntzeu crusauc lor grans irom inu ia- grab tionalTreiisury. And even the lead , , . , , and papen. which advo ' I very sort of an appropi- -r.i .t ing politicians cate any and cv Alinn .r.kitLIL. vintim iTfliAttf .. tlintt ... . , ,.. , , lUUtiittw L.t ta ritvi ui ib "in attv .... . , ... .... ... 1 m ! lAnitininj ifiir n 4-111 va ri w tiii a iiii n rn h .. , . 4. all oyer the country or impractica- . , , ... , , , . ble canals which would dry 111 summer , c ... . . and frozen up 111 winter or to improve . ... . creeks as highways of commerce, ... ,,,-. , , - , , , ..,. A. . . . . !. 4.11. .f 1...... .1.. nntl ..it. rfiili i t't rilF Ifjr itiii-i bt;iai wi k.iit ia..w.i..i..a.i mem are opposed 10 pensions lor noi- , , ,. , V 1 . mi 1 . .. 4 thirteen dollaw. It still remains as it dicrs, and afraid it will hurt them or ' , n , , ,, A. . . . r n .1 I was, five dollars. Ihe beggar dollars their parties to favor or allow them. , . .. .... , . .-.it i- :of an imperilled Kcptibliu have been In everv resp.vt it hits been and is a , ,,,,, . .. , .: . . .... .. .. , made gotkl full d-illars to all and ev- remarkable spectacle. Whne it h:w . " ... , ,. , . ... ... civbotlv have to the soldier who saved gone on, the survivors of tho army . '1 LA 1 1 f G have been utung first by iiuliflerencc j and last by open taunt or them as I L t us tell yon, timid public men, mendicants as made by some corrupt corrupt public: men, timid newspaper politician needing to increase at least ; w demagogue newspaper, orpalron the anncarenco of his virtue, and bv, ngc-fat newspaner, that this must .. 1 . j. .1 various newspapers made rich byjop-: bcry in poliUcs and so anxious to cov-, e himself asks nothing. Ho is loo or up their own thievery by loud pro- frond to do that, and is dying with fessions of superior morality they his grief in his own heart. But thr have stood it all with a nobility and quickening conscience of the nation patience equalled only by their hero- is beginning to ask something for him. ism in tho army. Indeed tho Union l 3 beginning to say that the Govern soldier, standing under his taunt, not rnent has uotbing to give to its pen himself asking anything at tho hands, nera in charity, but that it has a of the Government, keeping silent debt to pay to them in justice. And it even while ho is being adused, stands j a debt that U a lien and first mort in tho noblest position of his whole ca- BgB on everything that tho Govcrn reer. Ho has a heart, and ho has a J uient owns and on every foot and dol memory. Ho knows how he gavo up , hr of public and private property a home and family to go to the war , lien and mortgage for a debt duo to and ho remember how profuse, as he left a stricken wife to earn the bread of his helpless children, were the protestations of tho people and tho j promise of the nation, that no diOer- ence whether he fell in battle, or was maimed for life, neither ho nor hi family should ever sutler for bread, or I even for comfort. There was fine bilk then that onco a hero in America was 1 to bo always a horo, and that enco a I volunteer soldier, imperilling lifo and j losing health to save the Republic, was j to bo always sura of the cratilude of t the American peoplo and the gener- j deemed. It is needed to be redeemed ous county and care of the Republic. jn honor; it is needed to keep the sol How has this pledge gone its way to- j dicrs of the Republic from dying on ward redemption! Answer it who will beds of want and starvation, and to or can. Tho Republic, with its vast ' keep their families out of the alms wealth, but that wealth all imperilled ' houses. It is needed to appease the and tho people, with all their property also imperilled, weut to the cottage door of the younjr man, or the middle aged man, whose family wero depend ing ou his daily lapor for their daily bread, and begged him to leave hia family and risk his life to save them end their property. Ho went This great Government accepted of his la bor and his offer of life, aud of his eacM rifice of health, practically witheout any compensation. For, have you ! thought of it, stingy and ungrateful navwBM rt.:. . ii n m ""f"' " " icer5iHon, an of you, tliat the Government and the people pam to true soldier for his services ia family at home but JYee Dollars . UumJSpX. was $13 in dollars not worth fwttfmtt each. So it waa for sixty dob larsayear that thw man risked kt life and lost health. sunerea at borne, to save thw great Kepubiic aad all itM pubuc aasl arivate f propeny. That was the first period tbe priod ot xaapenuea Kepubiio aiKl exgerd Prorny." ' -sw. wa ae a Uie sereiatJl TtsV iy .-. -xm&gx mm. - r &&.-': si'Or s t; - F9 "aMNawftreaTaaL-aaaMBeBW! ---- "- " -" w- - -- mr , - " w -. 1 "5: ri- -- - TZ w M. w. 4BK, - - 9 -BW ' BWIS. .BBBBBBKaBBBBT BM BBBBBBBBBBBBaBI aBKTaBBaBkBaBBl -. "S- -t, x ---.vJSeaBfT' ... L ' ' a:Jaafjameasjea. ywrtr tiMMatlt k m fry Htm. It ver o iroof tmi. bctw Jt b u:i- fa at rttrn wh Wtntli the mm, imh! am vai L Uicir pst" rfi-in-: reltt ? . 7l,. 1,,-iw Uicir pstr muhyimt f tyJe. ktkMl mi m in tlNfSwrld. II ha met ev- tan.kUUit.'iL. M(!!nr tnnnev lav badrlaiAvawtfajriction and on rrery coRcr jrroan te,ae. j wHKdattpundretl million or iioi.arv r - . . ncv, not the thirty ami for olUra n which it paid tlu so! ,! nd hi-t wmily tire dolbtr a J . t ... .i..ii.. .... .... f.. .. II, tIH I1U1M. k'l.tk lllJi lyl'J , . ... r..tl ...1 f .. V...n.l...l .'- !.1I(Uull luciui ui iiuiiiirvu i-uij , oM. nio iuaun men, wjui tne ... . . . 1 tlicm and starvation, arc also making more money than over. Ah, what n time of .p!cnder and lux urv if. 5! Mniti'i. mntinv. lnnni'V.rrorv , where for everythingfor any luxury . - for cvcry fnncy.for Cvcry healthy BchcnJe JlU, ovcn for evcr. wHd Schem0.Hlblic or private-nnd prr- ..... , ..i.i 1 ....ri.i,u. getting more comfortable and cvery- lirn'v linririinr tttlll better Mtllftted-- MAPV,lfMl(, nvrv,)fVn. ,--rf on. He '.. ... T , a .:,,,. ...., .....,i ,i , IV IIIU lllVillltl f!UI'JIV;u . ,0iblc. who m,t hj8 lifo bctwecn lhoimtjonJanil dtnIctiorit llClwC0I1 .. .... .,. Iirnnpr... ami;u ,1... . . . . . etrucllon anii sacrauceu Him strengtii ; a brokJ (own his ,jeaUh to df) ;t0 .thnt , thirt 8CIWlt0lw era of uncxam- rilv ho -Iol in hia wak. . .f Q cxultaml bo hap,,v jnm, makehU &niI . h . M lhc : .. , . . . :, othom aro. Think of it. 1 ., . . ,. -...., t.u .1. .n. . It ta a dark picture? To tho shanu ofii Nrttion ami rt j.reat pcol,,e ll0 it aaid timt it S-. To the .shame of .... ,. , , , . , .... ., 'a Nattnu that has more niniicv than it i , 1 . 4l .1 . can upend, and to the elmine 01 a jieo- , , , .. ., .. ' pic who have more moncv than tuev can .pcnd,it is :i true picture. Keati- tutioii is being made to everything and , , , fIM , , , . c erybody else. The bondholder, who , , ., . ,. . loaned the Government tlnrtv cent money is IteuiK pmd back in hundred - cunt ninnev. Every form ami iiIium; 1 of Governmental debt is being paid, .... .11.- 'and paid 111 money worth thrro tunc ...... J . that in which it was contracted. Every . , , , . , 1 form of it but one and that the one , , ,. , , , , , . iofal nthen that fhould have been 'paidurxt. Not even good I c Not even good faith has ti. :-,,,.. .1.'..-, .. ........1. madn the iiiiit3 v4u iiiukwuu viw:i.vis ii iiiwutir change. Tho soldier nks no charity. themen whose valor and sacrifice saved it all. It must and will be paid. For awhile the public conscience at first "cd to P'l t by bestowing a public ollice here and there on a soldier and generally on those who least needed it. But now that old age and want are overtaking the rank and file of the great army, and it is getting to be fashionable besides to laugh at the mention of a soldier for office, the time has come for the original and sacred pledge as acred as that mndo to a mother on her dying bed to be tc- ctational conscience, and to save the Republic from open shame before the world. And let us tell you, who in your own comfoi mock at it, that for every soldier of the Union army who is now bcgpDg for bread through the Republic he Jtelped to save, and for every tcir wrung from hia eye5 by his ; family's want while tlie Government is spending money with even criminal lavishneas on any scheme ogcring pub hc spoil and private robbery, and has three hundred million dollars of un- !. I . I I. . .. - uted money in its treasury, this great Ration will yet be compelled, uader God. to atona for. Tt ia HttU vnrtK while aud but little peace to our emit- inr conscience, thet. wc are wockih the surviving soldiers of the Union ar say with eulogy iu every speech and praise in every paper, and with splett- property uuii ui a.iuicn savea. NcbrU. d.i herebv inrorrnt if HithlIioaddittonsthatticyiiiad4toitieiviM and nil prm nho rttay Ur while the cobiier and lti.i fnmily hail i come 5tockhoh!erj he rrof into a lody ..i.lv fiv. ilnllnn a. mi.ntli lt.iiirr.oii cortwrate for ucneral b.illkin btt!.. and iiis Jeiaillyldid moaumentr of granite in every state aad aearly ttxtry county, while tbey aad thetr femiiiet are aeediag meuey for bread. It does set deceire thesa; it will sot Wve history. Lu, auu Jtgt tar. mmmmtmmmmmmmmmm:X ... , - ftr fr- ytfjyjgjjjS JtI-IW -IT- - -r -:tWOTr. v- . .rA-2m'era& i -n 3s?r -,1' r ... - , -t- frJ rtrvAflOL Ort. ? nc iraa tc j:-. i tt.Msforhlfi intne cm. itlnrh . .'rcd Uit nUrlit. w rrd Lr e lUi cfffCs: jtMJtsoctocx tni mom . . fne Tx verdict decrw Mr. S-o- it'd ttiKtac. Mm. fWri!If u nu In ' .. ..,t . . , ; ji.,. Uwyir and fon dwlare tlial titer inn fxiii fc m !- jiiiia tjtiirut. iw uuinn. knew nrthfrig of her whcre.tloat ff,f Svrilf" ia not yet bwni firtin! ;,ir- Hv n.a noi y. o?cn J4:n. "H'3 ppvlit lur at- mry til pri tlr th ni nun- thnl .Mr-, mnlli rv- to (!unttda. ntd nupport !er there if hc ita?rtl It. T1iJ vnlir! ttr. ! &lkM been Jnane aljout ix motUl, and -;.: .' j:-;v ,,""": i.. ... abouU a . t .,1,1 4a tui iiib Jiin. juiir- m nuric Articles of incortontliuii of this State T,... !. .t V. t .. lt.11. Ui iVCll V '"'. .10H.U3I.1.. AitncLK : WetiiliuGarihtr. bovi Mu. J. W. .cberwiH-K 1 I. Albright nod IT. V. ry "'""'' ,."', ', "" ,- '- on 1 rev. ii i.iui 1.11111W. i"i.ior cimiiit. 1 I noa-. at Jtetl iloiitt. viti'r ooiintr. Nebraska, under the gi'noaal im-orpo-aation lawa of the Male of Nebraska. ARTICLE 1!. The name of tbu corporation shall bu the Suuc IVuik of Red Cloud, and its place of doing business thai I be at Red Cloud jWclHtur county, Nebraska. ARTICLE III. 'Hie capital utock of thia corpora tion ylmll be an authorizcsl capiixl of Fifty Thousand Dollars. Ut bo paid in under tnc direction of the dirt-ctort of said bank, and Ik divided into hares of One Hundred Dollars each. ARTICLE IV. Tho commencement of this corpora tion shall be October I5lh a. u. I Soli, ami shall continue to tho first d.-iy of January, A. p. liHlO, and mav bo re- nuwed I'roui time to time indefinitely. ARTICLE V. Tho husiuet of thi:t corporation shall bo controlled anil managed by a I'roident, vicc-nriHbint Cashier and a board of five directors tlirec of whom shall be a quorum. The directors shall be elected at a regulsr meeting to bts held aumoiily on the first Wetlur.day niter the tirt Monday in January af ter tho year I HS3 by the hharo holders l'a ih shareof sttick'cutitlcirig tlm nhare holder to one vote, und at the Fame timu or at any adjourned iuitiiig thereto the directors t-hall elect tho President, vico-I'riiiletiL and di!bir all of whom shall remain iu otfiee un til their hiietv.vM.r-t are elcctod. Tlio l'residetu shall io eiectoil Irom the board of directors. ARTICLE VI. The corporation shall contract no in debtedness whatever outsido of iu eol jettioiif, and regular tb p.iw reeeivinl iu the couro of bu?inco4 and the draw ing of exchange ARTICLE VII. Tho corporation may enact ami adopt by law s it may "dem proper anil necessary from tune to time by a mojonty vote of all its directum. ARTICLE VIII. The hiiMiiess of this corporation jhall be to trauact a general lianking bti-iness to receive moneys on deposit to diicouut billj and notes to loan money, to buy and sell c.tcnango and tHunt:c-'i of whatever kind, ami do all things pertaining to a general banking bushier. ARTICLE IX. Tlio orgauixalion of the bank Khali be complete and perfect upon tho fil ing of inc-Se articles of incorporation in the ollice of the county C'Irk of Welister county .Nebraska "for the re mainder of tho year Wii'l; und during the year l.sfl.'I I.jvi Moore shall bi 1'reridvMit, Lewis 1. Albright vice res ident and R. V. Shitey Cihier. Witney our hand ;hi- tvcnty-sixth day of September a. n. I8SJ. in tho presence of V. H. Strohm, fcuas(iiun.a, Ll-vi Mooltn, J. W. Siieuwoon, L. 1'. Ai.r.r.tuitr, Ron. V. SiiiitKY. STATE OF NKilRArflCV . Wlbotki: Cof.srv. f Beit reniembvrttl that on this Uftth day of September. 1SS2, beftirc the undersigned, W. II. Strohm, a Notary I'ubhc m and for said county, person ally came Silas Garlmr, Levi Mtoro, J. w. Sherwood, L. i. Albright and R. V. Sliirey. to mc known to be the idcnticil persons whose names are affixed to, and who executed the for going instrument, and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein setforth. Witness my hand and No tarial seal tho tlav and vcar last above written. " W. H. Stkohm, (se.il.) Notary i'ublic. SABBATH SCHOOL CONTEXTIOX AT RIVOCTOS XOV. ID, 20. EV. OKX COXICCTOU JW. 06- Opens on Saturday at 10 A. 5C E says, dweuseions, eta, by good writers and speakers. On Sunday at 'J jlm. Social meeting. Sabbath school, and ?crmon by Rev. Osborn of FreemonU Every boly U invited to attend and make the convention one of .mutual profit and interest. Load 'Com. Kivcrton November 7tb, 1SS2 Election lias paded, tho campaign has ended, and Garber's "pool" is not saved. 2nd. Chronicle, 2nd, chapter and bat version. TheHeiahtafCsary To trait until you are in bl with disease you saay not get over wc Baoatavs is the height ot foUy, whea night be easily cured during the early symptoa by Fsrker s Ginger Tonic We aaTekcowa sickly fiamtTtes pjatle tbchealthioatbya tirr.cly ae ef this paresacia 0errr. UrU. SttXS ?0 rSlS22JL Varteatfti iHitw.i a.i ei i-i sss-' T Ttfr ?-rfv SciS'. i .. . akr trn.tfMtI vM aaamlat avafaaf eaawJ "slal?aVSaalHaaaBaaSBlalBlaBWalB ffl SB. SaWSaTaaTr ? K. . . ' ' . J . ... .. 1 ' . '!''. ' -JJL" JLL .J, rf"-st- ' sfco.seiiaaiy f M mmmmmllmwELrm BaSBBaWBal V Saaflaaam BM ', slT''.aTaaVsT M mMWmWmmfmWammmmmmW9mWmmm pa. ' eneaavaa. aeM. jer - eaaaae. ar Ki SaaBaBBBaVSBaBBH H'aT saBBBaB aa. BLfttffBaBBBBBBVBaBBwSl ;;'V JJtswr.i"iii yPfceaBaaSBjSSajesjBj WeaTa SsTs V'C' ' "L' ' Vft K HBrBaHHkr.''AB ( 'kS 'bBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVsaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW.aS ' H mTtKrtmWmMmlmf "SbBBbBS aV4HBaUMRBptaVSBllB MeiiMa aaafaaawaritaaeW. o BKBBaBBBaSBBBBeBSBaBBBBHBMlBBaBBaW- MgrtVsTrr JktBBaaafffr Hi li"SByfAr3- -Hr sarf aear.. rr fi U r'a Wlsl v- SaaAaaaaiSSaasVaW W ?u57S ageea-Salaifce JaW'aSaSrg - MaaBjAraaBBByiBWeM -HikJSAt-vMAlVMBVM---7Sr'. M L-J ' l'nSStSBaaaiBiiiY I j 1Jl. T . .i 1 A Bj 1 t Bm BBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBBBBhL BBBBBBBBvTaBBBBT BBBJaBBBBBBBH ABB BBWBBBBBBBBBBBT jJBBL Br J'"bfk CB p Bt- juaaBft JaaaLaeaaaBHaaaaBjaaaaBaKA. ce a , BaaaaaBv-BaBBaaBaBaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw aBaaaBBBBBBBK aai BBaiaaBBBaaaBaajraBr ' 'BK.MjdH2fewaMavM&.ij4 av . " l'"'?TiTrg--?-'- ,-JiS"'Lr''-, mmmmfmm.mmmmmmmw Bl .BBVpBBBMBr Bar aMaMannarajvaBBBBjapwaaa iBW- ' jZJiMiMrimm 'm222liLii -.l; jWv-. SBBBBBBaBBWBa.BBBBBBBJBBTBBBBBBBBBB VBBBBBSWelatSBaaBBBaSlBM'MI BJBBBfJBBiBB, sf . Mktti-fsBBBBBBaa' tfPsTat'lt mtmmmT BBBaaw aaB.BBBBaBBBBar-aBBBBBBBBi BBTaBBasaCaf . -wwwl-'-',fMBrBW:fli' -m -s -v- ''z i" " - - . m-m' m m w r--" 'pa. mpiiv iihhh h ipr 'nvp.nvw rv- V "" '-TT-C Tc;3fC;'VVvU.?S . flHHHHalniBmefBBTaBta :- v r. v ', j&!!j'5 rSuS. . - e J ,s . .-w riaSL'" -- cv;:vi t 36ni5B - .rffcf -. " ':T .AbISbIbHbIsbbK . -v - aWiEr-"i. -4 -. -i1 i' "T , ' - j"5 ' ; J- - - in rjiiiaBiniT !.- jfSw,il- H ' 1 1 aaBBaBBBr34m?CBTaTaTaTaTaBafaTaT ' ' r.- wJ-feri'W.f-' ,' .--.sV.?..-.:'. -,-, ;r Vafe-iKblBflafflHeBBVBi . .' - - r't gaaV.4? Cl.-ft?,-. ?y:--' -. " 11 1 iniiiT - Twr aiTgiiBTnlBFi I h 1 liTnBBtBSBwrBT GOTO fc&sJa gyaJ (P. O. BUHiDING.) n Immense Stock of And General Merchandise. BIGBASQAINS. MOMBT SAYED ! Coixie and Jxumme Goods and PKICICS. I HURRAH! j l ft 3 fey tin fej 11 frgk mNr I 3-a das If k3 0 EQMlnfa a WiaheJ to announce that he .till lmitrf out at th rdd tand, and 1 o.ttii GrtH.t.'rir tho rmc aju iui m THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES, CON.liTIN( 01- Tcas, Sugar, Syrups, Canned Goods, Especial lv California Goods, Flour, Feed Command Oats. You will also find him at th old Stand of ROSENTHAL 11KO "S, wheto you Will find everything in the bnr of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Such as Flour, from California, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, also Green und Dried Fruits. 'He has. now in connec tion with the GroccrWHusiness, A FIRST-GLASS BAKERT, Where you will always find a chter linn ( p.N sr.rrJljrlc' Ii a f ' , cJji Hakery. nod would o'ieit a lvarc if th pudl (iJroMuT5. I Thanking you for for ptt favor and uhthi a unitniMUco of tho jsamu ami a-i many iu Mtt rw my favor him Wiih a call. no-l YOURS TRULY, C. E. PUTNAM. fi&iSaRJF US If:JnfiiH3 fiiDil9ii& Bi2 Por tho MERCH A '3T ' " ! For tho MARKET CAnOENER Per Zfro PRIVATE FAMIUV Crown by ourootvea s? rtr..7ZL2S SEEDS r HtiUKee i:jtf.titc: faluSe atui Surnl HjrWicr IUnr TO AtJ-i:aCt!A.NT-S MUND L'.H YOtm nCMI.NUKM CAK1IH FUtt TILaDi: I.IVT. CAV.D LAH98ETBtaS08SSSD G5GYR5,P!iiLADELPH.A Louis Rnnlt y u uu CINOniSrATI, OHIO. THE LARGEST AND MOST FULL CAPACITY "the Standard vehicles" Are 3Jai! nt Thc.no Wolxs, 3Kni!:rnfeI:aj5 Brewester, Whitney, Copper and Timpkin Side Bars, and Sal idee or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies, The Greatest Varieties of Styles, Tlie FinwtTwo And Three Sprint; Plia:lon, Tlie Handomwt Barouche) in tb JIarket, Stylidi Carna;rr, Fonrand Six FuiCigerf, Canopy Top BsAct Iluston. TlicBcat Ilatforrn Sprinjr Warn, Ra.il Rci, and J'iaiB Side Waor, Oin ami Top Sorrpr Waone. COOK'S "STANDARD VEHICLE? ' ntc known vll over th vnrhl a? tb ncTfor theiiyrMONKY. In not undpr any drcurmtMnc' !ty until ymt Imvc sent for our circular ef styles anil price, Whobjde trdp tttei&Ur Rcmrmber wc make our own Wheel. Till? SAttVSX FATE.VT, &d warrant every vehicle. 1 1 1 1 ,IiIh.iIi.i,.ii nini a e ' m &S7SBZ?i3rTCV2ft?' ' " 'i 1 m--mrf u m . . ..-w'- . ?i";-jr iif if jf j v jt - ar &??! rt k, wfmfmw&f3tti W3&ti'&&mW&Q rtcMiXiUix t j t4 I. iweji" itf fM..! y ". www ill ..wn 1. is rajr csara "rw a wm' wum Utn. V rtrrtsTl-teUom1J f Ji trifr jsn 1 mm rjrfim mmmmmm JWW.&MfJ Sa frottrmtfmt f THmt Jhm eifc Imp- w tn-crr.'sri' -rmr :att'iitnf. XAf9trfbutYSLlSy(Vi.le lrKr t'jsl I 2.nt5 1 ef eiiimM a OrrJl iSJ WmWI: mVl MXf M? M M I. f M Mk3BA i. Hllil4rNIiSv I i)nntt. um r jl TMM waTwmI JHBm Aw M M E M BE maem fia VAieFNfftirfi' aatsWArlt. JUKWUTaSsV1IStm.latT$3lCOtIs j ' jsPnV "3QQ1 , 1 - . , . t - e5r -HJaafaRJktlBsf e i ,, TTTTTeT; ,.- -p- , - V---l WSWak1sft?firlKsl cfaVfaVMSaTaVsla'-l am TJH w k A. sbV KSSavSB'ZZaaTBBalK .. rsaaieeaaaaaaeaaaaaaaeaaaBaaaaBaBaaBBBaJI U",lflE3 m mm ff. a S J ESf m. neaWsWMSsaaTsrefaal 'aUw.U.Ifa9Rsn91BJraS!BaEnsaa3 Htm a, TTTtT ILT MFfl 'aVTJr.rTiTi rTI t tCsVTar saM lsnili'llOlimJljsMJXr 1 sr Skaaaaam aam aJej""aT SaSBaawaaK).asaSfcaBBaaarjMBfaaerwTgBa BaVSeaasaeaar . .aaaaaaw r jf .aaajafaraaaaSkSBaaBBaaaaBSBaaaaaaaGaaaaaaaaaaaaa aslsB--geagsaWBeagsaBBBK ' I IIHIhl l I JB i rr Jp4K SSSSaaj , B 1 aJIiKBHBgsaaaBaalBa1smRJsaaaBMBaaaaaaaaaw '.Baaaw'- - Paearasiajaweea.ajeaeaai ss faji!i"ft : as aeW.eaaeaieirai ZtftaVBBBBaf .scalV:Meam-'SarSa'fetBBLB A .bsTsbI TV aaaa.- " ' sP-Ui"'!1"1'""' ' " ' J LS1 - . ': . . r.-. '. i k. a'st vwwk- :- r - - - - r . - - . . .1 , v.w-. - i- -??. - -m. ,t: - i-BBEr-MBBii .-aaBBBBK.,,"W' - T ; --- . ' r :yc ' erw toek ! ! AtJM' o9 Drv Goods, Clothing1 HI7UIUU't tu-utuirWmA s i Jtm dJ S C r &U Lw Vi J anufoGluri COUPLETS IX THE WORLD. OCOl'fc.i wekk. z?f i-- rrv ,v i fejefsM- , ! tft. ti sln.'fl i'ti v 1. if Act sr4 l-4 1 1 i HMi rrfrr i 1 11 ' 1 .i 1.1 mi W . ' tt ".'. ri- 7jv : w jsa,ii. , , t. i7r - iW, rsa. t jj.-. Ji-xrMi jw si' xdisi )J!T4iem'i'S3-a9 Bf Bs'litn Sft rsQSPvv tt $1 Vx til.ffJSUS:L.4.SLl.uU Sa 11 &2& U n-r.ifJA,,.Vl?l,6-C nry fin C 11Q xjj$ o l w - ' w -'yr--- t1 jr'3"'T"waaeyeiiaa fceraW SBaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaBaaaaaaBVV's j&MMrm& fr3SJ&zz iWMm ?z??m Mmmfri vr-Jt aav. aw m mmr m m m m m vM .Mri9A9 , E2k3 '' sa,SSSJSSiaWSSaajjaepajjBBjaaBjeajBajBBjpJ4ajBjp WS pw '- . '" "SPiJt - TsbkTbW W .e "i. 575? FREE! ess i m -r-tw.,,'r.?rf 0i it fiartaifcairtrS'iii k5aaw -1 a M. , a x I tt rmrt t OUtrt i t AkHOOaT Tt !. W! I VtSFfirft -..-. M nM 1 . r V 4 ,VN t. . - T w -thk Jgg jm Jjg jjgji B ... I 60 ksjuSo fer iV ttrh jr A Lsu mfl c ra-Hvl it . it was &9 tr u&l tM t t Utxat to per fcfs tw? ctpV feibj for caly Cf i tad oma cf U-a ti 4virri Uiis )tr fur llw f-t t-a'. Jt rcji tctll i2tpreft c&' rtver tiiU to ImI r ith ! b tb UOHTKr iKVtHT, 5IGST U t' IUIU.K A MJ lilXi 1'INUUD IIAI'UIM: i te taarkrL Ajr Ofto bo ty Ik; lrcJJ RtNnis: avuiU errrj cham vf Uv W vr Adlutv In lio bar:i fcusrtrfnt f Willisoxi DccriM CHICAGO. irr4tir ' !b Scat UU !?, V n i' C4kr vrrta tou WmmUVMMI Wlie W toe tU4 Wrt4rr. Xve,. tf. . A Vr.itt rv OaL t "KMwmum M new lit (ns t "' r la?, lUaVM U C i , fftHM tt Te V rrrf Air Ckartilf tHU t iU UXVmUUXl. rr Htr wt vr AHfiAtrnu rtitrr vitahs. tityvr XttZhtAM. t79t)MH 1 Ci !., tal if er turn V ttow f. r wl t $-f ajf (U4w We a4 h4.nani a ft ywa aaa OVER 100 STYU5. Bete m ir ttm toa. U ft .. A tMMiUOl (ver rt1 Wfw tbtttM4. ' 0mM A44fM MB 1 1 UXZT2, WrtxS.-t, tw. Hit TUTT'S rrewrrom ' a TORPID LtVER. lm Tt AvirF1, se H , yia) l Ue Utt, t a 4 aia. frf) 1 1V ta n, J1- tsr hh feM k;e. ratito rf uac. it HeWi rt;fWT9 to eirttit &r m m44, trniUtr ? 4Mr. ttrw rM. win wrtK, Dteta. riaugg if M, U ") Wte araa, Tinr sat. fx4aa caar.j - be n wytnyjt . ita auia Suira4 UrMea.a4 COWtTIATIOWT Ttlf fi IX a Kria.lty )a tlieM.rt4MMMMieaat 7Vyl' f aMNlH,l i V ar t 4H SfSv t ftp rtt'".fcr bti ae ana tw rV, tmm 1 mmmm Mmmm m w. a Wfc TfJTFS HftlB DYE. ytww.r'M yrte m itaa. srrr)c m sresmar ycTra aWt V fiitfrffM.iliiidf ...I- - L r r St jr i a siaw VjZ lit s t T .1 ,n x - aaanjitKr' PILLS SBttKrjHaansjMBlH m ..Jnit! -MtHmSiJ- " s i j lsSSMIaaSSSaaSJl I'l " ' II ' fli, ,,fcJJMssaaiamii--- " .Vs7L.--tffe.'- M&z&M&t. - ; .f " -WyflP"slBWBBBHBHsnHBI"TP!7e ! iWjSSSSafe,,,, r J : ,., ,,,mm .-s -5 . - ' - . .r.rmxtrdes--.A.' : jzT-xTmm&mm&iw 5-i - ii 1 yy?- . j: - - ,---vyy," J- -'-g-yaaBaBiBK.