jammajmmmajaajagaa i tiMWi:iii;WiiwJi'u1(i!iiiiiiir!i'i.u4ti iiirj;rjflaruiBiUii-aai THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. FORTY. Wiih mnnj- a carrlea, Joyotie bouM. with innny a vr -nry. tn-l-nilll nmiid. O'er "nnntb-prcnl turf or ilnnemu ground: !' rn ur a limpid -U-rasn nm! inlld, Ily mnnj-a mountain torrent wild, I, from n tmplc. tnittlnir ch!JJ, Have wandorcl on t forty. From f-cl that klpr! to nl?r tread From mind with fix.lIMi fnnc.t; r-l. To B.ninOi'r judgment. rl"r lnjnd: Th rbaiiKc to work f r m Uiouffbtlc- pliy; Tho rhnnjrn tnrnt irrnvcr thtnurht- to jray Whl( h en mi to rn along thu way J tnlo whllo reaching forty. 7hroii(rh viidona wl I b hod rcl enird, TbrntiRh vllon witit-r than Idranmod, Through stntdotra wlicrn tho IIvt jileamcd, tirmiirh Piuin)-jlncs hnlf o'itkui Jly -Tio ahnp which tliUl fiwt For tirivbtinj cannot nlvrnyn lat. And youth must mcrjro fa forty. Now let in fount my trpatir-s o'er. Wbnt harr Iwononkist? Far mora llnvelnsf tbnn frnlnod. Hurh iKHindlcts ftoro Of fn th and hopo I ltfntn 1, when ) triindurcd from n lad of t;n To m hurt my vUlon broadened. Tltcn My rutin xci-odcd rorty. Fumi-what harn Irjirnod. nnd much unlearned fc'oni" jfood rfi;lvtl. much more h.-ivoapurncd; And miirh trmt nilbt Intro Iwn dlaccrned J loft uiibccdo I wandprinj by With mtvlcai or nvcrtrd ''! FortrctUtur thuttbu momenu fly Hi fat from youth to forty. I'vo rfw.hd tho mtmmlt of tho rare. And w mid move Mi with Mnvrrr t'oco; Hut forty Ii:ih no hrnitbiiur nlncc; r rhllt mid turn ino iim I will 1 h yuar. will crowd nnd Jtt-tl'i a till, And I may lnit"ii d.iwn the hill To -core nnotber forty. I view tho path I'lo-u-atidwd on. IV hero forty year htivi- comn and jfOnn. And much of faith mid hopo Ilo xtr.-wu. And pray they may prowj tlni't gold Tli" n-iimint of tho fiilth I hold, AndHhit-dof Iiom: I 'till Infold, An 1 nut nnothcr forty. bjirluuHrM (Statu.) IlrpubUcan. VKKY ROMANTIC. Murrlrd Without llrldmnialda and Had Ttro AWiMIng Iy. Kvcrj thin had been duly and prop orly arranged for our wedding. Tho engagement of Miss Nell Hartley to Mr. iturinim Latigloy had been duly an nounced in the fashion column of n lending society journal, and tho wed ding day had arrived. I nm IScrlrani Langley commonly culled Hert and, while I confess to ho' most s'tifcrely unci entirely in love wilh in little Nell. 1 must add I had been tiite annoyed about our marriage, first at l he persistence with which the insist ed upon a grand wedding, I hale fuss and parade, and havonn old-linte notion that a marriage r lieaed giddily and eventually m1 emni.ed hcfuio :i crowd of gossiping, gaping people, is robbed of allils sweet purity. Then, too, the trousseau! The whole business is a nuisance! Excuse the big word, but my feel ngsaro strong on that point. What on e irth a woman wants of clothes enough to last livo j ears, and gew-gaws more than she can ever hope to tp-e, 1 never could see; un less, indeed, she entertain a horrible Misiiicion that tho new lirm may refuse to furnish a fresh supply. It's all right, I suppose, since they all do mj, but it was a trying time for me, I can tell you. 1 could scarcely get a glimpse of Nell, she was fo busy with dressmakers, milliners, etc.: and when 1 did ee her the was in such a rattling hurry to be oTto keep an appointment uilh.omc wotkwoman or other, that I actually grew a little savage. Kor a month before we were to bo married I believe I never enteted the iiou-e once but Kate, Nell's sister, rushed in'o the room with an Excu-e mo, 15crt, but Nell Is want ed a moment." Or, "l'ont look eroi, Itert. but Nellie must seo Matlamu This or That," till 1 lost all patience. There was another cause of annoy ance, too. Nell's father was n rich man. anil as ab!e as he was willing to furnish his daughter w.th as much tmery as .she might desire, while I, on tho contrary, vas a man with his way to still make in the world. True, I had :v fair income and fair prospects, but I could not hopo to gbo to Nell as luxurious a home or as elabor ate a wardrobe as tier papa provided, at least not for Homo years; but I could atlbrd to Mtppoit :i wife, ami I loved Nell with all mv heart. When I aked Mr. Hartley's consent to our marriage, he was at first just a little inclined to find fault with my fmanc'al condition. An older man, with n well secured fortune, would liavo suited him belter. He had a most un who!esome dread of fortuno hunters, and even went so far as to have a mild suspicion that I might bo just "a bit in terested iu that way; but all that wore oil it: time, and wo'were on tho beat of terms. I only mention this to show how a susp'cion once entertained will rtMim on tho faintest invitation, and not mi frcipiently on none at all; for the timo came when Mr. Hartley not only enter tained this unjust surmise, bnt eagerly hugged this foul thought to his heart, and grew murderous in that vital organ toward mo -Hertram Langley as inno cent a man as ever stepped. The day before the ono lixed for our mnrriage'Noll and 1 hadour first till". I called to inform her 'Ot the smallest ... T ... .t 1 1 1 iKisMtue linen in mo cnurcu ma-uiuorj MM.... The regular sexton was obliged to leave town, but had secured tho services of his brother (a very deaf and stupid man, I ns it turned out. IWiblv she might t have some instructions to give him. 1 waited full half an hour in the re ception room, cooling my heels and warming my wrath, before Nell rushed in. "What is it, Hert?" sheared, broath lessly. "1 am awful busy!" A spark is enough to ignite a whole city if it only falls'upon highly inflam mable material, and a word is quite enough to raise a furious temper m a man who is aching to got inad; so I an swered, curtly "If you are in such a hurry, it is no matter what I wished to say." Nell opened her brown eyes in sur prise. " I've got to select some lace," sho exclaimed! "and Kato can't wait.' "Neither can 1!" I retorted, shortly, nullinjr on mv irlovcs. Then after a moment I added: "You think a deal of furbelows, don't you?" great "Indeed, I do?" "lam afraid you will have to do with vastly less "when you aro mar ried." Nell tossed her head saucily. "All the more reason I should be al lowed to enjoy these papa gave me." That shot vcnt home. 1 bit my lips, but managed to keep cool outside, though, inwardly I was boiling. 44 It is not too late to retreat," I said, toolly. "If x-ou repent your bargain, there is time "to escape." Nell's eyes grew big xvith horror at the idea. Indeed, it is entirely too lite!" she cried out. "Why, everybody knows it! AU our set have cards I should -die-of mortification to nut it off now! We must fro on. anv wav: I have no faney for being --- - O- wf - a. iAu?niiif Muck im. ij 1 T-T . .!. .. ASMVHAr " - UUD. Rptter.be luurfccd at a week than Miserable for a liietimo," I rct3gt ' Xall oncned her lips ormmmmwm fjust at that moment Kate ptStaghi crtat ware of tcdcracs twept orer mr heart for tho brown 'eyed girl whom 1 knew was lo many me to-morrow only occatisc nlirs loved mo far better than the elegjin-sc of her father's home or the costly trifles he couldive licr. Tom was ill at case and worried. anu or J f tanuf nrttmrtrr httt Tnr-nnrfti'n funeral could hare induced him fo leave homo when Ixsttie.wa ill. Ncxtnorningloaw Nellie for a mo ment only, but the kiss 1 presv.nl on her dear little mouth wan a silent plea for pardon, and a promise for better coa.; trol over my temper next time,, . Evening came the clmrckwai packed, ami IV feeling most uncommonly tifT and awkward in a span new suit and Bpccklcis glorej, was awaiting in tho vestry. Nellie was to enter on her father' arm. followed by her bridesmaids and groomsmen six" in number while I was to ester in the nick of tinpofrota tho vestry, the, minister from his study, and meet before the altar. It was all very pretty, but I almost knew I should make a mess of it and I did, with a vengeance. I had requested to bo allowed to bo alone, so as to keen mv part in mind. and for the same reanm went early to the church, not to bo tared at and con fused, for this show affair was not ono bit to my mind. Just at Uie last moment Tom cams rushing in, followed by the regular sex ton. "I've got a telegram from Lcttfc," said Tom, his voice quivering. "She is wor.se, and 1 must start at once. Jttt timo to catch the train. Good-bye, old boy! God bless you!" "I'm going too. just came to wish von Joy, Mr. Hert." caid thotexton, who had mown mo since I was a lad. "Sorry 1 can't sue you married. My rand's alio fiame nsyotir brother's, so I'll go with j Inn:; and off they both hurried, the door shutting with a sharp click behind them The time for the arrival of the wed ding party drew uear; I advanced to the door that opened into the church, de signing to open it and peep through. It res sted my effor!1". I struggled with it sharply, no use! the door was locked! Muttering aetiisn on the stupidity of the sexton, I strode to the outer doo-. In shutting the. Wr it too had become locked, and I was as fast a? fate. Gieat drops of perspiration stood out on my forehead What was lo be done? 1 asked myself Die question ami mopped m) face with my immaculate hamikcr chief, butfailcl-Lo find the answer. Then I Hew back to the inner door and listened, l'he organ was playing gayly, andni subdued hush told mo'lhat Nellie was entering on her father's arm, anil Ifcro I was standing, caged like a rat. Oil. how I tried to open that door! My gloves split, and tho perspiration ran in rivers down my face and dropped off thu end of my nose; but not one inch could I budge it. I have wondered since how I should have looked if I had succeeded in burst ing open tho door and been suddenly projected before tho ere me do la cremo with limp collar, torn gloves and dis tended eyes. I can smile now, but I can assure you I saw no fun in it then. I tried tho door till positively no hope remained in that direction. Then I flew again to the outer door and pounded and even shouted, but to no purpose. - Uttcr.'y hopeless, I returned to tho inner door once more. All wjis silent. Should I thunder upon its panels and proclaim my presence and demand to no "let out?" Nobody likes to look like a fool if ho can help it-rand 1 hesi tated. I glanced around. Tho windows caught my eve why had 1 not thought d them? 1 could at loast make my escupe, and tho ceremony might bo doj hue I, and consequently awkward; stilt" Nell would not be utterly put tonhamo. Like tho madman I was, I sol.ed tho table, dragged it to tho window, sprang upon it, and climbed on to tho high and narrow window-sill ; throwing up tho sash, I prepared to leap out; but I had reckoned without my host; tho cord that held the weight was broken, con sequently tho moment my hand left tho sash thu window descended with start ling rapidity, striking mo full upon tho head, and knocking mo off the narrow sill, dashing my head against the sharp corner of the table, and at last landing me full length on the Hour. - 1 tned to nso; something warm rushed over my face: I put up itiy hand to clear my eyes my hand was covered with blood. 1 felt giddy and weak, still I stag gered to 1113 feet; then a black mist arose around me, and I know no more. This was Thursday ovc. Sunday afternoon tho sexton, returning to his duties, found mo lyin upon tho floor half dead, wholly "deliriou. my face covered with blood, and a holo in my head large enough to lot tho life out of any man. That initio was spared was because I had fallen with the wound down, anil tho soft pile of the carpet acted like lint to .staunch the blood. As soon as I could control my thoughts I begged to know of N cllic l'oor lifllo girl! sho ha I been quits over whelmed. When I failed to -appear Kate's husband rushed out to mature of the sexton if he had seen me. Ilo was positivo that I hid been thercand equally positive that I hadjefl again in company with h.s brother sa'd ho could not ho mistaken both seemed to bo in a great hurry and had jumpedinto a car riage and been driven rapidly away. Mossengers were sent to my hotel, but without gaining a clue to my where about; so after a modifying wait Nellio had been taken home, and tho very morning of the day 1 was dis covered the ivholo family sailed for Europe. As soon as I was able 'to stand, I sailed in search of the woman I had so innocently hum'tlia'od Not knowing her whereabouts it was two months be fore Lfonnd her. At last, one evening, wandering on the sen shore of n quiet little English town, I espied her and alone. That sho bclioved me a most black ened xillain was plain, for the look sho gave mo when sho recognized my liwscnco .was one of unutterably con- lemDt. Now that I had found her I was determined she should hear the truth. "Nellio." I cried, hurrying to her, and grasping both her little hands before sho had time to escape. "Well, sir," she replied, haughtily, trying, but trying in vain to free her hands. "My darling." I pleaded, "you will at leas't hear a man before vou condemn him?" Her face flushed angrily. " What can vou say." she burst out, hotly, "that will make your conduct less dastardly? Havo you not made mo the object of every one's ridicule and con temptuous pity! Offering me public suit no woman conld ever forgive Have you not made me hate'every bodv, myself most' of all? "What more do 'you wish, Bertram Langley yon TuTahi!" Iwiaeed a little at thMMfer- 1 1 . fc. a aak.k. A uwrkr v GodtM ?..' mr asPi. SSSSJ rts&f z'-s -. ij?ra ii MPhfu ms M i :-.,i. a little footkfctj. "CmmmmI s'4ows an4 let tm tcQ you. I am jplM fll' yet" Tltls was a roaster trot e. ICcH Mated hcrxclf without demur, s4 I, holt Ait tin?, half Iris? at her feet, related to - bcr the chapter of my nfcfortKne.,, Dear little "-irl! her face brightened before I was half through indeed, I aw wrry to sayho laughed quite "heartily; but she became mbcr when I told her about tho window coming down, and leaned over and klsed the fear on my head- tenderly, and I know that pcac and confidence irere restored. After a while we fell to talking itorrt in a general way. " It wan a dreadful blow to me," aaid "cll, pnIvely( "I thotight that my heart was broken."" ' I thotight it was a pretty tough Wow tnyelf." I laughed. "Hy Jove, I, thotight my head was broken! When- thai window came down it knocked me higher than (iilderov's Idto! .The net time we are mamed,. Nell. I won't bo left to digotitof any-such ridiculous hole as a vestry; 5f there arc any windows that have "got to be jumped out of, we'll hop out together." tJrcat was the family wonder to sco u walk in together; btit everything was all right as soon as explained, and Mr. and Mrs. !lart!c conMrnlcd that Neil and I might be married next day in the quaint little church in the place Anil so we were 1 led my bride in myself, and Papa and Mamma Hartley followed soberly behind, and Kate and her husband were all the crowd we had. A curate, who had a bail cold, offici ated, and the t me-honorcd and world- j renowned Dickens woman pew-opener. shabby and snuffy, was on hand to make everything romantic and proper. So this is why we wore m.irricd with out bridesmaids, nnd had two wedding days. Motion Statesman. Missing Men. An old dctcctivo who "dropped in' on the "gang" at the Central, the other morning, was in a communicative mood on thu topic of missing people, and prefaced a singular story with tho fol lowing wordj: "There was a man from a town in this State, not very far away from here, who acted the funnieu you ever see. and if his folks hain't been pretty ' fly' it would have made the best missing-man story for the papers lever heard. Tho 9tory, stripped of thd ror nacular of tho old detective, Otitis in this wi e: A merchant iu ono of the in land towns went to the bank and drew 31,000. He went from there to his market-place, purchased threo spring chiuk--ens, had them dressed, sent them to his house with 1 note to his wife asking her to havo them prepared iu a particular manner, suitalde to his epicurean taste. adding that ho would be at homo at six i o'eloeic p. m. promptly, with a friend who would spend tho evening with the host ami hos o.ss. The wife was ono ol those rare women whose happiness was always most supreme when sho was contributing to the comfort of her hus band. They were the mo.lcl man nnd wife of theSucker hamlet, and their livei together made a harmonious combination by which tho good people of the place really seemed to regulate their own do mestic pleasures. The dinner was re tdy at the hour, and the little wife sat on thu doorstep of her cottage awaiting the coming of her lord and his companion. A remarK of the detective at this point of tho story is'ioo miteh.to tho point to bo changed: "She hung out there till it was pitch dark, and tho chicken was as cold as the stone step she was sitting on, and then she began to get Iidget3." Iu response to the inquiry of a mes senger sent down town, it was learned that ho had not invited his friend to dinner, anil that the last .seen of him ho was boarding a train bound for Chicago. It was further 1 'arned that lo yrnn per fectly sober; in fact, he had never" been known to be an excessive drinker. A week's absence brought no tidings ol his whereabouts, and his wife, accom pauied by several friuuds, came to Chi cago to make inquiries. Not a traco could be found. New York o'flicials were notified, and tho steamship officer consulted. No tidings came back. Liv erpool and London detective btlreaus were furnished with tho man's photo graph and' tho details of his habits, but never a wow 01 mionnation was re ceived from them. Tho wife cave him up for dead, tho supitosilion being that no natl eomo to -.mcag, nau. been robbed, killed and thown into the lake, which seems to be forever at the com mand of the murderous thugs who in fest this cihr. Tho day on which he- left homo was the loth of November, ll&l. " "(The skeptical reader mnst'lwar in mind that there arc. spring chickens in this latituilo"iu the autumn.) About tho 1st of May a Monarch line s'.eimer lay in the bay in tomt o New York 'City, -nnd two Illinois' men waved their handkerchiefs to their na tive land. Ono of these men. was a Chicagoan, the other was from the in land town. Tho Chicairo man camo homo, 'and ho tohf the .story to tho do tecfives that ho had met Jus "acquaint ance in a coffee-house. -in tin Strand; that the roan. was drunk and verging on delirium. "He sobered him up." and got him on board tko steamer. As thoy wero en routo home the T inland man told him about buying chickens for a dinner, and his intention of hav ing a delightful evening home. That he went to tho depot to paVcn freight bill and a, passenger train thundered in. That instantaneously tho thought came to him to run up to Chicago for a night, intending to, telegraph his wife-to that etlect As soon us he reached this city it occurred to Irm to'get dntnk. Then he went to New York and continued his spree. While having a jolly good timo he concluded to goto Europe, and bought a ticket, giving an assumed name, and embarked drunk, llewas, drunk all the way over. Ho went to" Liverpool. Iondon. Glagow, came back to Loudon, crossed the channel drunk all tho time went to Paris, re mained drunk, camahack to Liverpool, then to London again, irhere the Chi cngo man found him. When they touched New York the inland town man said: " 1 am going tof the tele graph office to send a message to my wifo to have those chickens warmed over. It will be tho first information sho has had of my movements since J sent tho chickens home." Chicago Times, t t Drying Hrr Hnsnaai' Grave. A Chinaman died soon alter his mar riage with ax oung and lovely woman. As" he was d'ving the wife was lond in her protestations of grief and her de termination not to marry arainl The husband was not unreasonable; he .only asked that if she did take another spoase she would wa't till the earth npon hw grave wasdry. Hediedad.waaburiei. andnany. a young aid handsome baclfeor of the Province of SfcaaUrag .was present at hishpmwl She listened to no sitor.:Mavwmmm heart is ten- dqr, tfmWmmtrmim.mxi forget f.'mj- XM7 .stole to his TlPfci WyC WI ; riMtarfeBupo treaweOaatwM WFim miftv.t - Haakd M-mt, v AMJ m Farmer. is4 fltnr Srla. As thcra are eefcs nd !& nieaB jed sad bi ones to there are "men and tsea." Some farmers sever haft any troable with thtir help sad Ut farm 'work morn as steadily and with as little friction as cJoek-work; other are iacently In trouble and everything gc wrong. We are ac quainted with men who are laborers by the month or year on the farm, aad who make their employer iateret their own- They work "as well wfcea the boW is away as when he is near, and. in everything they do. they consid er how thy 'would acllf in their employ er's poition. There are other, abi. jh labor simply for the monry they re ceive; th.jy hate no interest in the work, but IwU-n with a keen car for the dinner horn and watch with eager eye for ths cttin. f Uie aua. To do the work somehow- not necessarily well U the 1 principle which gorcrus thctn. The farmer who Is particular as to whom he employs; who has the bargain well understood. ho pays well, pays willingly aad pay promptly; who ap preciates good service and fairly fulfil! h s part of the agreement, need have little fear of being troubk-d by his help. For such employers there is alwa s some one to offer irc'Vicc; such employers aro sought by "h red men." and In mno cases out'of ten, satisfaction is mutual. IluU unfortunately, not all employers ate thus careful as to whom they hire or how they treat their heltu They se lect from the "rough sctiir' cla-s. from t-amps and those who never hne had a steady situation, simply lecaus they can hire them for twenty-five ceuts h-.s per dty though, in reality, thi-y rcccivo a half dollar per dav Ius in rc'turn fof service. The usual result is that tie farmer has to oversvn all his work per sonally, look after the implements when not in use. go here and go there to gvo instructions, and thus lose larguly his own time which, wilh intelligent. In dustrious help, could be elsewhere more profitably emhloyud. In fact, each is intent on getting the most possible from the other, neither having the welfare of the other at heart. Such a condit on of tilings is neither agreeable uor profita ble. Wo are aware that tho same differ ences arc liable to ario between em ployers and employed in other occupa tions, but tho effects aro more sinking and more noticeable, on the farm than in tho work-shop or store where the rou t ne of duty is more easily marked and the labor is more mechanical in its na ture. Farm work can never bo reduced to such exactness in detail that tics workman can perform it satisfactorily unless he is thoroughly interested n it, nnd in hearty sympathy with his em plover. So much for tho hired hand, ami on the other baud, to keep this in terest nlitc. there must ho jii the part of the employer the approval and appre ciation df work fa thfully done. Hut there is something more in this than tho bare fa ts of work well don 1 and well remunerated. There is a gen uine satisfaction on the part of both em ployer and employe, and the resultant happiness which accrues to the men themselves and to their respective fami lies is a th ng to besought for and priced, ltut when the men aro continually at "loggerheads," their families feel tho reactive inllucire, and even society is, in a degree, affected adversely by it. Whale vo-, then, will br ng about mutu al contentment nnd goo.l will among farmers and their help should be fos tered, and while "hire I men" are falli ble, the farmer should ru.neinber that it is largely in his power to ma'-to their milt tat relations agreeable. Jlurul Xcto Yorker. Farmers" Haues and Their KcmcJics. Tho farm ought to be tho farmer's bank, to be trusted with his spare dol lars not needed by him.self ami family, safe from defaulting savings bank's, treasu ers and clerks, and the disasters of stock speculation. Heller invested in the farm in these das of lov inter est. When .savings banks and towns pay only nbout four per cent, interest, and tlioU. S. four per cent, bonds not even so much, after paying in tho neighbor hood of twenty per cent, premium, which they now command in tho mar ket; yet farmers in a I odv, will soil hay for $18 or $10 pcr-ton. often for s?l-' or s15 to be sent iu bales to the cities, while it should bo consumed on tho farm, thereby selling o X a little ple-c of hiajjneestrarfarm until it is all gono, so far as its value and fertility is concerned, and helping to fill the JWkots of- tho middleman who thrives by the foolish ness of others. Thus such farmers,, dur ing their lifetime, may r.iko a few thou sand dollars, from thofarm.'-if they have teen lucky, place itinotherinvestments outside, which thev Juay look upon with satisfaction towards the' sunset of life, and exclaim, sec, all this I hate made from selling hay off tho farm, "and the farm loft: bu,ta1as! what a, farm, com pared with the ancestral farm of fifty years ago, with four oxen and six or eight cows, and the proportionate mini ler of youngiCatUe that ohco graced tho stalls of tlnraVcnCge farmer ofthat day. Hy a strange metamorphosis, the oxen have become old team horses, so poor that their hips almost protrude through ihc s'iin. laboring- both they and their masters,.at .starvation prices, drawing cord wood and saw logs for the lumiver speculators, who ride by iu their top buggies with splendid outfit. Now we arc talking nbout thc?c hay selling farmers, let us go up into 1he" corn chambers that their fathers built over the great beams of the bam. which were annually spread deep witlf SJrn from one eudto the other there is noth ing hero now but old farm trumpery; here a rat would starve; even the old com smell has long -since jiassed away; but ono thing has not passed, away it hauats him like a ghost he has toiucct it once a -ear at least I mean agrcat store billfor Western corn anil meal. This cqmes of hay-selling". The hay sold brings no manure; no manure, no corn; the com must be bought to feed the teams and other farm stock out ot the sales of the hay. When that is done what is left? "Of two evils choose the least." If I must do cither let ratrbtijr bay, rather than sell. Another bane.tolthe farmer is to feed the raowiag fields with cattle in the fall, before comingjo the bam: nothing will run down the hay land $0 fas. as this pernicious practice more rapidly than selling hay. The aftermath, if suffered to remain'on the grass roots andTor,, is both a)ntilehand a manure: it prevents the sun of summer, and thefrust of win ter, from injuring ilus grassroots. We have been told this by the edibar of the farmer for many a 'year, yetwehave suffered it to"pss by usastheldre wind that we reaped no:., 1. for eae, have pet it m practrec for aboM three y ears -part, ana the hav crop has.nenriy doubled. Bet what is to feed the cat Uef ram the dried p Metnrcsjer abort six weeks before ee inter to I the harn it. theordmarrtmm? dercarn.Hmn craws rrows where jwfkmf lae.wilk.wiUria sae iroMM vc carmen, th aSET 5 -mmHaf Jmmml mi, nra as itM9. -Why are fmr like fowb Be-ssss-e neither srjfi get thf crvf srfrh Mwmdnrtry. Tha dftabmg fern 3s as of mm prettiest p!aatt for home cttltarr, aad ! rery ey culture. The foUowjaggotxl adrice wa girea by the Prestdeai el aa agriraUoral o oety on ppsmstia: a sdrer cwp to a yottn mil who had roa the irt prim at a plow's match- "Take thi cup. ray youag f riernl. be afcl. and re member alwars to plow deep aad drutk lh!kw " -A French cbcwUt reports that wat er made slightly salt, aad to whifh. wbea boiling, bran in the prupQJtJoa of one quart to every galivn has trcea added, lias beca found ia a erie of ex periments to IncrcAMj the 1?M of milk twrnty-live pr cent., if gtrca lo tb totv as their ordinary driak. A good currant-cake & made of oao cup of butter, two cup of igar, ball a cup of sweet miHc. fouregg. thice cups of ihmr. half a pound ol currants care fully washed; alter they have drained. siftt!our over and through them; uc half a grated nutmeg tor flavoring. Tills Js nice baked in mill ties or us gum -pans. ChiGtyo Journal. Ulooming plants ia winslow.boies attached to the vuttide of the cavcruf at. or in pots on the win low-sllls, will, it l said, exclude alt the tiles and mospdUk-s from the bouse. If thi be true. oU scrvs the t'oral CabttKt. it surely be hooves us all to pn cure windour-boxes and rid ourelvt-s of incct pt-sts iu the house We are inclined to think, how ever, that wire or no ting screens are a surer barrier against mosquitoes and flics. An Illinois farmer giies an Kaslcrn wr.ter for the New Knlaud Uomeitead the following directions for curing gal'cd shoulder iu horses, and savs that it is Infallible. Take oM leather and burn it to a ensp; rub tho ashs on the galled patt; a few applications will effect a jrfect cure. A new work horiso pnt to tho plow t his spr.ng re co ved sjvoral tev'tre gall on both shoulders. A few applications of tho burnt leather made them as .sound as if never injured, and no scar is now scun. Raising I'mt for ProHt. . Fewer bright anticipations havo been realized in raising fruit for the supply of markets that any buMiies viiturpri.- in which sensible ami intelligent, and, withal, industrious persons engage. Tho ureal majority of persons who embark in fruit-raising as an occupation where by to gain a livelihood aru tho victims of disappointment, (ieueta ly they are -11-jeriur in m nd, culture and learning to the persons who engage in general tann ing, dairying or stock raising. Ordina rily they have more means than tho per sons who engage in tho other pursuits named. Considerable capital is required to purchase land in tho vicinity of ono of the much lauded fruit-growing dis tricts, and more is needed to buy stock nnd supnort a family till the trees, vines slid bushes come Into bearing. Olnorv ntio.'i shows that a largo pnqorliou ol the persons who engage in fniit-ra sing on a lariro scale are men who hivo bceii bred for tho learned profesions or who havo good scientific attainments. Ordi narily they are well acquainted with botany, entomology and ornithology. Theoretically they" are well acquainted with fruit-growing ami the btiiues re lations growing out of it. Many of them have good libraries of book that treat on every department of fruit production and matters pertaining to it. The books that compose these libraries have not only boon read but studied. Fruit-raisers are generally studious persons. Thoy own more books as a rule than fanners do and take more magazines and papers. The also attend moie conveniens and meetings devoted tj tho matter in which they are engaged. No tlas of men arc at greater pains to in (on them selves in relation to every department of tho business in which they are enraged than fnut-raiscrs. They arc always dil igent in acquiring knowledge What is more, they aro generally dili gent in business. Thoy also posicos another clement of suet ess. Theyjirn in lo.'o wilh their bui'iiess, and are fl cn completely fas innted with it. Tbjy aro fond of talking about it iu scasVn and out of season. It is,as easy Ut tlh tingulsh a fmit raiser as it is a clergy man or a school-teacher by his convor sation. Men often cngago in farm- inir or continue in it against their! will by force of circumstances, but tho mi ujiuiiw w u"; '""' r' ' ."'" iilar ."The- -Farortte Prcnerfpfoi" It a rer-frnit-rniscr is generally such by choice. ufn toT a th,MC ,,i.rtr.ler. to Ue t Ho chooses tlio occupation out of Io)o of it Of course he cxjxicts to make money, and he deserves to do so on amount of tho energy ho displays. till ho very often fails. " He docs not acquire a fortuno or train a competence. In many cases he loses the place Lo has .icnt the earins and savings of half a life-time to ac piirc, and is then obliged to lall ta'K on some tin"on;ro- aial pursuit in order to gain a living. Although tho numl'cr of professional fruit-raisers is much smaller than that of general farmers, Mill wc hear of more failures among the first than the last. It is somewhat ca;y to account for these frcquoai failures. The busi ness of fruit-raiain is a hazardous one. The fruit crop is more liable to injuries than ordinary field crops arc. A long er time is necessary to mature it. More kinds of insc ts injure trees, incs and boshes and the fruit they produ c than destroy corn, "potatoes and small grains. The prospnt ot a crop of fruit is likely to he destroyed by unfavorable weather at any time from the formation of the buds 'till the period of ripening. It is rare that sercral crops of lagc standard fruits are raised in succession. Orchard kts know that a hearing' vcar is fol lowed by an "off" year. Jjnr.'ngtho first fmit Is low. aad daring the second there is little to selL A fruit-raisers are generally men of 'creat expecta tions' they arc liable to run in debt. Raising peaches in the region aboat Delaware say has been profitable for a very long period. The sacccss of the peach-growers there can be accounted for in various ways. The climate Is very favorable, the transportation facu lties are excellent, and several large cities are in the vicinity. Raising ap ples in Michigan, ew York, aad in several ef the Xcw KagUad States has also been profitable for many year. Raisingsjrapes in the vicinity ol wise matteg establishments where a cash. market is always assured hrgeneratlr a piosfierauaindnstry. - The cases ef fail ure are mneh more common thaatiras, of continned .sacccs-, however, m rais ing mjuoim irmt on .aJanre scale In mostTiartsoftheceswtxS 'The (large frBjiesUerprisestntahibaedi Uliaai aad Easier Mkhigam hare taraed cmt much like,miaiax eater- !?? Mrnm mtrsems mtKwjUt tne- a then rime, a msseh snaalkx 'Were quiia mJirsmfal far a mrm ec.TaarsvaM alarre pietmy filSad malisng I srrtk f . I.tkaBll JaV. The featfuf mjrifo Vhieh nat time (". at Hfe IUcsU la Thames aissnra to harstesaged ae )k UitossVi aad cmhirtaMSssst V She Govetamcat lafffrstors of rtlo4t, who dsty k thrresrpefk became t pr Tfcie fort fVc wst. Th tw ftmtk threstf h a ieak, haviar akearsi trf f the time 1,&0 car, rxcX cotaiaW- Ifty peu4 ef draamise. ttfertn aaUY the kalos; of alar ttunWr of tW boSM failed Ui tot; hc ttAir of S water, and some of the ms-n rercr,l is merwr the lacatl.lv tera4 a sutaWr apon their cad, a they iJd. "to dry,Masd Item mssy of thce altru , cljcrriae ecatKd ssq ioosu Us wart amoeg the frmwetx sf Umj el. 1 . There was Io a ceajt Into the med ei the ctrek. which fw a Ua csstett coBidcrabk aatfccty llnidly the lxw i wwq cesurms writ: ocjojuitu -wrra traatfrrrrtl to aaotber magxiuse, -hiU the injured dynamite aad alt the eltru gljcffrise which ccjd U recirrcd was caTrcfclly psckrd la tadttt aad freh raes sid removed to the Atdfer fac tory to be remtde. Hat log cl-td tke vct el as far ay pihe, it was aftrr nuxktit dlihraUoa, drlde4 If be im tmiibl to ciamlb etcnr crric Into .tfktl. tV tmrm tKt t n-iI rrriv. B,fc X have flowed, acd the etnbarraolng craft was ultimately towM cmi to k aed J carefully sunk IxnuiQx A'tir. After a doirn b.v at Scraato had kicked a can atound lor half an hour a man came along and foumfthxt it btM a ound f nltro-gUcetlKc. All the hair in the croud crawled up to stay for aa hour. iMrvtt t'tx Vast. A Toronto man etlmate! that he has lost IQO lanir' lime )n twcatylx years in changing his mpcml? r zrom one pair of pantaloons to another. .ii. 1 -, , , Tt Orlnloa tf tt I'kilriin. A phjiida writla; of l itsr-lt VcU IXxS nJ Mrspar.1ta, hrtns cr'aUr a Irjtr t tu tes sl roU. tjf I fl calHqK tlc OTr tat crU li"i!U rrfle-r TVrs cn t-nr nthr rjirwlf o hrxlrti a1 m rtcffrcUTc N Ue tot4 (olstttiaa Ofttru;i ll m n r pUly 'lt mtarr la buiemor ins cur H t"'i ino-iiin in rloalcliot tt t-r ljn-. llr tJ at h 1 next amt nrr-ei .:cra It U frUtlr lAt firlil. In IU companion 1 (svtUlr jJcjmJ loflnt Iron, Olrry HlJail.crcM , ltne-1 ita the ?rnrtlu fl Tcltow lrSi Iron at lu-U 1 e dam t mclci!. htit is en J crrtlna with j-h rjlaUi'e tr;etrbctatilrltt rllrft will t alt tlnws hr ti4racy to f (tfetaote balth md treaj;tU." IV Hit's the man relttn:? ttw ..V-l a I - firmer or ltu tij- "WlT.n rfa4Ul4 KUt . joutiyter, "l.eU 'tllhi-r t th toj 6i Ui ' totce." J Mn. M. A. Ctosvof llitr. O . ftte. "i hare brvn taVla- f.r t,UTHm YtlJ.v Dck stitl impar IU for Itnjmr I Jixvl. wr iV Vi I- ! ripv ia.) Ilrr ct'iubitil. I fout4 It my effpctlrp. Wht J I ! me wn Its m'Hn. Wlien I left off UVIaj it thT' narr-rlas for It further uc, n tWcre wr rvcta-u ud c in"jnf nilr o icirwat of ttij coro;i nt. 1 think a cc.it ileal ! tic tnvJlcW noil rr onttuend It lronsl " At a family puty Uia cntninr to larz that two ln list! lo wait at uprrr. Wnm the meat tiaj lour lxfii orrr bimI ! tlw rlJcr folk tilt aat at llu tat!. tho , r.urroi inr iny- , w n t-rrnwi ouinjar mii rro croeetilni; n thc!nnrtriinutlt! the auppr nnitn ami wa kel . "U Iters l TO raiill" UlUi a lec.Mlrau alsli. tfio UI re- pomletl; "I !m'l kn' I pa bc't ora-- hera iraria' tb Loru it Juurniil. for hU mpporr IMtntU ! lKn't Tnt That Stufr I what a lady of J!mtB aHl ti hr huahanl heu hn hrouzht hmr vyme mtsjlcuie U cura Lerof leV ttei.ta"!"" an! uriiratzU whkh tint mle Ixr mUeraMe for fourteen jrira. .t , the first a'tark tli-reift-r. It wna-trtlnUirrol ' to ber with aurli ctl reull, that 1k ctn. UnurJ IU uh? unUl curel, an. I waa an en- I thuilaatic In It tiric. thst ah- In luce 1 twentj-twn if th Vct famlhrt In li-r rirt' Vt alont it a their regular t il f inetilcine. Tliat atuir' U Hop Hittera. -SLiwUni. J ll'et" ejaculated Focz. "5o tbey f tht plar U taken frvni life! I iliouM rattier that the life (s Ukea from the j," , 4JWfian runicn u Our IVosreaa. At tttstt are nn'.tltf aban'toHed with lha rompleUoa of railru-li, .'t U? huce, itraitle, I ralhirtic pjll. cnjiroel of cru tn -.( tmlkj nnlfc?Jt. ore rjulrklr atiantlotieii rhk the In- ' tmJuctlon of l)r I'iercc'a ,,rea'iL I'orsa Itrct'eltct." hlfhareujar-pmtel.Bnllltt'u hnr thai. mu(arl els 'it eompfvl of liUltlj concciilraled rescUUte extrocU. Uj druzcut, v 0cnWiLrK has trn taken for an laUana, herb dikctor Iff) time In the Ut three moallt. A. J. Grofthic TeBa-mn' M y QBa." I Tbo knowi that If the beautiful clrl tia tied o joun; hil lren llecl th Dr. nerdfa -Kamrlta IVrncrlpUoi.' abe mlbt have relraeil on rnanr another til-ht ar- I female a arcltabls Vj drutila. TViYntv; a it OTtkt. I. IV, i. face In the jinl to accruln hov hrt 11 t-C la . n of tftc pattdaxca of cfrliuutioa. A'rv If tbe hliKxl bft-lmrvettbf.!. aa manlfntnl by tiltntle erurtiuas. ule-r. or rnnnln.-- tor. acToJutOoa tnmor. iUins or ffaeraj j letmtj, i,ke Dr. U. V. ttcie-'a "fiuUJea , Metlcal DUcorerj." Sold l; drnjjlat ' " TIrsk membtra ot a hraaa band la IlUuola wrrt jractlcln-; In a hotel atruek by ll;titaii?. an-Hever knew that anrtlar uaaattil vaa fo.nVoa. CMeego TrUrw. Xemaltr I tlts noth-r of Inrratfen." IiHea of the llrrr. kLlneya ant bote's JijpeiBj. forth tat aorertta r-n 1 KMarr- Ott. tkich U nitore'. normal earitli fur all tbf dire coiaplalnU. In r.ter liquid or drr fort, it ia a perfett rrrn-d for thou tenl Ne diKiae that eaave a many cetk. It Ma Detroit r!ri wbo -raBlisl to marr st fifteen jo a to hare hrr pJ.le veJiiBf fcurrj apthe faater. IMnA Frrt J'nu. rrrenal Tits Tctauc Btt-T Co , ManSall. M"rk. trll en.1 Dr.lira Celebrate.) EJeHm Vohf BclU an t,Electrtc Apr418cea oa trial for thirty dty Ho -a (jemnx or ofd) w3i are af-JlcVedwUba-TToaa deMlltr.toul TitaUtj asi ktadrrd tr-iUtu. ffwracteelBr r?ed7 J cfi-a;lteitorttm oi bcshii ! waaly tl -w. addrrt aa Jbore. S. KSo riak Is iaearreJ, as tfcirtr ftai trial i sUo-rtd. Tax TOSBi abirrer mho likei a aartr at Clrlti oat aaiix tfiowhl cosiest Waelf wkk mWftac ta tMrc A, a ite-vaac i Wa see tm -tick bi ta yaeert i-wt ley fefeator. H fcofc tacy rill ksrcR a boy wbo rot waUle oo hfa iazn l jell ea tlw atreeu at c. X. T. J'-c Tnt-r jma artfatkf ef jachUasI Very Mt, Tkee-te esiTMtrtBKabsltry Ueisnit all tteterzafe,Vaaetk320!cttataT,B4K' f tbe -aU-sps;eft. Vfbo't ?K the sj )KetaBcWkai,nliat.UTcK. jacket! Aa srerrx5e. '& MnjUtrr. Ttnc excaraioa WiW4 acrtieat rc kaenoi. TeiLe aa eirsrafeei ateam boat rcrfectly ssf Snt tteeic tfcr Vstfass aad thea teach Uiamit. 3. Y. Gnc ksecfcel aWba- mafi hnk mtnrtacliliiiamsW way at Vwhr JT -- iAfc. r Wsss H htSs (itiMU tt, akf': ftat rcaetaerce tae ef marWes aJfeeinV ra. hat veriu aft Uaamela w bra an a a'saal. taaBVaaLYMtaafV? ""Tlmnl amasVrTCmnmnm Vmmi 7 -ri22LammWWnmasr- 'Wn9i Lis-airf'-----1 11? QMHmWn'lM'(:f I-'-amV5 mnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmmmnmnamitBmB wimaat aSamu mm --.- mm . mmBmmJB- aSBB-a-E r aaia-Bl aB-B-B-B-B-B-aB-B-B-B-asii m BthaiBaBh. - mE. hat - mnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmme wP efvnR' ', JLmar- mnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmm' ' -, -, r-- 151 ' ffy- J--!--r rt---'- JS-' SnmSmlJfctamsmmmnjaaMmBmBjBataia win an a. m i -j t ' BanStSSSl'islammn Cm - tVawkM lT f ff tur iwttUM iMf -., 3Vt 0! W nt4 MMk iktt -1 ju Ts y r-'Tv -- m Lttrk KM ?Hi-Mr Jura Ji t 4 Ur 4.aML Kjj' v 4fcytfr atr-"" C0 il ', IK rrs W4. rrrafcJ. ij-wel. tV Tl- tkJIlUkf Kf,2 KUt'xtn, it,ii J 'artt -J4 JWSwt tl if 4t V ,--.- --.,...--, . ,.-- T " ' - fh IU M4l sf k rtii-i tfu. ttiil Wli ti -Wr ." - --, j-r-,: Simi fV ik.V, -"--" ..-- .. . . '-r ' r t-. - - -u-w wp-r. . m-h t t r . , twj. . tt u t rUj X -.srx tntWcimi4tti4irMilii . .-- . f XiU 1-JT. i9 ftWH' J?( iw -. mt Ukm. rm , It JExtrd -witii ?r ISk s ftr. s TVi-'i CH'ftUr. IrAte'v 4 JU s T. a.t, Uv.4 -Nsnc Ttmamtf- vM mpmuimf. 111 f -l I tatl- t- ! I , ci w-v: .i.. ... - , w xJ w4,u t"a W f&jmtm - ta -. L. m. 4 v -. l &? 6rrftRS :ri rM KliJ"":J,',l',1',,- Ti4 m. iriu: ntr fv r -, r. h m vf n I Wl)-w nk(l,itlAlkaiH WtW.tt NY . rfw. uixts I rrs Ax,u -. IvwMrta.ak-2aJUM, .t k r. tC4a finp,flrthii. JMJ-rtlKtS r - w , f i f tJ i fXtll. S4wKaBaaiV,liwMk a Mosrn - s ' CA - rv- iw P F. llMttttl,.! mH XAT t v,nMft. ulm.1TrMiL.kM.llM. . - a. - SrAWKrK i:3atWyallr.nrmt.4fc I 6AW!tMiWtm AMraatTn,. -. W HAIR Wf: 4 VMtitati'Mtittwxtw a.iLrt l-lte Ii l -. rr- nt siawultl 'tliiijwmt BUGGIESi aMt-rk(iiiv S.MA &MOT urrt vnit c. Mnwrw-i. w nCHTC ArvnaAlnc it tic Ufru r' ctrt tu teat, -. x mot lUkt OtT. Y nilUfiMCMWAXTiCB IWMKJiUTUr ta wnniiflriitwi(tt lHMni!lrtUWllrw 4 &- M Jlt 1 1 4-1 MiM4k - l lUttltl TCt.UIIIVIB..M-. t,mm i.tMrga -,.- llWW Mr st siSttM.U t litf u-rt rrv-aS ta. itif4 A4-tT t lailw tt , St- yit-ri. r- r bmv SAW Mil I S r flc t (".- T W W WB Wtimm0i rr af k4rrtn tfMerf-4 rTHC SIXTMA ITAIUIRMI, ufiM. t WELL AUGERS, ROCK DRILLS Ana tt M-urr l mtKur In lb onU In aORIMQ ..4 OKILUaO WtLLS k H r Saa (' I fk . AS4u LOOMtt 4 rrMAN llffia, OHIO STROM'S PECTOML PILLS a acaa rkmmit rst COLIS Ml MEIliTISI. rar h-anbr fvfiiir. w-M 41ru rr''r f 1 Ihr Ivavrla. A hwtoi tn tAltiUj ' r -1 httr'.tt Ih r r- J4 rl " '4T ..4A at) hrlUl-,rr 'Iprrfcf tv W-4r A" r lf ul Tmt ret)i wUm r O !Hi kx JT X Cu. T HKGflEATOURK CSI HrtHHaa-T-IMI--- Uliiaafin mJW tmm t tat; Kroatvmuvt a BOWELS It d4 tb rrta-vi artM .-H.i 4m uul roi U rptt rmflrur vVHM latOrUa tl-Mri TMCUSAI ' CAMS . LM at SB- yntntjnmt U Mmb a V 1 11Mk.tr fllll. aa4 tm. akurt tmt FcimrrkY f i. Ufrm ea mr. su r trr,l Trj enmAf waft aarrriS7Tymao-.-amTvf Sffll's ToiiicSm FOR THC CUII OP FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS ni FEVER. Tss frteeUtt sf tate miehra'-ei sasetse jsaUycIalait Ut it a ssdritjsse aJliaa 4iti rrtr effa?e4 ts Us -raWis fsr tft MFa CZaTAI, max a4 rXtafaJfOt eses f Anesal raftr.srCsitlaaat fesr,sraia raBaneeleaffKaa4lsr Ssrashestetae sstlrsWtsisrsaas ariUarsseeatrytaWsr kla tHlau7 t the trsta f U sssertissi thstta aeessesshawesMrHt it fctt u ears if tdaUtMsrsitaMyf41ews4aacsarlB4 ' es. Is a grtst saasy caw a sisf W se as lata nmctesi Ht a est, sac waste riwtM hssshses asrsc r a siaflie settle, with sser tti rrrtsrstisa sf the etasrst ssatta. It k. aevsrar, rs4sit, a4 U sftey ae srs ss ts!a t sere. If Hs am it sestiaasi ia staaUsr aetesfarassreker tv after thss'aaaehss Vabk atBBnAakmmaat mmsaatmn mnmaBsaaBmla fta JtAamli Wmaal mWtai mmVfm VTHmliy mm Wtnwmmal'rt mamW lstaaslag same. saUy saw smKsiis still an ifs Irs as ais isjtsef thehetrtlsm fsesarAer. fhMMiMfssJsat.heveesr.N fsimacaUartsseeietsjitmaaeiaf t'fcm three cr mar a as ef tse Taata. a sess sfBtUt TmttTAJU TaSKY ltXU rniU as saalHsat. c r Tks jes-dseaHTfarf lmUKWfMMT meet AJm.HWanLwml,mmt ml. lJLJfmYMaXsstfeeMitormlttfts aaaaafcetsrs aa4 atettae miflaal HKM J. rtTSMstassa Mm ea cash aWffmmmHmL flaf Vflml Vmml mm! mmnmmi mnwtimmvmr. MIU'S SJUNMr AMJA .Ult nfiM tUtrntVU aamatmnmM l4Jnw WaBmbpWalmlmmimW Mf i fmmamna m mmAnCafV l9imHf i -- .t, rn" 'f"'r-t J l Ail "Ts t I t . i a i "' u i i fi' .7T. Nil 1. 1 If! B, H1KU1,I I mams am mwMam4mmnvmmMBaT mmwm srmnaaAmF4nT Ss VamnaiMaV H$mnlaMB mm Wm "'''BmanfBm" BBamTMpaBiJBHrvflPaa fvnmV' . wSSn IbINIMCN1 s"6(i v..,.. -a, tz irtzjns&sM ft - e K -. M.... . . at sv Pf -lt-r far" ! Omirt 'iHiM '- Wfc, -, ?- tittfM to-Mrt M r ', ' vmMX0ty rji tori -4- .-mt s n i mWkunHtit! fa; JUi A fcsl H VMm ? W1U- .V- Ur. m nS..1 ----'- i..aMtit ... l . a. m.u im --- infl tiiM.swHiM (',. - ,mTrr,v - nnii - i M - jtc .. , a .M . L Vi'im -- , AA. , i . . i.m immmntfrs.rtiiifM rM w- - -MirC EBV r-iiKfe. T 4 SSJL , 1 AV t-mm iwHt i J ! 1 ! l i - A u M. . r-r ?-Pvew'B4itsrs)rmaam-anB m- I fl mPPmnmnmV ,ll 1 1. l-Mf Immmmmmml crta 0tl4 I Hp( - '' j--tr rt--K J E- " " .-. .' -fc-En XftttYtZrXXEl i ria 4 wj Ve s-s '' Vt yfcif --r34 tat W-fTT 1 4t k - (Ml iKL ;ss.j v - ta opvpvwvMr T r "-'. " w.-ww- mmmnmmPV.Ttr. l&ft&.Sm?t LLLW TLIi.t . L9f mmma vrv: J T-TI TmfJL: Ml at ru - -.- 9K t- '" e.w , "7 "GTtfc IWlW, VaMjr- tv r K W wt. Tllflf m 4s4 r-xtn -J dm. a-. fftrt .-v k. ! W,T 4 S t mh Minii, n- w r ' -,, ti. j s - lv ul 4 t4i. fci-.- ai in fti---A-H v t- -t -? ' jft r.t . fi.l, 4 Sta lii,l & rt-r -MiM ft'mtW-i r-. ft 1,lmitoP "- J '" I 4 -vv I -MHr-ttK Vrawl r r tv faA, Atrw. ut IW t l' C !iM. itii . l.4 KtM w Aamamnmm" J8hn 4 KIM IHW tX !( lt tlBMS, rfKOIH-"rS' M ,.! UtH )- .m mU&ctm jg , --.jki '& vn ' mi wrr4s. Kfctei Ahr HUIm, V'Vt-t. !iA, HODCCiltc'y. ' woVQAnaiifiU S"rltirM III !Srk,' r i - t-r- a HH Kltal ArIT(B r,tIsT4 VVp.C V( I'-TTT H y-t nc - ft - HfMttHWM, sies ret itertf ttw , i r-h - tSfc "t '( 1W I. ! fc rMfc-S, Ut ft '--H. f n ft - Wn 1. aaUMaaaliieSiSamtl Mi 1 rec !--- r7rinm fa iwvi.-ifcik-5 OiCiUHO CtNaCAYOKTof y iipin ft zmoL9f mtiUlW m UKXm i rWJOtWUl4 SflWOtOlY.niRHlSHr-8., J I runt riLanr or twma. fUKC AIrVArlUOrAl fUlt itherwcmcuufvCifUti. , T n " ' j RAILROAD Bfflttl CsMflaetNrlasr aal Xallrtaaill 1 rvmt4 as U Wrmlmtf . S- tW ACENTS l;Jcr(;!l'2:3 SMlB.kiKAMMM HWIK i.netew h r- r ' r & Sii ! I- ea. r t: uM. ana ! . t m. mi mTlOM aaai MrflP M l.'W-t V ft It t T A. wpiTPv-MKicCJ ,W. M, ft.H trir t M J t" - "m ant H Hi aJ ,, m-svvMiv-rvrB-w 's 'Ml mQ- BEUASLE. 1 Qa. Htorvb'n T,:rr ly'jcaj.roM SU Htattdjr 1 riuruly H -rsJy fr aim--of tftlrtTfr. nuHV sad Ikrirr-ia. - It it fttrdy Vr-rfW.-- If tTrT JlUliU--It u jGthariSand aa-jaSaav-aS tjJmtarwStt, iBjS - g ammmammaT lammImWWmmr m7U- - h.AA ,..Sa , m cuA; can Sa ,sai i iffa.-Sna afcai-f'a- a as laai -SaBSwr mimrf. jf !VlUJSMTaryM.ttrj.m - i il. -i in,-: r -; 'Nffl i . mi Ji ft Fl . jaat- 1 jtjmn'mnu .-."i aa m ftCa m ma. j m m mV 4tzmwmmmr2v lafronie.eXfmrlllHvi,v' i mralamY mm mmmmn mmrar' r m -s&&tm WjtTm.v V-tVo-J JTL.sam nttQa1alral aawLJBMj . la mn! ammms nmrnw maT 4aBnBBftmV f 9 aaBaaaBaaTm? i Bbt W2mm mrmv9AtWmP-K4 rVMmNmWS tmamimmtmmi0mmmm wkwkmmmm&. llaVXfc fitsiastxxst ana mna,ak af-ma.kka-aBSB mnmVnaanmnl mma mnWmamnaE mmmni . Tasf Jft GimmaK fMIH Ml- "m n J w- -- - TSlUateM AamiaifeaW maanaaam. 4mm asaam amni'Bi a" "wb a. a aB' aU-a Sa . i ia.-Ha -Sa-aafca Sa ajnilsa, i c - H a7ae7aTstari " - -F rl . - -1 rf. 4 FiV H l m X I i i r 4 ht MJ 4 l 2 3in 5 flr-v w -- ,,f . . " ijj nffll? mftalmHP I rmaamaaR : A BK?gl -. T-1t YT.lir -E..... ..a UaI "2. ".iseii; .neii. j.i;iw buw-' V-y- nr ---;. .6utyetl.i Wr no ww,M,ta r i3i.'Ss-Tr &iml mm mv tmi strode y Ifa" to,- --was; of' MathM- n rcree aen 'in "ata.ltM eyesj- -PZ. JMnoste.rj "4ss:,i? .. - - - - T;.srTr ,v f?w i t --jj - - - h , aar-: . v.v : V $?-ji: ytMjtyis.. h- t. --c. i '-: . i T-OIiwui jr- " st- . j- Bf-i-vjaaaeL aL. Ml at ine uoor. i-r:.tt m - s'-BtP