-w-tN?' a-gyeg-'-y-1 y!.e'gjp ' 1SSSpSig; ' iP - ? if 'ggfgg!!.'fj""i nt nQta- PkwieSswifci iwwDftj met Win: H. HOWE, loiatr roR Ann in orams ww uu&l Thwo mills are loth eolid Wheel, standard mill fully warranted firet'clfiM in oven respect Also furnishes firjtclass MetaLic pumps. Rkvkresce -Mitchell A. Morhart, Red Cloud, Ed. GiiTord, Cowlcs. or ad dress., WM. H. HOWE, 5-.1m Cowlcrt, Neb. TRAVEL ONLY VIA T1TE url. & Mo. Riv. Railr road, KSOWX AS THE BURLINGTONROUTE JOR AM. POINTS East And West. Daily Express trains arc now run to Chicago. Onxka ! Dcb Tcr. LINCOLN, AVTi BETWKKX Kansas City, Atchison and DENVER. 2EXPRE8S TRAINS DAILY DAILY Omaha and Lincoln- All Through train are equipped with new and elegant muui uuctuu Day coaches and baggage and express Car of the latest designs. THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES Are on sale at all principal stations, where passengers can obtain informa tion as to routes, rates and connect ions, aud can secure sleeping car ac comodations. QUICK TIME, SURE CONNECTIONS, NO DELAYS, An trains run to and from Union de pots at nil principal points. P. S. EUSTIS, Ota'lTk't A'g'U QatARA MCB. sues he m mmi, BALLARD'S Vegetable Mead. JTaaaSaetared ud far aala by M. 6. Dallari RKD CLOUD. NEBRASKA. A coot rafreaain aammer drink, warrant, purely TCgsUbtc. Haiaylo bolllas on trial. -45m S. W. SEELY, DKAI.r.R IX Choice Family Groceries, TEAS, COFFEES. CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO, CIOARS, BREAD. CAKES, TIES, M FLOUR, m MEAL, Ac, Fruit a Specialty. Butter and eggs tukrn in exchange. Patronage solicited. Two doors north Smith Bro.'s Bank. BED CLOUD, - - - NEB. Templeton Bros., Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, dralkhj? ik LUMBER, Building Material AND COAL. J. K. AULTZ, I DKAI.KK IX Groceries, Cuancil Goods, Cigars Tobacc. Fisie Oareclioacryt Fit Mr. fcc., tkc- Turc Apple CS4er always on Tap. Hfit OuarriosPsidiir JitUr axilfct. Country produce bought and sold. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. PIONEER -)o(- MA THEHS A HA XXEltS. Bap Irt door watt of Wabttar Coaaty Baak. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, )and( Hair Cutting in the highest style of the Tonsorial Art. COME AND GET A CLEAN SHAVE. nii ACKsitf it nrsa. JOKY XO YES "Vi?hcs to inform the public that he is prepared to do all work in his line promptly and in a Workman-like manner. -Uorse-Slioeiiig AXTJ PLOW WORK A SPECIALTY. Shop north of Mitchell Sz Morhart's Store, Red Cloud, Neb. m EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET SED CLOUD, HEB. , AswVvkPBvMtJBBX JfWM sVttMU BAsMBbTW. f awUaJHlTaiTlbaM.ia taalaji teat aba aaw aaraa.alwaawWa. iBiHin m iiaai sassFwiBsjajai'i iaaaskiM m The VOL- X. R. A. SIMPSON. NoUry Pab!l. J.A.gWKEZT. Jtbvrcey at Law. Blue Hill Bank. SIMPSON & SWEEZ7, BLUE MUX, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A Otneral Btnkiag 8a!ae Traneta4. peeial Care firta to CoUrcllonr. Faraa liMH At Low Kttit Hkol Itosda KoacU ud HolJ COBBESrOSUKNTS: Kouatte Brotfcara Banker. New York City; Bask, Osaka Kawraaka. S. K. sat, Ki'ClatNaL trUaRsfc. Q3Bk SMITH BROTHERS, MED CLOUD, KO.t Trawaacta rMsral Waklac aaaiaaaa. bey aes oil eoaat- varcaats. ataa Casatr, Praeiact a4 Makool Diatrict Boadi. Nafotlata farai aortsaff. VJ aei SwR Fsf Ira csehaan. JVEpaelaf sMsatias slvaa la setiaatUa. Rtvitsscsar-lat Ifat, Baak Vtv Yatk. Oa s fai. JSaak. Oaaaaa. BMITH BROS. L. P. AtBBinnT, President. , V. Shirey, Cashier. Wm gourt Bm, BED CLOUD, 2tB. Mosey To Loak on Real Estate. Buy and m;11 Exchange and do a general Banking business. iy Alkiac Raaka-s. York: Tatfc Cseetr Baak. fart. Faraim' MarckaaW BaakT Karat uaioa jiauasai aaas. tataaaas Marak Bras- Masfcar Cs. Itasala. W. H. STROHM. A TTORKRY AT LAW. A RED CLOUD, - HEBRASKA. Mark rsamrta la ReaRsk at Oaraaa. OaUaetioaa will raaaivs arasaat attaatiaa. OrnoK Opposite Boy'a Home 0. CCasb. Jaa.McJVaJnr. Case & McNiny, A TTOISKYB ARD COUMULOM AT LAW. Wilt praettea Is atl the Conrtf of tktt Hata a4 Nortbrrn Kaotat. CotlaetioDa as wall a. litlf ted bailoaff rarrlotly a ad aftrlaatly attaadaita. Orrica:- Oa Webiiar tftrirt. oie door aorta of Qarkor's Stora. KKD CLOUD, KKO. J. S. GILHAM, A TT0KXEY AXD C0UXSEIX)n AT LAW. Offict'oiic door north of Kalry Bros. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, A TT0HNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office: Over Mo Farland's store. SSfi CLOTO, KM. Laird & Smith, att0rncy8 axd cpunset.obs at law. Hastings, - Nkbramca. Will practice in atl tka Coarta or the Stata. ProHpt attantioa giraa to all bailaaaa aatraatad to kia cara. lalyl-7 !-- J.L.Katcr. C. W. KattT, Dlooaalnctea, . Rot Cloa. V4k. Nearaaka. KALEY BROS., A TTORNIYI AT LAW REAL K8TATB AaBNTS. Wttlpmctleata all tka Coartt la Nalraaka aas aortbrra Kaana: coltaetlnaa nroaipUy at tM(t4 to aa4 aorraafoadpaca aolidtei. UD CLOUD, NabrtataL Atao. AstaU far B. k M. R. B. Laada. J. M. MoautA. L. D. DworaT. MOSENA & DENNEY, Fhysicians and Surgeons, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will pay aawcia! atteatioa to Obatatries aai uireaaaa or woaiaa Alao caaacai aac tanrerr. Dtagaaaa of tba Rira aad Ear. abdarata. Oftca avar Oaok'a Drmr Stora -l-y K. C. CBEICK Physician! Surgeon, C0WLE8, jrERaUSEA. Professional calk proaaptlr Attended. Office: At residence near Cowlea. 9-51 Paints, COOK'S Otis, a RED Gbvw, CLOUD Xotiona, DRUG- Wall Pmper; STORE. 4c, ate. SPECIAL BAEGAINS! at the Store of F.XEWHOUSE, RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. )o( Alargea,c&ofGrmantown Wool, Zephyrs and Stocking Yarn, alwaya on hand. SUMMER DRES3G00DS, LAWKS AND PERCALES IN GREAT VARIETY. TOYS for the" Children and Every thing else you need, at NEWHOUSE'S Store. Dr. H. A. Baird, LUffJ KSSIBEIT BXITZST. RED CLOUD, VQ Red "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. UCTOBKR. G. ISS2. THE CHIEF. D. LUTZ, EDITOR. FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 0,1882. TABLE OF INSIDE CONTENTS. The confession of an idiot poem. How money is made. Her eyes unsealed. Wanted a job. The diatrict. Traveling by moonlight. Too much will power. A natural copper-plating bath. Time. The human hair. An instance of self control. Personal and literary. Humerou.i. The ethics of baggage smashing. Little by little, day by day poem. What the dog could do. A fable. Bees and their pocket. Manufacture of clothing in large Cities. After the cyclone a touching poem. Aconjurcr's feat, "Pocket Burroughs." What shall farmers cat? A queer story about Garabaldia. Home, farm and garden. Chicken triangles. Over fed pigs. Missionary work in north Africa. Military service of German youth. Miscellaneous. Stat HapuMlean Ticket. Far Gararaor, JAMBS W.DAWB Sallas; For Lioataaaat Oavaraar A. W. AOEE. HaaUtsa. FrBaeratarr orSUU. E. P. ROGOKN Laasaatar. FarTraaaarar, LORAK CLARK Baaaa. Far Aaeltar. JOUR WALLICU8 nail. Far Osmtaaloaar of Pab. Laaaa aa4 Baltdiagi A.O. KE5DALL Htvarw For AtUraay Oaaaral, ISAAC POWERS DakaU FefSapcriateadaatrabllo laatraotioa. W. W. W. JOKES .... Laacaatar FerRatoatoftko Ualvtnity. Va Ha "3SK..........a.....aa-..a.iIi4aWwT Republican Ceunty Ticket. For Raprcaoatattra, R. v. RANRY.nM.MM .. Oak Croak. For Coaaaitaioaar . 2d Diatrict, J- L. MILLKR .-.Had Cload Republlean Senaterlal Ticket. For Stata Saaator ZSd DktrieU JOSEPH GARBER... Rc4 aead. Flcat Reareeentathrc For Float RapreaoaUUre. 41tt Dbtriet. C.C. CHAPIN Rirartoa Farmera Alllanoc Ticket. For RopraarataUre. J. X. STODDARD Us Praaiaat. For CoaaaUaatoBar. 54 PiHrfot. M. C. SCO IT n.. . .-Rod Cload. Dcmccratlo Ceunty Tlokct. For RapraaaaUUra, R. 8. PROUDFIT Qaida Rook. For OoBmtatioaor 2d DUtricL FRANK BUSHOW .Rlaa nill In last week's issue we published on first page a table of inside contents, for the convenience and interest 'of read ers, but by some chance or other a mistake was made and the wrong bundle of paper taken to press, and anless the same mistake, or tone other, should happen this week, the contents announced last week will ap pear this. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. At the democratic county conven tion held at the court house, ia Sad Cloud, on Saturday, Septeraker 90th 1882, the following candidates were unanimously nominated: For representative 21 representative district R. S. Proudfit, of Guide Rock. For oomauaeioner 3d diatrictr Frank lmehow, ofBlue Hill. The following waa also duly ejected a delegates to the coogreeeioa!, ju dicial, senatorial and float conreatioos: coRcmaeuoxAL oovrernos, Held at Hastings, Neb., Wiiataiay, 0ct4. Alex. Beatly, SoL HrjcfMr, Jacob Soseathal, R, S. Proadat, A. Kepiak, Carl Kuckn. KXAToaiAL rowTRsrnow HtW at ated CSod. Saturday, Oct., 7th. SoL Hapaer, A. CoaeG.W. Houghton, Gee Tea Wcert, Alex. BeaUy, Fraak aaaairaw aad Jacob Roaenthal. JUDICIAL COMYRXTJOSJ. Wrl Hoffman, A. T. Ayera, A. RTop- ish, W. B. Wegrnan, Geo. Van Woert, P. Spraker. float auntBrESTATrrx ooxvxTnosr. Geo-VanWovit, Alex. Beatly.SoL Hopper, P. Spraker, R. & Frovdftt The following were appoiated pre ciact committeemsn for the year 1881: Red Cloud-A. a Marsh, O. W. Houghton. Guide Rock-Gco, Van Woert, J. Arnsburger. Stillwater P. Spraker, S. Tkoma eoa.' Potedaai-A. Koph, p. neaaaatHiU J. Baa-JPelia Gleawood W. Heppaaaa. ry- cmasaariaimmacamRwcimmlmramrc. m. RmejaJTRmai iT 1 ie "mm,aa'aR?PSfaRmmmmmmmmmmmmRm mTmSffTu maSmmm tmmem B. TTumsa, W " ' ncacsi to thaak that Use -fflfcEmwfslm7JTFAXSg . mm1kUmMmWLMMmmWmm " WBaTam " "iiiBTaL'TC - -' -nri f " , "" - fOfie cf Red Clead may Aad ia Mim 9fftSUVSB iRmmmaRwBaRmml wBaWslV O wBamml B 1 1 k KJmmw-lRmwn ' '' Bjawg Vfi iiTCCTiaaj 1 d-jSs- HarmeayWm. Yatasmaa. Fscvd lnr' an?li. tjT-- jswrnwaaanamw-aTitSL ' ShamwLawLalRmmmwmwBammmmm - - mmmmm'K' . . a"M7jiii sr mimfB h ww aaaaaaBk, aa ax?pBaaawajL . aawaia RsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa aaaBtaRaBaaaaaTaaBBaa,uasSr''''B7 aajTiBoa. aamacBaat maUaas asmsssaca. is Gm aSS55Z!? wpaaaa amma . EaVRmwRmBJRmvRmwRmaRRRaRaRaFjBR amaaaasaBaaaaawSaaaaVjiaaaamaaav aafl&vsaCBMiL .hsibSb a f 'Iwm asaaiBias aast aa tasaa is aaar aaaasAk s aa. . -- sa same "aBssBtsBk mu aaaBaaaaKr MMaaaataBaaaL be ." PiBjsansessasar 7 3 Yuaa sr.. v a. tr '"ea aaass aaaaa, aajsajaa BBBBBBBBRRJaRajaa aaaa Baaa)sBjaaaj a rBs wawMBwBwnnBsawBn!asBBBB. aavaBsyaaaBB'aayapa' waapaaaajajasmaaapwi k'' - ar """ rmmm "&aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBkBBBBBj .-a' m a:SP.mw4RBRmjwv:j -ajaasjBJRa aaapwssw-- . JT - S7-?" aaaaraawaaasawaw- , f," - . - " ... ,"---' -t-' '. v'fc- y"J ' --?,-. x', vz jsr.t frtf-TTjj: ---.- ---:- . - - i .-BBBBBBBjRaammmmjRRBmRaa THE PRICE OF LIBERTY,' R. 8. Proudfit. of Guide Rock, waa elected chairman of county central committee for the ensuing year, and Jacob Rosenthal, of Red Cloud, as secretary. R. 8. PnocDrrr, Jacob Ro&lXthal, Cam. Bec'y. Sattirday, 8eptemlK;r 30, 1832, was we believe, the birthday of the demo cratic party in Welntcr county, and although we are, and always have been a tncm!er of the other political family, we believe we can ce clearly how this organization of the demo cratic party will be a benefit to the county. In our estimation there areonly, as yet, the two great opposing national parties the republican and the demo cratic, and thee two are the means of stimulating and purifying each the other, and the sooner a locality get its political buinertH into a regular nat ional shape, the better it is for that locality, because it has a tendency to settle all side issues and other inhar- roonics of politics where only one party exists, and it is our sincere con viction that the orginazatton of the democratic party in Wclwtcr county, will do more to harmonizc,and solidify tho republican party than any other ovent that could liave transpired. That each of these narties have in their ranks bad men, and that unwiso measures find indorsement in each we cannot deny, nor until humanity be comes perfected by Divine grace; or somo other redeeming ordinance do we look for, or expect a different state of things, in cither politics or religion. The great need of humanity in both of these all important relations is honest intelligent patient thinkers, and then independence enough to reduce their clearest conceptions of right and jus tice, to actions. Will it not be wisdom for us all to earnestly strive to think more and act better. STRAW LUMBER. In the coming scarcity of lumber invention must supply tho deficiency, and already paper pulp and other matarlals are sometimes used as sub stitute. The American Architect has the following on tho use of straw for thie.purposc: There can be no question but what Straw lumber w admirably adapted to many kinds of finishing work tables, table and counter tops, fine doors, and ornamental work, and we nre assured that it can be produced and sold in competition with the finer grades of pine or in competition with wido wal nut, at about one-half the price of the latter. The standard manufacturer is in widths of thirty two inches, a length of twelve feet, and a tbicknem corres ponding to that of surfaced boards. These dimensions maybe varied to suit such orders as may be given, and embrace any width, length, or thick ness. Unlike lumber, However, nar rower widths are the most costly. The straw lumber may be ripped with the hand saw, or the buzx-aw; may be run through the sticker for tho manu facture of mouldings, and takes agnail or screw about as well as oak. It may be finished with varnish or with paint, and is susceptible of a high polish. It is practically water and fireproof, being manufactured wader five hundred degrees of heat, and we are assured has been boiled for some hours without any apparent change of structure. Its tensile strength is greater than that of walnut or oak,and its weight about one-fifth greater than the former when dry. It is made from any kind of straw, including hemp and flax fibre in fact from any ma terial that will make pulp and a ton of straw will produce 1,00) feet of lum ber. The pulp ia rolled into thin sheets, a number of which, corres Ronding with the thickness of the lum ber desired, are placed together with a peculiar cement, which is claimed to he water-proof, and arc then rolled uadcra pressure suBldcnt to aosal gate them into a solid mass, which may be worked with a plane if desired. We look for valoaUe results ia the future ia the maanmdure ef lumber from what ia practically a waste ma teriaLbut which will produce in eod- soloag as the UaKed atatas us cMiracter as a country. Lord's day, we ia compaay with a daughter of cat to aeiej the beauty of his other trees that are "Gas asked as to go oat aad see his feeding steers. We want aad found 9 head of mostly three year olds, and we thought as ethers before us had, that they were the faest we hadseea. Twelve years ago Gas came to his present home with aa ox team aad or two cows, aad aow he has ninety-three head of cattle besides hia S40 acre form aad other staff ia pro- Bat aB of the masUr work vcaai . " iw.ng.i- fcawmmwrnmi -m ea ma w-aa aa mmi a. ama,-mmmmms-u , .-t - -., . ...Ml,n swBBmmBwmwRB -ea-aMamaa-k-aaaMawmaaiawfe-aB.'- b-m-. - ma BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BJJF BBBJfl mwmn Rm Rm' ma RBmmm a. .awBmmmV. RmwBmwBmwBmwBmwBmwBmwBmmmm K wBTawawa mam m awasmamaamRi jsmmRRmw-.BJPB mBJtw . o-JlT? . . . lBJUaaji arrr-aAV UafJT . iRwBsRmmirfRmwRwBmwBmwBmwBmwamM aas a !&&, RjajM- ,-aiaai -Ksmtwi teara as aacex SO -w w----w awBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm yMfwmmBmmmgm.mmmrwmmmmmwwr 1 ' .- . rsix t btsbbbw tBEaBaa nuai vam w aBamnEaHBBBBiBs smaa' - ataaaaa1 . aMaE Cloud AND $lJJO A YEAR IS THE PRICE OFTHE CHIEF. J We have so far endeavored to be very meek, and mod, moat of tb , time, la our coodtjet of the Carer, bnt just now we are tempted beyond dis position to refrain from a little self ourtded, or repeated cofapJianenv, and cooaidering the source and measure of it, we think we would be entitled to forgireneM if we indulged in just the least bit of vanity. Rev. J. If. PrTm. of Blue Spring, Neb., in a private muvive says; Aleo please accep t ruy admiration of your able conduct of the CaUKr, whom you have regenerated. You have Hiadc a complete succe of it." All hail." Such praie, froai such a source, arc inspirations to us, to say the least of it, and to Mr. P., as well as to many other, who hare spoken, as he lias written, praise, we say thanks. John Brensen, well known to our "old KcUlern" is evidently making arrangements for cxtcnivehiiinrs in some line. He informed us the other day that he was just in receipt of hia fourth boy, but John, like oorsclve. tries various lines Jof buainct, and doubtless will soon be at something else. tVcetamatien Whereas, 'a joint resolution was a dopted by the legislature of Nebraska at the sixteenth session thereof, and approved Febuary 26, J8SI, proposing an amendment to section onc!),rtirle seven (7), of the Constitution of said State, and that said section a amend ed shall read aa follows, to-nit: "Sec. 1. "Every person of tho nee of twenty -one years or upwards, belong ing to either of the following classcn, who shall have resided in this state six months, and in the county, precinct or ward for the term provided by law, shall be an elector: First. Citizens ol the United States' Second, Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United utatrs on the subject ti the sumcc! thirty days of naturalization, at least prior to an election." Therefore, I.Albtnu Nance Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (1), article fifteen (15), of the Cont stitution and thn provisions of an nc entitled "an Act to provide the manner of proposing amendments to the Con stitution and suhmiting the seme to the elector of this Statc,"approvcd Feb. 13,1877, that said proposed n mundment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this Shite for ratifi cation or rejection at the general elec tion to bo held on the 7th day of No vemlwr, 18S2. Iif Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and caused to Ihj atlixctl the great seal of the State. Done at Lin coln this lOdav ofJtilv, a. i., 1882, the sixteenth of the state curat nrtd of the independence o( seal, the United State the one hun dred and seventh. (Signed) ALBINUS NANCE. Attest: (Signed) Govcnor S. J. Alexander, Secretary of State By E. P. Roggen, Deputy. Mrs. McBrido has removed her stock of millinery goods, and will be found one door south of Rosenthal's clothing store. S. W. Seclv sells as good bread can be found in this market. as Otcthlnc; ! Otetfilna; ! A fine line of clothing just received, and will be sold at bottom prices. Call and see them at J. G. Potter a. Largest assortment of millinery goods to be found in the city, st Mrs. MaBrides Go to 9. W. Seely's for No. 1 winter wheat four warranted. Dress making at Mrs. McBride's. The ladies are invited to call and examine the new foil goods at the lead ing millinery store one door north of the bank. The miserable lyoks and feeling of those confined at desks or work tables, are caused by weak Stomach, kidneys or bowels. Parker's Ginger Tonic with out intoxicating has such a beneficient action on these organs and so cleanses the poWouoo matters from the system that rosy checks aad good health are soon brought back again, Express. iHtaewvcfitcsK far sBinsf and Bjostf. There is more strength-reatoriag fower ia a bottle of Parkers Ginger oaic than in bushel of mall or a gsL of milk. As an appetiser, blood ptrtrt er aad kidney corrector, there is noth ing like it, ana invalids coasequeatly ana h a woiHaenuj inTigonuMaiot aad body. Commercial. i $50,000 To Lotn On security, at J cent, annual stone, at The lateresc. so et County I Bed Cloud. KMT BE8 MflTeaOwTB AatflCMSluRITtAw. RwRwRmRwBBlmmi lRmRwSwRwBRwBRwVBBBjHBBBBJBA mRwBmRwBmRwRwmRwBmRwBmRwBmmRwBmRwBRmRlBV-mRwBRm awiBmRwBmRwPRV-mRwBmRwBmRwBmRwBmRwBmRwBR mRW ... VM M mW AmmV VMRmawBmRwBmRwBmRwmmRwBmRwBmRwBmRwBmVftmV -- --- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBaSBBBBBRBBBJ MBBBBBBBjfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBJBBBu RBBJ aa VBBa BBJ K BBBBJBJ RBR BBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJfR m awB-. Swa-a-B- mRwB-aaaaaaTawB-a-B BBawmm mwBjB-mmRmmY-. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSB "BflBmVxmRlll'ifBl awBwmmmmSmmml-l ' .MmifmwaBmamRwmRem'wmmw- Immense GOTO L. BAUM'S, (P. O. BUILDING.) n Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing And Genera! Merchandise. BIG BARGAINS, MONEY SAVED ! Come and Examine Goods and PXtlCES. HURRAH! I - C.E. PUTNAM! Wishrx to announce that he still hang nut at the old aland, and t aniline UroTn the nmc a ccr at THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES, CONSISTING OF Teas, Sugar, Syrups, Canned Goods, Especially California Goods, Flour, Feed Corn and Oats. You will also find him at the old Stand of ROSENTHAL BRO.'S, where you Will find everything in the line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Such as Flour, from California, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, also Green and Dried Fruits. He has now in connec tion with the Grocery Business. A FIRST-GLASS BAKERY, Where you will always find a choice line nfcood generally kept in a fimt- claw Bakery, and would aolielt a sb.ir- of the public piilrmi.co. Thanking you for for pai favor and wishing a ciUm.nc! of the Kiiino and at mnnv new ottC4 ua may favor htm With a call. IfO TaOIIBLF, TO no-4 YOURS TBULY, UNDRETHS'PiiKi SEEDS! Forth WERCH AUT ozspi&rJp" For tho lYlAnCT CARD&tffstR eCCre For tho PRIVATE FAMILY tjrhBiM0lf!rAatii law Aiirnr)tfAa I Crown by oursc'.voR 2. rCBaaiaaawa Ill-trmlr4 Calataaac unu U.ml M-ir VHr.K TO At.t. sfixcMA.vrw.MKXR fa your nvrntxam vakw mn Twant: t.twr. DAVnUNDRCTNRSONS.SEEOfiROWns.PKIUDHLPHIt Louis Cook Manufacturing Co.'s CSwTT&Swg e CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE LARGEST ANp MOST, COMPLETE IN THE WORLD. PfJLIi CAPACITY !. rER WSCK. 0 "the Standard vehicles" Are Maetto mt Thee Wkv mHmr.elmK Bre wester, Whitney, Copper and Timpkin Side Bars, and Salidce or Monarch Triple Spring Buggies, The Greatest Varieties of Styles, The Finest Two Aud Three Spring PhatUm. The Handsome Barouche in the Market, Stylish Carriages, Fonrand Six Passengers, Canepy Top BkMfcet rrurton. The Best Phufbrm Spring Rail Bed and Putin Open and Top COOK'S "STANDARD VEHICLES' are known ef 1 over the warM as the rrsy k the LRAirr Mowrr. Do not under any circnmataiirta hay ami) jm have seat for oar drcalar of jr!e and ariess, Wholeaala trade a Heeeiehy. Rememher we make oar ova Wheels. THE RARVEX PATENT, aad warraM every vehicle. mSmBUSmWmwmUmmZSSXm caaaaaaaa aawaaaaafaaii aasaaaamsSSaa-i SmVWmmmmmmfmf twtmt) AliWNiWWWMtlMMMIIMMWWaM M fcrfWWH W tJ WIU' Mi lli aaaaWMttIC ' I " - " -'VHiM - vyHIEF, NO. 9- Stock!! ! - 1 11UKKAH 1 1 MIIOiV GOOIf, C. E. PUTNAM. ISEEDS SEEDS Wagons, Side Wacofts. Sarrer Wacon. v-Torks f AmmmUmmmmf JVa ISiamavaaaaaaawavaaawaa nmBBBSRSaSR vaa-aaawa-KMb-N. lWac aa ar aaaaaJaTS-ilaaT aiAriTga aa-wSaaaayaa-caJt"aa-aa laavsuacaava aaajaMaaMaawaawraaaaaavOTW7aaawMa-saaaaaaiiaaaBaa-' kaawaaatawsaaat haa aaasaaaaasi aaala. jBVawr a-ayafcaaS i6 riT iSBila a-yawawaaa. Pa. Rucalrr sajsVCL-C JOB trCTJEiJ-a ki&JWi, Jfekk ttMtnm va si at s tr jrftAP 'd W idhQiS'l-Bt.BWJR -A-Y2 m-if Maw Saaaw taw- rV FREE! m mmimm ,. " -J OV n.r , a . - i 5EBw Wm.W rt"r S-t-. - 4 4 UWa ret ssKsm YOUTH fat AKMOOC a cv-r ?r j4 w rw x r m f ? Mm .. .. - y w pa t - - - - t tias: evacrswta, a- j. . wrw -TBJK- Dccrmg Twiis Biadi IB ROW BJB-M fof U9 I MT UtT t haa a facari at MwfallRl cx-. It was the irrt made d ha ir 4 kvwasjht ls pertK-Jna wh& mt" " Mag aaalisaJtaOa macsuw m, w sjcakf iar tly ese or two m sjhd aosaw at them are sdvcr&fi thk year fcr the rH ttsw. t It avra Mm!1 letr--MV0 & acter mUs to Wad even ltnll is the uiairrixr niuwirr, omr kwiiRUttLK ad uir miRtuui rUcmk m thrv lay oa wha hayi U inaw' rVrbcb vu4a ttery chaJK of Uwu Wt ar mkmre m the harwat. cmcAO-o. rasaaaf iRRRluRRlRRf.TWlraRaf iima,mirmlawklra faifar r.XiM, Wmi Rraxa OSVaa aa4 Wanfaaaaa Wt Ysm (Ma. 7 WmI rrt ttMU. Lsacm,'s BJasrat " ft ftriermer;. Or earns, --aax tarla, rsR hrtrita' rwSaaaaa as mp JUaaal a! mI tHTf4, aftft1 RResT KSRUARCBI WtUI.HHJB aH t-J 1mmtmummmtmm:mf - aararya. amsaaltr-Kf lija -r -. lafwa aa4 laCajaaaaMi aa aa ahw T - bTover KXTSTYLES iHS-tfc.HaWa4- a SaawasM MSaaa ratal wan n " rrttrrofttt or a TORPID LIVER, . Ra?wl mtmf-vtK Tmtmt ' f . faM wadar av iW-Jt- aaasatiae aeMfff.waa aaartaaa cf fclr r saaM sfsswaawr. Ifw a'ri 'imisj e niurs Rini iiuii- s ! rf f eRwBjt y BRWRfc A a turnout c.iit"r PARKEsTS GW6ERT0N1C: fiKpV - a wBmarBVpsLaBBf (Wmmmmaja i BmarmYosammmV aY-aawBmaamwT--J BB5SaiRTW BBmwBmamamBmamaBBaKBKl' a-uffiHfflaummHIIaff ' WmmwNmWniLWnliStf MMyMMJBMaBgyIlBwtV ,fa& BBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBlfS'.. BBaSaSaSajSSMaaSBBSSSSSSjBaSBHBvs& BaSBSSaiBaaavaaviaiBwBBaiBiHpBBBBBBBBBBVs' Ua-nr.'. Va. t a a-aaaSaw urJCRWaaTttaM ' CatBAcnamai (flsRjmmwl VwBmwM masat umnasaVwm tteaV) sW1 taa inaaiaJaa tr. ts. a . RwW j "- fuc wan.. assseaaaaaafaa r . 1 -r- SSamsraRwaa iMmUM;. YUTY'S PILLS fmmtmmp a aaaaaa-c aar aawiaa aararr-i hm mB?a-aai wRbriBam aaaaa-abaaaai Ssaa-Bt aaaaaaai ra-taHaBi JBJmmRna afBRBRBBJ RaBJBBBmmj BRRca fBwBRa apfw-Brea OOMflTIRATlOf-- tvmnBsaMSnmM ajySvS3f:,5 Nil? HAW lit., Cat-55S5r - -- ''- v."i -,--:- jr Ti. - "a, 5 -o.jfcii.; 3 - JV .-?r S 24c.- vfiSt &; Srv- - i-.? (gfesa&wfaBASt,.,.. .- i. .,-V .:.. '-i . -,---j ,,i . - r.--;:rT?'i -t-ViJ - -.- - Jfc :-: :-r'vt lJ"-i-.- i-.i-k 1 MU K - T ' - JtJ- - jr. - Ua. rT-5fis.: .; "j?t . j -zf - af-if& -'j - v - --. .-.- - -yp-ws.v'' - - j- essrsi-isi" .-;-- ". s -?r --ja"- .. t -''a-i y. !. --t.i. . he m-iJI-Zif i. r" u'i. . -'.-.. - ,-'. 7r VS-T 1U . T'L . X --- - . r .- - v Jisift ..-IA' .. t 'B- tM2' 1 " f "tr'WmV "" .-UF.'1KBBV-