i'f.' Ett SWWfWfl.,fU'B((iSS&it 1 a- ImmW rfM-..- j- - v-- j -i- .,.- . . . --- '" -F-vnr-. - wnyrwrrv-. ,, v r 9yVVrf -3T "T" ;- . lwS-JJiJ:5S, srj7GaaeTri r t 5. "rr -r t est . ;; - . ftafiki-i "-' -- :. .. jK. rV ftiCfsgssr-. , BaTaaaw-av -..--Vt ' i. -. .-- . PC" - ?" ; ;& .,--?- -m-. - vSCl, ,.. ; . 36- .. v m !- lT; "Lr 'z . i & tmr ?0W rtSiaan :i'. if l& "-,' ' v. t '- iilimo i . . T77 m W--i iK.-j-SsS Is.- r -li.' JTi; LiL ifvW" HMMHMMMMM tad -nittl Mi Btftftvt if XaCt u iMitaaMAfMtciM. atrriaaa 4arta rrirct 4twru Wtivae ! stt. VI1H BtttflM' lank Culn Imu arrive . Z " -apart Cf,wkerCitjr urirw !larr Oa itSSJ WeU.Mr.fc " tm - - - - .aaam JUaHarfU.aelat4 M ftaf . OaToe aoara frem 7 Money Order erne heart frwi 7 . fera.m Va-M 6 p. la, 7:15 t ar :10 a. ta 0 p. m - a,m e i. m- (l.H. J JO p. u aw" - - 12 BB i p. : Iha loan above. i. a. u K t m 7 a. m. to 7 p, ta. aowa mi saaaar w a p. m. M.B. McNirr. P. M. L-ocal and Personal Aflairs. Ladle Jiwl received nt the Ica'iin; Mil linery etoYo 1 door north of Mwher, Moore & Oulcalt'i lmnkinc house, the third lot of line silk benver, silk plush, fur heaver :md felt liatu in Mack and colons. J. A. Fuvcw.u. Ladies- I have Mack and colored plume, a great variety of alyle find price. Ulnck Ostrich tips, 20 el, each and upward, col ored tips, 35 els. each and up wards, J. A. Foni.Elt. Lndicn An extensive lino of neck wear, A good assortment of plushes silk velvets, eatins aud rihbon.H,vill be shown at very low prices, J. A. Fowkeu. Ladies Black Satin turbans at $1.'J5 actual value $ 1. GO. Good black ftraw hats 40 cts. sold elsewhere at 75, Zephyr 10 cts. an ounce, void elscwtierd at 15. A lare assortment of hoops in white and colors at prices that can't be duplicated in lied Cloud. Bern hardt umlrciued kid gloves at IL25, very cheap at $1.50. An extensive line of woolen hoods, nubias, etc. J. A. Fowi.kk. Ladies Call and examine the largest most elegant assortment of Mil linory goods ever shown in Bed Cloud. You will be suited in styles and prices. J. A. Fowler. -There will be preaching at ihe tcbool house, fn CuwJes, on gunday, November. Sth, t 1 1 o'clock, r. ., by the Kev. J. L. Kllintl. A cordial invi tation ts extended to all. There will be a Missionary concert l the Congregational church next .Sabbath evening. All are cordiallv invited to attend. Lsut Monday Mr. Weathprwax'a team broke 1omu from a pot in front w. wii.ni5niic, ami uok a wnin around town and finely brought up at the M. E. church. They did but tittle damage but gave one of the editors a mark in the shape of a turned up finger nail to remcmlcr them bv. A little more hcm, would make that team a little more eccurej We arc pained to learn of the acci dent whirh befell 31r. Ballard recently, who had his limb broken by the un pleasant fumiliaritv of one ofhw hor ses who kicked him on the leg. lie is at White Bock, Kansas, where he met with the accident, and understand ho ia doing nicely. The city council, and seemingly no one elrtc, being disposed to represent Bed Cloud or Webster county in the coming exhibit of tho nation at Wash ington next mouth, the Cimick odtce will endeavor to do so. All who wish "t6 "have -their, names connected with the Garfield monument, cm scud specimens of their products to us mid we will forward to Washington, thro' the legitimate channel. Boforo you buy your clothing, boots and shoes, please call and bcc my lines imu get prices. J. u. rotter. A Ciriu for sale or trade. Will sell on easy terms, or will trade for stock. Impure at tho Post ollicc. Headquarters for nice hats and bon nets at Mrs. McBride's. G:lt Emie Butter o.v Ice, at Hour's. For a fine lino of gloves or mitens call on C. K. Putnam. Ordinance No. 3. Bo it ordained by tho Board of Trus tee of the inhabitants of the town of "Hod "Cloud: That if any person shall discharge a gun, rille, musket, pistol, revolver or any other fire arm in the streets, alleys, or on the commons of Bed Cloud upon conviction thereof every person so offending shall be kneu in any sum not less than one dollar nor nioro than fifty dollars to gether wieh costs of suit. Pascd August UJnd, 1878. Henry Cook has the finest line of Stationary, Books and Fancy Goods that can be found anywhere iu tho lie- publican valley. Tho old laru uas a iu:i siock oi uuiiuiuu tcrial, and for low price.", and good qualities it defies competition. Now is tho Unto to get bargains at L. Baum's closing out sale. A. full line of general merchandise Special bar gains in CLOAKS and DOLMANS. Mrs. C. A. Hanson, will open a new Millinery and fancy goods store at Bluo Hill, Nov. 1st, 1882, all the latest styles and fashions, consisting of hats, bonnets, riebons, laces, velvets, flow ers, feathers, etc. Ladies wear, gloves hosiery, hoops, corsets, ties, hand kerchiefs, hoods, scarfs, and novelties. Please call and examine our goods. Dress making included. C. Putnam will deliver fresh bread to 11 parts of tho city. To us has been committed the honor and responsibility of writing up what we migiii ueem an appropriate aprdi ophe to the life and character of the late. AMti:i. O.IKRER, whose dcmic we briefly chronicled in our lust iwuc. While grateful for the honor thus confercd on us, we can not avoid the feeling, that a more in timate acquaintance with the subject of our task should have been selected in order to secure to him such a mem orial notice as his real merits demand, but to gratify the expressed d ex ire of a near relative of the deceased, we ven ture to write what the spirit and cir cumstances may suiT'et as follows From data supplied us we learn that he was born in Rockingham, countv, Virginia, December Ilth, 18UI, which shows that at the time of his decease, ho was sixty years and ten months old. In early childhood he removed to Ohio, where he grew to manhood and married the mother of his seven child ren, five sons and two daughters, all of wnoiu survive mm. About the time of his marriage he removed to Iowa, where his father had just died, leaving quite a family of minor sons, of whom our present candidate for Stato Sena tor, Joseph Garber, was the youngest, and at that time about eleven years of age, for this family of children'tho de ceased provided a homo until thev chose to establish others for themsel ves. As we lemember tho recital of a brother, "he was the third issue of his father," an elder sister having died in early childhood thus virtually leav- iw ioni eiromi iiiemoer oi nis latlicr s family. Wo learn that in carlv life ho nail acquired quite a competency of the "uod thines of this lifi hut. mn. ffiding to much in the wisdom and in tegrity of business partners he became what our informant styled "swamped" financially. But cxeJcising the spirit of an energetic and honest soul, he strove earnestly, patiently and cuccc-s-fully to overcome, or retrieve this mis movo of earlier days, and having gath ered the sung little sum of four or five thousand dollars, he came to Webster county in the summer of J871, settling near the eastern limits of the county, where he opened up peihaps one of the best stock farms iu the county, and stocked it with a small stock of short horns, which ho brought from Iowa with him. About 74 or '75 as our memory serves us, he came to Bed Cloud, bought Ji stock farm of four hundred acres adjoining town, and a uilU rjiuwt; ill uju (lllgmni iowu sue, Ciiip4ijrn of '4, if life he spared. In conclusion, them is another reason which would, even standing alone, de cide me to decline this nomination. My atndidacy might imperil prohibi tion, and that is worth vastly mor tlian any man's preferment. I trut the papers of the district will do me the favor to copy or notice this letter. A mm X. Dsx, Moline, Neb., Oct. 16, 18Si GABFIELD MO.VUilEXr. CIEXLAU OX T1IK 'f.8RJUKA COMM15 SIOXEK9 JN'VITt SG OO.VTWDCTIOXS roR TtIK VVSlK .i3rN0U.VCEDRrC0L.CS. CJ1A.1E, VKESI I'ENTOKTIIE KKHRASKA MitlO. Washington', d. c. October 3. lSSi To (fir Veopl' oftfie Mite of Ntbmtkn: The society of the army of the Cum berland, through it Garfield monu ment committee, has determined to give, under provisions of joint resolu tion of emigre ofAugti'tS. laSi a national fair and reception, industrial and art cxjHiitioji, to be h!d in th rotunda and adjacent rooms of tha U. a. capitol, commencing on the i5ih day ofJCovemlKrr aud to continue un til the 3d day of Deccntler, 1HS2, its object hcing to raie the trreatest ros- fible amount of funds to aid in the erection of a statue at Washington, I). C, to perpetuate and honor the mem ory of our late president, James Ahram Garfield; and in furtherance of Maid object has. in nddition m th board of direction, which is composed of nome of the mint prominent of our public men, appointed a loard of com missioners to represent the state of Nebraska; and in compliance with the instructions of the board of direction we have the honor to present to you .the method by which the cause may be aided: (1). Contrhutions of mon ey hciU through our loard, for which engraved receipts will be returned to the contributors. (i). Contributions of articles. Under tiiis head every branch of productive industry and art will be represented; and such contri butions will be placed on exhibition, properly classified and displayed, with the name of the maker aud ifonor at tached. In all cases stir1, vxhibit. will !li !.. I ujMi no iBiormaiion m to their! whereabout. YccteHay aftc-nooo neaa jwwgn reenrca tn toltowina: lttoc-mni- . I?M.WotlfOel.. I haxc jtit rem rod the followinjc note from hcritT Wilburn. dated Abi. lence, that the tonrdcrerof sheriff w iort stole two hones and left their pomes a(Kut tour miles nortliwcat of x.yjioon mm, m rurn-ui county, Ne braska. Wedntl.y night Oct. JS, awl were last seen bout twenty mi!e northeast of the divide between the SAppa and the Beaver crcek, Tliur day afternoon about three o'cloek, supposed to be traveling southwest. i. W. H. Last night Gov. Nance received a telegram from a countable of Iruora, Kansas, (the point which Gen. SLAlyx ander left yesterday morning) bating that two men, btothers of the ;rnurder ers, had leen arrwtcd at that place last Thursday night on charge of horee stealing. tme latest. Gov. Nanr receiveil lat night alKut midnight a di-patch from Sec retary Alexander, datwl Bulfalo 1'ark, I old Buffalo gap) a -ration on the Cen tral Branch V. P., near the northern line of Gove county, Kanut, about 40 miles west of south from Lenora. He had learned the real names of the des peradoesMart Simmerman and Dick Belmont. Nothing reliable had been learned of the whereal-otrts of the fugi liven, but the no-.u was divided into small parties and was scot-ring the country in all directions. A dispatch from Gov. St. John sLitcs that it was reported that tho murder ers were seen to cros the north fork of the Solomon at two o'clock yester day afternoon, but this is probably a mistake, or ebe tho governor's infor mation was twenty-four hours behind time. Baak. t town plat. 1 estray oUe. - J rtrd cwpio chattel mi?, 1 ctra copy aotariai eoaa,, 1 ctTd cf dr4. I ctrd copy Um4 for W4. IS ctTa character. atfknowlc4pSBeat kd. , " aortpirs, S marginal relcaaea rf nur'a, 40 ctt'a &sd acala. 41 ctf of fnira. 31 ctf oa Uomreuuui ad rr- Kinplioa prif, " 2 trasvrrij.u of jwlpjcacat 61.i. 2 ctf M cfpie Uvrrevs dtvorvw, 1 t 10 1 I 40 7i a cd l Ui a 24 10 cu 10 5 JUSTICE COURTS, WEBSTER NEBRASKA. CO. cxu io Uutdct court. Balance on hand per 2d qnar- icny rciwrt. Total amount. Cr Br county cbsrks Htult of fx-. Snl qusrtcr endiugx-pu Z0. ISb Br clerk hire 2 tnoothi to Aug. 31. 1Bo2, Total. 4 so CO 8 C IU 21 tto CO 11C C6 491 Co SELLING OUT! Jones t Magee Lumber Co. ff AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT reliable Chicago Lumber nil stock of buildiui' ma- and engaged extensively in the gene ral merchandise uusmess of which he made a grand success, and at tlfu time of decease was supposed to bo worth some twenty or thirty thousand dol lars. "Mr. Garber made no pretentions to Christianty, ns a churchman, but ho d-ided himself on being a straight forward business man, to be relied on whenever he gave his word of honor to execute any measure. His delight was financial business, and when tin ante to attend to that, he was out of his clement, and only a short time before his death ho was arranging as we understand for some important im provements in his busin&ss relations. He leaves his family iu comfortable and hnppy circumstance,', two grown soiiM being nt homo to take charge of business matters. Hungarian Putnam's flour, Chicago Lumber Minnesota Best Process, for sale at Stove coal at tho Yard. Henry Cook Iiaa ono of tho best so- i a. . i A 1b k ft I h.4 ri& . k t.il 1 &m .h 1 M e tsiuciw tM urujp uuu uui;iiiit;.-io "iri state.. He has every tlnsr ITm- ,iUed so tliat, jLJUlkcr saw-,arB.vsfc' x&-lf&jhi! it ono of tho "wost reliable places to buy drugs, and anything kept in liis Hue that you can In'd. If you have never been in his plac of business go-arid try for your selves. Hcmember that E. YontJg. delivers bread for 0. . Putnam. Canon City coal for salo by Piatt t Treea. Jackson Coal Company coal lor ile by Piatt & Frees. Ribyhistho bo apples in town tMily 40 cents per peck. Donver nnd New Orleans coal, the best in tho world, for sale, by Jones fc " -srtte lumber company, lied Cloud. f" Io Jones & Maeee's Lumber Com- "or your lumber nnd coal. They e agents tor uenver ana w COHl, in eur5K.. t-. Putnam sell the Miuncapolis Tho present comet in tho eastern sky, which can bo distinctly seen by everyone at early morning, is certainly the most remarkable one of nil the modern comets. Prof. Lewis Swift director of tho Warner Observatory. Rochester, N. Y., stales that tho comet grazed the sun so closely as to cause f;rcat disturbance, so much so that it las divided into no less than eight scparato parts, all of which can be distinctly seen by a good telescope. There is only one other instance on record where a comet has divided, that remain unui me rio!e .f me exposi tion, when they will be ?oId. The es pecial attention of agriculturist, man ufacturers, dealer.-, and artistrf in asked to this c!a.s of exhibits. (8). Articles of industry, virtu, and art, for exhibi tion merely. The unusual and extra ordinary character of the Bazaar must commend itself to every one desirous of advertising his or her business, or of bringing the results of hi- or her inven lion or handiwork to the attention of the world. Held at the nation's cap ital at a season when congress is about to assemble and the representatives of foreign powers present at their lega tions and to become guest of the ex position, with a host of journalists, 'rep resenting every prominent newspaper in America, sending, dailv telegraphic reports of iu progress and likely to no tice the more worthy exhibits and do nations, It may be confidently asserted that no equal opportunity was ever before afforded for bringing the inter ests of agriculturists, manufacturers, artists and artisans to the attentions of the public. (5). Contributions from tho ladies iu tho way of needle and fancy work arc especially invited and anticipated as one of the more promi nent features of tho fair. A board of award has also been pro vided for, whoso duty it. shall bo to ex amine and report upon tho various ex hibits, awardrug medals and such hon orable mention as, in its judgement, may be deserved, and give suitable engraved certificates of the same, ac- coiuing to me rules aud regulations adopted and observed at the ccntenial exhibition at Philadelphia. Transpor tation on all artclcs donated will be at the cost of the board of direction. Colonel C. S. Chase, of Omaha, has been chosen president of the board of commissioners m the stale, with au thority to nominate aud associate in each county; and it is desired that the county associates shall advise this board, through the state chairman, of tho progress of the work in hand. It is intended that the exhibits from each stale shall be received at Wash ington by tho commissioners for the state, and remain under their spocial charge during tho exhibition; to this and all donations, excepting money exhibits, etc., should be carefully shipped to Board of Direction, Wash ington, and tho bill of lading sent to the secretary of this board. It is con fidently hoped and believed that our great nnd prosperous state will re- Thc Jones fc Magee Lumber Com pany, l'laiutul, v.. W. J. Hobson, W. A. Reese and J. R. .Sawyer, a firm doing business under the name and jtx It of HoImoii, Reese it .Sawyer, Deft. J ho above named defendant will lake notice that on the 31st dav of August, 1Ks2, Frank R. Gump, n" Jus tice of the Pence, in and for Red Cloud precinct, Webster county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the um of (fl2G.CS,) iu an action pending before him, wherein the said Join- Mageo Lumber Company, h phuutit!', and the said W. J. Hobson, W. A. Reese and J. R. Sawyer, a firm doin-r business under the name and style of Hobson, Reese A Jf.iwyer, and" that property consisting of a certain quality oi oau piling aud timber, has been at tached under said order. That on the 1 lib day of .September, 1SS2, iu the same action, by and between the same parties, a second order of attachment was issued, and property consisting of o pieces piung.one lot or rope.four truck rollers, two crow-bars, two cable chains, one sledge hammer, one wrench, three hand rings and ono grab-hook has been attached. Said cae was continued to tho 3d day of Nov ember, 18S-J, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Jon'ks a Maukk Loiiikk Co. By Cask & McNi::;v, their Attorneys. Dated at Red Cloud, this 11th day of October, 1882. 10-3. Balance on hand. State of Nebraska. ) ncimen.outuy. j I hereby certify that the forrgulrjg is true ami correct account uif the fecA received by me aj county clerk aud cx-ofiicio clerk UUl. Court lu and for aald Webster county and State aforvvdd for the quarter eudlu'' Sept. SO. 12. to the bejt of uiv kuonrKdgo and belief. i Joun P. Hatha. Co. Clerk. Jrora to before me and subscribed in ny presence the 10th dav of October, A. V. 1852. Isaac Mat, J. P. Adjourned to Thursday, October. 12. 1882. J. P. Batha. Isaac Mav. Clerk. Ch'a. -AT THK- Cntiroiy Satisfactory. Ladles wUhitig a perfume that com bines novelty delicacy and richncts, find Kloreston Cologno entirely satisfactory. A Difficult Problem Solvod. Jno desire lor stimulants h becom ing a monstrous evil nnd how to over come it U a question with reformers. Parker's Ginger Tonic fairly solver, the difficult problem. It invigorates bodv aud mind without has brought health intoxicating, and ami hatnines to many desolate homes I'nquirer. NewYorkCiothing -AND- J).l LJSfiS 1Y . - . a. . . . 4- vw & -,. .......... . 3 LVXBKX LATllt5lWViU,3.M. yww, HUI."ia RED CLOUD - - NEBRASKA M - " PKY LVMKE A sriDCTALTY, THK U&fT fJC Tm: XARKKT AS ( JONES & MAGEE. I a- GO TO W. B. ROBY'S ran- Staple Fancy Groceries, ritir B!r TOBACC & C36A23S IN TVV.V Atl Choice Nuts, Fruits. & Confection. faf Freak Krtdtn and VrssuU 5Cd t t . DRYGOODS HOUSE! TO CLOSE THE ti i i:t. i:ni; BUSINESS! ROKKKTIIAL BKO. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard Final Proof Notices. NOTICE. US I.NIOKKrCE, rtminjctnn. .N'e. Oet-Slnlfu:. Corop'eint halnir Icd nttr-.l t ihi o? bJ Jeih lUldwtn. ncint John llTn. Pir l;nioni)(: hl ).untlr-tii erlrjr No- VUC..1-M ! Iptenbrr 10th lWJ. upon thr northet U of Itctinn 31. tonnihip '.'north rnc 11 wt. in wrt.ter cant7. Nt,r-k. with a rim to the cincfllation nfMlcntrr; the lt pirtirt ars hereby itnmonrl t ariitir m thl ofSc on tb 1 dr of t)L-rtnK.'. Hi., at 10 o'clock a. m. rfrail sa-J furnoh ttltaouy cooctrnlcg iJ allrerj alidn-lnninrtil. S. W. WITZKH.I'rrliter. R. W. JJ.STjOMKUV.Kv-irer' 12-5 City Drug State of Nebraska. Webster county. I M Countv JtulM's iifiin. Vrtf 18S12. Notice is hereby iriven. that the tli day of November, ljS2, is fixed term 11th day of November. ISS!. is fixed by the court for tho examination and proving the last ill and Testament oi rmmucl (.rarber, deceased, late of the county and stato aforesaid; and and all persons interested in the mat ter aforesaid will appear at said tune, at the Probate .ludj-c's office in .aid county, to cotcst the probate of paid Will, if so desired, othenve it will proceed without delay, and as provid ed by law. Given under my hand and the seal of said court, this "iCth day of Oct. 1 SSI!, J.vo. JL Wilcox, llo Countv Juili'p. Lanl Office at Hloointnctoo Nrb. Oct. 20. IK92. Notici if hrehr rlrn that tho followina named vettler bai f.lel notiri of hit intention to make Cnal proof in aupportaf hi claim, anil frrure Brat entry thereof before rlerk of the court in WeUter county nt hii cf5ce in Kod Cloud Neb., un Friday. Xo. 2th. I.1J2 rli. WillUtn . rupp. Ire D. S. o Cfftl for the ne'J . 31. town 3 north rinre M we..t. lie bikqc the iollwvinc witneies t' irovo hi contitnon reii.Im' ui n. nu I ci Itir.ition of i4 land Tii: ()-ttP W. Fra.ton. Corroltn (?ra; William Waller. Henry Waller: all of r,iwlr 'e,. S. W.SWIT.KR. Uecijtcr. Laol OTijijat njoominton.eh. Oit, 17. 1M2. Nttic i herel'V ciren lhat the fnllnwjnt name.1 ettlrr Iia file I noti-(f hl uifntion tu make final proof in ai-rt of hi rUlin, anil that nitl proof wlli i-e itfit tx-fore J. i. By ha. clerk lit'irt etrt nt Kti Cloal .Vcbraika. on Satunlay Nor 1.IH2. vu .... .. Jorh j. t"rfTorl. H'.i entry N. 3Mi. for the w nw'f w .wl-l tec I. torn 2 north nvr 10 we.t. IU following wi:r.rfi to rrore hit continuity reiienc-- ujoa. and cult rvJ.-nj ol . Im-l viz; John A I'oyer. Nel.nn lltxr.l. Milium il Jjtetrn and John Waller, nil of OWc. Vflt. H-5 S. W. if! 1 7.EK. Ileri'ter. rroj-rietor of the Store. a pi tut is Oru&Sf Medicines. Paints- Oi! nnd Vnrnishcs. A full simply of !.AM!. LAMP MI.lK-- WICKH, COMTo i:iajirAo. .trnll !HteJ .d titantfttlty rrr.it d t'rrri.ti' i .rftTl, r.n,,.',.-lf I alto hare full acd eortipUte etok of vrhool ixukt. Latluurjr an4 (-bulotiapb Aluuiat. KEU CLOUD. - - .NKIl- Singer Sewing Machine: - SOLD nr- J. S. NOImIs, Red Cloud. - - Nebraska. THK IUT MACIUNK IN tK All kind, of Itrpirr. on baud COMK A NO HKK MK V 0,wlef, ivihh m&r ' w - w ,mmEtt?i-m Morlot I1IUIIUI. v PtVIK ? V ...&. ' . Lwa.4 j. ji. ga h'itttt;, jul Km or L; V 1IVYJ W'-l saa.'jsfe:.! bTBmV, j-V" - -. .Sfef553Ey - --m- M, imiia k P Always on Hahd WKbAji m-zw-- -l IU . .? 5 rS .SaaS lltrTTBBBBBm t -.-3av5jaaaaaM av ! ij--2t r--atasaav tjr M W&&M-&h a ss--2 vcmv- mz ca.m paid fou FATtwrrLi; mxe. iiri.Tit. ima.Ao. Moshcrs old Stand - Red Cloud, Neb. yjM1 J .'' Wrgaaammjaiaia) dp) 1882 FUNK, county spnnii liberally to tins most prawwor thy objoct, and exhibit thereby a gen erous rivalry with the older aud richer states of our glorious union. W. L. lKAnoDV Jxo. W. Rawlins, Chairm-" - ? f I?" v Onm '.' jaau. '-r -'3fcaT ftlaVA it coal at Tlatt & Frees. superior quality of bread, go bakery of C. E. Tvrsix NpimdeUvcr3 liread to all parts f,i?Atjrioity. . . SL'r:.i:.'Aae aaaaiiwiia " Hy - 'a.X. Patnm 48 tne piaco w get peaches ana appies. -"- "" . a Od'$W C. JB. putnams ior your geoda. ) canto pack at J. IK ' -iTaWi:- -M a-CJT ..?- ,:? v .r 'M 7a ft- . aaww- . , tCmAl -Butter TTeibe: and Ashtoi) . rj 'f -javaui aaaaaer. .ueeai inMovv ''' -.-.- ' t . aWS5Pi-XZ AS-tf A' - aaKaHk iBBMBafKaBaT iBaK Bnej. m r- .-.-'i . daUBBBa- afc DlcXiaeOK. STLl V iceachjng f' ?f rvltli. Um Baptist a-atvO .Yeieer.paator a &&&&?&; excepung 1Um-mgmm wnea ,lUlj5!a.JJ "- Union SMtn ttl2 o'clock. ityiHH uccr Sept. tpi fawn jaafwer- ww ono beins Diella's comet oflS46, which .--Y.-"-"7' separatcil into two parts. Apali"'-i, - jj, t, 1 v-rC. fl ."H-1. SVoi t umaha, Oct. 16th 1SS2. Bv v Tious nnvu bccnmutle on Mr. II. II. the i Warner by parties who have noted theso cometary otrshools, claiming the $21K) prize for each ono of them. Whether theqreat.onict will continue to produce a brood of smaller comets remains foberstscn. BlocJiin'gtox, Neb., Oct.. 12. 'S2. List of patents on file in this office whiclr patents may be had by enclos ing Receiver's Final Receipt with full mime endowed thereon, viz Fred Huppert, Andrew K. Haas, Isaih T. Irwin, Abraham Kale". II. II. Most cttr, Conielius Van Horn. Very re spectfully S. W. Switzer, Register. i HE DECLINES. To the Editor of tho Caixr. Your issue of last week contains my name as a nominee for representative of the 41t district. While I would not deny or attempt to conceal the firct that I should deem a scat in tho legis lature a very high honor, especially if conferred by a constituency so enter-, prising, moral and intelligent ae the citizens of Webster and Franklin coun ties, aro known to be, I am constrain ed to decline the nomination, with thaiiks to the unkuown friends that presented ray name and to the con vention that honored it. I was" named in this county as a candidate or the republican nomina tion for representative for the 40th district; another man was nominated fairly. Now should I accept the nomi nation tendered by a competing party, no protestations On my part would remove the impression that I was un duly sensative in defeat or very eager for au office. Further; since tho act ion above referred to, I have so arrang ed my affairs that it would be impos sible for me to make a canvas of the district, and extremely difficult for me to attend the session of the legislature if elected. My sympathies aud my interests are with farmers and laboring men m tats atrvuxjiev Alt 1 have v tn- reeted m fanning enterprisca; J hope. eeueral ateeibbly. it will be for the benefit and relief of the men whose in diuCry has transformed 1 1 rom a des ert t"a fruitrul reiefC dotted over wkk happy hoiae. flbewedtkk be the irtuo of iiithority conferred upon me bv the board of commissioners for the suite of Nebraska of the National Ba zaar Industrial and Art Exposition, for tho benefit of the Garfield monument fund, to be held in Washington next month, I hereby appoint the postmas ter at the county seat of each county in the state as" local agent, and com missions to such appointees will be sent from Washington. In the meantime, as but few days aro left for prepcration, these agents will please commence work at once, on learning of this appointment and receipt of circulars. Arrangements aro being perfected whereby local agents will ct in aid of such farmers es may have grain or other products which they desiro con verted into money at the various sta tions, the funds to le forwarded to the state board at Omaha. A cause so noble and worthy must not suffer for want of willing hands to work for it, in young, prosperous Ne braska. 0. S. Chase, President State Board. R. W. Breckenoidge, Secretary. THE FLEEING OUTLAWS. THEY ARE STIIX AT LARGE WITH TOSSES OF MEN IN KKOST OP THEM, BEHIND THEM, AND OX EACH SIDE OF THEM. Xeanska Stat Jsarsal Oct. SX. The news from the Minden murders is very meagre, in fact we have hardly anything fresh to communicate on the subject. It is feared the niurde-s have gained the country where they 'rill tiud friends, and bo assisted in making good their escape out of the settled portion of Kansas. It Rectus incred ible tliat they could travel through a fairly settled country, with men in close pursuit, and yet manage to make their way to the uninbabit5d portions of northwestern Kansas. Large posses of men accustomed to the prairies, have been.on their trail and in frost of whoever may pronounce the" wllrruhera since last Tuesday morning, and Webster and franklin in the aext as yc--4a-.e been unable to overtake tbim. The latest from T--r-TaMajai Alexander was received by the gOTerft- or yesieraay a-aoraiBg, an sawea EsBora, innrsday evening; aac started witfe ee. 1 imvt rasultXaai satUftaa.Ifmot, the' mea that he m reanaar forth aeuUt .kn kttinw - "-" - will laaaarlalArcebodr ofweu frootjne tfcougk U&pimmd i4h bl to intercept. Hr COMMISSIONED' PROCEEDINGS' Red Cloud. Neb.. Oct. 9. 18S2. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Isaac May, cb'n; Ilugb Steven son, John K. Smith, comr's; John P. Bayha, comity clerk. Claim of L. C. Olmstend. road over seer It. D. No. 4, for the sum of $S8 10 for material on bridge, audited and allowed and warraut drawn on rond fund for the amount. County treasurer now presented his books, accounts and statements duly tiled, to the board of county commis sioners for "affitoiiv.pp- the anrn. "..i . ':.tri; ?. I -,40""".--iii suiiieiiicub i i.n uiiu, nam board began their examination at once and continued through the day. Adjourned to Tuesday. Oct. 10, 1882. J. 1. Bavua, Clerk. Red Cloud, Neb., Oct. 10, 1882. Board met puruaut to adjournment. Isaac May, ch'n; Hugh Stevenson, John E. Smith, county commissioners; J. P. Itaha. county clerk. Boanl county commissioners contin ued their examination of the Co. Treasurer's books, accounts and state ments finding them so far all correct. Adjourned to Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1852. Bed Cloud, Neb., Oct. 11. 1882. Board of county comr's met pursuant to adjournment. Isaac May, ch'n; Hugh Stevenson, John E. Smith, county corars; J. P. Bayba, clerk. Claim of J. P. Bay ha, county clerk, for postage, c, $17 82, was audited aud allowed and warrant to be drawn on Co. Gen. Fund for amount. Claim of Jones & Magee Lumber Co. iWr bridge material for $95 60, was attiMlcd and allowed and ordered war raat to be drawn on county road fund for amount. ' . Board of county, comr's continued their examination of the county Treas urer's books, accounts, and statements finding them so far all correct. J. I. Bayha, couaty clerk, now pre sented his report of lees collected and disbursed tor the quarter ending; Sep tember, 30. A. D. 1882, which was daly examined aad approved by tee board as follows, to-wit: Red Cloud, Sept. SO, 1882. To the Hon. Board of comity cora misaioaers, Webster coaaty. Neb. 1 most respectfully submit to yon a report of fees collected by me as Clerk of Webster county. Nebraska, for the quarter ending Sept. SO, A. D. 1882, as follows." to-wiu 331 chattel mortgages Rec'd, 966 20 84 05 97 60 11 00 Land OfJco at ''!ooralr.con NV. Oet. 10 l!"S2. Xoti?e i herobr clren tint the f IIo fnr nameil r.r'tler lit. filrrf notire of hit Int-ntian to make Cnal --roof In fupjxirtitf hij claim, aa-l that Mid pno will he mild bernro lerk of Iitrict nnrt WeKter Coua'r Neb., en Bmr uar or. lSih. ISSJ. vik , i'atliarii-e Kee.1. InruK-rlr I'athar'ne Itemr. IPd en'.ry No il7 for the ;. 17. tnwn to ranee Uw. aIle rtarnr the foilortnr witDee o prove hi eontirurvH refiience upon anl cultiratior. of aid lan-t. tt- Aiicii'tn 1VV H-illincraln. Elwanl Metlf. Tbomat J. Wrifht. llrarj C Ssott. all Uled Ona-I, Neb. 1 15l S. W. 5W rZER. Ket liter. 62 nortcazes. 99 .deeds, 11 pateats, 13 astngBM't msortgages, 15 Telease aertrafes, 9 final reeeipt, 3 et'fc ef parcaase, saeekaaies liees, 9 kills f sale. toads for deeds. etna whbi TSMava4 ra-LbAt, a aataaaaBBkaaamak.aki &&& .arcs wvfim, v 3::r:rautract 1 lease. s l seaselfcsaaleyt; 1 aaMataBABBL .... .4 1 Sa-tkkeflacsrMrsiss 19 44T 450 150 455 7 JO 3 10 99 75 75 . 109 -ra Land offlce at Blosmfr.itont Neb. Sept 11 K Notice ii hrrebr ilren that the folioIn- namtd n ttler bai Sle notJ f hit intention t j tnakeflnal prnof in sapi-ort if hit claim and that ai proof trill be ujIb btfr Clerk of the DUtrict Coon Wcbter onntf at Had Cloud Neb. oa 3a.ardT o-t. 2S. 12, Tj. William II. Pefrr. I I'd entry 4163: for the teV ec.U town 2n raag 1wet. Ileaime the folloaioc itoefe to proe nlrWiKtrflSuU. feiuki3eon. Ch-I 3Si tirationofnaid land t!x: Cbarleo N. Ourner. William l!oliwortb:iIenrr Maarir aad John Me Unilkta. all of lied CMud. 8 rJ. VT. SWITZKR. Regiiter. AUCTION Every Monday Wednesday, and Saturday, AT COST, Between Times! AT J. W. Sherwood's. 188. 5P Aiinfii n ?, HiunorAnrERs for AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RTSP OT-OTTD. " NKHUASTCA. tMaaWaBaWMalBBiHBaMBBjaajaaBa-B-B-pja- PERFECTION ta ROASTING l CAKIKG U a47 atayWl Vy e-j CHARTER OAK- STOVES nd RANGES GAUZESaSlrsaf OVEN SfjSiH DOORS Wl-L aw 'i i iiiiwn " ' i 1 1" ii tf a-aawrfferrwwWPi 4. SaaaVaBaHsawaw aVIjHaffiaaWaaCaf I Bfaaa4am. LandOEeeat Dloooiinxton Ne'-. Sep. 20. tC Notice is herehr airen th: the follnwing ease I aettler has filed notice of hi intentinn to make final proof ia mr-port of ti el aim and te care final entry thereof before Clera of Cfcirt in V eb?ler county Neb. at h ofiee in Ked Cload Neb, on Set irdar October ."j. 1SU rlc Kraak CocbralL H'd eatry No. 3ZJ3 for n f . 2 toa in rasae lOw. He career the fof.owir.a- wltnwj e to rrova bi eontiaaoai reidaee arton, and coHirationofMid l.-tad. rit: (It-tree tV. Ball. Kriibie N. Kiciardan. Chriitopr.er C. Cox aad John B. Wright, all f Itet rioi4. Neb. no-S. S. W.SWITZLR. llecuter. LaaJOScaat BIocTaiacionNeb.Stpt.n. 12, Notice is hereby riren tbat fie Wlowinc nacied etUer ha filed notie of hi intention to make final prof in support ot li cUiro. ac-i tbat raid proof will lx tnvle Wore Clerk of Diitrici Court Vebiter County Neb oa Saturday Oct. 25 th 1WS Tit.- Jaxeji Bsrwxa. Hoaeftead entry Na. 3T?3 for tit re qr c IS wn In rat Re Mr. He xixtr.r tri followier witcec to rrore hi ronnnnoat r4idra upon nd caUiratJoa of aaid lan-I. rit: E'roy Pettera. Albert C. S-milb. John AfeCor. Niebo- l-. Yeatea ail of Welti. ao-i 3. W. SWIT2ER, Retes.r. LaadOSceatBloomiBfton.Neh.SeH. 21. 1M2. Notice i hereby rzn tbat the fellowinc aarsed rettler ban alt-t notice of hi trteation to make anal proof in rapport ef biirJaircaad Mccre final entry thereol. prw.f to t rc&.Ie bj tore Clerk of the IH'tji.t .Vurt tf U'tfctr ccttaty, at bl omec ia K4 Closd Nt, oa Stsrday OeU 2, 1VK. Tic Ibemat K. Hors. Tl'd eatry No- 7-VO lor tba nw1 r. 2 town ia react 9 et llcraaw tueavolicwiaj witaefMf te i rote hi eoatinaow rwtdrsa tpon aad caltiratioa of taid laad rit. Jiseik. Apu bsxKer. Ueary Sisettoa, John :bltoaisd Wil liam abater, alt ef Uctde Kk Nab. Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight nau per era annual tnlrrtM, Call at the Bank and leave your applicatirn. S-40tf. FAZili '82, A. S. Marsh, "wr Has now Opened His Fall ocock of Goods, Consisting ot Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks, Dolmans .ISTD SHAWLS 1 Clothing, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Furnisliing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. "Will ITou Come? OjSTE PEICE AJSTD .JTJST A. S LOW A,S M02ST EY fiAT" BUY TJELE GOODS I YOURS, A.S.M. j , THE UUBBEOUU WAGO If. Wanted Fcr Gea. Dodo's new book, r-THBXZ T2JLRS AMOWQ INDIANS la9&r4eaGeaiW.-&Sansa. C atiats aaaf ilmlimTi nr rt rfr - -1- --'r nn air, taanCag aeewtaaa aad mxatag tiaatWaaaa ' TT vm BVIT UBV rw. ll mm mwm w OUR WILD Graat Waac SfleaW.gy tSaaaratad antk Saeat yata.FeErra-riaw4SgyeTrkri.iiiM TJtt-M-taah rutraikUiera catara. Haa rtceieeat Sa ri -""-T- ' - --- -- kar ii mi Gtm. Gem wrdear "Tlw Baat lnah 7 Per Cent. Money to Lean! Money to prove np -with on final re-j ceipt, or on decdetl land at 7 Jt ccnt and 1-ftl er cent. commiia. or at. 22 m straight 9 per cent, no coinnion. j IHJ. Jk. H 4bUUUJk. Office next door to Chief ofice. 30ft mi .M. Wfley.ac Gem. Craet wrdear "Tm I rroetiertifeertT iiHa.- tbA ant "A aaaes awaaaa po -l rLt. m,m r ..At a-'.t ..mA rlemm raJse." keeSLea! amadcriaai aalataaUa3a.' fmraaSa Ma a msaaKvaata U far aaewrW Luil nu fbiilinff ra rti tmT im" tteC Jmkr amwmrltiMBTimumjm Ttmlmm Ctaraya atlia.1 939 AUXaBaVa? aa n mmaar efaSaa-t Th Bswt Thlna Out. The Gasoline Store for sale bj 3(itcaU aVHorhart is the bct thlnj; io copkinsaad baking: in hot aeatber that has ever seen invenied. Saves fael, savas tiaie and doas sat heat up tbe.rctosa. Warraated to fee sale and noB-explosive. Call at Moraart's aariware 47-tf ajsjjlr aad taaaaaar aamamaami mmaar wataaraaatsy aVaaaavav saaaaaaHSasraF UaaawBabal aaaaVaaV ta1EaM flatCflKat raai wiJaayj 'aa Saaaaai Taeam. aaa SaV mma iJmViM2" aVSa. KaiwSjieia. .avssaaaaa Bat wa feiea ewr ay KjaCIBflEaalaUXaSaSfl tU m i i MaVMSjLyi"J Jf I i ill n n ' ar-.'-i-wa-- jat.-, JeaSaaaataTaPaPJrsi 7J!J,'f.a K 3aV mimmW&TdM&k CtPfiaaawleaaHaHaaaaaaai IW T" r r-! VjUrft&r"XB.,mm tawLLaalaaaaaaafc- Sfc J"rL' t" ,JFJHFjmW tjaaaaaJieBwtaJ-r u. . J SaWata--aPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPa 1 S " ' - J -IT a?iaJKaamaawwVf t r 0 ae awaaRa mBm bbVBB& "Si g "Iiaa " '1 ?3BfcJtMtSalBaJaflaT "a,rfS' rS VB BasBar aSam avJ aS. mtmrrxamrmm mr Tm WINONA WAGON CO., T7X2T02TA, 2SS2T.2T. Otir "Wa;on MtniMl.H on itx own 3Tsrit' . Tj i 31 5?l t,-' i. . -- feNv-.?- wrrec -a -.SSr b.'v- .- ?-,-, -i.T if l-Xt? mi r- . i" v .'. '.. . .. -z. i. tu1 it tsl ssr.5&; . rf 5,'fc Vs "'". 41 '-. : ia.-.. tJ 5 - " 3-2S-,, -. i- t -' Ss . la LJJL 1&2 mzam Bf.-'WiaBBBBBamDE tzr - . .T .. . "- ' 5g'X2:ft. -. f;ieitii.-5ia8t? - .'fm- v -.!-, wi a:cct."'i. 'evr;:': yTar. i