TI -,- , ----V, - .-... ?-. . M V - - .-vr ?TCr . - mv"''i' '" ' rWaaja-Maafrgi -jjiji nii.nl . .i . , i"" i"n t imhtij-'iii i-ri. . ri -t Br-m mt r nTrrarn ' HT11 ITT rwi lM " 'Mi i.nl ihcin.iin'jf J?lrj,.imMutf4 $ fi ' -XHBXlIIEF. .Wifil'l, JW -- -4iijw4awaajMiiWiNnamt -- i pu - ' mi luj niitiwi "WfUBtti-jppnMNMMI imr a -" - - " - - - . w. -i il5 e JOB 'W.Q The Jt, Red Chief. 't? H.- 4 - " Red Gloud, NbrakaV, , BY DXViD LUTZ, "hAJ-tfJaliatf ttaWiTHft 1 laBfaaal 191 TWW HzxmtmrKMrsm Atavf K -V - "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY,- AND $LBO A YEAR IS THE PRICE OF THE CHIEF. 'm'LWJS&T - - . --"1 MiMMaaaBMMiMaiMaiaaaaaaaaBaaaaMaaPMaaiii i mi m !" .i".J!L!LlJi' ' ' ' iiptfw"iwwwBBRMJJjCJWiaaiipBjajaaaiwBBaajpaagaj -a afJHaaaajaaajiajL f aiiS' WaT aVL OLoud s - TPrli oifull ii item WHEN YOU TRAVEL ALWAYS TAKE THE B.&MLR.R. Examta- map and tlaje table eartfaUr. ft will b ftti llml thi Ho ononeeU wlta 0. Ii. l. K K. $ In fact thry art under one laauaoraent, aci taken ttter w iutia nbatU callel -THE- BURLIHGTOH ROUTE BIIOUTKFT AND Ql'irEBT USE TO Chicago. Ml. 1Oa.is Peoria, l)m MOINK-S liOCK lrit.ASD. And Krpecially to all 1'olata Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio. rnixriPAi. advantages ake Through Coaches from Jschniska to Destination on C. H. t Q. II. 11. No transfers: changes from C. Ti. fc R. It. to conncct- injj; lines nil made in Union Depots. Through Tickets -AT LOWEST RATES I.H BK mu "Upon application at an? aUtlon on the road. Acnta arc alo preiarel to check baccara tliroach: tire all Inf-irsnatlon aa lo mim, route, (imo. conneclioai. etc., aad to eeeare atoefioc car aceuir.rao'latloBa. Thla company ii riicet oa an extesiion which will open a HEW LINE TO DENVER nnd all point in Colorado. This ex tension will be completed and ready for hiisines in a few months and the iullic cm then enjoy all the advanta ge"? of a through line hetween Denver and Chicago, all under one manage ment. P. 8. EUSTIS, Gen'lTVl AVt.. OMAHA KDB. FOR THE LOW line-Wire Fence, For -everybody is buying It. cold in Red Cloud by D. Lura and Levi Moonr., S-37tf S.W. SEELY, DEALER IN Choice Family Groceries, TEAS, . CORFEES. CANNED GOODS. TOBACCO, CIGARS, HK.KAD. CAKES, PIES, 'FLOUR, MEAL, Ac., Fruit a Specialty. Rutier and c$ taken in exchange Ittro.v;e s?olieited. Two doors north Smith Bro.'a Bank. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. Templeton Bros., , Company, GUIDE ROCK, NEBRASKA, DEILKKSIN U M SB E m. 9 Building Material AND COAL. J. K. AJLTZ, DEALER IX Groceries . CnMitet S-i!s, x Cigars, Tebcce. FiKe Confectionery, FIvar, wfcc, Vc Puro Apple Cider always on Tap. mgKt && Price Paid fcr Batter is' la. Country produco bought and sold. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Tk tofUUr Otgus i ftret aaaawaaHand aa b'.YU Jara.awaiaacaf toaaaawi VTARRAKTXDbe KKHiT -r WMT HKLXAJttB DKAXaMU Vwz&OwiAa.BttfaaTdoath1 ryrm. nrnawmra "JSrL m BTaBPPaBBaBaBaBHaaaff99HBBTBaBfaBBBaaBB ! EZHm WaairW aC Sad? 4W KSSiSKU bbbbTKbV aff'VaBBl aaal 'au ' .aTaBBBCaVUaaBTalaPaBftBBBBKBBBBrBTi BBBBBBBBBBBBBlKWBlrBBr anBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBBBaABBBBKrSaWBBBBuMBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBal BBBBBBBBBBBTiVMBaBUKr PBBarf"" a9R39ataKBBBBBBBBB CJTTlTlTT." " M MaalPlaBWBniJaBBi aPIR.?kai4niMalMMraI!ag BBBBBBBBBBBB'IBBBSXBBBGBTVaBBfV'BBBBMB BSSmBUBBmlmHBEBBEU , awa)MRMft. "--- a Wl aaaea-- " vTQfll , vaHBB,Bi aaaai wasaaaaaw aaaaa aaaapaa. - a aa aaaTHaMamaai f aa ,. mmmM r A l. . TMa Bnata OaVaa aaA Wancecaaa M W Yf fNe. 7 Watt Faaaay iew W w w) -v -v - n -v aaw wi apaeaaav . w. -r ' ". aaj --" laiHaiaiafgkawaiyiaai.7 1 w Tiifiiiii r ....- t c JaTbaiwrliTlrf--T"'fri !! II MHati ' . Kiaaa-jaaUaiatat f I Maaw ' ' OVER rOO STYLES, aVwAaV saS VWtfawfeasaTaBt aMaaValBWaw ekdalaMUleB4BafceBBVaBB aBjaBBaaaew w Vaa" VOL. X. R.A.fitMr'SO, NwUryFaWU. r.A.tWICZT. jlU&rMy a Lv Blue Hill Bank. SIKPSOH I SWEEZ7, BLUE ULL, WEBSTER CO., NEB. A Geaal Saahisc lailaw Traaat4. cial Cara rlre t Collactloa. farm Lorn at Lw lUtca. Mckol Bei Beact a4 14 I O0BBE8P0SDE!CT: Ceaauw Brataan Baakan, New Totk CHyj DMk. Onaaa Kaaraaka. J.E.Hvir. Pna't lit Nat. ajaajt W Ma. SIOTH BROTHERS, JTJED CLOUD, NEB., Traaaaeta raaaral Waklac fcwhMaa,lM? ami aell coaatr varrAau. aUo Ccaatj. Fraeiaat a4 Hbw Diitrict Uuada. Nrotht farai aortac. ay aa4 Mat Far- ign r.xctj8ta. apcial attMtia tiraa I Btvt MurcM. lat Vat. Baak Haw Talk. baHat.Baak.Oawa. smith Bkoa L. P. Albriobt, Preaidcnt. E.V. Snrarr, Cashier. WsssTsa conn Bin, BED CLOUD, IfEB. Mosey To Loan on Real Estate. Bay and tiell Exchange and do a general Banking bueinc0. btterkhcm: dwrk Atktaa. Baaka-a. T6rk: .Tatk Cava liaok. Tork.-.Farmcra' A MerebaaU' Bank, York; L'dIob National Baak. Chieace: Marab l3roa.. M eakar Ca. Liaeola. MT W. H. STROHM. A TTonrnnr at law. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Kay ba coaraf to4 I Kailiak t thmt. CollaciJoaa will rccdra preapt attaatle. 0FKicE:OppoBite Boy'a Home 0. C.Caaa. JUTEiShMT. Case & McNrny, A TTOaurrrs AKD counsclom at law. Will mettea la all tka Couiti ef thta Btata a4 Northern Kansas. Collectioaiaa wall a litiaav tad bailneat eamfully aadcSdaatly attcadadta. urricc- un wabatar street, tma aat ofaarkar'aStora. KED CLOOD, NEB. J. S. GILHAM, A TTORXEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office one door north of Kalry Brot. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA, Edwin C. Hawley, A TTOHNKY A COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office: Over Mc Farland's store BSD CIATO, XS. Laird & Smith, attorneys and counselors at law. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will practice in all tha Coarta of the State. Prompt attaatloa cUaa to all kaaiaaaa aatnufai to ku care. lalyl-7 J. L.Kalxt, Dloominctoa Xabraaka. 0. W. Savar, Had Cloud. Nab. KALEY BROS., A TT0RNKY8 AT IAW A REAL ESTATI AUENTS. Will practice In all tbe Coarti ia Ttebraaka and corthern Kantac collectinat proaivtly at leaded to aad correapondraea folicltfd. D CLOTS. Ktbmkt,. AUo. Areata Tor B. A M. R. B. Laada. J.M. Moaxxjk. L. D. DsniY. MOSENA & DBNNEY, Physicians and Surgeons. RED CLOUD, NEB. Will pay areetai atteattoa to Obatatrta aad dlieAfea of women Alw iraaeral sad araeUl auntery. Direatea of tbe Eye and car. Ckarcea noderata. Olee orer Cook'a Orac Star. 2S-1-7 DR. C. GHEIVCK ' Physician & Surgeon. COWLES, NEBRASKA. Professional calls promptly Attended. Office; At rcsideucc near Cowles. 8-51 Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DEHTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. K. DAMERELL, H. . Physician & Surgeon. OFFics-Over J. W. ShcncootlV Stow Red Cloud, Nebraska. 35-3-m EiMIGH- BROS. "EAT MMET RED CLOUD, WEB. iWckectaat.af Traek aaai Powla'aad ererrtbiaa-tatbelBaa 9aaace (be aaM tet afalda. alwava oai bead ar. dtmcatere COOK? .. i Oik,' - " r . Gisws. ; i KJU.UJJ ? t . ,- ' . -Vv9r'--MU'b "V 3: V.tJI'T'A.'U , -, .. , .j jm ' ta. : s JIBJ -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW :.3aBaBBaBl ivSS nRTZnCiHi l ttj"Riiwwiai httmi Ibnmmmm aarfwiiaittf ki thf htWr'ar ftait BBBQff9SLfBfSSSS -m "i- J . SS?' I"-? g'- --- -- ..-'--.-'iliif v . y "" 5- ,aBBaBBea5BaBSB2atB-'3?15Ti"- BBI RED CLOUD, WEBSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 22, !SS2. THE CHIEF. D.LUTZ, XDtTOft rRIDAY, gEFTEMBER.2g, 1982. atwfMiMldwn Owtinty TMawt. er KefreaaaUtira, R.D.EANXY- .OakCraak. FerCeau L. MILLKR itaateaar. M DiatHet, , KW CI aad RwpuMloan SwnatwrlaM Tlefcwt. For State Seaater Si IHrtriet. JOfiZFJf OARRIft . Sad Claad. PlMit Wtprw ntathf. FerFlaat r. Hat Otatriet, C.C. CUAPI5J ta...iiniiBa4yWaeW Fawmwfs' Alllan Tlwkwt. For ReyraaeatatlTa. J. M. STODDARD., Liae FraaUet. Forqaawiaaleaar.M IHetrict. M.C.eCOTT : Had Coed. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVEN TION. Tho Democratic countv contention in and for Webetcr county, Neb., will be held at the Court House in Red Cloud on Saturday, September, 30th, 1882, at 1 o'clock p. m., for tho pur pose of placing in nomtimtion candi date for tho following office, to-wiu Representative, Commissioner 2d District, And to select delegates to Cbngre- Rional, and Senatorial Convention) and to transact such other business as may properly come beforo it. Representation based on the votes cast tor presidential electors in 1880. mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBam Precinct. Votes. Delegates Red Cloud, 80 5 Guide Rock, 33 3 Stillwater. 24 2 Oak Creek, 28 2 Potsdam, 73 5 Elm Creek, 7 1 Pleasant Hill, 23 2 Batin, 21 2 Glenwood, 22 2 Harmony, 54 4 Inavale, 18 ' 2 Walnut Creek, 6 1 Garfield. 2 Line, 1 Primaries for the parjKwe of electing delegates arc recommended to bo held in the several precincts on Saturday, Sept 23, 1882. By order of county democratic central committee. R. 8. Proudfit, Ch'm. Jacob Rosenthal, Scc'y. Prwelamativn Whereas, a joint resolution was a dopted by tho Legislature of Nebraska at tho sixteenth session thereof, and approved Febuary 20, 1881, proposing an amendment to section onc(l),article seven (7), of tho Constitution of said State, and that said section as amcud ed shall read as follows, to-wit: "Sec 1. Every person of the cgc of twenty-ono years or upwards, belong ing to either of the following classes, who shall have resided in this stato six mouths, and in tho county, precinct or ward for the term provided by law, shall bu an elector: First. Citizens ot the United States' Second, Persons of foreign birth who shall luvo declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United states on the subject of naturalization, at least thirty days prior to an election." Therefore, I,Albinus Neuce Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (1), article fifteen (15), of tho Cont stitution and the provisions of an ac entitled "an Act to provide the manner ofproposing amendments to the Con stitution and subraiting tbe same to the electors of this State'approvod Feb. 13,1877. that said proposed a mendment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this State for ratifi cation or rejection at the general elec tion to be held on the 7th day of No vember, 1882. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my baud and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State. Done At Lin coln this 10 day of July, a. i., 18S2, the sixteenth of the state 6RKAT and of the independence of seal, the United States the one hun dred and seventh. (Signed) ALBINUS NANCE, Attest: (Signed) Govenor S. J. Alexander, Secretary of State By E. P. R-oggon, Deputy. RULES FOU TKACHICR5. 1. It shall bo the duty of all teach ers employed in school to note care fully all rules and reculations that observance. 2. To take a deep and personal in- toreat in everything- that pertains t , me advancement and suceees, not only oi uieirowu, out oi an atepartmenta on the school, and to eater heartily into! may ie, srom time to time, adopted pchojiou of any pupil they au tor uio good oi thu scuooi, anu to taiih- deemed t jnettcd. ud mu-a no muy co-operate with the principal anil into the hands of tho teacher. uoani oi education in secunn? their f 13. Th foreign riir. nl anv drt!t: every, plan and work deiigned to cle-1 . .' rate the teacher and the character ofi" rate the teacher and th biMTM nffclosinz itaraeraph of Dr. T. De Witt the mstructje ujiparWd ia tke school toJU v .,- - . . To become famriiar wth all im - proved method wf teacanaag and r- erniar: sjmL for tkk wanoaiL tn iLA with cat wach be4s ?.. ".. . r-j --i Jaave war wnttam tteMkftct hy ia aw 4. 'ToaUatdfcatUnraJt i of teachers that may toappMOtaal u pnacipw. a- jl: : :- . --- . .-; -.Tu iiZ.TJrTrf "??i1 ? ". cwwt15 pw Buoi& ju marwaR waaaaaama awaaaa'aBafBB bebx bbi .Baaaaaaa aiaaa oreWratioa aadk ataa few tan i7a'JI ML tne scJootTeoam,; amar la) awjaitiaa. hrtai aaW aar . - . 7 -." - ach aMJNl W Ordr adp '"TlaJk.aaT12-f -liaV'taW rtMtiw aaW f CfSSaij SaSSSJ jajroincfromchool;koto tVeJI practicable inuKirt to preretit pupil eateriBfC the cbooJ premi bef the hour cf opening tho rooms, and re maining on the premwes auer uie closo of the school. 7. To keep a careful record of all matters of prescribed by law, and of ch aetdiona! matters as may be re quired by the regulation of the school and to report the same promptly at the proper time. 8. To cultivate naoits oi neatness and order, on the part of the pupils, allowing no wjte papT or litter of anv kind to be left in the school rooms orlialls, nor scraps of paper on nor around the seats. 9. .To give personal attention to properly ventilating and rgcubuing the teniporatorc of the rooms, and to the physical comfort and well-being of all member of the department. 10. To advue with the principal in all cases when it is thought, necc.iry lo promote a pupil, to exercise severe or difficult ducinhne. or in nil case of perplexity that may arise, of what ever form or. nature, connected with the duties of the school. 1 1. To immediately uotify tho prin cipal whenever from any cmim it be comes necessary to be alsent from school and of the probable length of such absence. 12. The foregoing rules shall lo binding upon all tuachera connected with the school, and a faithful obser vance of them shall form one of the principal conditions vpon which de pend the circmntftrtucc of any teacher in his position. kules fou ruriLS. 1. All pupils are required to be punctual and regular in their attend ance, kind and respectful to teachers, and to each other, and at all times re frain from the use of any vulgar, pro fano or improper language, or to in dulge an any conduct tnaieoum tu any way Ik$ conntrued a indecent or im proper in the most refined society. 2. All members of the school muft be earnest and faithful in their tudic4 patien- nnd forbearing iu all inter course with those around them; and at all times and in all places must they endeavor to build up for themselves characters that shall challenge the re spect of teachers, their fellow pupils, and the community. 3. No pupil shall tlirow stones, snow balls, or other miiuiles on or around the school ground, nor indulge in any noisy or boisterous sports that shall, in the least, iutcrfere'with the comfort or convenience of any mem ber of the school, or powers by: nor shall any pupil be permitted to bring any weapons or fire-arms upon the premises; nor attempt to intoiero with the rights and privileges of any other pupil or individual on or around the premises, nor indulge in Any quarrel or attempt to avenge any wrong, but always report any abuse to the princi pal or to their teacher. 4. No pupil shall cot, scratch, mark or otherwio deface any portion of the echuol property, but shall oh&ervc the strictest rules of decency iu and about all parts of tho premises- And any one who may bo guilty of such acts of indecency suall iOneitall right to the privileges of the school, and any pupil who indulges in the tic of tobacco about the premises shall bo suspended until the habit is given up. 5. Pupils must enter such depart ment and pursue such studies as may be assigned them by the principal, and procure tho necessary text books for such rtudics. 6. Pupils, on entering tho buliding must deposit their hats, caps and other extra clothing in the proper place then go immediately and quietly to their respective rooms for study, never re maining in the halls for conversation. 7. Pupils must consider tho school as a placa for study and mental disci pline hence, as soon as they reach their rooms the work of study must begin, nor must pupils visit any room not their own without permueion and for good cause rihowu. 8. Pupils shall not be allowed to collect upon or around the premises for any sports before the first bell riugs. Ana all pupils, must leave tho grounds as soon as dismissed at the close of each session, unless by special permission allowed to remain. 9. 'Nopcpil shall be allowed to remain in tho building at noon unless it may to an absolute necessity, explained to the principal, who shall then use his own discretion in the niAttcr; assign ing the room to be occupied until the return of the teacher. 10. When any pupil finds it neces sary to leave school at any time, notice roust be given to the teacher in order that no injustice may be done in re cording the absence. 11. Pupils, who absent themselves for no good reason, shall forfeit any right to a seat, if absent six half-days in rour consecutive wccki, ana if any pupil shall leave the school twice wilb out permision, then hts eat shall be considered vacant. 12. No pupn shall be allowed U bring to the school any books pam phlets or other reading matter, no in the nnc of bcdocI room sUithc. nnie by special permission of the teacher: 'amt in cao such hooks aro found in be given i- on - al rules that mar be made from -iioie to timo. must be ."trictly dhi ehitTfiU-1 ly obeyed, or the priviltv,A of the school ivhz?cd to any ueiinqttent. We copy this week a coaple of the jTal mage's sermon entitled "Chrisuan- T Ddusion." The whola r 1 n z- .- om fortiM nioi i m M Tara ot i rack as ae dwwroirr. . w. .. .. Uiu y Liora, bit uoa, what x we;- is whaia glociotM deltwie, Swfc- !; witv it; fill aay ejat aad withlt: amt it nder war "drinc Ikaaui i' . t4llivwtHaB dataauMi f ,.. "5 - 1 - .. , aaaaaW-ieW-itkamllJ falsi aaaJiia TTIlTfiaiiawl lmmmA-.-tsM-?UZ?. ... , -1 - - , - . .? p u; -wwnmfm . awjj BMcaaajej - - - mw. - : .t: ' " - -w 7. -. mv:mhbmhmmwhhhm mmm. riw.rYor lojcic m! yor tow tm coavtiace jou that a bad cauaa i caajaKH prodnc aa ilutrioo r4ulu Out wf the womb of sttcha iuotcr ro Hack an angel cn be born. There are aavtay in thb hottae thU Korafag. ia tha fpallerie and on the main Moor, whw began thiukin that tbe Christian religtajii was a stupid farce, who have coflMtotbe conclusion that it ia a reality. Why are you here to-day! Way do yon low your hd in the opening prayer? Why did you bring your fitmily with you? Why, when I tell you of the ending of all trial in the bosom of God, do there stand tears in yonr eyes not tears of grief, but tears of joy, such as stand in the cyea of homesick children far away at school when aomc one talka to them about gom home Why is it that yon can bo so calmv submiMive to the death of your loved one about whoo departuroyou once were so angry and so rebellious? There U something the matter with you. All your friend have found out there is a great change anu if ome of you would give your experience you would give it in schol arly style, and other giving your ex perience would give it In broken style, but thu one experience would be jut as good as the other. Somo of you have read everything. You are scien tific and you are scholarly, and yet if I should a.k you "What i the most scirublo thing you ever did?" you would say, "Tho moH sensible thing I ever done -was to give my heart to God." Well, wo will soon understand it all. Your life and mine will soon ho over. We will soon come to tho last bar of tho music, to tho but act of tho trag edy, to the last ptgc of tho book yea, to tho last line and to the last word, and to you and to me it will eithet !e mldnoon or midnight. ADWTJOVAL LOCAL. W. B. Roby is rusticating in the Centennial state. CharlcV Kaley and wife aro off to Denver. Bon voyage. J. G. Potter is building himself a residence in the north west part of town. A new thingin Red Cloud. Mr. D. S. Coombs promenades the streets with Mrs. Coombi. This wa s begun about last Sabbath wo believe. Somo body is moving a stock of goods into tho old storo room in Baum's Btono building, but we have not learned who tho parties arc. Thomas Jones and wife, the daugh ter of our neighbor E. B. Smith. resides at Nowark, were down to make a visit last'week. They were married here last Feb., we believe, and left at once for their new home where wo aro glad to learn that they are prosperous and happy. AsxorxcEnST--Tlie Wclter coun tv Alliance having nominated me for the. office of county commisfdoner, I dcom it my duty to thorn and mysolf to decline to accent of tho nomina tion so kindly tendered to mc by them Having been a life-long republican. I will not allow my name to be used at this time as tho means of creating dis cord in the party to which I belong, and whofjQ principles I accept of and respect. Henry 0. Scott. H. C. Scott declines to lend his in fluence to disrupt a party, whose principles ho jenpordized hia life to maintain. And that is right. The "boys in blue" ' Should to brave and true. They shot as they voted, and they should vote as they shot. Uncle Sam Garber U still very low we are told, and liable to drop ofTany time. MODERN MARRIAGE. A hat, a cane, A nobby beau! A narrow lane, A whisper low. i f 4 A smile, tow, , A. little flirt! An ardent vow, That's cheap as dirtl A hand to Mjnccre, A girl to k:w. Quite at one's" en.c. . Jliwt ndedi? to bliss. A ring, h date. A hoceymon, Torfind'toO late . - Tfwas tooson! Banr sas best, kWS: izm STBEfsT lnlrl?a iTHOMO. TBADT UCKT. aBBBBBHaaHaf'.'E'k "vll 9jE?"jfc& ' aa t Sear m. 'yji 9WUTEUTXE UtT. . m t-,fo'.iit' aaaTai 'eaaaaMaaat'Cay-awaiVai Raa-JUPST'- -afiH aajx aagaaaaiaaB., J -g-" m e a aa y g ir-.,. . A aawneOMwfArtJafi. Tbe taieral!e hots and fcTtlrtj?' f thtne coad atlrk or s tw, re caucd by w Mk omi4, ittft or bowtk. Parkers Gtosur Ttlc wtth owt ituoxkalia; Kaj mtch a totc$cimt action oa tlwpe orj and o cli the potaouotM maUfr from the sytJvt tliat rosy cbrrks an! good hMdh are toon brought bck ajfain, Exprwaa. Wxxl H. HOWE, AccTT ro nSBSS .453 JXISSiSt fB3 XLli These mill are both soIU Wtoel, standard uiill fully warranted firt-cia in eterr rraprct AUo furnishes tirt-cLwa METALIC PUMPS. RErattrccr. Mitcbnl! MnrluVt Rel Cloud, Ed. GiWd. C l". nr d dn, WM. H HOWE, S'2m Con lw, Neb,. I HURRAH! I - I C.E.PUTMAM! wishes to annonnco that he still hang mitat the old atand, and U solltux Groceries the mriv rwr at THE LOWEST LIVING PBICES, COXSISTJNU OK Teas, Sugary Syrups, Canned Goods, Especially California Goods, Flour, Feed Corn and Oats. You will also find him at the old Stand of ROSENTHAL 11110.$, wmsre you Will dud everything in the Hue of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Such as Flour, from California, Minnesota. Kansas and Nebraska, also Green and . Dried Fruits. He has now in connec tion with the Grocery Business, A FIRST-CLASS BAKERY, s Where you will always find a choice line of goods generally kept in a fir t class Bakery, and would solicit a share of the public patronage. Thanking you for for pt favor and wishing a continuance of tho same and aa many new one aa may favor hiatt With a call. HO TZtOITUIVr; TO NIIOW GOOlWi. no-4 YOURS TRULY, C. E. PUTNAM. risa&i'iiaca b &uw a ee7Cnor ho PRIVATS FAMILY ftSTpr r-JIaait-o IRWru4 CbUJ r4 V.r Itrstrf rXKK TO At,X- .ts:cA?rw, snxt va yotit Hcrxr.K etrH nR n:.v:n urr. DAV"3 IAU3RSTH &S0fsS,Sa:3 G W.VSS8,P8ilnfiELPK!A Louis Go ok Manufacluring Co.'s Carriage "KTorks, OINOINNATL OHIO. THE LARGEST JCH) HOST COMPLETE DT THE WOULD. FULL CAPACITY ?. PER WSKK. "the standard vehiglesm Are 3T&ts at The Wk. W:mbmclm Brewestcr, Whitney, Copper and Timpkin Side Bars, and Salidee or. Monarch Triple Spring Buggies, , Toe Greatest Varieties of StyJosT " .. i, - The Finest Two And Three Sprin-TLaKons, - v The Handsomest Brouche in thav if rkrt, - gtriiah Carnaecs, Four and Six FaMfai, Canopv Top Ifcuket I1tOR. , JbeTBcsi Platforw S'pruajt Wajrow, Sail Red aad Tudn 9de Waj-o, Open arxl Top Sarrcy Wadw, 0001TS "STANDARD VEHICLES" are known ti rer thf wocM at ffc best for tbe uia?t woxcr. Do not. t3Mbratsy drcas3tftef bwy wiJil'y! IiavcHjnlior oorarcniar ot sivies aao pneee. mrje trswe My, iicmem&er we aaka ot ova Wheels, THE SAKYX PATKNT, ajed nt every vehicle. ,... Min.iiwa aw awaaBMPaTaaaajaaaaaaaaaaBaaaBBM3aaaaBi ..TH v , ! " ; njir .- w Hir . jm.'v -r.' . ,-1. - "i-"wv .rB tt9 &&&&&& WM I lBlal&S&adr r f JL r kTTJi I 1 ti -fa wu 1363 tea iwtc&JZTt evw e rf A'crr ?,.,, ., - - - -- k-, J mm fir .... -reen aHw. fceasf ...-7. ( ..w.t. -i- -i. " ' at rie msi l-nfMjait Mamw'wr TWf ''' -- " - . - -z- -. SrTrT- taiatt.aiyWjtii aay a O-s. uunti aaaw aawavw Kwy anawayr w JlfMl ' '"" ' ' avmii 'T .TH'mimr : - ' - aawi 11 !! iiai-nr Cm 1 ' "p7?fWretTPaaa?aBBBwaBBBBBBawbeaaea j aaMwi uuBf ats "ar awiKix v f.'ST a al rTfTr-r?-T jSjA aaW aw .ar aT - .aW M MtbmW Mm km .aw wl -eyaaaaaji 5J2722?jSL2aJ22Lf afeSBBfiBBBeBCBSESBifiBtBBBWBtBBBW '" 7 -aMlllMIIMIM-laggilWlWlaW gSjSSSiri I HHPfVRIHHHI tr aaalBBBTaBBBaBBiaBBw aTwaV aal bb a . aaa w aaaaTaBiBBaBBaBfBBBBBBaeaV I-BiBB ZM mm-aaaLi-AWk BsW-aaaBSaaaPPaaaB ? -r- BBH'aBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM f" -" Waaaaal bbA aBaBatIBiV1Sa aaaBaaaMF t slMlaal laaa"WWIaaaaaa8aMlBai WaaaE e aaw- bbbbbbb aaaaaw'w am"aaBBl B h eBBBBBHaJBBBH aw aala cfaWBH W mmmmmi -7 NO. 7. llaa)a,a)WWSPawa1M aaWtew atteiaa wwer, Ttiere i m wrHrtV$rtts ivwer m a Hi! m iviktr .ngrf Tattle tfc lrA feJ?l wCt vr a 5 ef :) As r4if. Jkl WnS er ad kidty enrtHtff tr U twi, and it wdrftitfjrA fo i ad bcly.-Oc miiwtalaL riONJCCK M&TUKWS Jk U J,VXIX aaa lat we S VeVeiev Cai Ua, ttt CtOCP3ltJLii:A. SHAVING, gHAMrOOlNO, Hair Cutting ia th hJaet aty ht of th Tonaorial Art, COST E AND GKT A CLEAN Ml AVE - ( Hi Kiev a 1 B1BREES eKwOT-aW4 v"as -at )fensi2K joto i; jut Ksi ;!!- Jiaaieefr Xm1w. g7wJwtiM ia?aviv : s?a. i.ajrrt rf in.ilarl 1 ia-" IVJTIWi.t'C , W W. jpwp i WWWV3K4V -.-r. 1--' '-..j- . - -a.. .-.. ".,.., . ,iT' -. itta Vit t-M.t. ntfir aec TM.MH . Vtw. jNfcawsijBr-jwaxwa; - -t SHOP.! TkJ t ar,ljprf.xf..A:iaj. ' . Wsk .pwb .rn-wfcji - .i wnwwa't MM,l,"M,taaaaBBag-I-..-jei -p snaaaTBtw e FREE! .. SSfME i m. v ' i - i . , j -. uuMan i 1 .MA wMhJ ,,- aeavrT' M.mt ti r WlMra taV, W-Mt 4 w vnuru -jj aaaalilaall l4 Atmrw1r, , 9J ir iMnitai iS p -w ? .w i,, u h , hwH ?. 1 s. A-' m.. m vr .( ff.rtjf SA J5M k vm.- mt-n wtiiaiKatRIMxaN -. -TalK-. Hsria-IrJiBik ttKrV aMww fcf tW f-h tftr aWt laat ft rMMOl of awAl HKtjvwa, It tjrit Um irst 1 aaJk wid Imw Iwrr WvaajpM a tTBVUoil 1a wwaWfH. Itf fttaflaltlataHH tarwk?)UM -Mdf fcr ! Of t ; 114 MM wi tlaelft trt a!trUa.l Uaf ytftT fcr IM rt tiv r aUkt t ifttMl ?rT Iwaiwlta? ttl I th-i LKiMTIXT JmAliaHT. HOST BtTlUltUC A HXV riHiesmEaw saouxe s u Ajr w Wy U Xi? ItRHaX ftfftbk rwy cWki af fww bw or fclhirw ! tJtf aaar tU VgUlimm XrimcV CHICACO. raiwKicuifw.rifpw onD'c- I, D. KJFORO I Oiw Bock LOaad, I1L- SULIT AID aj btwwww av urn in f msi CULTIVATOR' Kstiiig Plowi,' . - cosntxKn " USTfl IU COM MUi Htrrows, etc etc w & ToTTSHAWDTL ttirz k.a X rf--; , hkHLllaV ' " " Y , xTBBMaasak. aaaVVa. rfclaiw' enTt f . , - Vaalaatal I ! L..S.TV 7 -i . t: -jHaBfas T fSK " -avaaBBBBBaBBBBBBBaiK'LllBJBBBraS aH ' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflaaBBaR BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwK laaBBBBaBTaBTp ' ffeJaBaBBBBBBBaaaaa TUTT'S PILLS TORPtO UV1H. , jaa. Ij wa a aijaagapftfja raawwSaBTaj al B' ?ar TParaTa"T tI"B"" raraBraar yleTPV eWraaBWPJ aHJWMPa JaaLaaaBaaft MaWawHkjWlMffpM MM VVJMWjwB TSM1aTB aTjPtpFjWapMMP afltaWatfVaS wwwbbbbW waafc'aw MMT10avTIMI aaaaaawaaalawaaBeaBBfjasaa WJeVy aMpsffaaWWaT aaaTaaTg.TfaMMWsaMMMjaMWaaf wfaaW y fcaMaaW Sab VeaaaaBaBTa aaBaTal aaWaaBBBBaL bbbbbbbbW aTaaBaw' aaBBBalBBBBBW saw jpf J w,bbbbb y yBae1"t BBB "lr ? waaiiiisaiiaaiaTiaiawawaw. aa anaaaaaayeyaaaa yaaaaawaaaBaptar-;l : t 9 -s '-" . 3 t M- 't ". f5' : s j ... aaaww n"alBBBBBBBBEL J .MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aaaBBaBaaaBaBaBBiaBBBBaBBB ''- aaaBBBaBBaMBaBaBB " S aaH BBb "JbHF Tp-gBy-ajaajaja BaTaaaw aaiMatataaB aaaaaaaBBaaBaaBaw VW T ataBBwaw"afaTawaaBK- aVaaRVVpBBH jJUW""""? 1 " -- .-.jiH. ,k faaaaaBaH !fPfflfM- e4)ati aaaaaaMaaaaW.')f-aaBW-' MT Ttt!f- y" . - ?-? aPJeaWeaTlaaay. .. - Z? " a?" r -eii' ' -t5!T-!?!3:s;i? srtisit JttSSr-. tsA calks -i-i-&p$fc tr&lf'miwZ't&r'z.A -w -- -. . it' - rr-v v2TrS--r? - . --?S5 . - - , - , f - 5y! .-? J fd- ii. .- ?j & f -- f.5 SKaiJlSr3BWJJaVai?l i-?aaiaQi T rjV?,aaBaataWaBraBaB " -iflN&SkrMlKe7 t?'- - " AT '"'" T - "-3 ' aP8.BBjwPi EsL y asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - ' ' - . rrvmllK;,;