--.. M r r N-l . -; "-&. .'?; 'w3IifHBawaBr' -iW-vr-'A. POBrBS "" - Z.i " jmmB''&ffffm 5" C '- HHflHBT - t . f , aaWVtMt 45 at- M ' " .- vt"A" ?:fc-:jHt! - 1 v? . v VijaapH 'dlS tjifc kHit ate "VT-X.-? ?- ..V rj1, skXitt. r.Jf 1 --4 v aJaaaS - - aaaaai aiaaaaT y - i' aar n -jwtw arnvMi uuv. - Qitlur year A com. Fll plowia hM been conncBc OM "Sol." it oq h'n MtMion towrd -ST Our Inrabr dAlri are njyig ntelrtraU. w t ' ClifoiU Jnck" Ik to Mine - r fire brcaki. wke it tafficient." Ottirlikiiilged "JLirord to uore am j UN jiitdived to day UrRc invoice of clocks, Xcwcit etylca out. Call n4see. music. m4e WmC., Ifftrrift, erjwluttcof the CoMervfttory of music at SUunttmr V., o4 Imvinf atttdied at Snrittr Col lege, Northampton, Mam., wiii gire lea OM lB-vecal and instrumental! onpicno and orcan. Tcrraa known on aMMioatioa toEev.J K. Harris. Before you buy your ckHkirt, Boots and shoes, please call and sceny )wm and get prices. J. O; Potter. Nearly all the precious gems to lie teen at Gore's jewelry stores Canned goods for safe cheap, at Mtxro Bjkm. Headntartenr for nice hats and bon nets at Mrs. McBride's. - Gilt Ewi Bltte ox lot, at Boav'g. Go to Miner Bros, for Prints of al kinds. A new lot of watches especially adapted for railroad uo, ako new Ktyles of gold cascf atGore'a. eeu strut Shoot. A splendid line of boots and shoes can now bo seen at J. G. Potter's. C. Putnam will deliver fresh bread to all parts of the city. Minnesota Be3t flour, Hungarian Process, for sale at Putxam'h A. S. Marsh has just returned from the east with a very fino Btock of new goods. The boxes in front of Mnmh's store are a nuisance to papers by, but when one sees the piles of gouds that came out of them, it is no more a marvel. The people don't care for the boxea, it is the goods they want. If you need a good boot or shoo go tO'PcrkinsA; Mitchell's, they have just received a new lot and selling very low for cauh." Bcmcmber that E. Young delivers bread for C. E. Putnam. Boxes, Boxes, Boxes, Boxes, Boxes, empty boxes at Marsh's.- A largo assortment of fichus and tics at the leading millinery store one door north of the hank. Buy the Chicago Cottage organ of Perkins & Mitchell, one of the sweetest toned organs mode, and sold at very low figures. Call and sec samples.. We have received the agency for a full line of organs and pianos, includ ine -tho Stciuway, Cliickering and Xnabc. Spanoglu &. Funk. Boby has the boss apples in town only 40 cents per peck. To the farmers and pcoplo of WcIk atcr county. I am awaro of this fact, thaitl am dependent on you for the support or myself and family, and for this reason I keep for sale harness, collars, whiitf, Uy-nets and evervthinc is the harness line which I will sell at living pvik. O. G. Bobekts. Now millinery and fancy goods just received at Miss Halo's, one door south of Mitchell & Morhart's. Denver and New Orleans coal, the boil in the world, for sale by Jones & Hagee's lumber company, Bed Cloud. Go to Jones k. Magee's Lumber Com pany for your lumber and coal. They are sole agents for Denver and New Orleans coal, in Nebraska. tf. C.X. Putnam sell the Minneapolis flour. If you want a goodliarness to carry you through this world easy, leave your order with Roberta aud in this way save money. 8panogle 4b Funk are agents for the Halliday wind mills give them a call. s Lyde Hale has the acency for ...... IT, i. - XHiuencirs patterns. Fine Saginaw salt, $2,00 per barrel at For a superior quality of bread, go to the oakery of C. E. Putnam Putnam delivers bread to all. parts of the city. The B.X.H R., known as the "Burlington Boute" offers special ad Tantagee to travelers. See thier adrorttsomeut iu this paper. A fWH line of spring wagona ad VOMUKJgH.W XUUk.5. Improvements are still going on in the' vicinity of the depot . The W. C. T. U., will meet at Mrs. Warren's on Thursday next, at Jr. m. The recent heavy rain will add ma terially to the condition of things gene rally. W. E. Thome, of Wells, aold to W. N. Bichardson hut week, number of cattle. The board of county commissioners were in session a couple of days this week. Z. 0. Draper and L. M. Older, of the B.M., called and said "howdy" last week. The cemetery grounds should be cleaned up, and a fire break surround ingit. We would like to hear from the far mer who ruined his com this year by too much cultivating. Dave Kaloy returned from the hog market Chicagolast week greatly pleased with the trip! "Yim" Laird formerly of "Yuniata," got there on first ballot, for congress man of the second district. Geo. Van Wocrt, of Guide Bock, pulled our latch string last Saturday, and chatted awhile with us. 0. B. Downs, is doing Kansas con siderably of late; he has several con tracts for putting down wells. Mr. Geo. Laverty, of Louisville, this state, is visiting in town, aud is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thomas. A party consisting of fourteen fami lies, from Iowa, are expectod here soon, and will settle on Walnut Creek. C. W. Kaloy and wife, returned from Denver and tho west, last Thursday, and report having had a splendid lime. B. B. Sherer, the City drug Btore man is selling off at cost, everything in his line, he says it is getting too wet hero. "Do fish perspire?" is a question now agitating scientist. They make a man sweat who tries to catch them generally. The average lifo of a locomotive is only thirty years; but the average life of the driver is sixty. The engineer can jump. Clean up your yards and back alloys before tho fall rains set in. It is es sential in order to preserve the health of our village. Seo Marsh's new ad. He offers big inducements to all. Gentlemanly clerks, good goods and low priced, are "what knock." Waxted. Five hundred families to settle in Webster county, and convert her lands and nutritious grassea into paying dairy farms. Dr. Sherer is putt ing up a now corn crib on his premises in the rear of Marsh's store. John Kellogg is doing tho carpenter work. A'gMtlMMfewkk luafcwily, fn KOBE BAXK EXCHANOES. Idaho, and on h rturn to the India nktmn. tMed throaeh town SuntLirV1"- - oa" 07 Timi axo ti-fied that Idaho is a fraud, and V " - TO Hoarta, ooju: a not fit for a white man to live in. The western cattle transit over the nana oa one "' jporwwne, laying txtr tn Tt04ftZA iwV isJ.t im. (Via .rfT-l firtJio i2oto 3,000 had passed wkkia nduli-ed v. OLTXUXT. 4 hours. Out here in Nebraska a man is con sidered nobody until he has "killed hu man." Tiiat is where tlie young phy sician has the advantage over the average man by "following the star of empire." G. W. Hummel left at our office hut Saturday, a sample of Sergo moUiwcs, manufactured at his factory on the south side. He is kept busy all the time, and is making a good quality of molasses. During last month the Curer office sent through the post office, 530 pounds of paper, while the Argus office sent nearly as much; 521 pounds, the two mailing over a lialf ton of papers dur ing the month. W. B. Hargreavcs, Lincoln, Samuel Lcdennan, St. Joe, 8. C. Sample, Omaha, H. Christie, Lincoln, John E. Owens, Brooklyn, N. Y. and August Meyer, Omaha, tarried iu town Satur. day night last. A Frenchman residing in the coun try, came to town the other day feel ing somewhat ill, complained to one of our physicians that he had a pain in his portmanteau, by which he meant his chest. Show us the man who says it never rains in the Republican valley, and we will show him that God answers the prayer of the plow, with the patter of rain drops, and that tho desert has moved westward. A gentleman from Denver last week, purchased of ex-governor Garber, two lots in tho southern part of town, and will commence the erection of a car penter shop upon one of them. One, by one they come. Wanted. Parties with capital to settle in Bed Cloud, and take advant age of the natural facilities, and utilize the -waters of the Republican into turn ing iho machinery for immense paper and woolen factories. Beef is still so high that it is prob able that tho fashiouable fall bonnets worn by the ladies of Bed Cloud, will consist of a porter-house steak trim med with a bunch of artificial roses and a fow yards of ribbons. The Marquis of Lome informs the state department that ho intends to pass through the United states next month, via the B. & M. and Denver. Now, then, let's ropo everything down and be in readiness for the ovent. E. Steinau, formerly county financer of Adams county, is in town this week assisting county treasurer Bushow, in preparing his report for settlement with the county commissioners. We have kuowu him for several years, aud know him to be a correct accountant. Wo have been asked by several if we see any sigus of a hard winter. We have no time to look after such mat ters, but are informed that several English lecturers threaten to visit this country, and if euch bo the case, lookout C. Smith of Smith Bro.'s Lftk. J 0jLitttTjffice an d loft iv,- Axt for the following announcement. Owing to the continaed ilincas of hk brother and partner, in the National bank of Beatrice, requiring much of hk time there, and the dou)4 of his speedy recovery, Mr. Smith conclud ed to sell out his basinets here, as the first care of both banks was too Much for any one man. Their successors here will be MOSIIEft, 34O0BE A OCTC1LT, M oher and also Outcalt are of the firm of Marsh Bro.'s, Mother k. Co., bankers of Lincoln. B. 8. Moore seems not to be entirely unknown in thee parts, having placed numerous loans on real eaUte in thi n vicinity. We are informed by Mr. Smith as we understood him that he regards the new house as ja no way in ferior to the old, and that Red Cloud's business iniereats will not at all suffer by this transaction. Mr. Smith, as yet,ba only disposed of his interest here connected with the bank, but contem plates the sale of all his property, em bracing his newly built, and beautiful resideucc. We cannot restrain our regrets of Mr. Smith's departure from us, but feel that Providence doth things well for alL LEGAL 90T2C& Is the the district cAcf the ilfth India! rfi'trirt. of NeKaska. held In and for WeMer county, To KU Mitrbrll no r-fIfli d fcmdant you arc ht-rcby nokfw! ih&X on theSih dsy of ctyftntxr. 12. La&v elto Mtu belt filM h; petition AitwJ you, in the dUtrici court of ul coun ty, the object And prayer of which arc to obtain a divorce "frora yoa on the ground that you have wilfully alutd oned the plaintiff without good caue, for the period of two rears past, aUo for the custody of Elmer Mitchell. Albert F. Mitchell and Chailea E. Mitchell. Minor children. a You arc required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the 6th day of NovemW, 1SS2. LAFAvrmc Mrrcnxu. By Kaley Bra's Plaintiffs Auy. -5 LOOKHEUK. For the Queen City ladies and child ren' tkirt and stocking iinpt-nder. inquire oi rs. u. w. fceeiy, agent. Bed Cloud, Neb. fVpt. I Jth, &$i 6-4. Choice Hams 10 cents per pound a JlioorBroV. . .So-oontbor thai the cheapest k not 1-MilMtt bttt the best is always the netware ouy your namees ot liriof protts is all I ask or k ade of Mia a: V1 :,"' CnttM Miii, 6. Hale'sfor Buttcrick's A --- ' t -. rSBSBVSOlHloVom, - .' -.. wxZi. -Jf ff . Ff ,i - . -V jkJWClf -T -.TC ViliOJfcafciJo to gat i--i . ..-. i - --T v -,xy t -;, . 1 kri5Mjtitfr-your -BF S w. - "- 'Sh-t " -BBM' -' r fcs JTJg K23 Wf&OMOtlO to SV OORMi.PfOA lK Bieoted- A big cattle man from the west fed 700 head of cattle here last Saturday. They were re-loaded Sunday aud went flying toward Chicago. Mr. C. W. Springer, doffed his bea ver to us last Sunday, and departed for Biverton, where ho will take charge of the schools at that place. "Dick" Story, well and favorably known in these "diggins," came down from Denver last week to visit friends. We acknowledge a pleasant call. We are sorry to chronicle the 6nd event that Bro. Watkins of the Blue Hill Times, last week, in attempting to bow to three girls at once, broko his neck. The ladies aid society will mcot at the residence of Mrs. S. L. West, Fri day afternoon, Oct., Cth. All the members are especially requested to be present The woman suffrage association, will meet at the residence . of Mrs. M. L. Ballard, on Friday afternoon, Oct, 13. All persons interested in the cause are incited to attend. " .. '" . Mr. Gage's family we Team, are visit ing m Council Blurts, while he trans acts some business at Republican City, aW whkke expeets to join them at their resting place. - An inquiring subscriber who intends engaging in raising garden "truck" the coming season, asks us tho easiest way to make a hot-house. We hasten to reply by saying just leave a box of matches where the baby can play with funded. them. tested grown To the young American girls we, 5olts The Bev. Geo. O. Ycieer. will preach next Sabbath, morning and evening at the Congregational church. The first quarterly meeting of the year will bo held at iho M. E. church next Saturday and Sunday. Oct., 7 and 8th. The presiding Elder.C. L. Brock way, will le present. W. X. Bicharbson's book-keeper, Mr. B. Holcomb, is our voucher for the truthfulness that one Mr. Sander son, formerly on B. K. Sherer's farm, in twenty-one days cut and put up 240 tons of hay; 180 tons delivered in yard, and ballancc in the barn, one ami three-fourths miles distant from the field, and all was in splendid order and won the perfect satisfaction of Mr. B. Sandcrson'Bufo" pays is a wor ker. Mr. Gage, of tho eating house, has transferred his proprietorship of said house to Mr. Joseph Swan, who also engineers the eating house at Lincoln. Ho is making extensive and various changes about tho house, and will soon have it supplied with water by pipes running from the big new tank at the round-honse. Lightning seems to havo frequent occasion to manifest its powers in this vicinity of lato. Monday of this week, it darted its firy tongue into a largo stack of hay on tho Codman & Pres cott sheep ranch east of town, and kindled a firo big enough to burn fiftv tons of hay. Wo hear that on the same day tho wire was melted on one of the telephones at the depot. Under article 5, section 22,of tho re vised "Statoots" of "A Bachelor's Life in Uncle Sam's Service," tho gentle man who wont as far east as Crete Sat urday and returned Tuesday. lm sub jected himself to a sevorc ncnnltv. Iho cigars arc simply an inducement to "hush" but where the order makes, and provides, that they shall bo under any and nil circumstances obeved in order to make a long story short. it rests with tho opposite gender. Mr. J. W. McLaren, of Blue Hill address and Negunda precinct, has been constituted our agent for the sale of farm rights to use thoGirard, or one wire fence, in the precincts of Blue Hill and Negunda. Mr. M., has test ed this fence to his entire satisfaction lor uie last eight montlis, on tho volun SELLING Jones & MageeLumbe OUT! 0 AT PRICES THAT CANT BE 300 Sheep For Sale. High man k. Guide Bock, Xeb 1 grade merino twN, by Cod Prcscott. Apply to B. B. Eaton 5tf Pinal Proof Motions. Lm4 OS t BlovMlattoa X.k. $. It. IMS Kotic U kvreb fivva tfcal tk foUeviM aai wUr kM tJ otle of kU IttteUo to auk lul rroof ! ttPrt of kit eltla, 4 Newt lal rmiry tkrmtf kfor eivrfc f thr roart la Wkur oosatr al kU 4m la R4 CloaS 'k.. oa HataHar. Oct. lilk. 1C fit. . &aial W. Ilatl. M'd atry ??. 41(7 far tka ( aae. It. Uwa 5 aorta raf 10 a-aat. Ha aajaea Ua foil. wise wttaaaa to prora kU eoaUaaaM ratklanca aa -oa, aaJ calUratloa of rIi IbJ rtt: a0ltia BVa. Marmai C. Jsekkoa. IUbrt Acaawoa. a4 Daaial K. Sckaa-k.all of IUJ do I. Nab. S-4 8. W.8WITZLK. Raciur. Laai ! at Bloolatan: Xab. Sapt, IS C Nolle it hrtr tla that lha folJoaitir aaaird tettltr hu filaiaoUca of hit tolaalSoa t atakAlnal proof in rapport of bi elaiai aai tkal aaid proof will ba aia4a kefr Clm of tba Ditrict Court WetMter eoantr at Iti CImd .-eo. aa sa.ara lr Ort. . 1. lj. Williara li. Perry. lid Btar 4IKV for the ri er Inarn 4- ... llwwt. IIBMM tke fnltowio wiloaatM to prora hueootlouoa rcnititeca apaa. and cut tlTioaofiaiaian.lTix: Chmtlt .V. tJurnar. Wil iaai HoUworih:ltaary MaararaaiJoka .Mc Qailkra. all of K1 Ciad. S H.W.aTTITZBR.Iltgkur. Laal Offlco at Bloomlnrton Nab Sapt. 4, lC. Notice ll hrrabr rlranthKt Htn fanin. named ettlar bM flla-l notiea or bit ir.ietttioa tp make Anal prof in tupport ot hit elalta. aad Ibat aid proof will a raala bfore Clerk of T I !, 4AU.a .a l - t ft . a i a n. . .S.?"."1 neu vioua .ico., ob iataaajr Oe 10. 1M2. Tii: ., ., Joha A. Kaiek. U'd 5a 32U for tba ! cS4. !wb2 nortk rsac 10. wajt. Ho aamea tba follrtwina wit- to prorebUeoBtinaoa roaidane apoa. aad ealtivatioa of raid Uad.ric jrn4a C. Jaekaoa. Ueorva W. lull. Caarlaa lUaaar AdamMaladca.all or Ambor. 5ab. ' 5-Jt B-W.SIIZKR. RecifUf. Laad OSca at Bloomisctoa Nob. Sept. 4Ut 18R2. Notice it hereby firen that tba fbllowiar Baaed aettUr baa Sled antice or kla inteatloa tp aake laal proof in aapport of kit data, aad tkat aaid proof wilt be aada before 'Tlerk of IM.triot Court Wabiler Ceastr SK b 6a4ar dyOct,7th. 12. Tit: . t'fMBe F. Taanaal. H'd nUrNo.ttKt.rortke J.Jtac . towa 2b raaca llw. Ua aaae the fniloviec witaataaa to proT hi coatioaoai retidanea npon atd ruIUvatioa of aaid land. Tit: Henry J. Maarar ard L Tiaker, allof RadClood, JVebratka. 55t 8. W. SWITZKK. RagUUt. BEAT -AT Till NewYorkClothing -AXD- DRYGOODS HOUSE ! TO CLOSE THE BUSINESS! ROAEXTHAL BROA. Oppo.iiie Chicago Lumber Yard. S DE SHEEER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. DEALERS fY - - -m -m- i- -w -j- a r "v UTMBIB, LATH. $sftX0Ut A4llI. VCQK fctmM t red cloud - Nebraska; w Xr LVMBEM A PlCtALTY. THC fcfcfT I.X THC HAKKVT ASD mu at TMr lo wurr r rick JONES & MACKB- Go To W. B. PvOBY'S rox. staple Fancy Groceries, THK XltT TOBACCO a CI6AHS IX TOWN, AL0 Choice Nuts. Fruits & Confections. Frft) Fntrli aaal VSUbk id rm CWmlM TllKlfKNt'lNi: Singer Sewing Machine f SOLD in - Ja s. HOImI, Red Cloud, - jSTobraslta. THE I1EST MACIUNi: IS I -K, All kind of Kcnain on hand OOMK M n 1 Ml PCALIB IB Laad OSle at Dlooaianoa. Hb. Sept. 6. 1Q. Notiea U kerabr airaa thkt lha r!tn!.. aaaad aettler baa tladnotiea or bit ialaatioa ta make inal proof ia tapport of bit elaia. aad tkat taid proof will be aada bafbr J. P. Bay ka. clerk dittriet coort. at Had Cload JVebruka. ua oiiirair wu. iiwk. Tit: .. J'raneta M. Uapkanoar. H'J Btry No. TWl. for the w btK aad wC aw Xeea.lMowB laraar 12w. Ilr nam et the followina witaeaaa to proTa bit mntinaoaa rwidanc apon. aad eultiTatioa of aaid laad Tit: OhTer Dowaa. Bars net How a. Naltoa Phelpa aad JaaaaMurpkey.atlof Re-1 Cloal. Sttb. 6-5 g. W. 8WITZFR. Racirter. Drifts Medicines. Paints- Oils and Vnrnishes, A full Mipply of AMI'S. LAMP SHADES. WICKS comhs mtt.-uKSAa ttr"ic" liri.el -oJ tHrftiVfu"y ttt4 I alto kara a fall aad eoaplela ttoek ofaeaoal Meat Market Jot. GAltHEi:. Pfvp. all Kixn or Hut:, :u:in k Always c Hand aaaaaaaaaaaiRi'vlji53S0o BaaaaaaaBaaaT'itt f7i'.T'vt,r IPX al TTti a aaaaHTSjiliiayJaaawl J aV BHaaalaluoVBa .'' .VTsi. -I vr iraViW CASH l'AID FOK IWTCAlTI.i; HtK, Hit I Tin !!) 'A Moshcr's old Stand - Red (iloud. Neb. IU-1K-WV ..U "J! m SSSKnXTS book i. autioaary aad RED CLOUD. pkeuarapk iaawa. NKB. Urv principle, i. e., ho could keep it and pay for tho right, or he could abandon it and hare his money re- LaadOeeet Bloctnincton !feb. Sep. 2). 1K. Notioe it kerebr Won that tbe followiac Baaed aettler haa filed bo tie of bU tntentioa tu aake flaal irnof in tantxirt nt hl rl.Im i&Im. car final entry thereof before Clara: or tl.ort ia Webster eoiintr Nab. at kti nffina In 'imA Cload Nab. oa KatardayOetohor -H, IMi vlx: .. lnok Cochrall. H d entry No. 32.0 for n! or tec. 3 tnwa 2o ratite lOw He aaraet the followinr witsa. t to proT bia conlinaoat reaidne apaa. aad raltiTatioa nf aaid land. Tit: Ura ff. Ball. FritbiaN. Ricbardon. Cbritlophar C. Cox aad Jobs B. Wrikt. all of Bed Clond. Xeb. B0-8. H. W.DWITZKR. Kctruter. ofourrabscrioars residinsr in country, are cosapJaining alxmt oirnashsCiiraT. Wo will say Th 'ji?1?- ? ' a'--:ai-: ,f y rz?g .k.' - f-BU. . i" . would say, those who contemplate go ing to Europe for studying music, that Jennie Lind says America furnishes institutions just as good, and the chances of getting a nice husband much better. From an exchange we take the fol lowing recipio for preserving water melons. Giro the melon three or four coats of varnish to exclude tho air. The lady giving it claims the fruit is better at Christmas or New Years than when put away. J C. K.King, of tho Gardner. (111.,) Times, made this office a pleasant call last Monday morning. He came in on the Kansas City train Soaday even ing from Denver, where ho has been for his health. He wants to settle iu some Nebraska town. Some Red Cloud parents it is said have mated their children, a boy of six and a girl of two, for marriage in 1S93. Tho parents appear to be very previons. Colic, measles, croup, and old death may havo a word to say be fore mating time comes. Moscna fc Denney havo removed their office formerly over Sherwood's building, to comfortable and cosy quarters over Henry Cook's drag store. They are a reliable firm aad are ad ioittoring to thowaatsof tkoso im ee4 of counsel and ireatssonU - ik mam frosaoao of oar in nig own laneuaee. be haa effectually with fortr head of cattle, calves, horses, mules and . lie savs: "I nut in calve at tarn days old that never cot out on pa n til I took them out Jour months old; one mule tried it for two weeks and gave it up." For sale at public auction, in the rear of our warehouse, on Saturday, Oct., 14, 1R82. one Sweep-stake Mount ed Power and Thresher. Terms made known on day of sale. Spanogle A Fnnk. FBOM COWLE3. LaadOCeaat BlooaiBgton Neb. Sept. 23. IKE. Notiea is hereby tiTen that tbe following aaaad aettler kas Hied aotie or kit iatentioa toaakalaal proof ia tapport ol hi elaia. aad tkat aaid proof will ba aad actor Clerk of DttritCoartWbataeCaaatNk nafUt.rJ.. OecaStklSOiTia.- JaaaaBaawaa. Hoa ait tail aatrr No. -TTS3 fop tk a a lMowaaraac12w. Ilaaaaaatka followiac witaaataa t ptot kto waUaaoaa raaideaea apaa aad calUratioa of aaid laad. Tit : Stray Ptttevs. AJbert C. Salth. Joha ScCoy. Skk Im Yaaa bU of walla. S. W. BWITZIB, Rcrtar. 2 H s 188f 1882 SPANOGLE&FUNK, II E A DO UARTEltS EOll AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Rank, RT5T) CLOUD. - NlUBTtAfiKA. IW w .1 w UadOaeatBlooalaiaa.irk,SapL 21. 1SSC. Metiealtkaraby rtTea tkat tk fallawiac aaaad tattlar ka ffiad aoUe of k latratloa t atak laal rariaapaftr kb? elaia. aad Mewaf bbI aatry tkeraof. proof U a aada a tar Clerk of tba Diatriet Cart of WebaUr . Thoaat R. norm. a Mtry 21a. 7VB for tka aw'i aae. 22 tows a wcaawaat. urn aaaaa ta folic WIREflfef QAUttHiaV OVEN fffB DOORS BaW PERFECTION U MASTIw6 toi IAKINC w mtj mt H tt CHARTER OAK- STOVES And RANGES FAXili '82, A. S. Marsh, M raas Uowiarwi w rrT aw ewBuaaoaa raaweae apaa a4 aWrataaaef aaid laad Tit. JaaaaVTaraa kwaar. HaryHaaltoB.JokB 6k el ton aad WU Uw8kaaar.ailfUa(delUekNab. H. W.6WITZKE. lUclatar. er oDiects -MDr.Groese's" Poor Miss Fioch's" vorstlt. ti .. . ... a 1 "olrk as he reeetves them " w. "P l"1 from taHTaweriatedeat. the printer as ffigy fTrSS WracailBlasairoa ta ftaWST olort I ties! JltaatTS , ssyoriatssideat ot a tfavfcw as he -pnavaai uubb IviUagsthe rom so oov ap to kks sead ia tooir aaoas tek?' with mtil aaey.) of the of sd iSritflN vu:: IHMIaBl ossitiaaos to iatprove as the "rift in the cload" wrdnas from ahsorpUon. "So farsftor sfMaaWastj aeaiiaaary. wi there is ao qaoMioa hat that rood outers see." iao sogis4aally:ao aoaani isaraiag to rasa, uws the BBjaai is.adooaasi to iTTOjBed.aadl death. Whea the Mine sraas aroaad t tooth, aad braced UmsoU aWT loot against toe wan lor a stroar paU aad a Mai saE l1 &&&& !fl!l Cowles, Neb. Sept, 30, 1S82. Ed. Chief. Tho principal place of attraction seems to be at Gilford'. cider stand. Tho enterprising firm o( Ward A Glover arc buying considerable- grain. School commenced at this place on Monday, the 25th inst, with Mr. Ham el, as teacher, and we think him an efficient person, and hope our school may prosper in his charge. The hotel man, Mr. Brown, is doing nicely; gets up a good meal for -25 eta. This has been a lively day in Cowles, two teams in town, one with a load and the other for repairs. JL J. Beardon is the boss nimrod of this section, his latest achicveateste were a frog hunt. We are having lots of rain, and it brings smiles on the farmers faces. The Bev. Orr is keeping the pacpers heme at the sectioa house. Aayoao hunting old auuds might dowocsatsiaa if they failed to visit Cowles. Mr.lWearriestho caae aad Dr. taoaolL of too Smith Brothers announce still an other important reduction in rate of interest on time loans. Straight ninr percent annual internf. Call at the Bank and leave your application. 8-40tf. Pound At Anagreablc dressing for the hair that will stop its falling, has been long sought for. Parkers Hair Balsam distinguished for its purity, fully sup, plies this want. 7 Per Cent. Money to Loon! Moaey to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeoVd land at 7 per cent., and 1-62 per cent, commission, or at straight 9 par cent, no commission. Jso. S. Wnxoox. Office next door to Chief office. 90ft Tho Boot Thine Owt. The Gasoline Stove for sale by Mitchell 4 Morhart is the best thing for cooking aad baking in hot weather that has ever been invested. Saves fuel, saves time and does not heat up the roosa. Warranted to he safe aad absolutely noa-exalaeive. Call at Mitchell Morhart's hardware store and examine the stove. 47-tf Has now Opened His Fall Stock of Goods, Consisting of : Dress goods and Dress Trimmings, Cloaks, Dolmans AJSTD SHA.WLS ! Clothing, Blankets. Bed Comforts. Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, etc. m Tou rTi Come? ONE PRICE AJSTD JUST S LOW .S M03ST EY CLAJS" BUY THE GOODS I YOURS, A. S. M. 4 tv?l .J 9 aadtSaaan aSkd. Sf shOasaga a 'vT7-'.' ??-.- j, -ii tiiTiasitae !; ad,fTa berofaawaaaa aaaataaa ObV WXaaaaaoa uawe a awaaajpaj aaaaaBaamaBuam.aa'aaaaar-aa,aaaaw. --- vii?" - aaawoBS wars roiiBWaaaaaa)iTOsaaiaBi ; "t torsMaaddis- LWIM aaiai i ast top" of" Mi hail wae Sack eooay -..- ..' J ?:" Mpwtaamavc Mill IBajBll . II I ,twaf laRvJIHIi I. as "-' jw rasjiar y jr. x. ; ntu jzz .aiWaakwaaaaaaSBtwaara sraaaeas J,,,. .- . LwaBOiaaiaaa hall i aj Tliiii era, UTXmJ-mmmmvlilmJmm M4lm - .. i inMal baaf M hi llll awavaa -aBBTaaaaBk aw aaouaaw aa"' wp"i a m - - aa-aaaa-amar-BK- - -sa: aa'h t s- . "- Wimi&J :mwm :iaraatliiv; ''' Caftaa XIW SSmSWSi whiWm ii t ksd gjjtjj . yBaaaaWat Taaar"Oa. JWyasTPi0"O'.a"' 7'-' "'aT ?hP Jy Bi2 ' X asLJir5 eL" '''aaaa 'JniSjiwr ajar Haiv vwVaVaMdaaavOaa aBwWjnaraBBBBLBBaB'aBBab aai aaaaa awawai aaavii,ar bbbb BaaVBaaaa) j T- na? - aaTaaaTJ -aBajaaaaaBaamaaa" " 'LBaHah'aaSaaaBlapBlaBBaaaaaaBi aBaWaalaBBBnaaV' Ojaftaaaam' aaaaVll JaaaaaaaTjaBaaaaaa! ."sr'Wa'Ja-saaaaW -Jiaw y Pwaaay swaaajaaaaaaaaaajT aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaorajHaBaaaaj ---aaaaaai ., --. - --... . - -. rajaasat ar.Wk- P. H. O'Connor, ypu, ub 1 buu. ISaliMl e-ajaiaaji YMMMM JSJaMaaV WwuuBUSn vaaBaaaaaa7Ga W.T.Baa jaaiajaaltwiSli inigaSaai Cjrjaaai T1 GLOCD, Tr-z.-z .-- a-r&rt 5 - 'f"" 'rfo - 'i . " a-i v -v- .3-tf y jVCJUXa' L ')- the uummrouD wAmnn . SI j jJaajaaJaaaaaaaS?' Trafiiaai aa jX ittmmmmx a aaaw aaaft aaaaa aa Saf aas aaaaaa jj 1 il 1 r7a7sjaiaaV.rai w ,flW7. LaaaaaaWk a asaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaai afaaaa. m ata.atalaaaaaal aatBSaaaVaatatatatPa -OaaBaaaaWBaaaaaal BaaaaaaaaVal OaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaBBaaTaV BaaaBa BBaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaaaBaafJ .ajajaaaak aaaaaV y BHKk3BuaaaaBaaaaaaaaaa 'V;iy"' J -1-- - T - "- s y.- .., He aaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaajBaaaaaajs K NaapaaBB"" aaaaaaaaaajaaa) aaas WINONA WAGON CO - mmMtmm &WiW 3?ar?T 'Mi iBf I aaaaaBBPBi aaraaaBjaz.'iBtc.aBar ;s. BaBjjTaBBWaBaaaBaaBjMaBaaa ;Z - :aaaaiaaaavaBaapaaawaBBaaTaeaaaaaaa;, k.;T'f:'rff R. "i it" tatJw &' . :Rt." aB; ,2- -UaTJrar'"BJBBaaaaaaaaaaaBaLL u-- . t ,.-rI T -Ate-" sr' to-Ti-V- ?i- j- ' -- mi -w '.- . wjaroar.a,,sxsr. ;: aaaaaaaaSB VaaaaTaaa. aaaaBa. "-- f fcj - - - - - .- - aBjaaOJar' c . jj-, , bbPVbs-V-' VasatHasMal. fllMHaMaW' M;IIbW WM' JasjURfasaatl ' "f fC 1 r- " - w . j y "'BB'Ba aBBBBBa y -4- 5. '-ajl t1taLaaa-M(BBBlaBBaaaaBaaSaBaa ,aS a . " -arWSS .-Sa"?"":-" aBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBaBB7aBBBBBBBJ. araajrvBaaaBVBaT4HB9BH& ,- laTTii 'Ml aa 1 ST 'fr -r a " a ' -ir5cr'". . j t jfc BBL '" iZsk ' ' ' y j6 ." " -?. VEaBBBdBPJKj-- (jJ-'JaWJ' "" ''i.Vi 1. - . ? JS- '-'& iJa'l-i1fc-v-4.'avX-- i-x' 'r'ZlMaaaaaBBBBaVJJJM' ax -'-"-j I5p3. ju?Se 4mp-. ooW -- ," taAdaaaBaBBaaaaawaaaaaa 'p Mr- "i&K'?rv1' i- kJiTj&IaaattaaBaaaBalJBBBBBBBDBBBSl?S?ISaBBat-- - c..' -"s . uaBBBBBaWBw9jeBBBBBBjaaRS r' ;: '-- " lg"'-1 jwh w " --w- snpjBBBBaBaaafiaa w . t . . --,--iT -vCiil5r? &' ?--;': rC.-tMx , ? -T . tJSP jc-j-aa, -T-- j !. & t- -. fc irv w;"ff' "-. -. z - tfiPr&aznz. r . - J.f . j J :.. . - J .c.". . JJV, t'" "!.'- V-- - y .. --tk ' . f . --'ir- " . "i- .WW - 'its Zzf . & .. '-.""' . -W-,Mt. ,i " .o' 'ii4fe- .F'-.t- i.rrr-".'-.. rw3a' --.r---; fisaaajBaiaaBBBBBBBBB33rwBi "-':Vt: viC s'.'r'' 1 "' ' 1 aaM'aBBaVdai i-sSW u.-1 . SA " -J r- jB?jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaTjl -41 -Slw , .A ..aOEBTIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl