Illinium iiihT ; laJiJBiaUt, J - - -;. ;-.- ',.V Ai ' 3KL. 'atf BBUva, rcBtJ '4 ! c M H. HOWE, xarxt ro FBIBIUI DIBniS WODUtt ThcKR mill lire both solid Wheel, standard mills-fully warranted fir$t-clas in even respect. Also furnishes first-class &ETALIC PUMPS. Rcperenck Mitchell fc Morhart, Red Cloud, Ed. Gifiord, Cnwle. or ad dress, WM. II. HOWE, 5-3m Cowls, Neb. -&&" W J TRAVEL ONLTHTIAJ U Burl. & Mo. RlvVRailr- road, XXOmmA TJIE EURLHTQTONEOUTE fOR AU. rOINTH East And West. Daily Express trains arc now run to Chicago. Omaha aad Dea er. -VIA- LINCOLN. AND inmVEKS Kansas City, Atchison and DENVER. EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY DAILY Omaha and Lincoln, All Through tmins arc equipped '.h"!' t.nw ami Wa it v1 tMtaauaa iiiim mr 0 iu i UUtftXJ flhAUf WH'nlt "f lhn ,I,M- ki nixin her urn Day coaches and bnggago and cxfemiir Cars ol the latest designs. THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES Arc on sale at all principal station, where pajtseiiRcrs can obtain informa tion an to route, rate and connect ions, and can secure sleeping car ac comodations. QUICK TIME, 'SURE CONNECTIONS, - NO DELAYS, As trains run to and from Union dc pots at all principal points. . S. EUSTIS, Gea'ITVt AVt- 4MAHi KED. m CURE FOE 9T.n, - BALLARD'S Vegetable Mead. JfcfaaafactBred aad for sala by M 8. lUllard KED CLOUD. NKnilASKA. A coo refrohlne summer drink, warrnatad. purely Tcible. Haatpla bottle on trial. -45 m -S. W. SEELY, ItKAI.KR IN Choice Family Groceries, :eas, COFFEES. CANNED (500D3, TOBACCO, CKJARS, BREAD. S CAKES, PIES, FIAOUR, MEAL, Ac., Fruit a Specialty. Butter and eggs taken in exchange. Patronage solicited. Two doors north Smith Bro.'s Bank. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. j Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DKAI.KRS IS .LUMBER, Building Material AND COAL. i. K. AULTZ, DKALKR IN Grcrrie8, Cjmiieii 01b, Cigars, Tobacco, Fiae CoarectiOBicrjr, FlBur, alee, &c Pnro Appio Cider always on Tap. EijaMt Cajh Prise Paid fcr BatUr and Iff. Country produco bought and sold. RED CLOUD, . NEBRASKA. -0 PIONEER MA THEWS A IT A XXERS. iip tat doar wait or Webstar Coanty Baak. BBD CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, )axd( Hair Cutting in the highest style of the Tonsorial Art. COJJS AND GET A CLEAN SHAVE. P. H. O'Connor, IVboleaalo aad ReUO Daaler !a wass Miss. J Also, Sample Room for tho accom modation of tho public RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. mapBa Picture Gallery, ED CLOUD, IfEB. um v.i..a T rtrt1 M - All-klnos of pictures taken aad sat- Hfiactioa saaraAtotBL. A4f HIKACALL. Lip ZTmS":, " rifllJaBaB ggSfc-i. i j gl X -y Htw- iA.H" - r W" L '- '"-- y -." - -,. jjjggjjjpjJjjgBjgjigjjggajggjajggjjpjB war- The OL- X. F.A.8WIEZY. Uttoraar at La. Bank. SIHPSOH I SWEEZY, BLUE HILL, WEBSTEE CO., XEB. A Oantral Baaklat Bafloaai Tranaaetad. EaaelalCara tivaa to Collaetloa. fana Loaa at Low Rata. Hhol Jtoaif ikvht aa Hold 00RRCTP05DE5TB: Kosataa Brataan Haakan. 5tw York CHr: Bask. Osaka Kabraaka. J. E.HvtTW. Pra-'tlrtNaL BaaUlaa ftTek. B. 0. BaiVB. . r IK Hat. Baas Baa trie Baa. SMITH BROTHERS, BANKERS, JtKD CLOVD. JTZ8., Traaaaats c? Mllcoant? Hthool DU'' alra?- - JTlJmwn. ffinlown f" .itaklar bulaaaa. key ess mot ft0 Uoaatr. Practsat aad "'irty ym.Uy sea saU far garden, on'u' sopayly )B,awTrB, Oaaa eonditionj iam(L her son alf u row, and - sUiwed JLT. 8HIKKT, brothen a. Caeliier. nieces. HK ajak . Mti lire. runk rluhton: n lunched. nn'1 lynched. clothe. K ihui'Fi uiir KcLnj tfj in ua BED CLOUD, NEB. Moxby To I)AS on Real Estate. Buy and sell Exchange and do a general Banking business. BKf LRKXCMJ Bartr k A tklaa. Baaka . York: Tark Cavaty Bank. Tark. Fanaen' k Mirekaata' Baak, Yorki Uaioft Nalieaai Baak. Ckleage; Maak Bftan. M aakar Oa. Llaeala. Mtf W. II. Braoan. U. E. MoKmbt Attorneys At Law, red cloud, - - neb. Jfay fea eoamltd la Kucltik or Garmaa. ColIaetioBa will receiva ropt atlaaUos. OFFICB-1 JoorwMtof Stata baak of Rad Cloud. '), C.Ciii. Jaa. McNaar. Case 6c McNbny, A 1T0BSXTS AND COUN8UOBS AT LAW. Will rraetlra In all thi Court or tkli Htata a Nortlirm Kansas. Colleetioni at wall lltlga td buine rr-tally aad eScieutljr allcadadta. Orrtca:- Oa WcUtar fitraet. ubo door Bortk of Uarber'ebtore, KKO CLOUD, NK1. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOUNKY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW. Officr one door north ofKalry Bron. RED CLOUD, - NEBRA8KA. Edwin C. Hawley, A TTOBNKT C0UN8BL0B AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland's store. sd cloud, vxb. Laird & Smith, attorneys and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will practlca ia all tka Coarti or tka SUta. Prompt attention giTaa to all baauiaai aatnitad to kia care, ialyl-7 J. L.Kilit. UlooBiiactoa. NakfaakA, C. W. KXtrr, Red Ooad. Ntk. KALEY BROS., ATT0BJIBT8 AT LAW A BBAL K8TATI AOKNTS. Will praetlra Ib all tka Coarta la Xeferuka and Boitkare Kanva: eolleetinni rmspUy at taadad to aad carrtf rondaace aalieitod. IES CLCTO. Kabmxl. Alto. AftBta for B. k M, B- B. Laada. Dr. H. A. Baird, TO RESIDENTDENTIST. BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Dl. C. HCafENCK. Physician t Surgeon, COWLES, XEBRASCA. Professional calls promptly attended. Office: At residence near Cowries. 8-51 Paints, w COOK7S Oils, S BED Ktlasa, CLOUD Notions, DRUG pg-w Wall Paper, flr) STORE. QLaa Ac Ac SPECIAL BARGAINS! at the Store of F.M&WMOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. M AlarRestockofGerraantown Wool, Zephyrs and Stocking Yarn, always on hand. SUMMER DBESsTgOODS, LAW58 AND PEBCALES IN GREAT VARIETY. TOYS for the Children and Every thing else ypa need, at NEWHOUSaTS VTgg LYDSHdUiE, ibbVt KMVibibbbbbbbbU bbbbbbI SbIbbbbbbbbV rARBIS. ajg?8TMrsor. JhuUrj PaUle. i BBka DIU6 niii - - - - - --- ..r- -. r,-- - ".ii.ii ."- . - i in j, '! -- nr-s wssiaBnsny-----BM ,-r - aaa BBBBBBBF SVB'BjBBBBBa'BBJ BpBBBBBBBJBBBJ aaSSBBIBB1PB BBB'BBBBBBBBBBb) eSBBBBBBK, SBBBBBBJBBJBb. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfe BBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjaBBM ." SBBaBrBaWv ST aBBaBBaBaaBBaBBa ppjppp j-w- .j. jv, fk T- BSSJ vBBf BBbBBBFT BBBBBr BBBBBBBBBJ 1 rt"teii -. 3 Red i"--:i-ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS RED CLOUD, WKBSTER COUNT Y.NfeBKAKA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER. 13. ISS2. THE CHIEF. D.LUTZ, EDITOR. FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 13,1882. tat HapuMlaan Tlakat. Fr GoranMr. JAMB8 W.DAWJW Sallaa: For Lleataaant Uortraor A. W. AOKK. Haarfltoa. ForKaercUrv ofSute, K. P. ROGOEN Laaaaater. ForTraaraiar, ; LORAIC CLARK Bafjo. For Aadltor, JOIIJC WALLICUS .nail. ForCotamlMloaerorPak. Laali aad Balldinga A. Q. KENDALL Ilowarl For Attorney Gaaaral , ISAAC FOWKBS Dakota For Superintendent I'ablio Iatraetioa. W.W. W. JONES Iacastar ForRateatortko UalTcraity. C. II. OBKi: Laacwtcr. Piaauklloan County Tiokvt. For IUprflfenUtlrt. R. D. BANNY. . ......Oak Croak. For Coaatiwioaar. 3d DUtrieL J. L. MILLER Had Ckad Raaublloan Senatorial Tlokat. For Stata Saaator 23J Di.triet. JOSBPHQARBER Red Cload. Plaat Raprasantatlva. For Float RafreteBUtlra, 41tt Dlatrlet. C C. CUAl'IN BlTtttM. m m Farmars' Alllanoa Tlokat. For RaprewBtatlTe, JOHr HRBNZBJT, Bad Cload. For CoaiaiUeioner, 2d Dbtriet, C. C. C00N..- . Qarltld For Senator Zld DUtrlet. M08B3 WILSON Oltnwood For Float RrpreieaUtira 4Iit DiiL AW)S DEAN Kracklta Co. Domooratlo County Ticket. For Reprefontatiro, R. 8.PR0UDF1T r. Qoldo Rock. For ComBlwIoner 2d DUtxIst. FRANK BUSUOW BIbo Hill For Stata Seaator 23.1 DUtrict. 0, C CASE ... .... Rad CToaJ. For Float RepreisnUttro Hit Diftrlet FRKB LOHFF.. ..Uircrton THE PLATFORM. Resolved, that the republicans of Ne braska in convention assembled, stand py the fundamental principles of the republican pnrty as enunciated in an unbroken lino of national and stato fdatforms, the chief of which aro free shor; free speech; the right of every qualified citicen to vote once at every election and havo that vote counted under the restrictions of just and equi table election laws; free, non-sectarian schools; sound currency on a specie basts, under national control; tho rais ing of national ro venues by taxation of luxuries and articles of consumption not essential to the comfort and well Insing of the people and from a tariff on imports so adjusted as to protect homo labor and the investment of cap ital in homo industries; and legislative control of corporations. Resolved, that we uphold and main tain the enforcement by well consid ered legislation of Uie clause in our state organic law that prohibits its un just discriminations and extortions by railroad corporations, while recogni zing the importance of fostering and protecting them as necessary factors in our progress and prosperity; and that we trust to the honesty and cour age of the people, in their political ca pacity, to repel encroachments of cor porate power upon the rights ana priv ileges of citizens on the one hand, and, on the other, to deal justly and fairly with all property interests under what ever name or form, without unjust dis crimination or extortion in the matter of levying taxes, or regulating prices of commodities or charges for services. Resolved, that the policy of the state board of lands and buildings, favoring the leasing;, for terms of years, of our school, university aud agricultural col lege lands, at a fair rental, in prefer ence to selling the same, under the op tion given by law, meets with our ap proval, as the beet possible mean of preaervinr the heritage of our children and providing regular and ever increas ing revenues xor eoucauonai purposes. CAMPAIGN IS 2D C0NGRZSIONAL DISTRICT , The Republican Central Committee Have arranged the following appoint ments for republican speakers in the second congressional district: The Hon. Janes Laird, candidate for congress, will address the citiaens of Hastings, on Saturday, October 7th, at 2 P, x. and 7:30r. X. At Seward October 9th, at 7:30 P. X. At Ulysses, October 10th, at 7 JO p. x. At David City, October 10th, at 7 JO P.M. At Rising, October 11th. at 2 P. x. At Osceola, October 11th, at 7:30 P. x. -At Aurora, October 12th, at 7:30 PJC At York, October 13th, at 7:30 P. x At Wilbar October ,14th, at 7:30 r x. At Friendville October 1 4th, at 7:30 p.x. At Geneva, October lftta,at 2 p. as. At Fairmont, October lath, at 7:30 AtOay Caatra, October 17th, at 2 p. At Edgar, October JTth. at 7 30 n. at. At Fairbury, October 18th, at 7 30 p. m. At Alexandria, October 19&, at 2 p. m. At Hebroa, October lata, at 7 30 At Najaeai, October 2ath, at 2 aa. At SataatW, Ocirtat 20sa. at?. BV a. r w j -".UV '-' T'Jt. . 'SI-1-.-, BXnr.VBBBBBBBBBjaBB - BS m eaBVaaatA .mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmmm msma 'BSBBBBBBm aamasSBBBBBBBfeafe, . aSBBBBaMBBBmi ' 'TaauaiaM v na1 aASS Baa.M 9 -3 aia fc. . - w 'BBSBB&aTBaT'BBBBBBBBBBBaBBBTMTh-i ,aw Bbbbbbbbv. bvvv Oaa'ChmaBaa'BBBBaBgMBLV'!BT'r'i ""- V " aHiMSii ' -i ''t-9,: "'?'-' i'j-ttuitt& e-ye? A " r 3L. THE PRICE OF LIBERTY," will accompany Mr. Laird and address the people on etch occasion; and At Rivertoo, October 23d, at at 2 p m. At Dioomtngion uctouer sw, ai i 'M. p. m. At Alma, October 24th, at 2 p. m. At Orleans, October 24th, at 7 20 p. m. At Arapahoe, October 22th, at 1 p rn. At Beaver City, October 2ib, at 7 30 p.m. v At Indian ola. Oct. 26th. at 2 p m. At McCook, OcL 26lh at 7 20 p. m. At Ciilbertson, Oct. 27th at 3 30 p. m. At Phelps Centre, OcL 2Sth at 3 J0 p. in. At Mindcn. OcL 30th at 3 30 p. m. Hon. O. W. Collin-, Hon. G. M. Lamhertrtin, Ceii. George 8. Smith, and other eminent speakers will ac company Mr. Laird and address the people, Local committers will please secure suitable half for the speakers, and fee that the meetings arc thoroughly ad vertised in their respective localities Appointments for other speakers will be announced in the future. Papers in district copy. Geo. V. E. Dor-ey, Chnirmm State Central Committee. J. B. McDowell, Chairman Second Cong. Central Committee. A VERY OLD SETTLER WHO WAR HORN IN NnnRAKKA IN 1814. Wo believe Judgo Kinney, of Ne braska City, lays claim to bting the father of the first white child born in Nebraska. Tho Judges son, if our momorj serves us right, was born in Omaha Bcltevuc, in 18f4. But here comes another loy (?) who lays it over Mr. Kinney's son ten years, hav ing first seen the light of day on the Pawnco rcsrvation in Nebraska, No vcm!cr 12, 1S44; The old settler is now a resident of St. Joseph. Mo., and is very lonesome, ami desires to know if there nrc any soldiers who fought for the union, who were born in Nchniskn. We herewith publish this letter in full, but wo hnrdly think he will find the man he is looking for: St. JosErii, Mo., Oct. 2, 18S2. Hon. Secretary of Slato, Lincoln, Nebraska Dear Sir: Have you knowl edge of any person born in Nebraska, that wos a soldier in the army of the union, during the war of 1861 to 1SG5? I would be very glad to know ofeany others beside? myself. I win born in Nebraska November 12, JSII, my father at the time being a government blacksmith for the Pawnee Indians. My father was born at Lava Uric, Can ada, and mv mother in G.tllia countv. Ohio. I diluted August 27. 1 803, as a private, in Co., G. Fifteenth Kansas cavalry, and was discharged therefrom as first pcrgHAttt,- OcJoler 19, !$S L havo lived in St. Joseph since 1849. Very respectfully your, Jxo. Aarxoib. We have already alluded to the encomiums passed on the manage ment of the Chief since our ownership of it, and would not havo added this but for tho facts that additional compli ments of a hich order, have found voluntary expression, especially in re lation to our local department, and wo deem it would be injustice to all con cerned, to take to ourselves aU the credit, for this success. Providence has been kind in sending to us in the very beginning of our guidance of the paper, so able and faithful a foreman as our Andrew J. Clutc, Jr., to whose inventive genius, and skill in his -1 chosen art, the Chief's readers are in debted for much of the attraction and interest they find m our columns of our combined old and young efforts. As heretofore intimated, discerning readers will notice a difference in the spirit and vein of articles, and judge of their source accordingly. While ourselves aro given to much of spirit ual, or religious thought and senti ment and ideas most common to more advanced age. Mr. C, is full of those vivacities, and mirth-provoking quota tions, and originalities, which so aptly amuse and interest our rising and rapidly increasing "Young America." Praatamatlan Whereas, a joint resolution was a dopted by the Legislature of Nebraska at the sixteenth session thereof, and approved Febuary 38, 1881. proposing an amendment to section anc(l),article seven (7), of the Constitation of said State, and that said section as amend ed shall read as follows, to-wit: "Sec 1. Every person of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, belong ing to either of the following classes, who shall have resided irt this state six snontaa, and ia the county, precinct or ward for the term provided by law, shall be an elector: First. Citizens ot tho Untied Stales' Second, Persons of foreign birth who shall hare declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United states on the subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an e!ection.,, Therefore, LAlbraus stance Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby irive notice in accordance with' section one (I), article fifteen (15), of the Cont Utatkm and the proratioM of an ac eatkled "an Acs toprsmde the manner ofpropceingaKteiM meats to the Con stkatioa and submitmc the same to the electors of this Ate,"approved Feb. 13, 1S77, that said proposed a meadenaat will be sabmiUed to the qualified voters of this State for ratifi cation or rejection atthe general elec tion to he held oa the 7th day of Xo Tember.1882. In Witness Weeaat I'arevato-set saj aaadaanl caaaaslto aalaftxed the aaaA'aaJatlBnan aa -ni: BBBia -BWBw va obb) aaBBaa. ssBnaa-av aast- ' lHaaWawjaaaaA'asttMaaBta "-''h' ilisr- .( -aveVj -" - V . . - GlOUD T- i" ,r jSiO $1.30 A YEAH IS THE THE COMET. Nashvimjc. Trx.Oct, A This mom- i iog at 4.-30 Mr. Barnard ducovereJ that u,e nuclcna in the Crow comet had lite separata! into three fragment, largest ctimated at 14,000 miles in length. Tho space between the frag ments of the nucleus is estimated at 2,000 mile. Yesterday morning Mr. Barnard observed that the nucleus bad attuned the form of a log strip, not Icaj than 21.009 miles in length aud 3,000 in breadth. Cincinnati, Oct. 5. Professor Wil son, of the Cincinnati olwervalory, cor roboratr the statement coming front Nashville of the separation of the nuc leus of the comet into three fragments. I li atateuient of their site, in part, agrees with vUmU made at Nnhvil!e, The diturlance makes no diflVranco in the appearance of tho comet to the naked eye. DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CON VENTION. The democrats of the 23d senatorial district, held their convention at the court hotm on Satunlay, Oct. 7,1S.S2, Judge R. N. Simontou of Nuckolbi county as chairman, and Jacob Rosen thal of Webster, as secretary. After the usual proceedings, O. C Cmo, of Red Cloud, w& unanimously nominat ed for senator. Float convention held at same place. Hon. P. A. Harman4 of Franklin, as chairman. Mr. Fred Lohfl, of River ton, wai naiiimously nominated for float representative. Float representative committee 18W. Franklin, L. II. Thorn; Wolrstcr, Alex. Bcutly. Addresses were mado by Messrs. O. C. Caso, Hon. F. A. Har mon and Judge Simonton, after which the convention adjourned. J.vron RosKNTif al, Scc'y. FRANK JAMES VOIANTARILY SURRENDERS. From an article dated Knn?.i.t Oct. ii, wc gather what follows. City, At o'clock, p. M., Oct. 5, at Jefferson City, Mo., the last of tho world-renowned, out-Iawcd Jnmei Brothers, Frank sur rendered bin nrms and person to Gov. Crittenden, with a doubtless confi dence, thnt iu consequence of thU movement, and his sworn allegiance to the government, and loyalty to tho laws of the land, ho was to be restored to full citizenship ngain. Let all watch closely tho result of this move inenLand c-o whnt lespon of wisdom liiayTic gleaned therefrom. " - fMrs. McBrido has removed her stock of millinery goods, aud will be found ono door south of Rosenthal's clothing storo. KA. S. Marsh has just returned from 1 4Tio east with a very fine stock of new goods. S. W. Scclv sells as good bread as can be found in this market. "- Clothing ! Clothing I A fine lino of clothing just received, and will lie sold at lottom prices. Call and see them at J. G. Potter s. TiMBCa Notice. All are forbidden removing any timlicr or fuel on the farms known as the widow's Roas fa rms . Um ri i key Smith. i largest assonmeni oi muuncry goods to be found in the city, at Mrs. McBridcs Go to S. W. Secly's for No. 1 winter wheat fl oti r warranted . , Drcss'malcing at Mrs. McBride's. rThe ladies are invited to call and examine trie new ran good at the leau- inc millinery storo ono door north of the bank. A Banefleiant Actlan. The miserable lyoks and feeling "of those confined at desks or work tables, arc caused by weak Stomach, kidneys or IkjwcIs. Parker's Ginger Tonic with out intoxicatinc; has such a bencfictcnt action on these organs and so cleanaes tho poisonous matters from tho system that rosy cheeks and good health are soon brought back again, Express. Imaravamafitfar Mind anal Beaty. There is more strenjrth-rcstoriop power in a lUle of Parkers Ginger Tonic than in'a bushel of malt or a jcal. of milk. As an appetizer, blood ptrifi er and kidney corrector, there is noth ing like it, and invalids consequently find it a wonderful invfcorant.fot mind and botlv. Commercial. $50,000 To Loan On Real Estate security, at 9 per ccnL, annual interest, ao commnv sions, at The Webster County Bank. Red Cloud. 10-tf BUY THE BEST. wsjjMasn fseassB xdaifSH r euuuma im tar. SSSa3i3SS a ggggBgggggBW BBBBBMBnTiBnJBnBnsBBTlBnBnTBF'T fLS.BaWey jafaBgygyajgJgeWt4aBn". aBBBBBBBBa. gsgBgV Chief. PRICE OF THE CHIEF. Immense GO L. H&TJMB, (P. O. BUILDING.) n Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing And General Merchandise. BIG BARGAINS, MONEY SAVED I Come and Examine Goods and PXtlCES. HL'IIKAII! C.E. PUTNAM! Wiahc to announco that he still hnnga nut at tho old aland, and it selling Groccriea the same aa rvrr at THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES, -CONSISTING OF Teas, Sugar, Syrups, Canned Goods, Especially California Goods, Flour, Feed Corn and Oats. You will also find him at tho old Sund of 'ROSENTHAL BROS, where you Will rind everything in the lino of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Such as Flour, from California, Minnesotn, Kansas and Nebraska, also Green and Dried Fruits. He has now in connec tion with the Grocery Business, A FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, Where you will always find a choice line of gonla generally kept in a first cln' Bakery, nnd would solicit a -hare of tho publie jrttnnigr. Thanking you for for past favor and wishing a contitiuanca of the samo aud as mnnv new ones as may favor him With a call. O TROITBrE TO SESOW GOODS. no-l YOURS TRULY, 0. E. PUTNAM. UiilSiFTISPMOgEESEEDS ItfUBaftBBl B K9 B QrIllf,Wiairaaa- KElOFor tho MARKET CAffDgfsCR 'CKUO far thn PfllVATC P AMJLY eCCPltt m- aLrfla tem aa ir bbb. a - -- j3aWiaiCrown by cursolvoo tW Uaa-aaa lllatr-ir4 CatJa Mracii.vvra, wr-so vn rouit bchincjw carom wk tkabi: iit. DAVID LAH0RETH&SON$,SEEDQnoWD!8lFHlUDELPK Louis Cook Manufacturing Co.'s Csirnag e CINCINNATL OHIO. THE LARGEST AND MOST FULL CAPACIT1 I. "THE STANDARD VEHICLES" Ifaiiie nt Thcfie Wk, Kastttnaelaigr. Brewester, Whitney, Copper and Timpkin Side Bars, and Sal idee or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies, The Greatest Varieties of Styles, The Finest Two And Three Spring Fhartons, The Handsomest Barooche in the Market, Stvliah Carriacs. Four and fix Passengers, Canopy Top Basket Phartons, The Best Platform Spring Wagonc, Kail Bed an3 Fialn Side Wagoa. Open stmI Top Surrey Wagon, COOK'S "STANDARD VEH ICLES" are known ll over the worW as the bet for the LaasT xojrrr. Do not under any drcBm-tancw tmf antil jtm have oent for our circular of strlea and nrices. WrKjfeaal trade a SpeciaJty. RcmcmVr we make oar own Wheels. THE SARYEN PATENT, aad warraat every vehicle. ?U ' i Uianraw 1 U- aa mr lUSSfSSSSSt I nMUi Mil 'liB'ZJ?r,p1'JgJ"f na-iiaa.1 aaarfet BaaBBBBBSmataB.Sjaja5SjSMia I atBBBBBBBBBKanA BaWpBjBjBjBt fc SBjes VjaBrKg BBBaaL BBbBW 4BBSJS2 BSBBB BhEA BvSbSbW A WeaeBaV gggggggggggggggggg m bbbbbB Bad aassaaLaBF' -S MiaaaajBaBgaaBBBBBBBBaBB wmBBBaaaaBBBajlaJC ggggggggggggggggggjgtggggggggggF J aBBBBJ gSS" aSBBBBBBar-. . teaMM JaaBBVa? jf jfpfkm M M Z.M W m M ggggggVggf ggFBBBsT isff W' afaV aFsBBBBBBBBB " I agggflBB " , aWBBaW ' S- ateaBsVJttatfMBBafJBT BaBafflWaBBTI BBBrLBVLaBBBBWBBBBraBW,BnBnBr .aBBBBBL "Bs BB? bBT PX! atBrBnBBT H 'r-eSBBBBBjMBBmBBmBSBBSaSBBSBwWBBBk ft sae-HBaHS3--maBHBa-BSF - , i m i n. i, . . 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" . V PKt.' l&& -V"".' -'&2&t-r ' t- ifcj'Vi - -: IT ir,7L-JiJ-V i no. ia Stock!! llCKUAU'l m - , 2SSUmSS2JL2SS2. aaS Karal KWr WUVK TO ALL. COMl'LETE ix the W&CK. WORLD. "Baaif "'- i i-J- -.'. z .' ' -r-tr 'js . .- .--rf .. J--.; - j---1 , ,u-r T "works kcSvJ BJ SSaBT BHBI im SB gBBffjBaBBJBBBMjBBBBBBBBBB J OB .WOKBii, " lili-l, StataSt. rTstTTW t r satest axu ftcxms? xn .-itJt &. s FREE! tallll$8K& - WV 1 1 m ?.' rat mttr Y04JTM asaavavsKJ fit i wHtn wV i-t fV---- N1 . . - y f" . I rr !. imc ruausHra, sw , w TE- DwriiigTiiiwlMer Is acv laaJa fcr lV Mi- jrtr aft kaa a rtswol nmasNtlft tsscrea. 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