The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 10, 1882, Image 4

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"',"3'"s iHi w-
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. LJ-af ..'- ,-e:rTai
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DHF' 'a Wtre?,'1fl&J Wg
4ts&tmvfiu- -tiwg
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il t
STr- .
I- 1
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?, -TfM.
if Sr3C . F :uiaaaKlZ9MMTfl
' fi::.--rai-.";
-'''. -v.
I11 M!U wW K iw4 ,t Um ImkH iWrt.
rttd. lH'tinri lr " - a. la 8 . n'
Jlore Ortlfr;fKhrt freT a. m. to 7j',
L i c Lean m ' 7 tvls. ac.
iLots 6f BboU'9!joe.H at
" """ JiCi. rorrtu'tf.
CloliiiiJjj ami lints chmp at
" -, J. U. Vvr&ii's.
"'CunnodigooUs for aulcj-'lieap, at
A snlcniliil lino of Prinl, at
Gii.t Edgk Buitek on" Ici:, at
Dress Lawns at 0 cent per yard,
Boots & Shoe will We sold clienp f
coaU at, J. G. Pottku's.
I'oi'.fjroccricd go to Kaley it Lctrion'
i'O 16 .Miner Bros, for Prints of al
Liud.i, .
Froiih BaspOcrrid) cbitsfnntly re
odvcil, at J. K. Aui;rz
IfliirtPsofa Best flour, liunnrinn
'iruciHs, foraalo at Putnam's
l'or-bbols and shoes tro to ICsilcv &
JL.iH30n i.
-- , ; ., ..5 "
.11K ponndi of'Arbuckles entree, at
16 ut)j per pound, at 3lAiitfg.
For dry gooiis go to Kalev & Let-
'- Call and fire the stock and prices of
Kj'OU and Shocd befor! purchasing
otwherc, at J. G. I'ottku's.
J. J, Potter has just received a large
stock f dry goods whieli it will pay
you to call.and examine.
Any good faihily wanting a jinll
child w adopt as their own, impure of
Mrsi:u Kaloy. overseer ol
of liotl Cloud preciuct.
tho poor -
To the fnr"mei and people of Web-
r .MerxvHinty, I am aware of this fnet,
that I am dependent on you for the
AUjipott of m.vulf and family, jind for
IIjw rruson 1 keep for sale harness,
collars, whips, lli'-nets and everytlung
.in the harness line which I will sell at
liviirj iroiiU. U. G. BoKi:T.s.
Denver ami Xow Orleans coal, the
bwt in iho world, for sale by ..ones &,
,M ague's lumber company, i.'cd Cloud.
" Go to Jones- & Magee s Lumber Com
jjany ti.r yoOr lumber and coal. They
are sola agents for Denver and Now
Qrh'unn ed, hi 'ebraaha. t'-f.
AVTBr Boby will delivcrgooils free to
"iiH pans of the eitv. -t.
11 you want ngpod harness to carry
yotTjhjugh tins world esisy, leave
your order with- Boberts unit in this
waj snvi mOuey.
ior oihing,diattj etc., go to Kaley
i Ln'c.
Tine .aginaw sjiII; $2,"0()'per harrol tV
Urmby &. Bickerson want 10,000
pontKKof old iron rmht awav (iitielc.
and f0,0i);, pounds of rags. Oppositu
Perkins & MitehcllV, Keil CToud, Sob.
Tlic B. & M. R. B., known as the
"Burlington Rtmtu" otl'crs special ad
vantages to travelers, iseo thicr
advertisement in this paper.
Choice Uams 10 cents per pound a
3Uner Bros,
Jlemomlerthat. the cBcnpct' U- o.'
. the be?t. lint the" best w alwavs the
cheapo, therefore buy. your harness of
Koborts. Ltvmg proiits is all I ask or
.want, s
FresH'berrics nnd icecream at J. K.
Anils. "
Click! Brick!!
'TIuwo in waul of A Xo. 1 brick please
ctB .examine out stock. Xcw.
Kilnjui-t opened; satisfaction gnarcj.
tcol. f. II. it Bf'P. Ludfaff Bed Cloud
Brick Yard: kjfer
Apples 50 cents a peclc al J.-K;
Pdrfts "wishing' to' purchase brick
wilt find it to their interest to'caH'on
ftcorgo CJarber, at .V. S." Marsh's store!
. snd obtain prices.
Geo. -Garber.-
Shep for Sale.
One -tlionsill head of young healthy
neftu mated Jienno .wcs otiereu' lor
sab on 'tin? Sift tfanch, five mile4 of
0-ids. Itock'on. (lie. Superior read.
Any onefisV.hig to itivest in sheep
vBl trt'eallnd examine this flock.
AUsOiienrthoronghbred- Merino Bams.
Guide Bock, Xeb.
la&C'- rapassosgi'n,atf
rv -' ..-:&ii!i3"- -Jl-rf fM
v r t- c j r W'MM aTT i w vJMC eW
files', Jensen, of Wells, this countv.
sSMttyruL ,ch apanogio runic, a Aisirsti
. W?fMKder, andlios cut already 1 10'dir, andsliys lie will cut a
-aiU)'miiii i tirvra iiuinm iinri'o-T ic rwrt
Aj. -"- . ,, . .
I e .rfiifliwav wv ......i. ..... ..- u-uiu.
reef Imitations.
:u-i'SrrX?'"M. lAi;,in Su1..r of Plf.nt,.r. C.A.
?':14HK(4.3ilMlvij-ii.ivi &....v 4ir Qllll.f
cdx,J&Co., X. Y., on each
An lmeee4WUty
x kit& aronmi6sihle witli its
ilf8eanjpirli61t-aurc always appre
S: J$S ,-1otate"iK The'oxpTiOHal cloanliness of
1v-t.aaiHiicBateAnirni:ikea it po'mi-
WiBt Ammi m. m. -
- -feip?1W5Relv-lJatHte security, atv 9 per
s?feK:eattii'nMal:inierei. oo commis-
rSetlThe ftVebater County B4nk.
CloOd. ' - ' ' 10-tf
i . . ,
t e the Wed Cleual ehee4e.
t2?- .,-?-C. ?i ; . --...
: 9choote ot tiee uoea mil
JSepn 4thj. iwyjieif bnck
-Mr dVrtments. under.
f lrof. D. JfrJuattSirof
, lull corps oi am-. na ex
iMLata. . A full coume'eom-
... - -v-"r ftt -.'vrr
rtedHiH will be estabmheili
ttiidude'jMHuy of the.hicher
VV.' TV "J ae - ?' ' IT,?-il
kjaratwn uwi';
lw iftr cnlltft or the
a ii.1r-d:-".itcb-
- r.-r 'cr.-vii.- iT j-.
WSvre,!2?.? ?"&?' y-ir?S?-irT;r:3Bl!Wa' A aaiWHriinaV" fer ' Kaa-f Mmm- H . . r JPi
srLrnj'oecuiowi-iiwCT mm ot'.w fflftraw cr !mm'imi&Mmamimm?m&zagzrr7jr J''ir' "iEr --mrm -5i utnMignr aaW akined JUaemrra
L 1'Vrrf dl.rki iMri r 6:i k.hI ;fr- -Mnuml.??. tTlii , nif'il nili iiiTft iittClBiMHiiiarrawlirti 1 &1 - sJ:- rith fimhtt i Iti i ia t
SLl-?-i &
TV.--.K. "- 1
WTrwi ,
l'aJcturu tih
sasi. '2JJ.
My" Bmel will Imn&tUir rcd
JiUck&inflh show continue to nm
oiilul( lime -
Jfappy. is Lheni4D nrho4doe3 not
Jliave to move. " -
Don't fail to hear Professor Thorop
aonJFriday evening.
Our latch-string is easy to puB
come in and subscribe.
Venor prcdicbjiirforUt of weather
forUuexr'tvto monthu.
Come oit'to-night and hear Prof.
Funk at the court house.
Pay ol!" your preacher and then go
and do likewise to the printer.
"Kurt" Evans has recently treated
his house to a new coat of plaster.
Those who went to see Mrs. Spoville,
were treated to a refreshing shower.
The hay crop this year promises to
be an immense one throughout the
Tliis is the season when an occasion
al hatch of butter' finds it way into
town. .
Tbe're agood many mothers in Bed
Cloud who bang their Heir over their
The hum of the thresher reminds
one that the g run cries will be full and
This is the month in which women
talk the most. .Exchanges will please
mention (his paper.
"Head it up" is the latest bit of gen
teelity, and the man who says it wishes
you to stop talking.
Hon. James Laird tarried over night
in Bed Cloud this week.
Tho Hastings band rendered somo
excellent music yesterday.
Johnny Crans, known all over this
Kuiteas the
happy traveling man,"
dropped among us last week.
Our boys say that a game of base
ball is like a buckwheat cake it de
pend "hugely" on thediattcr.
Daylight is decreasing slowly, and
before we know it our gas bills will
grow correspondingly greater.
Bobv boueht an out-fit and will de-
Hvit all the goods any body will buy
of him free of charge, ho told us.
Major Kdwards returned from his
eastern trip on Monday evening. ,JIc
reports having had a pleasant trip
S. B. Thompson, Professor of Didac
tics in the state university; will address
the Institute on Friday evening of this
Tho Institute is a grand success. It
is interesting and instructive. The
attendance is large ami more arc arriv-
ing daily.
Mr. Eustis, general ticket agent for
tho 11. it M. B. It. says the amount of
travel on the road is much more than
the company expected.
"Engaged ice cream purchaser," is
the labvX designation for a girl's young
man. The name will he changed to
"affianced oyster buyer" soon.
Mr. J. L. Sabin, of Guide Bock was
a caller to this ollice hist week. He
gave us a glowing description of the
condition of things in his vicinity.
Board of county commissioners have
Accepted the bridge across the Bepub
hcan river south of Bed Cloud, Neb
from the Bed -Clodd Bridge association.
Prof. Bcilfey, of the '7G locust com
mission, was at the oatingi houso to
supper -last -Thursday, oh his way to
Denver in company with other not-:
Mr. A. B. Chamberlin,' Uncle Sam's
.mail-sHhger at Ashland, this state,
passed through Bed Cloud hist week,
taking a tour of inspection up tho Be
publican valley.-
Tho Denver train westward-bound
Thursday-night, had an extra- coach
and Pu!,man "ttached containing
8ight-sccrswho werobound-for Bcuver
and'the exposition!
"rtib lirttnch train will nb longer con
ncct with tho west-bound Denver train
mtact it never die connect it was al
coin'plete failuro on calcuhttion-too
much for old engine 13?-
The Trinitx- v." Lnthefh church of
Bed Cfoud, Avcre tho recipients of a
splendid Taylor & Farley church organ
donated to them by the Lutheran
church at Omaha, recently.
Tho train from Denver Saturday
last was five hours late at this place,,
owing to a cylender-head being blown
out 13 "miles fromowlierej as con-
ductor Belknap expressed it.
IL S. Hasbrook, representing the
Kansas City Paper Company, was a
caller to this ollice Monday morning.
"Has"' is one of the best salesmen that
ever carried a thousand mile tickeL-
Tic sic Notice. -Tho Penny Creek
ITnion Sunday schools, will hold their
pic-nic on the lt)th inst, in C. R. Pot
ter's grove, two miles aoutli-of the milk-
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Next week the CAtwill not bcissu-
ed until Triday-.Tnorniug. Friday will
be our publication day hprcafter. Wo.
leheve the change will enable ,is, io
get in the'nfews, before they get to .oe
too stale.
STlie street .sliowman that was to give"
iiisecoiMl day's4 entertaininent vk 5al
ttndey, left'sUAldcnly: riilay nTgfetJtfe
saw hiiai perforRi on--FriTrand' bis
1K-A AAa'laVlf rUNattAV ! i f. W
M .-' v--:. ... c'
-T W aw wawwHVfWvawavay '-jr---.
AyjAttnor,betireon RWCltmd &
Bed Clowl iriiR, hslt lis weemon'of
jBbtti in the shaptof ' taftf ofXOttt
aaw' avx9.aw3 ,nairaaavw a wa (mi
'sown July avi.,P"i.JP "Iih
h.-. i. .-b. i .vjbi . a . bli akcaiur amiiiiii a 1 1 bbt aBa . t -- Aaaaar r- ?-? i3 - a tr . - - ,-- . . :-- -"!- ti
JU to rat'tOit my dmriy
tUi(HirJit(iiire.ll hnwof
the atfjyaronrfagc, ure explain all ty
t& to our sclhjiutiofl to:UiuUe
pfc'iMjraiion of Iteakibr ftdr columns.
Tlie ladies of the M. E. iI oaety,
will hold n ic cream fwtival At ho
M.L church JFriday evening, the pro
ceeds to be applied on rcpairitij? the
church. All are cordially invited to
come and help.
Sunday eveningjs westbound train,
et offsixtyvtTslipiMjr eater at the
B. B. cntiughou5e. Monday, forty and
Tuesday seventy-three. 3Ir. Gage
seems to be known from Boston to
Denver, as a Xo. one caterer.
A man was noticed on our streets
bunoav who mm a-nose tnat was a
marvel to sec. The fellow accidentally
tripped the night before too much
benzine on board and his nose rc-
iblcd a war map of Afghanistan.
DiKn. A. X. Scott's, on Elder Yei-
eer's jdacc, lot tlieir little twin boys,
five month's old. They died within sir
hours of each other, of cltolcra iufnntuui,
oji the 2nd inat. "Suffer the little
ones to come uuto nie," said the Mas
ter. We deem an explanation proper
relative to the drive at tho Xebrmkan
in our last issue. As it appears'ith'
charged to the editor, but the fact is he
knew nothing of it until after the pa
per was issued, or it would not have
been so.
J. V. Liveringhousc, of the Juniata
JJrruhl, and Chas. Kelsey of the Doni
phan hulex, B. AVahhpiist, of tho Ac
hratkxni, Fred Boyce of the (itizrtUr
Journal, Hastings, left the imprint of
their sandals, in our sanctum dpor-way
C. E. Perkins on tho 28 of July
paid $53S,3vS tax for himself, and as
trustee for others, $277,11, an aggre
gate of over $815. lho assumption
seems to be that the taxes paid in
Jtnist relate to Mr, louzlin or the u.
uTm. b. b.
Mr. F. A. Durray, is Mr. I. O. Mar
tin's successor as agent at tho depot
here. Mr. D., comes, from Ashland,
this state, well recommended. Mr.
Martin has been agent here for several
years, and wherever ho may go we
wish him success.
Tho communication from Mount
Hope Alliance, which should have ap
peared three issues ago, feccms to have
been misplaced, and "turns up" when
iuj author would doubtless condemn
its appearance as out of place on ac
count of its stateness.
Our county superintendent, Mr.
Chas. Springer, is to be congratulated
on the success with which ho has met
in procuring such efficient instructors
for the Institute now in session here,
and which is being appreciated by all
j teachers in attendance.
Conflicting Boports ! Somo said it
was a young lady and others said it
was a young gentleman that put in an
appearance at sheriff Warren's last
night. But tho sheriff says it was a
levs ucputy snerin, anu as inc jaucr is
"official report" it must be "relied
rn as correct
The Kalov Bro.'s at the instance of
tho B. & M., are gathering a largo
number of the products of the soil of
Webster count v, for exhibition at tho.
Denver exnosition which wo think w",u
do credit at tho count v. All parties!0 cdicato the self-conceived nnostle
egaged in labors of this kind, are en,-V"
ad to much credit
Thero are ninny perons owing the
county of Webster peasonalty taxes for
the years 1873 and up to the p:ejent
year 1881. The treasurer hereby noti
fies baid parties that ho shall take ini-
medinte steps to collect these taxes,
and it is decidedly to their interest to
settlo before extra charges and penal
ties are imposed.
There is a vast amount of rubbish
lying about town in back yards and
alleys. This warm weather will cause
it to be disseminated abroad and be
productive of much sickness. Wo are
informed this is one of the causes of
diphtheria. Wo suggest, although
rather late in tho season, that every
body clean up their premises as soon
as possible.
"Darling Kiss Me Sweet Good Night"
is one of the latest songs. One youug
tfuWin Bed Cloud who considers him
self "away up" sang it in the presence
of his girl the other evening, and just
as he was about to act in accordance
withthc words of thasong her govern
or put in an appearance and filled the
youth's coat tail full of boots. Con-
teinptable, wtis'nt it? that is, the boots.
Dled. At the residence of C. E.
Putnam, fu Bed Cloud, on Wednesday,
Aug. 2, 18S2, of Consumption, Mr.
Frank M. Crosby, aged 27 years, 9
months and 14 days. Mr. Crosby came
here for his health last winter, from
New York, believing that by so .doing
hisiiftf 'might be prolonged. The .dis
pose was thoroughly seated, being iu
its tinnl eiage, before he caaie nere.
A Largo number of friends paid their
last .sad tribute to the deceased.
- If a couuty paper is properly en-
couragod, it may be relied upon for
information of more value to the peo
p!c in -whose interceta it is issued, than
canTuc found iu all the city papers in
the couhtryj No rniucah afford to be
without the paper tiuit furnish Uic
puplic.sak. aiarkeU ami lecal intel
iigence If the paper irpoor Ihe peo
piareutoreat Jnult thaa the pbB-
slier, lor nottivina; it a liberal
mzri "iLiriEl
- . i-"-r" vr . c
papr:uutvleitimlMiYB worth mww
thM it wcOt3;tboaintrt iii't j
aii rsc, jr ,jMr
A It L "!j Vii V -.4fc"Jo "
imMn!or SaOutfttwy m
'-'"ii,i-- ""
RTAIlBl'MknC - -- aisJasaieaalBba mm ii !'.-.. a . aMaUaaMaaaa
rj tttI' rj ?.5","5 JFH1FV L.7?.i iMitMitif mm iu ummmazwamrrzwtt k .rrr? ------ -"-- '
s.-1 -
tbtaa'aWgjcsfcUIgidattW, ia com
pany with several otbtr fofincnt
oncsof bHte, took pM&agtt outl
Bunciajr evening train, July 3It for
Denvc-, failed to find H way into our
hMtmue, though prvpiredior :t. Mr.
IL and wif jj more particularly for
the benefit of the health of the Latter,
which lia$ been any thing but good for
iosuo time pact.
We have noticed in some of the tate
papers thai considerable is being yjad
about boy inrentora. Xow tec hero,
there are tola of boy in lied Cloud
who wliutle through their fiugcra and
yell on the streets At night, write
numerous hieroglyphics scrawled with
chalk upon buildings, doors and door
utoops. We don't like to have other
towns speak of the inventive genius- of
their boy, without saying something
about ours too.
The old editor of tho Argus says the
new editor of the Chief measunM hL
poetry with an india-rubber string.
All right, wo plead guilty to the
Bight here hi open court,
Ami waye all farther evidence of
And doubt if he can measure it at all
In fact, or e'en in pport;
If so to do, his stupid brains he spilt.
Quite a bit of excitement though
pretty, well suppressed for fear of a sell
was crcatctl by a rumor that Mrs. Sco.
villc was on the Denver train Friday
evening, and trne enouh she was. But
she did not happen to be the sister of
the boiled down awa&sin, though just
as interesting in appearence to is as it
was our privilego in Chicago to have a
close observation of the real wonder
woman, in aEtreet car.
Our thanks to Mrs. Anton Arnason
of Walnut creek, for a treat oP'Catat
uy" blackberries, as fine a specimen
as wc ever saw anv where, liieso we
understand to bo products of the
soil, of a homestead taken and perfect
ed by a maiden lady, and yet she was
not "unsexed" nor even debased a whit
in our estimation, but rather gloriously
cxaulted. These are the second fruit
of the shrubs which will ycild this year
from 38 to 40 qbs. Who will say that,
Xebraska may not become a fruit pro
ducing state all over?
F. II. Gore, tho Jeweler, opposite the
Boy's Home, who has been away six
or seven weeks, principally at Ma
comb, 111., where his family are, has
just returned. He has been aiding in
starting what is to be known as the
Macomb Calendar Clock Manufactur
ing Company. Mr. G., contemplates
returning there permanently after a
time, in closing out his business here.
Mrs. Gore's friends will be glad to
Jcaru that she is well.
Tho campaign opens in Codnian it
Prcscott's Bed Cloud sheep corral. J.
W. Wright the orator and aspirant to
legislative honors. A sublime bur
lesque of the first order two speeches
civil service reform nnd woman's
rights, Wright thought he would
mako a good representative, the boys
thought so too, and haid they mut
have a speech which was promptly
given on civil service reform. Later
the boys wanted his ideas on woman
suffrage. This to, the orator and leg
islator was able and ready for, in his
own conceit. The speaker was placed
in a wagon which was shoved under
tl ventilator of the correl, and above
stationed the proper functionary
poltitical truth, to his work by water
baptism, and in the zenith of his elo
quence the baptismal cloud burst on
astonished comprehension and so filled
his soul with holy awe that ho wept
like infancy and 1ms been unablo to
orate since.
The republican representative con
vention for the 41st district, will be
held at Bivcrton, Franklin county,
Xeb., on Saturday, September I Gib,
18S2, at 11 A. M., for tho purpose of
nominating one representative for said
district Tho counties arc entitled to
the following representation:
Webster county, S delegates, Frank
lin comity, 5 delegates.
J. E. Kelly, Chin.
tin Caucus Notlc.
Tito republican electors of Batin
precinct are hcrehy calletl to meet at
the Batin school house, on September
9, 1882, at 2 o'clock, r. m., for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the coun
ty convention to he held at Bed Cloud,
Nehraska, September, 13 1882.
J. S. FuaSik, Cen. Committeeman.
MMting of the Senatorial Central
Bed Cloud. Xeb., Aug. 1, 1SS2.
Pursuant to a call of tlio chairman
of the republican central committer,
the members of tho 23d Senatorial
District, met at the office of L. P. Al
bright, for the purpose of determining
upon the time and placo of holding
the Senatorial Convention to appor
tion the delegates thereto, and to
transact such other busine& might
properly come before them.
Upon motion it was agreed that the
convention bo held at Bed Cloud, Ne
braska, Sept. ISth, ISS2. That dele
gates be appointed the same as to the
state convention, to-wit: Webster
county eight, (S), Franklin county
five (5), Xuckolla county five 5).
L. P. Albtight, Chairman.
- J; :E-Keller, Fraaklia coaaty, H.
-W. Short, Xuckolfe county. -
There rill be an effort atede at G.
A. iL Reunion at Grand Isbuad to do
gomethiegfor the benefit of oecof the
naf imdHnniin arvijlrAP i if fuln
? A ;j)otic tiut W. X
u-.eauro-i nv "- ,.-. , - "
"5:-;fWe refer to Geo. Irooiidee who-weat
throngh the war from ito earliest age
m the 1st Kansas regiment V oluseeer ,
OewBSv SvVl jBaV9XeWvMNef eW JaWsflC
thioim fr&wra howe, kvd Jejf twice
W4rao, akeo for wae et aeewUace be.
eame so btilyaen, at. to aMkeeee-
Hatfasi X4, . Rd CUwd, eight
inuiBjI& to. $ la favor of Kdj,
llvlt vkutewached at fit inmnjr.
Concurrent report of L P.ABrisht,Bcd
Cloud, I'rapire; liTtringHou?, editor
Juniata JfentU, scorer. The game wa
watched with much latere.
Arrcexoos axk.
Bloomington v Bed CUrod, nine
inning 25 to 13 hi kvor of Bbd
A goodly ium:lcr aA'cmbtcd to wit
nc both gamei. Everything went oft
Five full coaches conveyed the ex
cursionists from the north yesterday to
Bed Cloud, ami about lialf tliat num
ber came from the west.
The Afjiu man prefering pleasure to
bushier, issued two days in advance"
The Cliff prefering business to pleas"
nre, sticks to the regular programme
and give the news to tho hour of going
to pres. Each has a right to do as
they please.
Teachers Institute and general poli
ties, were the regular dishes of fare
yesterday, with three varieties of
congressional aspirants for desert.
Surely Bed Cloud is getting to be a
spicy town.
Don't forget to attend the chool
officers meeting on the ISth at the
court house at 10 a. m.
Chancellor Fairfield at the court
house the 15th. Hear him.
Geo. T. Brown of Juniata, an olj
acquaintance of the cditor.wa down on
the excursion, and allied up m us yes
terday. Misse3 Boyce, McCulloch, Clark,
and others of Hastings, called Uon yo
local yesterday.
Bev. YeHer, will preach at the Cong,
church next Sabbath and evening.
Mrs. S. J. Conrad, of Fairfield, and
Miss Zuo Vineyard of Hastings, called
Claudius Jones of Seward, was a
caller at our office yesterday in com
pany with representative C. W. ICaley.
Wc understand that Mr. Jones ha a
prospect of Incoming the choico of
political friends, for a scat in our next
congress. Ho is a trangcr to us, but
our prayer is, success to the worthiest,
or fittest man.
We can Fee tho central committee's
action on the representative question
only as wrong. All republican- of tho
county should have an equal showing
in a lopublican convention. More
Notice of Proving Will.
WchMer OouMt. u.
County Judc'i Office. J
In tho mitt'r of Robert Mitchell.
Notlco i herckr ulrn that lho 17th day of
Aujt. 18;.i$ duM ly the court fur thi cimu
nation anil PmWnr the lut Wilt and Tctti
turn t of ltotfrt .Mitchell, JocrMol. late of th
county aui itate afornuiJ. and all rcr0n inter
tstcj in thi matter afurctaM mUl appear at all
time, at tho t'robat JaJcc's pfflco in noM coia
ty. to eontnt the inobate ifiU will, if wie
Mrcd.otbrmUe it will ptoccrd without delay,
and as provide! by law. flirrn under toy hand
nd tlioealof id couit. thfa 13 day of July
IVH. Jo. R. Wilcox. Jurfee.
Final Proof Notices.
Land Office at Wooralnicton Xeb. July 17, 1V2.
Notice la hnrrhv !rn that th follow in
hatneu cttlcr h filed Bv&f '.,. mtanttftn to
J IPlcnnat proof !n nprrt of hi cUitn and e
eur final entry tbtreoi beiore Littz ot turi
iu Mebttcr county Nth. at hi office in lied JonJay AriraU 'lltt, 131 vit:
-ilcaaT t. iakTix.
H'd entry No. 4G7Sfor nf nmSot c. S town
2a rauKo 12ir. lie name the foliowloj witna
e to irove hl continuous rofidu (on. and
cultiration of iil land, via: Krank O.Woot.
Maxim J. Hrtll. Joacnb lauoa and Aadrew
Reek. all of Hc-i flood. Nh.
joya)auiI7 tf. W.SWITZER. Kczlitar,
Laud Office at Sloouinston Neb. Joly 6. 1M2.
Notice i herebr siren that the foilowlof
named ettler ha Sled notice of hi ioteotion
to make final proof in tuppurt ol hi claim, aad
that ikid proof will h made before Clerk of
DiitrielConrt WeLater County Neb., cnTaeidajr
Amust 151M' rix:
Xatiis La roars.
PreemrtioR I. S. N . fll for tbn ej 4 ?
in town a raaao lZw. He axmt the fallawiaa
witBtafea to iroro hi rontiaaoua rwidecce
anoo. and coltiaUon of rahl lanJ. rix: Itcnori
Chralier. Joipph La Porte, Gxfvtr Mro. Kl
atand Chaiaiaax. all of V be iUa i. Ne.
jarl3au10 & W.SHTTZKK. Uejuter.
Smith Brothers announce still an
other important reduction in rato of
interest on lime loans, atmtgm nine
promt annual inltrtM. Call at the
Bank and leave your application.
I have purchased the fractional scc.
of land laying between Peter McNitt'a
and tho "river. And the public is
hcrehy notified not to cnt any timtwr
on tlte same. .h. w. jiwitt.
500 Irra Lets ia Iti Clstl
Farsas, Talaaile Etl jpsptrty, Ivp
Urttj aai rei Sara. JtI: rMSuUt,
terms w tux j sruur. uu oa cr a;
ones, .I.SrOZaL
10-t; ZUZlszi, Ztl.
7 Per Cent. Honey to Loan !
Money to prove nn rith on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at 7 per ccnL,
ana 1-62 per cent, conuni&don or nt
straight 9 per cent, no commission.
Jso. R- Wiixoox.
Office next door to Chief office. 30ft
The Beet Thing Out.
The Gasoline Store for sale by
Mitchell it Morhart is the be?t thin;;
for cooking and talcini; in hot weather
lhat h ever been inventeL Svcs
fuel, saves time and doe not beet up
the room. Warranted to be fe and
ato!utely non-ezplo9ivc Call at
Mitchell & Morhart' hardware store
and examine the store. 47-tf
Take care of your Lirrr. A great
number ot the disease to which man
kind are liahle arise from a disordered
condition of this orsrau Keep it in a
eufd aad healthy condition and yon
can-eefjr itneete. rxicxLY Jum. Bit
TXaw are especially adapted for this
pnrpose, beuig, compod of draay
vhick act oq the Liver, jcivinar it teate
aad atreaftk toUhatadlaria.
iSxaww U 4tt Oaf Wj
-&CAU3C3 pf-
lltr9 Cup
At LOWEST Prices.
Our large stock of new
Goods will be marked
down low.
ccxsr.rr szs 721x2 ss? sissaik;.
at the Store of
f. m:vnousE,
A large stock of (Jcrmantown Wool,
Zephyr and Stocking Varn, always
on hand.
TOYS for the Children and Every
thing elic you need, at
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
aap ttaa in
Drugs- Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full MppH of
I'arrotiase itirltnl hl thanVfuUy. retid
Hw door south'e itoro,
A Chance Rarely
Summer Goods at Cost.
and Bslow.
Wishing to close out
the balance of my White
Goods, Lawns, and all
kinds of Fine Dress
Goods, I wilUscll at
Cost and Below.
Wwlics to inform the public thnt hu
is prcparcil to do all work in his lino
promptly and iu a Worknun-likn
Shop north of Mitchell & Morharts
Store, Kki Cixr;. "nn.
(Saceaaatr UO.A. Erswa-)
Parlor, Bedroom
Picture. Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
5-a alwarj a kaa-1 u4 I'lma-! a Art
t w. Irie U aar lie a'lfT
Uiria! Rohta furn-hcl at nacnsthU
Harness Shop;
K .JtTtiij a aaaJ a ZaM Lisa af
bI ererythrna; wal1y ket m a IrU
MarrK ttkk KaXat.
Tkkatreic oee mi Harre&MM a4-
vaavce. The iKacewry ef new a4a-1
taoeee ot Aieetncel forcot m lee next
tea yeera & aetaeawic t&e werfcL
. M arWHaVNaBF HBB MkJvaV aMaVaaawlV
Jones Magee Lumber Co,
PilY LUM.i:r. A rKClALTY.
l J t0U) at tu
Chicago Lumber Yard
Red Cloud. Nebraska.
aCcp coUntly on lwod an n.'ftmr?t if Mm.t. ! tk tt.ijWi,, 1,
Window, Lm Hir l. hfi. t:Mr. JUMWtnf tvpf
Ei lUv. Ktc
Staple Fancv Groceries,
Choice Nuts Fruits & Confections.
ttTrtnh Fruit and VocubU Sold on CMumtMUn
i:rn nut n nkr.
Davis Sewing Machine:
Heel Cloud. - - Tfbra.sku
the iut m u'Him: tv tr
Mut:, ::ij it.
Always cn Hand
Moshcrs old Stand
w ywwyii m
Two Doors South of Bank,
Immense Stock of Dry Goods,
MiVRSri lias Them. J
Carf3lTraaiifttMfar. t? rYferT Onnr !Wa4 XBci"-
-HllliTaL lu 1klM& lmX t tw ifZL
ri ""t.l ?V i f l?&jfcrSf
2?S TWaaaleaMiaMaJf m a'lStJejJ KJaXVCaSf
A . V- If mi J wr 1 V V 1 T! aaawCBtaWalKj
ava iTfi J , ft 1 V i' i mXk laHu ak
- ) alaaSawlLJ - alaviBPaKB
Jacaa fftaaaawfaiM aaaiw eaj' waasveeaeAaaTtaTaamv Saataaaawa' H-J1
TTif UtawVla4ataOareiiaalaaUe "a'
Uia at if-Udrm !gg Pwaiv
newevawas. awraaa..
ra'armaaCM'fii Mav
y mw a-aar ji '"' 2.u ' r""-'
- - - -. - . . -.. - -- -
aawPBt a 4BWPawPa'a -aavreaV
iaaaaaaaae le Mat Ue TJiaWlr iaMl al.' V
tgwtsrr vimz.
6c FRHKS.-Broprictorsa
-, 'cfPiyi,
IKC1. l)Vl TttV. ff f f)f Si
- Red ('loud, Neb.
iw iwx
aV BBflB&KaKaHaTeKeawflvi .
", VLtt . -kaaWaeeaf Jl" tJa m . . ,i it 1" r .'TTwaee. awaw
?r-ra ! t Wv. lalii,-
JT- a-
nwriaaii.iaaiaawa M4Tfaae faar
-wtnw, aaTnia nwawi1
'ti ' v . .
-wt.. . t... . .:-.
BWlP)BHa, JaUt'eVJ JP a
c4 jil'. a4liSaj
. -JR.' ' .laalai. aV aa
J.i'Mif- niijun m f . ; j.-. 3i .
i-FKt-Sv . -
e v ,
!seBkA.. i
? ii
W. ? '
C iK5J SS",
sras js-.,-;-'ss5. t.-ii s
. j i -
Ji-t.-Sg.., r -
-s. - ."? " v" - T-, " -Et -
-'-, 1 . f-,r. .
? --J. .,' "
?;:;-j-.5v."; '-"zx'SJmSi&Hi'yr '&r'-- - ? ? - "??..l-rLJi-Ula
- . . ,, ... . ,. -..-,.
-J .- gjaajft 'mf -a. -j
iaeLL'Jtr,'?k-4 -l"t iTi '
l . w"' Clk '
T?-a-' "... j. jaaaaar'MiiaaaBav-. ,n ..
atVr ,an- p.":aBBr;BWir ?.Jn
iiiirfcl!is:-Ti ,w . . , aaavr .BKKuaaBlBT -- .
acr:jr- - -. v jrt iji-ryc?-: jv -.-'". -j-ic- x. ta .s - " - -"aww-a .-- r. . . i ' -..i'' ir"- t T
r . -t1-. ' - -.- .- (fc..w-'t'r-v.- '-ij.-v -j..-. .-vi . --v. tha. .'nr t.--s rr. m r d -: -, . ? , - i-ti -ir-i. . a" . -CTi. 'i.'it.-'. i r t. .. - -- . -jz a-T
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- - .JM-JalBm: . .. .. JC r-m . -QaKaBBS
' 1