-r-,r- . '. ,.' JZT5aBBBBBBaaiM'J- .1 ! iLww.-.iBJiniiwia .h.uliji mi r . UjEjEjBaX -'' ' r;" " " "' 7r'w '"-" 'iV NiwrwrrmTiwfii m4'T ,'.' .Q J,.. IT, r "" JftgSJ' --" --&&- l S i. - - - -n Hi I B-tl-l , I MIR IBFIWW - T.-T 1 I" I l "HI, , l.l !-!.. TTT. 1WMglMrfW.MlMqap!ff"W' - ' UkSI aa. && "I lsf& , , , , : . vi m R i J ta. XX. ZLIS WJ2j, .1 AGF2CT t RUM in DTBRB WW -QUA These mil! are both solid Wheel, standard milis-fully warranted first-cla in even respect. Also furnishes first-class &ETALIC PUMPS. IlEFrnRxcE Mitchell & Morluirt, Rcl Cloud. Ed. Gifibrd, Cowles. or ad dress, WM. II. HOWE, . 5-3m Cowla, Neb. Iffr 1 TRAVEL ONL Burl. & Mo. RivfttUr- road, BURLHTGT01T ROUTE TOR ALL JOINTS East And West. Daily Express trains aro now run to Chicago, OMahn ad Dra wer. LINCOLN. AMI VKTKKKS Kansas City, Atchison and DENVER. e EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY DAILY Omaha and Lincoln- All Through trains am equipped with new and elegant mum riumciii Day conches and baggago and ciT1 Cant or the latest designs. THROUGH TICKET8 AT LOWEST Aro on sale at all principal stations, where passengers can obtain informa tion as to routes, rates and connect ions, and can secure sleeping car ac comodations. QUICK TIME, 8UKE CONNECTIONS, NO DELAYS, As trains run to and from Union de pots at all principal points. P. S. EUSTIS, Oea'lT'k'tXyt.. OMAHA KEB. SUES 6U&E FOE BTSPSPSIA, - BALLARD'S Vegetable Mead. Jsanufactored aai far eale lr M 8. lUlUnl RED CI.OUD.NKDUASRA. A cool refreshing mramer drink, warranted, purely TecetaLle. Uanpla bottle on trial. -15 m -S. W. SEELY, DKAI.KU IS Choice Family Groceries, JSTEAS, COFFEES. CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO. CIGARS, BREAD. - CAKES, PIES, FLOUlt, MEAL, Ac, Fruit a Specialty. Butter and eggs taken in exchange. Patronage solicited. Two doors north Smith Dro.'s Bunk. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. 3 Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DKAt.EKM IS LUMBER, Building Material AND COAL. I K. AULTZ -DEALER IX Circerleff, ChrrcnI 4b, Cigar. Tobacco, - Fiaie CoaircctioBierjr, FlBur. 1ce, &c Pnro Applo Cider always on Tap. Eijaset Caf)i Prise Paid ftr BatUr aai Iff. Country produce bought and sold. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. -af PIONEER -)o(- MA THEWS C- 1IASXERS, ? hop let doar wait of Webstar Coaaty Baak. BID CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, )axd( HCair Cutting in the highest style of the Tonsorial Art. COJS AND GET A CLEAN SHAE. - - ,- , P. H. O'Connor, Wboleaale aai BaUtt Dealer i up, vms t cms. Also, Sample Room fur the accom modation of the public. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. P- Picture Gallery, BED CLOUD, IfEB. -Sacnrctatiiinrerstas ' AU,Uit)fplctHiwdcamraWst .SeacUoa gwanuttew. 4$-tf M- BUJfcniJirB:. HMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fe -'-gij' .-M&L d&&k'& ajajaaBjEJl BaarsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsw ' aaaTsTsiBaaifi -" V2T gsyBaaS&saaaaaaTJBaBrsTsTsTsTsTs EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 'avEti flKfeJffiLlaKHBJlEEEEEEEEEfl THE KEB 0't.imi F.A.8WKEZY, 4tter7tLov. Bank. SWFSOir t SWEEZ7V BLUE HILL, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A Omml Saaklas Batlaaat. TrvmeUi. EfeialCara gi.a to CllatleKa. farm Loaat at Low Rataa. Hhoot Bead! Boafkt aaa Moll OORRWr05DK5TB: KematM Rratkan rtaakan. H York Citn Bank. Oaaba VaWaaka. J. E. bm, Prw'ilMNat. KaatriMBea. B. 0. Baits. OMB'lrlttlfat.Bask Batrie Jlsk. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKERS, MED CLOUD, NB., Trasaaata taaaral Waklaa aulMaa. hmy 4 Mil eantf warraati. Uo Ceaatr. Fraciaat aai ttahool DlHriet Boa la. " . MccntUta (am BortaM.W7 a4 aaU If lm Kaobaata. 4VKpMlaf attaatlaa g iras ta aotlasUaaa. JaraaBucaar-ltt Bat. Back. Va Tartu a Hat. Baak. Oawka. BMITHBROa L. P. Ai.rrioht, JL T. Bmrnsr, President. Cashier. yok x. - I i I 's- -2 d ! DIUC niii 3Fssp era Bin, BETTLOUD, NEB. Moxrr To Ix)AK on Real Estate. Buy and sell Exchange and do a general Banking business. bkpkrmcbb: sar k A tktaa. Baaka -a. York: Tark OaMty Bank. Tark. Famer. A Xarekaata Baak. Yarkt UaiosBaUawU Baak. Chleasat Maria Brae. aaatar m Oa. itlaeaia. W. II. Sraoaa, O. E. MoKssit Attorneys At Law, red cloud, - - neb. Jfajr fea eoatu1t4 ia Kacliik or Garaaa. Collaetioaa will recaira prompt attantioa. OFPICE-1 Joorweitof Stale laak or Rad Cloud. 0. C. Cats. Jas. McMaar. Case & McNeny, A TTORBXY8 AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Will r-raetlra in all tba Conrtf of Oili Htato aai Northf rn Kanae. Colleclion aa wall lltlfa tad business car-lally aadeBriciitlr aUtadadta. Orricr:- Ob Webatar Btratt. una door aortk ofUarber'eBtoie, KKD CLOUD. NKB. J. S. GILHAM, A TT0K.NKV AKD CODSSELOR AT LAW. Office one door north of Kulry llro. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA: Edwin C. Hawley, A TTOBNBY C0UM8BI.0B AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland'a store. fiED CLOUS, VXB. Laird & Smith, attorneys and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will rractica in all tka Covrti of tka Stata. Prompt attantioa tivaa to all kadaaaa eatnuted to kia ears. lalyl-i J. L.Kit it. filoomlBctoa. Naaraaka. C. W. K vrt. Raaaoad.Nak. KALEY BROS., A TTOBBBT8 AT LAW a REAL BSTATB AHEKTR. Will praetlra ta all tka Coart la Xekruka and Bortbfira Kaaa: eolleetinai imaipU at tended to aad arre rondeaee Mlicited. SSS CLOTO, Kslntxi. Alto. Aceats For B. A MVB. B. Leade. M Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENDENTIST. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DR. C. SCHEN CK, Physician L Surgeon, COWLES, NEBRASKA. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Cowles. 8-51 Paints, 9 COOK'S Oils, RED 'Glass, CLOUD Notions, DRUG Wall Paper, STORE. &e etc SPECIAL BARGAINS I at the Store of F.MEWHOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )( A large stock of German town Wool, Zephyrs and Stocking Yarn, always on hand. SUMMER DREsTgOODS, LAWN8 AND PERCALES IN GREAT VARIETY. TOYS for the Chtldrea and Every thing else yon need, at NKWHOUSrS Store. MISS LYDE HALE, "ST SIB aaUJaaafafafarfrsi sbTsbbbbbbbT sseTafafafaaW aaafaafa. , , .aafflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsT. T JT. V ,. ' ' J". T"" . T , -,- asswaaa. r BaaBfaVaBefafaBalaar aawaaiBfaBBBaaBBSSSBBk wasaaa .aaMaalkWBV i " . - .w , m ... BBvaaaaaaeaaBBW bbbw. 4 m. - jr u.-w r & - - - - - - - '.?: -- 1"W9BeaaBBTCfBBaBBBsBBVsYsBBl BaTaa aaBaTBBBB aTaTaBaTaTaW sash isc Ja aaam vovwm, waaew amejev aaV-Taa ' vSBssassU ---.c,.5'v TTflaaaa wasssisi aassa - " ' BUTTKicrsiwnir, $mm?& m&WggL-- igp- fur'. urn , ijijilV JJET: 1 -PATHsUfS. !' saav - v - nKaiasa-W - , , :faKK:aaaaaaMKI gBaaW iij' ., ,. ' ,BBaBaBBBafrW.sassaslssayy I "-"irrERNAl. VIGILANCE IS RED CLOUD, WKBSTERCOUNTYVMftBBASKA. FRIDAY. OCTOBRR. 13. 1SS2. THE CHIEF. D.LUTZ, EDITOR. FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 13,1882. Stat pu Wln Tlfct. F.r (JorenMr. JAMES W.DAWBH . Bailee: For Lieatesaat Ooferaort A. W. AOEK. Daailtea. ForHecretarv ofStaU, X. P. BOGOEN Laaeaater. For TreaJBtar , ; LOIlA! CLARK '. BaaaM. For Aailtor. JOHN WALLICII3 . Jlall. FarCowmlnlooer ofPab. Laaii aai Baildinga A. Q. KENDALL UowaH For Attorsty Oeweral, ISAAC POWKRS Dakota, For Superintendent Pablie laatraetioa. W. W. W. JONES Iaeatar ForRneatoftbo Uairertltr. C. U. OBUi: -. Laacaitar. Rpublloarn County Tiokwt. . For Rapreeentatlra. R. D. RANNY Oak Creek. ForCnmmiaeloner. 24 DUtricL J- L. MILLER Bed Claai Rapubllcan Snatrlal Tiokwt. Far State Seaatar 2U Dirtriet. JO9BFH0ARBER Red CToad. riwt RwprMantatlv. Far Float RepmeaUtire, 41at Dietriet. C. C. CUAPIN BlvcrUa. Farmers' Alllanea Tlokat. For RepreeenUUre, JOHN DRENZET, Red aoad. For CommUeioner, 24 Dbtrkt. C. C. COON...-.. ...-.OarSeld For Senator 23d Die trict. M0SB3 WILSON Qlenwood For Float IUprejcaUUve 41it Diet. A2kOS DEAN Frar.klin Co. Democratic County Ticket. For Representative. B. fl.PROUDFIT t. QalJa Rock. For CommUiioner 24 Dutrlet, FRANK BUH1IOW Blaa Hill For State Seaator 234 District. V Vl vAHCMaMMeMM4 MOMMMNNMMtlRlll UlOeKaU For Float ReprcesoUtira Hit Dirtriet FRED LOHFF. ..Uivcrton THE PLATFORM. Resolvo!, that the republicans of Ne braska in convention assembled, stjiml py the fundnmental principles of the republican party as unuueiated in an unbroken lino of national and statu fdatforms, the chief of which are free abor; free speech; the right of every qualified citizen to vote once at every election and have that vote counted under the restrictions of just and equi table election laws; free, non-sectarian schools; sound currency on a specie basis, under national control; tho rais ing of national revenues by taxation of luxuries and articles of consumption not essential to the comfort aud well lrcingofthc people and from a tariff on imports so adjusted as to protect home labor and the investment of cap ital in homo industries; and legislative control of corporations. Resolved, that we uphold and main tain the enforcement by well consid ered legislation of the clauso in our state organic law that prohibits its un just discriminations and extortions by railroad corporations, while recogni zing the importance of fostering and protecting them as necessary factors in our progress and prosperity; and that wc trust to the honesty and cour agoof the people, in their political ca-J pacity, to repel encroachments of cor- norate power upon the rights and priv ilegcs of citizens on the one hand, and, on the other, to deal justly and fairly with all property interests under what ever name or form, without unjust dis crimination or extortion in the matter of levying taxes, or regulating prices of commodities or charges for services. Resolved, that the policy of the state board of lands and buildings, favoring the leasing for terms of years, of our school, university aud agricultural col lege lands, at a fair rental, in prefer ence to selling the same, under the op tion given by law, meets with our ap proval, as the best possible means of preserving the heritage of our children and providing regular and ever incrcaa- ing revenues lor eoucauonai purposes, CAMPAIGN IX 2D CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT , The Republican Central Committee have arraored the following appoint ments for republican speakers ia the secona congressional atsincc: The Hon. James Laird, candidate for congress, will address tho dtisem at 2 P, H. and 7:30r. M. At Seward October th. at 7:30 p. K. At Ulysses, October 10th, at 7:30 p. x. At David City, October 10th, at 7:30 P.M. At Rising. October Uth, at 2 p. m. At Osceola, October Iltb, at 7:J0 P. M. -At Aurora, October 13th, at 7:S0 FJf. At York, October 13th, at 7:30 P. M At wuoer uctober ,I4tn, at 7:30 r x. At Friendtille October 14th, at 7:30 p.x At Geneva, October lttav,at 2 p. aa. At Fairmont, October Mta, at 7:30 p, m. At day Ceatre, Octoaar 17ta, at S p. At Edgar, October 17th. at 7 30 n, at. At Fairbury, October lata, at 7 30 p. At Alexandria, October 19tia, atS p. . HI. v At Hebron, October lkXh, at 7 XTp. AtxiweaejeurxotawBM, at z.a. aa. At aneM-. Oetaaer BBta. atTBBav U .-- At J. . r- . aaaasSKi-asasT aW aasw aaSMsaMaalMA af tTinHMmii yiTi T r --- sw - --- aaa -: akr ' ..T.-;.'j-t. .. tea, . JL . - - - aajaj aaai - ' m 1 - - t . . ' - - ? -i - --mmm- p ir rtHwnH.Hvw, m m i p k- mmmm- ir-. a.WJtalaTsrsaaaa.aaataal aaat BsaaaW'1. BBBBsS tJEaaaaa aBawaaam a9saa Aaaaft faaaaaaw ' "aPVfJ-aBaam ..VaaitBasVaVtBasBalBsl BaaVEaasBaaaV - ,, i.nin X-elT-iaii-.'sr -:-" AiJF?.pa - - fasBBawaiaaTBaBaaBaBaaaBaWafaaBshl . ----- jam wyo- THE PRICE OF LIBERTY,' will accompany Mr. Laird and add the people on etch occasion; aud At Rirerton, October 23d, at at 2 m. At Bloominrton October 23d, at 7 20. p. m. At Alma, October 24th, at 2 p. m. At Orleaiu, October 24th, at 7 20 p. m. At Arapahoe, October 25th, at I p m. At Bearer City, October 2ith, at 7 -! 30 p.m. N At Indtanola. Oct. 2ft th, at 2 p ni. At McCook, Oct. 26th at 7 20 p. m. At Culbertson, Oct. 27th at 3 30 p. m. At Phelps Centre, Oct. 2Stb at 3 20 p. m. At Mindcn. Oct. 30th at 3 30 p. m. Hon. O. W. Collins, Hon. G. M. Larnbertsnn, Ceti. George S. Smith, and other ominent speakers will ac company Mr. Laird and address the people, Local committcs will please seenre suitable halls for the speakers, and Ke that the meetings are thoroughly, ad vertised in their respective localities. Appointments for other speakers will be announced in the future. Papers in district pleae copy. Geo. W. E. Dorsey, Chairman State Central Committee. J. B. McDowell, Chairman Second Cong. Central Committee. A VERY OLD SETTLER who was nous- is xeijraska in l.HII. Wo believe Judgo Kinney, of Ne braska City, lays claim to bting tho father of the first white child born in Nebraska. Tho Judge's son, if our memory serves u right, was lorn in Omaha Bellevuc, in 1854. But here comes another boy (?) who lays it over Mr. Kinney's son just ten years, hav ing first seen the light of day on the Pawnee rcsrvation in Nebraska, No vember 12, 1844; The old se!tlcr is now a resident of St. Joseph. Mu., and is very lonesome, ami desires to know if there nre any soldiers who fought for the union, who were born in Nubraskn. Wc herewith publish this letter in full, but we hardly think he will find the man he is looking for: Sr. Joskimi, fo., Oct. 2, 18S2. Hon. Secretary of Stale, Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Sir: Have you knowl edge of any person born in Nebraska, that wos a soldier in the army of tho union, during the war of 1861 to 1S6.7 I would be very glad to know ofeany others besides myself. I was born in Nebraska November 12, LSI I, my father at the time being a government blacksmith for the Pawneo Indians. Mv father was born at Lavaltric, Can ada, and my mother in G.illia county, Ohio. I enlisted August 27. 1803, ns" a private, in Co., G. Fifteenth Kniibas cavalry, and was discharged therefrom asrirst sergoant, Oc4olwr 10, l&eV. X havo lived in St. Joseph since 1841. V ery respectfully yours, Jxo. Aarxoip. Wc have already alluded to the encomiums passed on the manage ment of the Chief since our ownership of it, and would not havo added this but for tho facts that additional compli ments of a high order, havo found voluntary expression, especially in re lation to our local department, and wc deem it would be injustice to all con cerned, to take to ourselves att the credit, for this success. Providence has been kind in sending to us in the very beginning of our guidance of the paper, so able and faithful a foreman as our Andrew J. Clute, Jr., to whose -1 inventive genius, and skill in his chosen art, the Cuisr's readers are in debted for much of the attraction and interest they find in our columns of our combined old and young efforts, As heretofore intimated, discerning readers will notice a difference in the spirit and vein of articles, and judge of their sourco accordingly. While ourselves are given to much of spirit ual, or religious thought and senti ment and ideas most common to more advanced age. Mr. C, is full of those vivacities, and mirth-provoking quota tions, and originalities, which so aptly amuse and interest our rising and rapidly increasing 4Voung America." Frealamatlan Whereat, a joint resolution was a dopted by tlie Legislature of Nebraska at the sixteenth session thereof, and approved Febuary 36, 1881. proposing an asaendnent to section anc(l)irticle sevea (7). of the Constiteitien of said State, and that said section as amend ed shall read as follows, to-wit: "Sec 1. Every person of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, belong ing to either of the following classes, who shall have resided iif this state six montae, and ia the county, precinct or ward for the term provided by law, hall be an elector: First. Citizens of the United States' Second, Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United states on the subject of naturalisation, at least thirty days prior to an election." Therefore, I, Albinos Nance Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby give notice in aceordanee with section one (1), article fifteea (IS), of the Cont citation and the provejioag of an ac ea titled an Act tepremde the aaanner of proposiag anteadatwats to the Con stitatKMiaod sabmitiag the same to the electors of this otate,"approved Feb. 13, 1877, that said proposed a aaeadtaaat will be seibwiUea to the aalified voters of this State for ratifi cation or rejectiea atuhe general elec tkm to be held 00 taa?th day of No vember. 1883. Ia Witness Waetjef, laereaato-set astaaal rnati to aeantxeel the atai.sWaia aaaaaatLaV itla taaa Ja ef Jalj-a. as w- GlOUD 1D $LSO A YEAR IS THE THE COMET. Nashville, Txx.Oct. 5. Tliia morn- ' ing at 4.-30 Mr. Barnard dUcorered that the nucleus in the Crul comet had the separated into three fragments, largest eti mated at 1S.OCO miles in length. The space between the frag ments of the nucleus is estimated at 2.000 mile. Ycaterday raorning Mr. Barnard observed thai the nucleus had assumed the form of a Iog strip, not lav than 24,000 miles in length and 3,000 in breadth. Cincinnati, Oct. 5. Professor Wil son, of the Cincinnati olrralory. cor roborates the statement coming from Nashville of the separation of the nuc leus of the comet into three fragments. His statement of their aire, in part, agrees with , that made at Nnahtillo. The disturlmnee makes no difTeranco in the appearance of the comet to tho naked eye. DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CON VENTION. The democrats of the 23d senatorial district, held their convention at the court house, on Saturday, Oct. 7, "1882, Judge R. N. Simontou of Nuckolls count as chairman, and Jacob Rosen thal of Webster, as secretary. After the usual proceeding. O. C Cue. of Red Cloud, was unanimously nominat ed for senator. Float convention held at same place. Hon. P. A. Harman of Franklin, as chairman. Mr. Fred Lohfi", of River ton, was nnanimously nominated for float representative. Float representative committee 1683. Franklin, L. H. Thorn; Wobster, Alc.t. Bcutly. Addresses were made by Messrs. O. C. Caso, Hon. F. A. Har mon and Judge Simontou, after which tho convention adjourned. JAron Rosenthal, Scc'y. FRANK JAMES VOLANTARILY SURRENDERS. From an article dated Kansas City, Oct. .', wc gather what follows. At 5 o'clock, p. .v., Oct. 5, at Jefferson City. Mo., the last of tho world-renowned, out-lawcd Jnmei Brothers, Frank sur rendered his arms and person to Gov. Crittenden, with a doubtless confi dence, that in consequence of this movement, and his sworn allegiance to the government, and loyalty to the laws of the land, ho was to be restored to full ritizenahip again. Lot all watch closely the result of this inove inenttjind see what lesson of wisdom maylra gleaned therefrom. " fMrs. MeBridc has removed her stock of millinery goods, and will be found one door south of Rosenthal's clothing store. hsA. S. Marsh has just retumed from Ihc east with a very fine Mock of new goods. S. W. Seelv sells as good bread can be found in this market. as Clething I Clething ! A fine lino of clothing just received, and will lc sold at lottom prices. Call nnd see them at J. G. Potter's. Timber Notick All aro forbidden removing any tiinier or fuel on the farms known as the widow's Ross farms. UwrimKY Smith. 1 largest assortment of millinery tootls to be found in the city, at Mrs. McBride's Go to S. W. Seely's for No. 1 winter wheat flour warranted. v Dressmaking at Mrs. McBride's. prThc ladies are invited to call and I : .1 r-n ,!. .4 1U.1. 1 cxailliuv tut; ncn mil giMro uic icwr ing millinery store one door north of the bank. A Banatlolant Aetien. Thomiserable lyoks and fceling"of those confined at desks or work tables, are caused by weak Stomach, kidneys or lowcls. Parker's Ginger Tonic with out intoxicating has such a bencfictent action on these organs and so cleanses the poisouous matters from the system that rosy checks and good health are soon brought lmek again, Express. Imarasstmentfer Mine and Vasty. There is more strength-restoring ?owcr in a Itottle of Parkers Ginger onic thau in bushel of malt or a gal. of milk. As an appetizer, blood plrifi er and kidney corrector, there is noth ing like it, and invalids consequently find it a wonderful invigorant.fot mind and body. Commercial. $50,000 To Loan un itcal Estate secuntr. at 9 per cent., annual interest, o comma sions, at Tlie Webster County Bank, Red Cloud. 10-tf PQSTwtCO-S t V Emmi r WUUMTE TWE BUT. :- 3 TRouc vnm ucwT. HpBrsBBaBSBBBtaBBBm CJjFHjMpEEES ''VBfAYtf- ir aawaAaTAL - Sfc-asssT?"j wasp. aaavraaz tBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBW'aaaaat aBsassaasawasse. waaaassak. aaaaBBBBaa'' a V V Chief. PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. Immense L. R&UM'S, (P. O. BTJILDING.) n Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing And General Merchandise. BIG BARGAINS, MONEY SAVED I Com and Examine Goods and PJitlCES. I HURRAH!! C.E. PUTNAM! W hcs to announce that be till hanga out at the old eland, and U aclling Groceries the same aa cxrr at THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES, -CONSISTING OF Teas, Sugar, Syrups, Canned Goods, Especially California Goods, Flour, Feed Corn and Oats. You will also find him at the old Stand of 'ROSENTHAL BRO.'S, whr rt you Will find everything in the line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Such as Flour, from California, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, also Green and Dried Fruits. He has now in connec tion with the Grocery Business, A FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Where you will always find a choice line of guwN generally kept 111 a first cln? llnkory. and would ohcit 11 chare of tho public jtrtii!tgr. Thanking you for for past favors and wihing a coniinnnuca of the same aud as mnnv new ones an may Uwor htm With a rail. ST TStOITBIVE TO KHOW 300H no-l YOURS TRULY, 0. E. PUTNAM. LUitT e C C t C5 1 for tb W C fl C H ?i.Leaf for tho MARKET CArTDEflER 3fff?l.i5 Por tho PRIVATE FAMILY OCseaatafQlCrown by ourso!vco sr, nf r. rrrr. twnasaaatae lUaatralr4 CatIea MCetctiAvrx. ttrso v your ui:Mca carhs roa tkaoh i tr. DAVID LA?!0RETH&S0NS,SEEOQP.OWE!,PSi!iDELPH! Louis Cook Manufacturing Co.'s Caxrxag e CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE LARGEST AND MOST FULL CAPACITY I. "the Standard vehicles" Motto ni Tkene Wk l&mhrmmm Brcwestcr, Whitney, Copper and Timpkin Side Bars, and Salidee or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies, Tlie Greatest Varieties of Styles, The Finest Two And Three Spring Fhartorw, The Handsomest Barouches in the Market, Stylwh Carriages, Fonrand fix Passengers, Canopy Top Basket FhaeCOHa, The 'Beet Platform Sprit Waroos, Kail JSed ami Plain Side Wafoas, Open arol Top Surrey Wagon. COOK'3 "STANDARD VEHICLES" are known !! over the woS as If west for the ucast mowkt. Do not tutder any drewmetaneps bay aniil yon have ent for oar circular of styles and aricea. Wholesale tri a SpeciaJty, Rcmcmncr we saate oar owa nee els. every veliicle. I I J -'at 1 atsafsB stsaaaaaT afssaaaV. Baa bbbbbbTsV asafBaat wasT SBaaVSaaaTast arVwaBBBBBBaBaBaBUaPBBBaaaa jeaeas-aaaJ iaBBrRaaaBBfa arf faaaa eHaTt BBBSBBtaafJBBBvlsBBBa' wwBaBaaata awBaVBBs BaaTa BBal VsBwet tsasaat tatsW aOeW fMMf StsTRBBssa-Eaaassff'stC VaTasaBBBBasaV seat yi saaeieisetj. IyereHtaaaeaaaiesMsasasriewiaSBSsaaa.S saa. aVaawwaa lass assas a a nsivaa kv . VF ssrT Pei ae. asa. iva. SBjsV9rSjwavssaaeasMtf I ainiii ay JiaiejaaeaeTB BjssiSlsavXsss as wljjw; j tsa9aWlaBaBJBflBVDse NO. 10. Stock!! 1 I HUKUAU ' I 'PEDIGREESEEOS VM BMaBeBaiaBSaaaBBaieaasBaeaMMeapaaK.taeMieBBieBMtiBaavwtaHM 0 a--.iKWAltrC?.-.-x A HT tssaz 5?i ?-; SEEDS 3 Kwral HnWMf FHTR TO AM- COMPLETE IX THE WORLD. WCRK. THE 8ARVE5 PATENT, aaf warraat "works aassaseaajrsaaiaae,sssaawaa BaawaaaaaaaajBaBTlBaBBBsV BaMsasvassaasssfswaaMaraasim pasjea assssa saasf. ssa afsaassassjesspr. tSSBVssvfMBpeaAeaaaa ' ' i . .m. m m r.w.r Isnasaiesjsrssalsrti e ... -.mm &1 " iaawiisajaaat ilatalv I aaaaaaa-. 1WCewsi" SSH Wala Kfr-. BaTaBaaBBBaaBBBaassb jsacasS e aw- - swaaaassaaajsaswasaasaaawsa,---si sTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTssBarsTsTsTseh --'SkW ' - jrsBsJBBUssaBBassBVsaV'':J - - . t HBBaUsaV kTII Ba.TBif.MSasaaaaaVil 1 laamnsaaflaaamll.UlBaUsfl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - aaBBBaSSBBBBBaaaieTaaBBBBap-wsr ""'yA .. - BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbbIIbbbK'.m. -. BT I aBBfBBBBBBBBBBBtiBBBBBBBB HLS - ( BHsSlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa "' ' j.kjlij&ka& .BjF BTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflsaB "" BBBaM Baar "aBTsBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBasssW r 'aja- . BsBBBtaaiBBBaaaBBBVBBK v- AW - BBSBBBBaBBMSaMaeaaaBW'fBM ""' gf?4EPgj,WBBBBsBay.:sissWsas -m ' -' :Z ' SV ;?:fPBaaaaaaa X ' ' ''-gaBBBBBB"JBW- - fc. '"c- " - " -i ''."" U 'V",S-v w "."? jf ' &.,Jtr,. - - 'ZjBbvsSB9EiC -iSa. 5stif c. i lCfi'V! '""zX -isSlv -iStf " ' iJitlKttttmttU v. - "; - "sJSg jpaaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB J OB-WORK, . aP 't t-e'wi FREE! iBimEsaKuaF. TOVTW aa4 atAHi909 ,Min.W !, i ,.. lj. l f k f . -tV. , .M ! - m. . U ? L M fc. IV ! ViC aHi. a IX ai.. saw -rat It aow saaJa jar Out fmh jr ai aaa a reaanl af aqaa)itVl saornsa. It vu Ust ant aa4e iM has it Beoasjat to ptrfcctlo wWV Rpr -teg aadieakaUft rIp aab? aaki for aaly ar aaU MMst af Ueaai an aaivtriefi tk year for lh HrH lla. It aam tsaaU laesnearr ccof. 1rr Btik k Wad etenr lmlla aa-t h tbe LH1HTKST bstAUJHT. MOST DUaUIILIt AMt bUSV ilXUmCD MICMLMC la U, taarket. Any wlo tsiya Dnwt HtXPM avafcla atarj caamse of Uvo Mo or saUttra k taa karvasi. Williaun DcwjHnc- CHtCACO. HtwAMaTkUaaUfrt. ftf CarttalPfBat aen aj 11 aais efciUfcl essaajfc taat m m 1 r wt4tsaaaa IMa. Seffasirrrrrsaff.f aTtaal r iy paaat aAHHAKraU iwoirr YBUiat. r as ss a-4 sse ea m he sVa ae aei as Is wssva fas easels r- overjoo jrnri a i snasit uasss ces u sa Ui OTA TORPID LIVER. TTT$ HAffl DTL BP SSC-SSSewSaietSrtSS. tZa. . usM la'iaa7''' ajs-eea . a Uassass, m eaaaaaawr- T i k EEEEEEEEEEEEEEES BbBaBBBTaaV -a' A. & BaaaaaaBBBWflEBjBlVS BaaaHaaw t BaBBBaBaaaBaBBBaBrlay BaaBBaBBBaBBBaaBBaV EaatE-ESE,,""EreawA TEfcJ BaaaTaBaaaTeTeTeTsnL f sa aa - sj ' 'vsavsBawa9aasB0iv aataaV.Tt. awaaaaiaaaee-ieaiaiaejeiaa aaasasa rtaaaa WeaatsaaleaBMsal it aaa as ' m BTeeasaassv BTsssv, a. Bw a.. tf VfTB fKe. 7 Wew feweaia ft. Uatta. ' aaarat - ft Ntatts , Baanr atBauaacji aaaesvesa Ossas. ss4 M etoeiws. wHsstee y sa4 laAaeaateaa tttf VsaaMsaaMMPvlb " " AAaBaaaaMaaW sbM aaaBalBBl 0 m asaasaw'Bassl assT TBB asB"a TUTTS PILLS tTsirrowM jaaaBaaaS B flBaTsBHVBBBsBel aaVCvsa aaa BaMstt. BEfl?B,-BBgBw - aaVaaaaaaaaaaaai asaaC aar j :?fl K aafasBaaaastBv aaaaasss sTtssWsBfsawBawtBsy tsWsBassasassssa lsP assssaEBalaW SUll aaaTanswaaTraCSrssTVT: m MaaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSasaaw-r--' " " x l.'Jg-t'sj y . 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